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Washington, D. C. 20546

July 20, 1972




Structure and Thermal Subsystem. ... 30
Power Subsystem 30-31
Attitude and Control Subsystem . . . . 31

First Band
Second Band 33
Third and Fourth Bands 33, 36
Return Beam Vidicon Subsystem 36-37
Multispectral Scanner Subsystem. . . . 40-41


KIT (NASA) 20 Jul. 1972 99 p CSCL 22B
63/31 33309


Wide Band Video Tape Recorder 43-44
Operations Control Center 46
The NASA Data Processing Facility . . . 46-47
Initial Image Generating Subsystem. . . 48
Scene Correcting Subsystem 48-49
Digital Subsystems 49
User Services 49
Agriculture 51-53
Forestry 53-54
Oceanography 55-56
Geology 57-59
Hydrology 60-61
Geography, Cartography and Demography . 62-64
Environmental Quality/Ecology 65-67
Meteorology 68-70

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W a s h i n g t o n , D. C. 20546
Phone: (202) 755-8370

Joseph J. McRoberts THURSDAY,
(Phone: 202/755-3680) July 20, 1972

James Lynch (GSFC)

(Phone: 301/982-5565)

RELEASE NO: 72-137


A major step will /be taken toward the establishment of

a comprehensive information base about the Earth's resources

and its surface environment with the launch of the first

Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-A).

NASA is scheduled to launch ERTS-A (ERTS-1 in orbit)

aboard a two-stage Delta rocket from the Western Test Range,

Lompoc, Calif., no earlier than July 21.

The 891-kilogram (1,965-pound) ERTS-A will not only be

a first step in the merger of space and remote sensing tech-

nology to more efficiently manage the Earth's resources, but

it will greatly aid in assessing and understanding the changes

taking place in our environment.

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July 10, 1972
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While this is an experimental mission, many use-oriented

organizations believe that experiments of this type will

lead to operational systems which will benefit all of mankind.

Charles W. Mathews, NASA's Associate Administrator for

Applications, commented, "The environment and resources of

the Earth's atmosphere, its continents, its coastal shelves,

and its oceans, seas, and lakes have rightly become of great

concern to people everywhere. This concern is in recogni-

tion of the closed ecology and finite resources of spaceship
Earth, just as in the spaceships we build.

"In one sense, the world has become small with complex
interactions between activities of nations, continents and
hemispheres. In another sense, the world is still large,

involving tens of billions of acres of land area and with

oceans many times larger. We know humans have impacted much

of this immense area, but how do we establish a baseline

and how do we measure changes and differentiate between man-

caused and natural changes? To accomplish this end, large

amounts of data must be sensed and gathered from the various

regions of the world — in many cases, on a global basis."

The butterfly shaped observatory flying in a 920-kilo-

meter (570-mile) circular, near-polar orbit will carry imaging

systems which will provide data that could produce breakthroughs

in the efficiency of user-oriented activities in agriculture,

forestry, geology, geography (land use management), hydrology,

pollution control, oceanography, meteorology, and ecology.

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To carry out the research required to evaluate satel-

lite techniques for resources survey and management, NASA is
working with user agencies including the Departments of
Agriculture, Commerce, Interior, the Environmental Protection
Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as
regional state and local organizations.

In addition to the domestic programs, extensive coopera-

tive Earth resources projects have been established with
Canada, Brazil and Mexico involving ERTS and NASA Earth
observations aircraft.

There are some 300 investigators from 43 states, the

District of Columbia and 31 other foreign nations and two
international organizations expected to participate in this
program. NASA and the other government agencies fund the
domestic investigations while the non-domestic investiga-
tions are funded by the foreign nations involved.

To handle this large group of investigators, NASA has

assigned 25 specialists to help organize results submitted

by each investigator.

Unlike previous unmanned programs where a principal

investigator had his own instrumentation aboard the space-

craft and was responsible for analyses of resulting data,
all investigators have access to all data from the ERTS

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The main purpose of this first mission is to demonstrate

the usefulness of remote sensing of conditions on the Earth's
surface on a global scale and on a repetitive basis. These
conditions are of economic, social and cultural interest to

In broad terms, the ERTS-A objectives are:

1. Determine those natural and cultural resource and
environmental data which can be acquired best from spacecraft.'
2. Test and demonstrate a combination of data acquisi-
tion procedures and interpretive techniques for application
of the data in discipline areas such as agriculture, forestry,
geology, geography, hydrology, oceanography, and ecology.
.3. Determine how repetitive, synoptic, multispectral
observations by spaceborne instruments can be of economic
or social value to commercial, scientific, and governmental

Ultimately, ERTS-A and planned follow-on systems are

expected to provide widespread benefits in such areas as:
** Agriculture — Information gathered will aid in
land use planning, range management, identification and com-
batting of crop diseases and improved .irrigation planning.
** Geology -- Information for use in the study of glaciers
and volcanoes, earthquake fault systems, and in identifying
terrain features associated with oil and mineral deposits.
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** Hydrology — Information for use in detecting water

pollution trends; providing an inventory of surface water in
lakes, reservoirs, and rivers; determining snow levels; and
measurement of factors needed to predict the potential of
floods and the location of water reserves.
** Oceanography — Observation of environmental sea sur-
face conditions which can be related to fish location, sources
of pollution, behavior of major ocean currents, changes in
shorelines and shores due to storms. Maritime commerce can
benefit from better charting of sea conditions, ice field
observation and iceberg warnings.
** Geography — ERTS data can be used to produce a
constantly updated map showing the various changes in the
Earth's surface, natural and man-made, of interest to such
groups as urban planners and the transportation industry.

During the ERTS-A mission, much of the early image

analysis will be devoted to obtaining sequential information

or "signatures" on surface features such as vegetation. soil

and water.

All objects, living or inanimate, absorb, transmit or

reflect visible and invisible lightwaves. All energy coming
to Earth from the Sun is either reflected, transmitted, or
absorbed by objects on Earth, each in its own way.

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Sensing in a variety of wavelengths increases the

possibility of identification of every feature in a particu-

lar area. The greater the number of spectral bands used the

more complete and reliable becomes the identifying response

pattern radiated by each individual resource. This radiation

pattern is referred to as a "spectral signature."

To many in the scientific community, especially those

concerned with ecology, the ERTS-A launch is one of the most

widely anticipated events of the space age. Dr. Robert N.

Colwell, Associate Director, Space Sciences Laboratory,

University of California, Berkeley, an ERTS-A investigator

and expert on remote sensing of agricultural, forest

and range resources, earlier this year told the Committee

on Science and Astronautics, House of Representatives:

"Agriculturists, foresters and range managers deal pri-

marily with renewable natural resources, including agricul-

tural crops, timber, forage and livestock. If such resources

are wisely managed they can provide mankind with a sustained

yield of food and fiber not merely for a few generations to

come but perhaps, as some resource managers claim, 'in

perpetuity1. If however, these resources are not managed

wisely, man's very survival may soon be threated."

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He went on to say, "Since the face of the land looks to

the sky, it often is the 'bird's eye1 view as obtained from

an aircraft, together with the "God's eye" view as obtained
from a spacecraft which will best provide the resource

manager with the information that he needs."

It will take about 500 pictures to cover the United"

States from ERTS-A versus 500,000 from high altitude aircraft.

The spacecraft will photograph large areas in a fraction

of a second. Each picture will cover 34,000 square kilometers

(13,000 square miles) or an area 185 by 185 kilometers

(115 by 115 miles). For many scientific investigators, a single

picture will provide a large enough field of view for dis-

ciplinary analysis.

ERTS-A will circle the Earth every 103 minutes or 14

times a day viewing a 185-kilometer (115-mile)^ strip of

Earth running north/south at an angle to the equator of

80.0 degrees retrograde. In this type of orbit the surface

coverage, with a slight overlap, will proceed westward until

global coverage is completed once every 18 days.

The satellite's sun-synchronous, near-polar orbit was

selected for the Sun angle. So the equatorial crossing occurs

at the same time each day, about 9:30 a.m., local time. In other

parts of the world the same conditions will be true, with the

spacecraft crossing various points on the Earth at about the

same time of day (9:30) local time.

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The spacecraft's sensors, along with their associated

communications and electronic equipment, weigh 220 kilo-

grams (485 pounds).

Onboard instrumentation includes:

-- Return Beam Vidicon Television Cameras (RBV).

These three cameras will view the same 185 by 185 kilometers
(115 by 115 miles) square area in three different spectral
bands, the green, red and near infrared portion of the spec-


— Multispectral Scanner Subsystem (MSS). The MSS will

return images in four spectral bands, the green, red and two

near infrared bands. It will cover a continuous video strip

corresponding to the RBV coverage.

— Data Collection System (DCS). The DCS will collect

information from some 150 remote, unattended instrumented

ground platforms and relay the information to NASA ground

stations for delivery to the user. The ground platforms

will monitor such things as stream flow, snow depth, soil

moisture and volcanic activity.

— Wideband tape recorders. The two Wide Band Video

Tape Recorders (WBVTR), will be able to record data in the

form of images from areas outside of the area of direct

data reception in North America for later playback to U.S.

ground stations.
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The three main tracking and data acquisition facilities

which can receive video information from ERTS are at Fairbanks,

Alaska; Goldstone, California and GreenbeIt, Maryland. Canada

has a ground data acquisition station for ERTS at Prince

Albert, Saskatchewan and data processing facilities in Ottawa.

The spacecraft will be controlled from an Operations

Center at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt.

Data received from the satellite at the three data acquisi-

tion facilities will be sent to the NASA Data Processing

Facility (NDPF) at Goddard. NDPF can handle some 1,300

scenes a week covering 45 million square kilometers (17

million square miles).

Data will be distributed in the form of high quality

film images or digitized data on computer-readable magnetic

tape. Information from the data collection platforms will

be in digital form.

Copies of the data and photos processed at Goddard

will be forwarded to the Department of Interior's Earth

Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center at Sioux

Falls, South Dakota. On receipt at Sioux Falls the data

are in the public domain and copies can be purchased by

anyone. The Department of Commerce will also have data

available at its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-

tion (NOAA) Center at Suitland, Md.

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Through its EROS program, administered by the U.S.

Geological Survey, the Interior Department expects the
ERTS missions to offer an opportunity to evaluate the use.
of multi-spectral space sensors together with the associated
data processing techniques. The program will permit research
on feasibility and cost effectiveness and contribute to the
design of any future operational systems.

Dr. V. E. McKelvey, Director, USGS, Washington, D.C.,

said, "Based on findings to date, we are confident that the
Earth resources satellites will live up to expectations.
The Earth science community is eagerly awaiting the oppor-
tunities to apply space technology to the solution of many
complex land resource and environmental problems."

The Department of Commerce through its NOAA and Bureau

of the Census is responsible for developing and executing
programs involving environmental and oceanic phenomena and
population statistics.

The Earth Resources Survey Program is an important

contribution to this effort, offering an opportunity to
NOAA to evaluate the use of repetitive, multi-spectral
obserations from aircraft and satellites, together with
associated data processing techniques.
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I *

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct seven

experimental projects to test the feasibility of collecting

water resources information by satellite.

Corps experts hope to obtain information and data on

snow cover, precipitation, stream flow, sediment transport
eutrophication, beach erosion, changes in vegetation, water
quality, detection of chemicals and solids, drainage and

general characteristics of selected waterways.

Experimental projects are in New England river basins,

Chesapeake Bay, coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean in Calif-

ornia, Cook Inlet area, Alaska, North Carolina barrier islands,

Lower Mississippi Valley and a proposed reservoir site in


The U.S. Department of Agriculture expects its partici-

pation in the experimental ERTS-Satellite to identify areas

where remote sensing could significantly benefit agriculture

and related natural resources.

This would involve testing the practicality of including

space-acquired data with other data to inventory and make

predictions of the food and fiber resources of the nation,

to evaluate the productivity of the land and to monitor

changes affecting the quantity of production or quality of

food and fiber.

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The remotely sensed data is expected to permit identi-

fication of major agricultural crop types and forest species,

insect damage, crop disease, soil salinity and moisture

differences, mapping of surface water, snowpack, soil and

water temperatures and changes in land use.

Other organizations working with NASA on the ERTS

program include the Environmental Protection Agency as well

as state and local governments, industry, universities, and

foreign governments.

