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2nd Floor, 30 Bays Building, Sector 17, Chandigarh.


Online tender for Hiring of 190 Standard (Non AC) Buses

with BS-IV emission norms on rates per Kilometer (KM) basis for
operation by State Transport, Haryana against the route permits
held by its depots. Online Tender for subject has been uploaded
on for only information of the
The same has been uploaded on the Government portal for applying purpose for the bidders.

o/o D.S.T., Haryana, Chandigarh.

2^d Floor, 30 Eays Buitding, Sector 17, Chandilaft


Online Gnders aE hereby invitedforhningofl90 Slmdaid (Non AC) buses wirh BS-
Iv ehission nms on mles pd Kilondd (Kn) b4is for opedtion by Slare nmspon,
Hary. ., dgainst the route permirs held by ls depots.

f,MD *
ill HninC of
,] 190 Mininub t
5.00 Lakb or
EliCibilit Crircri!

@I L00 Lakn per bus for

nininum 5 Nos. ofbuses.
I 1.00 bkn per bus if the
no. of ofcrcd buses

EMD *ill bc accept€d

off-line i.c. in thc forn of
Demnnd Drrft in tlvour
or Dircctor, Stntc
Transporl, H.ryrnl

Note rThc bid.ler quote hnjhg tute loeer than the ninimun ih.lnukd hnins tuE a:f
419.50 p.t kitotneter ft diesel ptic! ol a 6A.0A pet titrc in the.L,:tqmtetj Fi"ancia!
Profoua a"like k rcqtirc.l to.leposit LMD at hiEht ruE af a 2.0A i( po brs Thn
additjonal F' ' al 1 0A hc tt bus will be allawed to be deposjted ih the lon, of Dahah.!
wl Dr4lt ; ,he Jarout al Dne.tor, Stak Ttuht?a , Holdno palabte at Chandjgatl b! ,uch
r ac4 ||ilhih 7: haun altu hamd clotiaE of the tehder
8- Tendq docunenb can bc doMloaded online fron tbc CovL ponal
hltns://, and httpsr, The rc.der om b.
downloaded non 12.11.2018 at 16,00 houa md lhe lasl d,re ot submnsion of ontinc c-
render is 21,12.2018 upto 15.00 hours.
A pre bid neeling n scheduled to be hcld on 26, .20r8 ar 1t,00 hou^ in lnc O/o
Dire.ror, Statc Tratrsporl tI!ryana lor lhe.trrilic!rion, if rny.

Director, Slate Trlnsport!
Hrryine, Ch.ndigrrh.

Appli.ation F": :R5,50001 (Non-R.fundsbh) in thc fo.n o,Dcmud D.aft in favour ot

Di.scto.. ShttTrmspod, Hrryrm paydle rt Chrndigrrh.

The Direcror/ Director Ceneml,

Statc Tmspon, tlary{a,


:our advedhenenr in lhe NewspapeF
s well s notice or lhe $ebsire \WhanrN eor in, lrwe

nunber+ ofslmd&d (Non-AC) Bues for lelse to Slate Ttuspoa Dep.nde liaryana for
vtrious dcpols of Haryma Road*ays. l/we mdenale to abide by all the provisions of lbe
Schcnc lor Hirins of Buscs by the Stare Trbspon Depannenl, Harlda includins lbe lemN
& conditioN appended therelo.
VWe cenify that I m a cniren of l.dia. My/ou dcrails @ 6 uder!


d 2.

v 3.

R.aidenrisl AddEss $ith contacr No,

Nrde of legsl heir ageol najority accodins lo the prolisions of

case of m Individual ownor only)

\- (* fhere is ho linil on hunblr ofbl Bes that an be olfercd uhdet this sthene)
4. Proof of rcsidence atr& hed: (Tick wbichevs is applicable)
(i) Binh cedificare
(itscnoorL- ie ceftificate
! !
AP4r$cad I (vi) Life lnsuance Policy
\,v) voier ldmlry
Ll (vii) Electdcity Bill/Telephone Bill
5. Ofilcial AddEs (with @nlact nwbq )

6. Dehrls of Emesl noney d.posiled in rho fom of Denad Dl"n in favor of Dirccbr,
srole Tmpon, Hary@ payabl€ at Chmdigdh,: Amowi in Rs,
7. Detajls of bues, if alEady alailable buss de beins oflded.

8. D{rls ofsEse CmalF Pemits ofold. al€rdy ava,lsble bses, beins offered. if by -

Type ofvehicle cov.Ed udd

(slanddd non Ac)

L4&e hq€by state thal lhe infomalion eiven above is bue ro the besi of my/ou knowledse
md beliefdd nothing hb bee. concql€d th€!€in. I turlher mdertlke thal if ey infomaion
is foud to be wns md fals al $y stas€, ny appliqlior/agrcehent is liable to be @j@ted,

YoN foilhtully,

SignanE of lhe applim/authonzed sigDlory

Nmc & Addrcs witn conlact nmb.r

(ro bc aubniiled onlioe oDly)

I, do heeby slale Md undeMle 6 udei:

{rr I m / haLe been dllt aulhoized ro sigr rh's dolumenr in rhe calalny of
owo/panrer/diec,orl membf r of
firrt conpey/ @ghlqed society ifapplicd happens lo be fimv@hpany/EsisleEd eciety)
(ii) I have Ead dd mdeBtood fie povisions of this schene ndely "Scheme for hirine
of buses by State Tmspon Depannenl, Hary@" dlong with the rems & conditions

(iii) I/ ihe aulhodzed sigaiory quole the following rEt€s pq kiloneter frch the
Slale Tmspon Departneni. Haryea for providins bus(s) o. hiE which as inclsive ofall
co$s includi diesel chdges, lepan & mainle.mce chffses, wses/ salary of lhe diiver,
iNumr:e cheg6, Molor Tmsport taxevcsT/lelietftevchalees erc, payabl€ uder Elevdr
prcvisions of lhe Acls/ Rules bul excludins the pemii f€e, bus $dd fee, roll/ entry lee,
pasensd rd or sp4iar Road Td (sRT).


