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wydawnictwo LINGO

Spis treści

W s tęp .................................................................... 4

Sprawdź się ........................................................6

1. Present Simple ..................................................8

2. Present Continuous.................................... 16

3. Past Sim ple.......................................................23

4. Past Continuous ......................................... 28

5. Present P e rfe c t............................................... 34

6. Present Perfect Continuous ....................... 43

7. Past P e rfe c t................................................. 47

8. Past Perfect Continuous ..............................53

9. Future S im p le ..................................................58

10. Be Going To .................................................... 64

11. Future Continuous.......................................... 69

12. Future P e rfec t................................................. 74

13. Future Perfect Continuous........................... 78

Klucz do ćw iczeń..............................................82

Wykaz czasownikównieregularnych . . . . 96

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C hcesz skutecznie i szybko opanow ać angielskie czasy? Przygotowujesz się

do egzaminu? A może potrzebujesz kom pendium , po które zawsze m ożesz sięgnąć,

gdy m asz w ątpliwości, co do popraw nego zastosow ania czasów? Repetytorium Lingo

„A ngielski. C zas y ” jest właśnie dla Ciebie.

Książka jest skierowana do uczniów, maturzystów, studentów, osób przygotow u­

jących się do egzam inów językowych, a także wszystkich, którzy potrzebują uporządko­

wania i poszerzenia w iadom ości o czasach angielskich. Uwzględnia materiał wymagany

na nowej m aturze oraz egzam inach takich jak First C ertificate in English czy

C ertificate in A dvanced English. Składa się z trzynastu rozdziałów, klucza

do ćwiczeń, testu spraw dzającego oraz wykazu czasow ników nieregularnych.

Każdy rozdział obejm uje w stępną charakterystykę zagadnień, którym jest

poświęcony, część teoretyczną przedstaw iającą odpow iednie reguły gramatyki,

zilustrowaną p rzykład am i w ra z z ich tłu m aczen iem na polski oraz zestaw ćwiczeń

pozwalających opanować odpow iednie zagadnienia związane z rozwijaniem praktycznej

um iejętności posługiwania się angielskim i czasami.

W języku polskim różnica pom iędzy czasem gram atycznym (tense) a czasem

fizycznym (time) nie jest ta k rozbudow ana jak w angielszczyźnie, w której mamy

np. kilka rodzajów gram atycznych czasu teraźniejszego, w sum ie w podręcznikach

w yróżnia się kilkanaście czasów gram atycznych. W języku polskim m am y tylko czas

przeszły, teraźniejszy i przyszły, co w zasadzie odpow iada podziałowi czasu rzeczywistego.

L in G D wstęp

To w zględne bogactw o czasów gram atycznych w języku angielskim bierze się

stąd, że pełnią takie role znaczeniowe, które w polszczyźnie m ogą być oddawane

przy pom ocy innych środków nie w ystępujących z ko Iei w angielskim , np. zastosowania

aspektu niedokonanego czasow nika (czytać) albo aspektu dokonanego (przeczytać,

wyczytać, doczytać), użycia czasow ników jednokrotnych (grać, spać, chodzić) bądź

w ielokrotnych (grywać, sypiać, chadzać) lub zastosow ania innych w yrazów uszczegóła-

w iających re Iacje czasowe. Repetytorium uw zględnia nawyki językowe czytelnika

polskiego i wychodzi naprzeciw problem om , na jakie zwykle natrafiają Po Iacy uczący się

posługiw ania czasam i angielskimi.

Niniejsza publikacja stanowi w zbogacenie - przede wszystkim o urozm aicony

zestaw starannie dobranych ćwiczeń - odpowiednich rozdziałów repetytorium „Angielski.

G ram atyka z ćw iczen iam i” w ydaw nictw a Lingo.

Uczmy się czasów! Prawidłowe rozumienie i posługiwanie się czasam i to w aru­

nek konieczny dobrej znaj om ości języka angielskiego.

Z życzeniam i sukcesów


w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 5
Sprawdź się
Rozwiąz test i sprawdź swoją wiedzę. Ten test pomoże Ci ocenie, na czym należy skoncen­
trować się w nauce zagadnień przedstawionych w tej książce.

Sue her coffee white. T om ______________ paella before he

went to Spain.
a) is liking
b) likes c) was liking a) didn’t eat
b) hasn’t eaten
c) hadn’t eaten
0 1 1 _____ _ to London many times
before. 8.| Greg was very tired. He
_______________snow all day.
a) was
b) have been c) had been
a) was shovelling
b) had been shovelling
c) has been shovelling
W h a t_____________? I am a chemist.
I __________my Internet connection
a) do you do while I __________a reservation.
b) are you doing
c) are you
a) lost, was making
b) was losing, was making
c) was losing, made
L y n n __________ It is so annoying!

10. The b and ____________ for a few

a) always complains
weeks before they set out on the tour.
b) complained
c) is always complaining
a) have been rehearsing
b) had been rehearsing
c) was rehearsing
I promise I __________ tell anyone.

a) won’t W e _____________for you since

b) don’t the morning.
c) won’t have
a) are waiting
b) have been waiting
This time next week we c) wait
______________in the warm Caribbean
sun. H I _________ wellrecently.

a) will be basking a) haven’t been doing

b) are basking b) am not doing
c) will have been basking c) wasn’t doing

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

13. J o e l_____________a solution yet. Beth is tired. S h e _______________ all

a) didn’t find
b) found a) was working
c) hasn’t found b) worked
c) has been working
H e ________ the gate between 3 and 4.
22. I t __________________ all day.
a) repaired
b) has repaired
c) was repairing a) rains
b) is raining
15. My tr a in at 5 o’clock. c) has been raining

a) leaves 23. I Helen since our school

b) is leaving days.
c) will leave
a) know
16. If only I __________ him seriously! b) have known
c) have been knowing
a) took
b) have taken
i f. Mary was very disappointed because
c) had taken
s h e _________________ tickets for the
W hen I was a child I __________ in
a) hadn’t bought
a) have lived b) lived c) had lived b) didn’t buy
c) hasn’t bought

W e __________ married in August.

All’s been fixed. 25. W arsaw ____________dramatically
since I last saw it.
a) will get
b) get married a) changed
c) are getting married b) had changed
c) has changed
19. By February I ____________off the
mortgage. 26. Lord! W e ___________crash!

a) will have paid

a) will
b) will pay
b) are going to
c) am paying
c) shall

m I ______ ____my home town last

week. E . _ you me the sugar, please?

a) have visited a) are, passing

b) visited b) will, be passing
c) had visited c) will, pass

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1 . Present Simple
Tworzenie czasu Present Simple

I Form a tw ierd ząca ® Forma pytająca

Podmiot Czasownik Do/Does Podmiot
I Do I
You you
He he
She sleeps Does she
It it
We we
You sleep Do you
They they

Krótka odpowiedź ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Yes Podmiot Do/Does No Podmiot Do/Does
Yes I/we/you/they do n0 I/we/you/they don’t
’ he/she/it does ’ he/she/it doesn’t

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Do/Does Not Czasownik I don’t
I do You
You He
He She doesn’t sleep
She does not sleep It
It We
We You don’t
You do They


I Present Simple używamy:

■ Gdy informujemy o trwatym stanie rzeczy, o zdarzeniach mających uniwersalny bądź

powtarzający się charakter

I study at Silesian University. Studiuję na Uniwersytecie Śląskim.

H e works as a clerk. On pracuje jako urzędnik.
S h e writes books. Ona pisze książki.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

■ Gdy mówimy o zachowaniach rutynowych, czynnościach powtarzających się mniej lub

bardziej regularnie.

M y neighbours seldom do the washing Moi sąsiedzi rzadko piorą i prasują.

and ironing.
B en often goes fishing. Ben często chodzi na ryby.
The Smiths usually cook the meals. Państwo Smith zazwyczaj gotują posiłki.

■ Opisując czynności zwyczajowe i powtarzające się często używamy w Present Simple

przysłówków częstotliwości.

always zawsze
usually zazwyczaj
often/frequently często
sometimes czasami
occasionally okazjonalnie
from time to time od czasu do czasu
sporadically sporadycznie
seldom /rarely rzadko
hardly ever prawie nigdy
never nigdy
ever kiedykolwiek
every day/every second day codziennie/co drugi dzień
once/tw ice a week raz/dwa razy na tydzień
every now and then czasami

W angielskim, inaczej niż w języku polskim (np. Ona nigdy niczego nie pożycza), nie stosuje
się podwójnego przeczenia, a więc kiedy zdanie zawiera wyraz przeczący, np. never,
nothing, nobody, nowhere, a także sugerujący przeczenie np. hardly, wówczas
w orzeczeniu zasadniczym nie pojawia się partykuła przecząca not.

Ally never goes out alone a fter dark. Ally nigdy nie wychodzi sama po zmroku
T im has no opinions o f his own. Tim nie ma własnych poglądów.
I have nothing to hide. Nie mam nic do ukrycia.
H is wife hardly notices you. Jego żona ledwo cię zauważa.

Wyjątkiem są pewne dialekty czy gwary środowiskowe, np. African American, East London
Cockney. Jedym z najbardziej znanych przykładów zastosowania podwójnej negacji są dwa
wersy z piosenki zespołu Pink Floyd „Another Brick in the Wall":

We don’t n eed no education. Nie trzeba nam szkoły.

We don’t n eed no thought control. Nie chcemy kontroli myśli.

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Present Simple

■ W przypadku formułowania uniwersalnych prawidłowości, np. kiedy przedstawiamy

prawa natury.

Water freez es at 0°C. Woda zamarza w temperaturze 0°C.

Light travels 1 8 6 0 0 0 miles p e r second. Światło pokonuje 186000 mil na
Oil floats on water. Olej unosi się na powierzchni wody.

■ W odniesieniu do wydarzeń przyszłych związanych z pewnymi ustaleniami (takich jak:

rozkład jazdy, repertuar kina czy teatru ..., harmonogram).

The bus departs at 9 .1 5 . Autobus odjeżdża o 9.15.

The film starts at 6 o ’clock. Film zaczyna się o szóstej.
The m eeting starts at 8 Spotkanie zaczyna się o ósmej,
and finishes at 10. a kończy o dziesiątej.

Kiedy mówimy o zdarzeniach, które na pewno wydarzą się w przyszłości.

M y grandfath er turns 9 0 this week. Mój dziadek skończy 90 lat w tym

Spring starts on 21 M arch. Wiosna zaczyna się 21 marca.

■ W odniesieniu do czynności wykonywanych w chwili mówienia. Dotyczy to głównie:

- relacji sportowych, np.

H e goes past one defender, goes past another, dashes forw ard, flicks on to
Deco, Deco shoots, and he hits home from close range! What a finish o f
a grea t move by Ronaldinho!!!
Mij a jednego obrońcę, mij a następnego, wybiega naprzód, podaj e do Deco, Deco
strzela i trafia z bliskiej odległości! Co za wykończenie świetnego podania

- opisywania i przedstawiania eksperymentów w naukach ścisłych, pokazach

kulinarnych oraz rozmaitych instrukcjach postępowania, np.

... then I add m elted butter and m ix well.

... wtedy dodaję topione masło i dobrze mieszam.

First, I lift the cover and put the p a p er on the glass. Then I select the num ber
o f copies and press the red button.
Najpierw podnoszę pokrywę i kładę papier na szkle. Potem wybieram ilość kopii
i naciskam czerwony przycisk.

10 Darmowe ebooki:

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

I put sulphur pow der in a test-tube. Then I heat the sulphur until it slowly
m elts to form a golden yellow liquid. I continue to heat m ore until a re d gas
appears above the liquid.
Wsypuję sproszkowaną siarkę do probówki. Następnie podgrzewam siarkę, aż powoli
stopi się i przybierze postać złoto-żółtego płynu. Podgrzewam jeszcze bardziej do
momentu, aż czerwony gaz pojawi się nad cieczą.

■ W didaskaliach utworów dramatycznych.

Polonius hides behind the curtain.

Poloniusz chowa się za kotarą.
K ing L e a r enters carrying Cornelia in his arms. (lub: en ter K ing L ea r... )
Wchodzi król Lear niosąc Kornelię w ramionach.

■ Jako środek stylistyczny wzbogacający narrację, który jest alternatywą dla czasu

H e takes a p u ff on his ciga r and walks out the door.

Zaciąga się papierosem i wychodzi.

■ W zdaniach czasowych i warunkowych.

I f you see Paddy, say hello to her.

Jeśli spotkasz Paddy, pozdrów ją.
I f you want to g et better, stay in bed and take m edicines.
Jeśli chcesz wyzdrowieć, leż w łóżku i bierz leki.
W hat do you want to be when you grow up?
Kim chcesz zostać, kiedy dorośniesz?


Czas Present Simple nie jest w ścisłym znaczeniu czasem teraźniejszym, jest w pewnym sensie
ponadczasowy i chociaż bywa niekiedy używany jako czas teraźniejszy opisujący to, co dzieje
się w danym momencie albo nawet w miejsce czasu przyszłego, to jego główne zastosowanie
polega na określeniu stanów, rutynowych czynności, nawyków, prawd uniwersalnych.


Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w Present Simple.

1. He (work) as a web designer.

2. Their housekeeper (not do) do the laundry.

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Present Simple

3. I never (read) recipe books.

4. She always (keep) people at a distance.
5. I (wake) up before the alarm (go) off.
6. His lawyer (charge) a set fee per hour.
7. She always (read) legal documents very carefully.
8. Tim (like) his potatoes mashed with butter.
9. She (not know) how to sew on buttons.
10. Sophie (make) the most delicious cheesecake in the world.
11. Sparrows (not migrate) to Africa for the winter.
12. My computer (take) a long time to load.
13. Vegans (eat) only plant food.
14. Red Bull (give) you wings.
15. He (collect) old envelopes and household items.

Wpisz w wolne miejsce właściwy czasownik.

1. I always r before going to sleep.

2. Their sons don’t c up after meals.
3. My husband always t about politics.
4. We don’t e_______ until we feel hungry.
5. She usually w out in the gym four times a week.
6. They s______ the best steaks in town.
7. He never m______ a mistake.
8. My sister always c_______ about being fat.
9. Tom d a silver BMW.
10. Mrs Jones s when I greet her.
11. My dogs g at everyone who comes to my house.
12. She f______ a calorie-controlled diet.
13. My aunt b milk from dairy farmers.
14. They always t_______ to be friendly and helpful.
15. Their grandson a a French-speaking kindergarten.

Z] Przekształć poniższe zdania na zdania przeczące.

1. I experiment with my recipes.

2. He delivers newspapers to earn some extra money.
3. They eat vegetables and drink milk.
4. My grandmother knits sweaters for us.
5. My sister listens to all sorts of music.
6. We eat three meals a day.
7. My boss smokes Cuban cigars.
8. She wears funny round glasses.
9. My garden overlooks a magnificent waterfall.
10. I take sugar in my coffee.
11. My neighbours gossip about everyone they know.

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12. We cater to birthday parties and wedding receptions.

13. They always fight over everything.
14. My friends throw parties to please themselves.
15. I get angry when people talk behind my back.

4^ Ułóż pytania dotyczące podkreślonych części zdań.

1. I usually drink orange juice for lunch.

2. She never calls before she comes over.
3. My boss often gesticulates while talking.
4. I read boring articles to send myself to sleep.
5. We seldom go out these days.
6. I study English one to three hours a day.
7. He always spreads butter too thickly on his bread.
8. They live in a remote mountainous area.
9. Polar bears eat seals and other marine mammals.
10. My brother wants to become a TV broadcaster.

Ułóż odpowiedzi wedle podanego wzoru.

He is a website designer. What does he do at work?

H e designs websites.

1. They are firefighters. What do they do?

2. She is a news presenter. What does she do at work?
3. He is a lorry driver. What does he do?
4. She is a pianist. What does she do?
5. We are fruit pickers. What do we do?
6. He is a film producer. What does he do?
7. He is a deer hunter. What does he do?
8. He is a refuse collector. What does he do at work?
9. They are software developers. What do they do?
10. She is an interior decorator. What does she do at work?

Wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.

1. Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee?

a) No, thank you. I don’t need anything.
b) No, thank you. I don’t need nothing.
2. Do you have any experience with animations?
a) No, I am sorry. I don’t have no experience with that yet.
b) No, I am sorry. I don’t have any experience with that yet.
3. What are your weaknesses?
a) I don’t have any glaring weaknesses, however I could improve on my social skills.

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Present Simple

b) I don’t have no glaring weaknesses, however I could improve on my social skills.

4. Do you provide transport to work?
a) Unfortunately, we don’t provide any transport.
b) Unfortunately, we don’t provide none.
5. Can you tell me more about your previous job?
a) I worked as a technical consultant for a small company. I worked seven days
a week - I never had time to rest.
b) I worked as a technical consultant for a small company. I worked seven days
a week - I never didn’t have any time to rest.

Skoryguj zdania analogicznie do podanego niżej przykładu.

Newspapers come out every week.

No, they don’t. New spapers com e out every day.

1. Horses feed on meat.

2. Penguins live in the Arctic.
3. Water boils at 90°C.
4. Dogs purr when they are pleased.
5. The Sun orbits the Earth.
6. The Vistula enters the Black Sea.
7. Tigers live in the grasslands of Africa.
8. David Beckham plays for Korona Kielce.
9. Coffee grows in Poland.
10. Yeti lives in the waters of Loch Ness.
11. Blackbirds lay their eggs in other birds’ nests.
12. James Bond works for a Russian Secret Service.

8. |Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając w wolne miejsce if lub when.

1. I will explain everything we meet.

2. I am always carefu l______ I drive a car.
3. Correct m e I am wrong.
4. you like legal thrillers, you will enjoy this one.
5 . ________the sun goes down, it gets dark.
6. Wake me u p it’s time for dinner.
7 . ________you want to lose weight, stay away from sweets.
8 . ________the winter comes, it gets colder and colder.
9 .______ the rice turns golden brown, add some wine to the pan.
10 .______ you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

_9l Korzystając ze wskazówki umieszczonej w nawiasie, wpisz w wolne miejsce właściwy

przysłówek częstotliwości. Czasami więcej niż jedna odpowiedź jest prawidłowa.

1. I ________ drink coffee with brown sugar. (at all times)

2. H e ________ speaks before he thinks. (on most occasions)
3. S h e ________ wears her hair in a bun. (many times)
4. I ________ shop at Wal-Mart. (on some occasions)
5. H e ______ writes book and film reviews. (not regularly or often)
6. W e watch the same film twice. (almost never)
7. T h e y ________ eat between meals. (not at any time)
8. We go bow ling . (once on each day)
9. Do y o u ________ go bird watching? (at any time)
10. The meeting is h e ld . (the second, then the fourth, then the sixth year)

10. Uzupełnij dialog wstawiając w wolne miejsce właściwe słowo (jeśli trzeba, dostosuj
formę wyrazu) wybrane z poniższej listy: wait, take out, select, make, open, insert,
put in, com e, switch off.

A: Excuse me, can you show me how you use this washing machine?
B: Yes, of course. First, I ________ (1) the right programme for my wash, whether it’s
a quick wash, slightly or heavily soiled. Then I ______ (2) the porthole door and
______ (3) my load. I t (4) loading and unloading your laundry easy.
Then I (5) the correct money into the slot to start the machine. That’s
all. Short and simple.

