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A quurterly survey of reseurch o n the platinum metuls urrd of

dwelopments i n their applications i n industry

VOL. 15 APRIL 1971 NO. 2


Some Biological Effects of Platinum Compounds 42

Surface Phenomena on Rhodium-Platinum Gauzes 52

'The Electrodeposition of Rhodium on Titanium 57

Platinum Metals Electrodeposited from Molten Cyanides 58

Pressure and Thermal E.M.F.s 59

The Platinum Metals in Organic Syntheses 60

Abstracts 68

New Patents 75

Communications should be addressed to

The Editor, Platinum Metals Review
Johnson, Matthey & Co Limited, Hatton Garden, London EClP IAE
Some Biological Effects of
Platinum Compounds
By Barnett Rosenberg
Department of Biophysics, Michigan State University

Certain complexes of the platinum group metals exhibit interesting

biological efects. At low concentrations some are efective baeteriocides;
others stop cell division and force bacteria to grow into long filaments.
These complexes can also induce destruction of lysogenic bacteria. Most
important, perhaps, some of these complexes are very potent anti-tumour
agents against a broad spectrum of tumours, and may shortly be used for
cancer Chemotherapy i n humans.

In a truly heroic effort the National Cancer now known concerning the activities of these
Institute of the U.S. Government has compounds. It will be taken as granted that
screened approximately 140,000 compounds the general reader of this journal will find, as
for anti-cancer activity over the past 15 years. did the author, that biological and medical
Of this number, however, only a dozen or so terminology are "terra incognita". T o offset
were inorganic compounds. This imbalance this to some extent, a glossary of the more
between organic and inorganic compounds important terms is appended to the article.
reflects a fashion in chemotherapy that The germinal discovery was made about
started over 35 years ago. Prior to that, heavy 1964 when platinum electrodes were used
metals were extensively used in medical to apply an alternating electric field across a
therapy. About 1935, the discovery of the chamber in which bacteria were growing ( I ) .
sulfonamides introduced a new class of Application of the electric field caused a
organic chemicals which were effective cessation of all division in the E. coli rods,
against many bacterial infections. Hard on and since growth was not inhibited, resulted
this came the development of the antibiotics in the appearance of long filaments, A
which coupled a high degree of efficiency with comparison of the normal appearing E. coli
a low toxicity. At present, excepting a few rods and the filamentous rods caused by the
outstanding drugs, heavy metals and other application of the electric field are shown
inorganic chemicals have ceased to be of under the same magnification in Pig. I.
active interest as chemotherapeutic agents. Extensive detective work was required before
The screening program of the National we could conclude that the effective agent in
Cancer Institute, occurring within the last blocking cell division in the bacteria was a
15 years, reflects this bias. small concentration (-10 ppm) of some
Recently a new class of potent anti-tumour platinum complex in solution, electrolytically
agents has been discovered. These are formed by the applied electric field. It re-
inorganic complexes of the transition metal quired much further work to determine that
Group VIIIb. I n this article we shall review these complexes were cis-dichlorodiammine-
briefly the history of this new development platinum(I1) and cis-tetrachlorodiammine-
and discuss some of the properties that are platinum(1V) (2,3).

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 42-51 42

Fig. 1 l'hasc. rontrnst photomirrogmphs (j"E. roli 11. \ 600. ( 0 ) Aormal bactcria grown i n chornirally
rd mcdiuni. ( I ) ) Filanio~atorisbctrterin grown in sume medium but incorporating I 0 p p m I$ ris-
dichlorodi I I ) . The, nbility (tf thr rells to dividr and sc'paratc, 1 9 completely inhibited, so
continiird groibth lrads to long filaments

The structures of these complexes and some chloroplatinum(I1) double negative ions are
other differently acting agents are shown in bacteriocides at low concentrations (I to 6
Figs 2, 3 and 4. With the verification that ppm in the bacterial growth medium). These
these platinum complexes were indeed compounds undergo photochemical changes
capable of selectively blocking cell division in in the bacterial media, leading to a subse-
bacteria, a series of investigations was under- quent replacement of first one and then a
taken to determine the mechanism and the second chloride by ammonia. The resulting
generality of the effect. VanCamp discovered neutral molecules arc not bacteriocides until
that the hexachloroplatinum(1V) and tetra- very high concentrations ( - IOO ppm in

cis-dichloro- cis-dibromo- oxalato-

diammineplatinum( I I) diammineplatinum( 11) diammineplatinum(I1)

dichloroethylene- cis-tetrachloro- tetrachloroethylene-

diamineplatinum( I I) diammineplatinum( IV) diamineplatinum( IV)
I"ig. 2 Stri~rttrrrdj h r i i i l u i , of crrtiur nriti-trtmour comp1ew.s of platinum. Only n vrry f i i (
sprr<firronjigiuatioris are nrtivr

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 43

tetraammineplatinurn( 11) all complexes of cis-dichlorodiammine
ion platinum(I1) with methionine
Fig. 3 Structural formulae of low toxicity. non-actiur complexes of platinum. Some soluble
salts qf the nwtals are tolerated very zucll i n the animals, indicating that thr activity is not dzc~
to u general hravy metal poisoning

solution) are reached. Interestingly, the E. coli have previously been infected by
trans forms of these neutral molecules are not viruses (bacteriophages) and that the genetic
effective in blocking cell division in bacteria, material of the virus was incorporated into
while the cis isomers are. Thus we have two and became part of the genetic material of the
groups of compounds with different bacterial bacterial cell. T h e viral genetic material
effects; the negative ionic species which are (genome) is repressed in these cells and is not
generally bacteriocidal, and the neutral normally detectable. Such bacterial strains
species, in the cis form, which block cell are called “lysogenic” for the simple reason
division, but not growth. Gillard and his co- that a number of agents, such as ultraviolet
workers have reported similar effects in light, X-rays, and some chemicals such as the
organic rhodium complexes (4), and Gale, nitrogen mustards (alkylating agents), are
Howle and Smith (5) have extended these capable of inducing the development of partial
observations to include photochemical re- or complete viruses which lead finally to the
actions in ammonium hexachloroiridate, destruction (lysis) of the cell. The platinum
which also parallel the platinum trans- compounds which are effective anti-tumour
formations and bacterial activities. agents were found to be extremely potent
A third class of bacterial effects of platinum in inducing lysis of such lysogenic bacteria.
compounds was discovered much later by Fig. 5 exhibits the three types of effects on
Keslova (6). It is known that some strains of the growth curves in test tubes of various

rrans-dichloro- tetrachloro- cis-dinitrato-

diammineplatinum( 11) platinate(I1) ion diammineplatinum(I1:

oxalatoethylene- tris(cthy1enediamine)-
diamineplatinum( 11) platinum(I1) ion
b‘ig. 4 Strurturcd formulae of high toxicity, non-active complexes ofplatinum

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 44

strains of E. coli reacting to the presence of suggested that they may also be interesting
different compounds of platinum, showing in compounds to test as anti-tumour agents.
Fig. 5a the bacteriocidal effect, in Fig. 5b Such a study was undertaken in our labora-
the cell division inhibition, and in Fig. 5c the tory. We first determined the level of the
lytic effects of these compounds. platinum compounds which would be
tolerated by the animals (LD,, doses), and
Anti-tumour Activity then whether, below these levels, they would
Since the platinum complexes of Fig. z are inhibit the growth of transplantable tumours
active in inhibiting cell division in bacteria, it in these animals. The first test was with a

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 45

Sarcoma 180 tumour (a standard test tumour animal would die, before instituting treatment,
in cancer research) in Swiss white mice. We and still rescue IOO per cent of the animals.
found that the animals would tolerate single in- The drug has been tested now at the National
jections of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1) Cancer Institute and at the Chester Beatty
at a level (8 mg/kg) which could almost Institute in London by Haddow and Connors
completely inhibit the growth of the trans- (11) on a number of other tumour systems
planted tumour, while the LD,, level was such as the Lewis Lung carcinoma, the €3-16
14 mg/kg. This was the first evidence that melanocarcinoma, the P388 leukemia, and the
these complexes are active anti-tumour ADJ-PC6A tumours. It has shown marked
agents (7). This compound was then sub- effectiveness in all of these tumour systems.
mitted, along with cis-tetrachlorodiamminc- The latter group have also shown a lack of
platinum(1V) to the National Cancer Institute activity of the complexes against the Rabbit
for screening against the Leukaemia L I Z I O VX2 carcinoma, the Gardner tumour, and a
tumour in mice, their present standard strain of the Walker 256 carcinosarcoma that
screening tumour. Their results showed that is resistant to alkylating agents. At this time,
cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1) has a a large number of other laboratories are
potent activity against this tumour, producing investigating the anti-tumour activity of these
an increase in life span of the tumoured complexes against a host of additional
animals of 380 per cent, and a “cure” rate of tumour systems. Their results will be re-
4 out of 10, with single injections at the ported in the near future. We conclude from
therapeutic dose, 8 mg/kg. this series of studies on the anti-tumour
I n addition to inhibiting the development activity of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1)
of newly transplanted Sarcoma 180 tumours that it is a very effective agent against a
in mice, it was later shown that one could wide spectrum of transplantable tumours in
wait for a period of 8 days for the trans- animals. Anti-tumour activity has also been
planted tumour to grow to a very large size, exhibited by the other compounds shown in
before instituting treatment with the cis- Fig. 2. I n some tumour types, other com-
dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1). A single pounds have been shown to be more effective
injection, intraperitoneally, of 8 mg/kg of this than the cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1).
drug caused the complete regression of the We have then a new class of drugs which
large tumours in close to IOO per cent of the could form a set of specific chemotherapeutic
animals (8). These results are illustrated agents against specific types of tumours.
in Fig. 6. I n addition to producing such While transplantable tumours form the
extensive “cures” of advanced sarcomas, we best screening systems for evaluating the
found that even up to 11 months afterward, effectiveness of new anti-tumour agents, there
the animals remained immune to a re- are other types of tumour systems which are
challenge with the same tumour. Thus the more relevant to the cancers that occur in
“cure” produced long-lasting immunity to human beings. Two other such types of
this tumour system (9). tumours are those caused by injections of
This first anti-tumour complex of platinum chemical agents (carcinogens) into the animal
has now been tested extensively on many which induce the formation of tumours, and
other transplantable tumour systems. Kociba those which are caused by the injections of
(10) demonstrated that it can produce 100 per certain classes of viruses. It is of interest,
cent “cure” in rats of the Walker 256 carcino- therefore, to determine whether these
sarcoma and the Dunning Ascitic Leukemia. platinum complexes are capable of exhibiting
Again, in his studies he has shown that one anti-tumour activity against carcinogenically
could wait until the tumour is in a highly or virally induced tumour systems. Recently,
advanced state, i.c., four days before the Welsch (12) has investigated the activity of

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 46

Fi?. h The, rrgrossion of u large Saxoniu-180 turnour in the! Swiss white rnouse by a single intraperitoneul
1 1 ) ut the therapeutic dosc (8 mg/kg)
injrction of’ c:is-rlichlorodiarnrnine~Z~itiniini(

ci,-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1)against the some platinum compounds against trans-

dimethylbenzanthracene-induced mammary plantable, carcinogenically induced, and
tumour in the rat. He has reported the virally induced tumours we can conclude that
complete regression of a very large number of these compounds have one of the broadest
extensively developed mammary tumours in spectra of action of any class of anti-tumour
the rats, with at least three out of 14animals agents yet discovered. From the fact that it
completely “cured” of all tumours. Since can cause regression of large tumours, and
this particular tumour is the bcst model rescue animals when injected a few days
system for human mammary tumours, these prior to their death, we conclude that these
results are of significant interest. Hinz (13) compounds are very potent anti-tumour
has tested the same compound against a agents.
virally induced tumour of the chicken. The A major approach of the National Cancer
chicks were injected with the Rous Sarcoma Institute chemotherapy program is the use
Virus, which, after a period of weeks, pro- of combinational drug therapy. The basic
duces a large Sarcoma tumour in the wing idea is to mix drugs, all of which hit the
web of the chick. Again, therapeutic doses target tumour, but each of which have
of the complex were capable of causing different side effects. Usually these com-
complete regression of these tumours in 95 bination drugs have shown enhanced activity
per cent of the animals. From the accumu- over and above the best of the individual
lating results of the anti-tumour activity of drugs involved. However, only very few

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 47

combinations have been found which pro- liver and kidney. However, the damage to
duced synergism of anti-tumour activity. these latter organs is negligible, whereas the
Recently Venditti (14)showed that a com- tumour, of course, is destroyed. A significant
bination of cytoxan (an alkylating agent) and fraction ( - 15 per cent) of the injected drug
cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(I1) produced is still detectable after six days. It has been
a large number of “cures” against an advanced found, both by Kociba and Toth-Allen, that
leukaemia LIZIOin mice, whereas each of the drug primarily affects those cells of the
them individually produced only a small body which are most rapidly dividing, such as
percentage increase in the lifespan, even up to the cells of the intestinal lining, and of the
toxic doses. This would appear to be a very bone marrow. It is, therefore, a cytotoxic
promising method of treatment, since the drug, and must be used with caution. These
drugs are both used at levels where side side effects are those generally expected with
effects are minimal. I will describe below, in anti-tumour drugs and techniques for their
the section discussing the mechanism of action amelioration have been developed. I n the
of the drug, a possible rationalisation for the case of the platinum complexes, the damage is
apparent therapeutic synergism of these two always reversible, and the animals recover.
drugs. They exhibit no long-lasting side effects
caused by therapeutic treatment.
The Toxicological Effects of
Platinum Complexes The Molecular Biology of
Experience teaches that it would be overly Platinum Complexes
optimistic to expect an anti-tumour drug to The interaction of the platinum complexes
be so specific in its action that it does not at all with cellular macromolecular syntheses has
affect adversely the normal tissues of the body. been investigated by Harder using tissue
I n general, one finds that all such drugs have culture techniques (16). He has measured the
side effects which limit the dose levels that ability of treated cells to manufacture nucleic
can be used in man. It is essential to predict acids (DNA and RNA) and proteins, using
from animal studies the kinds of toxicological radioactively labelled precursors for each of
effects one may anticipate when the platinum these species. Only those platinum complexes
complex is used in human patients. Such which are active anti-tumour agents are
studies have been undertaken in a number of capable of inhibiting the synthesis of DNA.
laboratories. Those which are inactive do not produce such
It is first necessary to determine how long inhibition. Further, at the dose level that
the drug remains in the animal after a pulse appears in the tumour tissues of animals, the
injection, and also its distribution as a function DNA replication is selectively inhibited,
of time in the various organs of the animal. while RNA and protein synthesis are not
Toth-Allen (15) has evaluated the distri- inhibited. Similar results have been found by
bution in mice using a neutron activation Howle and Gale in vivo (17). Such results are
technique which is sufficiently sensitive shown in Fig. 7. Harder has further proved
( 0.01 ppm) to measure accurately the low that the inhibition of DNA synthesis is not

concentration of the platinum complex caused by a blockage in the synthesis of the