Not€: I. sse
of difTe@nce in 6|es quoled in Mds md fiCdft, rhe mres qloled in rcrds
sill plevail md will be considered.

SigEt@ of the applicdvadhorired sienaory
Nme & Addrqs wnh coniacl n@ber

Depoa Li8'r
l 4l
2 05
3 05
5 Rohlrt 42
7 Bhiwnni v2
8 Sis 08
9 l5
l0 20
t2 05

Derlib of bus. if disdy svsihble buB m beine ofercd.

TyF ofBu

Debik of St ge CNdrg. Pemils ofold. s}sdy aEilrble buser, b.in8 ofreEd, it anyr

h- nm;irtre iss,jju P€nod for which T}?e ofvehicle cor€r.d unde. pcmn
(slsndard @n ac)


Haryana State Transport is ore of the leading stage carriage bls service
provider in the country, operarirg its more than 4100 stage carrage blses from
23 depots and 13 sub depots located at chandlgafi, Dehi and throughout the
State of Haryana- The State Transpon Deparlment intends to relnforce its bus
qla ty of bus seruices by hlrlnq new standard
fleet to enhance the coverage and
non AC buses on ease bass and to operate them on the roltes, on which
Haryana Roadways holds valid stage carriage permits, forthe convenlence of the


1. "Age of the bus" means age computed frofr the & year of
manufacturin9 of that bus.

2. Baslc hiring rates" means the rate hking discove.ed after adoption of
methodoogy for hiring as enshrined ln scheme forming the bass of the

i, Bus" means such private buses in the category of standard non AC bls
whlch are owned and maintained by the individual / firms/ soclety/ company and
are h red by State Transport Department, Haryana !nder the terms & condiUons
given in the notice inviting appllcation / tender and would be operated as stage
|4 catrlage on the roltes where Haryana Roadways s having vaid slage caftiage
permits, Such blses wil be paid hiring charges accordln9 to the rates decided by
State Transport D€partment/ Haryana,

a, Deoarre.- nea.s --e S'are Tra.spon Depa.tnenr/ Hd-yana.

5. I
Designs & specifications" means the design & specification ofthe Standard
(Non-AC) buses as specifed in annex!re A'appended to this scheme.

6. "Lease" means a contract or a. instrlment conveying any property to

another person or entity for a specified period !nder various terms & conditions
in excharge ofsomething olva ue in the shape of rent or charges.
7, f4onth" mea.s a ca endar month,
a. "owner" rneans a person in whose name a bus stands regislered and
where such . eEon is a minor, the guardlan of such minor, and in relation to a
hus which is the sobject of a hire-purchase agreement, or an agreement oi
hypothecation, the pecon in possession ofthe bos under that agreement.

9. Possession" means the right to control that a persor intentionaly

exercses towards a thlng or property. such a right may vest wlth the owner
himsef or that can be assgned by him to any other person/ entlty for some
consideration under an agreement,

!0. "stand?rn bus" mea.s a bus with body havinq seaunq capacity of at ieast 52
exc uf:ng driver, boilt on a bus chassis wlth mlnimum whee base of 5325 mm
and ntted with air suspensio. at rear axle,

11. "Yea." means a perod of 365 days from the date on which the bus was
actua ly provided by the owner for operation to the concerned General Manager
of Haryana Roadways depot.

1. Tenders/ App cations will be invited from an ndivdLal, firm, company or
a rec stered society or any other legal entity, asking them for quoung the rates
dt which the tenderer/ applicant will provide buses to the state Transport,
Haryana on Kilorneter basls on as per the terms & condiuons of this
Scheme. TendeE/ Applications will be submitted online ony on or befo.e the
closing date as mentioned ln the Notice nviUng tendeG/applicat ons for
minlmum fve new standard Non AC buses,
% 1,1 conditiona Tenders/ AppLrcations, Tende6/Appllcations witiout a qlote of
rates or mLi )le quotes or rates not quoted in the approprlate form i.e. Part-ll
(Fiian.ia Bid) or ron-s!bmission of tender/appllcalion online will besummariy

1,2 The tenderer/applicant will have to deposit a sum of 15000/- as

app ication fee in the form ofDeDatrd Draft in favour of Dirccion Slrle TrM3port,
H.ryrn! p.ynbl€ ar Ch!trdigarh,

1,3 Applicauons/ tende.s wil be submltted on ine in the apr'-oprlate forms

comprising o. Part I and Part II. Part-l consists of lhe general inforhation
whereas Part-II consists of the Financial Sid which should lnvariably be

