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Environmental Planning Quiz (35 Questions)

35 Questions | By Rdakis | Last updated: Dec 27, 2017

The term “environmental planning” is given to the process of facilitating the making of decisions
regarding land development with reference to such topics as nature, society, politics and more. What can
you tell us about it?

Questions and Answers

1. Defined Environmental Planning as "The multi-disciplinary art and science of analyzing, specifying,
classifying, harmonizing, managing and regulating the use and development of land and water resources,
in relation to their environs, for the development of sustainable communities and ecosystems."
A. RA 10587
B. PD 1308
C. SB 2482
D. EO 220

2. Defined Environmental Planning as "Refers to activities connected with the management and
development of land, as well as the preservation, conservation and management of the human
A. RA 10587
B. PD 1308
C. SB 2482
D. EO 220

3. As per RA 10587 Sec. 4a, Environmental Planning is also known as

A. Urban and regional planning
B. City planning
C. Town and country planning
D. Human settlements planning
E. All of the choices

4. As per PD 1308 Sec.3, Scope of Practice of EnP- professional services in the form of technical
consultation, plan preparation, and/or implementation involving the ff except one:
A. Development of a community, town, city, or region;
B. Development of a site for a particular need (e.g. housing, education, culture) including creating
a spatial arrangements of buildings, utilities and communication routes;
C. Land use and zoning plans for the management and development
D. Pre-investment, pre-feasibility, and feasibility studies.”
E. Site & construction supervision for city hardscapes & softscapes

5. As per Senate Bill 2482, Scope of Practice of EnP- professional services in the form of technical
consultation, plan preparation, capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation of implementation
involving the following except one:

A. Preparation of national, regional or local development and/or physical framework and land use

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B. Preparation of comprehensive land use plans, zoning, and related ordinances, codes, and other
legal issuances for the management and development, preservation, conservation, rehabilitation,
regulation, and control of the environment, including water resources;

C. Development, conservation, redevelopment, and revitalization of barangay, municipality, city,

province, region or any portion or combination thereof;

D. Development of a site for a particular need, such as economic or ecological zones; tourism
development zones; and housing and other estate development projects, including creating a
spatial arrangement of buildings, utilities, transport, and communications;

E. None of the choices

6. The Four Rudiments of Environmental Planning except one:

A. Humankind
B. Environment
C. Development
D. Sustainability
E. Government

7. Who implements PD 1308/ RA 10587? 1 Academe 2 Government 3 PIEP and PRC 4 Private Sectors
A. 2 & 3
B. 2, 3 & 4
C. All of the choices
D. 1 & 2

8. Role of Government in Environmental Planning Profession except one:

A. Link EP to socio-econ plans
B. Spatial implications of socio-cultural economic policies
C. Update implementation of planning laws
D. Implement PD 1308/ RA 10587
E. Monitor professional practice

9. Role of Private Sectors in Environmental Planning Profession except one:

A. Complement government efforts
B. Set examples for best practice
C. Comply with PD 1308/ RA10587
D. Cooperate with NGOs
E. Develop linkages between disciplines

10. Role of an Environmental Planner: Advances the civic agenda of the general public
A. Regulator & Policy Advisor
B. Designer & Visionary
C. Mediator & Facilitator
D. Advocate & Educator

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11. Role of an Environmental Planner: Reconciles conflicting interests of contending groups in society
A. Regulator & Policy Advisor
B. Designer & Visionary
C. Mediator & Facilitator
D. Advocate & Educator

12. All are Planning philosophies/elements of EP except one:

A. Human being as focus of development
B. Holistic approach
C. Multi-dimensional activities
D. Wise/sustainable resources utilization
E. Equitable distribution of benefits
F. Qualitative/quantitative changes
G. None of the choices

13. Objectives/Purposes of EP under Society & Community except one:

A. Respond to problems/needs of society
B. Balance of private needs and command collective demands
C. Ensure sustainable development
D. Facilitate sourcing of funds for program/project implementation