generally found in tissues (-I to 5 micro- necessary precursors of DNA, nor is the
grams per gram of tissue) after injection. ability of these precursors to enter the cells
She has reported that there is no specific impaired. We conclude from these data that
uptake of the platinum complex in the the platinum complexes most probably act
Sarcoma 180 tumour tissue, and that indeed by causing a primary lesion in the DNA of
it appears in much higher concentrations in the cell. It is of interest now to determine the
the filtering and excretory organs such as the nature of this primary lesion.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 48

very effective in inducing lysogenic strains of
bacteria. The present understanding of the
action of the bifunctional alkylating agents is
believcd to be the formation of an interstrand
crosslink between the guanine bases, at the
N-7 position, in double stranded DNA. I n
order to accomplish this interstrand crosslink,
the two active chloride groups must be
approximately 8A apart. I n the cis-di-
chlorodiammineplatinum(II), the spacing be-
tween the two active chloride groups is 3.3A.
It would appear, thcrcforc, that such platinum
complexes cannot be causing the same primary
lesions, i.e., interstrand crosslinking, as do the
bifunctional alkylating agents. On the basis
of some recent evidence that the platinum
complexes inhibit a single stranded bacterio-
phage as well as it does the double stranded
bacteriophage (19); that it reacts in vitro
primarily with purine bases rather than
pyrimidine bases; and taking into account
that the stacking spacing of the bases in the
Watson-Crick model of DNA is about 3.4A,
we arc led to suggest that the primary lesion
caused by the platinum complexes is an
intrastrand purine dimer. This is a new type of
lesion that has not been investigated before.
In vitro studies with purine dimers tend at
this time to validatc this hypothesis, but much
further work must be done to prove or dis-
prove it.
If indeed the platinum complexes do form
an intrastrand purine dimer, while the
Ihobnik (IS) suggested, on the basis of the bifunctional alkylating agents form an inter-
similar occurrence of the two active chloride strand crosslink, it may then be that a
groups in bifunctional alkylating agents and in ccllular repair mechanism, which normally
the cis-dichlorodiammincplatinum(II), that operates within the cell to eliminate lesions in
the platinum complexes act similarly to the the DNA, would have more difficulty in
bifunctional alkylating agents. Information simultaneously repairing both types of lesions,
we have gathered up to now indicates that than either one of them individually. This
there is indccd a similarity in the actions of could provide a rationale for the therapeutic
both of these classes of compounds, but it is synergism described above.
by no means an idcntity. For example, they
are both capable of forcing giant cell forma- Speculation on the Mode of Action
tion in mammalian tissue culture, and of of the Anti-tumour Effects
forcing filamentous forms in bacteria. They Reslova (6) has shown that all platinum
both selectively inhibit DNA synthesis at low complexes which are active anti-tumour
concentrations in mammalian cells, and are agents are capable of inducing lysis in lyso-

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 49

genic bacteria; those which are non-active do trials. It is anticipated that it will be tested on
not produce such lysis. These results provide human patients some time in the spring of
a clue as to the mode of action of the platinum 1971.It will be many months before sufficient
complexes in specifically damaging tumour clinical data will be available to allow a
cells. It has been suggested by a number of judgment of the efficacy of this new
scientists that viruses may be the sole agents compound, either alone or in combinational
which transform normal cells into tumour drug therapy, in human tumours.
cells. Howerer, since viral particles (virions) I n the meantime, research must be pursued
are rarely found in tumour tissues, it is more to develop analogues of the original com-
likely that the mechanism of transformation pounds, and to continue testing these
operates after viral infection by the in- analogues on screening tumour systems.
corporation of the viral genome into the Without hesitancy I suggest it is now appro-
cellular genome. Normally this viral genome priate for inorganic chemists to join their
is repressed and unable to exhibit its presence. organic brothers in submitting samples of
Agents such as X-rays, radiation, other their syntheses to appropriate Cancer
viruses, and chemical carcinogens could Institutes for screening for anti-tumour
partially derepress these viral genomes, activities. I n addition to this chemical
forcing the manufacture of a number of new synthesis activity, it is desirable to know in
proteins in the cell. It is hypothesised that more detail, and with greater security, the
some of these new proteins are the active mechanisms of action of this new class of
agents causing transformation into tumour drugs, as well as their general toxicological
cells. This hypothesis is consistent with the and pharmacological properties in mammalian
theory of Huebner (20). If we now take the systems.
evidence of Reslova, obtained from bacterial ‘This class of complexes of the platinum
cells, and apply it to the mammalian cells, we group metals form a promising new class of
can suggest that the primary lesions in the drugs to be added to the medical armamen-
DNA caused by the platinum complexes act tarium.
to derepress completely the viral genome. References
This then leads to the active multiplication of I B. Rosenberg, L. VaiiCamp and 7’. Krigas,
the viral particles, which may or may not be Nature, 1965, 205, 698
2 €3. Rosenberg, E. Renshaw, L. VanCamp, J.
defective. I n any case this will almost Hartwick and J. Drobnik, J . Bact., 1967, 93,
certainly increase the antigenicity of the cell, 716
and therefore stimulate the immune system 3 B. Rosenberg, L.VanCamp, E. Grimley and
A. J. Thomson,Q. Biol. Chem., 1967,242,1347
to produce retaliatory antibodies to the 4 K. J. Bromfield, R. H. Dainty, R. D. Gillard
tumour cells at an enhanced rate. It is also and 13. T. Heaton, Narure, 2969, 223, 735
possible that, if the viral genome and the 5 G. R. Gale, J. A. Howlc and A. B. Smith,
Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 1971, in press
viral particles can be eliminated from the cell 6 S. Reslova, International Symposium
without concommitant cell death, the cell “Bacterial, Viral and Anti-Tumour Activities
of Platinurn Compounds”, Mich. State Univ.,
should revert back to its normal status. Such Sept. 1970
effects have been known to occur in the past. 7 B. Rosenberg, I,. VanCamp, J. B. Trosko and
V. H. Mansour, Nature, 1969,222, 385
This speculation suggests a number of
8 €3. Rosenberg and I,. VanCamp, Cancer Res.,
possible tests, and these are under way in a 197% 3% I799
number of laboratories. 9 L. VanCamp, 1970, personal communication
10 R. J. Koeiba, S . D. Sleight and R. Rosenberg,
Cancer Cheniother. Rep., 1970, 54, 325
Future Outlook X I 1’.A. Connors and A. Haddow, International
One platinum complex, the cis-dichloro- Symposium “Bacterial, Viral and Anti-
Tumour Activities of Platinum Compounds”,
diammineplatinum(I1) is currently on test at Mich. State Univ., Sept. I970
the National Cancer Institute in preclinical 12 C.Welsch, ibid.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 50

13 R. Him, ibid. two strands of double stranded nucleic acid
I4 J. Vcnditti, ibtd. (DNA, RNA). I t is generally believed that this
15 J. ’Toth-Allen and B. Rosenberg, 1971, link prevents the separation of the two strands
submitted for publication which is necessary for genetic replication.
16 11. C:. IIarder and R. Rosenberg, Z n t . J . Intrastrand purine dimer. A chemical bond
Cancer, 1970, 6 , 207 (covalent) formed between two adjacent purine
17 J. A. I h w l e and G. R. Gale, Bioclicm. bases (adenine or guanine) attached to the same
l’hurinacol., 1971, in press strand of a nucleic acid molecule.
18 J. Drobnik, 1970, personal communication In Vitro. Refers generally to experiments done
19 J. Drobnik, A. Krekulova and A. Kubelkova, in a cell-free system. Here, however, it also
submitted for publication, 1971 encompasses the growth of mammalian cells in
20 K.J. Huebner and G. J. ’I’odaro, Proc. Natl.
Acud. Scz. U S . , 1969, 64, 1087 In Vipo. Refers to experiments done in an intact
LD,,. The dose, given under specified conditions,
of any agent, which causes death in 50 per cent of
GLOSSARY the organisms.
Alkylating agent. A reactive chemical which Leukaemia. A mass of relatively undifferentiated
replaces a hydroxylic hydrogen atom by an alkyl cells in uncontrolled growth, disseminated in the
group. Bifunctional alkylating agents have two blood system. Specifically a disease of the blood
attachment sites (e.g., nitrogen mustard); mono- and blood forming organs characterised by a
functional alkylating agents have one available permanent increase in the number of white blood
attachment site (e.g., methylmethanesulphonate) cells.
Antibodies. Protein components (gamma Lysis (Lytic). The bursting of a cell caused by
globulins) of an immune organism which attach, the destruction of the cell membrane.
with great specificity, to antigens and incapacitate Lysogcnic bacteria. Bacteria that contain the
them. genetic information (genome) of a bacteriophage
Antigen (antigenicity). Any substance (usually incorporated in the cellular genome.
proteinaceous) which when injected into an
organism causes the formation of antibodies. Melanoma. A tumour containing melanin, the
black, polymeric pigment normally made in special
Bacteriocide. Chemical agents which kill skin cells.
bacteria, usually important only if they produce
tolerable effects in the host organism. Purines. Aromatic, nitrogen-containing, ring
moleculcs (adenine and guanine) with basic
Bacteriophages. A class of viruses which properties. One of the two classes of bases
attack bacteria only. defining the genetic code by their sequences in
Carcinogen. Any agent (chemical, physical, nucleic acids.
bacterial or viral) which can produce a cancer in an Pyrimidines. Cytosine and thymine. The
organism. second class of aromatic, nitrogen-containing ring
Carcinoma. A specific form of cancer which is a structures, that occur in nucleic acids, and define
malignant tumour of lining cells and glands in the the genetic code.
body of an organism. Repression (derepression). The forcing of a
Carcinosarcoma. A mixed tumour with charac- gene into an inactive state. A repressor molecule,
teristics of both a carcinoma and sarcoina (see believed to be a protein, blocks substances which
below). turn genes on, or interferes with the genes’
“Cure”. A complete disappearance of all de- ability to eventually produce a specific protein.
tectable symptoms of a cancer for a minimal RNA. Ribonucleic acid. A long chain polymer
period of time (in humans, it is usually about consisting of alternating phosphate and sugar
five years). The double quote marks usually groups with attached purine and pyrimidine
imply that the results are reported before this bases. May be the sole source of genetic informa-
minimal time has elapsed. tion in the organism, and additionally acts as an
Cytotoxic. Refers to cell destruction or damage, intermediary to transfer the genetic code into
usually caused by agents deleterious to any specific protein manuf.xture.
essential process of the cell.
Rous Sarcoma Virus. An RNA containing
Cytoxan. Commercial name for cyclophos- virus which is the causative agent of tumours in
phamidc, a very potent anti-tumour agent of the fowl.
bifunctional alkylating agent class. Sarcoma (S-180). A specific form of cancer
DNA. Deoxyribonuclcic acid. A very long which is a malignant tumour of supporting
chain polymer consisting of alternating phosphate tissue in the body of an organism.
and sugar groups with attached purine and
pyrimidine bases. The genetic information of the Virus (Virion) Defective-Active. Infectious
cell is coded in the sequence of these bases. disease-causing agents which are smaller than
bacteria and which always require an intact host
Escherichia Coli (E. coli). A bacterium found cell for replication. They may contain either
in normal intestines. It is probably the most DNA or RNA as the genetic material. The
intensivcly studied organism in biology. nucleic acids may be double stranded or single
Genome. The total genetic information of a cell. stranded. Defective viruses are incapable of
Interstrand Crosslinks. A chemical (covalent) infecting host cells, or cannot replicate once their
link between two bases, each situated on one of the genome has invaded the cell.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 51

Surface Phenomena on
Rhodium-Platinum Gauzes

By J. E. Philpott
Johnson Matthey Metals Limited

The rare occurrence of inactive catalyst gauzes for no obvious reason has
led to comparative studies of the structures of rhodium-platinum wires
from both active and inactive gauzes. Active gauzes showed the regular
development of octagonal crystal faces on the nodular growths on the
wires. Inactive gauzes showed no crystal development and an amorphous
growth appeared on the wires. Segregation of rhodium and iron at the
surface occurred in this case, perhaps due to unusual plant operating
conditions, and may have caused deactivation.

The use of rhodium-platinum alloy gauze and uneconomical yields are obtained only a
as the catalyst in the modern process for short time after igniting the pad. It would
ammonia oxidation is well established, as appear that the high selectivity of the catalyst
shown by the large number of papers re- gauzes for promoting the desired oxidation
viewed previously in this journal ( I ) and reaction steadily declines and that yields from
elsewhere (2). At the present time there are alternative side reactions become significant.
in the world more than 450 nitric acid plants Treating the inactive gauzes with constant
and almost without exception they use plati- boiling hydrochloric acid and replacing them
num alloy catalyst gauzes, usually of 10 in the plant does not improve their per-
per cent rhodium-platinum. formance. Replacement of the inactive pad
T h e oxidation process is highly efficient by a fresh pad of gauzes has always overcome
and over a wide range of operating conditions the problem but has done nothing to explain
a nearly quantitative conversion of ammonia it.
to nitric oxide can be obtained. Conversion Analytical examinations of inactive gauzes
efficiencies of between 92 and 96 per cent are and of the material from which they were
commonplace and are consistently achieved woven and cut do not give any indication of
throughout the lifetime of a plant. I n general the cause of inactivity. The chemical
the shortfall from maximum efficiency is composition of the gauze material has always
probably due to some decomposition of the been found to lie within the tolerance limits.
ammonia feedstock before it reaches the Analysis to determine whether some unusual
gauzes, rather than to significant yields from impurity had been sealed into the wire
possible alternative reactions ( I , 2) that can surface during the wire drawing process, or
take place on the gauzes. whether the retention by the gauzes of
On rare occasions, however, a case is found impurities entrained in the feedstock gas
of a catalyst gauze pad that is inactive. might account for the drop in activity, did
Although apparently indistinguishable from not reveal any cause of the inactivity.
other gauzc pads, the inactive gauze pad does Although inactive gauze pads occur in-
not maintain its initial conversion efficiency frequently and are more of an occasional

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 52-57 52

Fig. 1 Carcful inspa tLon of gauzes fabricated by .Johnson Matthey Metals before dispatrh
to nitric nccd plants. Y’he fiat rircuEar pattze mil2 be Enstalled in a mediuin pressure plant
and the smaller hemgonal g a m e s zn high pressure plants. The largi, rolled czrcular g:cizcze
loill be installed En a plant operating at atmospheric presnuro

embarrassment than a constant cause of It has been previously reported (3) that
trouble, a niore detailed examination of them rhodium-platinum gauzes develop nodules or
was undertaken as part of a research pro- “brussels sprout” growths on their surfaces
gramme to study the fundamental mech- while in operation in nitric acid plants. The
anisms involved in ammonia oxidation for catalytic activity of the gauzes appears to
nitric acid production. be related to the development of this nodular
growth, since fresh gauzes with smooth as-
Examination of Inactive Ganzes drawn wire surfaces are inactive and need to
’To this end a number of inactive gauzes be activated before they will oxidise ammonia
from two medium pressure plants were efficiently. For this reason replacement
examined at various periods in their lifetime gauzes are usually installed beneath some of
and the results, together with the results the older activated gauzes already in the
from a more general examination made of catalyst pad. When a new pad is being
spcnt gauze pads taken from all types of commissioned, each gauze in the new pad is
plant in various parts of the world, were activated by playing a hydrogen flame over
compared with those obtained from an its surface until the gauze just glows red.
examination of several inactive gauzes from Alternatively, a few activated gauzes obtained
two inactive gauze pads. A description of the from a plant already in commission are
results follows with a series of scanning inserted on top of the fresh gauze pad and
electron microscope and electron microprobe serve to ignite the remainder.
analyser photographs illustrating the state of The photograph in Fig. 2 shows a gauze
the gauze surface at various stages. of 0.003 inch diameter wire with the wire in

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 53

F‘ig. 2 l O P ( , Rh-l’t gauze ioire 0.003 inch diameter
i n the as-drawn condition showing the uniforni
grain structure and absence of nodules on the

k’ig. 3 The gauze of Fig. 2 after half the normal

gauze life installed i n a nitric acid plant showing
the nodular pattern typicctl of a n active gauze

l+‘ig.4 A n eizlarged a i e u of the crossoz’er point of

two gauze wires .from the gaua:! i n Fig. 3 showing
the octagonal crystal structure and the nodules.
iohich are concmtmted on the wire surfaces between
crossover points

installed in a nitric acid plant for half the

normal gauze life period. Its surface shows
the development of the nodular pattern
typical of an active gauze. An enlarged view
of the crossover point of two gauze wires
from the same gauze is seen in Fig. 4. A
clearly developed octagonal crystal structure
can be seen in the enlargement and also the
development of the nodules, which appear
to be concentrated on the surfaces between
the crossover points. Perhaps nodular
growth at crossover points is inhibited by the
slight movement of the wires that occurs while
the gauze is in service. The structure seen
here is generally typical of active gauzes
whether they have been operated in low,
medium or high pressure plants.
When individual gauzes from an inactive
pad are examined, a markedly different
structure is observed. The regular develop-
ment of octagonal crystal faces cannot be
distinguished and an amorphous “cauli-
flower”-like growth as illustrated in Figs. 5
and 6 is seen, in contrast to the “brussels
sprout” nodules usual on active gauzes.

