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National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
Washington. D C 20546
AC 202 755-8370


Press Kit Project International Sun

Earth Explorers


GENERAL RELEASE................................... 1-10


MISSION DESCRIPTION............................... 14-18


SCIENTIFIC PAYLOAD DESCRIPTION..................... 19-23

DELTA LAUNCH VEHICLE (2914).......... ............. 24


LAUNCH OPERATIONS................................. 26

ISEE-A AND B PROGRAM MANAGEMENT................... 26-27

LAUNCH SEQUENCE FOR ISEE-A AND B.................. 28

ISEE-A AND B TEAM.................................. 29-31

October 13, 1977
National Aeronautics and
Space Ad ministration
Washington. D C 20546
AC 202 755-8370

Fc JrRelease
N i c h o l a s Panagakos
H e a d q u a r t e r s , Washington, D.C. IMMEDIATE
(Phone : 2 0 2 /7 5 5- 3 6 8 0 )

J o s e p h McRoberts
Goddard S p a c e F l i g h t C e n t e r , G r e e n b e l t , M d .
(Phone: 301/982-4955)

RELEASE NO: 77-213


Two s p a c e c r a f t w i l l b e l a u n c h e d by a s i n g l e rocket t h i s

month a s p a r t of a c o o p e r a t i v e program by NASA and The Euro-

p e a n S p a c e Agency ( E S A ) t o g a i n a b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f

how t h e Sun c o n t r o l s t h e E a r t h ' s n e a r s p a c e e n v i r o n m e n t .

C a l l e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Sun E a r t h E x p l o r e r s , t h e mother-

and-daughter s a t e l l i t e s w i l l b e l a u n c h e d a b o u t Oct. 1 9 from

Kennedy Space C e n t e r , F l a . , i n t o l o o p i n g trajectories around

the E a r t h , r a n g i n g i n d i s t a n c e f r o m 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 k i l o m e t e r s

( 8 7 , 0 0 0 m i l e s ) t o 280 km ( 1 7 4 m i . ) .


The mission involves 117 scientific investigators, 35

universities and 10 nations.

Circling our planet for three years or more, the

instrument-laden spacecraft are expected to provide detailed
data on how solar wind particles control the boundaries
between Earth space and interplanetary space. This will
lead to a better understanding of a variety of solar-

terrestrial phenomena, includinq weather and climate, energy

production and ozone depletion in the atmosphere.

ISEE-A, managed by NASA, and B, managed by ESA (to be

designated ISEE-1 and ISEE-2 after orbital insertion), are
the first set of spacecraft designed to be used together to
investigate Earth's immediate space environment.

Shortly after third stage burnout, when the two space-

craft have attained the reauired trajectory, they will be
separated from each other but will remain in the same orbit.
The separation distance between ISEE-1 and ISEE-2 will be
varied by the controllers between a few hundred to a few
thousand kilometers during the lifetime of the mission.


For reasons of energy conservation, the smaller space-

craft, ISEE-2, weighing 158 kilograms ( 3 4 8 pounds), will be
the maneuverable spacecraft. The orbit of ISEE-1 will not

be changed. Initially, however, both spacecraf% will under-

go attitude maneuvers so that both point to the same place
in space.

All maneuvers will he conducted by a NASA/ESA team at

NASA'S Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

The use of two spacecraft, separated by a variable

distance, will allow scientists to study the boundaries in
near-Earth space and the nature of their fluctuations. These
include the plasma pause -- the position at which there is a
dramatic drop in the density of the magnetosphere -- the mag-
netic envelope which surrounds the Earth; the magnetopause,
where the magnetic field of the Earth meets that of the solar
wind; the bow shock, a sort of bow wave created by the motion
of the solar wind past the Earth, and several less obvious
features of the Earth's maqnetic tail.

Measurements by instruments on a pair of spacecraft

will permit ambiguities associated with the motion c f these
boundaries to be resolved.


In the past, a large number of phenomena measured by

single instruments on spacecraft were not clearly under-
stood. For example, did the sudden increase in energetic
particles noted from measurements by one spacecraft come
from an eruption on the surface of the Sun, perhaps a solar
flare, or did it come from some other source? Perhaps the
particles were suddenly released from the Earth's radiation
b e l t s or were bounced back from t h e bow shock f r o n t t h a t

extends hundreds of thousands of kilometers out from Earth.

With two spacecraft at different points on a similar tra-
jectory with similar instrumentation, time and space aspects
associated with such problems can be solved.

Even greater scientific returns will be possible when

a third spacecraft, ISEE-C, is launched by NASA next summer
to what is called the libration point -- about 1.5 million
km (932,055 million mi.) from Earth toward the Sun -- where
the satellite will remain with only minor onboard qas adjust-
ments. At that point in space, the forces of gravity and
the dynamic force exert an equal pull.

ISEE-C (to be called ISEE-3 in heliocentric orbit) will

obtain nearly continuous data on the fluctuating solar wind,
and on special solar phenomena, such as solar flares, about
an hour before the solar particles flow past I S E E - 1 and 2 in
Earth orbit.