Overall ERTS program responsibility for NASA rests with

the Office of Applications, Earth Observations Programs,


Project management for the ERTS spacecraft, the Delta

launch vehicle, the Ground Data Handling System (GDHS) and

the world-wide tracking network rests with the Goddard

Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Launching of the Delta is supervised by the Kennedy

Space Center's Unmanned Launch Operations team.

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Prime contractor for the ERTS spacecraft, the data col-

lection system aboard the spacecraft, as well as the Ground
Data Handling System at Goddard is the General Electric
Company, Space Division, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Hughes
Aircraft Company, Culver City, California is prime contractor
for the multi-spectral scanner and RCA, Astro-Electronics
Division, Princeton, New Jersey, is prime contractor for
the return beam vidicon camera. RCA, Government and Commer-
cial Systems Division, Camden, N.J., is prime contractor for
the wide-band video tape recorders. The McDonnell Douglas
Astronautics Company, Huntington Beach, Calif., is prime
contractor for the Delta launch vehicle.

NASA costs for the ERTS program are $174 million. This
includes two spacecraft, $28 million for the data handling
facility at Goddard and $34 million for investigations. In
addition, the Delta launch vehicle for ERTS-A costs $4.2 mil-


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Launch Information:

Date No earlier than July 21, 1972

Launch Window Opens at 10:54 AM PDT; closes
about 30 minutes later.
Launch Vehicle Two stage Delta, Model 0900
Launch Pad SLC-2 West, Western Test Range

Orbital Elements:
Circular 920 kilometers (570 statute
Period 103.2 minutes
Inclination Nearly polar, sun-synchronous,
inclined 80.9 degrees retro-
grade to the Equator.
Spacecraft: Butterfly shaped, 3 meters
•(10 feet) tall, 3.4 meters
(11 feet) wide (with solar
paddles unfolded) weighing
891 kilograms (1,965 pounds).
Sensors and electronics are
•housed inside a 1.5-meter
(5-foot) diameter sensory ring.
Stabilization Subsystem: Earth oriented and three
axes stabilized to less than
0.7 degrees, w/rates less
than 0.4° sec exclusive of
orbital rate.
Mission Objectives: Define those practical Earth
resources management problems
where space technology can
make beneficial contributions;
conduct research on sensors
and establish their utilities
in Earth observation; and
develop handling and processing
techniques for Earth resources
Spacecraft Designed Lifetime: One year.

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ERTS-A Sensors:
Multispectral Scanner The MSS will collect data by
Subsystem (MSS) continually scanning the ground
directly beneath the observa-
tory. The width of the strip
will be identical to the cover-
age of the Return Beam Vidicon
Camera, 185 kilometers. Optical
energy will be sensed by an
array of detectors in four
spectral bands, two in the
visible spectrum and two
in the near infrared part of
the spectrum.
Return Beam Vidicon Three 4,125 line RBV cameras
Subsystem TRBV) will view the same 185 kilo-
meters swath as the MSS.
Cameras will be reshuttered
simultaneously every 25
seconds to produce 185 x 185
kilometers overlapping images
of the ground along the direc-
tion of the satellite motion.
The RBV will photograph two
bands in the visible and one
in the near infrared.
Data Collection System Remote platforms for measuring
soil, water and air, quality
and other environmental data,
and transmitting the data to
ERTS as it passes overhead.
This system can be expanded to
global coverage by incorporating
additional remote receiving sites,
This system will provide in-situ
measurements to be used to
assist in the interpretation
of data from the other two

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Wide Band Video Tape ERTS-A will not be within range

Recorder (WBVTR) of one of the three ground sta-
tions , much of the time, so a tape
recorder system is required to
store images for later playback.
ERTS-A has two WBVTRs and two
transmitters. The system can
record both sensors simultaneously
and can transmit two channels of
wideband data at once. The WBVTR
has a digital bit rate of 15 million
bits per second and aQstorage
capability of 3 x 10 . The
normal tape recorder used in space
employs a tape head speed of
30 inches per second while the
WBVTR has a head and tape speed
of 2,000 inches per second.
Orbit Stations of NASA's world-wide
Spaceflight Tracking & Data
Network (STDNT
Data Acquisition Fairbanks^, Alaska; Goldstone,
Facilities Calif.; and Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Md; Prince
Albert, Sasketchewan, Canada.
Program Management: Office of Applications, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Project Management: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,

Greenbelt,' Md.

Prime Spacecraft Contractor: General Electric Company

Valley Forge, Pa.
Prime Launch Vehicle McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
Contractor: Company, Huntington Beach, Calif.

Prime Sensor Contractors:

Data Collection System General Electric Company, Space

Division, Valley Forge, Pa.

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Multispectral Scanner Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver

Subsystem City, Calif.

Return Beam Vidicon RCA Astro-Electronics Division,

Camera Subsystem Princeton, N.J.

Wide Band Video Tape RCA Government & Commerical

Recorder Systems Division, Camden, N.J.

Principal Investigators 300 from 43 states, the District

of Columbia and 34 foreign countries

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In preparation for the data to be acquired by ERTS-A,

the Department of the Interior has, since 1964, been doing
research in testing the applications of a broad spectrum
of remote-sensing data from aircraft and spacecraft to
Departmental programs.
Results of early studies in the basic fields of carto-
graphy, geography, geology, and hydrology, were sufficiently
encouraging that in 1966, the Secretary of the Interior
established the EROS (Earth Resources Observation Systems)
program as a departmental effort under the management of the
U.S. Geological Survey.
Through its EROS program, the Interior Department repre-
sents the largest single recipient and user agency of data
to be. obtained from NASA aircraft and spacecraft designed to
gather repetitive information related to a wide variety of
Earth science and natural resource disciplines.

Resources inventory and management applications have since

become an important part of the research program with parti-
cipation by 10 bureaus of the Department: the Geological
Survey, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management,
Bureau of Mines, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, Bureau of
Reclamation, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife,, the
Bonneville Power Administration, National Park Service, and
the Office of Trust Territories.

The EROS program has submitted 70 experiment proposals

to NASA to evaluate the applications and use data from the
ERTS-A satellite. Of these, 40 have been accepted by NASA
for participation in the experimental program. The proposed
investigations are categorized into five areas of research
that correspond to working groups of the EROS program:

* Cartographic Applications and Mapping Requirements;

* Geology, Mineral, and Land Resources;
* Water Resources;
* Marine Resources; and
* Geography, Human, and Cultural Resources.

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As part of gearing up for making the best possible inter-

pretations and uses of data — much of which will be obtained
from a variety of remote sensing devices, such as infrared,
ultraviolet, and radar devices carried in the satellites —
the U.S. Geological Survey will manage the EROS Data Center,
being constructed at Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Processed
data on terrain features will be stored in retrievable and
reproducible form at the Center.

The $5 million facility, designated the EROS (Earth Re-
sources Observation Systems) Data Center, will be constructed
on a 315-acre site about 12 miles north and east of Sioux Falls.
When completed in the spring of 1973, the Center will
be a key installation as a national central repository for
processing, interpretation, and dissemination of thousands of
images per year of a wide variety of land and water features
of the United States obtained from aerial photography and space-
borne television and other remote sensing equipment.
Principal source of data to be stored at the Center will
be NASA's ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) satellites.

The EROS Data Center will be a one-story steel frame

structure with facilities, and will contain about 116,000
gross square feet of floor space, designed to house photo-
graphic and reproduction equipment and, in addition, special
purpose hardware for picture rectification and color negative
generation. During the ERTS experiments, space data will be
delivered to the Center from NASA's Goddard Space Flight
Center, Greenbelt, Md.
The facility, according to plans and specifications of
the. U.S. government, will be constructed by the Sioux Falls
Development Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit organization of
Sioux Falls businessmen which donated the site. Construction
will be under a 20-year lease agreement with an option for
the United States to purchase at any time within the period.
If the option is not exercised, the facility will become the
property of the Federal government at the end of the 20-year
The EROS Data Center, designed by Spitznagel Partners, Inc.
in joint venture with Fritzel, Kroeger, Griffin, and Berg, both
of Sioux Falls, is being constructed by Lueder Contruction of
Omaha, Nebraska, with construction and permanent financing
by the First National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota.

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The Department of Commerce (USDC), through the National

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is responsible
for developing and executing programs to assure that the ocean
environment and its resources are wisely used in a balanced
way to enable their development as well as conservation for the
national economic and environmental well-being. NOAA is also
charged with developing and operating systems to monitor and
predict environmental conditions such as weather, ocean, Earth
and solar events, and with exploring the feasibility of bene-
ficial modification of environmental conditions and understanding
the consequences of inadvertent environmental modification.
Through the Bureau of the Census, USDC is also responsible
for providing a continuous statistical profile of the popu-
lation of the Nation,- measuring significant social and economic
developments in each geographical area. Fulfilling these essen-
tial public functions requires a very large amount of data of
many sorts over wide geographical areas, including global
data in some cases. To meet these objectives, USDC is evaluating
the feasibility and cost effectiveness of various types of in-situ
and remote sensing techniques. The Earth Resources Survey
Program will make an important contribution to this effort,
offering an opportunity to evaluate the use of repetitive,
multi-spectral observations from aircraft and satellites,
together with associated data processing techniques, for this
purpose. While many potential applications would require the
availability of data in near real-time for operational purposes,
the current program, while lacking that capability, will
permit research on feasibility and cost effectiveness to be
done and contribute to the design of future operational systems.

In addition to attempting to meet its own mission objectives,

USDC will operate an ERS Data Center at Suitland, Maryland, to
meet the needs of secondary users, including the public, in
the disciplines of oceanography, hydrology, and meteorology.

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture looks to remote sensing

as a very necessary and welcome tool in the intensifying war
against waste. Remote sensing can help save time, save man-
power and save resources.

Sensors now detect the subtlest of stresses in living

plants and accordingly have a great potential value for iden-
tifying stress in the environment -- crops, forests and range.
Such identification will, in some situations, like pest con-
trol efforts, lead to corrective action.
Corrective action may not be practical or possible in
other instances, but the information gained by remote sensing
can be used as a factor in crop estimates and forecasts. The
information is essential to production, resource and inventory

As the world population increases, demands upon the capacity

of exporting nations to produce more will become heavier.
It will be increasingly important that available resources
are managed with the least possible waste.

Local, state, national and global data, on a nearly real-

time basis, would be of great usefulness in making reliable
production forecasts. Such forecast information, translated
into acres, pounds and bushels, would be of obvious value in
reproduction, resource and inventory management decisions and the
design of sound production adjustment, price support and
environmental programs involving billions of dollars annually.
The related merchandising and transportation industries vitally
concerned with the availability, location and movement of
food, fiber and materials, can benefit from early decisions
based upon timely and accurate information.

Decisions of management of soil, forest, water, range and

cropland and on management of commodity inventories will be
better because they will be based on more accurate and more
current information.

Specifically, USDA expects remote sensing to develop as an

additional resource for estimating acreage and production of
various crops and possibly for livestock inventories; inventory
of forest resources, classifying and delineating commerial
forest land; forest land; forest fire command and control; land
use classification; soil type mapping; detection of water and
air pollution; soil and water conservation, including moni-
toring snow accumulation and making water supply forecasts.

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USDA will handle the imagery requirements of its own agencies

through the facilities of its Western Aerial Photography Labora-
tory at Salt Lake City, where it will be reproduced and distri-
buted to USDA users.

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will conduct seven experi-

mental projects to test the feasibility of collecting water
resources information by utilizing the Earth Resources
Technology Satellite, the Office, Chief of Engineers announced.

Corps of Engineers experts hope to obtain information and

data on snow cover, precipitation stream flow, sediment trans-
port,' eutrophication, beach erosion, changes in vegetation,
water quality, detection of chemicals and solids, drainage
and general characteristics of selected waterways.

Two imaging systems — a television camera called a

Return Beam Vidicon and a Multispectral Scanner — and a data
relay system aboard the Satellite are expected to provide
multispectral imagery and data which the Corps will use in
performance of its water resource mission. Corps investiga-
tors will use surface measurements together with high,
medium, and low altitude aircraft remote sensing information
to aid in the interpretation of the satellite imagery.

The experimental projects will provide data and imagery

of the New England river basins areas, Chesapeake Bay, along
the coastal areas of the Pacific Ocean in California, in the
Cook Inlet area in Alaska, the barrier islands off North
Carolina, the Lower Mississippi Valley and at the site of a
proposed Corps reservoir in Illinois.

