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Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement

Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies


Maria Carmen Iordache

„Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteºti
Denisa Parpandel
„Constantin Brâncoveanu” University, Piteºti

Abstract. By means of enterprisers’ complex efforts to be oriented towards

and take permanent steps to customers’ benefits, relational marketing actually
and essentially argues rendering customers loyal by the persuasive qualities

Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies

of the products supplied, the conditions they are offered in, and a more
favourable quality-price ratio than the competitors’.
Within relational marketing, marketing managers must set up and imple-
ment efficient strategies and programmes in order to attract and keep their
customers. In case of losing their customers, it is necessary they explore the
causes and try to emotionally or rationally regain them, especially if custom-
ers’ strategic value is high to suppliers. The balance between attracting new
customers and keeping the current ones has a dynamic feature proved by the
change in priorities of the two main concerns during enterprisers’ and prod-
ucts’ progress on the market.
The business environment where enterprisers in the Romanian tourism
develop their activities is complex and continuously changing. This imposes
an increase in the concerns of tourism managers that should take account of
the motivations and demands of current and potential tourists, which would be
the best way to attract customers and make them loyal.

Keywords: relational marketing; attracting; keeping; customer value; strategy.

JEL Codes: L83, M31.

REL Codes: 14F, 14G.

Theoretical and Applied Economics

1. Introduction might turn into present ones. Nowadays, they

think that losing a valuable customer means
According to the famous American not only losing the profit from a certain
Marketing Association (AMA), relational transaction, but also a long-term loss which
marketing is “marketing made real by the is much more significant. In fact, an
planning and execution of activities to set enterpriser may thus lose an entire flow of
up, assess, promote and distribute ideas, sales and profits that could have been
goods and services with the purpose to generated by a medium- or long-term
achieve exchanges meant to meet various relationship with a customer.
individual and organizational goals”. Therefore, the enterprisers that want to
Over the years, the above definition that value the opportunities provided by applying
approaches the concept of marketing mix has relational marketing principles calculate and
been subject to massive criticism of which monitor a very important indicator which is
the harshest belongs to C. Grönroos, a customer value along the entire relationship
Swedish man, who stated that “relational with an enterpriser (a customer’s value
marketing is the set up, maintenance and throughout their “life” with a supplying
consolidation of relationships with enterprise). It is calculated as the up-to-date
consumers and other partners, with the value of the entire profit flow generated by
purpose to accomplish profits and meet the the relationship with a customer considering
parties’ objectives” (Grönroos, p. 86). His a medium- or long-term. Practicians think
definition emphasizes consumers’ and that a time span of 2 to 5 years is enough to
company partners’ important roles when estimate the future up-dated value.
accomplishing company objectives in order Estimating the respective value in monetary
to make profit. units (VVi) can be done by the following
2. Relational marketing prospect T t
 1 
upon attracting and keeping VVi = ∑
t =1
( S it − CDit ) − CM it  
1 + δ 
I identifies the customer taken into
Enterprisers have started to consider the
advantages typical of the orientation towards
t (from 1 to T) is the time unit (month,
setting up long-term relationships with their
year etc.);
customers according to mutual trust, open
S it means the purchases achieved by
communication, common objectives,
customer i (the enterpriser’s sales to the
engagement to obtain value on either side.
respective customer);
Marketers have exceeded the times when
CDit means the direct costs related to
they thought that losing a customer was not
customer i;
a risk to the enterprise as they started from
CMit means the marketing costs related
the wrong idea that the market could give
to customer i;
them many other potential customers that

δ is the interest rate (the capital cost used 3. Relational marketing strategies
to calculate the net up-dated value)
corresponding to time unit t. Basically, relational marketing does not
The higher the customer value have an open character, but relies on
throughout the entire relationship with an profitability principles. Nowadays, it is no
enterpriser, the lower the related costs. The longer enough to attract customers and make
careful monitoring of costs allows an deals with them.
enterpriser to increase customer profitability. It is necessary that one resort to
The concern with estimating profits’ up- relational marketing strategies in order to
dated value to be generated by a customer keep customers and develop profitable long-
leads to an increase in the importance of term relationships with them.
customers’ maintenance strategies. The Moreover, suppliers are keen on
longer the time span of a customer’s ensuring both customers’ complete
collaboration with an enterpriser, the higher satisfaction and delight, and their value
the profits’ value to a supplier. growth to a selling enterpriser.
The importance of mantaining customers Every enterpriser benefits from a wide
is also supported by the difference of costs range of strategies that contribute in attracting

Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies

related to attracting, respectively maintaining and keeping customers. Their strategies can
them within their range of interest. It is stated be classified into two main categories –
that attracting a new customer is 5 to 10 times offensive and defensive.
more costly than keeping an actual customer’s
level of satisfaction (Kotler, Armstrong, 2006).

Market expansion
strategies to attract
new customers Market share growth
strategies Setting up barriers
against reorientation
towards competitors
strategies to
maintain current
customers Customers’
satisfaction growth

Figure 1. Offensive and defensive strategies

In order to identify potential customers, “on-the-spot” research. This method


an enterpriser must research the market. relies on the average rule. For example,
Among the methods that can be used in this suppose an enterpriser must attract 100 new
respect are the following: customers in order to achieve 250,000 lei

Theoretical and Applied Economics

sales value. If the average success rate is n research by mail. Sending

1:10, it means the enterpriser’s selling power promotional messages by traditional or
will have to resort to 1,000 people/ electronic mail allows the access to a large
organizations in order to be able to attract number of potential customers as costs are
100 customers. low. Those who ask for further information
n “endless chain”. This research method are going to be contacted by sales agents.
is based on references. After every sale, a However, this research method generates a
sales agent asks a customer for a list of low response rate from the target people.
people/organizations that might be interested n telemarketing. Researches by phone

in the product/service they supply. The sales have the advantage of contracting a large
agent shall visit the prospective ones and try number of potential customers situated within
not only to present a product, but also to get a wide territorial area. As far as costs are
additional references. concerned, they are more convenient than
n participation in fairs and exhibitions. “on-the-spot” research, but more costly than
The participation with show-stands in a fair mail research.
or exhibition generates additional lists of n observation. The careful monitoring

people and/or organizations that might be of events in the environment where an

interested in the exhibited products. Sellers enterpriser works facilitates the identification
can get data such as people names, of new opportunities. Thus, new potential
organization names, addresses, telephone customers can be identified.
numbers, e-mail addresses etc. Then, the n networking. Every contact initiated

respective people/organizations are to be with a person is an opportunity for sales

contacted and assessed as potential agents/consultants to make themselves
customers. known and speak about their products or
n resorting to influence centres. One of services. Thus, they create people networks
the research methods is considering the that exchange ideas and information, and
influence of opinion leaders or regulators. facilitate researching.
The people that have favourable positions Setting up clear objectives that aim at
within organizations or communities may attracting customers shall contribute in an
suggest and influence prospective customers. enterpriser’s sustainable growth.
A sales agent must initiate and develop The decision to invest in keeping a
relationships with such influential centres, certain customer within a supplier’s range
and inform them about the results of the often relies on the following criteria:
contacts they have set up that way. Examples n the strategic importance of a
of influential centres are clerks, the selling customer. Specialists recommend that
power that supplies uncompetitive products enterprisers should primarily maintain within
meant for the same target segment, the their scope of interest the customers that
members of owners’ associations, the have the highest strategic importance. This
leaderships of the Chambers of Commerce category comprises those who are worth
and Industry etc. much during the time span of their

relationships with enterprisers, the customers the decision to keep a customer must take
that buy extensively and the market leaders. account of several aspects: customer share,
n maintenance costs. Attracting the value of customer’s purchases, the
customers is negatively influenced by the potential to grow customer’s value and the
growing costs of their maintenance. For cost of maintaining the relationship with a
instance, the requests of major customers customer.
related to products’ adjustment by suppliers, Keeping customers within an
the reduction of delivery time or granting enterpriser’s range does not confine to
price discounts may significantly decrease maintaining their value at its original level.
the strategic importance of the respective Any professional in the field of relational
customers. marketing and customer relations
n customers’ loyalty level. In the case management aims at growing customers’
of customers that show a high loyalty level, value to an organization. In this respect, they
a supplier should not invest too much in resort to strategies such as:
maintaining the respective customers. In n „cross-selling” – means the gradual
exchange, if certain strategically important supply and sale of several categories of
customers do not show a high level of products and services to the same customer

Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies

involvement in the relationship with their as compared to the range they bought when
suppliers, being tempted to take account of they started to collaborate with a supplier;
competitors’ offers as well, suppliers will n „upselling” – refers to the sale of
have to allocate significant resources to keep products and services from the category a
customers and increase their loyalty. customer usually requires but having a
n customers’ recent attraction. greater allowance than the products a
Numerous organizations give careful customer ordered when they first started their
attention to maintaining recently attracted collaboration with a supplier.
customers. It is estimated that a customer’s Some authors (Bruhn, 2003) stated that
value during their relationship with a supplier the strategies to regain customers could
is higher for a recently attracted customer as identify themselves in:
compared to the one of a customer that has n compensation strategy –
been atttracted for some time. The greater reimbursing the value of faulty goods that
interest in recent customers as compared to have generated customers’ dissatisfaction;
older ones is proved by the fact that the replacing faulty goods etc.
former, in case of dissatisfaction, are more n improvement strategy – repairing
likely to leave their suppliers and decrease faulty goods;
their purchases than customers who have n stimulation strategy – granting
been satisfied for a longer period of time discounts and resuming the relationship with
(Bolton, 1998). a customer;
n customer share. Keeping customers n persuasion strategy – suppliers’
is more difficult if they are supplied by promise to meet customers’ requests and
several suppliers simultaneously. Adopting expectations.

4. The need to implement relational
Theoretical and Applied Economics

In order to increase the efficiency and

efficacy of an enterpriser’s activities, the marketing in the Romanian tourism
concern to regain lost customers should be enterprises
doubled by identifying the causes that have
led to losing customers. Only acting upon The Romanian companies in the field
the symptoms and not the causes, of tourism should give special attention to
enterprisers will never cease facing tourists with a view to ensuring the best
customer losses which is going to affect their relations with them and making them loyal.
prospective profitability. The causes of When creating and implementing marketing
customer losses can be related to the strategies, tourism enterprises must take
dissatisfaction generated by a supplying account of current and prospective tourists’
enterpriser, buyer or competitor. motivation and demands which is the best
One of the goals of research related to way to attract them and make them loyal.
customer losses is aquiring information about Romanian tourism enterprisers must also
the following aspects: consider the initiation of best relations with
n the size of customer loss rate to an
all their business partners. Ensuring an
enterpriser and its time evolution; environment where consumers’ satisfaction
n the size of customer loss rate in the
should be an enterprise’s main motivation is
sector an enterpriser belongs to; one of the primordial goals that Romanian
n the typology of customers that an
tourism enteprisers should have in view
enterpriser loses; when implementing their marketing
n the reasons for losing customers;
strategies. At present, it is much cheaper to
n the competing suppliers that lost
keep a demanding customer than attract a
customers redirect themselves to; new one (Baker, pp. 48-49).
n the influence of price changes upon
“Relational marketing involves the
the level of customers’ maintenance; creation, maintenance and strengthening of
n the fluctuation of customers’ mainte-
the relations with buyers and the other
nance level according to region, the business partners of an enterpriser, aiming
marketing channel used, distributor, sales at long-term actions. Ensuring the best
agent etc. relations with buyers and – based on that –
making them as loyal as possible are the
As main methods to gather information, essential end of all attempts typical of
one can use the analysis of secondary relational marketing” (Adãscãliþei, p. 15).
sources and in-depth interviews. Taking Consequently, in order to accomplish
soundings is a way to quantitatively this important objective, the companies in
describe the loss of customers, but it does the Romanian tourism (tour-operators,
not allow to clearly identify its causes and retailers, tourist service providers etc.) must
explore the sensitive, delicate aspects of the pursue the creation, maintenance and
relationship between a supplier and a strengthening of the relations with current
former customer. tourists and also the tourist service providers

