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nor Towns
T ship, P
Making a Great
G Placee Better!”

11 Pro
oposed Opeeratin
ng Bud dget & Fivee
Yeear Ca
apitall Plan

al Draft v.1

Dated: Novemberr 19, 2010

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dent Township Ma
Vise-Pressident Township Secretary
301 IV
E Solicitoor
Phone (610) 688-56000 Treasurrer
CHAEFER Fax (610)
( 688-12799
S www

November 19, 2010

Members of th
he Board of Commissioners:

The Administration n respectfully submits the 2011

2 operatinng budget andd the updated 2011-2015 caapital
mprovement plan.
p The pro
ocess included d a comprehensive look at all the financcial areas of thhe Township’s
opperations, lev
vels of servicee, capital need
ds, and fundin
ng availabilityy. The proposed budget prresents a finanncial
doocument that looks at the last
l three yearrs of actual innformation, pllus the currennt year budgetted estimates and the
prroposed 2011 activity. The budget docu ument is the legislative
l meeans to allocaate anticipatedd resources (revenues
pllus cash reserrves) towards providing thee municipal services to thee stakeholderss of Radnor T Township.

The fin
nancial inform
mation includ ded in the bud dget is presentted on a cash basis of accoounting whichh means
thhat revenues and
a expenditu ures are recoggnized when th hey are actuaally received oor spent (not nnecessarily w
when they
arre incurred). The primary benefits of prresenting this information on a cash bassis are that it iis easier for thhe casual
sttakeholder to understand thhe information and that it canc be directlyy reconciled bback to the T Township’s finnancial
daata since the Township
T opeerates on a caash basis. An nnually, the Toownship convverts its cash books to com mply with
Generally Accepted Accoun nting Principlles (GAAP) th hrough the finnancial audit process. Thee primary draw wback to
buudgeting on a cash basis iss that accruedd liabilities aree not directly built into thee expenditure estimates. Inn order to
ovvercome this issue, we hav ve built in set--asides for thee largest accrruals that mayy (or may not)) occur in 20111.


Inncluded in thee budget pack kage are the ittems identified below. In aaddition to inncluding the bbudget and cappital plan,
thhe purpose off including thee other items is to make su ure that these sspecific projeects that have been workedd on over
thhe past year arre identified and
a are being monitored.

Budgeet Items:
• Ex xecutive Summ
• 20 011 Budget Document
• 20 011-2015 Cap
pital Plan Upd

Other Financial Reelated Items:

• To ownship Manager’s Recom mmended Item
ms for Board A
Action in 20111
• CB BFAC Recom mmendation Status
S Report
• To ownship Audiit Findings Prrogress Reporrt
• Go oal Setting Reeport

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2011 Budget Transmittal Letter
Page 2

The Budget Process

The Township Administration has taken the past two and a half months to gather the financial information
presented in this report. It must be noted that the process took considerably longer this year because Department
Heads were asked to participate in developing and presenting their budget requests for the first time. Further, due
to the amount of change over that has occurred over the past three years, access to accurate information was
difficult which made gathering the information extremely time consuming. The administrative process consisted of
the following steps:

Date Process Description

August 24, 2010 Budget Kick-Off Meeting
September 6, 2010 Departmental Capital Plan Updates were due
September 10, 2010 Board of Commissioners’ Goal Setting Session
September 13, 2010 Departmental Revenue Projections were due
September 20, 2010 Departmental Expenditure requests were due
September 27, 2010 Preliminary Budget and Capital Plan were distributed to Commissioners

October 15, 2010 Citizen’s Budget & Finance Advisory Committee Report was published

November 8, 2010 Board Adoption of the Preliminary Budget and Five Year Capital Plan

Administration Delivers 2011 Manager Proposed Budget to Board and publishes in

November 19, 2010
on the Township web site

November 22, 2010 Administration Presents the Executive Summary at the regular Board meeting

Special Board meeting for public review of budget

November 29, 2010
(introduction of Ordinance that sets millage + sewer rates)
December 1, 2010 Budget Ordinance advertisement
December 4, 2010 Follow up Date for public review of Budget
Adoption of the 2011 Operating Budget (by Ordinance), adoption of the 2011 Fee
December 13, 2010 Schedule (by Resolution), and adoption of the 2011-2015 Capital Plan (by

Administrative Summary

The Administration, under the general guidance of the various reports that were completed in 2010,
prepared the budget with the ultimate goal of maintaining the excellent level of municipal services while further
reducing operating expenditures where possible to limit the amount of resources needed. Further emphasis was
placed on making sure that the Township was being compliant with the various local financial policies in place
such as the General Fund balance policy of 12% of revenues.

With the above goal in mind, in order to address the deficit projected for 2011, the Administration is
proposing a budget that takes a multifaceted approach which includes increased charges for services, decreases in
operating expenditures, introduction of special millage for library and fire service funding and increase municipal
millage for operating purposes.

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2011 Budget Transmittal Letter
Page 3

Item Description
Charges for Service The Administration is proposing to amend the local inspection laws to
increases include mandatory inspections of all rental units in the Township (to
include colleges/universities) and to increase the fee to better align it with
the cost of providing those inspections (rather than having the general tax
base supplement the service)

Reductions in The proposed budget reflects spending reductions in the operational areas
Expenditures of the General Fund in excess of $530,000. These reductions are gained
through reduced staffing, renegotiated wage amounts, wage freezes across
the board, increased healthcare contributions as well as other cost saving

Special Millage for The proposed budget introduces new millage in the amounts of 0.27 for
Library and Fire the Library and 0.15 for Fire service contributions (see the Real Estate Tax
Services Millage Schedule in the Supporting Information Section of the Budget).

At an average residential home valuation of $330,000 for the Township,

the increased cost for the homeowners for these two services would be:

• Library - $89.10 per year

• Fire Services - $49.50 per year

The intention is to create these millages for a two year period during which
time, each entity would propose a permanent funding plan to the voters of
the Township. This plan provides two benefits: First, it would guarantee
that reliable funding would be generated annually for these two valuable
programs (without the threat of future cuts from the Township due to
Township related budget constraints). Second, by putting the question to
the voters, the Township stakeholders can feel confident that these are
programs / services supported by the majority of the community.

Increased Millage The last piece to the solution is a proposed 0.149 increase to the
necessary to Township’s general millage. The purpose of this increase is to generate
continue to provide the funding necessary to maintain services while complying with local
municipal services fund balance laws.

At an average residential home valuation of $330,000 for the Township,

the increased cost for the homeowner would be:

• Township - $49.17 per year

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2011 Budget Transmittal Letter
Page 5

Fund Balance and Activity Summary:

Parks &
Liquid Capital Open Debt
General Sewer Fuels Imprmnt. Space Service Willows
Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund
Beginning Fund
Balance 3,981,763 2,007,944 39,328 2,652,448 428,929 194,461 109,876

Revenues 26,422,040 5,298,532 571,304 181,260 527,417 180,524 75,000

Total Resources
Available 30,403,803 7,306,476 610,632 2,833,708 956,345 374,985 184,876

Expenditures (21,068,305) (4,792,062) (571,304) (2,197,750) - (4,441,109) (165,200)

Net Results from
Activity $ 5,353,735 $ 506,470 $ - $(2,016,490) $527,417 $(4,260,585) $90,200

Add: Transfers In 292,000 - - 225,000 - 4,266,124 49,203

Less: Transfers Out (6,056,069) (430,441) - - (745,938) - (42,549)

Ending Fund
Balance $ 3,571,429 $2,083,973 $ 39,328 $ 860,958 $ 210,407 $ 200,000 $ 26,330
Net Increase /
(Decrease) in Fund
Balance $ (410,334) $ 76,029 $ - $ (1,791,490) $(218,521) $ 5,539 $ (83,546)

Fund Balance
12% of Revenue
Target Level $ 3,170,645
Actual Percentage
of Revenues 13.52%
Difference $ 400,784

Key Points:

1. General Fund: [Please see the aggregate and detailed General Fund information] The $410,334 deficit
budgeted in the 2011 budget is meant to limit the amount of increase needed in the millage in order to achieve
the goal of maintaining municipal services as well as maintain the appropriate level of cash reserves as required
by the Township’s Cash Reserve Policy.
2. The Sewer Fund: The Sewer Fund is projected to be balanced in 2011 with a slight increase in fund balance.
It also includes several major capital improvement items which is being funded through a moderate increase in
the Sewer Rent as well as increases water usage as reported by Auqa (which is the basis for the amount of
sewer rent charged by the Township).
3. The Liquid Fuels Fund: The 2011 budget proposes that 100% of the funded received by the State will be used
towards funding the Township’s much needed road resurfacing program (see the Capital improvement plan).
4. Capital Improvement Fund: (Please see the capital improvement plan for more details)
5. Parks & Open Space Fund: As was the case in 2010, 100% of the funding allocated to this fund will be used
to pay down debt service.
6. Willows Fund: The Manager is proposing that the activity in this area be reevaluated so the budget only
includes minimal activity for 2011.
7. Special Assessment Fund: Further research and analysis is needed for this fund and will be presented as part
of a supplemental budget amendment in 2011 once we have a solid understanding of the status of the projects
and payments.

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2011 Budget Transmittal Letter
Page 6

Aggregate 2011 Financial Information:

2008 % 2009 % 2010 % 2011 %

Real Estate Taxes 9,299,851 26% 9,333,386 31% 10,331,514 31% 12,096,523 36%
Act 511 Enabling Taxes
Realty Transfer 2,586,806 7% 1,869,546 6% 2,115,223 6% 2,106,667 6%
Mercantile 1,298,901 4% 1,087,177 4% 1,646,673 5% 1,470,000 4%
Local Services Tax 981,542 3% 998,835 3% 981,083 3% 1,000,000 3%
Amusement 41,830 0% 36,991 0% 44,253 0% 35,000 0%
Business Privilege 6,473,413 18% 4,931,812 16% 5,918,371 17% 4,350,000 13%
Licenses, Permits and Fees 2,640,787 7% 1,536,652 5% 1,777,367 5% 2,391,650 7%
Fines and Costs 520,589 1% 527,847 2% 501,896 1% 512,150 2%
Interests and Rents 699,500 2% 337,430 1% 204,640 1% 158,850 0%
Grants and Gifts 1,697,234 5% 1,666,732 5% 2,550,192 8% 1,881,981 6%
Departmental Earnings 6,428,503 18% 6,387,897 21% 6,034,572 18% 6,763,332 20%
Refunds and Miscellaneous 419,590 1% 137,704 0% 415,481 1% 489,924 1%
Special Assessments 190,511 1% 62,393 0% 39,082 0% - 0%
Debt Proceeds:
TRAN Proceeds 1,310,000 4% - 0% - 0% - 0%
Bond Proceeds 181,639 1% 144,685 0% 246,500 1% - 0%
Interfund Transfers 1,533,861 4% 1,355,378 4% 1,053,778 3% 566,203 2%

TOTAL REVENUES $ 36,304,557 100% $ 30,414,465 100% $ 33,860,625 100% $ 33,822,280 100%

Salaries and Compensation
Salaries and Wages 10,592,911 27% 10,469,255 31% 9,892,973 30% 9,683,387 27%
Overtime 201,124 1% 238,816 1% 229,336 1% 192,450 1%
Longevity 453,069 1% 513,834 2% 518,963 2% 508,763 1%
Employee Benefits
Health & Sick Pay 3,772,717 10% 4,079,324 12% 3,972,772 12% 4,485,988 12%
Life and Disability Ins. 281,474 1% 158,436 0% 188,323 1% 270,000 1%
Payroll Taxes 1,240,290 3% 1,313,015 4% 1,202,893 4% 1,297,414 4%
Pension Funding 1,362,000 3% 1,415,500 4% 1,325,052 4% 2,125,670 6%
Debt Service
Principal and Interest 2,800,617 7% 2,832,940 8% 4,370,273 13% 4,169,101 12%
Interest 1,999,875 5% 1,763,053 5% 150,279 0% 272,008 1%
TRAN Principal 1,310,000 3% - 0% - 0% - 0%
TRAN Interest 12,489 0% - 0% - 0% - 0%
Community Org Support 1,063,254 3% 1,080,812 3% 1,113,485 3% 1,129,109 3%
Contractual and Prof Svcs. 4,313,359 11% 5,019,251 15% 4,718,297 14% 5,006,376 14%
Office and Operating Supp. 607,416 2% 562,423 2% 543,007 2% 590,885 2%
Insurance 347,656 1% 312,397 1% 270,681 1% 276,220 1%
Utilities 504,969 1% 526,564 2% 586,947 2% 605,675 2%
Vehicle Expenses 567,123 1% 514,563 2% 517,566 2% 523,990 1%
Fire Protection Contr. 302,972 1% 302,950 1% 313,224 1% 459,170 1%
Maintenance and Repairs 313,692 1% 333,713 1% 565,928 2% 369,150 1%
Professional Development 71,699 0% 28,236 0% 20,640 0% 66,575 0%
Miscellaneous 31,302 0% 11,884 0% 27,994 0% 10,015 0%
Capital Expenditures 5,921,342 15% 1,236,972 4% 1,524,249 5% 3,319,454 9%
Interfund Transfers 1,613,861 4% 1,355,378 4% 1,053,778 3% 883,203 2%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 39,685,209 100% $ 34,069,314 100% $ 33,106,660 100% $ 36,244,603 100%
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Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Summary:

The Administration Department consists of the Township Manager, Assistant Township

Manager, Administrative Assistant to the Township Manager, and Receptionist. The
Manager’s office coordinates the overall operations and functions of the entire Township.
Administrative resources are provided to other departments when requested. Personnel
support, Right to Know requests and public information, safety and training, Board of
Commissioner agenda preparation, legal support, information coordination/customer
relations, and the Business Tax Compliance program all are functions of this department.

Service / Program Descriptions:

Name Description
Personnel Support Staff works closely with the Finance Department in
preparing workers compensation reports, retirement
information, coordinating health care claims, and
providing support for human resources as needed with
all departments. All retiree health care questions are
responded to by staff.
Board of Commissioners Staff works to prepare the agenda packets and other
Support materials as needed by the Board. All subcommittee
meetings are coordinated within the department.
Research and documentation is provided to the
Commissioners on various topics
Legal Support The Township Solicitor works closely with the
Manager, staff and Board to provide necessary legal
advice and recommendation on various matters. Labor
Counsel assists the department in contract negotiations,
specialized personnel issues and other matters.
Information Through the front desk and the Administrative Assistant
Coordination/Customer to the Manager, customer relations/questions and
Relations concerns are addressed and sent to the appropriate
departments for detailed response.
Administrative Support The department will assist in preparation of bid specs,
analysis, and general administrative support in mass
mailings and other tasks when required. Staff provides
support to Public Works in processing payroll, mark out
of roads – PA 1 calls, open truck pick up and street light
reports. The annual recycling grant is submitted and

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Name Description
coordinated by staff. Staff also directs the operation of
the Staff Workplace Safety Committee which through its
efforts reduces our insurance by 15% annually.
Right to Know Act All Right to Know Requests are received, processed,
and responded to by staff. Through September in
calendar year 2010, over 290 requests were facilitated
by staff. The law requires notification or response in
five days with the possible extension of 30 days if
needed to collect the proper information.
Business Tax Compliance Staff directs, manages, and controls the tax enforcement
program as well as providing taxpayer support with tax
determinations and answering questions directly from
taxpayers for over 1,500 businesses. All aspects of the
Act 511 business taxes are coordinated in close
cooperation with the Finance Department

Line Item Descriptions:

Line Item Description

Office Supplies Items that are needed during the year such as paper,
binders, clips, etc.
Postage All postage for the Township mailings are reported on
this line.
Advertising and Printing All legal advertisement costs; Any special mailings that
require printing services.
Professional Development Training, conferences, and other needs to support and
enhance staff education.
Dues & Subscriptions Membership fees for such organizations as APPM and
PLCM and/or newsletters.
Contractual Services Contracted HR assistance.
Legal Services – General Township Solicitor fees for legal services provided to
the Township for the calendar year.
Legal Services – Special Labor counsel services on various matters and continued
costs related to the former Township Manager
investigation as well as any special legal services on an
as needed basis.
Miscellaneous Safety Committee supplies and other items as requested
by the Township Manager.
Minor Office Equipment Replacement parts or small office equipment
replacement parts.

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Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Finance Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Summary:

The Finance Department is responsible for the accounting of, reporting of and daily
management of all the financial affairs of the Township (separate of the Treasurer’s
responsibility to administer and collect all the property taxes). These responsibilities
include manageing revenues, expenditures and cash management of the Township.
Finance’s responsibilities also include compliance with the regulations set forth in our
Home Rule Charter with regard to budgeting and spending compliance.

Service / Program Descriptions:

Name Description
Accounting The Finance Department is require to maintain accurate
and comprehensive accounting for all the Financial
activity of the Township for all Township Departments.

Financial Reporting The Finance Department serves as the sole resource for
all the financial reporting requirements of the Township.
Annually, the Department prepares and submits an
annual report in compliance with GAAP.

Budgeting The Finance Department oversees the annual budget

process. Additionally, in conjunction with the other
accounting related function of the department, the
Finance Department is responsible for monitoring the
annual budget for compliance.

Payroll The Finance Department processes the Township’s bi-

weekly payroll for all the active employees as well as
the monthly payroll for the retirees (participating in the
Township’s civilian or police pension plans).

Accounts Payable The Finance Department processes all of the accounts

payable transactions generated through the daily
activities of all Township departments.

Debt Service Requirements The Finance Department maintains all of the

Township’s debt service responsibilities including
payment, record keeping, assessments, future planning
and required continuing disclosure.

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Name Description

Revenue Collection The Finance Department oversees the billing and

collection of the Real Estate Taxes (as directed by the
Treasurer), Sewer Rent billing and parking permits as
stipulated by the various agreements that exits.

Audit Compliance As required by State Law, the Finance Department

works with our independent auditors in the completion
of an annual financial audit.

Treasury Management The Finance Department is responsible for managing all

Services of the cash balances of the various checking accounts
and funds that exist. Further, the Department is
responsible for investing excess, idle funds.

Line Item Descriptions:

Line Item Description

Professional Development This accounts for the membership costs for the various
organizations such as ICMA and GFOA.

Dues & Subscriptions This will account for various publication subscriptions
such as governing periodicals and news journals

Contractual Services This will account for the Township’s investment into
Act 511 accounting software.

Professional Services This accounts for the annual audit

Act 511 Legal / Audit This accounts for the Township’s related costs for legal /
Services audit services relating to our administration of the Act
511 taxes.

Minor Office Equipment This accounts for the various small items that are needed
by the department such as 10-key calculators, staplers,
keyboards, mice, etc.

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Radnnor Townsship Parks & Recreattion Departtment
1 Operating
g Budget Narrative

artment Sum

Officce of the Treaasurer and Township

T Reeal Estate Taax Collector – John Osboorne

Serviice / Progra
am Descriptions:

me Descriptiion
Officce of the Treaasurer Primaryy responsibiliity is the colllection of R
Real Estate
Taxes. Receive all T Township taaxes, revenues, fines andd
fees- keep records oof receipts. D
Disburse fundds, surchargge
any shorrtages or acttions that cauuse a financiial loss to thhe
Townsh hip. Maintainn communiccation with tthe BOC. Thhe
ng is assistedd by one Tow wnship emplloyee
workingg in the Finannce Departm ment.

Line Item Descrriptions:

Line Ittem Descriptiion

Officce Supplies Obtain tax
t bills from
m County, suupply enveloopes to

Postaage Mailing
g of tax bills,, certificationns to Title C

Dues & Subscriptions State an

nd County Taax Collectorr Assoc. and education
ment credits (6 Hours)

d Premium Surety Bond
B equal tto half of tottal Real Estaate Tax bills

Contrractual Serviices Cost asssociated withh Sun Guardd Computer sservices

or Office Equ
uipment Computter, printer annd one regullar office

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Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Information Technology
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Summary:

The Information Technology department is responsible for overseeing the Township's

computer, website, cable government access channel, telecommunications, and other
information systems and technology-related operations. The Information Technology
department also oversees all aspects of building maintenance and security for the
township municipal building including fire, intrusion, video, and uninterruptible power
supply systems.

The department's duties and responsibilities are as follows:

• To develop and maintain the township's computerized hardware and software, and
telecommunications systems.
• To serve as administrator of township computer networks.
• To develop and maintain the township website and cable government access
channel (RTV).
• To maintain the integrity data flowing through township information systems.
• To support and train township employees in the operation of computer systems
and applications.
• To provide a weekly and annual report to the Board of Commissioners on the
department's accomplishments and on the evolving technological needs and
capabilities of the township and its residents.
• To develop in consultation with various stakeholders a long-range information
technology plan for the township organization and the community as a whole.

Service / Program Descriptions:

Name Description
Information Technology The Information Technology system consists of the
infrastructure network, servers, PCs, telephone and voicemail, and
fire, security (intrusion and video) systems. Desktop
PCs are built, configured, and repaired in-house.
Maintenance of the network and desktop PCs is
performed in-house.
Support of the various The Information Technology department supports
departments’ applications township application’s developed in-house (using
existing software applications) and contracted software.
In-house applications include applications for the
Finance, Business Tax, Engineering, Community

17 of 124
Name Description
Development, Police, Public Works Departments, and
the Treasurer.
Support of the external The Information Technology department supports and
devices maintains external devices including printers (user and
networked), digital cameras, scanners, networked
copiers, and fax machines.
Support of employee Assist all township staff in their requests for help with
technology-related requests technology-related issues, such as desktop applications
and training or external devices.
Support of the email server The Information Technology department provides in-
house administration and maintenance of the email
server and software. In addition to email, the software
provides calendars, tasks, spam/spyware filtering, and is
available in and outside the office via a web browser.
Support of township issued The Information Technology department supports and
cell phones maintains all township-issued cell phones.
Support of the Police The Information Technology Department supports the
Department’s Police Department’s various communications
communications system. components including radios, mobile data terminals, and
CLEAN system.
Support of township residents The Information Technology Department assists in
in retrieval of electronic performing retrieval of electronic documents (such as
documents. emails) for resident requests such as Right To Know
Oversight and operation of the The township’s website ( provides
township’s website information to residents and customers on a 24/7 basis.
The website also offers options to pay online for open
truck request, delinquent sewer payments, incident and
accident police reports, and rear yard trash pickup while
township offices are closed. A weekly newsletter is also
distributed which includes information about upcoming
events and timely news items.
Oversight and operation of the RTV, the township’s government access channel,
township’s government access operates to keep residents informed of the township
channel services, programs and activities through its electronic
bulletin board and videos. In addition to videotaping
and airing all township board meetings live, replaying
videotaped meetings, RTV also produces original
programming such as Radnor Health Matters and
Radnor 411, which highlights each township department
and their current operations. RTV will also be
producing an end-of-the-year State of the Township
Provide building maintenance The IT department oversees all township building
of the municipal building maintenance issues including HVAC, plumbing,
lighting, and other general building maintenance areas
with the assistance of the building custodian. The

18 of 124
Name Description
department also provides building maintenance and
support for its tenant(s).
Oversight of township’s The Information Technology department also oversees
security systems all aspects of security for the township municipal
building including fire, intrusion, video, and
uninterruptible power supply systems. The department
also oversees the security for the Radnor Activity
Oversight of the township’s The IT department oversees the township’s competitive
competitive bidding program bidding program. In 2009, the township began utilizing
a free web-based e-procurement program (PennBid).
This system allowed for distribution of bid documents
electronically via PennBid.

Line Item Descriptions:

Line Item Description

Salaries Salary of full-time personnel.
Longevity Longevity pay for eligible full-time personnel.
Office Supplies Miscellaneous office items such as copier/printer paper,
printer toner, pens, envelopes, storage boxes, folders,
and binders.
Postages Postage fee for correspondences.
Operating Supplies PC and server hardware parts and accessories, such as
memory, hard drives, DVD drives, fans, network cards,
and switches. Security system accessories, such as key
fobs and ID cards. Cell phone accessories such as
Professional Development Information Technology related continuing education
books, training classes, seminars/webinars, and
Dues & Subscriptions Membership to professional organizations and
professional magazine subscriptions.
Contractual Services Maintenance and support services for the email system,
website and domains, electronic document management
system, electronic messaging service, on-line Code
Updates and financial software.
Minor Office Equipment Office equipment such as adding machines, printers,
scanners, and digital cameras.
Contracted Maintenance and Technical support services for network and PC
Repairs equipment.

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Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Police Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

4020 Overtime – Included pay for hours worked above and beyond 40/44 hours at time
and ½ pay rate. Overtime is used to supplement shortages on shifts, compensate for extra
hours after the shift due to extended calls, etc. This category also included grant overtime
which is reimbursed through various programs such as the Aggressive Driving Grant,
Seatbelt Grant, DUI Enforcement, Emergency Response training, etc. The huge amount
of last year’s “over budget” of overtime was directly a result of this reimbursed overtime.

4040 Extra Duty- Money paid to Officer working extra-duty on their off time. Most
include traffic control at such events as Villanova football and basketball, private and
parochial school graduations at Villanova, Community functions, private parties, etc.
This money is reimbursed to the Township, plus 30% and is revenue positive. The
number requested is reduced because of the availability of officers due to the reduced

4060 Crossing Guards- Pay for seven crossing guards assigned to various walking
routes for Radnor Township School District and St Katherines. Also includes pay for the
summer guard at Macrone Park for Radnor Township camps.

