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Request IO R<lster iame Request Description

FCi:::-,: :: -: !',- :: copy of a doc!mentation conc€rn ng hringactonS09 034805

02 EIW
FO]A a:::: :::: :_-:-:n - i.- copies of task ofders, inc Ldlng SOWS lor the folowirq contracts
HHlrl40209D0002i Booz Allen FHM.10209D0003r SBSI
HH1"140209D0004: KPMG HH1"140209D0006: Accentufe
HHrvl40209D0007r Northrop Grumman {TASC)
f H1"140209DQ008: Grant Thomton
FOIA oaaat ::1 :i;S Barb.ra a documents lrom Sep 2001 present re ated in who e or pal1
to plblc op nion in Afghan sian regardlng the Karzai reg me in

FOIA a::t:21r0 Info.mation regardin9 the ss 13 IcBM force ernployment with n

the Sov et Un onlRuss an Fedef.ton

Any doclments n who e or n part pertain ng to the exp! s on of

the Interndtona commtte€ orthe R€d Cross (ICRC) irom west
Papua in April, 2009 by the Government or Indones a (GOI).

-olA 00!06 2010 FOIA reqlest documents on the !se of so ca networking

webs tes {Lnc !ding Fac€book, l4yspace, Twitter, Flck€r and
other on ine social med a) ror nv€sligative (criminal or
otherwrse) or data gather ng purposes created since lanLary

FOIA 00008 2010 FOIA Eqrest a copy or the fo owing two documents: {bX6), :l
(!X6) strates c Psychologica Operat ons book of Readings
and the Po t cal Indoctr natiof in East Gefmany, Wash ngton,
DC: Naliofa Defense Un vers ty/ 1997

FOIA 00009 2010 FOIA rcqlest documents ior Congressrofa Natona Sec!.ty
FOIA 00010 2010 FOIA req!est documents for Congressiofal Nat ofa Sec!rty
oversroht comm ttees. Part IL
FOIA 00011 2010 FOIA req!esi documents ior Congr€ssional Nat ona Sec!.ty
Oversioht Comm ttees. Part IIl.
FO]A 00012 2010 FOIA request doc!ments ior congressional Nabonal sec!rity

FO]A 00013 20r0 FOIA request doc!ments for Con!ressional National SecLrity
ov-arsroht comm ltees. Part v
FOtA 0001.+ 2010 FOIA request doc!ments ior Conqress onal National Security FOIA

FOIA C0015 20 L0 FOIA request doc!ments for Conqress ona Natiana Security

FO]A 00016 2010 FOIA request doc!mefts for Congressona Nationa Secuity
Overs aht Committees Part VIIL
FOIA 00017 2010 FOIA request doc!ments for Cofgfessona Natona Securty a.mmitfcr< P.rt TX
FOIA 000L8 20IC FOIA request documents on Privacy Act Records Contro

FOrA 00rlL9 2010 (bl(2),(b)(3)il0 usC 42

iota Q0020-2010 A I m€eUngs/conversat ois between LJ,S officia s and the 14ob
O lCorp surrolnding human rgnts lssues or reatons wth the

FJtA a0a zr-2010 (bx6)

FOrA 00022 2010 FOIA €xped te reqLest documefts concern ng a I altopsy reports FOIA
and death cert fic.tes re ating to the deaths of any indlvidLra s
appr€hended after September 11, 2001 and held by the Un ied
States m tary bases or detenton faciites olts de the Un ted
States (detalneet. Also all doc!ments relating to nvest sations,
inq!.es, of discipinary proceed fqs ntatedasaresultofany
deaths of deta n€es, inc !din9 the existence of such

FOIA 0002i-2: r: FOIA request access to copies of any retrospeclive stldy or

monogfaph/ or official history on the R€pub ic of Cfoatia s 1991-
95 Home and War" aka ds th€ Serbo"Croa! War
FOrA 0aa2r 2:10 FOIA request a copy of the October 2002 NatLonal Inte llqence
Est mate .nd a copy of the Defense Intel iqence T€rrorism
S!mmary #044 02 F 2008-0330 EOlil 20 07 0192 IIDR'0Q158-

a:::l:25-20r0 BIGWQOD,.leremy FOIA request nformat on concerninq the Greek tntel gence
I c )on7a41)n
:a:a 00!26 20r0 FOIA request nforrnat on concerning Church of Scientoloqy and

-ctA 00027 2010 Req!ests cop es of any r€cords on l'lr, GLetrefo FOIA
FClA !0028-2010 FOIA request doc!ments to cfoss-border mlitary ncLrsrsions fto
Mex co Guatemdlan armed forces carry ng out coLter ns!rgency
operdUons lrom 1981'1983. Afchive #20091150DIA112

FOIA 00029 2010 FOIA request cop es of a I records re eased to lohnaliran Levy
thro!qh ForA 04 F 2149 Datedr 07/20/2004 rega.dln9 croatan
Lb a o ao.-r pl o Hop Crod d Noro o oesstarceo'
HNOi Crcaton RevoLrtonary Brotherhood or l-lRB

FOIA 00030 2010 FOIA recuest co.t.act nlmber HHM40207C0014

FOIA 00031 2010 FOIA records n ccnnecton wth Laos, and the fimong
FOIA 00Q32-2010 FOIA re.uest doc!menis iom 1969 to 1999 to lruman fghts FOIA
ab!ses.onmld.d by ndonesl.n Armed Forces (ABRI/INI)
ado-s.:- ' e (.op x) | rl-po\r1 -or A.
.,daa.o .l,otrr o..p ^t,
6r96a o10
E!ror l'1:: . 1999) Ar.h ve j20091171DIA113

FOIA-00013-2!10 FOIA re.!e::.::--.-:s'rr conTact :H11N140208D0001 FOIA

FOrA 00034 2010 FOIA.e.!.s: :::--:_:i',act numbe. rrHrt40205C0019.

FOIA 00015 201C co a r F . .- -- . ' . . - . . i .. :j.r -i !vv40.0. 00. '

FOIA-00036-2010 FOIA re!u:si.::,-:-:j':_ ::-:_-- r!-be- nH\1.10205C0024.


FOrA 00038 2010

FOIA 00039 2010 FOIA rer!.!: _::: :: :- :_::.ll: : 1:::-:::::_ :,:-

FOIA 000.10 2010

FOIA 000:t1 2010 FOIA rec!..i:::--: :: :_

FOIA 00042 2010

FOIA 00043 2010 FOIA feferra request dac!ment from the Harmony Database, FOIA

FOIA 00044 2010 EVANS, lvl chae FOIA referra request fev €w and dlrcet response to reqlester for
DOD case nlmbef Ref: 04-F 0633
FOIA-00045-2010 EVAN5, 14 cha€ FOIA referd requ€st d sc osure of documents for cas€ no. Rel:

FOrA 00046 20r0 FOIA request doc!ments for Vacancy Announcement N!mber I09 FOIA
023583-01 lt.F, lnfo.mation T€chnology Spec a ist (systems

FOIA 00047 20r0 FOIA eqJ-ctdcoo. ofor /orddldocu4- t p-rl" i19rot"re

In,estigit o r . o,d ;'-o o, to".'u, oni",,r,.,

FO1A 00048 20 r.0 FO1A

request documents dfor nterv ew process, the niervlew
res!lts and the fforn-ration far the interv ewees and the
ind v dla r who was se ected for the poston.

FOtA-00049-2010 FOIA request cop es of a | .ecords concern ng ihe Wond Ant FOIA
Commun st L€ague released to lonathan Levey, r€ference (FOIA

FOra 00050 20r0 FOIA reqlest a copy of tlre Defense Inte igenc€ Agency

FO]A 00051 2010 BLANTON, TI]OIIAS FOIA reqlest niormation concerning th€ use ol oud mLsc
during detention and/or as a t€chniqLre to nterrogat€ detarnees
at U.S. operated prson fac lties duf n€ 2002 th€ present.
Arch ve case no.20091186DIA115

FOIA 00052 2010 FoIA request documerts concerning Y'rgos avia Inte ligenc€
serv ces Pe.sonalit es, 2F001367w IAI'IG-C-FOI (25-55a)

FOrA 00053 2010 FOIA requests documents from lanuary 1, 1994 to December
3r, 1998 concern ng the conf ict n the Aceh, recqlon of Slmatra,
lndones a between Indonesra armed froces (ABRI) and the Free
Aceh Movement (GAr4) as we as the conr ci s iol on the cv ian
popu at on. Archive #20091204D1A116

FOIA 00054 2010 FOIA reqLest documents from A!gust 1998 to I'lay 2003 to tlre
confid n the Aceh re on of sumatra, Indonesia, Archive

FOrA 00055 2010 FOIA reqLest nocuments for contract f!mbef HH1440209F0654.

FOIA-00056 2010 FOIA req!esting nformatiof on Lafmine Warfarei Tr€nds and

Projects DsT 1160s 019 92 (December r992)

FOrA'00057-2010 FolA request documents from lvlay 2003 to January 2006

concerning th€ conflct in the Aceh reg on pf Sumatra, Indonesia

FOrA'00058-20r0 FoIA reqLrest doc!ments ior contract +fifiNI40209F0658.

FOrA 00059 20r0 FOIA request doc!ments from Nov€mber 12/ l99L cofceming
the 'SaniaCruz Massacre the faia shoot n9 of hLrndr€ds oi
demostrators n the Sdfta Cr!: Cenretery n Di i, East Trmor by
the Indonesan Armed Forces (ABRI) Arch ve *20091216D1A119

FOIA 00060 2010 STEPONKUS, FOIA request doc!ments for contract +HH1.440209C0084,

FOIA-00061"2010 FOIA reqlest copies of a I contracls, p!rchases and/or awards

s Led'o lle plr i"- o acq | -i' or o d ssl se /-
Certfcales by DIA web servers and applcatons seruers dur ng
FOtA-00062-2010 FOIA request doc!ments lor any records pertain ng to the fight
.rd crash of an unidentfied aeria craft in Nevada on Apr r8,
FOrA 00063 2010 FOIA realest documents iof contrai +HH1440206D0001.