I n c e r t a i n i n s t a n c e s , t h i s w i l l g i v e s c i e n t i s t s on
t h e ground t i m e t o make i n p u t s t o o n b o a r d i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n

on t h e m o t h e r - d a u g h t e r s p a c e c r a f t t o look f o r c o r r e l a t i n g

phenomena. A t the same t i m e , sounding r o c k e t s could be

f i r e d from a n y g l o b a l l o c a t i o n on c u e f r o m Goddard C e n t e r

a t d i f f e r e n t launch a r e a s around t h e world t o i n v e s t i g a t e

o t h e r a s p e c t s o f o n r u s h i n g s o l a r wind. A s p a r t o f a program

c a l l e d t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a g n e t o s p h e r i c S t u d y (IMS), ground

s t a t i o n s , s o u n d i n g r o c k e t s , b a l l o o n s , a i r c r a f t and s a t e l l i t e s ,
i n c l u d i n g t h e I S E E s p a c e c r a f t , w i l l look a t t h e same phe-

nomenon s i m u l t a n e o u s l y from d i f f e r e n t p a r t s o f t h e E z r t h ,

i n c l u d i n g p o l a r a r e a s and s p a c e .

I S E E c o o r d i n a t i o n i s d e s i g n e d t o f i t i n t o t h e I M S pro-

gram, which i s a world-wide three-year i n v e s t i g a t i o n begun

i n 1976. ISEE-A, B and C a r e m a j o r c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e I M S

by t h e U.S. and Europe. Data exchange o f f i c e s have b e e n

e s t a b l i s h e d i n Meudon, F r a n c e , and B o u l d e r , Colo. Meanwhile,

a s o p h i s t i c a t e d S a t e l l - i t e S i t u a t i o n C e n t e r ( S S C ) a t Goddard

w i l l c a l c u l a t e s a t e l l i t e o r b i t s which w i l l h e p u b l i s h e d

through t h e Boulder o f f i c e . The p u b l i s h e d SSC o r h i t s a r e

designed f o r c o r r e l a t i o n w i t h t h e various I M S systems t o

i n d i c a t e when s p a c e c r a f t d a t a are l i k e l y t o b e e s p e c i a l l y

fruitful .

. .-

Much of the data returned by ISEE is expected to be

of immediate interest in areas of practical application.

For example, a growing mass of evidence suggests that

events on the Sun (Sun spots, solar flares, high-speed solar
wind streams) may affect our weather. Long-term variations
of the Sun's energy output as well as more subtle changes
in the solar wind and its magnetic field structure sffect
our climate. Is the Earth growing warmer or colder? Will
certain parts get more or less moisture? Are severe storms
and hurricanes in some way linked to solar mechanisms?

Solar and terrestrial exploration can help establish

the physical cause and effect relationships between solar
stimuli and terrestrial responses. When these relationships
are understood, a new tool will be available for weather and
climate prediction.

The Earth's ionosphere and ozone layer which protects

us from dangerous solar ultraviolet rays are influenced by
solar events and conditions in the magnetosphere which these
satellites will investigate. The ionosphere must be better
understood because of the major impact it has on worldwide
communications and precision navigation systems as wel.1 as
the amount of global ozone.

Although numerous other spacecraft have been probing

the magnetosphere since the early 1960s, the ISEE satellites
carry instrumentation 10 times more sensitive than previously
flown. Five years ago, the ISEE series couldn't be flown
simply because the required technoloqv did not exist. As
a result, much fine detail information essential to under-
standing the range of Sun-Earth phenomena, the entire environ-
mental system of Earth, and the interactions between the two
is now available with the ISEE spacecraft for the first time.

The earlier missions have shown that our space environ-

ment is very dynamic and exhibits changes more drastic than
the weather patterns seen near the ground. It is precisely
these changes which need to be studied, using instruments
designed to operate in close coordination, to establish the
complex interrelationships which control our "space weather."

ISEE-A is a 16-sided cylindrical body measuring approx-

imately 1 . 7 3 meters (5 feet 8 inches) across and 1.61 m ( 5
ft. 4 in.) high. Its main body consists of an 84-centimeter
(1 ft. 9 in.) conical center tube, an aluminum honeycomb

equipment shelf supported b y eiqht struts. The lower end of

the center tube mates with the launch vehicle and the upper
end with the ISEE-B.


- -

Certain exposed areas o f the ISEE-A and C spacecraft

are coated with a conductive green paint developed at Goddard
as passive electrical as well as thermal protection to keep
the voltage buildup to no more than one totwo volts, even as
they pass through the radiation belts.

ISEE-B is a circular cylinder, with a diameter of 1.27 m

( 4 ft.) and a height of 1.14 m ( 3 1/2 ft.). Solar cells are

mounted on three detachable curved panels. An aluminum honey-
comb platform supported by eight struts and center tube are
the main load-carrying portions.

NASA is responsible for the A and C spacecraft, Delta

launch vehicle, tracking and data acquisition and data pro-

cessing. ESA is responsible for the ISEE-B spacecraft and

its operation.

Goddard will provide orbital computation, attitude

determination and spacecraft control support to the ISEE
missions during the planned three-year lifetime of the
satellites. ESA, in coordination with Goddard, is respon-

sible for preparing, testing and operating the ISEE-B space-

craft and software for maneuver determination and computation.


There are a total of 117 investigators on all three

spacecraft representing 35 university, government and indus-
trial organizations in 10 countries.

ISEE-A is a Goddard Center designed spacecraft built,

fabricated and tested at Goddard with all its components
either made at Goddard or supplied by industries or univer-
sities. ISEE-B is an ESA-European Space Technology Center
(ESA-ESTEC) satellite whose design was determined through
competitive concepts.

The STAR consortium of 10 countries supervised con-

struction under contract to ESA. STAR consists of industries

in Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Nether-

lands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Dornier
Systems in Frederickshaven, Germany, heads the contractor

Goddard directs the Delta rocket program for NASA's

Office of Space Flight and McDonnell Douglas Astronautics
Co., Huntington Beach, Calif., is prime contractor.

Estimated cost of the two spacecraft and the scientific

instrumentation is about $ 4 5 million, exclusive of launch and
tracking and data acquisition costs.