4220 Communications- Includes lease of police land line s and Nextel cell phones.

4230 Uniforms- Contains all items for police uniforms to include shirts, trousers, (also
Bike and SWAT uniforms) hats, rain coats, badges, patches, hats, etc. Also includes
money ballistic vests, half of which is reimbursed by the Department of Justice grants.
Small equipment items are also included such as holster, handcuffs, holders, etc. Finally,
the Detectives clothing allowance and Officer uniform cleaning (both contract items) are
listed here.

4240 Office Supplies – Paper, pencils, pens, folders, print cartridges, tape, etc. Copier
supplies are listed here as though the lease will reduce last years amount, staples and per
page in excess of a certain number, are drawn from this account. There are also printing
needs drawn here.

4245 Postage- Postage for every day operations.

4250 Operating Supplies- Supplies for the yearly operation of the police department.
These supplies also sometimes include small equipment with a life span typically less
than five years. Operating supplies listed here are for all the units in the Police
Department to Include Patrol, Traffic Safety, Meter Enforcement, Animal Enforcement
and Crossing Guards. General classifications are day to day Detective processing

20 of 124
supplies, ammunition, first aid, flares, cleaning, forms, prisoner accommodations, traffic
calming, batteries, car equipment, etc. In case our indoor range becomes unable to be
used, money is budget for use of Delaware County’s.

4270 Training Supplies- First Aid, Criminal Procedure/Vehicles Code CD-rom (for all
computers), and Power Point projector.

4330 Rentals- No money budgeted.

4340 Professional Development- Training and courses for Officers. All aspects of
training for officers are budgeted here. These courses also included training for in-house
trainers for such police specific training as control tactics, firearms, first aid, emergency
car operations etc. In-house trainers substantially lower training costs in the long run.
Professional development also included First and Second line management training. New
this year are costs associated with the annual MPEOTC two day training that every
officer must attend. New officers needing the Police Academy is also listed here. Almost
all this training was drastically reduced the past several years thus the request for the
substantial increase this year.

4345 Dues and Subscriptions- Annual SWAT dues for four officers. Also money for the
top executive police association memberships.

4360 Contractual Services- Items budget for police operations which are used more than
once and provided for by businesses. Many are professional services. Items include:
Accurint (detective investigations), animal disposal, car washing tickets, Civil service
expenses/exams,ESP/Vascar calibration/speedometer calibration, financial investigations,
Physician/new hires & promotions, polygraph test, psychological testing, RICHO Copier,
SPCA, towing abandoned vehicles/police vehicles, toxicology examination and

4410 Minor Office Equipment- Repairs to minor office equipment to include Traffic
safety’s speed timing devices. Most of this money was removed and placed in IT’s
budget (computers.)

4460 Maintenance and Repair: Parking Meters- This category was underestimated for
the past year. Meters are aging well past their life expectancy and have required more
repairs. Many times it is cheaper to buy new than repair. Also included batteries and
Delaware County’s Weights and Measurement Certifications (yearly cost.)

4470 Maintenance and Repair: Communications Equipment- Portable radios/car

radios. This money has been increased due to the age of the equipment as we have been
requiring more repairs.

21 of 124
4510 Gas, Oil and Lubricants- Used for daily operations of all vehicles used by the
Department. This year we are under budget and expected rate of consumption will be
lower due to the lower numbers of officers.

4520 Tires, Batteries and Accessories- Used for daily operations of all vehicles used by
the Department. This year we are under budget and expected rate of consumption will be
lower due to the lower numbers of officers. Also four new vehicles already have new
equipment. Last year there were no new vehicles purchased.

4530- Repair Parts- Used for daily operations of all vehicles used by the Department.
This year we are under budget and expected rate of consumption will be lower due to the
lower numbers of officers. Also four new vehicles already have new equipment which
requires less parts to be purchased. Last year there were no new vehicles purchased.

4540 Contracted Maintenance and Repairs- Various out sourced repairs to cars,
Traffic safety speed timing equipment, etc. Also includes accident damage deductibles.
Again, new vehicles should reduce amount.

22 of 124
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Community Development
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Summary:

The Community Development Department consists of the Director of Community

Development, Two (2) Codes Officials, One (1) Health Officer, and Two (2)
Administrative Assistants. This department is responsible for the following: Permits for
Building, Demolition Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical & Heating Ventilation & Air
Conditioning and routine inspections that are handled by the Township’s Code Officials;
Licensing and inspections regarding the Township’s Food Facilities and Commercial
Swimming Pools that are handled by the Health Officer; Quality of life concerns or
citizen complaints; The inspection of all Rental Housing units in the Township; Zoning
issues that deal with use of both commercial and residential properties within the
township; Planning issues that guide both developers and property owners in maintaining
the desired character of the community and ensure that development is compatible with
existing structures and surroundings; Design Review Board that manage signs in a way
that they are easier to read and compliment the community. The Community
Development is responsible for the following Boards and Commissions - Zoning Hearing
Board, Design Review Board, Historical and Architectural Review Board, Board of
Health, Code Appeals Board, Environmental Advisory Council, Rental Housing Appeals
Board, Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee.

Service / Program Descriptions:

Name Description
Customer/Contractor Support Staff works closely with both residents and contractors
regarding building permits, quality of life issues on
private property, health code issues, Certificate of
Occupancies, and various other applications.
Board and Commission Community Development staff work to prepare the
Support agenda packets and other materials as needed by the
many boards and commissions.
Code Inspections The administrative assistants schedule building
inspections for the two (2) Codes Officials Monday thru
Health Inspections and Food The Health Officer works closely with restaurants and
Plan Review institutions to ensure food safety is adhered to and
strictly followed.
In-Depth Plan Review As part of a building permit submittal, plan review is a
necessary and required function to ensure compliance
with both the Uniformed Construction Code and the
Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

23 of 124
Name Description
Zoning Compliance As part of a building permit submittal, the Zoning
Officer carefully reviews each permit to ensure
compliance with the Township’s zoning code regarding
bulk, area, height, use, and parking requirements.
Administrative Support Administrative assistants provide support to other
departments in terms of check requisitions, monthly
reports, and check depositing.
Property Complaints Staff handles daily complaints to ensure quality of life
issues are dealt with accordingly and in a timely manner.

Line Item Descriptions:

Line Item Description

Office Supplies Items used on a daily basis including paper, folders, ink
cartridges, etc.
Postage Postage for Township mailings
Advertising and Printing All legal advertisement costs; Any special mailings that
require printing services
Professional Development Training, conferences, and other needs as required by
state law to maintain certifications through the
Department of Labor and Industry. Health Officer
training is included as required by the PA Department of
Dues & Subscriptions Membership fees for organizations including: ICC,
Code Books Books that are required for immediate reference during
plan review
Contractual Services Third-party code inspection services on an as-needed
basis as well stenographer services for the Zoning
Hearing Board.
Legal Services – General Township Solicitor fees for legal services provided to
the Township for the calendar year
Miscellaneous Emergency responses including board-up services
related to fires and natural disasters.
Minor Office Equipment Replacement parts or small office equipment
replacement parts.
Clothing Clothing for Codes Officials for identification purposes
as suggested by the Township Manager.
Wireless Communications Nextels for two-way paging for immediate response and
Codes Official Codes Official will assist immediately with inspections,
plan review, complaints, etc.

24 of 124
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Public Works Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Summary:

The Public Works Department is under the direction of William R. Hagan and is located
at 235 East Lancaster Avenue, Wayne, PA 19087.

The department is divided into six divisions – Township Buildings and Grounds, Fleet
Maintenance, Sanitary Sewers, Parks Maintenance, Streets and Highways, and Sanitation.
The departments work crews comprise a total of 65 hard working and dedicated
supervisors, equipment operators, drivers, laborers, mechanics, custodians, and other

The mission of the Public Works Department is to enhance the quality of life in the
Township by maintaining the Township’s roads, storm and sanitary sewers, parks and
other infrastructure; to enhance public health through the collection and disposal of
household solid wastes; to promote environmentally sound living by collecting leaves
and recyclable materials; to maximize operations by maintaining the Township’s fleet of
vehicles and equipment.

Service / Program Descriptions:

Name Description
Streets and Highways Paul Bazik, Supervisor
Sign Maintenance The Highway Department is responsible for the repair
and/or replacement of damaged and faded signs
throughout the township. The installation of all new
signs per township ordinance. The clearing of vegetation
form signs for visibility. Parking meter repair and
installation. Repainting of all signalized intersection
pavement markings, crosswalks, stop bars, arrows etc.
The repainting of all metered spaces and speed humps
throughout the township.
Street Sweeping The Highway Department sweeps township and state
roadways throughout the year in order to maintain clean
streets and to prevent trash and other debris from
entering our storm water system and creeks.
Road Repairs The Highway Department maintains over ninety eight
(98) miles of township roadways, repairing pot holes and
making other necessary repairs throughout the year. This
may include the installation of new curbing or replacing

25 of 124
existing curbing to resolve drainage issues.
Sidewalk Repairs The Highway Department is responsible for all sidewalk
repairs on all township owned properties.
Signalized Intersection The Highway Department maintains forty four (44)
Maintenance signalized intersections, twenty three (23) signalized
school flashers and seventeen (17) miscellaneous
flashers playground, pedestrian crossing etc.
Storm Sewer Cleaning and The Highway Department is responsible for the
Repair maintenance and repair of over fifteen hundred (1,500)
storm sewer inlets and over fifty seven (57) miles of
storm sewer pipes. This includes inspecting outfalls for
our NPDES permit submission and keeping inlet grates
clear of debris during rain and snow events.
Traffic Island Cleaning The Highway Department cleans all traffic islands
located on township and state roadways. This includes
removing all trash, weeds, and street sweeping around
the islands two to three times per year.
Leaf Collection This service utilizes the combined efforts of all Public
Works Departments. Township residents have their
leaves removed at the curbside on all township and state
roadways. Each district is collected twice during the leaf
removal program.
Skunk Hollow Composting All leaves collected during the leaf removal program are
Site transported to Skunk Hollow for composting. Once
leaves have been composted screened leaf mold is made
available to all township residents at seven (7) EAC
locations throughout the township.
Christmas Tree Recycling The Highway Department recycles over thirty tons of
Christmas trees per year.
Special Events The Highway department assists with numerous special
events throughout the year. These events include
Villanova graduations and sporting events, both the
Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades, the Jazz
Festival, Fall Festival, Radnor Run and many other
community events.
Snow Removal Operations This is another service that utilizes the combined efforts
of all Public Works Department personnel. Over the
years Radnor Township has been known to have the
safest roadways during winter storms. This is a credit to
the dedication and pride that staff take in providing this

26 of 124
Fleet Maintenance Division Rick Petrella, Supervisor
Vehicle Maintenance The Fleet Maintenance Department is responsible for the
maintenance and repair of 135 vehicles and equipment.
Through the efforts of the Fleet Maintenance department
numerous repairs are made in house with an
immeasurable savings to township residents.
Miscellaneous The fleet Maintenance Department is responsible for the
Responsibilities state inspections of all vehicles within the township fleet.
The department orders and maintains records of all state
inspection stickers and are responsible for the security of
all the paperwork. The department must maintain up to
date records regarding DEP in ground fuel storage tanks
registrations, inspections and permit certificates. The
department is also responsible to compose bid
specifications for vehicles, equipment, fuel and
lubricants purchased by the township and maintain
records on all vehicle sales, purchases and repairs for all
Sanitary Sewer Division Mark Domenick, Supervisor
Sanitary Sewer Mains and The Sewer Department maintains over one hundred and
Pumping Stations twenty five miles (125) of Sanitary sewer mains, over
fifteen hundred (1,500) manholes and five (5) sewer
pumping stations.
Inflow and Infiltration The Sewer Department works in conjunction with the
RHM Sewer Authority, Engineering and the Community
Development Departments, to locate and eliminate any
I&I entering our sanitary sewer system. The elimination
of the I&I allow our mains to have more capacity for
flow and make available new connections for future
planning modules.
Map Information The Sewer Department works in conjunction with the
Engineering Department to update all sanitary and storm
sewer lines on the township map info program.
Snow Removal Operations Assist with snow removal operations.
Leaf Collection Assist with township wide leaf removal program.

27 of 124
Buildings and Grounds The custodial staff currently consists of one (1) full time
employee. The responsibilities would be to clean and
maintain the Township Building, Public Works Facility
and the Sulpezio Gym.
Buildings and Grounds This responsibility falls under the Director of Public
Maintenance and Repairs Works. This item involves building inspections of
township owned facilities by the Community
Development Department and their assistance along with
lease holders requests in putting capital budget in order.
The buildings would include the Radnor Memorial
Library, the Cruetzberg Center, the Senior Center, the
Willows, the Radnor Township Municipal Building, the
Public Works Facility and any structure that would be
maintained on township owned property. The Director of
Public Works, works in conjunction with lease holders
and other department heads in order to better facilitate
this operation.
Sanitation Division Steve Mc Nelis, Supervisor
Refuse Collection The Sanitation Department is responsible to collect
refuse from over sixty nine hundred (6,900) residential
properties once a week.
Recycle Collection The Sanitation Department is responsible to collect
recycling from over sixty nine hundred (6,900)
residential properties once a week. The recycling totals
of township collected recyclables coupled with our
commercial haulers totals produce revenue on average of
over $105,000.00 per year through our DEP 904
performance grant. Radnor Townships recycling rate
since inception has averaged over 47% one of the highest
in Delaware County.
Yard Waste Collection The Sanitation Department is responsible to collect
recycling from over sixty nine hundred (6,900)
residential properties once a week. Unless a holiday
would fall during that work week.
Bulk Collection The Sanitation Department is responsible for collecting
bulk items from residents that register for this service
once a week except for holiday weeks, This service
includes the removal of all white goods, furniture items,
old rugs, air conditioners, dehumidifiers, etc. This
service also generates a revenue of approximately
$30,000.00 per year.
Snow Removal Operations Assist with snow removal operations.
Leaf Collection Assist with township wide leaf removal program.

28 of 124
Parks Maintenance Paul Totaro, Supervisor
Grass Cutting, String The Parks Department is responsible for maintaining all
Trimming, Flower Bed township owned parks, playgrounds and athletic fields.
Maintenance, Shrubbery They are also responsible for maintaining all school
Trimming and Leaf district owned properties through a joint maintenance
Removal agreement with the district. The department strives to be
the best Parks Department in the area by setting high
standards for quality, maintenance, safety and
Athletic Field Maintenance The Parks Department rehabilitates all athletic fields on
township and school district owned properties one time
each year. This includes renewing the cross section of
the fields for proper drainage, the addition of ball field
clay in needed areas, re-edging, proper setting of bases
and pitchers plates and removing any irregularities in the
field of play and maintaining a level transition at turf to
soil interfaces.
Turf Program The turf program consists of a spring and fall application
on all playing fields in order to produce the highest
standard of playing conditions on all township and
school district athletic fields.
Tree Work The Parks Department performs our in house tree work
during the winter months of January and February.
Township crews will remove any trees within the
township right-of-way and in our parks that we are able
to handle. Parks crews are also responsible to remove
fallen trees on township roadways as a result of storm
damage and to clear the channels of creeks and streams
of any fallen trees.

Parks crews are also responsible for our street tree

planting program when budgets allow.
Leaf Collection Assist with township wide leaf removal program.
Snow Removal Operations Assist with snow removal operations. The department is
also responsible to clear snow form sidewalks on all
Township owned properties.
Miscellaneous The Parks Department provides these additional services
Responsibilities fence repairs and clearing, trash collection at playing
fields and in the parks, cleaning and restocking all
comfort stations, roadside vegetation clearing (sickle
bar), maintenance of all picnic tables, grills and trash
receptacles, cleaning of gutters on all township owned
buildings, set up and cleanup for special events parades
and summer concert series and the maintenance of all
gateway enhancement installations.

29 of 124
Line Item Descriptions:

Line Item Description

Buildings and Grounds
01-004-403-4210 This line item funds the utilities for the Township
Utilities Building, Public Works facility, South Wayne parking
lot lights, Bellevue parking lot lights and the
Maplewood Road flood gate at the Mill Dam Club.
01-004-403-4220 This line item funds the telephones at the Township
Communications Building, Public Works facility, Verizon TV and
Internet and the Nextel Services.
01-004-403-4250 This line item funds janitorial supplies and other
Operating Supplies miscellaneous maintenance expenditures.
01-004-403-4360 This line item funds items that include the postage
Contractual Services meter, elevator inspection and maintenance, water
treatment services, floor mats at Sulpezio Gym and the
Public works facility, TRAX fuel management system,
boiler certifications and fire extinguisher inspections etc.
01-004-403-4420 This line item funds any expense incurred for building
Maintenance and repair maintenance plumbing, electrical, heating, roofing,
buildings and fixtures fencing etc.

Solid Waste
01-004-424-4230 This line item funds the cost of tee shirts and sweatshirts
Uniforms of rate employees (Safety Green).
01-004-424-4250 This line item funds recycle containers, safety supplies,
Operating Supplies first aid kits, radio repairs and any other supplies needed
by the Solid Waste Department.
01-004-424-4350 This line item funds tipping fees at Delaware County
Disposal Fees and the cost to recycle oil, antifreeze and other vehicular
fluids and filters.
01-004-424-4510 This line item funds the cost of all fluids used in
Gas, Oil, Lubricants operating the Solid Waste fleet of vehicles. The fleet
consists of twelve refuse trucks and two pick-up tricks.
01-004-424-4520 This line item funds tires and batteries for the Solid
Tires, Batteries and Waste fleet of vehicles.
01-004-424-4530 This line item funds all the repair parts needed for the
Repair Parts Solid Waste vehicles.
01-004-424-4540 This line item funds all costs associated with repairs to
Contracted Maintenance and vehicles that can not be completed in house. A sample of
Repairs these repairs might include engine overhauls, leaf spring
repairs etc.

30 of 124
Highway General Services
01-004-430-4230 This line item funds the cost of tee shirts and sweatshirts
Uniforms (Safety Green) of rate employees.
01-004-430-4240 This line item funds the cost of paper, pens, ink
Office Supplies cartridges and other miscellaneous office needs.
01-004-430-4245 This line item will fund the cost of postage for any
Postage mailings informational mailings done by the Public
Works Department.
01-004-430-4250 This line item funds basic supplies utilized by the
Operating Supplies Highway Department including but not limited to safety
equipment, small tool purchases, rags, grass seed, etc.
01-004-430-4330 This line item funds the cost of equipment rental.
01-004-430-4340 This line item funds seminars and trade shows
Professional Development associated with Public works functions.
01-004-430-4350-Dues and This line item funds memberships such as the American
Subscriptions Public Works Association, Arbor Day Foundation and
publications associated with the Public Works
01-004-430-4360 This line item funds our membership in the PA-One –
Contractual Services Call system a tool utilized by any organization that
excavates to determine utility location and conflicts.
Occupational Services/ employee drug testing services.
01-004-430-4430 This line item funds machinery parts and repairs. This
Maintenance and Repair would include but not be limited to dump trucks, front
Machinery and Equipment end loaders, leaf equipment etc.
01-004-430-4470 This line item funds two way radio repairs and
Maintenance and Repair replacement in the highway departments fleet of
Communications equipment vehicles.
01-004-430-4510 This line item funds the cost of all fluids used in
Gas, Oil, Lubricants operating the Highway Departments fleet of vehicles.
The fleet consists of eight dump trucks, three front end
loaders, one backhoe, three leaf vacuums and other
miscellaneous equipment.
01-004-430-4520 This line item funds tires and batteries for the Highway
Tires, Batteries and Department fleet of vehicles.
01-004-430-4530 This line item funds all the repair parts needed for the
Repair Parts Highway Department vehicles.

31 of 124
Leaf Collection The line items in this fund consist of salaries and
01-004-425-4010 overtime for the fall leaf collection program. This
Salaries service takes the combined efforts of all departments in
01-004-425-4020 the Public Works Department. This program last
Salaries Overtime approximately eight weeks.
Street Sweeping
01-004-431-4360 This line item funds the hauling of all street sweeper
Contractual Services debris to the landfill.
Snow and Ice Removal
01-004-432-4250 This line item funds de-icing salt, anti-skid, magnesium
Operating Supplies chloride and snow meals.
01-004-432-4360 This line item funds the trucking costs for hauling snow
Contractual Services from all municipal parking areas.
Traffic Signals and Signs
01-004-433-4211 This line item funds electric for all signalized
Traffic Signal Electric intersections, school flashers and all other miscellaneous
01-004-433-4250 This line item funds all signs, posts, bulbs, and other
Operating Supplies miscellaneous supplies utilized for the maintenance,
repair and installation of all traffic signals and signs.
01-004-433-4450 This line item funds the purchase of all signalized
Maintenance and Repair intersection repair parts.
Traffic Signals
Street Lighting
01-004-434-4212 This line item funds the electric costs associated with
Street lighting operating all street lights
01-004-434-4420 This line item covers all repair and replacement parts for
Maintenance and Repair township owned street lights
Street Lighting
Curbs and Sidewalks
01-004-435-4250 This line item funds the cost of supplies associated with
Operating Supplies curbing and sidewalk installations. The supply list
would include concrete, blacktop, top soil, grass seed
and stone
01-004-436-4250 This line item funds the cost of supplies associated with
Operating Supplies drainage installations. The supply list would include
pipe, brick, miscellaneous lumber, top soil, blacktop and
inlet castings and grates

32 of 124
Road Maintenance and
01-004-438-4250 This line item funds the cost of supplies associated with
Operating Supplies road repairs. The supplies would include blacktop,
sealer, wet cut saw blades, cut off saw blades and jack
hammer tips etc.
01-004-438-4330 This line item funds the cost of equipment rentals for
Rentals road repairs.
01-004-438-4360 This line item funds the cost of hauling and dumping of
Contractual Services road repair debris at the landfill
Tools and Machinery
01-004-437-4230 This line item funds the cost of the mechanics uniforms
01-004-437-4250 This line item would funds all operating supplies needed
Operating Supplies for the mechanics. Supplies would include but not be
limited to welding rods and gas, nut and bolts, light
bulbs, steel, miscellaneous hoses, tools etc.

Parks Maintenance
01-005-451-4210 This line item funds the cost of all utilities associated
Utilities with our parks, comfort stations and lighted ball fields.
(Aqua Pa, PECO, Potty Queen)
01-005-451-4220 This line item funds the cost of the Parks Department
Communications nextels and truck radio maintenance and repairs.
01-005-451-4230 This line item funds the cost of tee shirts and sweatshirts
Uniforms (Safety Green) of rate employees.
01-005-451-4250 This line item funds the cost of turf supplies, ball field
Operating Supplies clay, comfort station supplies, string trimmer line, safety
supplies, fence repair parts, erosion blanket, wood carpet
for tot lots, pitcher plates, bases, basketball nets and
other miscellaneous landscape supplies.
01-005-451-4340 This line item funds the cost of seminars on Playground
Professional Development Safety Inspections and other miscellaneous trade shows
related to turf and playground maintenance.
01-005-451-4335 This line item funds memberships such as the
Dues and Subscriptions Pennsylvania Turf Council, Pesticide Licenses and
publications related to grounds maintenance.
01-005-451-4260 This line item funds the cost of maintenance contracts
Contractual Services for the sprinkler system at Ditmar Park, The reed bed
and fountain at the Willows, bucket truck rental and the
mulch blower for bed maintenance.
01-005-451-4420 This line item funds repairs to comfort stations,
Maintenance and Repair playground equipment and other miscellaneous fixtures
Buildings and Fixtures
01-005-451-4430 This line item would fund the cost of repairs to tractors,

33 of 124
Maintenance and Repair mowers, blowers, brush chipper and other miscellaneous
Machinery and Equipment equipment.
01-005-451-4510 This line item funds the cost of all fluids used in
Gasoline, Oil and Lubricants operating the Parks Department fleet of vehicles and
01-005-451-4520 This line item funds tires, batteries and accessories for
Tires, batteries and the Parks Department fleet of vehicles and equipment.
01-005-451-4530 This line item funds all the repair parts needed for the
Repair Parts Parks Department vehicles.
01-005-451-4540 This line item funds all costs associated with repairs to
Contracted Maintenance and vehicles that cannot be completed in house.
01-005-451-4630 This line item funds the cost of the maintenance and
Minor Machinery and repair of all small equipment hedge shears, weed eaters,
Equipment chain saws etc.

34 of 124
Radnor Township
Parks & Recreation Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Parks and Recreation Department Responsibility:

The Radnor Township Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the administration of year-
round recreational programming for all ages and the operations of Township facilities that include 25
parks, the Willows Mansion, Radnor Activity Center at Sulpizio Gymnasium, Radnor Trail, and Radnor
Skatepark. The Department also works in cooperation with the Public Works Department to maintain all
of these facilities along with the grounds of the Radnor Township School District. The Department aims to
serve the best interest of all residents by providing and maintaining a secure environment that enhances
the quality of life for the individual and the community.