FOIA 00064 2010 FOIA realest documents for contract +f]HM40209c011a.

FOIA-00065-2010 FOIA reqLest documents for contract #HHM40208R0211,

FOrA 00066 2010 FOIA reqlrest a copy of the DIA Nlanagement Doc!rnents DPH
2600 4410-93, Roster of the Def€nse Attach€ Svstem,

FOIA 00067 2010 FOIA request cop es of the Organizaton clrarts for the
Infomation Techno ogy D v sion and the Off ce of the Che i
FOIA 00068 20t0 FOIA request doc!ments for contract number HHI'140205F0327.

FOIA 00069 2010 FOIA request doc!ments on DACA and DODPI b as st!dies, raw FOIA
data, and re ated meta ana yses and support n9 documenta|on.

FOIA-Q0Q70"2010 FOIA request expedjt€d processinq from lan!ary 1, 2005 to

present concern rg inforrnaton of express ve activity re at ng to
m itary shipmenis thro!qh the Poft ofTacoma, Port of O ympia,
FOjA 00071 2010 ELIAS, BarbaE FOIA request lnfofmation conceffin9 the chdifman of the lo nt
Staff Adm ra lilike l,llllen and the re ai onsh p between Pak stan

FOIA 00072 2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA r€quest rnformation concening the Kandahar Strike Force, a
param ltary 9roLrp active in Afghanistan. Arch ve

FOIA 00073 2010 STEPONKUS, FOIA recuest doc!ments for contract number HHM40209D00r2.

FOIA 00074 2010 HHM40209C0133 Awarded to OGSystems, inc.

FOrA 00075 20r0 0007 2010
FOIA 00Q76-2010 FOIA request records for the.lesus Project, and all nformat on
re at€ to exocisms and securtv oDerat ons.
FOra 00077 20r0 HAGEDORN, DAN FOIA fequest doc!mefts for a numbef of former USAF
lntel gence Reports, incuding one identfed as AF 232347ltR-
211 50 iated 22 September 1950 fro the USAF Assistant A r

FOtA-00078-2010 RICHELSON, leff.ey FOIA reqlest doc!ments for a cop es of 2008 DtA memos on
the estab ishment/and of expansion of the Aif Forc€is HU14INT

FOIA-00079-2010 FOIA request fformation on Indon€s an mi tary officers Syafrie

Syamsldd n, Defense Nlin stry secfetary-q€nera / and Pramono
Edh e Wibowo, IrdonesanSpeca Forces (Kopass!s)
commander. Archive reference *20091237D1A122

FOIA 00080 2010 FOIA recLesi docum€nts fof contfact +f]HM40209C0133

FOtA-00081-2Q10 FOIA realest documents iof contract +fil-1M40209D0031

FOrA 00082 2010 FOIA rec!est documents for contract #f]fitt40206D0001.

FOtA 00083 2010 5NELL, Bradlord FOIA reqlest informaton concerning fo!r 1998 lvlaloof rnemo FOIA

FOIA 00084 2010 FOIA request a copy of ihe DIAIG Report of Inqu ry
roo \, \e.rgd"or.o (cas-.rrbe 2009

(b)(l):10 USC :124,(b)(6)

FOIA-00085-2010 FOIA request cop es of anylor a DIA records rei€rencing FOIA
and Privacy Act requests slbm tted by the parties lsted beow
- e pari_ o\c _d b'/ lhrs eq-en a e: Ac . d , Yed d
,A-14, .::,. jor e
'4dd.ono-o-cr \t,4F).
(bxl):10 L SC 12t, ' N5C \bilzil
(b)(6) Reporters comm tte fof Freedom of the Pfess (RCFP), and
stud €s Resu ts, Ifc. (SSRI).

FOlA-00086-20r0 EOA FqraLoLop.o rle DIAIC /aO.\/ |

a.:cr n LmhFr 2l 1)4541
FOIA-00047 2010 FOIA r€quest cop es of a I task orders nclud nq SOW5 for the FOIA
fo lowlna contract nLmber Hfil'140209F065a
FOIA 00089 2010 FOIA request a copies of all iask oprders, SOWS for contract #

FOIA 00090 2010 FOIA req!€st nformation concerning J!an !1Ari Bras, Paq! ta
DFsq ." o Cd .!e ops. a d Sor I doo C dq r Vor P-!o .pra
FOIA 00091 2010 FOIA reqlest nfofmatiof concernlng Dr. Dav d Chnstophef Ke ly.

FOIA-00092 2010 FOIA reqlest a copy of the Operation Bol nka I es as we as any

FOrA 00093'2010 FoIA request a complete copy of the DIAIG Report of Inqu ry
(ROI)/investi9at on (Case numbef : 2009-006020'oI)

FOIA 00094 2010 CIiIN, YVETTE FOIA reqLest coplesof the ten oldest pendlng perfected FOIA
Fq , 'or rY2009 (odobcr 1. 2008 .o 9l sep'" nbe- 10.
2009)at yo!r department or agency overall. Arch ve reference

FOrA 00095 2010 FolA reqlest informdton concern nq llajor G€nera Edwin (b)(:) 10
Anderson Wa ker and h s various actrv t es as Commander of the LSC.l2l.
FOra 00096 20r0 FOIA request a complete copy of r lll: r r ,l rriof lhe
DIAlG rROI)/investioaton.
FOIA 00097 2010 FOIA request copes of l'lirtary Inte igerce D gesG (l'llD) from

FOIA-Q0098-2010 FO1A request cop es of a ltask orders, SOWS identifed to the

fo Lowing contracl n!rl]bersr HH|v]40208D0001,
f]f]1,140208D0002, HHfl40208D0003, .f d HHM40208D0008

FOIA 00099 2010 FoIA request cop es of a ltask orders, SOWS identfed to the
fo low ng contracts: HHrr140208D0005, H11M40208D0006,

FOIA 00100 2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request document concern ng the Interor lvlrn ster of
Pakistan (1993 1996) Majof G€nera Nas r!l ah Khan Babaf (also
spe ed Nashru ah or Naseeru ah Babar) and the Ta ban.

FOIA 00101 2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA reqLest docurnents concernlng Bash r sa ang , a notab e
mljahadeen commander who defected to ihe Ta iban n the m d
1990s. Arclrive feference #2049!302D1AI27

FOIA 00102 2010 FOIA reqlest informaton concern nq the DCI strateqic warnin9
Committee meet fq discLssion on Hond!.as from lune 1, 2009
FOrA 00r03'2010 FOIA request doc!ments used by form€r Ambassador Rob€t
Gallcc: loel Wit ard Daniel Ponernan in preparing theif recently
p!blshed book Going Crtical: -lhe First North Korear N!cear
Crisis (Brookngs Institlt on, 2004), case No,200302402

FOIA 00104-2010 ELIAS, BarbaE FOIA request doc!ments from lanuary 1, 2002 io th€ present
concernlng the QLetta shura, Archive relerence case no.
FOIA 00r05 2010 FOIA reqLest inforrnaton and photographs pe(a ning to the T
72141 tanks to include the lnter or d€s gn of the tutret fronta

FOIA 00106 2010 FOIA req!est a copy contract n!mber HHr'140206F0510

FOrA-00107'2010 FOIA request documenls concern nq Prince Chares
FOIA 00108 2010 ELIAS, Barbara TOIA eq (Fl do -ae-l( lo .JarLaa l, lqo4 lo 156 p d)Fnt
concernin9 the Ta ban €vy ng taxes, tith€s, ushrrs or zakat on
growing, trad ng, storing, transport n€, se ing or exporting
op um Arch ve r€ference: 20091314DIA130

FOIA"00109-2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA request all doc!ments trom Jdnuary 1, 2002 to the pr€s€nt
concernln9 the Qletta shura n sa ochistan/ Pak stan contdin n9

FOra 00110 20r0 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request al documents frcm lan 1, 2002 to lhe pres€nt
concern ng the Afslran National Army (ANA) and dfus !se.

FOIA 00111 2010 FOIA request doc!r.ents rrom sept 1, 2001 to the pres€nt
concernlng aid, money, f!ndin9, assistance, weapons, arms and
other forms of support being transferred from Iran to the Taliban
in Afghanistan. Case n!mben 200704306 ER2

FOIA 00112 2010 FOIA request copies of iNSCO['l doss €r Argenlina Inle lg€nce
Ser ' -,7r40004W. Do rnerlN'nbe IA\4C C TOI (25 c5")
INSCOM Case N!mber ' (1072F'10)

FO]A 001r3 2010 SANTOS, ROSC FOIA reqL€st documents for contract n!mbers HH1440206D0015,
HH1.440206F0510 and HHM40209D0005

FOIA 00114 2010 FOIA request rniormation conc€rn nq Ba istic llisste Physical
Chardcteristics and F!nctonal Descript ons USSR dated
December 14/ 1984, Ba lstc ll ss le Payloads (curent and
Projected) USSR and Ch fa dated May 6, 1988 and A N!.lear
warhead tor issued November 1972, DTRA case numb€r 09 229
DTRA did not send the request tr w/documents

FOIA 00115 2010 RICHELSON,lefirey FOIA reqlest a copy of th€ lu y through Decmeber 2009 ss!s of

FOIA-00116-2010 GERSTEIN,losh FOIA request documents of former Glantanamo Bay pr soners

who may have returned to extrmist, cr rn na , or terronst
activity, dnd/or assocated w/A Qaeda ortlreTalilran.