The l a u n c h window o p e n s O c t . 1 2 , 1 9 7 7 , and c l o s e s

Oct. 2 7 , 1977. T h e r e is a 20-minute o p p o r t u n i t y i n t h e

e a r l y p a r t of t h e l a u n c h window each d a y s t a r t i n g between

about 1 0 : O O a.m. EDT and 10:30 a.m. EDT, d e p e n d i n g o n t h e

day. The l a u n c h window b e g i n s t o n a r r o w on O c t . 20 and is

r e d u c e d t o f i v e m i n u t e s on Oct. 2 9 .



Principal Investigator Affiliation

*Fast Plasma S. J. Bame Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory


*Low Energy Proton and Electron L. A. Frank University of Iowa

*Fluxgate Magnetometer C. T. Russell University of California,

Los Angeles
*Plasma Waves D. A. Gurnett IJniversity of Iowa

*Plasma Density C. C. Harvey Paris Observatory

*Energetic Electrons and Protons D. J. Williams National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration 1

*Electrons and Protons K. A. Anderson University of California, Berkeley

D.C. Electric Field J. P. Heppner Goddard Space Flight Center

Ion Composition R. D. Sharp Lockheed Electronics Co.

VLF Wave Propagation R.' A. Helliwell Stanford University

Fast Electrons K. W. Ogilvie Goddard Space Flight Center

Low Energy Cosmic Ray D. Hovestadt Max Planck Institute

Quasi-Static Electric Fields F. S. Mozer IJniversity of California

*The instruments of A and B that are interrelated.

Instrm e nt Principal Investigator Affiliation

*Fast Plasma G. Paschmann Max Planck Institute

*Low Energy Proton and Electron L. A. Frank University of Iowa

*Fluxgate Magnetometer C. T. Russell University of California,

Los Angeles

*Plasma Waves D. A. Gurnett University of Iowa

*Plasma Density C. C. Harvey Paris Observatory

*Energetic Electrons and Protons E. Keppler Max Planck Institute

*Electrons and Protons K. A. Anderson University of California, Berkeley

Solar Wind Ion Measurements G. Moreno Laboratorio Plasma Spazio,

Frascati, Italy I
Solar Wind Plasma S. J . Bame L o s Alamos Scientific Laboratory

Magnetometer E. J. Smith Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Low Energy Cosmic Ray D. Hovestaclt Max Planck Institute

Medium Energy Cosmic Ray T. von Rosenvinge Goddard Space Flight Center

High Energy Cosmic Ray €1. H. Heckman University of California

Plasma Waves F. L. Scarf TRW

ISEE-c (cont'd. 1
Instrument Principal Investigator Affiliation

Cosmic Ray Electrons P. Meyer University of Chicago

Protons L. D. de Feiter Space Research Laboratories,


X-Rays and Electrons K. A. Anderson University of California

Radio Mapping J. L. Steinberg Meudon Observatory

Plasma Composition K. W. Ogilvie Goddard Space Flight Center

, High Energy Cosmic Ray E. C. Stone California Institute of


Ground Based Solar Studies J. M. Wilcox Stanford University




The ISEE-A and B spacecraft are the first set of space-

craft designed to be used together to investigate the physical
structures surrounding the Earth, It is hoped that these
spacecraft will be able to resolve questions related to the
detailed structure of the magnetosphere, magnetopause and
shock front that cannot be answered by a single spacecraft.
The orbit was selected to nearly maximize the number of bow
shock crossings. The separation distance of the two spacecraft
is intended to have the spacecraft separation be 100 kilometers
(62 miles) at 15 Earth radii as the starting position and let
the distance drift to 2 or 3 thousand km (1,240 to 1,865 mi.)
before restoring it. The spacecraft are much closer at apogee
and very far apart at perigee using this control point.
Solar Wind and Upstream Phenomena
The elemental and isotopic ahundances in the solar wind
show strong time variations. These could result from diffusion
processes in the solar photosphere-corona boundary, from dynamic
friction, from wave-particle interactions or from separation
processes that depend primarily on ionization and energv.
Energetic solar protons and electrons are observed in the
interplanetary medium during solar events. Investigation of
these is aimed at discovering how they originate in the Sun
and how they are affected by the medium in which they travel.
Care is needed to differentiate between source and propagation
effects, and in this respect the observations of the helio-
centric ISEE-C spacecraft wi.11 be very useful.
It is known that the presence of the Earth has a disturbing
effect in interplanetary space in front of the bow shock and
for quite large distances uDstream. By using ISEE-A and B it
should be possible to look for the types of particles and waves
that are reflected from the bow shock. A study can a l s o be
made of the effect of the backstreaminq protons and electrons
on the solar wind itself.
A great variety of these interplanetary discontinuities
exist, traveling with characteristic speeds of the order of
hundreds of kilometers per second, making large separations
necessary for good observation. Simultaneous "mother" and
"daughter" measurements will be able to distinguish shock-
accelerated from solar-accelerated protons. ISEE-A and R
spacecraft carry electron density measuring equipment which
should be able to resolve density variations in shock structures
and discontinuities.


