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2008-09 School Report Card


School Number: 221801011
2009 School Accountability Rating: Exemplary

Gold Performance Acknowledgments:

Commended on Reading/ELA
Commended on Writing
Commended on Mathematics
Commended on Science
Commended on Social Studies
Comparable Improvement: Mathematics

This is a Charter School.


2009 District Accountability Rating: AEA: Academically Acceptable
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T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 1
School Name: VISTA ACADEMY OF AMARILLO 2008-09 School Report Card School Enrollment: 124
School Number: 221801011 Grade Span: KG - 08
District Name: RESPONSIVE EDUCATION SOLUT School Type: Elementary
| | |
| School | School |
| State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. |
| Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. |
| | |
| TAKS Met 2009 Standard (Sum of All Grades Tested) | |
| (INCLUDES SELECTED TAKS (Accommodated)) | |
| (Standard Accountability Indicator) | |
| | |
| Reading/ELA 2009 91% 87% 96% | 98% * * 98% * * > 99% |
| 2008 91% 87% 96% | > 99% * > 99% > 99% * * > 99% |
| | |
| Mathematics 2009 82% 68% 95% | 93% * * 92% * * 96% |
| 2008 80% 59% 94% | 93% * > 99% 95% * * 87% |
| | |
| Writing 2009 93% 96% 96% | > 99% * * > 99% * * > 99% |
| 2008 93% 84% 97% | > 99% * * > 99% * * > 99% |
| | |
| Science 2009 78% 65% 93% | > 99% * * > 99% * * * |
| 2008 74% 55% 89% | 77% * * 70% * * 80% |
| | |
| Soc Studies 2009 93% 88% * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 91% 78% * | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| All Tests 2009 74% 59% 89% | 93% * * 93% * * 96% |
| 2008 72% 48% 87% | 88% * > 99% 87% * * 82% |
| | |
| Students Not Tested Due to Exemptions | |
| | |
| LEP Exempt 2009 0.9% 0.1% 0.0% | 0.0% - 0.0% 0.0% - * 0.0% |
| 2008 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% | 0.0% * 0.0% 0.0% - - 0.0% |
| | |
| Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers (Sum of Gr 4-11) | |
| (INCLUDES TAKS (Accommodated) for grade 11 only) | |
| Percent of Failers Passing TAKS | |
| | |
| Reading/ELA 2009 49% 54% 50% | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 53% 62% 60% | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| Mathematics 2009 37% 35% 50% | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 36% 32% 57% | * * * * * * * |
| | |
T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 2
School Name: VISTA ACADEMY OF AMARILLO 2008-09 School Report Card School Enrollment: 124
School Number: 221801011 Grade Span: KG - 08
District Name: RESPONSIVE EDUCATION SOLUT School Type: Elementary
| | |
| School | School |
| State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. |
| Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. |
| | |
| Student Success Initiative | |
| | |
| Grade 3 Reading (English and Spanish) | |
| | |
| Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | |
| 2009 10% 7% 4% | < 1% * * < 1% * * < 1% |
| 2008 12% 3% 5% | < 1% * * < 1% * * * |
| | |
| TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | |
| 2009 94% 94% > 99% | > 99% * * > 99% * * > 99% |
| 2008 94% 97% 99% | > 99% * * > 99% * * * |
| | |
| Grade 5 Reading (English and Spanish) | |
| | |
| Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | |
| 2009 16% 18% 7% | < 1% * * < 1% * * * |
| 2008 15% 10% 7% | < 1% * * < 1% * * < 1% |
| | |
| TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | |
| 2009 91% 90% 98% | > 99% * * > 99% * * * |
| 2008 92% 95% 98% | > 99% * * > 99% * * > 99% |
| | |
| Grade 5 Mathematics (English and Spanish) | |
| | |
| Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | |
| 2009 15% 15% 5% | < 1% * * < 1% * * * |
| 2008 15% 24% 7% | 9% * * 11% * * < 1% |
| | |
| TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | |
| 2009 92% 92% 98% | > 99% * * > 99% * * * |
| 2008 91% 95% 98% | > 99% * * > 99% * * > 99% |
| | |
| TAKS Failers Promoted by Grade Placement Committee | |
| 2008 84.0% 50.0% * | * - - * - - - |
| 2007 77.5% * * | - - - - - - - |
| | |
| TAKS Met Standard | |
| (Failed in Previous Year) | |
| | |
| Promoted to Grade 6 | |
| 2009 21% * * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 22% 20% * | * * * * * * * |
T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 3
School Name: VISTA ACADEMY OF AMARILLO 2008-09 School Report Card School Enrollment: 124
School Number: 221801011 Grade Span: KG - 08
District Name: RESPONSIVE EDUCATION SOLUT School Type: Elementary
| | |
| School | School |
| State District Group | (All African Native Asian/ Econ. |
| Average Average Median | Students) American Hispanic White American Pac.Is. Disadv. |
| | |
| Student Success Initiative (continued) | |
| | |
| Grade 8 Reading | |
| | |
| Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | |
| 2009 6% 12% * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 6% 17% * | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | |
| 2009 97% 96% * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 97% 96% * | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| Grade 8 Mathematics | |
| | |
| Students Requiring Accelerated Instruction | |
| 2009 18% 42% * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 21% 42% * | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| TAKS Cumulative Met Standard (1st & 2nd Admin) | |
| 2009 87% 75% * | * * * * * * * |
| 2008 86% 73% * | * * * * * * * |
| | |
| Attendance Rate | |
| | |
| 2007-08 95.5% 90.0% 96.4% | 96.2% * 94.9% 96.4% - * 96.2% |
| 2006-07 95.5% 85.2% 96.8% | * - * * - - * |
| | |
| Annual Dropout Rate (Gr 7-8) | |
| | |
| 2007-08 0.3% 0.8% * | 0.0% * 0.0% 0.0% - - 0.0% |
| 2006-07 0.4% 0.2% * | * - * * - - - |
T E X A S E D U C A T I O N A G E N C Y Page 4
School Name: VISTA ACADEMY OF AMARILLO 2008-09 School Report Card School Enrollment: 124
School Number: 221801011 Grade Span: KG - 08
District Name: RESPONSIVE EDUCATION SOLUT School Type: Elementary
| | |
| State District School Group | |
| Average Average Average | School |
| | |
| Class Size Averages by Grade | |
| | |
| Elementary: Kindergarten 19.0 15.8 18.3 | 16.0 |
| Grade 1 19.0 15.8 17.8 | 21.0 |
| Grade 2 19.3 15.6 18.9 | 14.0 |
| Grade 3 19.3 14.0 18.5 | - |
| Grade 4 19.7 15.0 19.3 | - |
| Grade 5 22.1 13.7 21.3 | - |
| Grade 6 21.5 18.0 20.3 | - |
| Mixed Grades 21.8 - 12.7 | - |
| | |
| Number of Students per Teacher 14.4 15.6 14.2 | 15.5 |
| | |
| Instructional Staff Percent ** 63.9% 77.6% n/a | n/a |
| | |
| Instructional Expenditure Ratio ** 64.4% 68.0% n/a | n/a |
| | |
| School Group | |
| Average | School |
| Expenditures per Student (2007-2008): (All Funds) | (All Funds) |
| | |
| Total Operating Expenditures $5,646 | $6,024 |
| Instruction (11,95) $4,216 | $4,017 |
| Instructional-Related Services (12,13) $217 | $258 |
| Instructional Leadership (21) $72 | $117 |
| School Leadership (23) $392 | $956 |
| Support Services-Student (31,32,33) $278 | $34 |
| Other Campus Costs (35,36,51,52,53) $472 | $641 |

'?' Indicates that the data for this item were statistically improbable, or were reported outside a reasonable range.
'*' Indicates results are masked due to small numbers to protect student confidentiality.
'-' Indicates zero observations reported for this group.
'n/a' Indicates data reporting is not applicable for this group.
'**' For more details on this Chapter 44 measure, please go to
A more complete report about your school, the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report,
is available from your school, or can be accessed on the internet at

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