Segregation at Wire Surfaces

The obvious visual difference in these
highly magnified photographs suggested that
electron image determinations might produce
interesting results. Accordingly, two sets of
the as-drawn condition. T h e uniform grain active and inactive gauzes were examined,
structure and absence of nodules on the each set taken from one of two different
individual wires can easily be seen. Fig. 3 medium pressure plants many thousands of
shows the same gauze after it has been miles apart. The electron image photographs

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 54

Fig. 5 AIIinactive puuze after a f h (lays installed
in a nitric m i d plant showing the rrbsence of
octcrgonul crystal ,faces
Vig. 6 An, edarged v i w of the g a m e toire shown
in Fig. 5 with the cnullflozuer-lilce amorphous
,growth clmrcrcteristic of innetiiie gauzes

of both sets of gauzes were similar and those

taken from one set are shown.
Examination of the electron images from
the active gauzes (Fig. 7) shows that the
wires were homogeneous and no unusual
features are visible. In the electron images of
the inactive gauzes (Fig. 8) a clearly defined
concentration of material is seen on the
surface of the wires. This segregation on the

Fig. 7 (right) Electron and X-ray images of spent active gauze showing its homogeneity. n (top) l<lectron
imugge of rross-section of gnitse. b (middle) Pt M u X-ray image. c (bottom) K h 1,cr X-ruy image. x 360

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 55

Fig. 0 l+:lrrtron and X-rmy images of spent
inactiiie gauze showing srgrrgation of material at
the surjacr
(I Elrctron image of cross-sertion of gauze
6 l’t M E X - r a y image
r Hh I,a X - r a y image Y 360

the effect is really due to the micro-section

being a plane through the middle of the
gauze so that more of the wire surfaces is
visible at the crossover points where the
wires dip and rise in crossing each other.
The composition of the material shown in
Fig. 8c is very probably rhodium present as
rhodium oxide Rh,OB. A similar electron
image was seen showing a concentration of
iron, probably as FerOa, which was as-
sociated with the surface concentration of
rhodium. Neither of the active gauzes
examined showed any sign of surface con-
centration of rhodium or iron oxides.
On both sets of inactive gauzes the cauli-
flower-like nodular structure and the con-
centration of rhodium and iron oxides on the
wire surfaces were found to be present on all
the gauzes in the pad although they became
less severe from the top gauze downwards.
Surface concentrations of rhodium and
iron have not been found on material from
which the gauzes are cut out so it is thought
that they develop within the plant itself. The
factor or factors which initiate the con-
centrating process may be connected with
some flaw in the manufacturing procedure but,
since reports of inactive gauzes are related to
individual ammonia burners rather than to
batches of woven material from individual
suppliers, it seems more likely that these
factors will be found to lie in some unusual
operating condition in the plant itself. A
possible cause is a prolonged period of
operation at low temperature, thereby en-
couraging the slow separation and con-
centration of rhodium oxide on the surface
together with the preferential retention of
small particles of iron oxide from the fecd-
stock on the rhodium oxide, whereas at
wire surface appears to be more marked at temperatures above 900°C rhodium oxide
the crossover points but this is not so because would be expected to volatilise.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 56

Fig. 9 (;awe fabrication vn
tl7e looms in the .Johnson
Matthey Metals g a i m shop.
i ~ h f ) f ~ i u m - p l f l t i n igauzes
Ln~ 7 ~ p
to 140 in (3.56 metres) wide
(ire wot~eri f r o m 0.003 in
diamrtw w i r e

‘The development of
these inactive surfaces is
the subject of further
research work and in a
later article it is hoped
that an explanation will be
given of the fundamental
causes that lie behind these

Acknowledgements References
The author is much indebted to Dr G. J. I<. I H. Connor, Z’latinum Metals Rev., 1967, 11,
Acrcs for helpful discussions and to Mr J. G. (I), 2-9 Ibid.; (2), 60-69
l h y , who obtained the scanning electron micro- 2 T. E L Chilton, Chem. Engng. Prog. Mon. Ser. 3
scope and electron microprobe analyser photo- 3 A. W. Holmes, Platinum Metals Rev., 1959, 3,
graphs. ( I ) , 2-8

The Electrodeposition of Rhodium on Titanium

The protection of titanium by a thin coating Titanium alloys were degreased chemically
of platinum is well known in chemical and then were etched in sulphuric acid
technology but, although platinised titanium solution at 60 to 90‘C before plating in a
anodes are commonly used for industrial bath containing 1 . 2 to 2.0 g/l rhodium and
electrochemical purposes, little attention has 40 to 50 g/1 sulphuric acid at current densities
been given to titanium coated with other between 0.1 and 1.5 A/dm2 and at tem-
platinum group metals. peratures between 20 and 75°C. Insoluble
A recent paper by K. P. Ratashev and anodes of platinum and rhodium-plated
V. P. Zverev ( TT.Leningrad. I’oiitekh. Inst., titanium were used and efficiency increased
1970,(304), 130-134)now reports on studies with lower current density and higher bath
by the polarisation curve method of the temperature.
electrodeposition of rhodium on titanium and The rhodium coatings obtained at low
indicates the feasibility of such plating. It current density adhered well and were
can produce both protective and decorative satisfactory as regards hardness, reflectivity
coatings and also insoluble rhodium/titanium (brightness) and corrosion resistance. Tests
anodes. T h e features of rhodium for these were carried out to determine the properties,
purposes are its lesser density and greater strength and optimum thickness of rhodium
hardness than platinum. coatings on insoluble titanium anodes.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 57

Platinum Metals Electrodeposited
from Molten Cyanides
By D. Schlain, F. X. McCawley and G. R. Smith
US. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, College Park, Maryland

While conducting research here at the Three crucibles were electroformed. One
Metallurgy Research Center on thc elec- is of iridium, one inch inside diameter and
trodeposition of platinum group metals from $ inch deep with a 5 mil wall. The second
molten cyanide baths we have prepared crucible is formed of platinum, 2 inch inside
platinum metal objects by electroplating or diameter and one inch deep with a 5 mil
electroforming. The electrodeposition of wall. The third, also of platinum, is electro-
platinum group metals on various substrates formed with a thermocouple well for differen-
from molten cyanide baths was described tial thermal analysis work, inch inside
by Rhoda ( I ) . We have described our diameter, 2 inch deep with a 15 mil wall.
modified methods to electrodeposit thick Crucible tongs were coated with platinum,
protective coatings of platinum, iridium (2), 2.5 mil thick on the arms and 5 mil thick on
palladium (3), and rhodium (4)from molten the tips. I n addition, such items as thermo-
cyanides. couples, a nickel-chromium-iron rod used

I hree c:rucibles urtd two pairs of crucilrles tongs fdwictited und coated with platinum metals.

T h e largcst crurible was electrofornied of iridium, the others of platinum. The tongs it1er~
couted with plntinum. Wall and coating thicknesses range ,from 2.5 mil to 15 mil.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 58-59 58

as a seed holder in a molten calcium germa- References
nate bath, and 8 copper thermal E.M.F. I R. N.Rhoda, Plating, 1962, 49, (I), 69-71
probe have been heavily coated with platinum 2 R. I,. Andrews, C. 13. Kenahan and D. Schlain,
or iridium for corrosion resistance. Objects U.S. Bur. Mines R e p t . Invest. 7023, 1967
were electroformed of platinum or iridium 3 R. L. Andrews, G. R. Smith, C. B. Kenahan
and D. Schlain, U.S. Patent 3,5 17,789
using suitable mandrel metals. 4 G. R. Smith, C. B. Kenahan, R. L. Andrews
A molten cyanide process has also been and D. Schlain, Pluting, 1969, 56, (7), 805-808
developed for treating substrates before 5 S. I). Cramer and D. Schlain, Ibid., (s),
5 16-522
plating with platinum group metals in
6 S. D. Cramcr, C. €3. Kenahan and D. Schlain,
aqueous baths ( 5 , 6). U.S. Patent 3,3og,2g-o

Pressure and Thermal E.M.F.s


A thermal e.m.f. is not only a function of Extrapolation of the results obtained shows
temperature, it is also affected by pressure, that Chromel: Alumel may read as much as
a fact that is not as widely known. T o the z8'C high at IZOO'Cand 50 kbars while
geophysicist studying chemical and physical platinum : 10 per cent rhodium-platinum
behaviour at pressures of several thousand reads low by a similar amount at zooo"C
atmospheres correction for the effect of and 50 kbars.
pressure is essential. T h e authors acknowledge that pressure is
I n a recently published paper I. C. Getting only one of several factors affecting the e.m.f.
and G. C. Kennedy (I) describe a technique generated by a thermocouple and observe
for determining corrections on single thermo- that chemical contamination is a particularly
elements where, under thermally symmetrical difficult problem. Unfortunately their paper
conditions, one-half of a homogeneous wire does not indicate whether any steps were
is pressurised while the other half is main- taken to measure the degree of contamination
tained at atmospheric pressure. This is a and if so how their results were adjusted to
method previously used by Wagner (2), allow for this factor. Curiously they also omit
Hridgman (3) and Bundy (4) among others. an expIanation of the value of extrapolating
Getting and Kennedy's apparatus con- to 2000 C when the platinum limb of a
sisted of a piston-cylinder device with talc thermocouple normally melts at 1772'c.
as a solid pressure medium. T h e thermocouple The reader is left to infer that pressure
wire was fed through a tube at atmospheric raises the melting point sufficiently to make
pressure to the thermal centre of the furnace this a meaningful exercise.
where it entered the cell through a pressure These criticisms apart the results should
seal. Inside the cell the wire was coated prove to be valuable to workers in this
with binderless boron nitride to preserve experimentally exacting field of research
electrical insulation yet ensure uniform where reliable data on e.m.f. correction are
pressure transmission. T h e temperature of still very scarce.
both seals was recorded so that the temperature P. H. W.
gradient along which the pressure was
applied could be calculated. The cell was References
heated internally by a co-axial graphite heater. I I. <;. Getting and G. C. Kennedy, J . Appl.
A number of excursions were made into PhYS.9 1970, 41, (II), 4552-4562
the pressure-temperature field ranging up 2 E. Wagner, Ann. Phys., 1908,27,955
to a maximum of 1o0o"C and 35 kbars. T h e 3 1'. W. Bridgman, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci.,
thermocouples selected were Chromel :Alumel 1918,53,269
and platinum: 10per cent rhodium-platinum 4 I;. P. Hundy, J . Appl. Phys., 1961, 32, (3),
since these are two of the most commonly 483-488
used combinations. These thermocouples 5 1'. M. Bell, I:. R. Boyd and J. L. England,
Carnesie Inst. Wash. Yr. Bk., 1968, 66, 545-547
have previously been the subject of investi- 6 R. €7. Hanneman and H. M. Strong, .7. Appl.
gation by Bell et al. ( 5 ) , and Hanneman and Phys. 1966, 37, (2), 612-614; J . Appl. Phys.,
Strong (6) among others. 1965, 36, ( 2 ) , 523-528

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 59

The Platinum Metals in Organic
By B. F. G. Johnson
University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge

CO, olefins, acetylenes, aromatic species and

r ,
1 hc. synthesis of organic molecules is many other compounds takes place through
of growing importance to the chemical coordination. This act of coordination has a
industry but conz1entional methods are number of effects.
becoming increasingly inadequate.
'I'ransition metal complexes, i n p a r - Change in Reactivity
ticular those of the platinum nzeiuls, The act of coordination alters the electron
provid(> routes i n s.vnthetic chemistry distribution within the organo group. This
to many usefil and interesting com- very often involves donation of electron
pounds. TIrre the principles involved density (z)from the organic molecule (e.g.,
are explained and ( I . number of the as with olefins) to the metal so that electron
reactions ore dtwrihetl. distribution within the molecule can be
extensive. When coordinated to Pd(II),
It is now apparent that the application of for example, an olefin, normally susceptible
transition-metal organometallic compounds to electrophilic attack, now reacts with
to the synthesis of organic molecules is one nucleophiles.
of the most powerful preparative tools avail-
I<:,H, PdCl,{I OH--?CH,CHO
able to the chemist. This article is an attempt
to present some of the current ideas con- Equally important is the manner in which
cerning the structure and reactivity of such a change of metal can modify the reactivity
organometallic complexes of the platinum of the organic within an analogous series of
metals and to apply them to the preparation compounds. This is especially true for
of organics. olefin complexes. Recently, Pettit extended
To date much of the emphasis has been his studies of cyclobutadiene complexes to
placed on complexes of iron and conse- derivatives of ruthenium, molybdenum and
quently some of the principles are explained tungsten tricarbonyl and was able to show
by reference to that metal but there is growing that, whereas C4H,Ru(CO), resembles
interest in the platinum metals, which havc C,H,Fe(CO), and behaves as a pseudo-
already proved their versatility in so many aromatic species, the related molybdenum and
fields of chemistry. I n no way is this a tungsten complexes C,H,M(CO), ( M Mo
rigorous and complete exposition but it is or W) did not, emphasising the importance
hoped that an introduction to these ideas of the metal ion within this particular system.
will serve to indicate the synthetic potential Within this account we will in fact be
of reactions involving organometallic rcagents. concerned to a large extent with the variation
in reactivity of coordinated olefins and it is
Coordination perhaps pertinent at this stage to discuss the
In synthetic reactions involving metal ions, nature of the metal-olefin bond and thereby
activation of simple molecules such as H,, rationalise (or attempt to rationalise) the

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 60-67 60

modification in behaviour or change in metal.
T h e bonding of olefins to metal ions is
generally considered in terms of the Chatt-
Dewar-Duncanson Model. This simply I /’
6+ c-.
views the bonding as being composed of two
parts :
I n contrast for olefin complexes of Fe(O),
(u) the donation of electron density from
Ru(O), or Os(O), e.g. C,H,M(CO), (M Fe,
the filled ethylene z-orbitals into an
Ku or Os), since the metal in this situation
appropriate metal 0-orbital, e.g. dspz
has a large degree of electron density as-
in the case of four coordinatc plati-
sociated with it, o-bond formation is poor,
num(I1) having a square planar con-
whereas back donation would be expected
to be good with the formation of a strong
;7-bond. I n this case, the net result is electron
density build-up on the olefin leading to

ii Pt
susceptibility to electrophilic attack.

