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A guide to

healthier homes and

a healthier planet

Is your home making you sick? Why green buildings?

Did you know that the construction of the On average we spend 90% of our time indoors1.
building, its light source, how it is heated Because the world’s buildings have a direct
impact on our environment and our wellbeing,
and cooled or even furnished could be
we need to look at ways to make our buildings
harming both you and the planet? There good for human health as well as beneficial to
are easy, affordable steps you can take to natural, urban and suburban environments.
make your living space greener and healthier
for you and your family, while also reducing Currently buildings and
your environmental footprint.
construction account for

This guide will focus on

three key features of your home

Thermal and Light

36% 39%
Air quality of global of global
acoustic comfort energy use2 energy-related
carbon emissions3
For each feature we present the latest research on
Positive personal action, like saving energy, and
the health and environmental impacts of the homes
energy-efficient renovation, will not only unlock
that we live, work, learn and play in. We also outline
unexpected health and financial benefits in your
suggestions for green home improvements, from
home, but will also help address what the World
how your home is designed to the materials you use
Health Organisation calls the biggest global health
to furnish it, that help improve your health and your
threat of the 21st century4 – climate change.
environment, and could even benefit your pocket.

Better Places for People

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Air quality improvements
for a green and healthy home
Simple, low-cost strategies can offer you,
Air quality your family and the planet huge benefits.
Use green energy to improve outdoor air Ventilate your home to clear away
pollution by installing solar panels on your the hidden indoor toxins. Increase
roof or switching to a renewable electricity air flow and freshness simply by
More than half of the air you'll breathe in your lifetime supplier. opening windows or, if outdoor
is inhaled inside your home6. However, for 92% of us, 60 x Add outdoor air-purifying
air is polluted, use efficient
mechanical ventilation or
the air outside our homes is not safe to breathe7. This vegetation to your home, hybrid strategies, powered
like a green roof or wall,
polluted outdoor air harms our health and our planet, Around 12,000 litres of that also offers weather
by renewable
energy sources.
and infiltrates into our homes. Air pollution can also be air5 is inhaled and exhaled protection.

daily – the volume of
caused by pollutants within the home. about 60 bathtubs. Did you know? 52% of
poor indoor air quality

can be attributed
to inadequate
Health impacts Environmental impacts ventilation19. Natural
ventilation has been
seen to reduce
lung-related illnesses

There are three ways that air pollution can be harmful Many pollutants generated in our homes also damage
by up to 20%20, so open
to human health in and around our homes and our natural environment. Short Lived Climate Pollutants those windows!
communities. (such as methane, or black carbon/soot) are dangerous
air pollutants that come from fossil fuel combustion,

Outdoor air pollution experienced vehicles and agriculture. Such pollutants are powerful
when we’re outside is responsible climate
tbc forcers in warming our planet.
for an estimated 1/3 of lung disease Choose non-toxic
Icon (low-VOC) paints
tbc deaths, 1/4 deaths from respiratory Approximately 45% of global warming
infection and 1/6 deaths from heart can be attributed to Short-Lived Climate and furnishings
Pollutants13. to reduce indoor
disease and stroke8.
pollutants. VOCs
can build up to
Outdoor air pollution experienced when Dramatically reducing Short-Lived Climate 1,000 times outdoor
we’re inside. This polluted air infiltrates Pollutants in the years ahead would slow levels within homes,
into our homes, so a significant portion global warming by as much as 0.5O C by and can cause Sick
of our exposure to these outdoor air 205013. Building Syndrome,
pollutants occurs when we’re indoors9. cancer, and damage to our
liver, kidney, nervous system
Indoor air pollution produced inside
can be just as harmful as outdoor
pollutants10. These include pollution
$ Economic impacts Use clean energy sources
for heating and cooking.
In developing nations, 2 million
and mental performance12.

