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(Nit: 900,498,698-2)
Balance de Prueba (de 1/ENE/2018 a 31/CAN/2018)


1 ACTIVO 3,503,058,086.84 13,224,167,188.20
11 DISPONIBLE 315,824,867.38 5,806,923,780.57
1105 CAJA 19,589,448.39 1,620,645,987.25
110505 CAJA GENERAL 19,589,448.39 1,620,645,987.25
11050501 CAJA GENERAL 19,589,448.39 1,620,645,987.25
110505010001 CAJA EN GENERAL 19,239,448.39 1,620,645,987.25
acueductoaadb 0.00 0.00
alcomax sas 0.00 0.00
alzate londoño jorge armando 0.00 0.00
ar hoteles sas 0.00 0.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 0.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 0.00
avianca 0.00 0.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 94,200,000.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 0.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 0.00
bohorquez giraldo miguel enrique 0.00 0.00
camara de comercio de bogota 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 0.00
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 0.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
codensa s.a. esp 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 764,325,402.00
coointur 0.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
ferrancher sas 0.00 0.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 0.00
fhg sas 0.00 0.00
fuentes sierra hector alfonso 0.00 0.00
google play 0.00 0.00
grupo factoring de occidente sas 0.00 265,861,548.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 0.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 0.00
icmo sas 0.00 0.00
ips fremavi sas 0.00 0.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 0.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 3,170,500.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 0.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 0.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 0.00
pacheco bolaño saida margarita 0.00 0.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 0.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 0.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 0.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 0.00
reyes pinilla adriana lucia 0.00 0.00
rios rodriguez luis ernesto 0.00 0.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 0.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 0.00
salas plata jairo 0.00 0.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,000,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 360,000.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 0.00
satena es colombia 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 0.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 0.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 0.00
sika colombia s.a 0.00 0.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 0.00
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 168,737,632.64
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 0.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 0.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 0.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 0.00
zuñiga gomez mireya 0.00 322,990,904.61
110505010002 CAJA MENOR 350,000.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
1120 CUENTAS DE AHORRO 296,235,418.99 4,186,277,793.32
112005 BANCOS 296,235,418.99 4,186,277,793.32
11200539 BANCO DAVIVIENDA S.A 296,235,418.99 4,186,277,793.32
112005390001 BANCO DAVIVIENDA S.A GRAN 296,235,418.99 4,186,277,793.32
2dme sas 0.00 0.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 0.00
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 0.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 0.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 0.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 0.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 0.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 2,968.32
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 0.00
bc exploracion y produccion de 0.00 24,924,159.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 0.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 0.00
bohorquez giraldo miguel enrique 0.00 0.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 0.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 0.00
camara de comercio de bogota 0.00 0.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 0.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
central de andamios y 0.00 0.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 0.00
cerda herrera luis fernando 0.00 0.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
coface services colombia s.a. 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 0.00
consejo colombiano de seguridad 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 1,829,395,383.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 26,688,888.00
coointur 0.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 0.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 0.00
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 15,060,599.00
empresa solidaria de salud 0.00 0.00
eps salud total 0.00 1,533,410.00
eps sanitas 0.00 0.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
fajobe s.a.s 0.00 0.00
ferrasa s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
ferreteria universal de tuberias je y 0.00 0.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 0.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 38,522,367.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 0.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 1,055,895,058.00
grupo factoring de occidente sas 0.00 940,757,461.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 0.00
icmo sas 0.00 0.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 0.00
jrt diseños estructurales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 0.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 0.00
liberty seguros s.a. 0.00 0.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 0.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 0.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 68,800,000.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 12,897,500.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 0.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 0.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 1,225,000.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 0.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 0.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 0.00
pardo quiñonez geovanni 0.00 0.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 0.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 0.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 0.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 0.00
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 0.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 0.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 0.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 0.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 0.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 0.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 0.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 0.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 0.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 0.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 0.00
sika colombia s.a 0.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 0.00
stup de colombia 0.00 0.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 0.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 0.00
torre 26 centro empresarial p.h 0.00 0.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 0.00
transrubio sas 0.00 0.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 0.00
union temporal uraba en 0.00 14,040,000.00
zuñiga gomez mireya 0.00 156,535,000.00
13 DEUDORES 2,745,474,607.46 7,361,275,079.63
1305 CLIENTES 1,728,266,289.62 2,384,686,607.23
130505 NACIONALES 1,728,266,289.62 2,384,686,607.23
13050501 CLIENTES NACIONALES 1,728,266,289.62 2,384,686,607.23
130505010001 OBRAS CIVILES 1,728,266,289.62 2,384,686,607.23
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 1,034,019,417.17
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 240,346,956.00
consorcio ipv 137,396,429.62 0.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 1,169,649.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 39,215,527.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 1,579,167,972.00 1,055,895,058.06
union temporal uraba en 0.00 14,040,000.00
zapata ramirez carlos mario 11,701,888.00 0.00
1325 CUENTAS X COBRAR A SOCIOS Y 498,750,876.00 1,065,295,612.00
132505 A SOCIOS 498,750,876.00 1,065,295,612.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 498,750,876.00 1,025,639,420.00
villegas vargas angela isabel 0.00 0.00
zuñiga gomez mireya 0.00 39,656,192.00
1330 ANTICIPOS Y AVANCES 118,206,564.57 3,438,356,734.23
133005 A PROVEEDORES 0.00 1,639,473,609.00
13300501 A PROVEEDORES 0.00 1,639,473,609.00
133005010001 A PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 0.00 1,639,473,609.00
alcomax sas 0.00 1,773,100.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 3,996,508.00
ayala sarmiento luis felipe 0.00 752,200.00
cañon betancour andres bernardo 0.00 5,000,000.00
cerda herrera luis fernando 0.00 230,000.00
consejo colombiano de seguridad 0.00 2,050,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 3,000,000.00
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 298,464,766.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 2,000,000.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 1,115,000.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 495,658,800.00
icmo sas 0.00 672,342,933.00
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 1,200,000.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 5,400,000.00
pinzon monroy daniel 0.00 10,128,200.00
rios rodriguez luis ernesto 0.00 33,000,000.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 1,560,000.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 981,500.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 154,000.00
toledo abreo jose miguel 0.00 1,000,000.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 18,666,602.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 80,000,000.00
urrego ballen jose alexander 0.00 1,000,000.00
133015 A TRABAJADORES 0.00 150,000.00
13301500 PRESTAMOS A TRABAJADORES 0.00 150,000.00
133015000001 LIBRE INVERSION 0.00 150,000.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 100,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 50,000.00
133095 OTROS 118,206,564.57 1,798,733,125.23
13309500 OTROS 118,206,564.57 1,798,733,125.23
133095000001 ANTICIPOS O PRESTAMOS A 72,906,564.57 1,588,346,543.23
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 201,200.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 80,500.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 300,000.00 660,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 675,000.00 577,476.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 214,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 255,379.00 134,819,661.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 3,120,000.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 33,359,923.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 5,308,450.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 9,694,764.68
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 487,799,036.25
icmo sas 0.00 170,411,548.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 400,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 10,290,000.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 16,597,309.58
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 103,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 348,034.00 26,318,974.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 1,000,000.00 2,528,000.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 536,596.00
zuñiga gomez mireya 70,328,151.57 685,326,104.72
133095000002 ANTICIPO PARA GASTOS DE 45,300,000.00 210,386,582.00
icmo sas 40,000,000.00 179,931,385.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 5,300,000.00 0.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 30,455,197.00
133201 CUENTA DE OPERACIONES CONJUNTAS 65,167,606.89 0.00
13320101 CUENTA DE OPERACIONES 65,167,606.89 0.00
133201010001 CUENTA DE OPERACIONES 65,167,606.89 0.00
consorcio icmo - sm ingenieros 63,000,000.00 0.00
consorcio v&s 2,167,606.89 0.00
1355 ANTICIPO DE IMPUESTOS Y 330,881,370.38 414,788,621.17
135505 ANTICIPO DE IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 102,854,000.00
13550501 ANTICIPO DE IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 102,854,000.00
135505010001 ANTICIPO DE IMPUESTO DE 0.00 102,854,000.00
dian 0.00 102,854,000.00
135515 RETENCION EN LA FUENTE 314,139,946.38 139,855,560.22
13551501 SERVICIOS 70,097,573.38 82,620,512.72
135515010002 SERVICIO 2% 70,016,933.38 82,620,512.72
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 58,065,788.36
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 5,468,766.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 23,884.20
dian 70,016,933.38 0.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 693,160.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 18,368,914.16
135515010004 SERVICIO 4% 80,640.00 0.00
dian 80,640.00 0.00
13551503 COMPRAS 1,172,910.00 654,720.00
135515030003 V_COMPRA 2.5% 1,172,910.00 654,720.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 654,720.00
dian 1,172,910.00 0.00
13551504 HONORARIOS 230,480,786.00 19,946,327.50
135515040001 V_RETEFUENTE HONOR 11% 230,480,786.00 19,946,327.50
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 2,134,000.00
dian 230,480,786.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 16,382,327.50
union temporal uraba en 0.00 1,430,000.00
13551599 IMPUESTO CREE 12,388,677.00 36,634,000.00
135515990005 IMPUESTO DE CREE 0.80 12,388,677.00 36,634,000.00
dian 12,388,677.00 36,634,000.00
135516 IMPUESTO RETENCION RENTA 7,222,000.00 0.00
13551699 IMPUESTO RETENCION RENTA 7,222,000.00 0.00
135516990005 IMPUESTO RENTA 0.80 7,222,000.00 0.00
dian 7,222,000.00 0.00
135517 IVA RETENIDO 132,997.00 5,308,057.78
13551700 IVA RETENIDO 132,997.00 5,308,057.78
135517000002 V_RETE IVA SERVICIO 132,997.00 5,308,057.78
dian 132,997.00 0.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 987,753.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 4,320,304.78
135518 IMPUESTO DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 9,386,427.00 3,660,976.77
13551800 ACTIVIDADES INDUSTRIALES 2,991,430.00 0.00
135518000001 FABRICACION EN ACEROS 2,991,430.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 2,991,430.00 0.00
13551809 ICAS RETENIDOS OTRAS CIUDADES 3,011,811.00 3,472,034.00
135518090001 ICAS RETENIDOS OTRAS 3,011,811.00 3,472,034.00
alcaldia municipal de puerto asis 3,011,811.00 0.00
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 1,914,068.00
dian 0.00 0.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 346,580.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 1,211,386.00
13551810 OBRAS CIVILES 3,383,186.00 188,942.77
135518100001 OBRAS EN GENERAL 3,383,186.00 188,942.77
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 188,942.77
dian 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 3,383,186.00 0.00
135519 RETENCION DE GARANTIA 0.00 163,110,026.40
13551900 RETENCION DE GARANTIA SOBRE 0.00 163,110,026.40
135519000001 RETENCION DE GARANTIA 0.00 163,110,026.40
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 135,584,494.40
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 27,525,532.00
1365 CUENTAS POR COBRAR A 4,201,900.00 58,147,505.00
136525 CALAMIDAD DOMESTICA 4,201,900.00 58,147,505.00
13652501 CALAMIDAD DOMESTICA 4,201,900.00 58,147,505.00
136525010002 PRESTAMOS 4,201,900.00 58,147,505.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 281,100.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 320,000.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 18,180,913.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 112,000.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 490,000.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 1,854,000.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 130,000.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 967,600.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 150,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 521,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 126,000.00 2,210,800.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 150,000.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 230,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 522,600.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 396,000.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 4,075,900.00 22,603,692.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 130,000.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 470,000.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 933,500.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 4,417,500.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 3,076,800.00
15 PROPIEDAD PLANTA Y EQUIPO 441,758,612.00 55,968,328.00
1520 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 644,442,826.00 50,400,000.00
152000 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 644,442,826.00 50,400,000.00
15200000 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 644,442,826.00 50,400,000.00
152000000001 MOTORES 24,469,160.00 0.00
152000000002 INVERSORES 15,000,000.00 0.00
152000000003 PLANTAS 34,521,258.00 0.00
152000000004 PLANTAS ELECTRICAS 60,000,000.00 0.00
152000000005 TALADROS 19,805,600.00 0.00
152000000006 MARTILLOS 33,960,000.00 0.00
152000000007 TALADRO PARA ACERO 4,000,000.00 0.00
152000000008 COMPRESORES 6,000,000.00 0.00
152000000009 GUAYAS O CABLES 8,050,000.00 0.00
152000000010 ANDAMIOS 48,294,385.00 0.00
152000000011 POLEAS 30,000,000.00 0.00
152000000012 EQUIPO MENOR 32,359,582.00 0.00
152000000013 BOMBAS HIDRAULICAS 38,000,000.00 46,800,000.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 46,800,000.00
152000000014 GATOS HIDRAULICOS 39,882,240.00 0.00
152000000015 EQUIPO DE SEGURIDAD 100,000,000.00 0.00
152000000016 SEÑALIZACION 8,400,000.00 0.00
152000000017 CONOS 4,000,000.00 0.00
152000000018 EQUIPO DE PINTURA 14,874,912.00 0.00
152000000019 POLIPASTO 2 TON Y CADENA DE 5,880,000.00 0.00
152000000020 INVERSOR, OXICORTE Y OTROS 5,638,627.00 0.00
152000000021 MINIPULIDORAS 8,210,864.00 0.00
152000000022 HIDROLAVADORA HJF 2500 13,069,200.00 0.00
152000000023 CORTADORA CONCRETO 13HP 9,396,000.00 0.00
152000000024 EQUIPO OXICORTE 15,958,318.00 0.00
152000000025 PULIDORAS 16,672,680.00 0.00
152000000026 WINCHES 48,000,000.00 3,600,000.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 3,600,000.00
1524 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 17,065,506.00 0.00
152405 MUEBLES Y ENSERES 17,065,506.00 0.00
15240500 MUEBLES Y ENSERES 17,065,506.00 0.00
152405000001 MUEBLES Y ENSERES 5,266,999.00 0.00
152405000002 SILLAS 10,598,980.00 0.00
152405000003 ESCRITORIO 1,199,527.00 0.00
1528 EQUPO DE COMPUTACION Y 14,554,365.00 5,568,328.00
152805 EQUIPO DE PROCESAMIENTO DE 11,053,710.00 5,568,328.00
15280500 EQUIPO DE PROCESAMIENTO DE 11,053,710.00 5,568,328.00
152805000001 SERVIDOR HP ML110G67 2,451,000.00 0.00
152805000002 PORTATIL SONY VAIO 1,665,800.00 0.00
152805000003 2 COMPUTADORES HP 23 2,798,000.00 0.00
152805000004 COMPUTADOR PORTATIL HP-14- 1,898,990.00 0.00
152805000005 Celulares Corporativos 2,239,920.00 0.00
152805000006 PORTATIL ACER 15.6" 0.00 2,419,328.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 2,419,328.00
152805000008 COMPUTADOR HP AIO 27" 0.00 3,149,000.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 3,149,000.00
152895 OTROS 3,500,655.00 0.00
15289500 OTROS 3,500,655.00 0.00
152895000001 MULTIFUNCIONAL HP 3,500,655.00 0.00
1540 FLOTA EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE 80,000,000.00 0.00
154008 CAMIONES, VOLQUETAS Y FURGONEZ 80,000,000.00 0.00
15400801 CAMIONES, VOLQUETAS Y 80,000,000.00 0.00
154008010001 CAMION SVD 906 CHEVROLET 80,000,000.00 0.00
1592 DEPRECIACIONES ACOMULADAS -314,304,085.00 0.00
159210 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO -270,823,679.00 0.00
15921000 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO -270,823,679.00 0.00
159210000001 MOTORES -13,479,807.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -5,379,775.00 0.00
suting ltda -1,500,000.00 0.00
159210000002 INVERSORES -7,770,492.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -3,270,492.00 0.00
159210000003 PLANTAS -14,086,908.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -6,586,876.00 0.00
159210000004 PLANTAS ELECTRICAS -31,081,968.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -13,081,968.00 0.00
159210000005 TALADROS -8,751,992.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -4,251,992.00 0.00
159210000006 MARTILLOS -12,862,686.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -6,862,718.00 0.00
159210000007 TALADROS PARA ACERO -2,072,160.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -872,128.00 0.00
159210000008 COMPRESORES -3,108,192.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,308,192.00 0.00
159210000009 GUAYAS O CABLES -8,868,804.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -6,453,772.00 0.00
159210000010 ANDAMIOS -21,022,869.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -7,116,932.00 0.00
159210000011 POLEAS -15,540,984.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -6,540,984.00 0.00
159210000012 EQUIPOS MENORES -13,195,290.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -4,394,276.00 0.00
159210000013 BOMBAS HIDRAULICAS -19,685,208.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -8,285,240.00 0.00
159210000014 GATOS HIDRAULICOS -15,648,257.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -8,508,331.00 0.00
159210000015 EQUIPO DE SEGURIDAD -51,803,304.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -21,803,272.00 0.00
159210000016 SEÑALIZACION -4,351,476.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,831,476.00 0.00
159210000017 CONOS -2,072,160.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -872,128.00 0.00
159210000019 POLISPATO 2 TON Y CADENA DE -1,362,444.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,362,444.00 0.00
159210000020 IMVERSOR, OXICORTE Y OTROS -1,092,306.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,092,306.00 0.00
159210000021 MINIPULIDORAS -1,943,578.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,943,578.00 0.00
159210000022 HIDROLAVADORA HJF 2500 -1,243,637.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,243,637.00 0.00
159210000023 CORTADORA CONCRETO 13HP -1,906,056.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,906,056.00 0.00
159210000024 EQUIPO OXICORTE -3,172,823.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -3,172,823.00 0.00
159210000025 PULIDORAS -2,792,382.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -2,792,382.00 0.00
159210000026 WINCHES -11,907,896.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -11,907,896.00 0.00
159215 EQUIPO DE OFICINA -7,150,237.00 0.00
15921500 MUEBLES Y ENCERES -7,150,237.00 0.00
159215000001 ARCHIVADORES Y OTROS -1,865,494.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,059,886.00 0.00
159215000002 SILLAS -4,755,992.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -2,092,696.00 0.00
159215000003 ESCRITORIOS -528,751.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -258,804.00 0.00
159220 EQUPO DE COMPUTACION Y -10,330,169.00 0.00
15922000 EQUPO DE COMPUTACION Y -10,330,169.00 0.00
159220000001 MULFUNCIONAL HP -2,812,209.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -1,908,845.00 0.00
159220000002 SERVIDOR HP ML110G7 -4,084,997.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -2,696,097.00 0.00
159220000003 PORTATIL SONY VAIO -1,665,795.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -974,856.00 0.00
159220000004 2 COMPUTADORES ALL IN ONE -939,396.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -939,396.00 0.00
159220000005 COMPUTADOR PORTATIL HP -379,788.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -379,788.00 0.00
159220000006 CELULARES -447,984.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -447,984.00 0.00
159220000007 PORTATIL ACER 15,6" 0.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
159220000008 PORTATIL LENOVO IDEA 320A 0.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
159235 FLOTA Y EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE -26,000,000.00 0.00
15923500 FLOTA Y EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE -26,000,000.00 0.00
159235000001 CAMION SVD906 CHEVROLET -26,000,000.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -26,000,000.00 0.00
2 PASIVO 1,601,675,330.01 7,763,968,608.13
21 OBLIGACIONES FINANCIERAS 822,311,905.00 2,028,930,914.00
2120 COMPAÑIA DE FINANCIAMIENTO 822,311,905.00 2,028,930,914.00
212030 OTROS CONTRATOS 822,311,905.00 2,028,930,914.00
21203001 CONTRATOS DE FACTORING 822,311,905.00 2,028,930,914.00
grupo factoring de occidente sas 822,311,905.00 2,028,930,914.00
22 PROVEEDORES 4,454,611.19 868,712,729.81
2205 NACIONALES 4,454,611.19 868,712,729.81
220505 PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 4,454,611.19 868,712,729.81
22050501 PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 4,454,611.19 868,712,729.81
220505010001 PROVEEDORES NACIONALES 4,454,611.19 868,712,729.81
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 659,255.19 48,079,009.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 7,180,220.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 14,499,636.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 33,468,945.90
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 283,404,167.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 14,550,099.00
fajobe s.a.s 0.00 19,532,553.00
ferrancher sas 0.00 1,496,093.00
ferrasa s.a.s. 0.00 64,212,570.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 1,503,058.11
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 0.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 1,654,428.58
ferreteria universal de tuberias je y 0.00 20,433,248.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 0.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 48,288,240.00
jrt diseños estructurales s.a.s 0.00 9,990,000.00
mr consulting colombia sas 0.00 29,403,205.90
nomada ci ltda 0.00 814,793.00
pardo corena ltda 0.00 1,264,451.25
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 5,919,248.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 132,708,297.37
sika colombia s.a 3,795,356.00 70,443,029.00
soluciones tubulares s.a. 0.00 0.00
stup de colombia 0.00 1,646,643.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 9,039,763.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 49,181,031.70
23 CUENTAS POR PAGAR 314,357,327.69 1,914,279,419.20
2320 A CONTRATISTAS 240,411,549.00 242,959,549.00
232001 A CONTRATISTAS 240,411,549.00 242,959,549.00
23200100 A CONTRATISTAS 240,411,549.00 242,959,549.00
232001000001 A CONTRATISTAS 240,411,549.00 242,959,549.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 2,548,000.00
icmo sas 240,411,549.00 240,411,549.00
2335 COSTOS Y GASTOS POR PAGAR 31,786,348.69 887,958,896.73
233510 GASTOS LEGALES 0.00 1,565,000.00
23351001 GASTOS LEGALES 0.00 1,565,000.00
233510010001 GASTOS LEGALES 0.00 1,565,000.00
camara de comercio de bogota 0.00 1,565,000.00
233525 HONORARIOS 0.00 19,887,584.04
23352501 HONORARIOS 0.00 19,887,584.04
233525010001 HONORARIOS 0.00 19,887,584.04
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 8,410,907.00
coface services colombia s.a. 0.00 511,700.00
consejo colombiano de seguridad 0.00 1,404,200.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 3,102,471.00
pulido gomez sandra milena 0.00 355,811.04
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 6,102,495.00
233530 SERVICIOS TECNICOS 176,000.00 168,118,588.85
23353001 SERVICIOS TECNICOS 176,000.00 168,118,588.85
233530010001 SERVICIO DE ENSAYOS Y 0.00 11,143,874.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 11,143,874.00
233530010002 SERVICIO MEDICOS 176,000.00 2,987,514.00
ips fremavi sas 0.00 72,000.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 176,000.00 395,300.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 2,520,214.00
233530010003 SERVICIO TECNICO 0.00 3,022,840.60
aranda galvis edwin omar 0.00 223,281.60
pardo quiñonez geovanni 0.00 2,239,440.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 0.00
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 560,119.00
233530010005 SERVICIO DE TOPOGRAFIA 0.00 675,000.00
bohorquez giraldo miguel enrique 0.00 675,000.00
233530010006 SERVICIO DE DIGITACION DE 0.00 15,228,214.80
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 504,000.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 13,887,614.80
monroy luis felipe 0.00 836,600.00
233530010007 SERVICIO DE RESTAURANTE Y 0.00 91,026,963.94
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 655,131.22
ar hoteles sas 0.00 2,758,902.74
colmenares de galvis clementina 0.00 617,600.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 41,680,355.86
fhg sas 0.00 487,500.00
garcia acevedo luis fernando 0.00 463,200.00
hernandez de ospina miriam 0.00 617,600.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 5,188,402.50
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 12,457,797.08
lizarazo duque flor maria 0.00 3,385,825.00
lobo sierra dionisia isabel 0.00 3,673,755.00
luna palomino naurys 0.00 1,454,216.40
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 4,511,375.00
meneses ruiz maria filomena 0.00 1,264,448.70
pacheco bolaño saida margarita 0.00 2,541,000.00
palma arena restaurante 0.00 417,362.50
perilla perilla bernarda 0.00 1,000,000.00
reyes pinilla adriana lucia 0.00 120,000.00
sanchez correa jessika katherin 0.00 376,350.00
toledo abreo jose miguel 0.00 5,326,666.94
vergara roldan jaime de jesus 0.00 390,825.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 1,638,650.00
233530010008 SERVICIOS EN GENERAL 0.00 44,034,181.51
2dme sas 0.00 171,051.00
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 369,880.00
amaya zambrano jhon jairo 0.00 7,880,190.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 3,377,500.00
avianca 0.00 2,797,980.00
aviatur 0.00 150,425.00
ayala sarmiento luis felipe 0.00 6,755,000.00
barrera arias luis alfonso 0.00 282,000.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 0.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 6,101,342.00
giron cala andelfo 0.00 828,983.00
gordillo medina naidh siomar 0.00 1,039,500.00
ortiz lizarazo abel 0.00 1,113,424.00
paredes duarte edgar leonel 0.00 0.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 5,790,000.00
rugeles luque luis enen 0.00 2,864,250.27
safety works industria limitada 0.00 633,183.60
servicios de acabados de 0.00 3,450,668.64
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 328,804.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 100,000.00
233535 SERVICIOS DE MANTENIMIENTO 0.00 19,492,398.00
23353500 SERVICIO DE MANTENIMIENTO 0.00 19,492,398.00