FOIA 00117 2010 GATTI, Claud o FO1A request a comp et€ and thorolqh search of a I DIA
cassified records, reports or documents regard.g any non-
L€banese enub, prvate or qov€rmental lhat supported and
fLnded the organ zational Hetzobolah from the days of ts

FOIA-00114-2010 GATTI, Caud o FOIA request a complete and lhorouglr searclr of al DIA
c assifed records, reports of doc!ments regardinq any non
Paestinan entity private orqovermental that supported and
funded the orqan zatonal Pa at niar organ zation Hamas from the
ddys of its creaton n 1987 til today,

FOIA-00119-201Q FOIA request referra for Direct reply for case 200600934. Ref:
FOIA 00120 2010 BURR, WILLIAIl FOIA _q' "'t do r n. ro A Lr i/e Lose nu I be
FOIA 00121 2010 FOIA reqlest a copy of ihe FOIA cdse log for the calendar year
FOIA 00122-2010 FOIA request nfofmatiof concerninq an inc dent on the mornino
cf April 1st 2001 at 9r07am US EP3 nava p ane crashed on
rouUne m litary surve lance colled w tlr a Ch fese F 8 fighterjet
n th€ SoLrth Ch na Sea. Ref: 08-F-0669 DOS case No.

FOIA 00r23 2010 FOIA requ€st nforrnatjon concern ng an unldentified aeria object
or other anomalous event that occured in 1981 at Folt Campbe I,

FOIA 00124 2010 FOIA reqlest cop €s of !he follow ng contract n!.nber

FOIA-0Q125'2010 FOIA request inforr.aton or records concern ng Lt, co. lsadore.

FOrA 00126-2010 FOIA request copes of records with th€ unites states Army,
IAMG CIC-FOI/PO {25-71a) {#1502P 10)
FOIA 00127 2010 FOIA request doc!ments concerr ng Queef Elizabeth the second
(the curent Queen of Bruan) wr tten since lanuary 1, 2005.

FOIA 00124 2010 FOIA request a copy of the iollow ng documents: a DIA
Intel 9ence apprasial publ shed Febuary 28, 1973, enttled
"Bo v a: President Banzefs Downfal OneCfsisAwayand
documents p!blshed by DIA ihat pertain to Numan Rlghts abuse
condlcted by the Huqo Banzer reg me I Bollvia, ffon 1971-

FOIA 00129 2010 FOIA request nformation concemlng the lG r€port perta ninq to
the investisaton ofl : '."ll l lanC:ont oocumentaton
Explo tat on Center r'loslr; (lDEc-rr!), Iraq 1. (b)(l):10 USC 42, (b)(6)

FOIA 00110 2010 rOIA requ€st copy oi a I lask orde6, SOW s for the fo low ng
.o.fract HH1440209D005.
FOIA-00131-2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA reqlest inforr.aton concern rg the Pak stanl qoverment to
alow I ght into our olt of Kunduz, Afghanistan n November
2001 and nrembers of a -Qaeda, the Ta ban and Pakislan
sovermeft inc udins Isi (rnter servicesrnte lrgence), flown o!t
of Aiqhan stan from Sepiember 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001.
Archvie cas€ numbef 20100021DIA001

FOIA 00131 2010 -O-Ar€qre.'do..-e ls ror lor ro1 I,l98l toDe.enb€ 1,

1989 for lnformaion regard ng privatisaton betweef the Reagan
and Thatcher Adm nislratons.

FOIA 00134 2010 E llatt,l!sUn FolA request copies of the Pentagon report on
G!antanarno dela ne€ tetrofsm trends. Ref 10 F 0504

FOIA 00135 2010 FOIA reqLest documents .egarding recid v sm ol deta nees

FOIA 00136 2010 FOIA reqL€st coples of ihe Russ anlsoviet nuc ear reta ation
svstem .ilFd DFAD HAND or Perimeter.
FOrA-00137-2010 FOIA reqlest cop es of a requests submitled under the FOIA Acl
to the Defense Intel igence Agency by the New York t mes or !he
Associated Press, or persons cla m n9 to represent or work for
the New York t!mes or Assoclated Dress between lanLrary 1,
2005 to ldnu.ry 13, 2010

FOIA 00138 2010 FOIA request a copy of DIA s procedures or gu dance to process
reqlest for th mandatory revew of classified informaton and or
any rnaterial of hafd ng lvlDR request n tlre agency prodlced n
FOIA 00139 2010 FOIA expedite process ng request records to obt.ln informaton
abolt the F€dera Gov€rm€nt s sLrrve lance, mon toring,
questonin9, nvestigdtion/ and partcipation n the overseas
detention and tortur€ of Mr. Naj lawdat l'lamdan. Also Mr.
Hossam H€mdan afd assocat€,lehad 5u nran rcqrest

FOIA 00140 2010 FOrA reqlest a copy oi an ofq na raq documenr (in Arabic)

FOtA-00141-2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request a ldocum€nts trom lanuary l, 2006 to tire present
concern n9 the relauonship, connect ons/ h e.archri
orqdnizatonal t es, cor.rnonalt es and d fferences between th
Afghan lalban and the PakistaniTa iban. Afchive reierence cas€
FOIA 00142 2010 t'4ccl,wlam FOIA request for cop €s oi lve ed t ons of the Studeft Handbook
on Specal Operatons Targeting and a materia s doc!menUng
the Carv€r target ana ysLs methodo qy.

FOIA 00113-2010 FOIA req!est for nfomat on concerning the Defens-. Intel iqence , b)13): r 0
Aa€ncv- D€fense Advance Research Proiects as w€ as usc 411.
nio.maron pu.tu nq to 6)(5) I Iii lLr(6)
FOIA 00145 20t0 FOIA request for nformat of concern ng .:,r ,rt t lu lc's
.ffi.e l.vF<r,.it.n RFf On'ni27
FOIA 00146 2010 FOIA request inforrnaton concenring the DIA who have FedeEl

FOrA'00147'20r0 ELIAs, Barbarc FOIA request docLrments from Jafuary 1, 1994 to Decemb€f 1,
2001 concerning the invovement of a Qaedd/ Osama bin Laden
or other foreign entii es n one combination of the follow n9
f!nctons the decson makinq/ the strategic or operdtona
m itary act v tes, the Talban r!n qoverment and/or th€ fundlng
fo r"e la b" go\e -e-t In ^fgfa_
sran, Ar.5 .- r- - Fl -

FO]A 00148 2010 FO1A request records doc!rnenUng the resu ts of al nterna
eva u.tions of DIA recofds mdfagement programs conducted

FOIA-00149-2010 FOIA request a copy of Enc oslre 2 of Denfense nte igence

Ao-"ncv Instro.tion IDIAI) 5015.001.
FOrA-00150'2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA request al dac!meits frcm lanLrary L/ 1994 toJanuary 1
2002 concefn ng th Ta bdn recru ting former commun sts n
Afghanislan. Arhc ve refj 20l0005QDIAoQ3

FOtA-00151,2010 FOIA reqLest iniormatior concern ng the most recent report

regard ng rec divisnr of detainees r€leased from Gudntanmo Bay.

FOtA 00152-2010 FOIA reqLesi informaton concenrfg an operai on conducted by

DlA to help iraq pa n ard execute a miltary ope.aton dimed dt
,rp rglrdn o r\r.d r-c In r5F.p r19 o'1o8F.
FOrA 00153 2010 FOIA feq!est documents concern nq l!an l€s!s Posadas

FOIA 00154 2010 FOIA request informaton concerning DIA Budget and
Infofmation Technooqy Budget for FY09, FY10 and FYll

FOIA 00155 2010 FOIA request decassiflcaton on research and dev€ opfirent
divis on, Amm Branch, Mine, Grenades, and Demoiton Secton,
project Files 1946-55. Case No.30620

FOIA-Q0156"2010 ELlAs, Barbara FOIA request, rel case #20100067DIA005, reqlesting a I

documents frorn lanuary 1, 1989 to the present concern n9 lhe
FOIA-00157-2010 FOIA request a list ol the DIA'S top 35 contractors, irformation
techno oqy (lT) and Profess ona SeNices (PS) snral business
and d sadvdnta9e contracts concen.rg their FY09 tota coftract
va les or spendind amounis sorted by ascend ng do lar amounts.

FOIA-00158-2010 5€ by, Scott FOIA requesi access and copies of dnything pertaining io

FOIA 00159 2010 FOIA request access and/or copies of.ll documents p€ftain ng !o
a UFo s ahtino over Tehra, Iran in 1976.
FOtA-00160-2010 FOIA request access a.d copies of names and e nra address of
buye6, procLrrenent spec a ists, contracting oficers, iac ity
managefs/ arch tects/ engineers, €rqonom sts/ and IT persannel,

FOIA 00161 2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA reqLest docLmenis concemin9 the Ta ban takeover of
Taloqan, Afslran stan in September 2000. Archive Case No.

FOrA 00162 2010 ELIAS, Bdrbard FOIA reqlest docum€nts ffom lanlary l, 1994 to the present
concern ng lofeiqn fighters n th€ Ta ibaf m lltary lofces n
Afghanistan. Arch ve Cas€ No. 20100079DIA009

FOIA 00163 2010 GEFTER,]ANE FOIA Request cop €s of a documents conc€fn ng !he Secretary
of slate watrer chistopher s tr p to China n I'larch 1994,

FOIA 00165 2010 FOIA fequ€st Informat on concefn fg a AC-130 g!nsh p, caled
Spect.€ 17 wh ch wds ost Decernber 21, 1972 in Laos,

FOIA 00166 2010 FOIA reqlest documents concefn ng the followinq lst ol
governors: I'litche I Dan els Jr, Piy!sh llnda sarah Palln Tlmothy
Pawlenty lohn Thune I4ichael Huckabee Wilard Romney

FOrA-00r67-2010 al correspofdence
FOIA request access to dfd copies oi
b€tw€en January 1,2009 concerning the d€t€rminaton or
overseas benefts for ncom ng DIA emp oyees hired to wofk at

FOIA 00168 2010 FOIA request access lo and copl€s or DIA records perlainin9 to FOIA
hiring aci on and determination of oveEeas benefts of former
Itam/13 Com Employees who were h red by DIA to work
overseas ass qnments from lanLrary 2005 unu present.