14. Objectives/Purposes of EP under Planning/Management except one:

A. Provision of national basis for reclassifying/control of land use
B. Basis for enacting zoning ordinances for balanced/orderly spatial development
C. Introduction of new planning/management trends for dynamic/responsive to needs of the
D. Wise utilization of resources (money/effort/time)

15. Visions of the EnP Profession: (i) To Society. Citizens enjoying high quality of life/economic growth in
harmony with nature (ii) To capacitate and guide communities and stake-holder group make rational plans
as basis for decision-making on the sustainable development and management of the country’s physical
(land, water, air) (iii) To profession. A vibrant/globally competitive professional practice (iv) to nurture
internationally competitive Environmental Planners.
A. I & ii
B. I & iii
C. Ii & iv
D. Iii & iv

16. General Functions/ Concerns of an EnP except one:

A. Plan formulation/preparation/ implementation, Programming (plan selection)
B. Project Planning/ Management/ Evaluation/ Supervision
C. Community development/ management, Policy analysis, Public participation
D. Budgeting, Coordination/ Review
E. None of the choices

17. All are within the scope of EnP practice except one:
A. Technical consultation, technical advice, plan preparation, capacity building,
monitoring/evaluation of implementation. (NFPP, CLUP, ZO, SDP & PDs)

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B. Curriculum/syllabi development; teaching in academic institutions; conduct of review courses
C. Preparation of studies in relation to Pre-feasibility/feasibility, Environmental assessments,
Institutional/administration/legal systems
D. Conduct of hearings, competitions, exhibits, other public fora
E. Ensuring law compliance/acquisition of regulatory permits
F. None of the choices

18. All are Responsibilities of EnPs except one:

A. Certificate of registration & Professional ID cards, Membership in good standing of Accredited
Professional Organization (APO) (Certificate of Good Standing, COGS) & Signing of EP Plans
B. EP Partnerships/corporations/associations to be registered by the Board and PRC
C. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) /Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
D. Civil liability for plans prepared within 10 years
E. Positions in government to be registered EnPs (within three years)
F. None of the choices

19. Code of Ethics-PRBOEP: General Principles except one:

A. Service to God/country/humankind
B. Advancement of EP art/science; balanced ecology
C. Highest degree of professionalism/excellence/competence/integrity
D. Uphold the Constitution/laws/regulations/legal orders
E. Actively participate in professional organization’s activities/affairs

20. Code of Ethics-PRBOEP: Responsibility to profession/EnPs’ organization except one:

A. Devote time effort/talent/resources for advancement of professionals and students
B. Adhere to highest standards of integrity/transparency
C. Appropriate means of advertising
D. Serve as resource persons/speakers in public fora
E. Share results of experience/research

21. Code of Ethics-PRBOEP: Responsibility to Client except one:

A. Honesty in professional credentials/competence
B. Services within the scope of EP practice
C. Activities causing conflict of interest to be avoided
D. Professional fees commensurate with extent/quality of services
E. Information kept confidential except with clients permission
F. None of the choices

22. Code of Ethics-PRBOEP: Responsibility to Country except one:

A. Sustainable development as planning strategy
B. Priority to needs of disadvantaged/marginalized
C. Natural environment protection/conservation
D. Participatory planning/implementation
E. Objective/accurate reporting/evaluation of EP issues/concern
F. None of the choices
G. Reduction of administrative/geographical disparities

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23. Pros of EnP practice for Private except one:
A. Competitive income rates
B. Smaller organization, Plenty of room to experiment
C. Simpler interpersonal relationships/not much pressure
D. Seasonal work

24. Pros of EnP practice for the Government except one:

A. Stable/regular income
B. Challenging / may influence decision-making /implementation
C. Venue for inter-action with others in profession
D. Bureaucratic/administrative procedures/multi-layer decision- making

25. Issues/ Problems EnP regarding the Profession:(1) Not generally known/understood(2) No
representation in government agencies: Climate Change Commission, Disaster Risk Management
Councils, Local Development Councils(3) Need for Department of Housing & Urban Development; Land
Use/Development Code; need for EnPs in the legislature.(4) Population explosion, uncontrolled urban
growth; lack of discipline(5) Shortage of professional planners (6) Climate change/greenhouse effect
catastrophes; deforestation/land loss/loss of species, and other man-made activities
A. 1,2,5
B. 4,6
C. 2, 3
D. None of the choices

