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Design of an Autonomous and Preventive

Maintenance Management system for the

reduction of delay in production in Plastic
Lenny Sánchez-Figueroa
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Lima, Peru


- Autonomous Summary – Is possible to improve the performance of the production

maintenance. with an analysis detailed of the team and of the control of process. In
- LQP(Low quality this case specific, does quotation to the injection machines of javas
polyethylene) plastic done in base to LQP which unplanned stops owing to failures
- Injection that occur by the malfunction of the machines. For this, the study
and analysis of the decisions of preventive maintenance, which is an
important tool for this case especially, will allow us generate
strategies of profitable maintenance and, at the same time, effective
in front of the behavior of the line of production. It fits to mention
that this tool will use like base the implementation of autonomous
maintenance, which contribute to prepare to the personnel to carry
out of basic tasks of maintenance.


In the Peru, the industry of the plastic is one of the Dozibe SAC, the company that at present analyses
main forms of support of the economic activity in the presents distinct types of problems which reverberate
Peru (belongs to 13% of the PBI in the country). At to the time of manufacture, therefore, the decrease of
present, the plastic products manufactured in the Peru sales of this product. Doing reference to the mentioned
are done to base of his prime matter that it is the previously, the company has come diminishing his
polyethylene, from the petrochemical industries of sales along the years in 20% by year by different
other countries which causes that the country find causes. One of them and the one who more
struggling constantly with the heaves of costs of reverberation in this is the stops by maintenance no
derivative products of the oil. scheduled in the line of production. These stops
mentioned causes elevation in the costs, increase of
Likewise, according to reliable sources, the import of slack by part of the personal and, especially, the
the polyethylene has gone increasing year after year as discomfort generated to the customer, since the
it shows in the following picture: delivery of the product in agreed time would see

It is thus that for the solution of this problem will

support us in the methodology of Read Manufacturing
which has diverse tools of improvement of
productivity of the company. In this case, if we attack
the problem directly could reach immediate results in
the productivity competitiveness and profitability of
the business, increasing the satisfaction of the
customer and the efficiency like company.

o Methodology 5S • Splits of some pieces

• Trips

• Errors in the manipulation

With only qualify to the worker stops:

• Clean

• Lubricate

• Review

In synthesis, this tool assigns to the worker or operator

of the machine basic tasks of maintenance to improve,
somehow, the performance of the machine.
In a company, the 5S has like aim improve and keep
o Preventive maintenance
the conditions of an organization, the order and
cleaning in the place of work, the security, the labor The preventive maintenance has like end program the
climate, the motivation of the personnel and the maintenance carrying periodic controls the different
efficiency and, in consequence, the quality, the systems of each machine. It is important the thorough
productivity and the competitiveness of the knowledge of the team for his application. This
organization. When implementing this methodology to automation has given place to that the companies
a company looks for zero defects, zero accidents, zero invest in systems of management of maintenance that
scraps and zero failures. Besides, the 5S are a pre- ensure the availability of his teams and the
requirement for other methodologies like TQM, TPM, performance along the time.
JIT, between others. All company has to use 5S or at
least any of them to obtain a better performance in his This tool of maintenance is used like plan of action to
productive system. protect the life of the teams and ensure his function
with the following advantages:
o Autonomous maintenance
• Decrease of Fail Unforeseen and
This tool bases in the knowledge that the operator has improvement of the Performance
to have to dominate the mechanisms, operative
appearances, cares and conservation, handle, failures, • Greater labour security
maintenances, etc. This stage of the TPM has like aim
educate to the worker of production the task of • Greater control and care of the teams
productive maintenance, including cleaning and
particular tasks. • Reduction of activities of maintenance
Therefore, the operators do charge of the maintenance
of his teams, keep it and develop the capacity to detect • Programming of stops
to time fail potential. In the following figure show the steps to make a plan
In effect, with the adoption of an Autonomous of management of preventive maintenance:
Maintenance, the operation of production assumes
tasks of productive maintenance (cleaning) and
preventive maintenance, and of the same way warn of Analysis of weak
Analysis of the Jerarquización of
points of teams of
the need of the same. Current situation teams
high impact

It is important to mention that the autonomous

maintenance is based in the principle of the 5S, that are Programming of Design of plans of
the maintenance, Calculation of the Maintenance and
5 basic appearances for the development of the allocation of presupposed necessary
resources resources
activities to implant in the processes of production.

