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Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

that saved a wretch like me.

I once was lost but now I'm found,
was blind but now I see.

(1' gruppo)
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
was blind but now I see.

(2' gruppo)
Ai ninnora ninnora cuccu meo
prama di ottilera fizzu fizzu.
Arrositedda arrosa 'n tundu 'n tundu,
a su timbiri timbiri timbiri doa.
Eia, eia, eia ah.

Ai ninnora ninnora cuccu meo

tentu m'appu 'nu fizzu 'n Crabu Mannu.
Arrositedda arrosa 'n tundu 'n tundu,
a su timbiri timbiri timbiri doa.
Eia, eia, eia ah.

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