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CONF-800428 - Vob t
Volume 1 of 3 Volumes

'qh Proceedings of the Sixth International

Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion
Volume i - Plenary Sessions

April 9-11, 1980

I Atlanta Hilton
Atlanta, Georgia
Published August 1980

U.S. Department of Energy

Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy
Office of Coal Utilization


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$Y&$abX& from
CONF-800428 - Vol. 1
Volume 1 of 3 Volumes

The Proceedings o f t h e Sixth International

Conference on ~luidized' Bed Combustion
Volume 1 - Plenary Sessions

April 9-11, 1980

Atlanta Hilton
Atlanta, Georgia

Published August 1980

Sponsored by. :- ,

U.S. Department of Energy

Electric Power Research Institute . .
U.S. Environmental protection Agency
Tennessee Valley Authority

Coordinated by
Courtesy Associates, Inc. I DISCLAIMER
This b w k ux prepared or sn acmunl o f work wnrofed by an agem o l the Unired Sxates Gowmmen!.
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Neither ?he United S l a e h e r n m m t m r any agenn.lherml. nor any o l their emDlayee. makelany
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net-ilv stareor r e l l r t t h o s o l the United States Government or any a J e w thereol.

U S . Department of Energy . ,

Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy

nffice ot Coal Utilization
lashington, D.C. 20585


PLENARY 1 - Technology Overview


U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, D.C,


.Tnhn Byam, U.S. Departnle~~t

of Energy,
Morgantoim, West Virginia

Douglas Willis, Coal Research ~stablishment,

Stoke Orchard, United Kingdom

Johann Batsch, Kernforschungsanlage Julich

GmbH, Julich, Federal Republic of Germany

Zhan~,Xu-Yi, Tsing Hua University, Beijing,

People's Republic of China

Michael D. High, Tennessee Valley Authority,

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Kurt Yeager, Electric Power Research Institute,

Palo Alto, California

D. Bruce Henschel, U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

PLENARY 2 - Fluidized Bed Combustion Development and Commercial

. .
Status Summary

he Technologist - H. Raymond Hoy, National Coal

Board,.Leatherhead, United Kingdom

The Utility User - Manville Mayfield, Tennessee

Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tennessee

he Industrial Operator - David McKee, E.I. DuPont company,

Wilmington, Delaware . .

The Scandinavian Viewpoint - Vagn Kollerup, B.W. Damp,

Virum, Denmark

The Asian Viewpoint - Nagoya Institute of Technology,

Nagoya, Japan

The Continental Viewpoint - Johann Batsch, Kerntorschung-

sanlage, Julich, Federal Republic of Germany

The Coal Combustion Developer - William T. Reid, Consultant,

Coluinbus, Ohio
.PLENARY 3 - The Customer Speaks: Panel Discussion

Shelton Ehrlich, Electric Power Research Institute,

Palo Alto, California

Steven I. Freedman, U.S. Department of Energy,

Germantown, Maryland

Robert Statnik, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,

Washington, D.C.

Ronald Read, International Harvester Company,

Chicago, Illinois

David McKee, E.1 . DuPont de Nemours, Inc., ~ilmington,


Paul Bobo, Mead Corporation, Dayton, Ohio

Bruno Brodfeld, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation,

Boston, Massachusetts

Andrew Jacobs, Analytic and Research and Development,

American Electric Power Service Company, New York, New York

Jack Apel, Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company,

Columbus, Ohio

Robert E. Uhrig, Advanced Systems and Technology,

Florida Power and Light Company, Miami, Florida


ATTENDEES - Alphabetical Listing 84





Industrial Coal Fired Fluidized Bed Demonstration

Program: A Progress Report: J.I. Accortt, J.R.
Comparato, W.R. Norcross, Combustion Engineering,
Inc., Windsor, Connecticut

The Operation of a Small Industrial Coal Fired

Fluidized Bed Hot Water Heater: C.I. Metcalfe, K.E.
Fegley, T.D. Halnon, A.M. Squires, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute & State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

COKQC;G, A Self-cleaning Coal Burner for Bi,p,h Temperature

Applications: W.F. Dawson, Alex Wormser, Wormser Engineer-
ing, Inc., Middleton, Massachusetts

Operating Experience with an 18 FT* Fluidized Bed

Combustor: Henry A. Hanson, Darrell D. Kinzler, Douglas
'C. Nichols, FluiDyne Engineering Corporation, Minneapolis,
VOLUME I1 - continued
. ,
Instrumentation and Controls for the 6 x 6 Fluidized
Bed Boiler Test Facility: R.P. Apa, Babcock & Wilcox
Company, Alliance Ohio; D.L. Bonk, Babcock 6 Wilcox
Company, Barberton, Ohio; C.J. Aulisio, Electric .
Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California

Design of In-Bed Surface for Efficient Turndown:

Robert J. Divilio, Robert R. Reed, Pope, Evans
and Robbins, Alexandria, Virginia

Unit Performance of the EPRI/B&W 6' x 6I.Fluidized

Bed Combustor: J.A. Lewis, T.A. Morris, T.M. Modrak,
The Babcock & Wilcox Company, Alliance, Ohio; C.J.
Aulisio, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
Alto, California

Industrial and Utility Fluidized Bed combustion

Designs: A.J. Grant, Babcock Contractors Inc.,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Combustion in the Circulating Fluid Bed: An

Alternative Approach in Energy Supply and Environmental
Protection: V. Petersen,,G. Daradimos, H. Serbent and
H-W. Schmidt, Lurgi Chemie und Huttentechnik GmbH,
Federal Republic of Germany

he IEA Grimethorpe Pressurized Fluidised Bed Combustion

Experimental Facility.: E.L. Carls, M. Kaden, D. Smith,
S.J. Wright, A.R. Jack, NCB (IEA Grimethorpe) Limited, .
South Yorkshire, England


Investigations on the Leatherhead Pressurised Facility:

H.R. Hoy, A.G. Roberts, NCB Coal Utilisation Research
Laboratory, Leatherhead, United Kingdom

Activated Bauxite and Diatomaceous Earth Used as

Granular Sorbents for the Removal of Alkali Vapors
from Simulated Hot Flue Gas of PFBCs: Sheldon H.D.
Lee, William M. Swift, Irving Johnson, Argonne National
Library, Argonne, Illinois

Control of Particulate Emissions from the Pressurized

Fluidized Bed Combustion of Coal: R.C. Hoke, M. Ernst,
Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Florham, New Jersey.
VOLUME I1 - Continued

Turbine Systems Integration for Economic
Electric Energy Cost: D.L. Keairns, R.A. Newby,
D.F. Ciliberti. A.Y. Ranadive. R.A. Wenerlarz.
M.M. Ahmed, M.A. Alvin, D.H. Archer, Westinghouse
Research and Development Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Experiments on Electrostatic Charging of Dust

in the PFB Combustor Environment: P.W. Dietz, G.A.
Kallio, General Electric Company, Schenectady, New York

Fabric Filtration at High Temperatures: Dale A. Furlong,

Envirotech Corporation, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Thomas
S. Shevlin, 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota

Ceramic Fiber Filter Media for High Temperature, High

Pressure Gas Cleanup: M. Shackelton, Acurex, Mountain
View, California


Operation of the Georgetown University Fluidized Bed

Steam Generator: Robert L. Gamble, Foster Wheeler "
Energy Corporation, Livingston, New Jersey

Operating Experience with Prototype Fluidised Bed

Boilers: J. Highley, W.G. Kaye, D.M. Willis, National
Coal Board, Stoke Orchard, England

Atmospheric Fluidized Bed for Coal and Wood Waste

Combustion, Especially for District Heating: Vagn
Kollerup, Burmeister & Wain Energi A/S, Virum, Denmark

Introduction of a Package Water Tube Fluidized Bed

Boiler: Michael J. Virr, Stone Platt Fluidfire Limited,
Brierly Hill, United Kingdom

Operating Experience and Test Results of the Prototype

Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler at BHEL: Y.P'. Abbi,
-- -

R. Thirunavukkarasu, S. Srinivasaraghaven, K.T.U. Malliah,

Bharat Heavy Electricals ~td.,Tiruchirapalli, India


Application of the Battelle Multi-Solid Fluidized Bed

Combustion System to Oil Field Steam Generators: J.P.
Fanaritis, Struthers Wells Corporation, Warren, Pennsylvania,
and H. Nacb, C.J. Lyons, Battelle Columbus Laboratories,

Plant Auxiliary Systems in the Georgetown University

AFB Plant: V. Buck, C. Sala, Pope, Evans and Robbins
Incorporated, New York, New York

potential for FBC Firing in a Refinery: L.P. Golan,

G.M. Matta, EXXON Research and Engineering Company,
Florham Park, New Jersey
VOLUME I1 - Continued

Economic Evaluation of Fluidized Bed coal Burning ,.

Facilities for Industrial Steam Generation: J.E.

Mesko, Pope, Evans and Robbins Incorporated, New
York, New York

An Anthracite Culm Fired Fluidized Bed Steam

Generator for the City of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania:
Ian G. Lutes, Frederick C. Wachtler, Foster Wheeler
Boiler Corporation, Livingston, New Jersey

The AFBC Coal Combustor for Cogeneration Development .

Program: P.A. Berman, Westinghouse,Electric Corp., ' ,

Concordville. Pennsvlvania. J.W. Smith. Rabcock 6

Wilcox Co. , R. s ~oicomb,union ORNL, oak Ridge,


In-Bed Corrosion of Alloys in Atmospheric Fluidized

Bed Combustors: J. Stringer, Electric Power Research
Institute, Pa10 Alto, California; A.J. Minchener, D.M. ,

Lloyd, H.R. Hoy, National Coal Board, Stoke Orchard, . ,

United Kingdom ,... . .
Heat'Exchanger Materials for Fluidized Bed Coal . .
Combustors: T.G. Godfrey, R.H. Cooper, J.H. DeVan, . .
.c .
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee;
K.R. Drake, FluiDyne Engineering Corp., Minneapolis,

A Comparison of the High-Temperature Erosion-Corrosion

of Boiler Tube Materials by Pulverized Coal Fly Ash
and by Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustion Fly Ash:
I.G. Wright, V. Nagarajan, R.D. Smith, Battelle's
Columbus Laboratory, Columbus, Ohio

Behavior of Heat Exchanger Alloys in Pressurized Fluidized

Bed Coal Combustion Environments: C. Spenger, J.W. Clark,
Westinghouse Research and Development, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl-
vania, M;S. Nutkis, Exxon Research and Engineering, Linden,
New Jersey; S.J. Dapkunas, U.S. Department of Energy,
Washington, D.C.
Materials for Pressurized Fluidized Bed Air Heater System:
J. Mogul, S. Moskowitz, S.M. Wolosin, Curtiss-Wright Corp.,
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

Effects of Salt Treatment of Limestone on Sulfation and on

the Corrosion Behavior of Materials in AFBC Systems: O.K.
Chopra, G.W. Smith, J.F. Lenc, J.A. Shearer, K.M. Myles, .
I. Johnson, Argonne National Laboratory, ~r~onne,'Illinois
VOLUME I1 - Continued


20mw Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion (AFBC)

Utility Pilot Plant - Design Features Resulting
from Performance Data of Operating AFBC Units:
C.K. Sadler, J.D. Fourrow, R.L. Lumpkin, Jr.,
Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga,

Technology Assessment for an Atmospheric Fluidized-

Bed Combustion Demonstration Plant: M. Siman-Tov,
J.E. Jones, Jr., Union Carbide Corporation, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee

Fluid Bed Combustion Augmented Compressed Air

Energy Storage Systems: A.J. Giramonti, R.D.
Lessard, United Technologies Research Center,
East Hartford, Connecticut; D. Merrick, Coal
Processing Consultants, Harrow, England

Preliminary Assessment of Alternative Atmospheric

Fluidized-Bed Combustion Power Plant Systems: S.
Panico, Bums and Roe, Inc., Woodbury, New York;
C.R. McGowin, Electric Power Research Institute,. -
Palo Alto, California

Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion Coal Feeding

Test Program: C.S. Daw, J.F. Thomas, R.S. Holcomb,
C .K. Andrews (TtiA'); Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Wet and Dry Limestone Feeding Using an L-Valve:

T.M. Knowlton, I. Hirsan, Institute of Gas Technology,
Chicago, Illinois

Fuel Feed System for Fluid Bed Boiler: James C.

Short, Fuller Company, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania


Operating Experience with a Variety of Low Grade

Fuels in Fluidized Bed Combustors: G.G.:Copeland, .
Copeland Associates, Inc.. Oak Brook, Illinois

Design and Operation of FBC Hot Gas Producers for
Industrial and Agricultural Drying: J. Highley,
W.G. Kaye, National Coal Board, Stoke Orchard,
England; P.C. Wheatley, G.P. Worsley & Co. Ltd.,
Ha)Tdock, England

FBC Packaged Boilers-Accomplishments to Date:

H.J. "Mike" Michaels, Johnston Boiler Company,
Ferryaburg, Michigan

Performace and Testing of the Rivesville 30 MWe

Multicell Fluidized Bed Boiler:. G.T. Claypoole,
D.L. Hill, T.E. Stringfellow, L.L. Gasner, P.F.
Lipari, J.M. MacNeill; Pope Evans and Robbins, Inc.,
University of Maryland, Stone and Webster Engineering
I '
VOLUME I1 Continued

~tmospherccFluidized Bed combustors 35 MW-Flingern

and 6 MW-Konig Ludwig:Test and Demonstration Facilities:
Herman G. Krischke, Josef Langhoff, Ruhrkohle Oel
Und Gas ~ m b West
~ , Germany

. Development and Commercial Operation of a Circulating

Fluidized Bed Combustion System: F. Engstrom, Hans
Ahlstrom Labbratory, Hensinki, Finland


Two-Stage Fluidized Bed combustion of Coal: M. Tomita,

. T. Hirama, T. Adachi, H. Yamaguchi, Government.Indus-
trial Develo.pment Laboratory, Hokkaido Sapporo, Japan;
M. -Horio,Nagoya University, Nagoya; Japan

Experimental odeli ling of a High Temperature Partially

Defluidized Bed: D.J. Bushnell, N. Sitthiphnng, Oregon
State University, Corvallis, Oregon

Cold S1umping.Characteristics of a Fluidized Bed:

. .
'. M.E. Lackey,.H.W. Withers, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee ,

Summary of Alexandria PDU Test Results: R.R. Reed,

P.N. Dunne, N.P. Rossmeissl, Pope, Evans and Robbins Inc.,
Alexandria, Virginia

Improved Fluid Bed combustor Efficiencies through

Fines Recycle: William S. Rickman, General Atomic Company,
San Diego, California

Bed Carbon Loading and Particle Size Distribution in

Fluidized Combustion of Fuels of Various Reactivity:
M. D'Amore, G. Donsi, L. Massimi-lla,Universita Labora-
torio di Ricerche sulla Combustione, Naples, Italy

Fluidized-Bed Combustion Applications: J. Chrostowski,

R. Davis,-J.Zakaria, B. Jazayeri, Energy Resources Co.
Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts


Turbine Materials Performance in Combustion Gases from

Bed Combu~tor: S.A.
a Coal-Fired Pressurized Fl.~ldd.Lzed
Jansson, N.G. Nilsson, B.O. Malm, STAL-LAVAL Turbin AB,
Finspong, Sweden

High Temperature Corrosion/Erosion in the Effluent from

Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustors: D.A. Grey, A.M.
Beltran, R.P. Brobst, R.L. McCarron,-GeneralElectric Co.,
Schenectady, New York
Assessment of Gas Turbine Erqgjon hy PFR Cnmbl.lstion Producto~
R.R. Boericke, R. Hantman, J. Kuo, General Electric Company,
Schenectady, New York; T. Mullen, New York State Energy
Research and Development Authority, New York
VOLUME I1 - Continued

Fluid Catalytic Cracker Power Recovery Expander
Applied to Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion:
W.G. Mathers, Roger Schonewald, Ingersoll-Rand
Company, Princeton, New Jersey

Improved PFB Operations: 400-Hour Turbine Test

Results: R.J. Rollbuhler, S.M. Benford, G.R.
Zellars, National Aeronautics and Space Adminstra-
tion, Cleveland, Ohio

Pressurized Fluidized Bed Technology Status for

. Coal Fired Combined Cycle Utility Power Generation:
R. Roberts, R.K. Amand, C.W. Knudsen. General Electric
Company, Schenectady, New York




A Mathematical Model for Simulation of AFBC Systems:

J.W. Wells, R.P. Krishnan, C.E. Ball, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Modeling of Flow Behavior and Finned Tube Performance

in the Turbulent Flow Regime: F.W. Staub, M. Kuwata,
A.C. Ku, R.T. Wood, ~ e n e r x ~ l e c t r iCompany,
c Schenectady,
New York

A Plume Model for Large Scale Atmospheric Fluidized Bed

Combustors: D. Park, 0. Levenspiel,.T.J. Fitzgerald,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

A ~echniqbeto Pro1ect the Sulfur Removal Performance

of Fluidized-Bed Combustors: R.A. Newby, N.H. Ulerich,
D.L. Keairns, Westinghouse R6D Center, Pittsburgh,

Cold Fluidized Bed Modeling: T.J. Fitzgerald, S.D. Crane,

Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon


Operational Application of Fluidised-Bed Furnaces in

Burning Low-Calorific and Waste Fuels in Czechoslovakia:
F.1-Knor, P. Novotny, Fuel Research Institute, Prague,

Combustion Characteristics of Anthracite Culm in a . 827

Fluidized Bed: A.M. Leon, P.J. Choksey,,Dorr-Oliver
Incorporated, Stamford, Connecticut
VOLUME I11 - Continued

Fluidized-Bed Combustion of Israeli Oil Shale:

J.S. Mei, J.Y. Shang, R.L. Rice, U. Grimm, J.S.
Halow, -U.S. ~epartmentof Energy, Morgantown,'
West Virginia; W.J. Ayers, Jr., EG&G, Morgantown,
West Virginia; Y. Keren, IMI, Haifa, Israel

Combustion of Western Coal in a ~luidizedBed:

W.T. Ahel, R.L. Rice, J.Y. Shang, U.S. Department
of Energy, Morgantown; West Virginia; W.J. Ayers,
Jr., EGbG, Morgantown, West Virginia; D.G. Turek,
Science Applications, Inc. , Morgantown, west Virginia

Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion Testing of

North Dakota Lignitc: G. Goblirsch, Grad Forks
Energy Technology CenterIDOE, North Dakota;
R.H. Vander Mol'en, Keith Wilson, Combustion
Power Company, Menlo Park, California; D. Hajicek,
Grand Forks Technology CenterIDOE, North Dakota

Fluidized-Bed Combustion of North Dakota.Lignite:

R.L. Rice, J.Y. Shang, U.S. Department of Energy,
Morgantown, West Virginia;.W.J. Ayers, EG&G,
Morgantown, West Virginia

Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion of Municipal

Solid Waste: Test Program Results: L.C. Preuit,
K.B. Wilson, Combustion Power Company, Inc., Menlo
Park; California


Status of Research on Agricultural Uses of Fluidized

Bed Combustion Residue: O.L. Bennett, W.L. Stout, J.L.
H e n , R.L. Reid, U.S. Department of Agriculture in
cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy

Human Nutrition: W.L. Stout, E. Fashar

R.L. Reid, O.L. Bennett, USDA-SEA and West Virginia
University, Morgantown, West Virginia

Fluidized-Bed Combustion Residue Disposal: Environ-

mental Impact and Utilization: C.C. Sun, C.H. Peterson,
Westinghouse R&D Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Utilization of the B;-products from Fluidized Bed

Combustion Systems: L. John Minnick, Research
Consultant, Devon, Pennsylvania; Richard H. Miller,
Valley Forge Laboratories, Inc., Devon, Pennsylvania

Laboratory and Field Studies of Pressurized FBC Waste

Leachate Generation and Attenuation: T.W. Grimshaw,
D.N. Gamer, W.F. Holland, Radian Corp., Austin, Texas;
D.A. Kirchgessner, EPA Industrial Environmental Research
Laboratory, Research Park Triangle Park, North Carolina
VOLUME 111 - Continued

Use of Fluidized Bed Combustion Spent Sorbent

in Energy Forrest Production and Agriculture:
D.A.A. Arthursson, K. Valdmaa, Arthursson- I

Laboratoriet, Enkoeping, Sweden


NO Formation and Reduction in ~luidizedBed
Combustion of Coal: J.M. leer, A.F. Sarofim,
Y.Y. Lee, I.lassachasetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts

NO, Control through Staged Combustion in

Fluidized-Bed Combustion Systems: T.E. Taylor,
Foster Wheeler Development Corporation, Livington,
New Jersey

Research and Development of NO, Emission Abatement

in a Fluidized Bed Coal Combustor in Japan: M.
Horio, Nagoya University, Japan; S. Mori, Nagoya
Institute of Technology, Japan; T. Furusawa, University
of Tokyo, Japan; S. Tamanuki, Japan Coal Mining
. Research Center, Tokyo, Japan
Control of Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Ojtide Emissions
by Battelle's Multisold Fluidized-Bed Combustion Process:
H. Nack, Battelle, Columbus, Ohio; K.T. Liu, Gulf Science
& Technology Company; C.J. Lyons, .Battelle, Columbus,

Simultaneous NO, and SO7 Emission Reduction with

Fluidized Bed Combustion: J. Tatebayashi, Y. Okada,
S. Ikeda, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Osaka,


Sulfur Capturing Effectivity of Limestone and

Dolomites in Fluidized Bed Combustion: H. Munzner,
B. Bonn, Bergbau-Forschung GmbH, Essen, Federal
Republic of Germany

Agglomeration Methods of Improving FBC Sorbent

Utilization and Combustion: P.G. Dunne, Pope,
Evans & Robbins, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia;
L.L. Gasner, University of Maryland, College
Park, Maryland

:, K.M. Myles, W.M. swift, I. ~ohnson,Argonne

National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois

Natural Sorbent Attrition Studies Fluidized

Bed Coal Combustion: J. Franceschi, A. Kolar, G. Miller,
V. Zakkay, C. Ho, W. Skelley, S. Hakim, New York University,
. Westbury, New York '
An Assessment of Advanced Sulfur Removal Systems
for Electric Utility AFBC: R.A. Newby, D.M. Bachovchin,.:.
C.H. Peterson, N.D. Rohatgi, N.H. Ulerich, D.L. Keairns, '
Westinghouse R&D Center, Pittsburgh,'Pennsylvania

Regenerative Portland Cement Sorbents for Fluidized-

Bed Combustion of Coal: A.S. Albanese, D. Sethi, M.
Steinberg, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton,
New York


An In-Situ Model of Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion:

S . Rajan, D. Dey,.Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, Illinois

A Radiative Packet Model for Heat Transfer in

Fluidised Beds: K.K. Pillai, National Coal Board,
Leatherhead, England

The Effects,of Devolatizatton Kinetics on the

Injector Region of Fluidized Beds: R.J. Bywater,
The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California

Ignition and Extinction Characteristics of Atmos-

pheric Fluidized Bed Coal Combustors: J.P.
Congalidis, C. Georgakis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Massachueetts

A Fluidized Bed Combustor Freeboard Model: C.Y. Wen,

L.H. Chen, West Virginia University, Morgantown,
West Virginia

Char Combustion in the Freeboard Region: S.E. Tung,

T.Z. Chaung, P.K. Sharma', J. Hodges, J.F. Louis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,

A Mathematical Model for Char Combustion in a Fluidized

. -
Bed: S.C. Saxena, A.
Argonne, Illinois
Rehmat, Argonne National Laboratory,


Design Relationships for Predicting Heat Transfer to

Tube Bundles in Fluidized Bed Combustors: L.R. Glicksman,
N.A. Decker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts

An Investigation of the Influence of Bed Parameters on

the Variation of the Local Radiative and Total Heat
Transfer Coefficients Around an Embedded Horizontal Tube
in a Fluidized Bed Combustor: R. Vadivel, V.N.
Vedamurthy, Perarignar Anna University of Technology,
Madras, India

High Temperature Heat Transfer Studies in a Tube Filled

Bed: L.P. Golan, G.V. LaLonde, S.C. Weiner, Exxon Research
and Engineering Company, Flnrhnm Park, Ncw Jcrscy ' .
Automatic Control of the ~eorgetownAtmospheric ,
Fluidized-Bed Boiler: R.J. Divilio, Pope,"Evans
and Robbins, Alexandria,Virginia; KL.' Criswell,
Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation, Livingston,
New Jersey
A Transient Sulfur Capture Model for a Fluidized
Bed Combustor: K.J.. Daniel, .S.D. Fimigan, General
Electric,Company,Schenectady, New York'
Process ~emperaturecontrol Using A Mixed Phase
Fluidized Bed Combustion System: Donald'Anson,
Battelle-Columbus. Columbus,.Ohio

Special Control & Instrumentation considerations

for Pressurized Fluid Bed Applications: A.H. 2011,
E. J. Garruto. ~urtiss-~right Coruoration Power
Systems, wood-Ridge, New jersey '


Update on Emission Measurements from Fluidized-Bed

Combustion Facilities: P.F'. Fennelly,R.R. Hall,
C.W. Young, J.M. Robinson, R.J. Kindya, G, Hunt,
GCA Corporation, Bedford,,Massachusetts
Control of partictilate Emissions from Fluidized-Bed
Combustion: Fabric Filters or Electrostatic'
Precipitators: D.V. Bubenick, D.C. Lee, R.R. Hall,
P.F. Fennelly, GCA Corporation;.Bedford, Massachusetts
The Response of Hot-Side Electrostatic Precipitators
and Fabric Filters to Fluid-izedBed Combuitors: N.Z.
Shilling, W.J. Morris, Envirotech.Corporation,Lebanon,
Physical, Chemical and Biological Characterization
.ofAFB Coal Combustion Effluents: C.H. Hobbs, A.L.
Brooks, R.L. Carpenter, C.R., Clark, P.B. DeNee, R.L.
Hanson, R.F. Henderson, J.O. Hill, G.J. Newt'on, S.J.
Rothenberg, S.H. Weissman. H.'c. Yeh,' Inhalation Toxi-
cology Research Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico
~o&rehensive Characterization 6f Emissions from a
6' x 6' Atmospheric~luidizedBed Combustion System:
J.E. Howes,'Jr., S.E. Miller, Battelle-ColumbusLab-
oratories, Columbus, Ohio; T. Modrak, Babcock and
Wilcox Research Center, Alliance, Ohio; C. Aulisio,
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, Cali-

Roger LeGassie
U.S. Department of Energy

Thank you- These changes are not ~ o i n gto happen over-

night. They are going to take time, and as indi-
Speaking on behalf of the Department of Energy, vidual citizens in business , labor and government,
let me welcome you to this Sixth International we have to build. the momentum now so that our
Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference. I especially future vulnerability, to decisions made in a par-
want to extend - a warm welcome to those who h a v e ticularly unstable part of the world can be
traveled here from other countries and other reduced.
. In this country alone, we will be paying almost
I am pleased at the turnout here today --not .$90 billion this year alone for foreign oil --
only the numbers but particularly the composition that's $10 million an hour, every hour. of every
of the audience. I am told that at the First day. And with that money flows jobs and the
International Conference, the 40 or so attendees ability to maintain control of our economic
were primarily scientists and research engineers. future.
Today, as I look out on 500 or more of you, I see
the largest proportion to be equipment manufactur- The situation facing us is compounded by the
ers involved primarily in producing commercial fact that the world's largest producer of oil, the
fluidized bed boilers. ,Soviet Union, ii expected to become a net importer
of oil during this decade. That's a complicated
That's the way it should be. That's telling me compounding factor with obvious, unfavorable
we are moving in the right direction. This is the impacts.
type of program we in the Department of Eqergy.can
be proud to be a part of. There will be some increased production in
Mexico, the North Sea, and here in the U.S. where
As you have heard, I am here today representing more drill rigs are operating today than ever
the Department's Assistant Secretary for Fossil before. But the picture is rather clear. World
Energy, George Fumich. This is a conference George potential for producing oil will soon begin to
wanted very much to be a part of. As many of you decline.
know from personal experience, George has b.een
advocating fluidized bed technology as a clean way That means if the consuming nations do not take
of burning coal since the early 1960s. concerted and strong actions in the very near
future to substitute alternative energy ,supplies
Unfortunately, commitments both to a hectic for oil, . import prices considerably higher than
Washington schedule and to his doctors have pre- today's could become a reality.
vented him from being here today; But I pass along
his welcome and wishes for a profitable three days. We don't have the luxury of making unilateral
decisions about oil. To find a common ground that
his conference comes at a particularly adpro- serves ,all of our interests is a step-by-step
priate time. We stand today at a pivotal point..ln process that requires a lot of patience and coop-
our history. Our nations have just completed a eration.
decade in which the twin shocks of first a quad-
rupling of world oil prices in the first half of . The effort among the industrialized consuming
the 708, then their subsequent doubling again last nations began at the Tokyo summit last June. That
year have told us that our energy problem is real, was followed in the fall by a meeting of energy
that its economic and national security ramifica- ministers in Paris. And that meeting was expanded
tions are severe, and that there is no quick. fix. in December 'to a meeting of 20 nations of the
International Energy Agency.
At the same time, we are ,entering .a new decade
-- a decade where fundamental changes will have to . .Step-by-step; ,these sessions are setting the
be made in the way we use energy and in the fuels framework for an international response to our
we must burn to produce it. This transition is energy problems. Import ceilings have been set.
worldwide. It requires cooperation among all the And it ii now the responsibility of individuals
industrial nations, and particularly it requires
the maximum in cooperation between industry and
like us --
in each country -- to go about finding
the mechanisms and the technology to meet or lower
government. these quotas.
conferences like this are an important part of Republic of Germany, the Peoples Republic,of.China,
the international commitment and cooperation that India, and in the Scandanavia countries.
will be needed to do just that. Just as our
energy problems are worldwide, so too can be the So if I had to subtitle this conference, I think
solutions. I would underscore "pronress" -- progress that is
producing. results, progress that has brought
For those nations represented here today, coal fluidized bed combustion to the threshold of
can be one of the answers. Our countries are not commercial acceptance.
energy poor. But we have built our social and
economic infrastructures on a foundation of cheap, So where do we go from here? I prefer to view
easily attainable oil. That is no longer a real- this conference not as simply a recitation of
istic premise. It therefore becomes incumbent on success stories, but as a guidepost to the work
us to turn to other energy sources, the ones we that still needs to be done. And there is still,
have the most of -- like coal. considerable progress that must be made in the
future if we are truly to have commercially viable
As I have said, we have completed an eventful fluidized bed systems.
decade. Not only did it display the realities of
the energy problem, but it also revealed several The question of reliability must still be ad-
hints of potential solutions. From a technology
standpoint, one of those solutions is fluidized
dressed -- particularly what the government's role
should be in building industries' confidence in
bed combustion. these units. As you know, we issued a solicitation
last year for firms to come in with proposals to
In the early' 19706, we saw fluidized beds demonstrate several large industrial fluidized bed
progress from bench scale engineering concepts to systems. These systems would be operated in energy-
the fabrication of actua'l commercial hardware. intensive industries where reliability is critical.
From where I stand, that is the measure of Yet a question remains of where government's
success -- hardware that is ready to operate in a role ends and private industry becomes the dominant
commercial environment, that can hold its OM in a player. We requested no additional funds in our FY
marketplace where regulations met, permits 1981 budget for this program, but we recently asked
obtained, and in which a n ,investment must be those companies that submnitted proposals to extend
attractive before it is made. them to June 1. This will enable us to gauge more
precisely whether this is something we in govern-
It is hardware in which the private sector has ment need to do, particularly in a time of Federal
sufficient confidence -- technologically, economi- budget restraint, or if so, how many demonstrations
cally and environmentally -- to begin. moving are necessary.
forward on its om. It is a success measured by
commitments from manufacturers to produce and You may be interested to know that last week, a
warrant equipment. It is a success measured by the subcommittee of the House Science and Technology
confidence of users that the technoloy is advan- Committee voted to add $10 million to our fiscal
tageous to own and that it can function dependably. 1981 budget specifically for these industrial
demonstrations. We, along with many of you I'm
You will be hearing about some of these suc- sure, will be watching to see if the other authori-
cesses during the next three days -- developments zation and appropriations committees follow suit.
resulting from both government programs and private
sector initiatives worldwide. In the utility sector, with the Tennessee Valley
Authority taking the lead in developing the atmos-
You will be hearing about our commercial proto- pheric fluidized bed system, we have re-focused our
type unit at Georgetown University in Washington, attention on the pressurized concept.
D.C. Silce last summer, it has accumulated more
than 1400 hours of running time and has provided The 1000-hour test run of a pressurized flui-
steam throughout the winter to heat 51 campus dized bed linked to a small gas turbine at Curtiss-
buildings totaling 2.2 million square feet. Wright's testing station l'ast fall was a sig-
nificant milestone in achieving the materials
We are about ready to begin operating a second durability that e l l be needed for PFBIcombined
commercial prototype at the Great Lakes Naval cycle operations.
Training Center near Chicago. And two more units
-- these designed specifically to burn anthracite And we .are preparing to move ahead with con-
or anthracite wastes -- have begun construction in struction of a 13-megawatt fully-integrated PFB
Pennsylvania. pilot plant with Curtiss-Wright, beginning probably
by next spring.
You will be hearing about last month's run at
the Rivesville utility fluidized bed unit, which It is in.the pressurized fluid bed work where
achieved 200 hours of continuous operation after some of our most active and beneficial interna-
substantial modifications were made to the coal tional activities are taking place. At Grime-
feed system. thorpe, England we are preparing for firing the
first coal and beginning "hot" shakedown later
And you will be hearing about activitiei and this year. As a precursor to this work, the
recent successes in the United Kingdom, the Federal project is currently performing "link tests" at the
Leatherhead facility, and it was there that we With the technical expertise, along with the
recently completed 1000-hour test with General marketing ingenuity and the international coopera-
Electric and Stal-Lava1 cleanup systems and cas- tion, that exists in this room today, we can do
cades. This test achieved favorable results and this and still maintain our commitments to a clean
confirmed our conclusion that the technology is environment and a healthy economy.
ready to move ahead.
Once again, let me say on behalf of the Depart-
This work will be essential to the eventual ment of Energy that we appreciate your attendance
commercial success of PFBs in both the U . S . and and commend your interest and support of this new
Europe, and'you will be hearing more about these and important technology. I hope in the upcoming
activities as the conference'progresses. sessions that you wil be candid about your concerns
and talkative about what you think our future
In all, I think we have a comprehensive flui- actions should be.
dized bed program with government and industry from
several. nations playing key roles. Now it's up to That's the only way the progress we achieved in
us --representing those governments and industries the 1970s will carry over into the 1980s.
-- to make that program work. The economic and
national security stakes are very high, and we Thank you.
don't have the luxury of failure as an option.


CONFERENCE - - APRIL 9-11, 1980

Good morning. I would. like to

speak to you this morning concerning..
DOE s . fluidized-bed program, in gen-
eral, a basic talk that I have titled
"Fluidized-Bed Combustion, A Status
Check." This is a review of the status
of DOE'S program, where we are and where - haw CePcNwr kLIne~~ln/(Pw\e~~ln
we are going in fluidized-bed technology. - ~ ~ ~ T P Ah RISK CYCLE
DOE, as you know, has been active in - S v s m CPmax PRmss T w r m ~VELCUENT
fluidized-bed combustion of coal since
the late 60's when it was known as the
Office of Coal Research. The work was
originally started with the Alexandria
facility, and in the early 70's the
Rivesville project was undertaken and
the Rivesville unit built and operated Figure 1 - FLUIDIZED BED COMBUSTION PROGRAM GOALS
since 1976.
The question comes up as to why In the area of Industrial Atmospheric
DOE is interested in fluidized-bed com- Fluid -Bed Boilers (AFBB), DOE is
bustion. The primary reason, of course, attempting to demonstrate in a very wide
is the advantages over conventional variety of industrial applications,
combustion. I am sure that many in the AFBC reliability. We are also attempt-
room know advantages; but for the ing to develop and are in the process
interest of those who may not, I will of, at this time, d.eveloping a very
briefly review the FBC advantages as we good operating cost data base.
in DOE see them.
In the area of AFB application to
The primary advantage of fluidized- Utilities, we are assisting TVA in
bed combustion is the reduction of SO, addressing the technology issues and
emissions during the combustion process. are coordinating and working with TVA
There is also a reduction in NOx emis- who has the lead in applying AFB tech-
sions and the capability to burn a very nology to Utilities.
wide range of fuels. Other advantages
include a modest reduction in cost for In PFB applications, we are working
the capital, equipment, and operations in the areas of developing component
of a fluidized-bed plant versus a con- reliability, operability and demonstrat-
ventional steam plant; the fact that ing a low-risk cycle, optimizing the
fluidized-bed technology can be used to system process for turndown, and finally
burn the high ash western coals and in the area of developing a wide tech-
lignites as well as the Anthracites nology base. In this last area, we
and high sulfur bituminous coals of are looking ahead at advanced technolo-
the east; and the fact that FBC tech- gies as well as establishing additional
nology can burn low-grade combustibles, data to answer some of the questions
not only coals, but industrial waste. that exist today. In addition, we are
DOE has therefore established a program developing very comprehensive data base;
to address these various objectives and and are working to define improved proc-
our program goals are shown in figure 1. ess configurations.
Fron theee projects we have devel- The Mrsr unit, as memtioaed by
oped a series of design development Mr. LeGasaSey i s the Georgetown unit
goals for the fluidized-bed program, whic;b .had b e a operating since August
an$ this is b a s i c a l l y where &e see our- of 19791 It produce 100.,000 pwnde en
selves going. We feel that we must honp of satatat& steam at 25.0 -paig with
develop a fuel f l e x i b i l i t y multi-fuel the capability to go to 625 psig. To
fir* c a p a b i l i t y and a high c ~ u s t i o n data, it has urceeded 1,600 hours of
cfficiencp and overall p l a a t efficiency. o eration and hen ~ o d w c e da durn of
Of course, it must be w f t h i n envirqn- 88,000 pounds per hour of steam.
mental compliaace at all times. Vork
on r e l i a b i l i t y , safety, ease of mainten- Figure 3 is a 1 ayout eft &ha * h i p -
ance for the p l a t , a rapid start-up
and shutdown f o r the larger u n l t s so
merit a t .Ceoqg&omi. Of $narrlinte&qt
. is the fact :that i * nt -1bem o s t o k e
that they are comparable with the e x i s t - merbed. fbed Wmtsr far e'P feed ansf a
ing utilftAes, atad p o d load following gravSty f l a w fadbed linp tune fedd 8.8-
tamdown capabilftfes i n also required. tam. Ffguke 4 g W e s y0Q4 a better idea
Fiwre 2 8-IP of the
sf the werull War eappnmts af the
8h0ppg &
faeiltfp. ihe ficiuty uttriZ%$t. a bag-
AFBC facilities that DOE has available
t o it plus those that &re available in
house, ar' du$t coileetioa .
private indnmtry. These are the sites '
that are available now to addres-s the The ijext facilitfr' i a a
t Great fidkes
=it be- bul'lt by Cokbuation 'Ibkir-
issues, As you can see, there is a
large nuder of sitee that are in the . Pi te 3 1s an m i b t t s 3 n s e p t
of Ehc d f 'e as it w i l l lo& &cie it 5s
r a g e of 10 square feet or l e s s . We c'apletc. mf!are $n t h e f . w t r u c t i f +
are now beginuing to g e t in place zhs phsil- rfght 'now. The bprilbiag @$milLd
larger units, the d-s, wh&ch will up,, bd'ltr f s in 'plaqd, d tlira"t
give US an expanded data base at the '

boiler. ldtre Lo cuw oq k+ ' m$ Yls

around the 100 t o
next step
1,000 square oot range. opcri.Cycmal 3h 'Sahae. o f 3 9 9 . , - --. - *


We Bwe a group of f a c i l i tfes that AhqZBer -oh$$ prdjeet 3s' the

are egpebla o f addreasSng all phases of m an Emad+ 'Qfl &zi:er ~ r q ~ i $:*hi+ i
S E X work, the AFB atility p b s e , the
hverki.p.cea uaimA* a f lulbi~ad-bed
boilmr' t o h e i e e e fee3 rpcIrIr''Par4
dFB industrial plume which a t e repre- reg4sry. In t h e studies that &h
qstd by tbe demonstration units, tech- dursug Phase I, it was , d e t e m e d thut,
nology muppbtt bars units, and unit6 to in fact, veryi mfficiqmt: h-t traaufur
aupport the pressurized fluid1zed-bed wal arcormflliehiea~ and the, p$gc$as wae
work. viqble Ero* a c&i beating erw@bt.
K w w e ~ : , the pru155ea beewe me pf
I, would like to now give you n logistics. ' ~&catt& a$ t& @at
brief ovamieta of the activity in each of u d t a . that would be q b 3 r + - $a' s
of these areas. 1 have intended this rafinerp; $0 to 90 a t e , the& a
t o he a very brief overview and hoge .qpiry sesioua prokXer sd* coil &4 1-he-
you will attend the various sessions dtmc trant@aktstfon. When the. overall
that will follow which will cover each econo&cs iavolved --red, ft
of these projects in detail. appeared that t h i s process wad not ~ C D -
n o u l ~ a l l yfeasibLa for a tsfuefg appli-
icetion and therefore DOE chose not t a
proceed w i t h the demonstration unit.



has, as Mr. LeGesie m n t h e d ,
D ~ E
twa autkareite pmdeeta underway. The
entb~aaite, c u b prdjeck at ~ k f w ial l
prw1d.e 20,POO povsds an hour of steam
to an indus'trial park. That f a c i l i t y
1s in the ~ondtruceion pbame now and
w i l l be starting up in April af 1981.
The 'lJflkes-Barre facility w i l l pro-
vide 104,000 pound~per Botv of heating
ateam to ttne a m t o w n area af the City
Wilkear Barre. me f a c i l i t y is iq
the f h a l design stages and constrtrction
will he start; th28 fa11 w i t h opera- -
tion in late 19 1.
Tke uti&t$y pmgram fnc1.4des the
Rivesville unit wh2CB has urn completed
a ZOO-hour run a f t e r U a p sewera1
Dbdclificatians to the fuel Eihd systea,
which haa. been one of the maj a r prublema
eacounttvd at Uvesullle. That was a
very aucceirshl rum, and ho Mar pro%-
1- d t e d . Currently, Rive#ills
is in a W n t e m h c e woluetton phase
1aaWtq at the d e t d l s of what h a p p e d
and w h a t Was t4e e;rtaet perfo-ce of
the &t. One thing t o note, tbe titack
duri-ag tbia rua was clear at 'all times;
and it &@ear?the unit had better than
99 percent efficiency in the hot electro-
etatie precipitator. So fxrrm that, it
& @ p a r sthat S P my y e t be an accepta-
b l e approach t o stack gas cleanup for
fluid5zed bed.
Figure 6 reprksents a model 05 the
AFB-CTIU which was under construction
t o be wed as a compQneet test f a c i l i t y
f a r AFB. Shwn are the bunker syetem
out back am well &a the equipment as it
wap to be located in the building. It
inc-Ludd a three-cell stacked bailer
with a .multi-clone primary cleanup and
a baghoase for final eleauup. Figure 7
III~OWS the buildilrg as i t now appears
w i t h the unloading facility located out

available to indnstry a t chdir request.

u ~ t r,et~ ufe hk b&%&ly a t the

pm*, %%a 1s where W ts

&mp&aadr'Eo'r the fp$ $'%.a w$&&@%. SOW

a*, t-&e a d d ~ ~ ~ .~ errW
Weg eek @
~ m i . ~ i + i i&t'~on ma ot. durse high- The iatemati~nalprojects include
c d w s Q % e e#E&c&pey; a W 'ex -la- the IRA Grimethorpe, as mentbned,, where
Mtx*c bs% '+le:b%, iM & inibed the XKlE objcct4va is tq' work ria f i e
b t st~t*&.Ev rete, .f&& c&& f b d International her- Agency t o build 7.

& d , 8& mti- and upexate a PFB -facilPty t t p obtrixl I-

&%If& f * gas ~ '*&i%if.e &&&&a3 eye??= data on prdfo t p puilnrs fnelud5ng em-
s y B 8 t c m q* bustion ~haraeteristics,emissitins, and 5
turbAne matmi@gr. The CURL f a g i l f t y t
The v&&otls. f a c b @ & i w . g h w 3.n is being operated now with the objeetlve i
f t w e .a: prB w p %
ye+lr* w&laP$t m of sypportiag tIm'',IU project: and defh-
us -< % w&
plant has ~.wfJ&Med
M d S f *k3 a
desdig. @tW.
in PFB kombusf ipn cbfget&kiqti'soxi a
p i at neala, win, these f a c i l i t i e s
Wmetbae E46 f t$,
The& L-13 Chi
~e g e o ~ e jwe
a ~ ~ts,
w i l l be di'sscusbie~ more in d&a%l at
late* s b s ~ t o n ' ~ , .
b i

. GeJwral :z%&*ie.rnB**3*1e P m W 3 *e

sot. ggs 'tgr,@m~b:

XyOXk, &Id.the&-- fa .summaryrlooking st our'achieve-
?ra*rc; Bib-*= 'Sea& , daj,t. .g4x ments to date, there are the i>&ustrial
pmgqm pWed aty_:=@w5n %&@re; 9. dmnstratfons; we have d-atrated
ye ~ ! 1 ~ ~ . * e ' x " a @,=*& r Qe iI I i 3 r pwcessi f l q i b i J $ t y on a larger tlumb,er
~ a c e~ m&s.
l Q&e,&ll
~ ~ &&d of cpslg and t e £ u ~ eq t e r i a l e and the
a M6e' pi- -pn$Qcs,+kw w $ $ w u t i l f t y c o q ~ e p t has been denwnstrated
E9;%1 .&ti hd= (Srfhethwpa. p+*
t$ere t#e ~ $ 1 1w i;nga a repom- &mop-
a t kivesvilIe= the area ef technol-
ogy baee, t h e e is a modest b e e avail-
HV ?:
s t t a t a n aft mi6 $dl3 l$& ia,i%e'
and Be 0paItdofmd en
W able to WE right -, and we are m ~ d -
eliy to expand both the design data
IS%% rime. &we. avai able and she data base.