Neutral magnetic and current sheets in the solar wind

will be studied as they sweep past ISEE-A and B. The ISEE
mission will also be able to distinguish solar co-rotating
features from others.
A major part of the ISEE mission is the study of wave-
particle interactions. Because of the variability of the
solar wind, the characteristic frequencies of the plasma are
also highly variable. Using two spacecraft, it should be
possible to remove some of the ambiguities.
The complexity and variability of the solar wind velo-
cities, composition and densities together with the presence
of particles and waves backstreaming from the bow shock en-
sures that many known and unknown wave-particle interactions
will take place in the near-Earth interplanetary medium, The
I S E E twin spacecraft investigation is expected to unravel some
of the basic processes.
The Bow Shock
This feature of the Earth's environment has been known
to exist since 1963 when it was first seen by IMP-1 but iden-
tification of even the dominant mechanisms has not yet been
accomplished. A basic problem here is that the bow shock
apparently moves back and forth with an amplitude of about
one Earth radius and the velocity of this movement seems to
vary between 10 and 200 km per second (6 to 125 mi. per second).
Both ions and electrons are heated in the shock and the mecha-
nism is thought to be a retardation and heating by some form
of electrostatic turbulence.
Detections of regions of this size by a single-point
measuring system in the fast-moving bow shock is extremely
difficult. Assuming shock speeds of about 100 km/s (62 mi./s),
simultaneous measurements at two points about 100 km (62 mi.)
apart by instruments with reasonable time resolution should be
able to detect the larger scale features,
The bow shock may also be the source of electron spikes
seen in the magnetosheath and movement of both ions and elec-
trons towards the Sun upstream of the shock. The mechanism
for acceleration and reflection of these particles is not
understood at present and in-particular the transient nature
of the observations is baffling.



Because of space-time ambiguities, the extent and wave-

lengths of these phenomena have not been determined and so
they too are suitable objects for a twin spacecraft study.
These spacecraft must spend sufficient time outside the bow shock
region for a wide range of solar wind effects to be encountered
to evaluate their influence on the upstream phenomena and the
bow shock.
The Magnetosheath
Magnetic field fluctuations which occur in different modes
and have many different frequencies characterize the Earth's
magnetosheath. This complex situation is further complicated
because the plasma frame is convecting past the spacecraft at
a velocity which is influenced by the solar wind and the posi-
tion of the spacecraft in the magnetosheath.
The dominant mechanisms by which the turbulences in this
region are created have not yet been clearly identified and
it is accepted that techniques of correlating field and plasma
measurements on a single spacecraft are not adequate for an
analysis of this structure. Measurements by ISEE-A and B will
be able to identify propagation velocities which should clarify
the picture considerably.
The MaanetoDause
For many years the nature of the magnetopause boundary
has provided a motive for magnetospheric research. fleverthe-
less, the answers to most of the key questions are still un-
clear: such problems as the way in which mass and energy are
transferred across the boundary, how reconnection works or the
mechanism of viscous interaction have not been solved. Is
the oscillation of this boundary a simple "breathing" of the
magnetosphere or is it the result of the solar wind blowing
Theories of reconnection and viscuous interaction are
incomplete because the treatment of viscuous interaction needs
more detail of the magnetosheath magnetic fields than is avail-
able and reconnection studies have not been ahle to demonstrate
that the process works over a sufficient range of interplanetary
field angles because of lack of magnetopause information.
Again the problem is associated with the movement of the
boundary and with the question of whether the features observed
are propagating or not. It is hoped that identification of
motions by the ISEE mission will make a large contribution to
our understanding of this boundary.

The Plasma Sheet and the Tail

The ISEE mission is uniquely fitted to study the dynamics
of particle acceleration in the tail. Qualitative measurements
of the flow of plasma and energetic particles up and down the
tail will be made and compared with incoming solar wind para-
meters as observed by the heliocentric ISEE-C spacecraft.
Single satellite magnetic measurements imply that a thin
neutral sheet is embedded in the much thicker plasma sheet.
Detection of the neutral sheet is difficult since the field
strengths are very weak and there is considerable upward and
downward movement of this region, with velocities of between
10 and 100 km/s ( 6 to 6 2 mi./s). Twin spacecraft measurements
should be able to identify the structural features of the inner
plasma sheet by separating out the velocity.
Ring Current and Plasmasphere
The ISEE-A and B spacecraft will be able to provide the
first comprehensive observations of the total ring current
energy spectrum, pitch angle and spatial distributions during
quiet times, They will also allow observation of the drift
into this region of the low-energy (tens of keV) protons during
the main phase of magnetic storms. It is hoped that the way
in which these particles filter around the Earth to form a
symmetric ring current will be discovered.
Maqnetospheric Substorms
The understanding of the suhstorm Phenomenon is one of
the key steps to the understanding of the dynamics of the
magnetosphere, However, substorms in themselves are very
complex. Violent rearrangements of magnetic fields during the
substorm expansion phase associated with strong electric induc-
tion fields have drastic effects on plasma flow, charged par-
ticles and on the ionosphere.
It seems probable that the energy needed to drive these
processes is extracted from the solar wind by some mechanism
in the tail, but this mechanism has not been identified, It
is not known how or why substorms are trigqered. Although
particles are accelerated, the region and source of this
acceleration have not been discovered. Because geomagnetic
substorms involve a large part of the magnetosphere, correlated
global measurements will be necessary for any attempt at

-m.ore -


These measurements must include, as well as ISEE-A and B

in the tail, inner magnetospheric observations by GEOS and
ATS-6, upstream solar wind measurements by ISEE-C, suitable
rocket flights to investigate the ionosphere with other world-
wide high-latitude ground-based measurements and assistance
from other spacecraft.


