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Vindhya Telelinks Limited
Regd. Office: Udyog Vihar. p.O. Chorhata,
Rewa - 486 006 (M.p.) India.
lllSfoilB'o ret.:107662) 4OO4OO. Fax: (07662) 40059i
E-Mai | : . Website : www.vtl
PAN No. AAACV7757J . CIN No. L3t 300Mpt 983PLCOO2 t 34
csltN : 23AAACV7757JlZ0

v"tL/cslre-2o/ 16 MAY 2019

BSE Ltd. The Manager,

Corporate Relationship Department Lisling Department,
1"t Floor, New Trading Ring, The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd,
Rotunda Building Exchange Plaza, C-I, Block G,
P.J.Towers, Da,1al Street, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Fort, Bandra (E),

Companv's Scrip Code: 517O15 Company's Scrip Code: VINDHYATEL

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Outeerne qf, leqlll Meelilqg

This is to inform that the Board of Diiectors of the Company at its Meeting held today i.e. 16'n
May, 2019 has inter alia, considered and:
(l) Approved the Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for
the year ended 31"t March, 20 19. The Standa-1one and Consolidated Audited Financial
Results of the company for the year ended 31$ March, 2019 alongwith the Auditof's
Report on Audited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results by our Auditors Messrs
V. Sankar Aiyar & Co., Chartered Accountants and Declaration on Audited Staldalone
and Consolidated Financial Results duly signed by the Chief Financial Officer of the
Company are enclosed herewith.

l2l Recommended Dividend of Rs. 12/- per share (i.e. l2oo/o) on 1,18,50,863 Equity Shares of
face va_lue of Rs.lo/- each of the company for the financial year 2018-19, subject to
approva-1 of the same by the Shareholders in the ensuing Thirty Sixth Annual General
Meeting of the Company. Upon approval of shareholders, the dividend declared will be
paid within 3O days of declaration.

The aforesaid meeting of the Board of Directors of the company comrnenced at 3.15 P.M.
and concluded at 8.50 P.M.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfullv.
For Vindhva Telelinks Limited

Company Secreta,ry & Compliance Officer

-^,Sncl: As above.
" - -'9r^
g- *_"s 4.

i\ DNV.GL;
\\ .// Works: i) ptotNo. l Udyog Vihar. p.O. Chorhata, Rewa_486006 (M.p.)
'*8tr*:,%l'' ii) Plot No. t -C & I -D, Udyog Vihar. pO. Chorhata. Rewa - 4A6 006 (M.p)
{ew& Regd. Ofiice: Udyog Vihar, p.O.Chofhab, Rewa - 4so 006
s$&lHsJ,iE " CtN: L31 300t\,tp1 9B3pLC0O2134
Ietephone No: 07662-400400, Fax No: 07662-4Oo591
Emait: hcadoff; Websit.: m.vr.ewa.con

S'I Al'E\{ 0N'l' OF FIN:\NCIr\1. REStrl-t.S FOR-rHD

QU.\rl't'0R ,.\ND yDArt ENDDD jts' MARCH.20t9
I'rrt -I
(tirn I'llakhs)
sl. Quartcr Ended Year Ended Year Sodcd
31.03.20t9 11.12.2018 3 | 03 2018 31.03.2019 11.01.20r8 1t.03.20t9 3 r.03 2018
(Auditcd) (Unaudiled) (Audrted) (Audifed) (Audit€d) (A"diled) (Audited)

(a) Itcvenuc Irom Openlions

60t57.68 52235 36 43452 54 209536.95 r35r38 46 209536.95 l]5r38 46
(b) Othe.lncomc
206.64 212.90 138.80 1332.3,1 9t417 375t.81 i012
-l 65
o1:rl Incomc
60364.32 52558.76 43i9t.i4 210869.29 1i605.1.21 2 t.1288.76 li8r5r tl