FOIA-00169'20r0 FoIA request access to and copes of a pollcies and d rectves

that define Local Hife" ior employees overseas and th€
employment offer letter fo 'Local Hire" oyess
lrired betw€en January l, 2009 and jaiuary 1, 2010.

FOIA 00170 2010 FOIA request records con€ern n9 DIA s work wth psych cs and

FOrA 00171-20t0 BROCKETT, Chares 14DR request docLments for case number 33214.

FOIA 00172 2010 l'1DRfeq!€s! documenis fof rel NLRRlvlF2006-114/11

FOIA-00173-2010 FOIA request a copy oi the DIA'5 p.oced!.es or pol cles by wlrich
the DIA delermlnes eq!iiy agency for records requesis throLqh

FOrA'00174-2010 FolA request a copy of the DIA's media or p.ess kt

FOIA 00175 2010 FOIA reqLest a copy of all procedufes or policies concernlnq the
Internatondl cf .ninalTribuna fortheformerY!9osavia andthe

FOIA 00176 2010 FOIA reqlest a copy of the DIA FOIA o9 for ca endaf years 2007

FOIA 00177 2010 FOIA request docLrments for contract numbers HH[140210D0010

FOIA-0Q178-2010 FOIA request documents for contract numbers HHM40210D00Q8

FOIA 00179 2010 FOIA reqlest cop es of the Orqanizatonal Chart for the Offce of
the Che f Infofmation officer and for the Information T€chnoloqy

FOrA 00r80 2010 FOIA reqlest a I stld es or reports for the years 1995 2000 with
the words Chlna , Ch nese", "PRc , or "Taiw.n ln th€ ttle
FOrA 00181 2010 FOIA request a I reports from December 1, 2001 to the present
cofcerning the performance oi the Kaza reg me in Afqhan stan,

FOIA 00182 2010 FOIA request access to and cop es of any and al tra n ng or
secufty operatons condLcted rn Sacramento, CA during the
years oi 2005 2007, invo v ng residences located w lhin two
m e rddius oi lhe ntersection of Dolores Way and 11 Str€et,

FOIA 00184 2010 FOIA request lniofmation cofcerning the recent hirinq of eniry

FOIA-oo185 2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA requesi doc!ments from Jan l, 2002 to the pr€s€nt
conta n nq one o. a comb nation of the fo low n9 .e ated phrases:
sma It Ta ib.n little t" Td iban ower case t
Tdlban bg t'
Ta iban lpper case !" Ta ban capitalt' Talban Archive ref no,

FOIA-00146-2010 SALJTER, Mark A. FOIA requesi for case no 200807458, ref case + 08-F 1191,
reqlesting cop es of a documents dated frorn octobef 1, 1953
to December 31, 2004 coniain n9 niorrnatiof on Unites Stated
serv cemen lfom the Korean War reported al ve in North Korea,

FO1A 00187 2010 Pr vacy Act req!est informaton on P rolz Sedaghaty aka Pei€

FO]A 00188 2010 FOIA request nformatio. for contract + s FH144020440010/

fif 144020440012, and fiU114020440011.
FOIA 00149 20lQ RAVNITZKY, IVI ChAE FOIA request a copy of the .gency loq or I st ng oi [lDR reqLests
:f fhe DFfen<e IntF li.Fn.F A.Fn.v
FOIA 00190 2010 FOIA reqlest copies of a I a9efcy records that peftarn to FOIA
contracts belween the Delense Intel gence Aqency and the
company ALTA Language Servce/ lnc. for the pefod from

FOIA 00191-2010 FOIA reqLest of Dav d K. Co ap nto {on behalf of Frederick

Wh and Forens c Justice Project), CRI'l 200300737 &

FOtA-00192-2010 FOIA request a copy of a I unclass fed portons of tlr€ DIA

Congresslonal BLdget lLstncaton Book (CBIB) for FiscalY€ar

FOIA 00193-2010 FOIA reqLest a d rect r€sponse to NARA ref case no. 10 FC 0072

FOrA"00L94-2010 FOIA request a copy of conlract numb€rs lvlDA9oa 03 C 0065

FOIA 00195 2010 FOIA request a I DIA feports, ana yses or briefings prepared
d!rins the K€nnedy adm nistralion (1961-r963) on the subject
ol Ch fese m ltary opefations or forces in Tibet. Arch ve rei
FOIA-00t96-2010 FOIA request records for tlre OPREP-4 r€ports for the 388th TFW
for th€ folowing three dates: llay 6, 1996/ Septembef 21, 1966
and Aprl 20, 1967. Case Number NW 27156

FOIA 00197 2010 FOIA request a copy of the nit a request lett€rs for FOIA
reqlests F 2001-00001, F 2002 00001, F 2006-00001, F-2009-
FOtA-00198-2010 FICHELSON, leffrey FOIA reqlest ofganizat on charts for the D rectorate for H!man
lnt€iqence, the D r€ctorate fof analysis,a nd the D rectorate ro

FOIA 00r99-2010 FOIA reqLest dop es of documents concern n€ the order of bdtte

FOIA 00200 2010 FOIA reqLest, ref no 20100159DIA015, requesting a I reports

anaLyses brefings prepared d!r n9 the lohnson adm nistraton
(1963 1969) concern iq the Ch nese mi tary operations or

FOIA 00201'2Q10 FOIA reqlest two docurnents eflited Psychokon c Warfare

5p ritla Access (DST-03447/821016) .nd (DsT-

FOIA 00202-2010 FOIA reqlest any docume.ts perta fing to the transfer of ant
personne landmines by ihe U S. Fofces n Korea tfom
s€ptember 1945 June 24, 1950. Relt 01 F 0376

FOIA-00203'2010 FOIA request informaion on Mf. Tlromas Burdette F ke (father)

FOrA 00204 2010 RlCHELSON,.leffr-"y FOIA request copes for the organizat on charls concern ng the FOIA
fo owinq; LJnderqround Faci Ues Analys s Center Nation. Center
for Med ca lnte igefce lvllss € and Space lftel rgence center

FOIA-00205-2010 ELIAS, BarbaE FOIA r€quest, reference 20100154DIA017, reqlesting all

oocu __ lol d d' I200J o !epr'-6-l .oretnr-g
negoliations, meetings or corespondence regard ng Afqhanistan
between m€mbers of Hizb L Islamo, Gu buddin Hekmatldr, and
members of one or a cornbination oi the follow ng orqan zations:
The Afghan qoverment led by President Hamid Kar.iThe United
Ndrions (uN) The united Stares (u5) Saudi Arab a Pak stan The
Internationa 9ecLrity Ass stance Force (ISAF)

FOtA-00206-2010 (b)t6)

FOIA 00207 2010 FolA reqlest ref case no. 20100173DIAO20, r€qlest ng a I DIA
repofts, ana yses or brief ngs prepa.ed durin9 the N xon
admin stratiof (1969 r974) on the s!bjed oi chin€s M ltary

FOIA 00208 2010 ELIAS, Barbdra FOIA reqrest, reference *20100176DIA021, requestin9 a
docLments from lan!ary l, 19621o January r, 1980 concernrng
Egypls nvolv€ment in Yemen d!fng the Yemen CivlWar.

FOIA 00209 2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request, reference 201001690IA019, req!esting dll
declass fed doc!ments from lanuary 1, 1975 to.lan!ary 1, 1992
concerning ih cuban nteNention in Ango a.

FOra'00210'20r0 FoIA request, Ref: t0 F 0707, requ€sling al personal

informaton concern nq an ernpoyment app icat on for a postion

FOrA-00211-2010 FoIA request, fefercnce #20100r73D1A020, request ng a I DIA

reports, analyses or breflnqs during the Nixon admin siraton
(r969 1974) concern ns the Ch nese mi tary operanons or
FOIA-00212-2010 lOlA 6qLesl ro 'onaro op']oi'ro odud'.ppor5 - 10
FOrA 00213 2010 FOIA reqlest records coniain n9 knowedge of programs or
operations targetinq or harrasshg american ctizens aqainst the r
wil €lectroncally/ !vhich nclud€s aud be or pe.ceivable pestering
or chang ng ans ndividua s speech form or m.nner and any use
of computer or comrnun cative iechnology to electon cally haras
indlviduas to be tafgets namercfor ntellg€nce/ secuft/, or

FOIA 00214 2010 Enamoneta, lrlar anna FOIA request, reference case no. 20100191DIA022, requestin9
reports and todure of Jon P rm n Arozarefa n Argent na

FOIA-00215-2010 OSORIO, CARLOS FOIA request, reference 20100189DIA024, req!€sting FOIA

informaton of the abduction and tortu.e of B ly Lee Huft in

FOIA-00216,2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA request, reference case fo. 20100185DIA023/ reqlestin9
a Idocum€nts from s€ptember 1, 1987 to lanlary 1, 1997
concerning ihe Sovet Union and Democratc Repub c of
Afgiran stan Presldent t4oharnmad Naj bu lah that have been
prevlously fev €wed and dec asslled.

FOIA 00217-2010 FOIA request, reference case no. 20100207DIA027/ requesUng

a DIA reports, andlyses o. br eflngs prepared d!ring the Ford
admin straton (1974-1977) concern nq the Chinese mlitary
operations or forces in T bet.

