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December 2010

Policing in a
Intelligence-Led Policing
in a Fusion Center


uch writing and dis- sides of the issue regarding the have had an intelligence- and

M cussion have focused

on fusion centers as
a key element of a homeland
role of fusion centers and intel-
ligence gathering within polic-
ing in general.
information-sharing function,
the term fusion may be new to
some in the profession.1 Simi-
security strategy within polic- The concepts of fusion larly, intelligence-led policing,
ing. These centers have propo- centers, data fusion, and the which has many similarities
nents in the homeland security associated philosophy of intel- to community and problem-
and public safety policy-making ligence-led policing are abstract oriented policing, might prove
structures, as well as critics terms often misinterpreted and relatively unfamiliar to some
from civil liberties groups and poorly articulated both in and officers.2 As a result, the incor-
privacy advocates. A great deal out of law enforcement. While poration of fusion centers
of misperception exists on all police departments traditionally and intelligence-led policing

December 2010 / 1
principles into routine law en- crime. Through data fusion, sharing, and police accountabil-
forcement functions has been a personnel turn information into ity, with enhanced intelligence
slow and uneven process. How- knowledge by collecting, pro- operations.”5 ILP can guide op-
ever, doing so can make police cessing, analyzing, and dissemi- erational policing activities to-
agencies more effective. nating intelligence based upon ward high-frequency offenders,
end users’ needs. locations, or crimes to impact
DEFINITIONS A fusion center is a “col- resource allocation decisions.
Data fusion is “the ex- laborative effort of two or more
change of information from dif- agencies that provide resources, ROLE OF FUSION
ferent sources—including law expertise, and information CENTERS
enforcement, public safety, and to the center with the goal of Fusion centers allow for the
the private sector—and, with maximizing their ability to exchange of information and
analysis, can result in meaning- detect, prevent, investigate, and intelligence among law enforce-
ful and actionable intelligence respond to criminal and terrorist ment and public safety agencies
and information” that can activity.”4 Fusion centers can at the federal, state, and local
inform both policy and tacti- identify potential threats through levels. A variety of indica-
cal deployment of resources.3 data analysis and enhance tors, such as gang behavior,
Building upon classic problem- investigations through analytical weapons violations, or metals
solving processes, such as the support (e.g., flow charting and thefts, span jurisdictions. The
scanning, analysis, response, geographic analysis). growth of fusion centers dem-
and assessment (SARA) model, Finally, intelligence-led onstrates that no one police or
data fusion capitalizes on a policing (ILP) refers to a “col- public safety organization has
wide array of available data to laborative law enforcement all of the information it needs
examine issues ranging from approach combining problem- to effectively address crime
terrorism to traditional street solving policing, information problems. Progressive fusion
centers have access to a wide
variety of databases, many of
which previously were acces-
sible only by individual federal,

“ Through data
fusion, personnel
turn information into
knowledge by collecting,
state, or local law enforcement
organizations. Agency participa-
tion in multijurisdictional fusion
centers diminishes “stovepipes”
of information.
processing, analyzing, Pooling resources, such as
and disseminating analysts and information sys-
intelligence based upon tems, can maximize limited
end users’ needs. assets at a time when all agen-
cies face budget cutbacks. Col-
Sergeant Lambert serves in the Massachusetts
State Police Commonwealth Fusion Center. ” laboration across organizations
blends subject-matter expertise
in areas, such as homeland
security, violent crime, and

2 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

drug control. It builds trusted addressing homeland security on drug control, interdiction,
relationships across participat- challenges is the driving force and narcotics intelligence.
ing agencies, which encourages behind the center, traditional
additional collaboration. Fusion street crimes occur more fre- Targeting Violent
centers foster a culture of infor- quently. The CFC constitutes Crime Initiative
mation sharing and break down part of the Massachusetts As an all-crimes informa-
traditional barriers that stand in State Police (MSP), Division tion-sharing and intelligence
the way.6 of Investigative Services, and center, the CFC devotes a sig-
Combining data from mul- employs state troopers and nificant portion of its analytical
tiple agencies enables policy intelligence analysts. Com- resources to examining emerg-
makers and police managers to mitted staff members from the ing crime trends. In this regard,
see trends and patterns not as National Guard, Massachusetts the U.S. Department of Justice
apparent when using a single Department of Corrections, (DOJ), Bureau of Justice As-
information source. Employing FBI, Department of Home- sistance, sponsored the Target-
multiple sources helps present a land Security, and Bureau of ing Violent Crime Initiative,
more credible picture of crime a grant program giving police