233535000001 SERVICIO DE MANTENIMIENTO 0.00 19,492,398.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 4,745,716.00
figueroa saenz alexander 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 5,967,400.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 212,461.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 8,566,821.00
233540 ARRENDAMIENTOS 1,585,311.00 167,113,839.76
23354001 ARRENDAMIENTOS 1,585,311.00 167,113,839.76
233540010001 ARRENDAMIENTOS DE 0.00 55,624,771.00
central de andamios y 0.00 20,235,759.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 15,206,400.00
ricardo miranda arristides manuel 0.00 168,000.00
salas plata jairo 0.00 8,554,000.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 2,052,612.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 9,408,000.00
233540010002 ALQUILER DE VEHICULO 0.00 36,312,999.36
aldana aldana francisco javier 0.00 0.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 2,042,799.36
castillo ramirez willian ernesto 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 20,562,120.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 13,708,080.00
233540010003 ALQUILER DE VIVIENDA 1,585,311.00 75,176,069.40
barrera forero jorge eduardo 0.00 0.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 853,000.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 965,000.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 26,482,021.20
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 26,482,021.20
multibienes ltda 0.00 18,608,716.00
niño pinilla martha 1,585,311.00 1,585,311.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 200,000.00
233545 TRANSPORTES, FLETES Y ACARREOS 4,016,430.00 321,164,037.00
23354501 TRANSPORTES, FLETES Y 4,016,430.00 321,164,037.00
233545010001 TRANSPORTES, FLETES Y 4,016,430.00 321,164,037.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 0.00
maat soluciones ambientales 179,685.00 179,685.00
marin villamizar jose camilo 0.00 0.00
mikonstrucciones sas 0.00 1,732,500.00
narvaez arteaga felix 0.00 579,000.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 27,700,349.00
sanchez gomez juan jose 0.00 8,379,810.00
transportes agua rio s.a.s. 1,900,800.00 0.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 279,989,740.00
urrego ballen jose alexander 0.00 295,758.00
vargas lobaton humberto 0.00 0.00
vargas robinson 0.00 371,250.00
villegas vargas angela isabel 1,935,945.00 1,935,945.00
233550 SERVICIOS PUBLICOS 990,779.44 7,764,216.08
23355001 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 5,700.00 1,323,540.00
233550010001 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 5,700.00 1,323,540.00
codensa s.a. esp 5,700.00 1,323,540.00
23355002 ACUEDUCTO Y ALCANTARILLADO 120,860.00 794,257.00
233550020001 ACUEDUCTO Y 120,860.00 794,257.00
acueductoaadb 58,400.00 731,797.00
codensa s.a. esp 62,460.00 62,460.00
23355003 SERVICIO DE TELEFONICO 864,219.44 5,646,419.08
233550030001 SERVICIO DE TELEFONO 864,219.44 5,646,419.08
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 3,301,834.52
telmex colombia s.a. / claro 857,093.44 857,093.44
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 7,126.00 1,487,491.12
233555 SEGUROS 1,163,820.00 26,543,831.00
23355501 SEGUROS 1,163,820.00 26,543,831.00
233555010001 POLIZA PARA OBRAS 1,163,820.00 23,025,645.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 9,616,290.00
liberty seguros s.a. 0.00 3,076,787.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 1,163,820.00 5,796,228.00
seguros del estado 0.00 4,536,340.00
233555010002 POLIZAS SEGUROS DE 0.00 3,518,186.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 3,518,186.00
233595 OTROS 23,854,008.25 156,309,402.00
23359501 OTROS PROVEEDORES 23,854,008.25 156,309,402.00
233595010001 PROVEEDORES EVENTUALES 23,854,008.25 156,309,402.00
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 902,880.00
alzate londoño jorge armando 0.00 410,550.00
arafig ltda 0.00 1,456,200.00
aranda galvis edwin omar 0.00 70,000.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 4,861,717.00
avianca 0.00 6,357,780.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 2,600,000.00 2,600,000.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 9,985,947.00
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 14,425,292.00
cerda herrera luis fernando 0.00 170,000.00
coexito sas 0.00 1,174,998.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 7,827,000.00
comercializadora servillantas sas 0.00 1,165,000.00
coointur 0.00 42,720,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 15,004,325.25 36,587,514.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 906,423.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 0.00
epps y dotaciones dotanova sas 0.00 3,568,857.00
fajardo pardo jonathan 0.00 0.00
fast colombia sas / vivacolombia 0.00 624,996.00
ferrancher sas 5,173,998.00 5,173,998.00
franco gallego francisco javier 0.00 3,000,000.00
ortiz sanchez lina rosa 0.00 1,804,550.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 2,141,720.00
satena es colombia 0.00 429,640.00
torre 26 centro empresarial p.h 1,075,685.00 6,099,000.00
transpetroleros sas 0.00 320,640.00
transrubio sas 0.00 1,524,700.00
2355 Deudas con Accionistas o Socios 0.00 69,657,606.89
235510 Deudas con Accionistas o Socios 0.00 69,657,606.89
23551001 Socios 0.00 69,657,606.89
235510010001 MILLIAN GONZALEZ SAUL 0.00 69,657,606.89
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 69,657,606.89
2365 RETENCION EN LA FUENTE 13,670,866.00 86,641,541.02
236505 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LAGORALES 0.00 2,016,000.00
23650500 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES 0.00 2,016,000.00
236505000001 SALARIOS Y PAGOS LABORALES 0.00 2,016,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 2,016,000.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 0.00
236515 HONORARIOS 0.00 2,804,996.11
23651500 HONORARIOS 0.00 2,804,996.11
236515000001 HONOR PJ Y PN Decla de Renta 0.00 2,316,156.11
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 0.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 0.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 2,316,156.11
safety works industria limitada 0.00 0.00
236515000002 HONOR PN No Declar De Renta 0.00 488,840.00
bohorquez giraldo miguel enrique 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 488,840.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 0.00
paredes duarte edgar leonel 0.00 0.00
pulido gomez sandra milena 0.00 0.00
236525 SERVICIOS 12,869,866.00 31,990,895.76
23652500 SERVICIOS 12,869,866.00 31,990,895.76
236525000001 TRANSPORTE DE CARGA 1% 0.00 4,057,510.00
dian 0.00 4,057,510.00
gordillo medina naidh siomar 0.00 0.00
marin villamizar jose camilo 0.00 0.00
mikonstrucciones sas 0.00 0.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 0.00
sanchez gomez juan jose 0.00 0.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 0.00
urrego ballen jose alexander 0.00 0.00
vargas lobaton humberto 0.00 0.00
vargas robinson 0.00 0.00
236525000004 CONTR DE OBRA CIVIL 2% 0.00 1,537,714.01
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 0.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 1,537,714.01
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
giron cala andelfo 0.00 0.00
jrt diseños estructurales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
mr consulting colombia sas 0.00 0.00
236525000005 VIGILANCIA Y ASEO 2% 13,500.00 36,223.00
dian 13,500.00 36,223.00
ortiz lizarazo abel 0.00 0.00
236525000006 INTEGR DE SALUD 2% 0.00 81,600.00
dian 0.00 81,600.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 0.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 0.00
236525000007 TRANS DE PASAJ (TERRES) 0.00 1,106,784.73
amaya zambrano jhon jairo 0.00 0.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 0.00
ayala sarmiento luis felipe 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 1,106,784.73
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 0.00
narvaez arteaga felix 0.00 0.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 0.00
rugeles luque luis enen 0.00 0.00
transrubio sas 0.00 0.00
236525000008 RESTAU Y HOSPEDAJ 3.5% 0.00 3,562,700.00
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 0.00
ar hoteles sas 0.00 0.00
colmenares de galvis clementina 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 3,405,100.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 0.00
garcia acevedo luis fernando 0.00 0.00
hernandez de ospina miriam 0.00 0.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 0.00
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 0.00
lizarazo duque flor maria 0.00 0.00
lobo sierra dionisia isabel 0.00 0.00
luna palomino naurys 0.00 157,600.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 0.00
meneses ruiz maria filomena 0.00 0.00
palma arena restaurante 0.00 0.00
perilla perilla bernarda 0.00 0.00
sanchez correa jessika katherin 0.00 0.00
toledo abreo jose miguel 0.00 0.00
vergara roldan jaime de jesus 0.00 0.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 0.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 0.00
236525000009 GENERAL PJ y PN Decla De Rent 0.00 5,781,193.02
2dme sas 0.00 0.00
arafig ltda 0.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 5,781,193.02
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 0.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 0.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 0.00
servicios de acabados de 0.00 0.00
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 0.00
236525000010 GENERAL PN no Decla De Renta -87,778.00 2,603,027.00
aranda galvis edwin omar 0.00 0.00
barrera arias luis alfonso 0.00 0.00
dian -87,778.00 2,603,027.00
figueroa saenz alexander 0.00 0.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 0.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 0.00
monroy luis felipe 0.00 0.00
pardo quiñonez geovanni 0.00 0.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 0.00
salas plata jairo 0.00 0.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 0.00
236525000011 CONTR DE OBRA CIVIL 2% 12,944,144.00 13,224,144.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 0.00
dian 12,944,144.00 13,224,144.00
236530 ARRENDAMIENTOS 0.00 7,081,189.64
23653000 ARRENDAMIENTOS 0.00 7,081,189.64
236530000001 BIEN INMUEBLES 3.5% 0.00 2,764,641.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 2,764,641.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 0.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 0.00
236530000002 BIEN MUEBLES 4% 0.00 4,316,548.64
aldana aldana francisco javier 0.00 0.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 0.00
barrera forero jorge eduardo 0.00 0.00
castillo ramirez willian ernesto 0.00 0.00
central de andamios y 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 4,316,548.64
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
ricardo miranda arristides manuel 0.00 0.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 0.00
transpetroleros sas 0.00 0.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 0.00
236540 COMPRAS 0.00 20,932,459.51
23654000 COMPRAS 0.00 20,932,459.51
236540000002 GENERAL 3.5% 0.00 2,300,826.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 2,300,826.00
franco gallego francisco javier 0.00 0.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 0.00
ortiz sanchez lina rosa 0.00 0.00
236540000004 COMPRAS DEL 2.5% 0.00 18,631,633.51
alcomax sas 0.00 0.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 0.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 0.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 0.00
comercializadora servillantas sas 0.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 18,631,633.51
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 0.00
epps y dotaciones dotanova sas 0.00 0.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
fajobe s.a.s 0.00 0.00
ferrancher sas 0.00 0.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 0.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 0.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 0.00
pardo corena ltda 0.00 0.00
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 0.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 0.00
stup de colombia 0.00 0.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 0.00
236571 RETENCION POR PAGAR (NO USAR) 801,000.00 801,000.00
dian 801,000.00 801,000.00
236580 RETENCIONES POR PAGAR 0.00 21,015,000.00
23658000 RETENCIONES POR PAGAR 0.00 21,015,000.00
236580000001 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 897,000.00
dian 0.00 897,000.00
236580000002 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 901,000.00
dian 0.00 901,000.00
236580000003 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 2,526,000.00
dian 0.00 2,526,000.00
236580000004 RETENCION PERIODO 4 0.00 9,248,000.00
dian 0.00 9,248,000.00
236580000005 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 7,443,000.00
dian 0.00 7,443,000.00
236580000006 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000007 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000008 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000009 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000010 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000011 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236580000012 RETENCION POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
2366 IMPUESTO CREE Y RENTA 5,093,000.00 5,093,000.00
236600 IMPUESTO CREE Y RENTA 5,093,000.00 5,093,000.00
23660001 IMPUESTO CREE Y RENTA 5,093,000.00 5,093,000.00
236600010005 IMPUESTO DE CREE 0.80 5,093,000.00 5,093,000.00
dian 5,093,000.00 5,093,000.00
2367 IVA RETENIDO 1,278,523.00 1,278,523.00
236701 RETEIVA 1,278,523.00 1,278,523.00
23670100 IVA RETENIDO 1,278,523.00 1,278,523.00
236701000001 RETE IVA COMPRA 105,630.00 105,630.00
dian 105,630.00 105,630.00
236701000002 RETE IVA SERVICIO 1,172,893.00 1,172,893.00
dian 1,172,893.00 1,172,893.00
236801 IMPUESTP DE INDUSTRIA Y 0.00 13,382,802.97
23680102 ACTIVIDADES COMERCIALES 0.00 4,860,592.73
236801020001 DEMAS ACTIV COMERCIALES 0.00 4,860,592.73
arafig ltda 0.00 0.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 0.00
epps y dotaciones dotanova sas 0.00 0.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 0.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 0.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 4,860,592.73
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 0.00
23680103 ACTIVIDADES SERVICIOS 0.00 2,366,210.24
236801030001 TRANSPORTES 0.414% 0.00 86,695.14
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 0.00
sanchez gomez juan jose 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 86,695.14
urrego ballen jose alexander 0.00 0.00
236801030002 DEMAS ACTIV DE SERV 0.966% 0.00 1,380,639.74
2dme sas 0.00 0.00
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 0.00
aranda galvis edwin omar 0.00 0.00
figueroa saenz alexander 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 0.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 0.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 0.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 0.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 0.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 1,380,639.74
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 0.00
servicios de acabados de 0.00 0.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 0.00
236801030003 CONSUL PROFESIONALES 0.69% 0.00 865,643.30
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 0.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 0.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 0.00
central de andamios y 0.00 0.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 0.00
fuentes sierra hector alfonso 0.00 0.00
jimenez maldonado ricardo 0.00 0.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 0.00
pardo quiñonez geovanni 0.00 0.00
pulido gomez sandra milena 0.00 0.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 865,643.30
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 0.00
stup de colombia 0.00 0.00
236801030004 RESTAURANTE Y CAFETERIA 0.00 33,232.06
ar hoteles sas 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 33,232.06
23680105 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 6,156,000.00
236801050001 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 289,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 289,000.00
236801050002 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 605,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 605,000.00
236801050003 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 884,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 884,000.00
236801050004 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 4,378,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 4,378,000.00
236801050005 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
236801050006 RETENCION DE ICA POR PAGAR 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
2369 AUTORRETENCION POR PAGAR 250,000.00 6,366,000.00
236900 AUTORRETENCIONES POR PAGAR 250,000.00 6,366,000.00
23690001 AUTORRETENCIONES POR PAGAR 250,000.00 6,366,000.00
236900010001 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 250,000.00 250,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 250,000.00 250,000.00
236900010002 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 418,000.00
dian 0.00 418,000.00
236900010005 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 5,698,000.00
dian 0.00 5,698,000.00
236900010006 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236900010008 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236900010009 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236900010010 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236900010011 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
236900010012 AUTORRETENCIONES POR 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
2370 RETENCIONES Y APORTES DE NOMINA 2,377,080.00 63,436,729.34
237005 APORTES A ENTIDADES PROMOTORAS 1,037,200.00 19,275,493.33
23700501 APORTES A ENTIDADES 1,037,200.00 19,275,493.33
237005010001 APORTES A ENTIDADES 1,037,200.00 19,275,493.33
coosalud entidad promotora de 0.00 47,400.00
eps comfacor 0.00 1,700.00
eps compensar 200,000.00 2,675,800.00
eps convida 0.00 0.00
eps coomeva 49,200.00 2,729,233.65
eps cruz blanca 0.00 1,800.00
eps ecoopsos sas 0.00 0.00
eps famisanar ltda 34,500.00 491,550.00
eps medimas 296,600.00 3,766,000.00
eps mutual ser 81,200.00 901,100.00
eps nueva s.a. 98,400.00 2,793,866.68
eps salud total 77,300.00 2,155,643.00
eps salud vida s.a. 0.00 32,700.00
eps sanitas 200,000.00 3,366,800.00
eps sura / susalud 0.00 311,900.00
237006 APORTES A ADMINISTRADORES DE 1,755,000.00 27,897,228.40
23700601 APORTES A ADMINISTRADORES DE 1,755,000.00 27,897,228.40
237006010001 APORTES A ADMINISTRADORES 1,755,000.00 27,897,228.40
compañia de seguros bolivar sa 0.00 18,657,360.88
positiva compañia de seguro s.a. 1,755,000.00 9,239,867.52
237010 APORTES AL ICBF, SENA Y CAJA DE -415,120.00 16,264,007.61
23701001 APORTES AL ICBF, SENA Y CAJA DE -415,120.00 16,264,007.61
237010010002 APORTES AL SENA 0.00 0.00
sena 0.00 0.00
237010010003 APORTES AL CAJA DE -415,120.00 16,264,007.61
colsubsidio -415,120.00 16,264,007.61
2380 ACREEDORES VARIOS 19,489,961.00 537,504,770.25
238020 REINTEGROS POR PAGAR 0.00 28,022.00
23802001 REINTEGROS POR PAGAR 0.00 28,022.00
238020010001 REINTEGROS POR PAGAR 0.00 28,022.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 28,022.00
238030 FONDOS DE CESANTIAS Y/O 4,248,000.00 67,573,310.00
23803001 FONDOS DE CESANTIAS Y/O 4,248,000.00 67,573,310.00
238030010001 FONDOS DE CESANTIAS Y/O 4,248,000.00 67,573,310.00
administradora colombiana de 2,481,000.00 28,152,500.00
afp colfondos 196,800.00 3,219,200.00
afp proteccion -121,254.00 8,288,500.00
afp y cesantias porvenir 572,398.00 26,794,054.00
compañia de seguros bolivar sa 0.00 0.00
porvenir s.a. 1,119,056.00 1,119,056.00
238095 OTROS 15,241,961.00 469,903,438.25
23809500 OTROS 15,241,961.00 469,903,438.25
238095000001 OTROS ACREEDORES 15,241,961.00 469,903,438.25
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 0.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 0.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 116,397.00
avianca 0.00 436,670.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 0.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 0.00 0.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 1,351,000.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
coointur 0.00 22,400,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 0.00
fuentes sierra hector alfonso 241,961.00 1,532,325.00
hernandez infante nohora cristina 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 100,000.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 12,897,500.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 0.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 0.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 10,368,000.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 0.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 0.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 2,034,648.65
zuñiga gomez mireya 0.00 403,666,897.60
24 IMPUESTOS, GRAVAMENES Y TASAS 80,359,549.00 364,587,251.53
2404 DE RENTA Y COMPLEMENTARIOS 66,220,000.00 163,126,000.00
240405 VIGENCIA FISCAL CORRIENTE 67,626,804.00 139,642,000.00
24040501 VIGENCIA FISCAL CORRIENTE 67,626,804.00 139,642,000.00
240405010001 VIGENCIA FISCAL CORRIENTE 67,626,804.00 139,642,000.00
dian 14,533,670.00 139,642,000.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 53,093,134.00 0.00
240410 VIGENCIAS FISCALES ANTERIORES -1,406,804.00 23,484,000.00
24041001 VIGENCIAS FISCALES ANTERIORES -1,406,804.00 23,484,000.00
240410010001 VIGENCIAS FISCALES -1,406,804.00 23,484,000.00
dian -1,406,804.00 23,484,000.00
2408 IMPUESTO SOBRE LAS VENTAS POR 9,995,917.00 193,583,619.53
240801 IVA GENERADO 29,820,972.00 110,282,574.43
24080101 IVA GENERADO 29,820,972.00 110,282,574.43
240801010001 IVA DEL 16% TARIFA GENERAL -10,007,000.00 0.00
dian -10,007,000.00 0.00
240801010002 IVA DEL 16% UTILIDAD 24,395,938.00 24,395,938.00
dian 24,395,938.00 24,395,938.00
240801010004 IVA GENERADO 19% 15,432,034.00 85,886,636.43
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 0.00
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 0.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 0.00
dian 15,432,034.00 85,886,636.43
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.00
union temporal uraba en 0.00 0.00
240802 IVA DESCONTABLE -77,728,294.00 11,357,806.10
24080201 IVA DESCONTABLE COMPRAS -57,556,161.00 1,185,858.47
240802010001 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 16% -55,094,661.00 0.00
dian -55,094,661.00 0.00
240802010002 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 5% -4,314.00 4,610.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 647.00
colsubsidio 0.00 3,877.00
dian -4,314.00 0.00
montaño cubillos marco antonio 0.00 86.00
240802010004 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 19% -2,457,186.00 1,181,248.47
alzate londoño jorge armando 0.00 65,550.00
avianca 0.00 30,530.00
bbi colombia s.a.s. 0.00 5,188.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 9,171.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 526,699.00
colsubsidio 0.00 69,361.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 50,969.47
copy comtel ltda 0.00 7,248.00
dian -2,457,186.00 0.00
distribuidora nissan sa 0.00 15,606.00
fernandez acevedo maria cleofe 0.00 443.00
grupo julio de colombia sas 0.00 52,529.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 138,940.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 90,072.00
restrepo juan camilo 0.00 3,984.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 114,958.00
24080202 IVA DESCONTABLE SERVICIOS -14,751,706.00 10,104,088.63
240802020001 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 16% -14,563,203.00 0.00
dian -14,563,203.00 0.00
240802020003 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 19% -188,503.00 10,104,088.63
128 centro empresarial ph 0.00 1,341.00
128 centro empresarial ph 0.00 1,716.00
2dme sas 0.00 28,500.00
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 190,660.00
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 2,786,130.00
apacar ltda 0.00 591.00
ar hoteles sas 0.00 348,501.00
arafig ltda 0.00 230,231.00
avianca 0.00 1,095,195.00
aviatur 0.00 21,470.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 689,920.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 0.00 23,950.00
cc santa barbara 0.00 367.00
central parking system colombia 0.00 1,676.47
coface services colombia s.a. 0.00 81,700.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 386,965.04
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 240,498.00
consejo colombiano de seguridad 0.00 224,200.00
dian -188,503.00 0.00
fast colombia sas / vivacolombia 0.00 89,697.00
fhg sas 0.00 75,442.00
idatel sas 0.00 9,500.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 3,193.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 831,649.00
paralelo 94 sas 0.00 76,000.00
satena es colombia 0.00 258,968.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 1,301,355.00
seguros del estado 0.00 724,288.00
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 93,100.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 287,285.12
24080203 IVA DESCONTABLE HONORARIOS -1,120,000.00 0.00
240802030001 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 16% -1,120,000.00 0.00
dian -1,120,000.00 0.00
24080204 IVA DESCONTABLE 67,859.00 67,859.00
240802040001 IVA DESCONTABLE DEL 16% 67,859.00 67,859.00
dian 67,859.00 67,859.00
24080251 IVAS RETENIDOS -4,368,286.00 0.00
240802510001 IVA DES REG SIM COMP -1,241,956.00 0.00
dian -1,241,956.00 0.00
240802510002 IVA DES REG SIM SERV -3,126,330.00 0.00
dian -3,126,330.00 0.00
240803 IVA POR PAGAR 1,183,000.00 15,223,000.00
24080300 IVA POR PAGAR 1,183,000.00 15,223,000.00
240803000001 IVA POR PAGAR CUATRIMESTRE 1,183,000.00 15,223,000.00
dian 1,183,000.00 15,223,000.00
240803000002 IVA POR PAGAR CUATRIMESTRE 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
240803000003 IVA POR PAGAR CUATRIMESTRE 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
240804 IVA TRANSITORIO 56,720,239.00 56,720,239.00
24080400 IVA TRANSITORIO 56,720,239.00 56,720,239.00
240804000001 IVA TRANSITORIO 56,720,239.00 56,720,239.00
dian 56,720,239.00 56,720,239.00
2412 DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 4,143,632.00 7,877,632.00
241200 DE INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 4,143,632.00 7,877,632.00
24120005 VIGENCIAS FISCALES VIGENTES 4,143,632.00 7,877,632.00
241200050001 VIGENCIAS FISCALES VIGENTES 4,143,632.00 7,877,632.00
alcaldia de san pedro de uraba 0.00 3,734,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 4,143,632.00 4,143,632.00
25 OBLIGACIONES LABORALES 30,191,937.13 557,746,234.59
2505 SALARIOS POR PAGAR 0.13 468,429,799.13
250501 EMPLEADOS 0.13 468,429,799.13
25050100 EMPLEADOS 0.13 468,429,799.13
250501000001 EMPLEADOS 0.13 468,429,799.13
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 0.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 0.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 1,575,004.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 4,800,439.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 16,310,742.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 0.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 18,347,099.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 9,808,074.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 14,011,417.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 483,871.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 4,919,862.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 12,660,537.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 6,904,345.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 12,050,292.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 9,716,772.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 1,846,143.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 483,871.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 7,188,869.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 51,552,705.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 10,206,529.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 5,954,592.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 12,183,401.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 488,982.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 18,621,207.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 1,420,150.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 6,680,833.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 15,959,485.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.13 55,533,334.13
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 1,874,215.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 9,891,557.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 3,220,274.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 1,568,679.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 9,541,711.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 2,591,533.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 16,411,398.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 13,514,693.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 9,874,072.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 6,802,575.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 444,535.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 12,837,706.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 13,428,701.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 13,273,588.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 26,177,672.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 5,465,128.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 7,825,786.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 13,977,421.00
2510 CESANTIAS CONSOLIDADAS 23,617,651.00 41,444,217.52
251010 LEY 50 DE 1990 Y NORMAS 23,617,651.00 41,444,217.52
25101000 LEY 50 DE 1990 Y NORMAS 23,617,651.00 41,444,217.52
251010000001 CESANTIAS 23,617,651.00 41,444,217.52
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 0.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 0.00
adamez wilches leonid 145,845.00 270,149.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 438,815.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 153,138.00 1,407,365.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 0.00
animero arias cesar augusto 326,541.00 1,488,543.01
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 153,138.00 839,830.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 479,520.00 0.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 0.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 1,598,168.81
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 599,683.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 867,287.00 0.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 133,361.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 8,807,146.00 0.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 624,167.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 511,552.46