(a) (r) Cost ofRaw Materiats Consurncd

I I I t2.50 D660.75 | |]22 53 48808.26 31165 t4 48808.26 li46i 14
(|) Cosl ofMateri:rts rnd Olhe, Conrlrct Expenses 4232t.91 13290.17 29695 45 111120.23 8551921 117420.23 355 r9.2 |
(b) L.l\cise Duty
ll76. t6 376 r6
Changcs if
lDvcntories of Firlished Coods,
Work in,Progress and Stock in--t rade. eic. l'7995.27) (739r.2r) (7sr8 r8) (4 r56r.9?) (11445.91) ({r56 r.97) 1n445.91)
Ernployee Benefits Expense 2403.65 2148 0i 1633 6l 8703.r6 628i t5 137 f1.27 6291 A4
(e) Finance Costs 219',1.41 2)20.02 ti56.9l 1624.25 4119 93 41r9.93
(1) Deprccialion and Anrorl jsarion Expensc 199.r 8 495 70 435.9 r r990.{6 I33) A',7 r990.16 ri32 07
(c) Olhef I:\pcnses
3351.06 29 t6.81 28 r2 37 t219s.11 8702.34 t2207.96 87 t0 16
-Iutrl |]\pcirscs
51896.6r' 467.10.5 i i949,1. t5 t85 t80. t6 t21452 5i 185207.46 t2t413.94
Profir bcforc ShAre in profit/ (Loss) in
Asso(aate,.Ioinl Vcnturc and l'Ar (l-2) 6167.',|2 58t8 25 -r ,s68e.'3 1260070 o,u,','oi,'
Sh{rc in Profit/ (l,oss) in Associare,
Joi'rt Venturc (Nct of I ar) :l I n",
5 l'fofi1 Bcfore Tax (3+.t) 646 /.72 58r8.25 4or? r, ,.0r0.,, 7;
I I rr6oo
6 l'ar li\pcnse
a) ll ",i'."
I ",;,,
Cuffent lax
1368u 868e.e6 4241.32 ;,.,,"
b) | |
;j:l l;;;
Deriffed Ta\
64 e2 r3l.6s 26 31
| I
7 'rofit for lhe Prriod (5-6)
-*,uI '6865.52
813.07 ,,.ilil],,1::;
)1he' Comprehcnsive Inconrc (OCt)
a) lterrs thar rvill not bc re-classified to prolil or Loss (249r. t6) 2788,14 (i8e 70)
ll 5366.63 r2e0.56 .r.0.., t se't.oj
b) l-axcs relating b lhe above itents (i2r I | I
2132.68 r r) (s ,0) (666.28) (2.3 r) 1rta.z:1 | (i6 6r)
c) | I
(Ncrot tnx)
Shnrc in Assocjates ar)d.ioinr Venture
,,rn..r,,, I 2i I r4. i6
'otal Othcr (lonprchrnsivc tnrome
(2208.18) 2465 j] (res 60) 4700.3s t2ss 25 :vr.u 26614.0
'otalC0nprehensive Income for thc period
\ct ol lar)(7+8) I978.t I 624104
2468.56 |
21565.87 I 962t
32 3r 138.56 420r5 6e

ard'up Equily Shafe Capital I I84.58 I 184.57 I I84 2t |84 21 r r84.s8

| IrrJ42r
:ace lalue oltl0/, pcr Share) "84.s8
)ther Equrty
,' I
il I
roa.ra sn26.66 238r06.39 208i95 ol
& Dil'rtcd Eamjrrg (t)
asic P€r Share
rolanrualised) 35.11 | jlR6 22 48 J) ,r...n
142.31 7A ,,n.n, I

Conld .2


Part - ll
(l Inkhs)
No. Particulars
31.12..2A t8 3r.03.20t8 31:0J.2019 31.03.20r8
(Unaudiled) (Audiled) (ALrdiled) (Audited) a;;;.;j'-
Segnrcnt Revcnue

(a) Cablcs 17',7 4't .81 r8657.i I r6793. ll 70245.08 47030.95 702,15.08 47030.95

(b) Lingillccring,Procurcnrent&CoDstruction 47fJ35.0t 36241.13 2-9292.16 r54883.76 94402 0',7 1sr188J.76 94402.07

l'of{l 6s582.8s 54898.44 46085 29 225128.84 141433 02 225128.81 14 r433.02

Lessi Inter-Segmcnt Revcnue 5,t25.17 2612.s8 2632 7 5 | 559r.89 6294.56 rs59r.89 6294.s6
'I otnl Rev€nuc from Opcrations 60r 57.68 52285.86 43452 209536.95 ri5 t38.46 209s36.95
-54 135 r38.46