(After some time)

B: Now, the washing is done. I (6) for the door to u nlock, (7) the
machine and I ______ (8) the laundry. N e x t (9) moving it to the dryer.
A: Thanks a lot. I hope I won’t have to take my clothes to the dry-cleaner next

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2 . Present Continuous
Tworzenie czasu Present Continuous

1 Forma twierdząca ■ Forma pytająca

Podmiot A m /A re/Is Czasow nik+ing Am /Are/Is Podmiot Czasownik+ing
I am Am I
You a re A re you
He he
She is sleeping Is she sleeping?
It It
We we
You a re A re you
They they

1 Krótka odpowiedź ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Yes Podmiot Am /Are/Is No Podmiot A m /A re/Is+ not
I am I am not
Yes, No,
we/you/they a re we/you/they a ren ’t
he/she/it is he/she/it isn’t

1 Forma przecząca M Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot A m /A re/Is Not Czasow nik+ing nie istnieje
I am You a re n ’t
You a re He
He She isn’t sleeping
She is not sleeping It
It We
We You a re n ’t
You a re They


■ Czas Present Continuous stosujemy przede wszystkim, kiedy mówimy o czynnościach,

które trwają w chwili mówienia.

H e is repairing a washing m achine now. On teraz naprawia pralkę.

We a re packing o ur suitcases. Pakujemy nasze walizki.
I am stirring sugar into my coffee. Mieszam cukier w kawie.

■ Czasem Present Continuous posługujemy się opisując czynności, które odbywają się
w szeroko rozumianej chwili „teraz".

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

H e is working as a freela n ce photographer these days.

Teraz pracuje jako niezrzeszony fotograf.

I am p repa ring fo r my driving test now.

Obecnie przygotowuję się do egzaminu z prawa jazdy.

S h e is research in g new technologies.

Ona prowadzi badanie nad nowymi technologiami.

Jeżeli nie użyjemy odpowiedniego wyrażenia (np. at present, th ese days), bądź jeśli kontekst
nie jest wyraźny, powyższe zdania mogą oznaczać, że czynności te dzieją się w chwili obecnej.

W hat a re you doing now? Co robisz?

I am p repa ring fo r my driving test. Przygotowuję się do egzaminu
z prawa jazdy.

Do you have a driving licence? Masz prawo jazdy?

No, but I am prepa rin g fo r my Nie, ale przygotowuję się do egzaminu
driving test. z prawa jazdy.

■ Czas Present Continuous można również stosować z przysłówkami always, constantly,

continually w sytuacjach, kiedy mówimy o czynnościach powtarzających się z mniejszą lub
większą częstotliwością, co do których wyrażamy naszą przyganę, negatywny stosunek,
zniecierpliwienie, względnie zazdrość, np.

Philip is continually complaining. Philip stale narzeka.

D aniel is always telling naughty jokes. Daniel zawsze opowiada nieprzyz
woite dowcipy.
Zoe is always getting what she wants. Zoe zawsze dostaje to, co chce.
M y boss is constantly criticising m e. Mój szef ciągle mnie krytykuje.

I Present Continuous używa się także:

■ Mając na myśli takie zamierzenia i plany na przyszłość, co do których podjęto już pewne
działania realizacyjne.

I am m eeting Sim on tomorrow. Jutro spotykam się z Simonem.

They a re getting m arried in August. Pobierają się w sierpniu.
W e a re flying to M ad rid next week. Lecimy do Madrytu w przyszłym

■ Dla uniknięcia dwuznaczności należy w tego typu zdaniach użyć określenia czasu,
ponieważ jego brak może wypaczyć wypowiedź.

I am leaving on Monday. Wyjeżdżam w poniedziałek.

I am leaving. Wyjeżdżam (teraz).

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 17
Present C ontinuous

Kiedy mówimy o czynnościach mających charakter tymczasowy.

K elly is working as a trainee teacher. Kelly pracuje jako praktykantka

w szkole.
I am living in Moscow now. Obecnie mieszkam w Moskwie.
A ndrew is working overtime this week. Andrew pracuje w tym tygodniu
w godzinach nadliczbowych.

Do wyrażenia trendów albo tendencji.

Television is becom ing m ore interactive. Telewizja staje się bardziej interaktywna.
The universe is expanding. Wszechświat rozszerza się.
The w orld’s population is ageing. Populacja starzeje się.

Pewne grupy czasowników zwykle nie występują w czasie Present Continuous - podobnie jak
w innych czasach typu Continuous. Należą do nich:

■ Czasowniki postrzegania zmysłowego (np. hear, see, feel, smell, taste).

Your goulash tastes great.

Twój gulasz jest wyborny (dost. gulasz smakuje wybornie).
What a re you doing? I am tasting the goulash.
Co robisz? Próbuję gulaszu (taste w czasie Continuous odnosi się do czynności, a nie do

■ Czasowniki wyrażające odczucia (np. love, hate, like, want) i stany intelektualne (know,
think, understand, remember).

I am sorry, I don’t understand.

Przepraszam, nie rozumiem.
I don’t think she is fully understanding my problems.
Nie sadzę, że ona do końca rozumie moje problemy (understand w czasie Continuous
sugeruje, że lepsze zrozumienie jest możliwe).

I think it is important.
Myślę, że to ważne.
What a re you thinking about?
0 czym myślisz? (think w czasie Continuous sugeruje proces myślenia, a nie stan
trwatego przekonania).

1 hate this job.

Nie cierpię tej pracy.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

I am hating every moment o f this journey.
Nie mogę ścierpieć każdej chwili tej podróży (hate w czasie Continuous sugeruje,
że emocja jest raczej chwilowym odczuciem niż trwatą postawą).
H e likes his coffee black.
On lubi czarną kawę.
I am liking it less and less.
Coraz mniej mi się to podoba (like w czasie Continuous oznacza odczucie bądź
nastawienie zmieniające ciągle swe natężenie).

■ Czasowniki nazywające stosunki między osobami, przedmiotami (np. belong to,

co n sist of, have).

They have a new car.

Mają nowy samochód.
They a re having lunch now.
Jedzą teraz obiad (have w czasie Continuous oznacza - w tym kontekście - czynność
jedzenia a nie stan posiadania).

Przyktady zastosowania czasów ciągtych z rozmaitymi czasownikami prowadzą do wniosku,

że w zasadzie nie da się wydzielić grupy czasowników, które nigdy nie tworzą czasów typu


Czas Present Continuous nie służy jedynie do opisywania czynności bądź sytuacji, które
trwają w chwili mówienia.
Present Continuous opisuje także czynności, które są obecnie w toku, choć nie muszą dziać
się w chwili wypowiadania zdania. Present Continuous opisuje także - za pomocą
przysłówków always, continually, constantly - czynności powtarzające się. Zdanie
wyrażone w taki sposób nie jest jednak neutralnym stwierdzeniem. Jest ono nacechowane
emocjonalnie, wyraża dezaprobatę, zazdrość, zniecierpliwienie.


" y Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w Present Continuous, dokonując zmian w strukturze zdania.

1. When you (leave)?

2. What she (try) to do?
3. Why you (wear) this suit?
4. You (do) anything tomorrow evening?
5. Whom you (see) tonight?
6. Where you (hurry) to at this hour?

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 19
Present C ontinuous

7. Why you (do) this to me?

8. What he (get) at?
9. What she (wait) for?
10. How he (do) as a father?

27] Opisz pracę pielęgniarek w szpitalu. Uzupetnij zdania wstawiając w wolne miejsce
wtaściwy czasownik z listy w czasie Present Continuous.

take(x2), check, give, perform , operate, talk, feed, help, escort

1. L y n n injections now.
2. A lly _______ medical equipment.
3. A m y _______ a patient’s pulse.
4. Ja c k y ______ to a doctor now.
5. Ju lie t a patient get out of bed.
6. K a ty a child’s temperature.
7. Paddy_______ height and weight now.
8. P au la a baby.
9. S u e _______ laboratory tests at the moment.
10. C hloe a woman to an examining room.

Przekształć poniższe zdania na zdania przeczące.

1. My parents are buying new furniture for their house.

2. I am thinking about leaving my job.
3. We are planning to move to the suburbs.
4. She is reading her old diary.
5. Liz is dying her hair green and pink.
6. He is cutting a piece of bread.
7. The workers are striking over unfair labour practices.
8. We are redecorating our guest rooms.
9. The cat is licking its paws.
10. My neighbour is drilling holes in the wall.

Dopasuj wyrażenia z kolumny B do wyrażeń z kolumny A.

1. What languages does she speak? a) He is playing football.
2. What do you do? b) Me or my husband.
3. Where do you work? c) Yes, he is. He plays football.
4. Where is Ron? d) English and Hungarian.
5. Who is doing the shopping? e) I am polishing my shoes.
6. Where are you working? f) I can’t understand a word of it!
7. What language is she speaking? g) In a cornfield this season.
8. What are you doing? h) In a bike shop
9. Who does the shopping? i). I am a political analyst.
10. Ron is very active, isn’t he? j) Chris. Do you want him to buy
you anything?

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

Uzupełnij wolne miejsca danymi z kalendarza (planu spotkań) Rona McCave lub Hugh
Dextera w czasie Present Continuous

K alendarz Rona M cCave

Monday 9 - 12 business meeting
Tuesday 1 pm: see an important customer
15 - 16:30 have lunch with a sales manager
Wednesday attend a conference on food safety
Friday take a business trip to Poland

K alendarz H ugh D extera

Monday 12 - 17:30 attend vegetarian food fairs
Wednesday 12 - 14:30 videoconference
Thursday day off - moving out to a new house

Dexter: Hello. Is that Ron McCave?

McCave: Yes, speaking
D: Hello, this is Hugh Dexter. We met during a conference on food quality last
M: Oh, it is you, Hugh. How are you?
D: I am very well, thank you. I am wondering if wecould meet to discusssome of
the things mentioned in the conference?
M: Yes, of course. What about tomorrow at 10 o’clock? No, I am sorry. I am busy
all morning tomorrow - I (1) am having a business meeting. Can we meet
sometime other than between 9 and 12?
D: No, tomorrow afternoon is no good - we ( 2 )_______ . How about Tuesday
M: Tuesday afternoon? I ( 3 ) at 1 and from 15 to 16:30 I (4 ) _______ .
No, Tuesday’s afternoon is no good. Could we possibly meet on Wednesday?
D: Yes, I am free after 14:30.
M: Umm, Wednesday afternoon isn’t good, either. I ( 5 ) . Thursday would
be better for me. What are you doing on Thursday?
D: I am taking a day off. I ( 6 ) _______ , but I am available all day on Friday.
M: Ah, I ( 7 )_______ . Perhaps we could meet sometime next week. Shall we say

y Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous,

dokonując zmian w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba.

1. A: Are you busy?

B: Yes. I (study) the proposals.
2. A: Where is Amy?
B: She (rehearse) a new play.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 21
Present C ontinuous


3. A: Dan (throw) a party next Saturday.

B: He always (party)!
4. A: It (get) colder and colder.
B: Let’s stay at home until the weather (improve).
5. A: You (go) away this summer?
B: Yes, we (go) to Madrid.
6. A: Who (use) this room?
B: My son, when he (come) home on holiday.
7. A: What is that smell?
B: My mother (bake) bread.
8. A: How it (go) at work these days?
B: I (get) tired from working so much.
9. A: What he (do) for a living?
B: He is a deputy sheriff.
10. A: Who (do) your hair?
B: I (do) it myself.

Utóż pytania dotyczące podkreślonych części zdań,

1. She is reading a bedtime story to her little son.

2. I am drinking a gin and tonic.
3. The child is getting to sleep now.
4. The teacher is explaining the basics of algebra.
5. We are shopping for a sofa bed.
6. Ted is cleaning the bird cage.
7. Matthew is sailing for Barbuda next month.
8. Andy is translating a faxed document.
9. She is whisking the eggs vigorously.
10. They are basking in the afternoon sun.

8. |Potącz zdania z tabelki A ze zdaniami z tabelki B,

1. She is so unreliable. a) He is always helping others.
2. Vince was born under a lucky star. b) She is always poking her nose into
other people’s business.
3. Jay never takes responsibility for c) He is always getting what he wants.
his actions.
4. Katy is so negative all the time. d) She is always criticising everyone
and everything.
5. Winnie the Pooh is a very friendly e) She is constantly coming late.
6. She is a busybody. f) He is always blaming someone else.
7. Paul is extremely self-centred. g) He is always talking about himself.

3 . Past Simple
Tworzenie czasu Past Simple
■ Forma twierdząca ■ Forma pytająca
Podmiot II Forma Czasownika Did Podmiot I Forma Czasownika
You you
He he
She slept Did she sleep?
It it
We we
You you
They they

1 Krótka odpowiedź ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Yes Podmiot Did No Podmiot D id + n o t
Yes, I/we/you/they did No, I/we/you/they didn’t
he/she/it he/she/it

U Forma przecząca M Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Did Not I Forma Czasownika I
I You
You He
He She did n ’t sleep
She did not sleep It
It We
We You
You They


C zas Past Simple je s t czasem przeszłym prostym.

■ Stosujemy go, kiedy mowa jest o czynnościach bądź stanach, które wydarzyty się
w przeszłości i nie sugerujemy ich powiązania z teraźniejszością. Zdania w czasie Past Simple
zawierają często dokładny określnik czasu (np. on Wednesday, last week, a year ago).

We m et h er on Monday.
Spotkaliśmy ją w poniedziałek.

I saw th is film th ee tim es in a row.

Widziałem ten film trzy razy z rzędu.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 23
Past Si mpl e

Last w eek we went to a fashion show.

W zeszłym tygodniu poszliśmy na pokaz mody.

Określnikiem może być również zdanie podrzędne, np.

I prepared the salad w hile she was cleaning up.

Przygotowałem sałatkę, podczas gdy ona sprzątała.

W hen she got hom e, I gave h er the message.

Kiedy przyszła do domu, przekazałem jej wiadomość.

■ Past Simple używamy również do opisu zdarzeń, do których doszło w ściśle określonym
czasie, chociaż czas ten nie jest bezpośrednio wspomniany. Np. w odniesieniu do czynności
bądź stanów, których lokalizacja w przeszłości nie jest sprecyzowana żadnym określeniem
czasowym, a która jest wskazana pośrednio okolicznikiem miejsca.

Luke studied English in London.

Luke uczył się angielskiego w Londynie.

W e bought th is sofa in B erlin .

Kupiliśmy tę sofę w Berlinie.

I ran into him in a coffee shop.

Spotkałem go (dos. wpadłem na niego) w kawiarni.

I Past Simple stosuje się również:

■ Kiedy mówimy o faktach historycznych.

M aria Skłodow ska-Curie discovered polonium and radium.

Maria Skłodowska-Curie odkryła polon i rad.

A leksander Graham B ell invented the telephone.

Aleksander Graham Bell wynalazł telefon.

■ Kiedy mówimy o zdarzeniach bądź czynnościach, które następowały bezpośrednio

jedne po drugich - w narracji.

Chelsea got up, cam e to th e window and pulled up the shade.

Chelsea wstała z łóżka, podeszła do okna i podciągnęła roletę.

■ Kiedy chcemy nadać wypowiedzi uprzejmy ton (w miejsce czasu teraźniejszego).

I wondered if you could give me some advice. Zastanawiam się, czy nie
mógłbyś mi dać paru rad.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

I thought you would want to see them . Pomyślałem, że mógłbyś

chcieć się z nimi spotkać.
I wanted to bring it to your atten tion . Chciałem zwrócić ci na to

■ Po wyrażeniach takich jak: if only, I wish, it’s (high) time, I’d rather zamiast czasu
teraźniejszego lub przyszłego w aspekcie życzeniowym i/lub hipotetycznym, np,

It’s high tim e you grew up. Najwyższy czas, żebyś wydoroślał.

I wish I knew the rig ht words. Szkoda, że nie znam odpowiednich słów.

I f only she knew the truth . Gdyby ona tylko znała prawdę.

I’d ra th er he contacted me first. Wolałbym, żeby on się ze mną skontaktował


■ W zdaniach warunkowych i mowie zależnej w znaczeniu teraźniejszym lub współczesnym

(o ile słowo wprowadzające relację jest w czasie przeszłym),

I f I had m ore courage, I would ask h er out.

Gdybym miał więcej odwagi, umówiłbym się z nią.

He responded th at he planned to run for reelection .

Odpowiedział, że planuje ubiegać się o reelekcję.


Past Simple stosujemy, aby odnieść się do czynności bądź sytuacji umiejscowionych
w przeszłości. Mówiący unaocznia wydarzenia przeszłe i okoliczności ich zaistnienia,
nie sugerując ich powiązania z teraźniejszością.

Already, yet, just nigdy nie występują w czasie Past Simple.


Q| Każdy z ciągów wyrazów 1-10 przekształć w poprawne zdania, nadając występującym

tam czasownikom formę Past Simple,

1. The Smiths/sell/their house and/move/ to Vancouver.

2. I/go/to bed, but I/not sleep/ a wink.
3. Philip/study/law at Glasgow University.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 25
Past Si mpl e

4. How/you/make/your first million?

5. Abraham Lincoln/be born/in 1809.
6. My brother/set up in business/as a confectioner.
7. Martin/sue/the newspaper for libel, and he/win.
8. When/you/last/see/him?
9. Amy/join/the company in 2001.
10. I/want/to be an astronaut when I/be/a child.

2] Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Past Simple.

1. I (look) out of the window and (see) a group of people gathered around a car.
2. The vase (fall) over and (break) into tiny pieces.
3. Katy (call) me within minutes of leaving the office.
4. Jack (pay) me what he (owe) me.
5. Sue (bite) her lip when she (hear) the story.
6. She (leave) all the lights on.
7. The child (stand) over the sink eating a tuna sandwich.
8. Tim (grow) up in a family of eight.
9. Last Saturday I (take) my children out shopping.
10. He (pick) up the phone, (listen), and (run) out of the house.
11. William (park) his car, (get) out, and (approach) the house.
12. She (sit) on the bed’s edge and (read) the letter again.
13. Greg (take) off his reading glasses and (wipe) them carefully.
14. I (drop) out of school last year.
15. Let me see if he (call) her before last week.

3.] Skoryguj zdania analogicznie do podanego niżej przykładu.

The Rolling Stones sang All you need is love.

No, they did n ’t. The Beatles sang A ll you need is love.

1. Harold Pinter won the 2006 Nobel for literature.

2. Columbus discovered India in 1492.
3. Michael Jordan underwent many plastic surgeries.
4. Agatha Christie created Sherlock Holmes.
5. Kraków was the first capital of Poland.
6. The ancient Romans built the pyramids.
7. Catherine the Great reigned over Germany.
8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the printing press in 1456.
9. CS Lewis wrote Harry Potter.
10. Icarus constructed the labyrinth to imprison the Minotaur.
11. Neil Armstrong became the first man in space.
12. Clint Eastwood starred in Saturday Night Fever.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

4.] Wpisz w wolne miejsce właściwy czasownik.

1. Carl d ________ his wine to the last drop.

2. He a the phone on the first ring.
3. Dylan l home without saying goodbye to anybody.
4. Jacob b me a far too expensive birthday present.
5. It t me a little under an hour to finish the report.
6. She s us the most interesting places in the city.
7. When I was a child, I d of becoming a fire fighter.
8. Last weekend I w to the casino and w $1000.
9. Sylvia s at the kitchen table reading the paper.
10. They m ______ too many mistakes to win the match.

5 ] Ułóż pytania dotyczące podkreślonych części zdań.