The 5S is considered a strong ally of the Autonomous

Evaluation, control
Maintenance, since it helps to delete failures, accidents and Execution of
of work and warns future failures, which will be
present along the implementation of the Autonomous
Maintenance in the plant, as it will appreciate. STATE OF THE ART

The autonomous maintenance can warn: The tools to use in this study of the producing
company of plastic products comport to be able to
• Pollution by external agents cushion the main causes that present in the stop of
production, in this case, maintenances no scheduled.
For this in this study will use a sequence of tools that
will allow the correct implementation of a system of
preventive maintenance adapted in 7 stages, which
will apply of orderly form in the company, go
through step.

This investigation carries like part of his

implementation a study on the management of the
maintenance that consists in building a system of
maintenance in any plant manufacturer. (Nurseries,

Another study in which it has served like support is To the closing of the 2015, the sales are even lower in
of a system of plan your preventive maintenance, comparison to the other years. These reductions have
which, will use in group with the management of had a repercussion regarding the annual quantity of
maintenance. The contribution of this support bases kilograms produced, but the variation in some years
in orienting in that moments owe to program the is not so high, since the range of products that sell
maintenances. For example, take advantage of the consists of 29 and each one of these has a different
time of stops of a machine to be able to make weight to the of the other.
respective actions. (M. Assid, 2015)
The decrease of the sales in the time is direct
On the other hand, they will implement politics of consequence of the reduction of requests (see graphic
maintenance, which owe to pose taking in 6). This reduction, is due to that Dozibe has not
consideration with the impact of the level of service known to keep to his customers along the time and in
and the degradation of the machines. For this made a other cases has lost future customers such as Coca
study on a case in the aeronautical industry in which Tail and Glory by not fulfilling requirements of
it put quite emphasis to the politics of maintenance quality required by them. Regarding his normal
and afterwards made that these depend a lot of the customers, they opt to the short time by not following
current state of the machines and the batch of having they, is thus that focus us in determining the
delivery of the products. (Alessio Angius, 2016) causal of the stray of this customers.
Finally, for a system in which the quality of the
product is integrated in the taking of decisions of the
preventive maintenance. It proposes a taking of
decisions in group, which not only will contribute to
the increase of effectiveness of the plant of
production, but also to increase and identify variables
that affect to the quality of the product. (Biao Lu,


It initiated the contribution with the stage of the

analysis and the current diagnostic of the company, in
which we observe that the sales have come To determine this, the company facilitated us his data
diminishing along the years in 20%. Once analyzed about the satisfaction to the customer to his products,
this data, gives us a notion that the demand of the attributes this dissatisfaction to term of commercial
company or the production of plastic containers has bonds with Dozibe, to continuation, the results:
come diminishing when happening of the time. Doing
a more detailed analysis in base to the processes of
the company have determined that along the last 5
years Dozibe has come growing of an unsuitable way
and without planning.

One of the main causes whereby the company

generates high prices in his products in comparison to
the competition is the cost generated by the stops of
machines which do not generate return any. In this
case they accumulate: hours man, hour machine,
energy, product in process, etc. Factors that
accumulated along the years do not contribute to the
annual profitability.

Afterwards to define by a trial of experts the main

causes that presents the company and afterwards
measure them quantitatively in base to time lost by
each one of them arrived to the following conclusion:

Afterwards of this, have analyzed the main cause,

which is machines detained that it presents by not
having a plan of predictive or preventive maintenance,
which prejudices enough to the process of production,
since as they treat of ancient machines these anytime
could collapse and, due to the fact that they are the
neck of bottle, stop the production and generate losses
at least 1.25 kg by minute of stops of the slowest
machine until 1.83kg by minute of product finished
After analyzing our chart of Pareto can infer that the that corresponds to the fastest machine, both
main problems that influence in that the batches of the corresponding to the process neck of bottle.
products finished go out with delay are:
To continuation, shows the detail of the stops of the
• Corrective maintenance line of injection by month of the 3 machines in group:

• Unsuitable control of inventory

• Fault of coordination between areas

• Fault of qualification

These causes form part of our diagram of Ishikawa,

which is the following:

To determine the previous picture have based us in

analyzing the distinct types of failures that appear in
According to the data analyzed and the taking in days the line of production which according to the list of
of production, decrease of production, delay in time, registers of corrective maintenance analyzed in the
stopped of machines, strength of sales to the day and previous year month by month.
to the month. We obtained that the inefficiencies in the
process of Production, by the explained previously, is
the main factor on which have to inquire the causes to
solve the greater problem, that is to recover this
productivity and detain the fall of utilities year after
year to be able to fulfil with the demand of all the time.

