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6 Myths About Narcissists - Mythbusting Narcissism! *NEW*

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The Little Shaman
Ajoutée le 29 nov. 2018

In this episode, The Little Shaman discusses myths about pathologically narcissistic people.

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133 commentaires

il y a 1 mois
Survivors please watch out for love bombing!! im seeing it everywhere! people posting on fb
how there gf or bf is there soul mate and how they cant wait to marry them. this is all lies. ive
seen alot of it lately. watch for it. when a person is talking about being soul mates only after a
short time of dating them this is a tale tale sign of narcissism. be careful!!!!!!
il y a 1 mois
mine apologized but it was just words. remember its only words!
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
My covert narc ex was the most amazing lover I've had in my life. She made me feel more loved,
appreciated and respected than I have ever felt. Nearly everything she did seemed to be with us
in mind. That is, until devaluation began. Then, a complete flip. Exactly the opposite! But she did
it passively, through mind games and manipulation. Telling me she adores me while seeing other
people. Swearing she would never hurt me, while flaunting her "new friend" right in front of me.
Things that cut you so deep. Never been treated so horribly by someone. Like she hated me
while confessing her love for me. Like building you up for the sole purpose of tearing you down,
over and over again.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Do you like Tool? The song "Sober" has a great explanation of narcissism (intentionally or

I am just a worthless liar

I am just an imbecile
I will only complicate you
Trust in me and fall as as well
I will find a center in you
I will chew it up and leave
I will work to elevate you
Just enough to bring you down

Your comment reminded me of that.

That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman LOVE that song and yeah, it reminds me of her in every way.
il y a 1 mois
That One Chris. mine did also. he was wonderful in the beginning then the little jabs started.
then he would deny ever saying anything. they home in on your insecurities and then use them
to bring u down. there is certainly no love here. mine would cheat and not even shower and
then be with me. he was nasty. he. could have given me anything. most all cheat and they target
people they believe are superior to them. then tear them down. u should feel petty dam special
though because they usually only pick people who are everything they know theyll never be.
compassionate loving forgiving kind loyal honest caring and usually very attractive people is who
they go for. so as bad as u feel know that u are one special guy!!
Diva R
Diva R
il y a 1 mois
That One Chris Narcs are pathologically jealous and envious. They cheat and do other awful
things to try and bring us down because they hate that they can’t be us.
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
@SKULLCRUSHER 2006 aww thank you so much! Yeah, I know I'm most of those things, now. I
didn't use to. I suppose that's why I hung onto a toxic relationship for so long. Omg the nerve of
your ex! Cheating is so disrespectful as it is, but to not even attempt to hide it from you!? Almost
like he got off on flaunting it in your face. What an asshole!
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
@Diva R Yeah. It's weird though. In the end, it's like mine would have these moments of truth
where she would tell me things like, "You deserve so much better than me" and "I don't deserve
you". Who knows, maybe honesty or just more manipulations and mind fuckery
Douglas Fisher
Douglas Fisher
il y a 1 mois
She sounds like a massive scumbag trash bag. Your ex and my ex would get along VERY well.
Maybe they can hang out and triangulate/manipulate multiple men. Lol.
Toni Albrecht
Toni Albrecht
il y a 1 mois
Mine was smearing me even while with me. when i was young i took a necklace from my moms
jewerly box well my dumass told the narc about it. i was young and stupid it was wrong of me for
sure. but he told everyone. like it just happened and it was when i was like 8 or 9 years old. i
could not believe he told everyone. they are horrible people they love to tell bad things about u.
now i know not to ever tell a narcissist a secret. big big mistake he would also hide my
belongings and say i was crazy and lost them. he would write love letters leave them for me to
find and then accuse me of cheating. he admitted it was his hand writing but denied writing it.
hes nuts omg the gas lighting was unbelievable. the cheating was on going he accused me of
living a double life when in reality it was him. thats why the ghosting started. he was cheating
the whole time!
Toni Albrecht
Toni Albrecht
il y a 1 mois
ive seen alot gay women being narcissist lately. like alot. accusing there mates of cheating. im
thinking yea there accusing because its what there doing. ofcourse i dont tell them that because
i dont know them that well but its amazing what i can see and they can't. once u know what to
look for u can see it. so glad i learned the lesson here! its one ill sure never forget either.
il y a 1 mois
The Little Shaman yes, yes, yes!!! Good one! And the song ‘Liar’ by Henry Rollins And ‘Blank
Space’ by Taylor Swift
Lula Gravel
Lula Gravel
il y a 3 semaines
That One Chris I feel you�
Andreas Landgren
Andreas Landgren
il y a 2 semaines
Us bpd sufferers and those who ha e bpd do exactly this. We need to take responsibility and act
il y a 1 mois
The apologizing really got me - he did 'apologize' all the time BUT looking back, every single time
some good reason for his actions was given the very next sentence. Something I did, him being a
Scorpio, something at work, the weather, whatever, but the 'apology' was only some shallow
phrase an pretext for wiggling out of the situation as there was never any kind of accountability.
At all.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
That's actually a big red flag. The apology comes with a justification for how it isn't really their
fault. You're correct, there's no accountability at all.
Shelia Ellenburg
Shelia Ellenburg
il y a 1 mois
Being a true Scorpio is a huge red flag my ex narc is a Scorpio there's no words to describe him
just so horrible 30 years of he'll.
Ever Scorpio I have met are all the same pure evil .
I can spot a Scorpio a mile away
It would be interesting to know how many people on here that there narc was a Scorpio, please
family time
family time
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
@Shelia Ellenburg yep� Scorpio!!!
Neil 72
Neil 72
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Or they hardly ever or never apologise..Mine never did..Twice i think and that was forced for an
il y a 1 mois
@Neil 72 sure. A lot of people say that, but this general statement about them NEVER doing so
really threw me off because mine kind of did. Without taking responsibility, without any
meaning but the words were kind of there. It really made me doubt him bring a narc in the
Ted Berry
Ted Berry
il y a 1 mois
As usual I appreciate you fighting to be back! Thanks so much. Your so full of wisdom. Hope your
rescue is better.
Todd B
Todd B
il y a 1 mois
Excellent video. 52 days NC with my covert ex wife.
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
Kudos bro! Good for you. Stay strong!
Douglas Fisher
Douglas Fisher
il y a 1 mois
Going on almost 1 entire year after she failed to hoover me twice back in February and March.
After realizing her efforts were unsuccessful, she started a brand new Instagram account right
after, in which she quickly gathered all the attention she’ll ever need.
il y a 1 mois
thankyou Little shaman as always a great video and a great way of explaining narcissim for
people to get a better understanding....for me you are the best narcissism educator ;)
il y a 1 mois
kizzy i feel like im going back out into the world with a bullet proof vest on! my ex covert narc
made me that way. do u feel that way to? like narc repellant now?
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
@SKULLCRUSHER 2006 that's awesome! Learning the warning signs and identifying the
weaknesses that allowed us to let them into our lives is definitely a must moving forward, but be
careful about over confidence! We know how sneaky and deceptive some of them can be.
Boundaries are SO important!
il y a 1 mois
@SKULLCRUSHER 2006 yes definatly... I dont think I would get myself in the same situation
again...and even if a few get through at the start i would break it off as soon as i recognised the
signs....glad you have came out of this little shaman has said we can learn some
really valuable life lessons and grow from this experience immensely.
Nettonya Ryane
Nettonya Ryane
il y a 1 mois
Thank you.