they have business relations with. For their competing firms and various institutions
example, it is well known that a tourist who of local and central management that are
is satisfied with the services rendered by a responsible in the market field. Therefore,
tourist unit will surely come to it again. They the “range of their direct relations is
will also tell their friends or colleagues about practically akin to all micro-environment
that particular tourist structure, convincing constituents within the complex marketing
them to visit it. environment”.
Making tourists loyal is possible by the Ensuring loyal and long-term
Romanian tourism companies’ purchasing of collaboration with business partners leads to
quality products and services that should be reducing the marketing expenses, the
created in such a way so that they could best stability of a tourism firm’s business and
meet tourists’ increasing motivation and contributes in rendering business partners’
demands. activities more efficient.
That is why it is advisable that Relations with various business partners
enterprisers should directly contact their in the Romanian tourism are complex.
customers in order to identify their Tourists’ reasons for choosing certain
expectations as properly as possible. tourist products are diverse and unique. That

Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies

It is also well known that a dissatisfied is why, in order to meet the requirements of
tourist will certainly speak about their such clients, Romanian enterprisers must
dissatisfaction with others and a company’s keep such relations with partners in various
risk of losing prospective opportunities may fields so as to provide tourists with a
grow. Specialist LeBoef thinks that such a complex range of tourist services.
customer informs other 8-10 people about Keeping long-lasting, adequate
the negative issues they encountered in the relationships with the various partners
unit they visited (LeBoef, pp.13-14). involved in the success of a tourism
In conclusion, the revenues obtained enterprise’s activities is essential in order to
from selling tourist products and services to make tourists loyal and supply valuable
loyal tourists are higher than the revenues tourist services. The above objectives can
obtained from selling services to customers only be accomplished by the careful use of
that visit a unit for the first time or all the elements that belong to the tourist
occasionally. marketing mix.
As any other enterprise, Romanian Since 1 January 2007, Romanian
tourism companies are always in a twofold tourism enterprisers have been facing a wave
position: on one hand, a buyer in relation of new competitors more and more often that
with various suppliers (hotels, travel try to expand their action scope on
agencies, tourist service providers etc.) and, Romania’s territory. Whereas the Romanian
on the other, a supplier when tourists are the tourist market is more and more attractive to
main target of their relationships. Western European tourism companies, the
Besides those relationships, Romanian Single Market is to our investors quite a
tourism companies also collaborate with dangerous environment since marketing and

Theoretical and Applied Economics

tourist orientation are not yet developed up loyalty. Their satisfaction level shall go up
to a high level. if enterprises duly adapt to the respective
Romanian tourism enterprisers are buyers’ desires and needs” (Adascalitei, p.
currently struggling to win customers and 42). Romanian tourism enterprisers must
make them loyal by providing a range of know tourists’ expectations very well, how
tourist products and services complying with they can draw the latter’s attention and must
the latter’s expectations. Practically, “the key find periodical communication ways with
to ensuring customers’ satisfaction, loyalty them. In this respect, it is necessary they adopt
and becoming loyal is the supply of services a marketing programme for customer
that should anticipate and even emulate their relations aimed at maximizing tourists’ long-
expectations as far as value is concerned” term loyalty, increasing the profits from
(Lammers, p. 27). current customers, ceasing tourist losses on
short term and using current tourists to attract
5. Marketing strategies in tourist other potential ones.
customer relations The validity of such a programme
largely depends on the way details are
The best management of the relationship perceived, mere and cheap actions are taken,
between a tourist service company and a the purpose of which being to produce a
customer in order to reach high commercial maximum effect, unique actions that should
efficiency is one of the most important surprise even competitors. The efficiency of
strategies in the field of tourism. such a marketing programme depends on a
The importance of the supplier-customer tourism company’s ability to satisfy its
relationship is primordial to a company’s clients, on its creativity when achieving
effort to maximize its business. In fact, tourist products etc. All these actions aim at
Romanian tourism enterprises’ competitive continuously improving the relationships
advantage is not only defined by the supply between a tourism company and a tourist,
contents, but also by the contact personnel’s and the expenses involved herein are
behaviour which involves a permanent minimum.
interactivity between a customer and the Tourists’ long-term loyalty can be
latter (Dumitrescu, p. 3). achieved by a tourism company only by
In order to manage a good and correct creating tourist products that should provide
relationship with a customer, tourism their clients with the most pleasant
companies pursue the administration and experiences. In a competitive market
conception of the expertise they have gained environment, it is necessary they should set
with the latter. Actually, tourists’ satisfaction up sustainable and advantageous relations
and loyalty directly depend on the quality of Romanian tourism enterprisers with
of the relationship they have with a tourism current and potential tourists.
company. The actual implementation of
“Creating a pleasant business environ- marketing strategies underlies the
ment shall quickly become the key to buyers’ efficiency of a tourism company’s