C 5P2

( h ) back donation from the filled d-orbitals

of the transition metal (e.g. dxz with
I’t(I1)) into the empty anti-bonding
orbitals of the olefin. The role of auxiliary ligands or groups is
also understandable under these terms. Highly
clectronegative ligands result in electron
TT a n t i bond I n y .-._.
drift away from the metal and this is re-

flected in the enhancement of the activation
I i’t
of the olefin towards nucleophiles, whereas
highly electronegative substituents on the
olefin (e.g. CF, groups) would cause an
even greater electron movement from the
For such a metal the metal-olefin bond metal to the olefin. Many of the reactions of
obviously depends upon : metal-olefin complexes may be rationalised
(i) T h e metal, its electronic configuration in these simple terms. Other factors, of
and oxidation state; course, must also be considered. Often, for
(ii) the auxiliary ligands present; and example, auxiliary ligands produce strong
(iii) the olefin itself. steric effects which cause modification of the
Consider, for example, Zeise’s salt, an reaction path.
ethylene complex of platinum(I1). Since the
metal is in a relatively high oxidation state Stabilisation of “Unstable” Organic
a drift of electron density away from the Moleeules
ethylene to the metal via the o-bond ((a) Perhaps one of the most dramatic aspects
above) would be expected. For the same of this field is the stabilisation of organic
reason little drift of electron density back to molecules which do not exist in the free
the olefin via the x-bond is expected to state. Beyond question the most notable
occur. Consequently the ethylene acquires example of this type of behaviour is cyclo-
a net 8 character and undergoes nucleo- butadieneiron(tricarbony1). Cyclobutadiene
philic addition reactions. has excited organic and theoretical chemists

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 61

alike for many years but
prior to the work of Pettit
and his co-workers no good
evidence for the existence
of this molecule was avail-
able. Cyclobutadieneiron-
(tricarbonyl) shows many
of the properties associated
with aromatic systems.
Thus the ring system
readily undergoes electro-
philic reactions (see scheme
on right).
An important facet of this work is the ease
with which the free organic is produced on Another example is provided by cyclo-
oxidation with Ce(IV), for instance liberation octatetraene which coordinates to a variety
of cyclobutadiene in the presence of a of metal ions including Fe(O), Rh(1) and
dienophile leads to the production of Dewar Pd(I1). The conformation adopted on co-
benzene derivatives. This is important since ordination depends entirely on the metal
if such reactions are to have any potential ions employed even though all have the same
synthetic use then it must be possible to (d*) electronic configuration. Thus with
remove the metal under conditions which are Rh(1) and Pd(I1) the tub conformation is
not too violent, such that the organic group preferred whereas with Fe(0) a chair form
is not decomposed. is observed (in the solid state). (See Figs.
Stabilisation of Unusual Conformers or
Tautomeric Forms
Very often the organic molecule under
consideration can exist in a number of con-
formations or tautomeric forms. In such
cases, because of the stereochemical require-
ments of the metal ion, the organic group
may be “forced” to adopt a particular
arrangement. For phenol, for example, two
tautomeric forms may be written.

!a) (b) Fe (CO),

In the free state only

tautomer ( a ) is observed.
By the reaction sequence 0

shown here (right), it is

possible to isolate an iron-
(tricarbonyl) derivative in
which the ketonic form ( b )
is stabilised.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 62

It is relevant to note that a further form of ordination simply redirects the course of this
CHH, has been noted for osmium complex attack. Here the M(CO):,unit may be regarded
CHH,Os(CO), (See Fig. IV). as a protecting group.

Some Reactions Described

Formation of Carbon-Carbon Bonds
Olefins readily undergo nucleophilic ad-
dition in the presence of Pd(I1) or Pt(I1)
salts. The reactions of many nucleophiles
have been examined but possibly those of
greatest interest to us are those involving
It is then possible to examine the reactivity carbanions. By such reactions carbon-
of such usual modifications of the organa- bond formation is possible*
group (albeit modified on coordination) Reaction of (cycloocta-1,s-diene)palladium
(see below). dichloride or (cycloocta-1,s-diene)platinum
dichloride with the conjugate bases of malonic
Reduction of the Reaction Course esters, keto-esters, or p-diketones leads to
Finally it is important that we realise the complexes (1~2) which contain a new carbon-
behaviour of organic groups coordinated to carbon bond; e.g.
metal ions can be modified
in rather subtle ways.
Cyclooctatetracne does not CH!C02R)2

undergo any of the typical

aromatic reactions under e M CI,
the usual “organic” con- \
ditions. For example, = Pd or Pt
under Friedel Crafts con-
ditions, rather than acetyla-
tion, polymerisation occurs
with only minute yields of
the expected acetyl deriva- CH(COM4,

tive. In fact the majority

of the chemistry of cyclo-
octatetraene is concerned with such polyrneri- The complexes (1~2) have ISand z bonds with
sations. However, recently it has been the metal and in certain cases undergo further
shown that on coordination to a Fe(CO), transformations on treatment with base, the
or Ru(CO), unit the reactivity of cyclo- course of the transformation depending
octatetraene is modified sufficiently to allow very much on the strength of the base
acetylation, formylation and other electro- employed. Treatment of (IU) with a strong
philic reactions to occur
readily. One could con-
sider this modification in
reactivity to be subtle in
the sense that the molecule
is susceptible to electro-
philic attack both in the (3) CH(CO,R),
free and coordinating state (5)
but that the act of co-

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 63

base produces a bicyclo [6, I , 01 nonene Carbon-carbon bond formation is not
derivative (3) and palladium metal. Another restricted to thc nucleophilic addition of
moleculc of malonate gives rise to a compli- carbanions to co-ordinated double bonds. It
cated reaction sequence. Attack occurs is also possible by oxidative coupling of
intermolecularly at the x-complexed olefinic olefinic and aromatic compounds in the
bond and is followed by a transannular presence of, for example, palladium(I1)
reaction of the eight membered ring to form acetate.
a bicyclo [3, 3, 01 octane ring system con- Pd(0Ac)
ArCH CH, ArH ,Ar<:H CHAr
taining two malonate groups (4). I n contrast,
if attack of a second carbanion is encouraged Possibly the most remarkable observation
by reaction with tertiary phosphine as with in this area is the coupling of benzene in the
complex (2) a cyclooctene is the product presence of Pd(II)/NaOAc/HOAc to produce
when M Pd, but a chelating a-bonded diphenyl as shown below.
cyclooctane when M Pt (6):

z-Allylpalladium chloride reacts with ethyl

malonate to give allyl- and diallyl malonates.

the thermal
Related to thedecomposition of x-allyl-pal-
behaviour discussed above is
ladium acetylacetonate (7) to give allylacetone
Pd ( = )H/ N
OAa co % CJgg
(8) via ligand coupling.
Other coupling reactions find their uses :

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 64

Whereas carbon-carbon bond formation of several important industrial processes. By
takes place by nucleophilic addition to this means many useful and important CO-
olefins coordinated to palladium or platinum containing organics may be produced. Most
entities, on coordination to iron, ruthenium important is the carbonylation of ethylene,
or osmium tricarbonyls it rakes place by e.g.
electrophilic addition. I n general this is not CH, CH, co PdC12->
of particular synthetic utility since olefins CICH,CH,COCl : Pd
themselves undergo such reactions. However, CE-I, CH, co PdCl, , ROH
in particular cases, it is of tremendous CH,CH,CO,R 1
importance. One case, that of cyclobutadiene,
CH, CH, <: 0 l’dC1; i H, ->
has been described above in some detail. CH,CH,CHO C,H,
Other important examples are the cyclo-
octatetraene and cycloheptatriene complexes Such reactions have been studied extensively
of iron or ruthenium tricarbonyl. Both and are, of course, catalytic. However, car-
bonylation of more “exotic” organics pro-

vides a useful route to many interesting

organics polymerise under normal electro- cyclic systems, e.g. (9) and (10)
philic conditions but, on coordination, Carbonylation of z-allylic derivatives pro-
addition reactions take place efficiently, vides a direct route to unsaturated acids,
acid chlorides and esters:

CH, = C HC H,CO,R t Pd + HCI

The carbonylation of acetylenes also

allowing a complete systematic chemistry provides routes into useful organic molecules.
to be built up. Numerous transition metal complexes are
known to be active for cyclisation or oligo-
Carbonylation and Decarbonylation merisation of acetylenic compounds. Of
The carbonylation of olefins in the presence particular use is the employment of transition
of transition metal catalysts forms the basis metal units to produce cyclic ketones. Here

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 65

the carbonyls of Fe, Ru or 0 s and various Pd derivatives are of particular note.

Ph C E CPh + CO
- JO

Systems containing N may also be carbonylated by these methods.

Large Ring Chemistry

It is often of considerable use to be able or platinum undergo nucleophilic addition to
to carry out specific substitution reactions give complexes of the type:
on ring systems. Here metal com-
plexes can be extremely useful. Con-
sider the chemistry of coordinated
1,s-cyclooctadiene. Complexes of this

- 50- - C_yq
compound may be formed with Fe(O),
Ru(O), Os(O), Rh(I), Ir(I), Pd(I1)
or Pt(I1). As discussed above (commencing In contrast, the analogous complexes of
on page 63) for the formation of carbon- Rh(I), Ir(I), Fe(O), Ru(0) or Os(O), do not
carbon bonds, the complexes of palladium undergo such additions but rather electrophilic
reactions of the type:

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 66

I n fact for M Fe,
form I11 is ob-
served; for M -
Ru, form I1 and
for M - Os, a mix-
R ture of I1 and 111.
In the last case
form 111 fairly
rapidly converts to
form 11. Thus on
simply changing
from M Fe to
M - Ru or 0 s
different tauto-
meric forms of
CsH8' may be
to produce allylic derivatives by H abstrac- stabilised and their chemistry examined.
tion. These salts then undergo subsequent Thus on reaction with nucleophilic reagents
nucleophilic addition to give derivatives in neutral bicyclic or monocyclic derivatives are
which an alternative type of substitution was obtained:
obtained as shown above.
- -
Earlier we noted the
ability of metal containing
units to stabilise organic
o R u ( C

O &

1 -+ + I?@- RU(CO),

molecules in unusual con-

firmations or tautomeric
forms. This enjoys wide R = (0.g 1CN -
synthetic application and
here we will consider the
cyclooctatetraene com-
plexes, CxH,M(CO):,, of Fa(CO),
iron, ruthenium and os-
mium. All three are
readily protonated by Conclusions
strong acids such as HHF,, HPFo or I n the work outlined above, examples of
<F,,CO,H to give cationic species of general useful synthetic procedures involving metal
formula C,H,M(CO),'. For the organic part ions having the d8 configuration have been
of this cation a number of tautomeric forms given. Many of these reactions are impossible
are possible, remembering that each form or difficult to attain by other methods. Often
must retain the ability to coordinate to the these procedures are useful not only for
metal. Some of these tautomers are shown: stoichiometric reactions but also in catalysis.
This is particularly the case for palladium

0 . (+I )I

a (In)
derivatives. I n the main this facet of this
chemistry is poorly explored. T h e role of
the metal and the auxiliary ligands is obviously
critically important but relatively few sys-
tematic studies have yet been done.

Platinum Metals Rev., 197 1, 15, (2) 67

of current literature on the platinum metals and their alloys
PROPERTIES alloys at 1625 K were calculated from vapour-
pressure measurements. Heats of formation at
Vapour Pressure and Ireat of Sublimation of 298 K were measured by liquid Sn solution
Platinum calorimetry. The results reflect the ordered
B. R . FLANTE, A. R. SESSOMS and K. n. PITCH, J . structures that exist at low temperatures in the
Res. X B S , Pt. A, Pliys. Cheni., 1970, 74A, (5), h'i-Pt system.
The vapour pressure of Pt was measured by the Magnetic Investigations of the Isoelectronir
Langmuir method at 17oo-zoooK and the Palladium-Platinum System
results are tabulated. The mean value of the W. THEUTMAN, %. Angew. PhyS., 1970, 30, ( I ) ,
third law heat of sublimation is 564.49.; 2.1 5-8
kJ,'mol, but second law values tended to be The magnetic susceptibility of Pd-Pt was
lower due to experimental error. measured at 14-800 K, and shows a sharp
increase with increasing Pt concentration. New
Photoelectric Iletermination of the Work electronic band and density of states calculations
Function of Gold-Platinum Alloys are presented, and x(O,c) results for the Pd-Pt
K. ~ O U W M A Nand w. 11. M. SACHTLER, J . Catalysis, system are discussed in terms of these and the
1970, 19, ( 2 ) , 127-140 Stoner-Wohlfarth enhancement formula.
Films of Pt, Au and their alloys were prepared
by vapour deposition. The photoelectric emission Thermal Stability and Structure of the 7";
of these films was investigated. Equilibrated Rh-Pt Alloy in Relation to Prior Defor-
alloys of compositions within the miscibility mation
gap of the Pt-Au phase diagram possessed E. I . RYTVIS and L. A. MLDOVYI, Metalloved.
identical work functions. This result agrees Term. Obrabot. Metal., 1970, ( I I ) , 53-55
with the expectation that the Au-rich alloy The amount of deformation of an annealed
envelops crystallites of the coexisting Pt-rich 7(;,>Rh-Pt alloy affects its structure and the rate
alloy. CO causes an enrichment of the Pt in rhe of creep. At 1400 C the minimum resistance to
surface. creep corresponds to IS":, deformation; at
1200 C to 8?, deformation.
Orderiug in Fe-Pt Alloys
E. N. VLASOVA and T. P. SAFOLIIKOVA, Fiz. Metal. Electrical and Tensile Properties of Cu-Tho,,
Metalloved., 1970, 30, (s), 980-985 Au-ThO,, Pt-ThO, and Au-Al,O,, Pt-A41,0,
X-ray studies of the ordering of monocrystalline N. FUSCIIILLO and M . L. GIMPL, -7. Mater. S'ci.,
32 at.'):, Pt-Fe during isothermal annealing at 1970, 5, (12), 1078-1086
750 C indicated initial formation of a metastable Dispersion-strengthened alloys of Pt, Au and Cu
homogeneous structure succeeded by separation containing l h O , and Al,O, were prepared by
into two ordered phases FePt and Fe,Pt. precipitating the elements from a solution
containing a suspension o f the oxide phase.
IZesistive Hehaviour of Dilute PdFe Alloys Alloys containing C : Z vol.%, oxide phase could
about the Curie Temperature be made into wire. Tensile strength, elongation,
M. P. KAWATKA, J. I . RUDNICK and J. A. MYDOSII, hardness and resistivity were measured as a
I'hys. Rev. B., 1970, 2, (6), 1587-1592 function of temperature up to IOOOT. The
The behaviour of the magnetic part of the alloys exhibit high conductivity and superior
electrical resistivity pm of 0.1-1.0 at.;!, Fe-Pd strength, hardness and oxidation resistance at
near the Curie temperature was analysed. The high temperatures.
ferromagnetic critical temperature was deter-
mined from the location of the maximum in Thermal Expansion of Khodium, Iridium
dp,.'dT, and varies with concentration as Cn, and Palladium at Low Temperatures
where 11 1.65 : 0.05. G. K. WHITE and A. T. FAWLOWICL, J . Loeo Temp.
~'Jz.Ys.>197% 2, (5-61, 631-639
Thermodynamic Properties of Solid Nickel- Coefficients ( x ) of linear thermal expansion of Rh,
Platinum Alloys I r and Pd are 8.45, 6.65 and 11.78 :: Io'/deg K
K. A. WALKBK and J. B. DARRY, Acta Metall., at 283K and 3.50, 3.43 and 6.21 x ro6/deg K
1970, 18, (12), 1261-1266 at 75K. At temperatures below IOK cc may be
'The activities and free energies of solid Ni-Pt represented by

