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In the 21st century, tons of people worldwide know more about health and

exercise than in any other time in human history. Vitamins, water, nutrients,
fruits, vegetables, and other foods enrich the social dynamics of human beings.
While we believe in fitness plus eating great, healthy food; we reject body
shaming, lookism, and bigotry. Living life has nothing to do with degrading
other people in an inappropriate way. It is about embracing the principle that
integrity, honor, and advancing justice will make a great difference in the world
society. This following piece of prose is not just about praising those who made
a difference in society. It is about building up people, motivating society to
change in a more positive direction, and being body-positive. Our differences
thoroughly represent our strength as members of the human family.

“Never Give Anyone the

Power to Take away your joy.”
-Jeanette Jenkins
This is Carmelita Jeter , who is at LAUSANNE,
SWITZERLAND, celebrating a victory after a track
and field race (in 2008).

*The Prologue
*The Respiratory
*The Nervous
*Human Biology
Health is always valuable for the Universe. How we eat and how we exercise determine many
factors of our longevity (as documented by lengthy studies). Not to mention that no one should be
arrogant about their health. In other words, nobody should be disrespected or maligned because of
his or her physical appearance either. Regardless of one’s fitness level, all human beings have equal
value. All people are created equal and are entitled to the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. Over the course of 10 years, I have certainly taken my health very seriously. I did
perform a health exam, an eye exam, and I do exercise. I eat more fruits and vegetables in my daily
life than 15 years ago. Over the course of 20 years, I have learned so much information various
fruits including other forms of foods. I also want to acknowledge the unsung doctors, fitness
experts, and other individuals who are doing yeoman's work in saving lives. They are real heroes on
this endeavor of building up the well beings of so many people. Improving oneself should never be
about egoism or disrespecting people. It is about blessing yourself and blessing other people. At the
end of the day, we desire fellow people to reach their greatest potentials as human beings.

As the course of many years, health care news is abundant. We witness the debates on universal
health care which has been talked about by many Democratic Presidential candidates plus many
social activists. We have two people now who are cured of HIV. Constant devices monitor blood
pressure, glucose levels, and other indicators of our health. We have the wide spectrum of machines
and other devices that improve the quality of life of so many individuals. With all these advances,
we have to always remember our responsibility to altruism. Our lives shouldn't be about ourselves
alone. We are born here to do the work and to sacrifice our time in enriching the lives of others.
That lesson is exemplified by the continued water crisis in Flint. The people of Flint, Michigan
deserve clean water, a strong infrastructure, and economic justice. We are all part of one human
family, and we ought to always act like it by word plus by deed. The Internet, social media, books,
and scholars have grown research about health now beyond any other time in human history.
During this time, research (from scientists, sociologists, and other experts) is ever constant to
document powerful ways on how to improve our health and to exercise to benefit people in a
multiplicity of ways. Additionally, it is important to know about our organs. The reason is that the
organs and other systems of the human body are on the front lines to fight diseases and any other
illnesses. Not to mention that the knowledge of these items reflect a greater appreciation of health
information in general. In life, you have to express faith. Faith along with just action will cause
monumental achievements among the realms of our existence.

• Human bones start at • The muscular system • The cardiovascular

about 270 bones at has skeletal, smooth, system permits blood to
birth and reduce to 206 and cardiac muscles. It circulate and transport
by adulthood. can help the body nutrients (like amino
• The bone mass in the maintain posture and it acids and electrolytes),
skeleton reaches circulates blood all over oxygen, etc. to and from
maximum density at the human body. the cells in the body.
around age 21. • There are about 639 • The circulatory system
• The skeletal system skeletal muscles in the allows to provide
allows human human body. nourishment, help fight
movement, protects • Smooth muscles cells diseases, stabilize
vital internal organs (i.e. are found in the walls of temperature plus PH,
the brain, the spinal hollow organs like the and maintain
cord, the lungs, the stomach, intestines, homeostasis.
heart, etc.), and and other parts of the • Blood flows from the
facilities human body. heart to the various
haematopioiesis (or the organs and back to the
development of blood heart again.
cells that exists from
the bone marrow).
The Cardiovascular system
One of the most important parts of the human body is the cardiovascular system or the circulatory
system. It governs our heart, helps our blood, and it is the literally lifeline of our human existence. It
is the organ system that allows blood to circulate and transport nutrients (like amino acids and
electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body.
This system allows the body to receive nourishment plus help to fight disease, stabilize temperature
including pH, and maintain homeostasis. The cardiovascular system deals with the lymphatic system
too as that system circulates lymph. The passage of lymph for example takes much longer than of
blood. Blood is a fluid. Blood has plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that are
circulated by the heart though the vertebrate vascular system. It carries oxygen and nutrients to
body tissues and waste materials away from all body tissues. Lymph is recycled exceeds blood
plasma after it has been filtered from the interstitial fluid (between cells) and returned to the
lymphatic system. The cardiovascular (from Latin words meaning "heart" and "vessel") system
comprises the blood, heart, and blood vessels. The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form
the lymphatic system, which returns filtered blood plasma from the interstitial fluid (between cells)
as lymph.

