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THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL LIMITS OF Since radiation health effects among the Hiroshima
EPIDEMIOLOGY FOR INFERRING RISKS and Nagasaki survivors developed, it has become appealing
AT LOW DOSES to use the parameters derived from that epidemic for deriv-
ing subjective inferences of health effects for low-dose ex-
posure situations—in spite of the fact that at such low
doses, neither was an epidemic identified nor did factual
Dear Editors: and reliable objective data of health effects exist. This deri-
MANY COLLEAGUES in our community have read the very in- vation, however, falls outside the epistemological limits of
teresting and sophisticated analysis of Kocher et al. on the epidemiology. Epistemology studies the theory of knowl-
dose and dose-rate efficiency factor (DDREF) (Kocher et al. edge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and
2018), Wakeford’s letter about it (Wakeford et al. 2019), scope, and attributing effects at dose levels that are outside
and Kocher’s response (Kocher et al. 2019) to Wakeford’s the reach of epidemiology is epistemologically question-
letter. These interactions confirm the erudite mathematical able. Radioepidemiology can provide vast knowledge on ra-
treatment, sometimes of data and sometimes of inferences, diation effects, based on those distinct situations where
reached by radioepidemiology. Notwithstanding the depth there was an epidemic, but the extrapolation of such knowl-
of these scholarly exchanges, they do not resolve a simple edge to situations for which knowledge is an untestable con-
but fundamental conundrum: the epistemological limits of jecture is an epistemological error.
epidemiology for inferring risks at low doses and, in partic- In such low-dose regions, radiobiology (i.e., the science
ular, for the notion of DDREF. that studies the effects of radiation on biological systems) can
The science of epidemiology is expected to deal with be helpful in providing fundamental knowledge on the mech-
epidemics (from Greek ἐpί “upon” and dh~ moς “people”) anisms of radiation-induced health effects. These mecha-
of disease; namely, with the widespread occurrence of an nisms are extremely complex and have been reported by
ailment upon people. Its role is to study and assess scientifi- the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of
cally and objectively the main parameters defining an epi- Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).2 Analyses of biological
demic, such as the incidence of the relevant disease. mechanisms at various radiation doses have been recorded
Radioepidemiology is the branch of epidemiology assessing in myriads of scientific papers. Reporting at various dose
epidemics of health effects associated with radiation exposure. rates is least abundant, and information on the effects of
Thus, following the epidemic of leukemia and solid cancers in dose-rate changes is limited (e.g., Brehwens et al. 2010).
the aftermath of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and UNSCEAR (2012) concluded that while mechanistic under-
Nagasaki, it was expected and proper that radioepidemiology standing of effects is improving, many studies remain primar-
tried to understand and quantify scientifically the parameters ily observational, their reporting is mixed in outcome, and
of that epidemic—which it did. Similarly, there was an epi-
demic of pediatric thyroid cancers in the aftermath of Cherno-
byl, which was also properly assessed by radioepidemiology. 1

But it seems that there is not a manifest epidemic attrib- Most recently, radioepidemiology has been dealing with suspected
radiation epidemics in, inter alia, occupationally exposed workers, popula-
utable to low-dose exposure situations.1 Circumstances tions subjected to malpractice involving radioactive residues, patients ex-
where people incur doses comparable to typical background posed during radiodiagnosis and radiotherapy, and people exposed to
radon gas. Inhalation of radon and its decay products has been recognized
doses do not appear to be causing any widespread occur- as carcinogenic, and there is a long story of epidemics of lung cancers at-
rence of any disease. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask what tributable to radon (mainly in cohorts of miners), which also show a large
synergetic effect from smoking. For residential radon the issue is still un-
the role of radioepidemiology is in these situations. Is it to der debate; an epidemic among residents is not apparent, and depending
predict a potentially occult epidemic, however untestable on the data which are analyzed, attributable detrimental effects, no effect,
and even hormetic effects have been reported by various epidemiological
these predictions might be? The proper answer to this ques- studies. UNSCEAR is studying this issue thoroughly, and its estimates
tion is at the root of the DDREF issue addressed in the are expected soon.
Besides direct and indirect radiation interactions with cells leading
Kocher/Wakeford exchange. to carcinogenic effects, the mechanisms include genomic instability, by-
stander effects, abscopal effects, adaptive responses, clastogenic plasma
factors, reactive oxygen metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction,
0017-9078/19/0 and the impact of genetic polymorphisms and gene and protein expres-
Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society sion. Tissue-level phenomena and systems biology approaches have
also been investigated, as well as radiation-induced perturbation of im-
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001085 mune function or induction of inflammatory reactions.

