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Good morning, everyone! Today is a special day for all of us, we are here to
celebrate each other’s success, and appreciate everyone’s efforts. Above all,
we are offering a sacrifice of gratitude and praise to God, who has made all
things possible. I thank First Victorias Shema Learning Center for giving me the
opportunity to once again minister to all of you. Thank you as well,
Shemanians, for listening and learning from this short message I will be
sharing today. Parents, I am grateful that you chose to enroll your children in
Shema. You made the right decision to entrust the lives of your kids in the care
of God-fearing teachers. To the administration of this school, I am thankful for
your generosity and selflessness for the betterment of the pupils and teachers.

Today’s Thanksgiving Celebration bears the theme, “10,000 Reasons to Thank

the Lord.” Indeed, we have a lot of things to be grateful for. If we were to count
our blessings one by one, I’m sure it will outweigh all of our trials and
insufficiencies. Let me start this message by reading one of the most beautiful
passages in the Bible fit for this occasion: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

“…in every situation…be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this
is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

There are many words that mean “Thank You!” In Spain, they say, “Gracias!” In
France, they say, “Merci!” In Japan, they say, “Arigato!” In Aramaic (the
language during the time of Jesus Christ), they say, “Shukran!” In the
Philippines, we say, “Salamat!”

It is very important to say “Thank you!”

Why do we need to say “Thank you?”

We need to say “thank you” to remind ourselves that the people who are
helping us are important. We also say “thank you” to remind ourselves that we
can help others too!

We need to thank God, as well. He has been faithful in providing all our needs.
When we give our thanks to God, we remind ourselves how much we need

What are the things we should thank God for?

We should thank God for the friends we made here in Shema. Our friends
surely have made our school life awesome and unforgettable. We should also
thank God for our family. Without the love of our parents, we would never have
gotten to experience the joys of learning in a school where everyone is taught
with care and love. We must thank our teachers and our school as well, for
doing their best to bring out the best in us. Aside from these very important
people, we must also be grateful for the lessons that we have learned that
have brought us to where we are today. We should thank God for the wonderful
memories and all the great times we spent with each other.

Can you look at your friends and tell them “thank you?” I’m sure you will be
missing each other, but for now, be thankful and make the most of the time
you have with each other. Treasure your family. Treasure your friends. Treasure
your teachers and school. Treasure the life you spent in Shema.

Our beloved parents, one sure way to show your gratitude towards the
improvements you have witnessed in your children’s life is by supporting the
school. Thank you for faithfully providing for the fees and other needs of your
children. By doing so, you are blessing the teachers, giving them even more
reason to do what they are called to do. By financially and morally supporting
the school, you are also raising the spirits of the administration, inspiring them
to work out solutions and improvements for everyone. As a non-stock, non-
profit institution, you can be assured and secured that your investment here
goes back to our teachers and the preservation of the school.

To our teachers and staff, the best way you can show your gratitude to the
parents who have faithfully supported Shema is by maintaining a high
professional standard in your work. May you diligently and compassionately
minister to our pupils and parents in your respective positions. Remember, you
are accountable for the minds, heart, and lives of these children and their
parents. You represent Christ. Show His compassion and His love more than
anything else, no matter what. The Holy Spirit will empower you. God’s grace
will bring you through.

As much as we have 10,000 reasons to thank God, we also have 10,000 and
more ways to show our gratitude to Him.

Let me end this message with wise words from philanthropist W. Clement
Stone, “If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.”

May you continue to show your gratitude to God by sharing your time, love,
and support to your family, friends, and Shema. Thank you so much, everyone!
Have a great day!

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