The covert Nex did so many “nice” things that when he decided to get what he wanted -
attention, adoration, and similar stuff - it was very hurtful to have him treat me badly.

He claimed not to have cheated, sexually, but admitted to emotional “cheating”. To me, it’s all
the same - taking his attention elsewhere.

The lying also wasn’t overt. He simply omitted telling things.

Yeah, the personality is very important in the NPD individual.

Stuff still comes up, as I unravel what happened. As I recognize the traits he exhibited, it makes
sense that it took me almost 3 decades to discover what he is.

My denial, my childhood conditioning and habitual behaviors, coupled with his behaviors and
extreme neediness, made the relationship “dance” diabolical.

I’m grateful for trauma therapy and my ongoing healing. I was able to leave over 20 months ago
and go no contact.

I look forward to my social media break in December, and will see what happens with a total
focus away from discussing and reading about narcissism. I’m fortunate that I am healed enough
to attempt this.

Much love.❤
Anna Tiernan
Anna Tiernan
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Nettonya Ryane - Do you think perhaps in about a month you could let us know how your social
media break went? I think about doing the same thing sometimes, I watch so many videos about
narcissists/ narcissist abuse that I sometimes suspect it keeps me reliving the whole experience.
Nettonya Ryane
Nettonya Ryane
il y a 1 mois
Anna Tiernan