The circulatory system of the blood is seen as having two components, a systemic circulation and a
pulmonary circulation. Humans are vertebrates with a closed cardiovascular system. That means
that blood never leaves the network of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Some invertebrates have an
open cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system has an open system with a route for excess
interstitial fluid to be returned to the blood. The diploblastic animal phyla lack circulatory systems.
Many diseases affect the circulatory system. This includes cardiovascular disease, affecting the
cardiovascular system, and lymphatic disease affecting the lymphatic system. Cardiologists are
medical professionals who specialize in the heart, and cardiothoracic surgeons specialize in
operating on the heart and its surrounding areas. Vascular surgeons focus on other parts of the
circulatory system.

The human cardiovascular system includes the heart, blood, and blood vessels. There is the
pulmonary circulation or a loop through the lungs where blood is oxygenated. Later, circulation
follows a loop through the rest of the body to provide oxygenated blood. There are
macrocirculation and microcirculation. An average adult has five to six quarts or 4.7 to 5.7 liters of
blood. Blood represents about 7 percent of total body adult weight. Also, the system works with the
circulatory system to provide the nutrients the system needs to keep the heart pumping. The
cardiovascular systems of humans are closed, meaning that the blood never leaves the network of
blood vessels. In contrast, oxygen and nutrients diffuse across the blood vessel layers and enter
interstitial fluid, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the target cells, and carbon dioxide and
wastes in the opposite direction. The other component of the circulatory system, the lymphatic
system, is open. Blood travels by leaving the left atrium and the left ventricle to the rest of the body
via arteries. Then, that blood travels from parts of the body via veins to the right atrium, the right
ventricle, to the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein. Then, the cycle starts all over again.
Oxygenated blood entered the circulation when leaving the left ventricle, through the aortic
semilunar valve. The first part of the systemic circulation is the aorta, a massive and thick-walled
artery. The aorta arches and gives branches supplying the upper part of the body after passing
through the aortic opening of the diaphragm at the level of thoracic ten vertebras, it enters the
Later it descends down and supplies branches to abdomen, pelvis, perineum and the lower limbs.
The walls of aorta are elastic. This elasticity helps to maintain the pressure throughout the body.
When the aorta receives almost five liters of blood from the heart, it recoils and is responsible for
pulsating blood pressure. Moreover, as aorta branches into smaller arteries, their elasticity goes on
decreasing and their compliance goes on increasing. Arteries branch into small passages called
arterioles and then into the capillaries. The capillaries merge to bring blood into the venous system.
After their passage through body tissues, capillaries merge once again into venules, which continue
to merge into veins. The venous system finally coalesces into two major veins: the superior vena
cava (roughly speaking draining the areas above the heart) and the inferior vena cava (roughly
speaking from areas below the heart). These two great vessels empty into the right atrium of the
heart. The heart is filled with oxygen and nutrients too and it has coronary circulation. The general
rule is that arteries from the heart branch out into capillaries, which collect into veins leading back
to the heart. Portal veins are a slight exception to this. In humans, the only significant example is
the hepatic portal vein which combines from capillaries around the tract where the blood absorbs
the various products of digestion; rather than leading directly back to the heart, the hepatic portal
vein branches into a second capillary system in the liver.

The heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs. The human
heart has one atrium and one ventricle for each circulation. It has the following four chambers: left
atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and right ventricle. The right atrium is the upper chamber of the
right side of the heart. The blood that is returned to the right atrium is deoxygenated (poor in
oxygen) and passed into the right ventricle to be pumped through the pulmonary artery to the lungs
for re-oxygenation and removal of carbon dioxide. The left atrium receives newly oxygenated blood
from the lungs as well as the pulmonary vein which is passed into the strong left ventricle to be
pumped through the aorta to the different organs of the body. Blood helps the brain and the
kidneys. The circulatory system develops in the embryo. Veins show during weeks 4-8 of
embryogenesis. Helping the cardiovascular system is key in building up our health. Ancient
Egyptians, ancient Muslim scholars, ancient Romans, Michael Servetus, and others studied the
circulatory system among the thousands of years of human history.

