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What Is The Most Important Social Changes Because Of Globalization?

I. Introduction
Today, the term globalization is not something foreign to our ears. But sometimes we
also do not know what the real meaning of globalization is. According to Held (2000), he
states that this globalization can be understood as economic and social changes that combine
with the formation of unique regional and global interconnections, which are more extensive
and intensive than the previous periods, which challenge and reshape political community,
and specifically, the modern state. These changes involve a number of developments that
can be thought of as profound in the present, and involve a structural transformation. Such
amendments include the human rights regime, which ensures that national sovereignty
cannot guarantee the legitimacy of a state in international law; environmental shifts, in the
form of global warming due to ozone layer leakage; revolution in the field of
communication and information technology that is increasingly expanding the reach and
intensity of all sociopolitical network tools within and across territorial boundaries of the
nation state; and the deregulation of capital markets which further strengthens the power of
capital by giving it a number of options for "exit" in relation to labors and the state.
As already mentioned, that social change is one of the things that can be affected by
this globalization, which involves a structural transformation. This is in line with the social
changes that mean the changes that occur in the social system or social structure of society.
More precisely, there is a difference between the states of a particular system in different
time periods. When discussing the existence of Social Change, we often think that this is
something that happened after a certain period of time and there is a difference from before.
This change can be caused by many factors, up the internal and external factors of the
community environment. One of the factors that stand out in this modern era is
globalization, where in essence globalization not only affects in social aspect but almost in
all aspect of human life. So then, in this case, what will be discussed is only about what are
the most important things in social change due to globalization.

II. Discussion
When discussing about globalization and social change, certainly cannot be
separated from different opinions between one person and the other. As we know that social
change has considerable coverage, and in modern times as it is today, globalization is the
main trigger. The existence of social change in general can be interpreted as a process of
shifting or changing the structure/order within the community, including a more innovative
mindset, attitude, and social life to gain a more dignified life. Therefore, here are some
opinions about the most important aspects of social change due to globalization in modern
times as it is today, including:
A. Social change due to technology
The first argument comes from Ngafifi (2014) which states that in today's era of
globalization technological mastery becomes a prestige and an indicator of the progress
of a country. The state is said to be advanced if it has a high level of technological
mastery, while countries that cannot adapt to technological advances are often referred
to as failed states. Therefore, with the advancement of technology, which continues to
grow very rapidly will give birth to digital society, which ultimately lead to changes in
human lifestyle due to technological progress so that it becomes more pragmatic,
hedonic, secular, and gave birth to an instant generation but also prioritize the
effectiveness and efficiency in his behavior and actions.
The world development of science and technology has indeed brought
tremendous benefits to the progress of human civilization. The current technological
advances have really been recognized by many people and judged to provide many
conveniences and comfort for human life. In this case, the social change that occurs is a
change of structure/order within the community, especially in terms of social life to
obtain a more dignified life, in the sense of an easier life due to assistance from
technological developments that have been able to replaces the role of humans in
performing tasks or work.
B. Social change and communication
One of the causes of social change is the rapid change of communication system
and information dissemination among people. According to Djelantik, (2015), the
International Communication System in the Information Age, which is one of the
impacts of globalization, has undergone significant changes in terms of actors, methods
and effects. The presence of internet along with information products has managed to
penetrate geographical barriers, state boundaries, race, customs, culture etc. Where
current citizen activity is now increasingly important, considering everyone can be
directly connected through a global information network. The era of electronic mass
media such as television that specifically publish news (news television) is also slowly
replaced with online media and the existence of social media and citizen journalism. In
this way, it has also reduced the role of the state in making important decisions, because
citizens can communicate directly with foreign parties without the help of countries.
With this, Djelantik, (2015) provides examples of communication changes
in 6 types of case studies, including discussions on communication in global culture, the
emergence of citizen journalism, the existence of international organizations, the
practice of diplomacy, the formation of public opinion, and security, especially
international terrorist organizations. In addition, the change in communication systems
can be caused by the ease with which people communicate, such as with the help of the
internet and supported by the existence of various applications that can connect a person
with others around the world can facilitate someone to communicate with anyone.
C. Social change in social inequalities of society
The existence of social change, due to globalization, not apart from the changes
in social inequality, especially in socio-economic. According to Perrons (2004),
Globalization and Social Change takes a refreshing new perspective on globalization
and widening social and spatial inequalities. It draws on ideas about the new economy,
risk society, welfare regimes and political economy to explain the growing social and
spatial division characteristic of our increasingly divided world. Combining original
argument with a clear exposition of the underlying processes, in her book, she illustrates
its points through a series of case studies linking people in rich and poor countries. The
emphasis of this matter is placed on the socio-economic aspects of change, particularly
changes in working patterns and living arrangements, and reference is made to the new
global division of labor, declining industrial regions and widening social division in
superstar regions. Broad in scope, changing family structures, the feminization of
employment, migration, work life balance and new conceptions of gender identity and
gender roles. In other words, this inequality of social related to Global Pressure on Wages and
Employment, Controversies of the impact of globalization on poverty, Globalization and
Inequality, Increase global insecurity, Globalization and child labor, Globalization and gender,
Globalization and migration (Bernhard G. Gunter and Rolph van der Hoeven, 2004).

III. Conclusion
Based on the understanding that has been explained, it can be concluded
globalization is one thing that can affect social change in people's lives today. As we know
globalization means that the world has no more limits, space and time, in the sense that
everyone can freely connect with others even if they are in different parts of the world. As a
result of this globalization, we cannot deny the existence of social changes in our life. The
important things in social change due to globalization are the development of technology,
the change of communicating, and the changing of social change caused by social
inequality. At least, these three aspects are very important to note.
In terms of technological developments, it has brought tremendous benefits to the
progress of human civilization. The types of work previously required. The already large,
now relatively can be replaced by automatic machine tools. Similarly, the discovery of new
formulations of computer capacities has been able to shift the position of human brain
capabilities in various fields of science and human activity. Meanwhile, in the
communicating change, now with the internet and communication-based applications that
spread throughout the world, can facilitate someone to communicate with others around the
world, so it can be easier in terms of cooperation, communicate with relatives, friends or the
people who have interests in other countries.
In addition, with the existence of globalization, cannot deny one of the impacts that
will arise is social unrest in the community. More precisely changes in socio-economic,
particularly changes in working patterns and living arrangements, and reference is made to
the new global division of labor, declining industrial regions and widening social divisions
superstar regions. Broad in scope, changing family structures, the feminization of
employment, migration, work life balance and new conceptions of gender identity and
gender roles, are all discussed.

IV. References
Bernhard G. Gunter and Rolph van der Hoeven. 2004). The social dimension of
globalization: a review of the literature. Policy Integration Department, World
Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization International Labour Office,
Djelantik, S . 2015. Komunikasi Internasional dalam Era Informasi dan Perubahan Sosial
di Indonesia. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas
Katolik Parahyangan: Bandung
Held, David, 2000. “Regulating Globalization? The Reinvention Politics”. International
Sociology, 15 (2): 394-408
Ngafifi, M. 2014. Kemajuan Teknologi Dan Pola Hidup Manusia Dalam Perspektif Sosial
Budaya. Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikas. Volume 2, Nomor 1,
Perrons, D. 2004. Globalization and Social Change: People and Places in a Divided World
Paperback. Routledge: London

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