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Original ar ticle

Dreaming: a neuropsychological view1

■ S. Schwartza, b, 2, T. T. Dang-Vuc, d, 3, A. Ponza, 2, S. Duhouxa, 2, P. Maquetc, d, 3
a Laborator y for Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Depar tment of Neurosciences, University Medical Centre,
b Depar tment of Clinical Neurology, Geneva University Hospital
c Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liège (B)

d Neurology Depar tment, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU), Liège (B)

Summary visual processing such as colour vision and motion

processing, and strong emotions such as fearful
Schwartz S, Dang-Vu TT, Ponz A, Duhoux S, experiences. These findings suggest that dreaming
Maquet P. Dreaming: a neuropsychological view. might implicate distinct but reproducible patterns
Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2005;156:426–39. of activation across the motor, visual and limbic
systems. In the last part, we introduce a neuro-
Sleep and dream research has recently been invig- psychological approach to normal dreaming (i.e.
orated by convergent data from complementary dreams from neurologically healthy individuals). In
neuropsychological sources such as brain-imaging particular, we show that some bizarre but common
studies of normal sleep, clinical investigations of features in normal dreams present striking similar-
dream disorders in brain-damaged patients and ities with neuropsychological symptoms observed
analyses of dream reports from healthy individu- in brain-damaged patients while being awake, sug-
als. Here we show that by adopting a neuropsy- gesting specific commonalities in brain organisa-
chological approach to dream phenomenology tion. For example, dreams present many instances
we can gain important insights into the processing of delusional misidentification for people or places
of information within specialised brain regions characterised by a mismatch between the identity
during sleep. We first review clinical studies re- and the physical appearance of a character or a
vealing that dreaming can cease or be reduced place. Dreams contain many other visual distor-
after lesions within parieto-occipital and deep tions such as the multiplication of a visual percept
bifrontal regions, but that dreaming remains large- in time or space, deficits in size perception, reduced
ly unaffected by dorsolateral prefrontal lesions. colour vision, etc. These bizarre features of visual
Damages in occipito-temporal visual regions can processing during sleep suggest reduced neural
selectively affect the visual quality of the dreams activity within specialised visual areas and/or func-
and often co-occur with similar visual impairments tional disconnections within the visual system as
while awake. Based on these clinical observations, well as from other higher-level brain regions. In
it is thus possible to infer which brain structures conclusion, by providing specific predictions about
might underlie normal dreaming.We then describe likely patterns of cerebral activity during sleep,
some cardinal phenomenological features of nor- dream studies open up a new road for the inter-
mal dream experience. Using multidimensional sta- pretation of future brain maps of human sleep
tistical methods, we identified recurrent cognitive while shedding light on the varieties of conscious
dimensions in large samples of dream reports brain states.
without any a priori coding of their content. Our Keywords: dreaming; sleep; neuropsychology;
analyses revealed well-segregated and consistent cognition; emotion; REM
cognitive dimensions in the dreams from different
individuals, including verbal and motor activities,

1 Sophie Schwartz dedicates this article to the memory of

Correspondence: her grandfather P.-B. Schneider, a Swiss psychiatrist and
Sophie Schwar tz, PhD psychoanalyst, whose work contributed to the promotion
Laborator y for Neurology and Imaging of Cognition of mental health as a fundamental domain of medicine.
Depar tment of Neurosciences 2 S. S., S. D. and A. P. are supported by the Swiss National
University Medical Centre (CMU) Science Foundation (grants #3100-AO-102133 & 3200B-
1, rue Michel-Ser vet 0-104100).
CH-1211 Geneva 3 T. D. and P. M. are supported by the Fonds National de la
e-mail: sophie.schwar Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) (Belgium).