The ISEE project, from its inception, has been designated

to support the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). The
IMS is an international cooperative enterprise with a principal
scientific objective of achieving a comprehensive, quantitative
understanding of key processes associated with energy, mass and
momentum transfer from the solar wind to the magnetosphere and
atmosphere. IMS is the first attempt to use a systems approach
to Sun-Earth study on a large scale,
The system approach in the IMS case is a conscious plan to
accumulate data simultaneously so that correlative studies can
be made on a worldwide and outer space basis. T h i s requires
that spacecraft be located in orbits advantageous to earthbound
observations and that prediction of spacecraft positions be
available to make sure that ground base data is collected at
the appropriate time.
Sounding rocket campaigns will be planned to coincide with
spacecraft positions and, in some cases, spacecraft data will
be used to determine sounding rocket launch times.
T h c ISEE-C spacecraft, from its vantage point a million
miles in front of the Earth, can measure the parameters of
the solar wind unperturbed by the Earth's presence and can do
it one hour in advance of that portion of the solar wind's
arrival at the Earth's physical boundaries, These data can be
compared to the Earth's reaction to this portion of the solar
wind as it impinges on the bow sIngck and the magnetosphere.

In short, ISEE-C measures the solar input function; ISEE-A

and B measure its impact on the magnetic field about the Earth;
and the ground-based magnetometers measure the resultant changes
at the Earth's surface. It is hoped that by obtaining this and
similar spacecraft and sounding rocket data over large space
and time variations, better models can be established for the
behavior of the Earth's fields and radiation belts.



Fast Plasma (ISEE-A and B )

Dr. S. ,l. Bame, L o s Alamos Laboratories, Los Alamos, N.M.,
(ISEE-A) and Dr. G. Paschmann, Max Planck Institute, West
Germany (ISEE-B) .
L o s Alamos Scientific Laboratories supplies the sensor
portion of the ISEE-A and B instruments and Xax Planck Institute
supplies the electronics for both instruments.
Determinations of electron and ion velocity distributions
in one-, two- and three-dimensional form will be obtained from
both ISEE-A and B spacecraft. These determinations are made
using identical 90 degree spherical section electrostatic two-
dimensional and three-dimensional analyzers. The A experiment
will also include a solar wind ion 150 degree spherical section
Low-Energy Protons and Electrons (ISEE-A and B)
L. A. Frank, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

An improved low energy proton and electron differential

energy analyzer (LEPEDEA) each on the A and B satellites will
be employed. These are in the shape of a quarter sphere and
consist of three of these quadrispherical concentric plates.
Fourteen channel multipliers are used so that the instrument
can measure angular distributions. Seven multipliers are used
for protons and seven for electrons. Measurements of both can
be made simultaneously.
Fluxaate Maanetometer (ISEE-A and BI
C. T. Russell, University of California, Los Angeles.
Three ring core sensors in an orthogonal triad are enclosed
in a flipper mechanism at the end of the maqnetometer boom. The
electronics unit is on the main body of the spacecraft at the
foot of the boom. The magnetometer has two operating ranges of
+ 8192 and +512 in each vector component. The data are digi-
tized and averaged within the instrument to provide increased
resolution and to provide Nyquist filterj-nq.


Plasma Waves (ISEE-A and B)

D. A. Gurnett, University of Iowa.
The frequency range to be investigated is 1 Hz to 2 0 0 kHz
for electric fields and 1 Hz to 10 kHz for magnetic fields.
The basic instrumentation provides a complete set of triaxial
magnetic field measurements on the A spacecraft and much simpler
single axis electric and magnetic field measurements on the B
spacecraft. Measurements on the A spacecraft are intended to
cover all wave characteristics, such as wave-normal direction,
polarization and Poynting flux. The single axis measurements
on the B are intended to provide detailed comparisons of the
frequency spectrum and field amplztudes at the two spacecraft.
Plasma Density (ISEE-A and B)
C. C. Harvey, Paris Observatory.

The electron density in the vicinity of the A spacecraft

will be measured by means of a radio technique to detect
resonances of the ambient plasma. These resonances occur at
the plasma frequency, the upper hybrid resonance, the cyclotron
frequency and its harmonics and their study permits the deter-
mination of several plasma parameters and notably the electron
Energetic Electrons and Protons (ISEE-A and B)
D. J. Williams, National Oceanic and Ptmospheric Adminis-
tration, Washington, D.C. (ISEE-A) and E. Keppler, Max Planck
Institute (ISEE-B).
The principle of the measurements is to separate electrons
and protons by a magnet, deflecting each type of particle into
one or more solid state detector telescopes where the pulse
heights can be analyzed. This will be accomplished by flying
solid state detector systems on both A and B spacecraft to
measure detailed energy spectra and angular distributions of
protons in the energy range 2 0 keV to 2 MeV and electrons in
the energy range 2 0 keV to 1 MeV. The NOAA Space Environment
Laboratory is responsible for A instrument hardware and inte-
gration and the Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy is responsible
for B instrument hardware and integration.


Electrons and Protons (ISEE-A and B)

K. A. Anderson, University of California, Berkeley.

Two identical solid state detector telescopes are used,

one open, and the other covered with parylene foil, The tele-
scopes have a viewing cone with a half angle of 4 0 degrees,
oriented at an angle of about 20 degrees with the spin axis
of the spacecraft. Electrons will be measured in two energy
bands, 8 to 200 keV and 30 to 200 keV. Protons will also be
measured in these energy ranges and in addition between 200
and 3 8 0 keV.
Fast Electrons (ISEE-A)
K. W. Ogilvie, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Two identical instruments are mounted diametrically
opposite one another in the spacecraft, each having three
electrostatic analyzers. The axes of each set of analyzers
are mutually perpendicular and are oppositely directed to
those of the other set. Thus the net flux of electrons in a
given direction can be determined, and a good approximation
to the three dimensional velocity distribution function obtained.
Two channelton electron multipliers are used on each of six
analyzers. There are three modes of operation: solar wind
7 . 4 to 4 9 4 eV; magnetosheath 19.5 to 2006 eV and maqnetotail
and solar 106 to 7 0 7 7 eV.
Low Energy Cosmic Ray (ISEE-A) and Gamma Ray Burst
D. Hovestadt, Max Planck Institute.
The instrument consists of three sensors and associated
0 An Ultra Low Energy nuclear charge (Z), total energy
(E) and ionic charge ((1) assembly (ULEZEQ); this
sensor consists of two physically separated units.
0 An Ultra Low Energy Wide Angle Telescope designated
0 A Gamma Ray Burst detector.