With the tree of probabilities, of a way deepened have

been able to find diverse reasons which are causes it
root of our problem, what carries us to analyses each
one so that they can be opportunity of improvement.
multifunctionally. This tool will give a change in the
management of teams that will comport a reorientation
of the management of the personnel.

Aims to attain applying an autonomous maintenance:

• Reduction of failures during the process of


• Greater quality of the product

• Reduction of wasteful in the process

• Reduction of time died by change of process

and of preparation

• Delete time of production to speed reduced

Of agreement to the registers during all the year and To continuation, will show the seven stages to be
fail them presented along the course of the months followed with each one of his activities for the
have presented late in monthly average 10% of the implementation successfully of the Autonomous
products by each month. This factor presented Maintenance according to Cuatrecasas.
previously repercussions in the income that have left
to perceive month by month in a total of S/.68250.49
of income.

Afterwards of this analyzed the indicators which,

compared over time of ideal production give us a
notion of in the state in which it finds the line of
production in relation to the stops of machines owing
to maintenance.

For the case of the unemployed corrective, the mount Once that the plant has assumed the previous levels of
has been calculated in base to the hours paralyzed, that Autonomous Maintenance will have reached the
in total are 692hours along all the year, which has optimum conditions in the team of production, which
prejudiced the operational performance of the plant. will contribute to the personal be more professional
This quantity is equal to 22687kg of final product and with some high morals. Of the same way, do
produced by the area of injection. independent, specialists and unsuspecting, since will
turn into hard-working want to can look for or generate
To face up to the cause of the problem will use the
his own work and the improvement of the team,
preventive maintenance, since inside the tools
processes and tools with autonomy.
considered is simpler to apply it in terms of economic
investment, time of apparition of results and The end of this program of maintenance is to establish
complexity of implementation. it type an internal audit to be able to approve the
change of each stage and the evolutions of the skills of
the personal, with the end to measure his experiences
Like start of the implementation of our tools will use with the levels of qualification that they will receive
the autonomous maintenance like base for our main by stage. For this, has developed a picture which
tool. indicates the previous levels and the equivalence that
these present in the skills purchased.
The implantation and the activities of the Autonomous
Maintenance derive of an organizational change to the
activities placed in small autonomous groups
Niveles de Mantenimiento Autónomo Niveles para capacitación de operarios
7. Gestión Autónoma Completa Puede reparar el equipo
6. Organización y Orden Conoce las relaciones entre la Analysis of Design of plans
Analysis of the
Jerarquización weak points of of Maintenance
5. Inspección Autónoma precisión del equipo y la calidad del situation
of teams teams of high and necessary
impact resources
4. Inspección General Conoce la función y estructura del
3. Establecimiento de Estándares equipo
2. Eliminación de focos de suciedad y Puede detectar problemas y Programming of
the Calculation of
control and
zonas inaccesibles comprender los principios y Execution of
maintenance, the
allocation of presupposed
1. Limpieza Inicial procedimientos de mejora del equipo maintenance

Afterwards of this will implement general instructions

that will serve like routes to the personal to develop
activities along the day in the zone of injection. i. Analysis of the current situation