You betcha!
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
I'd be interested in following your recovery journey as well. Sounds as if you're off to a very
good start! Kudos to you! Stay strong! Xxx
il y a 1 mois
Anna Tiernan
Anna Tiernan
il y a 1 mois
Nettonya Ryane - Thank you so much!
Glauco S
Glauco S
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
My narc was the most trusted friend, kind and honest... until the mask droped.
Took me 6 months to reallize what was going on (devalue fase ). Its like a alien took his body, and
the worst part is that nobody will believe me. What should i do ?
The smear campaign is starting, and all my friends are in the same group for more than 18 years.
Angel D
Angel D
il y a 1 mois
JADE.. GREY ROCK or if possible...NO CONTACT ASAP....with all of them...enablers flying
monkies ..don't take decades like I did with my entire family..they will slowly but surely destroy
you...strength wisdom and much love to you xxxx .xxx
Theresa Reilly
Theresa Reilly
il y a 1 mois
I've been there and unfortunately, there is nothing you can do but try to stay calm, don't talk
about him or defend yourself. His mask will eventually fall and people will see the truth but this
can take time, and you can't prevent flying monkeys from believing what he may say about you,
people like that are simply not worth it. Don't get erratic trying to defend yourself although this
is so easy and I did it but he will already be telling people you're the crazy one, so prove your not
by staying calm. Not the easiest advice to follow but this will sort itself out but it takes time. I
had to lose my whole family but now they see the truth, but I'm not bothered now they know
the truth, I found out who my real friends where.Take care x
Sunshine Daisey
Sunshine Daisey
il y a 1 mois
One of the number 1 rules with them is cut all ties with enablers if possible. in most cases they
are a shared group of friend's. Space should give them time to see for themselves and maybe
then you could rekindle your friendships.
Glauco S
Glauco S
il y a 1 mois
Thank you all for the great advices.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I have an episode of the show about smear campaigns, but the advice you've gotten here is all
Chris LoganbcGot
Chris LoganbcGot
il y a 1 mois
I get it my ex narc was my best friend I was connected in such a way I would never feel we would
split up... well the discard comes out of no where that’s the issue their emotions are facts and if
they feel u are on to their lie their mask ... it’s all downhill. I lost my wife and my step child who
was also someone I bonded with. Now just silence cause I’ve gone no contact. She’s a guilt trap
constant victim. It’s a sad reality but the reality. I’m in the stage of repair still close to 6 mo out
she’s already replaced me and it’s all unraveling I guess but I see these videos are aligned with
my situation
il y a 1 mois
the smear campaign always comes and its coming on fast and hard! they love to talk about how
evil u are and how bad u r when they were the ones cheating, lying, manipulating, deceiving and
putting up a false front. its sickening to say the very least! absolutely sickening!
Andreas Landgren
Andreas Landgren
il y a 2 semaines
Grey rock amd no contact. Go!
il y a 1 mois
Mine did do some really good things for me. he paid my cable bill my rent a few times before the
devale stage. he was wonderful in the beginning. then before i could blink he turned on me. he
wasnt vane at all. u dont see him coming at all! u would never guess by looking at him. oh little
shamen one more thing. u cant go by how they look. i made this mistake. because he wasnt
gorgeous and wasnt conceited u dont see him coming. but he is one most definitely a covert
narcissist and he hid it well for a time. he was helpful and just an amazing person. now i know
that it was all a scam. the person i loved never even existed!
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
Thats was one of the hardest things for me to accept. That the person I loved so much doesn't
exist. I fell in love with an illusion. It was devastating.
il y a 1 mois
chris i agree. its hard to swallow. but they never existed. such a betrayal its no wonder it takes so
long to get over. all the cheating and crazy making omg we deserve so much better chris. we
really do we deserve someone who is real and capable of real love. main thing is that we learn
the lesson as painful as its all been. dont let it happen again. i feel like im going back into the
world with a bullet proof vest on now. i feel bullet proof. do u feel that way?
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
@SKULLCRUSHER 2006 you are right....we DO deserve better. I'm a big believer in karma. I think
the narc will eventually get what is coming to them. On top of the fact they will never know what
it's like to truly love, or to be truly happy. To some degree I feel- I wouldn't say bullet proof, but I
do feel much more prepared in recognizing shady behavior and the need to put my happiness
above anyone else's. For so long I've put women on a pedestal and ignored my needs to fulfill
theirs, only to be shit on by them eventually. I definitely feel more prepared to protect myself.
But honestly, I'm not even looking for anyone right now. If she happens to stumble into my life,
that's cool. But I'm not actively dating. You?
rohith reddy
rohith reddy
il y a 1 mois
They do it to lure you in.They cant give anything emotionally so they give you presents etc
Karen Terrell
Karen Terrell
il y a 1 mois
Thank you for such clear, concise, and phenomenal insight and information!
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
This video is paramount. I needed to hear it about 2 years ago when just discovering narcissism
as I was so confused & frustrated in the beginning bc there's so many narc videos often
describing them as raging, mean, screaming, conceited a**holes, and although there are, my ex
wasn't and he checked very high in traits of cluster-B by the dsm...but he was a baby bird with
broken wing, giving, charming, funny but full demon behind your back. This video is going to be
helpful to someone new who's not able to match traits by what their hearing from videos or narc
abuse survivors communities or hasn't checked the dsm for the many cluster-B traits yet. Thank
il y a 1 mois
Thanks for putting new on it. I'm getting older and I can't remember what I've seen and what I
haven't so I've given up a bit. But then again, I'm over it so I don't have the need to look up
things on narcs anymore. Hooray! �
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I made a playlist out of all the ones that are new to this channel, or since my old channel was
Evie Fieseler
Evie Fieseler
il y a 1 mois
The Little Shaman Oh, thank you, that will help me a lot.
Tammy Turney
Tammy Turney
il y a 1 mois
Thanks Little Shaman, this was especially helpful for me. My Nex was the hero/martyr type. He
loves animals and children and is wonderful to be around UNTIL he is challenged or feels
threatened in any way. He had to be in control, especially concerning me and anyone having
anything to do with me. I don’t think I’ve watched your video on the Hero yet but I remember
seeing it on my timeline. I think l watch that one next. Anyway, thanks again, and like everyone
else, I’m really glad to see you back here. I hope people continue to see that you’re back and
resubscribe. It’s not right that you’re having to start all over. Have a wonderful day.�
Unspeakable Truth
Unspeakable Truth
il y a 1 mois
My narc liked animals and children, too. It's not about relationships or affection. It's about the
control they're getting over your life. Narcs like being obeyed.
Chris LoganbcGot
Chris LoganbcGot
il y a 1 mois
Your videos are divinely inspired because it helps us crushed by this type of abuse. I’m out after
2 horrific discards and there not all male. Females are narcs mine is a narc to the T
Douglas Fisher
Douglas Fisher
il y a 1 mois
Most narcs in the world are females, bottom line. Not all, but a large majority.
Ivanka Dimitrova
Ivanka Dimitrova
il y a 1 mois
Very sad truth. Thank you Little Shaman for reminding it
il y a 1 mois
thanks Sister Syn, another excellent video. So glad you are back on You Tube.
Andre Thompson
Andre Thompson
il y a 1 mois
Just what the doctor ordered. thank you again
Angel D
Angel D
il y a 1 mois
There you go sister LS saving life's again. .this was precious information!!..stay awesome and
hope Frankie s feeling better I saw a post on it but lost it...huge hugz to you and him..xxxxx
Private Private
Private Private
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
My mother DEFINITELY feels that her feelings are facts and she often attempts to convince me,
as well. For instance, as I’ve heard with many narcissists, she believes and tried to convince me
that everyone out in the world is hunkering down, afraid, afraid to spend a dime, and have
completely stopped living, like Armageddon is going to happen any moment now. But, the reality
is that, yeah, of course there are and will likely always be people who live in quiet worry and
desperation, that’s not everyone. But, I know, for her, that is her reality and, as her perceived
extension, she wants me to also inculcate that desperate, isolating gloom and doom into my own
psyche. It is, of course, in large part to have me hopeless, hoover me and to make me feel that
there will never be anything available in my life than what my narcissistically abusive family has
to offer. Narcissists do love designing your reality to suit their views and their needs.