and homeland security issues, agencies an incentive to use an
as when personnel examine ILP approach to address vio-
field interview data in conjunc- lence. The CFC, responding to
tion with crime incident reports. Fusion centers allow a call from state policy makers
Personnel often underreport for the exchange to examine violent and, specifi-
drug or gang offenses, while of information and cally, firearms crime throughout
field interview cards collected intelligence among law the state, proposed to develop a
by street officers with intimate enforcement and fusion process around weapons
knowledge of the community public safety agencies offenses.
may provide a more valid mea- at the federal, state, This effort centers around
sure of illegal drug use or gang answering questions about
behavior. Using multiple indica-
and local levels.
firearms in Massachusetts. First,
tors strengthens the information

where do guns used in crimes
and results in a more coherent come from? In other words, do
and accurate intelligence firearms used by criminals—
product. Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, many prohibited from legally
MASSACHUSETTS and Explosives (ATF) reflect owning guns—originate from
EXPERIENCE its multijurisdictional nature. traffickers bringing them into
Other agencies participate in the state, individuals stealing
Commonwealth the CFC on a part-time or as- them from businesses or homes,
Fusion Center needed basis. In addition, the or other sources? Second, are
In October 2004, Massa- CFC is colocated with the New the lesser-known illegal fire-
chusetts officials opened the England High Intensity Drug arms markets in Springfield,
Commonwealth Fusion Center Trafficking Area (NE-HIDTA). Worcester, and Brockton the
(CFC) to focus on terrorism, This program also incorporates same as in Boston? Finally,
homeland security, and crime a number of federal, state, and what are the trends of firearms
problems across the state. While local police agencies to focus crime in various parts of the

December 2010 / 3
Aggravated Assault & Weapons
Law Violations in Massachusetts it with new data to provide stra-
By Male Juvenile Offenders tegic and tactical intelligence to
end users so that they can make
informed decisions. The CFC
serves as the state crime report-
160 ing repository using the FBI’s
140 Uniform Crime Reporting Pro-
120 gram’s National Incident-Based
100 Reporting System (NIBRS) to
80 collect crime information. This
data provides details on crime
incidents across jurisdictions
on a year-to-year and month-to-
20 month basis and offers specif-
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ics on types of crime, such as
aggravated assaults by firearm
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance Targeting type and offender age and
Violent Crimes Initiative: Intelligence-Led Policing - Firearms in MA
gender. For instance, the NI-
Source: Commonwealth Fusion Center Crime Reporting Unit BRS data set allowed the CFC
National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
to closely examine firearms
offenses committed by youths
state? Is it on the rise in most public safety agencies arrive aged 10 to 17 across various
large communities or do pat- at informed, data-driven communities to study juvenile
terns vary? Which areas have decisions.7 gun crime.
the most stress from firearms Working cooperatively As another valuable source
crime? Answers to such broad with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, of information, the ATF’s
questions can inform policy Massachusetts State Police’s National Tracing Center col-
making. firearms identification section lects and disseminates data on
and its crime laboratory, Boston firearms recovered from crimes.
ILP for Firearms Violence Police Department, ATF, Mas- Participating police departments
Like many other states, sachusetts Criminal History submit a request to ATF, which
Massachusetts has a number of Systems Board, and other local traces the origins of the firearm
public safety entities involved police agencies, CFC began col- through various databases and
in violent crime reduction ef- lecting, processing, and analyz- then provides information on
forts. To this end, one objec- ing crime and weapons-trace the first retail purchaser, the
tive of the CFC’s DOJ-funded data to provide policy makers licensed dealer that sold the
Intelligence-Led Policing for with data on firearms crime firearm, and the type and manu-
Firearms Violence project is patterns, the types of weapons facturer of the weapon. This
to supplement, not duplicate, recovered at crime scenes or trace data provides both tacti-
existing violent crime programs. during arrests, and the source cal and strategic intelligence
Through the development of cities and states of these guns. to investigators, patrol offi-
tactical and strategic intel- This project also has fo- cers, intelligence analysts, and
ligence products, the fusion cused on leveraging existing decision makers. For instance,
center has sought to help these information and supplementing identifying the city and state of

