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Example KPI’s

Description Bench
Prefix Services
# Executed shifts - The sum of the executed shifts.
# Visitos registrations - The sum of all access registrations,
# Site rounds The sum of the executed rounds.
# Workstate tickets The sum of all registrated WorkState tickets
# complaints due to Workrate. << Min The sum of the complaints duet o Workrate
Average # visitors per day. The average number of access per day based on weekdays

Valid BHV 95,0% Percentage of employees that have renewed their BHV certificate within 2
years during the executing of their shift. All employees are BHV (and AED)
Valid Security license 100,0% Percentage of employees with a valid security license during the executing of
their shift
Distribution Fixed / Flex tbd Distribution Fixed and Partimer employees based on executed shifts
# Trainings (5 per year) 100,0% Number of trainings held in the last 12 months

Percentage present on training 95,0% Percentage of employees that are present on training in the last 12 months.

Percentage regular checks 98% Average value of planned checks
% key checks 98% Percentage of executed key checks
% CCTV-checks 98% Percentage executed CCTV-checks
% SHIFT-handover 98% Percentage executed compliant shift handovers
% ticket registrations relative to visitors 99% Percentage of access regustrations without issues. (1 – average percentage of
registrations incidents ) ||
% not announced persons <1% WS-tickets not announced persons relative to total number of access
% security incidents <1% WS-tickets security incidenten relative to total number of access registrations.
% not WS "other" tickets <1% Percentage of not categorized tickets relative to total number of tickets
% HSE-tickets. <1% Percentage HSE-tickets relative to total number of access registrations.
% complaints relative to visitors. <1% Percentage complaints relative to total number of access registrations.

Initials …………. …………. 1

% mom tickets (relative to non- gen Percentage van mom tickets (minutes operations meeting) relative to non general
remark tickets) remarks tickets
% mom-tickets with owner 100% Percentage of mom tickets with owner.
% mom tickets closed within Percentage of mom tickets closed within the deadline
% Bi weekly meetings (6 per Q per 100% Percentage of van Bi-Weekly operations meeting 2 meetings per month per
datacenter) datacenter
% positive in sample testing Percentage of correct results from sample testing. 25 access samples.
1 per The sum of updates/reviews of the Workinstructions ( 1 month)
# Work instruction update month

< 30 Average time between creating and closing of a WorkState ticket

Average lead time MOM-ticket

Changes to the KPI’s are done in mutual consent.

Initials …………. …………. 2

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