1. My exams went very well.

2. The child ate a meal with both parents.
3. A thief broke into a locked vehicle and stole a stereo system.
4. The police arrested demonstrators for blocking the runway.
5. Mr Olive studied economics at the London School of Economics.
6. The prime minister opened the industrial park on Monday.
7. Mike installed a trial version of Windows X P .
8. The phone rang a few times before I picked it up.
9. Emma made a terrible mistake and there is no going back.
10. He lost the game because the umpire was biased against him.

6. |Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Past Simple.

Jane: Have you read the article on the jungles of Peru in National Geographic?
Chris: No, I haven’t. I am not really into the jungles of South America. Actually,
I am not into any jungles.
Jane: Oh, I 1(be) certain that you would show concern for the plight of many
endangered animals there. After all, you once 2(belong) to OIPA.
Chris: Well, I 3(think) that this article was about trees rather than animals.
Of course I will read it. Thanks for telling me.
Jane: What you 4(do) as a member of OIPA?
Chris: Well, we 5(learn) about animal welfare, 6(defend) their rights, 7 (protest)
against vivisection. Actually, I can’t recall much of what we 8(do).
As I 9(say), that m(be) many years ago.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 27
Past Continuous
Tworzenie czasu Past Continuous

■ Forma twierdząca ■ Forma pytająca

Podmiot W as/W ere Czasow nik+ing W as/W ere Podmiot Czasow nik+ing
I was Was I
You w ere W ere you
He he
She was sleeping Was she sleeping?
It it
We we
You w ere W ere you
They they

■ Krótka odpowiedź ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Yes Podmiot W as/W ere No Podmiot W as/W ere+ n o t
Yes, I was No, I wasn’t
we/you/they w ere we/you/they w eren’t
he/she/it was he/she/it wasn’t

W Forma przecząca M Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W as/W ere Not Czasow nik+ing I wasn’t
I was You w eren’t
You w ere He
He She wasn’t sleeping
She was not sleeping It
It We
We You w eren’t
You w ere They


C zas Past Continuous je s t czasem przeszłym niedokonanym.

I Czasu Past Continuous używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ Gdy mówimy o czynnościach lub sytuacjach, które trwaty przez pewien czas
w przeszłości, i których czas trwania nie jest bliżej znany bądź jest nieistotny
The dog was sleeping on the sofa.
Pies spał na sofie.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

■ Gdy mówimy o czynnościach bądź sytuacjach, które rozpoczęły się przed określonym
momentem w przeszłości i prawdpopodobnie trwały dalej.
H e was working in the filed at 3 p.m.
Pracował na polu o trzeciej.

Jeśli określenie czasowe wyrazimy w Past Simple, to informujemy, że czynność wyrażona

w Past Continuous rozpoczęta się przed czynnością lub sytuacją wyrażoną w Past Simple,
i że prawdopodobnie trwata dalej.
I was darning a sock when he got home.
Cerowałam skarpetę, kiedy on wrócił do domu.

■ Zdania w Past Continuous zazwyczaj zaczynają się od while - wyraz ten ma znaczenie
„podczas gdy".
W hile I was darning a sock, he got home.
Podczas gdy cerowałam skarpetę, on wrócił do domu.

■ Gdy mówimy o czynnościach bądź sytuacjach, które mieścity się w pewnym określonym
przedziale czasowym.
I was studying betw een two and five.
Uczyłem się między drugą a piątą.

■ Gdy mówimy o dwóch lub kilku czynnościach, które odbywaty się równolegle przez
pewien czas.
W hile I was lying on the beach, he was sitting in the shade.
Kiedy leżałam na plaży, on siedział w cieniu.

I Past Continuous stosuje się również:

■ W narracji, jako tło wydarzenia lub opis sytuacji, w której coś się stało.
A student was performing an experim ent when the wind blew the front door open.
Student przeprowadzał doświadczenie, kiedy podmuch wiatru otworzył frontowe drzwi.

■ W uprzejmych wypowiedziach.
I was thinking i f you would allow m e to interview you.
Zastanawiałem się, czy pozwoliłbyś mi przeprowadzić z sobą wywiad.
I was w ondering i f you would explain it to me.
Zastanawiałem się, czy nie wytłumaczyłbyś mi tego.

■ Po wyrażeniach takich jak: if only, I wish, it’s time w miejsce czasu teraźniejszego.
I wish she w eren ’t w earing this dress.
Chciałbym, żeby nie nosiła tej sukienki/Szkoda, że ona ma na sobie tę sukienkę.
It is high time I was getting home.
Najwyższy czas, żebym szedł do domu.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 29
Past Continuous

■ Kiedy mowa jest o sytuacjach tymczasowych w przeszłości.

Paul was working in th e shoe shop then.
Paul pracował wtedy w sklepie z butami.
W hen I was ten I was living in the suburbs o f Philadelphia.
Kiedy miałem dziesięć lat mieszkałem na przedmieściach Filadelfii.

■ Kiedy mówimy o ustaleniach przyszłych widzianych z perspektywy przeszłej.

I was m eeting a new client. Miałem się spotkać z nowym klientem.

■ W zdaniach warunkowych i mowie zależnej, najczęściej w znaczeniu teraźniejszym.

I f I w eren ’t taking a day off, I would substitute fo r Robert.
Gdybym nie brał dnia wolnego, zastąpiłbym Roberta (ale biorę - aspekt nierzeczy­
S h e said she was leaving (następstwo czasów po she said).
Powiedziała, że odchodzi.

■ Aby wyrazić stopniową zmianę sytuacji bądź procesu - występuje wówczas bez określe-
nia czasowego.
It was getting windy. Robilo się wietrznie.
H e was turning grey. Siwiał.


When i while mogą być użyte zamiennie, jeśli jedna lub dwie czynności przeszłe trwały
stosunkowo długo. Jeśli jednak obie czynności byty krótkie, stosujemy when.
The phone rang/was ringing w hile/w hen I was washing my hair
I bumped into my English teacher w hen I turned a corner.


Q| W wyrażeniach 1-12 wstaw czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie, aby powstały poprawnie

zbudowane zdania.

I/read/a book/when/the power/go down.

I was reading a book when the pow er went down.

1. While/the kettle/boil/she/take out a cup/from the cupboard.

2. The postman/arrive/while/we/pack/ for a trip to Florida.

3. I/make/my bed/when/I hear/ a cat meowing.

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4. She/ meet/her future husband/while/she/stay/ in Helsinki.

5. Tim/chat/online/while/the child/play/ with a toy.

6. Alice/cut her finger/while/she/chop/a carrot.

7. A doctor/examine/me/when/a patient/come in.

8. I/run/into a friend of mine/while/I/shop/at Safeway.

9. Dorothy/see/a car accident/while/she/queue/ at the Main Post Office.

10. Jack/hear/the police siren/while/he/go to bed.

11. It/rain/when/we/leave/the restaurant.

12. What/you/do/on 2 September?

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Past Continuous lub Past Simple.

1. Tim (park) the car when a police officer (stop) him for driving without his headlights on.
2. A storm (break) while Jim (bird watch).
3. The miners (demonstrate) while the prime minister (open) a meeting.
4. The telephone (ring) while I (proofread).
5. I (sprain) my ankle while I (get) off the bus.
6. The gardener (whistle) while he (trim) the hedge.
7. While the police (search) the house, they (find) 2 kilos of heroin.
8. The ambulance (arrive) while the fire brigade (put) out the fire.
9. Mike (burn) his hand while he (poke) the fire.
10. I (browse) the net when the light (go) out.

3. Ułóż pytania dotyczące podkreślonych części zdań.

1. The actress was rehearsing her lines.

2. While Martha was locking the door, she heard a gunshot.
3. Tom was paying the bill when a man came up to the table.
4. David was repairing the gate all afternoon.
5. The children were playing on the seashore.

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Past Continuous

6. Ann was trying to remove the stain, but she was unsuccessful.
7. It was raining all night in London.
8. The boys were pitching the tent in the yard.
9. The fans were cheering on their team.
10. The ducks were swimming in the pond.

4. Skoryguj zdania analogicznie do podanego niżej przykładu:

While the players were warming up, someone threw a bottle on the field. (pose for pictures)
The players w eren ’t w arm ing up when som eone threw a bottle on the filed.
They w ere posing fo r pictures.

1. Aunt Clarissa burst into my room while I was napping. (tiptoe into my room)
2. While Kim was eating strawberries, Jim came home. (wash strawberries)
3. While I was putting on my running shoes, the lace broke. (take off shoes)
4. Brandon was running up the stairs when his keys fell out of his pocket.
(run down the stairs)
5. We were watching a match when the lights went off. (watch a film)
6. When Chris walked into the office, the secretary was filling out some papers.
(eat a cake)
7. Beth was peeling potatoes when she heard her husband opening the front door.
(mash potatoes)

Popraw błąd w każdym z poniższych zdań.

1. While Sue wrote an essay, Jerry was revising for his exam.
2. He was getting home while I was sleeping.
3. Tim was washing the dishes when a plate was falling off the shelf.
4. Jack was withdrawing money from the ATM machine when his credit card
company was charging him the wrong amount.
5. We lay on the beach when a big wave crashed on the shore.
6. I was changing a light bulb when I lost my balance and was falling over.
7. Chris was sleeping when a knock at the door was awakening him.
8. What were you doing when the accident was happening?
9. They were playing darts when a quarrel was breaking out.
10. While I speed down a hill, a hare ran in front of the car.

6. W wolne miejsca wpisz when lub while.

1. ______ he was talking on the phone, I was typing a message.

2. He was painting the ceilin g ______ the ladder fell backwards.
3. I was overtaking a v a n I heard a loud thump.
4. The nurse was preparing the m edicines______ the patient woke up.
5. I was picking the fruit, a bee stung me on my finger.
6. We were complaining about the w eather______ the sun broke through the clouds.
7. We were watching a film the screen went blank.
8. The President was giving a t a lk a fire alarm went off.

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9. I was taking a show er the water stopped flowing.

10. _______ she was packing the bags, I was looking for our passports.

7.] Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Past Continuous lub Past Simple,

It i(b e)________ a fine day. The sun 2(shine) brightly, the birds 3(sing)
______ , and children 4(run)______ about. I 5(take)_________ Alfa - a big greyhound
- and 6(go)______ for a walk in a forest. W hile we 7(walk) through the
forest, a hare s(jump)________ out from behind a bush and 9(begin) to run.
The second my dog io(see) the hare, she ii(start)_______ pulling the leash
very hard, so we i2 (w alk)________ faster and faster. I i3(hold)________ onto the
leash as tightly as I could. Then Alfa i4(break) loose and i5(start)______
to chase the hare at full speed. Every second she i6(gain)______ on the animal.
Finally, she i7(catch) up with it. Never having caught a hare before, Alfa
i8(not know )______ what to do with it. She just « (sn iff)________ at it and 2 o(let)
________ it run off.

8. a) Beth i Nick byli w sobotę na pikniku, Ułóż zdania w Past Simple z podanymi poniżej
przysłówkami o tym, co para robiła w piątek i sobotę,

First, then, next, finally

F irst, they chose a location.

9 :3 0 -1 0 :0 0 Choose a location.
1 0 :1 5 -1 1 :3 0 Invite friends.
12:0 5 -1 3 :1 5 Plan picnic activities.
1 5 :0 0 -1 6 :2 0 Do the shopping for the picnic.

8 :0 0 -1 0 :1 0 Prepare food and beverages.
1 0 :0 5 -1 0 :3 0 Fill a picnic basket with food and picnic essentials
(e.g. flashlights and garbage bags).
1 0 :4 0 -1 1 :1 5 Go to the picnic site.

b)Co Beth i Nick robili w różnych porach dnia w piątek i sobotę? Zadaj pytania,
a następnie na nie odpowiedz używając czasu Past Continuous:

What were they doing on Friday at 9:20?

They w ere choosing a location.

Fr Sat
9 :2 0 8:50
11.20 10:20
13:00 11:00?

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 33
5 . Present Perfect
Tworzenie czasu Present Perfect

■ Forma twierdząca I Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Have/Has III Forma Czasownika I ’ve
I have You
You He
He She ’s slept
She has slept It
It We
We You ’ve
You have They

Forma przecząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Have/Has Not III Forma Czasownika I haven’t
I have You
You He
He She hasn’t slept
She has not slept It
It We
We You haven’t
You have They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Have/Has Podmiot III Forma Czasownika Yes Podmiot Have/Has
Have I Yes, I/we/you/they have
you he/she/it has
Has she slept?
it 1 Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot H ave/H as+n ot
Have you No, I/we/you/they haven’t
they he/she/it hasn’t


Czas Present Perfect jest łącznikiem pomiędzy przeszłością a teraźniejszością.

Ma zastosowanie częściowo zbieżne z zasięgiem użycia czasu teraźniejszego jak również
przeszłego w polszczyźnie,

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Czasu Present Perfect używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ Aby zaznaczyć, że stan rozpoczęty w przeszłości trwa do chwili obecnej.

By podać długość tego okresu, posługujemy się przyimkami sin ce i for.

S h e has lived in a small town in M innesota since 1998.

Ona mieszka w małym mieście w Minesocie od 1998 roku.

We have known each other for ages.

Znamy się od lat.

Mimo że oba te przyimki tłumaczy się jako od, nie używa się ich wymiennie.
Sin ce zaznacza moment rozpoczęcia czynności.

since Sunday od niedzieli

since sum m er od lata
since Christmas od Bożego Narodzenia
since 8 o ’clock od godziny ósmej
since m orning od rana
since I moved out od czasu kiedy przeprowadziłem się

For określa długość czynności.

fo r an hour od godziny
fo r years od lat
fo r a long time od dawna

Jeśli po sin ce występuje nie samo określenie czasowe (np. 2000, last summer, 9 o’clock),
ale pełne zdanie, czasownik główny występuje na ogół w czasie Past Simple (np. I haven’t
been there since I left school).

It has rained twice since I arrived last week.

Padało dwukrotnie, odkąd przyjechałem w zeszłym tygodniu.

We haven’t spoken to each other since I went overseas.

Nie rozmawialiśmy ze sobą, od kiedy wyjechałem zagranicę.

Po sin ce możemy również użyć ponownie czasu Present Perfect. Oznaczać to będzie,
że czynność bądź stan wyrażony przez czasownik występujący po przyimku trwa do chwili

E v er since I have known her, she has always w anted to write.

Odkąd ją znam, ona zawsze chciała pisać.

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Present Perfect

■ Kiedy mówimy o czynności przeszłej, której konsekwencje są istotne w teraźniejszości,

kiedy relacjonujemy to, co było, mając na myśli to, co jest,

I ’ve sprained my ankle. Skręciłem nogę w kostce ( i nie mogę

I have lost my mobile phone. Zgubiłem komórkę ( i teraz muszę dzwonić
z telefonu stacjonarnego).
M y ca r has broken down. Zepsuł mi się samochód
(i będę musiał pojechać autobusem).

Present Perfect używamy również do opisu:

Czynności, które dopiero co się zakończyły - w tym przypadku zazwyczaj używamy just.

I have just found a virus Właśnie wykryłem wirusa moim

on my computer. w komputerze.

The plane has just landed. Samolot właśnie wylądował.

I ha v e ju s t r e c e iv e d W łaśn ie otrzym ałem w yniki

my exam ination results. egzaminu.

Czynności, które nie zostały wykonane, a których realizacji oczekujemy.

I haven’t called him yet. Jeszcze do niego nie zadzwoniłem.

Liz hasn’t made Liz jeszcze się nie zdecydowała.

up h e r m ind yet.

Ryan hasn’t apologised Ryan jeszcze nie przeprosił za swoje

fo r his behaviour yet. zachowanie.

■ Czynności bądź stanów, które trwają lub powtarzają się w nieograniczonym przedziale
czasu łączącym przeszłość z teraźniejszością.

Chloe has always enjoyed Chloe zawsze lubiła malować

painting portraits. portrety (i nadal lubi).

Bob has never been in trouble Bob nigdy nie miał problemów
with the law. z prawem (i nadal nie ma).

They have always lived Oni zawsze mieszkali w dużym

in a big city. mieście (i nadal mieszkają).

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■ Aby wyrazić nasilenie danej czynności bądź stanu stosujemy przysłówki częstotliwości
(np. always, often, never). Inne spotykane w czasie Present Perfect przysłówki to
recently/lately ostatnio
ju st dopiero co, właśnie
already już
ev er kiedykolwiek
yet jeszcze

Have you ever baked bread? Czy kiedykolwiek piekłeś chleb?

I haven’t checked the m essages yet. Jeszcze nie sprawdziłem wiadomości.
Has Nick arrived yet? Czy Nick już przyjechał?

I W Present Perfect stosuje się również określenia czasowe.

all my life całe moje życie

(up) till now/until this very moment do chwili obecnej
so fa r jak dotąd/do tej pory

The baby hasn’t said a word so fa r. Jak dotąd dziecko nie powiedziało ani

Toby has w orked hard all his life. Toby całe życie ciężko pracuje.

Tom has never m ade a single Tom nie popełnił dotąd żadnego
mistake up till now. błędu.

I haven’t m issed an episode o f Do tej pory nie przegapiłem żadnego

“F rien d s” so far. odcinka „Przyjaciół”.

I have been to New York many times. Byłem w Nowym Jorku wiele razy.

I Present Perfect może również wystąpić z określeniami czasu teraźniejszego, np. this
morning/afternoon/evening, today, this week.

Jack has called m e this m orning. Jack zadzwonił do mnie rano

(tak mówimy do12-tej w południe).

Jack called m e this m orning . Jack zadzwonił do mnie rano

(tak mówimy popołudniu lub

Mimo że powyższe zdania przekładamy jednakowo na polski, to w języku angielskim mają

różne znaczenie. Gdy używamy „has called", to mowa jest o zdarzeniu podczas trwającego
jeszcze poranku. Natomiast gdy używamy„called", to mówimy o wydarzeniu minionego

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Present Perfect

I Present Perfect stosuje się również, aby wyrazić czynności lub sytuacje, które zdarzyły
się w przeszłości, jeżeli zachowane jest powiązanie z teraźniejszością, np, dana czynność
może być powtórzona w teraźniejszości,

Otylia has won several gold medals so far.

Otylia zdobyła kilka złotych medali (już ma kilka, ale może mieć kilkanaście).
Polish sw im m ers won five gold medals in Budapest this summer.
Polscy pływacy zdobyli tego lata pięć złotych medali w Budapeszcie. (tu co prawda mamy
do czynienia z okresem czasu, który jeszcze trwa, gdy to mówimy - this summer - ale
polscy pływacy już na tych mistrzostwach medalu nie zdobędą, bo te się skończyły).


Present Perfect nie występuje z takimi określeniami czasu jak: yesterday, last year, two
days ago, last Monday, when I w as a child, then,


Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Present Perfect, dokonując zmian

w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba,

1. Mr Johnson never (travel) out of Nebraska.

2. A: Who is the blonde next to him?
B: I don’t know. I never (see) her before.
3. A: Is something wrong?
B: I (lose) my credit card.
4. A: How well do you know Ted?
B: We (b e) friends for over ten years.
5. You (see) my shoes?
6. A: Where you (b e)______ ?
B: In the library.
7. A: Where is Jim?
B: He just (leave)_______ .
8. How many times you (try)_______ to quit smoking?
9. What you (do) with your hair?
10. She (lose) seven kilos since the last time I saw her.
11. There ever (b e) any volcano activity in Poland?
12. I think I (m eet)_____ my dream woman.
13. The band (not b e ) particularly successful in Europe. They are famous
in Canada, though.
14. I (not sleep) well recently.
15. You ever (skip)______classes?