I’ve been apologized to. It has usually been a childish, mocking apology that blatantly says, “Hell,
I’m not sorry one bit. But, if it shuts you up, here you go.” The good thing is that it’s so blatant,
it’s easy to read and it doesn’t change anything I do. She also lies by her actions. In terms of her
hoarded property, she once said that her house was messy inside, but that no one could prove it.
Despite my warnings that, one day, that might no longer be true, she is currently in Hell because
her township has stepped in. She’s even said that a person should be able to live in a home they
own whichever way they want. Of course, I replied by saying, “You WANT to live like this???” I’ve
told her thank God they have building codes and senior services in place - to protect you from
yourself! Still, I know that she hoarded the homes in part because of her personal, mental issues
and because doing so hurt her “lazy” daughters that weren’t caring for the properties and her
every need, while we live in apartments elsewhere. A person could say that she’s getting old so,
it’s natural for adult children to do this. But, firstly, times are changing and jobs often own
people now. Second, my mother has been FULLY capable of heavy yard work, let alone inside,
domestic care. FULLY CAPABLE, mentally and physically. It just dependent on what she felt she
wanted to or didn’t want to do.

Regarding gender, although I’ve seen videos on narcissistic fathers, I’ve more so seen videos and
also a website dedicated to understanding or recognizing your narcissistic mother. While I don’t
have a great deal of long term experience with narcissistic fathers as, my mother was married 3
times, yes, her 3rd husband was likely a classic, overt narcissist. He could’ve actually been the
cause of her current behavior, although she may have likely had an early predisposition to it.