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 881,383.00
gomez montoya angela maria 89,964.00 89,964.00
hernandez pablo julio 268,204.00 1,624,692.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 79,457.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 156,089.00 652,700.36
lopez vertel orlando miguel 268,204.00 1,423,134.00
marcillo de la cruz francisco 81,634.00 81,634.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 10,143,987.00 15,169,753.36
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 106,185.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 835,156.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 194,819.38
ospina pinto primitivo 142,200.00 270,192.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 554,254.96
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 170,479.00
perez lopez ricardo 138,554.00 1,302,312.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 1,151,111.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 510,425.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 0.00
romero vega ermido rafael 248,122.00 1,041,833.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 185,954.00 1,369,236.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 138,784.00 1,212,257.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 738,374.00 2,434,517.18
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 340,278.00
sevillano villamizar edgar antonio 84,966.00 84,966.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 593,886.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,357,958.00
2515 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 459,475.00 1,160,369.82
251501 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 459,475.00 1,160,369.82
25150100 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 459,475.00 1,160,369.82
251501000001 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 459,475.00 1,160,369.82
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 0.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 0.00
adamez wilches leonid 1,458.00 5,403.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 11,702.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 1,531.00 63,966.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 0.00
animero arias cesar augusto 19,145.00 77,729.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 1,531.00 21,615.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 26,046.00 0.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 0.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 107,002.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 21,389.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 52,444.00 0.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 1,111.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 320,373.00 0.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 22,262.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 19,448.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 24,973.00
gomez montoya angela maria 5,848.00 5,848.00
hernandez pablo julio 2,682.00 79,901.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 661.49
lopez lara adriana marcela 1,561.00 29,324.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 2,682.00 61,669.00
marcillo de la cruz francisco 816.00 816.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 82,470.33
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 1,097.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 25,055.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 4,484.00
ospina pinto primitivo 1,422.00 5,404.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 27,922.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 2,557.00
perez lopez ricardo 1,385.00 53,267.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 41,357.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 15,993.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 0.00
romero vega ermido rafael 2,482.00 33,368.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 1,896.00 54,889.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 1,388.00 42,948.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 13,935.00 119,253.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 5,558.00
sevillano villamizar edgar antonio 850.00 850.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 24,349.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 64,729.00
2520 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 0.00 33,521,059.30
252001 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 0.00 33,521,059.30
25200100 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 0.00 33,521,059.30
252001000001 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 0.00 33,521,059.30
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 0.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 0.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 94,552.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 438,815.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 1,171,683.48
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 0.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 1,270,783.65
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 749,019.08
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 751,605.50
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 540,697.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 1,598,168.81
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 582,763.67
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 390,128.79
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 434,726.50
castro felix adrian 0.00 175,985.45
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 244,307.72
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 2,603,313.11
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 624,470.17
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 511,696.75
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 851,406.28
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 89,964.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 1,345,107.77
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 79,457.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 496,611.36
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 1,156,005.61
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 5,025,766.36
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 106,185.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 814,661.30
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 194,819.38
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 94,567.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 579,343.93
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 170,479.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 1,101,656.60
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 1,151,111.56
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 330,000.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 495,676.97
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 32,493.40
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 986,048.37
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 1,164,839.40
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,004,078.40
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 1,920,512.46
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 340,278.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 545,137.47
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,262,136.00
2525 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 6,114,811.00 13,190,788.82
252501 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 6,114,811.00 13,190,788.82
25250100 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 6,114,811.00 13,190,788.82
252501000001 VACACIONES CONSOLIDADAS 6,114,811.00 13,190,788.82
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 0.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 0.00
adamez wilches leonid 71,044.00 128,146.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 133,440.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 74,690.00 510,041.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 0.00
animero arias cesar augusto 160,944.00 703,171.70
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 74,690.00 314,398.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 232,960.00 0.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 0.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 800,043.69
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 205,967.64
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 371,504.00 0.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 46,982.01
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 3,921,190.00 0.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 312,333.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 241,860.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 286,896.00
gomez montoya angela maria 44,991.00 44,991.00
hernandez pablo julio 132,224.00 631,042.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 0.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 31,275.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 78,005.00 319,715.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 132,224.00 560,068.60
marcillo de la cruz francisco 40,817.00 40,817.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 2,515,016.01
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 33,663.75
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 281,250.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 88,713.00
ospina pinto primitivo 69,494.00 128,168.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 255,204.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 48,866.69
perez lopez ricardo 67,398.00 440,740.70
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 576,016.01
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 0.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 158,460.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 0.00
romero vega ermido rafael 120,913.00 412,396.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 91,098.00 484,623.50
salinas salinas juan fernando 67,513.00 398,488.50
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 320,624.00 1,163,320.02
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 170,139.00
sevillano villamizar edgar antonio 42,488.00 42,488.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 205,000.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 477,048.00
28 OTROS PASIVOS 350,000,000.00 2,029,712,059.00
2805 ANTICIPOS Y AVANCES RECIBIDOS 350,000,000.00 2,029,712,059.00
280505 DE CLIENTES 350,000,000.00 2,029,712,059.00
28050501 ANTICIPO DE CLIENTES 350,000,000.00 2,029,712,059.00
280505010001 ANTICIPO DE CLIENTES OBRAS 350,000,000.00 2,029,712,059.00
bc exploracion y produccion de 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 1,654,192,820.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 25,519,239.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 350,000,000.00 350,000,000.00
3 PATRIMONIO 1,901,382,756.83 603,192,422.63
31 CAPITAL SOCIAL 700,000,000.00 0.00
3105 CAPITAL SUSCRITO Y PAGADO 700,000,000.00 0.00
310505 CAPITAL AUTORIZADO 1,000,000,000.00 0.00
31050500 CAPITAL AUTORIZADO 1,000,000,000.00 0.00
310505000001 CAPITAL AUTORIZADO 1,000,000,000.00 0.00
310510 CAPITAL POR SUSCRIBIR -300,000,000.00 0.00
31051000 CAPITAL POR SUSCRIBIR -300,000,000.00 0.00
310510000001 CAPITAL POR SUSCRIBIR -300,000,000.00 0.00
33 RESERVAS 23,737,565.00 0.00
3305 RESERVAS OBLIGATORIAS 23,737,565.00 0.00
330505 RESERVA LEGAL 23,737,565.00 0.00
33050500 RESERVA LEGAL 23,737,565.00 0.00
330505000001 RESERVA LEGAL 23,737,565.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
36 RESULTADOS DEL EJERCICIO 1,177,645,191.83 589,747,673.83
3605 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 589,747,673.83 589,747,673.83
360501 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 589,747,673.83 589,747,673.83
36050100 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 589,747,673.83 589,747,673.83
360501000001 UTILIDAD DEL EJERCICIO 589,747,673.83 589,747,673.83
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 298,890,492.36 589,747,673.83
3620 POR ERRORES EN PCGA ANTERIORES 587,897,518.00 0.00
362010 POR ERRORES EN PCGA ANTERIORES 587,897,518.00 0.00
36201001 POR ERRORES EN PCGA 587,897,518.00 0.00
consorcio am puente mansa 537,473,795.00 0.00
consorcio ipv 50,423,723.00 0.00
37 RESULTADOS DE EJERCICIOS 0.00 13,444,748.80
3705 UTILIDADES O EXCEDENTES 0.00 13,444,748.80
370501 UTILIDADES O EXCEDENTES 0.00 13,444,748.80
37050100 UTILIDADES O EXCEDENTES 0.00 13,444,748.80
370501000001 UTILIDADES O EXCEDENTES 0.00 13,444,748.80
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 13,444,748.80
4 INGRESOS 0.00 0.00
41 OPERACIONALES 0.00 0.00
4130 CONSTRUCCION 0.00 0.00
413010010001 EXENTAS CONSTRU EDIF Y 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 0.00
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 0.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.00
413010020001 GRAVADAS CONTRU EDIF Y 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 0.00
fondo nacional de gestion del 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.00
union temporal uraba en 0.00 0.00
413010020002 GRAVADAS CONTRU EDIF Y 0.00 0.00
consorcio alianza ydn socorro 0.00 0.00
consorcio constructor sisga 0.00 0.00
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.00
4210 FINANCIEROS 0.00 0.00
421005 INTERESES 0.00 0.00
42100500 INTERESES 0.00 0.00
421005000001 INTERESES 0.00 0.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 0.00
4250 RECUPERACIONES 0.00 0.00
42505001 REINTEGRO DE OTROS COSTOS Y 0.00 0.00
425050010001 REINTEGRO DE OTROS COSTOS 0.00 0.00
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 0.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 0.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 0.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 0.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 0.00
coointur 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
eps nueva s.a. 0.00 0.00
eps salud total 0.00 0.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 0.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 0.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 0.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 0.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 0.00
pulido gomez sandra milena 0.00 0.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 0.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 0.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
sika colombia s.a 0.00 0.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 0.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 0.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 0.00
4295 DIVERSOS 0.00 0.00
429505 APROVECHAMIENTO 0.00 0.00
42950500 APROVECHAMIENTO 0.00 0.00
429505000001 APROVECHAMIENTO 0.00 0.00
dian 0.00 0.00
5 GASTOS 0.00 932,324,999.53
51 OPERACIONALES DE 0.00 492,609,360.06
5105 GASTOS DE PERSONAL 0.00 173,079,828.94
510506 SUELDOS 0.00 115,483,305.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 18,253,813.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 15,422,400.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 9,405,224.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 7,935,200.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 4,133,334.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 60,333,334.00
510521 VIATICOS 0.00 9,787,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 1,367,000.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 80,000.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 8,340,000.00
510524 INCAPACIDADES 0.00 55,200.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 55,200.00
510527 AUXILIO DE TRANSPORTE 0.00 2,039,418.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 179,364.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 8,821.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 1,061,888.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 789,345.00
510530 CESANTIAS 0.00 9,711,315.70
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 1,530,370.34
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 1,289,768.79
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 868,003.39
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 730,810.82
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 266,596.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 5,025,766.36
510533 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 0.00 165,818.06
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 27,995.14
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 21,148.89
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 18,358.09
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 11,835.61
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 4,010.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 82,470.33
510536 PRIMADE SERVICIOS 0.00 10,213,913.05
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 1,530,690.34
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 1,290,128.79
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 868,003.39
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 734,642.17
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 764,682.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 5,025,766.36
510539 VACACIONES 0.00 5,016,991.48
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 756,737.62
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 645,516.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 410,269.01
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 335,067.84
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 354,385.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 2,515,016.01
510568 APORTES A ARL 0.00 7,344,524.04
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 171,000.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 108,000.00
compañia de seguros bolivar sa 0.00 5,371,904.56
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 720,000.00
positiva compañia de seguro s.a. 0.00 973,619.48
510570 APORTES A PENSIONES Y CESANTIAS 0.00 1,563,991.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 271,871.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 167,120.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 1,125,000.00
510572 APORTES A CAJA DE COMPENSACION 0.00 4,387,662.61
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 98,891.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 64,334.00
colsubsidio 0.00 4,224,437.61
510584 GASTOS MEDICOS Y DROGAS 0.00 4,498,042.00
eps compensar 0.00 10,300.00
inversiones ruiz niño sas 0.00 17,500.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 34,400.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 1,968,842.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 2,467,000.00
510595 OTROS 0.00 2,812,648.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 1,421,188.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 425,730.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 425,730.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 540,000.00
5110 HONORARIOS 0.00 26,832,268.00
511010 REVISORIA FISCAL 0.00 7,850,000.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 7,850,000.00
511015 AUDITORIA EXTERNA 0.00 430,000.00
coface services colombia s.a. 0.00 430,000.00
511035 ASESORIA TECNICA 0.00 18,552,268.00
51103500 ASESORIA TECNICA 0.00 18,552,268.00
511035000001 ASESORIA TECNICA 0.00 18,552,268.00
alianza verde contemporaneo 0.00 14,663,868.00
moyano fontecha gabriel enrique 0.00 3,490,000.00
pulido gomez sandra milena 0.00 398,400.00
5115 IMPUESTOS 0.00 3,961,000.00
511505 INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 0.00 3,961,000.00
51150501 INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 0.00 3,961,000.00
511505010001 INDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO 0.00 227,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 227,000.00
511505010002 ICA RETENIDO OTRAS CIUDADES 0.00 3,734,000.00
alcaldia de san pedro de uraba 0.00 3,734,000.00
5120 ARRENDAMIENTOS 0.00 113,872,865.00
512010 CONSTRUCCIONES Y EDIFICACIONES 0.00 113,872,865.00
51201001 CONSTRUCCIONES Y EDIFICACIONES 0.00 113,872,865.00
512010010001 CONSTRUCCIONES Y 0.00 77,872,865.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 27,720,000.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 27,720,000.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 21,182,865.00
varios 0.00 1,250,000.00
512010010002 VEHICULOS 0.00 36,000,000.00
millan zuñiga alejandro 0.00 21,600,000.00
millan zuñiga santiago 0.00 14,400,000.00
51251001 AFILIACIONES Y SOSTENIMIENTO 0.00 60,000.00
512510010010 AFILIACIONES Y SOSTENIMIENTO 0.00 60,000.00
google play 0.00 60,000.00
5130 SEGUROS 0.00 3,892,780.00
513010 CUMPLIMIENTO Y SERIEDAD 0.00 3,892,780.00
51301001 CUMPLIMIENTO Y SERIEDAD 0.00 3,892,780.00
513010010002 POLIZA MULTIRIESGOS 0.00 3,892,780.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 3,892,780.00
5135 SERVICIOS 0.00 34,066,488.13
513505 ASEO Y VIGILANCIA 0.00 7,715,743.00
51350501 ASEO Y VIGILANCIA 0.00 7,715,743.00
513505010001 ADMINISTRACION 0.00 6,755,743.00
ramirez derly 0.00 50,000.00
torre 26 centro empresarial p.h 0.00 6,665,743.00
varios 0.00 40,000.00
513505010002 ASEO VARIOS 0.00 960,000.00
ramirez derly 0.00 925,000.00
ruiz elcy 0.00 35,000.00
513520 PROCESAMIENTO ELECTRONICO DE 0.00 17,920,000.00
51352001 PROCESAMIENTO ELECTRONICO DE 0.00 17,920,000.00
513520010001 PROCESAMIENTO 0.00 17,920,000.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 430,000.00
fuentes sierra hector alfonso 0.00 1,250,000.00
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 14,860,000.00
monroy luis felipe 0.00 890,000.00
sistemas integrados y de gestion 0.00 490,000.00
513525 ACUEDUCTO Y ALCANTARILLADO 0.00 1,090,894.00
51352501 ACUEDUCTO Y ALCANTARILLADO 0.00 1,090,894.00
513525010001 ACUEDUCTO Y 0.00 1,090,894.00
acueductoaadb 0.00 1,090,894.00
513530 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 0.00 1,576,920.00
51353001 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 0.00 1,576,920.00
513530010001 ENERGIA ELECTRICA 0.00 1,576,920.00
codensa s.a. esp 0.00 1,576,920.00
513535 TELEFONO 0.00 3,857,883.66
51353500 TELEFONO 0.00 3,857,883.66
513535000001 TELEFONO 0.00 3,781,552.06
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 2,877,174.35
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 904,377.71
513535000002 IVA SERVICIO TELEFONICO 0.00 76,331.60
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 50,843.66
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 25,487.94
513540 CORREO, PORTES Y TELEGRAMAS 0.00 448,425.00
51354000 CORREO, PORTES Y TELEGRAMAS 0.00 448,425.00
513540000000 CORREO, PORTES Y 0.00 448,425.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 89,800.00
avianca 0.00 338,825.00
servientrega 0.00 15,200.00
varios 0.00 4,600.00
513550 TRANSPORTE, FLETES Y ACARREOS 0.00 214,440.00
transportes rapido ochoa sa 0.00 214,440.00
513595 OTROS 0.00 1,242,182.47
avianca 0.00 13,000.00
pineda sierra hermel yoani 0.00 480,000.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 749,182.47
5140 GASTOS LEGALES 0.00 7,653,200.00
514010 REGISTRO MERCANTIL 0.00 3,130,000.00
51401000 REGISTROS MERCANTIL 0.00 3,130,000.00
514010000000 REGISTROS MERCANTIL 0.00 3,130,000.00
camara de comercio de bogota 0.00 3,130,000.00
514015 TRAMITES Y LICENCIAS 0.00 4,523,200.00
51401500 TRAMITES Y LICENCIAS 0.00 4,523,200.00
514015000001 CERTIFICACION RUC 0.00 3,230,000.00
consejo colombiano de seguridad 0.00 3,230,000.00
514015000005 OTROS TRAMITES 0.00 1,293,200.00
camara de comercio de bogota 0.00 1,237,200.00
junta central de contadores 0.00 56,000.00
pardo quiñonez geovanni 0.00 2,400,000.00
514515 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 0.00 1,430,000.00
51451501 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 0.00 1,430,000.00
514515010004 EQUIPO DE COMPUTO 0.00 1,430,000.00
alzate londoño jorge armando 0.00 345,000.00
aranda galvis edwin omar 0.00 470,000.00
figueroa saenz alexander 0.00 160,000.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 455,000.00
514520 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 0.00 210,400.00
fajardo pardo jonathan 0.00 110,000.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 100,400.00
514525 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y 0.00 75,000.00
pinilla guzman jose elver 0.00 75,000.00
514540 FLOTA Y EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE 0.00 82,135.00
distribuidora nissan sa 0.00 82,135.00
5155 GASTOS DE VIAJE 0.00 12,417,020.00
515505 ALOJAMIENTO Y MANUTENCION 0.00 3,959,976.00
51550501 ALOJAMIENTO Y MANUTENCION 0.00 3,959,976.00
515505010001 ALOJAMIENTO Y MANUTENCION 0.00 3,959,976.00
ar hoteles sas 0.00 2,527,918.00
fhg sas 0.00 412,058.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 500,000.00
paralelo 94 sas 0.00 400,000.00
reyes pinilla adriana lucia 0.00 120,000.00
515515 PASAJES AEREOS 0.00 8,457,044.00
51551501 PASAJES AEREOS 0.00 8,457,044.00
515515010001 PASAJES AEREOS 0.00 6,760,444.00
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 576,600.00
avianca 0.00 5,156,090.00
aviatur 0.00 128,955.00
fast colombia sas / vivacolombia 0.00 535,299.00
satena es colombia 0.00 363,500.00
515515010002 IVA PASAJES AEREOS 0.00 1,696,600.00
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 192,200.00
avianca 0.00 1,504,400.00
5160 DEPRECIACIONES 0.00 98,954,541.46
516010 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 0.00 74,442,060.00
51601000 MAQUINARIA Y EQUIPO 0.00 74,442,060.00
516010000001 MOTORES 0.00 2,393,952.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 2,393,952.00
516010000002 INVERSORES 0.00 1,770,492.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 1,770,492.00
516010000003 PLANTAS 0.00 4,086,876.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 4,086,876.00
516010000004 PLANTAS ELECTRICAS 0.00 7,081,968.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 7,081,968.00
516010000005 TALADROS 0.00 2,271,432.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 2,271,432.00
516010000006 MARTILLOS 0.00 3,734,052.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 3,734,052.00
516010000007 TALADROS PARA ACERO 0.00 472,128.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 472,128.00
516010000008 COMPRESORES 0.00 708,192.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 708,192.00
516010000009 GUAYAS Y CABLES 0.00 5,648,772.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 5,648,772.00
516010000010 ANDAMIOS 0.00 829,440.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 829,440.00
516010000011 POLEAS 0.00 3,540,984.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 3,540,984.00
516010000012 EQUIPO MENORES 0.00 3,519,276.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 3,519,276.00
516010000013 BOMBAS HIDRAULICAS 0.00 7,605,240.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 7,605,240.00
516010000014 GASTOS HIDRAULICOS 0.00 4,540,992.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 4,540,992.00
516010000015 EQUIPO DE SEGURIDAD 0.00 11,803,272.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 11,803,272.00
516010000016 SEÑALIZACION 0.00 991,476.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 991,476.00
516010000017 CONOS 0.00 472,128.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 472,128.00
516010000019 SEÑALIZACION 0.00 774,444.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 774,444.00
516010000020 INVERSOR, OXICORTE Y OTROS 0.00 528,444.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 528,444.00
516010000021 MINIPULIDORAS 0.00 1,122,492.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 1,122,492.00
516010000023 CORTADORA DE CONCRETO 0.00 966,456.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 966,456.00
516010000024 EQUIPO OXICORTE 0.00 1,576,992.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 1,576,992.00
516010000025 PULIDORAS 0.00 1,664,664.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 1,664,664.00
516010000026 WINCHES 0.00 6,337,896.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 6,337,896.00
516015 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 0.00 1,704,696.00
51601500 EQUIPO DE OFICINA 0.00 1,704,696.00
516015000001 ARCHIVADORES Y OTROS 0.00 533,196.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 533,196.00
516015000002 SILLAS 0.00 1,032,696.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 1,032,696.00
516015000003 ESCRITORIOS 0.00 138,804.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 138,804.00
516020 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y 0.00 4,807,785.46
51602000 EQUIPO DE COMPUTACION Y 0.00 4,807,785.46
516020000002 SERVIDOR HP ML11G7 0.00 3,267,996.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 3,267,996.00
516020000003 PORTATIL SONY VAIO 0.00 641,700.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 641,700.00
516020000004 2 COMPUTADORES HP 23 0.00 379,800.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 379,800.00
516020000006 CELULARES 0.00 447,984.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 447,984.00
516020000007 PORTATIL ACER 15,6" 0.00 40,322.13
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 40,322.13
516020000008 PORTATIL LENOVO IDEA 320A 0.00 29,983.33
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 29,983.33
516035 FLOTA Y EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE 0.00 18,000,000.00
51603500 FLOTA Y EQUIPO DE TRANSPORTE 0.00 18,000,000.00
516035000001 CAMIONES. VOLQUETAS Y 0.00 18,000,000.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 18,000,000.00
5195 GASTOS DIVERSOS 0.00 13,621,833.53
519520 GASTOS DE REPRESENTACION Y 0.00 1,900,000.00
51952000 GASTOS DE REPRESENTACION Y 0.00 1,900,000.00
519520000001 GASTOS DE REPRESENTACION 0.00 1,900,000.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 1,900,000.00
519525 ELEMENTOS DE ASEO Y CAFETERIA 0.00 1,398,012.00
51952500 ELEMENTOS DE ASEO Y CAFETERIA 0.00 1,398,012.00
519525000001 ELEMENTOS DE ASEO Y 0.00 1,318,871.00
abril alonso dora isabel 0.00 51,500.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 10,000.00
bbi colombia s.a.s. 0.00 103,212.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 92,590.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 4,250.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 12,000.00
colsubsidio 0.00 359,865.00
gaseosas colombiana s.a 0.00 169,100.00
inversiones cdc gomez s.a.s. 0.00 38,900.00
los hornitos pasteleria y panaderia 0.00 12,500.00
montaño cubillos marco antonio 0.00 1,714.00
tinjaca ortiz fernando / cigarreria 0.00 131,740.00
varios 0.00 331,500.00
519525000002 IVA GASTOS DE ASEO Y 0.00 79,141.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 4,286.00
colsubsidio 0.00 21,655.00
varios 0.00 53,200.00
519530 UTILES, PAPELERIA Y FOTOCOPIAS 0.00 1,322,276.00
51953000 UTILES, PAPALERIA Y FOTOCOPIAS 0.00 1,322,276.00