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2.| Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Present Perfect lub Past Simple.

Dear Katy

Just a short note to tell you we 1 (return)______ to London safely. We 2 (have)

a wonderful stay in your house. I 3(travel)______________ all over the world, and

I can say that these two weeks in Rimini 4(be) my highlight. From the
moment we 5(arrive)_______ until we 6(leave)_______ , we 7(feel)_______ very
special. Everyone 8(have) a fantastictime, and this 9(be) precisely
how I had imagined it in my head. The setting w(be) excellent. Close to the
beach and within a walking distance to downtown and shopping. Thank you for
excellent accommodation and delicious food - your home made waffles with maple
syrup are the best I ever n(have) . Can I request you to send me a recipe?
Many thanks for everything. We look forward to our next trip to Italy!

Martha and Steve

3 ] W wolne miejsca wstaw for lub since.

1. We haven’t heard from h e r June.

2. I have been m arried ten years.
3. He hasn’t scored a g o a l the opening of the season.
4. It has been so lo n g I last saw you.
5. Nick has owned a record shop three years.
6. The building has been h e r e 1974.
7. Jay hit the jackpot two years ago a n d then he hasn’t worked at all.
8. I haven’t done the ironing a very long time.
9. Beth hasn’t been on holidays_______ years.
10. Jim has had this annoying habit e v e r I remember.

4 ] Przeksztatc zdania wedtug wzoru.

Chad lost job in 2004.

Chad has been unem ployed since 2 0 0 4 .

1. I smoked my last cigarette on May 3rd 2000.

2. The last time I lost my temper was February.

3. We stopped talking to each other over a year ago.

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Present Perfect

4. He last played a match in 2005.

5. We travelled across Europe last summer.

6. I stopped using Windows a month ago.

7. Grace became a business unit manager in 2002.

8. The last time we were in Madrid was back in 1990.

5] Rosie i Mike biorą wkrótce ślub, Sporządzili listę rzeczy do wykonania, Napisz w czasie
Present Perfect, co narzeczeni już zrobili, a czego jeszcze nie, Sprawy, które załatwili,
są zaznaczone,

They have m ade a guest list.

They h a v en ’t sent out the invitations.

To Do!
1. Make a guest list.
2. Send out invitations.
3. Buy a wedding dress and tuxedo
4. Book the church.
5. Choose a reception venue.
6. Select a band.
7. Hire a caterer.
8. Find a professional photographer
9. Arrange transport.
10. Order a wedding cake.

6. |Ułóż zdanie o podobnym znaczeniu z wytłuszczonym słowem,

1. It is ages since we last heard from you!

not W e ______ ages.
2. When did you get married?
been How lo n g married?
3. Sue can’t drive a car.
learn t S u e to drive a car.
4. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
made I up my m in d when I grow up.
5. I don’t know how it is to study abroad.
never I ______ abroad.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

6. The art gallery bought an early painting by vanGogh two years ago.
had The art gallery for two years.
7. Nick spent his childhood in Boston and he still lives there.
lived N ic k since his childhood.
8. Bob is still sleeping.
not B o b _______ awoken yet.

0 ! Które z pytań bądź uzupełnień (a, b) zdań 1-5 jest prawidłowe?

1. He has worked as an accountant for 4 0 years.

a) When is he going to retire?
b) W hen did he retire?

2. I have analysed it ______

a) but I don’t understand it.
b) and I didn’t understand it.

3. The number I tried to reach ______

a) has been disconnected.
b) was unavailable.

4. He hasn’t signed the contract yet.

a) He is still debating it.
b) There were too many unanswered questions.

5. She went to Florida.

a) Where did she stay?
b) Where is she staying?

8. |Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Present Perfect lub Past Simple, dokonując
zmian w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba.

1. He just (release) a new album.

2. Argentina (win) the World Cup in 1986.
3. You (be) here last week, right?
4. She (teach) philosophy at Southwestern University for 10 years now.
5. He never (vote) before, and he doesn’t intend to vote this time.
6. George (not drink) alcohol before the accident.
7. W ill (live) in Worcester until quite recently.
8. I (work) for Unilever almost all my life.
9. Real Madrid (defeat) Sevilla three times last year.
10. Whom Shakespeare (marry)?
11. Smith (park) the car, (get) out, and (lock) the door.
12. I am sorry that I (not write) for so long!
13. Grace (love) to read science-fiction books when she (live) in Liverpool.
14. Where is Jimmy? He (leave) yesterday evening.
15. Harry (not be) to a baseball game since he (get) married.

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Present Perfect

Dopasuj wyrażenia z kolumny B do wyrażeń z kolumny A.

1. I saw him a) Since 1990
2. I have seen him b) From about 1990 to 1999
3. We know that Penderecki c) didn’t like fishing
4. We know that Chopin d) has composed some operas
5. How long have you lived here? e) has always liked fishing
6. Have you ever seen Cleopatra? f) recently
7. Did you see Cleopatra while abroad? g) Yes, a couple of years ago
8. How long did you live there? h) didn’t compose any operas
9. My great grandfather i) No, never
10. My son, who is eleven, j) two days ago

D0 J a) Ułóż pytania do ankiety szkolnej w czasie Present Perfect, wykorzystując - zgodnie

ze wzorem - wyrażenia podane w kolumnie Question.

H ave you e v e r fa iled an exam ?

Q uestion Answer
1. fail an exam never/in my life
2. cheat in an exam never
3. copy someone else’s work once before
4. forget your ID tag once or twice
5. play truant several times this school year
6. perform in a school play not yet
7. be late to school three times this school year
8. lie to a teacher never
9. come to class unprepared four times since school began
10. your parents be contacted on a number of occasions

b) Opowiedz na ułożone przez siebie pytania, posługując się wyrażeniami

w kolumnie Answer.

No, I have never fa iled an exam in my life.

Darmowe ebooki:
Present Perfect Continuous
e czasu Present Perfect Continuous

■ Forma twierdząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Have/Has Been Czasow nik+ing I ’ve
I have You
You He
He She ’s been sleeping
She has been sleeping It
It We
We You ’ve
You have They

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Have/Has Not Been Czasow nik+ing I haven’t
I have You
You He
He She hasn’t been sleeping
She has not been sleeping It
It We
We You haven’t
You have They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Have/Ha: Podmiot Been Czasow nik+ing Yes Podmiot Have/Has
Have I Yes, I/we/you/they have
you he/she/it has
Has she been sleeping?
it M Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot H ave/H as+n ot
Have you No, I/we/you/they haven’t
they he/she/it hasn’t

Zastosowanie |

I Present Perfect Continuous stosujemy w następujących przypadkach:

■ Gdy informujemy, że czynność bądź sytuacja rozpoczęta się w przeszłości i trwa

(niekoniecznie bez przerwy), aż do chwili obecnej.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 43
Present Perfect C ontinuous

Podobnie jak w Present Perfect do określenia dtugości czasu posługujemy się przyimkami
sin ce i for.
I have been studying since 9 o ’clock. Uczę się od dziewiątej.
M rs Olive has been teaching fo r 1 0 years. Pani Olive naucza od dziesięciu lat.
Oscar has been surfing the net fo r an hour. Oscar serfuje w internecie od

■ Gdy chcemy powiedzieć o jakichś - zakończonych bądź nie - wydarzeniach lub

czynnościach rozpoczętych w przeszłości, których skutki czy konsekwencje są oczywiste
w chwili obecnej.
It has been raining. Padało (ulica jest jeszcze mokra).
S h e has been crying. Płakała (ma wciąż zaczerwienione oczy).
H e has been repairing his car. Naprawiał (a może i dalej naprawia) samochód
(ma zabrudzone smarem ubranie).

■ Kiedy dana czynność lub sytuacja ma charakter przejściowy,

I have been living in Germany for a few months.
Mieszkam w Niemczech od paru miesięcy (ale na stałe mieszkam gdzie indziej).
I have been substituting for Paul since Monday.
Zastępuję Paula od poniedziałku.

I Niekiedy Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continuous można posługiwać się wymiennie.
We have lived in Warsaw fo r seven years.
We have been living in Warsaw fo r seven years.
Mieszkamy w Warszawie od siedmiu lat.

Bez określenia czasowego (for seven years) zdanie w Presen Perfect nabiera odmiennego
We have lived in Warsaw.
Mieszkaliśmy w Warszawie (i znamy to miasto).


Stosując Present Perfect Continuous w pytaniach sugerujemy, że można zobaczyć, poczuć,

usłyszeć coś, co jest wynikiem jakiejś czynności. Jeśli zadamy pytanie „Have you been
drinking?", dajemy do zrozumienia, że wyczuwamy woń alkoholu. Używając tego czasu
niewłaściwie, można obrazić osobę, do której jest kierowane zapytanie.


l 7| Dopasuj wyrażenia z kolumny B do wyrażeń z kolumny A.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

1. Her eyes are swollen. a) Yes, I have been playing basketball.
2. You are late again! b) I’ve been gardening all afternoon.
3. You look bored. c) It’s been raining the whole day.
4. Why are you so scared? d) She’s been crying.
5. Aren’t you tired? e) I’ve been watching a horror film.
6. Beth seems to be very pleased. f) I’ve been waiting for Adam to come.
7. Are you hungry? g) Yes, she’s been shopping and spending
money all day.
8. The roads are wet. h) Probably because he has been drinking.
9. Your hands are rough. i) Yes, I have been reading a dull article.
10. Tom is unwell. j) No, I have been slaving over a hot stove all

2J| Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Present Perfect Continuous lub Present
Perfect, dokonując zmian w strukturze zdania, o ile zachodzi taka konieczność.

1. Now look at what you (do)!

2. It (thunder) and (rain) all day.
3. Liz (horse ride) since the age of eight.
4. He has a massive hangover. He (drink) with friends all day.
5. How long you (be) a fan of Tom Cruise?
6. Jim (jog) since April.
7. I (cook) dinner. Lay the table and I will serve the food.
8. Rob (see) a doctor recently.
9. I feel I (know) her all my life.
10. I (learn) a lot from the course.
11. You (complain) too much lately.
12. We (have) the house for two years.
13. Martha (feel) much better recently.
14. A woman (stand) outside our house since early in the morning.
15. My dog (lose) his hair lately.

3J| W poniższych przykładach, w zależności od czasu użytego w zdaniu wyjściowym,

wybierz jako uzupełnienie wypowiedź a lub b.

1. I have been reading your book ______

a) and I am enjoying it.
b) from cover to cover.

2. I have been tidying up my office.

a) It looks pretty nice now.
b) For almost three hours.

3. Who has been eating my vegetables?

a) There are none left.
b) Soon I will have none left.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 45
Present Perfect C ontinuous

4. It has been raining for several days.

a) Why can’t it stop? When will the sun come up?
b) But today the sky is clear.

5. I have been calling him ______

a) but to no avail.
b) I can’t believe how helpful he is!

6. I have been waiting for almost an hour.

a) The waiter hasn’t even shown up yet.
b) I am getting out of here.

4] Połącz poniższe zdania w jedno, używając czasu Present Perfect Continuous

i przyimków w nawiasach.

The government began negotiations with the miners in June. Now,

it is December. (for)
The governm ent has been negotiating with the m iners fo r h a lf a year.

1. I am weeding the garden. I started weeding at 10 o’clock. (since)

2. Helen is dancing professionally. She started dancing in 1997. (since)

3. We have a new coffee machine. We bought it two months ago. (for)

4. Roger went down to the shops at 2 o’clock. Now, it is 4:10. (for)

5. Lynn is about to start reading the fifth chapter of this book. She started reading at
noon. (since)

5] Popraw błąd występujący w każdym z poniższych zdań.

1. How long do you wear glasses?

2. Steve was in the USA twice so far.
3. I know Tom for ten years.
4. Paul delivers papers since 8 o’clock.
5. A: What’s the matter?
B: Someone used my computer without my knowledge.
6. I don’t diet lately.
7. My feet hurt. I walked all day.
8. Annie is sleeping badly recently.
9. The band play together for two years.
10. He is coaching since 1998.

7 . Past Perfect
e czasu Past Perfect

Forma twierdząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Had III Forma Czasownika I
i You
You He
He She slept
She had slept It
It We
We You
You They

Forma przecząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Had Not III Forma Czasownika I
I You
You He
He She hadn’t slept
She had not slept It
It We
We You
You They

Forma pytająca Krótka odpowiedź

Had Podmiot III Forma Czasownika Yes Podmiot Had
I Yes, I/we/you/they had
you he/she/it
H ad she slept?
it Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot H ad+not
you No, I/we/you/they hadn’t
they he/she/it


Czas Past Perfect jest czasem zaprzeszłym. Stosuje się go, aby zaznaczyć uprzedniość
danej czynności lub sytuacji przeszłej względem innej czynności lub sytuacji przeszłej.
W zdaniach w Past Perfect często występują określenia czasowe takie jak: after, before,
already, just, since, until/till, by, by the time.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 47
Past Perfect

I Czas Past Perfect stosujemy w następujących przypadkach:

■ By opisać czynności lub sytuacje, które zdarzyły się przed innymi czynnościami,
sytuacjami lub momentami w przeszłości,

I had visited many countries before I settled down in Italy.

Zwiedziłem wiele krajów, zanim osiadłem we Włoszech.

H e did n ’t rem em ber w here he had seen that girl.

Nie pamiętał, gdzie ujrzał tę dziewczynę.

B ecause we hadn’t booked early enough, we d id n ’t g et a table.

Ponieważ nie dokonaliśmy rezerwacji wystarczająco wcześnie, nie dostaliśmy stolika.

■ By opisać czynności lub sytuacje, które trwały już jakiś - najczęściej określony - przed
innymi czynnościami, sytuacjami w przeszłości i być może trwały także później,

W hen I m et him in 1 9 9 8 he had w orked as an accountant fo r a few years.

Kiedy go spotkałem w 1998, pracował jako księgowy od kilku lat (Past Perfect - stan

dla porównania:
I had been chatting online for a n hour when Jay came.
Czatowałem w sieci przez godzinę, zanim przyszedł Jay (Past Perfect Continuous
- czynność).

■ Wyrażenia w Past Perfect można zastępować wyrażeniami w Past Simple bez jakiejkolwiek
różnicy znaczeniowej, kiedy spójniki jasno wskazują na kolejność zdarzeń,

A fte r I had clea ned out the attic, I went into my backyard = A fter I cleaned out
the attic, I went into my backyard.
Kiedy posprzątałem strych, wyszedłem na podwórko.

Jeśli zdarzenia opisywane w Past Perfect w ogóle nie wydarzyły się w danym okresie, Past
Perfect musi być bezwarunkowo zastosowany,

I had never seen a palm tree before I w ent to Florida. POPRAWNE

I never saw a palm tree before I went to Florida. NIEPOPRAWNE
Nigdy nie widziałem palmy, zanim nie pojechałem na Florydę.

■ Niekiedy zastosowanie Past Perfect zamiast Past Simple powoduje, że czynność

opisywana w Past Perfect jawi się jako zakończona jakiś czas przed inną, a nie jako
bezpośrednio poprzedzająca, Zdanie a sugeruje natychmiastową sekwencję wydarzeń,
natomiast zdanie b, że upłynęło między nimi trochę czasu,

a) W hen I d id the shopping, I went to a café.

b) W hen I had done the shopping, I w ent to a café.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

I Past Perfect stosuje się również:

■ Kiedy chcemy powiedzieć o niezrealizowanym zamiarze, nadziei, życzeniu. Dotyczy to

takich czasowników jak: to intend, to hope, to expect, to think, to wish, to want,
to suppose, to plan.

Pete had wanted to dye his hair, but his m other talked him out o f it.
Pete chciał ufarbować włosy, ale jego mama odwiodła go od tego.

I had intended to m eet h e r in France, but I couldn’t afford the fare.

Chciałem spotkać się z nią we Francji, ale nie mogłem sobie pozwolić na bilet.

■ Po wyrażeniach takich jak: if only, I wish, kiedy mówimy o przeszłości życzeniowo


I wish I hadn’t lost my temper.

Szkoda, że straciłem panowanie nad sobą.

I f only they had played better!

Gdyby tylko zagrali lepiej!

■ W zdaniach warunkowych i mowie zależnej odnośnie przeszłości bądź uprzedniości.

I f the ca r hadn’t broken down, things would have gone as planned.

Gdyby samochód się nie zepsuł, wszystko poszłoby zgodnie z planem.

H e adm itted he had m ade a false statement.

Przyznał, że złożył fałszywe zeznanie.


W przeciwieństwie do zdań w Present Perfect, zdania w Past Perfect mogą zawierać

konkretne określenia czasu, np. in 1998, on Saturday, when he returned, before she
got married. Opisując wydarzenia przeszte o jasnej chronologicznej kolejności używa się
czasu Past Simple, a nie Past Perfect.


Harry studiuje zagranicą. Wcześniej nie robił sam wielu rzeczy. Uzupetnij poniższe
zdanie, wstawiając kolejno w miejsce kropek wyrażenia 1-12 w czasie Past Perfect.

Before Harry went to study abroad be 300 miles from home.

B efo re H arry went to study abroad, he had never been 3 0 0 m iles from home.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 49
Past Perfect

1. polish his shoes

2. wash his clothes

3. cook a meal in his life

4. eat anything other than homemade meals

5. clean the house

6. make his bed

7. buy his own clothes

8. give parties

9. date a girl

10. have a mobile phone

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Past Perfect bądź Past Simple.

1. James (compose) a waltz, although he never (learn) musical notation.

2. W hen I (get) home, I realised that I (lose) my keys.
3. We (not recognise) each other because we (not meet) since our school days.
4. They (be) amazed. They never (heard) of gumbo before.
5. W hen I last (see) Jay, he (not pay) yet off the loan.
6. Mr Jones (retire) at the age of 72 after he (work) for the company for over 30 years.
7. After I (do) the washing-up, I (take) a short walk in the garden.
8. The show already (start) when we (arrive).
9. I never (eat) sushi before I (go) to Japan.
10. Philip (be) upset because Clair (decline) his invitation to dinner.
11. By that time he (cross) the Atlantic six times.
12. If only she (keep) quiet!
13. I never (hear) of Bigfoot until I (go) to Malaysia.
14. We (have) that car for years before it (act) up.
15. By the time Ron (get) married, he (complete) his university degree.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

* Na początku kampanii wyborczej sztab wykonywał prace wyszczególnione poniżej.

Kandydat na burmistrza co jakiś czas pojawiał się w sztabie. Uzupełnij zdania (2-6),
przekształcając - według wzoru - wyrażenia w nawiasie, tak by opisywały, co w trakcie
każdej wizyty kandydata już było, a co jeszcze nie zostało wykonane.

8 :0 0 -9 :0 0 - prepare a campaign calendar

9 :0 0 -1 0 :0 0 - invent a slogan
1 0 :0 0 -1 2 :3 0 - write a campaign song
1 2 :3 0 -1 3 :3 0 - design a campaign logo
1 3 :3 0 -1 4 :0 0 - order bumper stickers, T-shirts and balloons with the logo
1 4 :0 0 -1 5 :0 0 - prepare leaflets and posters
1 5 :0 0 -1 5 :3 0 - have a lunch break
1 5 :3 0 -1 6 :0 0 - pay for TV ads
1 6 :0 0 -1 6 :3 0 - make phone calls to the donors
1 6 :3 0 -1 7 :0 0 - organise a whistle-stop tour

1. The candidate arrived at the campaign office at 9.20. (prepare a campaign

calendar/invent a slogan) The cam paign team had already prepared
a cam paign calendar, but they hadn’t invented a slogan yet.

