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Account Receivable Treatment

Perlakuan Piutang

Account Receivable classification has been discovered on the previous post, some issues are still
remain to be discussed on this entry: how much a receivable should be recognized and reported,
some portions of it could be un-collectible which should be reflected on the report, we have to
deal with discount, return, bad debt that will influence the subsidiary entries of the account
receivable too, how to perform a prudent control for account receivable and many more issues
will be covered in this post and the next series. So stick on!.

Indo :

Klasifikasi Piutang Akun telah ditemukan pada posting sebelumnya, beberapa masalah masih
dibahas pada entri ini: berapa banyak piutang yang harus diakui dan dilaporkan, beberapa
bagian dari itu mungkin tidak dapat ditagih yang harus tercermin dalam laporan, kita harus
berurusan dengan diskon, pengembalian, kredit macet yang akan mempengaruhi entri anak
perusahaan dari piutang juga, bagaimana melakukan kontrol yang bijaksana untuk piutang
dagang dan banyak lagi masalah akan dibahas dalam posting ini dan seri berikutnya. Jadi,
pertahankan !.

Theoretically, accounts receivable should be at a value that represents the present value of
future cash receipts. Because the ideal accounts receivable can be withdrawn in a maximum of
90 days (which is less than one financial year), the accountants agree to ignore all possibilities
(or reality) of the interest elements in these short-term accounts (Accounting Principle Board
No. 21 , Interest on Receivables and Payables, New York, 1971, AICPA).

Indo :

Penilaian Piutang
Secara teoritis, piutang seharusnya di nilai pada jumlah yang menunjukkan present value
dari penerimaan cash yang akan datang. Karena piutang dagang ideally dapat ditarik
dalam waktu paling lama 90 hari (which is kurang dari satu tahun buku), maka para
accountant bersepakat untuk mengabaikan segala kemungkinan (maupun kenyataan)
akan adanya unsure bunga dalam piutang jangka pendek ini (Accounting Principle Board
No. 21, Interest on Receivables and Payables, New York, 1971, AICPA).
Melihat rujukan ini, dapat kita tentukan bagaimana suatu receivable (piutang) dinilai.

Seeing this reference, we can determine how a receivable is valued.

* Receivables are reported at the net value that can be realized *
What is "net value that can be realized"?
Net value that can be realized is the amount of cash that is expected to be received from the
conversion of assets (in this case inventory) in the normal business flow (in this case the sale of
goods / services).
Let's break down to more detail ...
Account Receivable = Net Value
Net Value = Net Sales
Net Sales = Gross Sales - Sales Expenditures
The next question is, what is included in "Sales Expenditures"?
There are various possibilities that reduce the value of sales (and receivables as counter parts):
Discount (discount)
Return (item returned)
After Sales service (after sales service)
Bad Debt (Uncollectible Receivables)
So the amount of Account receivable that will be reported is:

* Piutang dilaporkan sebesar nilai bersih yang dapat direalisasikan*

Apa itu ”Nilai bersih yang dapat direalisasikan”?
Nilai bersih yang dapat di realisasikan adalah jumlah cash yang diharapkan dapat diterima dari
hasil konversi aktiva (dalam hal ini inventory) pada alur bisnis yang normal (dalam hal ini
penjualan barang/jasa).

Coba kita breakdown menjadi lebih detail lagi…..

Account Receivable (Piutang) = Net Value

Net Value = Net Sales
Net Sales = Gross Sales – Sales Expenditures
The next question is, apa saja yang termasuk ke dalam “Sales Expenditures”?
Ada berbagai kemungkinan yang menyebabkan nilai penjualan (dan piutang sebagai counter
part-nya) menjadi berkurang:

1. Discount (Potongan)
2. Return (Barang kembali)
3. After Sales service (Layanan purna jual)
4. Bad Debt (Piutang Tak Tertagih)
Sehingga besarnya Account receivable yang akan dilaporkan menjadi :