Department Programs and Services:

Name Description
Budgeting and Financial Monitoring Provide long and short term guidance and leadership in the
preparation of the operating budget for Recreation Administration,
Recreation Programs, Sulpizio Gym and the Willows. Provide the
capital budget for Park Improvements and Open Space, General
Parks and Recreation, and the Willows. Monitor revenues and
expenditures throughout the year in order to keep the Department
on track with achieving financial goals.
Planning Work with supervisors to develop short and long term priorities and
set goals towards achievement. Develop plans for maintenance and
operation of recreational facilities. Identify, develop and maintain
recreational interests and improvements in the community along
with providing guidelines for quality control of programs. Work with
residents to meet their recreational needs. Develop and implement
year round recreational pursuits for residents of all ages.
The Willows Operate the Willows – a 47-acre estate/mansion owned by Radnor
Township and used for weddings, private parties, civic functions,
corporate meetings, non-profit fundraisers, Parks and Recreation
Programs, community-based events, craft shows, auctions and
other special events.
Radnor Activity Center at Sulpizio The Radnor Activity Center (RAC) at Sulpizio Gym has been leased
Gymnasium to the Township by Radnor Township School District for use by the
Department for indoor programs. Once part of the old Radnor
Middle School, Sulpizio Gym was renovated in 2008 for use by
community residents and organizations. The facility is a full size,
multi-purpose gymnasium that is available to rent for various usages
including birthday parties, special events, basketball leagues, soccer
leagues, and exercise groups. It is used by the Parks and
Recreation Department to offer an array of programming for all
Parks The Radnor Township park system includes 25 parks, containing
both active recreational amenities, such as playgrounds and athletic
fields, and passive recreational features, like scenic views and
natural landscapes. Park land spans in excess of 400 acres for the
recreational pleasure of Radnor Township residents. The park
system is operated and maintained by the Parks and Recreation
Department in conjunction with the Public Works Department.
Radnor Trail The Radnor Trail is a 2.4 mile long fitness and walking trail with
several access points. It is operated and maintained by the Parks
and Recreation Department in conjunction with the Public Works
Staff Management and Allocation The Department is responsible for the hiring, supervising, and
evaluating over 250 part-time, seasonal staff, volunteers, contracted
program instructors, and chaperones. This includes the
arrangement of contractual agreements with vendors who provide
instruction in specialized areas. The Director manages 2 full-time
Department staff members and conducts a seasonal internship
program in cooperation with area schools.

35 of 124
Name Description
Recreational Programs A cornerstone of the high quality of life enjoyed by Radnor residents
is a fantastic array of recreation programs for all of the Township’s
residents. Recreational programs that are offered include a wealth
of activities, camps, special events, workshops, classes and
excursions are offered all year long. Staples include Radnor Youth
Basketball, Radnor Day Camp, After-School Chess and Science (in
conjunction with Ithan PTO), Radnor Summer Concert Series,
Environmental Clean-Ups, Arbor Day Celebration, Holiday at the
Willows, Radnor Run and trips to New York City. The Department is
located at the Radnor Township Municipal Building and is
responsible for the creation and implementation of recreational
programs for the residents of Radnor Township. This is
accomplished by use of RTSD schools, Sulpizio Gym, the Willows,
and in Township parks. The Department also works in cooperation
with community sports and civic organizations such as Radnor
Athletic Association (RAA) and Wayne Art Center. Over 200
recreation programs are offered annually including several
community events that are free of charge.
Community Sports and Civic The Department serves as a direct liaison to the Community Sports
Organizations Organizations in the Township. Sports programs are available for
several types of athletic interests and the organizations include the
Radnor Soccer Club, Radnor Wayne Little League (including tee
ball, baseball, and softball), Radnor Boys & Girls Lacrosse, Radnor
Youth Basketball Association, and Radnor Aquatics Club. Each
organization is operated by volunteers both independent and under
the auspices of the Radnor Township Parks & Recreation
Department. The Department works closely with members of
Radnor Athletic Association (RAA) to assist in areas of registration,
facilities procurement and scheduling, publishing and distributing
promotional literature, volunteers, program structure and
dissemination of program information. The Department serves as a
direct liaison to the Community Civic Organizations in the Township
such as the Wayne Senior Center, Wayne Art Center and Radnor
Memorial Library. The Department provides information on these
organizations to the community, publishes and distributes
promotional literature, and partners to offer various activities and
special events.
Department Services and Program Process and record program/activity registrations and receipts;
Administration process income receipts and income documentation for the Willows,
RAC, picnic reservations and field permits; conduct all associated
financial deposits each day; process check requests as needed;
develop financial analyses for all areas of services provided by the
Department (the Willows, RAC, picnic reservations, field permits,
Department Services and Program Provide information to the community and attend to
Communications inquiries/concerns by phone, email and walk-ins each day on an
array of Department recreational areas, community events, local
organizations, etc.
Facility Scheduling The Department schedules all events that take place at The Willows
and the RAC. The Department schedules and issues permits for
group/community picnics at Fenimore Woods, Willows Park, Clem
Macrone Park, Friends of Radnor Trails Park and others as
requested. The Department works with the community
organizations to schedule fields and issue permits for baseball,
softball, soccer, lacrosse, school events and an array of other areas
as requested. The Department reserves and schedules
gymnasiums at all Radnor Township School District facilities as well
as area private schools and facilities. Facilities scheduled by the
Department are in excess of 60 and the Department serves as the
direct liaison to over 10 groups throughout this year-long process.
Marketing The Department creates many year-round publications and flyers for
distribution using its own in-house graphics software. This includes a
seasonal activities brochure for the fall, winter/spring, and summer.
The Department maintains distribution listings and relationships
within the community that aide in getting paper materials into
circulation. The Department maintains its areas of the website and
distributes mass emails to subscribers as new program brochures
are available and as new programs and events are developed. The

36 of 124
Name Description
Department develops and films segments for the Radnor 411
Community Television Show.
Administrative Policies and The Department constructs administrative policies as needed such
Processes as notifications for inclement weather, conducting background
checks, program evaluations, etc.
Inventory Management The Department manages its operating equipment for program and
activities such as sports supplies, arts and crafts supplies, first aid
supplies, and apparel.
Special Projects The Department conducts various special projects throughout the
year such as the development of a map of parks/facilities/amenities,
capital improvements, grand opening celebrations, and
scout/volunteer projects.
Parks and Recreation Board The Department works closely with members of the Parks and
Recreation Board who advises and serves as a portal to the
community providing guidance and focus that help achieve the
Department's goals and objectives.

Department Line Item Descriptions:

Parks and Recreation Administration
Line Item Description
Office Supplies Covers items or products needed for completion of work
conducted in the office such as paper, pens, pencils, tape, ink
cartridges, labels, folders, binder, envelopes; copier machine
expense portion to Department; website expense portion to
Department; checks portion to Department; supplies needed for
Parks Board operation such as nameplates for new members; this
line item includes related supplies for operations by the Willows.
Postage Covers mailings done through the office.
Professional Development Allocates funding for classes, seminars, conferences or expos that
would expand staff knowledge and provide useful information
applicable to vast areas of Department services.
Dues and Subscriptions Allocates funding to provide membership in state and national
associations and opportunity to attend state and national
conferences and seminars; includes subscriptions to magazines
or circulars that expand staff knowledge and provide useful
information applicable to vast areas of Department services.
Gas, Oil & Lubricants Allocates funding to cover gas and fluids for Department vehicle.
Tires, Batteries and Accessories Allocates funding to cover tires, batteries and additional
accessories for Department vehicle.
Repair Parts Allocates funding to cover parts for Department vehicle.
Contracted Maintenance and Repairs Allocates funding to cover maintenance and parts for Department

Department Line Item Descriptions:

Recreation Programs
Line Item Description
Salaries: Part-Time Includes summer staff needed to lead and supervise summer
camps, part-time staff needed to coordinate seasonal programs,
special events and excursions, assist with office operations and
conduct special projects, and offer to offer programs that require
specialized skills and qualifications. Includes part-time staff
necessary in order to administrate Radnor Youth Basketball
Program in areas of managing online registration support,
coordinating referees for games, coordinating and communicating
league and program wide information with volunteers and
Recreation Supplies Includes items necessary for operations of programs such as
program apparel, sporting supplies and equipment, first aid
supplies, arts and crafts supplies, Radnor Youth Basketball
photos, printing of Department publications, copies made from
copier machine, minor park operations parts and hardware
supplies such as keys for storage and bathrooms and other
miscellaneous recreation supplies.
Rentals Allocates funding for tickets and busing for Department trips,

37 of 124
Line Item Description
deposits for camp trips, visitors/vendors for camps/program, gym
rentals for Radnor Youth Basketball Program, and equipment
rentals for programs or special events.
Contractual Services Services that require outside services or vendors such as
program/activity instructors and vendors that have specialized
skills and qualifications; Radnor Youth Basketball referees,
SportsPilot online registration; cellular phone services for
Department staff; portable toilettes for special events, performers
and vendors for special events and camps, ASCAP license fees
for concerts, staff summer training for specialty areas, job
advertising fees .

Department Line Item Descriptions:

Sulpizio Gym
Line Item Description
Utilities Allocates funding to cover building utility bills such as water,
electric, and gas.
Communications Allocates funding to cover internal phone lines, internet and
related expenses or repairs.
Office Supplies Covers items or products needed inside the office at the building
for completion of work, items include paper, pens, pencils, tape,
ink cartridges, labels, folders, binder, envelopes, etc.
Operating Supplies Covers funding for minor building operational parts, hardware
supplies and cleaning supplies; program equipment, supplies, and
Contractual Services Services that require outside services or vendors such as
program/activity instructors and vendors that have specialized
skills and qualifications; performers and vendors for special
events and camps, Radnor Youth Basketball referees floor mats
in entry areas, building fire alarm and security services,
SportsPilot online registration for applicable programs.
Maintenance and Repair: Buildings Allocates funding to repair, replace, and maintain building items
and Fixtures such as plumbing and bathroom fixtures, electrical needs,
equipment such as bleachers, dividing wall and baskets, doorway
configurations by security company, supplies for floor refinishing
and cleaning, hardware supplies such as keys.
Maintenance and Repair: Machines Allocates funding to repair, replace, and maintain building
and Equipment machines and equipment such as HVAC, etc.
Building Maintenance Allocates funding for staffing needed to maintain building
Building Custodial Allocates funding for staffing needed for custodial services at the

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Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011


01 300 3001 Current Year - Discount (169,808) (167,202) (108,032) (170,664) (187,881) (187,881) - (220,029)
01 300 3002 Current Year - Face 9,126,795 9,246,632 5,891,105 10,351,867 10,276,185 10,166,185 10,289,972 12,123,841
01 300 3003 Current Year - Penalties 29,549 27,363 17,362 15,000 20,945 17,445 22,319 24,448
01 300 3020 Prior Year 6,653 4,214 52,304 38,172 51,486 51,486 25,336 -
01 300 3030 Delinquent 101,753 89,833 66,727 80,764 117,443 108,443 79,108 107,144
01 300 3040 Interim 113,373 99,012 43,469 53,073 53,336 36,836 48,271 61,119
TOTAL REAL ESTATE TAXES $ 9,208,315 $ 9,299,851 $ 5,962,934 $ 10,368,212 $ 10,331,514 $ 10,192,514 $ 10,465,006 $ 12,096,523
$Δ $ 91,536 $ (3,336,917) $ 4,405,278 $ 4,368,580 $ 133,492 $ 1,765,009
%Δ 1% -36% 74% 73% 1% 17%


01 310 3011 Realty Transfer Tax 2,688,009 1,939,833 1,402,159 1,800,000 1,586,417 1,240,349 1,552,087 1,580,000
01 310 3021 Mercantile Tax 1,346,929 1,298,901 1,051,935 1,100,000 1,276,359 1,217,987 1,100,000 1,220,000
01 310 3031 Emergency & Municipal Services Tax 1,224,027 981,542 998,835 1,000,000 981,083 878,883 1,000,000 1,000,000
01 310 3041 Amusement Tax 75,559 41,830 36,991 40,000 44,253 39,253 35,000 35,000
01 310 3051 Business Privilege Tax 4,851,853 6,473,413 3,617,786 3,850,000 5,323,290 5,265,290 4,000,000 4,000,000
01 310 3121 Mercantile - Audit - - 35,242 21,545 370,314 370,314 40,000 250,000
01 310 3151 Business Privilege - Audit - - 1,314,026 557,000 595,081 595,081 350,000 350,000
TOTAL LOCAL ENABLING TAXES $ 10,186,377 $ 10,735,519 $ 8,456,975 $ 8,368,545 $ 10,176,797 $ 9,607,158 $ 8,077,087 $ 8,435,000
$Δ $ 549,142 $ (2,278,545) $ (88,430) $ 1,719,822 $ (2,099,710) $ (1,741,797)
%Δ 5% -21% -1% 20% -21% -17%


01 320 3009 Zoning - - - 2,500 1,670 1,670 2,150 2,150
01 320 3012 Beverage 9,750 8,850 10,451 9,450 10,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
01 320 3018 UCC Act 45 Transfer - - - - 5,389 4,596 - 5,500
01 320 3022 Building 2,510,498 1,660,026 628,873 653,125 647,040 576,749 141,777 650,000
01 320 3028 Mechanical - - - 34,375 65,015 63,532 34,780 65,000
01 320 3032 Street Opening 113,735 48,765 15,749 48,950 3,478 3,478 5,000 5,000
01 320 3042 Subdivision Fees 23,238 45,022 21,543 43,700 13,276 13,276 10,000 15,000
01 320 3052 Public Works & Engineering Fees 108,352 77,027 107,694 81,170 119,859 99,770 130,000 120,000
01 320 3062 Housing 60,005 62,964 63,802 146,550 93,491 93,016 129,400 684,450
01 320 3072 Health 52,943 63,883 48,724 57,000 57,617 42,892 58,800 58,800
01 320 3082 Burning 1,905 1,519 629 - 599 549 400 400
01 320 3092 Plumbing 55,552 44,711 36,922 36,000 36,810 32,270 25,690 37,500
01 320 3102 Electrical 267,696 168,234 81,648 82,500 137,638 132,238 96,810 125,000
01 320 3103 Design & Zoning Fees - - 7,751 14,200 19,258 15,538 15,000 15,000
01 320 3112 Sewage Enforcement Fees 1,675 2,300 4,566 3,200 3,447 3,447 3,000 3,000
01 320 3122 Cable TV Franchinse Fees 389,170 425,593 465,123 456,750 520,023 384,239 456,750 551,000
01 320 3130 Film Permits 1,500 750 1,000 500 250 - - -
01 320 3132 Certificate of Occupancy Transfer Fee 38,550 31,145 42,176 45,600 42,507 36,362 44,850 44,850
TOTAL LICENSE & PERMITS $ 3,634,569 $ 2,640,787 $ 1,536,652 $ 1,715,570 $ 1,777,367 $ 1,512,622 $ 1,163,407 $ 2,391,650
$Δ $ (993,782) $ (1,104,135) $ 178,918 $ 240,715 $ (613,960) $ 614,283
%Δ -27% -42% 12% 16% -35% 35%

39 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011


01 330 3013 Police 176,041 195,412 230,540 294,000 271,133 227,393 262,150 262,150
01 330 3023 District Justice 259,078 325,177 297,307 275,000 230,763 192,302 250,000 250,000
TOTAL FINES & COSTS $ 435,118 $ 520,589 $ 527,847 $ 569,000 $ 501,896 $ 419,696 $ 512,150 $ 512,150
$Δ $ 85,470 $ 7,258 $ 41,153 $ (25,951) $ 10,254 $ 10,254
%Δ 20% 1% 8% -5% 2% 2%


01 340 3014 Interest Earnings 395,469 204,522 123,496 100,000 41,716 37,287 40,000 40,000
01 340 3024 Property & Equipment 18,303 19,944 21,756 57,872 40,494 35,722 38,690 38,690
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 413,772 $ 224,466 $ 145,252 $ 157,872 $ 82,210 $ 73,009 $ 78,690 $ 78,690
$Δ $ (189,305) $ (79,214) $ 12,620 $ (63,042) $ (3,520) $ (3,520)
%Δ -46% -35% 9% -43% -4% -4%


01 350 3015 Payments In Lieu of Taxes 18,292 18,292 18,292 18,292 20,122 20,122 18,292 18,292
01 350 3025 Public Utility Realty Tax 30,247 26,694 24,655 27,000 26,672 26,672 27,149 27,150
01 350 3035 Federal, State & County 159,659 171,059 184,455 156,033 210,090 210,090 167,801 150,000
01 350 3043 State Pension Aid 657,911 650,611 607,435 600,000 589,341 589,341 600,000 580,000
01 350 3044 Crossing Guard Contributions (RTSD) - - - - - - - 80,000
01 350 3045 County Highway Aid 36,720 36,720 36,720 36,720 36,720 - 36,720 36,720
01 350 3049 State Snow Removal 55,476 57,683 58,432 57,700 122,584 122,584 57,323 57,000
01 350 3050 Public Access Grant 58,302 50,229 61,655 61,665 61,665 61,665 61,665 61,665
01 350 3054 Shade Tree Contributions - - 20,000 - - - - -
01 350 3058 Grounds Maintenance Agreement 56,147 58,954 60,000 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 250,000
01 350 3060 R.E.C.T. Revenue - - - - - - - 50,000
TOTAL GRANTS & GIFTS $ 1,072,754 $ 1,070,242 $ 1,071,644 $ 1,032,410 $ 1,142,194 $ 1,030,474 $ 1,043,950 $ 1,310,827
$Δ $ (2,511) $ 1,402 $ (39,234) $ 70,550 $ (98,244) $ 168,633
%Δ 0% 0% -4% 7% -9% 15%

01 360 3016 Parking Meters 316,906 283,902 239,855 350,000 328,165 281,165 340,000 340,000
01 360 3026 Parking Meters - Church 29,282 9,646 13,095 9,250 23,046 20,046 28,000 23,100
01 360 3036 Alarm System Fees 18,600 10,492 11,098 10,000 10,295 8,595 10,500 10,300
01 360 3046 Police Extra Duty 162,664 328,423 191,237 250,000 168,509 137,309 234,000 234,000
01 360 3056 Recreation Fees 476,229 522,411 539,861 538,060 548,909 489,409 520,000 550,000
01 360 3060 R.E.C.T. Revenue - - 47,249 - 29,786 29,786 - -
01 360 3065 Rear Door Trash Fee - - - 70,000 121,408 121,758 125,000 125,000
01 360 3066 Refuse Collection Fee 31,615 32,374 31,184 34,000 34,000 28,926 32,293 34,000
01 360 3068 Sulpizio Gym Fees (50,278) - 75,247 52,530 100,291 95,841 70,000 111,400
01 360 3069 Police Service Fees 33,281 37,390 31,817 41,000 29,462 25,692 28,500 30,000
01 360 3070 Police Live Scan Fees - - - - 5,729 3,729 40,000 20,000
TOTAL DEPARTMENT EARNINGS $ 1,018,299 $ 1,224,638 $ 1,180,643 $ 1,354,840 $ 1,399,600 $ 1,242,255 $ 1,428,293 $ 1,477,800
$Δ $ 206,339 $ (43,994) $ 174,197 $ 218,957 $ 28,693 $ 78,200
%Δ 20% -4% 15% 19% 2% 6%

40 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 370 3017 Insurance Refunds 12,773 499 9,944 - - - - -
01 370 3027 Sale of Property, Equipment 19,608 - - - - - - -
01 370 3033 Premium Payments - Flex - 1,747 1,115 - 10,053 8,377 - 10,000
01 370 3037 Miscellaneous 27,359 86,930 47,543 40,000 63,463 60,763 50,000 50,000
01 370 3038 Premium Payments - 15,093 18,518 21,348 21,353 18,775 - 21,400
01 370 3047 Advertising & Sponsorship Fees 9,500 8,000 4,000 14,000 8,000 8,000 14,000 8,000
01 370 3057 Cash Over / Short 553 70 (217) - (32) (32) - -
01 370 3067 Sale of Recycled Materials 107,160 101,303 5,086 7,000 27,913 27,913 7,000 30,000
01 370 3097 Tax Anticipation Revenue Notes 1,617,200 - - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 1,794,153 $ 213,641 $ 85,989 $ 82,348 $ 130,750 $ 123,796 $ 71,000 $ 119,400
$Δ $ (1,580,512) $ (127,652) $ (3,641) $ 44,761 $ (59,750) $ (11,350)
%Δ -88% -60% -4% 52% -46% -9%


01 390 3028 Transfer In: Sewer Overhead - - - 400,000 292,000 - 400,000 292,000
01 390 3029 Transfer In: Sewer Fund - 171,395 300,000 92,000 - - 92,000 -
01 390 3039 Transfer In: Liquid Fuels Fund 235,000 235,000 286,030 244,778 244,778 - - -
01 390 3059 Transfer In: Capital Improvement Fund 183,156 181,688 180,523 180,523 - - - -
01 390 3229 Transfer In: Park & Open Space Fund 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 - - -
01 390 3239 Transfer In: Willows Fund - - - - - - - -
TOTAL TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS $ 648,156 $ 818,083 $ 996,553 $ 1,147,301 $ 766,778 $ - $ 492,000 $ 292,000
$Δ $ 169,927 $ 178,470 $ 150,748 $ (229,775) $ (274,778) $ (474,778)
%Δ 26% 22% 15% -23% -36% -62%

GRAND TOTAL: GENERAL FUND $ 28,411,512 $ 26,747,817 $ 19,964,490 $ 24,796,098 $ 26,309,106 $ 24,201,522 $ 23,331,583 $ 26,714,040
$Δ $ (1,663,695) $ (6,783,327) $ 4,831,608 $ 6,344,616 $ 4,237,032 $ (2,977,523) $ 404,934
%Δ -6% -25% 24% 32% 21% -11% 2%

41 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 001 400 4010 Salaries 601,127 346,175 209,231 385,259 319,469 258,040 411,000 376,281
01 004 400 4020 Overtime - - - - - - - -
01 001 400 4030 Longevity 8,342 2,580 1,227 2,079 2,329 1,113 2,350 2,495
01 001 400 4240 Office Supplies 27,550 8,913 11,795 62,216 8,534 7,134 12,000 9,000
01 001 400 4245 Postage - - 1,946 8,000 15,474 15,474 15,000 15,000
01 001 400 4310 Advertising & Printing 12,655 9,522 11,328 7,070 14,664 14,104 15,000 15,000
01 001 400 4340 Professional Development 22,109 14,667 5,198 3,000 - - 3,000 6,000
01 001 400 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 1,500 842 1,000 2,000
01 001 400 4360 Contractual Services (HR Assistance) 111,602 161,035 90,695 125,000 28,000 17,432 15,000 65,520
01 001 400 4361 Legal Services - General (solicitor + others) - - 220,348 150,000 240,000 207,595 150,000 150,000
01 001 400 4362 Legal Services - Special (labor Counsel) - - 369,025 150,000 74,400 66,376 150,000 48,000
01 001 400 4390 Miscellaneous 41,318 25,105 11,884 7,575 4,575 3,008 6,000 3,000
01 001 400 4410 Minor Office Equipment - - 116 1,212 1,212 719 1,500 1,000
TOTAL ADMINISTRATION $ 824,702 $ 567,996 $ 932,794 $ 901,411 $ 710,157 $ 591,836 $ 781,850 $ 693,296
$Δ $ (256,705) $ 364,798 $ (31,383) $ (222,637) $ 71,693 $ (16,861)
%Δ -31% 64% -3% -24% 10% -2%

01 001 401 4010 Salaries 585,930 313,940 240,083 143,041 200,541 153,099 272,000 241,965
01 001 401 4030 Longevity 7,302 1,530 1,588 1,726 1,506 775 1,600 1,994
01 001 401 4240 Office Supplies 7,239 8,366 8,288 - 2,756 2,296 8,000 8,000
01 001 401 4245 Postage - - 57 - - - 10,000 10,000
01 001 401 4320 Bond Premium - - 2,119 2,140 - - - 2,140
01 001 401 4340 Professional Development 5,247 10,411 576 2,000 187 188 1,500 3,500
01 001 401 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - - - 1,750 -
01 001 401 4360 Contractual Services 190,080 16,519 105,607 110,000 131,848 127,063 47,100 27,000
01 001 401 4370 Professional Services 49,454 28,475 34,500 34,593 - - 47,950 47,950
01 001 401 4371 Act 511 - Legal Services - - 108,159 87,000 125,148 95,148 114,500 114,500
01 001 401 4372 Act 511 - Audit Services - - 128,256 120,000 105,632 85,632 120,000 120,000
01 001 401 4410 Minor Office Equipment 460 488 650 100 1,444 1,324 5,000 1,500
TOTAL FINANCE $ 845,713 $ 379,729 $ 629,882 $ 500,600 $ 569,062 $ 465,524 $ 629,400 $ 578,549
$Δ $ (465,984) $ 250,153 $ (129,282) $ (60,820) $ 60,338 $ 9,487
%Δ -55% 66% -21% -10% 11% 2%

