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Tanauan Schools of Craftsmanship and Home Industries

Tanauan, Leyte
Oral Communication in Context
S.Y. 2016-2017

General Instructions: Please read, think, and answer sincerely and honestly. Avoid erasures in your answer sheets as much as

Multiple Choice. Read and understand each item carefully. Select the best answer in every item. Write the letter on
your answer sheet.

1. Who is the father of Mass Communication who asserts that communication can take place if and only if there is an
overlap between the Field of Experience of the Speaker and the Field of Experience of the Listener?
A. Wilbur Schramm B. Eugene White C. Aristotle D. Claude Shannon

2. The Telephone model which is the communication model that gave us the concept of “noise” is founded by ______.
A. Aristotle B. Shannon and Weaver C. Schramm D. White

3. The picture on the right is the communication model of _______

Speaker Audience

A. Aristotle B. Warren Weaver C. Schramm D. Eugene

4. It is the element of communication that is the one needed to be delivered or imparted and received. Which is it?
A. The Message B. The Channel C. The Noise D. The Communicative Situation

5. What is the result of monitoring by the Speaker of the Listener’s Response?

A. The Message B. The Channel C. The Noise D. The Communicative Situation

6. The element of communication that consists of the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin is called ____.
A. The Message B. The Channel C. The Noise D. The Communicative Situation

7. The dimension of communication that encompass the use of word or language and the facial expressions, gestures,
body language, and others is the _____.
A. Verbal/NonVerbal B. Formal/Informal C. Oral/Written D. Intentional/Unintentional

8. The following are functions of gestures EXCEPT

A. Regulating B. Illustrating C. Emphasizing D. Restraining

9. The use of time based on position or power is the language of time also known as _______.
A. Chronemics B. Proxemics C. Haptics D. Paralanguage

10. It is the “how” of saying something. What is it?

A. Chronemics B. Proxemics C. Haptics D. Paralanguage

11. The configuration of eyes, eyebrows, lips, cheeks, nose and forehead to show how the person feels is under _____.
A. the language of gestures C. posture and personal appearance
B. facial expression D. language of flowers

12. What function of communication that enables an individual to try to persuade or convince another person to change
his/her opinion, attitude, or behavior?
A. Regulation or Control B. Social Interaction C. Motivation D. Information

13. Being able to use language, gestures, and emotions to manage individual or group activities is a communication
function called ___.
A. Regulation or Control B. Social Interaction C. Motivation D. Information

14. What nonverbal cues are included in the Social Interaction Function?
A. casual and friendly tone C. dimness and authoritativeness
B. medical and legal gestures D. direct eye contact
15. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Speaker B. Listener C. Message D. Gestures

16. Which among the following verbal cues that are restricted to Filipino culture?
A. saying po and opo B. saying “hi” and “hello” C. “What’s Up?” expression D. I’m cool,
17. What is considered to be the most powerful of the types of nonverbal communication?
A. Chronemics B. Haptics C. Proxemics D. Paralanguage

18. How one stands or sits in Communicative Situations tells people around how one sees oneself as a Speaker, one’s
attitude towards the Message, and how one looks at the Listener. What nonverbal way of communication is this
referring to?
A. Facial Expression B. Posture and Personal Appearance C. Gestures D. Body Language

19. Whether talking to friends or acquaintances, to convince or to motivate them, what is usually necessary is to provide
A. Motivation B. Information C. Persuasion D. Encouragement

20. All are verbal cues of Regulation or Control as a function of communication EXCEPT
A. directives B. commands C. requests D. jargons

21. Who introduced that communication is like a linear process starting from the Speaker and ends with the Audience?
A. Aristotle B. Claude Shannon C. Eugene White D. Wilbur Schramm

22. The only way that the Speaker knows that the Message has been received is through the Listeners ______.
A. Response B. Message C. Tone D. Actions

23. The following are true statements about communication EXCEPT

A. Any communication involves a transaction
B. Communication is stirring up ideas in tire mind of another
C. It is a sharing of ideas among a group of people
D. It is merely a process of giving a signal

24. Deana missed what her mother meant to tell her when she called because of bad reception. Their conversation just
composed of “hellos” and “I can’t hear you!” This communication situation falls under what model of
A. Aristotlean B. Shannon-Weaver C. Schramm D. Berlo