2. The candidate went there back at 12.20. (invent a slogan/write a campaign song)

3. The candidate returned at 13.30. (pay for TV ads/design a campaign logo)

4. The candidate popped in at 14.50. (prepare leaflets and posters/order bumper

stickers, T-shirts and balloons with the logo)

5. The candidate returned at 16.00. (pay for TV ads/make phone calls to the

6. The candidate visited the office again at 17.00. (make phone calls to
the donors/ organise a whistle-stop tour)

Ułóż zdania zgodnie z wzorem:

Philip never saw koala bears. He went to Australia. (before)

Philip had n ever seen koala bears before he went to Australia.

1. I bought a coffee table. Carrie found a similar one at a lower price. (after)

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 51
Past Perfect

2. He wrote his first novel. He graduated from Oxford University. (by the time)

3. Alice began to walk. She spoke her first word. (before)

4. Clair went into the room. She knew she was there before. (as soon as)

5. The concert began. We arrived at the venue. (by the time)

6. Charles made a fortune in the stock market. He supported a number of charities.


7. We had that cottage for twenty years. It fell down. (before)

8. I didn’t go to see the movie. I watched it before. (because)

9. He didn’t have a proper house. Simon hit the jackpot. (before)

10. David lived in Cincinnati. He moved to San José. (until)

Używając wytłuszczonego słowa, ułóż drugie zdanie o podobnym znaczeniu co pierwsze.

1. Last year I went to an auction. It was my first time there.

been I ___________________________ auction before.
2. After doing the laundry, I hung it out to dry.
done A fte r___________________________ out to dry.
3. Lucy watered the houseplant. She got a phone call afterwards.
already W h e n ___________________________ watered the houseplant.
4. I read most of the classic horror novels. I turned ten by the time.
had By the tim e ___________________________ classic horror novels.
5. That was the only time I wanted to come back to Europe.
never I ___________________________ Europe before.
6. Paul graduated from Oxford and then he joined the Labour Party.
u n til Paul didn’t jo in ___________________________ from Oxford.
7. I washed my hair before the alarm clock went off.
w h e n ___________________________ my hair.
8. Garry arrived at the airport at 5. The plane took off at 5.10.
by the time The p la n e___________________________ at the airport.

8 . Past Perfect Continuous
asu Past Perfect Continuous

■ Forma twierdząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Had Been Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She ’d been sleeping
She had been sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Had Not Been Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She hadn’t been sleeping
She had not been sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

Had Podmiot Been Czasow nik+ing Yes Podmiot Had
I Yes, I/we/you/they had
you he/she/it
H ad she been sleeping?
it M Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot H ad+n ot
you No, I/we/you/they hadn’t
they he/she/it


Czas Past Perfect Continuous jest czasem zaprzeszłym z wyraźnie zaznaczonym aspektem
trwania. Zdania występujące w tym czasie często zawierają określenia czasowe takie jak:
for, since, before, until, when.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 53
Past Perfect C ontinuous

I Czasu Past Perfect Continous używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ By wyrazić czynności lub sytuacje, które trwały przed innymi wydarzeniami lub
sytuacjami w przeszłości.

I had been studying F ren ch fo r two y ea rs before I went to France.

Uczyłem się francuskiego przez dwa lata, zanim pojechałem do Francji.

The children had been quarreling fo r over an hour when their parents came
Dzieci kłóciły się przez ponad godzinę, zanim rodzice przyszli do domu.

■ By wskazać na przyczynę jakiegoś wydarzenia czy sytuacji.

Betty was tired because she had been cleaning the flat.
Betty była zmęczona, ponieważ sprzątała mieszkanie.

Kathy put on w eight because she had been eating too m uch sugar and fat.
Kathy przybrała na wadze, ponieważ jadła za dużo cukru i tłuszczu.

■ W zdaniach warunkowych i mowie zależnej w aspekcie przeszłym i uprzednim.

I f it hadn’t been raining, I would have gone fo r a walk.

Gdyby nie padało, poszedłbym na spacer.

S h e told m e she had been expecting a guest.

Powiedziała mi, że (chwilę wcześniej/już jakiś czas) czekała na gościa.


Jeśli nie podajesz czasu trwania danej czynności lub sytuacji (np. for an hour, for ten
minutes, for a week, sin ce last Sunday), lepiej użyj czasu Past Continuous zamiast Past
Perfect Continuous.


l J| a) Napisz, używając czasu Past Perfect Continuous, co uczestnicy przyjęcia robili,

zanim przybyła policja.

T h e y _______ fo r a few hours before the police arrived.

1. drink and eat noisily

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

2. dance wildly

3. play CDs at full volume

4. shout

5. fight

b) Analogicznie, napisz, co robili policjanci przed interwencją.

The p o licem en _______ fo r some time before they received a noise complaint.

1. check cars

2. issue parking tickets

3. watch for drunk drivers/pedestrians

4. pick up truants

5. monitor traffic

Rozwiń wyrażenia umieszczone w nawiasie do zdania w Past Perfect Continuous

według wzoru:

My back was sore (sit at the computer for hours).

M y back was sore because I had been sitting at the com puter fo r hours.

1. I got a high grade on my report (study very hard).

2. Jacky was very tired (clean all morning).
3. Sue got sunburnt (lie in the sun too long).
4. The driver fell asleep at the wheel (drive all day long).
5. Ron had a hangover (drink the whole evening).
6. Her eyes were puffy (cry the whole night).

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 55
Past Perfect C ontinuous

7. Daniel came home hot and sweaty (jog).

8. The roads were impassible (snow heavily all night).
9. My hair was wet (swim for half an hour).
10. Philip had dirt on his hands (repair his car).
11. Pam’s clothes were covered in paint (paint the flat).
12. Lynn was promoted (work hard during her probationary period).
13. We did not hear him come in. (laugh out loud)
14. Tom was fired. (make private phone calls)
15. Mike had a stomach upset. (not eat properly)

* Drużyna harcerska postanowiła posprzątać plażę. Jak długo harcerze pracowali, zanim
doszły osoby spoza drużyny, które obiecały pomoc?

9 :0 0 -9 :3 0 assign the work

9 .3 0 -1 0 :0 0 hand out bin liners
1 0 :00 -1 1 :0 0 empty litter baskets
1 1 :00 -1 3 :3 0 pick up the litter (bottles, cans, food wrappers, cigar tips, lids)
1 3 :30 -1 4 .0 0 record the litter found
1 4 :00 -1 5 :0 0 take the rubbish to a landfill site

1. Sue arrived at 9.20.

W hen S u e arrived there, the scouts had been assigning the work fo r twenty

2. Jerry got there at 9.45.

3. Tom and Scott came at 10.20.

4. Grace arrived at 13.00. When she arrived there the scouts’ backs were aching as

S. Mike arrived at 13.40.

6. Martin and David came at 14.30.

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Past Simple bądź Past Perfect Continuous.

1. It (snow) for hours when we (leave) for St. Petersburg.

2. Mark (work) for Ford Motor Company for five years before he (be lay) off.
3. The police (investigate) the case for a year before it (go) to trial.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

4. By 2000, I (live) in Boston for six years.

5. Amy was angry. She (wait) for them for an hour.
6. The streets were filled with puddles. It (rain) all morning.
7. By 6 o’clock, he (repair) the engine for two hours.
8. Elisabeth (lecture) at the University for two years before she (move) to Poland.
9. Susan (go) down with flu. She (feel) unwell for some time when she got her illness.
10. I (put) on weight because I (eat) too much rich food.

JT| w czasie śledztwa w sprawie rabunku bankowego po Iicja przesłuchiwała podejrzanych

- państwa Carringtonów oraz ich służbę. Między innymi pytała ich o to, co robili
w przeddzień napadu. Wszyscy mówili nieprawdę. Korzystając z poniższej tabelki, napisz
w czasie Past Perfect Continuous, co poszczególne osoby zeznawały, a co
rzeczywiście robiły,

przesłuchiwani to, co zeznali prawda

Mr John Carrington read stock market reports examine the robbery plan
Mr Richard Carrington watch wild birds observe the bank’s security guards
Mrs Judy Carrington plan a dinner party plan an escape route
Mrs Elisabeth Carrington watch a fireworks display prepare explosives
Miss Veronica Carrington make her own clothes cut eyeholes in the masks
May polish silver steal jewellery
Jack clean the cellar drink vintage wine in the cellar
Bernie write a request for forge Mr Carrington’s signature
a pay rise

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 57
9 . Future Simple
Tworzenie czasu Future Simple

Forma twierdząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Will Czasownik I
I You
You He
He She ’ll sleep
She will sleep It
It We
We You
You They

Forma przecząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Not Czasownik I
I You
You He
He She won’t sleep
She will not sleep It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma pytająca I Krótka odpowiedź

W ill Podmiot Czasownik Yes Podmiot W ill
I Yes, I/we/you/they will
you he/she/it
Will she sleep?
it Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot W ill+ n o t
you No, I/we/you/they won’t
they he/she/it


Ze wszystkich czasów przysztych Future Simple jest podstawowy i najbardziej uniwersalny,

Z powodu wielości znaczeń nie zawsze jest oczywiste, które z nich mówiący ma na myśli,
Nierzadko wypowiedzi w tym czasie możemy interpretować na różne sposoby.

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I Czasu Future Simple używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ By powiedzieć, że coś nastąpi w przyszłości. Informacja wyrażona w taki sposób jest

pozbawiona elementów subiektywnych, wynika z okoliczności zewnętrznych, na które nie
mamy wpływu.

The concert will start any moment now. Koncert rozpocznie się lada moment.

We will know the election results tomorrow. Jutro poznamy wyniki wyborów.

K ate will arrive in a few minutes. Kate przyj edzie za parę minut.

■ By wyrazić opinie, przypuszczenia, spekulacje odnośnie przyszłości. Posiłkujemy się

wówczas takimi czasownikami jak: think, believe, feel sure, doubt, hope, be afraid,
expect, know, suppose, wonder, oraz towarzyszącymi im przysłówkami typu: perhaps,
possibly, probably, surely, certainly.

I am certain he will resign his post. Jestem pewien, że on odejdzie z posady.

I hope my parents will let m e buy a dog. Mam nadzieję, że moi rodzice
pozwolą mi kupić psa.

The president will probably veto the bill. Prezydent prawdopodobnie zawetuje

■ By opisać czynności lub sytuacje, które jakaś osoba dokonuje z przyzwyczajenia czy
innych przyczyn charakterologicznych, niezależnie od okoliczności i nie przejmując się
opinią innych.

S h e will keep asking stupid questions. Ona stale zadaj e głupie pytania.

Scott will w ear this silly bow tie. Scott będzie nosić tę śmieszną muszkę.

I Future Simple również stosujemy:

■ Kiedy podejmujemy spontaniczną decyzję.

This coat is a real bargain. I will buy it. Ten płaszcz to prawdziwa okazja.
Kupię go.

To samo zdanie użyte w innej osobie nie oznacza już spontanicznej decyzji, ale
S h e will buy this coat. Ona kupi ten płaszcz (tak mi się
wydaj e).

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Future Simple

■ Kiedy coś postanawiamy. Często wspomagamy się wówczas czasownikami takimi jak:
promise, swear, guarantee.

I prom ise I will g et m ore organised. Obiecuję, że będę bardziej

I will go to the gym twice a week. Będę chodzić na siłownię dwa razy
w tygodniu.
I sw ear I will study h a rd er next sem ester. Przyrzekam, że będę więcej pracować
w przyszłym semestrze.

■ Kiedy prosimy.

Will you lend m e € 2 0 ? Pożyczysz mi 20 euro?

Will you do m e a favour? Zrobisz coś dla mnie?

Kiedy wypowiadamy gotowość.

I will g e t you some co ffee. Przyniosę ci kawy.

I will help you. Pomogę ci.
I will drive you home. Zawiozę cię do domu.

■ Kiedy obiecujemy lub grozimy.

I will do my best. Zrobię co w moj ej mocy.

I won’t bother you again. Nie będę cię więcej kłopotać.
Stop talking o r I will punish you! Przestań rozmawiać, bo cię ukarzę!

■ Kiedy wydajemy kategoryczne polecenie.

You will not reveal y o u r password to any other person.

Nie ujawnisz swoj ego hasła żadnej osobie.

You will not discuss the contract, or any o f its terms, with anyone.
Nie będziesz rozmawiał z nikim o umowie ani o żadnym z jej warunków.

Kiedy wyrażamy odmowę lub brak chęci (za pomocą won’t).

Ja ck won’t see the doctor. Jack nie pójdzie do lekarza.

M y children won’t eat vegetables. Moje dzieci nie zjedzą warzyw.

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Future Simple można również tworzyć przy pomocy formy shall. Dzisiaj wyraz ten występuje
przede wszystkim w 1 osobie liczby pojedyncze i mnogiej. Dzięki niemu można nadać
wypowiedzi neutralny charakter. W 3 osobie shall pojawia się w podniostym stylu,
w prawnych albo formalnych zobowiązaniach czy gwarancjach.

A refu n d shall be granted within seven days o f delivery o f the products.

Zwrot kosztów jest gwarantowany w czasie siedmiu dni od dostawy produktów.

D elivery shall take place at the a g reed time.

Dostawa nastąpi w uzgodnionym czasie.

T h e board shall notify shareholders o f its decision in writing.

Zarząd powiadomi udziałowców pisemnie o swoj ej decyzji.

Shall w zdaniu pytającym (w 1 osobie) stosujemy, by dowiedzieć się o życzenia czy chęci
osoby, do której wypowiedź jest skierowana. Zdanie pytające z shall może być również
propozycją czy sugestią.

What shall I do now? Co mam teraz robić?

Shall I close the window? Czy mam zamknąć okno?
Shall we go to the m useum ? Pójdziemy do muzeum?


Jak wszystkie inne formy czasu przysztego, Future Simple nie może być użyty w zdaniach
zaczynających się od wyrazów when, while, after, before, by the time, if, unless,
provided. Reguta ta obowiązuje, wtedy gdy nie mamy zamiaru nadać wyrażeniu z will
znaczenia „zechcieć", np. „I’ll be grateful if you will kindly consider my request."

Jeśli masz zamiar dać do zrozumienia, że ktoś nie zrobi czegoś w przyszłości nie dlatego,
że nie chce, ale z powodu niezależnych oko Iiczności, unikaj czasu Future Simple
(np. „I won’t jo In you."). Aby nie sugerować odmowy lub niechęci, użyj czasu Future
Continuous (np. „I won’t be joining you.").


Q Zareaguj na opisane w zdaniach 1-13 sytuacje, wypowiadając swoje decyzje w czasie

Future Simple.

The phone is ringing. I will answ er/pick it up/get it.

1. I don’t understand it.

2. This is a very heavy box.
3. It’s freezing in here.

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Future Simple

4. I’ve got a splitting headache!

5. I am in a hurry.
6. The garbage is full.
7. The dog needs to go out.
8. I am so sleepy!
9. There isn’t any bread.
10. Your room is a real mess.
11. The smoke alarm doesn’t work.
12. The mailbox is bulging with letters.
13. The grass is too tall.

Do każdego ze zdań 1-10 dopisz odpowiednie postanowienie.

I drink too much coffee.

I will cut back to one o r two cups a day.

1. I have bad eating habits.

2. I can’t program video.
3. I’m too fat.
4. I’m a heavy smoker.
5. I am in the red.
6. I can’t speak a foreign language.
7. I’m too stressed.
8. I lack confidence.
9. I spend too much money.
10. I go out too often.

E J Zaneguj prognozy wyrażone w zdaniach 1-10, posługując się wyrażeniami zawartymi

w nawiasach.

The price of petrol will come down in two years’ time. (go up)
No, it won’t. It will go up.

1. The world’s population will come to an end by the end of the 21st century.
(stop growing)
2. People will travel to exotic planets in sixty years’ time. (travel to the moon)
3. Distance learning will replace traditional methods of education in the future.
(support traditional methods of education)
4. In the next sixty years, cars will run on hydrogen. (run on sugar cane)
5. People will live in underground buildings in thirty years’ time. (live in smaller houses)
6. People will eat pills instead of food in 2100. (eat convenience food)
7. In sixty years’ time, people will use sun to produce energy. (use biomass)
8. In fifteen years’ time, Warsaw will have five airports. (have two airports)
9. By the year 2070, people will have several careers. (have shorter careers)
10. The Arctic will be covered in palm trees in the future. (become warmer)

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4.1 Zastąp wytłuszczone słowa odpowiednio wyrazami: will, won’t bądź shall. Jeśli trzeba,
dodaj zaimek osobowy,

1. P lease stop fidgeting!

2. Jim refu ses to go to a doctor.

3. When do you want me to arrive?

4. The director is ready to see you now.

5. Why don’t we go out tonight?

6. All payments ought to be made not later than May 31.

7. I promise to call you tomorrow.

5 1 Ułóż zdania wyrażające ostrzeżenia bądź groźby w Future Simple wykorzystując

wskazówki umieszczone w nawiasach.

1. Your neighbour is listening to music at full volume. (turn the volume down/call
the police)
2. Your employee is late for work again. (keep to the hours of work/fire you)
3. Your students are talking. (be quiet/punish you)
4. Your boss says no to your request for a pay rise. (give me a pay rise/quit)
5. Your child is doing poorly at school. (improve your grades/ deduct one pound
each day from your pocket money)
6. Your camera doesn’t work. The seller doesn’t want to refund your money. (give
me a refund/sue you)
7. Your flatmate doesn’t keep his room neat. (pick up your room/ throw away
everything that I find on the floor)
8. Your brother doesn’t clean up the table after eating. (clean up the table/not allow
you to eat with us)
9. Your little sister is lying to you. (tell the whole truth/lock you in your room until
you confess)
10. Your landlord is continually disturbing you at night. (stop harassing me/report

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 63
1 0 . Be Going To
Be Going To

■ Forma twierdząca I Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot A m /A re/Is Going to Czasownik I ’m
I am You ’re
You are He
He She ’s going to sleep
She is going to sleep It
It We
We You ’re
You are They

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Am /Are/Is Not Going to Czasownik I ’m not
I am You a re n ’t
You a re He
He She isn’t going to sleep
She is not going to sleep It
It We
We You a ren ’t
You a re They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

A m /A re/Is Podmiot Going to Czasownik Yes Podmiot Am /Are/Is
Am I Yes, I am
A re you you/we/they a re
he he/she/it is
Is she going to sleep?
it W Krótka odpowiedź
No Podmiot A m /A re/Is+ n o t
A re you No, I am not
they you/we/they a ren ’t
he/she/it isn’t


I Zwrot be going to używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ By wyrazić intencję zrobienia czegoś w przyszłości. Zamierzona czynność jest z reguły

przemyślana i należy się domyślać, że jakieś przygotowania zostały już podjęte. Uważa się,
że czynności wyrażone konstrukcją be going to są możl iwe do zrealizowania.

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I am going to study law. Zamierzam studiować prawo.

Sophie is going to take a day off. Sophie zamierza wziąć dzień wolny.
H e is going to throw a party. On zamierza urządzić przyj ęcie.