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 68-75 68

ro.052'l'J (Rh)
I O ~ " C C- 20T Investigation of the Pd-Ba Composition
10~0% 9T o.070T3 (Ir) Diagram
TO"'% 40.'j'I' 0.43'j?'3 (Pd) E . M. SAVITSKII, v. 1'. POLYAKOVA and E. M.
The ?' and T3terms are identifiable with electron KHORLIN, Izv. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.K., Metally,
and lattice vibrational components. 1970, (6), 143-145
I h e composition diagram for up to 33 at.%,
New Data Concerning the Migration of Ha-I'd alloys was constructed and showed that
Hydrogen and 1)euterium 1)issolvcd in BaPd, and BaPd, are present.
Palladium under the Action of an Electric
Field Energy Bands in P'-PdIn
A . 1iEROI.Dand j.-ti. RAT, c. R., sir. c, 1970, s. J . CHO, I'hys. Statzts Solidi, 1970, 41, (I),
271, (I3), 701-704 179-189
The previously described migration of H, and D L The energy bands for ordered P'-PdIn were
dissolved in a I'd wire under the action of a calculated by the augmented plane wave method.
continuous current cannot be reproduced in the The possible open orbits were studied, and the
presence of traces of hydrocarbons. The mobilities electronic density of states curve was obtained
obtained from the flow of the transported gas from the energy bands. Estimates of the elec-
are less than those calculated using thermal tronic specific heat coefficient, the magnetic
diffusion coefficients, which indicates an in- susceptibility, and the cyclotron effective masses
complete ionisation of the dissolved atoms. are given. Results are compared with existing
optical data.
Note on the Debyc: Temperature of Palladium
J . s. BROWN, J . Ph-yr. C , Solid State Phys., 1970, Remarkable Interstitial IIydrogcn Contents
3> (91, L,I75-L177
Observed in Rhodium-Palladium Alloys
A comparison of the values of the Debye tem- at High Pressures
perature for f.e.c. I'd is given for several different T. €3. FLANAGAN, €3. BAKANOWSKII and S. MAJCHRZAK,
model calculations, and a correlation with various .7. I'hw Chem., 1970, 74, (24, 4299-4300
experimental results is discussed. A H:Pd atomic ratio greater than I was found
in an alloy system, Rh-Pd, where the added metal
Study of the Diffusion of Hydrogen in Pd is probably a nonabsorber of H,. At 2300-5100
atm stoichiometric I :I hydrides were obtained
and I'd-Ag Alloys with a Pulse Method for the 20'2, and 30'%,Rh-Pd alloys. Either Rh
Naturf. A , 1970, 25, (IO), 1490-
Ir. Z ~ C H N E R ,%.
can absorb H, but at a higher pressure than Pd,
I496 or Rh functions as a €1, absorber only when in the
LXffusion coefficients of H, in Pd and I'd-Ag I'd matrix
alloys were determined at low H, concentration
and 0-60 C by an electrochcmical pulse method. The Thermodynamic Properties of Solid
'l'he pre-exponential factor D, decreases slightly Palladium-rich Pd-Cd, Pd-In, Pd-Sn and
with rising Ag content. The energy of activation
depends on the Ag content, going through a
Pd-Sb Alloys
minimum at NN 15'2,Ag. J. n. DAKBY, K . M. MYI.BS and J. N. PRATT, Acta
Metall., I97X, 19, (I), 7-14
Vapour pressure measurements were used to
1. Study of the Adsorption of Hydrogen on
calculate the activities and free energies of for-
Filanients of Purr Palladium mation, at 1350 K, of Pd-rich Pd-Co alloys.
€3. TARDY and s. J. TEICHNBK, J . Chim. Phys.,
Entropy of formation values were found by
1970, 67, (11-12), 1962-1967 combining free energy results with heats of
The adsorption of H, on evacuated Pd filaments formation (AHf) at 298 K. AHf values were also
was studied by flash desorption. The desorption found at 298 K for the =-phase I'd-rich alloys
curves are complex due to impurities (CO and of the polyvalent solutes In, Sn, Sb and for the
H,O) which are also desorbed. Gas analysis intermediate phases PdSb and PdSb2. Results
shows adsorption of a single species of H, on suggest some correlation between the four alloy
Pd in an amount less than the value corres- systems.
ponding to a monolayer.
11. Adsorption of Hydrogen on a Series of Thermoelectric Power of Palladium Based
Gold-Palladium Alloys Dilute Alloys
Ibid., 1968-1972 D. GAINON and J. SIERRO, Helv. Phys. Acta, 1970,
The adsorption of H, on Au-Pd alloy filaments 43, (6-7), 541-554
was studied. The amount of H, adsorbed in- The thermopower, S, of I at.?, M-I'd (where
creases with the Au content up to 30(%~, then M Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ru, Re, Os, Te)
decreases when the Au content is 50'2,. The was measured at 1.5-273 K. For the ferromagnetic
latter value corresponds to complete filling of the alloys a change of slope of S exists near the Curie
d orbitals of Pd. temperature. Pd-Cr shows a large positive

Platinum Metals Rev., 197 1, 15, (2) 69

value of S at low temperature, but for the other for solid solutions of T a in Ru near to that of pure
alloys S is both positive and greater than when Ru, 4.75 eV. The !L phase has the largest electron
the same dilute elements are dissolved in noble work function in the system, 5.05 eV.
metals, but is not anomalously dependent on
Composition 1)iagram of the Ti-Ir System
v. N. BKIWENKO and T. D. sIimrA, Izo. &ad. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in PtSb, and
~ v a u kS.S.S.R., Mctully, 1970, (6), 197-203 PtAs,
Studies of the T - I r system indicated a stable G. R. MAI.LICK and 1'. R . EMTAGZ, I'hys. Rev. u,
CsC1-type phase in 30-40 at.';!;, Ir-Ti at high 1970, 2, (s), 1251-1260
temperatures based on T - I r stabiliscd with Analysis of n.m.r. results for Sb'"', Sb"", and
extra T i . No eutectoid decomposing to P-phase Pt'!'" in PtSb, and PtAs,, and of the observed
at 500"<: tvdS found. anisotropy in the Pt resonance suggest that 1%
is in the formal valency state (-z), and that all
Plnotoelectric Determination of the Work bonds in these compounds are primarily covalent.
Function of 1111 Filnis as a Function of
Sintering Temperature (BK--925K) Free Enthalpy of Formation of Palladium
K . BOUWMAN and w. H. M. SACHTLBK, Surface Oxide
Sci., 1971, 24, (I), 14e-148 II. KI.EYKAMI',%. Phys. ChCihelu/., 1970, 71, (1-3),
The photoelectric work function 9 of a Ku film 142-148
on a Pyrex substrate rises from eV 'I'he free enthalpy of formation of PdO was
at 78K to 5.02 ,.0.03 eV at 573K after sintering. obtained using a solid cell Pt 'Fe,FeO,'
For Ku on quartz and annealed above 7 m K , %rO,,Y,O, Pd,PdO:Pt. The standard entropy
9 5.10 ! 0.05 eV. The emission constant con- of PdO was calculated using the specific heat and
tinues to decrease even beyond the temperature entropies of Pd and 0 , as 8.8.. 0.5 cal g:mol.
where '2 ceases to increase. Theoretical values of Using this and the free enthalpy functions of Pd,
'p for Kh and 0 s are given as 5.1-5.2 and 4.9-5.0 0 , and PdO, the value of .28,20011 500 calimol
respectively. was got for free enthalpy of formation of PdO.

Physieo-chemical Hehaviour of Kuthenium Metal-Boron Compounds. X. Diboryl-

in Sea Water amines as Tc-Ligands in Palladium Complexes
11. GUEGUENIAT C o m n. EnerKie Atom. Bull. G. SCIIMID and I.. WBUEK, %. Naturf. I?, 1970, 25,
Inform. Sci. Tech., r970, ( I ~ I ) 27-32
, (IO), 1083-1086
Kesults are presented of a physico-chemical Ris(dimethy1amino)boronchloride reacts with
study of nitrosylruthenium compounds dis- (C,II,CN),PdCl to form complexes of the type
charged into the sea by spent fuel processing Cl,Pd[(CH,)&I,UX (X Cl, CH,). The analo-
plants. Various forms of these derivatives are gous bromo- and iodoboranes react with co-
separated on an ion exchange resin, and their ordinated benzonitrile to form C,H,,C(X,)N-
concentration is correlated with time and with B(N[(CII,),.I),PdX (X Rr, I) which are probably
certain properties of the water. dimeric. I'he B-N groups act as x ligands.

Optical Properties of Molybclenum and Synthesis and Structure of a New IIigh-

Ruthenium pressnre Form of Kh,O,
.7. opt.
K. A. KRIBS and G. J. I.API'.YRI<., SOC. Aw., R . n. SIIANSOS and c. T. PREWITT, J . Solid State
1970, 60, (IZ), 1681-1684 Chew., 1970, 2, (I), 134-136
Keflectance values for Ru were obtained at A new high pressure form of Kh,O, was prepared
0.5-14 eV. The graph of the imaginary part of at 64 kbar and 12oo'.C:. The material is a semi-
the dielectric constant E~ against h v has 3 shoulder conductor with a resistivity of 130 f2cm at room
at 1.6 eV, and the loss functions Imlr , ' E ] and temperature and an activation energy of 0.16 cV.
Im[I ' I 1 - E J shows peaks at 10.2 and 8.7 eV T h e structure is orthorhombic with a 5.1686,

respectively. b -5.3814, c 7.2426& Z -4, Dabs --8.~8

g 'cm8, and is described as containing layers
Electron Work Function in Alloys of of a corundum-like structure cut parallel to
Tantalum with Kutheniuni (IOII) and then stacked together.
0 . K. KUI.TASHEV and A. 1'. MAKAKOV, Fiz. Metal.
Metalloe'ed., 1970, 30, (s), 924-928 Starting Materials for the Preparation of
Thermoelectronic emission studies showed a Orgunometallic Complexes of Platinum and
sharp rise in the electron work function of Palladium
>5c;(l solutions of Ru and Ta, explained by the F. R. HARTLEY, Organornet. Chem. Rev. A , Subj.
formation of monoatomic films of Ru on the Re% 1970, 6 , (I), 119-137
surface of the solid solution, and a work function The preparation of zerovalent and divalent com-

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, IS, ( 2 ) 70

plexes of Pt and Pd with PPh, and divalent The Nucleation and Growth of Electroless
benzonitrile, ethylene and amine complexes with Metal Deposited on Plastic Substrates
Pd and Pt are described. A. KANTBLL, Trans. Inst. Metal Finish., 1970,
48, (51, 191-198
The Chemistry of Transition Metal Carbonyls. A technique is described for obtaining electron
Synthesis and Reactivity micrographs of very thin electroless metal films
I:. w. ABEI. and F. G. A. STOKE, Q.12ev., 1970,24, deposited on plastic substrates. During the early
(41,4983'52 stages of growth, electroless metals are deposited
The preparation and properties of many transition as island structures, growth beginning at active
metal carbonyls including those of the platinum sites created by the SnCl, 'PdCl, treatment.
group metals are described. I hese active Pd sites are less numerous on sur-
faces where the depositing metal is chemically
bonded to the plastic than when it is not.
ISlectrocatillytic Activity of Platinum-Ruth- Electroplating of Osmium
eninni :Way Black for Mctlianol Oxidation A. J. AITLERY, J . filectrochem. Soc., 1970, 117,
Kajiakzi, TWO, 38, (IZ), 92.7-932 Attempts were made to form an 0 s electrode
'I'he dependence of the activity on the composition using a Au cathode, and a graphite anode in a
of l't-Ru alloys was investigated. Pt and Ru molten electrolyte of 81,1(: OsC1, in KCN-NaCN.
were alloyed with T i and developed in HI; At 10-20 mA/cm2 a bright, adherent though
solutions to give the black, which is a f.c.c. solid granular deposit was obtained. At higher current
solution of Ru in 1% The catalytic activity densities black deposits occurred. Typical
increased sharply till the Ku:l't ratio was 2 , then roughness factors for bright deposits were 6-7.
decreased sharply till the ratio was 3. It is proposed
that the Pt atom requires 2-3 Ru atoms as its
nearest neighhours for maximum clectrocatalytic HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS
Reaction between Deuterium and Cyclic
Anion Adsorption on Palladium Olefins on Platinum/Alumina in the Liquid
v. s. VII.INSKAYA, K. H. BUKSHTEIK and M. K. Phase
TARASEVICH, Elekrrokhimiva, 1970, 6, (IO), 1497- J. J. PHILIXWN and K. L. BUKWELL, J . Am.
I502 Chem. Soc., 1970,92, (21), 6125-6133
Bond strength and H, chemisorption on Pd 'The liquid phase reactions between D, and
decrease and anion adsorption increases when Pd cyclopentene, cyclohexene, cycloheptene, cyclo-
powder is observed in the series of acids H,SO,, octene, bicyclo(~,~,o)-z-octeneand I-hexenc on
II,PO,, HCl, IIHr. Pt A1,0, were studied in various solvents. T h e
exchange reaction proceeds rapidly, the D*/H*
Meelranism of the Chlorine Electrode Ileac- ratio increasing over the low value obtained with
no solvent or in TIfF. The distribution of
tion on Platinum, Iridiuni and Rhodium
products and effect of solvents are discussed.
in Aqueous Aydrochlorie Acid
T.Y O K O Y A M A M.
~ ~ ENYO,
~ Blectroclaim. Acta,
15, 1921-1943
Poisoning Studies in a Single-pellet Catalytic
The mechanism of the reaction zCl-+Cl, I.2e Reactor
was studied on smooth Pt, Ir and Rh in aqueous J. I,. HAIIN and B. 0. PETERSON, Canad. J . Chenz.
HCl. For Pt and Ir the reaction occurs in two lipignx., 1970, 48, (2), 147-150
distinct steps; which of these is the rate deter- The activity of a 0.25~x~ Pt/q-A1,0, catalyst was
mining step depends on the electrode potential. measured using the cyclopropane hydrogenolysis
For Rh the results are incomplete. reaction. The catalyst was progressively poisoned
from the outside to the centre plane non-
uniformly. Results suggest a bi-modal pore size
ELECTRODEPOSITION AND distribution in the pellet.
SURFACE COATINGS Mathematical Description of Platforniing
Precious Metal Plating Carried out in Severe Conditions
P. ti. L. VIVIAN, Electroplating Met. Finish., YU. M. KHOKOV, G . AI. PANCHENKOV and I. Y A .
1970,23, (I I), 20-22, 24, 26, 28 SHAPIKO, Khim. l'ekhnol., Topliv Masel, 1970,
A review of electroplating techniques for Pd and (II), 37-40
Kh is given. The type of deposit, different A matheinatical model of the reactions occurring
methods, and the problems involved are dis- during petroleum reforming over Pt catalysts is
cussed. Pt and Ru are briefly mentioned. A based on the conversions between gas, paraffins,
short account of electroless plating is also given. naphthalenes, and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 71