01 001 402 4010 Salaries 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 22,000 26,000 26,000
01 001 402 4110 Social Security Taxes 1,989 1,989 - 1,989 - - 1,989 -
01 001 402 4240 Office Supplies 7,545 7,293 7,460 7,575 4,384 3,664 7,575 3,700
01 001 402 4245 Postage - - - - 3,800 3,800 - 3,800
01 001 402 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - 3,686 - - - 3,723 300
01 001 402 4320 Bond Premium 3,667 3,686 60 3,723 3,728 3,728 - 3,720
01 001 402 4360 Contractual Services - 12,349 13,321 14,140 11,976 11,976 14,200 12,000
01 001 402 4410 Minor Office Equipment 147 - - 101 - - -
TOTAL TREASURER $ 39,348 $ 51,317 $ 50,526 $ 53,528 $ 49,888 $ 45,168 $ 53,487 $ 49,520
$Δ $ 11,969 $ (791) $ 3,002 $ (638) $ 3,599 $ (368)
%Δ 30% -2% 6% -1% 7% -1%

42 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 001 404 4010 Salaries - 248,302 258,748 178,603 207,462 152,138 180,000 191,854
01 001 404 4030 Longevity - 4,373 3,948 6,323 4,137 1,638 3,370 3,364
01 001 404 4240 Office Supplies - 1,719 605 - 175 145 500 500
01 001 404 4245 Postage - - 29 - - - 100 100
01 001 404 4250 Operating Supplies - 7,538 5,005 8,080 8,080 4,839 6,000 10,000
01 001 404 4340 Professional Development - 5,689 519 2,025 999 999 2,000 1,000
01 001 404 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 45 45 50 50
01 001 404 4360 Contractual Services - 13,501 8,842 37,016 44,730 26,730 35,000 39,500
01 001 404 4410 Minor Office Equipment - 130 276 505 505 - 500 500
01 001 404 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs - 110 - 30,505 10,505 - 1,000 2,500
TOTAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $ - $ 281,361 $ 277,971 $ 263,057 $ 276,638 $ 186,534 $ 228,520 $ 249,368
$Δ $ 281,361 $ (3,390) $ (14,914) $ (1,333) $ (48,118) $ (27,270)
%Δ #DIV/0! -1% -5% 0% -17% -10%

01 002 416 4010 Salaries 575,166 573,319 557,854 268,985 349,985 287,399 431,000 369,507
01 002 416 4020 Overtime - - - - - - 9,000 9,000
01 002 416 4030 Longevity 9,600 8,931 7,605 3,955 6,140 2,940 7,410 7,487
01 002 416 4220 Communications - - 287 354 304 225 500 500
01 002 416 4240 Office Supplies 6,027 10,251 6,573 - 2,750 1,714 7,000 3,000
01 002 416 4245 Postage - - 91 - - - - -
01 002 416 4250 Operating Supplies 722 1,132 539 1,010 510 84 1,500 1,500
01 002 416 4310 Advertising & Printing 14,013 16,875 8,669 6,565 10,043 8,043 10,900 10,900
01 002 416 4340 Professional Development 9,440 11,667 4,454 3,500 3,500 1,094 12,500 11,500
01 002 416 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - 598 500 594 594 2,500 2,500
01 002 416 4360 Contractual Services 13,509 70,022 70,643 58,580 62,427 51,427 33,000 25,000
01 002 416 4361 Legal Services - General - - 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 7,000
01 002 416 4410 Minor Office Equipment 42 1,148 2,565 3,030 3,030 1,559 3,000 2,000
01 002 416 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 4,904 5,228 5,470 3,227 5,254 4,374 4,000 4,000
01 002 416 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories 712 1,014 1,695 1,885 1,885 60 2,000 2,000
01 002 416 4530 Repair Parts 3,174 5,122 1,874 1,855 1,855 754 2,000 2,000
01 002 416 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repair 529 702 733 1,010 1,010 521 1,200 1,200
TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 637,837 $ 705,411 $ 679,649 $ 364,456 $ 459,287 $ 368,288 $ 540,010 $ 459,094
$Δ $ 67,574 $ (25,763) $ (315,193) $ (220,362) $ 80,723 $ (193)
%Δ 11% -4% -46% -32% 18% 0%

43 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 003 410 4010 Salaries 3,804,819 3,750,394 4,094,496 4,143,172 3,993,172 3,392,658 4,012,000 3,927,601
01 003 410 4020 Overtime 38,404 46,103 52,569 28,600 58,600 48,667 53,600 28,600
01 003 410 4030 Longevity 292,076 310,038 365,203 373,505 356,475 181,475 367,383 357,658
01 003 410 4040 Extra Duty 159,482 254,770 158,626 192,400 172,400 126,816 180,000 180,000
01 003 410 4050 Court Time 4,218 2,718 3,114 5,200 4,200 2,474 5,200 5,200
01 003 410 4060 Crossing Guard - - 76,862 80,966 75,966 57,929 80,966 80,966
01 003 410 4220 Communications - - 8,719 8,080 11,660 9,660 10,000 10,000
01 003 410 4230 Uniforms 44,178 31,092 19,190 30,300 28,543 19,043 55,938 55,938
01 003 410 4240 Office Supplies 9,149 19,659 11,324 - 6,974 4,974 16,230 8,000
01 003 410 4245 Postage - - 120 - - - 120 -
01 003 410 4250 Operating Supplies 34,858 55,585 38,787 59,850 45,850 23,666 89,070 79,070
01 003 410 4270 Training Supplies 62 - - 3,838 - - 4,250 3,250
01 003 410 4340 Professional Development 25,600 17,539 7,356 15,150 10,150 8,645 40,650 30,000
01 003 410 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 1,100 1,100 3,075 3,075
01 003 410 4360 Contractual Services 44,332 63,422 31,846 45,736 35,736 29,332 33,900 36,900
01 003 410 4410 Minor Office Equipment 8,408 10,440 12,130 12,120 12,120 7,124 1,400 1,400
01 003 410 4460 Maint. & Repair: Parking Meters 7,438 2,645 6,566 6,565 26,565 22,144 4,300 4,300
01 003 410 4470 Maint. & Repair: Comm. Equip. 3,073 6,609 3,103 3,788 4,288 3,544 3,550 3,550
01 003 410 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 98,426 107,138 83,899 95,950 85,950 66,924 91,000 91,000
01 003 410 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories 9,697 10,109 8,945 12,995 7,995 5,394 12,995 12,995
01 003 410 4530 Repair Parts 22,095 20,987 17,108 24,873 16,783 14,380 18,000 18,000
01 003 410 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs 13,788 25,928 14,281 22,220 12,220 4,275 17,000 17,000
TOTAL POLICE $ 4,620,104 $ 4,735,176 $ 5,014,243 $ 5,165,308 $ 4,966,747 $ 4,030,224 $ 5,100,627 $ 4,954,503
$Δ $ 115,072 $ 279,067 $ 151,065 $ (47,496) $ 133,880 $ (12,244)
%Δ 2% 6% 3% -1% 3% 0%

01 003 413 4322 Liability Insurance - - - - - - - 20,000
01 003 413 4330 Rentals 138,623 138,951 138,929 139,200 139,203 139,203 139,200 145,000
01 003 413 4380 Contributions 134,974 164,021 164,021 164,021 174,021 139,021 164,021 264,170
01 003 413 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants - - - - - - - 30,000
TOTAL FIRE $ 273,597 $ 302,972 $ 302,950 $ 303,221 $ 313,224 $ 278,224 $ 303,221 $ 459,170
$Δ $ 29,376 $ (23) $ 271 $ 10,274 $ (10,003) $ 145,946
%Δ 11% 0% 0% 3% -3% 47%

44 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011


01 004 403 4010 Salaries 126,170 93,840 122,256 124,944 104,544 96,118 130,000 55,643
01 004 403 4020 Overtime - - - - - - - -
01 004 403 4030 Longevity 7,354 4,731 5,652 6,603 6,603 2,965 7,130 1,521
01 004 403 4210 Utilities 191,817 153,838 160,785 176,750 176,750 141,784 185,500 185,500
01 004 403 4220 Communications 59,417 61,992 58,396 65,650 67,650 55,389 65,500 65,500
01 004 403 4250 Operating Supplies 13,606 21,021 14,099 13,130 16,130 12,926 16,700 14,700
01 004 403 4360 Contractual Services 20,812 69,174 66,802 30,354 35,354 28,835 34,000 34,000
01 004 403 4410 Minor Office Equipment 8,463 4,678 3,770 3,030 2,030 345 3,000 3,000
01 004 403 4420 Maint. & Repair: Township Hall Bldg. 20,487 37,050 62,988 62,620 52,620 37,884 44,100 70,000
TOTAL BUILDING & GROUNDS $ 448,126 $ 446,324 $ 494,748 $ 483,081 $ 461,681 $ 376,245 $ 485,930 $ 429,864
$Δ $ (1,802) $ 48,424 $ (11,667) $ (33,067) $ 24,249 $ (31,817)
%Δ 0% 11% -2% -7% 5% -7%

01 004 424 4010 Salaries 1,663,509 1,635,432 1,611,231 1,265,300 1,405,300 1,187,755 1,310,000 1,231,008
01 004 424 4020 Overtime 17,044 14,136 3,581 4,000 6,500 4,459 5,050 5,050
01 004 424 4030 Longevity 45,998 40,925 45,240 55,897 50,897 23,525 66,000 46,236
01 004 424 4230 Uniforms - - 1,112 1,774 1,774 600 2,340 2,340
01 004 424 4250 Operating Supplies 23,028 18,537 12,425 12,120 14,120 11,475 13,215 13,215
01 004 424 4350 Disposal Fees 7,680 20,001 188,423 217,150 207,150 169,659 195,000 195,000
01 004 424 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 132,615 179,308 72,868 39,749 79,749 63,337 77,320 80,280
01 004 424 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories 20,199 22,915 20,963 7,421 27,421 21,970 24,500 26,364
01 004 424 4530 Repair Parts 16,634 22,096 27,185 8,064 28,064 22,411 36,826 36,826
01 004 424 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs 6,732 9,750 59,233 7,414 30,314 12,855 18,575 18,575
TOTAL SOLID WASTE $ 1,933,438 $ 1,963,101 $ 2,042,261 $ 1,618,889 $ 1,851,289 $ 1,518,047 $ 1,768,026 $ 1,654,894
$Δ $ 29,663 $ 79,160 $ (423,372) $ (190,973) $ (83,263) $ (196,395)
%Δ 2% 4% -21% -9% -4% -11%

01 004 429 4010 Salaries 242,409 169,376 215,296 236,467 231,467 193,752 238,900 236,861
01 004 429 4020 Overtime - - - - - - - 1,000
01 004 429 4030 Longevity 7,698 5,422 7,507 7,294 9,294 4,571 9,280 9,275
01 004 429 4240 Office Supplies 2,175 4,946 2,537 - 590 489 2,500 2,500
01 004 429 4245 Postage - - 46 - - - - -
01 004 429 4340 Professional Development 3,826 2,821 921 1,000 1,000 585 3,000 3,000
01 004 429 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - 85 - - 311 400 400
01 004 429 4360 Contractual Services 2,863 788 3,346 3,788 71,928 (3,073) 3,000 3,000
01 004 429 4410 Minor Office Equipment - - 239 1,010 510 - 1,000 1,000
TOTAL ENGINEERING $ 258,970 $ 183,352 $ 229,977 $ 249,559 $ 314,789 $ 196,635 $ 258,080 $ 257,036
$Δ $ (75,618) $ 46,625 $ 19,582 $ 84,812 $ (56,709) $ (57,753)
%Δ -29% 25% 9% 37% -18% -18%

45 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011


01 004 430 4010 Salaries 1,283,142 984,092 978,625 1,071,116 1,065,316 751,969 1,110,840 1,042,147
01 004 430 4020 Overtime 118,561 103,132 151,069 100,536 139,536 126,982 121,800 121,800
01 004 430 4030 Highway: Longevity 47,233 38,132 41,038 47,171 44,171 21,210 51,200 40,739
01 004 433 4211 Traffic Signal: Lighting 10,941 13,139 14,328 14,544 15,144 12,573 1,800 1,800
01 004 434 4212 Street Lighting 171,601 177,587 164,562 179,800 189,800 154,962 194,850 194,850
01 004 430 4230 Highway: Uniforms 7,469 8,322 (19) 3,599 599 345 1,260 4,000
01 004 430 4240 Highway: Office Supplies 2,614 3,366 2,871 - 1,150 776 1,000 1,000
01 004 430 4245 Highway: Postage - - 2,289 - 5,000 5,000 - -
01 004 430 4250 Highway: Operating Supplies 28,054 27,239 16,994 19,190 15,190 10,446 15,000 15,000
01 004 432 4250 Snow & Ice: Operating Supplies 176,997 109,152 161,502 146,450 159,450 98,102 120,600 120,600
01 004 433 4250 Traffic Signal: Operating Supplies 30,160 24,664 15,007 20,200 19,300 16,011 21,500 21,500
01 004 435 4250 Curb & Sidewalks: Operating Supplies 8,389 7,171 6,448 7,196 9,196 8,145 7,200 7,200
01 004 435 4250 Road Maintenance: Operating Supplies 6,722 15,156 4,404 11,110 9,610 6,545 10,000 10,000
01 004 436 4250 Drainage: Operating Supplies 5,381 11,654 11,439 5,757 11,257 7,976 6,500 6,500
01 004 430 4330 Highway: Rentals 10,497 - - - - - 1,000 1,000
01 004 430 4340 Highway: Professional Development 2,114 2,149 242 - - - 500 500
01 004 430 4345 Highway: Dues & Subscriptions - - 139 - 15 15 250 250
01 004 430 4360 Highway: Contractual Services 7,774 18,015 23,921 20,200 13,200 2,665 2,500 2,500
01 004 431 4360 Street Cleaning: Contractual Services 10,380 14,025 9,750 11,635 16,835 15,250 13,000 13,000
01 004 432 4360 Snow & Ice: Contractual Services - - 7,800 5,555 16,455 11,440 9,500 9,500
01 004 438 4360 Road Maintenance: Contractual Services - 3,600 - - - - 10,000 10,000
01 004 434 4420 Street Lighting: Maint. & Repairs 30,034 33,035 48,428 42,420 36,420 29,856 35,330 35,330
01 004 430 4430 Highway: Maint. & Repairs: Mach. & Equipment 31,950 23,139 29,903 30,300 41,610 34,606 30,300 30,300
01 004 432 4430 Snow & Ice: Maint. & Repair - 4,058 4,833 5,555 5,555 2,602 5,500 5,500
01 004 433 4450 Traffic Signal: Maint. & Repair 33,033 40,011 20,949 20,200 20,200 13,158 20,200 20,200
01 004 430 4470 Highway: Maint. & Repairs: Comm. Equipment 3,054 4,024 3,124 3,535 3,285 2,637 3,350 3,350
01 004 430 4510 Highway: Gas, Oil & Lubricants 49,691 53,629 65,559 56,870 69,370 57,743 70,500 70,500
01 004 430 4520 Highway: Tires, Batteries & Accessories 17,305 11,003 21,313 15,150 15,150 10,037 15,150 15,150
01 004 430 4530 Highway: Repair Parts 35,746 22,193 27,532 20,200 38,600 31,563 30,000 30,000
01 004 430 4540 Highway: Contracted Maint. & Repairs 7,696 3,960 4,942 5,050 7,770 6,363 5,800 5,800
TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 2,136,538 $ 1,755,648 $ 1,838,991 $ 1,863,339 $ 1,969,184 $ 1,438,979 $ 1,916,430 $ 1,840,016
$Δ $ (380,891) $ 83,343 $ 24,348 $ 130,193 $ (52,754) $ (129,168)
%Δ -18% 5% 1% 7% -3% -7%


01 004 437 4010 Salaries 414,185 223,250 197,943 189,107 187,607 157,373 196,000 186,435
01 004 437 4020 Overtime 3,951 1,772 1,448 1,000 1,000 252 1,000 1,000
01 004 437 4030 Longevity - - - - - - - 2,357
01 004 437 4230 Uniforms - - 7,509 7,070 5,070 3,736 5,500 5,500
01 004 437 4250 Operating Supplies 19,677 20,635 16,797 19,190 14,190 11,773 18,850 18,850
TOTAL TOOLS & MACHINERY $ 437,813 $ 245,657 $ 223,697 $ 216,367 $ 207,867 $ 173,134 $ 221,350 $ 214,142
$Δ $ (192,156) $ (21,960) $ (7,330) $ (15,830) $ 13,483 $ 6,275
%Δ -44% -9% -3% -7% 6% 3%

46 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011


01 005 450 4010 Salaries 244,609 235,082 220,240 220,471 207,471 185,897 223,150 157,530
01 004 450 4020 Overtime - - - - - - - 1,000
01 005 450 4030 Longevity 4,329 4,854 5,379 6,804 4,994 2,894 4,340 4,137
01 005 450 4240 Office Supplies 2,097 5,076 3,352 - 1,000 577 2,000 2,000
01 005 450 4245 Postage - - 40 - - - 2,000 2,000
01 005 450 4340 Professional Development 3,805 3,590 2,820 1,000 300 213 1,000 1,000
01 005 450 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - 295 2,000 500 140 500 500
01 005 450 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 16,144 4,002 3,077 - 3,000 2,469 1,000 1,000
01 005 450 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories 955 - - 505 505 - 500 500
01 005 450 4530 Repair Parts 13,633 - 1,603 2,020 1,520 - 2,000 2,000
01 005 450 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs 605 35 90 505 505 - 500 500
TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATION $ 286,176 $ 252,639 $ 236,897 $ 233,305 $ 219,795 $ 192,190 $ 236,990 $ 172,167
$Δ $ (33,536) $ (15,742) $ (3,592) $ (17,102) $ 17,195 $ (47,628)
%Δ -12% -6% -2% -7% 8% -22%

01 005 451 4010 Salaries 901,447 866,858 925,060 967,920 957,920 807,402 1,002,000 961,632
01 005 451 4020 Overtime 10,570 7,108 5,592 5,000 5,700 4,152 5,000 5,000
01 005 451 4030 Longevity 19,567 16,596 18,275 23,542 22,542 10,117 29,000 21,827
01 005 451 4210 Utilities 45,520 42,292 47,192 35,350 47,750 39,670 42,500 55,000
01 005 451 4220 Communications - - 833 859 859 662 825 825
01 005 451 4230 Uniforms - - 496 1,151 1,151 423 1,350 1,350
01 005 451 4250 Operating Supplies 88,871 107,300 97,467 95,950 96,050 92,544 100,000 95,000
01 005 451 4340 Professional Development 549 1,293 510 750 750 360 750 750
01 005 451 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - 100 - - - 250 250
01 005 451 4360 Contractual Services 27,623 34,784 19,826 33,936 30,936 22,456 33,500 19,589
01 005 451 4420 Maint. & Repairs: Bldgs & Fixtures 12,830 12,519 6,603 12,120 6,120 3,962 12,120 12,120
01 005 451 4430 Maint. & Repairs: Mach. & Equip. 22,900 20,350 26,762 20,200 25,700 21,032 24,000 24,000
01 005 451 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants - 13,341 13,514 10,760 12,760 10,336 12,600 12,600
01 005 451 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories - 2,107 4,676 3,636 4,936 3,862 5,400 5,400
01 005 451 4530 Repair Parts - 13,756 18,059 22,220 18,520 14,430 22,200 22,200
01 005 451 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs - 4,648 17,511 20,200 20,200 15,916 20,200 20,200
01 005 451 4630 Mier-Machinery & Equipment 3,060 4,027 3,915 3,030 4,730 3,709 3,600 3,600
TOTAL PARKS MAINTENANCE $ 1,132,937 $ 1,146,980 $ 1,206,390 $ 1,256,624 $ 1,256,624 $ 1,051,032 $ 1,315,295 $ 1,261,343
$Δ $ 14,043 $ 59,410 $ 50,234 $ 50,234 $ 58,671 $ 4,719
%Δ 1% 5% 4% 4% 5% 0%

01 005 453 4250 Operating Supplies 15,038 23,102 13,057 8,838 8,838 5,138 55,000 55,000
01 005 453 4251 Trees: Chanticleer Tree Program - - - 10,000 2,985 - - 7,015
TOTAL SHADE TREES $ 15,038 $ 23,102 $ 13,057 $ 18,838 $ 11,823 $ 5,138 $ 55,000 $ 62,015
$Δ $ 8,064 $ (10,045) $ 5,781 $ (1,234) $ 43,177 $ 50,192
%Δ 54% -43% 44% -9% 365% 425%

01 005 454 4010 Salaries: Part-Time 96,800 122,536 107,839 125,000 97,000 94,373 150,000 125,000
01 005 454 4260 Recreation Supplies 50,795 50,799 53,379 91,152 26,152 17,113 5,500 5,500
01 005 454 4330 Rentals 68,548 29,951 15,114 47,723 7,723 4,485 20,000 20,000
01 005 454 4360 Contractual Services 194,001 219,124 190,200 153,682 236,682 176,845 180,000 180,000
TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAMS $ 410,144 $ 422,409 $ 366,532 $ 417,557 $ 367,557 $ 292,816 $ 355,500 $ 330,500
$Δ $ 12,265 $ (55,877) $ 51,025 $ 1,025 $ (12,057) $ (37,057)
%Δ 3% -13% 14% 0% -3% -10%

47 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 005 455 4010 Salaries - - 10,150 - - - 8,000 8,000
01 005 455 4210 Utilities - - 23,878 45,450 25,450 18,983 35,000 35,000
01 005 455 4220 Communications - - 1,905 2,280 2,280 1,873 2,200 2,200
01 005 455 4240 Office Supplies - - 38 480 480 336 200 200
01 005 455 4250 Operating Supplies - - 499 6,717 3,717 1,409 5,000 5,000
01 005 455 4360 Contractual Services - 212 28,330 29,350 54,350 43,865 55,000 55,000
01 005 455 4420 Maint. & Repair: Bldgs & Fixtures - - 130 5,050 3,450 3,187 5,000 5,000
01 005 455 4430 Maint. & Repair: Mach & Equip. - - - 1,010 610 - 1,000 1,000
TOTAL SULPIZIO GYM $ - $ 212 $ 64,931 $ 90,337 $ 90,337 $ 69,653 $ 111,400 $ 111,400
$Δ $ 212 $ 64,719 $ 25,406 $ 25,406 $ 21,063 $ 21,063
%Δ #DIV/0! 30497% 39% 39% 23% 23%

01 006 440 4380 Contributions 791,893 815,650 815,650 815,875 815,875 679,710 815,650 815,650
01 004 403 4422 Maint. & Repair: Library - - - - - - - 10,855
TOTAL LIBRARY $ 791,893 $ 815,650 $ 815,650 $ 815,875 $ 815,875 $ 679,710 $ 815,650 $ 826,505
$Δ $ 23,757 $ - $ 225 $ 225 $ (225) $ 10,630
%Δ 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1%

01 007 464 4380 Contributions 168,888 177,585 177,085 177,585 177,585 173,310 - 177,585
01 007 464 4381 Contributions to Studio 21 67,980 70,019 70,019 70,019 70,019 70,019 70,019 70,019
01 007 464 4382 R.E.C.T. Contributions - - 18,058 - 50,006 - - 55,000
TOTAL SPECIAL SERVICES $ 236,868 $ 247,604 $ 265,162 $ 247,604 $ 297,610 $ 243,329 $ 70,019 $ 302,604
$Δ $ 10,736 $ 17,558 $ (17,558) $ 32,448 $ (227,591) $ 4,994
%Δ 5% 7% -7% 12% -76% 2%

01 008 470 4110 Social Security Taxes 818,935 771,527 793,295 785,488 745,488 616,505 813,137 743,154
01 008 470 4130 Retired Employee Pension - - - - - - - -
01 008 470 4170 Sick Pay Bonus 16,870 14,035 19,311 17,262 13,860 13,860 20,000 14,560
TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 835,805 $ 785,562 $ 812,607 $ 802,750 $ 759,348 $ 630,365 $ 833,137 $ 757,714
$Δ $ (50,243) $ 27,044 $ (9,857) $ (53,259) $ 73,789 $ (1,634)
%Δ -6% 3% -1% -7% 10% 0%

01 008 471 4321 Workers' Compensation 347,068 377,025 371,603 346,375 371,375 364,099 381,013 462,500
01 008 471 4322 Liability 360,901 327,035 297,627 265,596 270,681 270,681 276,220 254,220
01 008 471 4323 Unemployment 1,270 6,076 91,796 63,872 51,072 51,060 66,427 55,000
01 008 471 4324 Group Life & Disability 324,104 270,530 151,494 255,487 180,487 104,970 265,706 260,000
01 008 471 4325 Health Benefits - 3,757,072 4,057,904 4,026,803 3,956,803 3,289,586 4,429,483 4,367,885
TOTAL INSURANCE $ 1,033,344 $ 4,737,738 $ 4,970,425 $ 4,958,133 $ 4,830,418 $ 4,080,395 $ 5,418,849 $ 5,399,605
$Δ $ 3,704,394 $ 232,687 $ (12,292) $ (140,007) $ 588,431 $ 569,187
%Δ 358% 5% 0% -3% 12% 12%

01 008 473 4910 Prior Year Refunds 78,284 6,197 - 75,000 20,434 11,434 - -
TOTAL OTHER $ 78,284 $ 6,197 $ - $ 75,000 $ 20,434 $ 11,434 $ - $ -
$Δ $ (72,087) $ (6,197) $ 75,000 $ 20,434 $ (20,434) $ (20,434)
%Δ -92% -100% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! -100% -100%

48 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
General Fund (#01) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2011