FOrA 00218 2010 OSORIO, CARLOS FOIA r€quest, reference cas€ no, 20100211DIAo2a, request nq
informaton on the abductiof and ntetroqaton of Elda f.iessina.

FOrA 00219 2010 ELIAS, Bafbdra FOIA request, reference case fo. 20100203DIA026, requesung
a docum€nts irom November r, 1986 to November l, 1987
concerning the Sov et Union and Democratc Repub c of
Afghan stan Presid€nt haj chamkan ,

FOIA 00220 2010 5[1ITH, ]ONATHAN FOiA request doc!ments ior, fefr case no. NLRRF1997-081

FOIA-00221 2010 FOIA request, reference f,20100222DIA031, req!esting al DIA

reports, ana yses or brefinqs prepared dur nq the Carler
admin stration (1977 1981) concern nq the Cirinese mi itary

FOIA 00222-2010 OSORIO, CARLOS FOIA request al nformaton concernin9 the abduction,
detentron, and interrogat on of Irene Leonor I'lart nez Ref case

FOIA 00223-2010 FOIA r€quest for copies oi th€ sov et miss e combat crew

FOIA-00224 2010 FOIA r€quest access and copres concernlng the Soviet era
cont nuity of government facl iiy in Yanmeftaw llountarn.

FOrA-00225'20r.0 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request al documents from Dec. 1, 1979 io Dec L/ 1986
concefn ns th€ Soviet un on and D€mocratic Republlc of
Afghan stan Pres dent babrak Karrna that hav€ been prevously
rev ewed and declassified. Ref case no 20100215DIA029

FOIA 00226 2010 FOIA request doc!menis for case no. NW 29992.
FOIA OO227 20lA IESPERSON, T. FOIA reqoest fformatiof conc€rn ng the U.S. fe at ons wiih
CHRISTOPHER V-'_" ro '98' laSo Rcr 'd\" no NIFCVFI995 00I).

FO1A 00228 2010 FOIA reqlest nformation concern ng a lst of type VII sate lite
contro centers n the Soviet Un of (Clfca 1989).

FOra-00229 2010 -O_A r-qles r.o -afon o'p r'gar-po-o'rF

FOIA 00230 2010 FOIA reqLrest a lst of al th€ c!rrent techno o€y contractors and
s!b contfactors asso cated with DIA.
qp Eo-a rrs.a,-d
FOIA 00231 2010 tota.-q,-.t a,op, ot r6q.p<r log to. 7000.

FOIA 00232 2010 FOIA request copes of a L r€cords pertaining to Briefng Notes, e
mais, and memos concerning the meeting between the lvl nister
of Nationa Defense and former u S. Secretary of Defeise
Donald rLmsf€ld, hed on luly 27,2006. Ref:10 FC-0052

FOrA'00233-2010 Kelly, Chris FOIA r€quest informaton conceminq the possible use of CR gas

FOIA 00234 2010 FOIA request doc!ments concerning contract number

FOIA-00235-2010 ELlAs, Bafbara FOIA request a I doc!rnents trom ldnuary t, 1975 to.lan!ary 1/
1990 concerning Z mbdbwe s nvolvement in l4ozamblq!e.

FOI4"00236-2010 ELIAs, Bafbara FOIA request documents lrom lafuary 1, 1975 to.lan!ary 1/
1991 concerning Syria s nvolvernent in Lebanon, Arch ve ref

FOIA-00237-2010 FOIA request lnformat on on dll DIA reports, ana yses or

briefngs prepafed during the irst Reagan adm fistratior (1981
198s) conc€rn n9 the Ch nese miltary operatons or forces in
Tbet, A.chive ref cas no.20100242DIA034
FOIA 00238 2010 ELIAS, BafbaE FOIA r€quest/ reference cas no 20100254DIA035, for aLl
documents from lan. 1, 1978 to lan. 1, 1990 concern n9
v etnam s nvolvemeft in Cambod a that have been pfev ou y

FOIA'00239 2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request, reference cas€ no. 20100265DIA037/ for al
documents from lan. 1, 1976 to the present concerning Indla's

FOtA-00240-2010 ELIAS, Barbara FOIA request, reierence case no 20100261DIAo36, ior a I

dorrle'rsroa d. r lq 5roJa-.., ro92 rng

Mauritan a and I'lotrocco in the war a9a nst tire Po isario Front.

FOIA 00241 2010 SANTOS, Rose FOIA recuest for coDV of conkact nunrber HH|v]40206D0015.

FOIA-00242-20t0 FOIA request lnt€ ligence Information Reports.

FOIA 00243 2010 FOIA request, fei€rcnce 20100278DIA038, for a DIA r€ports
a-d .\6\ o b erngspFpa--ddur'9 qe Fo-dpFosd
adm nistraion (1985-1989) concerning the Chinese m lltary

FOIA 00244 2010 FOIA request, Ref 06 F 2155/DoD, for a documents concern n9
iesting {proposal, test pa n, resu ts) of a trllhdetection systenr
ca ed the Layered voice Ana ysis

FOIA-00245-2010 FOIA reqLest referenc€ *201003Q7DIA039, for all DIA reports,

ara yses, of briefngs pfepared durlng the George Bush
adminlsiration (1989-1993) coicerninq the Ch nese miltary

FOIA 00246 2010 FOIA reqlest records cofcern ng Operat on Tango'S erra,

FOIA 00247-2010 FOIA req!est for DCAA A!dit Report. 1-19 040 llA/DCAA
FOtA-00248'2010 l-ola eqre,l ac e:s o.r d opeso'Po_pL.ldl er.sR
Black B rd. Area 51. l"lK u tra, dnd ALrora.
FOIA 00249 2010 FOIA request reports of un ntended d scharce fof Rem rqton
Model 700, 142:1, m40 or any R€mington Arms Company tnc,i

FOIA-00250 2010 RICHELSON,leffrey FOIA request cop es of l'4SG 2318452 Dec 96, Fr"l: DIA CL
Proper !se statements for Donrest ce Imd9ery updated
Gudance. J,45G 2823052 Nov. 1 Fm: DIA-CL|41 New
Procedures for approval of DOD DomesUc A rborne
Recofnaissance Imagery Proper Use Statements.
FO]A 00251 2010 BAfiLE,IOYCE FOIA r€quest, relerence case no. 20100324DIA041, for al
records from frarch 20l 2003 through Apr 30, 2003 concern nq
the Kurdish Is amist 9ro!p Ansar al-lslam near K rma n nothern

FOIA-00252 20r0 FOIA request nformation concernin9 contract fo.

FOIA 00251 2010 FOIA request any and a I nformaton on the Talban i a Qaeda
or ocaltribalentites a9a nst the united Stdtes, Afghan dnd/or
coalitiof mi itary forces n Nudstan, Konar/ Khost/ Pakt a,
Paktika, Kab! , and or Pawan Prov nces of Afqhan stan from
lanLary 2005 !hrou9h lan!ary 2010.

FOIA 00254 2010 FOIA request ref Navy Case no. 2010F1021, r€quest fg a I
re..rns .n rl.himmF.l Ahh:c ak: Ah, Ahhic
FOtA-00255-2010 FOIA request ref Navy case no 2010-03901 F, ref INSCOI1 case
no, 2472F 10, feqLest ng coples of Zaire (Conqo) Intellgence,

FOrA-00256'2010 FOIA request nformation p€fta nirg to Pr nce W llam.

FOIA-00257-2010 FOIA requesi, ref case no 20100309DIA040, for declass fcation
and reiease of DIA r€po.ts/ analyses or breflngs preparcd durng
the rrst Bi Clnlon adminltrat on (1993-1997) concernirg the
ch n€se m litary operations or fo.ces in Trbet.

FOtA-00258-2010 -O'A r.qresr -ro 9 9.n9 sra ! -9

FOIA 00259 2010 FOIA request a copy of contract no. RFP HHM402-07-R-0087.

FOIA-00260-2010 FOIA request, rei€rence #20100341DIA043, for nformation

concern ng the Secretary oi Defense Robert Gates trip to [,lex co

FOrA-00261'2010 FOIA request nformatior concernln9 the folow fs contraci

FOIA 00262 2010 FOIA reqlest doc!ments concernin9 contract n!mbef

FOIA-00263,2010 FOIA reo!est doc!ments for contract number HH1140204A0009.

FOrA-00264 2010 FOIA request nformatiof concernlng contract numlrer

FOIA 00265 2010 FOIA reqLest nformatior concefn ng contract number

FOIA 00266 2010 FOIA reqLest nformation concern ng contract number

FOIA-00267-2010 FO1A request nformation conc€rn ng contract n!mb€r

FOrA 00268 2010 FOIA reqlest fof copes of a Defense Iftelligence A9€ncy
records d scusslng conunqency p ans for a "f rst contacf

FOIA 00269 2010 FOIA reqlest coples of al recofds ffom the past 3 months
concerninq the negotat ons between the United States and lfaq
over the r€t!rn of records and arch ves obtained in Iraq.

FOtA-00270-2010 ELIAs, Barbara FOIA reqLest, reference 20100365D1A045, for doc!ments

,r6aredbe,r.Fn o-rd / L l990ardrqFprc-5 1

concerninglnformation on Pakistani Lt. General llehmod Ahmed.

FOIA 00271 2010 FOIA request doc!ments for the follow ng contfact numbersl
HHt14021QD0016 HH[1 40210D0017 HHM40210D0018

FOIA 00272 2010 FOIA request inforrndton for lhe folowing contract n!mbers:
HH1"140210D0013 HHl,l 40210D0014 HHlij4021000015

FOIA 00271 2010 FOIA request informat on on Ca oribla nationdl Carlos Castano.
FOIA-00274,2010 EL1AS, Barbara FOIA request, rei no. 20100390DIA049, for al documents irom
lan. 1, 1990 to the present concern nq backqro!nd nforrnation
on Pakstani Lt, General l!uzafiar Hussian Usman, a lormer
Deputy Chief of Staif in the Pak stan Army.

