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Some people in the United States disagree with marrying the same-sex.

Marriage is a
right that the gay community should have because everyone should be treated equally. Love is
love, you can’t limit yourself to whom you may fall in love with. Unlike same-sex marriage,
where all legal norms of same-sex and heterosexual families are the same, same-sex civil
partnership or same-sex civil unions are limited in legal rights.
One reason as to why marriage should be a right in the gay community is because they
fight so hard just to be treated like everyone else. In an article about human rights it states,
“From the suffragettes fighting for the right to vote to same sex couples being able to marry and
benefit from the marital laws, equality is a principle that has been fought for through the courts,
through pressure groups and through, sometimes violent, protest.” This supports my claim
because each of us should be treated with respect. Everyone should be able to maintain their
dignity and treat others in the same way. No person should be discriminated for their sexual and
reproductive lives. My second piece of evidence to prove why marriage should be a right in the
gay community is when it says, “From a legal and moral point of view, equality is each person
receiving the same respect, treatment, opportunities and rights, irrespective of their sex, colour,
country of birth, religion, political beliefs or sexual orientation” This explains how everyone
should be treated the same regardless of differences they might have.
Another reason as to why marriage should be a right to the gay community is that people
can’t help who they fall in love with. To any person, the phrase “love is love” certainly means
that no matter who you are or what the circumstances are, you love that person no matter what.
In an article it stated, “To a layman, the term ‘love is love’ would certainly mean that it doesn’t
matter what kind of love affair you find yourself in, which means that if your partner is
physically or emotionally abusive, you have no choice but to stay because at the end of the day,
everyone out there wants to love and be loved in return.” This is saying that if someone is happy
and in love, no matter what happens in the relationship, one will stay and take whatever it is,
because everyone wants to love someone and be loved by someone. My second reason as to why
people can’t help but to fall in love with whoever they do is, “there is no doubt that people love
because they feel attracted to an opposite gender and so, they call it love is love so long as you
half a better half who offers emotional support and with whom you can identify.” This explains
what “love is love” is and how it applies to people.
Some people disagree with people marrying the same-sex. They believe that marrying the
same gender is “not okay” because gay marriage opponents purports that marriage between two
people of the same sex is “not natural” and is in violation of the “natural order.” In this regard,
the disapproval isn’t about gay marriage, it’s more about discomfort with homosexuality. The
opponents of equality argue that the institution of marriage is essentially in place to assist with
procreation and the raising of children. They reason that because two people of the same sex
cannot procreate that they should not be allowed to marry.
Therefore, love doesn’t have a gender. Marriage is a right that the gay community should
have. The argument is that applying the word "marriage" to some relationships and not to others
is unequal treatment, and thus discrimination. Marriage should be optional. Gay marriage
deserve equal rights wherever, whenever.

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