01 008 482 4940 Tax Anticipation Note Interest 55,392 - - - - - - -
01 008 485 4950 Tax Anticipation Note Principal 1,617,200 - - - - - - -
01 008 487 4970 Service Charges 4,400 5,341 2,900 4,850 4,850 950 5,000 5,000
01 010 483 4930 Bond Interest 1,296,158 1,261,527 - - - - - -
01 010 486 4960 Bond Principal 1,458,150 1,508,925 - - - - - -
DEBT SERVICE $ 4,431,300 $ 2,775,793 $ 2,900 $ 4,850 $ 4,850 $ 950 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
$Δ $ (1,655,507) $ (2,772,893) $ 1,950 $ 1,950 $ 150 $ 150
%Δ -37% -100% 67% 67% 3% 3%


01 011 490 5002 Sewer Fund - 415,778 - - - - - -
01 011 490 5005 Capital Improvement - 150,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 - 225,000 225,000
01 011 490 5001 Capital Improvement (Act 511) - - 25,000 - - - - -
01 011 490 5007 Police Pension 624,992 522,000 534,000 560,000 560,000 555,000 822,301 822,301
01 011 490 5009 Insurance Fund 3,130,000 - - - - - - -
01 011 490 5011 Civilian Pension 874,434 772,800 758,475 718,000 718,000 305,000 1,177,840 1,252,960
01 011 490 5012 Unused Leave Liability - - - - - - - -
01 011 490 5013 OPEB Liability - - - 712,000 - - 317,000 317,000
01 011 490 5018 Educational Agency 80,000 80,000 - - - - - -
01 011 490 5023 Willows - - 90,000 87,000 87,000 - 141,250 49,203
01 011 490 5024 Debt Service - - - 3,020,630 3,232,757 1,357,598 3,270,618 3,389,605
TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS $ 4,709,426 $ 1,940,578 $ 1,582,475 $ 5,297,630 $ 4,797,757 $ 2,217,598 $ 5,954,009 $ 6,056,069
$Δ $ (2,768,848) $ (358,103) $ 3,715,155 $ 3,215,282 $ 1,156,252 $ 1,258,312
%Δ -59% -18% 235% 203% 24% 26%

GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 26,417,401 $ 24,772,509 $ 23,054,714 $ 26,201,319 $ 25,622,241 $ 19,143,447 $ 27,457,780 $ 27,124,374
$Δ $ (1,644,891) $ (1,717,796) $ 3,146,605 $ 2,567,527 $ 1,835,540 $ 1,502,134
%Δ -6% -7% 14% 11% 7% 6%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 2,401,394 $ 3,696,343 $ 4,822,903 $ 3,294,897 $ 3,294,897 $ 3,294,897 $ 3,981,763 $ 3,981,763
Revenues 28,411,512 26,747,817 19,964,490 24,796,098 26,309,106 24,201,522 23,331,583 26,714,040
Expenditures 26,417,401 24,772,509 23,054,714 26,201,319 25,622,241 19,143,447 27,457,780 27,124,374
Accrual / Misc Adjustments (699,162) (848,748) 1,562,218 - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 3,696,343 $ 4,822,903 $ 3,294,897 $ 1,889,676 $ 3,981,763 $ 8,352,972 $ (144,434) $ 3,571,429

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ 1,294,949 $ 1,126,559 $ (1,528,006) $ (1,405,221) $ 686,866 $ 5,058,075 $ (4,126,197) $ (410,334)

49 of 124

50 of 124
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
Public Works Department: Sewer Fund
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Sewer Operations
02-004-421-4210 This line item funds the utilities needed to operate the
Utilities sewer pumping stations.
02-004-421-4230 This line item funds the cost of tee shirts and sweatshirts
Uniforms (Safety Green) of rate employees.
02-004-421-4250 This line item funds the cost of items utilized for sewer
Operating supplies operations. This list would include bet not be limited to
root treatment chemicals, safety equipment, degreaser,
manhole casting and lids, manhole risers, pipe, pumping
station parts and supplies and other miscellaneous items.
02-004-421-4330 This line item funds the cost of rents paid to other
Rentals municipalities for transporting sewage. These
municipalities would include Tredyffrin Township,
Upper Merion Township, Lower Merion Township and
Haverford Township
02-004-421-4360 This line item funds the cost of maintenance contracts
Contractual Services for the back up power systems at the sanitary sewer
pumping stations
02-004-421-4490 This line item funds the cost of repairs to the sanitary
Maintenance and Repairs sewer mains and pumping stations
02-004-421-4510 This line item funds the cost of all fluids used in
Gasoline, Oil, Lubricants operating the Sewer Department fleet of vehicles and
02-004-421-4520 This line item funds tires, batteries and accessories for
Tires, Batteries, Accessories the Sewer Department fleet of vehicles and equipment.
02-004-421-4530 This line item funds tires, batteries and accessories for
Repair Parts the Sewer Department fleet of vehicles.
02-004-421-4540 This line item funds all costs associated with repairs to
Contracted Maintenance and vehicles that cannot be completed in house.

51 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Sewer Fund (#02) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


02 340 3014 Interest & Rents 113,039 43,655 17,304 8,000 5,994 4,744 3,000 3,000
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 113,039 $ 43,655 $ 17,304 $ 8,000 $ 5,994 $ 4,744 $ 3,000 $ 3,000
$Δ $ (69,384) $ (26,351) $ (9,304) $ (11,310) $ (2,994) $ (2,994)
%Δ -61% -60% -54% -65% -50% -50%

02 360 3106 Current Year Face 4,634,770 4,977,188 5,074,476 5,105,851 4,543,791 4,508,897 4,948,071 5,122,286
02 360 3107 Rent - Current Year Penalties 10,150 38,070 53,897 - 35,072 31,508 33,029 33,029
02 360 3116 Rent - Prior Years 100,351 163,596 57,999 90,000 43,558 36,155 102,986 102,986
02 360 3126 Connection Fees 12,500 17,508 14,450 8,500 1,700 1,700 13,240 13,240
02 360 3160 Sewer Charges 35,027 7,504 6,432 7,000 10,851 10,851 13,991 13,991
TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS $ 4,792,798 $ 5,203,865 $ 5,207,253 $ 5,211,351 $ 4,634,972 $ 4,589,111 $ 5,111,317 $ 5,285,532
$Δ $ 411,067 $ 3,388 $ 4,098 $ (572,281) $ 476,345 $ 650,560
%Δ 9% 0% 0% -11% 10% 14%

02 370 3037 Miscellaneious 30,620 24,320 16,248 10,000 12,297 12,297 10,000 10,000
02 370 3057 Cash Over / Short 2 0 (0) - - (1) - -
02 370 3097 Tax Anticipation Note 900,000 1,310,000 - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 930,621 $ 1,334,320 $ 16,248 $ 10,000 $ 12,297 $ 12,297 $ 10,000 $ 10,000
$Δ $ 403,699 $ (1,318,072) $ (6,248) $ (3,951) $ (2,297) $ (2,297)
%Δ 43% -99% -38% -24% -19% -19%

02 390 3019 From General Fund - 415,778 - - - - - -
TOTAL TRANSFERS $ - $ 415,778 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
$Δ $ 415,778 $ (415,778) $ - $ - $ - $ -
%Δ #DIV/0! -100% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

GRAND TOTAL: SEWER FUND $ 5,836,458 $ 6,997,618 $ 5,240,805 $ 5,229,351 $ 4,653,263 $ 4,606,153 $ 5,124,317 $ 5,298,532
$ 1,161,160 $ (1,756,813) $ (11,454) $ (587,542) $ (634,652) $ 471,054 $ 645,269
19.89% -25.11% -0.22% -11.21% -12.11% 10.12% 13.87%

52 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Sewer Fund (#02) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

02 004 421 4010 Salaries 490,205 329,783 309,850 232,153 237,153 198,429 236,000 229,757
02 004 421 4020 Overtime 63,655 28,874 24,557 20,000 18,000 14,898 20,000 20,000
02 004 421 4030 Longevity 11,365 12,579 10,767 9,875 9,875 4,733 9,720 9,673
02 004 421 4210 Utilities 21,086 20,435 19,748 19,000 20,200 16,342 21,000 21,000
02 004 421 4220 Communications - - 3,190 3,000 3,600 2,933 3,300 3,300
02 004 421 4230 Uniforms - - 110 475 475 90 475 475
02 004 421 4250 Operating Supplies 29,281 24,115 28,093 30,000 21,000 16,433 25,700 25,700
02 004 421 4330 Rentals 112,671 121,662 123,190 126,000 113,000 110,293 132,000 132,000
02 004 421 4360 Contractual Services 23,596 8,726 11,306 10,000 9,000 5,181 5,000 5,000
02 004 421 4430 Maint. & Repair: Mach. & Equipment 12,520 8,215 15 1,000 1,000 64 1,000 1,000
02 004 421 4490 Maint. & Repair: Sewers 250,465 113,281 112,384 500,000 310,000 24,665 125,000 125,000
02 004 421 4510 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 16,892 19,616 13,949 15,000 15,000 11,724 15,000 15,000
02 004 421 4520 Tires, Batteries & Accessories 65 1,086 1,717 3,000 3,000 870 1,300 1,300
02 004 421 4530 Repair Parts 2,009 1,242 2,474 3,000 3,000 2,282 3,000 3,000
02 004 421 4540 Contracted Maint. & Repairs 689 2,180 378 500 500 150 5,000 5,000
02 004 421 45_ _ Capital Improvements - - - - - - 630,000 490,000
TOTAL SEWER OPERATIONS $ 1,034,499 $ 691,794 $ 661,727 $ 973,003 $ 764,803 $ 409,089 $ 1,233,495 $ 1,087,205
$Δ $ (342,706) $ (30,067) $ 311,276 $ 103,076 $ 468,692 $ 322,402
%Δ -33% -4% 47% 16% 61% 42%

02 004 423 4010 Salaries 408,841 363,116 97,314 - - - - -
02 004 423 4030 Longevity 5,777 2,378 406 - - - - -
02 004 423 4240 Office Supplies 13,766 11,375 7,442 - 5,700 5,655 - 6,000
02 004 423 4245 Postage - - 57 - 3,100 3,055 - 3,500
02 004 423 4310 Advertising & Printing 5,796 5,585 - - - - - -
02 004 423 4340 Professional Development 2,562 1,874 736 - - - - -
02 004 423 4345 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - - - - -
02 004 423 4360 Contractual Services 20,595 24,069 33,273 - 23,200 23,119 - 25,000
02 004 423 4361 Legal Services - General - - 2,583 2,500 15,800 9,762 - 16,000
02 004 423 4370 Professional Services 8,600 15,000 12,000 - - - - -
02 004 423 4410 Minor Office Equipment 3,721 85 258 - - - - -
TOTAL SEWER ADMINISTRATION $ 469,658 $ 423,483 $ 154,069 $ 2,500 $ 47,800 $ 41,590 $ - $ 50,500
$Δ $ (46,175) $ (269,414) $ (151,569) $ (106,269) $ (47,800) $ 2,700
%Δ -10% -64% -98% -69% -100% 6%

02 004 470 4110 Social Security Taxes 67,285 56,939 34,118 20,045 20,045 16,855 20,400 20,260
02 004 470 4170 Sick Pay Bonus 1,120 1,610 2,109 2,109 2,109 1,765 2,100 1,365
TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 68,405 $ 58,549 $ 36,227 $ 22,154 $ 22,154 $ 18,620 $ 22,500 $ 21,625
$Δ $ (9,856) $ (22,322) $ (14,073) $ (14,073) $ 346 $ (529)
%Δ -14% -38% -39% -39% 2% -2%

53 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Sewer Fund (#02) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

02 004 471 4321 Workers' Compensation 24,951 22,608 18,497 11,708 11,708 - 12,176 12,500
02 004 471 4322 Liability Insurance 21,701 20,621 14,770 - - - - 22,000
02 004 471 4324 Group Life & Disability 15,388 10,945 6,941 11,436 7,836 2,502 11,893 10,000
02 004 471 4325 Health Benefits - - - - - - - 102,178
TOTAL INSURANCE $ 62,040 $ 54,173 $ 40,208 $ 23,144 $ 19,544 $ 2,502 $ 24,070 $ 146,678
$Δ $ (7,866) $ (13,966) $ (17,064) $ (20,664) $ 4,526 $ 127,134
%Δ -13% -26% -42% -51% 23% 651%

02 004 473 4910 Prior Year Refunds - - - - - 239 - -
TOTAL OTHER $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 239 $ - $ -
$Δ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
%Δ #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!


02 004 489 4990 Rentals 3,073,238 3,286,434 3,039,311 3,527,569 2,925,890 2,645,676 3,707,239 3,486,054
TOTAL RHM SEWER AUTHORITY RENTAL $ 3,073,238 $ 3,286,434 $ 3,039,311 $ 3,527,569 $ 2,925,890 $ 2,645,676 $ 3,707,239 $ 3,486,054
$Δ $ 213,195 $ (247,123) $ 488,258 $ (113,421) $ 781,349 $ 560,164
%Δ 7% -8% 16% -4% 27% 19%

02 008 482 4940 Tax Anticipation Note Interest 31,158 12,489 - - - - - -
02 008 485 4950 Tax Anticipation Note Principal 900,000 1,310,000 - - - - - -
02 008 491 4999 Unappropriated / Designated Reserves - - - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 931,158 $ 1,322,489 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
$Δ $ 391,331 $ (1,322,489) $ - $ - $ - $ -
%Δ 42% -100% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

02 010 483 4930 Interest 40,872 39,476 - - - - - -
02 010 486 4950 Principal 46,540 47,970 - - - - - -
02 010 486 4960 Principal - - - - - - -
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 87,412 $ 87,446 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
$Δ $ 34 $ (87,446) $ - $ - $ - $ -
%Δ 0% -100% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

54 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Sewer Fund (#02) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

02 011 490 4004 General Fund - Overhead - - - 400,000 292,000 - 400,000 292,000
02 011 490 5001 General Fund - 171,395 300,000 92,000 - - 92,000 -
02 011 490 50052 Capital Improvement Fund - - 25,000 - - - - -
02 011 490 5009 Insurance Fund 350,000 - - - - - - -
02 011 490 5011 Civilian Pension Fund 157,000 67,200 123,025 47,052 47,052 - 75,120 50,409
02 011 490 5024 Debt Service Fund - - 96,258 390,664 390,664 190,000 42,549 88,032
TOTAL TRANASFERS $ 507,000 $ 238,595 $ 544,283 $ 929,716 $ 729,716 $ 190,000 $ 609,669 $ 430,441
$Δ $ (268,405) $ 305,688 $ 385,433 $ 185,433 $ (120,047) $ (299,275)
%Δ -53% 128% 71% 34% -16% -41%

GRAND TOTAL SEWER FUND $ 6,233,410 $ 6,162,962 $ 4,475,825 $ 5,478,086 $ 4,509,907 $ 3,307,717 $ 5,596,972 $ 5,222,503

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 609,658 $ 212,705 $ 416,715 $ 1,864,588 $ 1,864,588 $ 1,864,588 $ 2,007,944 $ 2,007,944
Revenues 5,836,458 6,997,618 5,240,805 5,229,351 4,653,263 4,606,153 5,124,317 5,298,532
Expenditures 6,233,410 6,162,962 4,475,825 5,478,086 4,509,907 3,307,717 5,596,972 5,222,503
Accrual / Misc Adjustments - (630,646) 682,894 - - - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 212,705 $ 416,715 $ 1,864,588 $ 1,615,853 $ 2,007,944 $ 3,163,024 $ 1,535,289 $ 2,083,973

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ (396,953) $ 204,009 $ 1,447,874 $ (248,735) $ 143,356 $ 1,298,435 $ (472,655) $ 76,029

55 of 124

56 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Liquid Fuels Fund (#03) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


03 340 3014 Interest & Rents 17,232 9,435 1,933 1,000 821 821 150 150
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 17,232 $ 9,435 $ 1,933 $ 1,000 $ 821 $ 821 $ 150 $ 150


03 350 3055 Grants & Gifts 566,772 616,992 595,088 590,000 570,967 570,967 571,154 571,154
TOTAL GRANTS & GIFTS $ 566,772 $ 616,992 $ 595,088 $ 590,000 $ 570,967 $ 570,967 $ 571,154 $ 571,154

GRAND TOTAL: LIQUID FUELS FUND $ 584,004 $ 626,427 $ 597,021 $ 591,000 $ 571,788 $ 571,788 $ 571,304 $ 571,304
$ 42,423 $ (29,406) $ (6,021) $ (25,233) $ (25,233) $ (484) $ (484)
7.26% -4.69% -1.01% -4.23% -4.23% -0.08% -0.08%

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Line Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


03 004 439 4880 Resurfacing & Rebuilding 400,000 410,000 272,341 345,222 295,204 - 571,304 571,304
TOTAL HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION & REBUILDING $ 400,000 $ 410,000 $ 272,341 $ 345,222 $ 295,204 $ - $ 571,304 $ 571,304

03 011 490 5001 General Fund 229,192 235,000 286,030 244,778 244,778 - - -
TOTAL TRANSFERS $ 229,192 $ 235,000 $ 286,030 $ 244,778 $ 244,778 $ - $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL - LIQUID FUELS FUND $ 629,192 $ 645,000 $ 558,371 $ 590,000 $ 539,982 $ - $ 571,304 $ 571,304
$ 15,808 $ (86,629) $ (7,021) $ (57,039) $ (597,021) $ 31,322 $ 31,322
2.51% -13.43% -1.18% -9.55% -100.00% 5.80% 5.80%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 75,146 $ 24,150 $ 5,577 $ 7,522 $ 7,522 $ 7,522 $ 39,328 $ 39,328
Revenues 584,004 626,427 597,021 591,000 571,788 571,788 571,304 571,304
Expenditures 629,192 645,000 558,371 590,000 539,982 - 571,304 571,304
Accrual / Misc Adjustments (5,808) - (36,704) - - - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 24,150 $ 5,577 $ 7,522 $ 8,522 $ 39,328 $ 579,311 $ 39,328 $ 39,328

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ (50,996) $ (18,573) $ 1,946 $ 1,000 $ 31,806 $ 571,788 $ - $ -

57 of 124

58 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011-2015



2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 TOTAL

Fund Fund Title
05 General Capital Funding $ 2,197,750 $ 3,192,750 $ 2,480,475 $ 2,563,200 $ 2,864,375 $ 13,298,550
03 Liquid Fuels Funding $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 2,855,000
02 Sanitary Sewer Funding $ 490,000 $ 510,000 $ 520,000 $ 335,000 $ 583,000 $ 2,438,000

TOTAL - ALL SOURCES $ 3,258,750 $ 4,273,750 $ 3,571,475 $ 3,469,200 $ 4,018,375 $ 18,591,550


Code Major Category

1 Water Quality and Management $ 1,075,000 $ 925,000 $ 855,000 $ 750,000 $ 873,000 $ 4,478,000
2 Fire Services $ 650,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ 750,000
3 Traffic Control Systems $ 235,000 $ 58,000 $ 60,000 $ 62,000 $ 64,000 $ 479,000
4 Township Buildings and Grounds $ 257,500 $ 30,000 $ 45,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 372,500
5 Road and Bridge Construction $ 571,000 $ 651,000 $ 741,000 $ 791,000 $ 796,000 $ 3,550,000
6 Equipment and Vehicles $ 370,250 $ 1,436,250 $ 1,093,475 $ 981,200 $ 865,375 $ 4,746,550
7 Parks, Willows and Recreation Facilities $ 100,000 $ 898,500 $ 182,000 $ 440,000 $ 650,000 $ 2,270,500
8 Special Assessment Projects $ - $ 225,000 $ 545,000 $ 425,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,945,000

TOTAL - ALL USES $ 3,258,750 $ 4,273,750 $ 3,571,475 $ 3,469,200 $ 4,018,375 $ 18,591,550

59 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 1



1-01-01 Radnor MS Storm Water Mgmt Improvements 90,000 $ 90,000

1-01-02 Best Mgmt Practices in Residential & Comm. Dist. 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 $ 100,000
1-01-03 NPDES Phase II Permint Implementation (Fed. Mand) 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 $ 75,000
1-01-04 Stream Stabilization - Gulph Creek Road 150,000 $ 150,000
1-01-05 Storm Sewer Replacement - Orchard Way 150,000 $ 150,000
1-01-06 Culvert Replacement - Strathmore Drive 45,000 $ 45,000
1-01-07 Storm Sewer Slip Line - Gulph Creek @ Cricket 15,000 $ 15,000
1-01-08 Storm Sewers: Emergency Repairs 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 $ 100,000
1-01-09 Storm Sewers: N. Wayne Field Stormwater mgmt sys. 40,000 $ 40,000
1-01-10 Culvert Replacement - Marlbridge Drive 190,000 $ 190,000
1-01-11 Replace Stone Wall - Ithan Ave. 250,000 $ 250,000
1-01-12 Storm Sewers: Odorisio Park 35,000 $ 35,000
1-01-13 Storm Sewers: Brookside Avenue 50,000 $ 50,000
1-01-14 Storm Sewers: Atlee Rd & West Wayne 200,000 $ 200,000
1-01-15 Storm Sewers: Orchard Way (Aberdeen to Creek) 175,000 $ 175,000
1-01-16 Storm Sewers: Strathmore Drive 150,000 $ 150,000
1-01-17 Storm Sewers: Arden Road 150,000 $ 150,000
1-01-18 Storm Sewers: Sawmill Road 75,000 $ 75,000

TOTAL - WATER QUALITY & MANAGEMENT (1) $ 585,000 $ 415,000 $ 335,000 $ 415,000 $ 290,000 $ 2,040,000

60 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 1


1-02-01 Smoke Testing 10,000 10,000 $ 20,000
1-02-02 Smoke Testing Repairs 40,000 40,000 40,000 $ 120,000
1-02-03 Upgrades to sewer pumping stations 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 $ 500,000
1-02-04 New Sanitary Sewer - Courtney / Wooton 150,000 $ 150,000
1-02-05 Pump Station Removal (Courtney) 50,000 $ 50,000
1-02-06 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Lantoga Rd (Conestoga to Rt.30) 150,000 $ 150,000
1-02-07 Replace Sanitary Sewer - S. Wayne Ave. (Pembroke to Audobon) 200,000 $ 200,000
1-02-08 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Pembroke (S.Aberdeen to St. Davids) 200,000 $ 200,000
1-02-09 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Windemere (Louella to S. Aberdeen) 200,000 $ 200,000
1-02-10 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Bloomingdale (W.Wayne to Runnymeade) 150,000 $ 150,000
1-02-11 Replace 4x4 Pick-up #81 (2001) 30,000 $ 30,000
1-02-12 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Runnymeade (Bloomingdale to S. Wayne) 225,000 $ 225,000
1-02-13 Replace Dump Trucks #82 (2000) 168,000 $ 168,000
1-02-14 Replace Sanitary Sewer - Lancaster (Waynewood to Kromer Rd) 275,000 $ 275,000

TOTAL - SANITARY SEWER MANAGEMENT $ 490,000 $ 510,000 $ 520,000 $ 335,000 $ 583,000 $ 2,438,000

61 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 2



2-01 Bryn Mawr Fire Company Floor Contriubtion 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000
2-02 Radnor Fire Company Fire Truck (Carried Forward) 600,000

TOTAL - FIRE SERVICES (2) $ 650,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ 150,000

62 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 3



3-01 Engineering Cost - Traffic Signal (Raider HS) 1 20,000 $ 20,000

3-02 Replace Signal Cabinets (1/year) 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 $ 52,000
3-03 Engineering Cost - Closed loop system (Lancaster) 15,000 $ 15,000
3-04 Upgrades Conestoga Rd at Radnor Chester & Sproul 50,000 $ 50,000
3-05 Install Signal at Radnor Chester & Raider Road 1 150,000 $ 150,000
3-06 Install Preemption & Upgrade - W Wayne & Conestoga 45,000 $ 45,000
3-07 Install Preemption & Upgrade - King of Prussia & Eagle 47,000 $ 47,000
3-08 Upgrade Installation - King of Prussia & Matsonford 49,000 $ 49,000
3-09 Upgrade Installation - King of Prussia & Radnor Chester 51,000 $ 51,000

TOTAL - TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS (3) $ 235,000 $ 58,000 $ 60,000 $ 62,000 $ 64,000 $ 479,000

1. Assumes funding participation from Radnor School District and Keystone Property Trust

63 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 4



4-1-01 UPS Back-up Power Batteries - Township Building 10,000 $ 10,000

4-1-02 Upgrade Streetlights - 1 development / year 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 $ 80,000
4-1-03 Concrete Repair (Public Works Fuel Pad Area) 25,000 25,000 $ 50,000

TOTAL - TOWNSHIP BUILDING & GROUNDS (4-1) $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 45,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 140,000



4-2-01 Roof Replacement 1 65,000 - - - - $ 65,000

4-2-02 Bathroom Improvements (Partition replacement) 1 25,000 - - - - $ 25,000
4-2-03 Exterior Lighting Improvements 1 15,000 - - - - $ 15,000
4-2-04 Fencing Installation (around AC units) 1 6,000 - - - - $ 6,000
4-2-05 Repoint Stone Walls 1 17,000 - - - - $ 17,000
4-2-06 Replace HVAC System 1 92,000 - - - - $ 92,000
4-2-07 Replace Main Doors - Library (Grant covers other 50%) 1 12,500 - - - - $ 12,500