After Sales Service
Bad Debt
= Account Receivable [masuk ke “Balance Sheet”]
How can you determine the discount, return and after sales service if the acknowledgment of
the account receivable is done at the time of delivery of revenue (revenue recognition at the
delivery time).
Then what is the journal?
Account Receivable is recognized as cash that can be realized.
PT. Royal Bali Cemerlang, computer trader, In the published catalog (brochure), PT. Royal Bali
Shining mesang price of IDR 6,000,000 / unit. And will provide a discount of Rp. 600,000 for
each unit purchased by the customer. On June 20, 2008, PT. Royal Bali Cemerlang successfully
sold 5 computer units to PT. Sinar Rejeki, in credit with payment term 2/10; N / 30. The
transaction is recorded with a journal:
Gross Sales = IDR 6,000,000 x 5 = 30,000,000
Trade discount = Rp. 600,000 x 5 = (3,000,000)
Cash that is expected to be realized = IDR 27,000,000
So for this sale transaction, it is recorded with a journal:
[Debit] Account Receivable = IDR 27,000,000
[Credit] Sales = Rp. 27,000,000
(to record sales and recognition of receivables)
[Debit] Cost of Good Sold = Rp. 18,000,000
[Credit]. Inventory = Rp. 18,000,000
(to record the Cost of Sold Goods and a reduction in inventory)
On June 25, 2008, it turned out that 1 computer was returned because it was damaged. After
being checked by technician, it turns out that the item was damaged in normal usage (due to an
error in the assembly). So the return of the item is recorded, with a journal:
[Debit] Sales Return (Sales Return) = Rp 5,400,000
[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp. 5,400,000
Accordingly, the recognition of Account Receivable has decreased by Rp 5,400,000 to become
Rp 27,000,000-Rp5,400,000 = Rp21,600,000
Next ...
If the realization of cash (repayment) is carried out on 30 June 2008 or earlier, then the
payment is recorded with a journal:
[Debit] Cash = Rp. 21,168,000
[Debit] Sales Discount = Rp. 432,000
[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp. 21,600,000
* Discount = 2% xRp 21,600,000 (see payment term)
* Sales discount will reduce the value of sales
* Account receivable deleted (paid off)
If payment is made after June 30, the discount is no longer valid, so the journal will be:
[Debit] Cash = Rp. 21,600,000
[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp. 21,600,000
Indo :

Bagimana bisa menentukan discount, return dan after sales sarvice jika pengakuan atas account
receivable dilakukan pada saat penyerahan barang (revenue recognition at the delivery time).
Lalu bagaimana jurnalnya?
Account Receivable diakui sebesar cash yang bisa direalisasikan.

PT. Royal Bali Cemerlang, pedagang komputer, Pada catalog (brosur) yang diterbitkan, PT. Royal
Bali Cemerlang menetapkan harga Rp 6,000,000/unit. Dan akan memberikan potongan harga
sebesar Rp 600,000 untuk setiap unit yang dibeli oleh pelanggan. Pada tanggal 20 June 2008,
PT. Royal Bali Cemerlang berhasil menjual 5 unit computer kepada PT. Sinar Rejeki, secara
credit dengan payment term 2/10;N/30. Transaksi tersebut dicatat dengan jurnal:

Penjualan Kotor = Rp 6,000,000 x 5 = 30,000,000

Potongan Dagang = Rp 600,000 x 5 = (3,000,000)
Cash yang diharapkan bisa di realisasikan = Rp 27,000,000

Maka atas transaksi penjualan ini dicatat dengan jurnal:

[Debit]. Account Receivable (Piutang) = Rp 27,000,000
[Credit] Sales = Rp 27,000,000

(untuk mencatat penjualan dan pengakuan piutang)

[Debit]. Cost of Good Sold = Rp 18,000,000
[Credit]. Inventory = Rp 18,000,000
(untuk mencatat Cost of Goods Sold dan pengurangan atas inventory)
Pada tanggal 25 June 2008, ternyata 1 unit computer dikembalikan karena rusak. Setelah
dicheck oleh technician ternyata barang memang rusak dalam pemakian normal (karena
kesalahan pada perakitan). Maka atas return barang tersebut dicatat, dengan jurnal:

[Debit]. Sales Return (Retur Penjualan) = Rp 5,400,000

[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp 5,400,000

Dengan demikian, maka pengakuan atas Account Receivable berkurang Rp 5,400,000 sehingga
menjadi Rp27,000,000-Rp5,400,000=Rp21,600,000 (Lebih detail mengenai return and provision
bisa anda baca artikel saya yang lain yaitu, Dicount, Return and Warranty).

Jika realisasi cash (pelunasan) dilakukan pada 30 June 2008 atau sebelumnya, maka atas
pembayaran tersebut dicatat dengan jurnal:
[Debit]. Cash = Rp 21,168,000
[Debit]. Sales Discount = Rp 432,000
[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp 21,600,000

* Discount = 2%xRp 21,600,000 (lihat payment term)
* Sales discount akan mengurangi nilai sales
* Account receivable terhapus (lunas)
Jika pembayaran dilakukan setelah tanggal 30 June, maka discount tidak berlaku lagi , sehingga
jurnalnya akan menjadi:

[Debit]. Cash = Rp 21,600,000

[Credit]. Account Receivable = Rp 21,600,000

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