FOIA 00275 20r0 ELIAS, BafbaE FOIA r€quest, rel no, 20100381DIA048, all doc!ments rrom
lanuary 1, 1990 throlqh the present concern n9 backqround
informaton on Pak stanl Lt, Genera I'lohammed Azz.

FOIA-00276-2010 BATTLE, ]OYCE FOIA request, ref cas no. 20100373D1A046/ fror. Jan, 1/ 1980
through Dec. 31, 1989 concern ng Iraq s nuc ear €nergy

FOIA 00277 2010 FOiA requesters req!est informaton concerning Robert Dav d
Sanders Novak Vneys, Kevin S. 1135893-000 Berkow!2, Ned
1138296 000 Petrelts, t"l chael 1137801 000 Kell€y, Nlatt
1137263 000 Cook, .lohn 1135222 000 Donovan loirn T,
1137133 000 Meek, lames Gordon 1135906 000 stephens, loe

FOIA 00278 2010 FOIA request any cotrespondence between ihe Departm€nt of
Delp s" d d te Of'Le o'U.S. Sea lo- Da!!) V- 'al cor .eL-g
stevedoring servrces of Arnerica l4ar ne (or ssA Mar ne).

FOIA-00279 2010 FOIA request nformation concerninq a 2008 DIA lo nt Gen€ral

counse Inspector Genera Report on the destruction of

FOIA 00280 20t0 FOIA request a ist of a I private organizat ons or b!sinesses that
have hosted act ve duty servcemembers or civiian DIA
employe€s as part of the agency s tra ngin wrth industry
proorda,o i'felo^\ po'ogrdn-o lhori/Fd b,7 lhe oge c,/
s nce lanuary 1, 2002.

FOIA 00281 2010 DOYLE, KATE FOIA request/ reference case no, 20100421DIAo5!, request n€
a Iinformaton concern ng the November 13, 2009 couri fi n9 of
the case of tlre les! t priests murdered n El Sa vador November

FOIA 00282 2Qt0 Cor, Do!glas FOIA requesi copies of the Defense lnteligence Agency records
that cons st of copies of doc!ments oi the Iraql Ba'ath Party
obtained by the Iraq Memeory Fo!ndato. and/or !lr Kanan
Mak ya from Bd'ath Party Headquarters in Baghddd in 2003 and
scanned for th€ Departmeft of Defense in 2005.

FOIA 00283 20r0 ELIAS, BarbaE FOIA request, reference case no. 20100415DI4050/ request ns
documents from September 1, 2001 to September 1, 2008
concern n9 vanoLs Pakistan s support gro!ps.

FOIA 0028.+ 2010 FOIA reqlest for inforrnation on 60s era white sLrpr€macrsts.

FOIA 00245 2010 RICHELSON,leffrey FOIA request copies of DHE-|j 3301.001, Defense lnte rqerce
Aqency iDlA) lluman Inie igence (HU!IINT) llanual, Vo,ll
Co lecton Requirements, Report ng, and Eva lat on Procedufes,
ldnrary 27 2000. o d DIAY 58 11, D-pdia-rr o Dp'e :e
(DOD) Flunran htel i9ence (HUr,!lNT) Polcies afd Procedures,
September 5, 2002

FOIA.00286 2010 ELIAS, Barba.a FOIA request, reference +20100430DIA052, for all documents
from.lan!ary 1, 1998 to Janlafy 1, 2003 cofcernlng the
Pakistan s NationalAccountabillty Bufea! (NAB) and domestc
po ces, political o19anizations, partes/ or cv lian polit clans n

FOrA'00287'2010 FOIA request cop es of each of the fifty odest open DIA FOIA
FOIA-00288-2010 FOIA reqlest al docrmefts dated from lanuary 1, 2009 io lLre
27, 2009 concern n9 !he 2009 elect on n Honduras, the io!rth
ballot box, the Hondoran m ltary to Interfere n th€ €lect on, the
Uondoran miltary to staqe . coup d etat and/or arrest and
deport of Pres dent I'lanua Z€laya, the flr ring of Hond!ran
general Romeo vasqLez Velasquez andlor the re nsiatement of
h m by the Supreme Co!rt or l'londuras, and the Supremeis
coui! decis on to issue an arr€st warfant aqa nst President

FOIA 0Q289 2010 FolA req!est informaton concerning 11r, lohn Lippard.
FOIA 00290 2010 FolA req!est, r€ierenc€ case no Ref: 04-F-0323, for the Aprl
2002 co!p aqainst Venezlelan president fiugo Chnvez.

FOIA 00291'2010 FOIA r€quest a copy of th€ Nalional Defense Inte ligence col€ge
(NDIc)/ loint rll I tary Inte llsence co ese (lr,4lc) ef it tled Rad o
llaskirovka and Communlcation Intrls of,

FO]A 00292 2010 FOIA request tir€ fo low nq docLments on Protect n9 America s

FOIA-00293-2010 FOIA Reqlest the folow n9 documenls for th€ soviet stateg c FOIA
Rocket Forces: an Ana vs s vear 1977.
FOIA 0029.1 2010 FOIA Req!est the folowrng documents or Nucear and

FOIA 00295 2010 FOIA Req!est the lo owing documents J! ius caesaas use of

FOIA-00296-2010 FOIA req!€s! lhe folow nq documents USS Pleb o incident:

Wamino Cvcle 11984).
FOrA-00298-2010 FolA Request refldir to requester fo. DOS case no. 200403448

FOIA 00299 2010 FolA request informaton concerning the Decemb€r 6, 1998
eection in Venezlela that bolght Pr€sdent H!9o chaveu Fras to

FOrA 00300 2010 FOIA reqlest access to andlor copes of a I records on tlre
Defense Attache Office, as d€flned by the G€nera records
Schedu es 14, 1952, item 5/ concernrng the

FOrA'00301-20r0 O Shea, Ly.n FOIA request nte llgence reports, menros/ and photographs
concern.g a DIA effort !nder the name Outerbrdge Sandra'

FOrA 00302 2010 O'5h€a, Lynf FQIA request a copy of DIA s imagery Analys s lvlemorandurn
w th a rel # 05 53790 83/DB 5D, dated 5 May 1983/ rereren€€
requifement PAR 1003609, dated 5 Apri 1983.

FOrA 00303'2010 O'Shea, Lynn FOIA requ€st nformdtion concern ng the Pha Tham Louang, area
of Laos belween Nov€mbef 1, 1980 and December 31, 1981.

FOrA 00304-2010 FOIa req!est, f€ferefce +20100505D1A053, request ng

nformatjon conc€rn.9 the meeUngs in Washington, D C. n l!ne
2001 between U.S. offcia s and or botir of the folowing Pakistan
offcials: Foreign 14in ster Abd!l Sattar and lntel gence (lSI)

FO]A 00305 2010 FOIA requesi niormation p€.talng to dn ongo ng cr m na

invesuqaton frorn Apr l2-20, 1993 aqaint 1.4r, S€fer Hal ovc
baro b lh. 11 o Bo: d drd te rego,ird.
Srdra Co'

FOIA-00306"2010 FOIA request copies of comm!nicat ons between 1969 and 1976
w th DIA office6 or mi tary alaaches statoned at the U.S,
Embassy n Be rLt concernlng the lJ,S, relaUonship w th non
5ldte ni Uas ir Leba ro
FOIA 00107-2010 !ono, ',
FOIA-00308-2010 FOIA request, reference #20100521DIA054, reqLesting al
documents from lanuary 1, 1966 to lanuary 1, 2002 pena n9 to
the Afghdnistan and the Talban offclals concerning the fo low nq
P.kistan offcia sr General Mohamm€d Azz and Gen€ral

FOIA 00309 2010

FOIA-Qo310 2010 SemmeLman,.lacques FOIA fequest dec assifcat on on docur.ents concerning I'lr.

FO]A 00311 20r0 HERSCHAFI, RANDY FOIA Consu tat on r€quest, reference case no. 10-F-1132/DoD, FOIA
requesting a pr€processed copy oi HQ f le 1050186336 whose
top c s A|ab c Terror sm n US 1970 s

FOIA-00312-2010 FOIA reqlest fformation concern ng 1,'lr, Aexander Scott

Crawford and on r€questers father I'lr. A€xand€f Scott

FOIA-00313-2010 tOtA r-q' F, I ro -otror co (p , -9 Cla." W qh' r41,.

FOIA 00314 2010 FOIA request docurn€nts concerninq 20120 loqistics award for
fiscdl vea6 beo nina in 2006 2010,
FOIA 00315 2010 RICHELSON,leffrey FOIA request inforrnation from lanuary through lune 2010

FOIA-00316-2010 FOIA request informaUon concern ng contrdct no.