1,4 The tenderer/ applicant must submit the application form online along
wth iarnest Money of minimlm l5,OO lakh or @ al.OO lakh per bus for
minimuh five numbers of buses. If the number oi ofiered buses exceeds five
buses then Er4D @{1.0 lakh per bus wl be deposited in thc forn ofDcDand Dralt
in farour of Dircctor, Stlt€ frrnsDorl! Horynnr nlylble Nt Chundisdrh, Tende6
without earnest money shallnot be ertertained.
1.5 The minimum indcated hlring rate of119.50 per kilometer for diese prce
of{60.00 p^.litre is expected iof such h red buses for minimum assured dileage
of9OO0 Km; ber month. However, tende.erlapp icant are allowed to qlote hiring
rate lower thar the above ind cated hirhg rate per kiloheter for depot ocation
of their choce. such bidders who qlote hiring rate lower than the mtnihlm
hirng rate recommended by the department, sha be required to deposit the
EMOathigherrateofa2.0 ac per bus. Thls additiona El.4D i.e. 11,0 acperbus
will be allowed to be deposted by slch bidders after normal closlng of the
tender, inc uding the commercia bid blt withln 72 hours from the rime of closing
of e-tender 'jtendering platform wil offer such facility to biddeE quoting hiring
rate ter kio;eter lower than rndicated hiring rate of (19,50 per kiometer for
dieselprice of{60.00 per itre.

1.6 After receipt of lhe tenders/applications online, the information provlded

by the tenderers will be evaluated by a Commttee.onstituted for the said
purcose by the Department/ Govt, for assess ng the eligibility of the appllcant.
{ili After such evaluation, the Flnancia Bids of the eligible appllcants will be
opened/downloaded in the presence of willing participants/ applicants who may
ike to attend the downoading of Financia Bds, Anoticesha be ssuedinthe

V newspaper as well as upoaded on the website of the Department i,e, After open n9 of the Financial Bids of quallfied bldders a
.omparauve statement of the onrne quoted rates for each depot rocarion
nd cated by the bidders shall be prepared for identifying the appllcant(s) quoting
the lowest rcte i,e. L-1lor depot oftheir choice-

2 lhe rates of hklng charges shall be dlscovered on the rasis of rates

quoted by i' L 1 bldder (the owest bidder) for the depot ofchoice ind cated by
the bidde6. after krowing the lowest rates ior each depot location, these shall
be offered for acceptance to all other valid bldders, keeP n9 in vie,r their quoted
rates fortl-,, particular depot location, Th€ biddeG aqreeing to the lowest rates
uf lepot ofthek choice wil be consldered for placlng the order for providing the
buses on lease basis to the depot of choice of state Transport Department,
Haryana lnder this scheme. Applicants wil quote their rales for new buses also
that can be purchased within 150 days of signing the agreement for hking the
buses !nder the scheme,

3. No interest sha be pad on the earnest money submitted by the

applicants/ tenderers, The earnest money deposit ofthe unsucces3f! appicants/
tenderer wil be refonded aftef decislon of hiring rates by the Govt./ competent
althority, The earnesl money deposit of the successful app icanv tenderer wl I
be refunded only after enterlng lnto agreement wth the althorized General
Manager of the State Transport Department, subject to hls s!bmission of the
requked bank 9uarantee/ security.


Hiring rates shal consist ortwo.omponents -
(i) L.-Jel-

(ii) Repair & malntenance charges, wages/ saary of the driver, insurance
charges and the taxes/ levy/ fees/ charges etc. payabe u.der relevant
provisons of the acts/ Rules but exc uding the permit fee, bus stand
fee, toll/ entry fee, passenger tax/specialRoad Tax and GsT,

650/0 weisht of hirins rate p€r kilometer wil be attrbuted to the cost of

dh- diesel and the remaining 35o/o of hiri.g rates wo! d be ass rmed to be on
acco, ofthe expenses as indlcated in (iD above.
': The hklng rates discovered for each depot of HEryana Roadways after
foLlowing the frethodology as mentioned Lnder'c'above wi become the basc
hirng rates for that particular depot and the same wil be the benchmark ior
future Edjustments durnq the period of the agreement. 65o/d of the basic hirlng
rates wourd be adjlsted proportionately on monthly basis by keeping ir vlew the
increase / decrease in arlthmetical average rate of diese in the previous month
at the location of the depot of h red bus. R€naining 35olo component ol the
hidng r.te, .n account of lncrease ir the maintenance cost, manpower cost,
insurance and othe. Govt. taxes and tevies will be altowed to
be tncreased after
every one ygir from the date ofprovidjng buses on hire, on rhe basis
of increase
rn consumer price index (cpt) during the period of one yea., assuming
consomer price index in the month of ctosing date of tender as the
consumer price indexr without compo!nding, For wofking out
this fixed increase
after one year the consumer price index (cpl) in rhe week after compteting
year period of hiring of bus wi| be taken for comparison
with the basic consumer irdex at the time of hiring ofthe bus Es defined
above. Hovrever, thls fixed
revision after one year wi| be.estricted to 50% incr€ase In
consumer price
index 4f 35o,t component of bastc hiring rate, approved for the
depot orthe hired

3, The payment on hrring rates for assured operation per month/ per day
shall be in accordance with the fo owing tabe after dedlcting penaldes,
ii any,
In case, the departfrent ls not abte to pty the bls for asslred miteage on
day, the payment of assured d.ity minimum ktometeB w t be limited
to 35%
component ofthe hiring.ate and payment oidiesetcost wil not b€ madei _

ForStanda,i (Non AC) Buses: -

For age more rha.4 years, 7500 kllometer per month

optron of providtng opportunity for operatlon of buses over and

(q/ kilometers per month the 35% component of hiring rate of the

I' be discounted as !nder: -

35% or Basic Hking Rate

!. Up to 9000 KIls
Above 9000 Krls and up to 10500
Above 10500 Ktr4s and up to
aoov. 5o0 Kms and up to

The same lucton will also be appicable for more than 4 yeaE otd buses
allotrrd io bS operated more than assured 7500 kms. per nronth.