Structure of Platiniim/Alumina Catalysts for Mixed Adsorption Catalysts. V. Catalysis of
Gasoline Reforming Hydrogen Peroxide by Platinum-Silver Sys-
M. MOSER, L. VAJTA and I BENYI, Kent. Kozlenz., tems on 1)iamagnetic Charcoal from Sugar
1970, 33, (3), 255-263 Zh. I'iz. Khiin., 1970, 44, (IO),
I . A. Z u m v r c r r ,
Electron microscopy showed the distribution of 2536-2540
Pt in Pt,'Al,O, catalysts. Micrographs are given of Studies of the activity of Pt-Ag catalysts sup-
Sinclair Raker 0.35':;. Pt 'A1,0, and Soviet ported on batches of decalcified diamagnetic
AP-56 0.55-0.60"(, I't 'Al,O,. sugar charcoal in the reaction of H,O, at 23,
35 and 5 5 ' C showed that reductions in activity
The Role of C5- and C,,-I)eliydrocyclisatiorr are caused by formation of mPt.nAg complexes
in the Aromatisation of r~-Octaneon Plati- on the surfice, where m and n are the simplest
num/~llumiiiaCatalyst stoichiometric ratio. Apparent activation energies
V. G. VIASOV, YU. V. FOMICHIW alld R . A . KAZANSKII, and the pre-exponential multiple in the Arrhenius
Nefzekhirniyu, 1970, 10,(6), 821-825 equation are dircctly related but the activity of
Studies of the conversion of n-octane and rz-pro- the catalysts is inversely related to them.
pylcyclopentanc on Pt 'A1,O:: with added alkali,
( 0 . 6 ~ ~ Pt
0 0 . 8 ~ ) ; ,Na2OJ/y-A1&L,, showed that Contrast between Sickcl and Platinum
aromatisation of n-octane is accompanied by Catdysts in IIydrogenolysis of Saturated
C,,-dchydrocyclisation to form alkylcyclopcntancs I Iydrocarbons
in both acidic and alkaline catalysts and that, on 11. MATSUMOTO, Y . SAITO and Y . YONEDA, .7.
acidic catalyst, alkylcyclopentancs play a signifi- Catalysis, 1970, 19, ( z ) , 101-112
cant part in aromatics formation. Decreasing the
The mechanisms of hydrogenolysis on Ni,'SiO,
acidity of Pt'Al,O, by Na,O addition causes
and Pt SiO, are compared. The reaction on Pt
unsaturated hydrocarbons to appear in the
occurs via heterolytic splitting of the C-H bond
conversion products.
on adsorption. On Ni the splitting is homolytic.
Isomerisation and Dchydrocyclisation of This is due to the greater stability of Pt-11 co-
Hexanes over Monofimctional Supported ordination over Ni-H coordination.
Platinum Catalysts
F. M. DAUTZENBEKG and J. c. Pr.KrTmuw, .7.
Adsorption of 15cnxene and Cyclohexane on
Caralysis, 1970, 19, (I), 41-48 Zeolite Y Supported Platinum Catalyst
Isomerisation and dehydrocyclisation reactions M . KOHAYASIII and T. SHIKASAKI, Kogyo Kagaku
of hexanes in the presence of Pt,'A1,0, catalysts Zasshi, 1970, 73, (6), 1245-1247
werc studied. The dehydrocyclisation of iz-hcxane The adsorption of (:,€lo and cyclohexane on
to C,H, goes by two different routes; by a Pt- Pt,'Zeolite Y catalysts containing water was
catalyscd six ring closure, or, by a thermal six studied. 'The water did not desorb on adsorption
ring closure of hexatrienes by dehydrogenation of of cyclohexane, but did with C,H,. On changing
n-hcxane over Pt. the carrier gas from X, to H, adsorbed C,H,
was convertcd to cyclohexane which was desorbed.
Electron Microscope Investigation of Plati- The results indicate three types of catalyst site; a
num Catnlysts. I. Platinum on Aluminium vacant site, sites with adsorbed water and having
Oxide Pt particles, and sites with adsorbed water but no
I.. M. KEFI!I.I, Zh. Fiz. Khinz., 1970, 4,( I I > ,
Pt particles.
The formation of Pt crystals on Als03 by the Effect of the Nature and the Amount of
thermal decomposition of €I,PtCl, comprises the Secondary Components of Binary Pal-
formation of a crystal lattice from Pt atoms, its ladium Alloys on their Catalytic Activity in
coarsening, growth of these first crystals on Relation to the Dehydrogenation of Cyclo-
single centres, their agglomeration, and the role hcxane
of the carrier in the process. V. M. GKYAZNOV, V. P. POLYAKOVA, E. M . SAVITSKII,
Rheniforming Scores High in Commercial SIIKOLA, Izv. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser . Khim.,
Runs 1970, (II), 2520-2524
G. D . GOULD and c. s. McCOY, oil G'as.7., 1970, 68, Studies on the catalytic dehydrogenation of
(48, Nov. 30), 49-53 cyclohexanc showed that activity increased with
The performance of Re-Pt catalysts for petroleum Pt content up to r.5'%; Pt-I'd but that it decreased
reforming is reviewed. They are found to main- with Ag content in the range 20 up to SO'^;, Ag-Pd.
tain selectivity, to give stable yields and can bc 51)il Ni-Pd is more active but IO~;;! Xi-I'd is less
regenerated. They have a lower fouling rate and active than I'd. Apart from Pt-Pd alloys, the
greater stability than Pt 'A1208 catalysts. They apparent activation energies of these alloys in this
operate efficiently at reduced pressures, which reaction are similar to that of Pd. T h e activity of
increases the yield and quality of the product. R-Pd alloys is not large and is unstable.

Platinum Metals Rev.,19 7 1, 15, (2) 72

Relation between Drift Potential of Cata- for aliphatic secondary alcohols at 200°C on Pt,
lyst and Reaction Rate in Liquid-phase I’d and Rh on kieselguhr. The initial rate of
Hydrogenation Processes. VTI. Investi- dehydrogenation depends on the alcohol partial
gation of the Catalytic Properties of Kaney pressure. On Pt the initial reaction rate and
Nickel I’romotecl by I’allacliinn adsorption coefiicient are influenced by sterie
effects of the substituents; on Kh or Pd polar
effects have more significance.
Kinet. Karuliz., 1970, 11, (5), 1274-1278
‘Ihe introduction of I’d to Kancy Xi catalysts
does not change the effectiveness of the catalyst
surface but greatly increases its useful area, HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS
apparently because Pd increases the amount of The Palladium Chloride Catalysed Cyclo-
dissolved H, and its diffusion rate. The greater
number of active centres may be due to the
dimerisation of 1-RIethylcpclopropene
formation of Ni-Pd centres. F. J. WEIGERT, R. L. BAIRD and J. R. SHAPLEY,
.?. Am. Chem. Sac., 1970, 92, (22), 6630-6635
Adsorption and Catalytic Yropcrties of I-hlethylcyclopropene undergoes a thermal oligo-
Pallaclium-Iriclinm Electrode Catalysts merisation in the presence or absence of free-
A. A. SUTYAGINA, I.. G. KOPEVA and G. P. radical inhibitors. With the Pd catalyst a facile
KHOMCIIENKO,, Vest. Mnsknv. Univ., Scr. 11, eyclodimerisation predominates.
Khini., 1970, 25, (s), 562-567
A study of the adsorptive and catalytic properties Specificity of the Kinetics of Oxidation of
of electrodeposited Pd, Ir, and Pd-Ir alloys Ethylene to Acetaldehyde in the Presence
showed that H, adsorption decreases with of Complexes of Palladium with 1,2-Naphtho-
increasing Ir content and that catalytic activity quinone-4-sulphoxide
relates to alloy composition; e.g. the catalytic N. B. SIIITOVA, K. I. AL+.TVEEVand G. I. ELIZAROVA,
activity of :-IS%, lr-Pd in hydrogenation and Kinet.Kataliz., 1970, XI, (s), 1152-1158
CH:,NO, elcctroreduction in 0.1 N II,SO, was ’I’he mechanism of Pd in the oxidation of C,H,
greater than that of pure Pd or Ir. to CII,<:HO with complex catalysts of Pd with
1,z-naphthoquinone-4-sulphoxide (NQSO) was
Adsorption of IIydrogen on IIydrogenation explained by comparing the regularity of the
Catalysts in Solution. V. Adsorption and reaction kinetics with results based on the
Heat of Adsorption of Hydrogen on 0 s and stages of oxidation of Pd in the process and on the
Ku Blacks in 0.1. N €II,SO, Solutions formation of the complex of Pd(I1) with NQSO.
Zh. Fiz.Klaim., 1970, 4, (IO), 2529-2531 Organic Synthesis by Means of Noble Metal
Charging curvcs were used to study the adsorp- Compounds. XLII. Reaction of Butadiene
tion of H, on 0 s and Ku blacks in 0.1 N H,SO, and Aldehydes Catalysed by Palladium
at 0-50”<;, and the differential heat of adsorption Triphenylphosphine Coniplexes
of H, was calculated. It decreased linearly from
K. OHNO, T. MITSUYASU and J. TSUJI, Tetrahedron
12.5-1.7 kca1,hole as H, coverage of 0 s black
Letters, 1971, (I), 67-70
rose from 0.1 to 0.9. Kesults for Ru were similar.
Butadiene reacted with aldehydes such as ben-
Hydrogenation of Dinicthylethynylcarbinol zaldehyde to give products such as r-phenyl-
on Ruthenium-l’alladium Snpported Cata- z-vinyl-4,6-heptadien-1-ol and 2-phenyl-3,6- divi-
lysts in Various Solvents nyltetrahydropyran. The relative amounts of the
two products was controlled by the molar ratio
PPh, I’d in the catalyst. A mechanism is discussed.
D Z I M ~ A M ~ L I B V A ,Zbid.,
(I I), 2833-2836
’I‘he maximum activity of Ru-Pd,‘Al,O:, catalysts
for hydrogenation of dimethylethynylcarbinols The IIydroformylation of Nitroalkenes with
occurs with 20.8 at.‘):, Ru-Pd and is unrelated to Rhodium Carbonyl
the solvent in tests with H,O, C,H,OH and and w. WAKAMATSU, Bdl. Chem.
M. T A K ~ S D A
aqueous and alcoholic KOH solutions. The Sot. .7a~un,1970, 43, (7), 2191-2194
solvents do not affect the kinetics of the process. Nitrobenzene was hydrogenated to aniline using
Changing the reaction temperature does not [ Kh(CO),], above ISO’C. Other nitroalkenes
alter the general form of the relation. were also converted to their corresponding
aldehydes; good yields were obtained at 60-7o0C.
Effect of the Structure on the Dehydrogena-
tion Rate of Secondary Alcohols on Plati- IIydroformylation of Olefins in the Presence
num, Palladium and Khodiuni Catalysts of Ku,,(CO),2
Czech. Chem. Cnmmun., 1970, 35, ( 8 ) 2258-2274 Chim. E Ind., 1970, 52, (IS), 1091-1096
The kinetics of dehydrogenation were studied The hydroformylation occurred in more drastic