FiB" 10 @haw8 the 'Gur&%ms

pjtlof p me,, rQrwm~tion
m X
df qhich is
to be&a sh~rt&y,S t w 3 l l be abut txm
*eats to c@erafonc
FMuever, it is hat a11 Buccess.
There are some problems that remain to
be addre'ssed and a fkw gf them inclade
the following : Demons.kration of low-
tern reliabilft y - indusxry rwtinuee
to state they want to s'ee a unit that
can start up and run for a year. We
need to reditee the oq5plexftjr of the
fuel feed system especially on the
larger units. The long-term perform-
ance of materials in th* fluidized bed
has yet to be demonstrated in the
10-2Q,00Q heur range. ?hare i s a need
t o contiBue t o develop. a firm data base
for desfga and scaleup fn the area of
heat trhsfer, combustfan a£ ficiency,
and d ; ~ a & o m . There is a need to
develop htethods for utilb.atioa of t%e
spent-bed matesfals. On a system basis,
a defin3tiua of the best p&er geiiera-
tiou and cogenexatfofl systeras, Tor first
generation commercial plaqt;s is required.
From an 'economic &tadpoint, confirma-
tion of t sconwaic advantager of
fluidi ed bed on a demonstration scale
i s nee ed.
The DOE is inte~estedin your ideas,
pour discoveri+s, and 'your concerns. We
look forward to thds eonferenee as e
£0- t o exchange ideas, define poten-
tial problems t h a t t-emafn, and identlfy
P means t o solve these p r o b l a s . We of
M E thank you %or participating. Hay
the conference be bebef f cia1 t o us all,
IaTIqN& COAL B P r n
COAL RE-m E - S T ~ ~

X t i s a &reat p- pleasure f o r w to Be
heri ep%ddngt;o you C o w rsrpresentlag #g
United Kingdom betor%such a d h k i n p i e h e d You wYI.b a r n abouut t h e cankinuing work
$ t ~ t h e ~ i q g . h* ,t))q 1977 Cwrferencg, Dr. W. Q. w b i ~ ha&e8 & i n ,.We CURL laboratory'fras me
Kaye presented & i ~ ov<emiewbut, tmforlamtely , m a r by R-md Hoy and Alan Roberts, 'but what
he ie-o* k$,WiGh $oy t q w aa~he ia amow the el mare 4mpbr~antyou will hew tbis afternQm
bulb fields M Holbmd m&rq the &or &nut the D A prpjeet at Grueehoype and, as an
p ~ ~ q b Wtrom4 w o s i u m on ~ e w Coal ~ e c h m l o g y engineer, ma of M e p i ~ t u r e awhich brings home
th$@ wltm Hgrtsl, '@%$e@$m. (Isl3alld haye tp me the r&JL%y o f *a ady@t,ages of , E M &
bough* s h ~ ian the :Hilton). t e c w i o g y i s e picture o f that 86 blW* boiler
W F ~ Y & &qnr ~ pie* on a Low loader. This
k s d e hfs'bes* vi- t&YOP t w d i Joe i i a n w near ta ooplmfssianfqg.
QSb-on, David Ddnkpn a d Jack mm* MY
P @ w w d q f r o m PCB, J* H*lW Wd fi.- Anow& p-mJedt @out which we e h a l L h e w
paberter, -me 1~1th QI# wd b* prsrentitw m o m i n the f i t w e f s We Wit$& Columbia HgdFo
p a g e ~n dpiafied mrk fn @3eh w e , in t h e soh,m$ whPbh fs be* de8ignd by C o d
ems- $a'Wl$-t ok $he Nati.onal CQaL moeessing u-ltqwt& .lpef f i t i o w C a d Boakd'er
B m W , b e been i n d u e d . o*iaat%on
e d
mr a&UM k n & w h ~ , ) . This
v A wtbt-ematfro prpsgdt r5nB we
&at 1% fill l d ,CQ mom ,ofthe same

type and Is-@.

$ow t o abnaapherie pressure developments-

& if me* a W those In tke wdf#cl who do not
lmwl the diIfepwle~,stay tuned to t h i s ahm
thmqh till FriW and w i l l lawn.

'Startinn rXr=k w&kh the larger end of the

me,x F p t e of IiU I w ' k two >yeam
ago h a -#d%>#uidiaM b w l ~ a ~ 'h#d ~ ~eirivsdl.
m i
$h q w O d o t , wk ,Tsot: W l ~ - e C m t . ~llpplrlnghe& t o the
are now ewe n i ~ em n j i w ~ ai p U.K. who we
wrr. tu offer on q a6rmnereial b w i g i B r i k i l B'&&& - isation w i t hprovie&
vatvast amount
$lufdSei@ bdd W i l w or eurngee. m p e w 18 o f -iilforhlaq&=ai3 ng a Nde range of he&-,
hot lm* but me p a e ~~f a e v ~ l ~ m mkst B U C ~that smk af * riWan&e we d#ht not hava
@ W ~ r d yaars mch has barn l e m k and much pomsfde~rdt@* as $#Pilsa. taw yeam -0.
net think kIit39 he$ectr$ed c-1
I: do
duag ye* Wwh.
One of the ~ 4 m s n ~ lm&x~p r a s ~ i m&P
~ *is is, of
We, in t h e National C o d eaF t
I, like to feel cowse, the $e*~pa% ir)stallation gy Babqock
3ht w& are at t h e forefronk of this developttl8etit ~ n t e m a t i o dC-ion at central Ohio
though *e mrk o f the Coal Reeearch PsyEhfatirto ~aepft&.
$~Waliahmatand the C o a l UtfliiiatOon Research
Laboratory, but it i s a great encwwgement km us Installa%ion .of We h u h prassure Mitchell
that so many British firms hre now inve~tingtheip coil boiler wi* output of 30 KWth and 'd0 bar
opm r k a e w t e e iR dwalwmarlt ad yr.ducLlurr. i s n m vlrmally complete and though evmte in khe
British Steel Corpora%ion hava delayed its
L& me now very briefly look over the U.K. completion, o ~ l dcon%irissioningtests have been
scene, starting f f h t l y w i a gre~surisedfluidiasd carried out.
Tha Enmw Equipment r e - f i t a p t a n an sr On more umconventLoria3 lines Che v-8~
small iMusWial water tub& boflatr hrrrr be- H ~ F l z b r r h lOpen H e t b boil- *oh is :- into
insk&led and ptuwed. rrur boiler k s t house at CRE MSI
at 5 PW at 10 b e g
-* (P&A
'Ehare-is a *E of other projects fn the (Pack& Boile*~lbmpo b ~ i - &a 1 ~ i~ go-
~ C e r g twf'th
early. a'w5g~ ~ a m&er of k n b .the teak hmse erne t--in Awat. m a
nrapufawem, M a BUEh being the retrofi#ing latter & s W , though imitfelly af:8 W the& M
of a high pwasium 54,W kgm. @ t e abailer rhwmwlar, lhes the potsnUaL of going up t o
ppHim .was In&talZ& s fen y!?m ago, of1 fised Me-1 in Unit an8 ~ U S S .pHSHlWe8
L ~ ~
but plfkh an e~reto pnmible Rtwe coavergion a f 4 0 ba'.
t~ -1 Wd fTd&l~& bid* S U b j m t to
watt~*actbrgfwd-, &at h&we h b arrtvwl. F X 3 y , I.must nrwtLm me suce-e~f3f'nl
J d k b n b o i k fn the m, Fm rfiilak-thisi~ a
B r i t i s h q v w i & , $he Elufd be6t-m 5s
based u ~ m w&k.b~ the N&timtaI C a d Bawd

The mu1 rerweal fire tube boPLarel fbr 1~cerrBB; +OW-& Bailers! *ugh ~-lrsti#a
tbe t m t a e i ~ rnhau~
r J am t%at&)~8Finhw3,es Sys!te~as'LM4 -8 b o a e r w U 1 be d@eer~b& %n
at Marden ,(ahot: w a b r boiler) ' and me 0-1- the WFP by W&a WFhwls on Thursday diemo~n,
tio%l# a* Antleii U&i$a S a d z w at BuQ:+me
cont€nued to operake,for a Past Myewe.
Be of ~ S t* B ha@, be& the c?Q 4qiler
~ cite fc@ t w ' y e a ~ kmd h a ,6rhrrle3j I314 I d . 8-BrQm f W$,& q I* oxervieai, I m0S.t
Beth e v e be- wed test & ~ ~ & m l L a i o n anot , qufcey lMk at .We q 4 0 S . l s~a n e and tn
6pk fro? !wmlng,,d3ff*$ e d a but a d o f ~ r part3:eu;l& i c e field 9 Qvt* a. bkt of
tw diT$eW--mthwla of stwrbup. 1 1 ~ i aw i l l en- i s &npLJt hsCE Pbr d q i n g and a b v . 1 ~ ~ 5 p
hear more of t h i s w~rkin T h w d a y rsomin&ta hoz gasre6 fMm a flNCTis& h a can. k used Eor
&e~iif.onon Wemtkng experiebce fr& Jahn ElWkey. *ir pr~rg&. Again J&n EUgRLey, this t i m e on
Th* d b m m (busy day J e h ) w i l l am=
This paf.treular v&t:$.cal fire tubs bcdXar the work in m q e datmfl.
has been ti&- bb Vospw Thorrlgcfof't
WbWeain,, a divipiw of shrpbuil&~s 'ppp g ~ b -rC
a arq . p e w wbll asWIiWed
mid e~l~mwcnlwl gmtromes bP ar'wnd 6 Wth Ieteam an8 by &their operating exgerienca have sk- &a
or hat m-1, at p r m ~ ef e ~aa?pund 10 bw are favmrabl* a~moinbs. 43. Wor$l!ley h p a auld
h e W . ~ ~ ~ ! A $ k b me' . Fkrst of hw 'now five and Pm* h e em,on oPdef. Ail of tbese
been dblivwed t o a , d t e in h d w - It in w e Yibrma QLl*uf8, of 5 ,m,gnerm RJqment
e?epe&@ k+k dmqt hmll a dmkn wilJ be have alsa m;lP three (two in a s UrK. a d me &
i n ~ h l l e db~ t h e the rear. w h i l e other France).
are d e v e h i w 7 s h t similar
ds8*. The m e Fluddfgre -1 A t We lwer and of the dirtrct d* market
pm&e ate^ W e boiler for a&& at abart the 15 MW thermal ~ l g drYfSlat plaat at t h e sanent
3 WV C h e m d 6s now ;tnstdked at a Eactoqy In works has been very sucmesfu~ia &pwlng s
York&i* fm p ~ f kri&s. w Ym will h m s h t a n t i a l . saving wer the fnrr~ero i l fired
ehia aev~lopwant:from Michael V i e on Thursday ~ ~ e .
On the ho'rf~ontdf i r e tube boiler a number
of people are mckive using 'ramrenkimdl and I have, b-se of the time factor, left out
'UncWd~Iti-1' deSi&~~, A l a ~ ~ W a t i drefersnce to the w k on C a i U q g a cbbw.tion,
~ ~ m 58 c #a
b Northern Engineering b d u s t r i d ~ refemnee W the .mppmt sad a t m o t ,wek done
berhaps ?till b a W p *eogfiisd & fn4iufbal for m w dr8wgsetfpm bpl W$h fmgormt,mrawmi
wee v $ ' W suoh as J a b !lbomgaon, as corroeim wd e r ~ ~ i o l orj
l , fluid bed ga~ifi~ation
I n t e r n a t i d Coglbuetfon,Cocbane and Qark ta ~ r ~ g d u cre gas for fwrnfv In fbmacm- m gas
s a d for
q e QP f w aT th&& boi lere -&-e no#
lm#laMon In Mzes up t o about: 6 bWm
tufbXh,e~,g t c .
for eteam ar hot mter an8 ~ulllkd i t ~ t a l l e d There Is much &ing on -yet a l l the time
trarards $be e M of the mar aPtec substantial we can see new near developments to
ideas to try,
proving in one of mTts warrufkcturing wrk8. FEU8

Energy Equipment: have &o sold their system 8111 Elaye concluded h i s 1977 o w r u i e ~ rby
for installation in thPee Robey boiler@ and the swing that fluiaimed bed combustion had arrived.
first af these is now on t e s t in their works. I have come back into research and development
Similar equipment, haa been sold for inshllation after pny years fp technical marketing. I can
in a bailer in Hungary. see tlmt fluid be8 roaibuation hea amivrjd, but
mureaver, I can see that it cgn, w3th the t'fght
Parkinson Cowan GWB Ltd. have also aold f Z m c i a 1 st;rucWe, be sold on a C O m w ~ i E a lb u t s
three boilers at 2 MW them& each for m d I b a l i w e that in U.K. we should be in 61
inatallation later this sear or early next ye&. d m &o& g08390ll t o do =Ma8 0f British
o w l , British idsa~8md B r i t f sh eqdpment.
I m s t , bowever, md on a souib+e note and
set fluidised bed c ~ s t i o n in pempective
-inst the world energy sihatim. If we
da n o t speedkly dwrelop fie new kechniquee of
coal burning, and I bel3eve f l u i d i s @ be* to be
a most importank one, and persuade people to
revert t;o coal fir+*, thus relieving the
gmsmires on a gre-esriorrs world of1 slhmtion,
the results for a e idustrierlisud western world
m a ~ rbe horrendpus

Fig. 3 Fluldised be$ boil boiles by

l@3 Boilers 17.R.
Hatiwlal Cml Board gmjw*

Fig. 2 Fluidised bed retrofit to Central

Ohio Psychiatric Hospital
Babcocg I n t e r n a t i d
Fig. 4 Babcock b o i l e r for proposed retrofit
cmvoreion f r o m o i l t o f l u i d i s e d bed
coal firiw U.K.

Fig. .6 Clonsast 2.8 IN vve~ticaXfhkKdFstl8 bga

rteam bai1er
rational C o a l B o d profeat
rig. s SC-~ZQ w%idn-emrr)
Eng,fne%rSngt-hiwt hwf z w b l

pig. 9 Bguimt ~M , Qbe4

ew~itibn i n st J yw bWw
seem boiler for Hi30 ette

FIL. 20 CWB Bailer with development

f l u i d i s e d bed
3oinb P m * k i ~ ~ uCuw ~a n~/ N C B project
F i g . 13 YdmstrJn hUer Camgang
FwrysbUrg. mGM@m4 9 0 9

F i g . 14 G.P. Worsley 5 fl~idisedbed

f o r grass dryers
Joint G.P. W o r s L e y / m prodeck
Fig* 16 G - P , Yorsley 115 W fluid bed furnace for
clw dryer
ovm'vlw o r ~ 3 ~ p 1 q g ~Bs aB cdmb~qti-ori
P r s g m m e of ehe Federal W b l i c of Bepmny