4 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

the first retail purchase of a fire- The CFC disseminates intel- the common wisdom that only
arm involved in a crime, as well ligence briefs, analyses, and southern states fuel gun traf-
as the amount of time elapsed crime maps to policy makers ficking in Massachusetts, the
between purchase and offense, and police administrators across project found that crime-related
provides a possible indicator of the state to assist with resource guns can originate from a num-
firearms trafficking. deployment and the design of ber of states within the North-
In addition, the project has best practices to address fire- east, the South, and beyond.
accessed summary data collect- arms crime. In addition, the This has important statewide
ed from the MSP crime labora- fusion center feeds these prod- implications for criminal justice
tory and the state’s criminal ucts back to information collec- policy.
justice information system to tors, such as investigators and
track firearms patterns in the patrol officers, to reinforce their CONCLUSION
commonwealth. These sources information-gathering efforts. The fusion center concept
provide information on the This creates buy-in from collec- involving various criminal
varieties of weapons, types of tors and illustrates the need for justice agencies opens a number
crimes, and patterns of owner- high-quality, accurate data. of possibilities for enhancing
ship for guns used in offenses. As the map indicates, this intelligence-led policing. It
Employing these data sources— type of data illustrates the establishes relationships among
rarely used for analysis prior to geographic journey to crime for federal, state, and local agen-
this—the project determined the guns used in crimes in Massa- cies, which leads to improved
number of firearms recovered chusetts. Rather than confirming information sharing and access
at crimes and identified
the weapons’ journey to Crime Gun Source States
crime. January to April 2009
Fusing this criminal
offense data with infor-
mation on gun tracing,
recovered firearms, and
state weapon sales infor-
mation provides investi-
gators, police executives,
and policy makers with
a more comprehensive
picture of firearms crimes
in the state. Over the last
year, the project has pro-
duced a number of intel-
ligence briefs and ana-
lytical reports that outline
gun violence by youth
offenders or violent trends
across communities. Source: ATF eTrace submissions from the MSP Firearms Identification
Section since January 2009.

December 2010 / 5
to data that often was isolated to decision makers at the feder- State, Local, and Tribal Agencies,”
in a single agency. It also brings al, state, and local levels. More FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, June
2005, 1-9.
together subject-matter exper- knowledgeable operational, 3
U.S. Department of Homeland
tise that provides a more rel- strategic, and tactical deploy- Security and U.S. Department of
evant and credible intelligence ment choices can be made on Justice, Office of Justice Programs,
end product. It creates buy-in the basis of these data-driven Bureau of Justice Assistance, Fusion
from various agencies because products. This initiative pro- Center Guidelines: Developing and
Sharing Information and Intelligence
they had input into its design. vides an example of how data
in a New Era (Washington, DC:
This particular ILP project fusion and fusion centers can 2006).
outlines a practical application assist in everyday law enforce- 4
Fusion Center Guidelines.
of data fusion for traditional ment challenges. 5
U.S. Department of Justice, Office
violent crime policy, easily of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice
transferable to homeland secu- Assistance, Navigating Your Agency’s Path
rity and terrorism issues. Using to Intelligence-Led Policing (Washington,
Bart Johnson, “A Look at Fusion DC: 2009).
existing and newly acquired Centers,” FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 6
Navigating Your Agency’s Path to
data, fusion center analysts December 2007, 28-32. Intelligence-Led Policing.
collect, process, analyze, and 2
David Carter, “The Law 7
Navigating Your Agency’s Path to
disseminate timely intelligence Enforcement Intelligence Function: Intelligence-Led Policing.


he editorial staff would like to make two clarifica-

T tions pertaining to the article, “Proactive Human
Source Development,” which appeared in the November
2010 issue. First, the scenario provided in the article is a
fictitious one. Second, when operating sources, investiga-
tors must remain aware of restrictions that may limit the
types of information a particular source may offer. For
example, sources employed by financial organizations are
subject to the provisions of the Right to Financial Privacy
Proactive Act; those working for educational institutions are sub-
Human Source ject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
Development 1974; and sources within the health care and counseling

professions are subject to a myriad of restrictions with

respect to information they may share.

