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Conditionals -1st and 2nd Conditional

1. Choose the correct item and underline it:

1.If you call / you’ll call your mother, she’ll be very happy.
2. If John doesn’t buy a new car, he buys / he’ll buy a motorcycle.
3. If the mechanic fixes our car on time, we drive / we’ll drive to Center ville.
4. If it rains / it’ll rain today, we won’t go to the park.
5. If I’m not in a hurry tonight, I write / I’ll write to her.
6. If she isn’t / won’t be sick, she’ll go to school.
7. If they’re / they’ll be tired tomorrow, they don’t go / won’t go to work.

2. Rewrite the sentences using UNLESS-zapisz zdania w zeszycie

1. If you don’t go to Venice, you will never ride in a gondola.

2. If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the cinema.
3. If you don’t go to a Chinese restaurant, you’ll never taste a Peking Duck.
4. If you don’t go to Bursa, you’ll never climb Uludag.
5. If you don’t go to India, you’ll never see Taj Mahal.
6. If you don’t answer my question, I won’t go anywhere.
7. I won’t let you go if you don’t give me my money back.
8. I’ll call the police if you don’t go away.
9. If you don’t complain the manager, you’ll always get bad service.
10. If you don’t have enough money, you can’t buy this car.
11. If he doesn’t work hard, he can’t pass his class.
12. You won’t catch the bus if you don’t leave immediately.

3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. The weather report says there will be snow tomorrow. If it …………., I …………… at home. (snow / stay)
2. Do you need some money? Let me look in my pockets. If I ………………….some, I ………. you some.
(have / lend)
3. No, sorry. I haven’t got any money with me. But you know I ……………………….. it to you if I
……………………………… any. (give / have)
4. I’m sure of it. You …………………………. the test next week if yo……………….. hard. (pass / study)
5. Would you like to go to the cinema? If you ……………… to go, I………………. with you. (want / come)

4. Przetłumacz następujące zdania -zapisz zdania w zeszycie

1. Gdybym miał dużo pieniędzy, pojechałbym na wycieczkę dookoła świata.

2. Moglibyśmy o tym teraz porozmawiać, gdybyś miał trochę wolnego czasu.

3. Moje życie byłoby zupełnie inne gdybym mógł cofnąć czas.

4. Co byś zrobił gdyby twoja najlepsza przyjaciółka/najlepszy przyjaciel wyjechał za granicę?

5. Co byś zrobił gdyby ktoś zaatakował cię na ulicy?

5. Uzupełnij tekst odpwoiednią formą czasowników.

If I won the lottery...

Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? If I
(win) _____________that much money, I (quit) _____________my job the next
day. I (travel) _____________around the world and (stay) _____________ in the
most luxurious hotels. If I (want) _____________anything, I (buy)
_____________it. If I (see) _____________a beautiful Mercedes that I wanted, I
(buy) _____________it. If I wanted to stay in a beautiful hotel and the hotel
(be) _____________full, I (buy) _____________the hotel and make them give me
a room. I (can) _____________do anything in the world if I had 180 million
dollars ... Oh, I am starting to sound a little materialistic... Well... I (do)
_____________good things with the money as well. If anybody (need)
_____________ help, I (give) _____________ them some money to help them out.
I (donate) _____________money to charities. I (give) _____________money to
help support the arts. If I (win) _____________ that much money, I wouldn't
keep it all for myself. I (help) _____________ as many people as possible.

6. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę
możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. If we hurry up, we will catch the train! Hurry up or we …………………………………………… the train.
2. (Jeśli John zagra) ………………………………… in our team, we will win easily.
3. If you save some money, what ………………………………………( kupisz) ?
4. Mary (nie zaprosi cię)…………………………………………………….to her party if you forget her birthday.
5. Eat vegetables five times a day and you’ll be healthy.
You’ll be healthy vegetables……………………………………………………………… five times a day.
6. If people don’t protest, they will close the museum.
They ………………………………………………………the museum if people protest.
7. It’s a pity that I can’t sing. I can’t become a pop singer.
If I……………………………………………………….. , I’d become a pop singer.
8. I would be very angry if my mobile suddenly ( przestał)………………………………………………..working.
9. What will you tell George if he…………………………………………………….. ( zadzwoni) you?
10. Karla will fail the exam if she doesn’t study harder.
If Karla …………………………………………………..harder, she will pass the exam.

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