519530000001 UTILES, PAPALERIA Y 0.00 1,322,276.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 35,000.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 1,765.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 3,000.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 1,200.00
copy comtel ltda 0.00 275,252.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 451,429.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 493,830.00
varios 0.00 60,800.00
519535 COMBUSTIBLES Y LUBRICANTES 0.00 200,009.00
51953500 COMBUSTIBLES Y LUBRICANTES 0.00 200,009.00
519535000000 COMBUSTIBLES Y LUBRICANTES 0.00 200,009.00
combustibles de colombia s.a. 0.00 100,007.00
estacion de servicio carrera 50 0.00 100,002.00
519545 TAXIS Y BUSES 0.00 1,620,050.00
51954500 TAXIS Y BUSES 0.00 1,620,050.00
519545000000 TAXIS Y BUSES 0.00 1,620,050.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 20,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 490,000.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 20,000.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 34,750.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 557,300.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 25,000.00
varios 0.00 473,000.00
519560 CASINO Y RESTAURANTE 0.00 1,443,466.00
51956000 CASINO Y RESTAURANTE 0.00 1,443,466.00
519560000000 CASINO Y RESTAURANTE 0.00 1,443,466.00
alcachofas del huerto sa 0.00 34,500.00
bbi colombia s.a.s. 0.00 4,700.00
benitez elkim 0.00 32,500.00
cagua gutierrez hector jacob 0.00 304,000.00
fullmarker la vaquita 0.00 18,000.00
inversiones kgm 0.00 31,100.00
muñeton pinto esther 0.00 268,000.00
proveedora de bebidas de 0.00 120,900.00
restrepo juan camilo 0.00 20,966.00
tinjaca ortiz fernando / cigarreria 0.00 6,700.00
varios 0.00 552,600.00
vertel palmera rufino antonio 0.00 49,500.00
519565 PARQUEADEROS 0.00 151,958.53
51956500 PARQUEADEROS 0.00 151,958.53
519565000000 PARQUEADEROS 0.00 151,958.53
garcia hoyos edy marcela 0.00 2,000.00
128 centro empresarial ph 0.00 7,059.00
128 centro empresarial ph 0.00 9,034.00
apacar ltda 0.00 3,109.00
cc santa barbara 0.00 1,933.00
central parking system colombia 0.00 8,823.53
varios 0.00 120,000.00
519595 OTROS GTOS 0.00 5,586,062.00
51959500 OTROS GASTOS 0.00 5,586,062.00
519595000000 OTROS GASTOS 0.00 5,586,062.00
arafig ltda 0.00 1,211,740.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 601,500.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 30,680.00
benavides gonzalez leidy 0.00 69,500.00
cerda herrera luis fernando 0.00 170,000.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 352,773.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 9,500.00
colsubsidio 0.00 70,840.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 64,007.00
copy comtel ltda 0.00 10,800.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 160,000.00
efectivo ltda 0.00 37,650.00
grupo julio de colombia sas 0.00 276,471.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 174,789.00
inversiones cdc gomez s.a.s. 0.00 6,800.00
inversiones ruiz niño sas 0.00 36,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 131,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 23,698.00
makroflex colombia 0.00 960,000.00
muñoz luis antonio 0.00 76,800.00
ruiz elcy 0.00 60,000.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 13,600.00
varios 0.00 576,614.00
zuñiga gomez mireya 0.00 461,300.00
53 NO OPERACIONALES 0.00 392,481,639.47
5305 FINANCIEROS 0.00 93,931,110.89
530505 GASTOS BANCARIOS 0.00 81,196,725.86
53050501 GASTOS BANCARIOS 0.00 81,196,725.86
530505010001 GRAVAMEN MOVIMIENTO 0.00 17,373,286.86
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 17,373,286.86
530505010003 COMISIONES 0.00 2,796,153.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 5,000.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 2,736,003.00
efectivo ltda 0.00 50,150.00
servibanca sa 0.00 5,000.00
530505010008 GASTOS 0.00 981,043.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 906,173.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 32,496.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 3,000.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 39,374.00
530505010009 GASTOS NO DEDUCIBLES 0.00 60,046,243.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 1,780.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 44,463.00
varios 0.00 60,000,000.00
530520 INTERESES 0.00 12,129,216.61
53052001 INTERESES CORRIENTES 0.00 2,044,181.88
530520010002 OTROS INTERESES 0.00 2,044,181.88
administradora colombiana de 0.00 63,600.00
afp colfondos 0.00 57,100.00
afp proteccion 0.00 9,700.00
afp y cesantias porvenir 0.00 130,900.00
colsubsidio 0.00 64,000.00
compañia de seguros bolivar sa 0.00 46,500.00
coosalud entidad promotora de 0.00 400.00
dian 0.00 1,277,000.00
empresa solidaria de salud 0.00 23,200.00
eps compensar 0.00 5,100.00
eps coomeva 0.00 3,400.00
eps famisanar ltda 0.00 900.00
eps medimas 0.00 4,200.00
eps mutual ser 0.00 400.00
eps nueva s.a. 0.00 16,000.00
eps salud total 0.00 5,400.00
eps salud vida s.a. 0.00 400.00
eps sanitas 0.00 6,400.00
eps sura / susalud 0.00 400.00
multibienes ltda 0.00 89,999.00
positiva compañia de seguro s.a. 0.00 27,100.00
torre 26 centro empresarial p.h 0.00 211,546.00
une eps telecomunicaciones s.a 0.00 536.88
53052002 INTERESES POR IMPUESTOS 0.00 10,085,034.73
530520020001 INTERESES POR IMPUESTOS 0.00 10,085,034.73
alcomax sas 0.00 37,250.00
barrera arias luis alfonso 0.00 18,000.00
dian 0.00 9,268,550.00
gordillo medina naidh siomar 0.00 10,500.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 35,400.00
ortiz sanchez lina rosa 0.00 65,450.00
rugeles luque luis enen 0.00 103,884.73
salas plata jairo 0.00 546,000.00
530535 DESCUENTOS COMERCIALES 0.00 605,168.42
53053501 DESCUENTOS COMERCIALES 0.00 605,168.42
530535010003 DESCUENTOS CONDICIONADOS - 0.00 605,168.42
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 12.00
arafig ltda 0.00 16,735.91
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 0.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 17.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 84,086.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 4,523.50
castro felix adrian 0.00 0.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 371.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 77.34
consorcio obras integrales mj 0.00 0.28
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 25.00
dian 0.00 3,433.76
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 14,500.00
eps famisanar ltda 0.00 0.00
eps medimas 0.00 0.00
eps sura / susalud 0.00 0.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 465,337.25
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 641.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 10,001.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 25.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 4,001.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 0.12
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 0.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 1,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 0.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 0.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 30.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 333.93
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. 0.00 0.83
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 16.50
5315 GASTOS EXTRAORDINARIOS 0.00 263,564,488.35
531515 COSTOS Y GASTOS DE EJERCICIOS 0.00 258,369,836.36
administradora colombiana de 0.00 535,799.00
afp colfondos 0.00 196,800.00
afp proteccion 0.00 834,854.00
afp y cesantias porvenir 0.00 220,800.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 300,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 675,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 255,379.00
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 0.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 16,679,903.81
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 5,267,896.00
colsubsidio 0.00 1,690,120.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 21,583,188.75
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 3,603,950.10
dian 0.00 162,299,231.70
distrias sas 0.00 170,786.00
empresa solidaria de salud 0.00 55,300.00
eps compensar 0.00 0.00
eps famisanar ltda 0.00 0.00
eps medimas 0.00 0.00
eps mutual ser 0.00 0.00
eps nueva s.a. 0.00 49,200.00
eps salud total 0.00 0.00
eps sanitas 0.00 0.00
ferreteria universal de tuberias je y 0.00 20,433,248.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 2,173,595.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 89,964.00
liberty seguros s.a. 0.00 3,076,787.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 126,000.00
marcillo de la cruz francisco 0.00 0.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 4,075,900.00
positiva compañia de seguro s.a. 0.00 328,100.00
ramos espitia eduardo manuel 0.00 7,000,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 5,648,034.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 1,000,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 0.00
sevillano villamizar edgar antonio 0.00 0.00
531520 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 0.00 5,194,651.99
53152000 IMPUESTOS ASUMIDOS 0.00 5,194,651.99
531520000001 DIAN 0.00 5,027,451.44
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 19,868.78
amaya zambrano jhon jairo 0.00 122,500.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 85,116.64
ar hoteles sas 0.00 84,284.20
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 182,490.00
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 27,821.14
comercializadora servillantas sas 0.00 25,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 1,056,000.00
dian 0.00 427,178.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 32,563.05
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 35,714.28
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 16,000.00
franco gallego francisco javier 0.00 105,000.00
garcia acevedo luis fernando 0.00 16,800.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 136,097.50
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 4,298.00
lobo sierra dionisia isabel 0.00 133,245.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 307,200.00
luna palomino naurys 0.00 52,743.60
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 198,625.00
mikonstrucciones sas 0.00 17,500.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 960,000.00
palma arena restaurante 0.00 15,137.50
pardo corena ltda 0.00 37,348.75
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 288,000.00
ricardo miranda arristides manuel 0.00 7,000.00
sanchez gomez juan jose 0.00 120,190.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 34,095.00
transpetroleros sas 0.00 13,360.00
vargas robinson 0.00 3,750.00
vergara roldan jaime de jesus 0.00 14,175.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 56,350.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 392,000.00
531520000002 SECRETARIA DISTRITAL DE 0.00 167,200.55
ar hoteles sas 0.00 33,232.06
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 57,563.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 14,379.84
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 9,857.14
lemus pardo nestor alexander 0.00 25,112.16
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 12,000.00
servicios integrales en salud 0.00 15,056.35
5395 GASTOS DIVERSOS 0.00 34,986,040.23
539520 MULTAS, SANCIONES Y LITIGIOS 0.00 34,693,000.00
dian 0.00 33,188,000.00
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 1,505,000.00
539595 OTROS 0.00 293,040.23
castro felix adrian 0.00 15,400.62
cerda herrera luis fernando 0.00 60,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 200,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 1.00
gran tierra energy colombia ltd 0.00 0.16
secretaria distrital de hacienda 0.00 249.45
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 17,389.00
54 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 47,234,000.00
5405 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 47,234,000.00
540505 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 47,234,000.00
54050501 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 47,234,000.00
540505010001 IMPUESTO DE RENTA Y 0.00 47,234,000.00
dian 0.00 47,234,000.00
6 COSTOS DE VENTAS 0.00 3,343,769,158.76
61 COSTO DE VENTAS Y DE 0.00 3,343,769,158.76
6130 CONSTRUCCION 0.00 975,648,906.46
613010 CONSTRUCCION DE EDIFICIOS Y 0.00 975,648,906.46
61301005 GASTOS DE PERSONAL 0.00 659,604,827.52
613010050006 SUELDOS 0.00 331,228,384.66
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 2,240,000.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 2,100,000.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 861,000.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 4,700,000.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 10,983,200.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 390,621.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 14,393,000.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 6,561,000.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 2,333,333.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 3,680,940.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 21,132,534.36
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 5,944,666.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 1,126,667.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 2,300,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 56,807,800.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 9,584,000.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 7,092,000.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 8,560,000.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 276,000.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 13,352,000.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 260,414.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 750,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 5,800,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 11,588,156.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 807,284.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 6,720,000.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 3,338,533.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 861,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 7,456,800.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 1,171,863.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 10,224,000.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 13,669,467.30
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 14,670,400.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 5,200,000.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 877,083.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 8,461,956.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 10,800,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 9,300,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 22,373,334.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 4,055,333.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 4,680,000.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 13,744,000.00
613010050021 VIATICOS 0.00 23,440,090.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 170,000.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 80,000.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 540,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 1,435,000.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 470,000.00
araujo figueroa jorge enrique 0.00 200,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 430,000.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 160,000.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 4,951,590.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 285,000.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 50,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 1,691,000.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 320,000.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 1,040,000.00
efectivo ltda 0.00 191,500.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 170,000.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 1,125,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 160,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 1,500,000.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 830,000.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 170,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 500,000.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 1,066,000.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 290,000.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 400,000.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 170,000.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 23,000.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 830,000.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 656,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,029,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 625,000.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 315,000.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,362,000.00
varios 0.00 205,000.00
613010050024 INCAPACIDADES 0.00 1,378,020.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 276,000.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 960,020.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 92,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 50,000.00
613010050027 AUXILIO DE TRANSPORTE 0.00 9,441,568.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 61,748.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 342,643.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 699,812.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 44,106.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 911,792.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 396,953.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 52,927.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 402,835.00
castro felix adrian 0.00 76,450.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 423,417.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 850,044.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 29,404.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 44,106.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 181,721.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 731,436.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 91,151.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 291,099.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 61,748.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 538,092.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 132,318.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 664,528.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 361,668.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 5,881.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 501,985.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 602,780.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 596,899.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 344,025.00
613010050030 CESANTIAS 0.00 34,990,380.71
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 186,592.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 174,930.50
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 124,304.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 571,113.06
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 1,377,705.14
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 79,869.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 1,294,300.07
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 810,170.14
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 194,366.64
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 64,384.92
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 1,831,408.81
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 715,321.06
castro felix adrian 0.00 133,361.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 191,590.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 7,024,808.11
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 799,097.50
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 635,030.60
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 1,021,327.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 0.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 1,488,786.06
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 51,393.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 79,457.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 496,611.36
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 1,273,998.16
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 106,185.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 835,156.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 302,748.16
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 127,992.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 674,058.02
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 170,479.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 1,278,416.26
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 1,151,111.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 1,227,842.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 633,903.14
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 73,551.40
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 917,189.14
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 1,306,760.14
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,196,951.14
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 1,876,071.18
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 340,278.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 593,886.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,557,878.00
613010050033 INTERESES SOBRE CESANTIAS 0.00 1,526,249.52
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 22,390.84
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 20,992.10
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 3,945.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 27,577.76
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 77,252.50
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 9,584.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 60,090.76
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 34,901.50
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 23,324.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 643.85
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 134,990.40
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 35,265.56
castro felix adrian 0.00 1,111.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 22,990.80
colsubsidio 0.00 9,614.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 71,496.53
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 43,254.10
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 34,265.50
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 41,766.88
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 0.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 78,541.98
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 6,167.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 661.49
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 27,763.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 73,275.30
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 1,097.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 25,055.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 17,435.45
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 3,432.96
paramo mora raudel 0.00 42,298.36
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 2,557.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 65,641.11
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 41,357.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 32,437.02
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 30,810.50
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 8,826.41
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 45,703.50
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 67,810.50
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 56,377.50
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 126,909.16
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 5,558.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 24,349.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 66,728.20
613010050036 PRIMA DE SERVICIOS 0.00 33,286,058.97
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 186,667.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 175,000.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 94,552.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 575,578.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 1,295,529.48
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 79,869.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 1,394,127.87
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 872,547.08
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 20,915.16
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 194,444.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 540,697.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 1,839,279.81
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 706,291.67
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
castro correa gloria estela 0.00 1,276.23
castro felix adrian 0.00 133,584.83
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 204,444.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 3,771.55
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 4,527,781.11
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 799,470.17
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 635,224.75
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 991,406.28
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 0.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 1,468,635.77
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 51,393.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 79,457.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 496,611.36
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 1,275,121.61
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 0.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 106,185.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 814,661.30
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 302,791.38
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 94,567.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 703,189.93
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 170,479.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 1,216,360.60
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 1,151,111.56
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 1,230,000.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 619,204.97
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 73,551.40
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 1,109,576.37
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 1,288,367.40
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,127,606.40
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 2,300,512.46
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 340,278.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 545,137.47
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,448,803.00
613010050039 VACACIONES 0.00 13,844,420.41
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 93,408.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 87,570.50
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 57,102.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 195,990.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 493,731.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 16,289.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 604,777.70
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 298,088.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 97,299.99
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 30,024.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 916,803.69
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 260,177.64
castro felix adrian 0.00 46,982.01
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 95,910.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 2,342,756.76
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 399,903.50
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 300,240.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 356,952.00
gomez montoya angela maria 0.00 0.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 561,368.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 10,859.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 31,275.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 241,710.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 484,139.60
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 33,663.75
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 281,250.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 139,308.99
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 58,674.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 311,499.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 48,866.69
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 427,552.70
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 576,016.01
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 614,658.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 216,840.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 36,574.86
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 349,863.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 451,905.50
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 389,355.50
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 932,768.02
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 170,139.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 205,000.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 577,128.00
613010050045 AUXILIOS 0.00 80,159,534.38
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 252,406.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 2,033,775.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 3,515,045.00
alvarado ramirez miguel antonio 0.00 524,083.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 5,097,777.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 2,445,401.00
barreto obando dagoberto 0.00 506,775.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 2,873,867.34
castro felix adrian 0.00 521,788.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 200,000.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 4,205,239.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 32,000.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 3,883,550.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 4,938,165.00
linares linares luis albeiro 0.00 327,145.00
lopez hernandez omar 0.00 354,750.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 4,473,831.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 512,152.00