4. The payment shall be made month y on the basrs of nvoice/ bi I submitted

duly siqned by the owner of the bls subject ro his/ her enutement. Detay in
payments to the bus provider beyond the stjpuated credt period indicated
supported by cogent reasons and approved by the Director
General, State Transport, Haryana, Chandigarh witt atrract penat interest on the
default ng amount @a25l- per {one takh per day of detay beyond the stipu ated
credit Feriod of 15 workrng days,

5, If the operated kiometeE oi hired bus are tess than 50% of rhe daity
scheduled 300 kilometers (for Standard Non,AC Bos) due ro the acts of
omrssions/ commissions on the part of the bus owner or due to breakdown of
the hlrcd bus then no payment except dieset charges for the compteted
kilometec for that/ those particutar day(s) shaltbe made,


1. There is no llmrt on maximlm number of buses ior whch the hire rates
can be quoted by an ndividua , nrm, company or a reg stered Sociery or
any other legal entity. An individua submitung the appticauon/tender
form shall have to give an lndertaking that he/she is not a
partner/dlrector /member oi any rrmlcompany/regtstered sociery which
has subfritted applicaUon/tender form under this scheme, Likewise, an
und€'king shall be given by the authorized signatory maktng the
application /tender for.n on behatf of flrm/company/registered soc ety that
none of the partner/director /member of the firm/company/registered
society subfritting the apptication/tender form islare partner/ director
/nehber in any other nrm/compdny/regtstered sociery which has
submitted/is subm tting the appticauon/ tender form under th s sche.n€.

2, New blses meeting BS-IV emtssion norms witt b€ ofler io. hir€. The hiring
perrod wirl be !p to 10 years ofthe age ot bus subje.t to ftress certificate
beirg..Sued to the bus€s by the Regulatory Authortt,.
J, Bank cuarantee of minmum i1O,OO akh or @ a2.OO akh per b!s,
whichever is highef shali be extended from tme to time so as to ensure
that cvntractual liabiiry on the part of owner is met out in case of any
default ,1 his part d!rins the entire tease period. The owner wi be given
one time mobirization advance tnitialty for meeung cost of diesel required
for !5 days on an average on submisson of requted bank guarantee for
reducing the requiremenr ofworking capitatfof operation of h red buses, if

Before entering into an agreement with the Depanmenr Lre owner sharl
get th buses fegistered in h s/her/its name n the State of Harya.a, Atl
rle ch;rgis, taxes and expenses in rhis regard sha be sotey borne by
the ownlr and the Oepartment shatt not any expendture
ircurred on this score. No teased bus havng defautted in making payment
of hotor vehicle taxes or any other Government dues ior a period of more
than one month beyond the due date oislch payment sha I be 6 owed to
operate ard the conrract can be rermtnated after doe notice to the owner
besides deductng/ recovering the amount dle on
accounr of Road Tax
along ;ith nterest and penaties as per provisions of Haryana tr4otor
lehicles TJxation Act/ 2016 and Ru es made there under. The owner witl
ensure tmery renewal of ntness certificate, potution under contro
certificatio. and wi be exclusivey responsib e for penat action, if any, on
acco!nt of vioation on the above score.
5, Ir there is any change in the Tax structure or any orher sratutory tevy
which passes on any monetary benefit to the owner of rt,. bus, over and
above the exrsting tax shlcture, ther the departmert shaI irave the righr
t. re!-ae the rates per kilometers on pro,rata basis from the respective
6I tomponrnt of hirtng rates.
b' 6, The blses shal be provded by the owner compete tn a1 respects after
complying with the standards, specifications, cotour scheme as prescribed
by the Departmert, at his /her own cost, It wil be sote responsbi]tty of
the owner to compty with the statutory requirements tike getting the
buses insured, seeking cerrificate of ttness etc. from .he concerned
auth.. es. The owner witt have to procu.e comprehensive InsurEnce oi
,e bUS bl,getting calse "ItttT 44" (tndemniry to hireFpackag€ poticy
negligeni'e ofthe owner or hifer) nctuded in the said poticy by way of an
gndolsernent from the insurance company dLrring the lease period Not
arranging of this comprehensive lnsurance for leased bus bv the bls
owner will lead to termination of contra.t automaucallv

The owner shall enter into an agreement with General Manager of the
allofted Depot oi Haryana Roadways with n 150 days of finalization of the
hklng rates, In case he/she fails to prodlce the bus for operation to the
concerned Genera Manager of Haryana Roadways Depot or iails to entef
nto , r agreement within the allowed period of 150 davs, the Earnest
Money Deposlt shal be forfelted However, he/she will be requlred to
indlcate the depot where he/she deslred to provide his/her buses