6 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Notable Speech


The Price of Freedom

By Samuel L. Feemster, M.Div., J.D.

J oin with me in praise to our God for the gift

of life and for the privilege of living in a free
country. Ours is a nation where officers of the law
Special Agent Feemster,
an instructor in the
Behavioral Science Unit
can assemble on a Tuesday afternoon for contem- at the FBI Academy,
plative reflections without fear of repercussion or delivered this speech at the
National Police Week
persecution for failing to doff official uniforms be- Memorial Service for Law
fore entering into sacred space sanctified for wor- Enforcement Officers in
ship. We thank Chief Cook and Sheriff Lawhorne Alexandria, Virginia,
May 11, 2010.
for exemplary leadership that empowers officers
and deputies in the city of Alexandria to chart a
present course illuminated by the wisdom of col-
lective experiences and guided by the promises of
undaunted hope. We also acknowledge the par-
ticipation of state and local public officials who
support the mission, vision, and core values of law

December 2010 / 7
enforcement and pause with us for this memorial nor neglect our responsibility to ensure the welfare
service. of the public servants who guard the privileges
The history of law enforcement in the city of guaranteed by our freedom. Primary among our
Alexandria dates back to the late 18th century duties as protected citizens is to be ambassadors
when the fundamental need to care for one an- and advocates for the priority of officer wellness
other provided the basis for community. Then, the for all law enforcement personnel who voluntarily
purpose of government was to promote the com- respond to the call to unselfishly serve the com-
monwealth, and the primacy of the common good munities that comprise our nation.
prevailed. Acknowledging the interconnectedness While we are gathered in the safety of this
of individuals who are reliant upon each other for sacred place for a few moments of reflection and
survival, citizens passed laws to guard against challenge, members of our global family will be
disorder, deviance, and exposed to circumstances
destruction. Citizens hired that require appropriate
fellow citizens as night and immediate interven-
watchmen to enforce these
laws. The efficiency of
night watchmen gave way
to around-the-clock polic-
“ Primary among our
duties as protected citizens
tions of varying degrees
and dynamics. These cir-
cumstances that interrupt
the pursuits of life, liberty,
ing. Correctly surmising is to be ambassadors and and happiness arise out
this evolution, Sir Robert advocates for the priority of of the human condition
Peel said, “The police are officer wellness for all law that influences individual
the public, and the public enforcement personnel who behaviors, both good and
are the police.” voluntarily respond to the bad, and dictates national
Over a period span- call to unselfishly serve the strategies of international
ning more than 200 years, communities that comprise implications. In light of
the city of Alexandria has our nation. our shared fallen human-
lost 17 citizens to death in ity, members of our family
the line of duty, 16 officers
and 1 deputy. Without a
doubt, these numbers re-
flect the increasing proficiency of recruitment pro-
” are constantly expected to
perform as ministers of
While we are here, some will be dispatched to
grams, training curricula, and community support talk with children and seniors about our rights and
for a noble vocation where exposure to violent and responsibilities as citizens. Some will be tasked
predatory behavior is a constant threat. However, to maintain order through tactical presence and
notwithstanding the collective best efforts of de- patrols. Others will be dispatched to encounter and
partments across our nation, our law enforcement traverse the evil and extreme toxicity that inhabit
family loses a member every 53 hours as a result the crimes and crime scenes of human predators.
of adversarial actions. These welcome and unwelcome tasks are endured
This week, our nation pays tribute to 127 by citizens who accept the moral obligation to
citizens whose tour of duty as officers of the law serve the public interest—citizens who answered
exacted an awesome price. We who survive inherit the call to law enforcement because nothing else
the admonition to never forget the price of freedom could fulfill them intrinsically.