14°F ' >

. .
me ea rlufai~eabed aombustion (PFEC)
'me b y i e gual 09
gmpame of tbe B B @ ~ pF
mans Zs Mh d e v ~ 1 o g m taf
' b W~*R
+qr$ij, :-eepial advantqges with ~eepp?c'tGO
~p m t w k i o n , acxrmbus5Yon eHL-
Prslltph tag qqntrbute &B a , :crdwq, g e m e t ~ f caise a$,$f eo@f pee
enex;,$gr *@ply for o w ca with r# P;w 'ttlfb2w, $0- thermal ltexamp
nomie& favourable of 8- tu.tal plant ( F i g . 1, and 2 I .
acaepmble MW.
The development of wit ahlp tachno-
1ogfa.s fom 3nc~saseBand more ePTi*&en*
n coal g l a ~ san imgo~tmt
u t i l ~ z a % i uof
r o l e l i t h b $his g o a & ~ ma@
, , c0&2 ia
the only do#&sC fc g~5m.w energy ~ o y r a e
whish is &vafl&BLein 1mke quaf %%lea
in Gemmp.
&cordshgly, ab-t half OF Mr6 &Q-
vemqa9 fun@ f o r non-rmqlep energy
~ea.e&G'h if$beSng cm&uned fqv coal ~ e -
a*#&. -Ih the ama of dbwt eombq&ion
of coal, f o p Mat and ppwe~$$mrat50ns
the bffart;8 ape aonc,enb~atedan the fnr
f ith
~f~ $C Q I ~ V POWqP
P I ? Q V W ~ @ F0 ~~%
r&$e& to @nv3zvomueatal~ 9 0
and ad-&
%ecMfloghswwch o m b i n e
Il a c s
high tlCiLbati0l'i
~~~'~,C$PHOY , o f 1W gade
c a M d 3 etzvSmrm~&allg atre 'pt,&L+ ape-
ration. Bere, Zlugdizqd bed &mWziiqo
velopment .
(FEE) Pepsesntw *he r e a of ds-
F i g , f ; 50, *Gaacantrat5on aa a fmatlan of
Befare snterlng into 8 ~ 9 S l sof-oui! ex$ea$
flutdis@ bed kolttb,uerpion Pepe.wch qe- Se~&ouadWeIapm&nf prob lems ,have to
velppment pmrpame x w m d iL@ t5 ~turr
be OP$F&W& h the case of P m . !I%e~~.f.ozre
UIRP~ZB some @wit ~ d v q t a g e sof
atmQ..8$bgx'ie,Pl~iq3==dbeg pgM,wt$On [AFBC 5
- The furnace temperature is @p$ l o w .m$ w a s h w p o ~ a t e 3in o u r PBd pearparch prxr-
.unifdm. Cdneeauantlg, NO, fbPW&ion9s p y n e be@U!+ Pb can be devel.loped fo'p pm-
Law. aerojal a p g h c & iaq *thin a aomide~ably
&W~% e t,m =Em
- b aT a d i t f an s re-
- Beotisa SO - W s ~ i mcan b~ r e d u e d bjr Ls$i*X$ afibple ,ci@~ep&i b fawurable SOT
the additi%n of limestone or dolomite, amall plarktar, such aa incIu&~Aal.hoilew
an expensive qnd efficiency n o n s d n g and mall power station units, wh*re a
flue g m de~ulphu~isation p2mt is no* complex technology leads to oomgaratively
required. high fnvestment cobta.

- Heat transfer caefficient s are high.

2hi8 means, that the heat-exchanger
areas and cor&equenfly the b o i l e ~ ecm
be m l l e r than in pulverized fuel
- how wade fuela can be use&
F i g . 2: NO -concentaation as a function o f P i g . 3: ~ i o wscheme
c x z e s s air 35 m! Fluidized Bed Combustian
In the Federal Republic of Germany a
c o m s i ~ r a b l epapt of *he prima* e n e r a A newly c o n a t ~ ~ t second
d plant with a ther-
demand is being consumed in industrial ma1 capacity of 6 MW, located in Reckling-
boilers. In this a r e a primrily oil and hausen, entaped into operatution in 1979.
natural gas a r e b e h g u e d at the present If produces saturated steam whlch is fed
time. The bevelopraent of Am,C can reduce i n t o a district heating system. Its flow
Che dependence on these energy so.uTces, scheme (Pig. 4 ) shows t h a t f o r t h i s amall
aa this technologp offers similar advan- u n i t a bimphr technology aspeoisllg w i t h
tages -1~3th respect tn automatic operatbn respect to coal prepmation and feeBing has
and environmental prokection. been applied. C o a l and limestone are eon-
veyed by a screw feeder i n t o the fluidized
The projemts an aonventi~nalAFBC bed.
as executed Ln the Federal Republic o f
Germany cover a range ~f ,$herma1capa- Both p~ojectsare being performed by
c i t i e s from 6 EIW to 124 MW. Rubrkohle All in urnperation with the Deut-
sche Babcock group and the consortium
AFBC-Pro j e c t s Thyssen Engineering, Standard Kesael,
respectively. Details o f these projects
A t the power" station in M s s e l d ~ r f -
Flingern an e x i s t i n g boiler waa converted
from travelling grace firing t o fluidized
farence .
will be presented Later during this conc

bed combustion. This glmt, with a thermal

capamity o f 35 MW, has bean in operation
since the second half of 1979. It produces
supegheafed steam of 17 b w pressure and
400 c which is supplied to the s t e m SF-
stem of the power station. The superheater
is located above the bed. Fig. 3 shows the
flow scheme of t h i s pla,llt. A premixed coal
and limestone mixture is Eed pneumatically
into t h e bed. The produced heat is trans-
ferPed to in-bed-heat-transfer-~urfaces
and to tube banks outsicle the bed. The
flue gas is cleaned in the cyclones and in
baghouse filters. The dust collected in
the cyclones can be recirculated into the
bed t o imprevs combustion efficiency,

F i g . 4: Flow scheme 6 MW - AFBC Plant

An additional plant wFth a t h e m 1 !€be r l r s t problem w e & is Being in-
capae'ity of about 124 MW w i l l be aonsWyc- vestigated eriehisl the fr-wock sf tbs
wad. 5?i Hameu. me contracbop is the $l+k- well-know TEA-Ppojeet. me crmetFuction
'tir$k$t&tswe~keWesesltal h b ~ ,& @aal uki- of t h e PFBG plant Zn &imethorpe, IJK, is
l-itg. m$ boiler w i l l be wgUna b ~ !tBe nearly complete and cold ~0nm~9aaion5ng
Ve+eini&e Keasalwerke AQ, whf ch $180 awp- is being perfomped. I* fa s n v 5 ~ ~ g ekdo
ligd t W & bailer f a r W = - P l a n t Qrime- start the experimental pragramm zn emly
tbb-e. Th%splant will kiave a gaFt 'or the 1963
aupa~heaterw5$hln the be&, ma FBC b 0 i l e ~ Ee~manyis one al" the three w t n e r s in
6t Hsmeln w i l l erupplJ! ateam %P ebiDbined thia project. This project w i l l be grs-
heab and pm@rpneration. sented Ln d e t a i l later during thia con-
fe r e m e .
PB$C-Ppaj ects
Our nrrbional projecte h hhe PFBC
As already mena loned , pr.eqewiaed area are .eoprcen$rated an Problems c o m e -
fluidized bed combustion has by fap greater t e d w i t B the combination of the PFBC with
potentJal than a t m p h e r i . c fl,uidf zed be@ a gas turbine.
eambiz&ion. F i g . 5 shows the O l d scheme
D* -the ,?F!BC p;Cank oonaept -@hioh promises A poodeot whiah is beQng oarrfed ~ u t
the h i a e s t eTPic5ency. ALp is%.pbb88ed t.0 by a -ameortium of Be~gbaa-Forsohung&&If
the PluiGsed be& via We compressor of and Vereinigte Keasslwerge AQ CPRWl an&
a gas bwbtne. Coal a d limea$one ape fed daals with a piloteplant orfth a
grmixed in- t b fluidbe&.bed. ma, eo-m t h e m 1 capacity of about 32 MW for testing
bustion gaaas leave the cpbut%t.qrwith a t h i s emb5nation. In t$e o ~ f g i n a lconcept
temperature of abou* 850 C, are ddeuated it wae @n*sagea to use an s l e c t m t a t i c
in suitable equipment and then geqned to grecfpitator f o p hot gas cle-g ak a
t h e gas turbine. Heat f a tran&fprl.edt o preBsure of 4,'5 &ar.
'the watestesnn cimlUtt from heat exchan-
ger w i t h h the combusWr and from the waste During the enginee~fng:evaluation it
h&C' of the gwturb'ine. Beca~dfngt o pre- became claiw, that thfs system cannot be
l m n a r y sludiea this concept. sill mve an used without special dev~lopmentdevoted
,&ificfen07 of abou* 39 $ based on the lower ta the dea b e d gag corn&* ions. Theref ore,
a different concept f o r this plant is now
heakhg value,
w d e mpm3dder&tian
~ .
CHg. 6 ) It is naw
p l r n B I d to used %bee$%age cwlcne ,&as
ale&. m. cumensate far the reUt3vd-
ly high dusk load in Che g a b after the
cycbqes, a special 8ust; resistant turbine
w i l l be used, which was r4,eveloped fox ener-
w recovery af%erflufdised bed c a t CP-
The preseure in the conibuator will be rai-
sed t o About 8 ba*,

Fig. 5: Pressurized Fluidized Bed Carbustlo31

with Combined Cycle
The problem areas which have to be
solved before commercial application can
be d i v i d e d i n t o probleme of t h e combustion
process and it8 optimization and into pro-
blems which arise by the combination w i t h
a gas turbine. Fig. 6: Flow heme o f the AqW-Plant
R. HoLigbaus
J. Batsch
As it carnot be expected that t h e above
concept offers the apthum ecommical and
- The classical or stationary Pluiaized
bed with a relatively w e l l - d e f h e d
technical solution , Surther work I s being aurfate of the f l u i d i z e d bed and only
done in the development of high temperatu- a small carry-auc o f solid^.
-/high pressure gas cleaning equipment.
Two projects of the University of Easen
- very b5gh carry-over,
The circulating f l u i d i s e d bed with a
which results in
deal, in labomtory bcale, with electro- a very intensive internal and external
static p~ecipitatoraand high temperatwe reaycling of s o l i d s .
r a b r i e filtesa Up to naw the results in-
dicate t h a t oper+tion of an electrostatic In F i g . 8 the flow s2heme of an atmo~phe-
precipitator w i t Q pressures &ove 7 b w is ric cirewlat3ng fluSd9ze8 combustion plant
possible at: 850 C and that f i l t e ~p t e - is illust~etsd. Tn tbe recycling cyclone
rials for temperatures up to 1.000 C can the two heat camierer, flue gas and solids,
be mnuf"actumd. With this I n mind regard- are sepamf ed. Heat is extracted from the
less of the dlfficultiea we encduhter in flue gas,in a waste heat and from
the developmen; oP high temperature elea- the sol5ds fn a Iluidiqed bed heab exchan-
trostatic grecApita6ors at I* pressU?es, gep. Becau~sthe Re&& transfer *om the
it is atilr our opinian t h a t this c a n c ~ p t two heat carriers ean be influenced sega-
offers 'a prohlaing p a a s i b i l i f g for higher ~ a t s l ~the
l , eont~odand gar% Load behaear
pressures. merefore, a design study for of this ouncep% is more favou~abZethan
an eleckroststic precipitator b a ~ e don that o f the stationary i l u i d i z e d bed. Ad-
the results bf the experinthts at t h e Uni- ditional advantages of the ci~culating
versitg of Esssn was s t a r t e d in January fluidized bed a r e
- img~ovemenoe with respect t o and NOx SO

P 9 ~ a U e lto the experbents at the emissions achieved by f i n e r gm$ned sor-
University of zssen, Ktm f s performing and ataged combustfan,
laboratory scale experhents to fmprove
the efficiency o f the tornado ~ y c L m e ,
- bent
consideraB1.~r~mallsrbed meas than in
elasai&al fl u i dised bed, shahling la~g@r
=pacities per unit,
It; c a n be expected that the optimym
technical and economio solution for the
- parrated,
Combustion and heat t p e s f ex oan be
enabling a senaik5vs
problems of the combination o f p ~ e s s w i - trol ~f hea! transfer.
eed fluidized bed c~mbu8t.ion~ 5 t hB gas
turblne wL11 be a mmpromise between
highly e f f i c i e ~ tgas eleanfng and h i g h l y
dust re8istant gae turbipea Therefore,
it appeapa s e n s i b l e t o develop both tech-
nalogies, ,- ia planned in our programme.

1 . r

Fig. 8.: Flow Scheme of a Ciraulatfng
Flufd f sed Bed Combustian Plant
In LUnen,at the Versinigte Alumhiurn-
a circulating f l u i d i z e d bed
w e r k e (TAW)
plant with a thermal capacity oP 77 will
Pig. 7: Baaf o F l u i d Bed Combustion %atems be constructed. It w 1 1 1 serve for beating
molten salta in the f l u i d i z e d bed heat
Beoaueiel o f bhe apeaial. ad~&&ctge~ exchangers and for praducing procsas
found in fast sp aireulating f ~ u i d i a e d steam. The molten salt will be wed as
bed oomb.ustion, we have ~ b e e n t l yadtled the heat carrier POP $he Bayer hgctr.olieing
thia oanaepk to OUP pesea~chprogramme. process, The projeot stsrted in early 1980.
Bf &. 7 campwss the diffemnt staten n f
fluidized bed.
R, HoLi&aqs
3 . b%eeh
A d&fyr 9tXlq f o r a ,250 (kh) c h - f waul8 like to mention a f u ~ t h epo- ~
CUM-. z q g a e a WI w i q e ~lo~@tea
an Ore* station conceg?t inwhfah khe conven-
Dui- "$Uo &&sd in w.Bb. tional fltdcliaed bed plwa an i r a p o r b n t
. . role, As $8 ,&om in the fxow eoheme
I& inkmiled
~ I B %Ha+ Mils A p i W
c U Z be (Ng. 9) the $oncdpt is oha~aakerlzedby
Wed. Par' eom4F.fwd beet an& W e pner%tf the Y0.1lming
&teat &f '9 &;pr
The Imae8e k l lie fed & d p b e he&%- sy-
aE Drz&sbwg. Bmau- o$
- Idth
combination of fluidized bed eon4ustion
$bm 1diStpm We atlwz@%q&&of the sir6iu- guly&d.zed ~ O a l f%Ping.
e4 bed p~Me&plsw e of ape- The flue 8 of the FBC mich Q& be
&* &$35ww%
sli*m*.tt@ aperated &h l o w paqe ca@l is pasped
*a the gtalveriz&d £Uel b w r s , Bp do-
i* t h i s in a guitabls NO i f o m -
- b 2 0 ~can be r e ~ d k e ic o ~ ~ a e i t i f i y .
co&in&k$on of .AEc8C with gn open ey'cls
g# turb5Ae. - The a i P oswng f p ~ n th&
eomgressor af the %as turbine 5s pm-
b & W h $he Tn-bed tlxbe b w k bef ox*
enter5ng the cmbustion chmibsr. fn
tMa vay a par6 of the energy mioh
3s ~ t s @ p l i s dt o bhs H d t u p b h e is provi-
ded by coal. me riak of smsion and
OOP~PB oh~ of $he turbines blades ky
pustladkn exhkuert gases is e k W a t e 8
in khfs methad.
- the flue gas d e a u l p h i z i o plant f a
incorporated into the natural d r a f t
oo~lingf o w e ~ .The pme& plant doesn't
nwd, a tack. Itl this way, no reheating
of t,Rb desulphuriesd flu!$ gae ail1 be
necesa m y , thus inereaaing the efficisn-
c;y or the power station.
A power station af thb type wfth a elec-
tric capacity of 220 .MW, is under ~dnatruc-
tipn B$ bhe lbataberg~bkeAQ.
The Fig. 10 lists tbl major p m j e o t s that
the Fadefal Republie of Germmy has under-
The total coat o f a l l FB~-&odecte
irrelu4ing the develcrpmnt hot &era cleaning
and dust-reelstant twoines amounts bo
824 Hio. DK for r1~6~e $bin 400 Mio. US-DoL-
l a r ) . The goveFmeqta1 faulda for these pro-
jects a m u n t a $0 asbut 315 Mio. DM (03. more
than 150 Hie. US-Dcrllatr).
This sum is,,an indimeion sf the Sm-
portmce t,h& my government attaahea to
tllese developmenea
R . Holighaus
J . Batsch

F i g . 10: FBC-Projects i n t h e Federal

Republic of Germany

Zhang Xu-Yi

Tsinghua University
Beijing, People's Republic of China

FORWARD improvement of thermal. efficiency, desulfuri-

zation with limestone, and boiler structures.
Early in the 1960fs, based on the broad
adoption of successful fluidized-bed calcin- The following are a number of selected repre-
ation technology, China began its research sentative fluidized-bed boilers:
work on fluidized-bed combustion boilers.
In 1965, Mouming Petroleum Company, Tsinghua 1. 14.5 Tons/Hour Steam Industrial Boiler,
University, and several other institutions Mouming Petroleum Company-- The boiler
cooperated to design the first fluidized-bed ., bv Mouminy!- Petroleum Com-
is designed
combustion boiler in China. It was con- pany, Fushuen Designing Institute of
structed and put into operation in Mouming. Petroleum, Tsinghua University, etc.
In 1969, Tsinghu'a University installed a This boiler burns shale fines with a
fluidized-bed combustion boiler for her heating value of 1,,034 Kcallkg as fuel;
Experimental Power Plant, and that boiler the steam pressure is 13 kg/cm2 and the
has been used for power generation studies superheated steam temperature is 250°C.
for several years. These successes gave
impetus to the progress of fluidized-bed This is the first demonstration
combustion boilers in China. fluidized-bed combustion tioiler in
China, with a circular bed of 2.25 m
Presently, there are over 2,000 fluidized- diameter and a superficial air velocity
bed combustion (FBC) boilers in China. Many of 2.7 m/sec through the 'bed. The bed
boilers have capacities of 4-10 T/h and are temperature is about 800°C. This boiler
used for generating saturated steam, while was commissioned in December 1965.
others with capacities of 10-50 T/h a r e used
for power generation and industrial appli- 2. 14 Tons/Hour Tsinghua University FBC
cations. FBC boilers with 'a capacities of Boiler -- This is the first demonstra-
130 T/h are now being tested. tion fluidized-bed combustion boiler in
Chins for power genetstion. It is
The fuels used in China for most FBC boilers designed by the staff of Tsinghua Uni-
are low-grade fuels such as shale fines, versity and commissioned in July 1969,
low-grade bituminous coal and anthracite, its steam pressure is 24 kg/cm2 and a
coal washery waste, stone-like coal, lignite, superheated steam temperature of 390°C.
etc. The heating value of the fuels now The main fuel used i.s anthracite from
being used, ranges from 1,000-1,500 Kcal/kg. the Beijing district; a mixture of low-
The boilers are being used either for indus- grade bituminous coal and coal washery
trial purposes or for generating electricity. waste with a heating value of 2,500 Kcallkg
Many boilers possess more than 40,000 hours was also used in the test.
of accumulated operational experience.
This boiler has two independent beds to
In China, there are a number of organizations achieve a good turndown ratio between
taking part in the research and development 35-110 percent. When burning coal with
of fluidized-bed combustion-fired boilers. low volatile content, the bed combustion
Many technical institutes, such as Tsinghua temperature is roughly 1 ,OOO°C.
University, Zhejiang University, Harbin Tech-
nical Institute, etc., are the niajor insti- The total operating time of this boiler
tutions conducting research work. Shanghai has already reached 20,000 hours; much
Boiler Works, Dungfang Boiler Works, and valuable experience has been acquired.
Kuangchow Boiler Works, etc. , are the chief Most of the research work has been in
FBC boiler designers .and manufac:tur'ers. the area of in-bed heat transfer sur-
Extensive research work has been done on the faces and the prevention of erosion of
fluidized bed operating parameters selection, the in-bed surfaces.
combustion of low-heating value fuels,
of particles inside the bed, especially
3. 130 TonsIHour Fluidized-Bed Boiler -- those near the distributor plate, have
This is the largest power generating revealed that to maintain identical
fluidized-bed combustion boiler in China fluidizing conditions, the following
at present. It has six beds with six relationship represents the hot and cold
screw feeders. The fuel used is coal air superficial velocities:
washery waste with a heating value of
1,500 Kcallkg. The immersed surface
has an inclination of lSO to the hori-
zontal. This boiler is now in the proc-
ess of shakedown testing for power gen-
eration. Figure 1 is the 130 T/h FBC where Uh, U are the superficial air
boiler designed for power generation. velocities d$ring combustion and cold
condition; ph, .pc are the gas densities
during combustion and cold condition.
The data obtained by cold-bed testing
and the calculation are being used in
the design of Chinese fluidized-bed
Table 1 lists the heat release rate
per unit bed volume, as a function of
superficial air velocity, and maximum
size of fuel particle:

Bed volume heat release rate (~cal/m~h) (2-3.3)
x lo6
Superficial bed air velocity (mlsec) 2.8-4:2

Fuel particle size (mm)

lignite 30
other fuels
Q > 4,000 Kcallkg < 35
Q = (2,000-4,000) Kcallkg 8
Q < 2,000 Kcallkg < 6
Q = lower heating value of the fuel.

The Arrangement of In-Bed Surfaces and

Prevention of Erosion -- For small boilers,
Figure 1 -- 130 T/h Fluidizei-~edBoiler the immersed in-bed surfaces are the side
walls; therefore, the erosion rate is
insignificant. For ordinary carbon steel,
the wall erosion rate is only about
RESULTS OF SOME RESEARCH 8 x 10 mm/h. As the boiler capacity
increases, side water walls are insuf-
1. Determination of the .Optimum Super- ficient :o
r heat absorption and in-bed
ficial Bed Air Velocity and Bed Parti- heat transfer surface must be employed.
cle Size -'In order to achieve a high The erosion rate of the in-bed gurfaces
bed volume heat release rate, the is very fast, nearly 1.3 x 10 mmlh.
Chinese are trying to burn coarse par- By adopting some protective mechanism,
ticles in fluidized-bed combustors. in PRC, the life of these steel pipes
'For a given size fuel, there is a mini- may be extended by nearly 20 fold.
mum bed superficial air velocity
required to insure vigorous heat and In China, all the fluidized-bed boilers
mass transfer between the bed materials. are using natural circulation. For FBC
To avoid high-temperature clogging or boilers of the capacity range of 10-130 T/h,
particle-size segregation which may lead the most common in-bed surfaces are
to the formation of "cold slag," Tsinghua arranged. at 15' to the horizontal.
University has carried out the cold-bed Although within the bed there is a much
testing with controlled-size bed parti- better heat transfer due to intensive
cles. Research findings on the movement disturbance of the bed particles, unsat-
i s f a c t o r y arrangement of t h e immersed
in-bed s n r f a c e s can cause l a r g e tempera-
t u r e d i ~ f e r e n c e s within the fluidized
bed. Figure 2 shows the relation
between t h e in-bed t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r -
ence along t h e t u b e l e n g t h when t h e t u b e
i s placed a t 15O t o t h e h o r i z o n t a l .

Figure 3 -- R e l a t i o n Between In-Bed S u r f a c e

Area and F u e l Heating Value

For l a r g e s i z e , low-heating v a l u e , and

high ash content f u e l p a r t i c l e s , t h e
a s h c r u s t hampers t h e d i f f u s i o n of g a s e s ;
t h e r e f o r e , it i s hard t o burn o u t t h e
i n s i d e carbon. For example, no m a t t e r
how long i t s t a y s i n t h e f l u i d i z e d bed,
t h e t h i c k n e s s of burned o u t s c a l e f o r
hard s t o n e c o a l s i s only about 1 . 5 mm.

For a s h - r i c h and heavy f u e l , it i s e a s y

t o form "cold s l a g " a t t h e bottom of
t h e f l u i d i z e d bed. This w i l l d i s t u r b
t h e normal o p e r a t i o n of t h e b o i l e r , and
it i s n e c e s s a r y t o d i s c h a r g e t h i s - s l a g
Figure 2 -- R e l a t i o n Between Transverse f o r smooth o p e r a t i o n . The a i r d i s t r i b u -
Temperature D i f f e r e n c e and Length t o r should be designed t o induce movement
of t h e Bed of t h e bed m a t e r i a l s and improve t h e
a v a i l a b i l i t y of t h e FBC b o i l e r o p e r a t i o n .

Improvement of t h e Combustion E f f i c i e n c y --
I n China, f u e l s of wide-size d i s t r i b u -
Combustion of Low-Heating Value F u e l s -- t i o n a r e used i n f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r s .
Sometimes, t h e amount of p a r t i c l e s of
Fuels with d i f f e r e n t heating values
s i z e s l e s s t h a n 1 mm exceeds 40 p e r c e n t .
a f f e c t t h e in-bed h e a t i n g s u r f a c e a r e a .
The c a r r y over of t h e f i n e s by t h e f l u e
F i g u r e 3 shows t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p between
g a s , many f u e l p a r t i c l e s e l u t r i a t e o u t
t h e h e a t i n g s u r f a c e a r e a and t h e f u e l
without adequate combustion, r e s u l t s i n
h e a t i n g f a l u e o f some b o i l e r s . When
a g r e a t amount of unburned carbon l o s s
f u e l heating value i s l a r g e r than
i n t h e f l y a s h . I n 1971, Tsinghua Uni-
3,000 Kcal/kg, the curve gradually
v e r s i t y d i d r e s e a r c h work on f l y a s h
f l a t t e n s out, a s the f u e l heating value
carbon burn-up i n a low s u p e r f i c i a l
drops t o l e s s t h a n 1,500 Kcallkg, t h e
v e l o c i t y f l u i d i z e d bed (carbon burn-up
curve drops a b r u p t l y . F o r most b o i l e r s ,
c e l l ) . For low v o l a t i l e c o n t e n t f u e l s ,
the adaptability for f u e l heating vari-
t h e t o t a l combustion e f f i c i e n c y a t t a i n e d
a t i o n i s a v e r y important problem f o r
90 p e r c e n t . Presently, the f l y ash
FBC burning of low-grade f u e l s . The
burn-up f l u i d i z e d bed used i n China
work on improving t h e a d a p t a b i l i t y of
operates a t a superficial a i r velocity
low-grade f u e l s i n some Chinese f l u i d i z e d -
of 0.6-1.4 m/sec. According t o p u b l i -
bed b o i l e r s i s under i n t e n s i v e s t u d y .
c a t i o n s , h i g h bed temperature and more
e x c e s s a i r w i l l be b e n e f i c i a l t o t h e
improvedent of combustion e f f i c i e n c y .
Owing t o t h e low h e a t load of f l y a s h
burning . i n a f l u i d i z e d bed, t h e super-
f i c i a l v e l o c i t y can be r e l a t i v e l y low.
I t has a l s o been shown t h a t bottom f l y
a s h r e i n j e c t i o n can improve combustion
efficiency. Therefore, it i s q u i t e s a f e
when t h e bed temperature i s only 50-100°C
h i g h e r than t h a t of normal bed. Accord-
i n g t o t h e r e s e a r c h f i n d i n g s , no s i g -
nificant improvement of combustion
e f f i c i e n c y i s observed f o r f l y a s h r e i n -
j e c t i o n i n t o a high s u p e r f i c i a l velocity
FBC bed.

When f e e d i n g h i g h - v o l a t i l e c o n t e n t f u e l s , '
t h e e v o l u t i o n of v o l a t i l e mat$er i s
excessive near the feeding points.
There i s a g r e a t amount of unburned
v o l a t i l e l o s s due t o t h e s t a r v a t i o n of
oxygen n e a r t h e f e e d p o r t . By p r o p e r
arrangement, a combustion e f f i c i e n c y of .
94-98 p e r c e n t can be a t t a i n e d w i t h f u e l s
of high v o l a t i l e c o n t e n t .

Figure 4 -- R e l a t i o n Between SO, Absorption

5. D e s u l f u r i z a t i o n with Limestone -- I n E f f i c i e n c y and t h e Concentra,tion
1973, Tsinghua . U n i v e r s i t y began t h e of R e a c t i v e S u r f a c e Layer of,
r e s e a r c h o; t h e - a b s o r p t i o n of SO2 by t h e Limestone Granule i n the4,Bed
l i m e s t o n e i n a f l u i d i z e d bed. The ,

e f f i c i e n c y of SO2 a b s o r p t i o n i s d e t e r - U t i l i z a t i o n of Ash and Spent Bed M a t e r i a l --

mined by t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n of CaO i n
China focused much a t t e n t i o n t o t h e
the outer s h e l l . By experiment, t h i s
u t i l i z a t i o n of t h e a s h and s l a g from
r e l a t i o n may be expressed a s : fluidized-bed b o i l e r s . Low c o m b ~ s ~ i o n
temperature and low carbon c o n t e n t ' o f
t h e a s h and s l a g e n a b l e good u t i l i z a -
tions. The methods of u t i l i z a t i o n .@re
where q i s t h e a b s o r p t i o n e f f i c i e n c y of
d i f f e r e n t f o r each d i s t r i c t .
SO2 i n f l u e g a s , p e r c e n t ; W i s t h e con-
b e i n g used a s an a d d i t i v e f o r cement t o
c e n t r a t i o n of CaO i n t h e g e d , p e r c e n t ;
improve cement's c o l o r and s t r e n g t h .
H i s t h e bed h e i g h t , m e t e r s ; and V i s I t has been used t o make b r i c k s , t i l e s ,
s u p e r f i c i a l a i r v e l o c i t y i n t h e bed,
and medium-sized b l o c k s ' ' f o r b u i l d i n g
meters p e r second.
constructions. The e x t r a c t i o n of vana-
dium from s o u t h China s t o n e c o a l a s h
F i g u r e 4 shows t h e t e s t i n g r e s u l t . This
has a l r e a d y been achieved. Use of
e m p i r i c a l e q u a t i o n shows t h a t t h e kind
f l u i d i z e d bed f o r c a l c i n a t i o n of l i g h t
and s i z e of limestone has e x h i b i t e d no
c o n s t r u c t i o n m a t e r i a l s has a l s o been
i n f l u e n c e on s u l f u r d i o x i d e a b s o r p t i o n .
The f r a c t i o n , 6, of CaO a b s o r p t i o n i n
t h e o u t e r s h e l l of l i m e s t o n e p a r t i c l e s
(calcium u t i l i z a t i o n ) with d i f f e r e n t
s i z e s of l i m e s t o n e s from t h e T a n l i d i s - CONCLUSION
t r i c t of B e i j i n g has been determined.
F i g u r e 5 shows t h e r e s u l t . Limestone The r a p i d p r o g r e s s of f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r s
p a r t i c l e s w i t h d i f f e r e n t s i z e s have i n China has made p o s s i b l e t h e use of a wide
n e a r l y t h e same d e p t h of s u l f a t e pene-.
v a r i e t y of energy r e s o u r c e s . China has a l s o
t r a t i o n . I t i s about 32.5 pm f o r T a n l i . a c q u i r e d many hours of o p e r a t i o n e x p e r i e n c e
limestone. The f r a c t i o n of calcium' i n f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r s . The s t u d y of l a r g e
u t i l i z a t i o n , [, i s n o t i n f l u e n c e d by f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r s has a l r e a d y begun. It
t h e type of c o a l o r s u p e r f i c i a l v e l o - w i l l p l a y an important r o l e i n t h e moderni-
city. I t a l s o shows t h a t when t h e par- z a t i o n of C h i n a ' s FBC development.
t i c l e diameter i s l a r g e r t h a n 3 mm, t h e
calcium u t i l i z a t i o n i s v e r y poor. The The a u t h o r acknowledges w i t h g r a t i t u d e t o
s u l f u r c o n t e n t s of c o a l s used i n t h e t h o s e o r g a n i z a t i o n s i n China f o r t h e permis-
experiment a r e q u i t e d i f f e r e n t , Hebi s i o n of u s i n g t h e i r e x p e r i m e n t a l . r e p o r t s and
c o a l has 3 p e r c e n t s u l f u r ; and Shangsi
coal i s 8 percent s u l f u r .
Figure 5 -- Fraction of CaO Absorption Outer
S h e l l of Limestone P a r t i c l e s
(Calcium U t i l i z a t i o n ) Ve.rsus
Granule S i z e

Michael D. nigh, Acting Director

Energy Demonstrations and Technology

Tennessee Valley Authority
demonstrated that AFBC could generate electricity.
Since ~ivesvillewas a converted steam plant,
Each year, the Tennessee Valley Authority
however, it did not have the capability of experi-
(TVA) b u m s an average of 36 million tons of
menting and testing new AFBC designs as they
coal in 12 central station steam plants. This
coal-fired generation produces 17,796 MW or became available. Nor did the Rivesville'AFBC
nearly 60 percent of our total system capacity unit provide much in the way of data collection
of 29,867 MW. Nuclear and hydro plants provide on its operation. The EPRI-supported Babcock
& Wilcox 6' x 6' AFBC unit was a significant
a total of 30 percent of the system's capacity
with the rest consisting of combustion turbines advancement on both counts since it permitted the
and imported power. From these figures it is inclusion of design changes and provided much
easy to understand TVA's strong interest in needed operating and performance data. Even with
coal. the success of this unit, it became apparent that
a larger plant having the capability of retrofitting
This interest will not diminish in the design changes was needed to test new hardware and
future. Although TVA has embarked upon the to resolve uncertainties concerning plant operation.
nation's largest nuclear power plant construc- After all, it would be a very difficult task to
tion program, we will continue to burn massive scale up from a small prototype with a 36 sq. ft.
quantities of coal for mtmy years to come. In bed to a full-scale utility power plant having
the mid 19901s,when the final nuclear reactor literally thousands of square feet of fluid-bed
is placed in service, our total system capacity area.
will be approximately 44,400 MW. Of this figure
nuclear will provide 45.6 percent, or nearly TVA's 20-MW AFBC pilot plant will address
half of the system capacity. Coal will come in uncertainties concerning peripheral hardware
second with 37.2 percent, and the rest of our systems and plant operation. By late 1981, TVA
capacity will be provided by hydro and combus- will have a 20-MW AFBC pilot plant and is consid-
tion turbine generation. ering constructing a 200-MW AFBC demonstration
plant that would commence.operation in late 1985.
Even though coal will not be our main These two plants would be the culmination of.
generation source in the future, we will conti- research and development that dates back to 1974
nue to use a substantial amount of coal. There- when TVA first became interested in AFBC develop-
fore, TVA is heavily committed to developing ment. At that time, load forecasts indicated a
new coal technologies that will enable us to need for additional generation in the late 1980's
augment or replace existing coal-fired steam and 90's. Also, it became apparent that some of
plants. One coal technology that offers TVA's aging coal-fired units, some of which have
reliable, efficient, and environmentally been in service since the early 1950's would need
acceptable operation is Atmospheric Fluidized to be replaced. Furthermore, AFBC appeared to be
Bed Combustion (AFBC). a cost effective way to both use the high sulfur
coal (of which the Tennessee Valley region has
Like other developing coal technologies, tremendous reserves) and to protect the environment.
AFBC is not. new. The concept of a fluidized-
bed has been employed extensively in the In 1976, TVA's involvement in AFBC went into
petrochemical industry for many years. Other full swing with a project authorization to prepare
industries with steam requirements in the range a conceptual design of a 200-MW AFBC demonstration
of 150,000 pounds per hour are also'beginning'tn plant. Preliminary conceptual design was
use fluidi'zed bed concepts. completed in mid-1978 and information from this
design work aided in the development of design
However, the concept of using AFBC for specifications for the 20-MW pilot plant.
large-scale utility use is relatively new.' The Followon contracts have been placed with three
major thrust of AFBC development for utility use boiler manufacturers to prepare a final conceptual
to date has been in bench-scale studies, re- design for the 200-MW demonstration plant. Design
search, and hotlcold AFBC modeling. This completion is slated for late this year. In
research has resulted in a degree of progress. addition, TVA has a contract with Combustion
The 30-MW Rivesville AFBC unit, for example, Engineering, who is subcontracting with Lurgi, to
prepare a conceptual design of a second generation The 20-MW AFBC pilot plant will not generate
AFBC plant. electricity. It is not a commercial plant, and
thus, no turbogenerator is currently planned.
Initial funding for the 20-MW AFBC pilot plant Instead the steam produced by the pilot plant wil-
design and fabrication was authorized in April 1979 be routed through a surface condensor. This will
by the TVA Board of Directors. In September of allow us to simulate actual utility load demand.
that same year, the Board of Directors authorized It will provide us with operating experience and
construction and operation of the pilot plant. w%ll enable us to scale up to commercial scale
Because of TVA's large generating capacity and
its engineering capability, TVA is in a unique
position to demonstrate and develop AFBC for large TVA's 200-MW AFBC Demdnstration Plant
scale commercial use on the TVA system and possibly
by the utility industry. As I stated, TVA is also considering
constructing a 200-MW AFBC demonstration plant.
If approved by the TVA Board of Dfrectors, the
TVA's 20-MW AFBC Pilot Plant present plans call for the 200-MW AFBC demonstration
plant to go Into operation during late 1985.
At the risk of repeating what my colleague Unlike the 20-MW AFBC pilot plant, the demonstration
Roy Lumpkin will say in his presentation, I will plant would be operated as a commercial plant; that
now turn our attention directly to the TVA pilot is, ft's job would be to produce electricity for
plant project. the TVA power system.

TVA's 20-MW ~ B pilot

C plant will be located When steam from the 200-MW AFBC boildr goes
on the Shawnee Steam Plant reservation near to the turbogenerator, kt would be the culmination
Paducah, Kentucky. Site preparation for the of nearly 10 years of work. We are now at the
pilot plant has just begun this month with half-way point in that decade of AFBC development.
initial construction to begin this summer and In 1976, TVA authorized the preparation of concep-
fall. Plant start-up and testing should begin tual desfgns of a 200-MW AFBC demonstration plant.
by the latter part of 1981 or early 1982. Combustion Engineering, Babcock 6 Wilcox, and
Fluidized Combustion Company were contracted to
' As I mentioned earlier, the AFBC pilot plant provide both a preliminary conceptual design and
will be used to resolve many of the uncertainties cost estimate. Phase I conceptual design took
concerning full-scale AFBC development. Specifically, two years to complete.
the plant will be used to test and evaluate control
equipment and procedures, to investigate key Babcock & Wilcox chose a top-supported
systems for performance and reliability, and to stacked-bed arrangement of four main beds and
train personnel in operating and maintenance a separate carbon burnup bed. B&W's feed systems
procedures. Testing at the pilot plant will m h e s coal and limestone, pneumatically transports
involve a cooperative effort between TVA and and splits the mixture, and injects the mixture
Electric Power Research Institute. Since AFBC into the beds through the grid plate.
is a completely different type of coal combustion
process, it will obviously require different Combustion Engineering chose a "ranch-style"
modes of operation than a conventional steam plant. desfgn in which all beds are on a single elevation
Like any generating facility, a commercial-sized supported from the bottom. A top-supported hood
AFBC must be able to respond to changes in a b w e the beds collects and directs the hot gases
electricity demand. Start-up, turn-down, load to the convection pass. The feed system is based
control, shutdown procedures, and the safety on the Fuller-Kinyon solids pump which introduces
related systems will be tested and developed. a coal-limestone mixture fnto a dense-phase
pneumatic transport system and then splits and
One area of uncertainty in AFBC development feeds the mixture into the bed through the grid.
that will hopefully be alleviated by work at the
pilot plant will be the testing of coal/limestone Fluidized Combustion Company's steam generator
feed systems. Supplying these materials to a small is a top-supported stacked-bed arrangement of four
unit is no significant problem, but in full-scale beds. Coal is fed from above the beds with
units with thousands of square feet of bed area, spreader-stokers whereas limestone is fed by a
the distribution is something of a mechanical gravity fegd.
nightmare. To date, no feed system has been proven
- to withstand the
to be reliable and durable enough Despite the differences in the three Phase I
torture of prolonged plant operation. Because of conceptual designs, the cost per kilowatt for
the large uncertainty involved, the development
- of each design was comparatively similar.
adequate feed systems is a must for any
commercial-sized AFBC unit. Phase I preliminary design for the 200-MW
AFBC demonstration plant was completed in mid-1978.
The pilot plant itself will be highly In early 1979, TVA authorized three contractors to
flexible and able to operate under a wide variety complete final conceptual designs (Phase 11) by
of operating conditions; consequently, it is the final months of 1980. These designs will be
necessary to monitor these conditions. A finished at the end of 1980.
sophisticated data acquisition and computer system
will be installed to completely monitor all aspects
of the pilot plant operation.
These designs are well underway at this Work on the demonstration plant EIS is well
time. Combustion Engineering, Babcock & Wilcox, underway at this time. We have completed a ,
and Eabcock Contractors, Inc., were the three description of the process itself, an extensive
contractors chosen for the design contracts. description of the site, and the background
information needed for screening possible sites.
The objectives of the Phase 11 conceptual While no firm decision has been made on site
design are to refine previous designs and to selection, the Shawnee Steam Plant reservation
provide additional information needed for ongoing has been named the "preferred site." The Shawnee
environmental evaluations and to make decisions site will be the scope of the most detailed portion
on how to proceed to demonstration plant construc- of the EIS, but the final selection of a site
tion and operation. Each contractor will: prepare will not be made until the environmental work has
cost estimates; determine the probability of been completed and the environmental constraints
successful operation of the 200-MW plant and of the Shawnee and other candidate sites are made
its inherent risks; define major problems and known.
areas requiring additional research and development;
.preparedetailed schedules for all proposed Phase I11 We have performed the first formal step in
activities; establish a conceptual design of the the EIS process by holding a scoping meeting to
200-MW AFBC boiler and related systems; and finally, determine what will be covered in the EIS. A
determine the structural steel requirements for boiler public meeting was held in Paducah, Kentucky, to
and related equipment to permit structural steel outline our EIS plans to other agencies,
procurement. individuals, citizens, and groups who were in
attendance at that meeting. Questions, suggestions,
Design of the 200-MW AFBC boiler and and comments submitted at this meeting and in
related systems is geared to the following writing have been tabulated, summarized, and
specifications: will be appropriately addressed in the EIS.

Gross Turbogenerator Rating, MW 200 The draft of the demonstration plant EIS will
Continuous Rating, pounds of steam be completed in Septeniber of this year. That draft
per hour 1,325,000 will be submitted for review and comment to
Turbine Throttle Pressure 2,450 interested individuals, groups, and agencies. After
Superheat/Reheat Temperature, F 1,000 TVA evaluates the comments it receives, the EIS
will be finalized. Incidentally, more than 18
Also, each contractor is to keep in mind the subgroups within TVA are involved in the writing
relationship.between their particular design of of the demonstration plant EIS. After the final
the 200-MW demonstration unit and the design of EIS is released to the public, the TVA Board of
a steam generator in the. 600- to 800-MW size range. Directors will be asked to.approve construction
This will hopefully ensure the feasibility of of the 200-MW plant.
the design of the larger units.
It is obvious that a large plant, such as
Following the completion of Phase I1 the 200-MW demonstration plant, will have some
conceptual designs, TVA will make a decision on impacts upon the environment during construction
whether or not to pro'ceed with Phase 111. If and operation. However, because of the inherent
approved by the TVA Board of Directors, detailed environmental benefits of AFBC, we believe it
design and site preparation will begin in the can easily meet the New Source Performance
summer of 1981. Standards as set by the Environmental Protection
Agency. We feel that the environmental benefits
of this technology will outweigh any associated
Environmental and Technical Support Work by TVA impacts.
Because of the size of the AFBC demonstration
plant, it is necessary for additfonal work to be Technical Support
performed. Preparation of environmental impact
statement (EIS) and completion of the necessary One point that I' have made several times in
technical support work are required. Secondly, this discussion is the need for additional technical
it is necessary that technical support work be research and development on AFBC. While our
finished in several different areas. First 'let's projects continue to reach maturity, we are at the
address the preparation of the EIS. same time addressing some of the technical problems
related to AFBC. As I have mentioned previously,
It is a new experience for TVA to have to one of the problems with AFBC is in the develop-
prepare an EIS on a coal-fired plant. The last ment of coal/limestone feed systems. We hope to
large coal-fired steam plant that TVA built, get some answers to these problems in a program
which was Cumberland Steam Plant, was completed that we have recently initiated that involves
in 1973, and no EIS was required. Another the testing of a Fuller-Kinyon feed pump at an
significant point is that this will probably be existing TVA steam plant. TVA has awarded the
the first EIS written for a fluidized bed unit. Fuller Company a turnkey contract to build a
coal-feed test facility at the Watts Bar Steam
Even for those of us at TVA who have had the Plant. Construction will be completed in six
fortune of preparing an EIS in the past, there are months with a six-month testing period to follow.
other changes and requirements that make this EIS
unique. For one thing, the final version of the The Watts Bar coal-feed test will be the
EIS is to be concise. EIS's in the past were only large scale demonstration of a feed system
often multi-volumed publications that were as that is applicable to the 200-MW AFBC demonstration
complicated as the projects that they attempted plant. Also, since the 20-MW pilot plant will use
to explain. a Fuller-Kinyon pump, the test facility will
provide the added advantage of proving the
effectiveness of the pump and splitter prior to
construction. Clarence K. Andrews, of TVA's
FBC staff, will provide more details on coal-feed
systems in his presentation.

Other technical support includes work with

the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In a program
with the Department of Energy, TVA and ORNL are
working together on a number of task programs
that use an AFBC bench-scale combustor to test
coal and limestone, a cold flow model for
slumping tests, modeling and simulation, materials
research, and other miscellaneous technical support

TVA is now investigating the recycling of

elutriated particulates from the AFBC process
that includes fly ash and unburned carbon. The
idea is to devise some way to recycle the elutriated
. . solids back into the main bed rather than using a
separate carbon burnup cell. General Atomic
was chosen for the investigation because of its
experience in recycling and burning graphite.

While the major thrust of AFBC development

by TVA is of the "bubbling bed" type of atmospheric
fluidized bed combustion, TVA is also keeping track
of other fluidized bed concepts. These include
alternates to first generation (bubbling bed) AFBC
such as pressurized fluidized bed combustion,
intermediate pressurized fluidized bed combustion,
and second generation AFBC (circulatfng bed).

Scenario for the Future

Following a complete demonstration of AFBC

in a large-scale mode, full-scale units in the
range of 600- to 1,000-MW range may be built by
TVA in the mid- to late 1990's.. AFBC will not
replace existing conventional coal burning in
steam plants but it will offer an excellent
alternative for new plants as load forecasts
indicated. This near-term alternative may offer
an interim method of producing bulk power from
coal to carry us to the day when advanced
technologies come into widespread commerctal
The contents of this paper do not necessarily reflect the views
and policies of the Tennessee Valley Authority, nor does mention of
trade names, commercial products, or .companies constitute,endorsement
or recommendation for use.

Kurt E. eager

Electric Power Research Inst.

INTRODUCTION than larqer furnaces.
A third primary advantage of FBC that
Over the past year major technical ad- may lead to the displacement of pulverized
vances in the commercial application of . coal boilers is environmental performance.
fluidized bed combustion (FBC) have occur- The invention of pulverized coal boilers
red. These advances are particularly dra- occurred at a time when all that was ex-
matic for the electric utility industry pected of a furnace was to burn out carbon.
where FBC represents an evolutionary im- Today, environmental requirements for the
provement in coal utilization providing re- control of sulfur and nitrogen oxides add
duced fuel sensitivity and simplified e- substantially to the complexity and cost
mission control capabilities. Both Atmos-
' of current power plants and have adversely
pheric FBC and Pressurized FBC may fill impacted plant reliability. By comparison,
important roles in the electric utility in- our experiments with fluidized combustion
dustry: AFBC to lower the cost of elec- of coal confirm that it is possible to
trity generated from the conventional economically control sulfur and nitrogen
steam-electric power plant; PFBC for the oxides without parasitic post-combustion
high efficiencies available from the more cleanup devices.
complex combined-cycle power plants.
Thus, fluidized combustion of coal
Sixty years ago the use of pulverized provides a promising response for today's
coal combustion was pioneered in the elec-. new requirements on power production.
tric utility industry. This evolution in Development has successfully progressed
coal-burning technology.was set in motion from the process confirmation stage to
by a number of considerations which par- engineering prototype making commercial
allel the issues of today. The then gen- utility scale systems a distinct possi-
erally applied stoker furnace was not well bility within this decade.
suited to these new conditions. Specifi-
cally, utilities needed much larger fur- It is our position that utility FBC
naces, fuel conservation became more signi- boilers in the U.S. will have to be cap-
ficant and the use of coal fines, pre- able of the following performance with an
viously considered a waste, was econom- average bituminous coal:
ically desired. In addition, pulverized
coal firing was considered environmentally o Combustion Efficiency Over 99%
superior because it could reduce smoke and o Thermal Efficiency >90%
ground level concentrations of particulate o Sulfur Dioxide 90% removal
matter. with Ca/S <1.5
o Nitrogen Oiides Less than 0.4
As we move into a new era with greatly lbs/l06~tu
expanded needs for coal-fired power gene- o steam Conditions 2400 p s i / l ~ ~ O O ~
ration, EPRI and the utility industry are /1000°~ or
.accelerating the development and appli- higher
cation of fluidized bed combustion as a o Load Following >1% per minute
further evolutionary improvement in coal o Tube Life Low corrosion
utilization to meet the new requirements and erosion to
of today.. The improvements.whichexcite allow > 15 year
this utility interest include reduced sen- life
sitivity to fuel quality thus permitting
the use of a much broader fuel supply, The purpose of EPRI's R&D is to develop
from anthracite to municipal refuse, with- the process flow sheet and the needed
out suffering large loses in efficiency and hardware to achieve these objectives.
reliability in a single.boiler design.
Second, less cost sensitivity to unit size ATMOSPHERIC FLUID BED COMBUSTION
in a period when load growth and siting
restrictions may prefer smaller rather Over the past year EPRI efforts in
Kurt E. Yeager
Page 2

atmospheric fluid bed comhstuion (AFBC) PRESSURIZED FLUID BED COMBUSTION

have focused on testing a 6 ft x 6 ft
(2 MWe) pilot unit with Babcock and Wilcox
incorporating bed recycle. The results In pressurized fluid bed combustion,
have shown that recycle of bed material attention during the past year focused on
will be applicable for utility AFBC de- resolving the key hurdle which the tech-
signs. This has successfully eliminated nology must pass for commercial utility
a major factor restricting utility appli- consideration, i.e., achieving practical
cations; i.e., the need for large quan- gas turbine reliability. During this
tities of limestone to maintain adequate year, 1000 hour reliability testing of
sulfur oxide sorptiori. In addition, turbine components and hot gas cyclones
this test facility incorporates a large, has been successfully completed under