Quasi-static Electric Field (ISEE-A)

F. S . Mozer, University of California.
Fields are obtained from measurements of the potential
difference between a pair of spheres, each of which is mounted
on the end of a 50-meter wire boom. The measured potential
differences are converted to electric field components in the
spacecraft frame of reference by dividing each measurement by
the sphere separation distance, after which the resulting fields
are converted to Earth-fixed, inertial, or other frames of
reference by subtraction of the induced electric field result-
ing from spacecraft motion through the magnetic field.
DC Electric F i e l d (ISEE-A)
J. P. Heppner, Goddard Space Flight Center.

The electric field in the spin plane of the spacecraft

is determined by measuring the difference in the floating
potential between the conducting tip sections of two colinear
wires extended perpendicular to the spin axis.
Calibration checks and plasma impedance measurements can
be conducted either instantaneously or periodically by command
Ion Composition (ISEE-A)
R. D. Sharp, Lockheed Electronics Co., Plainfield, N.J.
The energetic ion mass spectrometer is a high-sensitivity
high-resolution analyzer designed to measure the ionic composi-
tion over the mass-per-unit-charge region from 1 to 138 AMU in
the energy-per-unit-charge range from zero to 17 keV. The
instrumentation consists of two complete spectrometers. These
are required outside the magnetosphere to provide adequate
elevation angle coverage.


VLF Wave P r o p a g a t i o n (ISEE-A)

R. A. H e l l i w e l l , S t a n f o r d U n i v e r s i t y , Palo A l t o , C a l i f .
The main wave i n j e c t i o n d e v i c e i s the S t a n f o r d VLF t r a n s -
m i t t e r presently i n operation a t Siple Station i n the Antarctic.
I n r e c e n t t e s t s , s i g n a l s from t h i s t r a n s m i t t e r have b e e n s u c -
c e s s f u l l y i n j e c t e d i n t o t h e m a g n e t i c e q u a t o r i a l p l a n e and have
been o b s e r v e d v i a s a t e l l i t e . For t h e I S E E m i s s i o n , t h e t r a n s -
m i t t e r w i l l b e u s e d t o i n j e c t VLF waves t h r o u g h o u t t h e magneto-
s p h e r e , p r o d u c i n g b o t h VLF e m i s s i o n s and e n e r g e t i c p a r t i c l e
p i t c h angle scattering. I n the g e n e r a l case t h e i n j e c t e d s i g -
n a l , a s w e l l a s any s t i m u l a t e d VLF e m i s s i o n s w i l l be detected
on t h e A s p a c e c r a f t broadband VLF r e c e i v e r p r o v i d e d by S t a n f o r d

S o l a r Wind I o n s (ISEE-B)
~~ ~

G. Moreno, L a b o r a t o r i o Plasma S p a z i o , F r a s c a t i , I t a l y .

T h i s i n s t r u m e n t i s d e s i g n e d t o m e a s u r e the f l o w d i r e c t i o n s
and e n e r g y s p e c t r a o f t h e p o s i t i v e i o n s i n t h e s o l a r wind. Two
modes of o p e r a t i o n a r e p r o v i d e d , o n e c o n c e n t r a t e s on h i g h angu-
l a r r e s o l u t i o n and the o t h e r on h i g h e n e r g y r e s o l u t i o n . The
main r e g i o n o f i n t e r e s t f o r t h i s i n s t r u m e n t i s o u t w a r d from and
i n c l u d i n g t h e magnetopause.




The ISEE-A/B s p a c e c r a f t w i l l b e l a u n c h e d by a
t h r e e s t a g e Delta 2914 launch v e h i c l e . The l a u n c h v e h i c l e
h a s an o v e r a l l l e n g t h o f a p p r o x i m a t e l y 35 meters ( 1 1 5 f e e t )
and a maxumum body d i a m e t e r of 2 . 4 m (7.8 f t . ) . A brief
d e s c r i p t i o n of t h e v e h i c l e ' s major c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s f o l l o w s :

F i r s t St a a e

The f i r s t s t a g e i s a McDonnell Douglas m o d i f i e d

Thor b o o s t e r i n c o r p o r a t i n g n i n e s t r a p - o n T h i o k o l s o l i d -
f u e l r o c k e t motors. The b o o s t e r i s powered by a Rocket-
dyne e n g i n e u s i n g l i q u i d oxygen and l i q u i d h y d r o c a r b o n
propellants. The main e n g i n e i s gimbal-mounted t o p r o v i d e
p i t c h and yaw c o n t r o l from l i f t o f f t o main e n g i n e c u t o f f

Second S t a g e

The s e c o n d s t a g e i s powered by a TRW l i q u i d f u e l ,

p r e s s u r e - f e d e n g i n e t h a t a l s o i s gimbal-mounted t o p r o -
v i d e p i t c h and yaw c o n t r o l t h r o u g h t h e s e c o n d s t a g e b u r n .
A nitrogen gas s y s t e m u s e s e i g h t f i x e d nozzles f o r r o l l
c o n t r o l d u r i n g powered a n d c o a s t f l i g h t , as w e l l as p i t c h
and yaw c o n t r o l d u r i n g c o a s t and a f t e r s e c o n d s t a g e c u t o f f
(SECO). Two f i x e d n o z z l e s , f e d by t h e p r o p e l l a n t t a n k
helium p r e s s u r i z a t i o n system, provide r e t r o t h r u s t a f t e r
t h i r d stage separation.