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Introduction typical bizarre elements in dreams, could provide
unique insights into the processing of informa-
“A dream is this. I perceive objects and there is nothing there. tion within specialised brain regions during sleep
I see men; I seem to speak to them and I hear what they
answer; there is no one there and I have not spoken. It is all [4–6]. At the same time, advanced neuroimaging
as if real things and real persons were there, then on waking techniques such as positron emission tomography
all has disappeared, both persons and things. How does this (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging
happen?” (H. Bergson 1914, p. 15 [1])
(fMRI) started to be used to measure regional
For modern neuroscience research dreaming brain activity during distinct states of sleep and
stands out as a most intriguing topic of investi- wakefulness in healthy volunteers (reviewed by
gation. Dreaming constitutes a prevailing facet of Dang-Vu et al. in this issue). In addition, thorough
human experience associated with specific brain anatomical descriptions provided by modern brain
states that occurs spontaneously for several hours scanning could be used to identify brain lesions
each night while we are sleeping. Dreaming can that disrupt or alter dream experience in neuro-
thus be of significant interest to a large number logical patients [7, 8]. Hence, over the last decade
of researchers including neurophysiologists, sleep or so, sleep and dream research began to raise fun-
medicine specialists, psychiatrists, behavioural neu- damental questions pertaining to the diversity of
rologists and cognitive psychologists.Yet, still little functional brain states, as well as the richness of
is known about dreaming from a scientific per- coincident corporeal and mental experiences.
spective. Over the past fifty years, ingenious and Here, we first review evidence for quantitative
productive work has been dedicated to the study of and/or qualitative changes in dream experiences
waking behaviour and waking consciousness, but resulting from selective brain lesions. Based on
attempts to understand dream processes have re- such clinical observations, we can infer which brain
mained comparatively sparse. Two main factors structures are normally involved in dreaming and
have contributed to this relative neglect of dream- likely to be activated during specific periods of
ing as a topic of scientific inquiry. First, dreaming sleep (although any direct mapping from a brain
has for a long time been associated with psycho- lesion to a cognitive function will always remain
analysis, thus generating suspicion about the nature tentative). Then, we show that some well-delineat-
and reliability of dream data. Second, a traditional ed dimensions of dream experiences (e.g. percep-
experimental approach is not straightforwardly tion, emotion or cognition) are frequent in large
applicable to dreams since dreaming occurs during dream samples, suggesting that specific but com-
sleep and is therefore not directly observable or mon underlying patterns of cerebral activity might
measurable. However, sleep and dream research occur iteratively during sleep. Importantly, there
has recently been invigorated by the use of new is a good match between the neural activity pre-
methodologies, as well as by convergent data from dicted from these cognitive features and functional
complementary sources including brain imaging imaging maps of human sleep (Dang-Vu et al., this
studies (reviewed by Dang-Vu et al. in this issue), issue). In the last part, we introduce a neuro-
clinical investigations in brain-damaged patients, psychological approach to normal dreaming (i.e.
statistical analyses of dream reports and neuro- dreams from neurologically healthy individuals
psychological interpretation of bizarre but com- [5]). This approach arises from conspicuous analo-
mon features of dream experiences. gies between bizarre features in dreams and spe-
The present review substantiates the assump- cific neuropsychological syndromes observed in
tion that dream reports contain valuable informa- brain-damaged patients while being awake. We
tion about the cognitive processes and brain func- demonstrate that knowing about the lesional topo-
tions that participate in their generation. The idea graphy corresponding to these syndromes would
of a “cognitive” approach to dreams dates back to provide useful information about likely changes in
the late 1950s when cognitive psychology arose as brain functions during normal sleep.
a distinct subfield of scientific psychology. Since
then, mental phenomena were (again) studied, in-
cluding one of the most pervasive and impressive Neuropsychology of dream disorders
forms of human experience – dreaming. How-
ever, it was only in the mid-1990s that a renewed Recent brain-imaging studies in healthy subjects
interest for the cerebral bases of dreaming emerged have provided detailed maps of regional cerebral
[2, 3], promoting dreaming as a valuable topic for activity across sleep stages, but any attempt to re-
neuroscience research. In this context it was pro- late these maps to dream processes still remains
posed that the identification of common sensory, mostly hypothetical and needs further experimen-
cognitive and emotional dream features, as well as tation (see Dang-Vu et al. in this issue). In the