moreno sanchez carlos 0.00 3,727,589.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 1,027,013.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 246,549.04
paramo mora raudel 0.00 3,827,250.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 947,093.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 4,148,092.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 97,066.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 2,294,725.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 3,163,191.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 4,551,253.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 4,048,797.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 7,682,722.00
sepulveda peñaranda karen 0.00 133,745.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 1,989,800.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 5,576,900.00
613010050048 BONIFICACIONES 0.00 23,728,091.00
adames garcia luis francisco 0.00 425,000.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 425,000.00
adamez wilches leonid 0.00 500,000.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 425,730.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 1,425,730.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 1,868,475.00
arango gaviria jorge de jesus 0.00 925,730.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 425,730.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 425,730.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 425,730.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 425,730.00
cuentas pacheco santos 0.00 1,096,578.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 425,730.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 425,730.00
hernandez pablo julio 0.00 1,425,730.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 1,000,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 1,425,730.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 589,371.00
ospina pinto primitivo 0.00 500,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 954,700.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 1,425,730.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 425,730.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 425,730.00
rojas chacon robinson albeiro 0.00 53,798.00
romero vega ermido rafael 0.00 925,730.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 1,425,730.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 1,425,730.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 1,652,029.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 425,730.00
613010050051 DOTACION Y SUMINISTRO A 0.00 715,723.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 649,000.00
cruz silva gina andrea 0.00 30,000.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 36,723.00
613010050063 CAPACITACION AL PERSONAL 0.00 7,268,940.00
2dme sas 0.00 150,000.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 0.00 378,151.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 6,490,789.00
paredes duarte edgar leonel 0.00 250,000.00
613010050068 APORTES A.R.P. 0.00 24,051,064.36
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 86,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 43,000.00
compañia de seguros bolivar sa 0.00 18,773,916.32
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 104,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 86,000.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 86,000.00
positiva compañia de seguro s.a. 0.00 4,529,348.04
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 86,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 116,800.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 140,000.00
613010050069 APORTES A E.P.S 0.00 1,924,503.33
coosalud entidad promotora de 0.00 20,975.00
eps compensar 0.00 48,000.00
eps coomeva 0.00 385,200.00
eps cruz blanca 0.00 1,800.00
eps famisanar ltda 0.00 108,800.00
eps medimas 0.00 442,830.00
eps mutual ser 0.00 109,700.00
eps nueva s.a. 0.00 300,060.00
eps salud total 0.00 284,363.33
eps salud vida s.a. 0.00 16,775.00
eps sanitas 0.00 143,600.00
eps sura / susalud 0.00 62,400.00
613010050070 APORTES A FONDOS DE 0.00 56,184,090.00
administradora colombiana de 0.00 23,013,949.33
afp colfondos 0.00 2,624,000.00
afp proteccion 0.00 6,873,160.00
afp y cesantias porvenir 0.00 23,245,650.67
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 147,600.00
eps coomeva 0.00 0.00
eps medimas 0.00 96,800.00
eps nueva s.a. 0.00 0.00
eps salud total 0.00 2,930.00
eps sanitas 0.00 0.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 90,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 90,000.00
613010050072 APORTES A CAJA DE 0.00 13,859,345.00
colsubsidio 0.00 13,680,945.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 24,600.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 24,600.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 24,600.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 24,600.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 80,000.00
613010050078 APORTES AL SENA 0.00 605,462.00
sena 0.00 605,462.00
613010050084 GASTOS MEDICOS Y DROGAS 0.00 1,672,400.00
eps compensar 0.00 21,300.00
galindo bolaños norma consuelo 0.00 6,000.00
hospital regional manuela beltran 0.00 44,000.00
ips fremavi sas 0.00 72,000.00
mantilla esparza gloria gimena 0.00 167,600.00
medina luis 0.00 12,000.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 127,200.00
rodriguez pinzon liliana fernanda 0.00 15,000.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 844,000.00
unidrogas s.a. 0.00 69,300.00
valbuena rodriguez luz marina 0.00 20,000.00
varios 0.00 274,000.00
613010059999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 300,502.18
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 20,580.00
morales beltran jorge heli 0.00 247,774.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 0.00
servicios medicos integrales santa 0.00 32,148.18
61301020 TRANSLADO DE MATERIA PRIMA 0.00 169,215,036.00
613010200005 CONSUMIBLES 0.00 2,717,630.25
bolsas y desechables carmona 30,252.00 0.00
cacharreria la bendicion 100,000.00 0.00
comercializadora e imprt. 53,445.00 0.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 4,200.00 0.00
deposito reinaldo silva sas 105,716.00 0.00
deposito y materiales rosa blanca -23,361.00 0.00
dismacero s.a.s. 9,516,600.00 0.00
distrias sas 300,083.00 0.00
durango doria damarys judith 5,882.00 0.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 490,000.00 0.00
electricos la 44 150,000.00 0.00
en plasticos antioquia 35,294.00 0.00
ferrelectrico los constructores / 30,672.00 0.00
ferreteia fronteras sas 7,227.00 0.00
ferreteria cantaclaro 7,394.00 0.00
ferronas y agropecuarios 55,042.00 0.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 225,000.00
gil barrios merly / ferreteria surtidor 17,815.00 0.00
hernandez jaramillo elda / 132,354.00 0.00
hierros y cementos y algo mas sas 24,084.00 0.00
inver willcar ltda 0.00 175,630.25
la favorita 34,200.00 0.00
maderas del sinu ltda 1,692,000.00 0.00
maderas el puente 495,000.00 0.00
martinesz ortega amparo 3,400.00 0.00
mestra lopez fidel / almacen 22,083.00 0.00
montes rivera ladislao 40,336.00 0.00
multimateriales constructor sas 344,244.00 0.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 2,200,000.00
oxicor del caribe sas 456,000.00 0.00
papeleria japon 94,768.00 0.00
pardo corena ltda 1,312,680.00 0.00
perez arango carlos / 464,202.00 0.00
plasticos y desechables zenu 250,000.00 117,000.00
roca castillo marlene / 15,126.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -21,015,459.00 0.00
sodimac colombia s.a 4,748,721.00 0.00
613010200006 TRANSPORTES URBANOS Y 0.00 22,400,000.00
coointur 0.00 22,400,000.00
613010200007 ALQUILER O ARRENDAMIENTOS 0.00 1,384,752.00
equipos cordoba sas 60,800.00 94,000.00
millan gonzalez saul hernando 0.00 1,114,280.00
negrete hernandez alonso alberto 0.00 120,000.00
sanchez gonzalez elvira 2,000,000.00 0.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -2,270,800.00 0.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 56,472.00
varios 210,000.00 0.00
613010200060 IVA COSTO 0.00 23,896,915.75
arbelaez gomez carlos / 1,963.00 0.00
bolsas y desechables carmona 5,747.00 0.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 162,857.00 0.00
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 1,277,827.00
clubes de muebles rosita 26,345.00 0.00
colombiana de comercio sa 15,807.00 0.00
comercial tir sas 17,324.00 0.00
comercializadora e imprt. 4,455.00 0.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 835,926.00 0.00
deposito reinaldo silva sas 20,086.00 0.00
deposito y materiales rosa blanca 4,439.00 0.00
dismacero s.a.s. 1,808,154.00 0.00
distrias sas 57,015.00 0.00
durango doria damarys judith 27,463.00 0.00
el gigante del hogar 11,081.00 0.00
en plasticos antioquia 6,706.00 0.00
ferrancher sas 843,828.00 0.00
ferrelectrico los constructores / 5,828.00 0.00
ferreteia fronteras sas 1,373.00 0.00
ferreteria cantaclaro 1,405.00 0.00
ferronas y agropecuarios 21,634.00 0.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 3,679,231.00 0.00
gil barrios merly / ferreteria surtidor 3,385.00 0.00
hernandez jaramillo elda / 25,146.00 0.00
hierros y cementos y algo mas sas 1,916.00 0.00
inver willcar ltda 0.00 33,369.75
jc service colombia sas 5,588.00 0.00
maderas el puente 9,800.00 0.00
mestra lopez fidel / almacen 1,915.00 0.00
montes rivera ladislao 26,584.00 0.00
multimateriales constructor sas 45,745.00 0.00
oxicor del caribe sas 86,640.00 0.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 9,293.00 0.00
papeleria japon 18,002.00 0.00
pardo corena ltda 249,409.00 0.00
perez arango carlos / 92,988.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 21,923,103.00
roca castillo marlene / 2,874.00 0.00
servicios de acabados de 0.00 574,940.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -9,260,611.00 0.00
sodimac colombia s.a 902,259.00 10,729.00
stup latinoamerica sas 220,400.00 0.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 76,947.00
613010200099 OTROS 0.00 118,815,738.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 45,000.00 0.00
polyuprotec s.a 0.00 115,384,753.00
servicios de acabados de 0.00 3,026,000.00
sm ingenieros s.a.s. -45,000.00 0.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 404,985.00
61301021 MANO DE OBRA 0.00 91,293,959.94
613010210002 SUBCONTRATOS 0.00 90,699,789.90
bernal blanco fernando enrique 0.00 2,600,000.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 43,031,601.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 4,565,000.00
jrt diseños estructurales s.a.s 0.00 10,000,000.00
mr consulting colombia sas 0.00 29,843,188.90
salas plata libardo 0.00 550,000.00
varios 0.00 110,000.00
613010210003 IVA MANO OBRA 0.00 594,170.04
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 207,864.04
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 39,425.00
jrt diseños estructurales s.a.s 0.00 190,000.00
mr consulting colombia sas 0.00 156,881.00
61301022 GASTOS DE SALUD OCUPACIONAL 0.00 38,353,105.00
613010220001 EXAMENES MEDICOS 0.00 1,247,700.00
clinicas en salud eu 0.00 90,000.00
mm salud ocupacional ltda 0.00 1,157,700.00
613010220002 SEGURIDAD INDUSTRIAL 0.00 12,129,224.25
burgos castillo ricardo 0.00 500,000.00
cardenas felipe xavier 0.00 117,800.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 357,924.25
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 7,963,238.00
cuerpo de bomberos voluntarios 0.00 117,647.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 75,630.00
extintores y seguridad del 0.00 25,212.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 95,000.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 332,353.00
reyes alvarez fredy andres 0.00 56,000.00
safety industry sas 0.00 320,000.00
safety works industria limitada 0.00 1,700,000.00
sanchez velandia celio alberto 0.00 252,000.00
suarez edna liliana 0.00 50,420.00
varios 0.00 166,000.00
613010220006 DOTACIONES EN GENERAL 0.00 22,556,543.00
burgos castillo ricardo 0.00 494,500.00
carreño cruz maria del carmen 0.00 10,467,889.00
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 5,583,637.00
confecciones el overol sas 0.00 410,005.00
epps y dotaciones dotanova sas 0.00 4,473,536.00
espinel pinto sonia yaneth 0.00 80,672.00
extintores mg del caribe sas 0.00 134,454.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 84,034.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 16,387.00
malaver monsalve adriana 0.00 220,000.00
perez laura 0.00 300,000.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 261,429.00
varios 0.00 30,000.00
613010220007 IVA GASTOS DE SALUD 0.00 2,419,637.75
casa del comercio sas 0.00 68,005.75
central de dotaciones ltda 0.00 1,296,061.00
cuerpo de bomberos voluntarios 0.00 22,353.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 14,370.00
epps y dotaciones dotanova sas 0.00 820,308.00
espinel pinto sonia yaneth 0.00 15,327.00
extintores mg del caribe sas 0.00 25,546.00
extintores y seguridad del 0.00 4,790.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 79,113.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 3,113.00
safety industry sas 0.00 11,400.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 49,671.00
suarez edna liliana 0.00 9,580.00
61301025 SEGUROS 0.00 17,181,978.00
613010250002 CUMPLIMIENTO 0.00 4,236,034.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 876,301.00
seguros del estado 0.00 3,359,733.00
613010250003 SERIEDAD DE LA OFERTA 0.00 441,875.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 333,755.00
seguros del estado 0.00 108,120.00
613010250004 RESPONSABILIDAD CIVIL Y 0.00 1,718,108.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 1,265,789.00
seguros del estado 0.00 452,319.00
613010250005 SEGURO OBLIGATORIO 0.00 595,800.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 595,800.00
613010250010 OTROS 0.00 10,023,664.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 7,067,205.00
seguros comerciales bolivar s.a. 0.00 2,956,459.00
613010250012 IVA MAYOR VALOR COSTO 0.00 166,497.00
compañia mundial de seguros sa 0.00 166,497.00
6195 DIVERSOS 0.00 2,368,120,252.30
619505 GASTOS VARIOS DE OBRAS 0.00 2,368,120,252.30
61950512 GASTOS DE ARRENDAMIENTOS 0.00 101,862,185.00
619505120001 GAST X ARREN TERRENOS 0.00 2,400,000.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 1,400,000.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 1,000,000.00
619505120002 GAST X ARREN 0.00 3,242,872.00
barrera forero jorge eduardo 0.00 714,000.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 45,872.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 1,653,000.00
valbuena hernandez javier 0.00 250,000.00
varios 0.00 380,000.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 200,000.00
619505120003 GAST X ARREN MAQUINARIA Y 0.00 66,508,331.00
central de andamios y 0.00 28,888,784.00
efectivo ltda 0.00 147,500.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 424,316.00
galindo hernandez leidi tatiana 0.00 10,000.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 120,000.00
montalvo mendez agustin 0.00 780,000.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 10,800,000.00
ramos espitia eduardo manuel 0.00 400,000.00
ricardo miranda arristides manuel 0.00 175,000.00
salas plata jairo 0.00 9,100,000.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 5,795,000.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 67,731.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 9,800,000.00
619505120004 GAST X ARREN EQUIPO DE 0.00 11,700,916.00
aldana aldana francisco javier 0.00 2,839,000.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 3,127,916.00
castillo ramirez willian ernesto 0.00 5,400,000.00
transpetroleros sas 0.00 334,000.00
619505120009 IVA GASTOS VARIOS OBRAS 0.00 12,906,066.00
agamez pineda leony sofia 0.00 72,000.00
central de andamios y 0.00 5,488,868.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 73,014.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 2,770,154.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 480,526.00
ferrancher sas 0.00 243,998.00
fhg sas 0.00 110,964.00
hoteles millenium s.a. 0.00 23,940.00
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 965,371.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 1,201,750.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 134,769.00
the tea house ltda 0.00 1,957.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 1,338,755.00
619505129999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 5,104,000.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 3,744,000.00
sanchez vasquez felix alfredo 0.00 600,000.00
varios 0.00 760,000.00
61950513 GAST X SERVICIOS 0.00 449,887,415.00
619505130001 GAST X SER ASEO Y VIGILA 0.00 11,379,048.00
archila tavera sofia 0.00 246,000.00
argel padilla santander 0.00 40,000.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 5,100,000.00
giron cala andelfo 0.00 845,901.00
gonzalez robinson 0.00 60,000.00
lara maria elena 0.00 120,000.00
ortiz flores fabio alonso 0.00 360,000.00
ortiz lizarazo abel 0.00 1,136,147.00
padilla garces eduar antonio 0.00 210,000.00
peña damel 0.00 180,000.00
perez calderon carlos andres 0.00 40,000.00
tavera ruiz gloria 0.00 490,000.00
varios 0.00 2,221,000.00
villadiego agamez luis alberto 0.00 330,000.00
619505130003 GAST X SERV ASIS TECNICA 0.00 6,000,000.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 6,000,000.00
619505130004 GAST X SERV TOPOGRAFIA 0.00 750,000.00
bohorquez giraldo miguel enrique 0.00 750,000.00
619505130005 GAST X SERV PUBLICOS 0.00 122,798.00
empresas publicas de medellin 0.00 52,165.00
reditos empresariales sa 0.00 30,182.00
sistemas publicos sa esp 0.00 40,451.00
619505130006 GAST X SER ENVIO DE 0.00 2,356,910.00
autoboy 0.00 60,000.00
avianca 0.00 35,200.00
cooperativa multiactiva de 0.00 1,680,000.00
copetran 0.00 242,120.00
global mensajeria s.a. 0.00 10,950.00
servientrega 0.00 237,640.00
varios 0.00 91,000.00
619505130007 GAST X SERV ENSAYOS 0.00 8,464,600.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 8,464,600.00
619505130008 GAST X SERV OTROS 0.00 741,588.00
centro de diagnostico 0.00 282,738.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 98,093.00
idatel sas 0.00 140,757.00
varios 0.00 120,000.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 100,000.00
619505130009 GAST X SERV TRANSPORTES 0.00 416,735,675.00
abraham palencia 0.00 20,000.00
asociacion polmen reciclyn 0.00 33,000.00
benavides ramos edwin 0.00 20,000.00
cardenas espinosa carlos alfonso 0.00 940,000.00
cardenas espinosa gonzalo maria 0.00 1,232,420.00
coordinadora mercantil sa 0.00 27,580.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 2,634,505.00
global mensajeria s.a. 0.00 54,730.00
gomez juan carlos 0.00 190,000.00
gordillo medina naidh siomar 0.00 1,050,000.00
hernandez carreño carlos 0.00 100,000.00
marin villamizar jose camilo 0.00 900,000.00
medina valencia oliver orlando 0.00 1,200,000.00
mikonstrucciones sas 0.00 1,750,000.00
nbt transportes y servicios 0.00 26,700,000.00
prieto calderon jose wilson 0.00 600,000.00
reyes reyes juan andres 0.00 170,000.00
salas plata libardo 0.00 320,000.00
sanchez gomez juan jose 0.00 8,500,000.00
translara ltda 0.00 50,900.00
transmodal lg ltda 0.00 45,800.00
transportadora comercial colombia 0.00 72,740.00
transportes montejo sas 0.00 363,626,000.00
urrego ballen jose alexander 0.00 300,000.00
vargas garnica jaime arturo 0.00 80,000.00
vargas lobaton humberto 0.00 350,000.00
vargas robinson 0.00 375,000.00
varios 0.00 4,303,000.00
yunior ricardo 0.00 690,000.00
zuarez victor 0.00 400,000.00
619505130010 GAST X SERV PLANOS 0.00 55,000.00
ruidiaz p. hugo 0.00 55,000.00
619505130012 GAST X SER TELEFONO 0.00 123,497.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 123,497.00
619505130013 IVA GAST X SERVICIOS 0.00 1,140,000.00
c&d ingenieria ltda / codising ltda 0.00 1,140,000.00
619505139999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 2,018,299.00
caravali gonzalez celso 0.00 145,000.00
cardenas espinosa gonzalo maria 0.00 70,000.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 120,299.00
varios 0.00 1,683,000.00
61950514 GAST X MANTENIMIENTOS Y 0.00 44,745,957.00
619505145002 GAST X MANT Y REPAR CONST 0.00 320,000.00
aceros murillo luis alfredo 0.00 320,000.00
619505145003 GAST X MANT Y REPAR 0.00 29,452,224.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 7,020,000.00
cardenas bernal edgar 0.00 60,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 4,166,709.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 5,490,000.00
luque parra javier 0.00 180,000.00
miranda perez julian david 0.00 60,000.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 2,663,000.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 9,692,515.00
varios 0.00 120,000.00
619505145004 GAST X MANT Y REPAR FLOT Y 0.00 10,297,077.00
alvarez vivero oscar luis 0.00 171,500.00
arboleda urrego orlando esteban 0.00 274,000.00
arenas correa nubia 0.00 191,500.00
auto lavado pesados 0.00 85,000.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 1,646,960.00
bueno santos sayra yeny 0.00 21,008.00
bustos ortiz julio cesar 0.00 190,000.00
calles luna oscar enrique 0.00 170,000.00
coexito sas 0.00 987,393.00
comercializadora servillantas sas 0.00 1,000,000.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 168,716.00
eds la socorrana 0.00 75,000.00
eds terpel macheta 0.00 200,000.00
forero briceño ramiro 0.00 15,000.00
garzon jose 0.00 103,000.00
ibañez edwin 0.00 50,000.00
lopez hernandez imer jose 0.00 1,190,000.00
martinez sanchez jose alirio 0.00 90,000.00
quintero estevez angie melisa 0.00 115,000.00
robayo victor 0.00 10,000.00
rueda de sanchez zolia rosa 0.00 26,000.00
ruiz moreno aily 0.00 150,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 100,000.00
tecnicentro ehr llantas 0.00 2,000,000.00
varios 0.00 811,000.00
zoa zapata santiago 0.00 456,000.00
619505145005 GAST X MANT Y REPAR EQUIPO 0.00 186,807.00
lora carrascal rafael gregorio 0.00 70,000.00
meneses sanchez sebastian 0.00 100,000.00
ortiz oses danilo 0.00 16,807.00
619505145007 IVA MANTENIMIENTO Y 0.00 4,283,199.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 1,333,800.00
bueno santos sayra yeny 0.00 3,992.00
coexito sas 0.00 187,605.00
comercializadora servillantas sas 0.00 190,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 791,675.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 32,056.00
ortiz oses danilo 0.00 3,193.00
seletrom ingenieria 0.00 1,740,878.00
619505145999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 206,650.00
barrera arias luis alfonso 0.00 100,000.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 37,650.00
varios 0.00 69,000.00
61950515 GAST X ADECUACIONES E 0.00 60,000.00
619505150003 GAST X ADEC E INST REPARAC 0.00 60,000.00
varios 0.00 60,000.00
61950516 GAST X GASTOS DE VIAJE 0.00 63,331,493.00
619505160001 GAST X ALOJAM Y MANUTEN 0.00 1,456,672.00
fhg sas 0.00 354,372.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 792,000.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 300,000.00
the tea house ltda 0.00 10,300.00
619505160002 GAST X HOSPEDAJE 0.00 35,273,429.00
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 1,050,416.00
aragon rubio fredys 0.00 240,000.00
avila castellanos faddia lisneydy 0.00 141,000.00
colmenares de galvis clementina 0.00 640,000.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 0.00 530,000.00
fhg sas 0.00 259,664.00
galeano ramirez claudio 0.00 60,000.00
garcia acevedo luis fernando 0.00 480,000.00
gil ureña ariel alberto 0.00 48,739.00
hernandez de ospina miriam 0.00 640,000.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 5,803,000.00
hotel la molienda 0.00 29,412.00
hotel monterrey real 0.00 114,000.00
hotel portal del sur 0.00 938,731.00
hoteles millenium s.a. 0.00 126,000.00
lizarazo duarte fredy alexander 0.00 14,392,747.00
lizarazo duque flor maria 0.00 4,123,627.00
luna camargo abdon 0.00 105,000.00
luna chadid dina vanesa 0.00 100,840.00
moreno velilla maritza elena 0.00 270,000.00
muñoz lopez eliecer 0.00 196,000.00
ñañez muñoz audelo 0.00 40,000.00
olmos sandra emilce 0.00 50,000.00
ramos hector leonel 0.00 25,000.00
rodriguez alvarado duvan elias 0.00 40,000.00
rodriguez palacio miguel angel 0.00 60,000.00
salas marquez eugenio 0.00 310,000.00
samar ii resort hotel 0.00 60,000.00
sanchez correa jessika katherin 0.00 718,000.00
santamaria leticia 0.00 35,000.00
toledo abreo jose miguel 0.00 3,226,253.00
traslaviña tavera cristina 0.00 100,000.00
vargas manquillo maria 0.00 195,000.00
varios 0.00 125,000.00
619505160003 GAST X PASAJES AEREOS 0.00 3,641,593.01
aerolineas lan de colombia 0.00 313,300.00
avianca 0.00 1,807,190.00
aviatur 0.00 212,580.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 60,000.00
price res sas 0.00 195,921.01
satena es colombia 0.00 1,052,602.00
619505160004 GAST X PASAJES TERRESTRES 0.00 21,147,957.00
autoboy 0.00 90,000.00
ayala sarmiento luis felipe 0.00 3,500,000.00
berlinastur s.a 0.00 301,000.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 32,000.00
colombia colors sas 0.00 99,998.00
coomotor 0.00 177,000.00
cooperativa de transportadores 0.00 44,000.00
cooperativa de transportadores 0.00 90,000.00
cooperativa multiactiva de 0.00 512,000.00
cooperativa norteña d 0.00 58,000.00
cooperativa tucura 0.00 10,000.00
cooptmotilon ltda 0.00 50,000.00
coopuertos ltda 0.00 80,000.00
cootranscaqueta ltda 0.00 75,000.00
cootranshuila ltda 0.00 146,000.00
copetran 0.00 829,000.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 1,692,058.00
eds la socorrana 0.00 1,724,045.00
eds terpel macheta 0.00 76,099.00
estacion de servicio distracom 0.00 101,531.00
expreso brasilia s.a 0.00 968,000.00
expreso patriotas sa 0.00 15,000.00
flota aguila sa 0.00 15,000.00
flota huila sa 0.00 120,000.00
flota la macarena sa 0.00 350,500.00
flota sugamuxi sa 0.00 27,000.00
flota valle de tenza s.a. 0.00 115,000.00
grupo eds autogas s.a.s 0.00 195,191.00
lineas verdes 0.00 42,000.00
monteria de transporte 0.00 12,000.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 6,000,000.00
rugeles luque luis enen 0.00 518,135.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 402,200.00
sotracor sociedad transportadora 0.00 18,000.00
transipiales sa 0.00 265,000.00
translara ltda 0.00 17,300.00
transmodal lg ltda 0.00 9,000.00
transmodal lg ltda 0.00 8,300.00
transportes los muiscas sa 0.00 95,000.00
transportes rapido ochoa sa 0.00 569,600.00
transrubio sas 0.00 1,580,000.00
trassander sa 0.00 85,000.00
varios 0.00 33,000.00
619505160005 IVA GASTOS DE VIAJE 0.00 259,901.99
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 195,597.00
hotel la molienda 0.00 5,588.00
hotel portal del sur 0.00 5,269.00
luna chadid dina vanesa 0.00 19,159.00
price res sas 0.00 34,288.99
619505169999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 1,551,940.00
niño cardenas luis eduardo 0.00 220,000.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 300,000.00
vargas rodrigo 0.00 617,940.00
varios 0.00 414,000.00
61950517 GAST X MATERIA PRIMA 0.00 1,423,288,636.30
619505170000 GAST X COMPRA DE MATERIA 0.00 910,864,590.00
acelas pinzon jose ramon 0.00 32,000.00
acevedo ramirez ismael enrique 0.00 3,000.00
aponte john alexander 0.00 35,000.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 312,000.00
cardenas bernal edgar 0.00 366,000.00
cencosud colombia 0.00 232,022.00
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 5,000,000.00
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 243,265,380.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 15,441,000.00
ferrasa s.a.s. 0.00 53,960,143.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 1,302,522.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 504,680,200.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 27,019,586.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 379,160.00
gomez juan carlos 0.00 720,000.00
maldonado gomez ivan andres 0.00 145,378.00
melo sanabria luis orlando 0.00 89,400.00
mundial de tornillos sa 0.00 321,528.00
nomada ci ltda 0.00 684,700.00
oxicor del caribe sas 0.00 724,000.00
portilla mejia luis 0.00 108,500.00
rueda de rueda marina 0.00 24,698.00
saavedra rueda nestor javier 0.00 209,412.00
soluciones tubulares s.a. 0.00 53,123,573.00
stup de colombia 0.00 1,421,849.00
suarez edna liliana 0.00 242,987.00
tamayo ferreira yonny / la casa 0.00 70,504.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 616,698.00
triana muñoz saul 0.00 47,000.00
useda rueda oscar 0.00 16,800.00
valbuena luis 0.00 192,000.00
varios 0.00 77,550.00
619505170001 GAST X COMPRA PINTURAS 0.00 5,080,900.00
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 5,080,900.00
619505170002 GAST X COMPRA DE 0.00 280,085,860.12
aguilar wildemar 0.00 240,000.00
almavcen y distribuidora tyt 0.00 110,084.00
archila osuna pedro antonio 0.00 6,303.00
argumedo vargas amanda / 0.00 11,765.00
arrieta peña everto 0.00 28,000.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 300,070.00
barrera arias luis alfonso 0.00 300,000.00
benavides gonzalez leidy 0.00 157,300.00
bohorquez moreno carlos arturo 0.00 34,000.00
bueno santos sayra yeny 0.00 84,034.00
bustos ortiz julio cesar 0.00 139,000.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 6,200,000.00
caceres jose mauricio 0.00 57,143.00
carmona hernandez hector abad 0.00 15,966.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 151,261.39
central de concretos de colombia 0.00 14,436,229.00
comercial tir sas 0.00 173,109.00
comercializadora e imprt. 0.00 90,756.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 38,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 27,862,549.00
deposito de maderas el 0.00 50,000.00
deposito y materiales rosa blanca 0.00 32,941.00
distrab ltda 0.00 7,563.00
distrias sas 0.00 156,565.00
duarte garnica maria paulina 0.00 45,210.00
echeverry lopera luis alfonso 0.00 380,000.00
eds la socorrana 0.00 880,448.00
eds terpel 0.00 198,670.00
equipos cordoba sas 0.00 201,693.00
espinosa gomez victor alfonso 0.00 65,300.00
fajobe s.a.s 0.00 16,766,140.00
feo zapata adriana 0.00 196,000.00
ferrancher sas 0.00 1,284,200.00
ferreteria medellin taraza 0.00 26,050.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 92,436.00
ferreteria y electricos jose 0.00 675,629.00
ferroconstrucciones a&g sas 0.00 216,807.00
ferronas y agropecuarios 0.00 190,252.00
florez rua mariela 0.00 40,924.00
forero cortes luis / almacen torfer 0.00 465,211.00
francisco carreño sas 0.00 607,055.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 776,217.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 1,238,691.00
galvis quintero henry 0.00 6,300.00
garces orlando doria 0.00 63,864.00
gil barrios merly / ferreteria surtidor 0.00 331,277.50
giraldo montoya eduer 0.00 21,000.00
gomez diaz joaquin 0.00 55,000.00
gomez juan carlos 0.00 72,500.00
gutierrez del cuadro jose antonio 0.00 208,000.00
hernandez jaramillo elda / 0.00 353,898.00
hernandez ruiz wilson / ferroagro 0.00 15,966.00
herrera martha 0.00 78,000.00
inversiones glp s.a.s e.s.p 0.00 64,000.00
jc service colombia sas 0.00 30,252.00
kerguelen durango ivan dario 0.00 94,000.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 714,042.00
lubriretenes y rodamientos sas 0.00 783,712.00
maldonado gomez ivan andres 0.00 697,479.00
manrique jaraba yuly 0.00 100,668.00
marquez reyes claudia yamile 0.00 242,016.00
martinez leon jose alfredo 0.00 192,269.00