TOTAL - TOWNSHIP BUILDINGS, LIBRARY (4-2) $ 232,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 232,500

TOTAL - TWP BLDGS, GROUNDS, LIBRARY (4) $ 257,500 $ 30,000 $ 45,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 372,500

1. Funding from the return of the 2004 Bond Proceeds to the Township in 2010

64 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 5



5-1-01 Bridge Repainting - Matsonford Road - - - 45,000 - $ 45,000

5-1-02 Retaining Wall Replacement - Glenbrook Pkg Lot - 40,000 160,000 - - $ 200,000
5-1-03 Sidewalk Survey - - 10,000 10,000 - $ 20,000
5-1-04 Bridge Improvements - Damaged Headwalls / Decks - 40,000 - 40,000 - $ 80,000
5-1-05 Bridge Headwall Replacement - Hermitage Dr - - - 125,000 - $ 125,000
5-1-06 Sidewalk Installation - Lancaster / KOP / RC Roads - - - - 225,000 $ 225,000

TOTAL - GENERAL ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTR. (5) $ - $ 80,000 $ 170,000 $ 220,000 $ 225,000 $ 695,000



5-2-01 Resurfacing and Milling of Township Roads 571,000 571,000 571,000 571,000 571,000 $ 2,855,000

TOTAL - LIQUID FUELS ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTR. (3 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 571,000 $ 2,855,000

TOTAL - ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION (5) $ 571,000 $ 651,000 $ 741,000 $ 791,000 $ 796,000 $ 3,550,000

65 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-1-01 Refuse Trucks - Replace 1 per year - 356,000 187,000 193,000 199,000 $ 935,000
6-1-02 Replace 4x4 Pickup Truck #38 (2002) - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000

TOTAL - SOLID WASTE COLLECTION (6-1) $ - $ 356,000 $ 217,000 $ 193,000 $ 199,000 $ 965,000



6-2-01 Replace dump truck plows 2 per year - 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 $ 48,000
6-2-02 Replace Dump Truck #53 (1994) 152,000 - - - - $ 152,000
6-2-03 Replace 4x4 Pickup Truck #44 (2000) - 30,000 - - - $ 30,000
6-2-04 Replace Athey Mobile Sweeper (1999) - 185,000 - - - $ 185,000
6-2-05 Replace Dump Truck #54 (1997) - 156,000 - - - $ 156,000
6-2-06 Replace Leaf Vacuum (1999) - 30,000 - - - $ 30,000
6-2-07 Replace Dump Truck #59 (1997) - - 160,000 - - $ 160,000
6-2-08 Leaf Vacuum - Replace (1998) - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000
6-2-09 Replace Leaf Vacuum (1999) - - - 30,000 - $ 30,000
6-2-10 Replace Dump Truck #58 (1998) - - - 164,000 - $ 164,000
6-2-11 Replace Stake Body #55 (2001) - - - - 65,000 $ 65,000
6-2-12 Replace 4x4 Pickup Truck #47 (2004) - - - - 30,000 $ 30,000
6-2-13 Replace asphalt hot box (1995) - - - - 18,000 $ 18,000
6-2-14 Replace air compressor (1993) - - - - 15,000 $ 15,000

TOTAL - STREETS AND HIGHWAYS (6-2) $ 152,000 $ 413,000 $ 202,000 $ 206,000 $ 140,000 $ 1,113,000

66 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-3-01 Total Station Purchase (CPU & Software) - - 14,000 - - $ 14,000

6-3-02 Semi-Automatic Pistols - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-3-03 Radio Upgrade (carry over from 2009) 35,000 - - - - $ 35,000
6-3-04 Electronic Parking Meters (Lancaster & Louella) - - - 64,000 - $ 64,000
6-3-05 Electronic Parking Meters (N. Wayne Pkg lot) - 15,000 15,000 15,000 - $ 45,000
6-3-06 Vehicle Replacement Program - 164,000 130,000 164,000 130,000 $ 588,000
6-3-07 Command Vehicle Laptop Replacements - 2,000 2,000 - - $ 4,000

TOTAL - POLICE (6-3) $ 35,000 $ 206,000 $ 161,000 $ 243,000 $ 130,000 $ 775,000

67 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-4-01 Replace stake body truck #74 (1997) - Fabricate trash truck - 60,000 - - - $ 60,000
6-4-02 Replace dump truck body & Spreader (#68) - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-4-03 Replace 4x4 Pick Up Truck (#73 - 1996) - 30,000 - - - $ 30,000
6-4-04 Replace Branch Chipper (1992) - 40,000 - - - $ 40,000
6-4-05 Replace Jacobson Blower (1996) - 5,000 - - - $ 5,000
6-4-06 New Dingo Tractor Loader w/Stump Grinder, Vplow & Grapler - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-4-07 Replace Kubota Riding Mower (2002) - 20,000 - - - $ 20,000
6-4-08 Replace John Deere Tractor (1985) - 70,000 - - - $ 70,000
6-4-09 Replace 4x4 Pick Up Truck (#70 - 2000) - 30,000 - - - $ 30,000
6-4-10 Replace Power Arm Mower - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-4-11 New Lazer Grader Box (ball fields) - 20,000 - - - $ 20,000
6-4-12 Replace 4x4 Pick Up Truck (#79 - 2001) - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000
6-4-13 New Bucket Truck - - 175,000 - - $ 175,000
6-4-14 Replace International Tractor (1969) - - - 75,000 - $ 75,000
6-4-15 Replace Toro 580 D (2006) - - - 80,000 - $ 80,000
6-4-16 New Clam Bucket Tractor Attachment - - - 15,000 - $ 15,000
6-4-17 Replace Kubota Riding Mower (2004) - - - 21,000 - $ 21,000
6-4-18 Replace Toro 580 D (2007) - - - - 80,000 $ 80,000

TOTAL - PARKS MAINTENANCE (6-4) $ - $ 350,000 $ 205,000 $ 191,000 $ 80,000 $ 826,000

68 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-5-12 Replace 4x4 Pickup #81 (2001) - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000

6-5-15 Replace Dump Truck #82 (2000) - - - - 168,000 $ 168,000
$ -

TOTAL - SEWER MAINTENANCE (6-5) $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 168,000 $ 198,000



6-6-01 Comm Dev: Replace Vehicle w/ 4x4, Code Official - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-6-02 Comm Dev: Replace Vehicle w/ 4x4, Code Official - - 25,000 - - $ 25,000
6-6-03 Engineering: Survey Equipment Replacement - - 10,000 - - $ 10,000
6-6-04 Engineering: Replace Vehicle w/4x4, Asst. Engineer - - 26,000 - - $ 26,000
6-6-05 Engineering: GPS System - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000
6-6-06 Engineering: Replace Vehicle w/4x4, Engineer - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
6-6-07 Engineering: Aerial Photo Upgrade (GIS System) - 8,000 - - - $ 8,000

TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT (6-6) $ - $ 58,000 $ 91,000 $ - $ - $ 149,000

TOTAL - EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES (6) $ 187,000 $ 1,383,000 $ 906,000 $ 833,000 $ 717,000 $ 4,026,000

69 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-7-01 Software Upgrades (Comm.Dev. - Carry forward) 150,000 - - - - $ 150,000

6-7-02 Software Upgrades (Accounting / ERP) - - 125,000 125,000 125,000 $ 375,000
6-7-03 Computer Replacement Program (18, 12, 11, 10, 12) - 6,000 5,500 5,000 6,000 $ 22,500
6-7-04 Server Replacement Program (x1 per year) - 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 $ 10,000
6-7-05 Finance Laser Printer (Sewer Rent Inv., A/P Checks) - - - - - $ -
6-7-06 Operating Software Updates (Microsoft, Adobe, etc) 33,250 28,500 11,000 7,000 7,000 $ 86,750
6-7-07 CPU Monitor Replacement Program (All depts) - 1,125 1,125 2,250 1,125 $ 5,625
6-7-08 Network Switches - 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 $ 5,600
6-7-09 Internet / Network Monitoring Software - 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 $ 16,000
6-7-10 Recreation Program Mgmt Software (online reg) - - 20,000 - - $ 20,000

TOTAL - SEWER MAINTENANCE (6-5) $ 183,250 $ 45,025 $ 170,025 $ 146,650 $ 146,525 $ 691,475

70 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 6



6-8-01 Apple Mac Pro Computer - 5,000 - - - $ 5,000

6-8-02 Final Cut Studio Software Upgrade - 300 300 300 300 $ 1,200
6-8-03 Monitor Purchases - 300 - - 300 $ 600
6-8-04 Carrying Cases (Camera and field production) - 650 - - - $ 650
6-8-05 Tripod & Carrying Case - 175 - - - $ 175
6-8-06 LCD TV - - - 1,000 1,000 $ 2,000
6-8-07 Netbook (Graphics for teleprompter) - 300 - - - $ 300
6-8-08 Track System (for background curtain in studio) - 350 - - - $ 350
6-8-09 Studio Background Curtain(s) - 600 - - - $ 600
6-8-10 Telephoto lens - 400 - - - $ 400
6-8-11 Digital Camera Flash - 150 - - - $ 150
6-8-12 Video Camera - - 6,500 - - $ 6,500
6-8-13 Monitors in Control Room - - 250 250 250 $ 750
6-8-14 Leightronix Nexus Upgrade - - 10,000 - - $ 10,000
6-8-15 DVD Recorder for Control Room - - 400 - - $ 400

TOTAL - SEWER MAINTENANCE (6-5) $ - $ 8,225 $ 17,450 $ 1,550 $ 1,850 $ 29,075

71 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 7




7-1-01 No planned Improvements at this time - - - - - $ -


OPEN SPACE FUND (7-1) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

72 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 7


7-2-01 Roof Improvement - Small Shed Roof Area - 10,000 - - - $ 10,000

7-2-02 Roof Improvement - Mansion - 12,000 - - - $ 12,000
7-2-03 Gutter Replacement - Mansion - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
7-2-04 Ceiling & Floor Repairs - Mansion - 5,000 - - - $ 5,000
7-2-05 Kitchen / Hallway / Bathroom Floor Replacement - 20,000 - - - $ 20,000
7-2-06 Courtyard Resealing - Mansion - 10,000 - - - $ 10,000
7-2-07 Carpeting for Hallway / Main Stairway - 4,000 - - - $ 4,000
7-2-08 Courtyard Wall & Steps Repair - - 60,000 - - $ 60,000
7-2-09 Courtyard & Driveway Lighting Improvements - 20,000 - - - $ 20,000
7-2-10 Library Room Restoration / Repaneling - 15,000 - - - $ 15,000
7-2-11 Exterior Repainting - Mansion - - - - 50,000 $ 50,000
7-2-12 Sofas for Foyer - Mansion - 2,500 - - - $ 2,500
7-2-13 Ballroom Chairs - - - 20,000 - $ 20,000
7-2-14 Bridal Suite Upgrades - - 5,000 - - $ 5,000
7-2-15 Technological Upgrages (Audio / Visual Functionality) - 10,000 - - - $ 10,000
7-2-16 Signage (lighted) - - - - 8,000 $ 8,000
7-2-17 Fountain Improvements (lighting) - - - - 30,000 $ 30,000
7-2-18 Exterior Lighting Improvements - - - 8,000 - $ 8,000
7-2-19 Interior Repainting - Mansion - - - 40,000 - $ 40,000
7-2-20 Basement Repairs - Mansion - - - - - $ -
7-2-21 Willows Park Comfort Station - - - 100,000 $ 100,000
7-2-22 Replace Wooden Deck Bridge - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000

TOTAL - WILLOWS (7-2) $ - $ 158,500 $ 65,000 $ 68,000 $ 188,000 $ 479,500

73 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 7


7-3-01 Replace Comfort Station/Storage Bldg at Cowan Park (D 100,000 - - - - $ 100,000

7-3-02 Roof Improvement - Fenimore Pavillion - 15,000 - - - $ 15,000
7-3-03 Sidewalk Connection to Radnor Trail - - - 50,000 175,000 $ 225,000
7-3-04 Replace Playground Equipment (various parks) - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ 20,000
7-3-05 Replace Picnic Structures (various parks) - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ 20,000
7-3-06 Fenimore Pavillion Upgrade - 135,000 - - - $ 135,000
7-3-07 Fenimore Woods Storage Building Rehab. - - 50,000 - - $ 50,000
7-3-08 Fenimore Woods Park Sign - 5,000 - - - $ 5,000
7-3-09 Park Signage & Replacements (various parks) - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 $ 8,000
7-3-10 Comfort Station Rehabs. (varous parks) - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 $ 100,000
7-3-11 Clem Macrone Comfort Station Upgrade - - - 75,000 - $ 75,000
7-3-12 Bo Conner Park - Field Repair & Regrading - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
7-3-13 Cowan Park Basketball Court Rehab. - 18,000 - - - $ 18,000
7-3-14 Odorisio Park Comfort Station Upgrade - 75,000 - - - $ 75,000
7-3-15 Odorisio Park - Install Dugouts and Waterline - 25,000 - - - $ 25,000
7-3-16 Emlen Tunnell Park Comfort Station Upgrade - - - 100,000 - $ 100,000
7-3-17 Park Fence Repairs - 5,000 - 5,000 - $ 10,000
7-3-18 Reseal Walking Paths (various parks) - 15,000 - 15,000 - $ 30,000
7-3-19 St. Davids Fountain Repairs & Rehab - - 30,000 - - $ 30,000
7-3-20 Tennis Courts Rehab & Resurfacing - - - 30,000 - $ 30,000
7-3-21 New Park & Gateway Signage - 5,000 - 5,000 - $ 10,000
7-3-22 Encke Park Comfort Station / Concession Stand - - - - 100,000 $ 100,000
7-3-23 West Wayne Preserve Wetlands Restoration - 350,000 - - - $ 350,000
7-3-24 Trail Installation - Harfor Park & Radnor Elem. - - - - 150,000 $ 150,000
7-3-25 Harford Park Fence Installation - - - 55,000 - $ 55,000
7-3-26 RAC: Roof Repairs - - - - - $ -
7-3-27 RAC: Water Line Plumbing Improvements - - - - - $ -
7-3-28 RAC: Interior Upgrades - 30,000 - - - $ 30,000
7-3-29 RAC: Infrastructure / Foundation Repairs - - - - - $ -

TOTAL - GENERAL PARKS & RECREATION (7-3) $ 100,000 $ 740,000 $ 117,000 $ 372,000 $ 462,000 $ 1,791,000

TOTAL - PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES $ 100,000 $ 898,500 $ 182,000 $ 440,000 $ 650,000 $ 2,270,500

74 of 124
FISCAL YEARS 2011 - 2015 GROUP 8



8-01 Sanitary Sewer Install: Hothorpe Lane (11 homes) - 200,000 - - - $ 200,000
8-02 Sanitary Sewer Install: Academy & Sulgrave (16 home - 25,000 300,000 - - $ 325,000
8-03 Sanitary Sewer Install: Roberts Road (11 homes) - - 25,000 250,000 - $ 275,000
8-04 Sanitary Sewer Install: Veterlein Lane (5 homes) - - 200,000 - - $ 200,000
8-05 Sanitary Sewer Install: County Line Road (5 homes) - - 20,000 100,000 - $ 120,000
8-06 Sanitary Sewer Install: Barren Road (17 homes) - - - 50,000 300,000 $ 350,000
8-07 Sanitary Sewer Install: Cricket Lane (17 homes) - - - 25,000 450,000 $ 475,000

TOTAL - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PROJECTS (8) $ - $ 225,000 $ 545,000 $ 425,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,945,000

75 of 124

Reader Note: This version of the proposed budget does not have the 2011 activity of this
fund updated. Further research is necessary before the 2011 activity is included.

76 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Special Assessment Fund (#06) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


06 340 3014 Interest & Rents 19,247 13,806 16,441 8,000 8,000 138 - -
06 340 3048 Interest on Pay Plans 20,822 32,946 6,382 12,552 12,552 9,688 - -
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 40,069 $ 46,752 $ 22,824 $ 20,552 $ 20,552 $ 9,826 $ - $ -


06 370 3037 Grants & Gifts 180 - - - - - - -
06 370 3057 Cash Over / Short (0) - - - - - - -
TOTAL GRANTS & GIFTS $ 180 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


06 383 3408 Conestoga Road - 987 987 1,037 1,037 987 - -
06 370 3338 Glenmary Lane 1,378 1,378 1,378 1,708 1,708 1,378 - -
06 370 3368 St. Davids Ave. - 7,221 - - - - - -
06 370 3388 Boxwood Road 123 703 1,659 - - 703 - -
06 370 3401 Lesley Road 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 1,066 7,774 - -
06 370 3406 Hillside Circle 105,928 17,117 18,268 5,664 5,664 6,640 - -
06 370 3402 Maplewood 3,805 15,917 - - - - - -
06 370 3403 Belrose Lane 4,489 3,323 2,511 3,366 3,366 2,511 - -
06 370 3404 Quaker Lane 43,760 66,459 13,941 5,608 5,608 16,313 - -
06 370 3308 Atlee Road 5,848 4,708 8,079 5,497 5,497 1,933 - -
06 370 3309 Orchard Lane 39,492 - - - - - - -
06 370 3405 Radnor Way - 69,371 14,505 15,136 15,136 49,190 - -
06 370 3318 Brooke Road 11,965 2,261 - - - - - -
06 370 3411 Gulph Creek Road - - - - - 40,449 - -
TOTAL SANITARY SEWER ASSESSMENTS $ 217,854 $ 190,511 $ 62,393 $ 39,082 $ 39,082 $ 127,877 $ - $ -

06 390 3059 From Other Funds 200,000 150,000 43,825 - - - - -
TOTAL TRANSFERS IN $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 43,825 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND $ 458,103 $ 387,262 $ 129,042 $ 59,634 $ 59,634 $ 137,703 $ - $ -
$ (70,841) $ (258,220) $ (69,408) $ (69,408) $ (59,634) $ (59,634)
-15.46% -66.68% -53.79% -53.79% -100.00% -100.00%

77 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Special Assessment Fund (#06) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

06 009 421 4860 General Sanitary Construction 16,611 211,884 153,887 - - - - -
06 009 421 48612 Radnor Way - - 51 - - - - -
TOTAL RESERVES $ 16,611 $ 211,884 $ 153,938 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


06 009 423 4370 Sewer Administration 1,345 3,750 3,000 - - - - -
TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - SEWER ADMIN. $ 1,345 $ 3,750 $ 3,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

06 010 483 4930 Interest 154,056 148,793 - - - - - -
06 010 486 4960 Principal 175,420 180,810 - - - - - -
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 329,476 $ 329,603 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

06 011 490 5024 To Debt Service Fund - - 345,475 59,634 59,634 - - -
TOTAL TRANSFERS $ - $ - $ 345,475 $ 59,634 $ 59,634 $ - $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND $ 347,432 $ 545,237 $ 502,413 $ 59,634 $ 59,634 $ - $ - $ -
$ 197,805 $ (42,824) $ (442,779) $ (442,779) $ (59,634) $ (59,634)
56.93% -7.85% -88.13% -88.13% -100.00% -100.00%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 379,367 $ 490,038 $ 338,596 $ 61,153 $ 61,153 $ 61,153 $ 61,153 $ 61,153
Revenues 458,103 387,262 129,042 59,634 59,634 137,703 - -
Expenditures 347,432 545,237 502,413 59,634 59,634 - - -
Accrual / Misc Adjustments - 6,533 95,929 - - - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 490,038 $ 338,596 $ 61,153 $ 61,153 $ 61,153 $ 198,856 $ 61,153 $ 61,153

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ 110,671 $ (151,442) $ (277,442) $ - $ - $ 137,703 $ - $ -

78 of 124

79 of 124
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

Department Line Item Descriptions:

Park Open Space Fund

Line Item Description

Legal Services – General Allocates funding for legal services needed regarding open space
and land acquisitions.
Professional Services Allocates funding for professional services such as insurance,
legal services, and due-diligence reviews.
Park Improvements Allocates funding for park improvement services such as
comprehensive studies and concept plans, park reviews.
Land Acquisitions Allocates funding for land acquisitions.

80 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Park and Open Space Fund (#22) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


22 310 3011 Local Enabling Tax 897,254 646,973 467,386 600,000 528,806 413,450 517,362 526,667
TOTAL LOCAL ENABLING TAX $ 897,254 $ 646,973 $ 467,386 $ 600,000 $ 528,806 $ 413,450 $ 517,362 $ 526,667


22 340 3014 Interest Earnings 145,819 78,170 20,632 50,000 1,262 1,062 - 750
22 340 3024 Property & Equipment - - - - - - - -
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 145,819 $ 78,170 $ 20,632 $ 50,000 $ 1,262 $ 1,062 $ - $ 750

22 370 3077 Refunds & Miscellaneous 32,500 125,000 - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ 32,500 $ 125,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

22 393 3109 Bond Procees - - - - - - - -
TOTAL DEBT PROCEEDS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL: PARKS & OPEN SPACE FUND $ 1,075,572 $ 850,143 $ 488,018 $ 650,000 $ 530,068 $ 414,511 $ 517,362 $ 527,417
$ (225,429) $ (362,125) $ 161,982 $ 42,050 $ (73,507) $ (12,706) $ (2,651)
-20.96% -42.60% 33.19% 8.62% -15.06% -2.40% -0.50%

81 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Park and Open Space Fund (#22) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

22 005 473 4361 Legal Services - General - - - - - - - -
22 005 473 4370 Professional Services - 4,890 (2,640) - - - - -
22 005 473 4900 Park Improvements 378,712 308,923 15,998 - - - - -
22 005 473 4901 Land Acquisitions - 42,512 14,959 - - - - -
TOTAL OTHER $ 378,712 $ 356,325 $ 28,317 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

22 010 483 4930 Interest 381,614 367,369 - - - - - -
22 010 486 4960 Principal 474,830 491,465 - - - - - -
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 856,444 $ 858,834 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

22 011 490 5001 General Fund 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 - - -
22 011 490 5024 Debt Service Fund - - 857,171 610,563 610,563 450,000 323,469 745,938
TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT $ 230,000 $ 230,000 $ 1,087,171 $ 840,563 $ 840,563 $ 450,000 $ 323,469 $ 745,938

GRAND TOTAL - PARK & OPEN SPACE FUND $ 1,465,155 $ 1,445,159 $ 1,115,488 $ 840,563 $ 840,563 $ 450,000 $ 323,469 $ 745,938
$ (19,997) $ (329,671) $ 352,545 $ 352,545 $ (38,018) $ (517,094) $ (94,625)
-1.36% -22.81% 72.24% 72.24% -7.79% -61.52% -11.26%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 3,104,534 $ 2,714,951 $ 2,225,468 $ 739,424 $ 739,424 $ 739,424 $ 428,929 $ 428,929
Revenues 1,075,572 850,143 488,018 650,000 530,068 414,511 517,362 527,417
Expenditures 1,465,155 1,445,159 1,115,488 840,563 840,563 450,000 323,469 745,938
Accrual / Misc Adjustments - 105,533 (858,575) - - - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 2,714,951 $ 2,225,468 $ 739,424 $ 548,861 $ 428,929 $ 703,935 $ 622,822 $ 210,407

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ (389,583) $ (489,483) $ (1,486,045) $ (190,563) $ (310,495) $ (35,489) $ 193,893 $ (218,521)

82 of 124

83 of 124
Radnor Township Parks & Recreation Department
2011 Operating Budget Narrative

The Willows Responsibility:

The Willows is a 47-acre estate/mansion owned by Radnor Township and used for weddings, private parties, civic
functions, corporate meetings, non-profit fundraisers, Parks and Recreation Programs, community-based events,
craft shows, auctions and other special events.

Department Programs and Services:

Name Description
Planning and Scheduling Schedule and organize events that take place by maintaining a
calendar and working with contracted groups, prospective groups,
community groups and the Parks and Recreation Department.
Development of official contracts and agreements for rentals. Meet
with clients and caterers to tour the facility and examine layout
needs and event aspirations. Coordinate set up and take down
access to the facility for caterers, party rental vendors,
photographers, decorators, etc. Meet with contractors or vendors as
maintenance is conducted at the facility.
Staff Management and Allocation Allocating supervisory staff as needed for all events and set-up.
Assist and guide renters in and out of the facility and serve as a
resource for various needs during each event.
Event Set-Up and Take Down Develop floor plans and conduct set for each event and activity that
takes place such as setting up tables and chairs.
Event Administration Formulate details of rental agreements in relation to event costs and
parameters. Assist with the development of event floor plans. Keep
files and records necessary for the development of annual reports
and general reporting purposes.
Communications Provide information to the public and attend to inquiries/concerns by
phone, email and walk-ins each day in regarding to scheduling
events that take place at the facility.
Marketing Coordinate web space and links with online
resource for wedding and banquet facilities. Network with other
facilities and vendors to provide information on the mansion to
prospective renters.
Inventory Management Maintain and manage operating equipment for events and the facility
such as cleaning supplies, chairs, tables, light bulbs, plantings, etc.
Minor Interior/Minor Exterior Conduct minor maintenance in areas of plumbing, touch-up painting,
Maintenance cleaning, light fixtures replacement, sweep patios, plant flower pots
and garden, check to make sure systems are functioning properly
and determine if service is needed.
Security Watch over facility and provide security of the mansion.