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meantime, we can rely on another instructive source orders occur more frequently after lesions affecting
of information about the dreaming brain. Namely, the right or the left hemisphere [9–11], or does each
studying patients with focal brain damage can hemisphere contribute to different dream features
facilitate the identification of brain regions whose [12]? In 1992, Doricchi and Violani [8] published a
integrity is necessary for normal dreaming. pioneering meta-analysis of the lesions’ sites pro-
However, clinical investigations of dreaming ducing cessation, alteration or maintenance of
face several challenges. First, the absence of direct dreaming following cerebral damage. They used a
and immediate access to dream experiences im- simplified anatomy that indexed lesions according
poses important methodological limitations to the to the affected lobes (frontal, parietal, occipito-
assessment of dream functions. Moreover, many temporal) and hemispheres (right, left, bilateral),
people may perceive questions about their dreams thus going beyond previous dichotomic laterality
as relatively intrusive upon their private life, even approaches. They found that (a) damage to the
in the context of a clinical examination, and may frontal lobes is not systematically associated with
therefore censure or bias their own reports thus loss of dreaming (many patients with frontal lobe
providing incomplete or conformable descriptions lesions show maintenance of dream experience),
(see [5], Box 1). In addition, other neuropsycho- (b) lesions in the parietal lobes and lesion asso-
logical or psychiatric impairments affecting the pa- ciated with disconnective syndromes can cause
tients’ waking behaviour are usually diagnosed first loss of dreaming without notable hemispheric
because they often engender more discomfort than asymmetry, and (c) dream cessation after unilateral
potential disorders of dreaming which might in turn left or right damage is as frequent as after bilateral
remain undetected. Finally, a comprehensive brain- (and larger) damage (see contrasting results in
based theory of dreaming is required to promote [13]).
dream data as useful or clinically sound. Despite all Five years after Doricchi and Violani’s article,
these limitations, dream disorders in brain-dam- Mark Solms [7] established the first nosology of
aged patients have been reported occasionally for dream disorders with neuropathological signifi-
more than 100 years. In 1883 Charcot described the cance based on an extensive review of previously
famous case of “Monsieur X” who was no longer published clinical descriptions as well as on his own
able to represent visible objects, neither while investigation of 361 neurological and neurosurgical
awake nor in his dreams:“I dream simply of speech, patients. Such a systematic investigation repre-
whereas I formerly possessed a visual perception sented a significant advancement surpassing pre-
in my dreams” (quoted in [7], p. 5). The limited vious sampling biases. Solms asked his patients to
series of mostly incidental neuropsychological freely describe any change in dreaming since the
reports of dream disorders has recently been aug- onset of their illness. Their first spontaneous
mented by an investigation conducted on a large description was followed by detailed dream inter-
sample of neurological patients that we review in views addressing sleep quality, dreaming expe-
some details below [7]. rience and dream recall (patients may have the
In this section, we will also question the over- impression that they still experience dreams while
stated assumption that dreaming equates to the being no longer able to report any content in the
physiological state known as REM sleep (rapid- morning; cf. “blank dreams”; cf. [14]). Finally, spe-
eye-movement sleep). Undeniably, linking dream cific dimensions of dream experience were assessed
phenomenology to REM sleep neurophysiology including narrative complexity or bizarreness, emo-
provided a valuable framework for the scientific tional intensity, presence of recurring nightmares,
study of dream processes. However, we will argue frequency of dreaming, visual imagery and its vi-
that a meaningful theory of sleep and dreaming vacity, dream-reality distinction, dream duration
should contribute to a general model of human and memory sources of dream content. From the
consciousness and that future work might need to 332 cases with confirmed cerebral lesions, Solms
go beyond the original equation “dreaming = REM could distinguish between four major disorders of
sleep”. dreaming based on the uniformity of their mani-
festation and their associated neuropsychological
deficits at wake, as well as on their association with
Dream disorders in brain-damaged patients specific sites or types of lesions (CT scans). Solms’
classification of dream disorder first defines the
The first brief reviews focusing on dreaming in syndrome of “nonvisual dreaming” (or visual ano-
brain-damaged patients appeared in the 1970s and neira) as a loss of visual imagery or an alteration in
1980s. At that time, laterality of dreaming was one aspect of visual imagery (e.g. face, colour or
debated with questions such as: do dreaming dis- kinematic perception).This syndrome was found to

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Figure 1

Lesion map associated with reduction or cessation of visual dreaming (schematic axial brain sections from lower to upper
brain slices). Reduction of dream-imager y vividness occurred in 21 cases with preponderant medial occipito-temporal-limbic
lesions (green); note that visible right frontal lesions did not discriminate between patients with and without reduced vivacity
of dream imager y. Cessation of visual dreaming was found in one case with right parietal ar terio-venous malformation and
bilateral oedema (red). Adapted from [7].

be concomitant of occipito-temporal lesions and frontal cortex (predominantly in the left hemi-
to co-occur with similar impairments of visual pro- sphere; fig. 2b), and was sometimes associated
cessing at wake (fig. 1). with aphasia, problem-solving deficits and per-
Then a second, major disorder of dreaming, the severation. This result obtained with an improved
syndrome of “global cessation of dreaming” (or anatomical resolution elucidates Doricchi and
global anoneira), is characterised by a total, but Violani’s (1992) perplexing finding that frontal
sometimes transitory, loss of dreaming. Global lobe lesions were not systematically associated
cessation of dreaming occurs after either parietal with loss of dreaming.The resulting lesional map is
and posterior temporo-occipital lesions (right or also truly impressive when confronted with the
left hemisphere) or deep bifrontal lesions (fig. 2a); neuroimaging results from healthy subjects show-
it is associated respectively with visuospatial ing reduced activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal
memory deficits or with adynamia, disinhibition cortex during normal sleep [2, 20] (results pub-
and perseveration (see [15] for a compelling case lished after Solms had finished his manuscript).
report of global cessation of dreaming after occip- Finally, preserved dreaming was also observed
ital lesions). Global cessation of dreaming was also after brainstem lesions, suggesting that dreaming
observed in patients with hydrocephalus. The third may be at least partly independent of REM sleep
disorder of dreaming identified by Solms is the processes generated in brainstem regions (fig. 2b).
symptom complex of “dream-reality confusion” (or Taken together, these clinical investigations
anoneirognosis) in which the patients are impaired suggest that neurological diseases result in specific
at distinguishing internally generated experiences alterations of dreaming experience. Like other neu-
such as their dreams from externally driven per- ropsychological impairments affecting the waking
cepts. This dream-reality confusion is often accom- behaviour of the patients, dream disorders can also
panied by a quantitative increase in dream fre- inform about their underlying neuropathological
quency. It occurs with frontal-limbic lesions and is processes. Dreaming deficits therefore provide
associated with defective reality monitoring, as well valuable diagnostic and/or prognostic indications
as with executive and affective disorders, and some- (see Bassetti et al. in this issue) and should thus be
times with cortical blindness. The fourth category included in standard neuropsychological investi-
of dream disorder is the syndrome of “recurring gations.
nightmares”, defined by frequent nightmares with
a repetitive theme. Recurring nightmares often
occur in the context of temporal-limbic seizure ac- Is REM sleep necessar y for dreaming?
tivity, with stereotyped nightmares accompanying
complex-partial seizures in some cases [16–19]. Electroencephalograms (EEG) of sleep had been
Solms’ investigation also provides a description taken since the late 1920s, but it was not until
of the anatomical correlates of normal (or mostly 1953 that electrooculograms (EOG) were record-
unchanged) dreaming from a large population of ed along with the sleep EEG, leading to the dis-
brain-damaged patients. Normal dreaming oc- covery of REM sleep ([21]; see also [22, 23]).
curred in 24 of the patients’ series, with a clear REM sleep is characterised by low voltage “acti-
preponderance of lesions in the dorsolateral pre- vated” EEG (resembling certain waking patterns),