18 ft. freeboard which has permitted car- joint DOE/EPRI sponsorship at the PFBC
bon burnup within the furnace thus elin- pilot facility of the British Coal Utili-
inating the need for an auxiliary carbon zation Research Laboratory (CURL). A
burnup cell. NOx formation has also been second successful EPRI project activity
significantly reduced relative to pulver- has been the screening of promising ad-
ized coal combustion. A final area of vanced hot gas cleanup devices on a large
process improvement achieved this year has PFBC simulator operated by Westinghouse.
been at least a fourfold reduction in coal This project has demonstrated extended
feed points within the bed, thus simpli- operation of ceramic bag filter units at
fying the fuel supply and control problem 15000F and 11 atm while maintaining a
in large scale fluidized beds. particulate collection efficiency of 99.5%.
This may provide the means to achieve a
Based on these promising process re- much larger reliability margin for PFBC
sults, the utility industry and its boiler gas turbine s9stems. This has encouraged
suppliers have agreed that a cost effective PFBC/combined cycle prototypes of suffi-
utility-scale AFBC design is likely, but cient size to incorporate actual rotating
important hardware issues remain that gas turbine machinery. A proposed near
should be resolved in an engineering pro- term commercial approach is the develop-
totype in the 20 MWe size range. These ment of a coal-fired gas turbine for re-
hardware issues involving feeding and con- powering existing power plants. This
trolling the process reliably result from could be the simplest and most rapid PFBC
the specific utility requirements for large utility application.
boiler size, high efficiency, rapid load
following, high superheat and reheat, The next critical development step,
stringent emission standards and a pre- from the user standpoint, is the demon-
mium on availability. Recognizing these stration of extended operation of complete
requirements, TVA has taken the lead for PFBC qas turbine/hot gas cleanup combi-
the utility industry, with EPRI support, in nations at a sufficiently large scale to
implementing a 20 MWe engineering prototype permit engineering extrapolation to util-
at the Shawnee power station. This proto- ity service. Both the International Ener-
type being built by Babcock and Wilcox gy Agency (IEA) Grimethorpe PFBC test
will in turn provide the technical basis facility and the Curtiss-Wright PFBC pilot
for a 20 MWe commercial scale demonstra- sponsored by DOE may provide the necessary
tion also planned by TVA. EPRI's R&D pro- vehicle for achieving this development
gram is aimed at making it possible (and milestone. EPRI has also recently initi-
desirable) to start construction of a 600 ated a joint project with Brown-Boveri and
MWe AFBC boiler in 1990 after operating Babcock and Wilcox to perform engineering
this 200 MWe demonstration by 1987. evaluations and design of alternative PFBC
combined cycle power plants. This effort,
In addition to this aggressive devel- together with the successful achievement
opment of classical fluid bed technology of gas turbine/hot gas cleanup reliability
operating at low gas vel'ocities in the 4 is intended to provide the basis for ac-
to 12 foot per second range, EPRI is also tive utility industry participation in
exploring higher velocity, circulating bed large scale PFBC demonstration and comer-
designs. These are under development in cialization programs. American Electric
differing forms by several manufacturers Power (AEP) has provided much of the ini-
including Lurgi and General Electric. tiative in bringing this technoloqy for-
Lurgi test results have been particularly ward for serious utility consideration.
impressive in producing high combustion
efficiencies as well as very high lime- ADVANCED COAL TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS
stone utilization for up to 95% SO2 remov-
al. Furthermore, this system has shown it-
self capable of reducing NOx emissions to In order to judge the commercial po-
the 100 ppm range. This encouraging tech- tential of both :'TA 7nd PFBC f c r utility
nology is now in active engineering evalu- use, they must be considered not only in
ation for the United States under license terms of conventional power plant design
with Combustion Engineering. but other advanced options as well. The
Kurt E. Yeager
Page 3
following comparison is therefore offered C. Net Hea.t.Ra:t.e. (.Btu/kWh) and Net Effic-
a s . an example'showing their relative mer- 'i'e'n'c'
': (:% )

its'and the status of the "horse race" in

which they are involved. (Adv. Pc/FGD 8460 40
1. (GCC 8465 **8980 40 **38
The conditions assumed are as fol- (PFBC 8467 40
lows,: 5. Baseline 9450 36
4. AFBC . 9650 35
- Plant location - Kenosha, Wisconsin
- Capacity factor - 70% (1000 MW capa- D. Water. Cohsumpti,on (gal/hr/MW)
- Coal-Illinois bituminous: 4% S, 16% 1. (PFBC 490
ash, 10,000 Btu/lb 3. (GCC 490 ** 523
- Environmental control requirements 2. (Adv. PC/FGD 507
o SOx - 90% removal
o Particulate - 0.03 lb/MBtu
o NOx - 0.6 lb/MBtu
o .Water quality - Zero discharge
o Solid waste - RCRA "special waste"
- Plant Availability - 75% or greater (GCC
(Adv. PC/FGD
10 Regenerable FGD
The 1979 EPRI Technical Assessment 3. Baseline 76
Guide (TAG) was used as a basis for this 4. AFBC 132
comparison; it was updated where appro- 5. PFBC 145 Dolomite
priate by more recent, published EPRI R&D F. ,so.l'i:d'
Waste (dry tons/hr/1000 MW)
results. * ,

All options can meet the environ- (GCC 70

mental control requirements specified, l' (Adv. PC/FGD 70
with the gasification combined cycle (GCC) 3. Baseline 170
having the highest inherent capability for 4. PFBC 185
SOx control without process modifications. 5. AFBC 193
Both the GCC and PFBC should inherently G. Land i?equ'i:rem'ent(acres/1000 MW/30 yrs)
' control to 0.2 lb/MBtu of NOx while the
advanced PC and AFBC should control to 0.3
lb/MBtu or better. Although the GCC has 1. GCC 750
excellent air pollution control potential, 2. Adv. PC/FGD 1050
the possibility that toxic and/or carcin- 3. PFBC 1150
ogenic hydrocarbons will be produced under 4. . AFBC 1450
the reducing.conditionspresent in the pro- 5. Baseline 1650
cess may make workplace control as well as H. P;uxi'l'i'ary ~nvi;rbnm~rital
Control cost
control of wastewater and solid wastes in-
( % of plant capital cost)*
herently more expensive and, at this time,
more risky than for the other options.
1. GCC 14
The following results for the four 2. AFBC 21
advanced coal options are assembled in de- 3. PFBC 24
creasing order from best to lowest for 4. Adv. PC/FGD 33
each criterion. The baseline for com- 5. Baseline 35
parison is present-day, conventional super-
critical PC/FGD. NOTE: * Does not include heat rejection
A. Capital Cost $/kW ** Lower temperature (20000F) gas
turbine capability
1. PFBC $700
2. AFBC $710 A number of considerations evolve
3. GCC $765 **815 . from this comparative analysis. A sum-
4. Baseline $804 mary of several of the more striking are
5. Adv. PC/FGD $800 summarized as follows.
B. Busbar Costs (mills/kWh-30 yr lev- The several technologies considered
elized) all have potential merit for improving
1. PFBC 58 coal-fired power production relative to
2. Adv. PC/FGD 59 present conventional pulverized coal
3. GCC 60 plants. The present economic and techni-
4. AFBC 61 cal base is inadequate to either eliminate
5. Baseline 64 any of these advanced options or identify
one as clearly superior. They all should
Kurt E. Yeager
Page 4

be developed to the point of proving or alternatives are also undergoing vigorous

disproving their potential benefits. It development in the "horse-race" for the.
is again emphasized that the information coal-fired power plant market of the
summarized here represents a performance 1990's and beyond. Thank you and Good
forecast based on the current technical Luck.
status of each option for a specified set
of conditions. Developments can be postu-
lated for each option which could further
improve its performance and relative merit.
Improvements in the environmental,
cost and efficiency performance of the ad-
vanced coal options relative to current
pulverized coal practice are likely but
are generally in the range of lo%, with
the exception of NOx emission control
where a 50-70% improvement is possible for
every option. The improvements are gener-
ally within the range of development un-
certainty and could also erode completely
during the further course of development.
Therefore, a decision to apply any of
these options commercially is more likely
to be made on the basis of confidence in
availability and operability, siting flex-
ibility and fuel flexibility. These are
all factors which should favor fluidized
bed combustion.
From a practical standpoint, the po-
tential improvement in plant availability
is at least 2 to 3 times larger than im-
provement in efficiency, and the R&D risks
are probably smaller and less costly.
Accordingly, power plant cycle deve'lopfient
and inipro.venient''sliou'ldpla'c'e''c'o'r:re's'pon:&i:ng.
priority tin'ava'i'lab'i'l'ity. This importance
2s reflected in an implicit improvement
factor incorporated in advanced coal op-
tions relative to current practice, i.e.,
minimization of auxiliary environmental
control. The payoff is primarily reduced
complexity and failure modes which, in
turn, tend to improve availabilty and op-

In conclusion, fluid bed combustion

offers promise of providing a substantial
but evoPutionary improvement in the utili-
zation of coal for electric power pro- .
duction. Flexibility to burn alternative
fuels with miniinurn performance and reli-
ability penalty has been established.
The stringent emission standards existing
and proposed in the United States should
be met without complicated and parasitic
post-comhrlst.ion clea~iupdevices. These
significant improvement opportunities have
fostered major utility industry develop-
ment efforts for both AFBC and PFBC. In
the final analysis, however, the utility
marlcct potential of these Lechiloluyies
will depend primarily on demonstration of
power plant reliability and availability
advantages over the alternatives. As we
move forward we must remember that these

D. Bruce Henschel

I n d u s t r i a l Environmental Research Laboratory

U. S. Environmental P r o t e c t i o n A ency
Research T r i a n g l e Park, N. C. 27711

Summary O b j e c t i v e s o f t h e EPA f l u l d l r e d - b e d combus-

t i o n program a r e t o i d e n t i f y any p o t e n t i a l
environmental problem areas, and t o develop any
The purpose o f t h i s pa e r i s t o summarize necessary environmental c o n t r o l techiiol ogy ,
t h e c u r r e n t conclusions o f !he U. S. Environ- w h i l e t h e f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion process i s
mental P r o t e c t i o n Agenc I s (EPA's) I n d u s t r i a l under develo ment. I d e n t i f y i n g any problem
Environmental Research {aboratory , Research areas as earyy as p o s s i b l e d u r i n g t h e develop-
T r i a n l e Park, NC (IERL-RTP), concernin t h e
abil iZy o f atmospheric and p r e s s u r i z e d !l " i d i z e d -
bed combustion systems t o meet c u r r e n t l y iden-
ment hase should a1 low any necessary environ-
m e n t a l c o n t r o l s t o be i n t e r a t e d i n t o t h e process
on t h e most t i m e l y and C O S T - e f f e c t i v e basis.
t i f i e d environmental requirements. I n summary,
based upon a v a i l a b l e data, i t i s a n t i c i p a t e d Results from t h e R&D program.are intended
t h a t b o t h atmos h e r i c and-pressurized s stems p r i m a r i l y t o ensure t h e a v a i l a b i l i t y o f an ade-
should be capable o f meet1n t h e recentyy rev! r e d quate research data enable t h e develop-
New Source Performance ~ t a n % a r d s NSPS) c o v e r i n g ment o f standards and guide1 i n e s by EPA's regula-
a i r emissions o f s u l f u r d i o x i d e ($! 02), n i t r o g e n t o r y o f f i c e s , and t o enable t h e issuance o f
oxides (NO,), and p a r t i c u l a t e s from e l e c t r i c p e r m i t s f o r f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r p l a n t s by EPA's
u t i l i t steam- e n e r a t i n g u n i t s . NSPS f o r indus- p e ~ i t t i n go f f i c e s . The r e s u l t s a r e a l s o - t o
t r i a l t o i l e r s !ave n o t e t been r o osed b EPA; ass1s t t h e developers and b u i 1ders o f f 1u i d i zed-
however, f 1uidized-bed { o i l e r s s i o u f d be a i l e t o bed b o i l e r s i n t h e s e l e c t i o n and a p p l i c a t i o n o f
meet t h e i n d u s t r i a l b o i l e r standards as w e l l , control alternatives.
i f these standards a r e n o t s i g n i f i c a n t l y more .
s t r i n g e n t , o r a r e l e s s s t r i n g e n t , t h a n t h e stand- The EPA program c u r r e n t l y c o n s i s t s o f seven
ards c o v e r i n g u t i l i t y steam generators. The EPA p r o j e c t s w i t h a v a r i e t y o f c o n t r a c t o r s . Many o f
standards should be achieved i n f l u i d i z e d - b e d he p r o j e c t s a r e discussed i n d e t a i l i n o t h e r
combustion systems i n a manner which i s economi- papers presented a t t h i s conference by t h e i n d i -
c a l l y competitive w i t h t h e a l t e r n a t i v e o f a v i d u a l contractors. For f u r t h e r reference, some
conventional b o i l e r w i t h f l u e gas desul f u r i z a - o f t h e published r e o r t s generated by EPA con-
t i o n ; t h e r e a t e s t economic u n c e r t a i n t y concerns t r a c t o r s s i n c e t h e F i f t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l Confer-
t h e c o n t r o y o f p a r t i r u l a t e s a t .elevated tempera- ence a r e l i s t e d as References 3 through 20.
t u r e s and pressures i n p r e s s u r i z e d combustors.
A d d i t i o n a l data from l a r g e f l u i d i z e d - b e d combus- Emission Sources and Appl i c a b l e Federal Legi s-
t o r s , r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f commercial-scale lation
systems, a r e necessary t o c o n f i r m these
conclusions. There a r e f o u r major general sources o f
emissions from f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r plants.
S o l i d residues from atmospheric and pres- These sources are: (1) t h e s t o r a e handling,
s u r i zed f 1u i d i zed-bed combustors, i n general, and f e e d i n g o f c o a l and sorbent; 721 t h e steam
should n o t be considered as "hazardous" wastes c y c l e (e.g., c o o l i n g tower d r i f t , l i q u i d e f f l u -
under t h e Resource Conservation and Recovery e n t s from b o i l e r blowdown, and feedwater t r e a t -
A c t RCRA), based upon RCRA procedures as cur-
r e n t y defined. However, t h e p r o p e r t i e s o f p e n t ) . 63) stack gas emissions; and (4) emissions
o f s o l i residue, i n t h e form o f bed m a t e r i a l
leachate from the r e s i d u e w i l l n e c e s s i t a t e some
a t t e n t i o n i n t h e design o f a " s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l "
under RCRA, f o r disposal o f t h e residues as non-'
I spent sorbent, w i t h some coal ash) withdrawn
rom t h e combustor, and i n t h e form o f c a r r y - o v e r
( l a r g e 1 f l y a s h , w i t h some e l u t r i a t e d spent
hazardous wastes. sorbentf . t h a t i s removed .from t h e f l u e gas by
Introduction t h e p a r t i c l e c o n t r o l devices.

I n p a r a l l e l w i t h t h e e f f o r t s b t h e U. S. ' Emissions r e s u l t i n from t h e s o l i d s storage

Department o f Ener t h e E l e c t r i c {over Research and h a n d l i n g system, an! from t h e steam cycle,
I n s t i t u t e (EPRI), 8' e Tennessee V a l l e y A u t h o r i t y
ITVA , and o t h e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s t o develop
a r e n o t unique t o f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion, b u t
should be reasonably t y p i c a l o f any c o a l - f i r e d
1uidized-bed combusti on techno1 ogy, EPA i s con- combustion system d r i v i n a steam t u r b i n e .
d u c t i n g a c o n t r a c t research and develo ment pro- Accord1 ngly, subsequent % i s c u s s i o n wi 11 focus .
gram aimed a t com l e t e environmental c i a r a c t e r i - on t h e stack gas and s o l i d r e s i d u e emission
z a t i o n o f t h e teclnology. The EPA p r o ram has sources.
been described p r e v i o u s l y (References 7.2).
D. B. Henschel

The stack as emissions w i l l be covered by removals economically, f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r s may

a p l i c a b l e reguyations developed by EPA under have t o be o e r a t e d w i t h increased c o n t a c t t i m e
t t e Clean A i r Act, as amended There a r e a between t h e O! and t h e sorbent, and w i t h reduced
number o f requirements under t h i s Act which can sorbent p a r t i c ?e size. Increased SO I s o r b e n t
a f f e c t t h e u l t i m a t e s i t i n g and c o n t r o l l e v e l s c o n t a c t t i ~ eand reduced sorbent p a r f i c l e . s i z e
f o r a f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r plant. The s e c i f i c can s i g n i f i c a n t l y increase sorbent e f f e c t i v e n e s s
t y p e 6 f r e g u l a t i o n o f most meaning f o r t % e d i s - i n SO2 removal, and hence s i g n i f i c a n t l y reduce
cussion i n t h i s paper i s t h e NSPS, which speci- . s o r b e n t feed requirements.
f i e s acce t a b l e emission c o n c e n t r a t i o n s from
new o r s u g s t a n t i a l l y m o d i f i e d sources, and which In t r a d i t i o n a l dense- hase f l u i d i z e d - b e d
i s based on best a v a i l a b l e c o n t r o l ~ t e c h n o l o q y . systems, increased ~ ~ ~ / s o r ! e nc to n t a c t t i m e i s
Revisions t o t h e NSPS f o r l a r g e u t i l i t steam achieved through increased gas residence t i m e i n
enerators ( l a r g e r t h a n 73 MWt), promuygated i". t h e bed. Increased gas residence t i m e - t r a n s -
7979, are: f o r 0 an absolute maximum e m i s n o n l a t e s i n t o a decrease i n gas v e l o c i t y through t h e
o f 1.2 l b SO2/1o2 &u heat i n p u t (520 n g l J ) , w i t h bed, a n d l o r an increase i n bed height. There has
a t l e a s t 90 percent SO2 r e d u c t i o n r e q u i r e d so been an i n c e n t i v e f o r designers t o attempt t o
l o n g as t e emissions remain between 0.6 and minimize gas residence time, i n o r d e r to'maxi-
1.2 lb110 B t u (260 and 520 ng/J) and a t l e a s t mize b o i l e r throughput, and t o reduce b o i l e r
70 percent r e d u c t i o n r e q u i r e d so i o n as emis- s i z e and c a p i t a l cost. However, EPA's s t u d i e s
s i o n s do n o t excee 0.6 1b1106 B t u $260 ng/J); suggest t h a t , a t h i h l e v e l s o f SO2 .removal,
f o r NOx, 0.6 1bIbO B t u 260 n J ) o r most t h e c o s t p e n a l t y (tRe increased ca i t a l i z a t i o n
coals, 0.5 lb110 B t u IZ!p ng/!l f o r subbitumi- c o s t ) associated w i t h a l a r g e r b o i f e r i s more
nous coals, and 0.8 l b 10 B t u 340. n I J ) f o r t h a n o f f s e t by t h e r e d u c t i o n i n o p e r a t i n g c o s t s
some l i g n i t e s i n some furnaces; and !or par- associated w i t h ' t h e reduced sorbent feed r e q u i r e -
ments. The r e d u c t i o n i n sorbent feed r e q u i r e -
t i c u l a t e s , 0.03 lb/106 B t u 13 n g / ~ j . .These
standards are based u on a 0-day r o l l i n g aver-
age. U t i l i t y - s c a l e fyuidized-bed b o i l e r p l a n t s
ments achievable through increased gas residence
timelreduced sorbent p a r t i c l e size, becomes
would have t o be designed i n o r d e r t o achieve more pronounced as t h e r e q u i r e d l e v e l o f SO2
these emission standards; however, t h e operators removal increases.
o f t h e i n i t i a l p l a n t s may apply f o r a commercial
demonstration permit a1 l o w i n 85 percent SO2 T h i s p o i n t i s i l l u s t r a t e d by an en i n e e r i n g
removal i n s t e a d o f 90 percen!, under t h e p h i l o s o - study conducted by V e s t i n house f o r u t i y i t y -
phy t h a t , w i t h o u t previous ex e r i e n c e i n t h e s c a l e b o i l e r s (Refere"ce go), some r e s u l t s o f . .
design and o p e r a t i o n o f u t i l icy-scal e fluidized- which a r e summari.zed i n F i g u r e 1. F i g u r e 1
presents t h e c o s t o f e l e c t r i c i t y as a f u n c t i o n
bed p l a n t s , t h e goal o f 90 e r c e n t may n o t be
achieved i n t h e i n i t i a l i n s i a l l a t i o n s Under o f sorbent c o s t f o r an 800 MW atmos h e r i c f l u i d -
t h e r e v i s e d u t i l i t y NSPS, t h e f i r s t 460 t o ized-bed b o i l e r p l a n t operated t o o g t a i n 90 per-
3,000 MWe o f cumulative i n s t a l l e d atmospheric c e n t SO removal. P r o j e c t e d costs f o r a conven-
f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r capacity, and t h e f i r s t t i o n a l goi!er w i t h a s c r u b b e r - a r e a l s o p l o t t e d
4 0 0 . t o 1,200 MWe o f p r e s s u r i z e d capacity, may f o r comparison. The sorbent feed r a t e s shown
be issued such commercial demonstrati on permi ts. i n F i g u r e 1 (ex ressed as t h e c a l c i u m - t o - s u l f u r
NSPS f o r i n d u s t r i a l b o i l e r s a r e c u r r e n t l y under mole r a t i o , o r &/s) were p r o j e c t e d by Westing-
development; house using a f a i r l y simple k i n e t i c model based
upon l a b o r a t o r y thermogravimetric k i n e t i c data
The s o l i d r e s i d u e t h e process f o r t h e sorbentlS02 r e a c t i o n .
can have t h e f o l l o w i n g environmental e f f e c t s :
f u g i t i v e a i r emissions from d i s p o s a l s i t e s , i n The bottom curve f o r atmospheric f l u i d i z e d -
t h e form o f wind-blown dust, which would be bed combustion i n F i g u r e 1 was developed assuming
covered under t h e Clean A l r Act; r a i n w a t e r perco- a as residence t i m e o f '0.67 second (a gas
l a t i o n through t h e disposal p i l e s i n t o t h e s o i l ve?ocity o f 6 f t l s e c o r 1.8 m sec, and a bed
and groundwater, which would be covered under depth o f 4 f e e t , o r 1.2 meters(. The curve a l s o
RCRA; and r a i n w a t e r r u n o f f i n t o s u r f a c e water assumes a 500 pm s u r f a c e mean sorbent p a r t i -
systems, which would be covered under t h e Clean c l e s i z e i n t h e bed (which corresponds t o a mass
Water Act and RCRA. Under RCRA, EPA has r e c e n t l y mean o f perhaps 700pm); t h e a c t u a l s i z e o f t h e
promulgated c r i t e r i a f o r determining whether a fresh sorbent feed, o f course, c o u l d be coarser
r e s i d u e i s t o be considered "hazardous" f o r t h e t h a n t h i s in-bed value. These.values f o r r e s i -
purposes o f t h e Act. EPA must promul a t e standards dence t i m e and p a r t i c l e size, although n o t nec-
coverin the and t h e trea!ment/storage/ e s s a r i l y r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e economic o timum, a r e
disposa? o f ' l h a z a r d ~ ~ swastes. " I f a waste i s f e l t t o represent reasonably good seyections
n o t hazardous, i t would, i n general, b e disposed f o r these v a r i a b l e s from t h e s t a n d p o i n t o f c o s t - .
o f i n a " s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l " i n accordance w i t h e f f e c t i v e SO2 removal. The values f o r v e l o c i t y ,
s o l i d waste management plans developed by t h e bed depth, and in-bed p a r t i c l e s i z e are, i n d i v i d u -
i n d i v i d u a l stat$s. EPA has promulgited some c r i - a l ' l y , w i t h i n t h e ranges considered i n various
teria definin s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l s , and has pro- design and experimental programs conducted by -.-. --. -
posed (but no! y e t promulgated) a d d i t i o n a l o t h e r o r a n i z a t i o n s . As i n d i c a t e d on t h e curve,
criteria. f o r a 0.87 second residence t i m e and a 500
a r t i c l e size, t h e sorbent feed r a t e p r o j e c t e d
Sulfur Dioxide Control ! t h e Westi nghouse mode! i s a c a l c i u m - t o - s u l f u r
mole r a t i o o f 2.9, assuming a sorbent o f represen-
S u l f u r d i o x i d e removals o f 90 percent and tative reactivity.
h i g h e r can be achieved i n b o t h atmospheric and
r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion t h u s ena- The t o p curve f o r f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion i n
g l i n g compliance w i t h t h e r e v i s e d EPA New Source t h e f i g u r e was developed assumin a gas r e s i -
Perfornlance Standard f o r u t i l i t y steam generators. dence t i m e o f 0.4 second (gas v e y o c i t y o f 10
Thesc removals should be achievable w i t h reasona- f t l s e c , o r 3.0 mlsec, and a bed depth o f 4 f e e t ,
b l e sorbent feed r a t e s , and i n a manner which i s o r 1.2 meters); sorbent p a r t i c l e s i z e i n t h e bed
c a l l y competitive w i t h t h e a l t e r n a t i v e o f was assumed t o have a s u r f a c e mean.value o f 1000
a conventional b o i l e r w i t h f l u e gas d e s u l f u r i z a - At this lower gas residence t i m e and l a r g e r
t i o n . However, i n o r d e r t o achieve h i g h SO2 1:;ticle size, t h e model p r o j e c t s (somewhat
D. B. Henschel

p e s s i m i s t i c a l j y ) t h a t t h e r e q u i r e d calcium-to- sorbents have been t e s t e d which are s i g n i f i c a n t l y

s u l f u r r a t i o 1s 7.0. l e s s r e a c t i v e than 1359 limestone; however, such
u n r e a c t i v e sorbents would g e n e r a l l y n o t be u t i l -
The comparison o f t h e t o p and bottom curves i z e d i n f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustors, s i n c e they
i n d i c a t e s t h a t - - d e s p i t e t h e h i g h e r annualized would make t h e process economically u n a t t r a c t i v e .
c a p i t a l i z a t i o n cost associated w i t h t h e l a r g e r A p o t e n t l a l user o f f l u i d i z e d combustor technology
f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o ~ l e rrepresented by t h e bottom should be a b l e t o s i t e h i s p l a n t i n order t o have
curve--the reduced sorbent feed requirements f o r a v a ~ l a b l e , w i t h i n reasonable distance, a l t e r n a -
t h i s b o i l e r r e s u l t i n a several mill/kWh n e t sav- t i v e sorbents having a r e a c t i v i t y n o t substan-
ings i n t h e cost o f e l e c t r i c i t y a t a t pica1 t i a l l y l e s s than t h a t o f limestone 1359. Accord-
r o r b e n t c o s t o f $lO/ton ($9/metric tony. Even ingly--although t h e c u r v e s . i n F i g u r e 2 do n o t nec-
i f sorbent feed r e uirements f o r t h e s m a l l e r e s s a r i l y encom ass t h e e n t i r e range o f sorbent
b o i l e r (representea by t h e t o p curve) were l e s s r e a c t i v l t i e s tRat inight be,conridered f o r commer-
t h a n t h e Ca/S o f 7.0 p r o j e c t e d b t h e model, t h e c i a l f l u ~ d i z e d - b e dcombustion a p p l i c a t i o n s - - t h e
l a r g e r b o i l e r would continue t o i e economically curves a r e f e l t t o i l l u s t r a t e a reasonable range
more a t t r a c t i v e than t h e s m a l l e r one unless t h e o f commercially achievable r e a c t i v i t i e s .
model i s over-estimating t h e sorbent requirements
o f t h e smal l e r b o i l e r by a f a c t o r g r e a t e r t h a n These model p r o j e c t i o n s from F i u r e 2 a r e
two. As shown i n F i g u r e 1, t h e c o s t o f e l e c - compared a a i n s t a v a 1~a b l e experimenPa1 atmoi-
t r i c i t y from t h e l a r g e r f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r , w i t h p h e r i c com%ustor data i n F i g u r e 3, which i s
a Ca/S o f 2.9, i s p r o j e c t e d t o be l e s s t h a n t h a t adapted from Reference 14. The u p e r curve i n
from t h e conventional b o l l e r l s c r u b b e r a t a1 1 F i g u r e 3 i s t h e curve f o r carbon Timestone,
b u t t h e h i g h e s t sorbent costs. . p a r t i a l l y redrawn from F i g u r e 2; t h e lower curve
i s t h e curve f o r 1359 limestone. The data shown
Since t h e sorbent feed requirements p r o j e c - i n F i g u r e 3 were obtained from a v a r i e t y o f bench-
t e d by t h e Westinghouse model p l a y a key r o l e i n and p i l o t - s c a l e combustors over a wide spectrum
t h i s c o s t comparison, i t i s important t o assess o f as residence times, sorbent p a r t i c l e sizes,
t h e r e l i a b i l i t o f t h i s f a i r l y simple model. s o r j e n t types, and o t h e r combustor c o n d i t i o n s ;
The model has t e e n t e s t e d a a i n s t t h e a v a i l a b l e these data are n o t l i m i t e d t o data
d a t a from experimental f l u i l i z e d - b e d combustors, c o n d i t i o n s n e a r T e 0.67 second r e s ~ d e n c et ~ m e /
and has been found t o represent most o f t h e 500 sorbent s i z e t h a t .served as t h e basis f o r
combustor data very we1 1. Rigorous comparison t h e curves from F i g u r e 2. The.units from which
o f model p r o j e c t i o n s a a i n s t data a t s p e c i f i c t h e data were obtained ranged i n s i z e from 6 Inches
c o n d i t i o n s from i n d i v i l u a l f l uidized-bed combus-
t i o n u n i t s i s resented i n References 10, 14 and
17. u n f o r t u n a t e 1 most o f t h e data frqm atmos-
(15.2 cm) i.d. t o 10 by 10 f e e t (3 by 3 m i n
cross section. The data shown i n F i g u r e
from: t h e Babcock & Wilcox 3- by 3 - f o o t (0.91- by
p h e r i c f l u i d i z e d - k d combustion f a c l l i t i e s a r e 0.91-m) u n i t a t A l l i a n c e , Ohio; t h e 6-inch
f o r SO removals below 90 percent, s i n c e t h e pre-
vious PA 1 ew Source Performance Standard f o r SO
(1.2 l b I 1 0 Btu, o r 516 ng/J)--which served as t i e
A .-b
15 2 cm diameter atmospheric combustors a t
rgonne a t i o n a l Laboratory (ANL and a t t h e
N a t i o n a l Coal Board NCB) i n En and; t h e 1.5-
g u i d e l i n e f o r most r e v i o u s t e s t i n g - - r e p r e s e n t s b 6 - f o o t (0.46- b 1.8-m) ~ l u i i i z e d - ~ eModule d
a percenta e removay o f o n l y 83 percent w i t h a 4 . (FBMI operated by $0 e Evans and Robbins (PER
percent s u y f u r coal. Accordingly, t h e model can- t h e .5- by 3 - f o o t (6.46- by 0.91-m) u n i t a t N i b
n o t be e x t e n s i v e l y confirmed a t removals o f 90 t h e 6- b 6 - f o o t (1.8- by 1 . 8 4 ) EPRI/B&W combus:
percent and above. However, EPA i s c u r r e n t l y t o r a t ~ y l i a n c e ; t h e 10- by 1 0 - f o o t (3- by 3-m)
conducting a c a r e f u l l y designed m a t r i x o f t e s t s B&W Ltd. b o i l e r a t Renfrew, Scotland; and t h e
on t h e 40- by 64-inch (1- by 1.6-meter) atmos- 1.5- b 1 5 - f o o t 0.46- b 0.46-m) and 40- by
p h e r i c combustor a t F l u i d y n e aimed a t generating 64-incK (i- by 1.b-m) com{ustors a t Fluidyne.
d a t a which can be used t o h e l p c o n f i r m t h e
model a t removals o f 90 .percent and above: Con- As shown i n F i g u r e 3, t h e mass o f data gen-
f i r m a t ~ o no f t h e model 1s u l t i m a t e l y r e q u l r e d e r a l l y f a l l w i t h i n t h e boundaries o f t h e curves
on o p e r a t i n g f l uidized-bed b o i l e r s s u f f i c i e n t l y p r o j e c t e d by t h e model. Some data even suggest
l a r e t o p r o v i d e data r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f commer- performance s u p e r i o r t o t h a t p r o j e c t e d f o r carbon
cia?-scale unlts. imestone. Those data which suggest perfomlance
poorer than t h a t w i t h i n t h e curve boundaries are,
Rather t h a n attempting t o repeat t h e r i g o r - i n many cases, e i t h e r from t h e small 6 - i n c h
ous model-versus-data comparisons I n t h i s paper, 15.2-cm) u n i t s , o r from t h e B&W 3- by 3 - f o o t
a more general i z e d approach wi 11 be employed 0.91- by 0.91-111) u n ~ t ; t h i s u n i t , h a s a low f r e e -
which, although l e s s rigorous, p r o v i d e s o v e r a l l board and no recycle, so t h a t a h ~ g hcarry-over
p e r s p e c t i v e regarding how model p r o j e c t i o n s r a t e and a higher-than-normal sorbent feed r a t e
compare a g a i n s t t h e mass o f SO2 removal data woul d be expected.
which have been generated t o date. F i g u r e 2
presents percentage SO2 removal a t atmospheric F i g u r e 3 i s n o t intended as a r i g o r o u s con-
pressure as a f u n c t i o n o f sorbent f e e d r a t e , as f i r m a t i o n o f t h e model, b u t r a t h e r i s meant t o
e r o j e c t e d by t h e Westinghouse model a t t h e condi- i l l u s t r a t e t h a t , i n general, t h e model p r o j e c -
Ions o f gas residence t i m e 0.67 second) and t i o n s do n o t represent a rnajor divergence from
in-bed p a r t i c l e s l z e (500 umf f e l t t o be d e n r a b l e a v a l l a b l e data.
f o r e f f e c t i v e SO2 removal. Curves a r e shown f o r
t h r e e d i f f e r e n t sorbents: carbon limestone, The data i n F i g u r e 3 suggest t h a t t h e p r o j e c -
r e p r e s e n t i n one o f t h e more r e a c t i v e o f t h e t i o n i n F i g u r e 1 - - t h a t a Ca/S o f 7 would be nec-
approxinateYy 25 sorbents t e s t e d t o date on t h e essar f o r a 90 percent SO2 removal i n t h e b o i l e r
Westinghouse.1aboratory thermogravimetric analy- w i t h {over gas residence t i m e - - j s robably pessi-
zer. Grove l ~ m e s t o n e( r e f e r r e d t o as l ~ m e s t o n e m i s t i c . The t r e n d i n t h e data i n p l g u r e 3 sug-
13541, one o f t h e l e s s r e a c t i v e sorbents; and gests t h a t a Ca/S much l o w e r than 7 would
Greer limestone, r e r e s e n t i n g an i n t e r m e d i a t e probably be adequate.
r e a c t i v i t y . The caycium-to-sulfur feed r e u i r e -
ments o f 2.9 f o r 90 percent removal, used ?or t h e The previous d i s c u s s i o n has considered o n l y
bottom curve o f F l g u r e 1, can be read o f f t h e atmospheric f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion. I n eneral,
c u r v e f o r Greer limestone i n F1gur-e 2. Some t h e achievement o f 90 percent and g r e a t e r 302
D. B. Henschel

removals i n pressurized f l uidized-bed combustion mode and tfward more advanced f!uidi;atio!
has been p o s s i b l e w i t h r e l a t i v e 1 l o w sorbent concepts-- t u r b u l e n t " f l u i d i z a t i o n , f a s t
feed r a t e s c a l c i u m - t o - s u l f u r Inofe r a t i o s o f f l u i d i z a t i o n , and, i n t h e extreme, entrained-
1.25 t o 2 ) [References I and 16). One reason phase operation. High-recycle operation, and
f o r - t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f SO2 removal i n pres- t h e advanced f l u i d i z a t i o n concepts may prove
s u r i z e d systems might be t h a t p r e s s u r i z e d t o be more e f f e c t i v e a t SO2 removaf t h a n i s
systems r e q u i r e comparatively deep beds, i n low carry;over, dense-phase operation. The
o r d e r t o accommodate t h e heat t r a n s f e r sur- f i n e p a r t i c l e s i z e associated w i t h these o t h e r
f a c e necessitated b t h e h i g h v o l u m e t r i c heat o p e r a t i n g modes, combined w i t h adequate ( o r per-
r e l e a s e r a t e ; deep Ceds i n h e r e n t l y r e s u l t haps even increased) a s / s o l i d s c o n t a c t time,
i n as residence times ( g e n e r a l l y 1 second may r o v i d e s u p e r i o r !02 capture performance;
o r 7 o n g e r ) s i n l f i c a n t l y g r e a t e r than those nor- f u r t i e r o p e r a t i n g data a r e r e q u i r e d concernin
mal l y o b t a i n e l i n atmospheric combustors. these o t h e r modes. It should be re-emphanze%
F i g u r e 4 presents expected d e s u l f u r i z a t i o n as a t h a t , f o r these o t h e r modes o f operation, t h e key
f u n c t i o n o f sorbent feed r a t e f o r a 9 atm v a r i a b l e a f f e c t i n g SO removal--gas/solids c o n t a c t
(910 kPa) combustor being f e d w i t h 2000 time--no l o n e r t r a n s f a t e s i n t o gas residence
mass mean P f i z e r dolomite, based u on r e s u l t s t i m e i n t h e zed? as i t does f p r t r a d i t i o n a l dense-
from EPA's 500 l b c o a l / h r (227 kg/Rrl res- phase f l ' u i d i z a t i o n . The previous d i s c u s s i o n . i n
s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d comb~lstionM i n i p f a n t , t h i s pa e r has been based upon t h e low carry-over,
and based u on a model developed by Exxon dense-piase case.
(Reference f6). Cost p r o j e c t i o n s are pre-
sented i n F i u r e 5 . f o r a u t i l i t y - s c a l e pres- Thus, h i g h l e v e l s o f sorbent a t t r i t i o n o r
s u r i z e d f l u i l i z e d - b e d combustor, based upon c a r r y - o v e r a r e n o t n e c e s s a r i l y bad, so l o n g as t h e
Westinghouse estimates Reference lo), analo-
gous t o F i g u r e 1. As i l u s t r a t e d i n F i g u r e 5,
a pressurized f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustor i s
carry-over i s r e c y c l e d and so l o n g as a s t a b l e
system can be maintained w i t h o u t excessive sorbent
feed rates. A t t r i t i o n and r e c y c l e mi h t r e s u l t
p r o j e c t e d t o have lower c o s t s o f e l e c t r i c i t y i n e f f e c t i v e sorbent u t i l i z a t i ? n and Righ SO2
t h a n a conventional b o i l e r w i t h a scrubber, removals. The capture o f SO2 i n t h e freeboard,
over t h e f u l l range o f f l u i d i z e d - b e d Ca/S which may be achieved w i t h h i g h - r e c y c l e systems,
r a t i o s (1.25 t o 2.0) suggested i n F i g u r e 4 f o r may be important f o r b o i l e r designs i n which coal
90 e r c e n t SO2 removal a t gas residence times i s f e d above t h e bed- w i t h above-bed coal feed,
of f second and longer. some o f t h e SO may be r e 1 eased above t h e bed,
and hence may f a v e no residence t i m e i n t h e bed
Comparing F i ures 1 and 5, i t i s apparent. itself.
t h a t t h e need t o T u r t h e r increase gas residence
t i m e i n o r d e r t o reduce sorbent feed r a t e i n N i t r o g e n Oxides Emissions
p r e s s u r i z e d f l uidized-bed combustors, i s 1 ess
c r i t i c a l than i n t h e case o f atmospheric N i t r o en oxides ernis i o n s a r e character-
u n i t s . I n F i g u r e 1, an increase i n gas residence i s t i c a l l y %elow 0.5 lb/10g B t u heat i n p u t
t i m e from 0.4 t o 0.67 seconds--an increase o f (210 ng/J) f o r l a r e atmos h e r i f l u i d i z e d - b e d
combustors, and besow 0.4 !b/106 B t u (170 ng J )
0.27 seconds--had a s i g n i f i c a n t impact on
p r o j e c t e d sorbent feed requirements f o r atmos-
p h e r i c combostors, and c o u l d be t h e d e t e q i n i n g
f o r p r e s s u r i z e d u n i t s . These emissions may e
reduced f u r t h e r through t h e use o f two-sta e com-
f a c t o r r e g a r d i n g whether o r n o t atmospheric b u s t i o n and o t h e r NOx c o n t r o l o t i o n s whicR a r e
fluidized-bed u n i t s are competitive w i t h j u s t s t a r t i n g t o be explored. fhus b o t h atmos-
conventional b o i l e r s . However, as sug e s t e d p h e r i c and p r e s s u r i z e d s stems appear capable
i n F i g u r e s 4 and 5 an increase, from
t o 3 seconds, i n t h e gas residence t i m e f o r
second f o f meetin t h e c u r r e n t E ~ ANew Source Perform-
ance ~ t a n i a r df o r NO emissions from u t i l i t y
pressurized u n i t s should have a comparatively b o i l e r s , o f 0.5 l b / l & B t u 21 n /J f o r sub
small impact. bituminous c o a l s and 0.6 1b)lOg B?U 1260 n g / ~ j
f o r o t h e r coals.
The SO2 removal performance o f b o t h
atmospheric and p r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d As discussed below, many NOx emission
combustors may be improved by reducing t h e measurements from ex e r i m e n t a l comb s t o r s a r e
mean sorbent a r t i c l e s i z e as discussed below t h e values (0.g and 0.4 l b / 1 0 Btu) 8
previously. i s t h e s i z e i s reduced i n d i c a t e d above. However, t h e d a t a a r e so
t o s m a l l e r and s m a l l e r values, t h e p a r t i c l e s scattered, and our understanding o f t h e v a r i a b l e s
w i l l have an increased tendency t o e l u t r i a t e which control.NOx emissions i s so l i m i t e d , t h a t
o u t o f t h e bed, depending upon t h e gas v e l o c i t y . i t would be d i f f i c u l t t o guarantee t h a t a given
Even i n a f l u i d i z e d - b e d system where t h e f 1uidized-bed combustor would never exceed
p a r t i c l e sizelgas v e l o c i t y r e l a t i o n s h i p i s those l e v e l s on a 30-day r o l l i n g average.
such as t o m a i n t a i n b a s i c a l l y t r a d i t i o n a l
dense-phase f l u i d i z a t i o n , t h e r e w i l l be some U n t i l r e c e n t l y , NO emissions from f l u i d i z e d -
carry-over o f f i n e a r t i c l e s , due t o f i n e bed combustors were o f f i m i t e d concern.
m a t e r i a l i n t h e sorgent feed and/or due t o F l u i d i z e d combustor NOx emissions a r e i n h e r e n t l y
a t t r i t i o n . Recycle, back t o t h e bed, o f t h e
e l u t r i a t e d sorbent f i n e s should r e s u l t i n a
reduced mean a r t i c l e s i z e i n t h e bed, t h u s
lower t h a n t h e EPA emission standard which i s
based upon emissions from conventi ona b o i l e r s ) ; 1
hence no major e f f o r t had p r e v i o u s l y been i n i t i -
i n p r o v i n in-ped capture; f i n e s r e c i r c u l a t i o n ated t o reduce t h e f l u i d i z e d - b e d NOx emissions
shou!d ayso r e s u l t i n an increased c o n c e n t r a t i o n f u r t h e r . However, a number o f combustion modi-
o f f i n e sorbent i n t h e freeboard, p r o v i d i n
a d d i t i o n a l capture a f t e r t h e gases leave tRe
bed. As t h e sorbent feed becomes r e l a t i v e l y
f i n e r , t h e q u a n t i t y o f f i n e s being r e c i r c u l a t e d
w i l l , o f course, become. r e a t e r . As t h e
a r t i c l e s i z e l g a s v e l o c i q y r e l a t i o n s h i p moves
!award even f ingr. p a r t i c l es, t h e syste" "over
o u t o f t h e t r a d i t i o n a l dense-phase f l u i d i z a t i o n
0. B. Henschel

c e r n i n g t h e appl i c a b i l i t y o f comhustion modifi-

c a t i o n techniques f o r r e d u c i n NO emissions from
fluidized-bed combustors so t 8 a t f l u i d i z e d - b e d
h i g h as 0.4 lb/106 B t u (170 ng/J
so much o f t h e data are below 0. lb/106 B t u 1. The f a c t t h a t
(86 ng/J) i v e s r i s e t o a hope t h a t - - i f NOx
combustion can continue t o be c o m p e t i t i v e w i t h emissions %om pressurized u n i t s decrease w i t h
conventional b o i l e r s i n f u t u r e years, i f t h e low i n c r e a s i n g u n i t s i z e i n t h e same manner as shown
NO emissions from conventional u n i t s are indeed i n F i g u r e 7 f o r atmospheric combustors--
pressurized u n i t s 1arger.than t h e 1.8 W t M i n i -
acfiieved, EPA has conducted some p r e l i m i n a r y
t e s t i n g i n t h i s regard. !
p l a n t might . r e l i a b l y achieve 0.2 lb/10 B t u w i t h -
o u t combustion mod1 f i c a t i ons.
A v a i l a b l e data from ex e r i m e n t a l atmospheric
f l u i d i z e d combustors, 6 incRes (15.2-cm) i n diam- E f f o r t s have been made t o c o r r e l a t e NO,
e t e r and l a r g e r , a r e shown i n F i g u r e 6. The emissions.against combustor v a r l a b l e s f o r b o t h
u n i t s represented i n F i g u r e 6 i n c l u d e most atmospheric and r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d combus-
t o r s (Reference P8). There does a pear t o be
o f t h e u n i t s represented i n F i u r e 3. The NOx
data from t h e Argonne 6-inch (75.2-cm) u ? ~ t some c o r r e l a t i o n suggesting t h a t
w i t h decreasing temperature, decreasing excess
NI, decreases
i n c l u d e o n l y those d a t a f o r which t h e u n i t was
o p e r a t i n g w i t h a sorbent bed. a i r , and i n c r e a s i n g gas residence time. However,
the correlation i s not s u f f i c i e n t l y stron t o
The b u l k o f t h e emission data w i t h i n t h e suggest t h a t these v a r i a b l e s might be u t i f i z e d
t pica1 expected o e r a t i n tem e r a t u r e ranae f o r as an e f f e c t i v e means o f NOx c o n t r o l .
t f e primar): combusfion cefls--P500 t o 1600 F, 06
815 t o 871 C - - l i e between 0.2 and 0.6 l b NO (10
B t u (86 and 260 ng/J), expressed as NO ~fiis
emission i s no greate t h a n t h e c u r r e n f ' i m i s s i o n
standard o f 0.6 lb/10 B t u (260 ng/J). Many o f
t h e data p o i n t s on F i g u r e 6 which exceed t h e
c u r r e n t standard were obtained a t bed tempera-
t u r e s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f those which m i y h t be
expected i n a carbon burnup cell--2000 F (1094OC)
and above.
L a r e atmospheric f l uidized-bed combustors
5 percent excess a i r ; t h e remaining a i r ( t o b r i n g
e x h i b i t 7ower and l e s s v a r i a b l e ) NOx emissions
t h a n do s m a l l . aborator u n i t s . T h i s f a c t i s
demonstrated i n F ~ g u r e (Reference 14), where
t h e t o t a l t o 20 percent excess) was i n j e c t e d
u s t above t h e bed. Tests on a 28 l b c o a l l h r
t h e data from Figure 6 are r e - p l o t t e d as a func-
t i o n o f u n i t size. The bars i n F i g u r e 7 repre-
3 13 k g l h r pressurized combustor a t Exxon (Ref-
erence 161 i n d i c a t e d t h a t NOx emissions c o u l d
s e n t t h e range o f NO emission data from t h e be reduced by about 50 percent through t h e use o f
i n d i c a t e d u n i t s i n t f i e 1500-1600°F (815-871°C) two-sta e combustion, w i t h t h e primary a i r being
temperature r a n e. The range shown f o r t h e 75 t o 98 percent p f ~ s t o i c h i o m e t r i c , and w i t h
Argonne 6-inch 715.2 cm) u n i t reaches l e v e l s
h i g h e r t h a n those shown i n F i u r e 6, s i n c e F j u r e
7 i n c l u d e s some r e s u l t s from 4rgonne t e s t s w i i h
secondary a i r r a i s i n g t h e t o t a l t o 15 t o 30
percent excess being i n j e c t e d i n t o t h e bed, near'
t h e top. Reductions i n NOx o f 30 t o 50 percent
non-sorbent beds n o t i n c l u d e d i n F i g u r e 6. As were achieved on t h e Exxon combustor through amon-
i l l u s t r a t e d i n F i u r e 7, a l l o f t h e emission data i a i n j e c t i o n , when t h e ammonia was i n ' e c t e d
h i g h e r t h a n 0.6 18/106 B t u (260 ng/J) i n t h e near t h e t o p o f t h e bed. s i m u l a t e d . f i u e gas
t y p i c a l p r i m a r y c e l l temperature range, r e s u l t e d r e c i r c u l a t i o n t e s t s y i e l d e d no s i g n i f i c a n t NOx
from t h e two s m a l l e s t experimental u n i t s . Most reductions.
o f t h e v a r i a b i l i t y , causing t h e data s c a t t e r i n
F i g u r e 6, a l s o r e s u l t s from t h e s m a l l e r u n i t s . Thus p o t e n t i a l does appear t o e x i s t f o r
Emission data from t h e two l a r e s t atmospheric o b t a i n i n g reductions i n f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustor
b o i l e r s (the.EPRI/B&H 6- by 6-?oat, o r 1.8- by NOx emissions through t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f combus-
1.8-meter u n i t , and t h e Renfrew u n i t ) h o l d con- t i o n mod1f i c a t i o n techniques. However, substan-
s i s t e n t l y w i t h i n t h e r a n e o f 0.15 t o 0.45 lb/106 t i a l a d d i t i o n a l work i s necessary i n o r d e r t o
B t u (65 t o 190 ng/J). T 8 i s range i s f e l t t o be c o n f i r m and o p t i m i z e t h e i n i t i a l r e s u l t s .
more r e r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e emission l e v e l s and Furthermore, a d d i t i o n a l s t u d i e s a r e necessary
v a r i a b i P i t y t h a t might be.expected from commer- i n order t o determine t h e e f f e c t o f combustion
c i a l - s c a l e atmospheric u n i t s . m o d i f i c a t i o n s on o t h e r aspects o f t h e combustor
system (e.g., two-sta e combustion c o u l d
As shown j n F i g u r e 6, emissions o f NOx e ~ i s s i o n so f o t h e r poylutants, decrease combus-
from atmospheric u n i t s are g e n e r a l l y above t h e t i o n e f f i c i e n c y , and c r e a t e c o r r o s i o n concerns).
l e v e l t h a t would be p r e d i c t e d from thermodynamic
e q u i l i b r i u m considerations, based upon t h e reac-
t i o n o f atmospheric n i t r o g e n and oxy en. One P a r t i c u l a t e Emissions
ex l a n a t i o n f o r t h i s f a c t i s t h a t , a! rimary
c e y l bed temperatures, probably 80 t o 60 percent P a r t i c u l a t e c o n t r o l , adequate t o r e l i a b l y
of t h e observed NO, r e s u l t s , n o t from f i x a t ~ o n meet t h e c u r r e n t New Source P e r f o ance Standard
of t h e atmospheric n i t r o g e n and oxygen, b u t f o r u t i l i t y b o i l e r s o f 0.03 l b / l 0 ~ ~ (13 t u nglJ),
from o x i d a t i o n o f a p o r t i o n o f t h e o r g a n i c has y e t t o be demonstrated on b o t h atmospheric
n i t r o g e n compounds i n t h e coal. and p r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustors. How-
ever, adequate c o n t r o l should be p o s s i b l e . a t
NO emissions from p r e s s u r i z e d . f l u i d i z e d - atmos h e r i c pressure through s u i t a b l e design and
bed comgustors are represented by F i g u r e 8 which operagion of conventional p a r t i c l e c o n t r o l tech-
presents a l l o f t h e data t h a t have been c o l l e c - no1 ogy.
t e d on t h e 500 l b c o a l l h r (227 k h r ) p r e s s u r i z e d
M i n i p l a n t combustor (Reference 18(
some o f t h e data a r e below 0.1 l b l i 0 6 B t u
As i n d i c a t e d , For atmospheric f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustors,
c o n t r o l o f p a r t i c u l a t e em1 s s i ons should be .simi-
(43 ng/J), although a few measurements a r e as l a r t o c o n t r o l from conventional b o i l e r s burn-
i n g l o w - s u l f u r coal. Cyclones alone w i l l n o t be
D. B. Henschel

adequate; c o n t r o l w i l l probably i n c l u d e one o r Sol i d Residue

more stages o f cyclones f o l l o w e d b an e l e c t r o -
s t a t j c p r e c j p j t a t o r 0r.a f a b r i c f i f t e r . Electro- S o l i d r e s i d u e s from atmospheric and pres-
s t a t i c p r e c i p i t a t o r s w i l l . h a v e t o be designed and s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustors w i l l r e q u i r e
o erated considerin the high r e s i s t i v i t y o f t h e some care i ? h a n d l i n and d i s osal. The r e s i -
fyuidized-bed fl.yast (and low f l u e ps SO IS03 dues w i l l , i n generag, probably n o t be con-
content). F a b r i c f i l t e r s may be s u t j e c t go such s i d e r e d "hazardous" under t h e Resource Conserva-
problems as: bag b l i n d i n g ( t h e f l y a s h i n some t i o n and Recovery A c t (RCRA). However, t h e char-
cases e x h i b i t s caking p r o p e r t i e s ) ; bag f i r e s ( i f a c t e r . o f t h e leachates wj111 r e q u i r e s p e ~ i a ; ~a t t e n -