8. The owner will provide bio data of drive(t to the General Manager ofthe
concerned depot, fe wil ens!re that the driver(s) should not have
attained the age of 55 years, or be a d smissed/termLnated empovee or
Haryana Roadways. lt will be the responsib lity 0f the owner to ensure
that the drive(s) deployed or the buses durlng the lease period, is/are
hivinE vd id driving icence fordriving Heavy Passenger Vehlc es on plains
as well as on Hll roads, islare med cally nt and wear presobed (haki
colour uniform provded at the owners cost He wouLd get the
antec€deits of rhe drive(s) and his/their drlvirg cense verifed irom the
concerned distrct authorities/licensing aothorties before thev are allowed
tobeputonduty, The copy ofslch verification shalaLso be delivered
to the concerned Genera! Manager of Haryana Roadwavs oepot He would
further.ens!re that the driver is having valld drrvlng icense for aLltimes
4urino the penod of ease, If
at any time it is found that the bls ls being
driven by and !nauthorized driver or by the driver who is not havinq valid
M drving licence then the responsibilty of l"lACT caim or liability o.loss, f
any would soLely be that ofthe owrer, fioweve., if anv liabiltv ls put
on/passed on to the department of the depot of Haryana Roadwavs bv
any orders of the courts, in that situauon the department or the depot ol
Haryana Roadways w I be at llberty to recover the same from the owner
of thF iJ!s. Such recovery can be made from the dues pavable to owner
on accbunt of hiring rates or by encashment of bank guarantee or bv wav
of any other egal aclion that may warrant. The owner shall enslre that
the driver sha! abide by varlous instructions lssued bv the department
iroh time to time n the public nterest,

9. The owner shall be responsibLe for repatr and maiitenance of the bus and
the expenditu.e on accoont of dlesel, oil & lubricants, tools, tyres and
tubes, spare parts and all kind of malntenance of rhe buses sha be
responslbility ofthe owner and no such expense wtll be reimbuBed by the

10. Ihe owners can change the drlve(s) if so requked aid intimation to this
;lfect shall be given to the con.erned cenerat Manager. However, the
p.ocess of verifi.ation of antecedents and driving licence from the
concerned authorities would be adopted as such, The drlvers who are ro
be put on duty should have a valid driving rcen.e issLed by the

11. Sarety lnstructions lssued by State Departme.t, Harya.a to

drivers/ r€ ating to safety of passengers/lady passenEeE shatt be
app ire to the driver of the bus, If the conductor of the bus direcrs the
oriver of the bls to do any ad, incllding bri.ging the bus to a hatt or
taking rt to
the Pollce staton with the view to prevent any crime ag.inst
a woman, it shal be the dlty of the Driver to obey such directions, In
case of faiure of the Diver to do so, the Agreement wtLl be tiabte for
termination forthwith, without any notice and the amount of bank
9uaranteeshall be a!tomaticalyforfeited.
12. The drlver ofthe bus w Ll continue to be the employee of the owner of the
hls ar,J the owner will be lable for the compliance of a I Labour laws e.9.
bayment of r4inimun Wages Act, PF Act, ESI Act, Motor Transport
workers Act etc. The owner wil be liable to maintain proper accounts of
aLlmandatory deductio.s and deposit thereof with the.espective authority
after verification of the documents by Chartered Accountant from time to
t me and submit the details/cha lans quarterly to the concerned Genera
r{anager Haryana Roadways, The department shall not be responsibe for
a.y lialhlity on this acco!nt. lf Haryana Roadways or the department is
nade,! party for non-comp iance ofthe provislon of the above Ads which
as prnrarly the responslbillty of the owner then in such case att the
erpenses incurred for deiendlng the case, penaty if any evied by the
competent authortty/courts shal be recoverabte from the owner In the
same manner as indicated in paragraph 8 above.

13. The owner witi be responsjbte for any deficiency if service on the paft of
the owner/bus driver with respect to non ptying of the bus as per the
sched!le. lf any titigation arises dle to any shortfa in bus operation, the
owner sha I be hetd responsibte. Likewise he wi be responsibte ior
acts r._ohission and commission on the part of the driver and woL
d be
raore ro pay compensEtion on account of ltacl caims for which the
department shaI not make any reimbursement,

14, The owner shall be responsibe lor proper attendance and deience during
rhe proc€edirgs eirher before the Motor Accidents ctaims Tribunat or
trlb!nas, Commissloner for Workmen Compefsation, Regtonal/State
Transport authonues etc. at his/her own expenses, rn nr. ev€nt oi th€
craim .3se having been decided in favour of the Insurance Company by
tne Mbtor Accidents ctaims Tribunat, due to any reason whatsoever, the
amount of compensation so awarded by rhe MACT sha be paid by the
owner or the leased bus/buses for which no tiabitity shal rest upon the

1s. The buses otrered for tease to Haryana Roadways shoutd be registered in
the state of Haryana, The buses shoud aways carry, white in contract
wlth Haryana Roadways, a vatid ftness certificate, Non_poluting vehicte
certi' and other documents rcquired as per the taw. In case oi non
compliance, if any, fine is imposed by any authortty, the same sha| be
paid by the owner of the bus, The bus shoutd be in good condition, Itis
the responsibiljty oithe bus owner to mai.tain the bus in good condition.
'& The expenditure retartng to maintenance of the bls and operationat cost
su.rl as dieset, tyres, spares, tubricants, wages of Ddver/ Cleaner etc.,
shall be bor.e by the bus owner himsetf. After operation of the bus on the
route and time schedule of the concerned depot, the bus wiit be parked at
appr. iate prace under the contrct oi owne. and the owner wi have no
right to park the bus at bus stand of the concerned depot on free of cost
basls fof night halt,