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Figure 2


Lesion maps associated with cessation vs preser vation of dreaming. (a) Global cessation of dreaming is illustrated by:
6 cases with parietal lobe lesions (inferior lobule and supramarginal gyrus; red), 9 cases with deep frontal lesions (blue),
and 8 cases with posterior lesions, close to parietal lobes (green). (b) Preser ved dreaming processes were found in: 15 cases
(entirely unchanged dreaming) with left hemispheric and frontal convexity lesions (green), 14 cases with bifrontal lesions
(cor tical convexity, blue), and 17 cases with brainstem lesions (red). Adapted from [7].

intermittent bursts of rapid eye movements and neural correlates of dreaming to a comparison
profound motor inhibition, consuming about 20% between REM sleep and waking or NREM sleep.
of the total sleep duration and distributed across However, ever since the discovery of REM sleep,
4–5 periods getting longer as the night progresses. the question of whether dreaming exclusively re-
REM sleep might thus reflect periods during which lates to REM physiology has been and still remains
the sleeper’s mind is intensely active and possibly highly controversial [29–31].
produces dreams.To test this hypothesis,Aserinsky One fundamental problem with the original
and Kleitman [21] conducted awakenings during equation “REM sleep = dreaming” is that neither
REM and NREM phases, inquiring whether a dreaming nor REM sleep are stable, homogeneous
dream occurred just prior to the awakening.Twenty and unique states. Instead of relying exclusively on
of 27 REM awakenings yielded detailed dream REM sleep mechanisms, dreaming might best be
reports, while only 2 out of 23 NREM awakenings described along a continuum, from thought-like
did. Since then, it has been confirmed repeatedly mentations typical of early NREM sleep to florid
and with different methods that REM awakenings and vivid dreamlike experiences typical during
produce more vivid dream reports and more fre- REM sleep [26, 32] (see fig. 3). Nielsen has recently
quently when compared to NREM awakenings proposed that contradictory results about REM vs
[24–28]. It therefore became conventional belief NREM quantitative and qualitative differences
that we dream during REM sleep. might be best explained by the existence of “co-
The equation “REM sleep = dreaming” is his- vert” REM sleep processes during NREM sleep
torically significant because it gave credit to a ([33]; but see [34] for opposing results), as well
scientific approach to dreaming, a topic previously as by a combination of chronobiological oscilla-
relegated to the realm of untrustworthy anecdotes, tions modulating the dream production system.
dubious popular beliefs (e.g. oniromancy) and psy- Such chronobiological oscillations can include
choanalytical interpretations. In particular, this 90-minute ultradian oscillations, circadian oscil-
equation partitioned sleep into a dream-present lations, and 12-hour circasemidian rhythms, up
brain state (REM) and a dream-absent brain state to 7-day rhythms and 28-day rhythms (in women)
(NREM) thus reducing the characterisation of the [35]. Nielsen’s view favours a two-generator model,

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Figure 3
directed thinking

Percents of occurrence




Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5 Segment 2 Segment 3 Segment 4 Segment 5

Reciprocal changes in directed thinking and hallucinating in NREM and REM over the night, showing increasing hallucinator y
content and decreasing thinking in NREM dreams as the night progresses. By contrast, high levels of hallucinations and low
levels of directed thoughts remain unchanged across successive REM episodes (adapted from [39]).