s u f f i c i e n t r e s i d u a l carbon remains i n t h e f l y a s h t i o n i n t h e d e s ~ g no f a s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l
e n t e r i n g t h e f i l t e r ) ; and base a t t a c k ( r e s u l t i n g under RCRA f o r d i s p o s a l o f t h e residues as non-
from t h e h i g h pH o f t h e l i m e - c o n t a i n i n g f l y a s h ) . hazardous m a t e r i a l s . ,
klowever, i t would be antScipated t h a t , by care- Extensive l a b o r a t o r y l e a c h i n g t e s t s have been
f u l s e l e c t i o n o f design and o p e r a t i n c o n d i t i o n s conducted on r e s i d u e s from a wide v a r i e t y o f
f o l l o w i n g f u r t h e r experie?ce on f l uisized-bed experimental f l u i d i zed-bed combustors (Refer-
combustors, these conventional p a r t i c l e c o n t r o l ences 5, 8 and 19). F i e l d c e l l s t u d i e s are j u s t
devices should r o y i d e s u f f i c i e n t removal and beginning. When t h e residues are shaken i n a
o p e r a t i n g , r e 1 iag.11ity. . f l a s k c o n t a i n i n d i s t i l l e d , . d e - i o n i z e d water as
Most experimental experience on atmospheric t h e l e a c h i n g ne%lum, t h e primary p o t e n t i a l prob-
u n i t s t o date has been w i t h cyclones, on r e l a - lem areas appear t o be t h e f o l l o w i n g (Refer-
ences 5, 19 and 21).
t i v e l y small combustors. F a b r i c f i l t e r s (and, i n
t h e case o f . t h e 30.MW R i v e s v i l l e b o i l e r , an " The pH o f t h e l e a c h a t e a t e q u i l i b r i u m i s i n
e l e c t r o s t a t i c r e c i p i t a t o r ) have been i n s t a l l e d t h e r a n e o f 8 t o 13, .whjch i s above EPA1s
as t h e f i n a l stage o f p a r t i c l e cleanup on t h e ~ a t i o n a qSecondary D r i n k 1 n Water Regulation
l a r g e atmospheric combustors t h a t a r e now i n (NSDWR) range o f 6.5 t o 8.q.
o r near operation. However, extended t e s t data
from these f i n a l - s t a g e devices a r e n o t y e t O T o t a l d i s s o l v e d s o l i d s (TDS) i n t h e leachate
available. a t e q u i l i b r i u m a r e i n t h e range 1000 t o 4000
P a r t i c l e c o n t r o l a t h i g h temperature and h i g h mgle, above t h e NSDWR l e v e l o f 500 mgla..
pressure, capable o f meetin t h e emission standard O Sulfate concentrations a t equilibrium are
i n p r e s s u r i z e d f l uidized-be! combustio" systems, g e n e r a l l y i n t h e r a n e 1000 t o 2000 m g l l ,
i s s t i l l i n gi developments! stage. F a i r l y promis- above t h e NSDWR o f 20! mgla.
i n g r e s u l t s were observed i n t h e M i n i p l a n t where,
d u r i n extended . t e s t i n , t h r e e stages o f conven- The above f a c t o r s r e s u l t p r i m a r i l y from t h e spent
t i o n a q cyclones a t hig8 temperaturelpressure sorbent which i s present i n t h e - r e s i d u e . Note
reduced f l u e gas loadings t o as low as 0.03 l b l 1 0 6 t h a t t h e e q u i l i b r i u m concentrations observed i n
B t u (13 ng/J) w i t h a mass mean p a r t i c l e s i z e l a b o r a t o r y "shake" t e s t s o f t h i s t y p e probably
o f 1 . t o 2 um (Reference 16). Good r e s u l t s represent t h e worst case t h a t . c o u l d be expected
were a l s o obtained on t h e M i n i l a n t w i t h an i n an a c t u a l d i s p o s a l s i t e . Heat release, :
experimental ceramic f i l t e r . E t h e r o p t i o n s con- r e s u l t i n g from h y d r a t i o n o f t h e c a l c i u m ~ o x i d e
s i d e r e d by v a r i o u s i n v e s t i g a t o r s i n c l u d e f r a c t i o n o f t h e spent sorbent upon i n i t i a l
advanced cyclone designs, g r a n u l a r bed f i l t e r s , exposure t o water, i s another p o t e n t i a l problem
and h i g h temperature/pressure e l e c t r o s t a t i c area; t h i s heat r e l e a s e c o u l d n e c e s s i t a t e some
precipitators. care i n h a n d l i n g t h e residue, b u t i s n o t expec-
It i s conceivable t h a t p r e s s u r i z e d systems t e d t o be a major environmental concern.
might u t i l i z e p a r t i c l e c o n t r o l a t atmospheric S u l f i d e and t o t a l .organic carbon a r e below detec-
pressure, i n a d d i t i o n t o h i g h tem e r a t u r e l p r e s - t i o n l i m i t s i n t h e leachates, and a r e n o t expec-
sure c o n t r o l s , i n o r d e r t o meet tRe p a r t i c u l a t e t e d t o be problems. None o f t h e 15 t r a c e
emission standard. The high-pressure c o n t r o l s m e t a l s - - f o r which some form o f d r i n k i n g water
w i l l have t o remove enou h o f t h e p a r t i c u l a t e t o s t a n d a r d l r e u l a t i o n l c r i t e r i o n e x i sts--exceeds
p r o t e c t t h e gas t u r b i n e Prom erosion. t h i s t h a t conceneation i n t h e leachate, when d i s t i l l e d
requirement w l l l r o b a b l y t r a n s 1 a t e { n t o removing water i s t h e l e a c h i n g medium; t r a c e metals a r e d i s -
v i r t u a l 1 a l l o f he p a r t i c u l a t e l a r g e r t h a n 5 t o
10 pm. nowever, even when a l l p a r t i c l e s above
cussed i n g r e a t e r l e n g t h l a t e r .

5 m, a r e removed, t h e mass l o a d i n i n t h e es- The residues w i l l , i n general, probably

s u r i z e d o f f - as may s t i l l exceed 8.03 1b1166 B t u n o t be found t o be "hazardous" under RCRA,
(13 n g l J ) . !f , indeed, t h e environmental yequire- according t o t h e RCRA procedures r e c e n t l y rom-
ments a r e more s t r i n g e n t t h a n t h e gas t u r b i n e u l gated. Four c r i t e r i a have been e s t a b l isRed
e r o s i o n requirements, t h e n a d e c i s i o n wi 11 have t o determine whether a m a t e r i a l i s t o be con-
t o be made regarding whether t o achieve t h e
a d d i t i o n a l a r t i c l e removal, r e q u i r e d by environ- .h
s i d e r e d "hazardous : t o x i c i t y i g n i t a b i l i t
y e a c t i v i t y , and c o r r o s i v i t 1 aboyatory {iach-
i n t e s t , r e f e r r e d t o as t i e E x t r a c t i o n Pro-
mental r e g u l a t i o n s , u s i n g h i g h tem e r a t u r e l p r e s - ce%ure, has been proposed f o r determi n i n whether
sure c o n t r o l s , o r whether t o i n s t a l l an atmos- a m a t e r i a l i s "hazardous" due t o t h e t o x y c i t y
fherlc-pressure c o n t r o l d e v i c e f o l l o w i n g t h e gas c r i t e r i o n . The E x t r a c t i o n Procedure employs
urbine. (The very h i g h l e v e l s o f h i g h tempera- an a c e t l c a c i d s o l u t i o n as t h e l e a c h i n g medium;
t u r e l p r e s s u r e p a r t i c l e c o n t r o l , once thought nec- a m a t e r i a l i s considered "hazardous" due t o
essary i n pressurized systems i n o r d e r t o pro- t o x i c i t y i f t h e leachate c o n t a i n s any one o f
t e c t t h e gas t u r b i n e from corrosion, may n o t be e i g h t t r a c e metals ( o r c e r t a i n o t h e r m a t e r i a l s )
required; r e c e n t t e s t s i n d i c a t e t h a t much o f t h e a t a c o n c e n t r a t i o n g r e a t e r t h a n 100 times t h e
corrosion-causing a l k a l i i s present i n t h e gas National I n t e r i m Primary D r i n k i n g Water Regu-
phase a t t u r b i n e i n l e t temperatures, so t h a t l a t i o n (NIPDWR). S i x f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion
a l k a l i c o r r o s i o n ma have t o be.handled I n some residues ( i n c l u d i n g , b o t h atmospheric and pres-
manner o t h e r t h a n txrough e f f i c i e n t p a r t i c l e
removal. )
D. B. Henschel

s u r i z e d spent bed' m a t e r i a l s and f l y a s h l c a r r i n concentrations o f 10 t o 100 ppb o r l e s s when
over m a t e r i a l s have been t e s t e d by ~ e s t i n g $ o u s e
according t o t e E x t r a c t i o n Procedure (Refer-
ence 22). None o f t h e e i g h t t r a c e metals
d i s t i l l e d water i s t h e l e a c h i n g medium. The
f a c t t h a t t h e metals are present above 10 ppb i n
some cases does n o t n e c e s s a r i l y mean t h a t
exceeded t h e t h r e s h o l d o f 100 times t h e NIPDWR e f f l u e n t c o n t r o l s may be required.
f o r any o f t h e residues; hence t h e residues
t e s t e d were n o t " h a z a r d o u s y u e t o t o x i c i t y . Other P o t e n t i a l P o l l u t a n t s
The o t h e r t h r e e c r ! t e r i a ( i g n i t a b i l it?, reac-
and c o r r o s ~ v i t y a r e n o t considered a t
t h i s !:me t o apply t o f uidized-bed combustion
resi,dues (Reference 21 ).
The p r e v i o u s ~ d i s c u s s i o no f a i r p o l l u t a n t
emissions and s o l ~ dr e s i d u e focuses on those
p o l l u t a n t s f o r which standards o r r e g u l a t i o n s o f
some t y p e . a l r e a d y e x i s t o r a r e being considered.
Although f l u i d i z e d c o m b p t i o n r e s i i u e s i n However, I n a more a n t i c i p a t o r y r o l e , EPA i s
general do n o t appear t o be hazardous, i t i s a l s o addressing p o t e n t i a l p o l l u t a n t s which may
p o s s i b l e t h a t , i n some l i m i t e d s p e c i f i c cases, become o f concern i n t h e f u t u r e . Comprehens~ve
r e s i d u e s from an i n d i v i d u a l p l a n t may be found a n a l y s e s - - i n c l u d i n chemical and b i o l o g i c a l t e s t -
t o be "hazardous" according t o t h e E x t r a c t i o n Pro- ~ n g - - a r e being c o n b c t e d , o r are planned, on t h e
cedure (depending u on t h e s e c l f i c coal burned . l a r g e f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion u n i t s which are
o r t h e s p e c i f i c s o d e n t used!. However, i t c u r r e n t l y i n o p e r a t i o n o r under construction.
would be expected t h a t t h e number o f cases where These comprehensive analyses wi 11 consider up
t h e residues might be "hazardous" would be small, t o 850 d i f f e r e n t p o t e n t i a l p o l l u t a n t s . T h i s
s i n c e i n t h e s i x residues t e s t e d w i t h t h e Extrac- l i s t o f substances t o be considered a t t h i s stage
t i o n Procedure, t h e concentrations o f t h e e i g h t has been made d e l i b e r a t e l y l o n g I n an e f f o r t t o
t r a c e metals were, i n a l l cases more t h a n an ensure t h a t no p o t e n t i a l problem p o l l u t a n t i s
o r d e r o f magnitude l e s s than 106 t i m e s t h e over1 ooked.
I n o r d e r t o assess t h e r e s u l t s from such
I f f l u i d i z ~ d - b e dcombusti on residues a r e extensive comprehensive analyses, t h e observed.
n o t "hazardous, they w i l l n o t have t o compl emissions f o r t h e substances i d e n t i f i e d are
w i t h t h e r e g u l a t i o n s being developed under
t o cover t h e generation and d i s p o s a l o f "hazard-
RFRA compared a g a i n s t conservative emission goals,
which have been developed independently f o r
:us" wastes. However, even i f they a r e n o t each o f t h e 850 substances based u on f a i r 1 sim-
hazardous," t h e residues w i l l i n eneral p l e appl i c a t i o n o f a v a i l a b l e h e a l t i and ecofo-
!: e ending upon s t a t e r e q u i rementsy s t 1 1 have
ge discarded i n a " s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l , i n
accordance w i t h RCRA provisions. One r e q u i r e -
g i c a l e f f e c t s data. I f t h e observed emission
exceeds t h e independent goal l e v e l f o r a s p e c i f i c
substance, t h e n t h a t substance warrants f u r t h e r
ment proposed f o r " s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l s " i s t h a t c o n s i d e r a t i o n i n t h e R&D e f f o r t .
t h e y should n o t degrade groundwater t o cause con-
taminant l e v e l s i n excess o f t h e NSDWR. The Complete com rehensive a n a l y s i s r e s u l t s a r e
f a c t t h a t f l u i d i z e d - b e d r e s i d u e leachate exceeds c u r r e n t l y a v a i l ab!e from o n l y one f l u i d i z e d -
t h e NSDWR f o r H, TDS and s u l f a t e does not, o f bed combustion f a c i l i t y , t h e pressurized M i n i l a n t .
course, i n d i c a e e t h a t a l a n d f i l l composed o f t h e B r i e f l y , t h e key conclusions from t h i s compre%en-
r e s i d u e would n e c e s s a r i l r a i s e groundwater con- s i v e a n a l y s i s are:
c e n t r a t i o n s above those f e v e l s. The a c t u a l
impact on t h e roundwater c o n c e n t r a t i o n s w i l l O The f r a c t i o n o f t h e f l y a s h l c a r r y - o v e r smaller
depend upon a Yarge number o f s i t e - s e c i f i c
parameters. However, t h e f a c t t h a t !he leachate
exceeds t h e NSDWR does i n d i c a t e t h a t a p o t e n t i a l
Ames t e s t f o r muta e n i c i t .
than 10 ,m, gave a p o s i t i v e r e s u l t on t h e
This r e s u l t
suggests t h a t t h e 70 urn f&ash i s muta enic,
groundwater contamination t h r e a t m i g h t e x i s t , and and hence p o s s i b l y carcinogenic. ~ i m i q a r
t h i s p o s s i b i l i t y w i l l have t o be considered i n p o s i t i v e Ames r e s u l t s have been observed
t h e design and o p e r a t i o n o f t h e disposal f a c i l i t y . o n . f l y a s h from conventional b o i l e r s , so t h a t
t h i s e f f e c t may be associated w i t h coal com-
Under t h e Clean Water A c t (CWA) , EPA i s b u s t i o n i n general,.and thus n o t n e c e s s a r i l y
r e s p o n s i b l e f o r development o f e f f l u e n t l i m i - a r e f l e c t i o n on f l uidized-bed combustion i n
t a t i o n u i d e l i n e s and new source performance p a r t i c u l a r . EPA i s conducting f u r t h e r t e s t s
s t a n d a r l s f o r l i q u i d e f f l u e n t s from steam e l e c - t o c o n f i r n i and e x p l a i n t h i s r e s u l t .
t r i c p l a n t s and o t h e r i n d u s t r i a l categories.
Runoff from a s o l i d r e s i d u e d i s osal s i t e would O C e r t a i n t r a c e inetals i n t h e bed m a t e r i a l ,
g e n e r a l l y be covered by any s u c l e f f l u e n t stand- t h e f l y a s h and t h e leachate from t h e bed
ards which a r e developed. The c u r r e n t g u i d e l i n e s m a t e r i a l and f l ash, exceeded t h e con-
and standards f o r conventional power 1 ants s e r v a t i v e heal t ~ l e c o l o g i c a lemission goals
s e c i f y , among o t h e r t h i n g s , t h a t e f f y u e n t s from mentioned previously. This r e s u l t does
t ! e p l a n t s should be maintained i n t h e pH range n o t n e c e s s a r i l y i n d i c a t e a problem, s i n c e
o f 6.0 t o 9.0. Since f l u ~ d i z e d - b e d r e s i d u e t h e goal l e v e l s are so conservative.
leachates f r e q u e n t l y have pH l e v e l s h i g h e r t h a n The r e s u l t s suggest o n l y t h a t f u r t h e r analy-
9, some e f f l u e n t c o n t r o l technology c o u l d be ses a r e r e q u i r e d as p a r t o f EPA1s R&D program.
necessary, depending upon t h e s e c i f i c circum- For example, i f t h e element Se i s i d e n t i f i e d
stances. I n a d d i t i o n , under C W ~ , EPA i s consid- i n t h e analyses ( b spark source tilass
e r i n g t h e need f o r e f f l u e n t standards c o v e r i n g spectrometry, whicx does n o t i n d i c a t e t h e
/29 substances common!y r e f e r r e d t o as t h e compound form o f Se), i t i s assumed i n apply-
r i o r i t p o l l u t a n t s , which were d e f i n e d as i n g t h e goal l e v e l s t h a t a l l o f Se i s present
t 6 e r e s u f t o f a j u d i c i a l consent decree. The as t h e most t o x i c Se com ound t h a t i s
p r i o r i t y p o l l u t a n t s i n c l u d e p r i m a r i l complex i n c l u d e d i n t h e l i s t o f 150 substances
o r a n i c com ounds, b u t a l s o i n c l u d e f 3 t r a c e Since t h e Se i s probably a c t u a l l y presGnt as
mejals. E P i~ s screening a v a r i e t y o f e f f l u e n t s a much l e s s t o x i c species, t h i s method o f
f o r these p o l l u t a n t s ; t h e c u r r e n t minimum con- data i n t e r p r e t a t i o n r e a l l y i n d i c a t e s o n l y
c e n t r a t i o n being q u a n t i f i e d i s 10 p a r t s p e r t h a t f u r t h e r analyses are necessary t o
b i l l i o n (ppb). The 13 t r a c e metals are en- d e f i n e t h e compound form o f t h e Se, so t h a t
era1 l y present i n f l uidized-bed r e s i d u e Peachate t h e a c t u a l l e v e l o f environmental hazard can

D. B. Henschel

, .
be assessed more accurately. REFERENCES

" Organic substances d i d n o t exceed t h e 1. Henschel, D. B., "The U. S. Environmental

goal l e v e l s i n any streams. P r o t e c t i o n Agency Program f o r Environ-
mental C h a r a c t e r i z a i i o n o f Fluidized-Bed
Conclusions Combustion Systems, i n t h e Proceedings o f
t h e F o u r t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on
Both atmospheric and r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d - F l uidized-Bed Combustion, sponsored by
bed combustors should be a l l e t o meet t h e c u r r e n t t h e U. S. Energy Research and Development
r e v i s e d NSPS f o r l a r g e u t i l i t y steam generators. Administration, McLean, V i r g i n i a (December
Specifically: 9-11, 1975). . .

1. SO2 removals o f 90 percent and h i g h e r can 2. Henschel, D. B., "The EPA Fluid?#zed-Bed
probably be achieved i n b o t h atmospheric Combustion Program: An U date, i n t h e
.. and pressurized combustors a t reasonable Proceedings o f t h e F i f t h e n t e r n a t i o n a l
sorbent feed r a t e s , and i n a manner eco- Conference on Fluidized-Bed Combustion,
nomically competitive w i t h the alterna- sponsored b t h e U. S. Department o f
t i v e o f a conventional b o i l e r w i t h f l u e Ener y, ~ a s t i n g t o n , D. C. (December
gas desul f u r i z a t i o n . However, i n o r d e r 12-I$, 1977).
t o achieve these removals, t h e combus-
t o r s ma have t o be designed and o e r a 3. Newby, R. A., and D. L. Keairns, "Alterna-
t e d w i t $ s u f f i c i e n t 1 l o n g as/sorgent- t i v e s t o Calcium-Based SO2 Sorbents f o r
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e n t p a r t i c l e size. I n generaf, pressur- Evaluation, Westin house Research and
i z e d systems i n h e r e n t l y a r e designed w i t h
r e l a t i v e l y . l o n g gaslsorbent c o n t a c t time;
t h i s f a c t i s one major reason f o r t h e

7-78-095 (NTIs No. L

. Develo ment Center Januar 1978) EPA-600/
improved Sop remova e f f i c i e n c i e s o f 4: !ewby, R. A., S. Katta, and' D. L. Keairns,
pressurized systems. Regeneration o f Calcium-Based S02.Sorbents
f o r F l u i d i z$d-Bed Combusti on: En In e e r i ng
2. NO emissions a e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c a l l y Eva1 uation, Westin house ~ e s e a r c gand
betow 0.5 lb/10 B t u (210 ng/J) f o r Develo ment Center
l a r g e atmos h e r i c f l u i d i z e -bed combustion
u n i t s , and below 0:4 lb/10 B t u (170 ng/J)
7-78-059 (NTIS No.
f o r r e s s u r i z e d u n i t s . These emissions 5. Sun, C. C., e t a!., "Disposal o f S o l i d
may ge reduced f u r t h e r through t h e use Resldue from Fluidized-Bed Combusti~n:
o f two-stage combustion and o t h e r NOx Engineering and Laboratory S t u d i es, .West-
c o n t r o l options. Although these emis- inghouse Research and Develo ment Center
sions are below t h e c u r r e n t r e v i s e d (March 1978) EPA-600/7-78-04! (NTIS No.
NSPS f o r u t i l i t y steam generators, t h e PB 283-082).
are above t h e l e v e l s t h a t ma u l t i m a t e l y
be achievable i n conventionaf b o i l e r s 6. A l v i n , M. A., E. P. O ' N e i l l , L. N.
empl o y i ng combustion m o d i f i c a t i o n Yannopoulos, and D. L. Keairns, E v a l u a t i o n
techniques. o f Trace E l ement'Re1 easf from F l u i d i z e d -
Bed Combustion Systems, Westinghouse
3. F l u e gas p a r t i c u l a t e c o n t r o l t o meet
environmental requirements must y e t be
demonstrated, b u t should be p o s s i b l e
Research and Develo ment Center March 1978)
EPA-600/7-78-050 (NBIS No. PB 28 -321). I
a t atmospheric pressure t h r o u h s u i t a b l e 7. Hoke, R, C., e t .a!. , "Mini l a n t Studies o f
design o f conventional p a r t i c y e c o n t r o l tech- Pressurized F l u ~ d i z e d - B e dFoal Combustion:
nology. The t e c h n i c a l performance and c o s t s T h i r d Annual Report," Exxon Research and
o f h i g h temperature/pressure c o n t r o l s f o r En i n e e r i n Co. r i l 1978) EPA-600/7-78-069
pressurized systems a r e u n c e r t a i n . however, (N?IS No. $B 284!884).
t h e high-pressure p a r t i c u l a t e c o n t r o l
r e q u i r e d t o p r o t e c t t h e gas t u r b i n e . ( f r o m 8. Stone Ralph and R. L. Kahle, "Environ-
erosion) may be l e s s t h a n t h a t r e u i r e d t o mental Assessment o f S o l i d Residues from
meet t h e r e v i s e d u t i l i t y NSPS o f 8.03 lb/106 F l u i d i z t d - B e d Fuel Processing: F i n a l
B t u (13 ng/J), so t h a t some o f t h e a r t i c l e Re o r t , Ralph Stone and Co. (June 1978)
c o n t r o l i n r e s s u r i z e d systems may ge accom- EPA)-600/7-78-107 (NTIS No. PB 282-940).
p l ished a t Pow pressure, f o l l o w i n g t h e t u r b i n e .
9. Crowe, J.L., and.S. K. .Scale, "Charac-
The s o l i d r e s i d u e from f l u i d i z e d - b e d corn t e r i z a t i o n o f Solid R ~ s i d u e sfrom F l u i d i z e d -
bustors may r e q u i r e some care i n h a n d l i n and Bed Combustion U n i t s Tennessee V a l l e y
disposal. The l e v e l s o f pH, t o t a l dissoyved A u t h o r i t y J u l 1978 EPA-600/7-78-135
s o l i d s , and s u l f a t e . i n t h e leachate a r e t i- (NTIS NO. SB 2g8-5841.
c a l !y above d r i nki ng water r e g u l ations. f i e
residue should n o t normally be found t o be "haz- 10. Newby, R. A., e t al,, " E f f e c t o f SO2 Emission
ardous" under RCRA, a c c o r d i n t o t h e RCRA t e s t Requirements on Fluidized-Bed Combustion
rocedures r e c e n t l y promulga!ed. However, t h e . Systems: P ~ ei m
l i n a r Technical/Economic
Peachate r o p e r t i e s wi 11 ,,necessitate some e t t e n - Assessment, Westin t o u s e Research and
t i o n i n t i e design o f a s a n i t a r y l a n d f i l l Development Center ~ A Uu s t 1978) EPA-(OD/
f o r d i s osal o f t h e r e s i d u e as a non-hazardous 7-78-163 (NTIS No. PB g86-971).
D. B. Henschel

11. Dehne, H. J. "Oesi n and C o n s t r u c t i o n o f

a ~luidized-Bed ~ o m % ~ s t i Sampl
o n i n g and
. Anal t i c a l Test Rig, Acurex Corp. (Au u s t
19787 EPA-60017-78-166 (NTIS No. PB 298-914).
12. Ryan, L. E.; R. G. Beimer, and R. F.
Maddalone. Level 2 Chemical A n a l v s i s o f
F l u i d i z e d i B e d Combustor Sam 1es "-TRw, Inc.
(February 1979 ~ ~ ~ - 6 0 0 / 7 - 7 9 - 0 6(NTIS
No. PB 295-4621.
13. Vo e l , G. J., e t al., "Re e n e r a t i o n o f
~ " g f a t e dLimestone f r o ? F%c's and Corro;
sive Effects o f Sulfation Accelerators i n
FBC's: Annual Re o r t , " Ar onne N a t i o n a l Lab-
o r a t o r ( J u l 1979) EPA-60817-79-157
(NTIS 80. AN!-CEN-FE-78-13). . .
14. Youn C. W., J. M. Fobinson, C. B. Thunem,,'
and 8: F. Fennelly,
Reoort f o r IndustrialTi%%ol
i c a t i ons:
Fluidized-Bed Combustion," ~ ~ A ) f e c h n o l o
O i v i s i o n (November 1979) ~ ~ ~ - 6 0 0 / 7 - 7 9 - 1 % e
(NTIS NO. PB 80-178288).
15. Johnson, I.,e t al., "upport Studies i n
F l u i d i z ~ d - B e d Combustion: 1978 Annual
Report, Ar onne N a t i o n a l Laboratory
LAugust 1978Q EPA-60011-79-203 NTIS No.
NL-CEN-FE-7 -10 o r PB 80-11275 ). A
16. Hoke, R. C., e t al., " M i n i p l a n t and Bench
Studies . o f Pressurized F l ~ ? ~ d i z e d - B eCoal
Combust!on: F i n a l Report, Exxon Research
and En i n e e r i n g Co. (January 1980) EPA-6001
7-80-093 ( i n press).
17. U l e r i c h , N. H., W. E. Vaux, R. A. Newby,
and D. L. Keairns, Ex erimental1Engineering
-. .. . voyume
Su p o r t I. f o Sr uEPA's
l f u r Oxide c o n t r o i ,"FWesting-
FBC brogram. inal Report--
' house Research and Oevelo ment Center
(January 1980) EPA-60017-10-015a ( i n press).
18. C i l i b e r t i , D. F., e t al., "Experimental1
, Engineering Support f o r EPA1s.FBC Program:
F i n a l Report--Volume 11. P a r t i c u l a t e ,
N i t r o q e n Oxide. and Trace Element C o n t r o l .I'
~ e s t i i i g h o u s e~ e s e a r c hand ~ e v e l o ~ m e nc te n t e r
(January 1980) EPA-60017-80-015b ( i n press).
19. ;un, C. C., C. H. Peterson, and 0. L. Keairns,
ExperimentalIEngineering Su p o r t f o r EPA's
FBC Program: F i n a l ~ e ~ o r t - - 1 o l u m e111. Sol i d
Residue Study, Westinghouse Research and
Devel o n e n t Center (January 1980) EPA-60017
-80-01Ec ( i n press).
20. Hamm, J. R., e t a l . "Ex erimental1Engineer-
i n g Support f o r EPA'S FB! Program: F i n e l
Report--Volume I V . Engineering Studies,
Westinghouse Research and Oevelopment Center
'. -(January 1980) EPA-60017-80-015d ( i n press) ..
21. Henschel, D. B., "Assessment o f F l u i d i z e d -
Bed Combustion Residues, unpublished paper
(October 1979).

22. Keairns, D. L., e t al., "Fluid-Bed Comkus-

t i o n and G a s i f i c a t i o n Sol i d s Disposal, i n
t h e Proceedin s o f t h e Workshop on S o l i d
Waste ~ e s e a r c Rand Oevelopment Needs f o r
Emer i n g Coal Technologies, sponsored by .
t h e !l e c t r i c Power Research I n s t i t u t e and
t h e American S o c i e t y o f C i v i l Engineers, San
Diego, CA ( A p r i l 23-25, 1979).
. 100 I .
EASTERN COAL ( 4 wt% SULFUR, 10 wt% ASH)


'90 - /:
1.: /'
': /.

no - /*
TIME: 0,4 SEC /
1000 p m /
70 - -
Cats 7.01

- / 60- -
/ - B
/ - -

A- '
- 1 ern (101.3 kPa)

40 8 0 5 0 0 p m LIMESTONE PARTICLES
8EO HEIGHT 4 ft. (1.2ni)
0 GAS RESIDENCE - VELOCITY 6 W w 0.8 mtcec)
1 5 0 0 (~ 8~ 1 ~ ~ ~ )
0 ' 0 TIME: 0.67 SEC
Ca/S = 2.9
20 - ):I ---..
.-.-LIMESTONE 1359 (GROVE) ..
$/metric ton

0 10
20 .30
' 4 0 50
$/U.S. ton
Figure 1. Effect of gas residence time and sorbent particle size F~gure2 Pro~ecteddesulfurlzatlon performance of atmospheric fluld~zed-bed
on cost o f 800 MW atmospheric fluidized-bed boiler plant, for coal combustor, based upon model developed by Westlnghouse
90% SO2 removal (cost projections prepared by Westinghouse).
100 r
- I
CARBON LluEsToNE* $ 8 I 0
3.0 SEC.
20 SEC.
m- -
- 1.0 SEC. + -
0.5 SEC. f
70 - - GAS
era- - BED -
- -
0 ANL 6 in i.d. UNlT PRESSURE:-9 atm (910 kPa)
0 NCB 6 in 8.d. UNlT MASS MEAN
0 "AO NCB-1.5x3hUNlT


*FLUIDYNE 1.5 x 1.5 h AND
40 x 64 in UNITS
30 I

1 I I I
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.5 1.O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure 3. Comparison o f desulfurization performance projected F i g u r e 4. E x p e c t e d d e s u l f u r i z a t i o n p e r f o r m a n c e of
b y Westinghouse model, against measured performance o f pressurized fluidized-bed c o a l c o m b u s t o r , based upon
experimental atmospheric fluidized-bed combustors. M i n i p l a n t d a t a a n d m o d e l d e v e l o p e d by E x x o n .
60 450


o ARGONNE - 6 in i.d. UNIT 400


$/m$ric ton ",

- .

0 10
20 l.30 .'40
50 .eg
$/U.S. ton:
Figure 5. [Effectof sorbent feed requirementson cost of 900 MW
pressurized fluidized-bed boiler plant, compared to conventionalboiler Figure 6. Nitrogen oxides emissions (exdressed,as N&) f&m
plant with scrubber (adapted from cost projection$ by Westinghouse). atmospheric f l u i d i z e d - b e d combustion units.'. - . - . .. .
EXCESS AIR, percent

Figuie 8. Nitrogen oxides emissions from the pressurized fluidized-bed

combustion Miniplant.

0 i.d. I I I 1 1 1 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12

. Figure 7. Nitrogen oxides emissions from atmospheric fluidized-bed

combustion units, as function of unit size.


'\ AND

Session Chairman: Steven I. Freedman

Department of Energy

This conference had six technical sessions that field, application of the development of the
were occurring in parallel and we realize that it technology would proceed from experience gained
was difficult to attend all the sessions that 'one from the commercial and the field test units and,
wished to attend. We do expect to have the proceed- from this point .of view, you see your sort of
ings printed soon for distribution to all of you. technology analysis groups which include anything
from the people who actually monitor the results to
The purpose of the first panel this morning is 'those who create the mathematical models will have
to present to the meeting as a whole, the results an important part to play.
of the conference as seen from people with varying
perspectives and we will get a comprehensive view Turning now to the development of the areas for
of what was going on in the various technical the atmospheric pressure fluidized bed combustor,
sessions from an appropriate variety of viewpoints. the ,various detailed things that have cropped up
We have technologists, users, researchers and are roughly as follows. I think that in the. area
people with international interests in the tech- of coal distribution 'and feeding, the development
nology. With that, I will turn the microphone over of the overbed system for large coal, and the
to Raymond Hoy, who has been the technologist in direct firing system for the crushed coal, there
fluidized bed combustion and he will let us know have been very notable advances since our last
what he knows now, on Friday, that he didn't know meeting, and these promise to go a long way to
on Tuesday. overcoming some of the criticisms that are justi-
fiably leveled against the fluidized combustion. I
H. Raymond Hoy -- The Technologist think it is important, however, to remember that a
National Coal Board system of firing can have an impact on the design
Leatherhead, United Kingdom of the combuster and it is important, I think, to
consider the nature of the coal that is being
It has been an interesting session --our fired. Coal does vary. It must be a great problem
eastern friends have caused us to rewrite the to those who are developing the mathematical models
history of atmospheric fluidized bed combustion -- to have a variable feed-stock. The coal ash varies
but the most notable feature, however, is that we both in quantity and in its nature, and in our
are seeing the beginnings of commercialization of endeavors to reduce the cost of coal feeding, we
the fluidized combustion system, at least those for can end up with projecting large pieces of stone
the industrial steam raising in plant sizes up to into the .bed and, therefore, it is very important
about 100,OO pounds per hour of steam. The list of to take into account in the design of the bottom
commercial and field test units that are either on end of the bed the means for removing oversized
order, in service or shortly to be in service is material. There is always a great incentive to
impressive. We have people like Johnson Boiler improve the efficiency of the sulfur retention and,
with orders for 15 boilers; Foster, Wheeler and du.ring the course of the meeting, we've had some
Babcock, who have their first commercial installa- interesting developments in the way of using
tions and their field test installations along with additives and, at the same time, there seems to be
Combustion Engineering and, on the other side of a plea for better methods of predicting the behav-
the water, there will, by the end of this year, be ior of the additives. In the endeavors to improve
about 30 installations either in use or at an combustion efficiency, we also have the scope, I
advanced state of construction. In the Federal think, to improve the sulfur retention efficiency.
Republic of Germany, there are some two major ones The Alliance plant in particular has demonstrated
now in use and another large one on its way. This that, by making better use of the freebuard and
list seems rather small compared with the 2,000 recycling, there is significant scope for improving
they talk about in China. There are areas for both sulfur and retention efficiency and combustion
further development and this is particularly so for efficiency. We are faced with a greater challenge
the utility application and I don't think there is it seems as far as NOx emission is concerned. I
any cause for complacency in relation to the other think it is inevitable when a new technology comes
applications either. I think the Tennessee Valley along that the protagonists of the old technology
Authority's 20 megawatt pilot plant will be a will do their best to make life difficult. We hear
significant contribution to developing the tech- of these burners which can reduce the NOx emission,
nology for the utility field. I would expect by thereby.increasing the target that we've got to
now, however, that in the industrial steam raising meet with fluidized combustion; and so we hear
H. R. Hoy $

about two-stage combustion. Indeed, i n order t o development o f instrumentation which w i l l detect

achieve e f f i c i e n t two-stage combustion, t h i s can when t h e cyclones are not functioning properly, so
possibly face us with some problems too. The other t h a t t h e n e c e s s a r y c o r r e c t i o n s can b e adopted.
technological issues t h a t crop up i n r e l a t i o n t o
atmospheric pressure f l u i d i z e d combustion concern In t h e i n t e r e s t o f time, I w i l l not dwell a t
the removal o f t h e solid residues. What can we do great ,lengths upon the various other aspects o f
about t h a t t o make i t a s i m p l e r means and c o s t development f o r pressurized f l u i d i z e d combustion.
l e s s ? Then the other side t h a t i s mentioned these I t i s a s y s t e m , o f c o u r s e , which a c h i e v e s h i g h
days i s t h e question o f design o f tube banks t o combustion e f f i c i e n c y and t h e s u l f u r r e t e n t i o n
minimize t h e s t r e s s e s . e f f i c i e n c y and NOx emission l e v e l s are a s l i g h t
improvement over the non-pressurized. But. again,
As far as f l u i d i z e d combustion i s concerned, i t there i s scope f o r improvement, just as there i s
i s a t i t l e covering a range o f systems --
there's scope f o r improvement i n the a b i l i t y t o use a wider
no unique system -- i n t h e similar applications and range o f c o a l , from the point o f view o f minimizing
many v e r s i o n s w i l l c o n t i n u e t o emerge t o meet coal preparation costs. I t h i n k we have obtained a
s p e c i f i c requirements. I think a feature o f t h i s l o t o f data f o r operati.on under t h e steady s t a t e s
conference has been the s o l i d s c i r c u l a t i o n type o f and t h e main means now i s t o obtain more informa-
equipment. Wc have had an i n t e r e s t , ourselves, i n t i o n on the ways t o improve start-up, load follow-
that. At times t h i s , does seem t o o f f e r consider- ing a b i l i t i e s , and 'data f o r the transient condi-
able advantages where there are a wide range o f t ions.
f u e l s t o he burned, particularly. from the point o f
view o f having a wide range o f ash c o n t e n t or I t has been a very worthwhile occasion and I'd
m o s t l y m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t , ash c o n t e n t and s i z e l i k e t o congratulate the organizers o f t h e confer-
consist. In t h e question o f materials, I t h i n k . ence and thank them f o r i n v i t i n g me. Let me take .
since the l a s t conference, t h e amount o f operating t h i s opportunity t o remember some o f those who hove
time for materlals tescing must be q u i t e consider- contributed greatly t o the technology, but didn't
able. I did a rough c h e c k ; I t h i n k we must b e q u i t e f i n i s h t h e course, i n particular, t h e r e i s
covered on the various r a t e s , something l i k e 15,000 Douglas E l l i o t t , who started i n t h e game b e f o r e
hours between us on the point o f view o f obtaining most o f u s , although he didn't know he had a t t h a t
data on materials and I get t h e impression there i s time; and then across i n t h e United S t a t e s , t h e
cause f o r cautious optimism. We were a b i t sur- pioneering team o f Pope, Evans and Robbins had John
prised t o f i n d , a f t e r our i n t i a l t h o u g h t s on Bishop, who was a great engineer; and I'd just l i k e
fluidized combustion and a l l i t s b e n e f i t s , t h a t t o pay my respects t o them. Thank you f o r i n v i t i n g
there could be corrosion problems, and I t h i n k we me and c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s on a good c o n f e r e n c e .
can s e e t h a t we do have t h e m a t e r i a l s t h a t a r e
l i k e l y t o give t h e s o r t s o f l i f e we want. But, Steven I . Freedman - Session Chairman 1
above a l l , t h i s needs t o be proved. I think there
i s s i g n i f i c a n t confidence t o proceed anyways a t t h e Our next speaker i s Manville Mayfield from t h e
moment and I hope t h e r e won't be any d e l a y i n Tennessee Valley Authority, who w i l l address us
authorizing t h e beginning o f t h e longer term t e s t s from t h e perspective o f t h e group t h a t i s engaged
so that there are no excuses l a t e r on which would i n building a u t i l i t y scale plant. With expcecta-
reduce the rate o f t h e assimilation o f t h i s know- t i o n s o f building t h e i r 200 and then, h o p e f u l l y , a t
ledge i n t o commercial plants. a l a t e r d a t e , a f u l l 800 megawatt scale commercial
plant. He should have some very good i n s i g h t s as
Now I t u r n t o the pressurized f l u i d i z e d combus- t o what b e n e f i t s h i s group has obtained from t h i s
t i o n and I t h i n k as f a r as pressurized fludidized conference t o aid them i n t h e i r endeavor.
combustion i s c o n c e r n e d , i t has been q u i t e a
notable year or so. I t h i n k t h a t t h e data obtained Manville Mayfield --The U t i l i t y User
on the r i g s has given us greater optimism as t o the Tennessee V a l l e y Authority
p o s s i b i l i t y t h a t t h e combustion gases can b e Chattanooga, Tennessee
cleaned t o t h e extent t h a t i s necessary. Gas tur-
bines operate s a t i s f a c t o r i l y t h a t have reasonably Looking a t t h e viewpoint o f commercialization
low i n l e t temperatures, say about 1400°F, perhaps and t h e development o f f l u i d i z e d bed combustion
even 1500°F, and it should be possible t o get good from t h e u t i l i t y standpoint, it seems pretty clear
l i f e out o f t h e blades. But again, t h i s i s ' some- t h a t from a commercial s t a n d p o i n t , o b v i o u s l y ,
thing' t h a t w i l l need t o be proved, and t h e sooner f u r t h e r development i s going t o be necessary. The
we can have gas t u r b i n e s o f a reasonable s i z e use o f t h e p i l o t plant demonstration concepts where
operating w i t h pressurized f l u i d i z e d beds, t h e you're t a l k i n g about 10X scale-ups, seems t o be the
sooner we s h a l l know whether we can e x p l o i t t o t h e prudent route and the d i r e c t i o n t h a t w i l l probably
f u l l , t h e combustion system. Now, a s f a r a s be followed by u t i l i t y industry. Obviously, from
p r e s s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d combustion i s concerned, t h e conference, there i s considerable i n t e r e s t i n
&here i s a l o t o f work remaining i n making sure both pressurized f l u i d i z e d combustion. and atmos-
that t h e cyclones perform s a t i s f a c t o r i l y and t o pheric f l u i d i z e d bed combustion. The atmospheric
t h e i r optimum conditions. I think i t i s one thing f l u i d i z e d bed combustion o f f e r s the advantages o f
to' have a t r a i n o f cyclones working under optimum simplicity4 while the pressurized f l u i d i z e d bed
conditions on the t e s t r i g s and another thing t o combustion o f f e r s cycle e f f i c i e n c y and s i z e reduc-
make sure t h a t they are going t o do t h i s i n the t i o n as some o f i t s major advantages. Nevertheless,
f i e l d , particularly i f there are parallel groups I t h i n k t h a t with t h e need i n t h e U.S. and i n t h e
o f them. And t h e r e i s a , n e e d , o f c o u r s e , f o r ' world, t o burn coal more e f f i c i e n t l y , we need t o
M. Mayfield #

pursue the commercialization of fluidized bed think should be pursued as rapidly and effectively
technology as rapidly as is practical and prudent. as possible. We need better information on the
We, representing at least one utility, has set this economics of this approach, and there are studies
as a goal, to provide our management with the underway to help determine and get a better handle
option of using fluidized bed combustion as an on this factor.
alternative for future generating capacity.
I'd like to now just go through a series of
When I look back at the progress that has been comments that various people from our group have
made since the Fifth International Conference two picked up and noted as being possible points of
years ago, it is pretty obvious that some rather interest that have come out of this conference.
major improvements and developments have taken Raymond Hoy mentioned sone of these, so I'll prob-
place. As Raymond Hoy mentioned, there have been ably be repeating some of his comments. Certainly
some considerable commitments on the part of indus- the question of two-stage combustion to improve
tria1,and utility users for additional facilities, NOx control that was noted by Battelle seems to
pilot plants, industrial scale units and major be a significant point. The fact that fluidized
improvements in the R & D sector. Another obvious bed spent sorbent will likely not be classified as
point is the interest and activity that has been a hazardous waste material certainly is important
evidenced by the people who have attended this con- to the utility industry. Westinghouse reported
ference in the international sector, certainly in high corrosion rates on the pressurized fluidized
the United Kingdom and Germany. In other parts of combustion rig, but on the other hand, Curtis-
the world, particularly in the Peoples Republic of Wright reported acceptable rates. So, I think the
China, it was very obvious that there is a great jury is still out in this area, but there are very
deal of work going on and that there is a lot of encouraging results from the data that I have seen
international interest in this field. I'd like to on the performance and the applications of direct
take just a moment and discuss what I view as the fired turbines using a pressurized fluidized bed
major issues that apply to the utility application combustor. Curtis-Wright reported that they
of fluidized bed combustion. The first point that I believed to have worked out an acceptable control
would like to make is that equipment performance scheme for their PFBC system. This is certainly an
and long term reliability is an important need and important area that needs careful review. The
one that has got to be addressed in the operation concept for fast circulating,beds reported by
of pilot plant and test scale facilities. Kurt Battelle which has improved load following capa-
Yeager, in the keynote address that he presented, bilities is noteworthy. In the area of modeling,
pointed out the importance of unit availability; the assupmtions are still being questioned and
ahd certainly this is an important factor when you debated in the technical papers. It seems very
consider the utility needs and the performance obvious that additional experimental data is needed
requirements of a utility boiler. Design optimiza- to verify the results of these models. A good
tion is another area of considerations such as use example are things like coal devolitization, flue
of carbon burn-up cell vs. recycle, velocity, dust models, bubble growth and similar type mathematical
loading, bed depth. These factors still have not calculations. The use of ceramic bag filters for
been completely optimized and need further work PFBC, apparently received a very good rating and
towards their development. Methods of control is looks like it may be an acceptable route. It
another area -- load following, instrumentation, certainly has had some encouraging results and
the type of instrumentation, whether you use offers the possibility of an acceptable way of hot
bed-slumping or whether you go to multiple beds for gas clean-up. I think it was significant that some
control -- seems to be' an area that has to be of the speakers noted that atmospheric fluidized
addressed further. Raymond Hoy mentioned materials bed combustion appears to meet all of the projected
of construction. I think certainly the results are emission standards that have been set forth and
encouraging and promising, but I think we have to that the ability to meet those that may be promul-
keep this area in front of our attention and make gated in the future by improved performance in
sure that we are developing the information needed these units seems to be a particular matter. There
to properly select materials for this use. Then, is some concern for the use of slumped beds as a
of course, the other multitude of information that load following technique. .I think this needs
the engineering designer needs for such factors as further consideration. The possibility of caking
heat transfer, controlled emissions, combustion or of a layer on the top of a slumped bed is going
efficiency, recycle rates, coal and limestone to, I think, require some further technology devel-
particle size -- these are all important factors opment or operating means to prevent this from hap-
that we need better informatio,n developed on. pening if this technique is used. Fluidyne reported
that, depending on the coal type used, it may or
I would like to take just a moment and mention may not be necessary to use recycle as a means for
the subject of what I call the advanced atmospheric achieving high combustion efficiency. Apparently
fluidized bed combustion concept, basically the
fast circulating beds. Designs of such systems for
the coal types -- some coals are very fast burning
and achieve high combustion efficiency, while'
utility applications haven't been fully developed. others seem to be slower burning and require re-
The approaches offer some rather important and in- cycle to get the sufficient combustion time -- vary
teresting possibilities for utility boiler designs. greatly. John Stringer indicated that he felt very
The improved sulfur catcher, lower NOx emissions strongly that the test data on corrosion that we
possible with two-stage combustion, the ability to have seen on the 2000-4500 hour time frame should
turn down these units, improved combustion effi- be extrapolated to longer times with considerable
ciency -- all offer attractive possibilities and I caution. He was urging 10,000 hour or longer time
M. Mayfield

frames f o r c o r r o s i o n t e s t i n g . B a t t e l l e work f o r t h e chemical i n d u s t r y depends h e a v i l y on p e t r o l e u m

TVA showed t h a t t h e r e was . s i g n i f i c a n t l y l e s s and n a t u r a l g a s a s a f e e d s t o c k . For many of o u r
c o r r o s i o n from f l u i d i z e d bed combustion a s h t h e n p r o d u c t s depend on t h e carbon-hydrogen m o l e c u l e s
compared t o t h a t of a c o n v e n t i o n a l p u l v e r i z e d c o a l f o r t h e i r manufacture. A s a r e s u l t , we're s t r o n g l y
f i r e d b o i l e r . It would c e r t a i n l y seem obvious t h a t i n f a v o r of any technology t h a t p r o t e c t s t h o s e
ASTM and ASME t e s t p r o c e d u r e s and s t a n d a r d s need t o p e t r o l e u m and n a t u r a l g a s r e s o u r c e s f o r t h e i r end
b e developed s o t h a t t h e c o n v e c t i o n p a s s c a n b e u s e a s a f e e d s t o c k as opposed t o a b o i l e r f u e l .
p r o p e r l y d e s i g n e d t o w i t h s t a n d t h e e r o s i o n charac- W i t h i n o u r p l a n t s ' i n t h i s c o u n t r y and a b r o a d , we
t e r i s t i c s of t h e h i g h e r d u s t l o a d i n g s t h a t we a r e have a v e r y l a r g e b o i l e r o p e r a t i o n . We h a v e a b o u t
t a l k i n g about with recycled configurations. I e v e r y t y p e of c o n c e i v a b l e d e s i g n s t i l l i n opera-
thought a n o t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t p o i n t was t h e Fluidyne, t i o n , from r i v e t e d drum, h a n d - f i r e d s t o k e r s , a l l
a n d t h i s h a s b e e n c o n f i r m e d by a c o n s i d e r a b l e t h e way up t o v e r y l a r g e s i z e d p u l v e r i z e d c o a l
number of s o u r c e s , i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t one f e e d p o i n t f i r e d u n i t s . Our s m a l l e r s i z e r a n g e i s p r o b a b l y i n
p e r 1 8 s q u a r e f e e t seems t o b e a d e q u a t e t o a c h i e v e t h e 10,000 pound p e r hour r a n g e , o u r l a r g e s t i s i n
good d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e c o a l and s t i l l a c h i e v e a t h e m i l l i o n pound p e r hour range. So we h a v e q u i t e
minimum of c o a l f e e d p i p i n g . This could be very an extensive population t o look a t . Our s t e a m
s i g n i f i c n a t and i s c e r t a i n l y a n improvement o v e r p r e s s u r e i s v a r i e d from a t m o s p h e r i c a t 2 1 2 ' ~ a l l
t h e 9 s q u a r e f e e t t h a t was r e p o r t e d i n p r e v i o u s t h e way up t o 1500 pounds p e r s q u a r e i n c h a t 950°F.
con£e r e n c e s . So we a r e l o o k i n g p r i m a r i l y t o s a t i s f y t h e market
t h a t i s i n t h e 100,000 o r maybe a s low a s 80,000
S t e v e , I g u e s s I want t o s a y t h a t I t h i n k t h i s pounds p e r hour up t o t h e 450,000 and 500,OO pounds
h a s been a n e x c e l l e n t c o n f e r e n c e . . I t h i n k t h e r e a n hour range. T h i s i s where a m a j o r i t y of o u r
h a s been a l o t of work done and we're proud t o b e s t e a m g e n e r a t i n g equipment i s s i z e d .
p a r t of it.
Z am s u r e you' a r e aware t h a t w i t h today's envi-
S t e v e n I. Freedman - S e s s i o n Chairman ronment, t h a t we're f a c e d w i t h a l o t of h a r d d e c i -
s i o n s i n i n d u s t r y , and when you add t h e complexi-
Thank y o u f o r y o u r k i n d r e m a r k s . The t h i r d ties of i n c r e m e n t a l p r i c i n g of n a t u r a l g a s , t h e
s p e a k e r i s Davic McKee from DuPont. The i n d u s t r i a l F u e l Use Act, t h e emerging new s o u r c e performance
s e c t o r i s one s e c t o r t h a t c o u l d v e r y w e l l b e t h e s t a n d a r d s f o r i n d u s t r i a l u n i t s , e v e r changing w a s t e
t a k e - o f f i n t h e f l u i d i z e d bed m a r k e t a n d i t i s d i s p o s a l r e g u l a t i o n s and t h e e v e r changing i n v e s t -
worthwhile, on a p e r s o n a l and i n d u s t r i a l b a s i s , t o ment t a x a n d money m a r k e t s i t u a t i o n s , i t i s n o
h e a r t h e remarks from t h e I n d u s t r i a l o p e r a t o r . wonder t h a t we i n t h e i n d u s t r i a l community c l a i m t o
be conservative. At t i m e s , we've been s a i d t o b e
David McKee --
The I n d u s t r i a l O p e r a t o r s l i g h t l y t o t h e r i g h t of A t t i l a t h e Hun. We're