16, The bus will be rcqlired to meet the emtssion norms aDoticabte in the

-*f-.a o.c"trocation as notned by the covernment rrom time to

time. Presently BS-IV emission norms are appticable for new buses
th.o!?hout the state tnctud n9 chandigarh and Dethi.
17. The or the buses w rt ensure that the buses are kepr in neat and
clean conditons at the stalr of the journey and the uphotstery of the
eassefgers seats is propery mai.tained. The bus sha be provided
equipf:d with a c obal Postionins systeh (cps) Devtce as recommended
by thf depadment, rife ex|ngusher, first aid box wirh gtazed rront wirh
the afides mentioned in Rue 133(2) or Haryana Ntotor vehices Rutes,
1993, spare wheel, spare kit, Water proof canvas, jack and a[ other,
necesfan/ tools. The bus shatatso be ftted with speed imiting device
meeufg the AIS: 018 specincation and Refective tapes/Renedors of the
type in Rue 104 or Centra rvtotor Vehtces R!es, 1989. rhe
bus sla l, ln Senera, meet the entire fequirehents included in chaprerVrr
or tneflaryana r"lotor Veh ces Rules, 1993. For maktng anangement or
all thF above, the departme.t shaloor pay any extra cha.ges or
reimbfrsement. rhe bls sha be drven at a speed rot exceedins the
speed limit fixed under secUon 112 oi Act, !989 and the
Nlotor Vehictes
speedl Limiting Device should be abte to controt the speed at maxim!n

Furthlr, ii the event the Gps sysrem becom n9 damaged or rendered

non- on account of fa!lt of the owner/drive./ the same wit be
tupacfd by owner of the bus within three days, Non-comptiance oi this
conditlon may resut into suspension of the contract for a pertod of one
week a peiaty of 11000/- per day witt be ihposed, In case or

q continf ns non-compllance after a period of one week the agreemenr can

be terrlnated after iss! n9 a notice olseven days.
In cale of any mishap/accident by the bus, the owner shaLt arrange
nmeliate financial assistance to cover r.4edicare to tnjured persons or as
a me1.ure oi nnancial asslstance to the dependents of the deceased
easse19e6/eereons, in case of fata accidents.

The nlne of the lega heksaorg with an affidavit to this effect shall be
mentilned in the applicarion iorm by the owner at the time oi submission
oi thl appication rorm tender rorm. rn the event of death of an
individual owner, t shalt be the responsibitity of the ega heirs oi the
deceased owner to intimate the Department immediatety aboLi the
demise of th€ owner with whom the agreement was signed niflaly_ In
case such legal heif farts to discharge his duty then he wi be |abte to
make good the losses / tiabi|ty sustained on account of oDeration of the
bus, s'ch lega heirs may make a request in wriflng for continuation of
qgreement fo. the remaining period and f the department gives its
reqlest after confirm n9 that a the n:.quirements have
been compried wirh by the tegat hei6, t may enter into a agreement
wlthin a perlod oi 21 days from the date ol making such request, Dlring
the interuening perod of 21 days the operation of the bus wil remain
suspended. The department may uniateralty decjde to cance the
agreement after the expiry of period of 21 days without incurrjng any
iab lr'
on the score of rescindtng the contract. fowever, such transier of
owrership will not be appticabte tn case or change of membersh p where
tlre bus is registered in rhe name offirm/ reqistered society/company.
20. The liability to make payment of taxes on buses and any other statutory
evres as imposed by the Government from time to time exctud n9 the
permit fee, bus stand fee, toTentry fee, passenger tat/SRT and GST on
account or operation oithe sha
that of the owner, without any
buses/ be
remb!rsement to be made by the departme.t. The proof rf paymeft of
bus ated taxes or any orher staturory tevjes imposed by the
sovernment sha I be submitted a ong with the bt I of the tast month of the
quarter. simiarry the owner shal obtatn individual provident F!nd code
Number from the Provident Fund authoriues and recover pF and ESI

q contrlbltions irom the wages ofthe Ortvers engaged by hih/her and rem t
the same to the concerned PFIESI authoritjes togerher with Empoyer's
contribution as prescribed in the PFlEsr act from tinle to time, every
month. The proof of payment of PFlEsI contribution to ihe con.erned
auth y shall be submined atong,with the bil of first fortnight of the
month ior the payment perrainirg to the precedr.g monrh, The Est
contributon a ong with the Emptoyer,s contribution sha be deposited with
the concemed EsI authorities by 21q oi every catendar month to ensure
tliat al the benefits under ESI scheme..e exterded to the Drivers under
the ESI Act, 1948. In addition to the above, the owner shat be
responsibe for obseryance of a provisions of the MotorTranspoir Worker
Act 1961, if five or more transport workers are employed by him/her, The
owner shall get hhself/he.self registered from the Labour Department, in
case he/she ls not registered already as per p.ovisons of the Act and has
employed five or more MotorTransport Worke6.