in which qualitatively different generators produce of all, the ability to recall dreams presents con-
cognitive activity during the two main sleep states. siderable individual variability due to many dif-
Other studies suggested that sleep is associated ferent factors such as age [40–43], attitude towards
with a reciprocal relationship between thoughts dreams [44, 45], personality [46, 47], creative and
and hallucinations that is shifted toward more visual abilities [48, 49], and environmental vari-
dreamlike hallucinations and fewer directed ables including cultural, professional or affective
thoughts both by REM and by time spent in sleep, current concerns [50–54]. Furthermore, some rare
thus explaining why NREM dreams start resem- individuals might not experience dreaming as they
bling REM dreams as the night progresses (fig. 3; cannot report any dream even when awakened
[32, 36–39]). during polysomnographically defined sleep and in
Based on these findings, we think that an inclu- the absence of any neurological disease or damage
sive acceptation of dreaming equivalent to that [55], suggesting that dreaming might not be as
of sleep mentation should be favoured, i.e. “the ubiquitous as generally accepted. Secondly, con-
occurrence of any subjectively experienced cog- sistent changes in dreaming can be difficult to
nitive events during sleep” (as in defined in [35], assess because of the lack of premorbid dream data
p. 404). Such a definition will allow future dream which have to be evaluated retrospectively by the
research to fulfil its main objective: to account for patients and are thus likely to be subjected to
all facets and varieties of sleep mentation and to memory distortions or social biases [5]. Thirdly,
provide the most useful data for an integrative patients reporting a sudden reduction or a loss of
model of human sleep. Thus, REM sleep is not a dreaming might still experience dreams without
necessary, but a facilitating condition for dreaming being able to remember them on the next day.
to occur. Conversely, there is little doubt that Moreover, brain damages may also alter sleep
dreaming was a necessary condition for REM sleep parameters [56, 57], which in turn could influ-
to become famous. ence the dreaming processes [58, 59]. Therefore,
future investigations of dreaming abilities in brain-
damaged patients should be complemented by
Limitations to the study of dream polysomnographic recordings to detect any asso-
in brain-damaged patients ciated sleep disorder and should also include
awakenings during sleep to collect dream data with
To conclude this section, we point out some limita- no time delay (e.g. [15, 60, 61]). Finally, dreaming
tions to the dream examination in neurological changes in neurological patients may also be
patients that future research should address. First attributed to neurochemical disturbances and/or

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pharmacological treatments that must be carefully observation is what we have to rely on first and
examined and might provide additional informa- foremost and always” ([71], p. 185). Introspection
tion about neurophysiological mechanisms under- implies that we first look into our own mind and
lying dreaming [62–65]. then report any thought, feeling and sensation
that we could discern. Thus, introspection into our
waking or dreaming mind always relies on memory
Phenomenology of normal dreaming (and might thus best be referred to as “retrospec-
tion”). It is noteworthy that the difference between
Genetics, molecular biology, electrophysiology, introspective data and objective data derived from
clinical observations, as well as brain-imaging “overt” behavioural responses is often exaggerated
studies have considerably augmented our knowl- as dedicated studies showed that verbal reports
edge of human sleep by illuminating sleep mecha- provide reliable data about mental processes [72,
nisms at distinct levels of biological organisation. 73]. Like other memory data, dream reports can be
This contrasts with the limited number of investi- influenced by several factors such as forgetting, re-
gations addressing sleep functions at the cognitive construction mechanisms, verbal description dif-
level. The difficulty to obtain measurable and reli- ficulties, censorship, experimental demands and
able data about cognitive processes during sleep lack of independent verification that can be allevi-
constitutes the main cause for this apparent negli- ated using appropriate strategies (see [5], Box 1).
gence and thus represents a major challenge for Different methods can be used to collect rep-
a successful integration of cognition with more resentative and reliable dream material. Home-
basic, physiological levels of investigation in sleep based dream diaries are the most frequent source
research. However, the resistance of dreaming to of dream data in current research. This method
experimental control does not dictate that this provides rich information about the commonality
natural source of information about cognitive pro- of dreams spontaneously remembered, allowing
cesses at work during sleep cannot be studied at all. for example comparisons between specific groups
Methods have been developed to measure distinct of individuals (e.g. people with normal sight vs
features of dream content, including scales, scoring blind people), as well as a unique access to longi-
systems, as well as automated lexical statistical tudinal properties of dream activity over several
analyses that will be presented below. months or years [44]. A second method consists in
We and others have proposed that dream re- administrating dream questionnaires (as in Solms’s
ports contain valuable information about the cog- study) to investigate selective features of dream
nitive processes that participate in their generation experience [74, 75]. A third method is to collect
and that cognition during sleep can be inferred dreams in a sleep laboratory by waking subjects
from typical or common features in dream reports, during polysomnographically defined sleep stages
independent of their specific meaning for a given and interrogating them about the content of their
dreamer [4, 5, 31]. For example, vivid visual im- minds just prior to the awakening. This allows
agery, emotional intensification and illusion of dream characteristics to be analysed as a function
reality represent some of the defining features of of sleep stages [40], but the content of “laboratory
common dream experiences (e.g. [66–70]). It is dreams” is often poorer than home-based reports
our claim that frequent cognitive features in dream (e.g. fewer emotions) and may incorporate ele-
reports might also inform about underlying brain ments of the sleep laboratory and experimental
functions during dreaming, thus allowing the in- setting [76]. An attractive alternative to polysom-
tegration of dream data into a unified model of nographic recordings in the sleep laboratory is the
human sleep. use of portable sleep monitoring devices that the
subjects can use at home [32, 38, 39, 77]. Finally, it
has been proposed that asking people to write
Methods to collect reliable dream data down the most recent dream they can remember,
whether it was “last night, last week, or last month”
Like other manifestations of conscious processes, (“most recent dream” method; [44]), can provide
dreaming poses the following methodological informative data to characterise a given population
problem: how can we study a phenomenon that or group of individuals.The reliable sample size for
is not directly and objectively observable, but me- such studies as for studies using home-based dream
diated by introspection? Yet, introspection consti- reports has been approximated to about a hundred
tutes a fundamental dimension of our everyday reports ([44]; see also [78]).
mental experience as the famous American psy-
chologist William James wrote: “Introspective

