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Augusto Salazar Bondy: In Memoriam 8.12.1925-6.2.

Author(s): M. Dino Carelli
Source: International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für
Erziehungswissenschaft / Revue Internationale de l'Education, Vol. 20, No. 2 (1974), pp. 115-
Published by: Springer
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Accessed: 18/06/2014 00:34

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Professor Augusto Salazar Bondy, who was internationally known

through his participation in an increasing number of activities outside
Peru and regionally known through his writings on philosophical and
anthropological aspects of the current Latin American conditions, who
was a nationally respected figure through his professionalinvolvement in
the National University of San Marcos and the National Institute for
Culture, Lima, and his membership of the Peruvian Commissionfor the
Reform of Education and Higher Council for Educational Reform, was
appointed to the Editorial Board of the InternationalReviewof Education
and to the GoverningBoard of the Unesco Institute for Education in 1973.
His unexpected and premature death at the age of 49 brought to an end a
life dedicated to the development of Peru and a careerwhich gave promise
of a great contribution to the world of education.
As an outstanding representative of the foremost Latin American
scholars, Professor Salazar Bondy combined a clear perception of the
current dilemmas facing the region with a strong conviction of the
potentialities for improvement, and he became actively involved in the
programmesaimed at fostering a balanced development. He was given the
unique opportunity of assuming major responsibility for the educational
innovations of his country - innovations which were the basis for broad
and purposeful changes in all the important sectors of national life in
Peru. The direction of these changes had already been established, the
role of the individual had been defined, and it was agreed that such a role
would require appropriate attitudes, knowledge and skills. It was com-
monly felt that education should aid the development of the necessary
qualities and there was a firm intention to support and implement
proposals for educational reform which would lead to this end. However,
there was still the need to conceive clearly the type of educational in-
novations best fitted for such a framework. It was a challenging task, as
it was not merely a one-man enterprise, because the innovations were
breaking new territory in the national and also in the international scene,
and finally because the pressure for action left little scope for time-
consuming theoretical discussions and systematically conducted experi-
As a leading member of the Commissionfor the Reform of Education,
responsible for the development of a theoretical basis, the preparation of
comprehensive operationalproposals and the submission of a strategy for

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action, Professor Salazar Bondy demonstrated scholarly modesty, mis-

sionary conviction and revolutionary dynamism. The theoretical concept
of educational reform which was developed by this Commissionconceives
of education as a comprehensive process conducted by a large number of
agents in a variety of ways for the benefit of the whole population and
with a broad range of objectives - a conception going beyond the re-
stricted interpretations currently used in many countries. The model
evolved according to such a philosophy covers every aspect of national
educational systems: the redistribution of responsibility at all adminis-
trative levels; radical structural changes at all traditional school levels;
innovative curricula; didactive and evaluative proposals; institutional
alternatives adapted to the geographical, cultural and financial con-
ditions of Peru; imaginative solutions regarding the source, status and
qualifications of teaching staff; and the coordinated use of modern
The proposalssubmitted by the Commissionwere subject to the widest
national discussion that has ever been conducted in Peru, and were made
law without substantial modifications a mere two years after the Com-
mission had begun its work.
The implementation plan proposed by the Commissionmay have been
idealistic. Professor Salazar Bondy, however, with a realism not often
found in a philosopher and a courage unusual in theoretical inventors of
radical reforms, not only endorsed the revisions made but also agreed to
act as the President of the Higher Councilfor Educational Reform, which
is responsible for the implementation of the Commission'sproposals. His
death at the initial phase of one of the most stimulating attempts in
current educational development has deprived him of the opportunity to
witness the realisation of his ideals, and has at the same time deprived
Peru, Latin America and the world of one of its most advanced educa-
tional innovators.
Director, Unesco Institute for Education

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