created from cooking and heating with people die each year from the pollution
An estimated 5.5 million lives were lost in 2013 to created from cooking and heating with
traditional biomass coal stoves, as well diseases associated with outdoor and household traditional biomass and coal stoves11, which is Don’t let your home become a sick building
as toxic chemicals, such as Volatile air pollution. These deaths cost the global economy estimated to be the main energy source for 1/3
Organic Compounds (VOCs), emitted about US$225 billion in lost workforce productivity of global population by 203021.
Sick Building Syndrome is characterised by a
from cleaning products, furnishings, and number of symptoms, from mild headache, fatigue
and over US$5 trillion in welfare losses15. China has
paints in your home. and dry eyes, to more severe allergies and asthma
lost substantial chunks of national GDP due to lower Did you know? Babies and young children are at highest attacks, that occur when you are in a building
productivity from pollution – 6.5% in 201616. The annual risk of health hazards from indoor chemicals22. Crawling with poor air quality. It has been associated with
cost of asthma and pulmonary disease is E82 billion babies and young children, due to exposure to carpets poor ventilation and build-up of pollutants like
across Europe17 and CAN$8 billion in Canada18, and flooring materials, can be at risk of damage equivalent VOCs, mould and bacteria and carbon monoxide14.
which we know is being worsened by air pollution. to the child smoking three cigarettes per day.
Thermal and acoustic improvements
for a green and healthy home
There are lots of affordable things you can do to make your home
Thermal and acoustic comfort more comfortable, healthier, and better for the environment.

Increase ventilation and air flow for natural Sometimes technology is needed to provide comfortable conditions,
An uncomfortable home that is too hot, too cold or excessively noisy can summer cooling. Passive ventilation, ideally like cooling in hot climates. Minimize your energy need and utility
with two open areas across a space, can yield bills with a well insulated building, and power conditioning devices
cause severe health issues for its occupants. It can also waste energy and up to 25-50% in energy savings from reduced by renewable energy39. Solar panels are known to provide a good
money. In this section we will look at thermal comfort and acoustics, and air conditioning use20. Ceiling fans can payback on investment across the world, with experts citing between

$ also provide a low energy alternative to 1-4 years to reimburse investment in solar panels for a typical US
showcase a range of positive measures to optimise them for your health, air conditioning. home, while providing 30 years of clean energy.

your pocket and the environment. Block unwanted sunlight with

external or internal blinds and
shades. High quality solar
control glazing can prevent
Health impacts Environmental impacts incoming heat from sunlight,
and awnings and roller
shutters have been shown to

In most EU countries, only 10% of buildings can Energy efficient homes with good thermal comfort reduce the effect of overheating

$ $
report good levels of energy performance23. Poor from high quality building fabric enjoy lower heating by 73% and 90% respectively37.
insulation and construction of buildings is often the and cooling requirements, reducing a home’s
cause of this low energy efficiency, and can severely climate-changing carbon emissions.

compromise the occupant’s comfort and health.

Air conditioning uses around 6% of all
65% of Europeans who live in major urban electricity in the USA30, and many older
areas are exposed to dangerously high systems still use highly polluting CFC
levels of noise pollution24, which lead to and HFCs refrigerants, which are a
health issues like stress, high blood huge contributor to climate change.
pressure, hypertension and strokes25.
Chronic exposure to noise can also Insulation retrofits across 46 million US
adversely affect children’s cognitive homes are predicted to result in 100,000
development26. fewer tons of nitrous oxide emitted,
corresponding to 6,500 fewer asthma

$ Respiratory illnesses, asthma, and poor

mental health have been associated with
living in damp, cold housing, which is a
attacks, 240 fewer deaths and $5.9 billion
per year in financial savings31.
Paint your roof white. A bright white
roof can reflect around 85% sunlight,
whereas a standard grey roof will only
breeding ground for mould. Up to one-third Improve building fabric and air