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Cognitive features of the dreaming mind covering selective cognitive processes that con-
tributed to distinct dream episodes. This supports
In 1893, Mary Calkins published one of the first a neuropsychological approach to dreaming ac-
statistical studies of dream content [79]. She iden- cording to which functional brain modules can be
tified and quantified more than 10 parameters in identified by studying distinct cognitive functions
375 dream reports from two individuals. Calkins that participate in dream experience in an inde-
found a clear predominance of visual experiences pendent or dissociated manner. Like circumscribed
in dreams (57%), followed by auditory experiences neuropsychological impairments after focal brain
(37%) and then by gustatory and olfactory expe- damages, functional dissociations in the sleeping
riences (1%) (see [40] for similar results). By pro- mind can reveal cognitive “modules” that would
gramming awakenings at different times in the otherwise remain undetected since they are nor-
night, she could also observe that more dreams mally integrated during wakefulness to form our
occurred during the late part of the night (between coherent everyday-life experiences.
4 and 8 a.m.) and that these late dreams were more For example, we found a first dissociation be-
vivid (see also previous section). More recently, tween verbal and motor activities implying that
almost contemporarily to the discovery of REM brain circuits subtending the ability to manipulate
sleep, Hall and Van De Castle published an exten- language or communicate verbally may be activat-
sive manual for coding of the content of dream ed during sleep independently of those involved
reports [80]. This classification system was first in motor behaviour, and vice versa. In normal
designed to measure common features in a large healthy subjects motor and premotor cortices
sample of dream reports from healthy young were found to be active during REM sleep [85],
students (e.g. people, objects, places, social inter- suggesting that dreamed movements may exploit
actions, activities, emotions, etc.). It provided nor- the same cortical circuits as the ones underlying
mative values for the different scales proposed in motor behaviour while awake (while actual exe-
the manual that have since then been used to study cution of the movements are suppressed by the
many different dream samples (e.g. [44, 81]). system controlling muscle atonia during REM
In recent dream research, scales and coding sleep). Further dissociations were found in the
systems have become standard tools to quantify visual domains including fine visual judgments,
empirical as well as theoretical categories of dream colour vision, motion perception, landscapes or
features (e.g. [40, 44, 66, 80, 82]). This classification outdoor representations, and dreams containing
approach is very efficient when assessing specific familiar people. The dissociation between these
categories of interest, such as the different types visual properties is consistent with well-known
of emotions or bizarre features, in the dreams functional specialisations in the human brain, in-
of healthy or patient populations (e.g. [59, 83]), or cluding colour vision in V4 [86], motion processing
when testing theoretically driven hypotheses (e.g. in MT/V5 [87, 88], layouts and landscapes in the
[80, 84]). However, manually coding dream content parahippocampal place area (PPA) [89], and face
is time consuming, especially when analysing large processing in the face fusiform area (FFA) [90].
amounts of data. It also requires the delimitation The predominance of visual aspects in dreams is
of a priori categories to be quantified and may in good accordance with the widespread activa-
therefore miss important information hidden in the tion in associative visual areas observed with PET
data. To overcome these limitations, we proposed during REM sleep [20, 85, 91], but our analyses of
to use lexical statistical methods on large samples dream features suggest a temporally and spatially
of dreams ([5]; see [4] for details about the more detailed mapping of the visual dimensions
method). Such methods allowed us to identify than that provided by available PET studies.
recurrent patterns of dream content based on the Finally, emotions such as fearful experiences repre-
distribution of words in the dream reports, without sented a highly consistent feature in all dreams’
any a priori coding of the dreams. samples. Since limbic circuits, in particular the
We have recently applied multidimensional amygdala, contribute to threat-related emotions
statistical methods to a large longitudinal dream and memory processing [92–96], amygdala activa-
diary containing 1770 dream reports as well as to tion during sleep [2, 20, 97–99] might thus provide
the original dreams used by Hall and Van de Castle a permissive condition for emotionally relevant
consisting of a total of 1000 dreams from 50 male elements of memory to be selectively reprocessed
and 50 female students (dataset available: www. in sleep in animals and humans [100–106] or con-; [4, 80]). Our results revealed well- tribute to the rehearsal of genetically programmed
segregated and consistent cognitive dimensions or “primitive” behavioural responses to threa-
in the dreams from different individuals, thus un- tening stimuli [107, 108]. This would result in an