In the New England experiment, 25 data collection plat-

forms will be placed along waterways from Stamford, Conn., to
Fort Kent in northern Maine. The platforms will collect data
such as stream flow, precipitation, temperature, soil moisture,
tide changes, snow depth and water quality. This will be
transmitted twice a day to the satellite's data collection
system which will relay it to a receiving computer at the
Goddard Space Flight Center in Beltsville, Md. An inter-
facing computer at the New England Engineer Division at
Waltham, Mass., will receive the relayed data almost simul-
taneously. This experiment will test the feasibility of using
satellite data relay in lieu of expensive "hard wire" or micro-
wave data collection systems.
It is anticipated that the Chesapeake Bay studies, which
will be conducted by the Corps' Waterways Experiment Station,
Vicksburg, Miss., will provide information on how seasonal
changes affect the water as river water mixes with the bay,
changes in vegetation that occur, sediment movement, detection of
solids and other foreign matter including chemicals, and other
ecological changes in the area.
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The Corps will also coordinate 11 investigations in the

Chesapeake Bay area which are to be conducted by six agencies.
The Corps will organize the aircraft remote sensing of the area
and the collection of ground truth and enhance the flow of
information among the investigators.
In the other experiments:
The Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
Hanover, N.H., will study ice cover, circulation patterns and
sediment transport in Cook Inlet in Southern Alaska, and the
effects of steam rings and permafrost changes in the Fairbanks
and Eagle Summit areas in central Alaska.
The Coastal Engineering Research Center, Washington, D.C.
will study beach buildup and erosion as well as dune patterns
of the Barrier Islands off North Carolina's Atlantic Coast.
The Waterways Experiment Station will have a second project
in the Lower Mississippi Valley to study drainage and vegeta-
tion characteristics and to obtain data for flood plain mapping.
The South Pacific Division, Corps of Engineer, plans to
monitor coastal processes around San Fransisco Bay, Humbolt
Bay, and the southern California coast from Morro Bay to Mis-
sion Bay. It will study sediment transport, estuarine
exchange — the changes in the estuary where the rivers dis-
charge into the bay — and the dispersion of chemical and
biological wastes dumped into the water flowing into the bay
and the bay itself.
The Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, which is
located near the campus at the University of Illinois, Champaign-
Urbana, will evaluate the feasibility of monitoring the environ-
mental impact and vegetation changes resulting from construc-
tion, filling, and operation of the Oakley Reservoir on the
Sangamon River in Illinois.

- more -
r - 26 -


The Environmental Protection Agency will participate

in joint research programs with the University of Michigan
and the Bendix Corporation to detect pollutants and monitor
the general environment using ERTS data. The planned studies
will employ low altitude aircraft, surface observations and
measurements for verification purposes, and data from the
ERTS system itself. Each study seeks to determine the feasi-
bility of using ERTS type systems for ambient monitoring,
the detection of effluents and outfalls and the mapping of
dispersion currents.

EPAs regional officers have expressed an interest in

over 40 of the scheduled ERTS experiments. This regional
interest extends to plans for actually monitoring 15 of the
proposed experiments.

EPA's Office of Monitoring is also experimenting with

the use of data collection platforms, in estuarian, coastal
and river environments.

- more -
- 27 -


What is remote sensing? Very simply, it is the measuring

of an object from a distance. For example, a camera is a
remote sensor in that it measures reflected light without
touching the object being photographed. Other examples of
remote sensors are human eyes, microwave radiometers,
photomultiplier tubes, solid state detectors and spectrometers.

Remote sensing is a rapidly advancing technology. Unlike

some technologies, remote sensing does not pollute. On the
contrary, the use of remote sensing may help to preserve
quality of the environment by detecting pollution early and
improve the standard of living for Earth's increasing popu-
lation by better utilization of our agricultural resources.
It has the potential for revolutionizing the detection and
characterization of Earth's natural resource phenomena.

Humans collect information through the five senses of

sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Most of the information
that the Earth reflects or radiates can't be seen by the human
eye. For example, in the near infrared, which is just slightly
longer in wavelength than red, healthy vegetation is even
brighter than the green radiance which our eyes can see.
This near infrared information can be particularly valuable
to farmers and agriculturists because it can reveal whether
crops are healthy or sick.

Since objects have different physical and chemical

properties, they tend to radiate different amounts of energy
in the form of electromagnetic waves. Thus, a scene is made
up of many small radiating elements, and every object could
conceivably radiate different kinds and amounts of reflected
and emitted energy.

The wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum used in

remote sensing range from about 0.1 micrometers (x-rays) to
10,000 micrometers (radio waves). Only a small portion of
the total spectrum can be seen with the human eye. The
visible portion of the spectrum is from 0.4 to 0.7 micro"
meters. These wavelengths, or frequencies, quantify the
colors of the rainbow — violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow,
orange and red.

No single instrument is capable of sensing and measuring

energy at all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Therefore, several devices are necessary if all the energy
radiated by an object or scene is to be measured.
- more -
- 28 -

A sensor which measures the amount of energy being radiated

as a function of frequency or wavelength is called a multi-
spectral sensor. It measures the spectral characteristics of
energy radiating from a scene or object.

The Department of Agriculture has been using remote

sensing in the form of black and white aerial photography
since the 1930s to measure crop and land use acreages for
timber inventory and management, recreation and urban plan-
ning, as a base for soil maps and as a tool for crop esti-
mates and yield predictions.
NASA and the Department of Agriculture have been working
closely since the mid-1960s on high altitude tests of the
necessary multispectral sensors and techniques necessary
for an efficient inventory of Earth's natural resources.
The choice of sensors for ERTS-A was influenced heavily by
this work.
Since early in the history of aviation, remote sensing
devices in the form of aerial photography have played an
increasingly significant role in military and geographical
investigations. With the possible exception of the seismo-
graph, aerial photography has become the most successful
mineral exploration tool in the history of mankind.

In Canada airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and gravity

methods have been combined with aerial photography to achieve
perhaps the greatest airborne usage of remote sensing for
mineral exploration objectives. Hundreds of thousands of
miles of surveys have been carried out, resulting in such
finds as the Manitoba nickel deposits of International
Nickel and the base metal discovery of Texas Gulf Sulphur
in the Timmins, Ontario, region.

In 1964, the U.S. Geological Survey, long a lead agency

in airborne surveys, entered into a cooperative agreement
with NASA to investigate the feasibility and applications
of remote sensing from space, relative to geologic studies.

Remote sensing won its "photographic wings" with the

advent of the airplane and advanced rapidly during World
War II because of military reconnaisance requirements.
Multispectral scanning came into existence in the 1960s,
and remote sensing advanced with space age technology.

- more -
- 29 -



- 30 -


The ERTS-A spacecraft design is based on the flight-

proven Nimbus series of experimental meteorological satel-
lites, first launched in 1964. Four Nimbus satellites built
for NASA by General Electric, have been orbited in the past
eight years and all have logged technological and meteorolo-
gical firsts.
ERTS and Nimbus share the same basic design for the
structure and thermal subsystem, power subsystem, attitude and
control subsystem, telemetry, and tracking and command subsystem.
Unique ERTS requirements include an orbit adjust sub-
system, a dual telemetry tracking and command subsystem and
a wideband telemetry subsystem for sensor data transmission.

Structure and Thermal Subsystem

The spacecraft configuration packages payload equipment

centrally in a ring structure at the base of the spacecraft,
providing proximity between the payload sensors, their
electronics, and wideband communications equipment.
The three Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) camera heads are
mounted to a common baseplate, structurally isolated from the
spacecraft, to maintain accurate alignment.
A superinsulation blanket surrounds equipment on the
ring structure except for specified radiator areas where
heat is rejected from the camera section. During minimum
operating periods heaters are used to maintain temperature
An active louver system around the ring maintains the
overall structure and bay electronics very close to the
nominal 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Power Subsystem
Electrical power is generated by two independently
driven solar arrays developed by RCA, with storage for eclipse
periods and launch provided by eight individually controlled
battery modules with a capacity of 36 ampere hours. Total
capacity of the regulated power bus is nearly 1,000 watts.

- more -
- 31 -

The solar arrays are canted to a fixed angle when they

are deployed in orbit to obtain maximum solar conversion
efficiency for the mid-morning equator crossing for ERTS-A.

Attitude and Control Subsystem

Precise attitude control with an Earth pointing accuracy
of less than 0.7 degree in all three axes (pitch, yaw and
roll) is accomplished by a three-axis attitude control sub-
system using horizon scanners for pitch and roll control and
a gyrocompass for yaw orientation.
An independent passive attitude measurement sensor
operating over a narrow range of about two degrees provides
pitch and roll attitude data accurate to within 0.07 degree
to aid in image location.
Orbit adjustment capability is furnished by a monopro-
pellant hydrazine subsystem employing one-pound force thrusters,
This system removes launch vehicle injection errors and pro-
vides periodic trim to maintain a precise orbit.

- more -
- 32 -


ERTS-A will carry two multispectral sensors, the

multispectral scanner subsystem (MSS) and the return beam
Vidicon (RBV) subsystem, and a data collection system (DCS).

The two sensors will repetitively take photo-like images

of the Earth while the DCS will collect environmental data of
various types from ground-based remote platforms. A high
performance tape recorder, the wide band video tape recorder
(WBVTR) will store photo images from the RBV and MSS as
needed when the satellite is out of range of a direct readout
data acquisition station.

The development of the MSS and RBV to meet the demanding

performance requirements of the ERTS-A mission with its'
stringent spacecraft weight and power constraints is considered
a major technological achievement by NASA engineers.

The MSS and RBV will obtain images in two visible wave-
length bands, 0.475-0.575 micrometers and 5.80 to 6.80 micro-
meters for the RBV, and 0.5-0.6 micrometers and 0.6-0.7 micro-
meters for the MSS. The third band in the RBV is 0.690-0.830
micrometers and in the MSS 0.7-0.8 micrometers. Both of these
bands are in the near infrared. The MSS has a fourth band at
a longer wavelength also in the near infrared, 0.8-1.1 micro-
meters, which will provide data of great interest to hydro-
logists and agriculturists.

First Band (0.5-0.6 micrometers)

Light of this spectral range appears green to the eye.
Water is more or less transparent in this band which enhances
features within the water, like sedimentation. The ocean
bottom, such as shallow areas of the Bahamas, might be
seen in this band.

This band has some limitation because scattering of

light in the atmosphere makes "seeing" conditions difficult.

- more -
- 33 -

Second Band (0.6-0.7 micrometers)

This band appears red. Unlike the first band, this

band is excellent for seeing through the atmosphere from
space. It is especially good for land use mapping where
regional population patterns need to be observed against
vegetation patterns. A large group of principal investi-
gators, about 20-25, are interested in such investigations.
The red band shows a good contrast between natural sur-
face cover, like vegetation and soil, against man-made
structures. Many man-made structures appear very bright
while vegetation shows up very dark. Soil which has become
exposed due to a man-made activity (a new housing development
for example) can be seen in this band.

Study of desert related phenomena is excellent in

this band because of the high contrast between vegetation
and soil.

Third and Fourth Bands (0.7-0.8 and 0.8-1.1 micrometers)

These two bands are in the near infrared (invisible

to the human eye) portion of the spectrum. The fourth
band, 0.8-1.1 micrometers, involves only the multispectral
scanner. Water will be black in both of these bands
because water almost totally absorbs the radiant energy in
these frequencies.
Things look different to instruments in the infrared
as compared to the visible. The most significant character-
istic about infrared bands is that vegetation appears
bright, and water appears dark. As a comparison, vegetation
is as bright in the infrared as snow is in the visible.

Wheat in the first band (green) reflects about 20 per cent

of light from the Sun. In the second band (red) approximately
95 per cent of the energy is absorbed by the plant and in
used in the photosynthesis of carbohydrates in chlorophyll.
This band is in fact called the chlorophyll absorption band.
In the third, and particularly the fourth band, wheat
reflects about 80 per cent of the radiation. It stands
out in the infrared somewhat like snow does in the visible.