21. If an,, contraband or explosive of any nature is folnd tn a busl the

Departnrent shall not be responsrble for the same. tf such
contraband/exploslve were being transported with actve invotvemenr of
the drlver or owner oi the bls then the Agreement w be tiabte for
termlnauon forthwith, witholt any notice and the amount of bank
9uarantee shal be automatically forfeited,
of the bus being challaned for any of the vlolation of the
th€ Motor Vehicles Act/Ru es of the and, it shall be the
ownerto dlscharce the challan ofthe said bus at his/her own

23, The owner or the leased buses sha maintain a vehicte tog book in the
Proforma pres.nbed by department for each bus. The og book shoud be
got attested by the owner from the condudor deputed with the bls daity
and irom the authorized ofilcer ofthe Oepot of Haryana Roadways every

The owner will be paid by the department for the opefated kitometeB at
the rate per kilometef finalized between the owner and the department.
The department wt I ensure a minimum guaranteed operation for the bus

d'b- per month, keeping in vew age of the bus at the time of contract, which

For Standard lNon ACI Buses: -

For aqelDto 4 vears

For age more than 4
year but tess than 1O
Assured mirimurn mileage gtven above shal be catcutated on quadedy
basrs. The owner shoutd ensure that the bit for kitometers oper.ted by
the buses, !uly suppofted by relevant documents ts submitted every
fortnight to the concerned Generat rt4anager, provisional payment at the
rate or 50d/o of tentative mieage operated in the precedhg month on the
bass df GPS will be reteased upto 7th day of the subsequent month and
remaining soo/d payment witt be reteased aft€r verification of the
submitted billwithin !5 days ofthe subm sson ofthe bil,
25, The owne6 shall qlote the rates of dieset per titre jn the financiat bd in
Part II of the application/tender form after read n9 careru ty the
undertak ng recorded therein. h case of in-ease/decrease if the price of
diese, hire rate sha be rev sed proportonatety ev€ry monthi by
bifJr.,lirS tre hir'.g dres ir r*o (
(i) 65% of quoted rate shatt be treated on account of dteset and,
(ii) remairing 350/0 retauns to the expenses to be tncured on repair
and fiarntenance, wages/salary of the driverr nsurance charges,
taxes levy and fees, chargeabe under retevant provisions of the
Act/Rules blt excrldrng the permit fee, bus stand fee, tol/entry

Say for exampe, if the rates qooted in the tender/appticat rn is t18/- per
k or. :r with the prevalent diese price @ 155/- per |iter, then 111.70 per
klometer (i.e.65010) w ll be on account ol d eset expenses and remaining

q t6.30(35o/o) wil be on accolnt of experses as indicared at (iD above, If

the diese prices get increased to t56/- per titer then hirirg rate wil be
rev sed to r (,30= {13.21 per kitometer.
26. wil notbeused by the owner for carryng passengers for
The Leased bus
h m/her or on behaf oi others or for any other purpose under any
circumstarces. I. case any soch incdent occuE then tt w toe assumed as
a f :d being commltted against state Transport, Haryana.
Conseqlert y, beslde the termlnation of the contract and forfeiture of the
earnest money/security, the crim na proceedtngs may a so be initiared

21. In the event of unforeseen clrc!mstances, tike nat!ra caamities, curfew,

bandhs, strike by government emptoyees, beyond rhe conhot of the
depa.tment due to which opefarion oi bus remained sospended/ the
own€r shal not beentted for p€yment of the hir n9 charges for that day
except fixed component of htrinq charges for assured miteage, No
payment for diesel lor asslred miteage wl be pajd. Besides
the above,
the depa.rment shal not be responsibte for any damage or toss caused to
the l,-during the pertod of agitations, accidents etc, and the owner can
seek claim under comprehensive insurance poltcy as avaited by htm as
mentoned in paragraph 6 of ctause ,E i,e otherTerms and condttions,,
24. The department shat pay BLs Stand ree, to| tax/entry fee, passenger
tax/sRT, GST and permit fee onty. Rest of the a[ the taxes, chargesi
liabiliUes and government tevies retaune to rhe bls and manpower
deproyed by the owner shat be the exctlsive responsib tity of the owner
lor which no re mbursement sha tbe 9lv€n.

29, The department sha have operationat control over the buses and wil be
at rrberty to utill2e t/them on any rolte(t ar any time schedote fixed for
the permir(s) avaitabte with the departmenr. The department sha have
comprete liberty to operate the bus on any route/ prescribe stoppages o.
grat rolte, determlne the pace of origin ofthe route and
change the rolte
from time to time as per the needs :nd requirements of rhe depan:ment n

t0, The ui.partment shalt provtde Conductor/condudo6 for rhe operation of

bus under whose contro the bus witt pty from one destinarion to another,
The bus driver shall not starr rhe bus un ess the condlctor gives proper
signal for driving the bus. Ir wi be inclmbent lpon the driver to srop the

0l bls at all prescrlbed bls stops on the a otted roure ard whenever the
F- Conductor asks him to do so. The owner ofthe bus wi| exercise abso lrey
no operationa cortrol over the b!s. The department sha have the rght
to get the driver substtuted by another driv€r if the former fats to
nerfoi!r hls duties satisfacrority n the assessment of the deparrment. rhe
owner sliall be responsible to make arrangements of a suitabe substtute