FOIA'00317-2010 FOIA req!esl, refernce ,20100567DIA056, reqLest ng
doc!ments from January 1, 1990 throught tlre present
concerning backgroLrnd nformation on Pak sian Lt. Genera

FOIA-00318-2010 FOIA req!est, reference +20100582DIA060, reqlesting

docLments from lanLiary 1, 1990 to the present concernin9 the

FOIA 00319 2010 FOIA req!est documents, cofk.cts, expend tufes, fund transfeE
and or appropriations with the Nationa Rifle Assocation (NRA)
cofcerning entit es fof the NRA Foundation w thin the lasi five

FOrA 00320 2010 FOIA request, referenc€ *201005750IA059, reqlesting

documents lrom lanLrary 1, 1990 throLrgh lhe present concern n9

FOtA 00321 20t0 FOIA request, reference 3201005730IA058, requesuns

iocuments irom lan!ary 1, 2003 throlgh the present canta ning
both the words Afghan stan 'and "Coruptior" of "Kapai and
"Cotr!ption" in the subject line.
FOrA'00322-2010 E ias/ Bafbara FOIA request, reference #20100569DIA057/ request n9
documents from lanuary 1/ 1990 thro!ght the present conta nq
bioqraphica! or background nformation on Genera I'lohamfired

FOIA 00321 2010 FOIA request nformatiof September 15, 1998 through
l,4arch 30, 1999 concerning an nc dent nvo v ng lhe US Ernbassy
n r,lonrovid, Lbera. DoS case no.200806578

FOIA 00324 2010 FOIA requ€st, r€ference +20100591DIA062, .€questing a I

doc!rnents from September 11, 2001 through Septembef 11

2003 concern nq correspondence between U.S. and Iran an
offica s between Pfes dent r'lohamrned Khatam dnd U.S.

FOrA 00325 2010 FOIA req!est informaton on a I FOIA reqlesl that have been
made to DIA between ldnuaty L, 2005 through the pfesent
p€rtain nq the climate change or the env ronmental chanqe.
FOIA-00326-2010 Elias, Barbara FOIA req!est, ref€rence +20100589D1A061/ request ng
from ldn. 1, 1990 throlgh the present conc€rn n9
backgro!nd fformation om Aighan Defense lvl nistef Abdu
FOIA 00327 2010 FOIA req!est, Docurnent Contro no. 304651.01, fequest nq
records of th€ DIA concern ng WSG'5 fac lit es and capdb ites,
as wel as DIA'S actla / p anned, or contemp ated use of all

FOIA 00328-2010 FOIA req!€st nformation for doc!meat case no. 304660,01.
req!est nq records of the DIA concerning wsc's f-ci tes .nd
capdbi tes, as we las DIA s actLa, p anned, or contemp ated
use of al related data acquired from wSG.

FOIA-00329-2010 FOIA request ffor.naUon fof document case no. 304676.01

feq!esUng fecords of the DIA cofcerning WSG s fac t€s and
capabi tes, as we I as DlA s actua, p anned/ or contemp ated
use of al felated data acqlired ffom WSG.

FOrA 00330 2010 FOIA req!est, fefetral case no. 07 F 2215, fequestinq
doc!ments from Jan, 1, 2007 tiirough lilarch 1, 2007 concern ng
thr folow ng d str cts n He nrand prov nce n Afghanistani Washi

FOrA-0033r-2010 B!rch, Bra n FOIA request records concerninq the BLue state D gitat (BsD)

FOIA 00332 2010 FOIA request, refefence f20100604DI4063, request n9 a I

I'liltary lnte ligence D gest art ces from laa!ary l, 1994 ihro!9ir
L Fr0 loo4 co .!e- _o I dq ord d r? o'l5e fo or r9:
Eco ogica or envirofmental warfare opposition qro!ps Kurds n

FOIA 00333 2010 FOIA reouest doc!m€nts lof coniraci no. HNNi40207140039.

FOIA 00334 2010 FOIA request documents from lan 1990 throlgh lan. 1996
concern ng Harvey Mcceofge or Pub ic saf€ty Groups

FOIA 00335-2010 FOIA request a copy of the olc Investigauon 2008 005933-ol,
feq!est ng t me sheels and the softcopy of the spreadsheets.

FOIA-00336-2010 B!rr, W lam FOIA request r€fera case no. 94 F 0377, reqlesting 14lllary

FOrA 00337 2010 FOIA expedite reqlest for coples of any records perta ning to the
Aryana Ins l!te for Regional Researclr and Advocdy (AIRRA)

FOIA 00338 2010 FOIA requesi, reference archive no.20100629D1A064/ for

nformariof concerning the Guaterna an M litary s Kalb I Center
for tra nin9 and sp€c a Operalions, Guatemaan specia fofces

FOrA-00339 2010 FOIA req!est, reference #20100630DIA065, for nformation

conc€rninq the Un ted States tra ninq of memebers of the
Gualemaran spec a Forces n the 1970 s to 19E0 s.

FOtA 00340-2Q10 DOYLE, KAIE FOIA request, r€fefence #20100631D14066, fo. doc!ments
cofcerning the siflcture, staffing h story and operat ons of the
Guatemalan Spec a Forces, or Kabies/ perta ng to jolnt
operations w th other m ltary and po ice unjts from 1975 to

FOIA-00341 2010 Strub, Elen FOIA reqLrest cop es of the English transldUon of severa reports
from the Ch nese lournal of Somatic Sc ence.

FOIA-003:t2-2010 FOIA request information on DIA s Southeast Asra l.4iltary Fact

FOrA 00343 2010 FOIA reqlest documents ior contract #HHM40204A0011. FOIA

FOIA 0034.1 2010 FOIA req!est docum€nts concern n9 tra n9 by the Un ted States
mi itary, State Departmenti or olhef un t or departm€nt ot the
U.5 goverment for tir€ Nepa ese m ltary/ Royal Nepal€s€ Army
(RNa), Nepa ese Intel gence, or any othef Nepa ese s€c!.Lty
foces or offices from 2001 io 2004.

FOIA 00345 2010 FOIA reouest on ior contract +HHt'14020.+40011.

FOrA'00346-2010 FOIA feqlest informaUon for contract #HHl'!4020440012.

FOrA 00347 2010 FOIA reqlest documents for contract fHHM40204A0010.

FOtA 00348 2010 FolA reolest documents ror contract +fC102808D20r7.

FOIA 00149 2010 STEPONKUS, FOIA feqLest docLimefts concern ng Irregu ar Warfdre Aralysjs

FOrA 00350 2010 FOIA reqlest a copy of each Ethics Wa ver proved to DIA slnce

FOIA 00351 2010 r'b)f ll:10 USC 42.+.('b)fb )

FOtA'00352-20r0 FOIA req!est/ reference no.970445DOD039, cofcerning th€ vist

of Secretary oi Defens€ W I iam Barry to India and Pakistan n

FOIA 00353 2010 FOIA request, felefence no. 20100680DIA072, req!€sting

niomation concenring the Conndence B ds. r.4easures (CBNI)
between th€ USA (or NATO) and the USSR regard fg mu tdry
exerc ses n September, October, November, or D€c€mber 1983.

FOIA 00354,2010 FOIA reqlest nformation on 1,4r. Gera d Patrc k Hemminqs a so

FOrA-00355'2010 FOIA request docLmenis fof referaal cas€ iro 200901173/DOs,

req!est nq nformanon on th€ 21st of November 2007 the Dutch
min ster of Defense wroie a letter to lhe Dltch parl ament
concern nq !he united states and r.ade a reqlest to th€ Dltch
government to support the pannirg for an poss ble nrlitary
attack in case lraq doesn't compl e to the VN reso lUon 1441.

FOIA-00356-2010 Crider, Cor FOIA reqlest ref cdse no. 10 F 1366/DoD, 14s. Crider states that
th s reqLest s slbm lted as colnsel for Sharif I\,lobley a c tizen of
the !nited States currentlt detained at the Po itcal SecLrrity
Prison nSanaaYemen,

FOIA 00357 2010 FOIA requ€st informaton from lan 1 r990 tlrrough the present
concerning 5a!d Araba cont.oversidlor a arminq reports of
po ice brLta ity, qlestionable !se of Sharah co!rts, shdriah aw
.humane or questonabe pun shments.

FOIA 00358 2010 FOIA fequest, refernce case no, 20100674DIA071, feqLest n9 al
doc!.nents from lan. 1, 1979 to the present concern f9 the
provision of money, s!pplies or weapons fronr t!rkey to Genera
Rashid Dostam in Afghan stan.

FOIA-00359-2010 FOIA request informdton concern ng contract no. FOIA

FOIA-00360-2010 FOIA req!€st Informdton on 14 . F dnz Doeiter.

FOrA 00361 2010 E as, Barba.a FOIA request, reference case ro. 20100685DIA073, reqLesting
docurnents from lan. 1, 2002 to lhe present concern n9
narcotics, op !m or drlrgs and one or a combination of ihe
fo owinq lnd v dua sr Jin Mohammad khan lvlat !lah Khan Abdll
Razzq Pacha Khan Zadran Abdu Wal Khan G! ASha Zherzai

FOIA 0Q362 2010 FOIA request, reference case no. 20100690DIA074, for
.ar. l, .o90 thro qir rrrF p,6s6_ ro a rrS

FOrA 00363 20r0 FOIA reouest fo. DroDosa HHlllzl02-10'R-0088

FOrA-00364-2010 FOIA request, reference case no. 20100669DIA070, reqLesting
documents from lan, 1, 1992 through present conc€rn ng
membe6 oi Pak sian FrcnUer Corps fighting w th, al ed wth or
nqht n9 alongside the Ta iban n Arshan stan.

FOrA 00365 20r0 FOIA request access to copies of al requatonsandpoices

concernlng relg ous freedorns by u5 fli itary personal whi e

FOIA 00366 2010 FOIA r€quest a copy of the fu tect of the USCENTCOM llOC
TASS contract awafded by DIA on or around l0 lune 2010 lo a

FOIA 00167 2010 FOIA request, reference case no. 2010701D14076, for
documents from lan. 1, 1990 throLrght the presnet concern fg
Abdu Razziq, an ndiv dua reported to conclro the Chamanspin
Boldak crosslng n Afghdnistan

FOra-00368-2010 FoIA request, reference case no. 20100696DiA075, for

documenG conc€rn n9 meetrfgs, contracts, cooperai on or
cotrespondence betweef Pak stani nuclear oflc a s and membere

FOIA 00170 2010 FOIA request, ref€rence case no. 20100653DIA069, for
documents from lan. 1, 1990 through the present concefn ng
Abdu Wali Khan, a polic€ ch ef in l,4Lsa qoald strct n Helmand,

FOrA 00371 2010 FOIA reqLest, reference case no. 20100650DIA068, for
documents from Jan. 1, 1990 throlgh the present cancern ng
Pacha Khan Zadran, a memeber of Paf ament in Afqhanistan.