433 SCHWEIZER ARCHIV FÜR NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE w w w. a s n p . c h 156 ■ 8/2005

Figure 4 posal, some bizarre features in normal dreaming
are underpinned by a pattern of regional brain
activity not unlike the one imposed by lesions in
specific neuropsychological syndromes.The neuro-
psychological approach to normal dreams goes as
Figure available in printed version only. follows: (a) some bizarre features reported in
dreams present remarkable similarities with spe-
cific neuropsychological syndromes observed in
brain-damaged patients, and (b) the lesional topo-
graphy corresponding to these syndromes might
provide useful information about brain regions
activated during normal sleep. The existence of
René Magritte, Ceci n’est pas une pipe, 1928/29 (© 2005, striking similarities between certain neuropsycho-
ProLitteris, Zurich).
logical syndromes and typical dream productions
suggests specific commonalities in their underlying
overrepresentation of frightening dream episodes brain organisation, but this does not imply that
as well as numerous incorporations of affective and sleep or dreaming is a pathological state. Thus,
working concerns from waking life ([40, 69, 70, 79, dream data could be used to guide the analysis and
109–111], see [112]), and suggests that different interpretation of functional imaging data collected
varieties of memory functions may operate during during sleep [5]. Some of these predictions are
sleep. already confirmed while others still await expe-
Functional dissociations in dream experiences rimental investigation and shape future paradigms
might implicate distinct and heterogeneous, but for dedicated functional neuroimaging studies. We
reproducible patterns of activation, thus corrob- describe below a few examples of these parallels
orating the idea that the anatomical segregation between dreams and neurological syndromes.
of brain functions is mostly preserved during sleep.
Identifying well-delimited cognitive dimensions
in dreams will certainly guide future brain-imaging Neuropsychology of dream bizarreness
studies that will disclose transient patterns of re-
gional cerebral activity during sleep (e.g. fMRI). One common bizarre feature in dreams is the dis-
ruption in visual recognition, whereby a dreamed
character or object is clearly recognised although
Neuropsychological approach to normal its physical appearance is drastically modified in
dreaming the dream [5, 118]. The painting from Magritte
(fig. 4) exemplifies the possible dissociation be-
The analyses reported in the previous section tween the appearance of an object (a pipe) and its
demonstrated that cardinal features in large dream meaning in the mind of the observer (this is not a
samples can be identified using statistical methods pipe). In dreams, similar dissociations commonly
and that these features effectively match current occur for faces or characters. The following dream
descriptions of brain activity during sleep. These reported by a 25-year-old man after an experi-
analyses were entirely based on the frequency of mental awakening from REM sleep illustrates a
occurrence and degree of uniformity of dream typical mismatch between the identity of a char-
contents. Although the source of our dreams per- acter and its appearance: “Ah yes, exactly, I had
tains to memory, dream experiences do not fulfil a talk with your colleague, but she looked dif-
a simple memory reactivation agenda [109, 113]. ferently, much younger, like someone I went to
Indeed, when compared to usual experiences of school with, perhaps a 13-year-old girl …” ([40],
our normal, waking lives, dreams present innumer- p. 71). Normal identification of faces relies on a
able anomalies [66, 82, 84, 114, 115]. It is precisely specific network of specialised brain areas in-
because dreaming dislocates, distorts and reinvents cluding medial temporal lobe structures, espe-
a world of experience (“a virtual reality realized cially the FFA for the visual extraction of facial
in the brain” [116], p. 55) that it represented the traits [90] and the amygdala for detection of emo-
most inspiring model of creativity for the surreal- tional significance [95, 119], but also infero-tempo-
ists (fig. 4; [117]). ral and prefrontal regions that provide semantic
In this section, we show that bizarre features information about particular people (fig. 5; [120,
in the dreams may reflect specific functional states 121]). Delusional misidentification or hyperiden-
of the sleeping brain. More specifically, in our pro- tification for people corresponds to a well-known