The Respiratory System

The respiratory system is very important to know and study. It is made up of organs used for gas
exchange. It includes lungs and small air sacs called alveoli. They are call atria in birds. The alveoli
have strong blood supply. These air sacs communicate with the external environment via a system
of airways, or hollow tubes, of which the largest is the trachea, which branches in the middle of the
chest into the two main bronchi. These enter the lungs where they branch into progressively
narrower secondary and tertiary bronchi that branch into numerous smaller tubes, the bronchioles.
In birds, the bronchioles are termed parabronchi. It is the bronchioles, or parabronchi that generally
open into the microscopic alveoli in mammals and atria in birds. Air has to be pumped from the
environment into the alveoli or atria by the process of breathing which involves the muscles of
respiration. The respiratory system has the naval cavity, the pharynx (or near the throat). The larynx
is found on inside of the neck. The tube next to the lungs is called the trachea. It has branches
holding up the two lungs in the body. The lungs are surrounded by bronchial tubes. Therefore, the
upper tract includes the nose, nasal cavities, sinuses, pharynx and the part of the larynx above the
vocal folds. The lower tract includes the lower part of the larynx, the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
and the alveoli. The respiratory tree has the trachea, mainstem bronchus, labor bronchus, segmental
bronchus, bronchiole, alveolar duct, and the alveolus. Lungs expand and contact during the
breathing cycle. The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon
dioxide. Inhaled oxygen enters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this
air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood
into the alveoli and is then exhaled.

The Nervous System

The nervous system is one of the most important parts of the human body. It helps to transmit
signals to and from different parts of the body. It has many jobs. It can detect environmental
changes that impact the body. It works with the endocrine system to respond to these events.
Vertebrates have two major parts of the nervous system. One is the central nervous system or the
CNS. The other part is the peripheral nervous system of PNS. The CNS is made up of the brain
and spinal cord. The PNS is mainly made up of nerves. Nerves are enclosed bundles of long fibers
or axons that link to the CNS and to every other part of the human body. Nerves that transmit
signals from the brain are called motor or efferent nerves, while those nerves that transmit
information from the body to the CNS are called sensory or afferent. Spinal nerves serve both
functions and are called mixed nerves. The PNS is divided into three separate subsystems, the
somatic, autonomic, andenteric nervous systems. Somatic nerves mediate voluntary movement. The
autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in cases of emergencies to mobilize
energy, while the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when organisms are in a relaxed state.
The enteric nervous system functions to control the gastrointestinal system. Both autonomic and
enteric nervous systems function involuntarily. Nerves that exit from the cranium are called cranial
nerves while those exiting from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves.

The nervous system has cells. The type of cell in that system is called the neuron or nerve cell.
Neurons have structures to allow them to send signals quickly and precisely to other cells. They
send these signals in the form of electrochemical waves traveling along thin fibers called axons,
which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. A cell
that receives a synaptic signal from a neuron may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The
connections between neurons can form neural pathways, neural circuits, and larger networks that
generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior. Along with neurons, the
nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells (or simply glia), which provide
structural and metabolic support. The nervous system is found in most multicellular animals. They
are diverse. Sponges, placozoans, and mesozoans have very small body plans and have no nervous
systems. The central nervous system gives signals from one cell to another from one part of the
body to others. They receive feedback too. Malfunction of the nervous system can exist by physical
damage, genetic issues, infection, or aging. Neurology is a medical subject that constantly studies the
nervous system and finds ways to treat and help those with nervous system issues. Multiple sclerosis
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are disorders involving nervous system issues.