Third Stase

The t h i r d s t a g e i s t h e TE-364-4 s p i n - s t a b i l i z e d ,
s o l i d p r o p e l l a n t T h i o k o l motor, I t is secured i n t h e s p i n
t a b l e mounted t o t h e s e c o n d s t a g e . The f i r i n g of e i g h t
s o l i d p r o p e l l a n t r o c k e t s f i x e d t o t h e s p i n t a b l e accom-
p l i s h e s s p i n - u p o f t h e t h i r d s t a g e s p a c e c r a f t assembly.
The ISEE s p a c e c r a f t a r e a t t a c h e d t o t h e t h i r d s t a g e motor.



L B Ln






The Kennedy S p a c e C e n t e r ' s Expendable V e h i c l e s D i r e c -

t o r a t e p l a y s a key r o l e i n t h e p r e p a r a t i o n and l a u n c h o f
t h e t h r u s t - a u g m e n t e d D e l t a r o c k e t c a r r y i n g t h e ISEE A/B

D e l t a 135 w i l l be l a u n c h e d from Pad B , s o u t h e r n m o s t o f

t h e two l a u n c h p a d s a t Complex 1 7 , Cape C a n a v e r a l A i r Force

The D e l t a f i r s t s t a g e and i n t e r s t a g e were e r e c t e d on

Pad B on August 30. Four C a s t o r 2 s o l i d s t r a p - o n r o c k e t
motors w e r e mounted i n p l a c e a r o u n d t h e b a s e o f t h e f i r s t
s t a g e on August 3 1 and t h e r e m a i n i n g f i v e w e r e i n s t a l l e d
on September 1. The s e c o n d s t a g e was e r e c t e d on September 6 .

The ISEE B s p a c e c r a f t a r r i v e d a t KSC on August 3 1

and t h e I S E E A s p a c e c r a f t w a s r e c e i v e d on September 8.
A f t e r i n i t i a l c h e c k o u t i n Hangar S , t h e two s p a c e c r a f t
w e r e moved t o t h e S p i n T e s t F a c i l i t y i n l a t e September
f o r mating w i t h t h e Delta t h i r d s t a g e i n e a r l y October.
Movement o f t h e s p a c e c r a f t / t h i r d s t a g e assembly t o t h e pad
f o r m a t i n g w i t h D e l t a 135 w a s s c h e d u l e d f o r t h e f i r s t
week i n O c t o b e r .

Based upon a n O c t o b e r 1 9 l a u n c h d a t e , t h e p a y l o a d
f a i r i n g which p r o t e c t s t h e s p a c e c r a f t on i t s f l i g h t
through t h e atmosphere i s t o b e p u t i n p l a c e a b o u t
October 1 6 .


The memorandum o f u n d e r s t a n d i n g between t h e European

Space Agency and NASA d a t e d March 1 7 , 1975, d i v i d e s t h e
p r o j e c t r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s and p r o v i d e s f o r an i n t e r n a t i n a l
management o r g a n i z a t i o n . NASA i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e A
and C s p a c e c r a f t , D e l t a l a u n c h v e h i c l e , t r a c k i n g , d a t a
a c q u i s i t i o n and d a t a p r o c e s s i n g . ESA i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
t h e ISEE-B s p a c e c r a f t and its o p e r a t i o n .

NASA's O f f i c e o f S p a c e S c i e n c e i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
o v e r a l l d i r e c t i o n and e v a l u a t i o n o f t h e NASA p o r t i o n o f t h e
program. The O f f i c e o f T r a c k i n g and Data A c q u i s i t i o n h a s
o v e r a l l t r a c k i n g and d a t a p r o c e s s i n g r e s p o n s i b i l i t y .


Goddard Space F l i g h t C e n t e r h a s management r e s p o n -

s i b i l i t y f o r I S E E - A and i s d i r e c t l y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r
t r a c k i n g and d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n and d a t a p r o c e s s i n g .

I S E E - A i s a Goddard-designed s 2 a c e c r a f t w i t h all
i t s components s u p p l i e d by U n i t e d S t a t e s i n d u s t r y . Inte-
g r a t i o n and t e s t i n g w a s a l s o done a t Goddard.

ISEE-B i s an ESA-ESTEC s p a c e c r a f t w i t h D o r n i e r
Systems,Frederickshaven, Germany, h e a d i n g t h e c o n t r a c t o r
t e a m which c o n s i s t s o f a c o n s o r t i u m of i n d u s t r i e s i n 1 0
European c o u n t r i e s c a l l e d t h e STAR Consortium.

Goddard d i r e c t s t h e D e l t a r o c k e t program and McDonnell

Douglas A s t r o n a u t i c s CO., H u n t i n g t o n Beach, C a l i f . , i s
prime c o n t r a c t o r .




Event Time A 1t i t u d e
K i lomet e'rs/mi l e s

Liftoff 0 sec. 0 0

S i x S o l i d Motor Burnout 38 sec. 6 4

T h r e e S o l i d Motor
I gn i t i o n 39 sec, 6 4

T h r e e S o l i d Motor
Burnout 1 min. 1 8 sec. 21 13

Nine S o l i d Motor
Jettison 1 min. 2 7 sec. 26 16

Main E n g i n e C u t o f f
(MECO) 3 min. 45 sec. 91 56

First/Second Stage
Separation 3 min. 54 sec. 96 60

Second S t a g e I g n i t i o n 3 min. 56 sec. 99 61

Fairing Jettison 4 min. 56 sec. 126 78

Second S t a g e C u t o f f It1
(SECO # 1 ) 8 min. 4 4 sec. 157 97

Begin C o a s t P h a s e
R o l l (1 rpm) 9 min. 23 sec. 1 57 97

End C o a s t P h a s e R o l l 4 4 min. 23 sec. 275 171

Second S t a g e I g n i t i o n 5 3 min. 3 1 sec. 285 177

Second S t a g e Second
Cut-Off 2 (SECO 2 ) 53 min. 52 sec.