2 Scgnlcnt Rcsults

Segnrent Profit betbre Tax and lutcrest

(a) Cables 2167.3u 2990.69 3036.12 10804.78 62i 185 r0804.78 6231.35

(b) Engineering, Procurenrent & Conslfuction 6221,56 4549.08 2147.85 20464.95 9663.12 20464.95 9663.',72

TotAl 8J88.86 539.11

7 5 r83.97 3t269.73 r-s89s 57 31269.',73 r5895.57

l-css: lntcrest (Nct) (| nr0.28) (t627.4s) (993.14) (s7s6.98) (1371.83) (5r 24.69) (2890.85)
Addr Othcr Unallocable Incorle Net ol [Jlrallocable
Expenses (r r0.86) (94.07) (93.64) t76.38 76.96 10s65.J3 6794 53
'I otAl Profit before l r)r 616't.',72 5818.25 4097.19 25689.13 12600.70 36110.3',7 t9'/99.25
Seg|nont Asscts

(a) Cables 51603.-52 ,t6041.13 36243./9 ,r60,t3.{J 362_03 79

(b) Enginccfilrg.l)rocurcnrent&Constrlrction | 61226.64 r 919s5.2.1 r088s8.32 19r 955.23 108858.12

(0) UDallocaLcd Corporate Assets 24543.87 6687 .41 r8937r.50

t I73626.5-s

Total]\sscts 23137 4.A3 260922.1'/ 161749.58 42'7370.16 i r8688.66

1 Segment Li{bililics

(a) Cablcs 2089E.0.1 rs8.18.95 10597.76 r5818.9s r0597.76

,br rrrlrnccrirrg. Prorurrnrrrr & ( or, 68943.13 86264.28 s0i37 84 86261.28 50337.84

(c) UnallocatedCorporaleLiabiliries 1646t 09 85759.03 47903.I 1 8596s.96 481?3 82

Total Liabilities | 66342.26 t81872.26 r08838 7r 188079. | 9 109r09.42

Contd .3

.!t!.t,:Hi,:i:':r /_
P RI |Il

erded ended cnded
31.03.20r9 31.03 2018 3t.03.20t9 3 r.03.20i8
(t) NoN-ctJnRENTASS[].S
(a) Pfopcrty, Planr and Equiprnent 1276't.10 8134 62 t2't64.10 8l14 62
(b) Capital Wo.k-m-t,rogress ,154.85 454.85
(c) Investmcnt Propc(y 96.50 98.82 96.50 98.82
(d) lntangible Assets 65.,11 86 06 65.41 86 06
(cJ Investmenr accounted tbr using thc [qujty Mclhod 163t6t.86 r55rJ05.23
(1) Lnancial Assets
(i) lnvcsrments 2203s.52 l66r6.ll r73r3.51 12823.58
(ii) liade Recelvabtes r86s.07 186s.07
(iii) Loans
7800.00 2800.00
(i\, Othef Financial Assets 154{1.6,1 2785 36 1548.64 2785.i6
(g) Non,Curfenr Tlx Asscls (N€r) 839.89 147.t8 842.83
(h) Other Non-Currenl Asscts 75.1 | 43t.6i 75.11 4rl6i
'l otrl Non-Currcnt Ass€ts
3929(.21 29t57 0l 205s39.01 t8l97t 80
(a) lnventorics u0314.74 37285 45 803t4.74 17285.,15
(b) Financial Assels
(i) Trade Receivabtcs 120968.05 '72054.t1
72054.r1 120968.05
(rr) Loans
(iii) Cash and Cash Equivalolrs 156.51 28187 343.13 199 8l
(iv) Bank Balances Othcr than (iji) a0ove 3389.08 3150.50 3389.08 r ri0.50
(iv) Othcrs Financial Assets 164r.80 39t0 35 r6,13.15 191t.70
(c) Curcnl Tax Asscrs (Net) 333.61
(d) Othcr CUfrenl Assets t48t9.64 r5905.27 r4830.87 ) 5945 21
(e) Asscls Classitlcd as held lbr Sate/Disposal 8.50 2.00 u.50 200
Total Current Assrts 22163t.93 [2592.55 221831. r1 114708.86
260922.1-l r61749.58 127370.16 t18688 66
EQrirl \'
(a) Equity Share Capilal I 184.58 Iu4.2| I I84.58 |84.21
(b) Olhcr Equi!y 7r 865.33 5t126 66 238 r06.39 208395.0i
'1oll|l Dquity
73019.91 529r0 87 23\)290.97 209579 24
(r) NoN-ctjRR EN'r' r,tA Bt Ltl'l ES
(a) FinancialLiabilllics
(i) Bono\\rings 15482.99 H2t8.40 3s482.99 I t2r8 40
(i') Other Financial Liabililics I(j.8I 9.85 t0.81 9.85
(b) Provisions 2380.41 2942 04 2180.41 294104
(c) Defeffed Iax Liabilirics (Ner) 1l2l.01 302.11 t30r.64 550 72
Non'Currcnt Liabilities 3899s.22 t.t17l 00 39r 75.85 t412t Al
(a) Finnncial l.iabjlities
(i)Borro$,ings 14585.14 ,145ti5.I4
34500 90 34500 90
(ii)Trade Payabtes
Due 10 Micro and Small Ente.prises 5313.99 1122.68 5313.99 il22 68
Duc ro Other than Micro and Small Enterprises 6t445.56 1l r87.60 61446.22 4it59.66
(iii) Other Finarcial Liabililies 425',7.'/9 2054 4l 425',7.79 2054 4r
(b) Other Current Liabililies 2985r.98 10545.18 29859.05 r0573 97
{c) Provisions r994.60 298.2',1 20t3.t7 115.07
(d) Current 'la\ l-rabilities (Net) t42't.98 456 41 142'7.98 46t 72
Currcnt Lixbililics 14138'11.01 94i65.71 t48903.31 94383 4l
'l ot:ll Equit)'nnd Liabitilies
260922.1',7 16t749 58 4273',70.16 .l r8688 66