As I’ve said before, my mother has very good, normal days. During those times, she provides
good, non-jealous advice. She’ll advise me on dating and it is, indeed, good, positive, mindful
advice. I still will never introduce her to someone I’d date or marry. I already know she’d destroy
my relationship, especially since that person would be seen as competition and she’d want to kill
the relationship because it’s kind of late in life for me to recoup.
asa tvinden
asa tvinden
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman: Could you please make video on the subject of narcissist's behavior during
the holidays! It would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I have one! I hope you find it helpful. And thank you for the suggestion.
asa tvinden
asa tvinden
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman Found it---Thanks !
il y a 1 mois
holidays r hard for me. i feel like the healing process has slowed down. dam i just wanna b over it
already. but this time of year makes me think about it more mabey once the holidays pass the
healing process will pick up and move alot faster its been a year and i feel i should be over it by
anniek decavele
anniek decavele
il y a 1 mois
two years… it started as a fairy tale but in the end i was terrified to death :)… now it is up to 9
months, I can say i saw all your video's, they changed my self image and how I view humanity
and the world! I've lost people, I've been sick of grieve, hurt to the bone… now: a deep
understanding, now I know what love is, never been happier before. I'm a better mom, a better
person and I consiously care for myself - I'm worth living as much as anyone else, sometimes
things can be simple :)
Betania La Coste
Betania La Coste
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Is it possible that they cannot empathise because they are too preoccupied with their own pain?
Yes. You are describing my mother, except that its in "remission" which means she has, likely,
gotten worse. For a pathalogical narcissist better is worse by far. "Watch out for the silent type." I
heard seventy-five percent of psychopaths (making up fifteen percent of the world) are male.
Katie B.
Katie B.
il y a 1 mois
I have been binge-watching videos on narcissism for two weeks. You have a better grasp on the
traits and pathology than even many of the therapists I’ve watched. Thank you
Sweettart Good Stuff
Sweettart Good Stuff
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Great video LS! Great to see you back!! Are we permitted to share your videos? Most don't
mind, but I'm not sure if you do.
Betsy Bruckel
Betsy Bruckel
il y a 3 semaines (modifié)
I share it everywhere....she has saved me and about 4 other friends thru me passing her podcast
links ..some of my friends couldn't even have a ytube account .but with the link ..they did not
need to have one ..l placed them in one of my folders and they go to it and watch/listen.
Preparing themselves to exit or deal w their situation asap.. never feeling again alone and
without support, if we happen to be busy or unreachable to share or ask what to do next.
Thanks to the big heart of little shaman a whole piece of the world population has been kept
from going insane!... l am so trill she won her own narc media battle and is now BACK! giving
hope and life to thousands more! . l Love you, not so Little, but Immensely & Loving Shaman! �
Happy New Year 2019!!
run with the wind
run with the wind
il y a 1 mois
Thank you for helping me understand
angela gouldsborough
angela gouldsborough
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Well I think what we mean by saying they never apologize is more about there is absolutely no
meaning in those apologies ... they are only saying it to shut us up in the moment and to try to
get back into the fold ...

Mine very rarely apologized at all ... But even when he did apologize that handful of times in
over 10 years! ... it was in a “whatever” way absolutely no sincerity whatsoever... and two
weeks later during another “unrelated” disagreement he would retract the apology and say that
I got what I deserved !! ... so ultimately THEY DONT apologize ... in the real sense of the word
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
Some narcissists may mean what they are saying in the moment - or think they do - but it won't
The Lion ROARS ! ! !
The Lion ROARS ! ! !
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Whenever I walk in the room, he quickly puts his phone (down) away. I know that looks
suspicious to me, but doesn't HE realize how suspicious that makes him look?!?! Is he trying to
hide something???'s weird!
Gracefully broken
Gracefully broken
il y a 1 mois
First Love - JC - True Love that’s what I went through before no contact
selena weaver
selena weaver
il y a 1 mois
He can do that ,and say he's not doin anything wrong. Then he wants to go threw my phone and
there is never nothing there. I don't cheat but he starts calling me nasty mean names.even
though he didn't find anything. And kicks me out till he decides to get in contact with me again
usually 2 to 3 weeks later and it only lasts for a few days then he does it again. Same oh same oh
never fails. He will never change and I know this .now that I have started watching these videos. I
didn't know what narcissism was before 6 months ago. But I finally realized he really believes the
lies he is saying about me. But if I ask to look at his phone when he is searching threw mine he
gets very angry and won't let me I can't even know his password .he always tries to turn it
around on me and say I'm a,whore and I'm not loyal I'm cheating and that's not true at all and he
has no evidence of anything either he makes it up as he goes and he will not say he is sorry or
wrong at all
selena weaver
selena weaver
il y a 1 mois
I'm done , really he is a piece of shit , and I've been saying I'm done for a couple of years now we
have been separated almost 3 weeks now ,I know I keep taking him back.but I was married to my
husband for 34 years before I finally quit going back. He was a mean drunk that beat on me all
the time. What the he'll is wrong with me to keep taking this abuse from him ? I jumped out of
the frying pan straight into the fire. This one is worse than my husband. I am loyal faithful loving
good wife and mother,what the he'll is wrong with me? I've got a problem. I'm not ugly I'm not
lazy, I work hard and would do anything just about to make him happy, I fell for the wrong guy
again. What should I do its easier said than don3
il y a 1 mois
selena weaver You obviously have unresolved psychological “stuff” from your childhood and you
keep living it out with your partners. You need to get away and stay away from this abusive, sick
man. That’s the first step. And watch videos on narcs like these by little shaman, by Assoc Direct,
and others. If you can afford it, go into counselling and start to deal with your childhood issues.
Was one of your parents abusive or a narc? Were you sexually abused? Journaling can be
valuable. Focus on yourself - do nice things for yourself, surround yourself with good, supportive
people. Stay away from relationships with men for awhile, even if it’s painful. The pain will help
you understand your deeper problems more, and this will help you heal. If you’re a religious
person - any religion or belief system - pray, meditate, ask for help and guidance.
Dewayne K
Dewayne K
il y a 1 mois
I was just thinking about your channel and some narc trying to take you out Lol. So glad your
back shaman
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I had to make a new channel, but still! They can't stop the information.
Avi Kohl
Avi Kohl
il y a 1 mois
For some reason, the culture keeps pushing a tunnel vision narrative of female victim vis-a-vis
overt, philandering male abuser that aggressively minimizes or excludes any narcissist situation
outside of this template. Not at all invalidating female survivors of such narcs and they should be
heard but it's the aggressive dismissal and condemnation in social media of anything outside of
the orthodoxy that's troubling. It's as if some kind of moralistic extortion racket is being
protected to the detriment of all abuse victims.
just me
just me
il y a 1 mois
What I found to be the most telling sign was that I am the kind of person that will discuss
problems, no matter if its your problem or mine, and try to find some kind of agreeable solution,
yet this N individual was like a stone wall. Whatever she had just said or the fact that she didn't
want to talk about any given subject was to be taken as the word or act of God. Don't you DARE
cross or try to continue any discussion of the subject or hellish rage WILL fall on your head like a
ton bricks, now and later. Sometimes for weeks at a time. Dead givaway.
il y a 1 mois
Can you do a video on the narcissistic cult family? My ex husband left me to work with his rich
narcissist father.
Luke Veraldi
Luke Veraldi
il y a 1 mois
As far as people with NPD having no empathy: half true. They have cognitive empathy, they can
intellectually understand others feelings, but if they meet the symptom criteria they lack
emotional empathy, they lack the ability to resonate with the feelings of others. They don't move
with you emotionally.
Klemen B.
Klemen B.
il y a 1 mois
My soon to be (hope-fu-lly) wife & her Mother - you described both: one faithful, one
obsessively cheating. Both found in all 5 facts about myths. Both women. ✌
Pam Atkins
Pam Atkins
il y a 1 mois
You are so damn smart thank you for clearing that up for me really but yeah I'm dealing with a
narcissist about to go out of my mind
crf450r bullet david
crf450r bullet david
il y a 1 mois
My narc is an old lady. Don’t underestimate anyone of any age or type.
Radmila Rixon
Radmila Rixon
il y a 1 mois
So glad you are back, you provide excellent education.
I come across you by accident..looking up Shrink4men.
So glad you're back
Gordon Cunningham
Gordon Cunningham
il y a 1 mois
My ex narc apologised but the actions did not match the words.
Janice Murphy
Janice Murphy
il y a 1 mois
You know your stuff, I love you for it you are a educator!!!
Andreas Landgren
Andreas Landgren
il y a 2 semaines (modifié)
Great video. Factual and to the point.