8 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Some scholars suggest that in our society, the delivered coal to impoverished citizens living in
concept of calling rings with a decidedly spiritual the slums of Cleveland County, North Carolina—a
chord. This perspective resonates in my spirit. The theology of “calling” began to take shape in my
extended family God gave me also was populated mind. The connection between the church and a
with individuals whose calling card was a particu- pastoral call began to crystallize, but it was less
lar skill at which they were especially adapted. My clear whether God called livestock dressers and
grandfather was a very skillful livestock dresser police officers.
and backyard butcher. His reputation for salvaging More than a few incidents over the past 33
the “whole hog,” so to speak, resulted in a constant years redirected my course and modified my un-
demand for his services. derstanding of what it means to be fully engaged
Around our church, Aunt Alice was able to in a divinely ordained calling. Between law school
coax the most reserved child in our community and seminary, my weekly schedule included inves-
to memorize and admirably perform a scripture tigating and arresting individuals who disobeyed
recitation on Children’s Day. man’s laws and teaching and
Everyone understood that she serving other individuals who
was born to nurture and en- professed obedience to God’s
courage children. laws.
Throughout the Ebenezer Matured by the experi-
Association of Churches, Rev- ences and exposures afforded
erend Samuel L. Raper was by the complementary public
known as an awesome builder services, it became clear to me
of churches. He led five con- that the equitable enforcement
gregations to build and pay for of just laws is an inherently
edifices that included class- spiritual vocation. Seasoned
rooms, administrative offices, officers appreciate the distinc-
and simple sanctuaries imbued tion between the spirit of the
with ethereal qualities. No one law and the letter of the law.
doubted that Reverend Raper ©
Likewise, confronting sectar-
was called to help disenfran- ian and civil injustice in the
chised congregations navigate the minefields of course of public service and private pursuits under-
institutionalized socioeconomic discrimination. scored the reality that adherence to ethics and sec-
Then, there was Mr. William Edwards: the shop tarian religious practice does not make individuals
teacher, Future Farmers of America advisor, and nor their practice inherently spiritual. Conversely,
part-time auxiliary police officer who had no law- the impartial enforcement of just laws is spiritual-
ful authority but arrested the community through ity personified.
exemplary leadership and influence. Everyone in In view of these realities, it is my belief that
the community believed in Mr. Edwards. special people are called into law enforcement:
At a very early age, it became apparent to me people who desire to serve the public interest and
that certain people seemed called or especially who embrace the motto of respect, responsibil-
equipped to perform tasks essential for the welfare ity, and results; people who appreciate that their
of a community. Through exposure to Pastor Os- vocation links them to fellow workers and a larger
borne Howell—a man who bought, bagged, and community; people who are able to embrace the

December 2010 / 9
transformative power of spiritual maturity. Given exposures, practices that may be exacerbated by
the nature of law enforcement and the character of the unrealistic expectation that we are, without
individuals who are called to become officers of multidimensional training and commensurate
the law, it follows that law enforcement officers community resources, able to rise above the
are ministers of reconciliation. 911 does not ring at very human frailties that make our presence and
the church, parish, synagogue, temple, or shrine. service essential. It is my responsibility to remind
911 rings at all local police departments. In every us today that ministers of reconciliation, as hardy
community across our nation, people hear in the as we might be, sometimes need to be rescued,
sirens the harmony of help and hope, the promise revived, redeemed, and restored.
of rescue and relief. Law For much of this de-
enforcement officers are cade, it has been my priv-
the ministers who meet ilege to pursue the devel-
the needs of friends and
strangers in their darkest
hours. They possess the
“ Given the nature of
law enforcement and the
opment of a new body of
knowledge regarding the
nexus between spiritual-
unique ability to give or character of individuals ity and law enforcement.
restrain liberty with equal who are called to become These efforts, currently
compassion and dignity as officers of the law, it follows embodied in a Behav-
circumstances dictate. that law enforcement ioral Science Unit (BSU)
How shall we memo- project, Beyond Survival
rialize officers whose re-
officers are ministers of Toward Officer Well-
sponse to another citizen reconciliation. ness (BeSTOW), 1 tar-
in crisis ended their tour get the development of
of duty? Is it enough to
pause 1 day a year for a
few hours? Indeed, it is
” the internal weapons of
spirituality and spiritual
intelligence that police
proper for us to look back and embrace the memo- officers must cultivate to pursue our profession at
ries and memorials that we inherit. But, we also the highest levels of human potential. BeSTOW
must look forward and envision a future where is designed to move officers beyond survival
each passing year will witness fewer and fewer toward officer wellness through spirituality-
names added to the National Law Enforcement oriented policing.
Memorial. Toward this end, our present embrace Sisters and brothers, citizens of Alexandria,
of best practices for training and equipping of- we must take care of our own. The priority of
ficers, based upon past experiences and future ex- officer wellness should be the signature of our
pectation, is arguably the proper way to remember memories and of our hopes.
those who were called to give their lives in the line
of duty. Endnotes
While we are gathered near our nation’s 1
For additional information, see Samuel L. Feemster,
capital to embrace and experience her expres- “Spirituality: The DNA of Law Enforcement Practice,” FBI Law
sions of gratitude during National Police Enforcement Bulletin, November 2007, 8-17; “Spirituality: An
Invisible Weapon for Wounded Warriors,” FBI Law Enforcement
Week, some of us present are suffering from Bulletin, January 2009, 1-12; and “Wellness and Spirituality:
unacknowledged and unresolved issues resulting Beyond Survival Practices for Wounded Warriors,” FBI Law
from extant law enforcement practices and toxic Enforcement Bulletin, May 2009, 2-8.