\ Contd. 4
t E) ,3
:t:i:..##:g:i*g \-\ -4 / "t.'-


The Board ol Directors has recommended a dividend at the mte of lI2/_ per fully paid
up equity share of face
value of T | 0/- each for the year ended 3 l st March, 2019. The payment of dividend
is iutle"ito tt'" approval of the
shareholders in the ensuing Annual Generai Meeting ofthe Company.

The Revenue from opefations for periods upto 30th June, 20l7 were repoded inclusive
ofexcise duty. consequent
to the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) laws effective from l st July, 2017
, the Revenue from
Operations for the year ended 3 I st March, 2019 are reported net of CST, in accordance
with the requircments of
lnd AS. Accordingly, the Revenue from Operations for the year ended 3 1st March, 201 9 are not
comparable with
the amounts repofied in the corresponding previous year.

The Company has commissioned first phase of substantial expansion project for augmenting production
of optical Fibre Cables during the quafter ended 3 I st March, 20 t 9. The second phase of tle piolect progressing
laster than scheduled and is likely to be cornmissioned during the current fis cal year

The figures of the quafier ended 3lst March,2019 and the quafier ended 3lst March,2018 are the
figures between the audited figures in respect of the full financial year and the published
unaudited year to date
figures upto the third quartef ofrcspective financial years which were subject to limited review.

Figures for the previous period/year are le-classified/re-grouped, wherever necessary, to coffespond
with the
current period's/yea/s classifi cation

The above Audlted Financial Resuits have been reviewed and recomnended by the
Audit Committee and approved
by the Board of Directors at their respective meetings held on i 6tl, May, 2019.

lta€rv<e 7oou.R€Potal t'r €a4"4^-'e For vINDHyA .T.ELELINKS LIM'TED

Place : New Delhi 5/l?? I

*ffi-enSH v. LODHA)
Date : l6rr' May, 2019
DIN: 00394094
Satyam Cinema Complex, Ranjit Nagar Community Centre, New Delhi-110008