The nervous system has nerves or cylindrical bundles of fibers. Nerves were known by the ancient
Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The microscope helped researchers to examine them. A
microscopic examination shows that nerves consist primarily of axons, along with different
membranes that wrap around them and segregate them into fascicles. The neurons that give rise to
nerves do not lie entirely within the nerves themselves—their cell bodies reside within the brain,
spinal cord, or peripheral ganglia. A neuron has a nucleus, the soma, and the dendrite. They are
linked with the axon, the myelin sheath, the Schwann cell, the node of the ranvier, and the axon
terminal. Synapses are membrane to membrane junctions having molecular machinery that allows
for rapid transmission of signals, either electrical or chemical. The axon is a protrusion that extends
in the body. Glial cells are non-neuronal cells that give support, nutrition, maintain homeostasis,
form myelin, and work in the signal transmission of the nervous system. The Bhuman brain has
many glias. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as
important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The CNS is made up of the
brain and the spinal cord. Nerve signals can travel over 100 meters per second. The nervous system
helps to control the body. In a synaptic transmission, a wave goes into the axon of the neuron.
When it reaches a synapse, it caused a small amount of neurotransmitter molecules to go into the
receptor of the target cell. Synapses may be electrical or chemical. The nervous system deals with
the skin and muscles. Learning about the nervous system is key to learn about our lives in general.

Healthy Foods for the Brain

1. Pomegranates-They are filled 2. Blueberries-They have 3. Beets-These are super brain
with many antioxidants that a great amount of food. Many studies showed that
help to develop a healthy brain. antioxidants. They help some compounds in beets can help
It is a known fact that the brain and are a great slow and even reverse the brain
antioxidants help to support source of Vitamin C. plus plaques and tangles that cause
the brain and reverse some of fiber. Blueberries are very Alzheimer’s disease.
the oxidation damage that much healthy.
brains experience over time.
4. Fatty fish-Salmon, trout, and 5. Green Tea-Green tea 6. Nuts-Eating nuts like peanuts (as
sardines have omega 3 fatty can improve alertness, studies have shown) can improve
acids. The brain is about 60 performance, memory, heart health and brain health. A
percent of fat. Omega 3s can and focus. It has the 2014 review said that nuts can
build brain and nerve cells. amino acid L-theanine improve cognition and even help
These fats are essential for that can help to reduce prevent neurodegenerative
learning and memory. Omega anxiety and make people diseases. Nuts have nutrients like
3s are used to slow mental feel more relaxed. It has healthy fats, antioxidants, and
decline and help to ward off polyphenols and vitamin E. Vitamin E shields cell
Alzheimer’s disease. If someone antioxidants that can membranes from free damage,
is uncomfortable using fish, protect the brain from helping slow down mental decline.
that person can use Omega 3s Alzheimer’s and Walnuts have omega 3 fatty acids
alternatives. Parkinson’s. too.
Definition or A cell is a basic function of all living things A tissue is a group of cells that enact a single
Functions on Earth. It exists with a nucleus and other function.

Structures or Specialized cells in the human body There are four major types of tissues in the human
Examples include bone cells, muscle cells, and blood body. They are the following below:

Epithelial tissues help to protect the lining of

the human stomach. They are found on the skin,
digestive system lining, and certain glands.

Connective tissues bind epithelial tissues to

structures, support, and transport of substances.
They are found under the skin, in surrounding
organs, blood, and bones.

The image above shows a cluster of glowing human stem

cells, where one cell divides. The cell membrane is shown
Nervous tissues receive and transmit nerve
in purple, while DNA in the dividing nucleus is blue. The
implies. They are found in the brain, spinal cord,
white fibers linking the nucleus are spindles, which aid in and nerves.
cell division. The image is from the Allen Institute for Cell

Muscle tissues are in control of voluntary and

involuntary movements. They ae found in
skeletal muscles, muscles in the digestive tract,
blood vessels, and the heart.
More Facts on Other Human Organ Systems

Respiratory Immune/Lymphatic Integumentary

System systems System
This system helps to Fighting disease collects The skin and

bring in oxygen fluid lost form blood other parts of this

needed for cellular vessels, and returning it system guard
respiration. It to the circulatory system against infection
removes excess is its function. plus injury. It
carbon dioxide from protects the body
the body. from ultraviolent
radiation form the
sun. It helps to
regulate body

They include the The system has white The skin, hair,

nose, pharynx, blood cells, thymus, nails, sweat

larynx, trachea, spleen, lymph nodes, and glands, and oil
bronchi, bronchioles, lymph vessels. glands are in this
lungs, etc. system.

Excretory Endocrine Nervous Digestive Reproductive

System System system System System
Eliminating waste It controls growth The nervous Its purpose is to This system produces

products from the development, deals system break down gametes in women,
body is its purpose. with metabolism, and recognizes and food, absorbs nurtures and protects the
maintains coordinates the nutrients, and developing embryo.
homeostasis. body’s response eliminating
to the changes in waste.
the internal plus

The skin, lungs, liver, It has the The brain, the It has the The structures are the

kidneys, ureters, hypothalamus, spinal cord, and mouth, pharynx, reproductive organs of
urinary bladder, and pituitary, thyroid, nerves are in the esophagus, human beings, Fallopian
urethra are part of parathyroid, adrenals, nervous system. stomach, small tubes, uterus, ovaries,
this system. pancreas, ovaries (in plus large etc.
women), and testes intestines, and
(in men). rectum.
The Sister in the far right is the legendary fitness athlete & expert Lenda Murray.