reflect around 20%36. A white roof
of Canadian buildings show signs of
dampness or mould27, and today 2.2
Economic impacts tightness. Insulating walls, preventing
leakage and investing in good quality
helps prevent your home from
overheating in hot, sunny weather.
million Europeans have asthma, partly Plant trees, shrubs and windows are strategies that have been
a green roof to cool your shown to directly improve health. A
as a result of their living conditions28. Energy efficient properties can help save on energy
home without relying on 15% reduction in days off school has Comfort tip
bills. An Australian study on home energy efficiency power-thirsty and expensive been measured among children in
Our changing climate is expected to retrofits suggests average energy bill savings of Insulation should work three ways
air conditioning. Shade from homes that received energy efficiency
lead to a rise in heat waves across the $108 per year32; and American Consumer Reports – keeping heat inside buildings in
trees can help lessen peak upgrades through improved respiratory cold climates, trapping heat outside
world. Colombia is expected to suffer have suggested that sealing leaks within homes can summer temperatures by health38. in hot climates, and maintaining
2,000% more heat-related deaths during reduce energy costs by approximately 15%33. In New 2°C to 9°C35. comfortable acoustics by blocking
the period 2031 to 2080 compared Zealand, building 100,000 homes to certified Homestar traffic or neighbour noise. A good
with 1971 to 201029, so future-proofing standards could provide benefits of $680 million in building fabric is key, wherever you
homes to protect occupant health is of energy and water savings34. Footnotes here are in the world.
growing importance.
Light improvements
for a green and healthy home
There are easy changes you can make to your lifestyle
Light and home to ensure access to natural light.
Renovating or buying Use timers and
a new home? Install dimming sensors
Good quality light is essential for a healthy life. In green and healthy homes, roof windows and
skylights to
to reduce energy
maximising the use of daylight and being efficient in your lighting use will deliver twice
the amount
cut energy bills, lower your carbon emissions, and unlock health benefits for of daylight as
you and your family. similar-sized 6:30
façade windows
and three times
as much as
Health impacts
dormer windows47.
Environmental impacts
Consider solar Choose more
Making more use of daylight in our homes through efficient LED

Living in a dark home has been shown to undermine controlled glazing
the occupant’s health and wellbeing. windows and skylights cuts down on artificial lighting, in warm climates light bulbs.

saving energy. Combining that with the most energy to allow access to LED light bulbs
efficient lighting technology can substantially reduce light, while controlling can last twenty
One study looking at living in a dark

your home’s carbon footprint. Lighting is one of the the risk of overheating. times as long as
home found health worsened by 50%, Icon Awnings, blinds and regular
with headaches, insomnia, depression, biggest
tbc contributors to greenhouse gas emissions
solar films can be incandescent
Seasonally-Affected Disorder (SAD) and from dwellings across the world. The amount of light bulbs
applied as a retrofit to
even breast cancer and suicide among the electricity consumed by lighting is almost the same your existing windows and can cut
reported effects28. as that produced from all gas fired generation42. allowing you to control energy use

temperatures without by up to 80%48.
In developed countries, lighting in homes compromising on
Natural light regulates our body’s
accounts for around 14% of electricity access to light.
circadian rhythms, often disrupted
consumption, with this share understood
by technology and light pollution,
to be higher in less developed nations43.
improving sleep quality and therefore
health overall. Studies have shown that
exposure to natural light during the Research has shown that increased daylight
can reduce the need for artificial lighting by Natural light can increase
working day leads to 46 minutes more human productivity by
sleep each night40, demonstrating the 16-20%44.
up to 15%49. Work near
importance of bringing healthy light into windows where possible
our homes. and seek out a view

Allowing daylight into your home controls

damp, mould and bacteria growth,
$ Economic impacts
of nature.

lowering the risk of asthma and other Lighting in many homes accounts for roughly 20%
respiratory diseases41. of the electricity bill45. Studies suggest that just
switching ten bulbs to efficient equivalents can pay Don’t let your home make you SAD
back four times the initial cost in just one year46. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a depressive
illness linked to the availability and change Did you know? Studies have
of outdoor light in the winter42. Experts shown that people are 150% more
estimate that up to 30% of the world’s likely to report ill health when they
population suffer from different degrees live in a dark home28. Protect your
of Seasonal Affective Disorder49. health and open those blinds!
Three out of four detached or semi-detached
European homes are not energy efficient50.
EUROPE In the UK, a study estimated that 54% of the About 4.3 million
Global features population was exposed to noise pollution above
recommended levels of 55 decibels51.
people die from
household air
Local practice pollution and 3.7
million from ambient
air pollution, most of
whom (3.3 and 2.6 million,
Up to one-third of respectively) live in Asia63.
Canadian buildings
present signs of
dampness or mould64.

The World Bank

estimates the total
health cost associated
with outdoor air pollution
in urban areas of China
in 2003 was between
1.2-3.3% of China’s GDP55.