84 of 124
Department Line Item Descriptions:
Line Item Description
Utilities Allocates funding to cover building utility bills such as water,
electric, gas, fire alarm services and monitoring.
Communications Allocates funding to cover internal phone lines, internet and
related expenses or repairs, website hosting.
Operating Supplies Covers funding for minor building operational parts, hardware
supplies and decorations, cleaning and custodial supplies.
Contractual Services Services that require outside specialized services from vendors
that take place over a period of time such as pest control and
Professional Services Services that require outside professional services from vendors
such as window cleaners, carpet cleaners, painters, financial audit
and other as-needed services.
Minor Office Equipment Equipment needed such as a phone, printer, fax machines,
scanner, etc.
Maintenance and Repair: Buildings Allocates funding to repair, replace, and maintain building items
and Fixtures such as plumbing and bathroom fixtures, electrical needs,
supplies for floor refinishing and cleaning, hardware supplies such
as keys, light replacements, etc.
Maintenance and Repair: Machines Allocates funding to repair, replace, and maintain building
and Equipment machines and equipment such as freezer, refrigerator, HVAC, etc.

85 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Willows Fund (#23) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


23 340 3014 Interest & Rents 334 246 76 50 133 133 - -
23 340 3024 Property & Equipment - - - - - - - -
23 340 3034 Willows Events 114,579 113,138 103,000 100,000 85,268 79,839 100,000 75,000
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ 114,912 $ 113,384 $ 103,076 $ 100,050 $ 85,401 $ 79,973 $ 100,000 $ 75,000

23 370 3057 Cash Over / Short (3) - - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ (3) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

23 390 3019 From General Fund - - 90,000 87,000 87,000 - 141,250 49,203
TOTAL TRANSFERS IN $ - $ - $ 90,000 $ 87,000 $ 87,000 $ - $ 141,250 $ 49,203


23 395 3014 Interest Earnings - - - - 62 - - -
23 395 3035 Grant Proceeds - - - - 244,044 - - -
TOTAL WILLOWS COTTAGE GRANT $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 244,106 $ - $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL: WILLOWS FUND $ 114,909 $ 113,384 $ 193,076 $ 187,050 $ 416,507 $ 79,973 $ 241,250 $ 124,203
$ (1,526) $ 79,693 $ (6,026) $ 223,431 $ (113,104) $ (175,257) $ (292,304)
-1.33% 70.29% -3.12% 115.72% -58.58% -42.08% -70.18%

86 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Willows Fund (#23) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

23 012 452 4010 Salaries 55,889 53,927 48,437 50,000 50,000 40,958 50,000 50,000
23 012 452 4210 Utilities 35,571 32,488 19,986 35,000 22,500 16,646 30,000 27,000
23 012 452 4220 Communications 2,405 3,198 2,755 3,000 3,000 2,623 3,000 3,200
23 012 452 4250 Operating Supplies 4,960 1,651 (473) 5,000 2,500 1,913 5,000 5,000
23 012 452 4360 Contractual Services - - - 3,000 - - 3,000 -
23 012 452 4370 Professional Services 4,200 2,500 2,000 3,000 - - 3,000 -
23 012 452 4410 Minor Office Equipment 179 212 - 200 - - 200 -
23 012 452 4420 Maint. & Repairs: Bldgs & Fixtures 15,440 8,307 7,400 10,000 17,000 1,727 10,000 25,000
23 012 452 4430 Maint. & Repairs: Mach & Equipment 927 338 525 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000
23 012 452 44_ _ Capital Improvements - - - 7,500 - - 93,500 50,000
23 012 452 4800 Depreciation - 7,500 - - - - - -
TOTAL WILLOWS $ 119,570 $ 110,120 $ 80,629 $ 117,700 $ 96,000 $ 63,867 $ 198,700 $ 161,200

23 012 470 4110 Social Security Taxes 4,275 4,125 3,705 3,205 3,205 3,134 - 4,000
TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $ 4,275 $ 4,125 $ 3,705 $ 3,205 $ 3,205 $ 3,134 $ - $ 4,000

23 012 483 4930 Interest 22,008 21,256 - - - - - -
23 012 486 4960 Principal 25,060 25,830 - - - - - -
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 47,068 $ 47,086 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

23 012 490 5001 General Fund - - - - - - - -
23 012 490 5024 Debt Service - - 46,976 46,928 46,928 - 88,032 42,549
TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT $ - $ - $ 46,976 $ 46,928 $ 46,928 $ - $ 88,032 $ 42,549

23 014 500 4902 Project Manager [#B-10-001] - - - - 38,531 - - -
23 014 500 4903 GEO TH / HVAC [#B-10-002A] - - - - 64,325 21,442 - -
23 014 500 4904 GEO TH / WELL [#B-10-003] - - - - 34,510 34,510 - -
23 014 500 4905 WINDOWS [#B-10-004] - - - - 87,615 35,000 - -
23 014 500 4906 INSULATION [#B-10-005] - - - - 19,063 10,000 - -
TOTAL GRANTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 244,044 $ 100,952 $ - $ -

GRAND TOTAL - WILLOWS FUND $ 170,913 $ 161,331 $ 131,310 $ 167,833 $ 390,177 $ 167,953 $ 286,732 $ 207,749
$ (9,582) $ (30,021) $ (25,243) $ 197,101 $ (25,123) $ (103,445) $ (182,428)
-5.61% -18.61% -13.07% 102.08% -13.01% -26.51% -46.76%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ 91,081 $ 35,077 $ 24,422 $ 83,546 $ 83,546 $ 83,546 $ 109,876 $ 109,876
Revenues 114,909 113,384 193,076 187,050 416,507 79,973 241,250 124,203
Expenditures 170,913 161,331 131,310 167,833 390,177 167,953 286,732 207,749
Accrual / Misc Adjustments - 37,292 (2,642) - - - - -

ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ 35,077 $ 24,422 $ 83,546 $ 102,763 $ 109,876 $ (4,435) $ 64,394 $ 26,330

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ (56,004) $ (10,656) $ 59,124 $ 19,217 $ 26,330 $ (87,981) $ (45,482) $ (83,546)

87 of 124

88 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Debt Service Fund (#24) Budget Worksheet
For the Year Ending, December 31, 2011

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012


24 300 3030 Delinquent - - 27,918 - - - - -
24 300 3040 Interim - - 21,260 - - - - -
24 300 3020 Prior Year - - 371 - - - - -
24 300 3001 Current Year - Discount - - (61,723) - - - - -
24 300 3003 Current Year - Penalty - - 8,131 - - - - -
24 300 3002 Current Year - Face - - 3,374,495 - - - - -
TOTAL REAL ESTATE TAXES $ - $ - $ 3,370,452 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


24 340 3014 Interest & Rents - - - - - - - -
TOTAL INTEREST & RENTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


24 370 3096 Art Center / Fire Company Pmts - - - - 180,524 63,568 - 180,524
TOTAL DEBT REPAYMENT AGREEMENTS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 180,524 $ 63,568 $ - $ 180,524

24 390 3006 From Special Assessment Fund - - 345,475 59,634 59,634 - 323,469 -
24 390 3019 From General Fund - - - 3,020,630 3,232,757 1,357,598 3,270,618 3,389,605
24 390 3029 From Sewer Fund - - 96,258 390,664 390,664 190,000 88,032 88,032
24 390 3229 From Parks & Open Space Fund - - 857,171 610,563 610,563 450,000 745,938 745,938
24 390 3239 From Willows Fund - - 46,976 46,928 46,928 - 42,549 42,549
TOTAL TRANSFERS IN $ - $ - $ 1,345,880 $ 4,128,419 $ 4,340,546 $ 1,997,598 $ 4,470,606 $ 4,266,124

GRAND TOTAL: DEBT SERVICE FUND $ - $ - $ 4,716,332 $ 4,128,419 $ 4,521,070 $ 2,061,166 $ 4,470,606 $ 4,446,648
$ 4,716,332 $ (587,913) $ (195,262) $ (2,655,166) $ (50,464) $ (74,422)
-12.47% -4.14% -56.30% -1.12% -1.65%

Town Manager
Actual 2010 Budget
Account Number Preliminary Budget Recommendation
Fund Function Object Line Account Description 2007 2008 2009 Beginning Revised YTD Actual 2011 2012

24 008 487 4970 Service Charges - - - - - - - -
TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -


24 010 483 4930 Interest - - 2,435,993 2,320,552 2,320,552 1,534,897 2,555,000 2,405,070
24 010 483 4930 Principal - - 2,160,000 2,200,000 2,200,000 355,000 1,915,606 2,036,039
TOTAL DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS $ - $ - $ 4,595,993 $ 4,520,552 $ 4,520,552 $ 1,889,897 $ 4,470,606 $ 4,441,109

GRAND TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUND $ - $ - $ 4,595,993 $ 4,520,552 $ 4,520,552 $ 1,889,897 $ 4,470,606 $ 4,441,109
$ 4,595,993 $ (195,780) $ (195,780) $ (2,826,435) $ (49,946) $ (79,443)
-4.15% -4.15% -59.93% -1.10% -1.76%

FUND BALANCE 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011

Beginning Fund Balance, January 1 $ - $ - $ 197,759 $ 194,461 $ 194,461 $ 194,461 $ 194,461 $ 194,461
Revenues - - 4,716,332 4,128,419 4,521,070 2,061,166 4,470,606 4,446,648
Expenditures - - 4,595,993 4,520,552 4,520,552 1,889,897 4,470,606 4,441,109
Accrual / Misc Adjustments - - (123,637) - - - - -
ENDING FUND BALANCE, December 31 $ - $ - $ 194,461 $ (197,672) $ 194,979 $ 365,730 $ 194,461 $ 200,000

Increase / (Decrease) In Fund Balance $ - $ - $ (3,298) $ (392,133) $ 518 $ 171,269 $ (0) $ 5,539

89 of 124

90 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Budget Fund Total Activity
For the Year Budgeted, 2011

Aggregate Total
Capital For Agency
Improvement Special Parks & Open Debt Service Governmental Enterprise Civilian Pension Agency Police GRAND TOTAL
General Fund Sewer Fund Liquid Fuels Fund Fund Assessment Fund Space Fund Fund Funds Willows Fund Fund Pension Fund ALL FUNDS
Real Estate Tax $ 12,096,523 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 12,096,523 $ - $ 12,096,523
Real Estate Transfer Tax 1,580,000 - - - - 526,667 - 2,106,667 - 2,106,667
Mercantile Tax 1,470,000 - - - - - - 1,470,000 - 1,470,000
Local Services Tax 1,000,000 - - - - - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000
Amusement Tax 35,000 - - - - - - 35,000 - 35,000
Business Privilege Tax 4,350,000 - - - - - - 4,350,000 - 4,350,000
Total Taxes $ 20,531,523 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 526,667 $ - $ 21,058,190 $ - $ 21,058,190

Permits and Licenses

Building Permits 650,000 - - - - - - 650,000 - 650,000
Cable TV 551,000 - - - - - - 551,000 - 551,000
All Others 1,190,650 - - - - - - 1,190,650 - 1,190,650
Total Permits and Licenses $ 2,391,650 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,391,650 $ - $ 2,391,650

Other Sources
Fines 512,150 - - - - - - 512,150 - 512,150
Interest and Rents 78,690 3,000 150 1,260 - 750 - 83,850 75,000 158,850
Grants and Gifts 1,310,827 - 571,154 - - - - 1,881,981 - 1,881,981
Department Earnings 1,477,800 5,285,532 - - - - - 6,763,332 - 6,763,332
Refunds and Miscellaneous 119,400 10,000 - 180,000 - - - 309,400 - 309,400
Debt Repayment Agreements - - - - - - 180,524 180,524 - 180,524
Total Other Sources $ 3,498,867 $ 5,298,532 $ 571,304 $ 181,260 $ - $ 750 $ 180,524 $ 9,731,237 $ 75,000 $ 9,806,237

TOTAL REVENUES $ 26,422,040 $ 5,298,532 $ 571,304 $ 181,260 $ - $ 527,417 $ 180,524 $ 33,181,077 $ 75,000 $ 33,256,077

General Government 2,000,597 - - 440,750 - - - 2,441,347 - 2,441,347
Protection to Persons & Property 5,872,767 - - 685,000 - - - 6,557,767 - 6,557,767
Public Works 3,966,088 4,623,759 571,304 739,500 - - - 9,900,651 - 9,900,651
Library 826,505 - - 232,500 - - - 1,059,005 - 1,059,005
Park & Recreation 1,937,425 - - 100,000 - - - 2,037,425 161,200 2,198,625
Insurance & Benefits 6,157,319 168,303 - - - - - 6,325,622 4,000 6,329,622
Contributions & Refunds 307,604 - - - - - - 307,604 - 307,604
Debt Service 3,389,605 88,032 - - - 745,938 174,985 4,398,560 42,549 4,441,109

TOTAL EXPENSES $ 24,457,910 $ 4,880,094 $ 571,304 $ 2,197,750 $ - $ 745,938 $ 174,985 $ 33,027,981 $ 207,749 $ 33,235,730

Operating Surplus / (Deficit) $ 1,964,130 $ 418,438 $ - $ (2,016,490) $ - $ (218,521) $ 5,539 $ 153,096 $ (132,749) $ 20,347

Transfers In from Other Funds 292,000 - - 225,000 - - - 517,000 49,203 1,461,869 980,801 3,008,873
Transfers Out to Other Funds (2,666,464) (342,409) - - - - - (3,008,873) - - - (3,008,873)

TOTAL TRANSFER ACTIVITY $ (2,374,464) $ (342,409) $ - $ 225,000 $ - $ - $ - $ (2,491,873) $ 49,203 $ 1,461,869 $ 980,801 $ -
* Net of Debt Service Transfers

Beginning Fund Balance (Estimated) 3,981,763 2,007,944 39,328 2,652,448 61,153 428,929 194,461 9,366,026 109,876 9,475,902
Operating Surplus / (Deficit) 1,964,130 418,438 - (2,016,490) - (218,521) 5,539 153,096 (132,749) 20,347
Net Interfund Transfer Activity (2,374,464) (342,409) - 225,000 - - - (2,491,873) 49,203 n/a n/a (2,442,670)

Ending Fund Balance (Estimated) $ 3,571,429 $ 2,083,973 $ 39,328 $ 860,958 $ 61,153 $ 210,407 $ 200,000 $ 7,027,249 $ 26,330 $ 7,053,579

91 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Aggregate Fund Revenues and Expenditures
For the Years Ending 2007 - 2011

Actual Actual Actual Budgeted Proposed

2007 % 2008 % %Δ 2009 % %Δ 2010 % %Δ 2011 % %Δ
Real Estate Taxes 9,208,315 18% 9,299,851 26% 1% 9,333,386 31% 0% 10,331,514 31% 11% 12,096,523 36% 17%
Act 511 Enabling Taxes
Realty Transfer 3,585,263 7% 2,586,806 7% -28% 1,869,546 6% -28% 2,115,223 6% 13% 2,106,667 6% 0%
Mercantile 1,346,929 3% 1,298,901 4% -4% 1,087,177 4% -16% 1,646,673 5% 51% 1,470,000 4% -11%
Local Services Tax 1,224,027 2% 981,542 3% -20% 998,835 3% 2% 981,083 3% -2% 1,000,000 3% 2%
Amusement 75,559 0% 41,830 0% -45% 36,991 0% -12% 44,253 0% 20% 35,000 0% -21%
Business Privilege 4,851,853 9% 6,473,413 18% 33% 4,931,812 16% -24% 5,918,371 17% 20% 4,350,000 13% -27%
Licenses, Permits and Fees 3,634,569 7% 2,640,787 7% -27% 1,536,652 5% -42% 1,777,367 5% 16% 2,391,650 7% 35%
Fines and Costs 435,118 1% 520,589 1% 20% 527,847 2% 1% 501,896 1% -5% 512,150 2% 2%
Interests and Rents 1,270,991 2% 699,500 2% -45% 337,430 1% -52% 204,640 1% -39% 158,850 0% -22%
Grants and Gifts 1,649,705 3% 1,697,234 5% 3% 1,666,732 5% -2% 2,550,192 8% 53% 1,881,981 6% -26%
Departmental Earnings 5,811,097 11% 6,428,503 18% 11% 6,387,897 21% -1% 6,034,572 18% -6% 6,763,332 20% 12%
Refunds and Miscellaneous 1,979,637 4% 419,590 1% -79% 137,704 0% -67% 415,481 1% 202% 489,924 1% 18%
Special Assessments 217,854 0% 190,511 1% -13% 62,393 0% -67% 39,082 0% -37% - 0% -100%
Debt Proceeds:
TRAN Proceeds 900,000 2% 1,310,000 4% 46% - 0% -100% - 0% n/a - 0% n/a
Bond Proceeds 14,899,099 29% 181,639 1% -99% 144,685 0% -20% 246,500 1% 70% - 0% -100%
Interfund Transfers 848,156 2% 1,533,861 4% 81% 1,355,378 4% -12% 1,053,778 3% -22% 566,203 2% -46%

TOTAL REVENUES $ 51,938,172 100% $ 36,304,557 100% -30% $ 30,414,465 100% -16% $ 33,860,625 100% 11% $ 33,822,280 100% 0%

Salaries and Compensation
Salaries and Wages 11,683,948 25% 10,592,911 27% -9% 10,469,255 31% -1% 9,892,973 30% -6% 9,683,387 27% -2%
Overtime 252,186 1% 201,124 1% -20% 238,816 1% 19% 229,336 1% -4% 192,450 1% -16%
Longevity 466,640 1% 453,069 1% -3% 513,834 2% 13% 518,963 2% 1% 508,763 1% -2%
Employee Benefits
Health & Sick Pay Benefits 3,497,990 8% 3,772,717 10% 8% 4,079,324 12% 8% 3,972,772 12% -3% 4,485,988 12% 13%
Life and Disability Insurance 339,492 1% 281,474 1% -17% 158,436 0% -44% 188,323 1% 19% 270,000 1% 43%
Payroll Taxes, Unemployment, WComp 1,265,774 3% 1,240,290 3% -2% 1,313,015 4% 6% 1,202,893 4% -8% 1,297,414 4% 8%
Pension Funding 1,656,426 4% 1,362,000 3% -18% 1,415,500 4% 4% 1,325,052 4% -6% 2,125,670 6% 60%
Debt Service
Principal and Interest 2,065,420 5% 2,800,617 7% 36% 2,832,940 8% 1% 4,370,273 13% 54% 4,169,101 12% -5%
Interest 2,013,688 4% 1,999,875 5% -1% 1,763,053 5% -12% 150,279 0% -91% 272,008 1% 81%
TRAN Principal 2,517,200 5% 1,310,000 3% -48% - 0% -100% - 0% n/a - 0% n/a
TRAN Interest 86,550 0% 12,489 0% -86% - 0% -100% - 0% n/a - 0% n/a
Community Organization Support 1,028,761 2% 1,063,254 3% 3% 1,080,812 3% 2% 1,113,485 3% 3% 1,129,109 3% 1%
Contractual and Professional Services 4,089,830 9% 4,313,359 11% 5% 5,019,251 15% 16% 4,718,297 14% -6% 5,006,376 14% 6%
Office and Operating Supplies 614,763 1% 607,416 2% -1% 562,423 2% -7% 543,007 2% -3% 590,885 2% 9%
Insurance 382,602 1% 347,656 1% -9% 312,397 1% -10% 270,681 1% -13% 276,220 1% 2%
Utilities and Communications 538,357 1% 504,969 1% -6% 526,564 2% 4% 586,947 2% 11% 605,675 2% 3%
Vehicle Expenses 493,995 1% 567,123 1% 15% 514,563 2% -9% 517,566 2% 1% 523,990 1% 1%
Fire Protection Contributions 273,597 1% 302,972 1% 11% 302,950 1% 0% 313,224 1% 3% 459,170 1% 47%
Maintenance and Repairs - Building / Fixtures 444,151 1% 313,692 1% -29% 333,713 1% 6% 565,928 2% 70% 369,150 1% -35%
Professional Development 75,253 0% 71,699 0% -5% 28,236 0% -61% 20,640 0% -27% 66,575 0% 223%
Miscellaneous 119,601 0% 31,302 0% -74% 11,884 0% -62% 27,994 0% 136% 10,015 0% -64%
Capital Expenditures 11,008,384 24% 5,921,342 15% -46% 1,236,972 4% -79% 1,524,249 5% 23% 3,319,454 9% 118%
Interfund Transfers 922,348 2% 1,613,861 4% 75% 1,355,378 4% -16% 1,053,778 3% -22% 883,203 2% -16%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 45,836,956 100% $ 39,685,209 100% -13% $ 34,069,314 100% -14% $ 33,106,660 100% -3% $ 36,244,603 100% 9%
92 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
2011 Millage Calculation
As Proposed in the 2011 Budget

2011 Total Assessment $ 3,126,219,867

Running Annual Collection Rate 99.00%

General Capital
Government Improvement Fire Company
Funding Funding Library Funding Funding Total %Δ

2010 Millage 3.3411 - - - 3.3411

Proposed Increase 0.1490 - 0.2700 0.1500 0.5690 17.0%
2011 Millage 3.4901 - 0.2700 0.1500 3.9101
%Δ 4% New Millage New Millage New Millage

Gross Real Estate Billing Amount $ 10,910,820 $ - $ 844,079 $ 468,933 $ 12,223,832

Less: 2% Mandated State Discount (196,395) - (15,193) (8,441) (220,029)
Net Real Estate Billing Amount $ 10,714,425 $ - $ 828,886 $ 460,492 $ 12,003,803

Less: Delinquency Estimate (107,144) - (8,289) (4,605) (120,038)

Add: Prior Year Delinquent Estimate 107,144 - - - 107,144
Add: Current Year Penalty Estimate 21,822 - 1,688 938 24,448
Add: Interim Estimates 54,554 - 4,220 2,345 61,119

2011 Available Revenue Estimate $ 10,790,801 $ - $ 826,505 $ 459,170 $ 12,076,476

Percentage of Gross RE Tax Billing 98.9% n/a 97.9% 97.9% 98.8%

1. The 2% state mandated discount: Based on historical averages, the amount of discount taken advantage of by taxpayers is 1.8%
2. The delinquency estimate is based on historical billing versus collected revenue totals
3. The current year penalty and interim estimates are based on a three year average as a percentage of RE Taxes billed
4. The 2011 Total Assessment is as certified by the Delaware County Board of Assessment Appeals (letter dated November 15, 2010)

93 of 124
Radnor Township, PA
Sewer Rent Calculation Sheet

Radnor Township
Water Usage (Actual)/Billing Statistics
Aqua PA

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
1Q 175,654.7 186,350.6 193,879.8 179,860.3 231,104.9 173,508.5 175,383.2 180,788.4 181,624.0 171,861.6 178,022.1
2Q 199,647.1 201,167.1 185,512.2 189,904.6 185,429.6 203,285.6 211,315.1 200,252.0 197,451.4 185,701.4 180,318.2
3Q 201,837.9 233,852.9 233,979.0 206,596.5 227,419.1 251,163.8 234,583.8 231,292.8 235,544.8 194,081.7 241,755.4
4Q 188,437.5 206,109.1 190,714.1 182,493.9 183,561.3 204,985.2 189,123.1 206,236.7 205,388.1 183,217.6 194,026.7 194,026.7

767,577.2 829,480.7 804,085.1 758,855.3 827,514.9 832,943.1 810,405.2 818,569.9 820,008.3 734,862.3 794,122.4

Big Meters - - 161,280.6 163,188.1 215,096.8 176,445.0 173,001.6 175,628.6 172,946.1 143,823.8 172,676.3 172,676.3

Total Usage 767,577.2 829,480.7 965,365.7 922,043.4 1,042,611.7 1,009,388.1 983,406.8 994,198.5 992,954.4 878,686.1 966,798.7

Change in Usage -/+ 8.06% 16.38% -4.49% 13.08% -3.19% -2.57% 1.10% -0.13% -11.51% 10.03%

Rate $ 3.19 $ 3.19 $ 3.19 $ 3.19 $ 3.19 $ 3.64 $ 4.19 $ 4.86 $ 5.15 $ 5.41 $ 5.57

Change in rate -/+ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 14.11% 15.11% 15.99% 5.97% 5.05% 2.96%

Estimated Billing Amount $2,448,571.27 $2,646,043.43 $3,079,516.58 $2,941,318.45 $3,325,931.32 $3,674,172.68 $4,120,474.49 $4,831,804.71 $5,113,715.16 $4,753,691.80 $5,385,068.76

2nd Meter-Subtract (28,199.0) (16,557.0) (30,273.0) (23,063.0) (26,967.0) (25,011.8) -25011.8

2nd Meter-Charges 996.0 1,075.0 743.0 730.0 624.0 833.6 833.6

Adjusted Usage(includes 2nd meters) 982,185.1 967,924.8 964,668.5 970,621.4 852,343.1 942,620.5

Adjusted Estimated Billing $ 2,448,571.27 $ 2,646,043.43 $ 3,079,516.58 $ 2,941,318.45 $ 3,325,931.32 $ 3,575,153.76 $ 4,055,604.91 $ 4,688,288.91 $ 4,998,700.21 $ 4,611,176.17 $ 5,250,396.19

Precipitation (inches) 39.56 51.35 50.41 45.92 49.43 43.34 40.55 56.63 34.45

Change in Precipitation -/+ 29.80% -1.83% -8.91% 7.64% -12.32% -6.44% 39.65% -39.17%

Total Current Year Uncollected $ 116,764.16 $ 160,794.61 $ 70,013.31 $ 95,384.05 $ 128,109.67

2.88% 3.43% 1.40% 2.07% 2.44%
Total Uncollected (2/28/10) $ 208,844.11 $262,913.46 $284,940.17 $ 283,619.46 $ 223,146.57 $ 252,692.75

$ 5,122,286.52

Number of Accounts
Service 700 6869
Service 710 (Well) 27
Service 711 (Well) 22
Service 750(Tredyffrin) 4
Service 751 (Upper Merion) 12
Total Accounts 6934

94 of 124

95 of 124

ƒ Implement a Capital Equipment Funding Policy in which long term debt obligations are not used
to fund these purchases and a dedicated revenue stream is established which aligns with the
expected life of that particular item.