MANTENIMIENTO AUTÓNOMO The first of them bases in analysis of the current

Codigo de equipo: Descripción: situation of the company.
Área de producción:
FALLA Tipo de Falla Duración
Realizado: Revisado: Tarea a realizar por:
Cambio de Contactores Electrica 45 min
Instrucciones Generales
Evitar obstaculos que impidan el correcto funcionamiento del equipo Cambio de Fusibles Electrica 30 min
Disponibilidad de todos los elementos del equipo:
Tarjetas Electrica 90 min
herramientas, útiles y elementos de control
2 PUESTA EN MARCHA Resistencias Electrica 60 min
Verificar que no haya ningún inconveniente para comenzar la producción
Verificar que los indicadores den luz verde (indicadores correctos)
Realizar las tareas de mantenimiento previstas Cables del Panel Electrica 120 min
Observar el correcto funcionamiento de la máquina Bobina Hidráulica Hidráulica 60 min
En caso de detección de anomalías: Calibraciones Hidráulica 30 min
humos, ruidos atípicos, malfuncionamiento,etc., avisar al responsable del área.
Evitar la acumulación de residuos y suciedad por el propio funcionamiento Motor Hidráulico Hidráulica 1 semana
4 FINAL DE LA JORNADA Rotura de la Manguera Neumática 10 min
Limpieza Sistemática del equipo, dejarlo en óptimas condiciones de trabajo para el turno
siguiente Conecciones estancadas Neumática 10 min
Ordenar y dejar a punto todos los útiles, herramientas y equipos de verificación utilizados
Responsabilidad del encargado de área de cada turno de supervisar el estado correcto de
los equipos a su custodia The lengths presented in the previous picture are result
of the average of the stops of machine because of each
fail in specific. As it dates it of corrective maintenance
by month of the previous year (Attached in the
annexes) and the stop that these causes in the previous
year, have made indicators of the current situation of
The preventive maintenance has like aim the planning
the company, which are:
of activities of maintenance that avoid problems been
due to unemployed. This automation and improvement 692
of the productive systems gives place to that the 𝑀𝑇𝑇𝑅 = 332 = 2.08 ℎ
companies invest in this type of maintenance to
improve the reliability of the teams to keep the The MTTR gives like result a half time of each stop of
production. 2.08h.

For a viable implementation of preventive 21640

𝑀𝑇𝐵𝐹 = 332 = 65.18 ℎ
maintenance, consider to prepare the surroundings of
manufacture of agreement to a strategic plan, which
The MTBF gives like resulted half time of good
contains the basic activity like the one of the
operation between stops of 65.18 hours.
Autonomous Maintenance, followed of two levels
more. 21640
𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 = = 96.9%
For the correct application of the tasks to happen of
preventive maintenance, will develop in seven stages, 250
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 300 = 83.3%
which will apply in this organization since the plant
does not have of a clear-cut method of management of
maintenance. It fits to highlight that to attain a correct 𝑇𝑎𝑥 𝑜𝑓 𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 = = 99.3%
exert in the global management of the maintenance in 305445
an organization results indispensable to define aims The last three indicators showed previously can
that pursue, establishing a strategy oriented to these calculate the Operational Performance (Ro):
aims and determining the new tasks to designate to the
personnel of maintenance. 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙
= 0.969 ∗ 0.833 ∗ 0.993
The stages to develop are the following: = 83.3%
Herramientas Cantidad Anual Precio por unidad Cantidad Anual
Once found these indicators, this new management of Fusibles 408 S/. 20.00 S/. 8,160.00
maintenance has like aim delete the stops by corrective Tarjetas del panel 36 S/. 50.00 S/. 1,800.00
Resistencias 6 S/. 50.00 S/. 300.00
actions in 80%. Contactores 3 S/. 180.00 S/. 540.00
Mangueras Hidráulicas 6 S/. 300.00 S/. 1,800.00
Motor Hidráulico 1 S/. 500.00 S/. 500.00
ii. Jerarquización of machines Cables para el panel eléctrico 9 S/. 100.00 S/. 900.00
Bomba Hidráulica 9 S/. 650.00 S/. 5,850.00
S/. 19,850.00

vi. Programming of the maintenance and

allocation of resources

The aim of this stage, once implemented the previous

stages is, first, identify the types of maintenance that
will use for the prevention, that is to say, the moment
in which they will make these activities of preventive
maintenance and the programming detailed of these

