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The principal considerations on the quality of mixing water are related

to performance in fresh as well as harden state. The quality of the water

plays an important role in the preparation of concrete. Impurities in
water may interfere with the setting of the cement and may adversely
affect the strength and durability of the concrete also.

The chemical constituents present in water may actively participate in

the chemical reactions and thus affect the setting, hardening and
strength development of concrete.

In addition to that, health issues related to the safe handling of such

water must be considered. The suitability of water can be identified
from past service records or tested to performance limits such as setting
times and compressive strength and durability test. Limits are specified
for mixing water with their constituents such as total alkalis, chloride
sulfate etc.
The quantity of water in the mix plays a vital role on the
strength of the concrete. Some water which have adverse
effect on hardened concrete. Sometimes may not be
harmless or even beneficial during mixing. So clear distinction
should be made between the effect on hardened concrete
and the quality of mixing water.
Function of Water in Concrete:

•To wet the surface of aggregates to develop adhesion

because the cement pastes adheres quickly and satisfactory
to the wet surface of the aggregates than to a dry surface.

•To prepare a plastic mixture of the various ingredients and to

impart workability to concrete to facilitate placing in the
desired position.

•Water is also needed for the hydration of the cementing

materials to set and harden during the period of curing.
Quality Parameters Maximum Limit (ppm)

Chlorides 500

SO3 1000

Alkali Carbonates
and Bicarbonates

Turbidity 2000
Following are the tests required for quality of water for
construction purpose:
1. pH value test

2. Limits of acidity test

3. Limits of alkalinity test

4. Percentage of solids
b) Suspended matter
c) Sulphates
Recommended Limits of construction water tests:
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious
quantities of alkalies, acids, oils , salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable
growth or other substance that may be deleterious to bricks, stone, concrete or
steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing.

The pH value of water shall not be less than the following concentrations
represent the maximum permissible values (of deleterious materials in water)

a) Limits of acidity: To neutralize 100ml sample of water, using

phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should not require more than 5ml of 0.02
normal NaOH. The details of test shall be as given in IS 3025 (Para 22).

b) Limits of alkalinity: To neutralize 100ml sample of water, using mixed

indicator, it should not require more than 25ml of 0.02 normal H2SO4. The
details of tests shall be as given in IS 3025 (Para 23).
c) Percentage of solids: Maximum permissible limits of solids when
tested in accordance with IS 3025 shall be as under:

Types of solids Limits

Organic solids 200 mg/liter

Inorganic solids 3000 mg/liter

Sulphates 400 mg/liter

2000 mg/liter for concrete not containing embedded

Chlorides steel, and
500 mg/liter for reinforced concrete work

Suspended matter 2000 mg/liter

The physical and chemical properties of ground water shall be tested along with
soil investigation and if the water is not found conforming to the requirements
of IS 456 – 2000, the tender documents shall clearly specify that the contractor
has to arrange good quality water construction indicating the source.

(i) Water found satisfactory for mixing is also suitable for curing. However,
water used for curing shall not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly
deposit on the surface.

(ii) Sea water shall not be used for mixing or curing.

(iii) Water from each source shall be tested before the commencement of the
work and thereafter once in every three months till the completion of the work.
In case of ground water, testing shall also be done for different point of
drawdown. Water from each source shall be got tested during the dry season
before monsoon and again after monsoon.

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