The health burden to the US
caused by particulate
pollution from fossil fueled
power plants correlates to The World Bank Group
over 5 million lost workdays Over half of the planet’s new buildings
in the US each year65.
estimates that by 2030,
three billion people, or are constructed in Asia annually and
40% of the world’s the construction sector constitutes
The potential for savings from population will need an estimated 25% of overall energy
energy efficiency is estimated new housing units52. consumption53.
at 21% of projected total
energy supply in MENA
countries by 2025, with
residential buildings being INDIA
one of the largest areas WHO estimates that Air-conditioning
with scope for savings56. approximately 58,000 deaths
each year are attributable CENTRAL A project in India demonstrates is estimated to take
to ambient air pollution, and AND SOUTH that by retrofitting windows within up as much as
80,000 to household air AMERICA Half of all homes to increase daylight families 60% of the overall
pollution in Latin America and childhood can make savings of between
the Caribbean60. 30-50% on their energy bills electricity load
and enjoy healthier homes58. in South-Asian
deaths (2004)
were due to
indoor smoke In South Africa, environmental
factors, such as air and water
87% of deaths from outdoor air pollution occur from biomass SOUTH quality, are associated with
In Australia, air pollution is estimated to
kill more people every year than road
in low- and middle-income countries61. In these and coal AFRICA the deaths of 124 in 100,000 traffic accidents. The shift to clean
countries, household air pollution is responsible cookstoves66. children under five59. Many of energy and transport could save the
these could be preventable with
for almost 10% of the mortality rate62. healthier homes and communities.
Australian economy up to $6 billion
annually in avoidable health costs57.
INTRODUCTION 37 Velux A/S. 2018. ‘A Good Indoor Environment feels like being Outside on a Mild Summer’s Day. A Guide to Designing
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2 International Energy Agency. Buildings.

3 International Energy Agency. Buildings. 39 National Renewable Investment Laboratory. 2004, PV FAQs.

4 World Health Organisation. LIGHT

AIR QUALITY 40 Boubekri, M. Cheung, I. Reid, K et al. 2014. ‘Impact of Windows and Daylight Exposure on Overall Health and Sleep
Quality of Office Workers: A Case-Control Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine’ DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.3780.
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8 Climate and Health Alliance and the Climate Institute. 2012. ‘Our Uncashed Dividend. The health benefits of climate Daylight’.
action’ A briefing paper prepared by the Climate and Health Alliance and the Climate Institute, and World Health 43 Al-Salal K (Eds). 2016. Low Energy Low Carbon Architecture: Recent Advances and Future Directions. Series:
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44 Mardaljevic, J. 2012. Daylight, Indoor Illumination and Human Behavior in Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science
9 most of our exposure to OAP occurs when we’re inside. Ref: Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health. 2017. and Technology. pp 2804-2846.
‘Building Evidence for Health. The Nine Foundations of Healthy Buildings’. 45 Ovo Energy. 2018. Energy-Saving Devices.
10 IAP can be up to 1000 times more damaging than outdoor pollutants. Ref: Environmental Protection Agency. 2018. 46 Forbes. 2011 ’10 easy ways to lower your electric bill’.
‘Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Volatile Organic Compounds' Impact on Indoor Air Quality’. 47 Johnsen et al., 2006 in Velux A/S. 2018. ‘A Good Indoor Environment feels like being Outside on a Mild Summer’s
11 World Health Organisation (2018) Housing and Health ‘Healthy Housing’ - Experts call for international guidelines. Day. A Guide to Designing Healthy Homes’ Horsholm. 48 2018. How Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Compare with Incandescents.
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action’ A briefing paper prepared by the Climate and Health Alliance and the Climate Institute, and World Health 49 Velux A/S. 2018. ‘A Good Indoor Environment feels like being Outside on a Mild Summer’s Day. A Guide to Designing
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15 World Bank Group [2018] Open Knowledge Repository – The Cost of Air Pollution: Strengthening the Economic Case 52 International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group. ‘Affordable Housing in Africa’.
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21 International Energy Agency. 2006. ‘Energy for Cooking in Developing Countries’. 58 World Habitat. 2017. ‘Bringing Light and Air to Informal Settlements’. tat-awards/winners-and-finalists/bringing-light-and-air-to-homes-in-informal-settlements/#outline.
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