ƒ Implement a formal Township Purchasing Manual establishing purchasing policies and procedures
for the Township staff to follow and be held accountable to those policies.

ƒ Implement an Employee Policy Manual/Handbook for all staff of the Township.

ƒ Implement a Balanced Budget Policy and multiple year forecasts of operations (5 years).

ƒ Implement a Debt Policy for the Township which sets limits, guidelines and purpose.

ƒ Evaluate the RTSD Grounds Maintenance Agreement to include the analysis of the benefits of
services as well as to provide an independent audit component within a new agreement which
clearly defines the financial formula for calculating/auditing the agreement as well as determining
if this is an agreement the Township should be involved in.

ƒ Evaluate and implement a new Administrative Management Structure for the Township including
a revised Organization Chart and detailed job responsibilities.

ƒ Initiate a Charter Review Commission to review the Township’s current Charter, not reviewed or
updated since 1976, composed of residents not holding any municipal office or appointment. The
results of their work would be submitted to the electors, any such proposed agreements, revisions
or amendments to the Charter at the next general election in November of 2011.

ƒ Investigate a storm water utility to address the serious flooding issues in the Township as well as
establishing a Storm Water Management Plan for the entire Township. This should be considered
a priority due to the current conditions which exist for our residents and to commence immediately
with short term, mid-term and long term plans to help resolve some of these longstanding issues.

ƒ Review and revise all lease agreements between Radnor Township and all groups and
organizations, as it pertains to the use, rental and leasing of Township owned property.

ƒ Implement a one year moratorium for the purchase and acquisition of all real property within the
Township until a policy can be put into place by the Board of Commissioners, evaluating the
purpose and need of such acquisition and the financial impact to the Township’s budget and
residents for the long term.

Page 1 of 3

96 of 124
ƒ Implement a hiring freeze for the first quarter of 2011 which will allow time to determine the
appropriate staffing levels of all departments in the Township and evaluating and updating all job

ƒ Establish a policy of how Township tax dollars are distributed to various groups and organizations
which would include requiring a balanced budget before any funds could be disbursed. This
policy shall also provide for equal representation on any governing board of said group or
organization in which the contribution made by Radnor Township and is established on a formula
basis. (If 70% of the operating budget is provided by the Township, the Township shall have 70%
representation on the board of the group or organization in which the Township dollars are

ƒ Establish a policy for the waiving of fees for various groups and organizations inside and outside
of the Township which would require a balanced budget before any fees could be waived.

ƒ Evaluate the need of maintaining the current Township Building in its current capacity, as well as
all Township owned buildings so as to provide for the most efficient and cost effective use of
these buildings and associated property.

ƒ Implement a formal Records Retention Policy which would also include the organization and
cataloging of all Radnor Township records and materials.

ƒ Implement a fixed assets inventory and tagging system.

ƒ Identify potential parcels of Township owned land, as recommended by the CBFAC, which may
be offered for sale. This would include a complete inventory of all Radnor Township property and
the legal implications of such sale of property.

ƒ Implement a formal policy which would allow the Township to pursue advertising and
sponsorship revenues that would enhance the Township not only financially but also in the
establishment of new programs, facilities and improved services to our residents and businesses
while not using tax dollars for said items.

ƒ Review the distribution of cable franchise fees relative to Radnor Township, Radnor Township
School District and providing continued support for the public access channel, Radnor Studio 21.

ƒ Review, amend and eliminate sections of the Radnor Township’s administrative code as it pertains
to the authority of the Township Manager relative to salaries, compensation, bonuses, vacation
time, compensatory time, roll over of time, benefits, classifications of employees, merit pay, sick
leave, leave of absence, appointments, promotions and other related items. These sections should
be modified or eliminated so as to move the authority back under the purview and approval
authority of the Board of Commissioners.

ƒ Establish a policy that details the levels of maintenance for various open space, parks and
recreational areas throughout the Township which details the costs/benefits of such a policy and
the desired level of activity and appearance of the open space area.

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ƒ Establish a good working relationship with the various schools, colleges, universities and
institutions throughout Radnor Township which would allow for open dialogue, communication,
accessibility and openness not only with the local government, but with the residents and
businesses of the community. This would also allow for dialogue relative to the services provided
to these institutions and the discrepancy in support to the Township for said services.

ƒ Establish an aggressive economic development and marketing program taking full advantage of
the current economic conditions to attract and retain business as well as continuing to promote
Radnor Township as the best community on the Main Line, in the Philadelphia region, and a great
place to live, work, and raise a family.

ƒ Establish a final “Right To Know” public records policy that clearly defines and expands the
access to the public records within the Township.

ƒ Establish joint meetings between the Board of Commissioners and other local boards and
Commissions (i.e., Radnor Township Board of Education, neighboring communities, fire
companies, Library Board) to discuss issues facing each entity and explore opportunities in which
these items may be approached jointly.

ƒ Evaluate wireless antenna income opportunities for Township owned land.

ƒ Adopt a final “Conflict of Interest Policy” for all Boards, Commissions and staff of the Township.

ƒ Evaluate all of the Township’s Pension Plans and their long term stability and future funding

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To: Board of Commissioners
From: William Martin, Assistant Township Manager
Date: November 19, 2010
Re: Status of CBFAC Recommendation

Revenue Recommendations:
Finding Status

Sell Selected Parcels of Township-owned Land Under Review

Adequate Resources for Act 511 Tax Collection Software Budgeted

Negotiate Payment in Lieu of Tax with Universities and Colleges In Progress

Lease Office Space in Township Building In Progress/PAISBOA

@ $42,000/year

Charge for Services Provided to Other Organizations In Progress

Perform audit of Cable TV Franchise License and permit fees Under Review

Increase Youth Sports Program Field Maintenance Fee for

non-resident participants to $25 per participant Under Review

Create a Radnor Parks voluntary contribution program Under Review

Consider corporate naming rights for select Township assets Under Review

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Expenditure Recommendations:
Finding Status

Reduce total employee expenses by 8% in 2011 In Progress– reductions

in 2011 budget

Implement a moratorium on acquisition of land or open space Under Review

Assess true costs to own, operate and maintain facilities

reduce Township facility costs to maximize the value In Progress

Reduce Legal Expenses In Progress

Mandate within legal limits that employees use accrued vacation Under Review

Perform utilization and staffing study of Police Department Under Review

Eliminate Commissioner Annual Stipend Under Review

Review Township’s ground maintenance agreement with School District In Progress

Explore share services agreements with neighboring townships Under Review

Review funding of community agencies Under Review

Freeze funding for Radnor Memorial Library for 2011 In Progress for 2011

Evaluate Parks and Recreation Programs that do not met expenses In Progress

Review status of government and public access television channels In Progress

Perform energy audit Under Review

Reduce usage of Township vehicles Complete

Rely on Citizen groups instead of hiring consultants Under Review

Perform audit of purchases to insure sales taxes are not paid Under Review

Continue to improve efficiencies in trash collection In Progress

Adopt a mandatory rear-yard pick-up for all single-family

rental homes Under Review

Cease operating the Willows Mansion at a loss by the end of 2011 In Progress

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Debt Management Recommendations:
Finding Status

Proceed with refinancing the 2002 Bond in 2010 Complete/ $1.3

million in savings

Cancel $20 million electoral debt capacity from November 2005 Under review

Establish a policy for use of debt and debt limits In Progress

Strengthen Township Debt Policy and Capital Improvement funding In Progress

Cease funding vehicles, equipment and other short-term assets

through transfers to the capital improvement In Progress

Perform reconciliation of current outstanding debt to match asset life In Progress

Determine if debt can be reduced by returning balance of Capital Fund Under Review

Conduct reviews of outstanding swaption from 2005 Complete

Do not issue new debt until the strengthen debt policy is adopted In Progress

Seek to improve Township Bond Rating Complete/ Moody’s

upgrade AA1

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Land Management Recommendations:
Finding Status

Record, track reconcile in single-source report all real property

owned and leased, controlled, preserved, deed-restricted, and
conserved Under Review

Perform market valuation study of all property Under Review

Report accurately in annual financial statements all real property Under Review

Implement proper diligence methods and procedures for all land

acquisitions In Progress

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Policy and Process Recommendations:
Finding Status

Encourage non-profit organizations to strengthen fundraising In Progress

Retain all Township realty transfer tax in General Fund Not possible due to
debt load

Evaluate the current financial accounting system In Progress

Improve periodic reporting of Township’s interim financial position In Progress

Complete revised personnel manual In Progress

Develop a ‘program’ budget for all Township activities In Progress

Develop performance measurement program Under Review

Establish Radnor Township employee and Radnor citizen savings

program Under Review

Implement a fixed asset inventory and asset program In Progress

Do not start new programs that produce a net cost increase Under Review

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To: Board of Commissioners
From: William Martin, Assistant Township Manager
Date: November 19, 2010
Re: Audit Analysis 2005-2009

Please find the listing of the auditor comments from 2005 through the 2009 Management
letter. Comments are listed followed by the year of the audit report that they appeared, with
management responses, and status update.

Budgetary Control – Payroll Allocations 2005:

ƒ Payroll is distributed to various accounts and funds, including the General Fund and
the Sewer Fund. The methodology used to allocate the amounts to the Sewer Fund is
not documented. We recommend the allocation methodology be documented in
writing and approved by management

Management Response:

ƒ In collaboration with the Township Manager, one of the Departmental goals for 2007
will be to put a formal policy in place for expense allocations


Police Extra Duty 2005:

ƒ Invoicing of Police Extra Duty was not done in a timely manner

Management Response:

ƒ Due to staffing shortages within the police department, extra duty billings were not
always prepared on a timely basis. Efforts have been made to prepare them in a more
timely manner
ƒ Police department is reviewing this issue to formulate an effective way to monitoring
for the future


Retirement/Separation Agreements 2005:

ƒ During Pension testing, one individual’s approved distribution could not be located
ƒ Benefits to be received should be supported by the calculations of such amounts

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Management Response:

ƒ Isolated instance and are comfortable with controls in place

ƒ All documentation of pension calculations and distributions will be closely monitored
by Human Resources Manager


Compensated Absences 2005:

ƒ The accrual for compensated absences payable (vacation, sick pay and personal time)
is based on amounts which are summarized in spreadsheets
ƒ Rollforward balances of the time were not properly tracked
ƒ Employees that had retired were not removed from the absence totals

Management Response:

ƒ The records for compensated absences have been updated and are now monitored via
excel spreadsheets in a manner consistent with the auditor’s request


GASB Statement no. 45 2005:

ƒ Effective year ending December 31, 2008, the Township must report Postemployment
Benefits other than Pension (OPEB)expense/expenditures and related liabilities
(assets), not disclosures, and if applicable, required supplemental information

Management Reponses:

ƒ Township is readying itself with training and education

ƒ Met with three consultants regarding various steps and services available
ƒ As date nears, a consultant will be put in place to assist us in determining not only the
liability regarding retiree health benefits, but also develop a plan for funding that


Segregation of Duties 2005, 2006:

ƒ One individual is responsible for cash management and investing, as well as posting
cash and investment transaction to the general ledger. Also a strong system of
supervision and review of management is vital in this area

Management Response:

ƒ Due to the size of our organization and staff, some duties that ideally should be
segregated are performed by one individual. To mitigate these circumstances, the
Director of Finance or Township Manager will approve investment transactions
before the transaction commences. Additionally, both the Director and Manager will

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continue the current practice of performing detailed reviews of all monthly reports
and general ledger activity


Wire Transfers 2005, 2008, 2009:

ƒ Not all wire transfers initiated by the cash manager are approved and signed off by
the Township Manager

ƒ Management Response:

Management agrees that the Township Manager and Director of Finance should sign
off on all wire transfers


Credit Cared Charge Support and Expense Reimbursement 2005, 2008, 2009

ƒ Not all credit card invoices had proper receipt documentation to support the credit
care charges
ƒ Township Manager activity should be reviewed by the Treasurer

Management Response:

ƒ This issue has been reviewed by management that all credit card purchases be
substantiated by a receipt which is reviewed by the cash manager, Director of
Finance, and Township Manager. Additionally, a policy is in place requiring all
cardholders to sign an agreement that cards are to be used for official township
business only
ƒ Only one credit care remains in active use by William F. Martin Assistant Township
Manager. It is only for purchases that can not go through normal A/P system. All
expenses approved by Mr. Martin and receipts and reports reconciled by the Cash


Computer System/ Intrusion Vulnerability, Monitoring and Testing 2005, 2008, 2009:

ƒ The Township should look to have a back up to the firewall protection

ƒ Evaluate the adequacy of the firewall and network security annually
ƒ Have an independent source review the procedures periodically

Management response:

ƒ Township is comfortable with the current level of security in place

ƒ Investigated the DMZ product and will effective, it is cost prohibitive
ƒ IT department will review intrusion systems and third party vulnerability assessments
ƒ IT department will begin drafting a formal policy surrounding Information Security
Incident Responses

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Special Assessment Liens 2006:

ƒ Township did not secure a lien on one special assessment and was not able to collect
the outstanding balance on the receivable

Management Response:

ƒ One time issue with a single property

ƒ Procedures in place currently to ensure all properties with special assessments are
liened to protect the financial interests of the Township


Budgetary Control – Allocations Expense 2006, 2008, 2009:

ƒ Certain expenditures are distributed to various accounts and funds including the
General Fund and Sewer Fund and there is no documentation of the methodology

Management Response:

ƒ With the 2008 budget process, the finance department will put a formal policy for
expense allocations in place


Sewer Fund 2005, 2007, 2008

ƒ Rollforward balances of the sewer accounts receivable were not properly tracked
ƒ No approval of monthly revenue reconciliations done by the fiscal department
ƒ Revenue Coordinator can edit sewer bills in the software system

Management Response:

ƒ Beginning in 2007 we will implement proceeds to improve these controls including:

ƒ Approval by the Director of Finance for all credits and adjustments in excess of $200
(effective immediately)
ƒ Review of the monthly reconciliation of sewer billing and collections by the Director
of Finance who will assure agreement of revenues billed, collected, and outstanding
per the sewer billing module to the general ledger
ƒ Current proactive by the Chief Financial Officer reviewing all credits and adjustments
in excess of $200 began in July 2007


Permits 2006, 2007:

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ƒ System for issuing prenumbered permits in place, however, no procedure to ensure
that monies for all permits issued have been properly accounted for
ƒ 5 of the 19 permits did not have proper approval signature

Management Response:

ƒ Staff will review procedures and ensure a system of tracking gaps in permit numbers
is maintained
ƒ Finance department and community development will work to develop a
reconciliation between permits issued and fees collected


Budgetary Accounting 2005, 2006, 2007:

ƒ Expenditures exceeded budget in certain funds.

ƒ Budgetary transfers be made timely
ƒ Budgetary accounting should be used to control expenditures and monitor revenues.
ƒ Further monitoring of the budget before the purchase of goods or services are
ƒ Budgetary fund balances carried forward be reconciled to actual fund balances carried

Management Response:

ƒ Beginning in 2007 our plan is to analyze our budget versus actual figures at the end of
the 3rd quarter and evaluate whether budget transfers should be necessary
ƒ Those transfers that are deemed necessary will be presented to the Board of
ƒ Township will continue the strong internal control of all department heads reviewing
their own individual department’s monthly revenue and expense compared to budget.
ƒ Vast majority of expenditures that exceeded 2007 General Fund budget were the
result of one-time severance payments made to employees participating in the early
retirement incentive plan and the increased share of net operating expenses of the
RHM Sewer Authority in the Sewer Fund


Police Fines 2005, 2006, 2007

ƒ Township does not maintain a running total of outstanding fines.

Management Response:

Police department is reviewing this issue to formulate an effective way to monitoring for the


Real Estate Tax Payments/Unapplied Credit Account 2005, 2006, 2007:

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ƒ Double payments and overpayments of real estate taxes are credited to an unapplied
credit account
ƒ A detailed listing of the unapplied credit account be complied and appropriate
disposition determined
ƒ No records from prior Treasurers to ascertain which taxpayers made double payments
or overpayments
ƒ Liability will be maintained for three years to cover any potential claims for refund
that can be verified

Management Response:

ƒ Township staff in 2006 put a system in place and all duplicate payments on the books
dating back to the appointment of the current Township Treasurer have been refunded
ƒ Remaining balance date back to the prior Treasurer and staff will consult with the
Solicitor about proper treatment of these monies


Procurement – Purchase Orders 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009:

ƒ We noted that all purchase order numbers were not accounted for
ƒ Certain expenses paid without a purchase order
ƒ Blanket purchase orders should be reviewed by the Board of Commissioners

Management Response:

ƒ We believe this is an important component of proper encumbrance accounting. It is

the Township’s plan in 2007 to utilize the purchase module of Pentamation to better
monitor the status of purchase orders
ƒ Staff will revamp in 2008
ƒ Staff will work with the software vendor to better utilize the purchase order module


Accounting Procedures Manual 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009:

ƒ Prepare a detailed manual

ƒ Organizational chart
ƒ Job descriptions, outlining duties and responsibilities
ƒ Include chart of accounts, adequate explanations of account content, month-end and
year-end closing procedures, appropriate descriptions of all accounting procedures
and routines and all matters that bear directly or indirectly on the functioning of the
system of internal accounting control
ƒ Revisions should be subject to formal approval procedures

Management Response:

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ƒ It will be a goal in 2007 for the Finance Department to coordinate the writing of the
manual by the end of the year
ƒ It will be a goal in 2008 for the Finance Department to coordinate the writing of the
manual by the end of the year
ƒ Staff has been working on a manual which is 75% completed and should be finished
in 2009


Capital Assets 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009:

ƒ The schedule maintained for governmental capital assets did not rollforward properly
ƒ Capital assets are not assigned a tax number for which to properly track assets
ƒ The disposal of capital assets is not always documented

Management Response:

ƒ Due to the volume of the fixed assets being depreciated the Excel spreadsheet that
was used to track has proven cumbersome
ƒ For the 2006 audit, new spreadsheets were prepared and updated in accordance with
ƒ Staff will continue to strengthen our capital asset program to ensure proper
ƒ Staff will begin the process in 2009 to re-inventory and re-tag all fixed assets
ƒ Staff will utilize Pentamation for our capital asset monitoring and depreciation
ƒ Will discuss in detail with Public Works Director


Board Oversight of the Financial Reporting Process 2008:

ƒ In 2008 the Board was receiving regular financial updates

ƒ Treasurer and Board should receive regular financial statements

Management Response:

ƒ During the 2009 budget process the Board was receiving update financial statements


Aged Uncleared Outstanding Checks 2008:

ƒ Audit found 41 checks representing approximately $17,000 dating back to 2005

ƒ Should follow up within 60 – 90 days to write or if appropriate reissue the payment

Management Response:

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ƒ Finance Department is investigating and cleaning up all outstanding checks dated
11/30/09 and older


Cash Concentration Risk 2008:

ƒ Large investment of $4 million in one institution

Management Response:

ƒ Funds deposited with TD Bank are collateralized by a pool of assets which constitutes
they types of assets permitted to be pledged under Act 72 for the protection of public
ƒ The Township invest funds in varying institutions when rate are attractive and the
security is in line with the above statement


Missing I-9 2008:

ƒ Noticed not all employees have I-9 in personnel files

Management Response:

ƒ Updating all personnel files are underway and will require of all new hires


Petty Cash 2008

ƒ Three petty cash locations in the Township Building each containing $300
ƒ Assess the need for this many locations and reduce the amount of cash in each

Management Response:

ƒ Township needs the three locations but will work to enhance the safety and security
of the funds


Audit Adjustments 2008, 2009:

ƒ Adjustments to all the account balances to reflect their appropriate year-end balance
were not completed

Management Response:

ƒ Audit adjustments were given to the Finance Department in June and were mistakenly
booked in June 2009 instead of period 13 of December 2008

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Disbursement Approval Process 2008, 2009:

ƒ The Treasurer and Board received a list of disbursements on a bi-monthly basis after
the physical checks were cut and approved
ƒ Two live signatures should be on all checks

Management Response:

ƒ Any Board member can review the disbursement list before approval in their packets
ƒ Treasurer and Board now approve disbursement before checks are mailed
ƒ Answer to Commissioner’s questions always given before any check is mailed


Payroll Record Keeping and Approvals 2008, 2009:

ƒ Board was not provided with an annual pay rate schedule for Township employees
ƒ Pay rates for non-union employees not maintained in personnel files
ƒ No formal review of the payroll register
ƒ Township Manager approving his own time sheet
ƒ Personnel files were not in a secure location

Management Response:

ƒ All pay rates approved by the Board

ƒ Finance Director reviews payroll register
ƒ Personnel files locked in a secure location


Cash Receipts 2008, 2009:

ƒ Cash receipts left on Revenue Coordinator’s desk when she was not at her desk
ƒ Cash left unattended

Management Response:

ƒ Individual involved has been spoken to about this matter


Documentation Retention and Destruction Policy 2008, 2009:

ƒ No formal policy is in place and should be included in the Accounting Procedure


Management Response:

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ƒ Formal training for all staff will be completed in Fall of 2010

STATUS: In Progress

Whistleblower Policy 2008, 2009:

ƒ No formal policy is in place and should be included in the personnel manual

ƒ Board should discuss implementation as soon as possible

Management Response:

ƒ Agreed


Conflict of Interest Policy 2008, 2009:

ƒ No formal policy is in place and should identify all business relationships and other
dealings between the Township and its boards, management, key employees, and
other such parties with whom the Township conducts business

Management Response:

ƒ Solicitor is working an updated policy and form for all Township employees and
board members to sign


Audit Committee 2008, 2009:

ƒ A designated Audit Committee of the Board of Commissioners should be established

Management Response:

ƒ Agreed


Investment Policy 2008, 2009:

ƒ Policy had not been updated since 2003 and should be reviewed based on current
economic and investment conditions

Management Response:

ƒ Will recommend to the Board


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Review of Bank Reconciliations 2008, 2009

ƒ Bank reconciliations bore no evidence of formal review

Management Response:

ƒ Current Finance Director will review


Inventory 2008, 2009:

ƒ No physical inventory maintained for sewer, public works and/or police supplies
ƒ Evaluation of whether they should be capitalized

Management Response:

ƒ Will review with the Public Works Director


Capitalization Policy 2008, 2009:

ƒ Current policy is $1,000

ƒ Recommend at $5,000 limit

Management Response:

ƒ Agreed and will recommend to the Board


Journal Entry Approval 2008, 2009:

ƒ Journal entries from 2008 did not indicate review or approval from the Township
ƒ Review and approval from Township Manager and/or Board of Commissioners
ƒ Formal policy be instituted

Management Response:

ƒ Agrees and procedure will be formalized


Information Technology: Disaster Recovery Plan 2008, 2009:

ƒ No document recovery plan in place to address business continuity issues should

access to the Township Building be denied for an extended period of time

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Management Response:

ƒ The IT Department will begin drafting a documented disaster recovery plan and
identifying backup recovery sites


Information Technology: Criminal Background Check and Credit Check for

Accounting, IT Staff, and IT Consultants 2008, 2009:

ƒ Township does not routinely conduct background checks upon hire, or with IT
consultants servicing the Township

Management Response:

ƒ IT department will discuss this issue with Administration

Information Technology: Documentation of Procedures 2008, 2009:

ƒ While some documented policies regarding email and internet use are in place,
policies concerning a wide range of IT administration issues are not documented

Management Response:

ƒ The IT department will begin drafting and Information Technology policy and
procedure document


Information Technology: User Accounts 2008, 2009:

ƒ No formally documented procedure upon hiring and termination of employees

Management Response:

ƒ The IT Department will begin drafting a New Hire Checklist and Terminated
Employee Checklist


Information Technology: Offsite Data Backup 2008, 2009:

ƒ Township currently daily application and data backups are preformed and media is
stored off-site
ƒ Consider engaging a service provider that would perform and archive daily
applications and backups and secure them at a remote facility in the event of a
disaster event

Management Response:

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ƒ The IT Department will investigate off-sit backup processes


Information Technology: Physical Security of Servers 2008, 2009:

ƒ To further safeguard Township’s information technology it is recommended

installation of smoke detector in the server room, add portable fire extinguishers, and
install humidity and water sensors

Management Response:

ƒ The IT Department will begin addressing these items


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