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Intruterine Device (IUD)

Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
Anti-pregnancy vaccine
Low dose type of contraceptive pills

Abortifacients. Anything used to cause abortion or the expulsion of the fetus is an


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The intrauterine device (IUD) Placed inside the uterus. The IUD is a small object
made of plastic or stainless steel and comes in various shapesand conception; but it
can discontinue pregnancy; it irritates and inflames the lining of the uterus in such a
way that the developing fetus that descends from the fallopian tube cannot implant
itself and thus it dies. The disintegrated remnants come out with the menstrual

Comments: The IUD is easily inserted by the doctor, preferably

women who have already given birth, and just after menstruation when
the opening of the uterus is somewhat enlarged. Since this device be
expelled from the uterus anytime, especially during menstruation,
periodic checkups are required at least once a year. Among the side
effects common to IUD users are: bleeding or spotting during the first few
months is unbearable, the doctor may remove the device.

Other reported complications of IUD are: spontaneous expulsion

(i.e. the uterus expels the IUD by contracting its muscles); embedding (i.e.
the IUD punctures the uterine wall and becomes fixed there); ectopic
pregnancies (i.e. the developing detus remains in the tube, since the
environment inside the uterus is adverse to its survival); pelvic inflammatory
disease (i.e. the foreign device tat changes the uterine lining or endometrium
causes inflammation and infection)~ this phenomenon causes pain, fever,
and discharge; and perforation (i.e. the IUD passes through the wall of the
womb and enters the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen).

DES (diethylstilbestrol). Also known as the morning-after pill, DES is a powerful

hormone that forces the endometrium or uterine lining to shed. If the fetus has
already burrowed itself in the endometrium, it will be destroyed. This drug can also
prevent ovulation, and some recommend it for incest and rape cases.

Prostaglandins. This is also a powerful hormone drug. When taken by mouth,

injection or as vaginal suppository, it causes a violent contraction of the uterus,
pushing out whatever it is inside. The fetus will be forcibly expelled alive and will
subsequently die due to exposure or premature delivery. This drug is used in
second-trimester abortion.

Comments: Through the use of prostaglandins, abortion has

become a do-it-yourself affair. Inserting a vaginal suppository every two
hours will cause the uterus to contract at any stage of pregnancy and
expel the fetus. Reported side effects include cramps, nausea and

Anti-pregnancy vaccine. The vaccine makes the woman produce antibodies that
neutralize human chorionic gonadotropin (HGC). HGC is the mechanism which is
used to shut off the mother’s menstrual period after conception. If the HGC level
drops, then the woman menstruates and a miscarriage occurs. Hence, this anti-
pregnancy vaccine induces the early abortion of the fetus.

Comments: What makes one type of pregnancy test positive is

that the urine of the pregnant woman contain HGC. Taking an anti-
pregnancy vaccine once it has been established that a woman is pregnant
is a form of induced abortion.

Low dose type of contraceptive pills. To prevent ovulation, 400 mcg of ethinyl
estradiol (E.E., an Estrogen) are necessary. No contraceptive pill has high amounts
of estrogen in the pill is to decreases untoward side effects. Hypertension, uterine
lining cancer, heart attacks, strokes, phlebitis and many other unwanted side
effects reportedly appear to be related to the high amount of estrogen in a given
pill. Low levels of EE do not prevent ovulation (e.g. the popular low-dose
contraceptive pill called Ovral which has only 50 mcg of EE)

Comments: Although low hormone levels of contraceptive pills

do nor and cannot prevent the release of ovrum from the ovary (i.e.
ovulation); they do alter (irritate and inflame) the uterine lining or wall so
that nidation or fetal burrowing cannot occur. The endometrium (uterine
wall) is not sufficiently prepared for implantation. This is the reason why
low dose types of contraceptive pills are abortifacients. Contraception
may take place, but implantation cannot, due to the damaged
endometrium; hence miscarriage occurs and the descending fetus flows
out with the vaginal discharge.

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