-,-,,,-- 1202 - Tel (91-11)-25702691, 25704639, 43702919

rrar Nos l30l
- ret -t ti-zszo szss, zsloszsz.4s150845
E-mail : &



1 We have audited the accompanying statement of standalone financial results
Limited ("lhe company") to, ,n:_l:-l'- of vindhya Telelinks
3.t"t March zoio, C;11" Statement,,)
, beins submitted by the
ro.the requirement:n1"1
of Reguration 33 0f the sEBr (Listing .brigations
Kequrrements) Regurations, 2015 as and Discrosure
modified bv circurar no. crR/cf d/FAc;6ritoa
This statement, which is the responsibirity
or tne company,s [4"nrgurun, and approved
&;';ri'z, ro.,u
Directors' has been prepared on the by the Board of
basis of reraied financial statements
accordance "t"nJlton" which are in
with the Indian Accountins standards
t'rno ni,i.p""i"o ,il. ;;iil;';iloiinl'"1r0"",""
fi'l"iiJj: fi oi,i"'i""-J""l,"rrv accepteo in rndia. our responsibirity is
2 We conducted our audit in accordance with
the standards on Auditing issued by the Institute
chartered Accountants of India. Those of
standards ,"qri;;;;;;" pran and pedorm the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance whether the
statement is fiee of materiat misstatement.
examrning' on a test basis, evidence suppofting An audit incrudes
the amounts oi.",o."o in the statement.
the appropriarene". or tn" An audit arso
po,,ii* used and the reasonabreness or the
accounting estimates made by Management,
ai wet as evaruating the overajj presentation of
berieve that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sufficient and approprjate to provide

and to the best of our information and according

3ijl;::a*'"." to the exptanations given to us, the

(j) is presented in accordance with the requirements

of Reguration 33 0f the sEBr (Lrsting
obrigations and Discrosure
nugur"iion", 2015 as modified by circurar No.
CIR|CFD1FAC|62/2016 dated.Requirements)
Juty 5, ZO.]A: ana

(it) vjew in conrormity with the aroresaid tndian

i:i;j'::r::i::ir Accountins standards (,tnd

:n:jnt#;il:"'J:"11":f""ff ;i,J"ff :::iilJ",;ii;:,:ffilff "l|'.lj*:

4 The accompanying standalone flnancial result for the quarter
figure between audited figures in respect ended 31"rMarch 2019 is the balancing
of the fu, financiar yu",
to the thjrd quarter of the current financial year
which weru
-o *," pubrished year to date figures up
to ,,r,t"O revidw by us.

For V. Sankar Aiyar & Co.

Chartered Accountants
lCAl Firm Regn. No. 1O92O8W

(Karthik Srinivasan)
Place : New Delhi
Dated : 16th May,2O19 Partner
Membership No. S1499B

Mumbai :2-C, Court Chambers, 35, New Marine Lines Mumbai- 400 020.fel (022) 2200 4465 122067110 E-mail :
Chennai :41, Circular Road, United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600 024 Tel (044) 2372 5720 E-mail :
CK Flar
I 2O2 -
Satyam Cineme Complex, Ranjit Nagar Communiv Centrc, Ncw Delhl'110008
lel (91 -1
1 257 04639, 43702919
_ Tet i91_11i257 0s233,2s70s23z 4S150845

E-mail : &



1. We have audited the accompanying Statement of Consolidated financial results of Vindhya

Telelinks Limited ("'the Parent Company") and its subsidiaries ("the Parent Company and its
subsidiaries referred to as "Group"), and its share of the profivloss in associates and joint venture
for the year ended 31st l\4arch 201 9, ("The Statement"), being su bmitted by the Company pursuant
to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 as modified by Circular no. C IR/C F D/FAC 16212016 dated July 5, 2016. Thjs
Statement, which is the responsibility of the Parent Company's Management and approved by the
Board of Directors, has been prepared on the basis of related Consoljdated financial statements
Which are in accordance with the Indian Accounting Standards ('lnd AS') specified under Section
133 of the Companies Act, 201 3, as applicable, and other accounting principles generally accepted
in India. Our responsibility is to express an opinjon on the statement.

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing issued by the lnstitute of
Chartered Accountants of India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts disclosed in the
Statement. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used
and the reasonableness of the significant accounting estimates made by Management, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the Statement. We believe that the audit evjdence we have
obtained is sufficlent and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

3. We did not audit the financial statements of 3 subsidiaries whose financial statements reflect total
assets of Rs. 23060.86 lacs as at March 31, 2019, total revenues of Rs.2419.47 lacs, total net
profit after tax of Rs. 2066.15 lacs and totai comprehensive income of Rs. 22'10.06 lacs for the year
ended on that date, as considered in the consolidated results included in the statement. The
financial statement of the subsidiaries prepared under Accounting Standards (IGAAP) have been
converted to Indian Accounting Standards ('lnd AS') and audited by another auditor for the purpose
of consolidation with the Parent Comoanv.