Human Biology

In life, we learn new things constantly. Even after I’m 35 years old, I continue to learn new facts
about the human body and genetics. Controlling muscular hypertrophy is done by myostatin
proteins. Age, height, weight, genetics, sex, and training can determine how much muscular
hypertrophy a person can experience. Muscle hypertrophy is a term for the growth and increase of
the size of muscle cells. Hypertrophy happens as a product of physical exercise like weightlifting.
Examples of increased muscle hypertrophy are seen in various professional sports, mainly strength
related sports such as boxing, Olympic weightlifting, mixed martial arts, rugby, professional
wrestling and various forms of gymnastics. Increased muscle hypertrophy can be found in athletes
who do basketball, baseball, ice hockey, and soccer (i.e. a center in basketball can be bigger to
overpower opponents). This is achieved by cardiovascular and muscular endurance training. A
human being is a product of both nature and nurture, so using both in performing great exercise
output is important.

Both men and women can increase their physical fitness capacity via training. Some people have
myostatin deficiency. Muscles are made up of bundles, fascicle, muscle fiber, muscle cells, and other
components like the myofibril. Many genes are associated with muscular strength and functioning
like ACTG1, PEX14, TGFA, and SYT1. All of this relates to DNA. DNA is found in the human
cell nucleus. The human embryo has 46 chromosomes. A chromosome has double stained DNA.
DNA is held by four chemical called bases. They are adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine. DNA
is made up of a double helix too. DNA forms chromosomes in the cell nucleus. Sections of DNA
form genes. Genes act as directors for proteins. Exercise, nutrition, and supplements can improve
the human body.

In the 21st century, we live in a new time. The average life expectancy worldwide has increased via
medicine, surgery, and health science especially after World War II. Men (on average) tend to weigh
more and have greater muscle mass than women. Men (on average) have 40–60 percent greater
upper-body strength and 25–30 percent more lower-body strength. However, with training and
nutritional guidance on par with men’s, female power lifters, for example, have narrowed the gap in
actual strength to between 0 and 8 percent. The muscular system works with the skeletal system to
produce voluntary movement. It helps to circulate blood and move food through the digestive
system. On average, women have less musculosketal mass compared to men.

There have even been studies where women’s lower-body strength used in performing leg-presses
has exceeded that of men. Males weigh about 15% more than females, on average. For those older
than 20 years of age, men in the US have an average weight of 86.1 kg (190 lbs.), whereas women
have an average weight of 74 kg (163 lbs.). On average, men are taller than women, by about 15 cm
(6 inches). American men who are 20 years old or older have an average height of 176.8 cm (5 ft. 10
in). The average height of corresponding American women is 162 cm (5 ft. 4 in). Women have a
larger hip section than men, an adaptation for giving birth to infants with large skulls. Women show
higher performance levels on tests of verbal fluency. This may be because the female auditory
cortex is denser than that of the male. This difference and other sensory differences like it could be
because of the sex hormones that impact the fetal brain during development. Some studies have
shown that women have a more sensitive sense of smell than males, both in the differentiation of
odors, and in the detection of slight or faint odors. Sex is determined by biology like gamete size,
genital morphology, and the presence of absence of a Y chromosome including sex hormone levels.
The Human Nucleus Chromosomes DNA Genes
There are about All human cells Each nucleus DNA is a double Genes are
100 million cells have a nucleus has 46 helix compound specific regions of
in the human except blood chromosomes that holds genetic DNA that are
body. Cells exist cells. The arranged in 23 information for all found with codes
in all living nucleus is where pairs. human life. In any to make proteins
organisms. In some of the Chromosomes human being, half that are the
cells, DNA is a most important are highly of a person’s building blocks of
blueprint made acts of the cell coiled strands genetic material human life. A
up of genes. take place. of DNA. A comes from that gene transmits
Genes are read human person’s mother information to
by the cell’s chromosome and the other half human offspring.
nucleus to can have up to comes from that Genetic
produce 500 million person’s father. information of a
proteins. The base pairs of When the egg cell is stored in
proteins works DNA with and sperm four bases called
to deal with thousands of combines and adenine, guanine,
heart function, genes. forms an cytosine, and
immune embryonic cell, it thymine.
defense, has the DNA.
hearing, nutrient
absorption, etc.