There is hope wether you are bpd narcsurvivor empath or narc become aware today.

Get professional help i Will on jam 17th for my bpd.

The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 2 semaines
Good for you!! ❤❤
Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson
il y a 1 mois
Thank u!, a million.❤
Suzanne Cobb
Suzanne Cobb
il y a 1 semaine
Christine Miller
Christine Miller
il y a 1 mois
Thank you! ⛄ ⛄⛄⛄ ��
il y a 1 mois
Great information
Thank you sister sin
Susie P.
Susie P.
il y a 1 mois
Little Shaman
H.G. Tudor (You will know him, he is a confessing narcissist!) says that some narcissist don't
know, what's wrong with them.... That they don't know that they ARE narcissist....Is that possible
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
Absolutely. They have a very limited amount of insight and live in a huge cloak of denial and
fantasy. Because of these things, many of them really do believe the problem is everybody else.
Susie P.
Susie P.
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman
Thank you for your response !! It is very interesting !! It seems as if they don't have a little self
assessment...I repeat myself now ... : Unbelievable that these creatures exist....
il y a 1 mois
Susie P. Especially the lower & mid-range narcissist. The upper ones tend to be more self aware.
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Susie P. Some don’t know - look at the YT videos by My Narcissistic Healing - she truly wasn’t
aware of many of the things she was doing. Mine did know and would even talk about it with
me. He’d researched online and knew what he was and that he couldn’t heal. He’s a malignant
narcissist (sociopath) and was fully aware of all his manipulation, lies, gaslighting, etc. He knows
he can’t love and that he’s fake with everyone. But he was constantly overtaken by his emotions,
couldn’t reason properly, messed up all the time, couldn’t see that what he was saying and doing
was off the wall and harmful to himself. This is why he termed himself “sick” (only to me). And
usually he blamed everyone else. So it’s kind of a mix: they often know something is seriously
wrong with them but they can’t stop the acting out, and can get carried away with it to the point
of violence and even murder.
Susie P.
Susie P.
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Wow...Are you still with him ? I was in a phase, where I felt pity for him (past!)..
But after caught him on the dating site (where we once met), after he told me that he loooooove
me... I'm absolutely done with him !!! Btw. ..what is YT videos ?
il y a 1 mois
@Susie P. YT = YouTube. No, I'm not with him anymore. I felt sorry for him too and he kept
tricking me. Good that you got out so quickly!
il y a 1 mois
Absolutely agree! Your thoughts on Chris Watts... =o
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I don't know him but he seems pathologically narcissistic to me, from what I have read.
angela gouldsborough
angela gouldsborough
il y a 1 mois
I think males are most likely to cheat out of the male female thing ... men are more often
cheaters in general so you add narcissism to the mix I believe most male narcs cheat ... I know a
few of each gender and in those cases the men have been the cheaters ...and I think women in
general are more understanding of how relationships work ... that relationships just don’t
happen they require “effort” ... where’s a lot of men and certainly MALE narcs would rather just
cheat and take the easy way ALWAYS ....
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
As a male who's never cheated and been cheated on, I respectively disagree. :)
John Thomson
John Thomson
il y a 1 mois
What a gynocentric joke! When a man cheats he boasts. When a woman cheats, she lies. When
a man cheats (surprise! surprise) he cheats with a woman.
Narc Survivor
Narc Survivor
il y a 1 mois
Funny but true... if a woman does something immoral or illegal she needs help. If a man does
the same thing, you should call the police.
That One Chris
That One Chris
il y a 1 mois
Lol funny ain't it!? Like when a woman cheats, it's because the man failed to stimulate or excite
her....when a man cheats, he's just a dog. Lol I think cheating is one of the worst things you can
do to somebody, but at least in my experience it seems to be dismissed more when it's done by
Jenny Collard
Jenny Collard
il y a 3 semaines
Nailed it with this video! Thank you. Helps clear up some of the cognitive dissonance for me,
especially with the cheating myth. My ex definitely classified as the Fatal Attraction type... That's
why I hung in for so many years. Thank you for everything you're doing... Please keep it up! I've
been a faithful listener for a year.
Ray K
Ray K
il y a 1 mois
The Little Shaman, you're my hero. Thank you for making this. Thank you for educating the
world. These misconceptions need to end!