E. I. DuPont Company s k e p t i c a l , we're slow t o r e a c t , when we make l a r g e
Wilmington, Delaware d e c i s i o n s f o r new s t e a m g e n e r a t , i n g f a c i l i t i e s . To
p u t o u r b u s i n e s s d e c i s i o n making p r o c e s s i n per-
I ' m w i t h t h e e n g i n e e r i n g d e p a r t m e n t o f E.I. s p e c t i v e , we d o n ' t t h i n k we make d e c i s i o n s a n y
DuPont and p a r t of a group t h a t i s i n v o l v e d w i t h d i f f e r e n t l y t h a n any o t h e r c o r p o r a t i o n . But f o r
t h e t e c h n i c a l a s s e s s m e n t of e v o l v i n g technology a s t h e b e n e f i t of t h o s e of you who may n o t b e aware
i t a f f e c t s our business. I n t h i s r e s p e c t I have of how we do i t , l e t me r u n through t h e c r i t e r i o n
been i n v o l v e d i n f l u i d i z e d bed t e c h n o l o g y f o r c l o s e we use. The bottom l i n e i s always economics, 'when
t o t e n years. We d o n o t h a v e any f l u i d i z e d bed t h i n g s a r e economical and i n t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t of
b o i l e r s w i t h i n o u r c o r p o r a t e l i m i t s ; however we t h e c o r p o r a t e p r o f i t s p o s i t i o n , t h e n we make a n
have been u s i n g f l u i d i z e d bed technology i n o u r investment. You a l s o must r e a l i z e t h a t we a r e i n
p r o c e s s r e a c t o r s f o r o v e r 25 y e a r s and have been t h e b u s i n e s s t o make c h e m i c a l p r o d u c t s and steam
f o l l o w i n g t h e development of f l u i d i z e d bed tech- r a i s i n g happens t o b e a n e s s e n t i a l s e r v i c e t h a t
nology, i n t h e U.S. and a b r o a d , o n a c o n t i n u i n g e n a b l e s us t o r e a c h t h a t end g o a l . Many of o u r
b a s i s f o r many y e a r s . So I t h i n k we a r e i n a p r o c e s s e s r u n 24 h o u r s a day, s e v e n days a week,
p o s i t i o n t o s t a n d o f f a t a d i s t a n c e and o b s e r v e t h e 365 days a y e a r . We do n o t h a v e a l o t of i n s t a l l e d
work t h a t you're d o i n g and h o p e f u l l y g i v e you some spare capacity. W e c a n n o t a f f o r d a n unexpected
i n t e l l i g e n t comments. b o i l e r o u t a g e t h a t can b r i n g a whole p l a n t down.
J u s t one shutdown of some of o u r p r o c e s s l i n e s can
DuPont's i n t e r e s t i s b r o a d e r t h a n j u s t t h e quickly destroy t h e p r o f i t p i c t u r e f o r t h a t l i n e
development of c o a l f i r e d f l u i d i z e d bed b o i l e r s . We f o r t h e whole y e a r . So, o u r management i s r a t h e r
have i n t e r e s t i n u s i n g c o a l a s a f i r i n g mechanism h a r d - n o s e d a b o u t how we e v a l u a t e t h e t e c h n i c a l
f o r p r o c e s s h e a t e r s a s w e l l , and i n a minor s e n s e , a s p e c t s o f power p r o d u c i n g e q u i p m e n t . We're
we a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n combined c y c l e co-generation. w i l l i n g t o t a k e r i s k s w i t h chemical p r o c e s s e s , t h a t
Our primary i n t e r e s t i s i n a t m o s p h e r i c u n i t s a l - i s o u r b u s i n e s s ; b u t when i t comes t o i n v e s t m e n t i n
though we a r e k e e p i n g a b r e a s t of your p r e s s u r i z e d power f a c i l i t i e s , i t i s a n u n d e r s t o o d f a c t t h a t
developments. To p u t t h i n g s i n p e r s p e c t i v e , we a t t h o s e f a c i l i t i e s a r e r e l i a b l e and p r e d i c t a b l e . So
DuPont, l a s t y e a r used about 33% c o a l t o g e n e r a t e we a r e e v a l u a t i n g t h e technology t o l o o k a t t h e
o u r s t e a m l o a d . I f t h e p r e s e n t world s i t u a t i o n and d e s i g n , o p e r a t i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , a b i l i t y t o meet
e n e r g y s i t u a t i o n c o n t i n u e s , by t h e end of t h e t h e e n v i r o n i n e n t a l r e g u l a t i o n s and l o a d changing
decade, we probably w i l l b e u s i n g c o a l t o g e n e r a t e characteristics. I n g e n e r a l , most of o u r power
75% of o u r s t e a m load. So we've made a commitment p r o d u c i n g equipment e x p e r i e n c e s l o a d swings i n t h e
a s a c o r p o r a t i o n t h a t c o a l i s t h e f u e l of t h e neighborhood' of 4 t o 1 o n many of o u r b a t c h t y p e
f u t u r e f o r r a i s i n g steam. As you're w e l l aware, installations. We a r e l o o k i n g a t i t from a number
D. McKee

of v i e w p o i n t s ; c e r t a i n l y o p e r a t i n g and maintenance Thank you.

c o s t s a r e p a r t of t h e p i c t u r e . So f l u i d bed
b o i l e r s must compete on a n economic a s w e l l a s a n Steven I. Freedman - S e s s i o n Chairman
o p e r a t i o n a l b a s i s w i t h c o n v e n t i o n a l technology. We
have a l o t of e x p e r i e n c e w i t h c o a l burning. We Thank you, Dave. Our n e x t s p e a k e r i s D r . Vagn
know how c l i n k e r s a r e formed. We have e x p e r i e n c e d K o l l e r u p f r o m B. W . Damp, who w i l l g i v e u s h i s
f i r e s i n hoppers and have gone through a l l t h e impressions from t h e Scandinavian viewpoint.
problems i n c o a l h a n d l i n g systems: c o l d c o a l , wet
coal, f i r s t i n transport lines, etc. W e hope t h e Vagn K o l l e r u p -- The Scandanavian Viewpoint
d e s i g n s t h a t a r e evolving w i l l u s e t h e b e s t of B. W. Damp
t h o s e t e c h n o l o g i e s t o minimize t h e i r impact on Virum, Denmark
f l u i d i z e d bed technology. It i s my a s s e s s m e n t of
t h e l i t e r a t u r e and t h e work r e p o r t e d today t h a t t h e I s h a l l t r y t o g i v e my i m p r e s s i o n a s s e e n from a
t e c h n i c a l power i s o u t t h e r e t o do t h e job. 1,have S c a n d i n a v i a n viewpoint. We have l e a r n e d a t t h i s
no d o u b t t E a t you can b u i l d a r e l i a b l e b o i l e r t h a t c o n f e r e n c e t h a t f l u i d i z e d bed c o m b u s t i o n i s a
c a n make steam a s w e l l a s a c o n v e n t i o n a l c o a l f i r e d system t h a t works. The main i n t e r e s t t h a t we h a v e
unit. I d o n ' t t h i n k we a r e t h e r e y e t , we n e e d i n t h a t system is due t o t h e f a c t t h a t f o r t h e
proven r e l i a b l e s e r v i c e i n a n i n d u s t r i a l environ- i i r s t t i m e , we h a v e a s y s t e m t h a t c a n b u r n a l l
ment t o p u t u s i n t h e p o s i t i o n of b e i n g a buyer. s o l i d f u e l s and t h i s i s of s p e c i a l i n t e r e s t t o
By t h a t , I mean 8300 h o u r s of c o n t i n u o u s o p e r a t i o n c o u n t r i e s where we have t o import most of o u r f u e l s
w i t h l o a d swinging c a p a b i l i t y . I think i n the next from v a r y i n g p a r t s of t h e world. W e g e t c o a l from
f i v e y e a r s , ' we a r e g o i n g t o b e t h e r e . By t h e n , A u s t r a l i a , A f r i c a , Canada, Poland and R u s s i a and
t h e r e w i l l b e some u n i t s o n l i n e l o n g enough t h a t t h i s f u e l i s of v a r y i n g q u a l i t i e s . I f you b u i l d
we c a n make some e v a l u a t i o n s . p l a n t s f o r c o a l burning, it i s d i f f i c u l t t o .find
one t h a t w i l l burn a l l t h e s e f u e l s . Here t h e
To summarize what I have h e a r d h e r e , I c a n s a y f l u i d i z e d bed w i l l win. W e have seen t h a t Finland
t h a t I was s u r p r i s e d t o h e a r of t h e a c t i v i t y i n i s b u i l d i n g commercial p l a n t s u s i n g t h e FB system.
China. I was s u r p r i s e d by t h e magnitude of t h e I t b u r n s wood w a s t e , b a r k w a s t e , and w i l l a l s o b u r n
effort. I t h i n k I need more i n f o r m a t i o n t o d e c i d e coal. I n Sweden, t h e y h a v e b u i l t p l a n t s f o r
what t h e 2000 u n i t s f i g u r e r e a l l y means. But, i t b u r n i n g household w a s t e and wood waste. I n Denmark,
was e n c o u r a g i n g t h a t t h e r e i s a l o n g term commit- p l a n t s h a v e been . b u i l t f o r b u r n i n g c o a l and wood
ment i n t h a t country. I t h i n k o u r second genera- waste. Both of t h o s e p l a n t s are used f o r d i s t r i c t
t i o n f l u i d bed u n i t s a r e s t a r t i n g t o appear. We h e a t i n g systems.
have gone through o u r f i r s t i t e r a t i o n s and have
l e a r n e d some t h i n g s . Now we a r e s t a r t i n g t o put How d o e s t h e f u t u r e look? I would t e l l you how
o u r t h o u g h t s t o g e t h e r and coming up w i t h a second t h e e n e r g y s i t u a t i o n i s i n our,. c o u n t r y . A l l our
g e n e r a t i o n t h a t i s more r e l i a b l e . I am encouraged energy consumption i s imported from o u t s i d e -- 99%.
by t h e work a b r o a d i n F i n l a n d , Denmark and England. The house h e a t i n g p o r t i o n i s about 40% of a l l o u r
I t h i n k a meeting of t h i s s o r t i s e s s e n t i a l t o g e t energy. It i s produced i n o i l f i r e d p l a n t s . How
people together. I am s u r e t h a t t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n s c a n we r e p l a c e o i l i n t h i s a r e a ? W e have a s o
which o c c u r i n t h e h a l l s and o v e r t h e b a r s a r e a s c a l l e d h e a t i n g p l a n f o r t h e whole c o u n t r y ; i t shows
i m p o r t a n t and t h a t i s what we need t o make t h i s t h a t i n 15 y e a r s , t h e d i s t r i c t h e a t i n g system w i l l
t e c h n o l o g y go forward. The t r e n d s I see coming a r e b e r a i s e d 50%. I n Denmark, t h e r e a r e 400 of t h e s e
good. W e a r e e v o l v i n g toward u n i t s t h a t r e a l i z e s t a t i o n s and t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n s a r e i n t h e f i v e t o
t h a t d e e p e r b e d s have c e r t a i n i n h e r e n t a d v a n t a g e s t e n megawatts r a n g e , some a l i t t l e l a r g e r . Here we
s u c h a s lower v e l o c i t i e s . Improved c a r b o n u t i l i z a - see a g r e a t o p p o r t u n i t y t o u s e t h e f l u i d i z e d bed
t i o n h a s b e e n k e y n o t e d a s a g o a l w h i c h must b e system. The f i r s t s t a t i o n we have b u i l t i s a f i v e
achieved. The h i g h e r s u l f u r r e t e n t i o n s w i t h lower m e g a w a t t u n i t a n d we h a v e a n o r d e r f o r a t e n
cal.cium t o s u l f u r molar r a t i o s i s t o o u r advantage. megawatt u n i t . Those s t a t i o n s a r e b u i l t i n a
c o m p l e t e l y commercial way. There i s no o u t s i d e
I t h i n k we a r e s e e i n g a merging of o u r e f f o r t s s u p p o r t from anyone.
and we a r e g e t t i n g a d i r e c t i o n . W e can s e e t h e
g o a l l i n e a l i t t l e more c l e a r l y t h a n f i v e y e a r s ago My c o n c l u s i o n i s t h a t development of a t m o s p h e r i c
and I t h i n k we a r e g o i n g t o b e i n t i m e t o meet t h e f l u i d i z e d bed p l a n t s i n l a r g e s c a l e w i l l t a k e some
market s i t u a t i o n . Our economics a r e d i f f i c u l t t o y e a r s and demand r i s k - w i l l i n g c a p i t a l . The s m a l l e r
a s s e s s a t t h i s time. We need b e t t e r economics from s c a l e test and p i l o t p l a n t s make s c a l i n g p o s s i b l e
t h e v e n d o r s t o make t h e h a r d - l i n e d e c i s i o n s which t o sites which a r e s u i t a b l e f o r d i s t r i c t h e a t i n g
we need t o make. The work t h a t Exxon and Westing- p l a n t s and s m a l l e r power s t a t i o n s . The r e s u l t of
house have done i n t h e p a s t i s q u i t e h e l p f u l i n t h e system's low e m i s s i o n r a t e i s t h a t t h e y can b e
d e s c r i b i n g t h e economics a s we know them; b u t as i n p l a c e d n e a r towns and a l l o w s t h e u s e of c o a l and
any e v o l v i n g t e c h n o l o g y , you n e v e r know what t h e wood w a s t e w i t h o u t e n v i r o n m e n t a l problems.
c o s t s w i l l b e u n t i l you g e t t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g
f a c i l i t i e s s e t up and you a r e mass producing. I am Thank you.
s u r e t h e c o s t s w i l l come down w i t h t i m e , b u t i t i s
e n c o u r a g i n g t h a t t h e e a r l y e s t i m a t e s make t h i s S t e v e n I. Freedman - S e s s i o n Chairman
t e c h n o l o g y c o m p e t i t i v e b o t h from a n i n v e s t m e n t and
an operating standpoint. I t s a d v a n t a g e s f a r out- Continuing with our panel, Professor Shigekatsu
weigh i t s d i s a d v a n t a g e s . It i s r i p e f o r development Mori from t h e Nagoya I n s t i t u t e of Technology w i l l
and I ' m h o p e f u l t h a t your e f f o r t s succeed. g i v e u s e t h e viewpoint from J a p a n and Asia.
S. Mori

Shigekatsu Mori -- The Asian Viewpoint Johann Batsch -- The Continental Viewpoint
Nagoya Institute of Technology Kernforschungsanlage
Nagoya, Japan Julich, Federal Republic of Germany

Every country in Asia has a different situation. I believe that I have to confine myself to the
I would like to focus on the Japanese situation on German viewpoint. As I alredy mentioned in my
the development of fluidized bed combustion proj- paper on Tuesday, it is the main intention of our
ects. There are probably many people looking at my energy research program to promote the development
country as one of their best markets. In 1976 only of technologies which can contribute to the future
two million tons,of domestic coal were supplied in supply of energy for our country in economically
Japan and about 60 million tons were imported. favorable and environmentally acceptable ways.
About 96% of the imported fuel .was metalurgical Technologies which can reduce dependence on oil
coal. . Just 2.5 million tons of steam coal were and natural gas take high priority in this pro-
imported. In 1990 more than 15 million tons of gram. In this respect technologies for increased
coal will be used by power generation plants and efficiency and utilization of coal are of special
more coal will be used in industrial boilers. This importance. Coal is the only domestic energy
estimate may increase in the future. This is one source which is available in large quantities
area of potential for the development of FBC. in Germany. The development of coal gasifica-
Among our neighboring countries, we can find five tion and liquification processes can make con-
major coal producers: the U.S., U.S.S.R., China, tributions only on a long term basis. Improvements
Australia, and India. Most of the steam coal will and developments in the area of direct combustion
be imported from these countries, however, it is is necessary to make progress on a short term
difficult to identify the types and amounts of coal basis. 8
which will be imported in the future. New processes
which have the flexibility to use any type of coal A considerable amount of the primary energy
should be developed in Japan. The flexibility of demand in our country is being consumed in the
FBC is recognized as its greatest advantage. generation of process heat and low temperature heat
for space heating. In this area, oil and gas are
The environmental regulations in Japan must be being used at the present time. Atmospheric FBC
the most restrictive in the world. The development enables the increased use of coal for these pur-
target for NOx emission control from fluidized poses because this technology enables one to burn
bed combustion is recognized to be just 50ppm in coal in small units and is environmentally accep-
Japan. Just a few years ago, this level seemed table with automatic operation. It has been shown
impossible to achieve by FBC. In the last few during this conference that the commercial applica-
years, progress has been made and this target has tion of AFBC is possible in the near future. At
almost been reached. The next step is the SOx least commercialization is anticipated for smaller
control problem and the ash utilization problem units used for heat generation. Some facilities
both originating from the waste disposal,problem. of this size are already in operation in this
This is the reason why the limestone once-thru country and in Europe. The difficulties encount-
process was not available in Japan. We should ered in the operation of these plants are mainly
develop a regeneration process and also new sor- due to conventional parts. The fluidized bed
bents will be required. These should be developed. combustion itself works satisfactorily in these
The problem for ash disposal is more critical. If plants. Increasing combustion efficiency seems
20 million tons of steam coal is imported, this to be the only technical problem which must be
means at least 2 million tons of coal ash is also overcome for the FBC process. The successful work
imported into our limited country. The problem of in AFBC in China has to be mentioned at this
accumulation of ash is very critical. Utilization point.
of this ash is a problem for any industry using
coal fired technology in Japan. The prior technology of circulating fluidized
bed combustion will gain special importance in the
Today we are under construction of a pilot plant future. The reasons for this are: 1) The advan-
of five megawatts. Our program is a little behind tages of CFBC with respect to environmental protec-
your country. We would like to exchange more tion are greater with this technology. 2) Some
information with your country through meetings of problems in conventional FBC can be avoided with
this type. I hope that at the next confernece, the circulating FBC. 3 ) Combustion efficiency is
more papers will be presented from Japan. improved. 4) The bed area per megawatt is reduced.
5) Sensitive control of heat transfer is possible.
Thank you. In these ways, the CFBC seems to have a wider range
of applications than does conventional FBC. Circu-
Steven I. Freedman - Session Chairman lating fluidized bed combustion can be developed in
a shorter time than pressurized fluidized bed
It is good to know that not only is there an combustion because there are no problems with
energy crisis worldwide, but that the solutions to feeding solids into a pressure vessel. There is
this crisis are also worldwide. The next speaker already a lot of experience with CFBC in large
is Dr. Johann Batsch from KFA, wher.e he is involved chemical process plants. For combined heating and
in the German fluidized bed combustion program. We power generation, CFBC seems to be an attractive
have heard about several of the operating units option, the added efficiency of PFBC is of minor
and it would be valuable to hear the benefits he importance. There is a growing international
has obtained from this conference. interest in this technology.
J. Batsch

This conference h a s explored t h e use of pres- I t seems t h a t on f l u i d i z e d bed combustion, we

s u r i z e d f l u i d i z e d bed combustion i n power genera- a r e on t h e v e r y bottom of t h e l e a r n i n g curve. That
t i o n where t h e h i g h e r e f f i c i e n c y makes b e t t e r u s e c u r v e s t a r t e d a b o u t a q u a r t e r m i l l i o n y e a r s ago
of c o a l where i t i s expensive. It h a s been shown when Peking man found h e c o u l d g e t f i r e from wood.
t h a t much work i s s t i l l t o b e d o n e b o t h o n t h e We know t h a t i f we p u t a lump o f c o a l , i n w i t h
combustion p r o c e s s i t s e l f a s w e l l as t h e a u x i l i a r y oxygen and r a i s e t h e t e m p e r a t u r e enough t h e s t u f f
equipment used i n t h i s system. We have h e a r d t h a t burns. We don't u s e a l l t h e technology we s h o u l d
, p r o g r e s s h a s b e e n made w i t h r e s p e c t t o h o t g a s i n p u t t i n g t h a t i n t o some p r a c t i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n .
clean-up. There i s a l s o p r o g r e s s i n g a s t u r b i n e The s t o k e r s of today were a l l i n v e n t e d i n t h e e a r l y
development. Although t h e s e r e s u l t s a r e p r o m i s i n g , p a r t of t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y . It wasn't u n t i l t h e
much remains t o b e done b e f o r e a s o l u t i o n t o t h e s e 1920's t h a t i t was r e a l i z e d how c o a l burned i n a
problems c a n b e reached. It seems i m p o r t a n t t o f u e l bed. About 1934 t h e d e f i n i t i v e work on how
p u r s u e t h i s work a s e f f i c i e n c y w i l l b e v a l u a b l e i n carbon. and oxygen r e a c t was done a t MIT. There a r e
t h e f u t u r e when c o s t s o f , f u e l w i l l ,rise. t h r e e s t e p s included. What w e don't know today i s
how f l u i d i z e d combustion r e a c t i o n s work i n t e r n a l l y .
Thank your W e have done a l l o u t development o n a n e m p i r i c a l
engineering basis. I n s i t t i n g i n on t h e combustion
S t e v e n I. Freedman - S e s s i o n Chairman phenomenon s e s s i o n s h e l d h e r e , I was u p s e t t o f i n d
o n l y two p a p e r s t h a t I h e a r d w i t h any r e a l know-
The l a s t s p e a k e r w i l l b e B i l l Reid. Bill l e d g e of what t h e combustion s y s t e m s w e r e t h a t t h e y
Reid h a s been a c t i v e i n t h e technology devel- were working with. I would s u g g e s t t o t h e develop-
opment o f a l l of t h e c o a l combustion t e c h n o l o g i e s . m e n t a l p e o p l e t h a t you r e a d some o f t h e o l d e r .
As t h e c o a l combustion d e v e l o p e r , h e can g i v e us l i t e r a t u r e , l i k e . t h e I n s t i t u t e o n F u e l o r t h e ASME
s o b e p e r s p e c t i v e on t h i s l a t e s t technology and how Transactions. You may see some glimmer of i d e a s
development i s p r o g r e s s i n g . t h a t have n o t o c c u r r e d t o you a s y e t .

W. T. Reid --
The Coal Combustion Developer
Columbus, Ohio



Shelton Ehrlich
E l e c t r i c Power Research I n s t i t u t e
Pnlo Alto, C a l i f o r n i a

[Mr. E h r l i c h spoke u s i n g s l i d e s which a r e i n c l u d e d , v e r y p r o f o u n d d i f f e r e n c e i n t h e two t e c h n i c a l

here i n figures.] approaches. A c o n v e n t i o n a l p u l v e r i z e d c o a l power
p l a n t ( F i g u r e 5) simply c o n s i s t s of a b o i l e r p l a n t
When Arnold asked t h a t I s e r v e on t h i s p a n e l , I and a t u r b i n e p l a n t . An a t m u s p l ~ e r i c f l u i d i z e d bed
s a i d , "Yes, b u t under one c o n d i t i o n -- t h a t you l e t would r e p l a c e ( F i g u r e 6 ) t h e b o i l e r p l a n t , g i v i n g ,
me make a f e w i n t r o d u c t o r y r e m a r k s b e c a u s e t h e b a s i c a l l y , a conventional, Rankine c y c l e steam
p a n e l , i n my view, r e p r e s e n t s t h r e e v e r y d i s t i n c t . e l e c t r i c power p l a n t ( F i g u r e 7 ) i n which t h e steam
i n t e r e s t a r e a s and I want t o h a v e a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o s u p p l y i s provided by a n AFBC and t h e a i r p o l l u t i o n
d i s t i n g u i s h between t h o s e a r e a s . Hopefully t h e f u n c t i o n i s performed by t h e l i m e s t o n e i n t h e bed
audience, i n l i s t e n i n g t o the d i f f e r e n t user i n s t e a d o f a n FGD u n i t . Now, n o m a t t e r w h a t
v i e w p o i n t s w i l l a p p r e c i a t e t h a t some of t h e d i f f e r - happens i n t h e development of combined c y c l e
e n c e s e x p r e s s e d r e s u l t from d i f f e r e n c e s i n needs generation -- no m a t t e r how e f f e c t i v e i t i s --
and n o t n e c e s s a r i l y i n t e c h n o l o g i c a l viewpoints. l a r g e s e c t o r s of t h e e l e c t r i c u t i l i t y i n d u s t r y , f o r
some l o n g time, w i l l i n s i s t on making t h e i r e l e c -
The f i r s t d i f f e r e n c e I'd l i k e t o i l l u s t r a t e i s t r i c i t y w i t h t h e s t a n d a r d kind of e l e c t r i c power
t h e d i f f e r e n c e between t h e i n d u s t r i a l u s e r , t h e p l a n t a n d t h a t w i l l b e t h e m a r k e t f o r AFBC's.
p e r s o n who - n e e d s s t e a m and some by-product power, \
and t h e u t i l i t y u s e r ( F i g u r e 1). Obviously, a Now l e t ' s l o o k ( F i g u r e 8 ) a t t h e p r e s s u r i z e d
l a r g e d i f f e r e n c e i n t h e ' u s e r s ' needs makes f o r a f l u i d i z e d bed combustion system. It i s somewhat
d i f f e r e n t set of t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s f o r a complicated because it's g o t a v e r y profound need '

boiler. The profound d i f f e r e n c e i n s i z e between a t o c l e a n t h e g a s a n d i n t h e F i g u r e 8 we show

t y p i c a l i n d u s t r i a l f l u i d i z e d - b e d b o i l e r and even a c y c l o n e s t o do t h i s c l e a n i n g .
s m a l l u t i l i t y s c a l e FB b o i l e r can b e a d i f f e r e n c e
i n kind, n o t j u s t degree (Figure 2). The bottom F i r s t , a t t h e combustion o u t l e t , we s t a r t o f f
l i n e o n t h i s i s t h a t t h e i n d u s t r i a l steam u s e r p u t s w i t h l o t s of d u s t and t h e f i r s t c y c l o n e t a k e s o u t
c a p i t a l c o s t s f i r s t and e f f i c i e n c y second i n h i s some and t h e n t h e n e x t one t a k e s o u t more d u s t , and
p r i o r i t i e s . They a r e b o t h , of c o u r s e , v e r y import- a s i t g e t s t o the turbine, hopefully, i t is not
a n t . .On !he o t h e r hand a n e l e c t r i c u t i l i t y might e q u i v a l e n t t o t h e Arizona road d u s t test. (A
p u t e f f i c i e n c y ( f u e l c o s t s ) of t h e p l a n t a s t h e p h o t o g r a p h o f a n Army t a n k i n a d u s t c l o u d was
f i r s t p r i o r i t y ; t h e c o s t of e l e c t r i c i t y b e i n g t h e shown.) I n o r d e r t o make t h e t u r b i n e s u r v i v e , w e
bottom l i n e f o r them. P r o b a b l y , t h i s a r i s e s from a have t o g e t a l l t h e way down t o p r a c t i c a l l y p u r e
d i f f e r e n c e i n t h e method of f i n a n c i n g -- equity gas. So, we have a system, i n combined c y c l e PFBC,
c a p i t a l v s . borrowed money. So, I t h i n k t h e indus- u n i q u e l y d i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e AFBC s y s t e m . The
t r i a l u s e r and t h e u t i l i t y u s e r o f s t e a m g e n e r a t i n g second d i f f e r e n c e I want you t o u n d e r s t a n d i s t h a t
equipment w i l l r e q u i r e d i f f e r e n t t h i n g s from t h e t h e e l e c t r i c u t i l i t y i n d u s t r y which w i l l u s e
d e v e l o p e r of a new combustion technology. s t e a m - e l e c t r i c i t y power p l a n t s f o r a l o n g time and
may u s e many c o m b i n e d c y c l e power p l a n t s w i l l
Now, t h e r e i s a q u e s t i o n t h a t we're always asked probably use both i f they a r e both developed.
a t EPRI ,And I ' m s u r e everyone involved i n f l u i - T h e r e i s n ' t any need t o s a y which, AFBC o r PFBC, i s
dized-be8 combustion h a s been asked --
( F i g u r e 3) better -- they both are.
which i s b e t t e r , AFBC o r PFBC? I have one stock
answer: Both? (Figure 4) Again, t h e r e is a Thank you.




! Industrial Steam User Difference Electric Utility I

is in ,
.. ,

Capital cost and method of Efficiency and

efficiency financing capital cost *8 I


Which is better
I Boiler plant I 1 Turbine plant . 1



I I I 1

I Boiler plant I I Turbine plant 1


S. Freedman

S t e v e n I. Freedman s t a n d a r d of performance, we r e c o g n i z e d t h e evolu-

Department of Energy ' t i o n a r y n a t u r e o f FBC, e s p e c i a l l y AFBC, and w r o t e
Germantown, Maryland a n exemption t o t h e 90% s u l f u r r e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l
component of t h a t r e g u l a t i o n which, w i t h t h e coop-
The b i g q u e s t i o n t h a t I ' d l i k e t o p r e s e n t now, e r a t i o n o f t h e Department of Energy, w i l l apply t o
from t h e government's v i e w p o i n t , i s -- How d o we FPB, SRCI and s e v e r a l of t h e o t h e r advanced tech-
g e t t h i s n a t i o n and t h e e n t i r e world o f f of t h e nologies. There i s a l i m i t e d amount of ' g e n e r a t i n g
premium o i l and g a s f u e l s o n t o c o a l and o t h e r s o l i d c a p a c i t y t h a t c a n b e b u i l t which t h e s u l f u r reduc-
f u e l s and o t h e r a v a i l a b l e f u e l s ? A l l of t h e s e t i o n p e r c e n t a g e would n o t b e r e q u i r e d t o b e 90% --
fuel's t h a t a r e a v a i l a b l e are, i n some r e g a r d o r I t h i n k 80% r e d u c t i o n would be r e q u i r e d , b u t t h e y
a n o t h e r , a lower g r a d e t h a n o i l . and g a s and a r e would s t i l l b e f o r c e d t o comply w i t h t h e 1.2 l b f m i l
more d i f f i c u l t t o h a n d l e , b u r n and u s e . i n g e n e r a l , BTU e m i s s i o n l i m i t .
i n c l u d i n g concern f o r t h e environment. So t h e
energy c r i s i s , t o a l a r g e e x t e n t , i s a c a p i t a l I n t h e i n d u s t r i a l b o i l e r s e c t o r , we a r e c u r r e n t -
c r i s i s and I thank A r n i e f o r i n t r o d u c i n g i t w i t h l y i n the process of evolving an i n d u s t r i a l b o i l e r
t h e "E.F. Hutton t a l k s " remark, b e c a u s e t h e key t o s t a n d a r d ' o f performance. From some of t h e p r e l i m i -
e v e r y t h i n g i s b r i n g i n g t h e c o s t s down t o t h e l e v e l n a r y economic s t u d i e s we've done, depending a g a i n
where t h e u s e r s c a n u s e c o a l and t h e s e o t h e r o n which way w e w r i t e t h e r e g u l a t i o n , we can e i t h e r
domestically a v a i l a b l e f u e l s without incurring an c r e a t e a v e r y s i g n i f i c a n t impetus f o r t h e i n s t a l l a -
economic p e n a l t y t h a t i s beyond what t h e system c a n i o n of f l u i d i z e d bed systems o r we can l i m i t i t . I
b a r e w i t h tole'rance. I t h i n k we s h o u l d - k e e p i n t h i n k t h a t ' s t h e way I would p e r c e i v e myself a s a
mind t h a t t h e f l u i d bed technology d i d s t a r t a s a u s e r of t h e FBC technology.
low c o s t b o i l e r . I t h i n k i t is t h e e n t i r e s o l i d s
h a n d l i n g equipment f o r t h e c o a l f i r e d power p l a n t R.C. Read
which needs c o s t improvement. It i s my hope t h a t I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a r v e s t e r Co.
we a r e a b l e t o manage t h i s t r a n s i t i o n from premium Chicago, I l l i n o i s
f u e l s t o more d i f f i c u l t t o h a n d l e f u e l s s t i l l
w i t h i n t h e framework o f t h e h i g h s t a n d a r d of l i v i n g Today I want t o s h a r e w i t h you my v i e w p o i n t w i t h
t h a t we have due t o t h e consequences of o u r h i g h r e g a r d t o c o a l i n g e n e r a l and f l u i d i z e d bed combus-
energy u s e ' p e r c a p i t a , which i s t h e message t h a t tion i n articular. I n t e r n a t i o n a l H a r v e s t e r manufc-
I'd l i k e t o end up on. We've shown t h a t t h i n g s are t u r e s a wide r a n g e of i n d u s t r i a l c a p i t a l goods,
t e c h n i c a l l y f e a s i b l e and we're o n t h e way t o prov- i n c l u d i n g t u r b o machinery, a g r i c u l t u r a l equipment,
i n g t h a t t h e t h i n g s which we can do a r e p r a c t i c a l c o n s t r u c t i o n e q u i p m e n t , , a n d t r u c k s . We a r e n o t a n
and r e l i a b l e . We've j u s t a b o u t f i n i s h e d proving e n e r g y i n t e n s i v e company; h o w e v e r , w e a r e v e r y
t h a t what we can d o i s c l e a n . The economic c h a l - energy dependent. Small i n t e r r u p t i o n s i n t h e sup-
l e n g e is t h e r e a l one f o r market p e n e t r a t i o n . I p l y of f u e l c a u s e r a t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t d i s r u p t i o n s t o
b e l i e v e we h a v e t h e a b i l i t y t o d o i t , b u t i t o u r manufacturing o p e r a t i o n s . T h i s dependency h a s
r e q u i r e s some good work, a t t e n t i o n t o d e t a i l and reinforced our b e l i e f i n t h e n e c e s s i t y t o have a
knowing where t h e major l e v e r a g e s are and t h a t ' s i n r e l i a b l e s o u r c e of f u e l .
t h e c a p i t a l c o s t s of t h e b a l a n c e of p l a n t s .
Our s t r a t e g y w i t h r e g a r d t o management of e n e r g y
Thank you. r e s o u r c e s i s t o c o n c e n t r a t e v e r y h e a v i l y on u s i n g
energy prudently. T h i s emphasis on c o n s e r v a t i o n i s
Robert S t a t n i k augmented by o u r b e l i e f t h a t d e r e g u l a t i o n i s t h e
Environmental P r o t e c t i o n Agency most e f f i c i e n t way t o i n c r e a s e f u e l s u p p l i e s .
Washington, D.C. Notwithstanding t h e above emphasis o n c o n s e r v a t i o n
a n d p o l i c y , we b e l i e v e a n d o u r i n t e r n a l e n e r g y
When I was put o n a u s e r p a n e l , I was t r y i n g t o f o r e c a s t model shows t h a t c o a l i s t h e most f a v o r e d
f i g u r e o u t how t h e EPA was a u s e r , and f i n a l l y I f u e l NOW. Our i n d e x of t h e r e l a t i v e a v a i l a b i l i t y
d e c i d e d t h a t we're a u s e r b e c a u s e of t h e SOx and versus cost supports t h i s belief.
NOx r e d u c t i o n p o t e n t i a l t h a t i s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
f l u i d i z e d bed combustion. I agree with Steve i n I f c o a l i s t h e most d e s i r a b l e f u e l , why a r e we
t h e s e n s e t h a t , w h e t h e r f l u i d i z e d bed combustion n o t r e t r o f i t t i n g o u r p r e s e n t f a c i l i t i e s ? The rea-
makes a s i g n i f i c a n t market p e n e t r a t i o n o r n o t i s son is q u i t e clear. I n our view, t h e c o s t t o
v e r y much dependent upon t h e economic t r a d e - o f f s r e t r o f i t i s p r o h i b i t i v e . Our e s t i m a t e f o r r e t r o f i t
between i t s competing t e c h n o l o g i e s , t h a t i s , SNG, of e x i s t i n g f a c i l i t i e s i s i n e x c e s s of $100 m i l -
l i q u i d s d e r i v e d from c o a l , a s w e l l as c o n v e n t i o n a l lion. T h i s i n v e s t m e n t w i l l n o t p r o v i d e one addi-
s t o k e r f i r e d b o i l e r s equipped w i t h v a r i o u s t y p e s of t i o n a l pound o f s t e a m i n g c a p a c i t y o r 1% more
flue gas desulfurization o r a i r pollution control e f f i c i e n t u s e of energy. The $100 m i l l i o n i s a
equipment. So, i n t h o s e l i n e s , t h e r e g u l a t i o n s l o t of c a p i t a l and would b e e q u i v a l e n t t o about
which EPA w r i t e s d o a l t e r t h e market economics and, $4.5 b i l l i o n a d d i t i o n a l s a l e s o r a n i n c r e a s e of 54%
i n a s e n s e , may e i t h e r c r e a t e a window i n which a b o v e . o u r r e c o r d 1979 performance. The d i f f i c u l t y
f l u i d combustion c a n make a market p e n e t r a t i o n o r , t o r e c o v e r t h a t c a p i t a l by t h e o f f s e t t i n g b e n e f i t
i f t h e EPA makes t h e r e g u l a t i o n s t o o s t r i n g e n t , can i n t h e c o s t of c o a l v e r s u s t h e c o s t of imported o i l
s h u t t h e d o o r f o r PBC market p e n e t r a t i o n . Along i s such t h a t r e t = o f i t t i n g i s n o t p r a c t i c a l .
t h o s e l i n e s , t h e r e a r e two r e g u l a t i o n s , o n e which
EPA i s i n t h e p r o c e s s of w r i t i n g , and t h e o t h e r The problem t h a t we have i n embracing f l u i d i z e d
which EPA h a s j u s t r e c e n t l y promulgated. t h a t a r e bed t e c h n o l o g y t o t h e p o i n t of i m p l e m e n t a t i o n
going t o b e important. In the utility boiler c e n t e r s on our perception of t h e m a t e r i a l handling
system being the weak link. Just Wednesday we vendors have to pay close attention to as far as
visited Georgetown, and while it appears that all the industrial user is concerned and one of these
of the parts of that system work much better than issues is maintenance of the equipment. We're firm
they did at Rivesville, I still am concerned that believers in Murphy's Law, that if it can break, it
the pneumatic conveying systems and the bucket hop- will. Looking at the designs of the tube bundles,
pers are sources of unreliability and in general a I have some nightmares .about how we're going to
maintenance headache. The material handling system replace those tubes if necessary in service.
needs to be simplified. I am not sure how you go Certainly the mechnanical handling equipment that
about transporting all that coal and limestone to Ron just mentioned has been a nemesis of coal since
and from the fluidized bed combustor; however, the the first day it was shoveled. into the furnace.
transportation of natural gas or even No. 6 fuel So, I have the feeling that the vendor should tend
oil to the boiler, is not going to present anywhere toward simplicity rather ,than complexity, minimze
near,the kind of maintenance problems you are the transfer points, minimze the number of times
likely to experience with the fluidized bed com- you have to pick it up and lay it down and collect
bustor. The point is this: IH is not an energy it. But, in general, pay close attention to the
intensive industry. We prefer to manufacture maintenance and the operability characteristics of
capital goods and not steam. We are disluayed at the equipment. It is important to us.
this point that FBC as a technology has received
lip service and favorable nods, but it has very few Paul Bobo
hours of running time. I look at Georgetown as the Mead Corporation
only example of something that works, albeit Dayton, Ohio
partially. They claim to have 800 hours of running
time- This is not representative of expected indus- I .am actually with the Mead Corporation,, how-
trial operating conditions. I am not sure that even ever, part of my activities relate to Mead Chemical
0,760 hours of Georgetown would be representative Systems which is a part of the Corporation. A
of industrial requirements; notwithstanding their significant portion of our business is the manufac-
demand of 100,000 lbs. per hour of steam. ture of pulp and paper and related forrest industry
products, however, we also have substantial busi-
How do we get there? In my view, there are nesses in other areas. We are a highly capital
several impediments that should be addressed. I intensive industry and use large quantities of
believe the country has no energy policy. We have energy. We utilize fuels of many types; coal,
laws that talk about deregulation, use of coal, and natural gas, oil, wood wastes and chemicals which
conservation. We talk about conservation, yet we are converted in the process of burning.
have no conservation goal f o r each sector of the
economy. We talk about d,eregulation and have There is an expression that reminds me of the
incremental pricing. It appears that our national hesitancy of most of us to utilize new technology;
leaders do not really believe we have an energy "Never on Sunday." However, in this case it is
crisis. If indeed there were an energy crisis and extended to "or Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday,
. if indeed we had an abundant supply of coal, then or etc." Never be the first to use new major
coal ought to be the policy that we put forward and equipment technology,seems to be the posture; and
make other things accommodate it. The impediments continuing: not very likely to be second, maybe
to the development of the use of coal are environ- third, probably fourth, etc.
mental concerns 'and economics. The use of demon-
stration projects to illustrate the benefits of While I realize this is a bit exaggerated, I
emerging coal use technologies are only a partial believe it highlights an attitude that all of you,
answer to stimulating the increased use of coal. A in one form or another, have experienced in the
more efficient stimulus would .be via tax credits past and will experience in the future in the
for use of abundant fuels and development of development and marketing of fluidized bed combus-
emerging technologies coupled with accelerated t.ion. As a user and as a participant in the
depreciation. international marketing of new technology, I am
aware of the frustrations of .the vendor and the
The last point that I have to make i,s this: needs of the user.
If we believe that the development of coal is the
cornerstone of the energy policy in the United The preceding is based upon valid concerns of a
States, 'then we should insist upon and work to potential user of fluidized bed combustion sys-
develop the environmental laws and regulations that tems. I would like to be more specific and identi-
are not a hindrance but rather an encouragement to fy some areas that are important to our industry
the further use of this abundant resource. Thank and require "actual practice validation.'' It must
you very much. be remembered that we are not in business to
produce steam or electric power, we are in business
David McKee to produce other products. Our primary focus from
E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc. the standpoint of capital investment, management,
Wilmington, Delaware equipment union negotiations, training, mainten-
ance, etc. is on the end products and not on steam
I'll try not to repeat what I said earlier, but and electric power.
I think all of us in the user comunity have a lot
of questions and we don't have a lot of good 1. A wide operating load range capability.
answers. There are a number of issues that the This is very important.
Fast response to load change. We have many even if commercial warranties are offered, and
things that occur in our production pro- indeed they are offered by some vendors, the weight
cesses that necessitate this capability. that they carry is considerably less than the
weight carried by warranties for proven commerical
High reliability. While this could be iden- equipment. In the latter case, the war~antieshave
tified as "another motherhood item" I would behind them long-term experience and background.
like to relate to it in further detail, if In the former case, there is very little experi-
we have the opportunity to do so later in ence, if any, and very little background, if any,
these discussions. to support the warranties.

4. Low maintenance requirements and low number How can we call them both commercial warranties
and length of periodic overhauls. We are a when they are so different? This is more than a
continuously operating industry with very semantics matter; it has to do with the support
fer non-operating days per year- that is still needed from the Department of Energy
and the government. By calling this technology
5. Simplicity of maintenance. Our maintenance commercial at this time, in effect DOE has decided
people are primary maintenance people fpr
' that there may be no need or justification for fur-
the pulp and paper equipment and maintain ther support of this technology. We think that this
little expertise in the power areas. is a basic mistake. In our view, this technology
still needs support. We're all convinced that it
6. Simplicity of operation. Our power depart- has potentially great merits for this reason.
ment people are basically pulp and paper
people who have moved thru, seniority We think that support is needed in two ways:
provisions, from and to the production first, regulatory support, as Bob was saying
departments. . - before, EPA can create windows for this technology.
Second, DOE support through the PON Program for
7. Capabiltiy of multi-fuel firing. Our in- commercial development and demonstration should be
dustry is utilizing more wood waste in resurrected as soon as possible with one additional
combination with coal or gas or oil for provision: In discussing cost-sharing with indus-
economic reasons. . trial users, emphasis must be placed not only on
the cost of the AFB facility itself, but also on
If we have more time during this session, I would the cost of possible retrofits, should they become
like to expand on some of the points that were necessary. This is a realistic consideration in
covered during this short period. any prudent management approach. We have seen more
than one case where a major industrial user had
Thank you. determined that they believed in this technology
and their projections for the economics of the
Bruno Brodfeld system were favorable.. They wanted to participate
Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation in the program, but a stumbling block, in their
Boston, Massachusetts view, was that the cost sharing should have been
applied not only to the cost of the facility
As an architect engineer, Stone and Webster is, itself, but also to possible retrofits, if any.
in a sense, an.organization in the middle --
inter- This would have given them the assurance that the
acting with the users, with the vendors, with the risks had been minimized as much as possible.
regulators, with the Department of Energy and its
funding programs. We have had the opportunity to So, to summarize my comments, if, as a country,
understand some of the barriers that have been we believe that this technology is good, and that
discussed, and I think if we had to reduce to a it will enhance the utilization of coal, we have to
single most important reason why the users hesitate continue to support it, through our regulators and
to adopt on a commercial basis fluidized bed com- through the Department of Energy., It is only
bustion, it is the hesitation to be the "first." through such continued support that we will find
those few industrial organizations that will build
The indusry practice is to count on reliability the first major AFB plants in the range of 100,000
and the only way to determine reliability is to to 500,000 lb steam/hour, which will be the con-
look at pieces of hardware that are already in vincing place of evidence that the rest o f the
operation. So, how do we cross this bridge? One industry needs to move forward.
thing to consider is that we have a technology that
not only the vendors, but a lot of well informed Andrew L. Jacob
people, believe has reached the standard of early American Electric Power Service Corporation
commercialization. On the other hand, we have the New York, New York
large user community that is hesitant to apply it.
Coal Utilization is nothing new to AEP. Last
To overcome this hesitation, more government year almost 84% of our total 100 billion kilowatts
support through well-conceived industrial demon- of generation was from coal. In fact, AEP mined
stration programs is needed. I think a great dis- almost one-third of our total coal burn of 38 mil-
service was done to the commercialization process lion tons last year. Utilizing our coal resources
by emphasizing the fact that AFB is a commercial most efficiently, with a reasonably minimal envi-
technology at this time and that commercial war- ronmental impact, is of prime importance at AEP.
ranties are being offered to vendors. In our view, Developing technology to meet this task is 'also
A. L. J a c o b

n o t h i n g new t o AEP. S i n c e ,the e a r l y 1920's AEP h a s and e f f i e n c y a d v a n t a g e s of PFBC w i t h a moderate g a s

been a p i o n e e r of new technology f o r t h e u t i l i t y t u r b i n e i n l e t t e m p e r a t u r e would n o t b e r e a l i z e d
industry. When f i r s t e v a l u a t i n g FBC s y s t e m s i n and f u t u r e t e c h n o l o g i c a l advances would b e s u b s t a n -
1976, we d e c i d e d t h a t PFBC o f f e r e d t h e p o t e n t i a l t o t i a l l y d e l a y e d . .An e v a l u a t i o n of s u c h a c o n c e p t ,
meet o u r c o a l u t i l i z a t i o n g o a l s . b a s e d on e a c h of t h e a s p e c t s I mentioned e a r l i e r ,
would n o t s u p p o r t g o i n g forward. We, as a u t i l i t y ,
I n e v a l u a t i n g a n y new t e c h n o l o g y , we a s a would n o t b e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h i s concept.
u t i l i t y l o o k a t a number of a s p e c t s . These i n c l u d e :
c u r r e n t s t a t e of t h e technology, f l e x i b i l i t y w i t h I n summary, we b e l i e v e t h e technology h a s made a
r e s p e c t t o c o a l t y p e , e n v i r o n m e n t a l a s p e c t s , system quantum jump t h i s p a s t y e a r towards t h e g o a l of
complexity, o p e r a b i l i t y , p o t e n t i a l r e l i a b i l i t y and c o m m e r c i a l i z a t i o n of PFBC by t h e mid-80's and AEP
economic p r o j e c t i o n s . A t e c h n o l o g y t h a t u s e s a i s proud of i t s r o l e . With t h e c o n t i n u e d e f f o r t s
maximum amount of commercially a v a i l a b l e hardware and a i d of i n d u s t r y , and government a commercial
is favored. T h i s i s b e c a u s e o p e r a b i l i t y and main- s i z e PFBC p l a n t w i t h a moderate, i n l e t t e m p e r a t u r e
t a i n a b i l i t y a r e extremely important t o an e l e c t r i c w i l l b e r e a l i z e d by t h e mid-1980's.
utility. O p e r a b i l i t y r e q u i r e s t h a t a technology
h a v e a f a i r l y w i d e l o a d c o n t r o l r a n g e , a t good hank you.
e f f i c i e n c y , i n o r d e r t o meet t h e d a i l y r e q u i r e m e n t s
of t h e e l e c t r i c l o a d . Systems t h a t a r e f a m i l i a r t o J a c k Ape1
o u r o p e r a t o r s and maintenance p e o p l e s i m p l i f y p l a n t Columbus a n d Southern Ohio Electric Company
o p e r a t i o n which l e a d s t o g r e a t e r r e l i a b i l i t y . New Columbus, Ohio
technology s h o u l d have a h i g h e r e f f i c i e n c y t h a n
c u r r e n t technology. T h i s i s most e a s i l y accom- J u s t a few. I t h i n k we're behind s c h e d u l e . From
p l i s h e d by t h e d i r e c t combustion of c o a l . F u r t h e r - my own p e r s o n a l p e r s p e c t i v e , l e t me s a y t h a t , on a
more, p r o j e c t e d c a p i t a l and o p e r a t i n g c o s t s f o r new p r i o r i t y b a s i s , f i r s t of a l l we e x p e c t t o u s e c o a l
technologies should b e l e s s i n order t o provide a a s we a l r e a d y do. On a p r i o r i t y b a s i s , I would l o o k
b u f f e r which may b e used up i n t r y i n g t o develop t o c o a l c l e a n i n g a s my f i r s t p r i o r i t y , p r i o r t o
t h e technology. Of c o u r s e , t h e new t e c h n o l o g y combustion. The second p r i o r i t y i s d u r i n g combus-
s h o u l d be e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y s u i t a b l e . t i o n and t h i r d p r i o r i t y i s a f t e r . So, f l u i d i z e d
bed i s i n t h e " d u r i n g combustion" and t h a t i s
