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El silencio es irónicamente ruidoso.

El sonido del aire acondicionado es el único ruido en el

interior. Además, su movimiento más pequeño se puede escuchar fácilmente. Me temo que
escucharían mi corazón porque claramente puedo sentirlo golpeando mis oídos. Este debe ser
el café. Tuve mucho de eso anoche y esta mañana.
Mirando al frente, el reloj dice que son las 9 de la mañana. Vago por mis ojos alrededor de la
habitación. La mayoría de mis compañeros estaban orando en silencio en sus asientos, con las
manos juntas al cerrar los ojos. Por otro lado, algunos todavía estaban en sus módulos,
obteniendo el máximo provecho de los segundos restantes antes del examen.
De repente, la puerta se abrió y el profesor entró con la gruesa pila de papel en sus brazos. Ella
nos miró a través de sus anteojos, ya que inmediatamente lo distribuyó para cada línea.
Empezaron a pasar los papeles de prueba uno por uno hasta que conseguí la última pieza
desde que estaba en la parte de atrás.
"Comprehensive Examination", dice en la parte superior de la primera página. Me tragué
Silence is ironically loud. The sound of the airconditioning is the only noise inside. Also, your tiniest
movement can be easily heard. I'm afraid they would hear my heart because I can clearly feel it
pounding in my ears. This must be the coffee. I had a lot of it last night and this morning.

Looking over in front, the clock says it's 9 am. I roam my eyes around the room. Most of my classmates
were silently praying in their seats, hands folded together as they close their eyes. On the other hand,
some were still on their modules, getting the most out of the remaining seconds before the

Suddenly, the door opened and the professor came in with the thick stack of paper in her arms. She
looked at us through her glasses as she immediately distributed it for each line. They started passing the
test papers one by one until I got last piece since I was at the very back.

"Comprehensive Examination," it says on the top of the first page. I swallowed unconsciously.

The paper still feels warm against my cold palms. I can tell it is fresh from the photocopying machine. I
riffle through its edges recalling when it gave my index finger a painful cut last time. The little red scar is
still evident.

"You may start answering now," the professor announced. Like a synchronized dance group, everyone
flipped the page and almost ducked their heads on it.
I read the first question and it doesn't register in my mind. It's pretty long and needs a lot of
concentration. I read it again for the second time... and third... then fourth... and still nothing. I guess I'm
off to a bad start. The same goes with the following items so I turned my test paper for several pages. I
skimmed the questions and finally found something I'm sure of. The thought of not getting a bloody zero
helped a lot. I finished the fifth, sixth and seventh pages fast. The questions were purely objective and
several uncomplicated problems.

The next part was like a ray of sunshine, not that it's beautiful but because I was almost blinded. The
digits appear like phone numbers. I dug in and my trusted 5 year old calculator is in hard labor again.
Luckily, I answered a couple of questions easily. However, the following items are a total hard work.
Chain questions after chain questions. I looked for something familiar or the ones that were already
asked during our past examinations. Sure there were some but unfortunately, I can't remember what's
the answer. If only I didn't watch that new episode of my favorite TV series and read all of my old exams
instead. Ugh!

After a couple of self hating seconds, I went back to my paper and start calculating. I scribbled on my
paper and used all my brain cells to squeeze out numbers hoping it would appear on the choices.

Yes, it did it but just to be sure, I recalculated again. I hit my final equal and to my disappointment it was
different from what I got before. Turns out one of my input was wrong.

Relieved and satisfied with my answers, I shifted on my seat and stretch my neck. That was a hard one!
Where do my professors pick these problems? I finished a thick book for this subject and I don't think I
saw this one.

Moving on, I went back to the page of theories and started to absorb all the questions. I was sure with
most of my answers thankfully.

I'm left with an hour and a half for the remaining of the items. I went for the computation section one
more time. It was again a rocky road. This chain questions are taking all my remaining brain cells. My
lack of sleep is also not helping.

Due to the time pressure, my adrenaline kicked in and pushed me to continue. I feel stressed everytime I
encounter something I did not study thoroughly.
Moreover, the choices in each question is confusing. How in the world is each one of these seems to be
right? My calculator shows every single one of them. I have to get this one right or else I'm doomed. This
is why I hate chain questions, one mistake and everything else goes wrong.

I was stressed up to the very last question. Maybe if I didn't slacked off yesterday would make a huge
difference. This is all on me... or the exam because this is plainly difficult.

Lastly, I went to my answer sheet and started shading. Another round of self battle and doubt. I've lost
count of how many power of C's I used. I decided to just go with what my instinct says for some items.
There must be some kind of pattern here, right? Like, ABCD, AAAA, BCBC, DCBA etc. Jeez! Whatever.

"Finalize your answers," the professor advised when it was almost time.

Every mark I made comes with a prayer to all the saints and gods I know. This is when you really leave it
all in their hands. My neck and back hurts a little after I finished shading. I took a quick scan on my
answer sheet to check for unanswered items.

I passed my answer sheet together with my test paper to my front. I breath heavily. Immediately, I went
out of the room. I walked passed the loud hallway filled with other students like me.

I know myself I didn't do really well for that exam. But the thing is, I have no time to sulk. I still have
another one for tomorrow.

I drowned in your ocean blue eyes

I sunk more with your pretty lies

You are a treasure under the sea

Meant to be hidden completely

Got high with extreme excitement

Waves of warm nervous feeling

It was like 7th heaven

But you might not get in it

I'm a queen through your words

A slave falling for you always

I loved the way you lied to me

Why being so true suddenly?

Blown back into the sandy shore

I see black though white it's before

As I put this heartless love to rest

The beautiful sunset does its best

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