I have a question for you. A couple years ago my sister (golden child) came to me saying she is a
narcissist like our parents (one overt, the other covert), even worse she added. I do painfully
notice a lot of narcissistic behaviour in her which she claimed happen out of reflex. The thing is..
can she really have NPD if she has enough capacity to self-reflect and admit to that? People on
the internet often said "if you question you are one, then it means you are not". My sister is
aware of this saying too but insists that people don't know what they're talking about. I'm
interested to hear your opinion on this.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I think it's probably more likely she just has really strong traits, but nothing is impossible. If she
came to this realization herself, that would be unusual. Usually people who are self-aware
narcissists have been told by somebody else and are basically repeating information. Narcissistic
people are all individuals, so the truth is that nothing is impossible. Lots of things are likely or
unlikely though.
Ray K
Ray K
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman From what I heard it was purely self diagnosis. Around elementary, she
learned online about the existence of "NPD" and saw herself on top of our parents in it. At first
she kept that a secret from everyone, myself included.

It probably sounds very foolish but if possible I'd like to save my worst frenemy from following
the same path as our abusive parents who are way beyond help. My sister confided in me the
fears of her narcissism worsening. She wanted to change or so she said. Unsurprisingly there
hasn't been any notable behavioural improvement. Absence of empathy aside, she knows right
from wrong but when it comes to herself none of that apply. The other day when I called her out
on her repeated bad habits, she yelled hysterically, "Changing is gross! Becoming a healthy
person is gross! I have no reason to fix myself I feel no remorse!". I believed her at the time and
left her alone. However didn't she say she was scared? That was a lie? Is there still hope? I
damaged myself trying to rescue someone who might not want to help themselves but it feels a
little too soon to give up. She's 21 now if that means anything.

At any case, thank you for the reply.