FOIA-00372-2010 FOIA reqLest, refefence +20100703D]A077, for documenG

betw€en )an, t, 1990 and the presen! conceff!nq th€ prov stan
oi a d, nclud nq f!nd ng, suppl es/ tra n ng or wedpons being
s!ppied to the Islam c rvlovement or Uzbek stam (l[']U) from
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

FOrA 00373 2010 FOIA req!est informaton concern ng the proposed act on of the
IG r€port of lnvestgat on, Cas€ no. 2009 006080 Ol.

FOIA 00374 2010 FOIA request, reference case n020091238DOS305, for

documents on the involvemenl of the Indonesioan Deiense
M n stry secretary genera Syafrie Syamsuddin afsd lndonesan
special Forces Cornr.ander Pramono Edhie Wibowo in human

FOrA 00375 2010 FOIA request lnformation for the fo owing contract no.:
HHr'T40210DOO37 HHr'r4021 0D0038 HHrvr40210D0039
FOIA 00376 2010 FOIA request exp€d le processin9 for access to and copies of
financla statements, studles and con$acts, re eased ior aLl
prevlous requests concerning the Defense Inte igence Agency,
the Department of Defense, c imate chanqe and or
FOrA-00377 20t0 FOIA request infomation concerning or menton ng The
Watchtower B ble and Tract Society, aka the Watchtower, aka
lehovah's Wiin€sses, aka "The Soclety "

FOIA 00378 2Qt0 FOIA request, reference 20100722DIA0a1, fof documents

concerning Pakistan and Tah r Yu dah€v, a official of the Is amic

FOIA 00379 2010 Nims, Kirk FOIA -eq ren r- ord( .o t_p- | rq PdL. Tl cooo e Nr ns
FOIA 00380 2010 FOIA request, referenc€ case no,20100755DIA082, for FOIA
docurn€nts frcm lan. 1,2005 to lhe present cancern ng
divis ons, fact ons or seperat€ groups w th n the Taliban,

FOrA 00381 2010 FOIA request copes of a log of a

FOIA requests received by
DIA in Auoust of 2010
FOrA 00382 2010 FOIA fequset, .€fer€nc€ case no. 20100705DIA078, for
doc!m€nts from september LL, 2001 to 14arch 1, 2002
conceminq discussrons b€tw€en BriUslr Fore gn l.,l nistef.lack
Straw afd Iran an off cials regarding Afgha.istan or the events

FOIA 00383-2010 Elas, Barbara FOIA req!est, reference case no. 20100713DIA080, for FOIA
docur.ents from Jan. 1, 2003 to the present concern ng the

FOtA 00384-2010 FOIA request, reference case no. 20100710DIA079, ior

documents s!rroundinq th€ 1994 presidenta electon nthe
Dom nican Rep!blc, sLch as detentiors and polce/m itary abuse

FOIA 00385 2010 FOIA requ€st, r€ference case no. 20100774DIA085, lor
doc!ments regard ng meetings, contact, cooperaton or
coflespondence betwe€n Pakistan n!clearofficia s antthe

FOtA-00386-2010 FOIA.eqlest ifformaUon on the lo ow nq contract no.:

HH1"140210D0013 HHt14021 0D0014 HH14402L0D00t7 HHU4021

FOIA-00387-2010 FOIA request a corresponding int€rnal and externa

commLnicatoni investgatve recofds, and any other res!lt ng

FOIA 00388 2010

.fd information transfe€rred from GTMO who were dter

d€nt f ed w lh Al Qdeda ln tire Arabian PeninsLla.

FOIA 00349 2010 Elias, Barbara FOIA req!est, refer€nc€ case no. 2010Q766DrA084, for
do- --rl fro-1.r. .200'o!"epese-r 'on." q
payments, concessions or bribes mase to the Ta ban' by Afglran
offca s ctzens, warrords or contractors n order to prevent
violence of ind v dua s, convoys or buid ngs

FOIA 00390 2010 W llard, Ern y FOIA request, reference case no. 20100762DIA083, for
doc!r.efts of 72 fore qn migfants found rn!rde.ed in d mdss
qrave at a Ranch near 5an F€rnando in Tama!lipas, Mexico on

FOIA 0039r 2010 FOIA reqLest iniormaton from Octob€r 2001 to presenr
concern n9 v o ent crimes or potenta ycrmnalactivityocc!rng
n Iraq and/or Arqhanistan, and/or any subs€quent referdls of
slch investigatons o. nq!iries to any other agency, subs!diary
deparheft, offlce or offic a .

FOrA-00392 2010 FOIA request records cofcernrng the Ab e Danqer proqram,

FOrA 00393 2010 FOIA request documents and d€p oyment orders concefn nq the
L3 mob re t.ain ng team (jYTT)'Batant w nd III / which
a-r.Fd nCoorbaon 12lr lq91 o d60dd/loi'i q'orr'-
in sma I !nit tdct cs at the Gabriel Gonza €s Colomb a National
Polce Tfain ng C€nier in Esp na, Co omba.

FOIA 00394 2010 FOIA request expedlte process ng fo. fecords pertaln ng to the
motvatons cit€d by forelgn rghters captured in lraq for
travelinq to Iraq to parUcipate n host tes.

FOIA 00395 2010 FOIA request lnfofmahon on tfre Red Bngades,

FOiA-00396-2010 FOIA r€quest records n the possess on of the Deiense
lntel€ence Aqency cofcerning DCI Hostage Locabon Task Force
from creaton n 1986 to the present date 2010

FOIA 00397 2010 FOIA reqlesi nformatiof on al mlitary Inte igence conceming

FOtA'00398-2010 FoIA request, reference case no, 20100857DIA09,1, for

doc!ments from lanLary 1, 2002 to tlre present concern ng Syed
Tayyab Aghs, d Tal ban oficia concern ng trlps to Sudi Arab a,
UAE, Pak stan or Afghanistan ta represnet the Tallban.

FOIA 00399 2010 Ellas, Barbara FOIA reqLest, fererence.ase no. 20100852DIA093, r€quesnn9
doc!ments from Jan. 1, 2004 to the prcseft on Hezb e lslaml
Gulblddin, H G and the Ta iban conc€rning nteractions b€tw€en

FOrA 00400'2010 FolA request/ refe.ence case no.20100859DIA095, for

A.q r 20-0 lo 5-p . 15, 20-0 oncF l 'g
communlcat on or talks between members of the TaLiban and
foreisn offcials n the un ted Arab Enrirates (UAE)

FOIA 00401 2010 FOIA requesr, reference no. 20100831DIA090, ior doc!m€nts
conc€rninq events of Feb, 12, 2010 in the Gardez distnct of

FOIA-00402-2010 FOIA requesi, rererence case no. 20100836D1A09r, ror

documents from lan. 1, 2005 to the present concernlng the
Ta ibdn postons or stances on n€gotat ons, terrorsrn, osar.a

FO]A 00403 20r0 FolA reqLrest, reference case no. 20100804D1A047, for
doc!ments from.lan. 1, 1990 to the pr€sent concern ng
comm!nicdtons or correspondenc€ bewlweef Pak stan's lnter
Serv ces lnte lgence (lsl) dfd Mu lah omaf, Ta iban eader.

FOIA 00404 2010 FolA req!€st/ referenc€ case no. 20100814DIA088, iof
docLments from september 15, 2001 to Septenrber 15, 2002
concerning the death ofTaliban prisoners n Afghan star.

FOIA 00405 2010 FOIA request, reference case fo, 20100843DIA092, for reports
from lan. 1, 2006 to the present concern ng the Tal ban jlst ce

FOIA 00406 2010 FoIA request, rererence cas€ no. 20100826DI4089/ for
oocr 16 r. o- f4 arre\r o r dgdr "B"rbr-'v"ld-/ d s-rs'o'
El Grande Vi arr€altwo prom n€nt drug carte eaders in
l,1ex co, from ALrg, 30, 2010 dnd sept. 12, 2010.

FOIA-00407 2010 FOIA reqLest a copy of contract no 4970013409,

FOIA 00408 2010 FOIA request nfrornaUon of Pab o Escobaf.
FOIA 00409 2010 RICHELSON, ieffrey FOIA reqLest informduon on the r.ost fecent bograph c sketch
FOtA-00410-2010 Elias, Barbara FoIA request, reference case no. 20100468DIA096, lor
doc- e, rs fro- Jar -. 2001 Lo lhe presa \ con_er'l .g
Pakistan s Inter Services {IsI) ard one or a comb naton of the
follow n9 ent ties: Haqqani i etwork .la la ludd n Haqqanl r4au vl
Haqqani S rajudd n Haqqani Siraj Haqqan

FOtA-00411-2010 FOIA reqLest copies of contracr stud es held n access on 330 78

FOIA 00412 2010 ReqLrest a I Documents frcfirjan !/ 2004 to the present reaied
n who e or n part to the Haqqan Network and Taliban
FOIA 004!3 2010 Docurn€nts from lanudry 1, 2005 to the present re ated in whole
or in part io th€ re ai onshlp, ies, connections, affilatons,
comuncations, a liances pr interactons between fiaqqan

FOIA 00<14 2010 doc!mefts from.lanuary 1, 2004 to the present reloted nwhole
or in par! to A Gama's al- s amiyya and the Taliban Arch ve f

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