melo salamanca sixto 0.00 759,513.23
melo sanabria luis orlando 0.00 43,300.00
metal barcas ltda 0.00 447,000.00
millan de perez luz dary 0.00 30,714.00
montalvo mendez agustin 0.00 63,000.00
montes rivera ladislao 0.00 475,630.00
morales arciniegas jose olivo 0.00 230,000.00
olarte hurtado german 0.00 230,000.00
ortega burgos pastor 0.00 170,588.00
oxicor del caribe sas 0.00 1,102,500.00
padilla guerra glenis esther 0.00 30,253.00
pardo corena ltda 0.00 2,319,782.00
pineda suarez liliana paola 0.00 160,000.00
pinilla cubillos janet 0.00 70,000.00
plasticos y desechables zenu 0.00 15,000.00
portilla mejia luis 0.00 41,000.00
rodriguez reyes juan francisco 0.00 623,000.00
ruiz hector julio 0.00 31,500.00
salas oliveros fernando / 0.00 20,588.00
salcedo luis 0.00 80,000.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 50,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 200,000.00
sika colombia s.a 0.00 135,086,316.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 4,253,253.00
suarez edna liliana 0.00 151,260.00
tamayo ferreira yonny / la casa 0.00 33,445.00
tienda pintuco ricaurte 0.00 103,276.00
tornillos cardona sas 0.00 318,000.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 8,211,414.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 42,191,070.00
toro martinez jairo 0.00 152,000.00
ulloa acosta cristhiam manuel 0.00 144,201.00
unigas colombia 0.00 135,200.00
valbuena luis 0.00 770,100.00
varios 0.00 1,609,300.00
vasquez de ramirez judith 0.00 3,000.00
vergara arteaga felix 0.00 61,800.00
villalba luna ruby esther 0.00 480,000.00
vitar mendoza vitalino 0.00 30,000.00
zea villegas luz carmenza 0.00 5,042.00
619505170003 GAST X COMPRA DE 0.00 33,208,726.32
agropaisas sas 0.00 23,025.00
alcomax sas 0.00 1,490,000.00
almavcen y distribuidora tyt 0.00 741,512.00
arbelaez gomez carlos / 0.00 53,782.00
benavides gonzalez leidy 0.00 19,000.00
burgos castillo ricardo 0.00 22,000.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 324,200.48
celis campos jose andres 0.00 255,000.00
cencosud colombia 0.00 242,897.00
cordero sandoval luis jesus 0.00 53,361.34
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 23,208,500.00
distribuidora don palustre sas 0.00 128,731.00
duarte garnica maria paulina 0.00 166,302.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 10,084.00
equipos cordoba sas 0.00 28,072.00
escobar fernandez jorge ivan 0.00 23,194.00
ferreteria carolina 0.00 56,500.00
ferreteria central taraza sas 0.00 52,941.00
ferreteria eloisa 0.00 20,000.00
ferreteria importada ltda 0.00 96,639.00
ferreteria medellin taraza 0.00 13,697.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 1,428,571.00
ferreteria y electricos jose 0.00 9,600.00
forero cortes luis / almacen torfer 0.00 7,815.00
francisco carreño sas 0.00 96,677.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 999,496.00
garces orlando doria 0.00 19,328.00
gil barrios merly / ferreteria surtidor 0.00 195,450.00
hernandez jaramillo elda / 0.00 70,000.00
hernandez ruiz wilson / ferroagro 0.00 7,563.00
jc service colombia sas 0.00 900,167.00
laverde giraldo rosalba 0.00 24,000.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 402,019.00
marquez reyes claudia yamile 0.00 10,084.00
melo salamanca sixto 0.00 118,008.50
melo sanabria luis orlando 0.00 186,000.00
ordoñez muñoz 0.00 72,605.00
pineda pamplona pablo 0.00 176,470.00
rangel pacheco alexander 0.00 12,605.00
rueda valencia marlen / ferre 0.00 450,000.00
russi ramos ivan alberto 0.00 18,095.00
sanchez galvis jose alixder 0.00 570,000.00
sarmiento estupiñan claudia lucia 0.00 13,000.00
vanegas jairo 0.00 235,294.00
varios 0.00 77,449.00
vitar mendoza vitalino 0.00 78,992.00
619505179996 GAST X IVA COSTO 0.00 50,000.00
ortiz flores fabio alonso 0.00 50,000.00
619505179997 GAST X IVA COSTO SERVICIOS 0.00 9,261.00
gil ureña ariel alberto 0.00 9,261.00
619505179998 GAST X IVA COSTO 0.00 189,687,298.86
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 3,992.00
acelas pinzon jose ramon 0.00 6,080.00
agropaisas sas 0.00 1,975.00
alcomax sas 0.00 283,100.00
almavcen y distribuidora tyt 0.00 161,804.00
aponte john alexander 0.00 6,050.00
arbelaez gomez carlos / 0.00 25,354.00
archila osuna pedro antonio 0.00 1,197.00
argumedo vargas amanda / 0.00 2,235.00
autopartes milenio sas 0.00 116,293.00
bueno santos sayra yeny 0.00 15,966.00
cables de acero comercables sas 0.00 1,178,000.00
caceres jose mauricio 0.00 10,857.00
carmona hernandez hector abad 0.00 3,034.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 90,338.13
cencosud colombia 0.00 90,234.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 15,919.00
comercial tir sas 0.00 32,891.00
comercializadora e imprt. 0.00 17,243.00
cordero sandoval luis jesus 0.00 10,138.66
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 6,933,346.00
deposito y materiales rosa blanca 0.00 6,259.00
distrab ltda 0.00 1,437.00
distrias sas 0.00 29,747.00
distribuidora don palustre sas 0.00 24,459.00
duarte garnica maria paulina 0.00 40,188.00
duque urrea edgar 0.00 1,676.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 1,916.00
empresa colombiana de cables 0.00 46,220,422.00
equipos cordoba sas 0.00 62,253.00
escobar fernandez jorge ivan 0.00 4,406.00
estructuras y mecanizados s.a.s. 0.00 2,933,790.00
fajobe s.a.s 0.00 3,185,567.00
ferrasa s.a.s. 0.00 10,252,427.00
ferreteria central taraza sas 0.00 10,059.00
ferreteria efrain tellez sas 0.00 247,479.00
ferreteria importada ltda 0.00 18,361.00
ferreteria industrial petrolera 0.00 65,488,858.00
ferreteria medellin taraza 0.00 7,553.00
ferreteria pedro aponte sas 0.00 288,993.00
ferreteria y electricos jose 0.00 128,371.00
ferroconstrucciones a&g sas 0.00 41,193.00
ferronas y agropecuarios 0.00 36,148.00
florez rua mariela 0.00 7,776.00
forero cortes luis / almacen torfer 0.00 89,874.00
francisco carreño sas 0.00 132,561.00
g&j ferreterias s.a. 0.00 5,264,104.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 466,362.00
garces orlando doria 0.00 15,806.00
gil barrios merly / ferreteria surtidor 0.00 84,877.50
hernandez jaramillo elda / 0.00 80,539.00
hernandez ruiz wilson / ferroagro 0.00 4,470.00
hotel portal del sur 0.00 1,868.00
jc service colombia sas 0.00 176,780.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 208,813.00
lubriretenes y rodamientos sas 0.00 145,011.00
maldonado gomez ivan andres 0.00 160,143.00
manrique jaraba yuly 0.00 19,128.00
marquez reyes claudia yamile 0.00 47,900.00
martinez leon jose alfredo 0.00 39,531.00
melo salamanca sixto 0.00 57,278.27
metal barcas ltda 0.00 84,930.00
millan de perez luz dary 0.00 5,835.00
montes rivera ladislao 0.00 97,555.00
mundial de tornillos sa 0.00 61,091.00
nomada ci ltda 0.00 130,093.00
ordoñez muñoz 0.00 13,795.00
ortega burgos pastor 0.00 32,412.00
oxicor del caribe sas 0.00 347,035.00
padilla guerra glenis esther 0.00 5,727.00
pardo corena ltda 0.00 440,765.00
pineda pamplona pablo 0.00 33,530.00
rangel pacheco alexander 0.00 2,395.00
rosero galidean nidia / 0.00 1,200.00
rueda de rueda marina 0.00 4,693.00
saavedra rueda nestor javier 0.00 39,789.00
salas oliveros fernando / 0.00 3,912.00
sika colombia s.a 0.00 23,295,724.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 815,084.00
soluciones tubulares s.a. 0.00 10,093,479.00
stup de colombia 0.00 270,151.00
suarez edna liliana 0.00 35,577.00
tamayo ferreira yonny / la casa 0.00 19,751.00
tecnicentro ehr llantas 0.00 380,000.00
tienda pintuco ricaurte 0.00 19,622.00
tornillos cardona sas 0.00 60,420.00
tornillos y partes plaza s.a. 0.00 243,367.00
tornillos, recortes y partes s.a.s 0.00 8,016,303.30
ulloa acosta cristhiam manuel 0.00 27,396.00
vanegas jairo 0.00 44,706.00
varios 0.00 2,650.00
vitar mendoza vitalino 0.00 15,008.00
zea villegas luz carmenza 0.00 958.00
zeppelin sas 0.00 1,915.00
619505179999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 4,302,000.00
cym soluciones industriales s.a.s 0.00 3,000,000.00
d&d ingenieria 0.00 18,000.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 437,000.00
varios 0.00 847,000.00
61950519 GASTOS DIVERSOS 0.00 284,944,566.00
619505190003 GAST X DIVER ELEMENTOS DE 0.00 7,900,606.08
acacio mendieta javier 0.00 3,500.00
alimentos dg sas 0.00 16,000.00
almacenes exito s.a 0.00 24,950.00
antioqueña de porcinos sas 0.00 32,580.00
arbelaez gomez carlos / 0.00 79,664.00
arevalo chavez jesus / surtiplas 0.00 45,300.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 35,000.00
bolsas y desechables carmona 0.00 113,445.00
bueno gomez odilia 0.00 142,300.00
bustos ortiz julio cesar 0.00 57,000.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 25,600.00
candelaria supermercado 0.00 119,999.00
carranza leon tito ernesto 0.00 4,000.00
carreño diaz abelardo 0.00 134,800.00
casarosas postres y tortas 0.00 30,000.00
colsubsidio 0.00 24,481.00
comercializadora rumbos 0.00 145,693.00
consumax de uraba sas 0.00 26,387.00
copy comtel ltda 0.00 10,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 358,800.00
diaz cerpa pedro 0.00 6,000.00
distribuidora j y m 0.00 72,500.00
duque urrea edgar 0.00 103,062.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 0.00 10,252.00
florez espinosa maria adelina 0.00 37,700.00
fullmarker la vaquita 0.00 246,000.00
gallego gomez raul mauricio 0.00 33,139.00
galvis bonilla edgar jovany 0.00 2,996,660.00
gaseosas lux 0.00 20,000.00
gomez aristizabal elkin alonso 0.00 65,547.00
gomez diaz joaquin 0.00 490,900.00
grupo hotelero el mirador sas 0.00 4,400.00
hernandez de ospina miriam 0.00 54,000.00
hernandez ruiz wilson / ferroagro 0.00 32,771.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 64,000.00
jeronimo martins colombia sas 0.00 4,100.00
largo cardenas jhon alfonso 0.00 131,250.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 41,000.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 139,100.00
muñoz miryam aurora 0.00 16,900.00
nieto maria elena 0.00 2,605.00
ortiz de galvis rosalba 0.00 11,429.00
ospina correa farid 0.00 9,000.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 11,200.00
parador santa rosa de osos sas 0.00 4,202.00
plata jaimes alba yannette 0.00 6,000.00
revelo cadena diana 0.00 170,000.00
rodriguez martinez hernan ramon 0.00 34,200.00
rodriguez muñoz efrain 0.00 22,974.00
rosero galindez arturo / 0.00 13,194.00
rueda medina luis ernesto 0.00 16,500.00
sigmaplasticos monteria sas 0.00 18,210.08
silva muñoz yime / agua wrifress 0.00 60,000.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 106,832.00
varios 0.00 1,339,180.00
velasquez atehortua dannover de 0.00 5,800.00
vera ramirez edgardo 0.00 30,000.00
vergara arteaga felix 0.00 35,500.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 5,000.00
619505190004 GAST X DIVER UTILIES 0.00 3,782,439.00
arias giraldo erika alexandra 0.00 59,900.00
ayala lasso sergio / at 0.00 11,000.00
cano marin abad antonio 0.00 770,000.00
castro anderson 0.00 72,000.00
ceron hernandez nelsi marleny 0.00 47,000.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 83,781.00
de la rosa lus andreis 0.00 14,000.00
deposito abo sas 0.00 13,592.00
distrias sas 0.00 164,330.00
estrada arango ramiro de jesus 0.00 23,300.00
fuentes lugo vilma de jesus 0.00 34,500.00
fullmarker la vaquita 0.00 28,000.00
galvis garzon angel miguel 0.00 18,000.00
garcia chavez orlando vidal 0.00 5,400.00
gomez aristizabal elkin alonso 0.00 67,227.00
gomez leon victor julian 0.00 8,900.00
hilarion bohorquez edwin styven 0.00 33,350.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 435,126.00
insumos tecnologicos pc 0.00 210,000.00
lineros de villarreal ana mercedes 0.00 335,044.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 22,941.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 6,500.00
melo sanabria luis orlando 0.00 16,000.00
moreno diaz luis fernando 0.00 36,975.00
ortega diaz alba marina 0.00 38,234.00
padilla mantilla mercedes 0.00 20,000.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 152,290.00
peñuela sanchez diego francisco 0.00 39,915.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 1,000.00
safety industry sas 0.00 58,500.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 354,190.00
solarte burbano simon / estacion 0.00 16,134.00
suarez ferney 0.00 156,000.00
varios 0.00 419,225.00
zeppelin sas 0.00 10,085.00
619505190005 GAST X DIVER COMBUSTIBLES Y 0.00 36,518,677.00
agudelo betancourt humberto de 0.00 156,010.00
antioqueña de combustibles 0.00 102,034.00
azuero martha patricia 0.00 102,018.00
camacho jose a. 0.00 170,000.00
combustibles de colombia s.a. 0.00 265,015.00
comercializadora bienes y 0.00 50,000.00
comercializadora caleira sas 0.00 350,000.00
comercializadora rumbos 0.00 95,798.00
cootransgar ltda 0.00 190,000.00
distribuidora de combustibles 0.00 146,512.00
echavarria jaramillo miguel angel 0.00 210,000.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 2,864,670.00
eds la corraleja 0.00 297,738.00
eds la socorrana 0.00 12,389,110.00
eds petrobras el olivo 0.00 200,000.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 0.00 4,021,842.00
eds san pedro de uraba sas 0.00 736,000.00
eds santa fe 0.00 366,017.00
eds terpel 0.00 190,000.00
eds terpel macheta 0.00 1,010,000.00
energy strategies sas 0.00 100,122.00
esso avenida 15 h&r ltda 0.00 50,000.00
estacion de servicio distracom 0.00 2,196,135.00
estacion del norte sas 0.00 98,041.00
estacion texaco 35 0.00 706,640.00
estacion y lubricantes casablanca 0.00 130,008.00
francisco carreño sas 0.00 100,000.00
galindo hernandez leidi tatiana 0.00 1,621,400.00
garcia acevedo beatriz elena/ 0.00 210,050.00
gomez salinas ernesto 0.00 150,000.00
grupo eds autogas s.a.s 0.00 385,117.00
hernandez ospina maria e / hotel 0.00 120,000.00
inversiones santa elena norte sas 0.00 168,000.00
inversiones yobal sas 0.00 80,000.00
iregui escobar enrique alejandro 0.00 130,000.00
linear arquitectura sas 0.00 99,070.00
lubricantes y combustibles el 0.00 200,000.00
lubricantes y filtros medellin sas 0.00 481,500.00
madrid rosa elena 0.00 150,000.00
mangla del golfo combstibles sas 0.00 942,072.00
mar abierto caevicheria 0.00 73,300.00
mobil auto centro soacha 0.00 100,000.00
molina adelaida 0.00 170,000.00
molina tirado amparo 0.00 370,000.00
motor oil sas 0.00 402,699.00
movilgas 0.00 150,000.00
movilla montalvo mariana 0.00 210,000.00
opese s.a.s estacion de servicios 0.00 162,414.00
peña fiel rdguez carlos / 0.00 548,400.00
perse trade sas 0.00 88,023.00
portilla meneses jose fabio 0.00 50,000.00
rodriguez rodriguez carlos alberto 0.00 220,000.00
rodriguez silva jose agustin 0.00 585,000.00
rua julio florez / el puntgo del 0.00 180,000.00
saad saad y cia sca 0.00 183,276.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 20,000.00
silva edwin 0.00 49,050.00
sogamoso rubiano claudia 0.00 50,000.00
tercoches sas 0.00 44,240.00
valbuena luis 0.00 5,000.00
varios 0.00 740,356.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 86,000.00
619505190007 GAST X TAXIS Y BUSES 0.00 62,384,600.00
adames gonzalez jose julian 0.00 30,500.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 13,000.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 27,000.00
amaya zambrano jhon jairo 0.00 4,666,000.00
angarita villareal ricardo 0.00 3,500,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 138,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 81,000.00
asociacion de taxis al servicio del 0.00 22,000.00
ayala sarmiento luis felipe 0.00 3,500,000.00
barrera salas sergio armando 0.00 20,000.00
bernal avendaño ruberch aldeys 0.00 794,000.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 5,000.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 47,600.00
colorado solano ingrid julieth 0.00 46,600.00
coointur 0.00 42,720,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 477,800.00
diaz jaramillo diana karina 0.00 30,000.00
garcia alberto de jesus 0.00 25,000.00
gutierrez edwin 0.00 131,000.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 900,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 36,000.00
narvaez arteaga felix 0.00 600,000.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 25,200.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 40,000.00
perez lopez ricardo 0.00 90,000.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 28,000.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 271,000.00
rubio gonzalez jonh fredy 0.00 25,000.00
rugeles luque luis enen 0.00 2,450,000.00
salinas salinas juan fernando 0.00 42,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 44,000.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 212,100.00
translara ltda 0.00 8,000.00
varios 0.00 1,338,800.00
619505190008 GAST X DIVER CASINO Y 0.00 106,140,649.00
toloza hernandez emilia 0.00 27,800.00
abello lopez javier 0.00 69,100.00
abreo carmen luisa 0.00 10,000.00
acacia sas 0.00 45,000.00
aereopuertos dg sas 0.00 15,700.00
alimentos dg sas 0.00 25,600.00
amado amaya yamile 0.00 33,000.00
amador francisconi maria odilia 0.00 4,500.00
amaya zambrano jhon jairo 0.00 3,500,000.00
animero arias cesar augusto 0.00 97,000.00
araujo ensuncho angelica maria 0.00 159,600.00
ardila torres marly dayana 0.00 29,000.00
arepas charles 0.00 129,722.00
argel padilla arelis de jesus 0.00 35,000.00
arrieta varela deisi aide 0.00 34,000.00
barcenas passo martha 0.00 37,148.00
bautista plata carlos / el sitio 0.00 987,500.00
bbi colombia s.a.s. 0.00 31,300.00
bedoya camacho edwin sterlin 0.00 144,000.00
beltran pinilla segundo angelico 0.00 24,900.00
benavides cetina maria imelda 0.00 77,000.00
blanco traslaviña giohanna 0.00 37,037.00
bolaño valdes emilio segundo 0.00 93,000.00
briñez moreno samael 0.00 59,000.00
cabrera urbano eli 0.00 28,500.00
cadillac comidas rapidas 0.00 12,400.00
cardozo consuelo / restaurante 0.00 18,000.00
caro parada jose ernesto 0.00 105,000.00
carvajal bedoya victor manuel / 0.00 35,800.00
castillo rios margarita 0.00 42,000.00
comercializadora rumbos 0.00 58,829.00
contreras de garavito maria 0.00 260,000.00
correa valencia carlos enrique 0.00 15,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 180,600.00
deisy milena gomez giraldo 0.00 77,530.00
delrio javier gerardo 0.00 52,800.00
diaz quevedo gladys 0.00 35,500.00
don jediondo sopitas y parrillas 0.00 20,900.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 43,192,080.00
florez espinosa maria adelina 0.00 50,000.00
fonseca martinez rene rafael 0.00 21,000.00
franco blandon nelly del socorro 0.00 49,800.00
fullmarker la vaquita 0.00 54,900.00
gallego torres luz stella 0.00 9,400.00
gastronomica y cia sas 0.00 299,900.00
gomez diaz joaquin 0.00 49,500.00
gomez melo lucia / pizarela 0.00 82,500.00
gomez muñoz claudia milena 0.00 12,000.00
gomez tobon laura 0.00 30,000.00
gonzalez mejia ana lucia 0.00 28,000.00
granda chavarria maria orfelina 0.00 28,000.00
henao delgado liliana patricia 0.00 20,000.00
hernandez de ospina miriam 0.00 82,000.00
hotel confort diana 0.00 342,000.00
inversiones cdc gomez s.a.s. 0.00 63,200.00
inversiones merclademo sa 0.00 64,600.00
julio galvis jaider enrique 0.00 48,000.00
la perrada de victor 0.00 90,500.00
largo cardenas jhon alfonso 0.00 12,700.00
las delicias de tania 0.00 131,000.00
lobo sierra dionisia isabel 0.00 7,063,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 32,000.00
lopez mejia ivania isabel 0.00 24,000.00
lopez vertel orlando miguel 0.00 22,000.00
los potrillos restaurante bar 0.00 51,352.00
luna palomino naurys 0.00 10,758,825.00
marimon martinez omaira 0.00 6,295,000.00
martin martinez duvan 0.00 58,000.00
martinez castellanos gerardo 0.00 36,000.00
martinez gutierrez nelly 0.00 19,000.00
martinez isabel 0.00 140,000.00
martinez montaño hector 0.00 50,000.00
martinez salas luz marina 0.00 19,000.00
marulanda maria cenobia 0.00 115,000.00
mejia gomez gledis sofia 0.00 195,000.00
meneses ruiz maria filomena 0.00 1,310,310.00
mis carnes parrilla grupo mis sas 0.00 177,985.00
montoya perez olga alexandra del 0.00 205,000.00
moreno parrado francisco javier 0.00 15,000.00
mosler deisy elizabeth 0.00 18,000.00
nasayo perdomo yobany 0.00 12,000.00
negrette correa nalfiria del carmen 0.00 9,000.00
nisperuza garcia edelia 0.00 9,000.00
olmos sandra emilce 0.00 7,000.00
ortiz flores fabio alonso 0.00 96,000.00
ortiz julio lina maria 0.00 480,000.00
pacheco bolaño saida margarita 0.00 5,222,000.00
pachon rodriguez jose arturo 0.00 13,000.00
padilla cruz jadit 0.00 20,000.00
paleb sas 0.00 36,930.00
palma arena restaurante 0.00 1,379,000.00
panaderia la 0.00 27,800.00
parador santa rosa de osos sas 0.00 12,000.00
patiño gaviria alex / autoservicio y 0.00 15,000.00
penagos mendoza julio cesar 0.00 794,000.00
perez patiño roberto carlos 0.00 15,000.00
perilla perilla bernarda 0.00 4,973,333.00
plata jaimes alba yannette 0.00 40,400.00
postre y tortas gourmet jmc & 0.00 15,400.00
ppc sa 0.00 51,000.00
quesada ceballos maria alejandra 0.00 26,500.00
quintero vega jemmy paola 0.00 6,000.00
ramirez gomez cesar antonio 0.00 33,000.00
ramirez pulgarin lina maria 0.00 20,000.00
ramos hector leonel 0.00 15,000.00
rendon moreno francisco 0.00 25,500.00
restaurante el buen sabor 0.00 58,000.00
restaurante hong kong 0.00 40,000.00
restaurante la casa del pescado y 0.00 192,000.00
restaurante parrador jose parrilla 0.00 46,000.00
rincon luque hernando 0.00 144,000.00
rodriguez acosta isait 0.00 52,000.00
rodriguez martinez hernan ramon 0.00 98,000.00
rojas escobar jully lizeth 0.00 28,600.00
rojas escobar lady johanna 0.00 71,100.00
rojas lopez viviana andrea 0.00 113,700.00
rosero galidean nidia / 0.00 18,050.00
rugeles porras deysi carolina 0.00 120,000.00
salazar rojas luz fabiola 0.00 78,900.00
samar ii resort hotel 0.00 11,400.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 245,000.00
serrano aguilar maria gladys 0.00 15,000.00
serrano arenas jose joaquin 0.00 41,666.00
silva acuña javier andres 0.00 13,000.00
son arrieros sas 0.00 92,593.00
suarez rodriguez virginia 0.00 24,000.00
tapasco suarez orfi eddyceli 0.00 43,800.00
tinjaca ortiz fernando / cigarreria 0.00 9,500.00
toledo abreo jose miguel 0.00 2,693,609.00
unidrogas s.a. 0.00 32,300.00
usamag henry enrique 0.00 7,000.00
valderrama carreño luz marina 0.00 30,000.00
vargas bautista esteban jose 0.00 116,400.00
vargas gamboa olga marina 0.00 59,000.00
vargas porras eliana 0.00 81,000.00
varios 0.00 5,160,950.00
vergara roldan jaime de jesus 0.00 405,000.00
villadiego david alberto 0.00 1,395,000.00
villadiego rodriguez david alberto 0.00 2,964,500.00
villarreal velasco sergio 0.00 137,000.00
wokland colombia sas 0.00 72,400.00
zabala giraldo maria teresa 0.00 22,000.00
zuluaga arboleda victor herney 0.00 40,000.00
619505190010 GAST X COMISIONES DE GRUAS 0.00 15,840,000.00
pilotajes del caribe s.a.s. 0.00 15,840,000.00
619505190020 GAST X DIVER PEAJES 0.00 4,065,200.00
agencia nacional de 0.00 133,500.00
autopista rio magdalena sas 0.00 34,400.00
concecionaria vial del oriente sas 0.00 8,100.00
concesion autovia neiva girardot 0.00 84,200.00
concesion devimed sa 0.00 1,493,800.00
concesion transversal del sisga 0.00 461,800.00
consesionaria panamericana sas 0.00 101,700.00
coviandes s.a 0.00 142,200.00
fideicomiso autopistas de los 0.00 263,000.00
fideicomiso concesiones ccfc s.a 0.00 431,500.00
fiduciaria davivienda 0.00 41,600.00
instituto nacional de vias 0.00 47,400.00
regency sas 0.00 104,500.00
ut peajes 2017 0.00 693,300.00
varios 0.00 24,200.00
619505190021 GAST X DIVER PARQUEO 0.00 2,583,331.55
cc santa barbara 0.00 42,941.00
centro comercial el puente 0.00 11,593.00
cofiparking 0.00 10,588.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 20,000.00
estacion de servicio triangulo de 0.00 72,000.00
estacionamientos angel ltda 0.00 6,386.55
estrada ceballos julialba 0.00 10,000.00
hotel portal del sur 0.00 21,177.00
pinto de moreno alicia 0.00 760,000.00
prestige parking sas 0.00 5,546.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 28,000.00
varios 0.00 1,595,100.00
619505190090 GAST X DIVER OTROS 0.00 17,157,496.00
agropecuario suelos y ganados 0.00 81,000.00
agudelo giraldo guillermo antonio 0.00 5,882.00
baez acevedo carlos alexis 0.00 684,900.00
bascula paloquemao 0.00 12,000.00
benavides gonzalez leidy 0.00 24,000.00
calderin muñoz elien sofia 0.00 1,750.00
candelaria supermercado 0.00 7,041.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 53,967.00
colombiana de comercio sa 0.00 129,900.00
comcel comunicaciones celular 0.00 448,119.00
comercializadora calypso sas 0.00 13,445.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 280,000.00
deposito de materiales el nogal sa 0.00 122,853.00
drogueria creser en grande 0.00 15,000.00
duarte garnica maria paulina 0.00 176,470.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 181,512.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 0.00 4,201.00
efectivo ltda 0.00 336,562.00
empresa de reciclaje aseo y 0.00 796,168.00
equipos cordoba sas 0.00 299,574.00
escobar fernandez jorge ivan 0.00 32,462.00
espinel john jairo 0.00 115,000.00
espitia echeverry pedro jose 0.00 49,600.00
fajardo pardo jonathan 0.00 130,000.00
fernandez acevedo maria cleofe 0.00 135,260.00
flechas jenny patricia 0.00 70,000.00
franco gallego francisco javier 0.00 4,050,000.00
galvis garcia saul 0.00 268,055.00
galvis quintero henry 0.00 15,000.00
garces orlando doria 0.00 104,622.00
garcia giraldo edier 0.00 42,017.00
gomez aristizabal elkin alonso 0.00 25,211.00
gomez leon victor julian 0.00 56,000.00
gonzalez trujillo maria / almacen la 0.00 11,765.00
gutierrez edwin 0.00 96,000.00
hoyos gomez jose ivan 0.00 80,672.00
jauregui salamanca hector 0.00 9,000.00
jc service colombia sas 0.00 109,244.00
largo cardenas jhon alfonso 0.00 8,850.00
lineros de villarreal ana mercedes 0.00 210,084.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 103,361.00
lombana garces laura cristina 0.00 20,000.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 27,000.00
luna chadid dina vanesa 0.00 100,842.00
manrique lilina esther / mangueras 0.00 56,302.00
marquez reyes claudia yamile 0.00 15,126.00
matrix giros y servicios sas 0.00 81,000.00
melo salamanca sixto 0.00 24,900.00
montalvo mendez agustin 0.00 60,000.00
montes rivera ladislao 0.00 37,815.00
olmos ivan alfonso 0.00 64,366.00
ortiz sanchez lina rosa 0.00 2,340,000.00
oxicor del caribe sas 0.00 245,000.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 94,141.00
pimiento caballero raul 0.00 170,504.00
pinto vargas martha lucia 0.00 88,000.00
pinturas nacionales s.a 0.00 13,648.00
poleas y suministros sas 0.00 352,298.00
ramirez baron jeimmy samanta 0.00 210,000.00
reditos empresariales sa 0.00 50,000.00
rodriguez martinez hernan ramon 0.00 33,000.00
saavedra rueda nestor javier 0.00 218,487.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 80,000.00
servientrega 0.00 9,200.00
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 252,856.00
tco asfecommerce sas 0.00 403,361.00
transportes rapido ochoa sa 0.00 214,440.00
unidrogas s.a. 0.00 72,600.00
uribe angarita jose domingo 0.00 22,000.00
valbuena rodriguez luz marina 0.00 216,000.00
varios 0.00 1,999,946.00
vasquez de ramirez judith 0.00 26,500.00
vasquez ruiz jorge 0.00 7,500.00
vergara arteaga felix 0.00 20,000.00
zea villegas luz carmenza 0.00 134,117.00
619505190091 IVA MAYOR VALOR DIVERSOS 0.00 2,265,131.37
agudelo giraldo guillermo antonio 0.00 1,118.00
arepas charles 0.00 5,778.00
blanco traslaviña giohanna 0.00 2,962.00
bolsas y desechables carmona 0.00 21,554.00
candelaria supermercado 0.00 7,760.00
capacitaciones r.a.d. sas 0.00 47,899.00
casa del comercio sas 0.00 10,203.00
cc santa barbara 0.00 8,158.00
centro comercial el puente 0.00 1,006.00
cofiparking 0.00 2,012.00
colsubsidio 0.00 1,469.00
comercializadora calypso sas 0.00 2,555.00
comercializadora rumbos 0.00 4,280.00
consumax de uraba sas 0.00 1,213.00
deposito abo sas 0.00 2,578.00
deposito de materiales el nogal sa 0.00 23,343.00
distrias sas 0.00 31,223.00
duarte garnica maria paulina 0.00 33,530.00
duque urrea edgar 0.00 10,362.00
durango doria damarys judith 0.00 34,488.00
eds cootrasaravita ltda 0.00 7,568.00
eds san jeronimo de monteria sas 0.00 4,505.00
escobar fernandez jorge ivan 0.00 4,838.00
estacionamientos angel ltda 0.00 1,213.45
galvis garcia saul 0.00 39,145.00
garces orlando doria 0.00 19,878.00
garcia giraldo edier 0.00 7,983.00
gomez aristizabal elkin alonso 0.00 30,015.00
gonzalez trujillo maria / almacen la 0.00 2,235.00
hernandez ruiz wilson / ferroagro 0.00 6,226.00
hotel portal del sur 0.00 2,155.00
hoyos gomez jose ivan 0.00 15,328.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 59,523.00
jc service colombia sas 0.00 20,756.00
laboratorios contecon urbar sas 0.00 947,625.00
lineros de villarreal ana mercedes 0.00 102,471.00
loaiza castaño mary luz 0.00 23,998.00
lubricantes y filtros medellin sas 0.00 28,500.00
luna chadid dina vanesa 0.00 19,158.00
manrique lilina esther / mangueras 0.00 10,698.00
marquez reyes claudia yamile 0.00 2,874.00
moreno diaz luis fernando 0.00 7,025.00
motor oil sas 0.00 35,862.00
nieto maria elena 0.00 495.00
olmos ivan alfonso 0.00 10,634.00
ortega diaz alba marina 0.00 7,264.00
ortiz de galvis rosalba 0.00 571.00
oxicor del caribe sas 0.00 46,550.00
panamericana libreria y papeleria 0.00 26,489.00
parador santa rosa de osos sas 0.00 798.00
peñuela sanchez diego francisco 0.00 7,585.00
pimiento caballero raul 0.00 32,396.00
poleas y suministros sas 0.00 66,931.00
prestige parking sas 0.00 1,054.00
rodriguez muñoz efrain 0.00 3,225.00
rosero galindez arturo / 0.00 2,506.00
saavedra rueda nestor javier 0.00 41,513.00
safety industry sas 0.00 11,115.00
serrano arenas jose joaquin 0.00 3,333.00
sigmaplasticos monteria sas 0.00 3,459.92
sodimac colombia s.a 0.00 120,422.00
solarte burbano simon / estacion 0.00 3,066.00
son arrieros sas 0.00 7,407.00
tco asfecommerce sas 0.00 76,639.00
varios 0.00 132,725.00
zea villegas luz carmenza 0.00 5,883.00
619505199999 NO DEDUCIBLE DE RENTA 0.00 26,306,436.00
alean quintana miguel alfonso 0.00 27,000.00
altamiranda tirado inocencio 0.00 19,000.00
ariza carreño paula andrea 0.00 6,430.00
banco agrario de colombia 0.00 15,450.00
banco davivienda s.a 0.00 184,706.00
banco de bogota 0.00 10,300.00
cadena comercial oxxo colombia 0.00 5,300.00
cajica ramirez jose uriel 0.00 100,000.00
castañeda ardila roger yassed 0.00 0.00
centro integral de atencion ivelcor 0.00 293,000.00
cetina valderrama constanza 0.00 15,000.00
cruz gomez luis eduardo 0.00 4,455,333.00
espinosa leon marina 0.00 136,000.00
ideas e imagenes s.a.s 0.00 116,400.00
lopez lara adriana marcela 0.00 294,000.00
obando benitez dairo zamir 0.00 11,000.00
paramo mora raudel 0.00 200,000.00
pastrana rivas heber manuel 0.00 145,800.00
petro maldonado darwin alberto 0.00 106,227.00
ramirez rodriguez john javer 0.00 10,000.00
rojas de segura ana silvia 0.00 50,000.00
sanchez rodriguez edier moises 0.00 10,189,990.00
sanchez velasquez sandra 0.00 825,000.00
servibanca sa 0.00 178,000.00
solis erneyder enrique 0.00 1,628,000.00
tavera ruiz gloria 0.00 865,000.00
vargas quitian juvenal 0.00 854,700.00
varios 0.00 5,564,800.00
13,293,094,456.40 3,434,130,818.63
6,121,438,262.92 1,310,385.03
1,640,235,435.64 0.00
1,640,235,435.64 0.00
1,640,235,435.64 0.00
1,639,885,435.64 0.00
58,400.00 -58,400.00
1,773,100.00 -1,773,100.00
410,550.00 -410,550.00
2,876,419.00 -2,876,419.00
749,078.00 -749,078.00
34,048,000.00 -34,048,000.00
7,927,540.00 -7,927,540.00
0.00 94,200,000.00
