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Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1

Appendix 1

Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Template - (Client copy – one CAP for each concern)
This format is optional but has been created to assist the client in addressing the Concerns raised, however, if the client
chooses to use their own format, the headings below should be used.

Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1 CAP for Concern No: 1

Enter below, the EXACT details of the objective evidence for the omission/concern in the related concern report - :

Seen report of internal audit, however some notes was raised related to internal audit activities as described
below [D. Clause 8.2.2]:
- Observed that although checklist had been applied during audit but it was lack of record the objective evidence
during internal audit (only state “there and no/not complete”.
- The IQA report (laporan ketidaksesuaian) was issued where no negative comment observed at checklist.
- All internal audit findings had not determined yet for grading of findings.

Who will be responsible for managing the corrective and preventive actions (if necessary establish a team of people with
product/service/process knowledge)?
- Wakil Manajemen Mutu (WMM)

What immediate actions are to be taken to contain the problem and protect your company and your customers?
- Format Laporan Ketidaksesuaian yang akan datang akan di perbaharui
- Untuk Audit internal yang akan datang akan kami keluarkan laporan audit apabila ada temuan negatif

Identify all potential causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Ask ‘what in our processes failed or was missing, to
make this problem occur?’ (a useful method to identify root cause is 5W)
- Karna Kurangnya Pemahaman tim audit

Choose and state Permanent Corrective Actions (and consider the impact the actions may have on other processes,
documentation, personnel awareness etc.)
- Mengadakan Sosialisasi pada tim Sistem Manajemen Mutu tentang perubahan format pada cheklist dan
menngontrol penggunaanya untuk yang akan datang mengeluarkan laporan audit apabila ada temuan

Planned date of
Organization’s Representative
implementation of permanent
corrective actions:

Auditor Name: Auditor Sign:      

Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd, Incorporating: United Registrar of Systems Ltd, Registrar of Standards Ltd Global Registrars Inc. © ROS 2010
Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1

Appendix 1

Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Template - (Client copy – one CAP for each concern)
This format is optional but has been created to assist the client in addressing the Concerns raised, however, if the client
chooses to use their own format, the headings below should be used.

Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1 CAP for Concern No: 2

Enter below, the EXACT details of the objective evidence for the omission/concern in the related concern report - :

Seen complaint from customer by suggestion box and questionnaire, but the corrective/preventive action record
“laporan tindakan koreksi/pencegahan” had not found. [D. Clause 8.5.2/8.5.3]

Who will be responsible for managing the corrective and preventive actions (if necessary establish a team of people with
product/service/process knowledge)?
- Wakil Manajemen Mutu (WMM)

What immediate actions are to be taken to contain the problem and protect your company and your customers?
- Segera Menindak lanjuti komplain dari pelanggan dan kedepannya komplain akan di follow up kembali pada
awal tahun ajaran baru.

Identify all potential causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Ask ‘what in our processes failed or was missing, to
make this problem occur?’ (a useful method to identify root cause is 5W)
- Karena kurangnya pemahaman

Choose and state Permanent Corrective Actions (and consider the impact the actions may have on other processes,
documentation, personnel awareness etc.)
- Pada awal tahun ajaran baru segera dibicarakan dengan tim manajemen mutu masalah komplain pelanggan
dan tindakan follow upnya.

Planned date of
implementation of permanent Organization’s Representative
corrective actions: Signature:

Auditor Name: Auditor Sign:      

Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd, Incorporating: United Registrar of Systems Ltd, Registrar of Standards Ltd Global Registrars Inc. © ROS 2010
Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1

Appendix 1

Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Template - (Client copy – one CAP for each concern)
This format is optional but has been created to assist the client in addressing the Concerns raised, however, if the client
chooses to use their own format, the headings below should be used.

Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1 CAP for Concern No: 3

Enter below, the EXACT details of the objective evidence for the omission/concern in the related concern report - :
Many of quality objective hadn’t been measured and analyzed. Seen the quality objective for T.P 2012/2013, e.g
[D. Clause 5.4]:
- Customer complaint maximum 10%
- Students who Drop Out maximal 5%
- Facilities of infrastucture for sports and arts provide minimum 80%
- Student participant in extracurricular activities minimum 20%
- Student working in DUDI/partnership 50%
- Etc

Who will be responsible for managing the corrective and preventive actions (if necessary establish a team of people with
product/service/process knowledge)?
- Wakil Manajemen Mutu (WMM)