The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
I understand, believe me. The truth is, there is no way to help someone who does not want help.
It doesn't matter what their diagnosis may or may not be. If you see things that you believe are
issues and the other person does not see them or care about them, then they don't. There is no
reason to keep pointing it out. In the end, it's their life and their decision. It can feel bad to
simply leave someone to their own bad choices, but it is not your responsibility to parent
another adult and it's not possible anyway. You'll just have to decide if you want this person and
their behavior in your life and then find a way to make that OK with yourself. Good luck!
Ray K
Ray K
il y a 1 mois
@The Little Shaman You're right. :)
Miss Brocanti
Miss Brocanti
il y a 2 semaines
What a great valuable video, you just understand narcicissim to the core. Thank you for sharing
your wisdom with us⛄ Knowledge is power, and right knowledge is priceless�
il y a 1 mois
mine was not conceited hell he never even looked in the mirror. he was 130 pounds and very tall
and just plain looking. hes a covert and u don't see him coming at all. he uses playing the victim
and playing the hero to fool people.
il y a 1 mois
The 2 i was with did cheat.
Dianne Dell
Dianne Dell
il y a 1 mois
We need to distinguish between NPD and general narcissism. From what I can see, most
humans operate on a narcissistic spectrum (ego) and we fool ourselves into believing that we are
exempt from this condition.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I am speaking of pathological narcissism here. NPD is a pathologically narcissistic disorder.
Neil 72
Neil 72
il y a 1 mois
I thought they all cheated and looked for new supply etc ? So if the Narc doesnt cheat on you
then why do you advise leaving them ?
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
There are other ways to abuse someone than just cheating. Many of them.
The Elegant Beauty
The Elegant Beauty
il y a 1 mois
Why did you take your messages off? Did somebody pay you to go away for a while or to get a
new page?
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
I'm not sure what you're asking me. Are you talking about my old YouTube channel? My channel
was mistakenly terminated by YouTube and I had to start a new one because their process is
automated and there's no one to speak to. It happens all the time.
The Elegant Beauty
The Elegant Beauty
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Oh ok. I thought my narcissists got a hold of you to brain wash you or to bribe you to take your
messages off so that I can't learn what I'm going through with these evil people. I'm sorry. I'm
glad your back.
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
It's no problem. I just didn't really understand what you were talking about.
Buzzing Bee
Buzzing Bee
il y a 1 mois
Should have kicked that pig out the first rage. Im so stupid
kennith rogers
kennith rogers
il y a 1 mois
I only have known 2. Bpd. One that cuts self and another one who almost killed a group of
people in a car accident. Purposely drove them off a mountain top. Beware. Both female. Never
knew a male bpd. And I worked with disabled and mentally ill adults for years. Not saying they
don't exist, I just never meet one. Two female thou. Thumbs up for kicking narcissist ass!
The Little Shaman
The Little Shaman
il y a 1 mois
I have known several males with borderline personality disorder. And several females. It is pretty
much 50-50 from my experience.
John Thomson
John Thomson
il y a 1 mois
If you look at the comments on other YouTuber's channels (who talk about Narcissism) 90% of
the commenters are female "victims." I laud your courage in saying 50/50 male/female.

One of the reasons I appreciate your channel is because you don't do the "poor me victim"
dance. It seems many women gain a lot of victim cred, complaining about the past. (Ala the
covert narcissist)

You, bless you for talking about the future and how to move forward.
New Videos!
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Protecting Yourself From Narcissists
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Starving The Narcissist: Don't Feed The Trolls! *NEW*
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Narcissists Are Jealous *NEW*
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Stop Projecting Your Feelings Onto The Narcissist *NEW*
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Narcissistic Relationships: A Breakdown is NOT a Breakthrough *NEW*
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6 Myths About Narcissists - Mythbusting Narcissism! *NEW*
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Narcissists Are In Survival Mode *NEW*
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Narcissists Live In The Moment *NEW*
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Narcissistic Relationships: You Are The Mirror *NEW*
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Narcissists and Hoovering: When The Narcissist Keeps Coming Back *NEW*
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Narcissistic Relationships: Can You Be The Perfect Supply *NEW*
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Exposing The Narcissist: Should You Do It *NEW IN NOVEMBER*
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Narcissists Are Like Ambush Predators *NEW*
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How to Be Free From The Narcissist In Your Life
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Protecting Yourself From Narcissists
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Games Narcissists Play
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11 Ways to Outsmart a Narcissist
Daylight out of Darkness
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How Life Leaves The Body After Death In Detail By Sadhguru | Mystics of India #MOI | 2018
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Why The Narcissist Pulls Away During The Devalue Stage
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When The Narcissist Won't Let Go
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Ep 21: Dr Ramani Durvasula - How to handle a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath
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Narcissistic Victim Syndrome 20 Signs You Have This
From Surviving To Thriving!!
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Starving The Narcissist: Don't Feed The Trolls! *NEW*
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Stop Defending Yourself to The Narcissist! Try This Instead!
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A Covert Narcissist's Shocking and Disturbing Behavior (Spanish Subtitles)
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Beating the Narcissist, How to win at Narcissism
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Narcissists Have Nothing to Give
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Secretele calatoriilor extracorporale
Granitele Cunoasterii
Recommandée pour vous
Why Narcissists Are Dangerous
The Little Shaman
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Changing For The Better After Narcissistic Relationships
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Stop Explaining to The Narcissist! This Works Better!
The Little Shaman
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Fun With Your Narcissist! How To Beat Them At Their Own Game And Enjoy It
Permission To Exist
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The Narcissist's True Motivation - It's Not What You Think
The Little Shaman
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Stop Projecting Your Feelings Onto The Narcissist *NEW*
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Surviving Narcissism
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Why You Will Never Hear From The Narcissist Again
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How to Separate Yourself From A Narcissist & End The Relationship
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Discarded By The Narcissist: Why It Happens, What to Do About It
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This is Why The Narcissist Won't Leave You Alone!!
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Narcissist's Most Potent Weapon: "Induced Conversation." Beware & Protect Yourself! Expert
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How to be Happy: Ending The Cycle of More
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Narcissists and Cheating: When The Narcissist is Unfaithful
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The Narcissist's New Partner
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The Fantasy of The Narcissist
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Narcissists Are Weak & Inferior
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Narcissists And Flying Monkeys: What They Are, Why Do They Do It
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5 Things You Need to Know About Narcissists
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The Narcissist's False Self
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How to speak to a narcissist
Steps for Change
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