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Unit 21 – Plan and Deliver a pitch for a media product

LO1: Be able to generate ideas for an original media product

1.1 Interpreting Client Briefs - P1 - M1

Key Terms

Complete the following table of key terms for your chosen brief.

Purpose: The purpose of my advert is to encourage people to stop smoking, and to inform
the audience of the health problems that smoking causes.
Form: My video will be under 2 minutes long
Target Audience: My target audience is aimed at people, mainly teenagers and young adults, who
smoke, are thinking about smoking, or wanting reasons to stop smoking. My
advert will be aimed at both genders, as I want to reach as many people as
Key Messages: The main message in my advert will be to stop smoking, but will also include
information about health concerns and life expectancy, and the strain smoking
has on the NHS due to the mass amount of smokers in the UK.
Mediums: I will use social media and posters to promote my video as it will be able to
reach my targeted teenage audience easier than promoting it through posters
which teenagers
Budget: We had a limited budget as we’re students, but had access to materials we
needed in order to create the video
Timeline/Deadline 15 weeks
Success Criteria: The video will be a success if it includes the right amount of information needed
in order to encourage the audience to stop smoking. I also want the video to be
memorable, so we will include a tagline or song so people will be reminded of
the video whenever they think about smoking. To make the video shocking, I will
include facts of how smoking affects our health, as I want the audience to be
shocked and persuaded to give up smoking. Finally I will make sure my video has
a strong storyline, as I want the audience to understand what’s going on.

Research into the area of choice

We know anti-smoking adverts are popular across television channels such as ITV, Channel 4, BBC etc.
These adverts are often hard-hitting and shocking. I researched these adverts in order to gain more
knowledge of the codes and conventions that are often seen throughout anti-smoking products. I also
researched facts about smoking on the reliable website – Cancer Research UK.

Existing Similar Products

This is an anti-smoking advert that was distributed across UK

channels, and posted on the Daily Telegraph’s Youtube page. It’s
shocking and disgusting to watch, which is why it became so
popular. It encouraged people to stop smoking. The video is quiet,
and uses dull, grey colours. This house style is something that I
will take into consideration when I create my own advert.
Unit 21 – Plan and Deliver a pitch for a media product

LO1: Be able to generate ideas for an original media product

1.2A Techniques for generating new ideas – P1 – M1

Methods for generating ideas

Complete the following table to describe the methods of generating ideas. Include a discussion
of how this could be used to generate ideas for your chosen brief.

Method Description
Group Discussions A small group will discuss the topic of smoking, and who to aim
the video at. We will discuss what age range and gender we think
we should create the video for, and brainstorm ideas of how we
can promote the video, and how we will reach the target
Surveys Creating surveys for the public will help us learn how many
people smoke, their ages and gender.
Focus Groups Focus Groups are a group of people assembled to participate in a
discussion about a product before it is launched, or to provide
feedback on a political campaign, television series, etc. This will
help when creating the video, as we will be provided with helpful
feedback before launching the video.
Current Practitioner The Roy Castle Foundation and Fag Ends are currently promoting
anti-smoking to the general public.

My target audience is teenagers and young adults aged 16+ of both genders who already smoke, or
who are thinking about starting to smoke. This means my video will reach a wider audience, as I am
creating the video for a range of ages. Teenagers are in the C2DE category. Teenagers are often
most socially active online via social media, as there are a lot of influencers and celebrities online,
and teenagers can easily keep up with their favourite celebrities and friends. The younger generation
are easily influenced by social media and can feel pressured to do certain things and act a certain
way. By using RAJAR, I can advertise through various radio stations such as Capital FM and Radio 1 in
order to reach my younger target audience. In 2016, 15.5% of adults aged 18+ smoked which was
down from 19.9 per cent in 2010. In 2000, 26.8 per cent of adults aged 16+ were smokers.


Surveys are taken by companies such as NRS, RAJAR and

BARB. This demographic shows the proportion of people
who smoke each year, and the ages of those people.
Unit 21 – Plan and Deliver a pitch for a media product

LO1: Be able to generate ideas for an original media product

1.3 Techniques for generating new ideas – M1

Other Considerations and Constraints

Complete the following table to describe the methods of generating. Include a discussion of
how this could be used to generate ideas for your chosen brief.

Method Description
Physical Practicalities Locations
Financial Constraints Limited budget
School Equipment
Recording and editing
Legal requirements The Data Protection Act is a law that was passed to protect
personal data that is stored onto our computers. The law was
created in 1998. I will be using this law. The Creative Commons
act is an organisation that is devoted to expanding the range of
creative works that others create to build upon legally to share
with others. Copyright is a law that gives the creators of a
product the right to control how they're used and distributed. It
is illegal to copy or share copyrighted files without permission.
The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic
works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical
arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in
which their material may be used. I will be using these three laws
to protect my work from being stolen and used without
permission. I am keeping inside of these laws by using my own,
non-copyrighted music, and non-copyrighted sound effects. An
actor in my video will create the music needed using royalty free
music and his own lyrics. The Creative Commons Act will help me
to produce my video whilst staying within the legal boundaries. It
also lets me create my work, as well as allowing others to use it.
We will use this as my group is using the same video clips and
music, but we're editing in different ways.

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