What immediate actions are to be taken to contain the problem and protect your company and your customers?
- Mengukur dan menganalisa sasaran mutu

Identify all potential causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Ask ‘what in our processes failed or was missing, to
make this problem occur?’ (a useful method to identify root cause is 5W)
- Karena Kurangnya pemahaman

Choose and state Permanent Corrective Actions (and consider the impact the actions may have on other processes,
documentation, personnel awareness etc.)
- Untuk tahun ajaran yang akan datang sasaran mutu akan direvisi agar lebih efektif dan mudah diukur dan

Planned date of
implementation of permanent Organization’s Representative
corrective actions: Signature:

Auditor Name: Auditor Sign:      

Appendix 1
Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd, Incorporating: United Registrar of Systems Ltd, Registrar of Standards Ltd Global Registrars Inc. © ROS 2010
Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1

Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Template - (Client copy – one CAP for each concern)
This format is optional but has been created to assist the client in addressing the Concerns raised, however, if the client
chooses to use their own format, the headings below should be used.

Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1 CAP for Concern No: 4

Enter below, the EXACT details of the objective evidence for the omission/concern in the related concern report - :

Some notes were observed regarding the curriculum had not effectively performed. Seen teaching
administration “perangkat pembelajaran T. P 2013/2014 semester even Syllabus and RPP, but annual
program/Prota, semester program/Prosem, KKM, analysis SK.KD, effective weeks for subject productive
RPL class X/ Anita Pritati, ST (Pemrograman Dasar); productive Accounting class X/M. Darwis Nasution,
SM.AK (Pengelolan Kas); B. Indonesia class XI/Mila Eprida, S.Pd was not found during audit.[D. Clause

Who will be responsible for managing the corrective and preventive actions (if necessary establish a team of people with
product/service/process knowledge)?
- Guru Mata Pelajaran

What immediate actions are to be taken to contain the problem and protect your company and your customers?

- Prosem dan KKM Segera dibuat Anita Pritati, ST

- Prosem dan KKM Segera dibuat M. Darwis Nasution.
- Prosem dan KKM Segera dibuat Mila Eprida, S.Pd.

Identify all potential causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Ask ‘what in our processes failed or was missing, to
make this problem occur?’ (a useful method to identify root cause is 5W)
- Karna Kesibukan Guru Mata Pelajaran.

Choose and state Permanent Corrective Actions (and consider the impact the actions may have on other processes,
documentation, personnel awareness etc.)
- Untuk tahun ajaran berikutnya ketua program akan lebih meneliti kelengkapan alat pembelajaran guru.

Planned date of
implementation of permanent Organization’s Representative
corrective actions: Signature:

Auditor Name: Auditor Sign:      

Appendix 1
Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd, Incorporating: United Registrar of Systems Ltd, Registrar of Standards Ltd Global Registrars Inc. © ROS 2010
Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1

Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Template - (Client copy – one CAP for each concern)
This format is optional but has been created to assist the client in addressing the Concerns raised, however, if the client
chooses to use their own format, the headings below should be used.

Report Ref: 2014/50634/SU1 CAP for Concern No: 5

Enter below, the EXACT details of the objective evidence for the omission/concern in the related concern report - :

Some activity at Infrastructure department had not been applied effectively refer to procedures (PPD - 12)
especially related to register of all the asset/infrastructure and record of maintenance was not kept properly. [D.
Clause 6.3]

Who will be responsible for managing the corrective and preventive actions (if necessary establish a team of people with
product/service/process knowledge)?
- Wakil Kepala Bidang Sarana Prasarana

What immediate actions are to be taken to contain the problem and protect your company and your customers?

- Segera mencari daftar inventaris Ruangan

- Segera mencari Laporan Hasil Perawatan

Identify all potential causes that could explain why the problem occurred. Ask ‘what in our processes failed or was missing, to
make this problem occur?’ (a useful method to identify root cause is 5W)
- Karna Kesibukan Wakil kepala bidang Sarana dan Prasarana

Choose and state Permanent Corrective Actions (and consider the impact the actions may have on other processes,
documentation, personnel awareness etc.)
- Setiap awal tahun ajaran akan di evaluasi kembali kelengkapan sarana sesuai daftar inventaris

Planned date of
implementation of permanent Organization’s Representative
corrective actions: Signature:

Auditor Name: Auditor Sign:      

Registrar of Standards (Holdings) Ltd, Incorporating: United Registrar of Systems Ltd, Registrar of Standards Ltd Global Registrars Inc. © ROS 2010

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