434 SCHWEIZER ARCHIV FÜR NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE w w w. s a n p . c h 156 ■ 8/2005

Figure 5 Brain network for face processing. (a) Normal face processing. rent similitude to the corresponding original places.
Face recognition involves three main functional components:
In the following dream from a 30-year-old man
the visual extraction of facial traits in medial temporal lobe
structures, in particular the fusiform face area (FFA); affective (laboratory recording, REM sleep), the spatial
responses to faces in relation to familiarity in limbic circuits environment was changed in two ways as the bed-
(amygdala; A); and stored semantic and biographical informa- room was actually located on the ground floor, not
tion about the seen faces in infero-temporal regions (IT) and
prefrontal regions (F). Both the perception of real faces the third floor, and there was no physician’s office
and mental imager y of faces (in the absence of an external in the building:“I found myself in this test situation.
stimulus) rely on the same network of brain areas. (b) Frégoli I got up and turned off the microphone. But the
syndrome in dreams. Patients with Frégoli usually mistake
an unknown individual as being a familiar person despite the
room was upstairs, on the third floor, and I stepped
lack of physical resemblance. This syndrome involves lesions into the physician’s office, where something was
in the right ventral temporal areas and prefrontal regions. running.” ([40], p. 108) The processing of places
Frégoli-like phenomena in dreams could thus be generated
and layouts involves the PPA (just anterior to
by a simultaneous activation of high-order associative areas
of the temporal lobes storing information about persons’ the fusiform face area; [89]), and delusional mis-
identities and the FFA responsible for the processing of visual identification syndromes or “reduplicative par-
facial features, in the absence of monitoring from the pre- amnesia” for places can occur after temporal and
frontal area (adapted from [5]).
prefrontal lesions, with right hemisphere pre-
dominance [129–134]. Therefore, like misidenti-
fications of faces, misidentifications of places in
dreams likely result from a deficient integration
between perceptive and semantic information
about places, suggesting that sleep may provide a
favourable condition for the modular architec-
ture of brain functions to be expressed and con-
Other examples of visual distortions include
the multiplication of a visual percept in time (“pal-
inopsia”) or space (“polyopia”), which is observed
a b
in patients with lesions in visual associative areas
[135, 136], and deficit of visual size perception
neurological condition, called Frégoli syndrome, with apparent reduction (“micropsia”) or increase
whereby an unknown person’s face is erroneously (“macropsia”) of the size of objects, previously re-
recognised as a familiar person, despite the lack ported after right occipital damage [137]. A typical
of any obvious physical resemblance [122–124]). example of macropsia is offered in the following
Common lesions are located in the ventral tempo- excerpt from a dream of a 23-year-old woman
ral areas, predominantly in the right hemisphere, (laboratory recording, REM sleep):“I was together
and in the prefrontal cortex [125, 126]. This syn- with two boys, about 17 years old. They were fixing
drome may result from a simultaneous activation an enormous steak, a T-bone steak. I noticed how
of high-order associative areas in the temporal they had prepared it. It was a gigantic piece, one
lobes (storing information about persons’ identi- might have thought from an elephant, incredibly
ties) and the FFA (responsible for the processing huge.” ([40], p. 147) These distortions are present
of visual facial features), in the absence of selective in a significant fraction of dream reports, suggest-
reciprocal constraints and monitoring from the ing a regionally specific hypoactivation within
prefrontal area [127]. As illustrated by the dream these visual areas or a functional disconnection
excerpt above, the Frégoli-like phenomenon is also from other higher-level areas during this type of
a common feature of dream experience [118, 128], dreaming experience [5]. The loss of colour satura-
which might relate to an activation of the FFA tion in visual perception (“achromatopsia”) found
and temporal areas in the absence of selective re- in patients with occipital lesions in lingual and fusi-
ciprocal constraints between these regions and in form gyri [138] is also frequently found in dream
the absence of monitoring from prefrontal areas imagery [68, 139] and suggests a hypoactivation of
(that are deactivated during human sleep as re- occipital colour areas [86] or a disconnection be-
vealed by PET studies), accompanied by an activa- tween colour regions and other visual or parietal
tion of the amygdala providing a feeling of famil- regions subtending multimodal integration.
iarity (fig. 5; [2, 20]). Together, the examples provided above suggest
Misidentifications of places are also extremely a regionally variable activation within visual ven-
frequent in dream reports, in which places can be tral stream generating heterogeneous dreaming
recognised as familiar in the absence of any appa- experiences during sleep. This also points to a

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possible explanation for why activation of tem- we do not memorise our dreams as if they were real
poro-occipital areas is not systematically reported events of our waking lives as we would certainly get
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analysis of specific bizarre features in dreams might thus required to achieve a comprehensive model of
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