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 73

conditions than with Co catalysts. The isomeric Homogeneous Hydroformylation of Alkenes
distribution of products is not altered by the with Hydridoearbonyltris(tripheny1phos-
conditions in the area studied. The influence of phine)rhodium(I) as Catalyst
the concentrations of the reactants and catalyst c. K. mowN and G. WILKINSOS, J . Chem. SOC.,
was investigated for cyclohexene. Znorg. I'hys. Thcor., 1970, (17)~2753-2764
RhH(CO)(PPh,),, is an excellent catalyst for
Decarbonylation of Allylic Alcohols Using hydroformylation of alkenes at z5,C at I atm.
Itlioclium(1) Complexes I:rom alk-I-ems high ratios of straight chain to
A. BMBKY, A. C. OEIIISHIAGEK and A. M. USHAU, branched chain aldehydes can be produced. The
Tetrahedron Z2ctters, 1970, (so), 4401-4403 dependence of rates and products on catalyst and
Ikcarbonylation of allylic alcohols, c.g. converting substrate concentrations and partial pressures of
cis-but-2-ene-1,4-diol to I-propanol was carried H, and CO, temperature and added excess of
out using (Ph,P),RhCl at IIO-I~O"Cin aceto- PPh, are described.
and henzonitrile.
The Protonation of Ruthenium- and
A Study of tlie Hydrogenation of Cyclo- Rhodium-bridged Carboxylates and Their
alkenes with IIomogeneous Rhodium ( h i - lJse as IIomogeneous Hydrogenation Cata-
plexes as Catalysts lysts for Unsaturated Substances
Y . TAKBUCHI, Diss. Abstr. H , 1970, 30, (IO), .'1 LEGLDINS, K. W. MITCIlELI,, G. I.. KEMPEI., J. D.
4572-4573 nuDDIcI< and G . WILKINSOX, J . Chem. Soc., A,
The use of (Ph,P),RhCl as a homogeneous Znorg. Ph-ys. Theor., 1970, (IS), 3322-3326
catalyst in the hydrogenation of cycloalkenes in a The protonation of rhodium(I1) acetate by non-
benzene or benzene-ethanol solution is reported. complexing, non-oxidising acids such as HBF4
Effects of using different solvents and varying gives the green Kh"'. The interaction with PPh,
the ligands of the Rh(1) complex are discussed. and CO gives complexes Rh(PPh,),Blj, and
Rh(CO)(PPh,),HF4. The acetate Ru,(OCOMe),
Speed of Homogeneous Catalytic Hydro- and its adducts with PPh, and pyridine were
genation of Unsaturated Compounds with characterised. Methanolic HHF, solutions of
RhCI[ P(C,3€16):j]:j Kh(1I) and Ku(I1) acetates and of Ku,(OAc),lCl
W. STROHME:II',K and R. ENDKES, %. Nuturf. n., in the presence of PPh, are active catalysts for the
197% 25, (91, 1068-1069 homogeneous hydrogenation of alkenes, alkynes
'The rate of hydrogenation depends on the nature and other unsaturated substances.
of the unsaturated compound. Olefins and
esters react more quickly if they contain terminal IIomogeneous Polymerisation of Butadiene
double bonds. For olefins the rates are; I-olefins Catalysed by Ruthenium Complex-Tertiary
. '2-ci.7- -2-truns- ,-> 3-trans-olefins; also, alkenes 1% Phosphine System
alkynes. Substitution of a H atom by halogen K. IIIKAKI and H. HIKAI, Macromolecules, 1970, 3,
decreases the reactivity.
(4), 382-387
The Reactivity of the Hydrogenation Cata- Hutadienc was polymcrised using dichloro(dodeca-
lysts MCH(CO)[I'(C~H~)~~]~~ (Me Rh, Ir) 2,6, I o-tricne- I, ~z-diyl)ruthcnium(
1V)- or di-
chloro-p- chlorobis(2,7 - dimethylocta-2,6 - diene-
on Unsaturated Compounds 1,8-diyl(diruthcnium(IV)tertiaryphosphinc cata-
w. STKOIIMEIBR and s. HOFMANN, Ibid., (II), lyst. The polybutadiene had cis-1,4-, trans-1,4-
1309-1 3 10 and trans-~,z-unit contents of 37-60, 20-32 and
T h e K h complex was more active and selective 13-34"4>; the molecular weighr was 2.6-4.8 x 10,.
than the Ir one in all cases. This behaviour, and The n.m.r. spectra of the catalysts was
the difference in adduct formation and dis- investigated.
sociation in benzene between the two complexes
is discussed in the light of increased electron
density of the Ir atom over the Rh. CHEMICAL TKCHNOLOGY
Further Observations on the Catalytic Anodic Ilischarge of Chloride Ions on Pt-Ir
Transformation of Renzoic Anhydrides into Alloy Electrodes
Fluorenones and Ijiphenyls G. PAITA, G. PIOKI and A. NIDOIA,J . Electrochem.
J. BLUM, D. MILSTBIN and Y. SASSON,J. Org. Chem., SoC., 1970, 117, (101, 1333-1335
1970, 35, (IO), 3233-3237 The behaviour of Ti-supported Pt-Ir alloys in
A study of the catalytic conversion of benzoic the electrolysis of NaCl was examined as a
anhydrides into fluorenones and biphenyls by function of Ir content, NaCl concentration and
several Kh complexes indicated that mixtures of electrolysis time. An Ir content as low as 0.5'x1
aromatic anhydrides react generally as if they was sufficient to eliminate the passivation effects.
were mixed anhydrides, leading to the formation Not less than ~-IO(%,Ir is necessary to have low
of assvmetricallv substituted products. potentials after thousands of hours.

Platirium Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 74

ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC Selection of Thermocouples for Temperature
ENGINEERING Profiling of Semiconductor Diffusion Fur-
Semiconductors Produced by Doping Oxide- I. O. NIEISON, Solid State Technol., 1970, 13,
glasses with Ir, Pd, Kh or Ru (101, 33-38, 55
c. c. SAKTAIS, w. D. KYDEN and A. w. LAWSON, Pt :I 3 ~;~~,Rh-Pt
thcrmocouplcs are discussed in
g. Non-crystallim Solids, 1970, 4, 231 terms of their best characteristics for temperature
Semiconductors were produced by diffusion profiling. The criteria for selection, care of the
doping oxide glasses with more than I wt.';,,. thermocouples, cvaluation of the materials and the
of Ir, Pd, or Ru and by implanting 40 keV l r calibration are all discussed.
ions into several oxide glasses. The properties
and methods of conduction in the semiconductors Noncatalytic Coating for Platinum-Rhodium
is discussed. Thermocouples
J. I?. KENT, Combust. Fiame, 1970, 14,( Z ) , 279-281
A mixture of Y oxide and Be oxide ( I O - I ~ ' ~ ~ )
TEMPEKATUKE gave a good noncatalytic coating for 1%-Rh
MEASUREMENT thermocouples. A series of thin coats of a solution
of 6-8');) Re oxide in a solution of YCl in HCl
Kcw Reference Tables for Platinum 1O(yo was applied to give a coating ~ o . 0 1 5mm on
Rhodium/Platinum and Platinum 13'%, 0.12 mm wire, after firing at 16ooOC.
Khodium/Platinum Thermocouples - An
Interim Report Measurement of Temperature in Corrosive
K . E. BEDPOKD,Z.S.A. Trans., 1970,9, (3), 248-253 Melts
Existing reference tables for Pt :Io'?,,Kh-l't and V. B. PDRFII.OVA, S. V. BODYACHEVSKII, L. A.
Pt :13';&h-Pt thermocouples are known to be AVVAKUMOVA and A. s. DEKMAN, Zzo. Akad. Nauk
partially inaccurate and are being revised jointly S.S.S.R., S e r . Fiz., 1970, 34, ( 6 ) , 1203-I205
by the NBS, NPI, and NRC ((:andda). Dctails A 1%-clad Rh-Pt thermocouple is superior to
are given of the progress to date and some of the refractory-clad Rh-Pt thermocouples at 900-
results are presented and discussed. 1400°C in HaO-R,O, and PbO-PbF,-B,O, melts.

Gold-based Spinnerette Alloy SURFACE COATINGS
JOIINSON, MATlIIhY & GO. LTD. Coating or Inlaying
U . S . Patent 3,529,959 JOIINSOS, MATTHEY & CO. LTD.
A gold-based spinnerette alloy contains between British Patent 1,207,970
so':,, and Eo",,, Au, between 0.04 and 0.5';,) I r A C u or Cu alloy is coated or inlaid with a thin
and the remaining part Pt, apart from the layer of a noble metal such as Au, Ag, Pd or Pt
impurities. ,4 method of making the alloy con- or alloys thereof by interposing between the two
sists of induction melting the components, casting a layer of Ni, Ye, Co, Mo, or V, and heating
a sheet and homogenising. the three layers under pressure to bond them.
Reductive Vapour Deposition of Osmium
British Patent 1,209,318
Osmium Carbonyl High purity 0 s deposits are obtained on a sur-
JOHNSON, IMATTHEY & CO. LTD. face by vapour deposition from an OsO,/Hz
U .S. Patent 3,508,870 mixture. OsO, is dissolved in water at room
Method of prcparing 0 s carbonyls is described. temperature and H, (or a gas containing H,)
A solution of OsO, in an inert hydrocarbon bubbled through the solution. The resulting gas
solvent is heated to an elevated temperature is mixed with another reducing gas to give a
under super-atmospheric pressure in the presence predetermined ratio of OsO, to reducing gas.
of CO. The product is primarily Os,(CO),, In contact with a hot body this gas deposits
with traces of Os,O,(CO), ,. metallic 0 s .

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2), 75-80 75

Electroless Noble Metal Plating LABORATORY APPARATUS
Pt and other noble metals are deposited on metal
or mainly metal colloidal particles by displace- Pulse-activated Polarographic Hydrogen
ment plating in non-aqueous solution. The netect6Jr
particles must have an outer sheath of a reactive NATIONAL AEKONAUTICS & SPACE
metal which is above the noble metal in the ADNIINISTRATION U.S. Patent 3,509,034
electrochemical series. In an example Sn-coated A polarographic H, detector has three electrodes,
C black particles are coated from a solution of a platiniscd anode, a <;u rcference electrode and
PtCl, in CfiH6. The coated particles are used in an auxiliary electrode, and a system for periodic
fuel cell manufacture. Other compounds used reactivation of the platinised anode by means of
for displacement plating are a Au octadiene
potential pulsing.
complex, Ag acetylide, Ir ally1 and Ag perchlorate.


SE1.-REX CORP. U.S. Patent 3,528,895
An aqueous acid electrolyte for the deposition Oxidation Catalyst
of bright low stress Rh contains Rh and Cu ions JOHNSON, MATTHEY& CO. LTD.
in synergistic combination with sulphamic acid. British Patent 1,208,101
In a continuous process for the preparation of
Gold and Kutheniuni Plating Baths gluconic acid or glucosaccliaric acid, an aqueous
TECHNIC INC. U.S. Patent 3,530,049 solution of glucose containing Na or I< carbonate
or bicarbonate is contacted in a trickle column
An aqueous electroplating bath for depositing
Ru contains a chelate of Ru with ethylenediamine with an 0,-containing gas and in the presence
tetraacetic acid, nitrilotriacetic acid or cyclo- of a supported P t group metal.
hexanediamine tetraacetic acid. The above
chclatcs are also used as grain refining agents in Catalytic Conversion of Gases
British Patent 1,210,867
Electrodeposition of Palladium An apparatus is described in which the activity
of a catalyst, e.g. Pt, for the reduction of HNO:,
U.S. Patent 3,530,050 tail gases, is not reduced by the presence of solid
particles in the gases.
Electrolysis or electrodeposition of Pd is carried
out with an aqueous neutral or alkaline bath
containing a Pd compound and an ammonium
Oxidation Catalyst
salt of a weak organic acid which does not form & HAAS G.m.h.H.
ROHM I3riti.di Patent 1,214,793
an insoluble compound with the I’d compound. Dicyanogen is obtained by the oxidation of
gaseous HCN admixed with C O or steam in the
Metallising Coniposition Conductor presencc of a Pt group metal, e.g. a P t gauze.
U.S. Patent 3,537,892 Hydrogenation Catalyst
A conductive metallising composition for deposi- TOKAY INDUSTRIES INC. British i’atent 1,214,958
tion and firing at 72s-yooT on an insulating Cyclohexane is produced by the hydrogenation
substrate to form a conductive element consists of COHO in the presence of Pt on a carrier.
of a metal component of 60-70‘,)(, Au, 10-20lb
Pt and 10-30:(, Pd, a vitreous frit and a vehicle. Oxidation Catalyst
Ruthenium Complex Rritish Pateat 1,216,019
JOEINSON, MATTIIEY & CO. LTD. Oxidation of N H , to HNO, is catalysed by PtO,.
German Appl. 1,959,907
A new complex suitable for electroplating baths Catalyst
has an anion of general formula: CEKTRE NATIOXAI. D’BTUDES SPATIALES
Ru,NClxBr, x(H20)2,where x is 0-8. British Patent 1,216,240
A catdyst for the decomposition of N,H,, and its
Pore-free Coatings with Group VIII Metals derivatives (for use in rocketry) consists of 25-45
H. GUENTHER et al. East German Patent 71,678 wt.l%, of I r on a porous A1,Q carrier, the com-
1%coatings are produced on metals such as Ti bination being free from both S and Rr,.
or ‘J’l by electrolytic polishing of the surface,
then coating with a thin layer of Pt followed by a Curing of Organosilicon Compositions
diffusion annealing treatment at 650-800°C for DOW CORNING CORP. British Patent 1,217,618
at least 20 min. This may be followed by the Si resin compositions are cured with 0.1 ppm of
deposition of an additional Pt layer. l’t and a tetramethyl guanidine carboxylate in an

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 76

amount representing 0.01-4 moles per g.atom is the preferred catalyst for the selective cracking
of 1%. of paraffins to C , and C,, hydrocarbons and
production of a high octane reformate.
Hydrocracking Process
TEXACO DEVELOPMENT COKP. Paraffin Conversion Cataiyst
British Patent 1,217,815 SIIELI. OIL CO. U . S . Patent 3,511,888
High octane fuels are produced by two stage A new catalyst for paraffin dehydrogenation and
hydrocracking. The first stage uses a base metal dehydrocyclisation consists of 0.01-5":) P t and,'
catalyst and the second stage a noble metal or I'd modified with Sn or I3i on inert SO,.
Purifying Hydrogen Separated from 11
Unsaturated Ester Production Catalytic Reforming Efiluent
British Patent 1,219,510 U.S. Patent 3,520,799
The reaction of an alcohol and 'or aldehyde with A process is described for the catalytic reforming
0 , to form an ester of an unsaturated carboxylic of hydrocarbons in the presence of H, to produce
acid is catalysed by Ru, Rh, Pt, I'd or an oxide high quality gasoline boiling range products.
of one of these metals on a support. Relatively impure hydrogen for recycle purposes
and other uses is provided by compressing and
Aromatic Compound Production contacting this hydrogen with a portion of the
ASAHI KASEI K . K. K. British Patent 1,219,704 liquid reformed product. Catalysts are e.g.
Aromatic compounds are produced from Pt;Al,O,. U.S. Patent 3,520,800 is similar.
petroleum fractions by contacting rhem with
11, at 400-650"C in the presence of a supported Hydrocarbon Conversion Process
catalyst. The catalyst consists of A1,0, or another UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS CO.
support impregnated with 0.1-1 "., Pt, 0.1-1 U.S. Patent 3,523,914
Pd and 5-25':;, Cr oxide. The catalyst is treated A hydrocarbon conversion catalyst consists of a
with 11, after impregnation with the active Pt group metal and a Re component combined
metals. with a carrier material containing Al,O, and a
finely divided crystalline aluminosilicate. In
IIy(lrogenationCatalyst one example it contains 0.05-1.0');) Pt and 0.05-
SISCLAIK KESI'.AKCII INC. U.S. Patent 3,506,566 I.O~<,Re, combined with yAl,O, carrier material
Clarified or decant oil is converted to distillate having 0.5-20 91 of the H, form of mordenite
fuel by a two-stage catalytic hydrocracking- uniformly distributed.
hydroisomerisation process. The second-stage
catalyst is a noble metal catalyst, e.g. Pt/A1,0, Hydrogenation Catalyst
or Pt Uumino-silicate. UNIVERSAL OIL PRODUCTS CO.
U.S. l'ateizt 3,529,029
Catalytic: Keforming Process Aromatic hydrocarbons are hydrogenated to
CHEVKOS RESEARCH CO. U.S. Patent 3,507,780 cycloparaffins in the presence of a catalyst which
A reforming process using a catalyst containing contains 0.01--2.0 wt.'X Pt or I'd, 0.01-2.0wt.'::,
0.01-0.3';~;, Pt, 0.01-0.3";, Re, and o.oor-o.r?;, Re and 0.01-1.5 wt.'):, of an alkali metal,
Ir associated with a porous solid carrier is preferably Li.
started up by contacting the naphtha with the
catalyst in the presence of an inert gas, for Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexanol
example., iK2. The pressure in the reforming and/or Cyclohexanone
zone should be about 200 p.s.i.g. and the catalyst INSTITUT FKANCAIS DE P ~ T R O I X , DES
temperature about 650 I' when the naphtha is CARBURANTS ET 1,UBRIFIANTS
first contacted with the catalyst at a space velocity U.S. Patent 3,534,110
of I v v'h. T h e catalyst temperature is increased Phenol is made by the catalytic dehydrogenation
to 900'F over a 2-3 hour period while building of cyclohexanol or cyclohexanone where the
up autogcneous pressure of produced H,. See catalyst contains Pt and preferably also Ir on a
also [J.S. Parent 3,507,781. SiO, carrier of 1 m 3 m m,/g specific surface
and 0.7-1.1 cm3/g porous volume.
Catalytic Production of LPG
UNIVERSAL 011. PRODUCTS CO. Dehydrogenation over Platinum-Rhenium
U.S. Patent 3,511,773 Catalyst
A hydrocarbon feedstock is converted to LPG CHEVRON RESEARCH co. U.S. Patent 3,535,402
and high octane reforinate using a catalyst of a Paraffins with 3-5 C atoms are dehydrogenated
Pt group component and a halogen component by contacting the paraffins with the catalyst
combined with a carrier containing A1,0, and containing 0.1-3(%, Pt and o.r-g[~/,Re associated
about I-Io~:, of crystalline aluminosilicate. Pt with a non-acidic porous solid carrier. I>e-