We b e l i e v e t h a t t h e AEP-STAL-Level PFBC Program second i n my p r i o r i t i e s . Kowever, c u r r e n t l y a v a i l -
considers a l l these aspects. The s t a t e o f t h e a b l e t e c h n o l o g y does n o t go f a r enough on t h e c o a l
technology h a s been s i g n i f i c a n t l y advanced by t h e c l e a n i n g s i d e , s o combustion r a p i d l y moves t o t h e
e x c e l l e n t r e s u l t s from o u r e x p e r i m e n t s a t t h e DOE f r o n t i n t h a t s t a n d p o i n t - I ' d r a t h e r n o t spend t o o
sponsored L e a t h e r h e a d 1000 hour t e s t . A s we l e a r n e d much t i m e from a u t i l i t y p e r s p e c t i v e f u r t h e r t h a n
t h i s week, b o t h GE and C u r t i s Wright e x p e r i m e n t s t h a t , b e c a u s e b o t h Bob and Andy w i l l have view-
yielded similar results. Our c o m m e r c i a l p l a n t p o i n t s s i m i l a r t o mine, I'm s u r e , a s f a r a s u t i l i t y
d e s i g n u t i l i z e s a maximum amount of commercially u s e i s concerned. But I t h o u g h t t h a t you might b e
a v a i l a b l e hardware. Key components such a s t h e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e program t h a t t h e S t a t e of Ohio
c y c l o n e h o t g a s clean-up system and GT-120 g a s t u r - h a s on f l u i d i z e d bed and how t h a t came about. The
b i n e a r e commercial hardware. The combustor d e s i g n Governor o f t h e S t a t e of Ohio, i n t h e s p r i n g of
h a s gone through t h r e e y e a r s of i t e r a t i o n and 1977, was f a c e d w i t h q u i t e a few problems: losing
h a s had t h e b e n e f i t of f o u r independent companies coal markets, t h a t i s coal production, losing
review. A u x i l i a r y s y s t e m s a r e a key c o n s i d e r a t i o n industries t o other states. He formed a committee '
a t t h i s p o i n t i n time. Systems s u c h a s c o a l feed- of a number of p e o p l e from a wide c r o s s s e c t i o n of
i n g and a s h removal show promise of good p e r f o r - a r e a s of i n t e r e s t and charged t h a t committee w i t h
mance; b u t i n o u r program, we w i l l b e b u i l d i n g a s e e k i n g o u t a l l of t h e a v a i l a b l e t e c h n o l o g i e s and
Component T e s t F a c i l i t y (CTF) t o e v a l u a t e t h e i r recommending t o him what Ohio s h o u l d do. In that
performance i n a t o t a l l y i n t e g r a t e d f a c i l i t y . p r o c e s s , t h e committee looked a t a wide number of
t e c h n o l o g i e s a n d i t d i d recommend t o him, i n I
AEP a n d o u r p a r t n e r s a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o t h i n k a b o u t t h e f a l l of 1977, t h a t a d e m o n s t r a t i o n
commercialize t h i s technology by 1986 by h a v i n g i n of f l u i d i z e d bed combustion would b e t h e n e a r e s t
o p e r a t i o n a t t h a t t i m e a 170 MW commercial s i z e a v a i l a b l e o p t i o n t o t h e S t a t e of Ohio. I t h i n k by '

PFBC p l a n t . Our t e s t r e s u l t s and t h o s e of o t h e r s J a n u a r y o f 1978, t h e y had e n t e r e d i n t o a c o n t r a c t

p r e s e n t e d d u r i n g t h i s c o n f e r e n c e seem t o b e f a v o r - w i t h Babcock C o n t r a c t o r s and t h e y began c o n s t r u c -
a b l e towards t h i s end. I was p a r t i c u l a r l y p l e a s e d t i o n of a r e t r o f i t 60,000 l b / h r b o i l e r a t t h e
t o l e a r n of t h e good r e s u l t s from t h e EPRI spon- C e n t r a l Ohio P s y c h i a t r i c H o s p i t a l . That u n i t i s
s o r e d bag f i l t e r tests. These d e v i c e s w i l l be i n i t s f i n a l c o n s t r u c t i o n s t a g e s and i n i t i a l s t a r t -
i m p o r t a n t f o r second g e n e r a t i o n PFBC's when we w i l l up s t a g e s r i g h t now. That doesn't mean t h a t i t i s
p u r s u e even h i g h e r e f f i c i e n c i e s . t h e answer, b u t t h e Governor f e l t compelled t o show
i n d u s t r y and p u t s t a t e d o l l a r s i n t o i t . From t h e
While we h a v e gone v e r y f a r i n t h e development s t a n d p o i n t of where o r how t o d o i t , i t p r o b a b l y i s
of a n e f f i c i e n t and economical PFBC p l a n t t h e r e a r e n o t i n e x a c t l y a n i d e a l l o c a t i o n . It i s a r e t r o f i t
t h o s e who would l i k e t o t u r n t h e c l o c k back. I am and w h i l e t h e economics may n o t b e v e r y good, i t
r e f e r r i n g t o one c o n c e p t which p r o p o s e s t o u s e a d o e s p r o v e t h a t you c a n do a r e t r o f i t . I can't
much l o w e r g a s t u r b i n e i n l e t t e m p e r a t u r e , w e l l t h i n k of any more d i f f i c u l t a p l a c e t o t r y t o p u t a
below t h a t a t which t h e e x c e l l e n t t e s t r e s u l t s were b o i l e r i n than t h a t particular installation. It i s
achieved. C l e a r l y , t h e r e i s no t e c h n i c a l r e a s o n t o v e r y c o n s t r a i n e d a s f a r a s a c c e s s , o l d equipment
t a k e such a s t e p backward a t t h i s , time. The c o s t and a c t i v e l y o p e r a t i n g equipment r i g h t b e s i d e i t .
Nevertheless, I've followed t h a t very c l o s e l y through t h e m i l i t a r y and s p a c e programs w i t h s u c h
throuah t h e construction stages. When you s t a n d i d e a s a s "zero d e f e c t s " and " e r r o r - f r e e perform-
back and l o o k a t i t through and compare i t w i t h ance," w i t h a s p e c i a l a p p l i c a t i o n , of c o u r s e , t o
some o f t h e o t h e r t e c h n o l o g i e s -- s u r e you h a v e t h e t h e A p o l l o and S a t u r n programs, where we had s o few
FB t h e r e , , b u t almost a l l of t h e components from a s u c h u n i t s t h a t we c o u l d n ' t t e s t o u t enough of them
power g e n e r a t i n g s t a n d p o i n t a r e f a m i l i a r , t h e y a r e b e f o r e we had t o p u t them i n t o s e r v i c e . The u l t i -
n o t t h a t d i f f e r e n t , and I don't t h i n k t h a t r e l i a - mate a p p l i c a t i o n was t h e n u c l e a r power p l a n t s , t h e
b i l i t y i s g o i n g t o b e such a t e r r i b l e problem. It n u c l e a r n a v y , a n d now t h e c o m m e r c i a l n u c l e a r
is g o i n g t o b e a problem -- I s e e i t everyplace I program.
have'looked -- g e t t i n g t h e necessary operator l e v e l
We r e a l l y h a v e two k i n d s o f p r o g r a m s i n t h e
of s k i l l s . How t o do t h a t ? I ' v e heard s e v e r a l
o t h e r s p e a k e r s s a y t h e y want t o do i t w i t h t h e i r q u a l i t y a r e a . T h e r e i s a commercial program, which
e x i s t i n g o p e r a t o r s and I ' m n o t s u r e t h a t t h i s i s j u s t i f i e d p r i m a r i l y b e c a u s e of t h e c o s t reduc-
technology w i l l t o l e r a t e t h a t . I t h i n k we're g o i n g t i o n s . Then t h e r e i s t h e r e g u l a t o r y program, where
t o h a v e t o h a v e a whole g e n e r a t i o n w i t h a whole t h e h e a l t h , s a f e t y and w e l f a r e of t h e p u b l i c i s a t
d i f f e r e n t a t t i t u d e toward o p e r a t i o n and t h e main- stake. I ' d l i k e t o c h a r a c t e r i z e t h e s e two v e r y
t e n a n c e from t h e former t y p e of p l a n t o p e r a t i o n and quickly. I n t h e commercial program, a d e f e c t o r a
t h a t ' s g o i n g t o t a k e time. That's g o i n g t o b e a non-performance may b e all o p t i o n . I n t h e rcgula-
hindrance. I'll l e a v e i t a t t h a t . t o r y program, i t i s n o t a n optj.nn. I n t h e commer-
c i a l program, t h e emphasis i s p r i m a r i l y on t h e
Robert E. Uhrig p r e v e n t i o n of f a i l u r e w i t h l e s s emphasis o n t e s t i n g
Advanced Systems and Technology and i n s p e c t i o n . I n t h e c a s e of t h e r e g u l a t o r y
F l o r i d a Power and L i g h t Company program, i n s p e c t i o n and t e s t i n g i s a v e r y c r i t i c a l
Miami, F l o r i d a p a r t of t h e program. I n t h e commercial program,
you h a v e no independent t h i r d p a r t y a u d i t u n l e s s
T h e r e i s a r e c e n t book o u t e n t i t l e d , Q u a l i t y i s you s p e c i f i c a l l y r e q u e s t i t a s a means of i d e n t i f y -
Free. The t h e s i s of t h i s book i s t h a t t h e c o s t of ing failure. I n t h e c a s e of a r e g u l a t o r y program,
f a i l u r e , i s s o h i g h i n terms of customer d i s s a t i s - t h e r e is an extensive t h i r d party a u d i t with a
f a c t i o n , c o n s e q u e n t i a l damages, i n c r e a s e d c o s t o r r i g o r o u s q u a l i t y a s s u r a n c e and q u a l i t y c o n t r o l
h e a l t h and s a f e t y e f f e c t s o r even t h e s u r v i v a l of program developed w i t h i n t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n . I n the
t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n , t h a t you simply c a n ' t a f f o r d a c a s e of a commercial program, proof of t h e program
d e f e c t i v e product. Now w i t h o u t a r g u i n g t h e p o i n t , simply r e l i e s upon t h e performance of t h e equip-
I would i n d i c a t e t h a t some of t h e p u b l i c s e r v i c e ment. I n t h e r e g u l a t o r y program, e x t e n s i v e d e t a i l e d
commissions a r e now p e n a l i z i n g u t i l i t i e s who have documentation i s needed -- b a s i c a l l y , a paper t r a i l
e x p e n s i v e , high-performance systems s u c h a s n u c l e a r on a l l a s p e c t s of t h e program. Finally, the
and c o a l p l a n t s , t h a t have low a v a i l a b i l i t y and low p6nalty f o r non-performance i n a commercial program
r e l i a b i l i t y performance. I would submit t o you i s u s u a l l y i n c r e a s e d c o s t s o r customer unhappiness.
t h a t f l u i d i z e d bed s y s t e m s w i l l f a l l i n t o t h a t I n a r e g u l a t o r y program, t h e r e a r e f i n e s , t h e
same c a t e g o r y once t h e y a r e commercialized, and r e g u l a t o r y o r g a n i z a t i o n c a n s h u t down your p l a n t ,
t h a t q u a l i t y and r e l i a b i l i t y w i l l b e a n e q u a l l y i n a d d i t i o n t o your p r o b a b l e i n c r e a s e i n c o s t s and
important consideration there. So I ' d l i k e t o unhappy customers. The d i f f e r e n c e i s u s u a l l y a
spend my remaining t i m e t a l k i n g about t h e q u a l i t y f a c t o r of two o r , more o f t e n , t h r e e i n t h e c o s t s of
programs. t h e programs.

Q u a l i t y p r o g r a m s b e g a n b e f o r e World War I1 I n c o n c l u s i o n , I would simply s a y t h a t t h e FBS

s i m p l y a s a means of meeting customer s a t i s f a c t i o n . a r e h i g h performance systems; t h e y a r e complex and
During t h e war, we had ' s h i p s t h a t b r o k e i n h a l f , t h e y a r e e x p e n s i v e and you're g o i n g t o have t o h a v e
t o r p e d o e s t h a t went under t h e s h i p o r sometimes a n a d e q u a t e q u a l i t y program t h a t i n c o r p o r a t e s t h e
o v e r them, guns t h a t d i d n ' t f i r e . So we began what p e r t i n e n t a s p e c t s of b o t h of t h e s e systems, what I
i s c a l l e d today " f a i l u r e a n a l y s i s " --
finding out would c a l l an augmented commercial q u a l i t y program,
what went wrong. We began t o i d e n t i f y t h o s e com- i n o r d e r t o commercialize f l u i d i z e d beds.
p o n e n t s t h a t f a i l e d and c o n c e n t r a t e on improving
t h e r e l i a b i l i t y of t h o s e u n i t s . We c o n t i n u e d Thank you.
Q: Jack Warden, TRW supporting the research. I am sure I am
speaking for a large number of professors
I've got a question for Jack Apel. What is the sitting here that in order to accomplish this
current status of your Pickway demonstration concern of reliabilities in marketing, we
and of the Ohio Coal Tax? should be given due support, something similar
to what we had when the space industry began.
A. Jack Apel
A: Shelton Ehrlich
Well, that was part of the overall program that
the governor had. The Ohio Coal Tax originally I think that EPRI will answer the question
was passed with a sliding scale on the sulfur because it does support and so does the Depart-
content of the fuel and the low sulfur coals ment of Energy, but I'm in charge of the
were penalized. That was taken to court and it university research nn fluidized bed combustion
was defeated as a tax. The motleys from that at EPRI. We do as much as we need. Our
would have supported several other demonstra- problem today is that we don't know how the
tions and they still will. There is a new coal systeni is going to be configured; we're waiting
tax in the legislature. Its passage is eminent. for the empiricists, if you want to call them
There are one or two legislators -who have that, to decide whether FB 5s round or square.
questions. The tax is put down as a research When we figure that out, then there's something
and development tax hnd the legislature ques- to be modeled. I think that Bill Reid, who
tions the research part of it, because they spoke to that issue in the first panel, would
don't think there is more research necessary agree with that perspective. In fact, he
and nobody has really defined for them what outlined the fact that both stokers and pulver-
development or demonstration means. But that's ized coal combustion were derived by empirical
really what the State of Ohio and the Ohio means and then people grew to understand them.
Department of Energy means, is to put on
demonstrations. The Pickway demonstration was Q: John Caukle, Bud Com?any, Philadelphia,
one of four projects that were initially Pennsylvania
proposed. Here we have an old power plant.
We've agreed to shut down two old units that I have a question for Mr. Brodfeld. You assert
are about 35MG size in June of 1980 with EPA that we're not at the commercial stage yet in
because of lack of controls, and they are at fluid bed technology. Given the rate of
the end of their economic life as far as the advancement that we've seen, how far down the
boiler is concerned. However, the turbine road do you see this?
generators are not in bad shape. There were
six previous units that were in this building A: Bruno ~rodfeld
and they are gone. The boilers have been
removed, so there is very wide open space. The I think the comment was made this morning by
coal handling system is still there; it uses Dave McKee which I fully subscribe to that it
Ohio coal and the remaining unit has an emis- would take something like five years, maybe a
sion limit that would not restrict the coal. few years more to see the plants in operation
So, it would have a ready supply. In other in order .to be fully commercialized. But let
words, it's a Reesville without the problems of me make one point clear, when I say it's not
Reesville. commercial yet, it shouldn't be taken liter-
ally. It may be in a stage of early commer-
Q: (Name inaudible) cialization, which means that it's on the
threshold of commercialization. It requires
I have a comment and it may be interpreted as a now, verification, and this is the issue at
question. Many of the panelists here mentioned hand. How do you convince industry to get
that the basic problem in the commercialization involved with this process of verification so
of fluidized bed combustion technology is that then the free forces of the market take
reliability. The reliability can be obtained over?
on any engineering plant in two different ways.
One way which is very well known, just operate Q: Doug Willis, National Coal Board
it, when it goes wrong, correct it and start
operating again without worrying about how the I would like to make one comment. I think that
'wrong occurred or what caused it. The second the present stability of the industrialized
aspect of this is to understand, and actually society depends upon the knife edge and that
this was expressed in the morning session, what the knife edge is the energy situation. The
goes on in the fluidized bed from the mechanism question that I want to ask.the hard-nosed
point of view, from the scientific point of
view. A large community of university profes-
industrialist is -- well I have two questions
and I'm really concerned about the conversion
sors agree with me, and I'm sure I am speaking from oil to coal, not from one technology to
for them, that not only the Department of
Energy, but also the industry gives very
another -- What do you regard as a reasonable
payback time, in the light of your corporate
little cooperation other than lip service, in strategy, for the different industrialists?
Secondly, if you had a retrofit situation where rate of return which takes into account the
the:capital costs were, say 70% of the cost of cost of money, the effect of taxes, and depre-
a new installation, would you regard that as a ciation is important. If, indeed, you are only
better commercial venture than going for a new recovering your capital, by mitigating the
plant? taxes and accelerating the depreciation and the
difference in the price of the fuel and you're
A: David McKee competing against the development of a new
product which is a revenue generator and not a
I'll try to give you one answer. In our
corporation, we're looking at paybacks a little
cost avoider --
you can see where the diffi-
culty comes in. Typically, however, there is
differently these days than we used to. I'm some insurance you need to buy. In our indus-
sure there are many people in the audience who try, projects seem to get funded when the
are used to looking at paybacks in two, three internal rate of return is above 30% and I'm
of four year paybacks for product investment. not sure where that relates to payback. But
With the changing money market and the infla- that is considerably over the cost of oil.
tion rate, we've gone away from looking at
NROI's on the third year basis as a prime Q: Earl Oliver, SRI, International
consideration, and we're starting to look more
at investors' methods of return, which involve I have a question for the industrial partici-
discounting cash flows, accelerated deprecia- pants. It's been stated that there is a
tion and the real value of money with time. reluctance to go into investment in the new
We're finding that everybody has a cost of technologies until they have been well proven.
capital and that differs from company to In this case, I note that the large water tube
company depending on how you do your financing. boilers are not being built of the conventional
But certainly when the investors' method of kind either, at this time. It seems there is a
return is greater than the cost of capital, you great slump in the market. The question would
have something you might look at very seri- be -- When the market resumes, will this be
ously, whereas that same project might have before the FBC is ready? Will it be more
a net return on the third year basis that competitive at that time? Also, the regulatory
is unacceptable from standard criteria that incentives that have been given by EPA, do you
you've used in the past. So, we're changing the think they are of any'significance compared to
way we look at things because of the market other technologies?
situation. The predictions that you saw in one
of the paybacks -- again, this depends on a A: David McKee
couple of things that are very sensitive. One
is the ever widening split in price differen- As far as the regulatory incentives, we don't
tial between oil and coal and whether that is see any market change in the regulations '

really going to happen or not, your crystal affecting fluidized bed vs. other technologies.
ball is as good as mine, I have the feeling in Certainly, the least attention has been paid to
the bottom of my stomach though, that the price NOx regulations in the past. They will probably
of coal is going to start creeping up and that be the ones that will get the most attention
split may not be as wide as we all think it for coal combustion. I've been involved in
might be. There's a lot of speculative infor- stage combustion of coal and pulverized firing
mation you have to rely on to make these long and other applications and that doesn't come
term commitments for big capital. It's a tough without some operating penalties and headaches.
job today and I'm not making light of it. We It can be done and it can be done fairly reli-
have retrofitted coal fired installations more ably but it changes your method of operation.
times than we wish to admit; we've had coal You have people that understand what's going on
untts go to oil then to gas, back to oil, then a little better than a fellow that came tn off
back to coal again. So.we8ve gone the full the street and was made a power operator
circle. That is a site specific question that yesterday. I don't think I can really respond
depends somewhat on the usable life of the to the first part of your question adquately.
equipment. If we are retrofitting a relatively I think the market is highly fluid and whether
new installation which has another 20 years of this technology will hit the right window or
life in it as far as we're concerned with not, your guess is as good as mine. I think it
minimum maintenance, we'll look at that one has the best chance of any in the near future.
pretty hard. Where at the 25 year point on a But we do appreciate the position the boiler
unit, we're going to look at that very hard vendors are in. They're out there raising
because probably the combustion controls'are capital too. It's a tough market place.
outdated, the material handling equipment is
probably ,in need of great investment. It's Arnold Kossar
hard to give a good number for that. I think
it needs to be a site specific evaluation. I'd like to make a response. I think the first
Paul Bobo
part of the question is -- Why don't industrial
users buy coal fired boilers of any kind?
Maybe I can answer the question this way. We
With regard to the financing of projects in the had an opportunity to buy a boiler and did buy
company, they necessarily compete with each a boiler recently. It was' an 80,000 lb/hr
other and therefore use of criteria of internal boiler. We could have used coal. Coal was
used at this site at one time. And here's how There is a little book which I'd like to recom-
the scenario works. To buy the 80,000 lb/hr mend to everyone which is called Murphy's Law
gas-oil boiler cost slightly under $1 million. and Other Reasons whq Things go Wrong, and you
To put the coal boiler in and to retrofit the can pick it up at airports. In it is purist
attendant equipment, it would have been law, and it says, the solution to a problem
slightly over $5.5 million. changes the nature of the problem, and this is
exactly what we are up against. We've got to
David McKee find out, therefore, what the problems are.
I might comment on one other thing. In our Arnold Kossar, Session Co-Chairman
company, our energy conservation efforts have I aprpeciate the reference to the book. I don't
been tremendous in the last eight years. We've think your comment requires any answer. To try to
looked at saving a pound of steam and how much summarize rather briefly, we have bad a rather
investment we can afford to save that pound of consistent emphasis by the panelists on what the
steam, and it was closely, if not more closely,
Defense Department calls the "ilities" -- rel'ia-
than what it would cost to go out and buy,a new bility, maintainability, availability. This is the
pound of steam with coal. But I. think you key, especially to the industrial people who say,
heard numbers like $100, $125/lb in our instal- I'm out there to build products 'not steam, and I
led cost. They are generally in the range that can't afford to have that thing back there in the'

we feel are realistic. If you look at your corner screw me up either, in terms of coal supply
IMR's and your discounted .cash flows and how or operation on line or from a maintenance point of
much you can afford to-spend to save that pound view because I can't afford to be down very long
of steam, you might be amazed at how much money before my profit plan for the year has been shot in
you really can spend to do good solid energy the head. The utility people haven't said it quite
conservation work. I think we're seeing that in those crass terms, but they get at it too,
in our company. Our energy requirements per because they're controlled. They can't sell the
pound of product have continually dropped over product in quite the free market concept that the
the last eight years, whereas our productivity industrial people can. So what I find here, though,
is continuing to climb, and that puts money in is some difference. The industrial people who
the bank. This is a tremendous incentive for tend to be less coal dependent are expressing the
evaluating all your processes and the way you 'concerns in rather stronger terms, I would say,
do things, and we had little increase in our than the utility people, especially since the
steam demand. If you look at our future utility people have some familiarity with coal to
picture, we've looked so hard at some processes begin with and have learned to live with its prob-
that we're find'ing out we are gofng the other lems of today. I think one point that was made that
way -- our steamloads are going down. So was quite keyed to the bulk of us as technologists,
that's why we haven't been buying some boilers. was that you've got to consider the kind of main-
tenance crew that is normally available in the
Q: Sven Jansson, STAL-LAVAL industrial environment -- and I could say -- also
in the utility environment. The fluidized bed
I'd like to make a general comment and then a processes are somewhat complicated. Now the answer
technical comment. Steve Freedman started out that, I'll automate that system for you, just ain't
with this discussion by saying that he wanted enough because, as you know, we had an experience
the panel to serve as the wise men looking at at Three Mile that showed us that hardware errs
the elephant and I think a lot of what's been also. We had a session on instrumentation and con-
said here has illustrated that he reached his trol here that was, I think, the first one at one
goal very admirably. What I hear are lots of of these conferences. I'll be frank, I pressed for
views given by people who have a small part of it, but I was disappointed in the number of papers
the picture, but not necessarily the full that showed, up and even more disappointed in the
picture. What I would like to say is that I number of participants in the audience. But, the
think fluidized bed combustion is here, gentle- manageability of any system, by people, is a key
men; it is coming, AFBC and PFBC are here and part of any of these technologies. Now, I won't get
they are coming; there is no way that can be into the argument of whether the equipment is or
stopped. Therefore, ,the real big question here isn't commercial yet. I agree with the last point
comes to the following: It is, how quickly do made that the technology is at a point where you
we want this to evolve and that depends on the need large scale demonstration in order to develop
need,that we see and that is a national type of the confidence, that will take,' perhaps, several
consideration, but it's also a corporate type levels of demonstration. That's what worries me a
of consideration. Now, when you look at that bit, how many times will it have to be done before
question -- how quickly do we want it to happen the customer feels comfortable with it? I won't try
-- then you've got to ask, how can we make this to expand on that one, but I can see a long time
come about quickly. Well, the least effective going on if the process is indeed sequential. The
of all ways is to start university programs. other point made, that if the government sees a
I'm an R6D man myself, but I have to say this, role in stimulating this move toward less depend-
because then you only the little leg or ence on imported fuels, it's going to have to put
the little toe of the elephant. What has to be its thinking cap on in a more collected manner
done is to get some figures in rather quickly perhaps than has been done today.
to identify those important problems, not those
that we necessarily are thinking of today. I thank you all for coming.




APRIL 9-11, 1980

ABEL, Will iam A. APEL, John P.

Chemical Engineer Vice President
Morgantown Energy Technology Columbus 6 Southern Ohio Electric Co.
Center 215 North Front Street
U.S. Department of Energy Columbus, Ohio 43215
P. 0. Box 880 6141464-7340 '

Morgantown, West Virginia 26505

3041599-7163 ARORA, B. S.
Riley Stoker Corporation
ADAMS, Roger L. 9 Neponset Street
Manager, Energy Planning' Worcester, Massachusetts 01606
and Development 6171852-7100
Kimberly Clark Corporation
401 North Lake Street ARTHURSSON, David-A. A.
Neenan, Wisconsin 54956 Arthurssonlaboratoriet ALAB
4141735-2049 P. 0. Box 315
S - 199 03 ENKOEPING
ALBANESE, Anthony S. Sweden
Process Engineer +46 171 21122
Brookhaven Natonal Laboratory
Building 526 AYERS, William J., Jr.
Upton, New York 11973 Scientist '
.5161345-2958 EG&G, Incorporated
P. 0. Box 880
ALDRICH, R. J. Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Fuller Company 3041599-7585
P. 0. Box 2040
. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18001 BACH, Thomas G.
2151264-6506 Business Planning
Catalytic Incorporated
ANDREWS, Clarence K. 1500 Market Street
Mechanical Engineer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Tennessee Valley Authority 2151864-8442
1020 Chestnut Street, Tower I1
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37377 BAGLEY, W. D.
6151755-3571 Airesearch Manufacturing Company
of Arizona
ANSON, Don 1111 South 34th Street
Research Leader Phoenix, Arizona 85034
Battelle Columbus Laboratory
505 King Avenue BALCOMB, Philip E.
Columbus, Ohio 43201 Manager
6141424-5823 Mulzer Crushed Stone Company
P. 0. Box 248
APA, Robert P. Tell City, Indiana 47586 .
Research Engineer 8121547-7922
Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
P. 0. Box 1562
Alliance, Ohio 44601
Senior Engineer Professor
Babcock 6 Wilcox Company Massachusetts Institute of
1562 Beeson Street Technology
Alliance, Ohio 44601 70 Massachusetts Avenue ,

2161821-9110 Cambridge, Massachusetts ,021.39

Manager, Energy Technology BEITH, R.
Stauffer Chemical Company Director, RLD
.Watport, Connecticut 06880 Foster Wheeler UK
2031222-3317 Greater London House
P. 0. Box 160, Hampstead Road
BALL, Carroll E. London NW17QN England
~echanical,Engineer (U.K.) 01-388-1212
Tennessee Valley Authority
1020 Chestnut Street Tower I1 BEKOFSKE, K. L.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37377 Research Engineer
6151755-3571 . General Electric Company
Research 6 Development Center
BALL, Marc P. 0. Box 8
Kee ler . Company Schenectady, New York 12301
Box 968 5181385-8004
Norcross; Georgia 30091 .
4041447-5660 BENNETT, Orus L.
, Research Soil Scientist
Keeler Company Plant Science Division
Box 968 West Virginia University
Norcross, Georgia .30091 Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
4041447-5660 3041293-2795


Manager of Process Design Chief Design Office
Energy and Environmental Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland :
Engineering, Inc. P. 0. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten
675 Mass Avenue The Netherlands
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
6171491-3157 BERKOWITZ, David A.
Manager, Process Control
Research Engineering Heat 6 300 Unicorn Park Drive
Refrigeration Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Engineering Division 6171933-6805
P. 0. Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn
The Nether lands BERMAN, Paul A.
Manager, Systems Engineering
BATSCH, Johann . . Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Kernforschungsanlage P. 0. Box 251, Lab 100
Julich, GmbH Concordville, Pennsylvania 19331 ' ,
Postfach 19 13, D-5170 . , .215/3584635
Julich, West Germany
BEARDEN, Mark D. Scientist
Senior Research Engineer Flow Research Company
Dow Chemical USA 21414 68th Avenue South
A-2303 Building Kent, Washington 98031
Freeport, Texas 77541 2061854-1 370
71 31238-0393
BECKER, Henry A. Contract eve lopme& Manager
Department of Chemical Engineering Exxon Research 6 Engineering
Queen's University P. 0. Box 101 '

Kilrgstuu, ear~ada K7L 3NB Florham Park, New Jersey 07932

6131547-3045 20117654762
. .-
BIASCA, Frank BONK, Donald L.
Senior Staff Engineer Dcvclopment Engineer
Shell Development Company Babcock h Wilcox
P. 0. Box 1380 22 South Van Buren
Houston, Texas 77001 Barberton, Ohio 44203
7131493-7815 2161753-4511

BILLIG, Joseph A. BONN, B .

Sales Engineer Dr. rer.nat.
F. B. Feed Systems Bergbau-Forschung GmbH
Fuller Company Franz-Fischer-Weg 61
Box 2040 4300 ~ s s e n13
Bethl.ehem,Pennsylvania 18001 Federal ~ e ~ u b l iof
c Germany
2151264-6592 201/105-9542


Senior ~eologist/~eochemist Manager Cor~s~ruc
tion and
Institute for Mifling & Development
Minerals Research Stork KAB
P. 0. Box 13015 Industriestraat 1
Lexington, Kentucky 40583 P. 0. Box 20, 7550 GM
6061252-5535 Hengelo, The Netherlands


Senior Consultant, Corporate Manager of Technology
Engineering Shawinigan Engineering
Mead Corporation . Consultants, Ltd.
Courthouse Plaza Northeast 808 Fourth Avenue, S.W.
Dayton, Ohio 45463 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2POK4
Manager, Gas Cleanup Programs BORGNE, Kurt G.
General Electric Company Program Manager
One River Road National Swedish Board
~chenectad~, New York 12302 for Energy Source Development
5181385-3308 Box 1103 .
S-163 12 SPANGA
BOGARDUS', B. Paul 08-7520360
Manager, Coal Quality Assurance
Ashland Coal, Incorporated BOYD, Ronald P.
P. 0. Box 391 Engineering Supervisor
Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Bechtel Power Corporation
6061329-4788 15740 Shady Grove Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760
BOGGS, Bruce E. 3011258-'3847,
Environmental Engineer
Engineering-Science BRADLEY, R .A.I
57 Executive Park South Program Manager
Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Fossil Energy Materials
4041325-0770 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. 0. Box'X ,
BOGGS , Dennie Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Mechanical Engineer 6151574-6094
Department of Energy
Oak Ridge Operations BRADLEY, William J.
Post Office Box E Senior,Supervisor .
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Mechanical Engineering
6151576-1801 Burns & Roe, Incorporated
550 Kinderkamack Road
BOLAND, John Oradell, New Jersey 07649
Senior Research Engineer 2011255-2000
Trane Company
3600 Pammel Creek Road
Lacrosse, Wisconsin 54601
BRAYDEN, James K. BUNN, Richard
Chief Engineer Research Engineer
U.S. Marines C-E Natco
Elliott Street P. 0. Box 1710
Beverly, Massachusetts 01923 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101
6171927-4200 9181663-9100

BRINK, K. E. BURNS, Roger L.

Project Engineer Construction Manager
Maskinaffaren Generator, A.B. Alden E. Stilson Associates
Box 95 170 North High Street
S-433-01 Partille, Sweden Columbus, Ohio 43215
BRITTON, Michael W.
Supervising Project Engineer BUSHNELL, Dwight
Conoco Incorporated Professor
P. 0. Box 2226 Department of ~echanicalEngineering
Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 Oregon State University
5121884-0421 Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Vice President BUTLER, Bill
Stone & Webster Engineering Research Scientist
Corporation. Flow Research
P. 0. Box 2325 214 14-68th Avenue, Souch
Bvston, Massachusetts 02107 Kent, Washington 98031
6171973-2767 2061854-1370

BROOKS, Robert D. BYAM, John W. Jr.

Manager, Fossil Energy Program Branch Chief, Fluid Bed Projects
General Electric Company - Morgantown Energy Technology
One River Road U.S. Department of Energy
Schenectady, New York 12345 P. 0. Box 880
5181385-2210 Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Engineering Services Manager BYRD, James
Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. Chemical Engineer
Organics Division, Hexagon House Tennessee Valley Authority
Backley Manchester M93DA England 1020 Chestnut Street, To+r I1
'44-61-740-1460 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37377
Principal Engineer . BYWATER,
Ronald J.
GCA/Technology Division Aerospace Corporation
213 Burlington Road P. 0. Box 92957
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 Los Angeles, California 90009
6171275-5444 2131648-6103

BUCK, Victor CALLSEN, Donnelly E.

Vice President Mechanical Engineer
Pope, Evans and Robbins, Inc. U.S. Air Force
1133 Avenue of Americas AFESCIDEE
New York, New York 10036 Tyndall AFB, Florida
2121730-5269 9041283-6230

BUCK, Warren L. CAMPBELL, John, Jr .

Physicist Project Engineer
Argonne National Laboratory Rocketdyne Division
Building 308 Rockwell International Corp.
9700 South Cass Avenue 6633 Canoga Avenue, M.S. AA69
Argonne, Illinois 60439 Canoga Park, California 91304
3121972-3740 2131884-3374
CANNON, Joseph N. CHALLIS, J. Anthony
Professor, Chemical Engineering Director, U.K. Operations
School of ~ n ~ i n e e y i n ~ METREK
Howard University 3 Dene Street
2300 Sixth Street, N.W. Dorking
Washington, D.C. 20059 Surrey RH4 2DR
2021636-6626 DORKING 87000


Energy Program Development Program Manager
Engineer Foster-Miller Associates
General Electric Company 350 Second Avenue
777 14th Street, N.W. Waltham, Massachuse'tts 02154
Washington, D.C. 20005 6171890-3200 .
CARLS, E. L. Staff Engineer
Experi.menta1Programme Manager BEhK Incorporated
N.C.B. (1.E.A'. Grimethorpe) itd. 1900 28th Avenue South
Grimethorpe, Nr. Barnsley Birmingham, Alabama 35223
South Yorkshire 572 7AB 2051870-8000
B.713486 /
CARPENTER, Robert L. Engineer
Senior Staff The Budd Company
Lovelace ITRI 375 Commerce Drive
Box 5890 Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
Albuquerque, New. Mexico 87115 2151643-2950

CARLTON, Herbert CHIPLEY, Kenneth K.

Research Engineer Design Engineer
Battelle-Columbus Union Carbide Corporation
505 King Avenue P. 0. Box X, Building 1000
Columbus, Ohio 43201 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
6141424-5132 6151574-6411


Environmental Engineer . Chemical Engineer
U.S . Air Force Coal Conversion Engineering
2851 - CESIDEEX Department of Energy, PETC
McClellan AFB, California 95652 P. 0. Box 10940
9161643-3336 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236


Mechanical Engineer Process Development Engineer
1020 Chestnut Street Dorr-Oliver Incorporation
Tennessee Valley Authority - 77 Havemeyer Lane
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37377 Stamford, Connecticut 06904
6151755-3011 2031358-3821


President Metallurgist
Ranson 6 Casazza Argonne National Laboratory
1000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 9700 South Cass Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20036 Argonne, Illinois 60439
2021466-2036 3121972-5117


Project Manager Chief Design Engineer
New Business Development Burmeister h Wain Energy
Engelhard Minerals 6 Chemicals Div. 23, Teknikerbyen, 2830 Virum
Menlo Park .. Copenhagen, Denmark .
Edison, New Jersey 08817 . 2 857100
Manager, Research Engineering . Engineer
Cleaver-Brooks Universal Leaf Tobacco .Co., Inc.
P. 0. 421 P. 0. Box 25099
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 Richmond, Virginia 23260
414/961-2791 8041359-9311


Energy Resources Company, Inc. Program'Manager
185 Alewife Brook Parkway Technology Programs
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Aerojet Energy Conversion Company
P. 0. Box 13222
CHU, James C. H. Sacramento, California 95813
Senior Process Engineering 9161355-2757
Dorr-Oliver Canada Ltd.
174 West Street South COMER, Lewis W.
OriLlia, Ontario, Canada Partner
7051325-6181 Kramer, Comer, Passe & Racher
145 North High Street
CIANELA, Ken Columbus, Ohio 43215
Product Engineer 6141224-6273
Fuller Company
P. 0. Box 2040 COMPARATO, Joseph R.
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18001 Combustion Engineering, Inc
215/264-6407 1000 Prospect Hill Road
Windsor, Connecticut 06095
CILIBERTI, Dave 2031688-1911
Senior Engineer
Westinghouse R6D CONGALIDIS, John P.
1310 Beulah Road Research Assistant
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 Massachusetts Institute of
4121256-3112 Technology
550 Memorial Drive, #12A
CLAMSER, C. J. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Foster Wheeler Boiler Corporation 6171253-6550
110 South Orange Avenue
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 COOPER, R. H.
2011533-1100 Metallurgist
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
CLAYPOOLE, George T. P. 0. Box X
General Manager Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Pope, Evans & Robbins, Inc. 615/574-4470
P. 0. Box 546
Fairmont, West Virginia 26554 COOPER, Roy
304/366-1112 Engineer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
CLINTON, Bruce P. P. 0. X
Engineering Specialist Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Hercules Incorporated 6151574-4470
910 Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19899 COPELAND, G. G.
CODE, R. K. Copeland Associates, Inc.
Associate Professor 125 Windsor'Drive, Suite 113
Queen's University Oak Brook, Illinois 60521
Dupuis Hall 3121986-8564
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L3N6 COPPOLECCHIA, Vincent D.
6131547-2751 Senior Engineer
Gibbs 6 Hill, Incorporated
COLE, Rossa W. 393 Seventh Avenue
Manager, Analysis New York, New York 10001
Curtiss-Wright Corporation 2121760-4000
One Passaic Street
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075
Principle Process Engineer Assistant Environmental Engineer
CertainTeed Corporation Argonne National Laboratory
P. 0. Box 1100 9700 South Cass Avenue
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania 19422 ' Argonne, Illinois 60439
2151542-0500 3121972-3762

COUTURIER, Michel F. DAW, C. Stuart

Graduate Student Engineer
Chemical Engineering Department . Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Queen's University P. 0. Box Y
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Canada Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
6131547-5579 6151574-0373

CRANE, Steve DAWSON, William F.

Project Manager Program Manager
Department of Chemical Engineering Wormser Engineering Incorporated
Oregon State University 212 South Main Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Middleton, MassachuseLts 01949
5031754-2091 6171777-3060

CREAMER, Patrick J. DECKER, Norman

Attorney Research Assistant .
969 Riverbend Road Massachusetts Institute of
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452 Technology
8041468-4414 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
CRESS, William R. 6171253-7080
Manager, Engineering Studies
Allegheny Power Service Corp. DeCOURSIN, D.G.
800 Cabin Hill Drive Vice President
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 . - Fluidyne Engineering Corporation
4121837-3000 5900 Olson Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422'
CRISWELL, Robert L. 6121544-2721
Supervisor, I6C Equipment Div.
Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation DELL, Bill
9 Peach Tree Hill Road Consultant
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 William C. Dell
2011.533-3559 1211 Connecticut Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20036
CUTLER, Robert R. 2021452-1313
Chief Mechanical Engineer .
Synergo, Incorporated DeMICHELE, G.
400 Market ~trket Combustion Engineer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 ENEL-DSR-CRTN
2151923-3941 Via C. Battisti. 69
Pisa, Italy 65100
DAMAN, Ernest L. 050145218
Vice President
Foster Wheeler Corporation DIAMOND, Dale A.
110 South Orange Avenue Mechanical Engineer
Westfield, New Jersey 07039 USAF HQ AFLC~DEEE
2011533-3653 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Ohio 45433
DANIEL, Kenneth J. 5131257-4563
Systems Engineer
General Electric DICK, John L.
P. 0. Box 43 Assistant Sales Manager
Schenectady, New York 12065 Detroit Stoker-Company
518/385-9451 1510 East First Street
Monroe, Michigan 48161
Manager, Utilization ~e'search Acres American ..
Bituminous Coal Research, Inc. The Clark Building, Suite 329
'350 Hochberg Road Little Pautexant Parkway
Monroeville; Pennsylvania 15146 Columbia, Maryland .21044
, 4121327-1600
DUDEK, Robert F. .
DINOTO, F.G. Senior Process Engineer
Sales Manager Babcock 6 Wilcox I6M Division
HS Power Systems, Inc. P. 0. Box 2423
8550.Katy Freeway North Canton, Ohio 44720
Houston, Texas 77024 2161494-7610
DINOVO, S.T. Chief, Energy Study Centre .
' Associate ~ a n a ~ e r Energieonderzoek Centrum
Chemical Proc,essDevelopment P. .O..Box 1, 1755 &G Petten,
Section The Netherlands .
Battelle Columbus Laboratories
505 King Aven'ue DUNE, ~ a u i
Columbus, Ohio 43201 . -. Chemical Engineer
. 6141424-5042 Pope, Evans and Robbins, Inc.
320 King Street
DIVILIO, Robert J. Alexandria, Virginia 2231k
Chemical Engineer 7031549-2884
Pope, Evans and Robbins, Inc.
320 King Street DURFEE, Norman
Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Project Engineer
7031549-2884 Union Carbide - ORNL
Building 9301-3, M.S. 7
DODDS , James W . Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Operations Supervisor 6151574-3945
Pope, Evans 6 Robbins
Box 533 Rivesville DUSSORA, Tules L.
Rivesville, West Virginia 26554 Assistant Director
'3041278-5315 Ingersou Rand Research
Box 301 .
DOWDY, Thomas E. Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Supervisor, Process ~ n a i ~ s iGroup
s 6091921-9103
UT Energy Conversion Division
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388 EDWARDS, Richard
6151455-0631 Manager, Washington Concepts
Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
DOWNING, D. C. 1735 Eye Street, N.W.
Manager, Production ~esearch, Washington, D.C. .20006
Gulf Canada Resources, Inc. 2021296-0390
Box 130
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P2H7 EHRLICH, Shelton
40312~33-3868 Program Manager
DRAKE, Kevin 3412 Hillview Drive
Supervisor, Testing Palo Alto, California 94303 .
FLUIDYNE 4151855-2444
5000 Olson Memorial Highway
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 ELOFSON, Per Anders
6121544-2721 Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Chalmer University of Technology
DREITLEIN, Kenneth C. S-412 96 Goteborg Sweden
Senior Marketing Specialist
Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
P. 0. Box 835
Alliance, Ohio 44601 ..
Research Scientist Manager, Fluidized Bed Program
International Paper Company GCA Corporation
Corporate Research Center. Bur lington Road
Tuxedo Park, New York 10987 Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
9141351-2101 6171275-5444


, Kraftwerk Union AG Director General
Hammerbacher Str. 12 + 14 CKD DUKLA n.p.
Erlangen, West Germany 8520 Thamova 1.1
09131-32430 Praha 8 Czechoslovakia 18606
Technical Director FINSON, Michael
Advanced Engineering Physical Sciences, Incorporated
United Engineers & Constructors, Inc. 30 Commerce Way
30 South 17th Street Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 6171933-8500
FISHER, Charles F., Jr.
EUSTIS, John N. Associate Professor, Research
U.S. Department of Energy University of Tennessee
Forrestal Building, Room 2H085 101 Perkins Hall
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W. Knoxville, Tennessee 37916
Washington, D.C. 20585 6151974-8191
EVANS, .Robert H. Professor
Deputy Director Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Washington Operations Orego11 State U~~iversit~
Burns and Roe, Incorporated Corvallis, Oregon 97331
1850 K Street, N.W. 5031754-3546
Washington, D.C. 20006
2021659-2690 FLEISCHMAN, William H.
Engineering Specialist
FAN, Liang-Shih Nuclear Division
Assistant Professor Union Carbide Corporation
Department of Chemical Engineering P. 0. Box X
Ohio State University Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
140 West 19th Avenue 6151574-6585
Columbus, Ohio 43210
6141422-7907 FLEMING, Pat
Head, Energy Development Departmer
FANARITIS, John P. Institute for Industrial Research
Executive Vice President and Standards .
Struthers Wells Corporation, Ballymun Road
P. 0. Box 8 Dublin 9 Irel-and
Warten, Pennsylvania 16365 01-370101 '
FARRELL, Don J. Supervisor, Design Drafting
Program Manager Riley Stoker Corporation
Davy McKee Corporation 9 Neponset Street
6200 Oak Tree Boulevard Worchester, Massachusetts 01658
Cleveland, Ohio 44116 6171852-7100
FOLKE, Engstrom
FEE. Darrell Research Manager
Argonne National Laboratory 48600 Karhvla
9700 South Cass Avenue Finland
Argonne, Illinois 60439 521.63100
Manager Chief Process Engineer
Corporate Business Development Occidental Engineering Company
The Continental Group, Inc. 2100 S.E. Main Street
1 Harbor Plaza Irvine, California 92714
Stamford, Connecticut 06902 7141957-7721
GALLI, Alfred F.
FORTUIN, G.M. Professor
Staff Engineer Department of Chemical Engineering
NeraToom West Virginia university
The Hague Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
Holland 3041293-3619

FOURROUX, Jerry D. GAMBLE, Robert L.

Mechanical Engineer Manager, Development Engineer
Tennessee Valley Authority Foster Wheeler
1020 Chestnut Street, Tower I1 110 South Orange Avenue
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 Livingston, New Jersey 07039
6151755-3571 2011533-2789

United Coal'Company Senior Metallurgist
' I
Box 919 Kentucky Center for Energy
Grundy, Virginia 24614 Research Laboratory
7031935-7521 P. 0. Box 13015
Lexington, Kentucky 40583
. FRANK, Sidney 6061252-5535
Project Engineer
Stone & Webster Company GANGARAM, G.
245 Summer Street Battelle Memorial Institute
Boston, Massachusetts 02107 505 King Avenue
6171973-8375 Columbus, Ohio 43201 '

Office of Coal Utilization
U.S. Department of Energy
. GARBETT, Eric S;
Senior Research Assistant
Mail Stop E-178, GTN Coal Technology Unit
Washington, D.C. 20545 Sheffield University
3011353-2800 Sheffield 3 England

FRUH, Herbert J. GARTSIDE, Charles

Foster Wheeler Boiler Corporation Mechanical Engineer
110 South Orange Avenue Argonne National Laboratory
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 9700 South Cass Avenue
2011533-1100 Argonne, Illinoi's 60540
Research Engineer . GASNER, Larry L.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Professor
1-1 Akunoura-Machi Department of Chemical Engineering
Nagasaki 850-91 Japan University of Maryland
0958161-2111 College Park, Maryland 20742
senior Scientist GEFFKEN, John F .
Buell Division of Envirotech Program Manager
200 North Seventh Street U.S. Department of Energy
Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042 Washington, D.C. 20545
7171272-2001 3011353-2806
GEHL, S. M. GLENN, Roland D.
Metallurgist President
Materials Science Division Combustion Processes, Incorporated
Argonne National Laboratory 50 East 41st Street
9700 South Cass Avenue New York, New York 10017
Argotine, Illinois 60439 2121889-0255
3121972-5172 .
GENTILE, Eugene . Senior Research Scientist
Sales Engineer Massachusetts Institute of
Hayward Tyler Incorporated Technology
25 Harbor Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Norwalk, Connecticut 06850 6171253-2233
. GMEINDL, Frank D.
GEORGAKIS, Christos Project Manager
Professor U.S. Department of Energy