31. The conductor ofthe department provded in the bus sha carry necessary
equipment for the issuance of tickets to the passengeE. The departhent
shal have absoute rghttocolectfareor uggage or freight charges (i.
cse of bus being aso !t ized for carrying parcet service, postai mail
bags/ etc.) and the bus owner shat have no right or caim over such
charges. The freight aid fare co ection from passe'rgeB w lt be income of
the department and owner wil have no right over this ncome or fafe
charge.l from the passengers have ting in the bus, The department sha
enjoy exc usrve rights to check the bus for the porposes of ensuring that
proper tickets are issled to the passengers or for rhe purposes of
assessing the general conduct of the driver/conductor as is being
exercised in case of buses owned by the state rransport Department,
The driver shall bring the bls to a hatt on its being slgnated by the
Inspectorate Staff of the departfienr fa ing which he sha hetd h msei
liable for penalty or1500/- per such defau t,
32, For co!nting the ass!red kilometers per month, the schedu ed kitometers
assigned to the bos sha lbe counted forrhe purposes of paragraph 24 of
cause !E i.e othef Terms and conditions, even in the stuation when
the bus goes under a mechanical breakdown en foute, If the bus gets
breakdown on the way before covering ess than 50% of the scheduted
kilometers on the allotted route for the day, then owner wi get no
payment for that day, except H5D charges for the completed kitometers.
However, f the bls covers more than 50% of the schedlte kitometers,
tlren 'ayment for actually covered kiometeF shatt be payable at the
apprcved rate. In case the mileage covered by bus s ess, due to
breakdown en-route then the mileage for whtch Specia Road Tax had
been pad in advance for that dayr the amoont of Speciat Road Tax for

4 13.
number of kilometer covered ess shall be recoverabte,
Haryana Roadways wlll need buses on a I days, The owner of bus witt be
allowed two otr days io a month for routine maintenance and upkeep of
the bus. For major ove.hauling, he/she will be allowed fo!r addttona off
days r 'axlmum twice a year. However, pror intimation regarding taking
,he bls otr rcute for repaks wll be given by the owner ln advance and
shal have to b€ approved by the corcerned General Managef of the
Depot. The Bus Ownef shall give pror informarion in thts beha f at teast
24 ho!rs in advance. For ron-supply of buses without pfiof information
and approva , penalty to the tune of {4000/ for rhe fi6t day and {5000/,
ior the subsequent days for Standard bus would be charged from the
owner lor causing inconvenience, For a contin!inq apse ior seven days
on the part the owner, the department may proceed to cancel the
asreement and forfeit the bank 9uarantee I ven by the owner. However,
where the buses meets with an accident or is in clstody ol Police for any
volarr'i or is detained n a workshop due to accident for carryng out
'epairs and intimatron in this behalf has akeady been 9iven by the owner
wel n tme to the Haryana Roadways Authorities, no penaty shall be
imposed upon its owner for non-providing of buses for the period it/these
remalned detained/off road, If it is found that wrong and misleading
information had been given and bus is actually being used for purposes
other than ior which t was hlred, the owner would be held liable and
proceeding for cancellaton of the agreement shall be lnltlated after 9 v n9

l'he b;ses shaL be painted as per coour scheme approved by the

department. The rlghts to dispay advenisement boards on the buses in
the lnterior and exterior portion of the bls or install mobile phones €nd
the income earned from these activities shall belong to the department,
The owner of the bls has no right to clalm this revenue, After
term nation/completion ofthe contract, the owner of the bus shall remove
the colour scheme or the bls at his/her own expense and his/her security
will i eflnded thereafter only,
rotal k lor'ete. operated i.
a day shall be computed as per the distance
mentioned i. fare table. However, in case the actual kilometer covered
irom orlginating point to the terminating point are ower than that
nentioned ln the fare tabe the actual mileaqe shall be reckoned for th€
plrposes of calculauon of tota kilometers pedormed on any day. rhe
department will always be at liberty to reckon the kiometers pedormed
by bus with the he p ofeectronlc devlces alone.
36. The i
.rartment will have the rlght to cancelthe lease agreemenr in case,
It .omes to conclusion that the buses does/do not conform to the
provisions oi lr4otor vehices Act or that the easing contract ofthe blses
was obtalned by the owrer by suppressing and conceallng relevant

31, Ii the owner wants to cancel the hire agreement/ he can do so by giv n9
one month nouce to the Dlrector/Dkector General, state Transporti
Haryana of ary other omcer of the department authorised in this beha i.
However, in such eventuality, the bank guarantee submitted by him shall
be forfeited and encashed,
38. The bus may be permrtted to carry one herper apart rrom driver whose
partr, ,aE wil be provided by the owner to the General Manager of the
concerned depot in advance.
39, The late departure & eary/ advance arriva of hlred bus shall invlte
penalty of 11000/- per instance-
The operatlon of hlred bus vla bye pass / over bridge having prescribed
bus stop at ground level uness dkect€d by the department shall rnvlte
pena ty of11000/- pe. such occurrence.
Itwill be the sole discretion as to declde the number of the buses
requ:-l/a located to a particular depot and it wil be the dis-etion ofthd
concerned Genera Manager to ply the bLrs on any orthe route(s) lncludlng
inteF state route(s) for which Haryana state Transport Department holds

42. In case of any dispute between the owner and department, the Pnncipal
Secretary/ Additional Chiel secretary to the Govt.! Haryana, Transport
Department, or any other person appointed by hlm/her will act as an
Arbilrator and hls declslon wlLbe blnding End finalon both the parties,
43, In c-.. rs of dispute between the partles, the CoLrrts at chandigarh wil
havethe jurisdiction foradjudication.
Director/Dkector General, state Transport/ Haryana has the riqht to reject
any tender witholt asslg.lng any reason.


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