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It is a tool used in decision making regarding business in order to make correct and long-
lasting decisions it is important for the organization to use this tool as it concerns strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats which are important factors to consider before making
any decision. (Fallon, 2018)


affliations and •Does not support
branches disabled childern
on capmpus
•Programs which are
promomising like o •No distance
and A-levels learning program
for students
managment whic •To expensive for
caters to student parents
and parent needs

•Good platform to •Strong
boast female compedtion from
particiaption schools like LGS
•Market leader when
•Parents may think
it comes to of it as a school
technology for rich kids only


We begin by pitting international affiliations against no distance learning so we reach to this
conclusions that distance learning is the future and not having such a basic facility nowadays
will really undermine the strength of International affiliations therefore we conclude that
Beaconhouse should invest in distance learning.
Next we compare A-levels and O-levels against the fact that the school itself is too expensive
for the parents to afford we know the fact o and a level is an international level education and
it will always be expensive in any country but there is one more fact that the school fee or
tuition fee is also very high as according to their Facebook page of Bahria Campus they are
charging Rs 13,445 for classes from nursery to class 8 which is very expensive and the figure
of tuitions fee for A-level is Rs. 35,000 for two months and it will increase annually so we
do not see any benefit to the community in this policy and many of the parents will not
welcome this fee structure at all so we recommend Beaconhouse to come with some
leverages for parents whose children are enrolled since Nursery level with the organization
you can give them discounts in the tuition fee in which Cambridge will not interfere.
Lastly what is the use of efficient management when it cannot support disabled children on
campus the school is affiliated with Cambridge International where we see huge posters of
every child is special during the examination at least the school can follow British Council
when it comes to catering the needs of children.

Modern day feminism is a very good marketing tactic these days which is being marketed
senselessly by every other brand on social and print media in Pakistan campaigns like Inkaar
Karo are trending but at the same time are also coming under fire Beaconhouse being a
school can bring some sense to this by promoting itself as an institute where women and men
work together at a serious and professional level rather than making up a Girl-Up society
This is will also give Beaconhouse competitive advantage over LGS and ROOTS who are
hesitant in openly supporting feminism yet.
Moving on to technology we again recommend Beaconhouse to openly come up with
distance learning programs as they still have the best infrastructure in the country to support
such programs completely and the existence of projects like The Educators is good enough
for parents to think that Beaconhouse is for the rich kids only at least Beaconhouse can stop
claiming it as a project of Beaconhouse School and should market it as a separate venture of
Beaconhouse Group.

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