1,060,000.00 -1,060,000.00
11,854,171.00 -11,854,171.00
522,806.00 -522,806.00
200,000.00 -200,000.00
1,565,000.00 -1,565,000.00
842,727.00 -842,727.00
8,003,200.00 -8,003,200.00
1,500,000.00 -1,500,000.00
5,980.00 -5,980.00
2,350,000.00 -2,350,000.00
1,499,845.95 -1,499,845.95
0.00 764,325,402.00
35,800,000.00 -35,800,000.00
23,380,000.00 -23,380,000.00
522,162.00 -522,162.00
87,846,000.00 -87,846,000.00
6,670,091.00 -6,670,091.00
495,658,800.00 -495,658,800.00
487,500.00 -487,500.00
785,775.00 -785,775.00
60,000.00 -60,000.00
0.00 265,861,548.00
462,600.00 -462,600.00
50,250.00 -50,250.00
420,411,548.00 -420,411,548.00
72,000.00 -72,000.00
392,607.96 -392,607.96
30,000.00 -30,000.00
16,350,000.00 -13,179,500.00
176,000.00 -176,000.00
3,391,908.00 -3,391,908.00
1,936,970.00 -1,936,970.00
980,000.00 -980,000.00
1,700,000.00 -1,700,000.00
4,000,000.00 -4,000,000.00
7,670,000.00 -7,670,000.00
979,667.00 -979,667.00
5,400,000.00 -5,400,000.00
1,146,931.37 -1,146,931.37
120,000.00 -120,000.00
20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00
400,000.00 -400,000.00
120,000.00 -120,000.00
9,100,000.00 -9,100,000.00
100,000.00 900,000.00
4,110,000.00 -3,750,000.00
2,767,200.00 -2,767,200.00
429,640.00 -429,640.00
1,805,150.00 -1,805,150.00
1,163,820.00 -1,163,820.00
30,100,000.00 -30,100,000.00
1,657,065.00 -1,657,065.00
21,337,691.00 -21,337,691.00
516,596.00 -516,596.00
560,119.00 -560,119.00
21,617,575.00 147,120,057.64
148,261.00 -148,261.00
49,093,248.00 -49,093,248.00
80,000,000.00 -80,000,000.00
831,025.00 -831,025.00
200,300,418.36 122,690,486.25
350,000.00 0.00
350,000.00 -350,000.00
4,481,202,827.28 1,310,385.03
4,481,202,827.28 1,310,385.03
4,481,202,827.28 1,310,385.03
4,481,202,827.28 1,310,385.03
171,051.00 -171,051.00
207,500.00 -207,500.00
6,278,127.00 -6,278,127.00
252,500.00 -252,500.00
937,687.00 -937,687.00
73,972,906.00 -73,972,906.00
8,129,862.00 -8,129,862.00
115,751,210.12 -115,748,241.80
1,360,000.00 -1,360,000.00
1,200,060.00 -1,200,060.00
0.00 24,924,159.00
14,200,000.00 -14,200,000.00
2,540,000.00 -2,540,000.00
475,000.00 -475,000.00
47,395,602.00 -47,395,602.00
7,180,220.00 -7,180,220.00
47,000.00 -47,000.00
5,012,000.00 -5,012,000.00
15,845,857.00 -15,845,857.00
20,235,759.00 -20,235,759.00
21,118,532.00 -21,118,532.00
230,000.00 -230,000.00
1,060,000.00 -1,060,000.00
511,700.00 -511,700.00
6,348,000.00 -6,348,000.00
7,057,205.00 -7,057,205.00
3,454,200.00 -3,454,200.00
0.00 1,829,395,383.00
0.00 26,688,888.00
28,090,000.00 -28,090,000.00
410,069,557.00 -410,069,557.00
260,000.00 -260,000.00
43,915,151.00 -43,915,151.00
38,509,000.00 -38,509,000.00
505,000.00 -505,000.00
298,464,766.00 -283,404,167.00
480,500.00 -480,500.00
0.00 1,533,410.00
9,112,600.00 -9,112,600.00
15,665,740.00 -15,665,740.00
19,532,553.00 -19,532,553.00
64,212,335.00 -64,212,335.00
20,433,248.00 -20,433,248.00
1,020,000.00 -1,020,000.00
0.00 38,522,367.00
60,000.00 -60,000.00
488,982.00 -488,982.00
0.00 1,055,895,058.00
0.00 940,757,461.00
185,000.00 -185,000.00
211,931,385.00 -211,931,385.00
48,288,240.00 -48,288,240.00
9,990,000.00 -9,990,000.00
1,000,000.00 -1,000,000.00
13,520,119.00 -13,520,119.00
3,076,787.00 -3,076,787.00
1,679,112.00 -1,679,112.00
1,410,000.00 -1,410,000.00
1,025,537,647.00 -956,737,647.00
0.00 12,897,500.00
219,300.00 -219,300.00
3,102,470.00 -3,102,470.00
15,216,808.00 -13,991,808.00
10,764,500.00 -10,764,500.00
100,000.00 -100,000.00
2,390,000.00 -2,390,000.00
559,440.00 -559,440.00
850,000.00 -850,000.00
1,688,369.00 -1,688,369.00
6,494,160.00 -6,494,160.00
4,580,000.00 -4,580,000.00
3,691,400.00 -3,691,400.00
212,461.00 -212,461.00
5,932,896.00 -5,932,896.00
131,561,366.00 -131,561,366.00
60,000.00 -60,000.00
370,000.00 -370,000.00
189,000.00 -189,000.00
2,193,183.00 -2,193,183.00
4,100,000.00 -4,100,000.00
13,525,000.00 -13,525,000.00
1,418,340.00 -1,418,340.00
5,262,000.00 -5,262,000.00
8,150,594.00 -8,150,594.00
10,636,822.00 -10,636,822.00
2,083,800.00 -2,083,800.00
358,000.00 -358,000.00
48,233,579.16 -48,233,579.16
692,412,176.00 -692,412,176.00
2,500,000.00 -2,500,000.00
1,646,643.00 -1,646,643.00
8,384,833.00 -8,384,833.00
87,800.00 -87,800.00
6,099,000.00 -6,099,000.00
279,989,740.00 -279,989,740.00
704,700.00 -704,700.00
985,270.00 -985,270.00
0.00 14,040,000.00
576,039,477.00 -419,504,477.00
7,072,701,652.03 3,034,048,035.06
3,711,771,656.66 401,181,240.19
3,711,771,656.66 401,181,240.19
3,711,771,656.66 401,181,240.19
3,711,771,656.66 401,181,240.19
1,022,283,451.00 11,735,966.17
0.00 240,346,956.00
0.00 137,396,429.62
1,169,649.00 0.00
39,215,527.00 0.00
2,635,063,029.66 0.40
14,040,000.00 0.00
0.00 11,701,888.00
269,530,481.23 1,294,516,006.77
269,530,481.23 1,294,516,006.77
227,938,344.23 1,296,451,951.77
1,935,945.00 -1,935,945.00
39,656,192.00 0.00
2,629,787,328.32 926,775,970.48
1,185,240,028.90 454,233,580.10
1,185,240,028.90 454,233,580.10
1,185,240,028.90 454,233,580.10
1,773,100.00 0.00
3,996,508.00 0.00
0.00 752,200.00
0.00 5,000,000.00
230,000.00 0.00
2,050,000.00 0.00
3,000,000.00 0.00
298,464,766.00 0.00
0.00 2,000,000.00
1,115,000.00 0.00
495,658,800.00 0.00
240,411,549.00 431,931,384.00
1,200,000.00 0.00
5,400,000.00 0.00
0.00 10,128,200.00
30,578,203.90 2,421,796.10
1,560,000.00 0.00
981,500.00 0.00
154,000.00 0.00
0.00 1,000,000.00
18,666,602.00 0.00
80,000,000.00 0.00
0.00 1,000,000.00
150,000.00 0.00
150,000.00 0.00
150,000.00 0.00
100,000.00 0.00
50,000.00 0.00
1,444,397,299.42 472,542,390.38
1,444,397,299.42 472,542,390.38
1,188,710,717.42 472,542,390.38
201,200.00 0.00
80,500.00 0.00
960,000.00 0.00
1,241,476.00 11,000.00
160,000.00 54,000.00
128,685,974.21 6,389,065.79
2,430,095.00 689,905.00
33,359,923.00 0.00
5,308,450.00 0.00
9,694,764.68 0.00
487,799,036.25 0.00
170,411,548.00 0.00
400,000.00 0.00
10,312,088.00 -22,088.00
16,597,309.58 0.00
103,000.00 0.00
26,667,008.00 0.00
3,528,000.00 0.00
536,596.00 0.00
290,233,748.70 465,420,507.59 OTROS DEUDORES
255,686,582.00 0.00
219,931,385.00 0.00
5,300,000.00 0.00
30,455,197.00 0.00
65,167,606.89 0.00
65,167,606.89 0.00
65,167,606.89 0.00
65,167,606.89 0.00
63,000,000.00 0.00
2,167,606.89 0.00
336,378,363.93 409,291,627.62
0.00 102,854,000.00
0.00 102,854,000.00
0.00 102,854,000.00
0.00 102,854,000.00 135520 SALDOS A FAVOR RENTA
314,139,939.38 139,855,567.22
70,097,573.38 82,620,512.72
70,016,933.38 82,620,512.72
0.00 58,065,788.36
0.00 5,468,766.00
0.00 23,884.20
70,016,933.38 0.00
0.00 693,160.00
0.00 18,368,914.16
80,640.00 0.00
80,640.00 0.00
1,172,910.00 654,720.00
1,172,910.00 654,720.00
0.00 654,720.00
1,172,910.00 0.00
230,480,786.00 19,946,327.50
230,480,786.00 19,946,327.50
0.00 2,134,000.00
230,480,786.00 0.00
0.00 16,382,327.50
0.00 1,430,000.00
12,388,670.00 36,634,007.00
12,388,670.00 36,634,007.00
12,388,670.00 36,634,007.00
7,222,000.00 0.00
7,222,000.00 0.00
7,222,000.00 0.00
7,222,000.00 0.00
5,441,054.78 0.00
5,441,054.78 0.00
5,441,054.78 0.00
5,441,054.78 -5,308,057.78
0.00 987,753.00
0.00 4,320,304.78
9,575,369.77 3,472,034.00
2,991,430.00 0.00
2,991,430.00 0.00
2,991,430.00 0.00
3,011,811.00 3,472,034.00
3,011,811.00 3,472,034.00
0.00 3,011,811.00
0.00 1,914,068.00
3,011,811.00 -3,011,811.00 SECRETARIA HACIENDA
0.00 346,580.00
0.00 1,211,386.00
3,572,128.77 0.00
3,572,128.77 0.00
0.00 188,942.77
3,383,186.00 -3,383,186.00 SECRETARIA HACIENDA
188,942.77 3,194,243.23
0.00 163,110,026.40
0.00 163,110,026.40
0.00 163,110,026.40
0.00 135,584,494.40
0.00 27,525,532.00
60,066,215.00 2,283,190.00
60,066,215.00 2,283,190.00
60,066,215.00 2,283,190.00
60,066,215.00 2,283,190.00
281,100.00 0.00
289,000.00 31,000.00
18,180,913.00 0.00
112,000.00 0.00
0.00 490,000.00
1,853,210.00 790.00
76,000.00 54,000.00
872,100.00 95,500.00
150,000.00 0.00
521,000.00 0.00
1,428,700.00 908,100.00
0.00 150,000.00
213,200.00 16,800.00
522,600.00 0.00
396,000.00 0.00
26,679,592.00 0.00
0.00 130,000.00
150,000.00 320,000.00
933,500.00 0.00
4,330,500.00 87,000.00
3,076,800.00 0.00
98,954,541.46 398,772,398.54
0.00 694,842,826.00
0.00 694,842,826.00
0.00 694,842,826.00
0.00 24,469,160.00
0.00 15,000,000.00
0.00 34,521,258.00
0.00 60,000,000.00
0.00 19,805,600.00
0.00 33,960,000.00
0.00 4,000,000.00
0.00 6,000,000.00
0.00 8,050,000.00
0.00 48,294,385.00
0.00 30,000,000.00
0.00 32,359,582.00
0.00 84,800,000.00
0.00 46,800,000.00
0.00 39,882,240.00
0.00 100,000,000.00
0.00 8,400,000.00
0.00 4,000,000.00
0.00 14,874,912.00
0.00 5,880,000.00
0.00 5,638,627.00
0.00 8,210,864.00
0.00 13,069,200.00
0.00 9,396,000.00
0.00 15,958,318.00
0.00 16,672,680.00
0.00 51,600,000.00
0.00 3,600,000.00
0.00 17,065,506.00
0.00 17,065,506.00
0.00 17,065,506.00
0.00 5,266,999.00
0.00 10,598,980.00
0.00 1,199,527.00
0.00 20,122,693.00
0.00 16,622,038.00
0.00 16,622,038.00
0.00 2,451,000.00
0.00 1,665,800.00
0.00 2,798,000.00
0.00 1,898,990.00
0.00 2,239,920.00
0.00 2,419,328.00
0.00 2,419,328.00
0.00 3,149,000.00
0.00 3,149,000.00
0.00 3,500,655.00
0.00 3,500,655.00
0.00 3,500,655.00
0.00 80,000,000.00
0.00 80,000,000.00
0.00 80,000,000.00
0.00 80,000,000.00
98,954,541.46 -413,258,626.46
74,442,060.00 -345,265,739.00
74,442,060.00 -345,265,739.00
2,393,952.00 -15,873,759.00
2,393,952.00 -7,773,727.00
0.00 -1,500,000.00
1,770,492.00 -9,540,984.00
1,770,492.00 -5,040,984.00
4,086,876.00 -18,173,784.00
4,086,876.00 -10,673,752.00
7,081,968.00 -38,163,936.00
7,081,968.00 -20,163,936.00
2,271,432.00 -11,023,424.00
2,271,432.00 -6,523,424.00
3,734,052.00 -16,596,738.00
3,734,052.00 -10,596,770.00
472,128.00 -2,544,288.00
472,128.00 -1,344,256.00
708,192.00 -3,816,384.00
708,192.00 -2,016,384.00
5,648,772.00 -14,517,576.00
5,648,772.00 -12,102,544.00
829,440.00 -21,852,309.00
829,440.00 -7,946,372.00
3,540,984.00 -19,081,968.00
3,540,984.00 -10,081,968.00
3,519,276.00 -16,714,566.00
3,519,276.00 -7,913,552.00
7,605,240.00 -27,290,448.00
7,605,240.00 -15,890,480.00
4,540,992.00 -20,189,249.00
4,540,992.00 -13,049,323.00
11,803,272.00 -63,606,576.00
11,803,272.00 -33,606,544.00
991,476.00 -5,342,952.00
991,476.00 -2,822,952.00
472,128.00 -2,544,288.00
472,128.00 -1,344,256.00
774,444.00 -2,136,888.00
774,444.00 -2,136,888.00
528,444.00 -1,620,750.00
528,444.00 -1,620,750.00
1,122,492.00 -3,066,070.00
1,122,492.00 -3,066,070.00
0.00 -1,243,637.00
0.00 -1,243,637.00
966,456.00 -2,872,512.00
966,456.00 -2,872,512.00
1,576,992.00 -4,749,815.00
1,576,992.00 -4,749,815.00
1,664,664.00 -4,457,046.00
1,664,664.00 -4,457,046.00
6,337,896.00 -18,245,792.00
6,337,896.00 -18,245,792.00
1,704,696.00 -8,854,933.00
1,704,696.00 -8,854,933.00
533,196.00 -2,398,690.00
533,196.00 -1,593,082.00
1,032,696.00 -5,788,688.00
1,032,696.00 -3,125,392.00
138,804.00 -667,555.00
138,804.00 -397,608.00
4,807,785.46 -15,137,954.46
4,807,785.46 -15,137,954.46
0.00 -2,812,209.00
0.00 -1,908,845.00
3,267,996.00 -7,352,993.00
3,267,996.00 -5,964,093.00
641,700.00 -2,307,495.00
641,700.00 -1,616,556.00
379,800.00 -1,319,196.00
379,800.00 -1,319,196.00
0.00 -379,788.00
0.00 -379,788.00
447,984.00 -895,968.00
447,984.00 -895,968.00
40,322.13 -40,322.13
40,322.13 -40,322.13
29,983.33 -29,983.33
29,983.33 -29,983.33
18,000,000.00 -44,000,000.00
18,000,000.00 -44,000,000.00
18,000,000.00 -44,000,000.00
18,000,000.00 -44,000,000.00
7,327,498,454.94 1,165,205,176.82
1,206,619,009.00 0.00
1,206,619,009.00 0.00
1,206,619,009.00 0.00
1,206,619,009.00 0.00
1,206,619,009.00 0.00
1,163,840,377.00 299,582,258.38
1,163,840,377.00 299,582,258.38
1,163,840,377.00 299,582,258.38
1,163,840,377.00 299,582,258.38
1,163,840,377.00 299,582,258.38
65,497,336.84 18,077,583.03
7,180,220.00 0.00
14,499,636.00 0.00
59,371,653.90 25,902,708.00
283,404,167.00 0.00
21,175,862.68 6,625,763.68
19,532,553.00 0.00
1,496,093.00 0.00
64,212,570.00 0.00
1,503,058.11 0.00
62,088,055.67 62,088,055.67
1,654,428.58 0.00
20,433,248.00 0.00
32,153,309.00 32,153,309.00
48,288,240.00 0.00
9,990,000.00 0.00
29,403,205.90 0.00
814,793.00 0.00
1,264,451.25 0.00
5,919,248.00 0.00
132,708,297.37 0.00
158,382,040.00 91,734,367.00
63,000,472.00 63,000,472.00
1,646,643.00 0.00
9,039,763.00 0.00
49,181,031.70 0.00
1,838,365,432.85 238,443,341.34
2,548,000.00 0.00
2,548,000.00 0.00
2,548,000.00 0.00
2,548,000.00 0.00
2,548,000.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
919,890,910.86 63,718,362.82
1,565,000.00 0.00
1,565,000.00 0.00
1,565,000.00 0.00
1,565,000.00 0.00
28,162,335.04 8,274,751.00
28,162,335.04 8,274,751.00
28,162,335.04 8,274,751.00
15,695,318.00 7,284,411.00
511,700.00 0.00
1,404,200.00 0.00
3,102,471.00 0.00
355,811.04 0.00
7,092,835.00 990,340.00
176,901,801.05 8,959,212.20
176,901,801.05 8,959,212.20
11,143,874.00 0.00
11,143,874.00 0.00
4,613,436.00 1,801,922.00
72,000.00 0.00
1,286,674.00 1,067,374.00
3,254,762.00 734,548.00
3,246,694.60 223,854.00
372,135.60 148,854.00
2,239,440.00 0.00
75,000.00 75,000.00
560,119.00 0.00
675,000.00 0.00
675,000.00 0.00
15,228,214.80 0.00
504,000.00 0.00
13,887,614.80 0.00
836,600.00 0.00
95,061,729.94 4,034,766.00
655,131.22 0.00
2,758,902.74 0.00
617,600.00 0.00
41,680,355.86 0.00
487,500.00 0.00
463,200.00 0.00
617,600.00 0.00
5,188,402.50 0.00
12,693,297.08 235,500.00
3,385,825.00 0.00
3,673,755.00 0.00
1,454,216.40 0.00
4,511,375.00 0.00
1,264,448.70 0.00
2,541,000.00 0.00
417,362.50 0.00
4,799,266.00 3,799,266.00
120,000.00 0.00
376,350.00 0.00
5,326,666.94 0.00
390,825.00 0.00
1,638,650.00 0.00
46,932,851.71 2,898,670.20
171,051.00 0.00
369,880.00 0.00
7,880,190.00 0.00
3,377,500.00 0.00
2,797,980.00 0.00
150,425.00 0.00
6,755,000.00 0.00
282,000.00 0.00
2,550,422.00 2,550,422.00
6,101,342.00 0.00
828,983.00 0.00
1,039,500.00 0.00
1,113,424.00 0.00
225,000.00 225,000.00
5,790,000.00 0.00
2,864,250.27 0.00
756,431.60 123,248.00
3,450,668.84 0.20
328,804.00 0.00
100,000.00 0.00
22,005,591.00 2,513,193.00
22,005,591.00 2,513,193.00
22,005,591.00 2,513,193.00
4,745,716.00 0.00
148,854.00 148,854.00
5,967,400.00 0.00
426,439.00 213,978.00
10,717,182.00 2,150,361.00
193,560,577.76 28,032,049.00
193,560,577.76 28,032,049.00
73,339,342.00 17,714,571.00
33,022,768.00 12,787,009.00
15,206,400.00 0.00
168,000.00 0.00
8,554,000.00 0.00
6,980,174.00 4,927,562.00
9,408,000.00 0.00
44,222,439.36 7,909,440.00
2,725,440.00 2,725,440.00
2,042,799.36 0.00
5,184,000.00 5,184,000.00
20,562,120.00 0.00
13,708,080.00 0.00
75,998,796.40 2,408,038.00
685,440.00 685,440.00
853,000.00 0.00
965,000.00 0.00
26,482,021.20 0.00
26,482,021.20 0.00
20,331,314.00 1,722,598.00
0.00 0.00
200,000.00 0.00
323,976,160.00 6,828,553.00
323,976,160.00 6,828,553.00
323,976,160.00 6,828,553.00
1,485,253.00 1,485,253.00
0.00 0.00
891,000.00 891,000.00
1,732,500.00 0.00
579,000.00 0.00
29,905,349.00 2,205,000.00
8,379,810.00 0.00
0.00 1,900,800.00
279,989,740.00 0.00
295,758.00 0.00
346,500.00 346,500.00
371,250.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
7,022,917.64 249,481.00
1,317,840.00 0.00
1,317,840.00 0.00
1,317,840.00 0.00
765,177.00 91,780.00
765,177.00 91,780.00
765,177.00 91,780.00
0.00 0.00
4,939,900.64 157,701.00
4,939,900.64 157,701.00
3,301,834.52 0.00
0.00 0.00
1,638,066.12 157,701.00
25,380,011.00 0.00
25,380,011.00 0.00
21,861,825.00 0.00
9,616,290.00 0.00
3,076,787.00 0.00
4,632,408.00 0.00
4,536,340.00 0.00
3,518,186.00 0.00
3,518,186.00 0.00
141,316,517.37 8,861,123.62
141,316,517.37 8,861,123.62
141,316,517.37 8,861,123.62
902,880.00 0.00
410,550.00 0.00
1,456,200.00 0.00
70,000.00 0.00
4,861,717.00 0.00
6,357,780.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
9,985,947.00 0.00
14,425,292.00 0.00
170,000.00 0.00
1,174,998.00 0.00
7,827,000.00 0.00
1,165,000.00 0.00
42,720,000.00 0.00
21,583,188.75 0.00
906,423.00 0.00
5,445,712.00 5,445,712.00
5,138,244.62 1,569,387.62
110,000.00 110,000.00
624,996.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
3,000,000.00 0.00
1,804,550.00 0.00
2,141,720.00 0.00
429,640.00 0.00
6,759,339.00 1,736,024.00
320,640.00 0.00
1,524,700.00 0.00
72,270,500.00 2,612,893.11
72,270,500.00 2,612,893.11
72,270,500.00 2,612,893.11
72,270,500.00 2,612,893.11
72,270,500.00 2,612,893.11
116,949,675.02 43,979,000.00
2,016,000.00 0.00
2,016,000.00 0.00
2,016,000.00 0.00
1,136,000.00 1,136,000.00
0.00 -2,016,000.00
880,000.00 880,000.00
2,804,996.11 0.00
2,804,996.11 0.00
2,316,156.11 0.00
1,613,025.00 1,613,025.00
660,000.00 660,000.00
27,731.11 27,731.11
0.00 -2,316,156.11
15,400.00 15,400.00
488,840.00 0.00
75,000.00 75,000.00
0.00 -488,840.00
349,000.00 349,000.00
25,000.00 25,000.00
39,840.00 39,840.00
19,121,029.76 0.00
19,121,029.76 0.00
4,057,510.00 0.00
0.00 -4,057,510.00
10,500.00 10,500.00
9,000.00 9,000.00
17,500.00 17,500.00
289,000.00 289,000.00
85,000.00 85,000.00
3,636,260.00 3,636,260.00
3,000.00 3,000.00
3,500.00 3,500.00
3,750.00 3,750.00
1,537,714.01 0.00
52,000.00 52,000.00
580,632.01 580,632.01
0.00 -1,537,714.01
91,300.00 91,300.00
16,918.00 16,918.00
200,000.00 200,000.00
596,864.00 596,864.00
22,723.00 0.00
0.00 -22,723.00
22,723.00 22,723.00
81,600.00 0.00
0.00 -81,600.00
22,000.00 22,000.00
59,600.00 59,600.00
1,106,784.73 0.00
285,810.00 285,810.00
122,500.00 122,500.00
245,000.00 245,000.00
0.00 -1,106,784.73
63,290.00 63,290.00
21,000.00 21,000.00
210,000.00 210,000.00
103,884.73 103,884.73
55,300.00 55,300.00
3,562,700.00 0.00
19,868.78 19,868.78
84,284.20 84,284.20
22,400.00 22,400.00
0.00 -3,405,100.00
1,511,724.14 1,511,724.14
16,800.00 16,800.00
22,400.00 22,400.00
136,097.50 136,097.50
440,457.92 440,457.92
122,802.00 122,802.00
133,245.00 133,245.00
376,559.60 218,959.60
163,625.00 163,625.00
45,861.30 45,861.30
15,137.50 15,137.50
174,067.00 174,067.00
13,650.00 13,650.00
193,195.06 193,195.06
14,175.00 14,175.00
45,850.00 45,850.00
10,500.00 10,500.00
5,781,193.02 0.00
6,000.00 6,000.00
42,410.90 42,410.90
166,668.00 166,668.00
0.00 -5,781,193.02
21,000.00 21,000.00
432,000.00 432,000.00
4,573,173.12 4,573,173.12
21,600.00 21,600.00
377,701.00 377,701.00
121,040.00 121,040.00
19,600.00 19,600.00
2,690,805.00 0.00
24,000.00 24,000.00
18,000.00 18,000.00
87,778.00 -2,603,027.00
9,600.00 9,600.00
389,447.00 389,447.00
891,600.00 891,600.00
342,600.00 342,600.00
53,400.00 53,400.00
144,000.00 144,000.00
24,600.00 24,600.00
546,000.00 546,000.00
159,780.00 159,780.00
280,000.00 0.00
280,000.00 280,000.00
0.00 -280,000.00
7,081,189.64 0.00
7,081,189.64 0.00
2,764,641.00 0.00
49,000.00 49,000.00
0.00 -2,764,641.00
35,000.00 35,000.00
970,200.00 970,200.00
970,200.00 970,200.00
740,241.00 740,241.00
4,316,548.64 0.00
113,560.00 113,560.00
85,116.64 85,116.64
28,560.00 28,560.00
216,000.00 216,000.00
1,155,552.00 1,155,552.00
0.00 -4,316,548.64
864,000.00 864,000.00
576,000.00 576,000.00
633,600.00 633,600.00
7,000.00 7,000.00
231,800.00 231,800.00
13,360.00 13,360.00
392,000.00 392,000.00
20,932,459.51 0.00
20,932,459.51 0.00
2,300,826.00 0.00
366,376.00 366,376.00
0.00 -2,300,826.00
105,000.00 105,000.00
1,764,000.00 1,764,000.00
65,450.00 65,450.00
18,631,633.51 0.00
37,250.00 37,250.00
175,500.00 175,500.00
155,000.00 155,000.00
9,607.00 9,607.00
25,000.00 25,000.00
1,237,650.00 1,237,650.00
0.00 -18,631,633.51
6,081,635.00 6,081,635.00
107,935.20 107,935.20
378,825.00 378,825.00
419,154.00 419,154.00
32,105.00 32,105.00
32,563.05 32,563.05
8,616,955.00 8,616,955.00
35,714.28 35,714.28
37,348.75 37,348.75
127,023.00 127,023.00
26,385.63 26,385.63
34,095.00 34,095.00
35,546.00 35,546.00
1,026,341.60 1,026,341.60
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
64,994,000.00 43,979,000.00
64,994,000.00 43,979,000.00
897,000.00 0.00
897,000.00 0.00
901,000.00 0.00
901,000.00 0.00
15,470,000.00 12,944,000.00
15,470,000.00 12,944,000.00
9,248,000.00 0.00
9,248,000.00 0.00
7,443,000.00 0.00
7,443,000.00 0.00
5,839,000.00 5,839,000.00
5,839,000.00 5,839,000.00
2,209,000.00 2,209,000.00
2,209,000.00 2,209,000.00
12,156,000.00 12,156,000.00
12,156,000.00 12,156,000.00
3,908,000.00 3,908,000.00
3,908,000.00 3,908,000.00
3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00
3,075,000.00 3,075,000.00
1,970,000.00 1,970,000.00
1,970,000.00 1,970,000.00
1,878,000.00 1,878,000.00
1,878,000.00 1,878,000.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
14,453,802.97 1,071,000.00
14,453,802.97 1,071,000.00
4,860,592.73 0.00
4,860,592.73 0.00
13,377.61 13,377.61
115,566.00 115,566.00
592,545.10 592,545.10
47,664.18 47,664.18
218,227.32 218,227.32
14,379.84 14,379.84
3,805,247.33 3,805,247.33
38,529.00 38,529.00
0.00 -4,860,592.73
15,056.35 15,056.35
2,366,210.24 0.00
86,695.14 0.00
50,263.14 50,263.14
35,190.00 35,190.00
0.00 -86,695.14
1,242.00 1,242.00
1,380,639.74 0.00
1,449.00 1,449.00
141,655.00 141,655.00
3,864.40 3,864.40
1,546.00 1,546.00
441,658.80 441,658.80
383,698.80 383,698.80
10,626.00 10,626.00
204,309.00 204,309.00
3,961.00 3,961.00
6,568.40 6,568.40
0.00 -1,380,639.74
123,286.00 123,286.00
29,231.16 29,231.16
28,786.18 28,786.18
865,643.30 0.00
48,438.00 48,438.00
41,400.00 41,400.00
42,780.00 42,780.00
199,332.00 199,332.00
9,857.14 9,857.14
8,625.00 8,625.00
347,760.00 347,760.00
80,785.20 80,785.20
16,560.00 16,560.00
2,748.96 2,748.96
54,165.00 54,165.00
0.00 -865,643.30
3,381.00 3,381.00
9,811.00 9,811.00
33,232.06 0.00
33,232.06 33,232.06
0.00 -33,232.06
7,227,000.00 1,071,000.00
289,000.00 0.00
289,000.00 0.00
605,000.00 0.00
605,000.00 0.00
884,000.00 0.00
884,000.00 0.00
4,378,000.00 0.00
4,378,000.00 0.00
435,000.00 435,000.00
435,000.00 435,000.00
636,000.00 636,000.00
636,000.00 636,000.00
36,634,000.00 30,518,000.00
36,634,000.00 30,518,000.00
36,634,000.00 30,518,000.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
418,000.00 0.00
418,000.00 0.00
5,698,000.00 0.00
5,698,000.00 0.00
19,724,000.00 19,724,000.00
19,724,000.00 19,724,000.00
6,870,000.00 6,870,000.00
6,870,000.00 6,870,000.00
434,000.00 434,000.00
434,000.00 434,000.00
210,000.00 210,000.00
210,000.00 210,000.00
420,000.00 420,000.00
420,000.00 420,000.00
2,860,000.00 2,860,000.00
2,860,000.00 2,860,000.00
70,974,101.72 9,914,452.38
19,039,152.33 800,859.00
19,039,152.33 800,859.00
19,039,152.33 800,859.00
47,317.00 -83.00
1,700.00 0.00
2,690,400.00 214,600.00
15,625.00 15,625.00
2,684,833.65 4,800.00
1,800.00 0.00
10,417.00 10,417.00
492,050.00 35,000.00
3,549,000.00 79,600.00
821,900.00 2,000.00
2,699,466.68 4,000.00
2,245,643.00 167,300.00
32,700.00 0.00
3,405,200.00 238,400.00
341,100.00 29,200.00
31,472,059.78 5,329,831.38
31,472,059.78 5,329,831.38
31,472,059.78 5,329,831.38
23,987,192.26 5,329,831.38
7,484,867.52 0.00
20,462,889.61 3,783,762.00
20,462,889.61 3,783,762.00
605,462.00 605,462.00
605,462.00 605,462.00
19,857,427.61 3,178,300.00
19,857,427.61 3,178,300.00
604,644,442.28 86,629,633.03
28,022.00 0.00
28,022.00 0.00
28,022.00 0.00
28,022.00 0.00
77,036,938.62 13,711,628.62
77,036,938.62 13,711,628.62
77,036,938.62 13,711,628.62
31,563,300.00 5,891,800.00
3,502,600.00 480,200.00
9,981,254.00 1,571,500.00
31,788,256.00 5,566,600.00
201,528.62 201,528.62
0.00 0.00
527,579,481.66 72,918,004.41
527,579,481.66 72,918,004.41
527,579,481.66 72,918,004.41
13,600.00 13,600.00
54,000.00 54,000.00
5,116,397.00 5,000,000.00
436,670.00 0.00
188,752.00 188,752.00
422,268.89 422,268.89
9,477.00 9,477.00
1,351,000.00 0.00
168,450.00 168,450.00
24,870.68 24,870.68
22,400,000.00 0.00
65,008,132.25 65,008,132.25
1,290,364.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
100,000.00 0.00
12,897,500.00 0.00
17,000.00 17,000.00
888,821.00 888,821.00
1,018,309.58 1,018,309.58
10,368,000.00 0.00
25,500.00 25,500.00
78,823.00 78,823.00
2,034,648.65 0.00
403,666,897.61 0.01
349,362,202.53 65,134,500.00
96,906,000.00 0.00
72,015,196.00 0.00
72,015,196.00 0.00
72,015,196.00 0.00
72,015,196.00 -53,093,134.00
0.00 53,093,134.00
24,890,804.00 0.00
24,890,804.00 0.00
24,890,804.00 0.00
24,890,804.00 0.00
248,684,202.53 65,096,500.00
80,461,602.43 0.00
80,461,602.43 0.00
10,007,000.00 0.00
10,007,000.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
70,454,602.43 0.00
30,607,129.93 30,607,129.93
1,817,000.00 1,817,000.00
173,425.00 173,425.00
0.00 -70,454,602.43
6,585,020.00 6,585,020.00
28,802,027.50 28,802,027.50
2,470,000.00 2,470,000.00
89,016,600.10 -69,500.00
58,708,519.47 -33,500.00
55,094,661.00 0.00
55,094,661.00 0.00
8,924.00 0.00
0.00 -647.00
0.00 -3,877.00
8,924.00 4,610.00
0.00 -86.00
3,604,934.47 -33,500.00
0.00 -65,550.00
0.00 -30,530.00
0.00 -5,188.00
0.00 -9,171.00
0.00 -526,699.00
0.00 -69,361.00
0.00 -50,969.47
0.00 -7,248.00
3,604,934.47 1,147,748.47
0.00 -15,606.00
0.00 -443.00
0.00 -52,529.00
0.00 -138,940.00
0.00 -90,072.00
0.00 -3,984.00
0.00 -114,958.00
24,819,794.63 -36,000.00
14,563,203.00 0.00
14,563,203.00 0.00
10,256,591.63 -36,000.00
0.00 -1,341.00
0.00 -1,716.00
0.00 -28,500.00
0.00 -190,660.00
0.00 -2,786,130.00
0.00 -591.00
0.00 -348,501.00
0.00 -230,231.00
0.00 -1,095,195.00
0.00 -21,470.00
0.00 -689,920.00
0.00 -23,950.00
0.00 -367.00
0.00 -1,676.47
0.00 -81,700.00
0.00 -386,965.04
0.00 -240,498.00
0.00 -224,200.00
10,256,591.63 10,068,088.63
0.00 -89,697.00
0.00 -75,442.00
0.00 -9,500.00
0.00 -3,193.00
0.00 -831,649.00
0.00 -76,000.00
0.00 -258,968.00
0.00 -1,301,355.00
0.00 -724,288.00
0.00 -93,100.00
0.00 -287,285.12
1,120,000.00 0.00
1,120,000.00 0.00
1,120,000.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
4,368,286.00 0.00
1,241,956.00 0.00
1,241,956.00 0.00
3,126,330.00 0.00
3,126,330.00 0.00
79,206,000.00 65,166,000.00
79,206,000.00 65,166,000.00
30,304,000.00 16,264,000.00
30,304,000.00 16,264,000.00
36,135,000.00 36,135,000.00
36,135,000.00 36,135,000.00
12,767,000.00 12,767,000.00
12,767,000.00 12,767,000.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
3,772,000.00 38,000.00
3,772,000.00 38,000.00
3,772,000.00 38,000.00
3,772,000.00 38,000.00
3,734,000.00 0.00
38,000.00 38,000.00
656,265,189.56 128,710,892.10
549,386,742.00 80,956,943.00
549,386,742.00 80,956,943.00
549,386,742.00 80,956,943.00
549,386,742.00 80,956,943.00
2,060,800.00 2,060,800.00
1,932,000.00 1,932,000.00
1,575,004.00 0.00
7,729,483.00 2,929,044.00
17,197,202.00 886,460.00
927,560.00 927,560.00
22,852,260.00 4,505,161.00
10,694,534.00 886,460.00
16,219,417.00 2,208,000.00
2,146,667.00 1,662,796.00
4,919,862.00 0.00
16,455,598.00 3,795,061.00
9,807,612.00 2,903,267.00
14,050,421.00 2,000,129.00
9,716,772.00 0.00
1,846,143.00 0.00
2,116,000.00 1,632,129.00
7,979,316.00 790,447.00
58,375,959.00 6,823,254.00
15,666,432.00 5,459,903.00
6,841,052.00 886,460.00
13,841,330.00 1,657,929.00
488,982.00 0.00
20,942,211.00 2,321,004.00
596,129.00 596,129.00
1,420,150.00 0.00
6,680,833.00 0.00
18,006,365.00 2,046,880.00
55,533,334.00 0.00
1,874,215.00 0.00
11,920,529.00 2,028,972.00
5,254,708.00 2,034,434.00
1,568,679.00 0.00
12,571,474.00 3,029,763.00
2,591,533.00 0.00
17,199,977.00 788,579.00
14,664,845.00 1,150,152.00
12,242,201.00 2,368,129.00
8,618,002.00 1,815,427.00
812,798.00 368,263.00
13,724,166.00 886,460.00
17,568,071.00 4,139,370.00
14,160,048.00 886,460.00
32,064,167.00 5,886,495.00
5,465,128.00 0.00
7,825,786.00 0.00
20,640,987.00 6,663,566.00
42,743,346.41 24,916,779.89
42,743,346.41 24,916,779.89
42,743,346.41 24,916,779.89
42,743,346.41 24,916,779.89
186,592.00 186,592.00
174,930.50 174,930.50
124,304.00 0.00
571,113.06 132,298.06
1,377,705.14 123,478.14
79,869.00 79,869.00
1,294,300.07 132,298.06
810,170.14 123,478.14
1,530,370.34 2,009,890.34
194,366.64 194,366.64
64,384.92 64,384.92
1,831,408.81 233,240.00
715,321.06 115,638.06
1,289,768.79 1,289,768.79
868,003.39 1,735,290.39
133,361.00 0.00
191,590.00 191,590.00
730,810.82 730,810.82
5,333,054.11 14,140,200.11
799,097.50 174,930.50
635,030.60 123,478.14
1,021,327.00 139,944.00
0.00 0.00
1,488,786.06 132,298.06
51,393.00 51,393.00
79,457.00 0.00
496,611.36 0.00
1,273,998.16 119,068.16
0.00 0.00
5,025,766.36 0.00
106,185.00 0.00
835,156.00 0.00
302,748.16 107,928.78
127,992.00 0.00
674,058.02 119,803.06
170,479.00 0.00
1,278,416.26 114,658.26
1,151,111.00 0.00
1,227,842.00 1,227,842.00
633,903.14 123,478.14
73,551.40 73,551.40
917,189.14 123,478.14
1,306,760.14 123,478.14
1,196,951.14 123,478.14
1,876,071.18 179,928.00
340,278.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
593,886.00 0.00
1,557,878.00 199,920.00
1,682,818.84 981,924.02
1,682,818.84 981,924.02
1,682,818.84 981,924.02
1,682,818.84 981,924.02
22,390.84 22,390.84
20,992.10 20,992.10
3,945.00 0.00
27,577.76 15,875.76
77,252.50 14,817.50
9,584.00 9,584.00
59,906.98 1,322.98
34,901.50 14,817.50
27,995.14 54,041.14
23,324.00 23,324.00
643.85 643.85
134,990.40 27,988.40
35,265.56 13,876.56
21,148.89 21,148.89
18,358.09 70,802.09
1,111.00 0.00
22,990.80 22,990.80
11,835.61 11,835.61
75,506.53 395,879.53
43,254.10 20,992.10
34,265.50 14,817.50
41,766.88 16,793.88
0.00 0.00
78,541.98 1,322.98
6,167.00 6,167.00
661.49 0.00
27,763.00 0.00
73,275.30 14,288.30
0.00 0.00
82,470.33 0.00
1,097.00 0.00
25,055.00 0.00
17,435.45 12,951.45
3,982.00 0.00
42,298.36 14,376.36
2,557.00 0.00
65,641.11 13,759.11
41,357.00 0.00
32,437.02 32,437.02
30,810.50 14,817.50
8,826.41 8,826.41
45,703.50 14,817.50
67,810.50 14,817.50
56,377.50 14,817.50
126,909.16 21,591.16
5,558.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
24,349.00 0.00
66,728.20 1,999.20
43,590,870.42 10,069,811.12 ??
43,590,870.42 10,069,811.12
43,590,870.42 10,069,811.12
43,590,870.42 10,069,811.12
186,667.00 186,667.00
175,000.00 175,000.00
94,552.00 0.00
575,578.00 136,763.00
1,295,529.48 123,846.00
79,869.00 79,869.00
1,394,311.65 123,528.00
872,547.08 123,528.00
1,551,605.50 800,000.00
194,444.00 194,444.00
540,697.00 0.00
1,839,279.81 241,111.00
706,291.67 123,528.00
1,290,128.79 900,000.00
869,279.62 434,553.12
175,985.45 0.00
204,444.00 204,444.00
738,413.72 494,106.00
5,250,813.11 2,647,500.00
799,470.17 175,000.00
635,224.75 123,528.00
991,406.28 140,000.00
89,964.00 0.00
1,468,635.77 123,528.00
51,393.00 51,393.00
79,457.00 0.00
496,611.36 0.00
1,275,121.61 119,116.00
5,025,766.36 0.00
106,185.00 0.00
814,661.30 0.00
302,791.38 107,972.00
94,567.00 0.00
703,189.93 123,846.00
170,479.00 0.00
1,216,360.60 114,704.00
1,151,111.56 0.00
1,230,000.00 900,000.00
619,204.97 123,528.00
73,551.40 41,058.00
1,109,576.37 123,528.00
1,288,367.40 123,528.00
1,127,606.40 123,528.00
2,300,512.46 380,000.00
340,278.00 0.00
545,137.47 0.00
1,448,803.00 186,667.00
18,861,411.89 11,785,434.07
18,861,411.89 11,785,434.07
18,861,411.89 11,785,434.07
18,861,411.89 11,785,434.07
93,408.00 93,408.00
87,570.50 87,570.50
57,102.00 0.00
195,990.00 62,550.00
493,731.00 58,380.00
16,289.00 16,289.00
604,777.70 62,550.00
298,088.00 58,380.00
756,737.62 989,697.62
97,299.99 97,299.99
30,024.00 30,024.00
916,803.69 116,760.00
260,177.64 54,210.00
645,516.00 645,516.00
410,269.01 781,773.01
46,982.01 0.00
95,910.00 95,910.00
335,067.84 335,067.84
2,697,141.76 6,618,331.76
399,903.50 87,570.50
300,240.00 58,380.00
356,952.00 70,056.00
0.00 0.00
561,368.00 62,550.00
10,859.00 10,859.00
31,275.00 0.00
241,710.00 0.00
484,139.60 56,295.00
0.00 0.00
2,515,016.01 0.00
33,663.75 0.00
281,250.00 0.00
139,308.99 50,595.99
58,674.00 0.00
311,499.00 56,295.00
48,866.69 0.00
427,552.70 54,210.00
576,016.01 0.00
614,658.00 614,658.00
216,840.00 58,380.00
36,574.86 36,574.86
349,863.00 58,380.00
451,905.50 58,380.00
389,355.50 58,380.00
932,768.02 90,072.00
170,139.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
205,000.00 0.00
577,128.00 100,080.00
2,113,046,244.00 433,334,185.00
2,113,046,244.00 433,334,185.00
2,113,046,244.00 433,334,185.00
2,113,046,244.00 433,334,185.00
2,113,046,244.00 433,334,185.00
24,924,159.00 24,924,159.00 ??