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Correspondence 829

there is little of the coherence required of robust data that can It is to be noted that many radioepidemiologists and ra-
be used confidently. Moreover, there is as yet no unambigu- diobiologists, such as those mentioned in Richard Wakeford’s
ous indication of a causal association of these mechanistic letter, also bear radiation protection responsibilities; however,
phenomena with radiation-related disease; indeed, some ap- they are providing recommendations under a different “hat”:
pear in vitro but may not operate at low doses in vivo.3 rather than radiobiologists or radioepidemiologists, they ad-
In sum, an old UNSCEAR dictum remains valid, namely: vise as radioprotectionists. In any case, as discussed in a recent
(1) in spite of the large body of new radiobiological informa- paper (Wieland and González 2018), the ultimate decisions on
tion available, considerable disagreement remains concerning protection against low-dose radiation exposure are made nei-
any definitive relationship between the biological mecha- ther by radioepidemiologists nor radiobiologists, nor even by
nisms studied and the observed health effects attributable radioprotectionists; it rather is legislators and regulators who
to radiation; and (2) only direct epidemiological observa- are the ultimate decision makers. They ought to convert the
tions, which incorporate all biological elements, could in- available scientific evidence into commensurate legislation
form on the attributability of health effects to low-dose and regulations using common sense rather than biological
exposure situations (UNSCEAR 2008b). and epidemiological conjectures.
Therefore, the onus for addressing scientifically the Coming back to the contributions of Kocher, Wakeford,
low-dose problem remains mainly on radioepidemiology and colleagues, the above described confusion on the role
rather than radiobiology. However, as described before, and limitations of radiobiology and radioepidemiology is at
radioepidemiology also has epistemological constraints, the root of the serious and puzzling epistemological error
and the attribution of health effects to low-dose radiation ex- of creating and developing the concept termed DDREF (an
posure situations seems to fall outside those limits. These issue discussed by González [2017]). The use of the DDREF
constraints include epistemic4 and statistical power limita- concept for radiation risk estimates at low doses is arguable,
tions, which have been summarized by UNSCEAR clearly controversial, and epistemologically questionable; its
(2008a). Under current biological assumptions, the size of use has turned out to be unneeded, and it can therefore be
the cohort required to detect a radiation effect with adequate abandoned. For a radiation exposure situation for which there
statistical power will be approximately proportional to the has been an epidemic, and therefore for which there is avail-
inverse of the dose squared, and for low doses, such cohort able epidemiological information that can be scientifically
sizes become so large that a meaningful epidemiological tested (namely, is confirmable and verifiable and therefore
study becomes unfeasible. falsifiable), radiation risks can continue to be attributed in
Therefore, the difficult decisions of whether and how terms of frequentist probabilities, i.e., as limits of the relative
to protect people against radiation exposure, in situations for frequency of the effects occurring on the basis of the measur-
which there is no evidence of health effects, fall outside the able incidence of disease. Conversely, for a radiation expo-
epistemological limits of radiobiology and radioepidemiology. sure situation where there is not an epidemic (i.e., for
The knowledge derived from these sciences can serve as a rel- which direct scientific evidence of effects is unavailable or
evant input, but such decisions are the remit of another kin dis- unfeasible to obtain), notional radiation risks might need to
cipline: radiation protection. The International Commission on be inferred on the basis of indirect evidence, scientific rea-
Radiation Protection (ICRP) assembles senior experts who are soning, and professional judgment, which should be aimed
expected to provide relevant advice on radiation protection of at estimating their plausibility in terms of subjective
people incurring those dose levels for which health effects are probabilities or degrees of belief among experts, such
not attributable to the exposure, although potential risks might as those on ICRP Committee 1. For this subjective judg-
be inferred (the distinction between the attribution of health ef- ment, radioepidemiological input with objective data from
fects and the inference of risk was established by UNSCEAR epidemic situations plus robust radiobiological information
[2015] and is further discussed elsewhere [González 2014]). should be welcomed, but an artificial and epistemological
controversial DDREF is not needed.
Radiobiology has also searched for biological indicators of radia-
tion exposure in specialized bioassay specimens (hematological and cyto- The author declares no conflicts of interest.
genetic samples). However, it is recognized that the presence of such
biological indicators does not necessarily mean that health effects will be
experienced. A reliable biological indicator that could unequivocally attri- ABEL JULIO GONZÁLEZ
bute health effects to low-dose radiation exposure has not yet been discov-
ered; moreover, should such a bioassay be found, it may not resolve the Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear
issue of attributability of effects to low doses due to the pervasive presence Buenos Aires, Argentina
of background radiation—it will be hard to find an indicator able to distin-
guish 4between low doses from a source and low doses from background!
Epistemic limitations include transfers between populations, inter- REFERENCES
actions of carcinogens, genetic susceptibility, dose protraction or fraction-
ation, dose response, effect of age at exposure, latency, and time since Brehwens K, Staaf E, Haghdoost S, González AJ, Wojcik A.
exposure. Cytogenetic damage in cells exposed to ionizing radiation

Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
830 Health Physics June 2019, Volume 116, Number 6

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Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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