Gender deals with social roles based on the sex of a person or personal identification of one’s own
gender. Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle are part of the muscular system.
Women, on average, live longer than men. While it is obvious there are biological and physiological
differences among the sexes, this does not indicate either superiority or inferiority. In other words,
men and women are born equal. There are similarities among men and women too. Both are human
beings, we have the same hormones (with variations of hormone levels and patterns in each
human), and we all have equal value as persons living on this Earth.
Inspiration involving Fitness
For millennia, fitness has been part of the human race. We have either walked around in the world,
played sports, swam, or did some other type of basic, physical activities in our lives. Times have
changed over the course of thousands of years. We witness fitness apps, programs that deal with
ploymetrics, and new ways of working on core exercises. The culture of exercise is a global
phenomenon. In our time, more people are accepting of people among the diversity of physical
appearances. While the evils of body shaming and disrespect for unjust reasons unfortunately are
common internationally. That is why the self-esteem movement is important. It builds up self-
confidence among people, and it is a way where unsung people can live their greatest lives. We have
a new generation of fitness heroes who show compassion towards people, strength, wisdom, and
love for the work of exercising in general. Their names are: Elisabeth Akinwale, Jessamyn Stanley,
Traci Copeland, Selena Watkins, Tamara Pridgett, Massy Arias, Hannah Bronfman, Latoya
Shauntay, Lauren Williams, Serena Williams, Sasha Exeter, Rachael Weathers, Bree Branker,
Jeannette Jenkins, Roz Mays, Natasha Hastings, Lita Lewis, Sloane Stephens, Candice Parker, Aja
Perera, Devone Martin, Sanita Deck, Christina Bryant, Amaara Lynn, Misty Copeland, Ally Love,
Lana Ector, Ellen Ector, Cece Olisa, Alicia Archer, A. J., Tabria Majors, Love, Whitney Armstrong,
Rosyln Mays, Brittany Campbell, Allyson Felix, Brittney O’Veal, Reshanna Boswell, Malea Maye,
Madison Chase, Bo Talley Williams, Frantzcesca Casimir, Cyd Gillon, Tiffany Forbes, Lauren
Hamlett, Charity Lynette, Bianca Belair, Antionette Nana Djimou, Brianna Renee, Lola Montez,
Terralicia Mercadel, Sherrvell Johnson, Joanna Jean, Jennifer Nash Forrester, and other people

One of the greatest inspirational people involving exercise and resiliency is Sister Ernestine
Shepherd. She is now 82 years old and looks very young. At one time, she was the oldest woman
bodybuilder in the world as declared by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2010. She was
born on June 16, 1936 and lives in Baltimore. Her sister, Mildred Blackwell, was an exercise expert
too. Her sister competed in bodybuilding under the name of Velvet and Ernestine followed under
the name of Ernie. Her sister died in 1992 after a brain aneurysm. Later, Ernestine has been
involved in fitness in her memory. She has run many marathons and won titles. She also helps
seniors at the Union Memorial United Methodist Church at Baltimore. As a personal trainer, she
loves to help people. She published a book, Determined, Dedicated, Disciplined to Be Fit, in 2016.
She runs about 80 miles a weeks. She eats vegetables, chicken, boiled egg whites, and other foods.
She has bench-pressed 150 lb. and do 80 lbs. in the pull down machines. Ernestine Shepherd is
married to the same man named Colin Shepherd for 61 years. She does weightlifting and is a
spiritual woman.

When thinking about fitness, there can be debates and discussions. Yet, as a person living for over
35 years on this Earth, life has taught me about the valuable lessons and wisdom about true fitness
growth. These lessons are:

1). Drink plenty of water

2). Ally with a Great Support system
3). Get advice from experts
4). Treat your Neighbors as yourself
5). Eat plenty of healthy foods including great fruits and vegetables (plus get vitamins and minerals)
6). Use strength building workouts
7). Use cardio
8). Never give up and keep your eyes on the prize.