Czasowników to be i to com e nie powinno się raczej używać w konstrukcji be going to.

S h e is going to go out o f business. Ona zamierza wycofać się z biznesu.

I am not going to com e with you. Nie zamierzam iść z wami.

Mimo że zdania te są poprawne, lepiej użyć czasu Present Continuous i powiedzieć:

S h e is going out o f business.

I am not com ing with you.

■ By wyrazić przewidywania wynikające z naocznych obserwacji dotyczących wydarzeń,

zdaje się nieuchronnych.

S h e is going to have a baby. Ona będzie miała dziecko (jest w ciąży).

It is going to rain. Zanosi się na deszcz (na niebie zebrały się
They a re going to win the match. Oni wygrają mecz (maj ą dużą przewagę nad

Zasadnicze różnice w użyciu be going to i will są następujące:

- Zwrot be going to sugeruje, że występują pewne obiektywne znaki, symptomy,

przesłanki, że coś się wydarzy, natomiast will sugeruje, że przewidywania są oparte
na opinii mówiącego.

- Zwrot be going to dotyczy zwykle najbliższej przyszłości, will nie odnosi się do
żadnego konkretnego czasu i może dotyczyć nawet da Iekiej przyszłości.


Unikaj stosowania wyrażenia be going to z czasownikami ruchu, zwłaszcza com e i go.

W takich przypadkach użyj czasu Present Continuous.

Jeśli chcesz posłużyć się jakimś zdarzeniem w przyszłości jako wymówką, unikaj wyrażenia
be going to (np. „I’m sorry, I can’t see you tomorrow. I am going to visit my uncle."). Stosując
tę konstrukcję sprawiłbyś wrażenie, że nie zrobisz czegoś kierując się subiektywnym wyborem.
Użyj czasu Present Continuous (np. „I’m sorry, I can’t see you tomorrow. I am visiting my
uncle."), aby dać do zrozumienia, że przyczyną odmowy są wcześniej poczynione plany.

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Be Going To


Jak Geri zamierza spędzić zbliżający się tydzień? Popatrz na kartkę z jej ka Iendarza.
Uzupełnij wolne miejsca informacjami z ramki, stosując Present Continuous (w przypadku
terminów już umówionych) albo konstrukcję be going to (w przypadku zamierzeń).

Monday 4 p.m. go to the dentist’s

Tuesday 2.30 have a job interview
Wednesday study for a math exam
Thursday go to a passport office
Friday take the car to the garage
Saturday 8 p.m. attend the school reunion
Sunday stay in and watch Mad TV

1. Geri can’t go out on Wednesday because she

2. She will be at home on Sunday because she
3. Her car is leaking oil, s o on Friday.
4. On Tuesday .
5. She is looking forward to Saturday because _
6. She has a toothache, so s h e .
7. She wants to renew her passport, so s h e ___

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Future Simple, bądź zastosuj zwrot be going to.

1. A: Where are you going on your honeymoon?

B: I don’t know yet. Maybe we (go) to India.

2. Watch out! You (run) into that car.

3. Be careful! You (spill) coffee on the carpet.

4. I (be) a pianist when I grow up.

5. A: Why are you wearing the shoes at home?

B: I (stretch) them.

6. A: I’ve left my pencil at home.

B: Don’t worry - I (lend) you mine.

7. Quick. We (be) late!

8. I’ve made up my mind. I (apply) to the University of Florida.

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9. My head hurts. I’m coughing. I (be) ill.

10. A: I think the company should launch a new PR campaign.

B: That’s a good idea. I (raise) it at the next meeting.

11. A: I’ve got an awful sore throat.

B: Oh, dear. I (bring) you an aspirin.

12. A: Your hair needs a cut.

B: Oh really? I (go) to the hairdresser’s then.

13. A: Where are you going?

B: Home.
A: I (give) you a ride.

* Na podstawie symptomów 1-10 wywnioskuj, co może się wydarzyć.

There are black clouds in the sky.

It is going to rain.

1. The sun is coming out.

2. The ladder is unstable.
3. Simon is opening a bottle of wine.
4. The cyclist is ahead of his rivals.
5. He is leading in the polls for the presidential election.
6. I’ve missed the bus.
7. He hasn’t studied for the exam.
8. Katy has been lying unprotected in the sun for too long.
9. My computer is infected.
10. Tim has poured himself another glass of whisky.

4. |Utóż pytania dotyczące podkreślonych części zdań.

1. I am going to tell you a secret.

2. She is going to break up with her boyfriend.
3. Kim is going to eat brown bread from now on.
4. Jack is not going to say a word about that.
5. My brother is going to get married.
6. Steve is going to settle down one day.
7. We are going to get there by the end of the week.
8. His parents are going to split up in the near future.
9. Alice is going to open her office in Brussels.
10. Beth is going to spend the day cleaning.

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Be Going To

3 Po krótkim zaprzeczeniu przekształć zdania (1-10) według poniżej podanego wzoru,

dobierając odpowiednie uzupełnienie spośród wyrażeń (a-k).

Tina Turner is going to come back on stage.

No, she is not. S he is going to write an autobiography.

1. Starbucks is going to open coffee stores in Poland.

2. E-learning is going to replace traditional education.
3. David Beckham is going to act in a film.
4. Michael Jackson is going to move to India.
5. Maybach is going to launch a small family car.
6. Women skij umping is going to become a W inter Olympic Games sport.
7. Britney Spears is going to take some time off from the music industry.
8. The Bold and the Beautiful is going to end soon.
9. Madonna is going to open her own casino.
10. Steven Spielberg is going to make a Bolływood film.

a) Shoot a civil war epic about Abraham Lincoln.

b) It is going to move into entertainment.
c) Do another commercial.
d) Release a new album.
e) Introduce a new custom-built luxury vehicle.
f) Face another trial.
g) Give a world tour.
h) Grow in popularity.
i) Complement traditional education.
j) Be made into a movie.

. Future Continuous
asu Future Continuous

Forma twierdząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot Will Be Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She ’ll be sleeping
She will be sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Not Be Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She won’t be sleeping
She will not be sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

W ill Podmiot Be Czasow nik+ing Yes Podmiot Will
I Yes, I/we/you/they will
you he/she/it
Will she be sleeping?
it W Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot W ill+ n o t
you No, I/we/you/they won’t
they he/she/it


I Czasu Future Continuous używamy w następujących przypadkach:

■ Gdy mamy zamiar powiedzieć, że czynność bądź sytuacja będzie odbywata się
w określonym momencie w przyszłości, albo kiedy coś innego wydarzy się i prawdopod
obnie będzie trwać da Iej.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 69
Future Continuous

This time next week, I will be throwing a party.

0 tej porze w przyszłym tygodniu będę wydawać przyj ęcie.

1 will be waiting fo r you in the library.

Będę czekać na ciebie w bibliotece.

Tomorrow at eight, we will be sitting on the plane to New York.

Jutro o godzinie ósmej będziemy siedzieć w samolocie do Nowego Jorku.

■ Gdy mamy zamiar powiedzieć, że czynność bądź sytuacja, która ma nastąpić

w przyszłości, będzie zgodna z usta Ioną koIeją rzeczy, kiedy uważamy ją za coś naturalnego.

I will be seein g them soon.

Będę się z nimi wkrótce widzieć.

You will be picking up children from school, won’t you?

Odbierzesz dzieci ze szkoły, prawda?

The football team will be staying at the Hilton.

Drużyna futbolowa będzie przebywać w Hiltonie.

■ By wyrazić przypuszczenie dotyczące teraźniejszości lub przyszłości.

M egan won’t be sleeping now. Przypuszczam, że Megan teraz nie śpi.

They will be getting home ju st about now. Przypuszczam, że właśnie docierają do


H e will be having his breakfast now. Przypuszczam, że on teraz je


■ Kiedy pytamy kogoś o zamierzenia, zwłaszcza jeśli chcemy prosić o przysługę. Stosując
tę konstrukcję unikamy podejrzeń, że chcemy wpłynąć na zamiary osoby, do której jest kie­
rowane zapytanie.

A: Will you be reading the new spaper? Czy będziesz czytać tę gazetę?
B: No, I ’ve rea d what I wanted. Nie, przeczytałem już to, co chciałem.
A: Could I borrow it, then? Mogę w takim razie ją wziąć?

W hen will you be com ing hom e? Kiedy wrócisz do domu?

Will you be driving to the airport? Będziesz jechać na lotnisko?

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Jak wszystkie inne formy czasu przyszłego, Future Continuous nie może być użyty
w zdaniach zaczynających się od wyrazów: when, while, after, before, by the time, if,
unless, provided.

Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się o czyjeś zamierzenia na przyszłość, unikaj czasu Future Simple.
Użycie tego czasu sugerowałoby, że skłaniamy kogoś do pewnej czynności. Użyj czasu
Future Continuous, by dać do zrozumienia, że chcesz obiektywnie zapytać o czyjeś plany.


Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Future Continuous albo Future Simple,

dokonując zmian w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba.

A: Is it Tuesday tomorrow?
B: Yes, why?
A: Oh, I dislike Tuesdays. It is the worst day of the week for me.
B: Most people dislike Mondays. They have to wake up early after a 2-day break.
Could you explain why tomorrow is going to be dreadful?
A: Because, as usual, I i(attend) a meeting of the Board, which is as boring as hell.
I 2 (report) what our unit is doing and 3(answer) questions afterwards. Just
a complete waste of time.
B: Poor you. W hen you are in a meeting, I 4(get) out of town. My days off start
A: That’s great! A few days off work 5(do) you good.
B: I hope so. This 6(be) my first holiday in 4 years.
A: So, whiłe I am discussing routine issues, you 7(relax) and s(have) fun. That is not
realły fair.
B: But your days off 9(be) here in no time. Next Sunday when I am dealing with
millions of papers, you io(have) a great time with your famiły.
A: True. I wish it were Sunday. By the way, you li(drive) to the centre?
B: Yeah, do you want a lift?
A: Oh yes, please. I am picking up my sister from the railway station. She i2 (arrive)
in half an hour.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 71
Future Continuous

Napisz zdania w czasie Future Continuous dobierając do wyrażeń z kolumny A

wtaściwe zakończenia z kolumny B.

L arry will be diving in the R ed Sea.

Larry/dive a) to New York.
Simona/bask b) his title against Dimitri Kirilov.
Katy/fly back c) in the Red Sea.
Mark/travel d) out of student housing.
We/redecorate e) letter writing.
Greg/move out f) across Canada.
Luis Alberto Perez/defend g) in the morning sun.
I/land h) the whol e house.
Philip/testify i) a coastal lagoon habitat.
Alice/explore j) before the Tribunal.
We/study k) at Heathrow Airport.

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Future Continuous, dokonując zmian

w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba.

1. You (prepare) any food for that occasion?

2. I (check) in on 23 September.
3. Tim (discuss) this issue with the chairman next week.
4. Tomorrow this time we (lie) on the beach.
5. Don’t call me at 6 - I (work) out in the gym.
6. I (drive) to Berlin on Saturday.
7. You (use) this typewriter?
8. This time next week Amy (sit) by the pool.
9. What time you (come) home?
10. Good luck. We (keep) our fingers crossed for you.

4.1 Utoz pytania w czasie Future Continuous, aby uprzejmie zapytac o

1. what time he intends to start

2. how they plan to address the problem
3. when she intends to return the book
4. whether he plans to attend the tea party
5. what time she intends to check out
6. where he plans to stay
7. whether they intend to go to the polls
8. how she plans to get to the seaside
9. whether she intends to use the photocopier
10. when they plan to come home
11. whether he plans to bring his friends to the party

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

12. what time she intends to depart

13. whether they intend to dine out

Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w Future Continuous, Future Simple albo

zastosuj zwrot be going to, dokonując zmian w strukturze zdania, o ile trzeba.

1. Tomorrow at lunchtime I (give) a presentation.

2. When you arrive, I (wait) for you.
3. Take the umbrella. It (rain).
4. What would you like to drink? I (have) green tea, please.
5. It is so hot in here. I (faint).
6. You (come) to my office at once?
7. You (have) some more cake?
8. This time next week, we (admire) the beauty of Dresden.
9. Tonight at 7 p.m., they (give) a press conference.
10. Good luck. We (be) in touch.
11. Good luck. We (cheer) on you.
12. Dennis, you (do) me a favor?
13.W hat do you need it for? I (drill) a hole.
14. Do you have any plans for the long weekend? Yes, we (visit) our friends in
15. In the afternoon I (study) for my finals.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 73
1 2 . Future Perfect
Tworzenie czasu Future Perfect

Forma twierdząca Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Have III Forma Czasownika I
I You
You He
He She ’ll have slept
She will have slept It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma przecząca I Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Not Have III Forma Czasownika I
I You
You He
He She won’t have slept
She will not have slept It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma pytająca ■ Krótka odpowiedź

W ill Podmiot Have III Forma Czasownika Yes Podmiot W ill
I Yes, I/we/you/they will
you he/she/it
Will she have slept?
it W Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot W ill+ n o t
you No, I/we/you/they won’t
they he/she/it


I Czasu Future Perfect używamy w następujący przypadkach:

■ By stwierdzić, że dana czynność bądź sytuacja zostanie ukończona do określonej chwili

w przyszłości.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

J u d e will have com pleted his doctoral thesis by May.

Jude skończy swój doktorat przed maj em.

T h e actress will have signed the contract by the beginning of Septem ber.
Aktorka podpisze kontrakt przed początkiem września.

T h e jury will not have d eliv ered the verdict until next week.
Ława przysięgłych nie ogłosi werdyktu do następnego tygodnia.

■ By powiedzieć, że dany stan będzie trwał, określając przy tym od jak dawna.

I will have been in Warsaw fo r exactly twenty y ea rs by 2 0 0 7 .

W 2007 roku upłynie dokładnie dziesięć lat, odkąd jestem w Warszawie.

Jim will have worked as a repo rter fo r ten y ea rs by the end o f this year.
Pod koniec roku upłynie dziesięć lat, odkąd Jim pracuje jako reporter.

I will have studied three foreign languages fo r two y ea rs next semester.

W przyszłym semestrze upłyną dwa lata, odkąd uczę się trzech języków obcych.

■ By wyrazić przekonanie, że jakaś czynność została wykonana.

The plane will have taken o ff by now, so don’t bother to rush to the airport.
Samolot już pewnie odleciał, więc daruj sobie pośpiech na lotnisko.

W zdaniach w Future Perfect często występują takie określenia czasowe jak: by, by the
time, before, until/till, by then.


Future Perfect wskazuje na przeszłość w przyszłości.


1 . 1Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Future Perfect.

1. By the time I complete my degree, I (gain) expertise in writing protocols.

2. Tom (recover) by then.
3. I (not learn) my lines until tomorrow.
4. Tony (live) in Morocco for a decade by 2007.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 75
Future Perfect

5. We (know) each other for two years next May.

6. By dinner time Rob (finish) packing.
7.Mr Taylor (pay) off his debts by the time he takes out a new loan.
8. Sue (peel) all potatoes in two hours’ time.
9.The plane (land) by 7.
10. Paul (finish) his apprenticeship by the end of the month.
11. I (repair) the tap by 4 p.m.
12. Next year we (be) married for seven years.

Beth urządza przyjęcie urodzinowe w sobotę 27 maja o godzinie 18-tej.

Napisz w czasie Future Perfect, co zrobi Beth, aby przygotować urodziny,

1. make a guest list (by Sun 14th)

2. plan a menu (by Mon 15th)
3. make a shopping list (by Fri 19th)
4. plan some activities such as games or karaoke (by Sun 21st)
5. do the shopping (by Mon 22nd)
6. choose the music (by Tue 23rd)
7. bake cakes and cook dishes (by Wed 24th)
8. clean the whoł e house (by Thu 25th)
9. put up decorations (by Fri 26st)
10. borrow extra chairs and tables from a neighbour (by 2 o’clock on Saturday )
11. order flowers (by 3 o’clock on Saturday)
12. prepare saład dressing and sandwiches (by 4 o’clock on Saturday)

*■ Napisz w czasie Future Perfect zaprzeczenie prognoz wyrażonych w poniższych zdaniach

według wzoru,

The world’s population will have doubled by 2015.

No, the w orld’s population won’t have doubled until 2 0 6 0 .

1. People will have constructed flying cars by 2050.

2. Scientists will have discovered a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by 2009.
3. People will have conquered the solar system by 2050.
4. The Earth’s temperature will have risen by 8°C by the end of this decade.
5. The European Union will have taken in Turkey by 2012.
6. Warsaw will have had 5 subway lines built by 2020.
7. The polar ice cap will have melted by the end of the century.
8. Two-thirds of the world’s plant species will have disappeared by 2020.

4 l Moda na sukces" emitowana jest od poniedziałku do piątku o 16, babcia Petera uwielbia
ten serial. Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania w czasie Future Perfect,

1. How many episodes will she have watched after a month?

Darmowe ebooki:
L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

2. She has been watching the soap every day and records it when she is not at home.
Next month she will be away for two weeks. How many episodes will she have
recorded by the time she returns home?
3. She drinks two cups of herbal tea while watching each episode. How many cups
of tea will she have drunk after a week? She drinks tea only when the soap is
being broadcast.
4. Each episode runs for 30 minutes. How many hours will she have spent in front
of the TV screen watching the soap after a week?

Twój kolega wkrótce zdaje egzamin z języka angielskiego. Nie czuje się zbyt pewnie.
Dodaj mu otuchy. Ułóż zdania 1-8 w czasie Future Perfect według wzoru.

Catch up (in two weeks’ time).

You will have caught up in two w eeks’ time.

1. Get acquainted with examination requirements (before you know it).

2. Revise your grammar and vocabulary (by the end of next month).
3. Learn new grammatical structures (by May).
4. Improve your English skills (before the spring comes).
5. Extend your existing knowledge (before you take the exam).
6. Develop your writing skills (by the end of the semester).
7. Consolidate your learning from the previous two years (before the exam).

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 77
13 . Future Perfect Continuous
Tworzenie czasu Future Perfect Continuous

■ Forma twierdząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Have Been Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She ’ll have been sleeping
She will have been sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma przecząca ■ Forma ściągnięta

Podmiot W ill Not Have Been Czasow nik+ing I
I You
You He
He She won’t have been sleeping
She will not have been sleeping It
It We
We You
You They

■ Forma pytająca I Krótka odpowiedź

W ill Podmiot Have been Czasow nik+ing Yes Podmiot W ill
I Yes, I/we/you/they will
you he/she/it
Will she have been sleeping
it W Krótka odpowiedź
we No Podmiot W ill+ n o t
you No, I/we/you/they won’t
they he/she/it


I Czasem Future Perfect Continuous posługujemy się by:

■ Zaznaczyć, że jakiś stan będzie trwać przez pewien określony czas w konkretnym
momencie w przyszłości, i być może będzie trwać i poźniej.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

We will have been negotiating the contract fo r two months by May.

W maju miną dwa miesiące, odkąd negocjujemy kontrakt.

Holly will have been delivering letters fo r five hours by 6 o ’clock.

0 szóstej upłynie pięć godzin, odkąd Holly roznosi listy.

1 will have been driving fo r ten hours by the time I g e t home.

Zanim dotrę do domu, będę prowadzić od dziesięciu godzin.