2,062,602,846.00 408,410,026.00 ??
25,519,239.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
603,192,422.63 1,901,382,756.83
0.00 700,000,000.00
0.00 700,000,000.00
0.00 1,000,000,000.00
0.00 1,000,000,000.00
0.00 1,000,000,000.00
0.00 -300,000,000.00
0.00 -300,000,000.00
0.00 -300,000,000.00
13,444,748.80 37,182,313.80
13,444,748.80 37,182,313.80
13,444,748.80 37,182,313.80
13,444,748.80 37,182,313.80
13,444,748.80 37,182,313.80
13,444,748.80 13,444,748.80
0.00 587,897,518.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 -290,857,181.47
0.00 587,897,518.00
0.00 587,897,518.00
0.00 587,897,518.00
0.00 537,473,795.00
0.00 50,423,723.00
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
589,747,673.83 576,302,925.03
4,584,759,925.16 4,584,759,925.16
4,579,244,685.00 4,579,244,685.00
4,579,244,685.00 4,579,244,685.00
4,579,244,685.00 4,579,244,685.00
4,208,433,363.79 4,208,433,363.79
4,208,433,363.79 4,208,433,363.79
2,652,299,229.79 2,652,299,229.79
263,877,541.00 263,877,541.00
26,470,243.00 26,470,243.00
1,265,786,350.00 1,265,786,350.00
370,811,321.21 370,811,321.21
213,096,600.00 213,096,600.00
44,300,000.00 44,300,000.00
34,658,000.00 34,658,000.00
121,138,600.00 121,138,600.00
13,000,000.00 13,000,000.00
157,714,721.21 157,714,721.21
116,790,160.21 116,790,160.21
9,560,781.00 9,560,781.00
912,767.00 912,767.00
30,451,013.00 30,451,013.00
5,515,240.16 5,515,240.16
70,164.06 70,164.06
70,164.06 70,164.06
70,164.06 70,164.06
70,164.06 70,164.06
70,164.06 70,164.06
5,444,672.10 5,444,672.10
5,444,672.10 5,444,672.10
5,444,672.10 5,444,672.10
5,444,672.10 5,444,672.10
1.00 1.00
280.00 280.00
44,800.00 44,800.00
8,000.00 8,000.00
9,999.00 9,999.00
1,230,000.00 1,230,000.00
2,698.45 2,698.45
86,667.00 86,667.00
1,582,080.00 1,582,080.00
1,342.00 1,342.00
0.50 0.50
105,881.00 105,881.00
1.00 1.00
1,225,000.00 1,225,000.00
1,147,000.00 1,147,000.00
0.04 0.04
0.60 0.60
170.00 170.00
386.35 386.35
291.84 291.84
73.00 73.00
0.20 0.20
0.12 0.12
404.00 404.00
404.00 404.00
404.00 404.00
404.00 404.00
404.00 404.00
54,023,196.68 878,301,802.85
650.00 492,608,710.06
0.00 173,079,828.94
0.00 115,483,305.00
0.00 18,253,813.00
0.00 15,422,400.00
0.00 9,405,224.00
0.00 7,935,200.00
0.00 4,133,334.00
0.00 60,333,334.00
0.00 9,787,000.00
0.00 1,367,000.00
0.00 80,000.00
0.00 8,340,000.00
0.00 55,200.00
0.00 55,200.00
0.00 2,039,418.00
0.00 179,364.00
0.00 8,821.00
0.00 1,061,888.00
0.00 789,345.00
0.00 9,711,315.70
0.00 1,530,370.34
0.00 1,289,768.79
0.00 868,003.39
0.00 730,810.82
0.00 266,596.00
0.00 5,025,766.36
0.00 165,818.06
0.00 27,995.14
0.00 21,148.89
0.00 18,358.09
0.00 11,835.61
0.00 4,010.00
0.00 82,470.33
0.00 10,213,913.05
0.00 1,530,690.34
0.00 1,290,128.79
0.00 868,003.39
0.00 734,642.17
0.00 764,682.00
0.00 5,025,766.36
0.00 5,016,991.48
0.00 756,737.62
0.00 645,516.00
0.00 410,269.01
0.00 335,067.84
0.00 354,385.00
0.00 2,515,016.01
0.00 7,344,524.04
0.00 171,000.00
0.00 108,000.00
0.00 5,371,904.56
0.00 720,000.00
0.00 973,619.48
0.00 1,563,991.00
0.00 271,871.00
0.00 167,120.00
0.00 1,125,000.00
0.00 4,387,662.61
0.00 98,891.00
0.00 64,334.00
0.00 4,224,437.61
0.00 4,498,042.00
0.00 10,300.00
0.00 17,500.00
0.00 34,400.00
0.00 1,968,842.00
0.00 2,467,000.00
0.00 2,812,648.00
0.00 1,421,188.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 540,000.00
0.00 26,832,268.00
0.00 7,850,000.00
0.00 7,850,000.00
0.00 430,000.00
0.00 430,000.00
0.00 18,552,268.00
0.00 18,552,268.00
0.00 18,552,268.00
0.00 14,663,868.00
0.00 3,490,000.00
0.00 398,400.00
0.00 3,961,000.00
0.00 3,961,000.00
0.00 3,961,000.00
0.00 227,000.00
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0.00 3,892,780.00
0.00 3,892,780.00
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0.00 1,090,894.00
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0.00 3,857,883.66
0.00 3,781,552.06
0.00 2,877,174.35
0.00 904,377.71
0.00 76,331.60
0.00 50,843.66
0.00 25,487.94
0.00 448,425.00
0.00 448,425.00
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0.00 214,440.00
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0.00 13,000.00
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0.00 749,182.47
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0.00 56,000.00
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0.00 120,000.00
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0.00 192,200.00
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0.00 98,954,541.46
0.00 74,442,060.00
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0.00 2,393,952.00
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0.00 138,804.00
0.00 138,804.00
0.00 4,807,785.46
0.00 4,807,785.46
0.00 3,267,996.00
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0.00 40,322.13
0.00 29,983.33
0.00 29,983.33
0.00 18,000,000.00
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650.00 1,318,221.00
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0.00 92,590.00
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0.00 34,750.00
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0.00 151,958.53
0.00 151,958.53
0.00 2,000.00
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0.00 3,109.00
0.00 1,933.00
0.00 8,823.53
0.00 120,000.00
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0.00 23,698.00
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0.00 13,600.00
0.00 576,614.00
0.00 461,300.00
6,788,546.68 385,693,092.79
146,768.68 93,784,342.21
0.00 81,196,725.86
0.00 81,196,725.86
0.00 17,373,286.86
0.00 17,373,286.86
0.00 2,796,153.00
0.00 5,000.00
0.00 2,736,003.00
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0.00 981,043.00
0.00 906,173.00
0.00 32,496.00
0.00 3,000.00
0.00 39,374.00
0.00 60,046,243.00
0.00 1,780.00
0.00 44,463.00
0.00 60,000,000.00
0.00 12,129,216.61
0.00 2,044,181.88
0.00 2,044,181.88
0.00 63,600.00
0.00 57,100.00
0.00 9,700.00
0.00 130,900.00
0.00 64,000.00
0.00 46,500.00
0.00 400.00
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0.00 23,200.00
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0.00 900.00
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0.00 400.00
0.00 16,000.00
0.00 5,400.00
0.00 400.00
0.00 6,400.00
0.00 400.00
0.00 89,999.00
0.00 27,100.00
0.00 211,546.00
0.00 536.88
0.00 10,085,034.73
0.00 10,085,034.73
0.00 37,250.00
0.00 18,000.00
0.00 9,268,550.00
0.00 10,500.00
0.00 35,400.00
0.00 65,450.00
0.00 103,884.73
0.00 546,000.00
146,768.68 458,399.74
146,768.68 458,399.74
146,768.68 458,399.74
0.00 12.00
0.00 16,735.91
20,580.00 -20,580.00
0.00 17.00
0.00 84,086.00
3,000.00 -3,000.00
0.00 4,523.50
3,629.00 -3,629.00
0.00 371.00
0.00 77.34
0.25 0.03
19,280.00 -19,255.00
1,149.20 2,284.56
0.00 14,500.00
19,067.00 -19,067.00
5,400.00 -5,400.00
17,600.00 -17,600.00
0.00 465,337.25
0.00 641.00
0.00 10,001.00
0.00 25.00
0.00 4,001.00
0.00 0.12
30,000.00 -30,000.00
0.00 1,000.00
7,006.00 -7,006.00
10,000.00 -10,000.00
0.00 30.00
57.23 276.70
10,000.00 -10,000.00
0.00 0.83
0.00 16.50
6,641,778.00 256,922,710.35
6,484,178.00 251,885,658.36
0.00 535,799.00
0.00 196,800.00
0.00 834,854.00
301,354.00 -80,554.00
0.00 300,000.00
0.00 675,000.00
0.00 255,379.00
77,194.00 -77,194.00
683,407.00 15,996,496.81
0.00 5,267,896.00
0.00 1,690,120.00
0.00 21,583,188.75
0.00 3,603,950.10
0.00 162,299,231.70
0.00 170,786.00
0.00 55,300.00
200,000.00 -200,000.00
34,500.00 -34,500.00
296,600.00 -296,600.00
81,200.00 -81,200.00
135,600.00 -86,400.00
79,120.00 -79,120.00
200,000.00 -200,000.00
0.00 20,433,248.00
0.00 2,173,595.00
0.00 89,964.00
0.00 3,076,787.00
0.00 126,000.00
123,267.00 -123,267.00
0.00 4,075,900.00
0.00 328,100.00
0.00 7,000,000.00
0.00 5,648,034.00
0.00 1,000,000.00
4,143,632.00 -4,143,632.00
128,304.00 -128,304.00
157,600.00 5,037,051.99
157,600.00 5,037,051.99
157,600.00 4,869,851.44
0.00 19,868.78
0.00 122,500.00
0.00 85,116.64
0.00 84,284.20
0.00 182,490.00
0.00 27,821.14
0.00 25,000.00
0.00 1,056,000.00
0.00 427,178.00
0.00 32,563.05
0.00 35,714.28
0.00 16,000.00
0.00 105,000.00
0.00 16,800.00
0.00 136,097.50
0.00 4,298.00
0.00 133,245.00
0.00 307,200.00
157,600.00 -104,856.40
0.00 198,625.00
0.00 17,500.00
0.00 960,000.00
0.00 15,137.50
0.00 37,348.75
0.00 288,000.00
0.00 7,000.00
0.00 120,190.00
0.00 34,095.00
0.00 13,360.00
0.00 3,750.00
0.00 14,175.00
0.00 56,350.00
0.00 392,000.00
0.00 167,200.55
0.00 33,232.06
0.00 57,563.00
0.00 14,379.84
0.00 9,857.14
0.00 25,112.16
0.00 12,000.00
0.00 15,056.35
0.00 34,986,040.23
0.00 34,693,000.00
0.00 33,188,000.00
0.00 1,505,000.00
0.00 293,040.23
0.00 15,400.62
0.00 60,000.00
0.00 200,000.00
0.00 1.00
0.00 0.16
0.00 249.45
0.00 17,389.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
47,234,000.00 0.00
4,853,921.43 3,338,915,237.33
4,853,921.43 3,338,915,237.33
4,653,921.43 970,994,985.03
4,653,921.43 970,994,985.03
4,653,921.43 654,950,906.09
0.00 331,228,384.66 OK CRUZADO PLANILLAS SS AÑO 2018
0.00 2,240,000.00
0.00 2,100,000.00
0.00 861,000.00
0.00 4,700,000.00
0.00 10,983,200.00
0.00 390,621.00
0.00 14,393,000.00
0.00 6,561,000.00
0.00 2,333,333.00
0.00 3,680,940.00
0.00 21,132,534.36
0.00 5,944,666.00
0.00 1,126,667.00
0.00 2,300,000.00
0.00 56,807,800.00
0.00 9,584,000.00
0.00 7,092,000.00
0.00 8,560,000.00
0.00 276,000.00
0.00 13,352,000.00
0.00 260,414.00
0.00 750,000.00
0.00 5,800,000.00
0.00 11,588,156.00
0.00 807,284.00
0.00 6,720,000.00
0.00 3,338,533.00
0.00 861,000.00
0.00 7,456,800.00
0.00 1,171,863.00
0.00 10,224,000.00
0.00 13,669,467.30
0.00 14,670,400.00
0.00 5,200,000.00
0.00 877,083.00
0.00 8,461,956.00
0.00 10,800,000.00
0.00 9,300,000.00
0.00 22,373,334.00
0.00 4,055,333.00
0.00 4,680,000.00
0.00 13,744,000.00
53,976.00 23,386,114.00
0.00 170,000.00
0.00 80,000.00
3,500.00 536,500.00
476.00 1,434,524.00
0.00 470,000.00
0.00 200,000.00
0.00 430,000.00
0.00 160,000.00
0.00 4,951,590.00
0.00 285,000.00
0.00 50,000.00
0.00 1,691,000.00
0.00 320,000.00
0.00 1,040,000.00
0.00 191,500.00
0.00 170,000.00
0.00 1,125,000.00
0.00 160,000.00
0.00 1,500,000.00
0.00 830,000.00
0.00 170,000.00
0.00 500,000.00
0.00 1,066,000.00
0.00 290,000.00
0.00 400,000.00
0.00 170,000.00
0.00 23,000.00
0.00 830,000.00
0.00 656,000.00
50,000.00 979,000.00
0.00 625,000.00
0.00 315,000.00
0.00 1,362,000.00
0.00 205,000.00
0.00 1,378,020.00
0.00 276,000.00
0.00 960,020.00
0.00 92,000.00
0.00 50,000.00
0.00 9,441,568.00
0.00 61,748.00
0.00 342,643.00
0.00 699,812.00
0.00 44,106.00
0.00 911,792.00
0.00 396,953.00
0.00 52,927.00
0.00 402,835.00
0.00 76,450.00
0.00 423,417.00
0.00 850,044.00
0.00 29,404.00
0.00 44,106.00
0.00 181,721.00
0.00 731,436.00
0.00 91,151.00
0.00 291,099.00
0.00 61,748.00
0.00 538,092.00
0.00 132,318.00
0.00 664,528.00
0.00 361,668.00
0.00 5,881.00
0.00 501,985.00
0.00 602,780.00
0.00 596,899.00
0.00 344,025.00
402,361.16 34,588,019.55
0.00 186,592.00
0.00 174,930.50
0.00 124,304.00
0.00 571,113.06
0.00 1,377,705.14
0.00 79,869.00
18,133.01 1,276,167.06
0.00 810,170.14
0.00 194,366.64
0.00 64,384.92
105,112.81 1,726,296.00
0.00 715,321.06
0.00 133,361.00
0.00 191,590.00
0.00 7,024,808.11
0.00 799,097.50
4,207.46 630,823.14
0.00 1,021,327.00
4,964.00 -4,964.00
0.00 1,488,786.06
0.00 51,393.00
0.00 79,457.00
85,137.36 411,474.00
0.00 1,273,998.16
0.00 106,185.00
0.00 835,156.00
2,667.38 300,080.78
0.00 127,992.00
6,764.96 667,293.06
0.00 170,479.00
0.00 1,278,416.26
0.00 1,151,111.00
0.00 1,227,842.00
0.00 633,903.14
0.00 73,551.40
0.00 917,189.14
0.00 1,306,760.14
0.00 1,196,951.14
175,374.18 1,700,697.00
0.00 340,278.00
0.00 593,886.00
0.00 1,557,878.00
5,630.49 1,520,619.03
0.00 22,390.84
0.00 20,992.10
0.00 3,945.00
0.00 27,577.76
0.00 77,252.50
0.00 9,584.00
0.00 60,090.76
0.00 34,901.50
0.00 23,324.00
0.00 643.85
0.00 134,990.40
0.00 35,265.56
0.00 1,111.00
0.00 22,990.80
0.00 9,614.00
0.00 71,496.53
0.00 43,254.10
0.00 34,265.50
0.00 41,766.88
5,366.00 -5,366.00
0.00 78,541.98
0.00 6,167.00
264.49 397.00
0.00 27,763.00
0.00 73,275.30
0.00 1,097.00
0.00 25,055.00
0.00 17,435.45
0.00 3,432.96
0.00 42,298.36
0.00 2,557.00
0.00 65,641.11
0.00 41,357.00
0.00 32,437.02
0.00 30,810.50
0.00 8,826.41
0.00 45,703.50
0.00 67,810.50
0.00 56,377.50
0.00 126,909.16
0.00 5,558.00
0.00 24,349.00
0.00 66,728.20
476,859.63 32,809,199.34
0.00 186,667.00
0.00 175,000.00
0.00 94,552.00
0.00 575,578.00
0.00 1,295,529.48
0.00 79,869.00
8,770.06 1,385,357.81
114,126.41 758,420.67
0.00 20,915.16
0.00 194,444.00
182.00 540,515.00
105,113.25 1,734,166.56
0.00 706,291.67
128.79 -128.79
0.00 1,276.23
0.00 133,584.83
0.00 204,444.00
0.00 3,771.55
23,313.11 4,504,468.00
0.00 799,470.17
4,351.74 630,873.01
0.00 991,406.28
4,964.00 -4,964.00
24,831.83 1,443,803.94
0.00 51,393.00
0.00 79,457.00
79,178.36 417,433.00
0.00 1,275,121.61
26,766.36 -26,766.36
0.00 106,185.00
0.00 814,661.30
2,667.38 300,124.00
0.00 94,567.00
6,835.18 696,354.75
0.00 170,479.00
0.00 1,216,360.60
0.00 1,151,111.56
0.00 1,230,000.00
0.00 619,204.97
32,493.40 41,058.00
4,710.16 1,104,866.21
0.00 1,288,367.40
0.00 1,127,606.40
25,174.60 2,275,337.86
0.00 340,278.00
0.00 545,137.47
13,253.00 1,435,550.00
669,089.81 13,175,330.60
0.00 93,408.00
0.00 87,570.50
0.00 57,102.00
107.00 195,883.00
0.00 493,731.00
0.00 16,289.00
102,755.70 502,022.00
2,227.00 295,861.00
0.00 97,299.99
0.00 30,024.00
53,515.69 863,288.00
27,634.64 232,543.00
1,843.01 45,139.00
0.00 95,910.00
0.00 2,342,756.76
250.00 399,653.50
2,277.00 297,963.00
3,563.00 353,389.00
2,491.00 -2,491.00
74,000.00 487,368.00
0.00 10,859.00
25.00 31,250.00
54,923.00 186,787.00
67,152.60 416,987.00
26.75 33,637.00
0.00 281,250.00
1,213.00 138,095.99
0.00 58,674.00
204.00 311,295.00
38.69 48,828.00
6,073.70 421,479.00
461.01 575,555.00
0.00 614,658.00
1,793.00 215,047.00
0.00 36,574.86
28,993.00 320,870.00
28,082.50 423,823.00
4,071.50 385,284.00
204,987.02 727,781.00
0.00 170,139.00
0.00 205,000.00
381.00 576,747.00
521,788.00 79,637,746.38
0.00 252,406.00
0.00 2,033,775.00
0.00 3,515,045.00
0.00 524,083.00
0.00 5,097,777.00
0.00 2,445,401.00
0.00 506,775.00
0.00 2,873,867.34
521,788.00 0.00
0.00 200,000.00
0.00 4,205,239.00
0.00 32,000.00
0.00 3,883,550.00
0.00 4,938,165.00
0.00 327,145.00
0.00 354,750.00
0.00 4,473,831.00
0.00 512,152.00
0.00 3,727,589.00
0.00 1,027,013.00
0.00 246,549.04
0.00 3,827,250.00
0.00 947,093.00
0.00 4,148,092.00
0.00 97,066.00
0.00 2,294,725.00
0.00 3,163,191.00
0.00 4,551,253.00
0.00 4,048,797.00
0.00 7,682,722.00
0.00 133,745.00
0.00 1,989,800.00
0.00 5,576,900.00
0.00 23,728,091.00
0.00 425,000.00
0.00 425,000.00
0.00 500,000.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 1,868,475.00
0.00 925,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 1,096,578.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 1,000,000.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 589,371.00
0.00 500,000.00
0.00 954,700.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 53,798.00
0.00 925,730.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 1,425,730.00
0.00 1,652,029.00
0.00 425,730.00
0.00 715,723.00
0.00 649,000.00
0.00 30,000.00
0.00 36,723.00
0.00 7,268,940.00
0.00 150,000.00
0.00 378,151.00
0.00 6,490,789.00
0.00 250,000.00
322,928.40 23,728,135.96
0.00 86,000.00
0.00 43,000.00
242,360.88 18,531,555.44
0.00 104,000.00
0.00 86,000.00
0.00 86,000.00
80,567.52 4,448,780.52
0.00 86,000.00
0.00 116,800.00
0.00 140,000.00
1,791,732.33 132,771.00
0.00 20,975.00
0.00 48,000.00
329,033.33 56,166.67
0.00 1,800.00
176,583.00 -67,783.00
320,400.00 122,430.00
54,100.00 55,600.00
466,233.00 -166,173.00
149,483.00 134,880.33
0.00 16,775.00
155,400.00 -11,800.00
140,500.00 -78,100.00
97,967.00 56,086,123.00
0.00 23,013,949.33
0.00 2,624,000.00
0.00 6,873,160.00
0.00 23,245,650.67
0.00 147,600.00
51,800.32 -51,800.32
0.00 96,800.00
11,366.68 -11,366.68
0.00 2,930.00
34,800.00 -34,800.00
0.00 90,000.00
0.00 90,000.00
205,707.61 13,653,637.39
205,707.61 13,475,237.39
0.00 24,600.00
0.00 24,600.00
0.00 24,600.00
0.00 24,600.00
0.00 80,000.00
0.00 605,462.00
0.00 605,462.00
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0.00 6,000.00
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0.00 274,000.00
105,881.00 194,621.18
0.00 20,580.00
0.00 247,774.00
105,881.00 -105,881.00
0.00 32,148.18
0.00 169,215,036.00
0.00 2,717,630.25
0.00 30,252.00
0.00 100,000.00
0.00 53,445.00
0.00 4,200.00
0.00 105,716.00
0.00 -23,361.00
0.00 9,516,600.00
0.00 300,083.00
0.00 5,882.00
0.00 490,000.00
0.00 150,000.00
0.00 35,294.00
0.00 30,672.00
0.00 7,227.00
0.00 7,394.00
0.00 55,042.00
0.00 225,000.00
0.00 17,815.00
0.00 132,354.00
0.00 24,084.00
0.00 175,630.25
0.00 34,200.00
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0.00 3,400.00
0.00 22,083.00
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0.00 456,000.00
0.00 94,768.00
0.00 1,312,680.00
0.00 464,202.00
0.00 367,000.00
0.00 15,126.00
0.00 -21,015,459.00
0.00 4,748,721.00
0.00 22,400,000.00
0.00 22,400,000.00
0.00 1,384,752.00
0.00 154,800.00
0.00 1,114,280.00
0.00 120,000.00
0.00 2,000,000.00
0.00 -2,270,800.00
0.00 56,472.00
0.00 210,000.00
0.00 23,896,915.75
0.00 1,963.00
0.00 5,747.00
0.00 162,857.00
0.00 1,277,827.00
0.00 26,345.00
0.00 15,807.00
0.00 17,324.00
0.00 4,455.00
0.00 835,926.00
0.00 20,086.00
0.00 4,439.00
0.00 1,808,154.00
0.00 57,015.00
0.00 27,463.00
0.00 11,081.00
0.00 6,706.00
0.00 843,828.00
0.00 5,828.00
0.00 1,373.00
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0.00 21,634.00
0.00 3,679,231.00
0.00 3,385.00
0.00 25,146.00
0.00 1,916.00
0.00 33,369.75
0.00 5,588.00
0.00 9,800.00
0.00 1,915.00
0.00 26,584.00
0.00 45,745.00
0.00 86,640.00
0.00 9,293.00
0.00 18,002.00
0.00 249,409.00
0.00 92,988.00
0.00 21,923,103.00
0.00 2,874.00
0.00 574,940.00
0.00 -9,260,611.00
0.00 912,988.00
0.00 220,400.00
0.00 76,947.00
0.00 118,815,738.00
0.00 45,000.00
0.00 115,384,753.00
0.00 3,026,000.00
0.00 -45,000.00
0.00 404,985.00
0.00 91,293,959.94
0.00 90,699,789.90
0.00 2,600,000.00
0.00 43,031,601.00
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0.00 29,843,188.90
0.00 550,000.00
0.00 110,000.00
0.00 594,170.04
0.00 207,864.04
0.00 39,425.00
0.00 190,000.00
0.00 156,881.00
0.00 38,353,105.00
0.00 1,247,700.00
0.00 90,000.00
0.00 1,157,700.00
0.00 12,129,224.25
0.00 500,000.00
0.00 117,800.00
0.00 357,924.25
0.00 7,963,238.00
0.00 117,647.00
0.00 75,630.00
0.00 25,212.00
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0.00 252,000.00
0.00 50,420.00
0.00 166,000.00
0.00 22,556,543.00
0.00 494,500.00
0.00 10,467,889.00
0.00 5,583,637.00
0.00 410,005.00
0.00 4,473,536.00
0.00 80,672.00
0.00 134,454.00
0.00 84,034.00
0.00 16,387.00
0.00 220,000.00
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0.00 261,429.00
0.00 30,000.00
0.00 2,419,637.75
0.00 68,005.75
0.00 1,296,061.00
0.00 22,353.00
0.00 14,370.00
0.00 820,308.00
0.00 15,327.00
0.00 25,546.00
0.00 4,790.00
0.00 79,113.00
0.00 3,113.00
0.00 11,400.00
0.00 49,671.00
0.00 9,580.00
0.00 17,181,978.00
0.00 4,236,034.00
0.00 876,301.00
0.00 3,359,733.00
0.00 441,875.00
0.00 333,755.00
0.00 108,120.00
0.00 1,718,108.00
0.00 1,265,789.00
0.00 452,319.00
0.00 595,800.00
0.00 595,800.00
0.00 10,023,664.00
0.00 7,067,205.00
0.00 2,956,459.00
0.00 166,497.00
0.00 166,497.00
200,000.00 2,367,920,252.30
200,000.00 2,367,920,252.30
0.00 101,862,185.00
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0.00 714,000.00
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0.00 66,508,331.00
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0.00 67,731.00
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0.00 3,127,916.00
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0.00 334,000.00
0.00 12,906,066.00
0.00 72,000.00
0.00 5,488,868.00
0.00 73,014.00
0.00 2,770,154.00
0.00 480,526.00
0.00 243,998.00
0.00 110,964.00
0.00 23,940.00
0.00 965,371.00
0.00 1,201,750.00
0.00 134,769.00
0.00 1,957.00
0.00 1,338,755.00
0.00 5,104,000.00
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0.00 600,000.00
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0.00 449,887,415.00
0.00 11,379,048.00
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0.00 122,798.00
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0.00 10,950.00
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0.00 91,000.00
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0.00 741,588.00
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0.00 940,000.00
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0.00 987,393.00
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0.00 811,000.00
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0.00 186,807.00
0.00 70,000.00
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0.00 16,807.00
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0.00 3,992.00
0.00 187,605.00
0.00 190,000.00
0.00 791,675.00
0.00 32,056.00
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0.00 60,000.00
0.00 60,000.00
0.00 63,331,493.00
0.00 1,456,672.00
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0.00 35,273,429.00
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0.00 3,641,593.01
0.00 313,300.00
0.00 1,807,190.00
0.00 212,580.00
0.00 60,000.00
0.00 195,921.01
0.00 1,052,602.00
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0.00 146,000.00
0.00 829,000.00
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0.00 259,901.99
0.00 195,597.00
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0.00 910,864,590.00
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0.00 14,436,229.00
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200,000.00 26,106,436.00
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Este informe se elaboró el 6 de Marzo del año 2019, 11:27 AM

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