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Oscar Castaneda

Period 4

There is a common issue when immigrants start to stand up for their rights as human
beings.Immigrants all over have been trying to get there voices to be heard,whether it be by
dancing,singing,or playing music with instruments.Still even through all the signs,cheers,and
chants immigrants are not being heard and not being listened to.In some cases some even forgot
that at some point there was a public protest.This issue can be resolved by having a public panel
discussion for immigrants to speak out and to tell what exactly are the problems they are
facing.Another solution to this issue is to make public polls or simple surveys for immigrants
and for higher representatives to listen to what they have to say. Both of these solutions can help
in both parties since protest can turn into riots and ultimately defeating the purpose of the protest.

On June 30th 2018 as stated by CNN “​Americans young and old took to the streets of US
cities Saturday to say "Families Belong Together" nearly two months after the Trump
administration implemented its "zero tolerance" policy toward undocumented immigrants,
prompting the separation of thousands of children from their parents”​This evidence can tell us
that after a policy that forced separation from thousands of children from their parents caused
many immigrants all over to protest for this policy to end.As stated again from CNN “​According
to organizers, protesters have three demands:They want separated migrant families to be reunited
immediately.They want the government to end family detentions. And they want the Trump
administration to end its zero tolerance policy.”​According to this evidence Immigrants only
demanded for families to not be separated.Even through all the protest the zero tolerance policy
still stands.This evidence supports my claim because Immigrants have done a huge protest and
even some celebrities arrived at the event but the higher powers have not changed and are not
listening to what immigrants have to go through.This can be resolved by simply having an event
for immigrants to speak up to higher power and tell them exactly why some of the laws are
hurting them.
Immigrants today also face many other issues like job availability,money,medical 
attention and many more problems. As stated in TACOMA Community house ” Yet, once 
they arrive in the US, often risking their own lives in the process, they realize they may not be 
as welcomed as they once thought. Immigrants are often looked down upon in American 
society, labeled as terrorists, criminals, freeloaders or drains on our economy. ” This quote 
stated tells us that even when immigrants arrive in the US their lives are mostly the same 
and sometimes even worse.But the higher ups don’t really know of some of these issues 
that immigrants are facing right now since not a single thing has happened to make 
immigrant lives better.This can be resolved by having immigrants fill out surveys or polls in 
certain areas or even online to tell the higher power of the problems some of the 
immigrants are facing right now. 
On the other hand some people still say that immigrants take jobs,homes from 
people who need jobs that were originally born in the country.In an article on they state that​ “​In building and grounds maintenance, 35 percent of the
jobs were taken by immigrants. Nineteen percent were documented. In construction, 27
percent of the jobs went to immigrants, and 12 percent were documented.
In those industries, immigration lowers wages and drive out native-born workers in those
areas. That pushes native-born workers into jobs like sales and personal services that
require superior communication skills.” This evidence tells us that immigrants are forcing
legal born citizens to go for jobs that require more skill.This also tells us that since
immigrants take more jobs then this leaves lesser job availability to the legal
citizens.However this should not be a reason to attack any immigrants since they are living
through chaos since their whole families are being taken away from them to far places
where they might never see them again and some immigrants might be working towards
seeing their families again

So immigrants voices matter and should not be overlooked by the higher

power.Many immigrants today are suffering from the zero tolerance policy and many more
issues involving wealth,food,and job availability.To help make immigrants lives better the
higher power should make public panel discussions and make polls online or simple
surveys for immigrants so that the higher power can see exactly what immigrants are facing
and to listen on how they can make their lives better and not equal to or worse to their
previous experiences.

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