■ Stwierdzić, że dana czynność będzie spodziewaną przyczyną sytuacji, którą

przewidujemy w przyszłości,

H e will be tired when he gets home because he will have been w eeding the
flow erbeds fo r a few hours.
Będzie zmęczony, kiedy wróci do domu, ponieważ będzie plewić grządki od paru

Zazwyczaj Future Perfect Continuous stosuje się z określeniami czasowymi zaczynającymi

się na by,


Jeśli nie podajesz przeciągu trwania danej czynności lub sytuacji (np, for two hours, for an hour,
since May), lepiej użyj czasu Future Continuous zamiast Future Perfect Continuous,


"U Używając czasów Future Perfect i Future Perfect Continuous przedstaw jak Robbie
Williams będzie realizował swój projektowany rozkład dnia,

7 :3 0 -8 :0 0 eat breakfast
8 :0 0 -1 0 :0 0 take part in a photographic session
1 1 :0 0 -1 1 :3 0 sign a new contract
1 1 :3 0 -1 2 :3 0 give an interview
1 2 :3 0 -1 3 :0 0 meet fans
1 3 :0 0 -1 4 :0 0 hold a press conference
1 4 :0 0 -1 5 :0 0 have lunch
1 5 :3 0 -1 7 :0 0 play a charity concert
1 7 :0 0 -1 9 :0 0 appear at the MTV Music Awards
1 9 :0 0 -2 0 :0 0 have dinner

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 79
Future Perfect Continuous

By 7:40 Robbie Wilłiams will have been eating for a few minutes.
By 1 1 :2 0 _______ .
By 1 2 :4 5 _______ .
By 1 3 :3 0 _______ .
By 1 5 :4 5 _______ .
By 1 9 :1 0 _______ .
By 2 0 :1 5 _______ .

Rozbuduj zdania 1-5 wyrażeniami zawartymi w nawiasach. Wszystkie zdania uzupełniające

sformułuj w czasie Future Perfect Continuous, aby poinformować, co będzie przyczyną
sytuacji, której się spodziewamy w przyszłości,

1. Nick will be exhausted when he gets home. (drive all day)

2. My French will be excellent when I return to Połand. (study French for three
3. Sue will feel much better when she leaves hospital. (recover for two weeks)
4. Phiłip will be relaxed when he comes from hołiday. (rej uvenate in Davos for over
a month)
5. The soldier will be very sleepy when he returns to camp. (stand guard all night)

*■ Używając wytłuszczonego słowa, ułóż drugie zdanie o podobnym znaczeniu co pierwsze.

Zastosuj różne formy czasu przyszłego,

1. What do you want me to get you for dinner?

s h a ll______ for dinner?
2. I have arranged to meet Simon tomorrow evening.
am tomorrow evening.
3. Mrs Colłette joined the company nearly a month ago, at the end of January.
been by the end of February.
4. The baby is due in May.
is baby in May.
5. We have decided to get married next summer.
are next summer.
6. I will not manage to write the report by 9 o’clock.
h a v e ______ until 9 o’clock.
7. She has this annoying habit of wearing mini skirts, which drives me mad.
w ear , which drives me mad.
8. He refuses to eat fresh vegetables.
n o t ________ fresh vegetables.
9. Where are you planning to stay?
b e _______ staying?
10. The president is likely to stop the seal hunt.
p o ssib ly ______ the seal hunt.

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

4. |Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Future Perfect lub Future Perfect

A: What is troubling you?

B: Nothing at all. It is just that ... There is so much going on. My wife says that
I work too hard. But there is so much competition nowadays that you must stay
on top of everything to succeed. If I keep working to the best of my ability,
I i(receive) my promotion by December.
A: I see. Do you work overtime?
B: Oh yes, regularly. I am an assistant to an attorney, so I must work hard to make
sure everything is running and up to date.
A: How long have you been with the firm?
B: Next week, I 2(be) with the firm for five years.
A: Do you have a guilty conscience as to the amount you work?
B: No. Why should I? I work hard because I have to. Many of my colleagues
can’t do what I do.
A: And do you happen to work through days and nights consecutively?
B: Yes, but only if my boss demands a greater effort. Now, for example, I am
preparing a very important contract. By the end of July I 3(work) on it for two
A: I see.
B: And by the time I finish it, I 4(perfect) my legal skills.
A: Do you have any interests apart from your job?
B: Well, my job leaves no time for anything else. Doctor, is there anything wrong
with that?

5. |Czasowniki podane w nawiasach wstaw w czasie Future Perfect lub Future Perfect

1. He (serve) a two-year sentence for theft by then.

2. Next semester Chris (study) accounting for two years.
3. By then, David (wait) for almost two years for a visa.
4. Vince (repair) the roof for a few hours when Lynn gets home.
5. By the end of this year, he (be) replaced by a younger actor.
6. Peter (be) in the navy for 20 years by the end of next month.
7. If everything goes well, I (write) my doctoral thesis in May.
8. By 2007 we (live) in Nashville for 10 years.
9. I read 30 pages a day. If I keep up the pace, I (read) the book by Monday.
10. I will be back in shape when I return home from holiday. I (jog) for two months.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 81
1-b 15-a
2-b 16-c
3-a 17-b
4-c 18-c
5-a 19-a
6-a 20-b
7-c 21-c
8-b 22-c
9-a 23-b
10-b 24-a
11-b 25-c
12-a 26-b
13-c 27-c


1- 3­
1. works 1. I don’t experiment with my recipes.
2. does not 2. He doesn’t deliver newspapers to earn some extra
3. read money.
4. keeps 3. They don’t eat vegetables and drink milk.
5. wake, goes 4. My grandmother doesn't knit sweaters for us.
6. charges 5. My sister doesn’t listen to all sorts of music.
7. reads 6. We don’t eat three meals a day.
8. likes 7. My boss doesn't smoke Cuban cigars.
9. does not know 8. She doesn’t wear funny round glasses.
10. makes 9. My garden doesn’t overlook a magnificent waterfall.
11. do not migrate 10. I don't take sugar in my coffee.
12. takes 11. My neighbours don’t gossip about everyone they
13. eat know.
14. gives 12. We don’t cater to birthday parties and wedding
15. collects receptions.
13. They never fight over everything.
14. My friends don’t throw parties to please them­
2- selves.
15. I don’t get angry when people talk behind my
Sugerowane odpowiedzi back.
1. read/rides
2. clean up
3. talks 4.
4. eat
5. works out 1. What do you usually drink for lunch?
6. serve/sell 2. What does she never do before she comes over?
7. makes 3. What does my boss often do while talking?
8. complains 4. What do you read to send yourself to sleep?
9. drives 5. What do we seldom do these days?
10. smiles 6. How often do you study English?
11. growl 7. How does he always spread butter on his bread?
12. follows 8. Where do they live?
13. buys, brings 9. What do polar bears eat?
14. try 10. What does my brother want to become?
15. attends

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

5- 8­
Sugerowane odpowiedzi 1. when
1. They fight fire. 2. when
2. She presents the news. 3. if
3. He drives a lorry. 4. if
4. She plays the piano. 5. when
5. We pick fruit. 6. when
6. He produces films. 7. if
7. He hunts deer. 8. when
8. He collects refuse. 9. when
9. They develop software 10. if
10. She decorates the interiors of homes, businesses,
hotels, etc.

B. 1. always
1. a 2. usually
2. b 3. often/frequently
3. a 4. sometimes
4. a 5. occasionally
5. a 6. rarely/hardly ever
7. never
8. once a day
9. ever

10. every second year
1. No, they don’t. They feed on hay, grass, oats.
2. No, they don’t. Penguins live in the Antarctic.
3. No, it doesn’t. Water boils at 100°C. 10­
4. No, they don’t. Cats purr when they are pleased/
Dogs stick their tongues out. 1. select
5. No, it doesn’t. The Earth orbits the Sun. 2. open
6. No, it doesn't. The Vistula enters the Baltic Sea. 3. put in
7. No, they don’t. Tigers live in Asia. 4. makes
8. No, he doesn’t. David Beckham plays for Real 5. insert
Madrid. 6. wait
9. No, it doesn’t. Coffee grows in Brazil. 7. switch off
10. No, it doesn't. Yeti lives in the Himalayas. Nessie 8. take out
lives there. 9. comes
11. No, they don’t. Cuckoos lay their eggs in other
birds’ nests.
12. No, he doesn’t. James Bond works for the British
Secret Service.


i- 2­
1. When are you leaving? 1. is giving
2. What is she trying to do? 2. is operating
3. Why are you wearing this suit? 3. is checking
4. Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? 4. is talking
5. Whom are you seeing tonight? 5. is helping
6. Where are you hurrying to at this hour? 6. is taking
7. Why are you doing this to me? 7. is taking
8. What is he getting at? 8. is feeding
9. What is she waiting for? 9. is performing
10. How is he doing as a father? 10. is escorting

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 83

*■ B.
1. My parents aren’t buying new furniture for their 1. am studying
house. 2. is rehearsing
2. I am not thinking about leaving my job. 3. is throwing, is always partying
3. We aren’t planning to move to the suburbs. 4. is getting, improves
4. She isn’t reading her old diary. 5. Are you going away, are going
5. Liz isn’t dying her hair green and pink. 6. uses, comes
6. He isn’t cutting a piece of bread. 7. is baking
7. The workers aren't striking over unfair labour practices. 8. is it going, am getting tired
8. We aren’t redecorating our guest rooms. 9. does he do
9. The cat isn’t licking its paws. 10. does, do
10. My neighbour isn’t drilling holes in the wall.

4- 1. To whom is she reading a bedtime story?

1-d 2. What are you drinking?
2-i 3. What is the child doing?
3-h 4. What is the teacher explaining?
4-a 5. What are you shopping for?
5-j 6. Who is cleaning the bird cage?
6-g 7. When is Matthew sailing for Barbuda?
7-f 8. What is Andy translating?
8-e 9. How is she whisking the eggs?
9-b 10. Where are they basking?

5­ 1-e
1. are attending vegetarian food fairs 2-c
2. am seeing an important customer 3-f
3. am having lunch with a sales manager 4-d
4. am attending a conference on food safety 5-a
5. am moving out to a new house 6-b
6. am taking a business trip to Poland 7-g


1. J.
1. The Smiths sold their house and moved to 1. lookes, saw
Vancouver. 2. fell, broke
2. I went to bed, but I didn’t sleep a wink. 3. called
3. Philip studied law at Glasgow University. 4. paid, owed
4. How did you make your first million? 5. bit, heard
5. Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809. 6. left
6. My brother set up in business as a confectioner. 7. stood
7. Martin sued the newspaper for libel, and he won. 8. grew
8. When did you last see him? 9. took
9. Amy joined the company in 2001. 10. picked, listened, ran
10. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a child. 11. parked, got, approached
12. sat, read
13. took, wiped
14. dropped
15. called

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

3­ 5­
1. No, he didn’t. Orhan Pamuk won the 2006 Nobel 1. How did your exams go?
for literature. 2. What did the child eat?
2. No, he didn't. Columbus discovered America. 3. What did the thief steal?
3. No, he didn't. Michael Jackson underwent many 4. Who(m) did the police arrest?
plastic surgeries. 5. Where did Mr Olive study economics?
4. No, she didn’t. Arthur Conan Doyle created Sherlock 6. When did the Prime Minister open the industrial
Holmes. park?
5. No, it wasn't. Gniezno was the first capital of Poland. 7. What did Mike install?
6. No, they didn't. The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. 8. How many times did the phone ring before I picked
7. No, she didn't. Catherine the Great reigned over Russia. it up?
8. No, he didn't. Johann Gutenberg invented the printing 9. Who made a terrible mistake?
press. 10. Why did he lose the game?
9. No, he didn't. JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
10. No, he didn’t. Daedalus constructed the labyrinth.
11. No, he didn't. Yuri Gagarin became the first man
in space. B.
12. No, he didn't. John Travolta starred in Saturday
Night Fever. 1. was
2. belonged
3. thought
4­ 4. what did you do
5. learnt
1. drank 6. defended
2. answered 7. protested
3. left 8. did
4. bought/brought 9. said
5. took 10. was
6. showed
7. dreamed
8. went, won
9. sat
10. made


i- 2 .
1. While the kettle was boiling, she was taking 1. was parking, stopped
out/took out a cup from the cupboard. 2. broke, was bird watching
2. The postman arrived while we were packing for a 3. were demonstrating, was opening
trip to Florida. 4. rang, was proofreading
3. I was making my bed when I heard a cat meowing. 5. sprained, was getting
4. She met her future husband while she was staying 6. was whistling, was trimming
in Helsinki. 7. were searching, found
5. Tim was chatting online while the child was playing 8. arrived, were putting
with a toy. 9. burned, was poking
6. Alice cut her finger while she was chopping a carrot. 10. was browsing, went out
7. A doctor was examining me when a patient came in.
8. I ran into a friend of mine while I was shopping at
9. Dorothy saw a car accident while she was queuing
at the Main Post Office.
10. Jack heard the police siren while he was going to bed.
11. It was raining when we left the restaurant.
12. What were you doing on 2 September?

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 85

3­ 6­
1. What was the actress rehearsing? 1. While, When
2. What did Martha hear while she was locking the 2. when
door? 3. when
3. What was Tom doing when a man came up to the 4. when
table? 5. While, When
4. What was David doing all afternoon? 6. when
5. Where were the children playing? 7. when
6. What was Ann trying to remove? 8. when
7. Where was it raining all night? 9. when
8. Who was pitching the tent in the yard? 10. While, When
9. Who were the fans cheering on?
10. Who/what was swimming in the pool?

1. was
4­ 2. was shining
3. were singing
1. Aunt Clarissa didn’t burst into my room while I was 4. were running
napping. She tiptoed into my room. 5. took
2. Kim wasn’t eating strawberries when Jim came 6. went
home. She was washing strawberries. 7. were walking
3. I wasn’t putting on my running shoes when the lace 8. jumped
broke. I was taking them off. 9. began
4. Brandon wasn’t running up the stairs when his keys 10. saw
fell out of his pocket. He was running down the 11. started
stairs. 12. were walking
5. We weren’t watching a match when the lights went 13. was holding
off. We were watching a film. 14. broke
6. The secretary wasn’t filling out any papers when 15. started
Chris walked into the office. She was eating a cake. 16. gained
7. Beth wasn’t peeling potatoes when she heard her 17. caught
husband opening the front door. She was mashing 18. didn’t know
them. 19. sniffed
20. let

5­ 8-
1. While Sue was writing an essay, Jerry was revising a) Friday
for his exam. Then, they invited friends.
2. He got home while I was sleeping. Next, they planned picnic activities.
3. Tim was washing the dishes when a plate fell off Finally, they did the shopping for the picnic.
the shelf.
4. Jack was withdrawing money from the ATM Saturday
machine when his credit card company charged him First, they prepared food.
the wrong amount. Then, they filled a picnic basket with food and
5. We were lying on the beach when a big wave picnic essentials.
crashed on the shore. Finally, they went to the picnic site.
6. I was changing a light bulb when I lost my balance
and fell over. b) Friday
7. Chris was sleeping when a knock at the door awoke They were inviting friends.
him. They were planning picnic activities.
8. What were you doing when the accident happened? They were doing the shopping for the picnic.
9. They were playing darts when a quarrel broke out.
10. While I was speeding down a hill, a hare ran in Saturday
front of the car. They were preparing food and beverages.
They were filling a picnic basket with food and
picnic essentials.
They were going to the picnic site.

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i- 5­
1. has never travelled 1. They haven’t bought a wedding dress or tuxedo.
2. have never seen 2. They have booked the church.
3. have lost 3. They haven’t chosen a reception venue.
4. have been 4. They have selected a band.
5. Have you seen 5. They haven’t hired a caterer.
6. Where have you been? 6. They have found a professional photographer.
7. has just left 7. They haven’t arranged for transport.
8. have you tried 8. They haven’t ordered a wedding cake.
9. have you done
10. has lost
11. Has there ever been B-
12. have met
1. We haven’t heard from you for ages.
13. haven’t been
2. How long have you been married?
14. haven’t slept
3. Sue hasn’t learnt how to drive a car.
15. Have you ever skipped
4. I still haven’t made up my mind what I want to be
when I grow up.
5. I have never studied abroad.
2­ 6. The art gallery has had this painting for two years.
7. Nick has lived in Boston since his childhood.
1. have returned 8. Bob hasn’t awoken yet.
2. had
3. have travelled
4. have been 7-
5. arrived
6. left 1-a
7. felt 2-a
8. had 3-b
9. was 4-a
10. was 5-a
11. I have ever had

3. 8­
1. since 1. has just released
2. for 2. won
3. since 3. were
4. since 4. has taught
5. for 5. has never voted
6. since 6. didn’t drink
7. since 7. lived
8. for 8. have worked
9. for 9. defeated
10. since 10. Whom did Shakespeare marry?
11. parked, got out, locked
12. haven’t written
4­ 13. loved, lived
14. left
1. I haven’t smoked since May 3rd 2000. 15. hasn’t been, got
2. I haven’t lost my temper since February last year.
3. We haven’t talked to each other for over a year.
4. He hasn’t played a match since 2005.
5. We haven't travelled across Europe since last summer.
6. I haven’t used Windows for a month.
7. Grace has been a business unit manager since 2002.
8. We haven’t been to Madrid since 1990.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 87

9] m9

1-j 1. Have you ever cheated in an exam?

2-f No, I have never cheated in an exam.
3-d 2. Have you ever copied someone else’swork?
4-h Yes, I have copied someone else’s work once before.
5-a 3. Have you ever forgotten your ID tag?
6-i Yes, I have forgotten my ID tag once or twice.
7-g 4. Have you ever played truant?
8-b Yes, I have played truant several times this school year.
9-c 5. Have you ever performed in a school play?
10-e No, I haven’t performed in a school play yet.
6. Have you ever been late to school?
Yes, I have been late to school three times this
school year.
7. Have you ever lied to a teacher?
No, I have never lied to a teacher.
8. Have you ever come to class unprepared?
Yes, I have come to class unprepared four times
since school began.
9. Have your parents ever been contacted?
Yes, they have been contacted on a number
of occasions.


1- 3-
1-d 1-a
2-e 2-b
3-i 3-b
4-e 4-a
5-a 5-a
6-g 6-a

1. I have been weeding the garden since 10 o’clock.
2. Helen has been dancing professionally since 1997.
2­ 3. We have had a new coffee machine for two months.
4. Roger has been shopping for over two hours.
1. have done 5. Lynn has been reading the book since noon.
2. has been thundering and raining
3. has been horse riding
4. has been drinking 5­
5. have you been
6. has been jogging 1. How long have you been wearing glasses?
7. have cooked 2. Steve has been to the USA twice so far.
8. has been seeing 3. I have known Tom for ten years.
9. have known 4. Paul has been delivering papers since 8 o’clock.
10. have learnt 5. Someone has been using my computer without my
11. have been complaining knowledge.
12. have had 6. I haven't been dieting/haven’t dieted lately.
13. has been feeling 7. My feet hurt. I have been walking all day.
14. has been standing 8. Annie has been sleeping badly recently.
15. has been losing 9. The band have been playing together for two years.
10. He has been coaching since 1998.