25. Brent has been bugged by his toothache and headache all day and he can’t focus on what her English teacher is
discussing. This resulted to her poor quiz score. Brent is suffering from the effects of what kind of noise?
A. Psychological B. Physical C. Physiological D. Phenomenal

26. The smell of food emanating from a nearby restaurant tempted the group of tourist to stop by and dine inside. What
element of communication is dominating the phenomenon?
A. Noise B. Speaker C. Channel D. Communicative Situation

27. Sometimes people laugh at something that was said even if the Speaker meant his/her message to be taken seriously.
What dimension of communication does this situation fall under?
A. Oral/Written B. Verbal/NonVerbal C. Formal/Informal D. Intentional/Unintentional

28. Leno thinks men should be “macho” in his language while Lenora insists on being non-confrontational in dealing
with the opposite sex. This communicative principle is greatly influenced by ______.
A. Gender B. Age C. Social Status D. Religion

29. Miscommunication occurs when there is ___________.

A. Lack of awareness of the dimensions of communication
B. Enough knowledge of the basic and important communication principles
C. Shared understanding of the topic by the participants
D. Absence of any kind of noise in the communication environment

30. Raffi answered Shia with an “I love you” in an angry tone. Shia, then, got confused whether to believe his words or
his tone. This communication phenonmenon can be best explained through the principle of _______.
A. Chronemics B. Haptics C. Proxemics D. Paralanguage
31. Jesame pounded the table with her clenched fist while saying “We can do this!” This situation of pounding the table
with a clenched fist is under what nonverbal way of communication?
A. Gestures B. Posture C. Physical Appearance D. Facial Expression

32. Mia stood slouching o the stage and when she walks and talks, she kept looking down. Comparing her performance
with the other pageant contestants, she would likely rank last. Consequently, she was not able to join the top five.
This event suggests that _____.
A. Mia was sick when she joined the pageant C. Mia was not serious in joining the pageant
B. Posture and physical appearance affects any performance D. pageants need serious and healthy

33. The following situations are examples of successful communication process EXCEPT ONE. Which is it?
A. A mother happily emerged from the bathroom with her toddler child from a successful bath time
B. All of the students in a class got perfect in a quiz after thorough discussion
C. Chinese students yawned while their Filipino teacher struggled through her English literature lesson
D. A couple smiling to each other while talking over their dream house’s blueprint

34. Social Interaction is the most familiar and the primary reason why people communicate. Below are the reasons
A. People love to talk and do love to talk to one another
B. Talking with others is one way people are entertained and everybody loves a good entertainment
C. Humans talk for the purpose of coming together as a society
D. All of us are fond of exploring and staying in the comforts of our own world.

35. Which situation does not belong to the group?

A. The teacher looks sharply at the noisy students
B. The yaya combs the little girl’s hair
C. The janitor tells the students to move away from the area of the corridor he is cleaning
D. A priest leads a group of people waiting for the arrival of the pope

36. Which of the following instances is social interaction as a function of communication evident?
A. Asking the janitor where the comfort room is
B. The janitor talking about the kinds of students he encounters daily
C. People symphatizing with the families of the fallen soldiers
D. Eating dinner quietly with the family

37. Jona’s bestfrfiend, Lyn, is suffering from the loss of her mother due to cancer. She patted her back and hugged her
tightly while there were at the hospital’s lobby crying to each other. Jona’s pat on Lee’s back and her sympathy is
clearly a sign of?
A. Social Interaction B. Information C. Motivation D. Emotional Expression

38. What function of communication does a salesman use in enticing someone to buy a product?
A. Information B. Motivation C. Emotional Expression D. Regulation or Control

39. The function of communication that you use when you try to join in to you friends’ cozy conversation is ___.
A. Information B. Motivation C. Emotional Expression D. Regulation or Control

40. Kuya Bebert delivers the daily weather report in TV Patrol. The way Kuya Bebert sends his message is an example of
what function of communication?
A. Information B. Motivation C. Emotional Expression D. Regulation or Control

41-50. Draw one of the Models of Communication with complete labels.

(41-45) Describe your chosen model in five (5) phrases or sentences.
(46-48) Model of Communication (Drawing)
(49-50) Appraise the use of your drawn Model of Communication.

“If it doesn’t CHALLENGE you, it doesn’t CHANGE you.”

-Fred Devito

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