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132 chapter Basic inpurourput services (B108) provide the primary interface between the aperatng system's device drivers and most ofits hardware, Although a modern webs is setomated and tolerant of misconfiguration, a good PC technician must renainfortable with situations in which the BIOS may need some maintenance or repair. ihr neds the BIOS to elt how each basic component is auppoted to communicate with the 6 om ar the beginning of the FC revelation, many afferent manufacturers developed BIOS for FC But ‘Sr tneyea the B10S Business ax consnlidated primarily to only two brands: AME (American Mege see envy and Phownis Technologie (which absorbed che forse third brand, Aeard Software). Both eer rn pafaceners provide a wilt called the CMOS setup program (CMOS sands for complementary aaa smicondacer, which is why everyone says “CMOS” chat enables you to reconfigure B10S regs for bor dec onder, oat of meiory ant disk ive conigaration, and so om. Move of ech, ye the one wo people wil call when “automatic” these configurations are automate, but a stops working! sean example for the lab ceri intl chapter, suppose hat he company yoe working fo it planning mah upgrade om ty uren 8, Windows Visto Windows 7 Youve sted the oP aera a ab machines nd have fan that estes with an outa BIOS ae having PP, re upgrading accel preparation fr che Windows nsalation, besides upgrading ay ler Aras tons fou find, youl Habe any B105-evel antivirus functions You're abo aware that she rior Trmanager i ot we consistent HOS psewods x you may need reve the pasrwordtom¢ few machines. ‘the ab exercises in this chaper wil teach you oem aces, and configure system BIOS. > Note vou might have herd abut a replacement fr BIOS ale he Unified Extensible Femara rane YET since aio, che BIOS firmware of PCs stared tobe replaced by UEFL. Think va aa super IQS, coin the sume ob at BIOS, but in bi envionment with lo of oi dd fentioetny. Woe UEP was introduced years ago, you xl wont find ison every PC ncn of thin, plas dhe ac that ort UEFL setup screens work us ike their BIOS couster prs thie hap nl pceally covers BIOS. f you have UEF eaten, you shoul il be {Bie to compete the ab exercises ab Exercise 8.07 identifying 10S ROM 133 © 0 minures Lab Exercise 8.01: Identifying BIOS ROM Having received your orders odo the big OS upgrade, your Bre task ie to check the BIOS types and ver: sons on every machine in your office and then visit ech BIOS maker's Web sce to determine whether sore recent versions ae avalable ‘The system B10S is sored on nomoltile memory called BIOS ROM, BIOS makers often (but not slays) abel their BIOS ROM chip prominently on the motherboard, In ths exces, you'll ook wt wo Aifferene ways to identify your 10S ROM chip. For details onthe two big companies that manufacture 8108 on modern systems, refer to the "Moy CMOS: The Setup Program” section in Chapter 8 of Mik Meyer’ CompIA Ar Cue to Maney ing nd Toblebatng Fe Learning Objectives In this 1b, youl learn two ways to identify your BIOS. ‘tthe end ofthis ab youl be able xo ‘+ Locate the B108 ROM chip onthe motherboard + Wdenify the 8108 manufactuer + Determine the BIOS creation date and version Lab Materials and Setup, material you need fortis nb ace © Aworking Pe © A notepad Getting Down to Business The first ching you'l doi remove your PC case aver and locate the BI0S ROM chip, Nex, you'll make oot of the B10S information displayed during sytem startup 134 | captor 8 8105 8 Waring. ‘Anytime you take the cover ff your PC, remember to follow all proper safety and ESD avoid sce precautions ‘epi Remove the case from your FCand locate he system BIOS ROM chip. Some motherboards label thet chip with the name of the IOS manufacturer. Compare your system BIOS ROM chip tothe one in Figure Read the manufacturer's abel fou cen, and answer the following questions: Who made the BOS? ae What year was dhe BIOS written? Are there any other nunbers on the abel? Record them. Does it lok like you could easly remove the syrter BIOS chip, oF does it lok soldered tothe smotherbourd? Step 2 Replace the PC cae cover and start the system. Be sure the monitor is tured on. When the fist data appease on the screen, pres the USt/OREN key onthe keyboard, This suspends further opera tion unl you press ENTER, Newer ystems actually have instruction somewhere on the screen that ind ae which key oe heysto preset get into boot options, CMOS setup, and so forth

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