For the thousands of years of human history, people have learned about health and related matters.
We know that the human body is a delicate living organism with complex systems, functions, and
thrives on nutrition plus other chemicals. Over the course of many decades in the world, there is a
greater acceptance of people being involved in fitness culture, especially women. We know that
strength doesn’t discount femininity as femininity is diverse at its core. Also, encouraging children,
men, and women to pursue excellence is a key part of living life. We reject hurting people
emotionally as self-esteem development is our aim. In recent years, there has been an increase of
DNA research and genetic testing to find our ancestors or connect with close or distant relatives. I
have found many of my distant cousins as a product of using and 23 and me. This
new time certainly makes aware how interconnected we are as human beings. Many of the products
that we buy originated from other countries. Also, other countries love and sometimes mimic
American culture too. It is always key to know understand about vitamins and minerals.

The Benefits of Strawberries The Benefits of Blueberries

Strawberries help to regulate blood pressure, Blueberries help to develop bones, promote
boost the immune system, promote great healthy skin, reduce high blood pressures, fight
prenatal health, slow aging, fight cancer, help cancer, improve mental health, help the hair,
with human eye health, and fight bad cholesterol. enable healthy digestion, and have antioxidants
that slow aging.
Great athletes like Maya Moore, Usain Bolt, Simone Manuel, and Serena
Williams represent the value of health and exercising. Basketball, track,
swimming, tennis, and other sports advance teamwork, cooperation, and
discipline. The lives of the people shown here outline the power of the
human spirit. We don’t have to emulate them in order for us to be
ourselves. We can be content to express our own sense of greatness in
order for us to achieve joy, peace, and happiness in our own lives. We
don’t have to be someone else in order to be great. We are great, because
it is our nature as human beings to believe in our internal greatness, and
we all created equal with blessed gifts.

One of the greatest forms of advice in the world is to never give up. There are constant stories of
paraplegics and those with severe injuries going into space, having children, inventing products,
using complex devices, and enriching the Universe in enumerable ways. That fact alone should give
anyone suffering the motivation to continue in the journey of life. There are plenty of folks going
through the exact same tribulations. We are not alone for our lives are interconnected with each
other. Trade and international communication have made the world smaller in terms of commerce
and social developments. Likewise, we have the right to use our imagination and our creativity to
desire happiness. Happiness is not something that can't be forced upon anyone. It has to voluntarily
come. Happiness ultimately is felling joy in doing something that you love to do. Therefore, we
have the right to embrace love and embrace truth.
Foods with massive antioxidants that can help clear skin, fight cancer, and develop the immune
system are here in the world. These foods are strawberries, carrots, blueberries, grapes, red berries,
nuts, dark green vegetables (like broccoli and spinach plus kale), sweet potatoes, green tea, whole
grains, black beans, kidney beans, and fish (with omega-3 fatty acids. It had Crossfit and other
vitamin D and it can help reduce the chance of coronary heart disease). Fitness Experts
Developing strong bone health is very important for people of any age. It is a
complete fact that weight training or resistance training can help stabilize
bone and muscle mass. Getting vitamin D and calcium is vital in maintaining
strong bones. Type II muscle fibers are used mainly for more power (in
increasing hypertrophy) while type I muscle fibers are designed for endurance
based exercise. Genetics can determine the amount of each type of muscle Jessica Thurman
fibers. The decline of heart disease is done by exercise and healthy eating.

Cross fit is one of the most popular fitness styles of our generation. It was
created by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai in 2000. Its origin is from Santa
Cruz, California. It is a global phenomenon that has been express by people
of every background, race, sex, and fitness level. It has improved the lives of Elisabeth Akinwale
so many human beings. It is so well known that competitions based on
crossfit are global in their extent. Cross fit deals with high intensity interval
training, plyometrics, power-lifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, strongman
exercises, and Olympic weightlifting. It is not a sport without risks. People
have to be careful when doing it or injuries will come about. Some people
who exert too much have a risk of exertional rhabdomyolysis (or a possible
life threatening breakdown of muscle from extreme exertion). Cross fit is a Danai Gurira
strength and conditioning program. The goal of it is to improve fitness. Some
classes have gyms and warm up, a skill development segment, and a high intensity workout. Its
proponents desire it to promote cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility,
power, speed, coordination, balance, agility, and accuracy. Some use rope climbs, rings, medicine
balls, resistance bands, mats, etc. It is decentralized. It has been used by fire departments, military,
the police, etc. Tons of men and women join Crossfit. Crossfit can be expensive. We do know that
there is a lack of black people or people of color in it, and people are addressing that issue. That is
why many black people are setting out their own gyms to reach out to black people. Yes, there are
black people who are involved in Crossfit. Many people involved in Crossfit today are Elisabeth
Akinwale, Quiana Welch, Jessica Thurman, Carleen Mathews, Elijah Muhammad, and other human
beings. The Cross fit games are well known. My view is that doing Cross fit is fine, but folks should
get research from scientists, get advice from medically qualified experts, and always use precautions
if you decide to do it.