activities. Thomas Peters and Robert customizing and individualizing certain
Waterman state that “the first distinctive products and services);
attribute of a company for excellence is n the strategy of adding structural
related to its implementation concept. A advantages to the financial and social ones
poorly executed strategy brings about poor (using electronic mail in order to ensure
results as easily as a badly set up strategy direct connections between a company and
does” (Peters, Waterman, p. 27). its tourists).
Implementing the best strategy in Romanian tourism companies that do not
Romanian tourism companies occurs as the see their business as mere transactions but
result of ample analyses and studies after ongoing relations with tourists approach and
which an enterpriser chooses the way that financially support several marketing
leads to success and to reaching the goals. programmes meant to convince tourists to
“Implementing a strategy is the process come back and become loyal.
where ideas become actions by developing The long life of a company’s tourist
certain programmes, budgets and service activity largely depends on keeping
procedures. The process may involve its clientele and on its ability to attract new
changes in the culture, structure and tourist segments. That is why, recognizing

Relational Marketing – the Prerequisite to Implement Tourist Companies’ Marketing Strategies

management style of a company”. Ensuring the importance granted to every client is
profitability means that Romanian tourism relevant to a company’s success. For
companies should apply a valid strategy. example, to the Romanian enterprisers that
In broad terms, relational marketing own hotels, restaurants and other companies
regarded as a solution for keeping an in the field of hospitality operations, business
enterprise’s customers on a very long term success depends more on satisfied tourists’
is a strategic constituent of management loyalty than on attracting new consumer
decisional system. categories, which involves new efforts of a
In order to generate the highest tourism firm.
satisfaction of tourists, a tourism company Customer value can be interpreted in two
can use three strategies to render value to a ways:
client: n by the “customer’s current value”,
n the strategy of adding financial respectively according to the sales of
advantages (adopting price reductions for services destined to the tourists that resorted
certain tourist products, granting service to the particular tourism firm for the first time;
facilities to loyal clients, guaranteeing the n by the “future value of the same
repayment of tourist service value in case customer”, that is according to the
tourists are dissatisfied etc.); opportunities to raise profit during a future
n the strategy of adding social period of time.
advantages to the financial ones (involving In this context, Ph. Kotler’ statement is
tourism personnel in setting up social relevant, saying that: “the higher your
relations with tourists by means of getting customers’ loyalty is, the less you have to
aquainted with their desires and reasons, by pay for advertising…, most clients will come

Theoretical and Applied Economics

back and buy again… although you have programmes that aim at the ongoing
no advertisements…, due to their high level improvement of the cooperation between a
of satisfaction…, (and) they are going to company and a tourist. Satisfied tourists’
advertise for you” (Kotler, p.160). advertising is much more efficient than many
other promotional actions a company can
Conclusions resort to.
In the Romanian tourism, due to the fact
Ensuring tourists’ satisfaction is a sure that there are many short-term partners that
way to make current customers loyal and participate in accomplishing tourist products,
attract potential ones. Romanian tourism as well as many buyers, relational marketing
enterprisers should give special attention to aims at the long-term loyalty of consumers,
tourist relations and allocate financial distribution channels and other
resources in order to support marketing complementary enterprises.


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