26. Issues/ Problems EnP regarding the Environment Situation:(1) Not generally known/understood(2) No
representation in government agencies: Climate Change Commission, Disaster Risk Management
Councils, Local Development Councils(3) Need for Department of Housing & Urban Development; Land
Use/Development Code; need for EnPs in the legislature.(4) Population explosion, uncontrolled urban
growth; lack of discipline(5) Shortage of professional planners (6) Climate change/greenhouse effect
catastrophes; deforestation/land loss/loss of species, and other man-made activities
A. 1,2,5
B. 4,6
C. 2, 3
D. None of the choices

27. Issues/ Problems EnP regarding the Administration:(1) Not generally known/understood(2) No
representation in government agencies: Climate Change Commission, Disaster Risk Management
Councils, Local Development Councils(3) Need for Department of Housing & Urban Development; Land
Use/Development Code; need for EnPs in the legislature.(4) Population explosion, uncontrolled urban
growth; lack of discipline(5) Shortage of professional planners (6) Climate change/greenhouse effect
catastrophes; deforestation/land loss/loss of species, and other man-made activities
A. 1,2,5
B. 4,6
C. 2,3
D. None of the choices

28. Opportunities for EnPs: Area/Development Planning except one:

A. Tourism development, Island planning; coastal planning/management; waterfront

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B. National, regional and local planning (regions/provinces/cities/municipalities/barangays)
C. New towns and industrial estates planning (eco-villages /green towns and cities; retirement
D. Heritage and conservation planning/urban design
E. Housing and human settlements
F. Open space/recreation planning; memorial parks
G. Global EP Practice in compliance with ASEAN Integration Agreement (AIA)

29. Opportunities for EnPs: Academe, R& D except one:

A. Secondary/Tertiary education
B. EP specialized fields/areas
C. Curriculum development
D. Sustainable communities, Climate change/energy conservation/environmental protection
E. New paradigms in city/urban planning (agropolis/technopolis/cyberpolis, etc.)
F. Legislative & Local government

30. Ethical Principles in EnP Professional Practice to Earth/Environment except one:

A. Respect/care/protect from damage
B. Share benefits equitably
C. Apply golden rule
D. Protect/Restore places of outstanding/aesthetic/spiritual/scientific significance
E. Cultivate sense of shared responsibility
F. Adopt models of consumption/production/reproduction

31. Ethical Principles in EnP Professional Practice to Sustainable Living except one:
A. Practice non-violence and create harmonious relationship with people/earth
B. Adopt models of consumption/production/reproduction
C. Justice in provision of potable water/clean air/food security
D. Promote social development/eradicate poverty
E. Apply scientific knowledge in sustainable living/environmental protection
F. Ensure opportunities to acquire knowledge/skills/values

32. Ethical Principles in EnP Professional Practice to People Participation/Empowerment except one:
A. Treat all creatures with compassion/protect from cruelty or destruction
B. Strengthen processes of all sectors’ path
C. Reaffirm vital roles of indigenous peoples in care/protection of Mother Earth
D. Secure right to sexual/ reproductive health (especially for women)
E. Promote youth participation as agents of change
F. None of the choices

33. PRC Code of Good Governance--Specific Principles of Professional Conduct except one:
A. Service to others
B. Integrity and objectivity
C. Professional competence
D. Solidarity and teamwork
E. Social civic responsibility
F. Global competitiveness
G. Equality of all professions
H. None of the choices

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34. Code of Ethics (PRBOEP): Why the Need for Code? (1)Govern personal/professional conduct of EnPs
(2) Promote/protect public interest (3) Ensure that only competent/qualified EnPs practice EP profession
A. 1 & 2
B. 2 & 3
C. 1 & 3
D. All of the choices

35. An EnP should have this set of basic skills except one:
A. Planning research methods
B. Critical thinking skills
C. Basic design skills
D. Decision making techniques
E. Collaborative skills
F. Charismatic skills


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