Third Stage/Payload
Spin-Up 54 min. 50 sec.

J e t t i s o n Stage I1 54 min. 52 sec.

Third Stsge I g n i t i o n 55 min. 33 min.

T h i r d S t a g e Burnout 56 min. 1 7 sec. 287 178

Payload S e p a r a t i o n ,
A c t i v a t e R e t r o System 57 min. 30 sec. 32 7 203


NASA H e a d q u a r t e r s

D r . N o e l S. H i n n e r s Associate A d m i n i s t r a t o r
for Space S c i e n c e
Dr. S . I c h t i a q u e Rasool Deputy Associate A d m i n i s t r a t o r
f o r Space S c i e n c e ( S c i e n c e )

T. Bland Norris Director, Astrophysics


Dr. H a r o l d Glaser Director, S o l a r T e r r e s t r i a l


F r a n k Gaetano ISEE-A Program Manager

D r . E r w i n R. Schmerling ISEE-A Program S c i e n t i s t

J o h n F. Y a r d l e y Associate A d m i n i s t r a t o r f o r
Space F l i g h t

J o s e p h B. Mahon D i r e c t o r of Expendable Launch

V e h i c l e Programs

P e t e r T. Eaton Manager, D e l t a Program

G e r a l d M. Truszynski Associate A d m i n i s t r a t o r f o r
T r a c k i n g a n d Data A c q u i s i t i o n

European Space Aqency

Roy Gibson Director G e n e r a l

Dr. E r n s t Trendelenburg D i r e c t o r of S c i e n t i f i c a n d
Meteorological Programs

Dr. E d g a r Page Head of Space S c i e n c e D e p a r t m e n t ,

European Space Technology
C e n t e r (ESTEC)

Maurice D e l a h a i s Head, S c i e n t i f i c P r o j e c t s

Derek E a t o n ISEE-B P r o j e c t Manager

Dr. A l a s t a i r C. Durney 1SFE-R P r o j e c t S c i e n t i s t


Goddard Space F l i g h t C e n t e r

Dr. R o b e r t S . Cooper Director

Robert E . Smylie Deputy Director

Robert L i n d l e y Director of P r o j e c t s

Don F o r d y c e Associate Director for


J e r e m i a h J. Madden P r o j e c t Manager

K e i t h W. Ogilvie Project Scientist

Dr. S t e p h e n Paddack Deputy P r o j e c t Manager,


James 0. Redding F i n a n c i a 1 Manage r

John A . Hrastar M i s s i o n O p e r a t i o n s Manager

M a r t i n A. Davis S c i e n t i f i c I n s t r u m e n t Manager

David W. Grimes D e , l t a P r o j e c t Manager

W i l l i a m R. R u s s e l l Deputy D e l t a P r o j e c t Manager,

R o b e r t G oss C h i e f , Mission A n a l y s i s and

I n t e g r a t i o n Branch, D e l t a
Project Office

E . M i c h a e l Chewning D e l t a Mission I n t e g r a t i o n

Thomas C . Moore M i s s i o n O p e r a t i o n s Manager

Kenneth McDonald Network S u p p o r t Manager

Kennedy Space C e n t e r

Lee R. Scherer Director

Gerald D. G r i f f i n Deputy D i r e c t o r

Dr. Walter J . Kapryan D i r e c t o r , Space V e h i c l e s


George F . Page D i r e c t o r , Expendable


- more -

Kennedy ( c o n t ' d )

W. C. Thacker Chief, D e l t a Operations

Wayne M c C a l l C h i e f E n g i n e e r , Delta

Edmund M. Chaffin Spacecraft Coordinator

D o r n i e r Svstems I SEE-B S p a c e c r a f t (prime)
F r i e d r i c h s h a f e n , Germany

McDonnell Douglas D e l t a Launch V e h i c l e

A s t r o n a u t i c s Co.
H u n t i n g t o n , Beach, C a l i f .

ISEE-B w a s d e s i g n e d a n d c o n s t r u c t e d by t h e European
STAR C o n s o r t i u m of companies u n d e r c o n t r a c t to the
European Space Agency. Dornier Systems a s p r i m e c o n t r a c t o r
i s r e s p o n s i b l e for p r o j e c t management, s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g ,
a t t i t u d e and o r b i t c o n t r o l , w i r e h a r n e s s , a s s e m b l y i n t e g r a t i o n
and t e s t a n d l a u n c h s u p p o r t .

O t h e r STAR c o n s o r t i u m t e a m m e m b e r s a r e :

Structure Contraves, Switzerland

Telecommunications and Thomson-CSF, F r a n c e
data handling Plontedel Laben S P A , I t a l y
AEG, Germany
L.N. F r i c s s o n , Sweden

A t t i t u d e and O r b i t C o n t r o l B r i t i s h Aircraft Corp.,

U n i t e d Kingdom
SEP, F r a n c e
Fokker, N e t h e r l a n d s

S o l a r Array A E G , Germany

Power S u p p l i e s FIAR, I t a l y
E l e c t r o n i k c e n t r a l e n , Denmark
Fokker, N e t h e r l a n d s
D o r n i e r Systems, Germany

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