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i- 4­
1. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 1. After I had bought a coffee table, Carrie found
polished his shoes. a similar one at a lower price.
2. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 2. He had written his first novel by the time he
washed his clothes. graduated from Oxford University.
3. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 3. Alice began/had begun to walk before she spoke her
cooked a meal in his life. first word.
4. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 4. As soon as Clair went into the room, she knew she
eaten anything other than homemade meals. had been there before.
5. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 5. The concert had begun by the time we arrived at
cleaned the house. the venue.
6. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 6. After Charles (had) made a fortune in the stock
made his bed. market, he supported a number of charities.
7. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 7. We had had that cottage for twenty years before it
bought his own clothes. fell down.
8. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 8. I didn't go to see the movie because I (had) watched
given parties. it before.
9. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 9. Simon hadn't had/didn't have a proper house before
dated a girl. he hit the jackpot.
10. Before Harry went to study abroad, he had never 10. David had lived in Cincinnati until he moved to
had a mobile phone San José.

1. composed, had never learnt 1. I had never been to an auction before.
2. got, had lost 2. After I had done the laundry, I hung it out to dry.
3. didn’t recognize, hadn’t met 3. When Lucy got a phone call, she had already
4. were, had never heard watered the houseplant.
5. saw, hadn’t yet paid off 4. By the time I turned ten, I had read most of the
6. retired, had worked classic horror novels.
7. had done, took 5. I had never wanted to come back to Europe before.
8. had already started, arrived 6. Paul didn’t join the Labour Party until he had
9. had never eaten, went graduated from Oxford.
10. was, had declined 7. When the alarm clock went off, I had washed my
11. had crossed hair.
12. had kept 8.The plane had taken off by the time Garry arrived at
13. had never heard, went the airport.
14. had had, acted
15. got married, had completed

1. The campaign team had invented a slogan, but they
hadn’t written a campaign song.
2. The campaign team hadn’t paid for TV ads, but they
had designed a campaign logo.
3. The campaign team hadn’t prepared leaflets and
posters, but they had ordered bumper stickers,
T-shirts and balloons with the logo.
4. The campaign team had paid for TV ads, but they
hadn’t made phone calls to the donors.
5. The campaign team had made phone calls to the
donors, and they had organised a whistle-stop tour.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 89


1- 3­
a) 1. They had been drinking and eating noisily for 2. When Jerry got there at 9.45, the scouts had been
a few hours before the police arrived. handing out bin liners for fifteen minutes.
2. They had been dancing wildly for a few hours 3. When Tom and Scott came at 10.20, the scouts had
before the police arrived. been emptying litter baskets for twenty minutes.
3. They had been playing CDs at full volume for 4. When she arrived there the scouts’ backs were aching
a few hours before the police arrived. as they had been picking up the litter (bottles, cans,
4. They had been shouting for a few hours before food wrappers, cigar tips, lids) for two hours.
the police arrived. 5. When Mike arrived at 13.40, the scouts had been
5. They had been fighting for a few hours before recording the litter found for ten minutes.
the police arrived. 6. When Martin and David came at 14.30, the scouts
had been taking the rubbish to a landfill site for half
b) 1. The policemen had been checking cars for some an hour.
time before they received a noise complaint.
2. The policemen had been issuing parking tickets for
some time before they received a noise complaint. 4­
3. The policemen had been watching for drunk 1. had been snowing, left
drivers/pedestrians for some time before they 2. had been working, was laid
received a noise complaint. 3. had been investigating, went
4. The policemen had been picking up truants for 4. had been living
some time before they received a noise complaint. 5. had been waiting
5. The policemen had been monitoring traffic for 6. had been raining
some time before they received a noise complaint. 7. had been repairing
8. had been lecturing, moved
9. went, had been feeling
2- 10. put, had been eating
1........... because I had been studying very hard.
2........... because she had been cleaning all morning.
3........... because she had been lying in the sun too long. 5­
4........... because he had been driving all day long.
5........... because he had been drinking the whole 1. Mr John Carrington said that he had been reading
evening. stock market reports, but actually he had been
6........... because she had been crying the whole night. examining the robbery plan.
7........... because he had been jogging. 2. Mr Richard Carrington said that he had been
8........... because it had been snowing heavily all night. watching wild birds, but actually he had been
9........... because I had been swimming for half an hour. observing the bank’s security guards.
10........... because he had been repairing his car. 3. Mrs Judy Carrington said that she had been
11........... because she had been painting the flat. planning a dinner party, but actually she had been
12........... because she had been working hard during planning an escape route.
her probationary period. 4. Mrs Elisabeth Carrington said that she had been
13........... because we had been laughing out loud. watching a firework display, but actually she had
14........... because he had been making private phone been preparing explosives.
calls. 5. Miss Veronica Carrington said that she had been
15........... because he had not been eating properly. making her own clothes, but actually she had been
cutting eyeholes in the masks.
6. May said that she had been polishing silver, but
actually she had been stealing jewellery.
7. Jack said that he had been cleaning the cellar, but
actually he had been drinking vintage wine in the
8. Bernie said that he had been writing a request for
a pay rise, but actually he had been forging
Mr Carrington’s signature.

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i- 4­
Sugerowane odpowiedzi 1. Will you stop fidgeting!
1. I will explain it to you. 2. Jim won’t go to a doctor.
2. I will help you to carry it/lend you a hand. 3. When shall I arrive?
3. I will close the window/turn up the heater. 4. The director will see you now.
4. I will get you an aspirin. 5. Shall we go out tonight?
5. I will give you a lift. 6. All payments shall be made no later than May 31.
6. I will take it out. 7. I will call you tomorrow.
7. I will take him for a walk.
8. I will get you a coffee.
9. I will buy some.
10. I will tidy it/clean it up. 5­
11. I will repair/fix it.
1. If you don’t turn the volume down, I will call the
12. I will go and pick them up/collect them.
13. I will mow/cut it.
2. If you don’t keep to the hours of work, I will fire you.
3. If you aren't quiet, I will punish you.
4. If you don’t give me a pay rise, I will quit.
2. 5. If you don’t improve your grades, I will deductone
Sugerowane odpowiedzi pound each day from your pocket money.
1. I will eat healthy food. 6. If you don’t give me a refund, I will sue you.
2. I will learn to program it. 7. If you don’t pick up your room, I will throw away
3. I will start dieting. everything that I find on the floor.
4. I will quit smoking. 8. If you don’t clean up the table, I wont allow you to
5. I will get out of debt/I’ll make it back in the black. eat with us.
6. I will enrol on a language course. 9. If you don’t tell the whole truth, I will lock you in
7. I will enjoy my life more. your room until you confess.
8. I will become more assertive. 10. If you don’t stop harassing me, I will report you.
9. I will plan my expenses carefully.
10. I will stay in more often and read books.

Sugerowane odpowiedzi
1. No, it won’t. It will stop growing by the end of the
21st century.
2. No, they won’t. People will travel to the moon.
3. No, it won’t. Distance learning will support
traditional methods of education.
4. No, they won’t. Cars will run on sugar cane.
5. No, they won’t. People will live in smaller houses.
6. No, they won’t. People will eat convenience food.
7. No, they won’t. People will use biomass to produce
8. No, it won’t. Warsaw will have two airports.
9. No, they won’t. People will have shorter careers.
10. No, it won’t. The Arctic will become warmer.

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i- 4­
1. is going to study for a math exam. 1. What are you going to tell me?
2. is going to stay in and watch Mad TV. 2. What is she going to do?
3. is going to take the car to the garage. 3. What is she going to eat from now on?
4. is having a job interview at 2.30. 4. What isn’t he going to say?
5. is attending the school reunion at 8 p.m. 5. Who is going to get married?
6. is going to the dentist’s at 4 p.m. 6. When is he going to settle down?
7. is going to a passport office. 7. When are we going to get there?
8. What are his parents going to do in the near future?
9. Where is she going to open her office?
10. How is she going to spend the day?

1. will go
2. are going to run 5­
3. are going to spill
4. am going to be 1. Starbucks is going to open coffee stores in Poland.
5. am going to stretch No, it is not. It is going to move into entertainment.
6. will lend 2. E-learning is going to replace traditional education.
7. are going to be No, it is not. It is going to complement traditional
8. am going to apply education.
9. am going to be 3. David Beckham is going to act in a film. No, he is
10. will raise not. He is going to do another commercial.
11. will bring 4. Michael Jackson is going to move to India. No, he is
12. will go not. He is going to face another trial.
13. will give 5. Maybach is going to launch a small family car. No,
it is not. It is going to introduce a new custom-built
luxury vehicle.
3- 6. Women skijumping is going to become a Winter
Olympic Games sport. No, it is not. It is going to
Sugerowane odpowiedzi grow in popularity, though.
1. It is going to be a beautiful day. 7. Britney Spears is going to take some time off from
2. The ladder is going to collapse. the music industry. No, she is not. She is going to
3. Simon is going to drink wine. give a world tour.
4. The cyclist is going to win. 8. The Bold and the Beautiful is going to end soon. No,
5. He is going to become president. it is not. It is going to be made into a movie.
6. I am going to be late. 9. Madonna is going to open her own casino. No, she
7. He is going to fail the exam. is not. She is going to release a new album.
8. Katy is going to get sunburnt. 10. Steven Spielberg is going to make a Bollywood
9. It is going to crash. film. No, he is not. He is going to shoot a civil war
10. He is going to get drunk. epic about Abraham Lincoln.

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i- 4­
1. will be attending 1. What time will you be starting?
2. will be reporting 2. How will you be addressing the issue?
3. (will be) answering 3. When will you be returning the book?
4. will be getting 4. Will you be attending the tea party?
5. will do 5. What time will you be checking out?
6. will be 6. Where will you be staying?
7. will be relaxing 7. Will you be going to the polls?
8. (will be) having fun 8. How will you be getting to the seaside?
9. will be 9. Will you be using the photocopier?
10. will be having 10. Will you be coming home?
11. will you be driving 11. Will you be brining friends to the party?
12. will be arriving 12. When will you be departing?
13. Will you be dining out?

1. Simona will be basking in the morning sun.
2. Katy will be flying back to New York. 5­
3. Mark will be travelling across Canada.
4. We will be redecorating the whole house. 1. will be giving
5. Greg will be moving out of student housing. 2. will be waiting
6. Luis Alberto Perez will be defending his title 3. is going to rain
against Dimitri Kirilov. 4. will have
7. I will be landing at Heathrow Airport. 5. am going to faint
8. Philip will be testifying before the Tribunal. 6. Will you come
9. Alice will be exploring a coastal lagoon habitat. 7. Will you have
10. We will be studying letter writing. 8. will be admiring
9. will be giving
10. will be
11. will be cheering
3­ 12. will you do
13. am going to drill
1. Will you be preparing 14. are going to visit
2. will be checking 15. will be studying
3. will be discussing
4. will be lying
5. will be working
6. will be driving
7. Will you be using
8. will be sitting
9. will you be coming
10. will be keeping

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 93


i- 4­
1. will have gained 1. After a month Peter’s grandma will have watched
2. will have recovered twenty episodes.
3. won’t have learnt 2. By the time she returns home, she will have
4. will have lived recorded ten episodes.
5. will have known 3. After a week she will have drunk ten cups of herbal
6. will have finished tea.
7. will have paid 4. After a week she will have spent 150 minutes in
8. will have peeled front of the TV screen watching the soap.
9. will have landed
10. will have finished
11. will have repaired
12. will have been 5­
1. You will have got acquainted with examination
requirements before you know it.
2­ 2. You will have revised your grammar and vocabulary
by the end of next month.
1. She will have made a guest list by Sun 14th. 3. You will have learnt new grammatical structures by
2. She will have planned a menu by Mon 15th. May.
3. She will have made a shopping list by Fri 19th. 4. You will have improved your English skills before
4. She will have planed some activities such as games the spring comes.
or karaoke by Sun 21st. 5. You will have extended your existing knowledge
5. She will have done the shopping by Mon 22nd. before you take the exam.
6. She will have chosen the music by Tue 23rd. 6. You will have developed your writing skills by the
7. She will have baked cakes and cooked dishes by end of the semester.
Wed 24th. 7. You will have consolidated your learning from the
8. She will have cleaned the whole house by previous two years before the exam.
Thu 25th.
9. She will have put up decorations by Fri 26st .
10. She will have borrowed extra chairs and tables
from a neighbour by 2 o’clock on Saturday.
11. She will have ordered flowers by 3 o’clock on
12. She will have prepared salad dressing and sand­
wiches by 4 o’clock on Saturday.

Sugerowane odpowiedzi
1. No, they won’t have constructed flying cars until the
end of the twenty-second century.
2. No, scientists won’t have discovered a cure for
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s until 2010.
3. No, people won’t have conquered the solar system
until 3000.
4. No, the Earth’s temperature won’t have risen by 8°C
until the end of the century.
5. No, the European Union won’t have taken in Turkey
until 2020.
6. No, Warsaw won’t have had 5 subway lines built
until 2040.
7. No, the polar ice cap won’t have melted until 2200.
8. No, two-thirds of the world’s plant species won’t
have disappeared until 2100.

Darmowe ebooki:
L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y


i- 4­
1. By 11:20 he will have taken part in a photographic 1. will have received
session, and he will have been signing a new contract 2. will have been
for twenty minutes. 3. will have been working
2. By 12:45 he will have given an interview, and he 4. will have perfected
will have been meeting his fans for fifteen minutes.
3. By 13:30 he will have met his fans, and he will have
been holding a press conference for half an hour.
4. By 15:45 he will have had lunch, and he will have 5­
been playing a charity concert for fifteen minutes.
5. By 19:10 he will have appeared at the MTV Music 1. will have served
Awards, and he will have been having dinner for ten 2. will have been studying
minutes. 3. will have been waiting
6. By 20:15 he will have had dinner. 4. will have been repairing
5. will have been replaced
6. will have been
2­ 7. will have written
8. we will have been living
1. He will have been driving all day. 9. will have read
2. I will have been studying French for three years. 10. will have been jogging
3. She will have been recovering for two weeks.
4. He will have been rejuvenating in Davos for over a
5. He will have been standing guard all night.

1. What shall I get you for dinner?
2. I am meeting Simon tomorrow.
3. Mrs Colette will have been working in the company
for a month by the end of February.
4. She is going to have a baby in May.
5. We are getting married next summer.
6. I won’t have written the report until 9 o’clock.
7. She will wear mini skirts, which drives me mad.
8. He will not eat vegetables.
9. Where will you be staying?
10. The president will possibly stop the seal hunt.

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 95
Czasowniki nieregularne
bezokolicznik 2. forma 3. forma
abide abided/abode abided
arise arose arisen
awake awoke/awakened awoken
be was/were been
bear bore borne
beat beat beaten
become became become
befall befell befallen
begin began begun
behold beheld beheld
bend bent bent
beset beset beset
bestride bestrode bestridden
bet bet bet
bid bade/bid bid/bidden
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled
blow blew blown
break broke broken
breastfeed breastfed breastfed
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
broadcast broadcast broadcast
browbeat browbeat browbeaten
build built built
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst burst burst
bust bust (BrE)/busted (esp AmE) bust (BrE)/busted (esp AmE)
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
cleave cleft/cleaved cleft/cleaved

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

bezokolicznik 2. f o r m a 3. fo rm a
cling clung clung
come came come
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
dive dived/dove (AmE) dived
do did done
draw drew drawn
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
dwell dwelt/dwelled dwelt/dwelled
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
flee fled fled
fling flung flung

fly flew flown

forbid forbade/forbad forbidden
forecast forecast forecast
forego forewent foregone
foresee foresaw foreseen
foretell foretold foretold
forget forgot forgotten
forgive forgave forgiven
forsake forsook forsaken
freeze froze frozen
get got got/gotten (AmE)
give gave given
go went gone

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Czasowniki nieregularne

bezokolicznik 2. forma 3. forma

grind ground ground
grow grew grown
hang hung/hanged hung/hanged
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden/hid
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
inset inset inset
interbreed interbred interbred
interweave interwove interwoven
keep kept kept
kneel knelt/ kneeled (esp AmE) knelt/kneeled (esp AmE)
knit knit/knitted knit/knitted
know knew known
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leant (esp BrE)/leaned leant (esp BrE)/leaned
leap leapt/leaped (esp AmE) leapt/leaped (esp AmE)
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
lie lay lain
light lit/lighted lit/lighted
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
mishear misheard misheard
mislay mislaid mislaid
mislead misled misled
misread misread misread
misspell misspelt (BrE)/misspelled misspelt (BrE)/misspelled

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

bezokolicznik 2. f o r m a 3. fo rm a
mistake mistook mistaken
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood
mow mowed mown/mowed
outbid outbid outbid
outdo outdid outdone
outgrow outgrew outgrown
outrun outran outrun
outsell outsold outsold
overcast overcast overcast
overcome overcame overcome
overdo overdid overdone
overdraw overdrew overdrawn
overeat overate overeaten
overhang overhung overhung
overhear overheard overheard
overlay overlaid overlaid
overpay overpaid overpaid
override overrode overridden
overrun overran overrun
oversee oversaw overseen
oversell oversold oversold
overshoot overshot overshot
oversleep overslept overslept
overtake overtook overtaken
overthrow overthrew overthrown
partake partook partaken
pay paid paid
plead pleaded/pled (esp AmE) pleaded/pled (esp AmE)
proofread proofread proofread
prove proved proved/(also proven AmE)
put put put
quit quit quit
read read read
rebind rebound rebound
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt

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Czasowniki nieregularne

bezokolicznik 2. forma 3. forma

recast recast recast
redo redid redone
remake remade remade
rend rent rent
repay repaid repaid
rerun reran rerun
resell resold resold
reset reset reset
rethink rethought rethought
rewind rewound rewound
rewrite rewrote rewritten
rid rid rid
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
rise rose risen
run ran run
saw sawed sawed/sawn
say said said
see saw seen
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
sew sewed sewn/sewed
shake shook shaken
shear sheared shorn/sheared
shed shed shed
shine shone/shined shone/shined
shit shit/shat shit/shat
shoot shot shot
show showed shown/showed
shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sink sank/sunk sunk

L in G D AN G I E L S K I C Z A S Y

bezokolicznik 2. f o r m a 3. fo rm a
sit sat sat
slay slew slain
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
sling slung slung
slit slit slit
smell smelt (esp BrE)/smelled smelt (esp BrE)/smelled
smite smote smitten
sow sowed sowed/sown
speak spoke spoken
speed sped/speeded sped/speeded
spell spelt (esp BrE)/spelled spelt (esp BrE)/spelled
spend spent spent
spill spilt (esp BrE)/spilled spilt (esp BrE)/spilled
spin spun/span spun
spit spat/spit (AmE) spat/spit (AmE)
split split split
spoil spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed spoon-fed spoon-fed
spread spread spread
spring sprang/sprung (AmE) sprung
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stank/stunk stunk
strew strewed strewn/strewed
stride strode stridden
strike struck struck
string strung strung
strive strove/strived striven/strived
swear swore sworn
sweep swept swept
swell swelled swollen/swelled
swim swam swum

w w w .W y d a w n ic tw o L in g o .p l 101
Czasowniki nieregularne

bezokolicznik 2. forma 3. forma

swing swung swung
take took taken
teach taught taught
tear tore torn
tell told told
think thought thought
thrive thrived/throve thrived
throw threw thrown
thrust thrust thrust
tread trod trodden/trod
unbind unbound unbound
understand understood understood
undertake undertook undertaken
underwrite underwrote underwritten
undo undid undone
unwind unwound unwound
uphold upheld upheld
upset upset upset
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
weave wove woven
wed wed/wedded wed/wedded
weep wept wept
wet wet/wetted wet/wetted
win won won
wind wound wound
withdraw withdrew withdrawn
withhold withheld withheld
withstand withstood withstood
wring wrung wrung
write wrote written


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