Our opinion on the statement is not modified jn respect of the above matters with regard to our
reliance on the work done and the reports of the other auditors.

4. The consolidated results also include the share of net profiv (loss) (including OCI) of Rs. (2417.45t
lacs for the year ended March 31, 2019, in respect of an Associate, whose financial statements
have not been audited by us. The financial statements of such Associate are unaudited and have
been furnished to us by the Management. Our opjnion on the consolidated lnd AS financial results,
in so far as it relates to the amounts and disolosures included in resoect of the associate. is based
solely on such unaudited financial statements.

35, New Marine Lines Mumbai - 400 O2O.Tel (0221 2200 4465 1 2206 7440 E-mail :
Chennai : 41 , Circutar Road, United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600 024 Tel (044) 2372 5720 E-mail : chennai@vsa
5 ln our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given
to us, and
based on the consideration of the reports of the other auditors referred to paragraph 3 above, the

(i) lncludes the results of following entities besides the parent company:

Name of the Entitv Relationship

August Agents Ltd Wholly Owned Su bsid jary
Insilco Age!ts Ltd. Wholly Owned Subsidiary
Laneseda Agents Ltd. Wholly Owned Subsidiary
Birla Visabeira Private Ltd. Joint Venture
Universal Cables Ltd Associate
Birla Corporation Limited Associate
Punjaq Produce Holdings Limited Associate

(ii) rs presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the sEBI (Listing
obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 201s as modified by circular No.
CIR/CFD/FAC/62I2016 dated Jutv S. 2016: and

(iii) gives a true and fair view in conformity with the Indian Accounting standards ('lnd AS') and
other accounting principles generally accepted in India of the net profit (including other
comprehensive income) and other financial information of the company for the year ended
31"r March 2019.

For V. Sankar Aiyar & Co.

Chartered Accountants
lCAl Firm Regn. No. 109208W
V .tl:w
,'lsr!v '-
(Karthik Srinivasan)
Place : New Delhi Padner
Dated : 16th May, 2019 Membership No. 514998
Vindhya Telelinks Limited
Regd. Office: Udyog Vihar, PO. Chorhata,
Rewa - 486 006 (M.p.) India.

elIU[oliB'" Tel. | (07662) 400400 . Fax: (07662) 400591

E-Mail : . Website : wawv.\,
PAN No. AAACV775Z . CIN No. 13]300MP1983P1C002134

vTLlcFo/re-2o/ 16 MAY 2019

BSE Ltd. The Manager,

Corporate Relationship Department Listing Department,
1"t Floor, New Trading Ring, The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd,
Rotunda Building Exchange P1,aza, C-I, Block G,
P.J.Towers, Dalal Street, Baldra Kurla Complex,
Fort, Bandra (E),
Companv's Scrip Code: 517O15 Companv's Scrip Code: VINDHYATEL
Dear Sirs,

Sub: Declaration on Audited Financial Results (Standalone & Consolidated)

pursuant to Regulation 33(3)(d) of the Securities and E rchange Board of
India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirementsl Regulations. 2O15

The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 16th May, 2019 has approved the
Audited Financia-l Results (Standa.lone & Consolidated) of the Company for the year ended 3lut
March, 2019 and we hereby declare that the Statutory Auditors of the Company, Messrs V.
Sankar Aiyar & Co., Chartered Accountants, (Firm Registration No.109208W) have issued an
Audit Report with unmodified opinion thereon.

This declaration is issued in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation 33(3)(d) of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 as amended by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations ald Disclosure Requirements) (Amendment) Regulations, 2016 vide notification
dated 25ft May,2O76 read with SEBI Circular No.CIR/CFD/CMD /56 /2016 dated 27*, May,

This Declaration may kindly be taken on your records.

Yours faithfully,
For Vindhya Telelinks Limited

Chief Financial Oflicer

Works: i) Plot No. I, Udyog Vihar, P.O. Chorhata, Rewa - 486 OOO (M.p.)
ii) Plot No. l-C & I -D. Udyog Vihar, p.O. Chorhata. Rewa - 486 006 (M.p.)

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