- more -
- 34 -



- 35 -


18. 5 KM

MAY 1972
PATH 500-72-74
- 36 -

Vegetation brightness depends on several things. For

one, it depends partly on the type of vegetation — big
leaves will be brighter than small leaves. So, hard wood
trees will show up brighter than pine trees. Tobacco,
because of the texture of its leaves, will be brighter
than wheat. Secondly, crop brightness depends on plant
health. Healthy crops, in the infrared, will be much brightei
than diseased vegetation.
Band three on the MSS (0.7-0.8 micrometers) was selected
because it is in this band that the earliest detection of
disease will be possible.
On any single photograph it would be difficult or
impossible to detect a diseased condition in a mixed forest
stand. ERTS however will provide repetitive coverage
permitting the pathologist to compare sequential pictures
and observe that abnormal changes have occurred.

Return Beam Vidicon Subsystem

The 5.08-centimeter (2-inch) RBV three-camera subsystem,
built for NASA by RCA Astro Electronics Division, Princeton,
N.J., will survey the Earth via three co-aligned camera
sensors, each viewing the identical scene but in a different
spectral band.
When the separate images from the three cameras (similar
to TV picture tubes) are processed and superimposed in their
respective colors, they provide a single full-color image
containing the radiometric and cartographic information
required for the ERTS system. The RBV has a much higher
sensitivity than the normal vidicon camera.
The three spectral regions covered by the three-camera
subsystem are the blue-green (0.475-0.575 micrometer); red
(0.580-0.680 micrometer); and near infrared (0.690-0.830
The three cameras are exposed simultaneously to facili-
tate registration of the three separate images into the
final color composites.
The cameras do not carry film. When their shutters
are operated, images are stored on photosensitive surfaces
within each vidicon camera tube and then scanned by an
internal electron beam to produce a video picture. It
requires about 11 seconds to read out all three tubes and
transmit the pictures directly to Earth. If desired, the
pictures can be stored on the wideband video tape recorder.
- more -
- 37 -

The cameras will be shuttered every 25 seconds to

produce overlapping pictures of the ground scene below the
Each photo processed by the camera subsystem covers
an Earth area 185 kilometers (115 miles) by 185 kilometers
(115 miles). These individual photographs can be collated
to provide a continuous swath along the spacecraft orbit

The overall three-camera subsystem is comprised of the

following electronic units:
Three camera sensors;
Three camera electronics units; and
A common camera controller and combiner.
A base plate serves as a precise alignment reference
plane and thermal control element. Each of the three camera
sensors includes a return-beam vidicon, electron optics,
electromagnetic deflection circuitry, electromechanical
shutter, lens and thermoelectric cooler.
The vidicon imaging tube is a magnetically deflected,
magnetically focused device with a 5.08-centimeter (2-inch)
diameter face plate. Optical filters in the lens assembly
of each camera sensor determine the different spectral range
allocations for each.

The lens assembly provides a 15.9-degree field of view

across the diagonal portion of the 2.54-centimeter (1-inch)
square usable format of the vidicon face plate. A deposited
reseau pattern on the face plate establishes a geometric
reference for the later registration of the three separate
images to make a color picture. The shutter provides for
exposure of the vidicon, and it can be programmed for one of
five exposure times to accommodate variations in scene illumi-
nation. The thermoelectric cooler controls the thermal
environment of the vidicon face plate.

Each camera goes through four operational modes — erase

mode, prepare mode, expose mode and read mode — in taking
a picture of a scene. The duration of a picture-taking
sequence is 25 seconds, with the erase, prepare, and expose
modes being simultaneous for the three cameras and the read
mode being sequential.
- more -
- 38 -
- 39 -

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PER BAND (24)"


MAY 1972
- 40 -

Multispectral Scanner Subsystem

The MSS, built by Hughes Aircraft Co., is an optical-

mechanical sensing system which will simultaneously detect
optical energy in four spectral bands, including the near
infrared. It weighs about 54 kilograms (118 pounds).

The four bands are the visible green and red bands
(0.5-0.6 and 0.6-0.7 micrometers) and two near infrared
bands (0.7-0.8 and 0.8-1.1 micrometers).

The MSS will scan a swath of Earth 185 kilometers

(115 statute miles) wide during each orbital pass. The width
of the stip of Earth scanned by the MSS will be identical
to the swath of the RBV camera subsystem.

The scanning will be achieved by means of a mechanically

oscillating flat mirror which will flip-flop from side-to-side
about 13 times a second during the orbital trace around Earth.
The images made from the MSS data will be of excellent
quality and will be photograph-like in appearance.
Sensing in a variety of wavelengths to be obtained by
the MSS increases the possibility of identification of
important features in a particular area. The greater
number of spectral bands used will make the identifying of
resources more complete and reliable.

The purpose of the scan mirror assembly in the MSS

is to reflect light from the Earth's surface into the optical
system of the scanner. In operation this is how the MSS
will work:

The Earth will be scanned by the moving mirror, which

is elliptical in shape with a minor axis of approximately 23
cm (9 in.) and a major axis of 33 cm (13 in.). It is oriented
at 45 degrees with respect to the scene and the double
reflector telescope type of optics. As the mirror oscillates
nearly 3 degrees about its nominal 45-degree position it
will scan an 11.5 degree field of view.

- more -
- 41 -

During the actual scan period the mirror coasts inertially

with only a soft spring force acting upon it. This is composed
of a flexually suspended rotating segment which permits
the mirror to strike bumpers or stops that reverse the rota-
tion of the mirror during each cycle. An electromagnetic
torquing device restores the energy lost during mirror
impacts against the bumpers during each cycle.

During the orbital sweep, the scan mirror mechanism scans

a 185-km (115-statute-mile) swath from side-to-side as the
satellite progresses southward above the Earth path being
scanned. The mechanism has a nearly symmetrical scan pattern,
the oscillations in both directions requiring the same amount
of time. Contact of the impacting springs against the mirror
occupies only a brief time (4 milliseconds) during each

Six scan lines are imaged in each of the four spectral

bands during each orbital sweep. The scan lines are defined
by fiber optics which transmit energy from the imaged spot
through a spectral filter to a detector for that specific
spectral band.
During the scan retrace, a rotating shutter blanks
out the scene and sweeps the image of a calibration lamp
across the fiber ends to measure radiometric levels. Once
each orbit, sunlight is flashed across the fiber ends to
check the accuracy of the calibration lamp.
To transfer the video signals to the ground receiving
stations a multiplexer electronics unit encodes the 24 scan
data signals into a single signal suitable either for realtime
transmission or storage aboard one of the tape recorders for
delayed transmission.

- more -
- 42 -

The ERTS-A data collection system (DCS) will provide

users of the space data with near real time environmental
information collected from ground based sensor instruments.
The ground base instruments are connected to electronic units
called platforms.

The platforms are remote data gathering units which accept

sensor data such as measurements of soil, water, air and other
parameters, convert the data to a convenient form and transmit
the data by telemetry to the ERTS-A. The satellite immediately
relays the platform data to the receiving site, which in turn
relays it to the ground station at Goddard.
The ERTS-A DCS provides data retrieval from platforms
situated within the continental United States and has capability
for coverage of platforms situated in the near Pacific, off-
shore Atlantic and parts of Canada and Mexico. The platform
and receiving station must be in view of the satellite.
Some examples of how the DCS platforms can be used are:
Water Resources — Detect water pollution trends, provide
an inventory of lake and reservoir
levels, show rainfall and snow levels
and allow quicker prediction of
potential floods.
Agriculture — Monitor crop conditions and by means
of precipitation and soil moisture
measurements, contribute to drought
Forestry — Measure precipitation, soil moisture,
temperature and wind to aid in fire
hazard prediction.
Wildlife and Fisheries Management — Can provide for
biological and ambient environmental
Meteorology -- Aid forecasting by making available
information on air and water tempera-
tures, barometric pressure, and snow,
ice and glacier conditions.

- 43 -

Pollution Control — Monitoring the contamination of

the Earth's environment including
ozone and pollutant concentrations
in air, the distribution of water
pollutants, noise levels and radia-
tion levels and traffic counting both
on land and water.

Geology -- Improve earthquake prediction and

warning, monitor glaciers and
The platforms transmit on a random time basis with
messages of tens of milliseconds duration being transmitted
every few minutes. When ERTS-A is in view of a transmitting
platform and one of the ground receiving sites, the platform
data are relayed to the receiving site via the satellite.
Equipment at the receiving sites recover the messages trans-
mitted from individual platforms and sends them to Goddard
over NASA ground communications facilities.
Operating in this repetitive manner, data from every
remote platform can be obtained at least once every 12 hours.
The Data Collection Platforms (DCP) are designed to be
rugged, easily-installed, field deployable units to which
user-provided sensors can be connected. DCP's are designed
to operate in the field for as long as six months without
attention. During a portion of the ERTS-A mission, approxi-
mately 150 platforms will be in operation.
Wide Band Video Tape Recorder (WBVTR)
Worldwide coverage from space via imaging sensors requires
either many ground receiving stations or an on-board tape
recorder system. It is much easier to put tape recorders
aboard the spacecraft than to install the many expensive
ground receiving stations which would be needed to have the
satellite in view by at least one station at all times. In
the future geosynchronous data relay satellites can replace
the tape recorder function completely.

- 44 -

ERTS-A carries two identical wide band video tape

recorders (WBVTR), built by RCA Government Commercial Systems
Division, Camden, NJ, The WBVTR is the largest tape recorder
ever flown in space (35 kilograms - 76 pounds), and it has
the highest storage capacity of any recorder ever orbited.
The WBVTR has a digital bit rate of 15 million bits per second
and a storage capability of 3 x lO^ (3 followed by 10 zeroes)
bits. The normal tape recorder used in space employs a tape
to head speed of 76 centimeters (30 inches) per second while
the WBVTR used a tape to head speed of 5,080 cm (2,000 in.)
per second.
The WBVTR subsystem consists of two recorders either of
which can record and reproduce image data from either the
RBV or the MSS. Two recorders allow simultaneous operation.
The WBVTR has a designed lifetime of from 500 to 1,000 hours
of operation which is sufficient to support a one-year space-
craft lifetime.

- 45 -

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- 46 -


The ground data handling system (GDHS) is at the NASA/

Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The GDHS
includes an operations control center (OCC) for operating
the spacecraft, and the NASA Data Processing Facility (NDPF)
for processing and distributing film images from the ERTS
sensors to users around the world.

The General Electric Company is prime contractor for the

GDHS. The Bendix Corporation and the Wolf Research and Develop-
ment Corporation are major subcontractors for the NDPF sub-
Systematic repeating Earth coverage under nearly constant
observation conditions will provide for maximum usefulness of
the multispectral images collected.

Operations Control Center

The OCC is the hub of ERTS daily command and control

activities. Operating 24 hours a day, the OCC will command the
spacecraft as well as the observatory sensors. The OCC will
be in touch with ERTS-A through the Alaska, California or
Goddard data acquisition facilities on 12 or 13 of the 14
daily orbits.
The OCC computers will process spacecraft and sensor
"housekeeping" data, command generation, displays, system
scheduling as well as pre-processing of Data Collection System
experiment information.

Operations in the OCC will interact with the computer and

its software by means of operations consoles; each console
will have a cathode ray tube display and other status and alarm
indicators. The consoles will provide the operations personnel
with all the information required to assess the health of the
spacecraft and payloads, and to make and rapidly implement
command and control decisions.

The NASA Data Processing Facility (NDPF)

The NDPF has been designed to produce controlled quality

data and photographic images telemetered from ERTS and to
distribute them to user agencies and principal investigators.

- 47 -

The NDPF has the capability of handling 10,000 images a

week. Film products available are black and white positive
and negative transparencies, black and white and color prints
and color transparencies. Magnetic taped image data will also
be duplicated and distributed.
The NDPF is composed of an image processing area and
a data services laboratory. Each week in the image data
processing (IDP) area, over 9,000 taped images will be con-
verted to film in the Initial Image Generating Subsystem (IIGS)
and about five percent of these are precision processed to
generate orthophotos.
About 10,000 color composites are made and about 750 images
are generated on computer readable tape during the same period.
The Data Services Laboratory (DSL) has the capacity to service
the ERTS users weekly. The DSL also provides library services
and a browse file for the users as well as production control •
to efficiently operate the NDPF in response to requests for

The NDPF is capable of handling 188 RBV or equivalent

MSS operations per day. This loading yields 1,316 scenes
per week each of which produce seven spectral images to give
a total of 9,212 spectral images 185 x 185 km (115 x 115 miles)
per week.