Massachusetts Institute of P. 0. Box 88O, METC
Technology Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 3041599-7751


Maintenance Superintendent Mechanical Engineer .
Mechanical Grand Forks Energy Tech. Center
Pope, Evans 6 Robbins U. S. Department of'Energy
P. 0. Box 533 Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202
Rivesville, West Virginia 26588 7011795-8169
GOINS, Will iam D .
GEVELBER, Michael A. Engineer
Analyst U.S. Department of Energy
U. S. Department of Energy 2000 M Street, N.W.
Room C-125 Washington, D.C. 20461
Washington, D.C. 20545 2021653-3802
GILLIGAN, Martin E., Jr. Engineer
Vice President, Operations Oak Ridge National Laboratories
York-Shipley, Incorporated P.O. Box X
P. 0. Box 349 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
York, Pennsylvania 17405 6151574-4455
GOLAN, Lawrence P.
GIRAMONTI, Albert J. Senior Staff Engineer .
Senior Project Engineer Exxon Research and Engineering Co.
United Technologies Research Ctr. Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
Silver Lane ..:. 2011765-1112
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
2031727-7361 GORDON, John S .
TRW Energy Systems
GLADBACH, ~dward'G: 8301 Greensboro Drive
Senior Engineer McLean, Virginia 22102
System Development 7031734-6480
LA Department of Water 6 Power
P. 0. Box 111 GOUSE, S. William
Los Angeles, California 90051 Vice President
2131481-5503 The MITRE Corporation
1820 Dolley Madison Blvd.
GLEUHILL, P.R. McLean, Virginia 22102
Business Development Manager 7031827-6976
Foster Wheeler P.P.
Greater London.House
Hampstead Road
London NW 1
GRANT, Andrew J. HALL, Robert R. '
Manager, FBC Task Force .>. Staff Engineer
Babcock Contractors Incorporated GCAITechnology Division
921 Penn Avenue 213 Burlington Road
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
4121471-5348 6171275-5444 ' .

GREGORY, hrthur H. . HALLEY, G. M.

Project ~ngineer .Vice President
Brown Boveri Technical Director
711 Anderson Avenue Kewanee Boiler Corporation -
North St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 101 Franklin Street
6121255-5200 Kewanee, Illinois 61443
Materials Engineer HAMILTON, Stuart
~eneralElectric Company .' . Project Engineer
Irwer Road United ~echnologies
Schenectady, New York 12345 P. 0. Box 109
5181385-3621 South Windsor, Connecticut 06074
Vice President HANISCH, Harold
Petro-Chem Development Co., Inc. Dipl. Ing.
122 East 42nd Street Simmering-Graz-Pauker AG
New York, New York 10017 ~ariahilferstr.32
212/697-7442 Vienna, Austria


~echanicalEngineer Project Engineer
Fluor Power Services, Incorporated ' Fluidyne Engineering Company
200 West Monroe Street 5,900 Olson Memorial Highway
Chicago, Illinois 60606 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
3121368-6777 6121544-2721

GRIMSHAW, Thomas W. HARTMAN, William A.

Senior Geologist Engineer
Radian Corporation ??ion Carbide
P. 0. Box 9948 . Building 9201-3, P.O. Box Y
' ust tin, Texas 78758 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
5121454-4797 6151574-0294


Managing Director Engineer of No. 1 Land Use '

AB Fjarrvarme, Box 12 Boiler Designing Section

S-150 13 TROSA, Sweden Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
0156/16550 1-1 Akunoura-machi, Nagasaki
Japan 850-91
HALL, Arthur W. 0958161-2111
Project Manager
U.S. Department of Energy HEDIN, John G.
P. 0. Box 880 Senior Advisor
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 Exxon ~nter~ris'es,Incorporated
3041599-7185 224 Park Avenue
Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
HALL, Dennis 201/765-4305
Universal Leaf Tobacco Co., Inc HELT, James E.
P. 0. Box 25099 Assistant Chemical Engineer
Richmond, Virginia 23260 ,Argonne National Laboratory
8041359-9311 9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439
HENCEY, Stephen D. HILL, Duane L.
Director, Fuel Technology Chief Results Engineer
Program Pope, Evans 6 Robbins, Inc.
Missouri Division of Energy P. 0. Box 533
Box 176 Rivesville, West Virginia 26588
,Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 3041278-5315
HENRY, .I.W. Senior Research Advisor
Director, Development IIT Research Institute
Combustion Engineering, Incorporated Chicago, Illinois 60616
1000 Prospect Hill Road 3121567-4177
Windsor, Connecticut 06070
2031688-1911 HINES, John
Senior Engineer Associate
HENRY, Richard F. Union Oil Company
Chemical Engineer P. 0. Box 76
Argonne National Laboratory Brea, California 92621
Building 205 T6-4 7141528-7201
Argonne, Illinois 60439
3121972-7546 HOBBS, Charles H.
Assistant Director
HENSCHEL, D. Bruce Lovelace ITRI
Industrial Environment P. 0. Box 5890
Research Laboratory (MD-61) Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115
U.S. Environmental Protection 5051844-2435
Research Triangle Park, HOKE, R. C.
North Carolina 27711 Senior Engineering Associate
9191541-2825 Exxon Research & Engineering Co.
P. 0. Box 8
HERLIHY, Joe Linden, New Jersey 07036
Manager, Maintenance Operations 2011474-2939
Burns & Roe Services Corporation
496 Kinderkamack Road HOLCOMB, Robert S.
Oradell, New Jersey 07649 Program Manager '

2011265-2000 Oak Ridge National Laboratories

P. 0. Box Y
HEWITT, D.R. Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Project Engineer 6151574-0273
U.S. Department of Energy . .
P'. 0. Box 880 HOLT, Burgess,J.
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 General Manager
304/599-7535 National Boiler Works, Inc.
3947 Jennings Road
HIGH, Michael D. Cleveland, Ohio 44109
Acting Director 2161749-5747
Energy Demonstrations
and Technology HOLT, Charles F.
Tennessee Valley Authority Section Manager
1000 Chestnut Street, Tower I1 Battelle Columbus Laboratories
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 505 King Avenue
6151755-3571 Columbus, Ohio 43201
Deputy Head, Combustion HORGAN, John J .
Research Project Engineer
UK National Coal Board Power Systems Division of UTC
Coal Research Establishment Mail Stop 19, P. 0. Box 109
Stoke Orchard, Cheltenham, South Windsor, Connecticut 06074
Gloucestershire, UK 2031727-2272
Chemical Engineer Vice President '

7304 Harding Road Development Engineering

Vineland, New Jersey 08360 Johnston Boiler Company
609/692-6977 Ferrysburg, Michigan
HOUSTON, Robert J. 6161842-5050
Environmental Projects Director
GAI Consultants, Inc. HYLKEMA, R.
570 Beatty Road Boiler Design Engineer
PIonroeville, Pennsylvania 15146 Verolme Machinefabriek
412/242-6530 Ijsselmonde BV
P. 0. Box 5079
HOWES, James E., Jr. 3008AB Rotterdam, The
Senior Researcher Netherlands
Battelle-Columbus Laboratories
505 King Avenue IKEDA, S.
Columbus, Ohio 43201 Assistant Manager
6141424-5269 Kawasaki Heavy Industries
1-35, Shimaya, Konohanaku,
HOY, H. Raymond Osaka-shi, Japan 554
Director, Leatherhead Laboratory 06/461-8001-533
NCB Coal Utilisation- Research Lab.
c/o BCURA Ltd., Randalls Road JACK, A. R.
Leatherhead, Surrey Project Director
KT22 7RZ England NCB (IEA ~rimethorpe)Limited
Grimethorpe, Barnsley South Yorks
HSIAO, Ching-Jen England 713486
Mechanical Engineering Development
Pullman Kellogg JACKSON, William M.
16200 Park Row Professor
Houston, Texas 77084 Chemisty Department
7131492-2500 Howard University
Washington, D.C. 20059
HSIEH, Benjamin C. B. 2021636-6883
Consultant-Fossil Energy Technology
General Electric Company JACOB, Andrew J.
One River Road, Building 2 Assistant Head, Analytical
Schenectady, New York 12345 and Research 6 Development
518/385-3017 American Electric Power
Two Broadway .
HUMMELL, John D . New York, New York 10004
Partner 2121440-8208
Stilson 6 Associates
170 North High Street JAIN, Mohan L.
Columbus, Ohio 43215 Technical Staff
6141228-4385 Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
HURT, James Argonne, Illinois 60439
Project Manager 312/972-5636
Kidde Consultants
1018 Cromwell Bridge Road JAIN, Suresh C.
Towson, Maryland 21204 Manager, Process Engineering
301/321-5588 Section
Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation
HUSCHAUER, Helmuth 110 South Orange Avenue
Vereinigte Kesselwerke AG Livingston, New Jersey 07039
WerdenerStrasse 3 201/533-2792
D-4000 Dusseldorf, Germany
. . .
JANSSON, Sven A. KAKU, Hiroyuki
Manager, Research Laboratories Researcher
Stal-Lava1 Turbin AB Kure Research Laboratory
S-612 20 Finspong Sweden Babcock-Hitschi K.K. No. 3-36
0122/81000 Takaramuchi Kure
Hiroshima Pref., Japan
Project Engineer KALLIO,. Gregory A.
Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company Electrical E~gineer
P. 0. Box 13222 General Electric Company
Sacramento, California 95813 P.O. Box 43
9161355-2849 Schenectady, New York 12301
. . Senior Development Engineer KANTESARIA, P.P.
C-E Natco Senior Engineer
P. 0. Box 1710 . Combustion Engineering, Inc.
Tulsa, Okalahoma 74101 1000 Prospect Hill Road
9181663-9100 . Department 9014-2228
Windsor, Connecticut 06095 ,
. JOHNSON, Irving 2031688-1911 .
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue KAPP, Gary S. ' .
. . Argonne, Illinois 60439 Manager; coal Combustion
3121972-4384 Davy McKee Corporation
6200 Oaktree Boulevard
JOHNSON, Robert M. .Independence,Ohio 44131
Maintenance Superintendant 2161524-9300
Pope Evans 6 Robbins
P. 0. Box 533 KEAIRNS, Dale'L. '

Rivesville, West Virginia 26588 Manager Fossil Fuel 6 Fluidized

3041278-5315 Bed Processes
Westinghouse R6D Center
JOHNSON, W . ene edict 1310 Beulah Road
Consultant . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corp. 4121256-7345
P. 0. Box 2325, 245111
Boston, Massachusetts 02107 KELLEY, Carl, 111
. .
6171973-2235 Environmental Engineer
Mittel Hauser Corporation
JONES, John E., Jr. 2600-B Lambert Street
Fossil Energy Technology Section El Toro, California 92637
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 7141951-6162
P.O. Box Y
Oak Ridge, ~ennessee 37830 KELLY, Andrew J.
6151574-0358 Manager, Program Development
Process Energy
, JONKE, Albert A. General Atomic Company
Director of Fossil Energy Program P .O. Box 81608
Argonne National Laboratory San Diego, California 92138
9700 South Cass Avenue 7141455-3746
Argonne, Illinois 60439
3121972-4321 KELLY, William R.
Foster Wheeler.Boiler Corp.
JUKKOLA, Walfred W. 110 South Orange Avenue
System Development Engineer Livingston, New Jersey 07039
Dorr-Oliver Incorporated , - 2011533-1100
. . . 77 Havemeyer Lane
; Stamford, Connecticut 06904
Project Engineer . President . .
Acurex Corporation Burmeister 6 Wain Energy
Route 1, Box 423 23, Teknikerbyen, 2830 Virum
Morrisville, Connecticut 27709 Copenhagen, Denmark
9191761-9704 2 857100


Manager Director, R6D
Industrial 6 Energy Systems York-Shipley, Incorporated
CH2M Hill, 555 Capital Mall P.O. Box 349
Sacramento, California 95814 York, Pennsylvania 17405
9161441-3955 7171755-1081

KEZIOS, S. Peter KOSSAR, Arnold F.

Georgia Institute of Technology .Vice President, ~ n ~ i n e e r i n ~
Atlanta, Georgia Curtiss-Wright Corporation
4041894-3200 One Passaic Street '

Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075


KHAN, Ashfaq 2011777-2900 . .

Union Carbide Nuclear Division KOSV IC, Thomas
P.O. Box X , Building 1000 KVB, Incorporated . .
Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 37830 6176 Olson Memorial Highway . .

6151574-6518 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422

6121545-2142 I

KITZLER, E .B . , %.

Vice president-~n~ineering KRANKER, Richard L. . . i

National Lime 6 Stone Company Coordinator for Asia Reimburseable
P.O. Box 120 DeveiopmentP o g r a m
Findlay, Ohio 45840 AIDIRDP
4191396-7671 Washington, D.C. 20523

KLEIN, Lawrence T. KRCIL, Chester

Manager, S.W. Environmental , Research Group
Center Conoco Coal Development Co.
Library, Pennsylvania 15129 .,
NVS Corporation
14011 Ventura Boulevard 4121831-6666
Shennon.Oaks, California 91423
2131783-0254 KREKELS, J. Th. C.
Project Manager
Manager, Boiler Systems P.O. Box 17 6130 AA Sittard
Dorr-Oliver Incorporated The Netherlands
77 Havemeyer Lane
Stamford, Connecticut 06904 KRISCHKE, Hermann G.
2031358-3526 Dipl. -Iug., Project Manager. '

. Ruhrkohle Oel Und Gas GmbH

KLEY, H.V.D. Gleiwitzer Platz 3
Chief Mechanical Department Bottrop FRG 4250
Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland 02047112-1-0417
P.O. 1, 1755 ZG Petten
The Netherlands KRISHNAN, Radha P.
Development Staff Member
KNOWLTON, .Ted M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Assistant Director Fluidization Research Bldg. 9201-3, MS-2, P.O. Box Y
Institute of Gas Technology Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37803
4201 W. 36th Street 6151574-0361
Chicago, Illinois 60632
KU, Anthony C: LaPIERRE , John L .
Engineer Patent Attorney
General Electric Company J. Ray McDermott & Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 43 Patent Department, Room 1460
Schenectady, New York 12301 1010 Common Street
5181385-0640 P.O. Box 60035
New Orleans, Louisiana 70160
KULLENDORFF, Anders 5041587-5719
Stal-lava1 Turbin AB LAPPLE, Walter C.
S-612 20 Finspang Sweden Research Specialist
Babcock & Wilcox Company
KUWATA, Masayoshi Alliance Research Center
Dr.-Engineer 1562 Breson Street
General Electric Company Alliance, Ohio 44601
P. 0. Box 43 216/821-9110
Schenectady, New York 12301
5161385-3193 LARGE, J.F.
Professor '
LACKEY, M.E. Universite de Compiegne
Engineer B. P ; 233
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 60206 Compiegne France
P.O. Box Y
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37803 LAUGHLIN, Robert D.
6151574-0274 Director, Bureau of Scientific and
Technological Development
LaMARCHE, Normand R. Pennsylvania Department of Commerce
Project Engineer 402 South Office Building
General Electric Company Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
1 River Road 23-352 7171787-4147
Schenectady, New York 12345
5181385-7454 LEE, sheidon H.D.
Chemical Engineer
LAMBECK, Klaus Argonne National Laboratory
Researcher I11 9700 S. ass Avenue
Ohio Department of Energy Argonne, Illinois . 60439
30 East Broad Street, 34th Floor 3121972-439s
Columbus, Ohio 43215
6141466-8277 LEE, Yam Yee
Doctoral Candidate, Department
LAND, Malcolm L. of Chemical Engineer
Consulting Engineer Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5400 North Ocean Boulevard Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 6171253-4547
LeGASSIE, Roger W. A.
LANDON, T.S. U.S. Department of Energy
Project Engineer Room 68065
Wheeling-Pittsburgh Stccl Corp. Wasl~it~gton,
D.C. 20585
1134 Market Street
Wheeling, West Virginia 26003 LEIBRECHT, Robert J.
Senior Engineer
LANE, G.J. Conoco, Incorporated
Process Engineer P.O. Box 2197
Fluidised Combustion Contractors Ltd. Houston, Texas 77001
Sussex House, London Road 7131965-1069
East Grinstead, Sussex
RH19 1UM England (0342) 27144
Product Development.Engineer Process Design Engineer
Vapor Corporation TEXACO
6420 West Howard Street Box 52332
Chicago, Illinois 60648 Houston, Texas 77052
312/NE-1-9200 713/225-2233

LEON, Albert M. LIPARI, Peter F.

Director, Thermal Products Head Advisor, Power Techn. Section
Technology . Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corp:
Dorr-Oliver Incorporated 245 Summer Street
77 Havemeyer Lane Boston, Massachusetts
Stamford, Connecticut 06904 6171973-5536.
LEOPOLDO, Massirnilla Engineer, R6D
Professor Westinghouse
University of Naples 1310 Beulah Road
Piazzale Tecchio, Naples, Italy Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
018-667225 4121256-3985

LETHBRIDGE, G .D . LIU, Ke-Tien . :

Manager, Thermal Engineering Dept. Senior Research Engineer
Nova Scotia Power Corporation ' . Gulf Research 6 Development
Box 910 Company
Halifax Nova Scotia B3J 2W5 P. 0. Drawer 2038 .
902/424-7890 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230
LEWIS, James A.
Senior Engineer LOCKLIN, David W.
Babcock and Wilcox Company Projects Manager
P.O. Box 835 Battelle-Columbus
Alliance, Ohio 44601 505 King Avenue
2161821-9110 ' Columbus, Ohio 43201
LIANG, David T.
Project Engineer LOOP, ~ichard
Department of Chemical Engineering Program Specialist
Queen's University EGSG Idaho, Incorporated
Kingston, Ontario P.O. Box 1625
Canada K7L 3N6 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415
6131547-6978 2081526-0350


Engineer Senior Technologist
Riley Stoker Corporation Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
P.O. Box 543 Research Division
Worcester, Massachusetts 00613 1562 Beeson Street
6171852-7100 . Alliance, Ohio 44601
Chalmers University of Technology LOUZADA, Emile G.
Department of Inorganic Chemistry Scientific Office .
S-412 96 Goteborg Sweden Netherlands Embassy
4200 Linnean Avenue, N.W.
LIEM, Altert J. Washington, D.C. 20008
Research Scientist 202/966-0720
DOMTAR Incorporated .
Trans Canada Highway 40
Senneville, Quebec, Canada
LOVELL, Barry J. McCOY, Daniel E.
Advanced Projects Engineer Chief Engineer
Brown Boveri Turbomachinery E. Keeler Company
711 Anderson Avenue North 238 West Street
Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301 Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701
6121255-5305 7171326-3361


General Manager, ESPD Deputy Project Manager
General Electric Company Rust Engineeering Company
One River Road P. 0. Box 587
Schenectady, New York 12345 Oak Ridge, Tennessee- 37830
5181385-5263 6151576-7511

LUTES, Ian G. McKEE, David E.

Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp. Consultant Supervisor
110 South Orange Avenue E.I. du Pont de Nemours 6 Company
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 Engineering Department
2011533-1100 Wilmington, Delaware 19898
LYNCH, Joseph R.
Manager, Power Engineering McNEESE, L.E.
Aluminum Company of America Fossil Energy Program Director
1501 Alcoa Building Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15317 Post Office Box X
4121553-3624 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
LYONS, Carl J.
Associate Director MACIEJEWSKI, Edward T. '

Battelle Memorial Institute Mechanical Engineer

505 King Avenue Kennedy Van Saun Corporation
Columbus, Ohio 43201 . Railroad Street
6141424-7368 . Danville, Pennsylvania 17821
MacKAY, G. David
Director, Centre for Energy MAIMONI, Arturo
Studies, N.S.T.C. Lawrence Livermore Laboratories
P.O. Box 1000 P. 0. Box 808
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2x4 Livermore, California 94550
9021429-8300 415/422-8575
Vice President, Operations Manager Engineering 6 Development Manager
Wyandot Dolomite, Incorporated Fossil Energy Development Dept.
P.O. Box 126 County Road 99 Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
Carey, Ohio 43316 Tiruchirapalli, India
MANAKER, Arnold M.
MacNETT,ld, J .M. Project Manager
Senior Power Engineer AFBC Demo Plant and Technical Support
Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corp. Tennessee Valley Authority
P.O. Box 533 1020 Chestnut Street, Tower 11
Rivesville, West Virginia 26588 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
304/278-7117 615/755-3571
Assistant Project Manager Section Head, Analytical
PFBC, M.E.T.C. Research 6 Development
U.S. Department of Energy American Electxic Power
P. 0. Box 880 Service Corporation
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 Two Broadway
3041599-7249 New York, New York 10004
Research Engineering, Project Manager
Technische Hogeschool Saarberg ERG
P.O. Box 5055, 2600 GB Delft Saarberg, Triererstr. 1
The Netherlands D 66 Saarbrucken FRG
.FRG 681-4053698
MASON, Clark A.
Staff Engineer Energy Group MICHAUD, Gene
The Rust Engineering Company Section Manager, Chemical Engineering
P. 0. Box 101 Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
Burmingham, Alabama 35201 P.O. Box 835
2051254-4108 Alliance, Ohio 44601
Manager, Design ~n~ineering MILLER, Edward
Turbo Products Division General Manager
Ingersoll-Rand Company Foster-Miller Associates
Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865 795 Oak Ridge Turnpike
2011859-7902 1 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Swedish State Power Board ,
MILLER, Gabriel
Associates Professor
MATTHEWS. Frank New York University . . '

Section Manager Washington Square'

Combustion Engineering Inc. New York, New York 10012
1000 Prospect Hill Road 2121598-2471
Windsor, Connecticut 06095
2031688-1911 MILLER, Richard H.
MATULEVICHUS, Edward Valley Forge ~aboratories
Engineering Associate 6 Berkeley Road
Exxon Research 6 Engineering Devon, Pennsylvania 19333
P. 0. Box'8 2151688-8517
Linden, New Jersey 07026
2011474-2443 MILLER, Shelby A.
Senior Chemical Engineer
MAYFIELD, Manville J. Argonne National Laboratory
Projects Manager, FBC Chemical Engineering Division 205
Tennessee Valley Authority Argonne, Illinois 60439
1020 Chestnut Street, Tower I1 3121972-7552
Chattanoog, Tennessee 37401
6151755-3571 'MINNER, Gene L.
Technical Staff
MEI, Joseph S. Energy Incorporated
Mechanical Engineer P. 0. Box 736
Morgantown Energy Technology Ctr. Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
U.S. Department of Energy 20815'24-1000
P. 0. Box 880
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 MINNICK, L. John
3041599-7409 Consultant
Box 271
MELTON, Joe B. Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
Mining Division Engineer 2151687-1167
Reynolds Metals Company
6601 West Broad Street MIX, Thomas
Richmond, Virginia 23261 Consultant
8041281-4744 Wormser Engineering, ~ncor~orated
212 South Main Street
Middleton, Massachusetts 01949
Group Supervisor .Director, Energy Systems
-Dabcock & Wilcox Company Curtiss Wright Corporation
1562 Beeson Street One Passaic Street
Alliance, Ohio 44601 Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075
216/821-9110 2011777-2900

MOGUL, J . MOZZU, Martin A., Jr.

' Director, Materials and Manager, Energy Engineering
Process Engineering American Standard Incorporated
Curtiss-Wright Corporation 40 West 40th Street
One Passaic Street New York, New York 10018
Wood-Ridge. New Jersey 07075 212/840-5459
MOL, S. G. J. PFBC Program Manager
She11-The Hague U.S. Department of Energy
Y. 0 . Box 162 12th 6 Pennsylvania Avenue
2501AN, The Hague Washington, D.C.
The Netherlands 202/633-9101


Senior Research Engineer Principal Engineering Associate
Gulf Research 6 Development Co. Stauffer Chemical Company
P. 0. Drawer 2038 Livingstone Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522
4121665-5876 9141693-1200


Associate Geologist Manager, Gas Turbine
Kentucky Geological Survey and Development TC-E
311 Breckenridge Hall BBC Brown, Boveri & Company Ltd.
University of Kentucky CH 5401 Baden, Switzerland
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
6061258-5863 MULLEN, John F.
Manager, Market Planning
MOORE, Shuman R. Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Service Engineer , 1 Passaic Street
Foster Wheeler Corporation Wood-Ridge , New Jersey 07075
110 South Orange Avenue 2011777-2900
Livingston, New Jersey 07039
2011533-3455 MURPHY, Andrew J.
Project Manager
MORHOUS, Ralph C. Acurex Corporation
Principal Fossil Engineer Route 1, Box 423
Power Authority New York State Morrisville, North Carolina 27709
10 Columbus Circle 919/781-9704
New York, New York 10019 .
2121397-2959 MUSTANS IR, Ali
Struthers Thermo-Flood Corporation
MORI, Shigekatsu P.O. Box 753
Associate Professor Winfield, Kansas 67156 .
Nagoya Institute of Technology 3161221-4050
hkiso, Showa, Nagoya
Japan MYCOCK, John
0521732-2111 Manager of Source Testing and
Pilot Studies'
MORROW, A.J. ETS, Incorporated
Associate Partner 3140 Cl~aparralDrive, S.W. '

Preece Cardew 6 Rider Roanoke, Virginia 24018

Paston House 7031774-8999
165 Preston Road
Brighton, Sussex,
United Kingdom BNl 6AF
Argonne National Laboratory Stal-lava1 Turb,in,AB
9700 South Cass Avenue S-612 20 Finspong Sweden
Argonne, Illinois 60439 0122/81000
NORCROSS, William R.
NACK, Herman Program Manager
Program Manager . . . :'- Combustion Engineering, Incorporated
Battelle Columbus ~aboratories 1000 Prospect Hill Road
505 King Avenue Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Columbus, Ohio 43201 2031688-1911
NAGARAJAN, V . Project Engineer
Research Scientist Maskinaffaren Generator, A.B.
Battelle-Columbus Box 95
505 King Avenue S-433-01 Partille, Sweden
Columbus, Ohio 43224
6141424-4446 NORTON, Richard C .
Assistant Manager, Corp. Development
NAKAZAWA, M. Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corp.
Manager 245 Summer Street
Sumitomo Corporation of AMR Boston, Massachusetts 02107
345 Park Avenue 6171973-5460
New York, New York ,10022
2121935-4192 NUYT, Gary M.
Mechanical Engineer
NAMIKI, T. Tennessee Valley Authority
Senior Engineer 400 Commerce Avenue, WlOB91
Marunouchi 2-Chome Knoxvi'lle, Tennessee 37902
Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100 Japan 6151532-4384
O'CONNELL, Lawrence
NEAL, John Project Engineer
U.S. Department of Energy American Electric Power
Washington, D.C. 26505 Two Broadway
New York, New York 10004 , .
NEWBERRY, T. Warren 2121440-9063
Mechanical Engineer
Tennessee Valley Authority O'CONNOR, Francis J.
1020 Chestnut Street, Tower I1 Regional Manager
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 CE-Air Preheater 6.
6151755-3571 3 Corporate Square
Atlanta, Georgia 30329
NEWBY, Richard A. 4041636-5953
Principal Engineer
Westinghouse Electric O'DONOVAN, William C.
1310 Beulah Road District Sales Manager
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 Riley Stoker Corporation
4121256-5084 11750 Chesterdale Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 . ,

NEWTON, George J. 5131771-9522

Lovelace - ITAI
P. 0. Box 5890 0' HANLON, David
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115 Electricity Supply Board
5051844-2409 Stevens Court
18 to 21 Stevens Green
NGUYEN, Xuan T. Dublin 2, Ireland
Research Engineer
Domtar, Incorporated OLIVER, Earl D.
Trans Canada Highway 40 Program Manager, Flue Gas Treating
Senneville, Quebec, Canada SRI International
4161457-6810 333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, California 94025
Department of Steam Engineering Manager Thermal Production
Chalmers University of Technology Nova Scotia Power Corporation
S-421 96 Goteborg, Sweden ;
: Box 910
. . ,
Halifax, Nova ~ c d t i a833 2W5
OLSSON, Erik - 9 ' 9021424-5650
Doc tor
Stal-Lava1 ~urgin'AB PARKER, Richard
S-612 20,Finspong, Sweden Research Manager .
0122/81000 , Air Pollution ~ e c h n o l o ~ y.Inc.
4901 Morena Boulevard, Bldg. 400
OSTERMANN, Lawrence G. San Diego, California 92117
Manager, Energy Project Development 7141272-0050
General Electric Company
777 14th Street, N.W. PATEL, J. G.
Washington, D.C. 20005 Associate Director .
20216374295 Institute of Gas Technology
3424 South State Street
PACKER, Charles M. Ghicegn, Illinois 60616
Staff Scientist 3121567-3759
Lockheed Palo Alto
Research Laboratory PATERSON, A.H.J.
3251 Hanover Street Research Associate
Palo Alto, California 94304 University of British Columbia
415/493-4411 c/o Chemical Engineering Dept.
2075 Wesbrook Mall
PANICO, Salvatore Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5
Mechnical Engineer Specialist 6041228-5767
Burns 8 Roe Services Corporation
Ford Plant, Building 13 PATTERSON, James G. Jr.
Franklin & Union Streets Chemical Engineer
Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Tennessee Valley ~ u t h o r i t ~
7031546-1729 1120 CST2
. . Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
PAPA, P.A. 6151755-6531
Principal Energy Conservation Engr.
American Cyanamid Company PATTERSON, Robert M.
Berdan Avenue Process Engineer
Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Davy McKee Corporation
2011831-3924 . 6200 Oaktree Boulevard
Independence, Ohio 44131
PAPIC, M.M. 2161524-9300
Planning Engineer
British Columbia Hydro PENG, Kingston F.
555 West Hastings Street Mechanical Engineer
British Columbia. Corps of Engineers
6041663-2761 650 Capitol Mall, SPKPO-T
Sacramento, California 95814
PARADIS, Steve ' 9161440-3375
Senior Pioposal ~ n ~ i n e e r .
Riley Stoker Corporation . PERLSWEIG, Michael
P.O. Box 547 Engineer
Worcester, Massachusetts 01613 U.S. Department of Energy
6171852-7100 Mail Stop E-178
Washington, D.C. 20022
PARK, Dalkeun 3011353-2843
Graduate Student
Oregon'State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ,
PORTER, James H: . . .
PETERSEN, Volker ,.
Lurgi Chemie & Huettentechnik President ... . . .
,Gervinusstrasse 17-19 Energy and Environmental Engrg.
6000 Frankfurt 1 675 Massachusetts Avenue
West Germany ' Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
PETERSON, Charles H.
Senior Engineer POTTERSON,. S .T.
Westinghouse Electric Company , Senior Technical Consultant
Beulah Road, Building 501 ' . Babcock & Wilcox Company
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 . P.O. Box 2423 .

4121256-5178 - N. Canton, Ohio 44720


President '.POWER, A. E. . . ,

Foster Wheeler Development Corp. District Sales Manager

110 South Orange Avenue Riley Stoker Corporation
. . 932 .Park Square Building
Livingston, New.Jersey 08840
2011533-3652 Boston, Massachusetts 02116
PILI;AI, .Krishna K.
Fluidisation Engineer
NCB; Coal Utilisation Research Lab,
PRETO, Fernando
.Graduate Student
. I .
. .
Randalls Road, Letherhead . Chemical Engineer , .
. .
Surrey, England Queen's .University Kingston, Ontario,

. .
Combustion Engineer
Assoreni-PropICar ' ..
K7L .3N6
6131547-5579 , . ..


via Fabiani . . PREUIT, Lyn
S.Donato Mil, Italy 20097 Project Scientist . ,I.,

021535-3816 . . Combustion Power Company : ;aL.

1346 Willow Road

: PODOLSKI, Walter F. . . Menlo Park,.California 94025 . . . . . :c!.
Argonne.Nationa1 Laboratory 41513244744 . ..


9700 South Cass Avenue > .-

. . Argonne, 111.inois 60439 . RAFAEL, Aruth .
3121972-7558 ' Manager
Deutsche Babcock AG
POERSCH, ~ e r n e r P..O. Box 100347-48
. Dipl'.-1ng. 4200 Oberhsusen 1
Abteilungsleiter Ent. Versuch West Germany
Babcock-BSH AG 2081833-3684
Parkstr. 29; Postfach 4+6
4150 Krefeld ,11 West Germany RAGLAND, Kenneth W. .
021511448-292 .Department of Mechanical
. .
POLAGYE, Michael E. University of Wisconsin
Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp. Madison, Wisconsin 53706 . . . .
110 South Orange Avenue '6081263-5963 .
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 . . .
2011533-1100 RAJAN, ~ u r i
Assistant Professor
POPE, Michael . Dept. of Thermal & ~nvironmental ~ n ~ r ~ .
Chief Executive 0f.ficer . Coal '~esearchCenter .
Pope, Evans and Robbins, Inc. Southern Illinois University . .
1133 Avenue of the Americas . . .Carbondale, Illinois 62901
New York, New' York 10036 6181536-2396
Program D i r e c t o r . P r o j e c t Engineer
Energy Incorporated C a t e r p i l l e r T r a c t o r Company
P. 0 . Box 736 Research Department TC-E
Idaho F a l l s ; Idaho 93401 P e o r i a , I l l i n o i s 61629
7081524-1000 3091578-6816


C h i e f , M i l i t a r y Const. Division Manager
USAF Regional C i v i l Engineer Head-End Operations Branch
526 T i t l e B u i l d i n g General Atomic Company'
30 Pryor S t r e e t , S.W. P.O. Box 81608
A t l a n t a , Georgia 30303 San Diego, C a l i f o r n i a 92138
4041221-6037 71'11455-3860


Manager, F a c i l i t i e s Energy S e n i o r S u p e r v i s i n g Engineer
Management Burns & Roe, Incorporated
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Harvester 496 Kinder Kamack Road'
401 North Michigan Avenue O r a d e l l , New J e r s e y 07649
Chicago, I l l i n o i s 60611 2011265-2000


Research Engineer S e n i o r P r o j e c t Manager
Dow Chemical NCB Coal U t i l i s a t i o n Research Lab.
Building A-2303 c / o BCURA L t d .
F r e e p o r t , Texas 77541 Randall 's Road
7131238-0305 Leatherhead, England

REED, Kenneth A. ROBERTS, Richard

P r o j e c t Manager Manager, PFB Programs
F o s t e r Wheeler Energy Corp. General E l e c t r i c Company
110 South Orange Avenue One River Road
Livingston, New J e r s e y 07039 Schanectady, New York 12345
2011533-3008 5181385-5713

REED, Robert R . ROBERTSON, Archie

Manager Research A s s o c i a t e .
Pope, Evans and Robbins, Inc F o s t e r Wheeler Development Corp.
320 King S t r e e t 12 Peach Tree H i l l Road
Alexandria, V i r g i n i a 22314 L i v i n g s t o n , New J e r s e y 07039
7031549-2884 2011533-3647

REH, Lothar ROBISIN, Deborah J .

D r . -1ng. Chemical Engineer
Lurgi-Gesell-schaften General Motors Corporation
G e r v i n u s s t r . 17/19 General Motors Technical Center
D 6000 Frankfurt(Main12, Germany Warren, Michigan 48090
0611/157(1) 3131575-1040

REID, William T. ROBL, Thomas L.

Consultant S e n i o r Geologist
2470 Dorset Road I n s t i t u t e f o r Mining Minerals
Columbus, Ohio 43221 Research
6141488-2055 U n i v e r s i t y of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506
RICE, Richard L. 6061252-5535
P r o j e c t Engineer
U.S. Department of Energy RODGERS, James E .
P. 0 . Box 880 . Manager, Engineering
Morgantown, West V i r g i n i a 26505 Monsanto Company
3041599-7164 ' 800 N . Lindbergh Boulevard
S t . Louis, Missouri 63166
RODGERS, Larry .;.:. , RUKES, Bert
KVB, Incorporated Dr.-1ng. .. .
776 Bush Court Kraftwerk Union AG, ..
Columbus, Ohio 43229 Hammerbacher Str. 12+14
6141436-7060 8520 Erlangen, West Ggrmany
Combustion Research Project Engineer RUSH, Thomas, 111
Lewis Research Center - NASA Graduate Student
M.S. 60-6 Chemistry Department
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Howard University
2161433-4000 Washington, D.C. 20059
Electricity Supply Board SADDY, M.
Stevens Court Senior Engineer
18-22 Stevens Green Centro de Tecl~nuloyiaPromon-CTP
Dublin 2, Ireland Praia do Flamengo, 154-120 Floor
Rio de Janeiro, RJ-Brazil 22210
ROONEY, Michael S. 0211205-0112
Production Engineer
Conoco, Inc. SADLER, Cynthia K.
P.O. Box 2226 Mechanical Engineer . ,

Corpus Christi, Texas 78403 Tennessee Valley Authority

5121884-0421 1020 Chestnut Street, Tower If
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
ROSE, Jerry G. 6151755-3571.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering SADOWSKI, Dick
University of Kentucky Industrial Sales Manager -
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Riley Stoker Corporation
6061258-4977 Box 547
Worcester, Massachusetts 01613
ROSS, Carl F. 6171852-7100
Senior Training Specialist
Combustion Engineer, Incorporated SAGE, Warnie L .
9538-6BB Chief Equipment Engineer
1000 Prospect Hill Road Stearns-Roger
Windsor, Connecticut 06095 . 4500 Cherry Creek Drive
2031688-1911 Box 5888
Denver, Colorado 80217
ROTHROCK, Ron 303/692-4138
Marketing Analyst
Catalytic, Incorporated SALA, Chuck
1500 Market Street Construction Supervisor
Centre Square Pope Evans 6 Robbins
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19038 1133 Avenue of Americas
2151864-8793 New York, New York 10036
RUBOW, Lynn N.
Senior Engineer SARGENT, William S.
Gilbert Associates, Incorporated Manager, Market Research
Box 1498 Lodge-Cottrell/Dresser
Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 601 Jefferson
2151775-2600 Houston, Texas 77002
RUHL, M. John
Engineering Manager ' SAROFIM, Adel F.
Thermal Processing, Inc. Professor of Chemical Engineering
507 Willow Springs Road Massachusetts Institute of Technology
LaGrange, Illinois 60525 77 Massachusetts Avenue
3121354-8771 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Professor Manager, Energy Conversion Project
University of Illitlois at Chicago Argonne National Laboratory
Box 4348 9760 South Cass Avenue, ~ l d ~
Chicago, Illinois 60680 Argonne, Illinois 60439
3121996-2341 3121972-3058
. .
Director Business Development Section Leader
Dresser Industries Incorporated Acruex Corporation
Power Systems Group 485 Clyde .Avenue
601 Jefferson Mt . ,View, California 94042
Houston, Texas 77002 '4151964-3200
SCHMIDT, Linda .C. .. . Deputy Director
Foster Wheeler.Boiler Corp. . U.S. Department of Energy
: 110 South Orange Avenue .' ' ; P. 0. Box 880, Collins Ferry Road
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 . . ' , ., Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
2011533-1100 ' . . 3041599-7134
. .
. .
Gelsenberg AG Assistant Chemist
Uberseering 2 Argonne National Laboratory
Hamburg 60 2000 - . . ' 9700 South Cass Avenue
West Gergtany . Argonne, Illinois 60439
. ,
Foster Wheeler Boiler 'core. SHERMAN, Arthur
110 South,Orange Avenue. Vice President, Research
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 ' . combustion Power Company
2011533-1100 ,. . . 1346 Willow Road
Menlo Park, California 94025
SCHULZ, Robert B: 4151324-4744
Research Engineer
, Chevron Research Company SHEVLIN, Thomas S.
576 Standard Avenue Specialist - .
Richmond, California 94802 . 3M '

4151237-4411 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101

. . 6121733-3884
SEBER, Ernest . .
Special Projects SHILLING, Norman
Struthers Wells corporation' . ' . Engineering Consultant
P.O. Box'8 Buell ECD, Envirotech
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 . . 200 North 7th Street
8141726-1000 Lebanon, Pennsylvania 17042
Process Studies Engineer SHIMODA, Elwyn
Ontario Hydro Research Associate
700 University Avenue Conoco Incorporated
Toronto, Ontario, Canada P. 0. Box 1267
M5G 1x6 Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601
4161592-5193 4051767-3195


Manager, Boiler Development Sales Product Manager
Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp. Fuller Company
110 South Orange Avcnuc 2040 Avenue C
Livingston, New Jersey 07933 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18032
2011533-2716 2151264-6561
. .
Engineer Specialist, Sec. Head Contract Manager
Box X, Building 1000 Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 20 So. Van Buren Avenue
6151574-6515 Barberton, Ohio 44203
SISKIND, William
Program Manager SPENGLER, Charles J.
U.S. Department of Energy Fellow Engineer
Germantown, Maryland Westinghouse Electric Corporation
3011353-2800 R6D Center, 1310 Beulah Road
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
SITTHIPHONG, Norkun 4121256-3622
Graduate Student
Oregon State University SQUIRES, Arthur M.
Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Vilbrantd Prof. Chemical Engineer
Department Chemical Engineer
SLAUGHTER, Bill Virginia Tech
Manager, FBC Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
EPRI 7031961-5972 .
3412 Hilview Avenue
Palo Alto, California 94306 STATNICK, Robert M.
4151855-2424 Senior Staff Engineer
U.S. Environmental Protection, .
SMITH, Carl B. : Agency
Department Head Washington, D.C. 20460
Union Carbide Corporation-ORNL 2021755-0206
P.O. Box X, Building 1000
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 STARKWEATHER, James
'6151574-6408 Manager, Energy ~echnology
St. Regis Paper Company
SMITH, M. Richard W. Nyack, New York 10994 . '


Engineering Supervisor 9141624-3000'

Bechtel National, Incorporated
50 Beale Street STELMAN, David
San Francisco, California 94941 Energy Systems Group
4151768-1053 Rockwell International
8900 DeSoto Avenue
SODERBERG, C. Richard Canoga, California 91304
Assistant Group Director 2131341-1000
Foster-Miller Associates
350 Second Avenue STEPHENS, Leonard
'Wattham, Massachusetts 02154 Mechanical Engineer
6171890-3200 PSAF
SOETERBROEK, John C. Tyndall AFB, Florida 32403 '

Staff Manager Utilities 9041283-6361

Kerenshofweg 100 STEWART, James F.
6167 A Geleen Staff Engineer
The Netherlands . . Conoco Incorporated
P. O..Box 2197
SOLLISH, David B. Houston, Texas 77001
Customer Training Specialist 7131965-1252
Combustion Engineering
1000 Prospect Hill Road
Windsor, Connecticut 06095
STEWART, Robert D. SULZBERGER, Virginia C.
Senior Development Engineer Advisor
Foster Wheeler:!Energy Corp. Exxor~Enterprises Incorporated
110 South Orange Avenue 224 Park Avenue
Livingston, New Jersey 07044 Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
2011533-2422 2011765-4304


Manager Research Scientist
Industriestraat 1 300 Unicorn Park Drive
P. 0. Box 20, 7550 GB Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Hengelo, The Netherlands 6171933-6805

STIL, J.H. SUN, Colette C.

She11-The Hague Senior Engineer .
P.O. Box 162 Research 6 Development Center
2.501 AN The Hague Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235
The Netherlands 4121256-7309


Chief of Project Engineering Chief Engineer
Brown Bowers Turbomachinery Maskinaffaren Generator, A.B.
711 Anderson Avenue Box 95
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 S-433-01 Partille, Sweden
SWANSON, Morris A.
STOUT, W. L. Supervising Engineer
Research Soil Scientist 'Caterpillar Tractor Company
USDAISEA 100 N.E. Adams, Tech Center
PLT Science Division-WVU Peoria, Ellinois 61629
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 3091578-6960
SWIFT, William M.
STRICKLAND, Larry D. Chemical Engineer
Project Manager Argonne National Laboratory
U.S. Department of Energy 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Building 205
P. 0 . Box 880 Argonne, Illinois 60439
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 3121972-4384
STRINGER, John Director of Marketing
Program Manager Lurgi Corporation
EPRI 377 Route 17
3612 Hillview Avenue Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
Palo Alto, California 94303 2011288-6450
TANG, John T .Y .
STKINGFELLOW, Thouas E : Senior Research Engineer
Operations Manager Babcock 6 Wilcox Company
Pope, Evans 6 Robbins, Inc. P.O. Box 835
P.O. Box 533 Alliance, Ohio 44601
Rivesville, West Virginia 26588 2161821-9110
STROMBERG, Lars Senior Engineer
Technical Director Foster Wheeler Development Corp
Studsvik Energiteknik AB 12 Peach Tree Hill Road
S-61182 Nykoping L-ivingston,New Jersey 07039
Sweden . f 2011533-3675
0155/80000. ..
, -
THAU, Albert UHRIG, Robert E.
R6D Engineer Vice President
Power Authority of New York State Florida Power 6 Light
10 Columbus Circle, 17th Floor P. 0. Box 529100 . .
New York, New York 10019 Miami, Florida 33152
2121397-7632 3051552-3601

THOENNES , Clemens M. ..
Manager, Atmospheric Fluidized Senior Program Manager
Bed Programs Gilbert Associates
General Electric Company P. 0. Box 1498
2-519 Reading, Pennsylvania 19607
1 River Road 2151777-2600
Schenectady, New York 12345
5181385-5828 -URUG, H.
Chief Engineer
TTGNAC, Ln1.1;s L. Foster Wheeler Fra~lcaibir
Member of Technical Staff ,31 Rue Des Bourdonnais
Rocketdyne-Rockwell International Paris, France 75021
6633 Canoga Avenue 0112334432
Canoga Park, California 91304
2131884-2540 VAN BEEK, T.
~ a n a g e rMechanical
TOMITA, Minoru Engineering 6 Purchasing .
Chief of 3rd Scction, 3rd Division DSM Nieuwbouw
Government Industrial Development P.O. Box 10, 6160 . .
Laboratory, Hokkaido McGeleen, The Netherlands
2-17, ~sukisamu-~igashi, Toyohira-Ku
Sapporo, Japan 061-01 VAN BERCKELAER, D F..
001/851-0151 Energy Project Leader
Heineken Technisch Beheer
TRIVETT, Gordon S. Burgemeester Smeetsweg 1
Director, Environmental Assessment Zoe terwoude
N.S. Department of Environment The Netherlands
P.O. Box 2107,
Halifax, Nova Scotia B35 2x4 . VAN DEN BERG, D.J. ,

9021424-8600 Sales Manager

Ijs se lmonde BV
Verolme pchinefabriek
TROPER, James 3008 AB Rotterdam
Research Scientist P.O. Box 5079
Valley Forge Laboratories The Nethei-lands
6 Berkeley Road
Devon, Pennsy1vani.a 19333 VAN DER LINDEN, S.
2151688-8517 Director, Marketing
Curtiss Wright Power' Systems
TUNG, Shaoe a
Manager, Energy Conversion
Massachusetts Institute of
- One Passaic Street
Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07078
77 Massachusetts Avenue VANDERMOLEN, Robert
Cambridge, Massachusetts Marketing Manager, Research
Combustion Power Company
TUREK, David G. 1346 Willow Road
Chemical Engineer Menlo Park, California 94025
Science Applications, Inc . 4151304-4744
Chestnut Ridge Professional Bldg.
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 VAN GASSELT, M.L.G.
3041599-7527 Manager Project Group Coal Technology
TNO Apeldoorn
P.O. Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn
The Netherlands
. VANMEURS, H.C.A. von KLEIN SMIA, William
Chief Co-Process Acknowledger Supervisor, Research Engineer
Shcll Internstionale Petroelum Sonthern California Edison Co.
P.O. Box 162, 2501,ANThe Hague P. 0. Box 800
. The Netherlands Rosemead, California 91770
Assistant Professor of VOSS, Kenneth E.
Mechanical Engineering Senior Research Chemist
~erarignarAnna Englehard Minerals 6 Chemicals Corp.
University of Technology Menlo Park
Madras-25, India Edison, New Jersey 08817
FBC Development Engineer VROOM, Henry
. . Stork KAB . . Service Engineer.
Industriestraat 1 Combustion Engineering, Inc.
' P.O. BOX 20, 7550 GB 1000fProspcct Hi.11 Road
Hcngclo,.The Netherlands Windsor, Connecticut 06095
. . VAN 'T V E R W T , P.J.
Research Engineering Project WACHTLER, Frederick C.
Group Coal Technology . Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp.
. , TNO Apeldoorn 110 South Orange Avenue
'P'.O.Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn Livingston, New Jersey 07039
" The Netherlands . 2011533-1100



Chief Coal Technology Manager, Technical Marketing

Project Department Support .
Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland Dorr Oliver
P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten 77 Halemeger Lane
The Netherlands. Stamford, Connecticut 06904
Senior Engineer WANDREY, Robert E.
Babocks & Wilcox Company Project Engineer
1562 Beeson Street General Electric Company
Alliance, Ohio 44601 ICSE, Building 231352
2161821-9110 Schenectady, New York 12'345
. . 5181385-0820
Associate Professor WAPNER, Phillip
University of Virginia Senior.Project Engineer
Thorton Hall . Gulf.Oi1 Company '
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 , 1720 South Bellaire Avenue
8041924-7779 Denver, Colorado -80222
VIRR, Michael J.
Managing Director WARD, ~ l o y d
Stone Platt Fluidfire Manager, Washington Office
56 Second Avenue Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Pensnett Trading Estate . 905 Sixteenth Street, N.W.
Stourbridge, West Midlands, .UK Washington, D.C. ,20006
03841278566 2021638-2926


President Area Manager
' G.J:V. Corporation Air Preheater Company
. . 168 Chandler Avenue ' ' 10 High Street
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
' Boston, ~assachusetts 02110
:. 3121834-9291 6171542-2001
. .. . . ...
WATKINS, Nat WESLEY, David . '
Manager Senior Chemist : ,

3M Company Kentucky Center for. Energy ~esearchLab

3M Center 219-1 . P.O. Box 13015
St. Paul, Minnesota 5514U Lexington, Kentucky 40583
6121733'-2759 6061252-5535

WEAVER, Robert , ' WEST, Patricia B.

Project Engineer Environmental Engineer
Gilbert Associates Tennessee Valley Authority'
P. 0. Box 1498 1000 Chestnut Street;Tower #2
Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 . Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
2151775-2600 6151755-6511
. .. j .

WEBB, Holmes A., Jr. WIECHULA, B. A.

Mechanical Engineer Engineering Associate
U.S. Department of Energy Imperial Oil Limited .
P. 0. Box 880, METC P. 0. Box 3004
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 ,Sarnia, Ontario N7T7H5
3041599-7260 Canada
WELLS, David
Senior Consultant . WIEMER, William
DuPont Staff Engineer ' "
I.-1369 NeraToom
Wilmington, Delaware 19898 The Hague
3021366-2180 'Holland

WELLS, J.W. ' WIENER, Stephen

Research Engineer Mechanical Engineer
Oak Ridge National ~ a b o r a t o r ~ Port Authority'of New Yorkl
Box X New Jersey
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 One World Trade Center
6151574-6522 New York, New.York 10048
WELLS, T.J., Jr.
Project Engineer WILKERSON, H. Joe
Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corp. Professor
P.O. Box 2325 .. University of Tennessee
Boston, Massachusetts 02107 , Mechanical 6 Aerospace Engineering,
Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 "

WELSHIMER, Jim 6151974-5139

Technical Sales Representative
National Lime 6 Stone Company WILIS, Paul ,
P.O. Box 120 Project Engineer
Findlay, Ohio ,45840 British Columbia Hydro .
4191422-4314 555 Wcst Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
WEN, C. Y. V6B 4T6 ~ a n a d a - .
Professor 6 Chairman 6041663-2194
Department of Chemical .
Engineering WILLIS, D.. M.
West Virginia University . Chief, Industrial Development
Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 Technology
3041293-2111 National Coal Board .
Coal Research Establishment
WENGLARZ, Richard A. Stoke Orchard, England
Senior Engineer - 024267 3361
Westinghouse R6D Center . .
1310 Beulah Road WILSON, Gary F.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania i5235 Manager, Facilities Services
4121256-3253 Chemical Group
The BF Goodrich Company
6100 Oak Tree Duuluvard
Cleveland, Ohio 44131
Director, Allied Products- President
Engineering and Construction Wormser Engineering Inc.
Anheuser-Bush Companies 212 South Main Street
721 Pestalozzi Street Middleton, Massachusetts 01949
St. Louis, Missouri 63118 6171777-3060
WUNDER, Gregory E.
WILSON, Keith Sales Engineer
Project Engineer Foster Wheeler
Combustion Power Perimeter Center East
1346 Willow Road Atlanta, Georgia
Menlo Park, California 94025 4041393-1820
WILSON, Mike Manager-Facilities
S/Manager Cumins Engine Company, Inc .
In-0-Ven Corporation 1000 Fifth Street
190 Sound Beach Avenue, Columbus, Indiana 47201
Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06878 8121379-5774
YAN, T. Y.
WINBERG, steven E. Senior Research Associate
Field Service Engineer Mobil' Research and Development Corp.
Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation P. 0. Box 10L5
110 South Orange Avenue Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 6091737-3000
YANG, Ralph T.
WITHERS, Henry W. Associate Professor
Chemical Engineer State Univ. of New York at Buffalo
Tennessee Valley Authority . Department of Chemical Engineering
1020 Chestnut Street, Tower I1 Amherst, New York 14260

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 7161636-2331

WOHLSTEIN, Michael S. Assistant Manager
. Sales Contract Manager Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Allen-Sherman-Hoff 1-35 Shimaya, Konohanaku
One Country View Road Osaka, Japan
Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355 Osaka-shi, Japan 554
2151647-9900 061461-8001


Manager, Applied Thermodynamics Director, Coal Combustion Sys. Div
Foster Wheeler Development Corp. Electric Power Research Institute
12 Peach Tree Hill Road 3412 Hillview Avenue
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 Palo Alto, California 94303
2011533-3639 4151855-2456
WONG, Henry K. YIP, Harry H.
Senior Service Engineer Senior Engineer
Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. Head-End Operations Branch
110 South Orange Avenue General Atomic Company
Livingston, New Jersey 07039 P.O. Box 81608
2011533-2448 San Diego, California 92138
WOOD, Ralph T.
Director YT,VTSAKER, Ivar
General Electric Company General Engineer
1 River Road, P.O. Box 43 Resource Applications
Schenectady, New York 12301 U.S. Department of Energy
5181385-5122 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
Washington, D.C. 20461
YOUNG, Charles W. ZMOLA, Paul .C. !
Environmental Engineer ,
Director, Technical Liaison '
GUAITechnology Division Combustion ~n~ineeking :
Burlington Road 1101 15th Streeb; N.w..
Bedford, Massachusetts 01.730. Washington, D.C. 20005 .
6171275-5444 2021296-1240
YOUNG, William W. ZOLL, August H.
Struthers Thermo-Flood Corporation Manager, Inst. 6 Controls
P.O. Box 753 Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Winfield, Kansas 67156 One Passaic Street
3161221-4050 Wood-Ridge, New Jersey 07075 .
ZAKKAY, Victor
Professor ZYLKOWSKI, Jerome R. '

New York University Project Manager

Washington Square Northern States.Power Company
New York, New York 10003 414 Nicollet Mall
212/598-2471 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
Combustion Engineering, Inc.
1000 Prospect Hill Road
Windsor, Connecticut 06095

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