Being much older doesn’t mean that you stop living. In less than 15 years, I will be 50 years old. It is
important to recognize heroic people who are over 50 and are doing great accomplishments. One
person is Carla Kemp, who is almost 60 years old. She is proof that age is not a hindrance to great
fitness health. It is important to feed the mind not only positivity, but activity involving exercise,
writing, thinking about issues, analyzing information, and finding ways to build up our
communities. At the end of the day, we aren’t islands. We have purpose, value, and dignity. In
realizing that, we can make the whole world better with our attitude and our actions. Carla Kemp
made fitness a big part of her life after the birth of her daughter at the age of 28 years old. She
continued her modeling career. She worked in fitness clubs. That was in the Los Angeles area.
Later, she went from sales, to fitness consultant, and then to management. She has her own
company called “Fab N Fit by Carla.” The goal of this company is to in her own words, “to
motivate and inspire women to be gorgeous from head to toe, maintain a healthy mind and body,
and simply feet great about themselves…” That is certainly a great aim to advocate. She is a fitness
coach to so many women worldwide. Another fitness expert over the age of 50 is Anglique Miles.
She promotes wellness products. She said that she is a true New Yorker. She said that fitness is the
foundation of youth, and she is right.

Health care is a human right. The United States is the only There are major health Diverse forms of universal
FDR has promoted this truth major, industrialized nation disparities in America. health care plans have
in his Second Bill of Rights on Earth without truly Millions of Americans don’t worked in other nations
plan back in the 1940’s. universal health care. Health have health care. There are worldwide. Many nations
Every human on this Earth care is different in all 50 people paying more than have less health disparities,
has the right to enjoy the states including the area of $240 of premiums per lower administrative costs,
right to experience access to D.C. Many states refuse to month with out of pocket and less of a health care
quality health regardless of provide Medicaid expansion costs of more than $6,000 a burden than America.
one’s race, color, religion, for its residents including year. People of color and America is the most diverse
economic status, nationality, Mississippi. In the image low income people nation in human history.
sex, or background. above, the areas in blue historically face barriers to America deserves a
show states that have have health care powerful, fair, and tolerant
Medicaid expansion. The adequately. African including flexible universal
areas in yellow don’t have it. Americans are 1.5 times health care system for all.
Nebraska will have it by more likely than white
October 1, 2020. Americans to report
difficulty affording health
care costs. The status quo
hasn’t worked in America.
Also, it is important to promote great bone health. Bones help the vitality of muscles and they
protect human organs. Bones has the muscles that connect to a system of ligaments and tendons.
Bones develop via osteoblasts. Many bone cells are a job to create new bone. That is why such
actions like running, plyometrics, jump rope, and step training can activate new bone growth.
Osteoclasts remold the new bone into its finished design of new bone. Cycling done frequently can
create new bone. The study of the skeletal system and the physiological parts of it is called
osteology. Bones have spaces that have bone marrow and blood vessels. Bones have parts like the
trabeculae, the osteocyte, the lamellae, the canaliculus, etc. Over time, both bone and muscle mass
will decrease. That is why anyone over the age of 50 should take a great responsibility to maintain
their bone health. Weight training, eating healthy foods, and doing other forms of exercise will help
with preserving and building bone density. Many scientists believe that muscle strength is linked to
bone density. It is no secret that strength training can build muscles and bones. Resistance training
can build a bone and muscle reserve to protect the human body.

The lesson about life is to know more wisdom and to help others. Life is never about ourselves
completely. We sacrifice in this world in order to make the Universe better. Part of making it better
is to be our Brothers’ and our Sisters’ keepers. The recent New Zealand attacks (against Muslim
people by a murderer) outline to us about how hatred of people has no place in the world.
Collective involvement in solution making can make a difference. For example, communities
worked together to advance labor rights, civil rights, voting rights, immigration rights, and the
development of strong black communities. Therefore, we need to work together as human beings
in order to reach the Dream of total human liberation. Learning about health is definitely dynamic
and fun, because it gives enriching lessons plus facts on how the body works (including ways to
improve upon the physiology of the body in general). This is the end of this decade. For the next
decade, I will continue to grow and always place the importance of loving health as of a paramount

By Timothy

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