These data, received on video tape are converted to high

quality film images on 70 mm film by an electron beam recorder.
This conversion requires about 80 hours per week, including

In this conversion, radiometric corrections are made to

the MSS data and the MSS data is framed to correspond to RBV
images. Both the RBV and MSS data are geometrically corrected
using error data acquired from satellite attitude telemetry
and from the Scene Correcting Subsystem.

Copies of all ERTS images will be forwarded to the Depart-

ment of Interior's Earth Resources Observation Systems data
center in Sioux Falls, SD, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Sutiland, Md, the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C. and the selected ERTS investigators. Public
access to the ERTS-A data will be primarily through the
Department of Interior's EROS facility at Sioux Falls. Cost
of the data will be, essentially the expense of reproduction
and handling. Ocean and coastal data will be available from
the NOAA.
- 48 -


Initial Image Generating Subsystem (IIGS)

The IIGS produces corrected 70mm images of video data
from either the RBV video tapes, MSS video tape, or from
special processed sensor data.
It also produces a tape record of either the RBV (con-
verted to digital) or MSS data in a format acceptable for
digital subsystems. Only one percent of the RBV and five
percent of the MSS data is digitized. This element records
annotation data regarding image location and time and a
grey-scale for calibration of subsequent processing steps on
its output images. The IIGS also applies initial radiometric
and geometric corrections to the image video. The corrections
performed here on all bulk data will allow registration
so that good color composites may be generated from bulk data.
The 70mm images produced by IIGS are developed in the
NDPF photographic processing subsystem and inspected for
quality and cloud cover. At this stage the images defined by
users as being useful in the NDPF information system will be
enlarged, printed and distributed to ERTS users; the necessary
70mm images will be submitted to the Scene Correcting Subsystem
and enlarged black and white or color composites will be
produced, printed and distributed to ERTS users.
In addition to the ERTS data that will be made available
to investigators by NASA, the Department of Agriculture, the
Department of Interior and the Department of Commerce will
make ERTS data available to the respective user communities
on a reimburseable basis. The Agricultural Stabilization and
Conservation Services (ASCS), Western Aerial Photography
Laboratory at Salt Lake City, Utah will receive positive and
negative film from the NDPF and make photographic reproductions
for USDA agencies and its normal user community on a reim-
burseable basis.
Scene Correcting Subsystem (SCSS)
The SCSS accepts the 70mm images produced by IIGS and
through a hybrid processing system produces corrected film
images on a 24-centimeter (9 1/2-inch) format.

- 49 -

This element removes geometric distortions and performs

precision location, 91 to 244 meters (.300 to 800 feet) and
scaling of the corrected video relative to map coordinates.
Automated research and ground control point processing
is used to perform these corrections.

Digital Subsystems (PS)

The Digital Subsystem reads the high density digital
tapes prepared from IIGS and SCSS and edits and formats this
data on computer-readable digital tapes for distribution to
ERTS users. An output tape is produced which when processed
by the SCSS, will produce an annotated image showing the
location of the encoded region; a selected section of an
image will be produced on 24 cm (9 1/2-inch) format film.

User Services

All data entering the NDPF will be categorized, logged

and stored. Users will have access to this information through
several files maintained by User Services.
Subscribers to the User Services will be supplied with
16mm microfilm files, data abstract catalogs, and coverage
catalogs on regularly scheduled service.

The RBV images are nominally 185 x 185 km (115 x 115

statute miles) in size and will be at 1:1,000,000 scale when
presented in a usable 18.5 cm (7.3-inch) square format on a
standard 24-cm (9 1/2-inch) paper format. The MSS data
consists of successive scan lines cross-track and is put into
a frame format by the NDPF.
When the RBV and MSS sensors are operated simultaneously,
the frames will be made so the data cover the same area.
The annotation will list sensor, time of exposure, orbit
number, subsatellite point, picture center location, Sun
azimuth and elevation angles, spacecraft heading, spacecraft
attitude and ground receiving site identification.

The spectral band identifiers in the annotation block

are arranged so they show through without obscuring each other
when a color composite is made. Therefore, the spectral bands
used to make each color composite can be readily identified.

- 50 -

„ NASA G-72-8203
- 51 -


The general research areas to be addressed by ERTS-A


Discipline Number of Investigations

Agriculture/Forestry 49

Environmental Quality/Ecology 60

Geography/Demography/Cartography 27

Geology 74

Hydrology 36

Interpretation Techniques Development 22

Meteorology 5

Oceanography 30

Sensor Technology 2

Total 305

The actual number of investigations finally approved

may vary somewhat from the number listed above. As of July 5,
1972, contracts or agreements have been executed for investi-
gations .


Agriculture economists estimate that every $1.00 spent

on remote sensing research promises to return $5.00 in benefits.
These global benefits over the next two decades are forecasted
to total $45 billion if the proper investments in control
techniques are made.

The Department of Agriculture has been using remote sensing

since the 1930s, in the form of black and white aerial photo-
graphy to measure crop and land use acreages, for timber
inventory and management, recreation and urban planning, soil
mapping, etc. - Is also used in connection with other infor-
mation to make crop yield estimates and other predictions
vital to the management of the nation's agricultural programs.

- 52 -

Farm census is now taken every five years. Scientists

anticipate that an Earth resources satellite may ultimately
make it possible to take the census annually with a corre-
sponding improvement in the accuracy of agricultural sta-
tistics and management.

Some of the types of crops which scientists will attempt

to identify from ERTS-A data includes wheat, sugar beets,
alfalfa, corn and grain sorgum, mixed grain, fields beans,
potatoes, cotton, soy beans and spring wheat.

One of the proposals for ERTS-A is #049. The scientist

in charge of this proposal is Dr. David A. Landgrebe from
Purdue University. Dr. Landgrebe's proposal involves the
study of the Wabash River Basin, an important agricultural
area common to Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. It covers about
two thirds of the State of Indiana, less than one third of the
State of Illinois and a small part of Ohio.

"The largest land area in the Wabash River Basin is in

agriculture," Dr. Landgrebe said. "This general area is part
of the great corn belt. But we also grow a lot of soy beans
and even some wheat and oats. Much of the area is still in
the natural state. And we have a sizeable urban area. So
we have a good mixture of land to study. ERTS photos will be
a big help in providing us with the first good map of the
vegetation of the Wabash River Basin."

While a lot of our time in this area has been devoted to

agriculture, we've also spent a lot of time looking into the
fields of geology, geography, hydrology, and general land use.
"We have an interesting activity going with the Marion
County Division of Zoning and Planning (Marion County includes
Indianapolis). We hope to work with the city and country
urban planners in using ERTS imagery to help them determine
the ways ERTS data can be useful in their planning activities.

"With most urban areas you always have the problem of

trying to determine the best use of land—residential, in-
dustrial or agricultural. And even if you do have a well
thought out plan for the best use of land, it's always a
problem of keeping track of what's happening. With ERTS
imagery we expect to show that the job can be done routinely
and relatively inexpensively when you consider that the coverage
will be every 18 days," said Dr. Landgrebe.
- 53 -

"Possibly the biggest achievement of ERTS-A will be

its ability to repeatedly map large areas, more quickly
and economically than in the past," Dr. Landgrebe concluded.
Remote identification of most crops can now be accomplished
with multispectral aerial photographs. It also is possible
to determine whether a crop is healthy or under severe stress.

Most experts predict that it may soon be possible to

detect the stages of some plant diseases so that remedial
action can be taken in time to save a crop. And, they expect
someday to be able to use sequential images of a field in
its various growth periods as a tool to assist in predicting
During the 1971 growing season in the United States,
several grovernmental agencies and selected corn belt states
conducted a cooperative study of southern corn leaf blight.
In 1970, about 15 percent of the U.S. corn crop, were
destroyed because of this fungus disease, combined in some
areas with severe drought.
Together with ground studies, high-altitude aircraft
repetitively photographed about 116,000 square kilometers
(44,787 square miles)of the corn belt, using special infrared
and color film. Results of that study show that a disease
such as corn blight can be successfully monitored through
remote sensing.

The Forest Service was directed by Congress in 1928

to maintain an inventory of the nation's forest resources
on both private and public lands. Because of sheer size,
more than about 2 million square kilometers (500 million
acres) it has been difficult to keep an up-to-date inventory,
and to stay abreast of the rapid changes in America's forests.

The northern temperature zone produces about 85 percent

of the industrial wood consumed in the world. Yet it is
the tropical forests (the Amazon Basin) which contain the
largest share of the world's reserve of wood. The extent
and productitivy of species or species groupings in tropical
forests is largely unknown because man has never seen much
of that area. ERTS-A will provide man with his first global
reconnaissance inventory of timber.

- 54 -

"Not related to forestry, but an area where ERTS-A will

play a great role is hydrology," said Dr. Colwell, Professor
of Forestry at the University of California. "The snow line—
where the line builds up in the winter and where it is when
it starts to melt in the spring—will be of tremendous value
in preparing reservoirs to handle the spring run-off without
having a big flood.
"Another importance of ERTS-A will be the mapping of
large areas that are being cleared of wildland to be put into
suburban developments or agriculture," Dr. Colwell added.
"ERTS imagery will show an area change on a seasonal basis.
This will permit us to determine whether a pioneer who tried
to establish agricultures in a previously uncultivated area
made a go of it or had to fold his tent and leave.
"There is another area of importance to ERTS-A and
that is cloud cover. While many people say that one of the
disadvantages of space imagery is the fact you can*t see
certain areas of the Earth because of clouds, I think that
clouds can be advantageous to a somewhat cooperating extent.
"By observing the amount of cloud cover over a given area,
man can determine the annual amount of sunlight that is hitting
the terrain below. This in turn will help him determine the
best type of crop to be grown in any one given area,"
Dr. Colwell concluded.
Scientists working on the earth 'resources program predict
that, ultimately, satellite imagery will provide information
necessary for better forest management. For example, it will
identify those forest areas being attacked by insects and
disease in time to save them and be capable of providing early
detection of forest fires.

- 55 -


The oceans, covering 70 percent of our planet, are the

breeding grounds for many of our weather systems, are a
source of food, a means of transportation, potential source
of minerals, and an important indicator of the health of life-
sustaining processes on Earth.
Oceans absorb carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO-),
and provide oxygen, heat energy, and water vapor for the
atmosphere. Photosynthesis in the ocean's surface layer is
the key life process of the marine ecosystem. The effect of
marine pollution on these life-sustaining processes is poorly

Because of the vastness of the seas many of these

features from an economic standpoint, can be observed best
from satellites.

Currently, technology is struggling' with the problem of

separating atmospheric effect from the ocean color signals.
Visible sensing in the blue-green portion of the spectrum
appears to have the greatest potential. While sensor tech-
nology is nearly adequate, much more understanding of funda-
mental phenomena will be required before ocean color sensing
can be profitable used.

The health of the oceans can be assessed through their color,

Blue oceans imply an absence of chlorophyll and, thus, low
food productivity. The greener the ocean the greater its
productivity. Measurements of "greeness," together with water
temperature—a known factor in the feeding habits of fish—
can provide valuable information for the fishing industry.
Global surveys of ocean color and chlorophyll contour maps
could provide insights into the health of the ocean, its
ability to absorb CO and CO~, rate or production of oxygen
and release to the atmosphere and its implications to marine
One of the ERTS-A investigations concerned with oceanography
is Proposal 172 under the direction of Dr. Karl Szekielda from
the University of Delaware.

- 56 -

"We hope to get some idea of the distribution and the

behavior of chlorophyl in the ocean and the dynamics of
phytoplankton. We are especially interested in the rela-
tionship of phytoplankton with very small organisms having
a diameter of about five microns because they are very
important for the whole life cycle in the ocean.
"The big advantage of ERTS is going to be its ability
to measure large areas, rapidly, which you ordinarily cannot
do from ships. The concentration of chlorophyll changes
very rapidly, in just a few days. If you take these same
measurements from ships, it may take you a week or two to
move from one region to another. By the time you reach your
new destination, the whole picture might have changed. You
would also need many ships. It just wouldn't be economical,"
Dr.Szekielda concluded.
Another oceanographic study is ERTS-A Proposal 063
directed by Dr. Fabian C. Polcyn of the University of
"We are going to use ERTS photographs to locate under-
water features hazardous to navigation with an accuracy
better than what is now available," Dr. Polcyn said.
"The second problem we plan to look into with ERTS
imagery is a way to measure water depth in this same geo-
graphical area. We have achieved about 10 percent accuracy
of measuring water depths through aerial photography.
"We have been working with several techniques to measure
water depth through remote sensing. One of the techniques
involves the diffraction of waves over the shallow features
by looking at the change in water wave length. The second
technique involves computer processing of two light wave-
lengths from the ERTS multispectral scanner. The depth will
be computed based on the selective transmissions of two
different wavelengths.
"Color shading in ERTS photographs will display valuable
information," said Dr. Polcyn. "The shallow areas will appear
blue/green as opposed to darker blue shades for deeper water.
"Our results should be most helpful to navigators using
these waters and similar waters around the world. Our findings
will go to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
and to the International Hydrographic Bureau in Monaco so
that current navigation charts can be changed and updated,"
Dr. Polcyn concluded.