Planes de mantenimiento con parada

Planificación por Planes de mantenimiento diarios
periodo Planes de mantenimiento mensuales
Tipos de Planes de mantenimiento semanales
Like result of the analysis and taking in account all the Planificación del Planes de mantenimiento anuales
Mantenimiento Planificación por Planes individuales de mantenimiento
appearances showed in the previous picture, can affirm proyecto para una reparación a gran escala
that the three injection machines (IMI 8000, IMI 1000 Planificación por
Mantenimiento realizado aprovechando
la parada de los equipos por cuestriones
and IMI 900) fulfil all the appearances of criticality oportunidad
that define them like group To CRITICISE.
Afterwards to identify the types of planning of the
iii. Analysis of weak points of teams of high maintenance happen to relate each type of fails with
impact one of them.
Once made the hierarchy of the physical teams in the FALLA Frecuencia Duración Tipo de Planeamiento
plant and his criticality, the following step is to make Cambio de Contactores 1 vez al año 45 min P.Periodo
Cambio de Fusibles 2-3 veces por semana 30 min P.Oportunidad
a technical inspection to detail the types of present Tarjetas 1 vez al mes 90 min P.Oportunidad
Resistencias 2 veces al año 60 min P.Oportunidad
failures in the team. Cables del Panel 3 veces al año 120 min P.Oportunidad
Bomba Hidráulica 3 veces al año 60 min P.Periodo
Equipo Sistema Tipo de Fallo Descripción de fallo Clasificación Calibraciones 2 veces por semana 30 min P.Periodo
Funcional Deterioro de Contactores A amortiguar Motor Hidráulico 2 veces al año 1 semana P.Proyecto
Fusibles dejan de Rotura de la Manguera 2 veces al año 10 min P.Oportunidad
Funcional funcionar A amortiguar Conecciones estancadas 4 vecse por semana 10 min P.Oportunidad
Eléctrico Funcional Las tarjetas se queman A amortiguar
Técnico Fallo de las resistencias A evitar
INYECTORA i. Evaluation, control and execution of the
Fallo en los cables del
(8000, 900,
Técnico panel A evitar maintenance
Funcional Bomba Hidráulica A amotiguar
Hidráulico Funcional Calibraciones A amortiguar
Técnico Motor Hidráulico A evitar The activities of preventive maintenance once
Funcional Rotura de la Manguera A evitar
Funcional Conecciones estancadas A evitar
designed, scheduled and programmed like such have
to be evaluated each true time once implanted. Also,
iv. Design of plans of Maintenance and has to evaluate the system of preventive maintenance
necessary resources and his stages in his whole to pursue continuously the
continuous improvement of the aims of this new
After the analyzed in the previous phases there are two management.
appearances which have to recompile to establish
strategies (the information and the decision). A quite VALIDATION
used strategy for the design of strategies and plans of
The first step for the implementation of a tool and
maintenance is the designated like RCM, since it
concertizer to the personnel of the importance that he
allows to determine the problems of a maintenance, the
in the implementation of the new tools and
needs of an active physicist and the possible action to
improvements to apply. It is thus that the campaign of
make in front of a problem or failure.
specific training will go of the hand with the
v. Calculation of the budget campaigns of promotion and mentalization of the
Once studied the previous stages, have analyzed the
current situation, know fail them that they present the To carry out this qualification requested the
machines, the indicators and the frequency of each permission once a week so that they carry out.
fails; it will happen to take the budget of what incurs
The subjects posed in the qualifications defined of the
to apply all these needs of maintenance that have gone
following way:
presenting in the previous stages.
• Do him understand to the operator that are the
most important pieces of the business and that
without them and his commitment would not be
possible the approach of new improvements and
the ideal operation of the line of production.

• Create consciousness of the productive that it can

be a change and the modifications of daily tasks
so that these generate a positive impact in the

• Introduction to the Autonomous Maintenance. For the next step that consists in the implementation of
the preventive maintenance, will validate go through
• Analysis of criticidad current of the line of
step as it proposed to the beginning in the
implementation of this tool in 7 levels. Between them,
• Motivation, recalcar and mentalizar to the the implementation of stock of spares to face up to the
operarios to be able to carry the new activities to main fail so that these are changed to the shortness and
cape. avoid the time of purchase of a spare.

• Approach of the new activities of the autonomous


• Impact in the machines of the new activities to


• Saving and profits to apply the new tool.

The end of these qualifications is, in the first place,

prepare to the operario so that it develop new skills and
provide educational experiences designed to improve
the exert of these in his daily activities. With this Spares of hydraulic hoses
installed the new leaf of route in his installations:

Spare of hydraulic engine

Afterwards of this, will make activities of

qualifications, in which they will have meetings with
the personnel by a total of 16 monthly hours in which Spare of electrical components
concientizaremos to the implementation d elas new
tools. Costs of implementation:

Antón, P. (2007). Factorial analysis of the

criteria of criticidad of the tasks
billed in the Survey of Analysis of
Places of the General
Administration of the Basque
Country (AGPV). . Magazine Of
Psicologia Of the Work And Of The
Organisations, 351-366.

• Recovery of 34485 minutes of production that are

in average 22687.5 kg produced by the area of

• The 22687.5kg can represent in sales by S/.

127617 in the year

• Reduction of stock of spares in S/.11350

• With the tool implemented, expects reduce the

stops of machines in 34 485 minutes, which
would be 574.75 hours surpassing put it that it
was of 80%, since the current is 83%

• To control the efficiency of this tool suggests

recalcular the indicators each true time to do the
corresponding follow-up to the fulfillment and
improvement of the process.


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