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 77

hydrogenation conditions include a temperature porting 0.05-2 Wt.",, P t and 0.01-0.5 wt.',,, Ir,
of c)oo-1100"1 and a pressure of 3-100 psig. Ru and an alkali or alkaline earth metal represent-
ing 0.3-10 times the amount of noble metals.
Catalytic Ilydroge~iationof Xitrobenzene
I;reizrh Patent 1,587,963 HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSIS
An aqueous solution of nitrobenzene is hydro-
genated to aminophenol in the presence of a New Platinum Catalysts
I't-Ru catalyst, e.g. Pt-Ru/l:. GENEKAI, ELECTKIC CO. Rritash I'ateizt I,ZI 1,699
Significantly improved hydrosilation of aliphatic
Hydrogenation of' Unsaturated Aldehyks unsaturated materials can be obtained by using
JOIISSON, MATTHBY & CO. I.TD. as catalyst a 1%-siloxane complex, e.g. P t com-
Gerinaii Appl. 1,568,861 plexed with ~,~-divinyl-tetra~iethyldisiloxane or
L'nsaturated aldehydes are reacted with H, in the 1,3-divinyltetraphenyldisiloxane.
presence of a catalyst containing P t activated by an
alcoholic alkali metal hydroxide or oxide solution. Catalyst
Improwil Selective Catalyst Reduction British I'ateiit 1,213,779
JOHNSON, 'MATTIIEY & (XI. I.TD. Organic-silicon compounds are obtained by the
Gemaiz Appl. 1,568,8?4 addition of a silane or siloxane to an olefinically
A new process is intended to increase the unsaturated organic compound in the presence
selectivity and thus the yield of alcohol in the of Me,Py,PtI.
reduction of an aroniatic aldehyde or ketone. For
the process a known I'd catalyst, e.g. palladised Production of Hydroquinone
wood charcoal, is used in the presence of a n LONZA LTD. British I'azatent 1,215,568
amine, especially an aromatic aminc. C,H,, <:O and H, are combined at increased
temperature and pressure in the presence of
Cat;1lyst [ Ru(CO), I:,.
W. K. GRACE 8r CO. <~errnarzAppl. 1,933,240
HCX is produced by the gas-phase reaction of a Catalytic: Iiyclrogenation or Nydroformy-
hydro-carbon (e.g. CH,) with NH:, in the presence lation
of a catalyst of 0.1-0.6 wt."., Pt!mullite. JOHSSON, MATTHEY & CO. LTD.
British Patent 1,219,763
1)ewaxing Catalys~ A hydrogenation or hydroformylation process is
( ; e ~ i n a nflppl. 1,954,368
CIIEVKOS K ~ ~ S I ~ A K C0.
CII catalysed in the presence of a base by a Pt metal
IIydrocarbons arc dcivaxed by reaction with H, hydride, halide or pseudohalide complexed by
in the presence of a catalyst which consists of an organic isocyanide or a Group VB or VIH
0.01-3 wt.",, Pt and 0.01 to 5 wt.":, Kc on a compound. For Rh and I r halides a Sn or C c
porous solid support. dihalide may also serve as the complexing
agent. Particular catalysts are [PPh,),RuCl, and
IIydrocwicking Catalyst RhI I(CO)(PPh,) s.
CIXHVKOS KESBAKCH co. Gerinaii A p p l . 1,956,715
A hydrocracking catalyst consists of a layered Platinum Complexes
crystalline alumino-silicate on which is deposited RIIONE-POUI.ENC S.A. U.S. Patent 3,522,327
of Pt, Pd, Ir or their compounds and New complexes of PtCl, with triaminophosphincs
of Re or a Re compound. arc useful catalysts for curing organopolysiloxane
resins. They have the general formula:
IIy(lroc;raeking Catalyst I't(.:l,.zP(NR'R''),, and are formed by simple
m1ivnoS KKSBAKCII CO. l)i.itclz clppl. 70.02,354 addition.
A hydrocracking catalyst consists of a hydro-
genating metal deposited on an amorphous 1Iomogeneous Dehydrogenation of Paraffins
aluminosilicatc carrying 0.0-5.0 wt ETHYL CORP. U.S. Pateiit 3,524,898
fluoride. T h e Al,O,,:SiO, ratio is 70:30 to 5 3 5 . 6-20 C parafins are dehydrogenated by contacting
T h e catalytic metal is o.oo~-z.o",, of Pt, Pd, them with a carbonyl halide Group VIII metal
I r and'or their compounds and 0.005-2.0'~;, of catalyst complex, such as IrCl(CO)(PR,)2, at
Re and or Re compounds. 300-425'<:, optionally in the presence of a H
1)ehyclrogenation Catalyst
, Hydrogenation Catalysts
I > i l t C h f l p p l . 70.04,770 U.S. Patent 3,524,899
A new catalyst for the dehydrogenation of Catalysts for the hydrogenation of ethylenic or
saturated hydrocarbons consists of A1,0,, sup- acctylenic coinpounds are the reaction products

Platinum Metals Rev.,19 7 1, 15, (2) 78

of a Ru compound in which the metal has a CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY
valency of two or more and a simple or complex
halide of an element of Group IA, IIA or IIIB. Heating of Corrosive Vapours
Examples are RuCI,(II,O),, RuCl,,:SEt,),, I.APORTE TITANIUM LTD.
Ku<1: .(IT hJ and KuCl ,(Aslit British Patent 1,219,573
' I X I , , vapour is heated in a plurality of tubes
I~ynrocarbox?-lationof Olefins having inlets and outlets made of I't or an alloy
UNION 011. CO. U.S. Patent 3,530,r 55 of Pt with Kh, Ru or Ir.
Olefins are hydrocarboxylated by contacting the
olefin under liquid phase conditions with a 1)egassing Platinum Powders
catalyst which consists of a Pt or I'd complex E.I. DU FONT DE XEMOURS & CO.
with an aromatic phosphine, H,O and CO. High U.S. Parent 3,511,640
reactivity and high 5-ields of the normal acid are A process for preparing degassed P t powders
obtained by incorporating an anionic or nonionic consists of mixing finely divided Pt powder with
surface active agent in the reaction medium. at lcast an equal volume of a diluent metal oxide
powder and heating the mixture until all gases
CopolymerisutioJi Catalysts have evolved. The powder mixture is cooled and
CESKOSLOVESSKA AKADBMII! VBD. the Pt powder separated from the diluent. The
(;ertnaii Appl. 2,008,427 degassed powders are particularly suitable for
A siloxane is copolymerised with an unsaturated application to "green" ceramic sheets used in the
compound in the presence of a Group VIII production of monolithic multi-layer ceramic
metal complex, which may be, e.g. RhCl(PPh:,):,, circuit components.
RuCI(H)(PPh,):, or H<CO)Kh(PPh:,),.
Catalytic Igniter iMernbers
R0I.I.S-ROYCE LTD. U.S. Patent 3,527,680
FUEL CELLS The activity of a Pt or Pt alloy catalytic igniter
for a gas turbine engine is improved by etching
Three-layer Fuel Cell Electrode the igniter to remove the initial surface layer,
UNIOS CARBIDE cow. British Patent 1,216,794 plating the member with a layer of Pt which
I he fuel cell electrode structure consists of a
I .

supports catalytic ignition and heat treating.

fine-pored porous metal layer on the electrolyte
side, a gas-permeable plastic-bonded catalysL Separation of Hydrogen from Gas Mixtures
layer and a coarse-pored porous metal layer. JOHNSON, MATTHEY & CO. LTD.
'I'he plastic-bonded layer may contain a noble Germari Appl. 1,567,601
metal catalyst, e.g. Pt.'C in p.t.f.e. A H, diffusion membrane consists of a Pd alloy
containing 0.7-0.8';:, R and 4.5"{, Ag, or 4.3% Ag
G a s Diffusion Electrodes and 0.75% 13.
KOBERT BOSCH G.m.b.H. BritiSh Patent I,22O,OI3
Gas diffusion electrodes for fuel cells are pro- Diffiision Device
duced by coating a gas-permeable base with a JOHNSON, MATTHEY & CO. LTD.
varnish containing the catalyst metal. I n one German Appl. 2,005,494
example Au and Pt dioxide dispersed in a A device for the separation of €1, from gas
cyclised rubber varnish are used to produce a mixtures consists of a stack of spaced Ag-Pd
catalyst layer on a p.t.f.e. plate. diffusion members.

Metal Boride Fuel Cell Catalyst Platinum Coating of Refractories

LEESONA GORP. U . S . Patent 3,513,028 CORNING GLASS WORKS tierman Appl. 2,007,056
New catalysts for fuel cells are Group 111-VIII Refractory materials are coated with Pt or Pt
transition metal borides. 'I'he preferred catalysts alloys by flame spraying with a plasma flame at a
are Xi, Ku, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir and P t borides. They rate of at least 30 m,sec. The powder is classified
may be produced by coating a porous substrate to 20-44 y. before spraying. 'The coating is heated
with a metal black and then treating the coating to at least IZSO"<;.
with an alkali meral borohydride.

Fuel Cell Electrode Production GLASS TECHNOLOGY

German Appl. 1,964,568 Stirrer for Molten Glass
A mixture of Ni and Sb is produced by reduction PILKINGTON RROS. LTD. British Patent 1,211,797
from a solution containing ions of both metals. A stirrer for molten glass consists of a M o core
This mixture is then added to a solution of a coated with a refractory material (e.g. A1,0,)
Pt group metal salt and the Pt ions reduced to and sheathed with Pt or Pt alloy. The gas space
Pt metal. between core and sheath is charged with inert gas.

Platinum Metals Rev., 1971, 15, (2) 79

ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC The reducing and dispersing medium preferably
also includes formaldehyde.
Capacitor Electric Film Resistance
SIEMENS A.G. German Appl. 1,480,606
British Patent 1,212,820 An electric film resistance, applied to glass or
ceramic, consists of 40-60'2, Au, ro-15U/;I Pt,
A capacitor consisting of a central ceramic layer
25-30";~ Pd and ~ - I O ' ; { ~ Rh or Rh,O,,.
sandwiched between two outer layers of the same
ceramic has painted-on electrodes of Pt-Pd,
for example, and electrode terminals of Ag Printed IIeater Elements
German Appl. 1,912,216
Field Effect Transistor Resistor compositions for use as heating elements
may be applied by screen or other printing Patent 1,217,665 techniques to various ceramic substrates. They
consist of a mixture of IC-80 wt.% (especially
In a field effect transistor, metal clectrodes are 46-65 wt.:;,) of finely divided RuO, and balance
applicd to its semiconductor body as a source and glass. Alternative compositions include finely
drain and, together with the body, for metal- divided Ag and compositions of matter formed by
semiconductor rectifying contacts. Au, Pt and heating RuO, with a Group V metal oxide, such
Pd are suitable contacts. as NbO,. See also German Appl. 1,640,561.
Self-regulating Heating Elements Anode for X-Ray Tubes
U.S. Patent 3,520,043 Gennun Appl. 1,952,526
Self-regulating heating elements have first and The anode is made from an alloy of W containing
second components connected in parallel so that 0.05-5 I;(>, preferably 0.15-1.5 ",, 1%.
the resistivity of the element increases with
temperature. Preferably one component forms Brine Electrolysis Electrode
a sheath for a core made from the other com- IMPERIAI. METAI. ISDUSTKIES (KYNOCH) LTD.
ponent. Suitable materials for the sheath include Dutch Appl. 70.06,285
Xi-Cr and Fe-Ni-Cr alloys; suitable materials
for the core (apart from Fe, Fe alloys, Ni and An electrode is made with a surface of film-
S i alloys) include CO, Mo, W, Pt, Pd and Ta. forming metal coated with Ru and/or RuO, mixed
with a chemical compound containing the film-
forming metal, C1, and 0,. The film-forming
Semiconductor Connections metal may be Ti, Ta, N b or their alloys. A
IEWL>,TT-IW:KAKD CO. U.S. Patent 3,521,134 suitable chemical compound is T i oxychloride.
A metallic contact pad is formed on stripped
areas of a semiconductor to reduce the thermal
and electrical resistance. Pt silicide covered with MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
Au and Mo provides a suitable material for the
pad. Drawing Ruthenium and Alloys to Wire
Glass Electrode U.S. Patent 3,528,862
BECKMAN INSTKUMbNTS INC. Improved results in drawing Ru or Ru alloy wire
1J.S. Patent 3,523,777 arc obtained with a new process involving
In a method of sealing an internal half-cell special control of the die temperature at ION+
(Pt AgIAgCl) into a constricted portion of an 1300 C in a non-oxidising atmosphere. The metal
inner glass tube, the constricted portion is is drawn through a wire drawing die at 90-
painted with Ag paint and then sealed on to the I050 c.
Pt wire by induction heating.

Platinuni Coated Electrode TEMPERATURE

A process of coating substrates with Pt involves
reacting a Pt-type oxide with a reducing and Thermocouple
dispersing medium composed of a 2-5 C aliphatic GENERAL MOTORS COW. U.S. Patent 3,527,620
alcohol. A aater-soluble inorganic salt or acid A high-temperature thermocouple system con-
is added and most of the dispersion medium is sists of a pair of interconnected thermoelectric
removed from the platinised substrate while elements, one an alloy containing 55 wt.% I'd,
retaining the P t wet and oxidising rcsidual 31 wt.";, Pt and 14 wt.%, Au, and the other
adsorbed organic matter, and removing water. 65 wt.":, Au and 35 wt.":, Pd.

Platinum Metals Rev., 19 7 1, 15, (2) 80

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