- 57 -


As a professor once said, "Unlike orchards, mines bear

no second crop." The known mineral reserve of the world
is not great when compared to the rapidity with which man
uses it. However, things look better considering the new
discoveries which might be available through remote sensing,
Man's known reserves of oil, gas and minerals generally
have increased rapidly during the past 20 years, due
mainly to improvements in remote sensing.
ERTS-A is expected to improve the geologist's map of
the distribution of rocks and structures exposed at the
Earth's surface, which is one of his principal tools for
discovering new mineral deposits.
It will be possible with satellite imagery to locate
faults, and other anomalies which frequently indicate
valuable mineral deposits, even when they are buried under
"Contrary to what anyone says, we are not going to
detect minerals from space," said Dr. Paul Lowman of the
Goddard Space Flight Center. "It just can't be done."
Dr. Lowman has been a leader in remote sensing the past
several years as a principal investigator of space photo-
graphy from the manned Gemini and Earth-orbiting Apollo
"What you will find from ERTS imagery are areas which
look promising. Then you can go in there and further
investigate these areas from the ground or through aerial
"A good example of this is several previously unde-
tected faults which I discovered near San Diego as a
result of Apollo 9 photography of that area. As a result
of a structural feature I noted after thoroughly analyzing
Apollo 9 pictures, I decided to go and investigate. So
after a five-hour plane ride and an hour and a half drive
in a car I was there. After two days of field work I had
it 'nailed down.' I had discovered several new faults.
Without space photographs I could have spent years looking
for those features in these peninsular ranges near San
- more -
- 58 -

"That's what is going to happen with mineral explora-

tion from ERTS. You'll be able to pick the big structural
features and that is the big thing geologically. If you
know an area and you know what kind of structure is asso-
ciated with ore deposits, this will enable you to pick the
most promising areas for follow-up aerial photography or
for drilling," Dr. Lowman concluded.
ERTS-A experiment proposal number 103 is interested
in geology and will be run by the Argus Exploration Com-
pany, a research subsidiary of Cyprus Mines Corp., Los
"Our proposal will cover quite a large area," said
Mark Ligett, an Argus Exploration Company scientist.
"The area we are interested in crosses the Great Basin
Province something like 77,970 sq. km (30,000 sq. miles).
It covers a strip which goes from the eastern Sierra
Nevada mountains in California to the Colorado Plateau in
northern Arizona and western Utah.
"We are interested in this area for several reasons.
We have some limited Apollo imagery (color photos from the
early Earth-orbiting Apollo missions) that is oblique, which
covers the lower portion of the southwestern United States.
And we have studied some of this area with ground-based
geological maps made during the past 100 years. And, we
were immediately aware that many large regional structures
show up in space imagery which aren't apparent in ground-
based map geology," Ligett said.
"We are going to be interested mainly in the origins of
structures. Some structures may be shear zones and others
may be dike swarms.
"These structures form belts which are quite long and
linear. They might be too subtle to recognize on maps and
therefore we are enthusiastic about looking at them through
remote sensing," said Ligett.
"Image enhancement of ERTS photos will help us determine
if we can identify the anomalies that we see in some space
imagery, and then try to assess their importance to geology
and the significance they have as far as tectonics,"
Ligett said. Tectonics has to do with regional geologic
structures — the study of regional structural patterns
and dynamics of the movement of the Earth's crust.
- more -
- 59 -

"We think some of these structures may have a lot to

do with Volcanic activity and earthquakes. And they might
also play an important role in mineral exploration and
hydrology," Ligett concluded.

The general store of structural geologic information

is expected to be upgraded through the acquisition of much
data that would be impossible, difficult, or economically
impractical to obtain by repetitive routine field mapping
methods, or by similar low altitude aerial surveys.

Other possibilities, include: locations of mineral

bearing fluids that form ore deposits; location of thermal
anomalies in the surface which indicate the existence of
subterrain geothermal power sources; location of rock
fractures which leak lethal gases from underground fires
into populated areas; and, a means of warning of volcanic

- more -
- 60 -


Many of the problems which face hydrologists will be

somewhat helped by ERTS-A photos and the data collection
system which will include remote platforms in streams.
For instance, one of the problems hydrologists face is
the capacity of soil to store rainfall. They now must go
into the field, examine the soil in a few selected spots an
then make an estimate of a large area.
This is the current method used to develop mathematical
models of water-sheds for dams and the volume of water
they must hold. Hydrologists estimate that the estimates
are often often incorrect by 50 per cent. With large dams
costing hundreds of millions of dollars, large savings are
possible by improving these estimates. Aircraft tests
indicate that ERTS-A data can lead to a considerable
In many parts of the world fresh water is a precious
commodity and ERTS-A imagery will facilitate its discovery.
Water will be especially "photogenic" in the two near infra-
red bands (0.7-0.8 and 0.8-1.1 micrometers). Water will
show up very dark in this band and will contrast with
vegetation which will appear very bright.
One of the hydrological experiments of ERTS-A is
Proposal 114. Dr. Fabian C. Polcyn is the principal inves-
tigator from the University of Michigan.
"This experiment deals with mapping of terrestial features
in the Lake Ontario Basin. ERTS results will be coordinated
with the International Field Year on the Great Lakes (IFYGL)
program. The program will try to determine how much water
is running off and how much is naturally sinking into the
land, what happens to it when it enters the lake, the amount
of sediments entering the lake and the amount of beach
erosion. Results from ERTS should provide a valuable
input to the IFYGL terrestial water budget program, the
water movement program and the biological chemical and
fisheries program.
"We plan to put together a space picture of the entire
Lake Ontario basin from about eight ERTS-A photographs.
The montage will include not only the lake but the land
area from which water drains into the lake. We are especially
interested in obtaining the total standing water in the basin,
the general land use practices and knowledge about soil
moisture content.
- more -
- 61 -

"The United States faces a tremendous water management

problem. Do you let the water being stored by our dams be
used for recreation, keep it stored for electrical power,
or use it for irrigation? ERTS imagery should give us many
new inputs in these areas which should be of tremendous
value," Dr. Polcyn concluded.

Efficient management of water requires maps of drainage

patterns and good estimates of snow cover in mountain areas.
ERTS information could improve this management in all parts
of the world. And in many regions, it will provide the
first solid information ever available, at a small fraction
of the cost of conventional surveys.

- more -
- 62 -


Almost four billion humans live on less than 20 per

cent of the Earth's surface.
Remote sensing from ERTS-A will be a big step forward
in man's ability to plan and use the land.
The sensors aboard ERTS-A will make the first systematic
surveys of land use patterns over most of Earth's 151 million
square kilometers (58 million square miles).
With all of the great technological advances, such as
the use of aerial photography, and in spite of the tremen-
dous resources which are expended yearly by the combined
cartographic capabilities of all the advanced nations, the
world remains less than 50 per cent adequately mapped.
Due to the vastness of our planet's surface and the
rapid changes wrought by man, it has been impractical to
keep abreast of even the gross surface patterns reflecting
man's activities on a yearly, or much less for seasonal
increments of time.
Yet, such measurements are needed to inventory cultural
and natural resources and to evaluate man's potential for
further land development.
Presently, only about 40 per cent of the nation is
covered by the standard topographic map. Each quadrangle
map now takes approximately four years to complete.
While ERTS-A photographs will not have the resolution
of aerial photographs, they will cover very large areas
and will be repetitive. ERTS photography will let mappers
look for trends and changes over short periods of time,
heretofore not possible.
A land use experiment for ERTS-A is Proposal 101, land
use of northern megalopolis in the New England area. The
investigator is Dr. Robert B. Simpson, a geographer from
Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
"Our particular interests with ERTS-A photography,"
said Dr. Simpson, "are the problems of urban development,
the spread of cities, the conversion of unused land into
urban land in the New England area.

- more -
- 63 -

"We have selected two areas, Boston and New Haven, to

study the problems of megalopolis, particularly the northern
end. We have been using aerial photographs from about 15,000
meters (about 50,000 feet) which is a step-up from the old
days of aircraft flights of around 3,300 meters (10,000 feet)
It takes several hundred pictures from the lower altitude
flights to cover a city while only a few pictures are
required from the higher flights. For absolute detail in
photointerpretation and for local planning purposes, photo-
graphs from the 3,300-meter (10,000-foot) level are ideal.
But the trend for planning purposes is to go from the very
detailed low-level photography to the more generalized
larger area. A basis for this trend is that while community
planning is important, regional planning is even more impor-
tant over the long term," said Dr. Simpson.
"If we would have had ERTS imagery 25-30 years ago,"
said Dr. Simpson, "we probably would have much more green
space between Washington, D.C., and the Boston area than
we now have. The zoning practices around the cities along
the Eastern Seaboard probably would have been a lot dif-
ferent also. ERTS pictures should hep us to better plan
urban areas over large regions.
"We are interested in urban sprawl, particularly,
how cities spread out and what types of land are most wanted.
With ERTS-A imagery, we will look at four stages. The first
stage will be to determine where the urban landscape is.
The next step will be to determine why this imagery looks
the way it does. The third step will be to predict future
trends. The final step will be to take the necessary
action required for the best use of the land.
"We plan to have the first ERTS-A mosaic of the region
we are studying about two months after launching," Dr. Simp-
son concluded.
Another use of land involves the availability of grazing
areas for livestock, ERTS-A proposal 147. This study is
in charge of Gordon Bentley of the Department of Interior's
Bureau of Land Management in Denver, Colo.

- more -
- 64 -

"I'm concerned with that property which is still considered

public domain (those areas which nave not gone into state
ownership, private or into forest reserve)," said Bentley.
"This is the land, much of it is in the Far West, which is
left over from the original acquisitions of properties from
other countries -- like the Louisiana purchase, and properties
we obtained from Spain. This area today covers several
thousand square kilometers," Mr. Bentley said. "My agency
is in charge of administering just about everything that
happens on this land such as recreation areas, timber and
grazing areas. ERTS-A photography should be extremely helpful
to us in the latter of these areas, grazing," said Bentley.

"The grazing areas we are concerned with include the

southwestern portion of the United States, eastern Oregon
and Alaska," said Bentley. "We lease large regions of these
areas to livestock ranchers for grazing their herds."
"We are required to operate under the Taylor Grazing
Act for managing this grazing land. Under this act, we
can't license more forage than we can produce on the range.
While this doesn't pose too much of a problem in most
northern latitudes where forage is perennial, it can become
a problem in the southwest where our grazing conditions
may be good only two out of five years or even three years
out of ten," said Bentley.
"Due to the lack of rain in the southwest, much of the
area is desert shrub country and livestock makes very little
use of desert shrubs. They are just not edible. But if
we should get good moisture conditions in the area then
we have good forage and ranchers from Arizona and California
will want to truck in their herds for short term grazing.

"Our site in Alaska is north of Nome. Because Alaska

is so large, much of the land has not been inventoried and
we're hoping to use ERTS-A as an inventory tool to help us
map the different types of vegetation.

"The area we plan to monitor in Oregon is the eastern

part which is pretty dry. We want to monitor the effects of
grazing management in that part of the state. Grazing is
detrimental to plants. They need a rest on a yearly basis.
So we plan to rotate our grazing areas from year to year
and watch the results from ERTS photographs.

"Because we are talking about such large areas," said

Bentley, "it's almost impossible to take an accurate vege-
tation inventory over a short period. We should be able to
obtain good vegetation photos on a routine basis from ERTS-A,"
Bentley concluded.
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- 65 -


Environmental monitoring, from a pollution and health-

of-the environment point of view, is still in its infancy.
If man is going to improve his ecological system over the
long term, then he must begin to monitor the health of his
planet's air, water and land more accurately.
Water pollution is well suited for monitoring from
space. Direct monitoring of pollution across all the Great
Lakes, the Gulf of Mexico and major estuarian systems such
as the Chesapeake Bay would be both time consuming and very
Pollution of the open oceans is of increasing concern.
The vast expanses of oceans, which are a major source of
heat, oxygen and water vapor in our atmosphere, can be
most economically observed from space.
Oceans, which absorb carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide,
are a valuable source of food. Yet, they have become a
dumping place for many pollutants.
One of the ERTS-A proposals, 081, is concerned with
water pollution. The scientist in charge is Dr. C. T.
Wezernak from the University of Michigan.
"Out studies will be concerned with water pollution,
water masses, color anomalies and pollution anomalies in
several geographic locations. These locations are southest
Florida, Tampa Bay, Lake Michigan, and Lake Erie, southern
California and New York Harbor.
"We have a number of problems in these areas and there
is something unique about each one. In the southeast
Florida and California areas we are concerned with ocean
outfalls, effluent fields and coastal processes. The Tampa
Bay area is a good example of an estuary and the New York
Harbor is a prime barge dumping area of chemicals and
sewage sludge. And finally the Great Lakes, Lake Michigan
and Lake Erie, where there is a great deal of public interest
about water quality and water resources management.

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- 66 -

"With ERTS-A imagery we will be looking for color anomalies

and changes in suspended solids and in some cases oil slicks.
The ERTS photos will be compared with aerial imagery of the
same areas. While oil pollution is not one of our primary
concerns we do plan to monitor it.
"Pollution will stand out well in the near infrared
bands. There should be evidence of turbidity in ERTS
photos over polluted areas.
"We want to study the movements and dispersion of pol-
lutants, and maybe even discover some we didn't know about.
We need ERTS imagery so we can plan remedial action. In
the case of Lake Michigan and Lake Erie, we have never
had the large picture look. ERTS photos will help us map
pollution in the lakes and should be useful for planning
corrective action where necessary," Dr. Wezernak concluded.
ERTS-A proposal 309 is concerned with detecting and
monitoring strip mining in eastern Ohio. The proposal is
in charge of Dr. Wayne Pettyjohn of Ohio State University.
"Our state has a tremendous population for its size
and it possibly has more water pollution than any state in
the union," said Dr. Pettyjohn. "Lake Erie and the Ohio
River are good examples.
"The main interest we have in ERTS imagery is the eastern
part of Ohio. Much of this area is underlaid with coal so
a lot of mining has been carried out over the past 100
"The last 30 years or so the technique of removing
coal through underground mining techniques has changed to
strip mining. This has disrupted huge areas and has had
an effect in the long run on the quality of water in the
streams drained from these areas. Mineralization increases
astronomically in these streams, sulphate and iron become
very high and very few types of aquatic life can live. In
fact some streams are entirely barren of life," said
Dr. Pettyjohn.
"One of the big problems is that we don't know how much
area on a day-to-day, month-to-month or year-to-year basis
has been stripped. In other cases we don't know where some
of the old mines are. So I visualize that ERTS-A photographs
will help us to map those areas which were mined years, many
years ago, between 1935-1945 so we can evaluate the recovery
of vegetation. I suspect that we will find somejareas where
vegetation can take over naturally and others where normal
re-forestation techniques won't work," said Dr. Pettyjohn.
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- 67 -

"I feel that if we can find those areas which have

created the least water quality problem, then the state will
be more inclined to issue more permits in those areas, for
mining. However, if we can find those areas where there is
a high iron sulphite content and a lot of acid generated,
a different approach will have to be taken," Dr. Pettyjohn

"We already realize that we can't manage our area on

a small basin-to-basin point of view, but must do it region-
ally," Dr. Pettyjohn concluded.

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- 68 -


To date, space technology and remote sensing from space

have been applied to environmental monitoring primarily in
the meteorological field.
The Earth's cloud cover has been routinely observed by
remote sensors (cameras) from space since the world's
first weather satellite, TIROS-1, was launched in 1960.
Although TIROS-1 was an experimental weather satellite, the
cloud-cover pictures it produced were gradually fed into
daily weather forecasts of the U.S. Weather Bureau. Several
TIROS developmental satellites followed TIROS-1 and in the
short span of six years (1966), weather satellites became
operational by the Commerce Department.
More recently, cloud motion, cloud top temperatures
and moisture profile measurements have become operationally
The 12-hour prediction which was possible more than
10 years ago has expanded to 36 hours, with an 80 per cent
reliability. Meteorological satellites have played a big
role in improving this weather forecasting capability.
ERTS-A Proposal 220 involved meteorology and is being
directed by Dr. Walter A. Lyons from the University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee. The test site is in the general
Lake Ontario anc Lake Michigan area.
One of the goals of this experiment is to develop the
total energy budget for Lake Ontario, of which incoming
solar radiation is a most important term.
Research has shown that with few exceptions only convec-
tive clouds and stratus are affected by a large lake, like
Lake Ontario. During the cold months, formation of convec-
tive snow squalls is a well known phenomena. "Heat and
moisture from the lake surfaces causes bands of violent
conventive snow storms to form over several thousand
square kilometers in this area," said Dr. Lyons. "When
these bands hit the lee shore, massive amounts of snow
can fall, sometimes in excess of two feet in a day, typical
areas include South Bend, Ind., and Oswego and Buffalo, N.Y.
- more -
- 69 -

"During the summer, the' lake appears to likewise influence

convective cloud distributions in a very regular manner.
For instance, during periods of general warm advection across
the cold lakes, cumulus clouds will slowly dissipate within
a few kilometers of the shore leaving the lake and an 8 to
32 km (5 to 20 statute mile) strip of the downwind shore
free of convective clouds.
"This ERTS-A experiment includes making a thorough census
of cloud types and amounts over and around Lake Ontario.
While the ERTS-A pictures will only be available over the
Lake Ontario basin on two days per month, they still can
serve a vital purpose in the daily cloud climatology program
of that area."
Another meteorological experiment, ERTS-A Proposal 113,
involves the freezing and thawing patterns of lakes in
central North America. The principal investigator is
Dr. Allan Jelacic of the Wolf Research and Development Corp.,
of Riverdale, Md.
In a detailed study of the physical limnology of several
meromictic lakes in 1970, Dr. Jelacic found freezing and
thawing of the surface waters to be closely interlinked
with deep water circulation. An even closer relationship
exists in the case of lake ice phenology. Climatic factors,
such as wind and solar radiation, govern the thermal regime
of any natural water body.

"Although a wealth of records on the freezing and thawing

dates of lakes have existed for many years," said Dr. Jelacic,
"no truly regional investigation was attempted until an
aerial survey of lake freezing was carried out in the fall
of 1961. This limited reconnaissance effort, called Opera-
tion Freezeup, covered south-central Canada and parts of
Minnesota and Wisconsin," said Dr. Jelacic.

One of the principal results of Operation Freezeup was

the definition of the boundaries of a transition zone,
called the lake freezing zone, south of which all lakes
were open and north of which all lakes were closed. Shallow
lakes have less heat to give up to the atmosphere in com-
parison with deep lakes. Therefore, shallow lakes respond
more readily to weather perturbations and freeze over sooner
than deep lakes. As a result the northern boundary of the
transition zone has been termed the deep lake freeze line
while the southern boundary has been called the shallow
lake freeze line.
- more -
- 70 -

ERTS-A imagery will be used to study the lake freeze/thaw

transition zone over an entire year in mid-continent North
America, between 40-70 degrees North Latitude and 85-110
degrees West Longitude.
This experiment is aimed at being able to predict the
relative mean depth of lakes by observing their freezing
sequence. It is hoped that this experiment will be able
to forecast the freeze/thaw dates of numerous lakes and
possibly other water bodies as well.
"A secondary objective of this experiment is to cor-
relate weather patterns with migration of the transition
zones (freezing and thawing patterns of lakes). John Martin,
a meteorologist with Wolf is in charge of this experiment,"
Dr. Jelacic concluded.

- more -
- 71-

ERTS-A, weighing 891 kilograms (1965 Ibs.), or 934

kg,(2,075 Ibs.)including the adapter^, will be the heaviest
spacecraft ever launched by a Delta Rocket. The launch
vehicle is Delta 89.

Delta has been a work horse booster for NASA for 12 years.
It first orbited the Echo-1 communications balloon in August
of 1960. Since then, Delta has orbited 81 major spacecraft
in 88 attempts.

Delta has grown over the years to handle bigger spacecraft

for more demanding space missions at a relatively low cost.
The various stages of the Delta have grown longer and fatter,
the engines have become more powerful, and solid motors
have been added to the first stage. In 1960, Delta was
capable of orbiting 136 kg (300 Ibs) in a low Earth orbit
of 805 km (500 statute miles). Today's Delta can boost
1,134 km (2,500 Ibs.) into the same 805 km (500 statute miles)
Several changes have been included in the Delta 89
vehicle. They include:

A new inertial guidance system named Delta Inertial

Guidance System (DIGS);

A new second stage engine, an adaptation of the Air Force

Transtage used on the Titan-3 rocket;

A new spring separation technique for the first and

second stages; and

A new S-Band telemetry system

Also, Delta 89 will carry nine solid motors strapped

around the base of the Thor for the first time (the rocket
has previously carried six solid motors). Six of these
motors will ignite on the launch pad and three at altitude,
about 6 kilometers (four statue miles).
- 72 -

The all inertial (DIGS) guidance system, consisting of

an Inertial Measurement Unit (adapted from the Apollo Lunar
Module) and digital guidance computer (adapted from the
Centaur launch vehicle program), control the vehicle and
sequence of operations from lift-off to spacecraft separa-
tion. The sensor package provides vehicle attitude and
acceleration information to the guidance computer. The
guidance computer generates vehicle steering commands to
each stage to correct trajectory deviations by comparing
computed position and velocity against prestored values.
This system will permit more accurate orbits and will be
more flexible than the radio command guidance system used
by the earlier Delta rocket.
The new second stage engine will increase the thrust
from 3,402 kg (7,500 Ibs) to 4,309 kg (9,500 Ibs). The
new engine will also have a higher specific impulse, which
means the engine runs more efficiently.
The general characteristics of the Delta 89 for the
ERTS-A mission are:
Total Height: 33 m (107 ft.)
Total Weight: About 113,400 kg (250,000 Ibs)
Maximum Body Diameter: 2.44 m (8 ft.)
(Not including solids)
The Delta first stage is a modified Thor booster in-
corporating nine strap-on solid fuel rocket motors. The
booster is powered by an engine using liquid oxygen and
RJ-1 Kerosene. The main engine is gimbal mounted to provide
pitch and yaw control from lift-off to main engine cut-off
(MECO). Two liquid propellant vernier engines provide
roll control throughout the first stage operation, and pitch
and yaw control from MECO to first stage separation.
The second stage is powered by a liquid-fuel pressure-
fed engine which is also gimbal mounted to provide pitch
and yaw control through second stage burn out. The second
stage propellants are Nitrogen Tetroxide (^0.) for the
oxidizer and Aerozine 50 for the fuel. A nitrogen gas system
using eight fixed nozzles provides roll control during
powered and coast flight as well as pitch and yaw control
after second stage cutoff.

- 73 -

The Delta program is managed for NASA's Office of

Space Science by the Goddard Space Flight Center. Launch
services are provided by the Kennedy Space Center of NASA.
The Delta prime contractor is McDonnell Douglas, Huntington
Beach, Calif.
The Flight

The Thor main engine and six of the solid motors are ignited
at lift-off, and the remaining three solids are ignited
later at altitude. Between T plus 100 and 105 seconds the
vehicle is yawed approximately 2.1 degrees to achieve the
desired inclination of the transfer orbit.
The ERTS-A flight plan calls for the second stage to
undergo two burns. The first burn will place the vehicle into
an elliptical transfer orbit with a perigee (closest point to
Earth) of 185 km (115 statute miles) and an apogee (farthest
point from Earth) of about 890 km (553 statute miles).
The orbiting second stage will be restarted (about
57 minutes after lift-off) over the Indian Ocean near
Tananarive to circularize the ERTS-A orbit. This second
burn will last for 11 seconds.
About 13 minutes after the second stage shuts down
for the second time, the ERTS-A separation sequence will
begin. Gas jets aboard Delta will turn it, and ERTS-A, to
an attitude of 80 degrees of the local verticle of the Earth.
A spring system will then separate or push ERTS-A away from
the Delta. The ERTS-A attitude and control subsystem will then
be activated so the spacecraft becomes Earth oriented and
stabilized in all three axes.
About seven minutes after spacecraft separation (about
T plus 77 minutes) the Delta second stage will be ignited for
the third time in a special test related to the restart capa-
bility of the new second stage. This third and final burn will
place the Delta second stage into a perigee of 604 km (398
statute miles) and an apogee of 908 km (564 statute miles).

- 74 -


^(•^ B B E C B B B B P
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•rl ft rH ^ 0 0) C W O r-l IK "O 4) 8 4,
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£ •rl O
IH e 01 PQ
0 ^^
W) sr OJ v->
to «-^
- 75 -


NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Charles W. Mathews Associate Administrator for

Dr. John DeNoyer Director, Earth Observations
Dr. Arch B. Park Chief, Earth Resources
Survey Program
Bruton B. Schardt Program Manager
Charles D. Centers Program Engineer
Joseph B. Mahon Director, Launch Vehicles
and Propulsion Program
I. T. Gillam IV Delta Program Manager

Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Dr. John F. Clark Director
Robert N. Lindley Director of Projects

Harry Press Associate Director for Earth

Observation Satellites
Wilfred E. Scull Project Manager
Stanley Weiland Deputy Project Manager
Wilber B. Huston Assistant Project Manager

Thomas M. Ragland Assistant Project Manager

Gilbert A. Branchflower Observatory Manager

Dr. William Nordberg Project Scientist

Dr. Stanley C. Freden Chief Scientist for Meteorology

and Earth Sciences

Joseph Arlauskas Multispectral Scanner

Technical Officer

- 76 ~

GSFC cont'd

Walter D. Bradley Network Support Manager

Luis Gonzales Ground Data Handling

System Manager

John M. Hayes Wide Band Video Tape Recorder

Technical Officer

Earl Painter Data Collection System

Technical Officer

William R. Schindler Delta Project Manager

Oscar Weinstein Return Beam Vidicon Camera

Technical Officer

Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Robert Gray Deputy Director of Launch

John Neilon Director of Unmanned Launches

Henry R. Van Goey Manager, KSC-WTR Operations

Joseph Schwartz Deputy Manager, KSC-WTR


Bud Thacker Chief, Delta Operations

Gene Langenfeld Spacecraft Coordinator for


- more -
- 77 ~
Department of Agriculture
Joseph Clifton Agricultural Stabilization and
Conservation Service
Robert H. Miller Agricultural Research Service
Robert Otto Economic Research Service
Donald Von Steen Statistical Reporting Service
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Dr. William 0. Davis Chief, Upper Atmosphere and
Space Division
Douglas H. MacCallum ERTS Coordinator, NOAA/NESS

General Electric Company, Valley Forge, Pa.

I. S. Hass General Manager, Earth Observa-
tory Programs
L. T. Seaman Manager, Observatory Systems
R. H. J. King Manager, Earth Observatory Program
Ground System
D. J. DiGiovacchine Deputy Manager, ERTS Program
W. D. Wood Data Collection System Project

Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, Calif.

John Housego Multi-Spectral Scanner
Project Manager
McDonnell-Douglas Astronatics Company, Huntington Beach, Calif.
E. W. Bonnett Delta Project Manager
RCA, Princeton, New Jersey
Robert Miller Return Beam Vidicon Camera
Project Manager
C. R. Thompson Program Manager, ERTS Wide
Band Video Tape Recorder

more -
- 78

EROS Program Officials

Dr. V. E. McKelvey EROS Program Director, and
Director, USGS
William Fischer EROS Program Manager
Charles Robinove Associate Program Manager
Edward Risley Staff Assistant for Program
Raymond Fary Assistant Program Manager
for Technical Information
W. D. Carter Assistant Program Manager for
Applications Research
Glenn Landis Chief, EROS Data Center
Sioux Falls, S.D.
Gary North Regional Data Center
Albany, N.Y.
Janice Whipple Regional Data Center
Stanley Addess NASA Liaison
Alvin Colvocoresses Research Coordinator,
Mapping Requirements
Robert Alexander Research Coordinator (Acting)
Geography and Human-
Cultural Resources
Wm. Hemphill Research Coordinator, Mineral
and Land Resources
Morris Deutsch Research Coordinator, Water

- 79 -


Company Responsibility

General Electric Company ERTS-A spacecraft, Ground Data

Space Division Handling System and Data
Valley Forge, Pa. Collection System

Hughes Aircraft Company Multispectral Scanner

Culver City, Calif.

RCA-Astro-Electronics Div. Return Beam Vidicon Camera System

Princeton, NJ
RCA Wide Band Video Tape Recorder
Government and Communications System
Systems Division
Camden, NJ

General Electric Company Prime Contractor

Space Division
Valley Forge, Pa.

Bendix Corporation Pitch and Haw Wheels

Navigation and Control Division
Teterboro, NJ

California Computer Products Command Clock

Anaheim, Calif.

Centralab Solar Cells

El Monte, Calif.,

Fairchild Killer Industries Attitude Control Systems

Germantown, Maryland Structure

General Electric Company Storage Modules

Electronics Components Division
Battery Products Section
Gainesville, Florida

Goodyear Aerospace Corp. Substrate Platforms for Solar

Akron, Ohio Arrays

Ithaco, Inc. Attitude Control System

Ithaca, New York Reaction Wheels Scanner Subsystem
Magnetic Moment Compensation
Dual Flake Bolometer

- more -
- 80 -

Contractors, Continued

Leach Corporation Narrow Band Tape Recorder

Control Division
Azusa, Calif.
Motorola Unified S-Band Equipment
Government Electronics Div. Flight and Ground
Scottsdale, Arizona
Northrop Corporation Yaw Rate Gyro
Electronics Division Gas Bearing Gyro
Norwood, Massachusetts

- more -
- 81 -

ERTS~A Major Contractors

Company Responsibility
Quantic Industries Attitude Measurement System
San Carolos, Calif.
Radiation, Inc. Data Collection Systems
Melbourne, Fla. Versatile Information Processor
Airborne and Ground Station
RCA Return Beam Vidicon checkout
Astro-Electronics Division equipment, Command receiver
Princeton, NJ spacecraft power supply
Rocket Research Corporation
Redmond, Wa sh. Orbit adjustment subsystem

SCI Electronics, Inc. Pre-modulator processor

Huntsville, Ala. (spacecraft electronics)
Sperry Rand Corporation
Gyroscope Division Rate Measurement Package
Great Neck, N.Y.
TRW Systems Group Solar Array Drive
Electronic Systems Division Attitude Control Systems
Redondo Beach, Calif. Pneumatics
Watkins-Johnson Company
Palo Alto, Calif. Wide-band power amplifier

Major Multi-Spectral Scanner Contractors

Hughes Aircraft Company Prime Contractor

Culver City, Calif.

Ampex Corporation
Redwood City, Calif. Ground Tape Recorder

Bendix Corporation
Mosaic Fabrication Division Fiber Optics
Sturbridge, Mass.

- 82 ~
Contractors cont'd

Company Responsibility
International Telephone and
Telegraph Photomultiplier Tubes
Electron Tube Division
Fort Wayne, Ind.

Litcom-Division of Litton
Industries _, . _. ,
., , .,,
Melville, „ ..
N.Y. Photo Recorder

Santa Barbara Research Center

Santa Barbara, Calif. Scanner
Speedring Systems Division
of Schiller Industries Beryllium Scan Mirror
Warren, Mich.

United Detector Technology Silicon Photo Diodes

Santa Monica, Calif.

Major Data Collection System Contractors

General Electric Company
Space Division Prime Contractor
Valley Forge, Pa.

General Electric Company

Apollo Ground Systems Data Collection Platform
Department Production
Daytona Beach, Fla.

Radiation Inc. Systems Development

Melbourne, Fla.

Major Return Beam Vidicon Camera Contractors

Astro-Electronics Division Prime Contractor
Princeton, N.J.

Fairchild Camera & Instrument

Corporation Precision optics for the
Space & Defense Systems Div. cameras
Syossett, N.Y.

Electronic Components Tubes for the camera
Industrial Tube Division
Lancaster, Pa.

- 83

Major Ground Data Handling System Contractors

Company Responsibility
General Electric Company
Space Division Prime Contractor
Valley Forge, Pa.
Bendix Corporation
Bendix Aerospace Systems Image Generation System
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Computer and Software Inc. Maintenance and Operation of
Los Angeles, Calif. the NASA Data Processing
Facility (NDPF)
Eastman Kodak Film and Automatic Film
Rochester, N.Y. Processors
RCA Service Company Maintenance and Operation of the
Camden, N.J. Operations Control Center (OCC)
Wolf Research and Development Ground Data Handling Systems,
Corp. Software
Riverdale, Md.
Xerox Data Systems Ground Data Handling Systems,
Rockville, Md. Computers

Majpr_ Delta. Launch Vehicle Contractors

McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
Company Prime Contractor
Huntington Beach, Calif.
Aerojet General Corporation Second stage propulsion system
Sacramento, Calif.
Hamilton Standard Inertial Measuring Unit Portion
Division of United Aircraft of the inertial guidance
Corp. system
Farmington, Conn.

- 84 ~

Contractors cont'd

Company Responsibility

Rocketdyne, North American

Rockwell Corporation First stage main engine and
Canoga Park, Calif. vernier engines

Teledyne Industries, Inc. Computer for inertial guidance

Northridge, Calif. system

Thiokol Chemical Corporation Solid Motors

Elkton, Md.
- 85 -
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a tors


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, Luiz Henrique, Dr.

Sao Jose dos Campos

f Mines & Energy
Electronics Div.

eneral, I . N . P . E .
a, Fernando, Dr.
Portugal, URCA

stration Bldg.
f Public Works

of Engineers

of Nebraska
gical Survey

iero, Brazil

s V. , Dr.


tz Road

o Road

mes F.


n M.


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Gonzalez, Dr.

Field Station

de Atividades

cal Sciences
Power Comm.



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The Study of the Marine Environment of North Gulf of California

Prelim. Study of Lake Pontchartrain & Vicinity Using Remotely

( (Including Strel^^


Evaluate Effects of Construction & Staged Filling of Reser-

Evaluate ERTS-A Data for Usefulness as Geological Sensor

The Interdependence of Lake Ice & Climate in Central North

Investigation of Geological Structure of Kalahar Basin
Inventory of Forest & Rangeland Resources


N a t ' l . Program on Remote Sensors


voirs on Environment & Ecology

Sensed Data from ERTS


- more -
Science Service
Range Station

uter Space
ent Center




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- 91 -

Topographical Mapping and Remote Sensing Study of the Bari^


•H fd

Man-Made Culture Interpretation & Culture Revision of


Investigations of Geologic & Structural Features of

o U

•H rd

Earth Resources Program in Finland

CO tn
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rd i-H w H
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Small-Scale Maps

rH •rl
r3 •P
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River Basin and Bali

Peninsula -P cu
<4H 0
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tn 4J rd •H
O co CQ
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nd Technology



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Establish Bases for Study of Geological & Structural Features

Improve Menhaden Fishery Detection & Prediction Using ERTS-A


Mapping of the Major Structures of the African R i f t System

Cartographic Evaluation of ERTS Orbit & Attitude Data
Use of ERTS-A Satellite Data in Great Lakes

Water Budget of Tex. High Plains Plaza Lakes


Remote Sensing of Ocean Currents

Mesometeorological Studies

cal Observatory


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. Sciences





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- 91 -

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Geofisico Del Peru

de Cartografia Nac
fur Angewandte Geo
33 , Wichernstr 16

101 - Venezuela
pace Corporation
Inves tigators

n Laboratories
y of Michigan

dolfo C. , Dr.
ogical Survey

r. Er~nest H.
. of Berlin

mon Bolivar
, Michigan

es, Calif.


k, Calif.


abian C.

Jose C.

- CJ
ohn B.



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ate Planning

Nat'l. Terr,
of Michigan

mic Studies
-Heinz, Dr.
ne Studies

tion Div.



, Dr.




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- 97 ~


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s Hautes Etudes

ting Services
& Wildlife

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> W CQ IS > W P4 >a« >D CO & !S Q S Pi S WS s aCQ f*< O Q rtj

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