10 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Leadership Spotlight

Leadership 101
n my current assignment, I see talented the question, yet do not listen to the response.

I people who frequently amaze me by

their keen observations and insights con-
cerning practical, effective law enforcement
A true leader will actively listen with sincere
interest in the answer. Such leaders’ sincerity
will be evident to their officers and reinforce
leadership models and principles. These in- their authentic concern for both the personal
dividuals have been guided by their own op- and professional lives of their people.
erational experiences, as well as through the Finally, a real leader thanks their employees
knowledge obtained by reading a multitude of and gives legitimate praise to them when truly
books written by various “leadership gurus.” deserved. I can recall in my career working
However, after nearly 25 years of proudly for many outstanding individuals who actually
serving in the law enforcement community, I understood this simple concept. Instead of sim-
have learned ply thanking
to look for everyone for
three simple something to
behaviors to make them
distinguish all feel good,
a high-qual- including
ity leader. comments,
The first concerns putting subordinates such as “Thank you for coming to work today!”
first. As Ronald Reagan once said, “Putting indisputable leaders understand that their role
people first has always been America’s secret requires real praise and, sometimes, real criti-
weapon…a spirit that drives us to dream and cism of their people.
dare and take great risks for a greater good.” Certainly, the review and incorporation of
Such leadership is exemplified by individuals leadership doctrines and philosophies from a
who take their employees to a buffet lunch host of renowned authors will help further de-
and then wait to eat after everyone has been velop leadership skills. But, for me, the simple
through the line. approach is the best.
My second fundamental rule of leader-
ship relates to the daily greetings of employ- Special Agent Douglas B. Merel, an instructor in
ees. A genuine leader will ask their officers a the FBI Leadership Development Unit at the FBI
routine question, like “How are you?” Some Academy, prepared this Leadership Spotlight.
individuals seemingly feel obligated to ask

December 2010 / 11
Attitudes and Performance
The Impact of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
By Brian Fitch, Ph.D.

n recent years, the demands

I on law enforcement have

become increasingly com-
plex. Today, more than ever,
officers must understand the
law; grasp departmental policy;
recognize ways to deal with
a range of citizens, including
difficult people and those with
mental illnesses; demonstrate
a mastery of tactics, such as
weaponless defense, less lethal
munitions, and firearms; and
maintain the highest levels of
physical fitness. Trainers play
a critical role in the success of
law enforcement’s mission by
identifying areas of improve-
ment, setting goals, developing
and implementing lesson plans,
and providing oversight and
motivation throughout the pro-
cess. Yet, despite the best efforts
of instructors—not to mention
the considerable monies that
agencies invest in training—
many students have difficulty
meeting certain mandates while
others fail to realize their full
potential as law enforcement
Student performance is—to
say the least—a complex, multi-
faceted phenomenon influenced
by a number of factors, includ-
ing the specificity and difficulty


12 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

of course goals, instructional are willing to exert, along with demonstrated that, on average,
methods, facilitator experience, how they handle setbacks, and educators’ assumptions do influ-
and learner expectations and offers suggestions for improv- ence the actions and achieve-
level of dedication. In some ing student performance. ments of their pupils. If teachers
instances, students fail because anticipate that students will
they lack the necessary aptitude Pygmalion Effect succeed, they usually do. On the
or enthusiasm to learn some- According to ancient Greek other hand, when they expect
thing new. More often than not, mythology, Pygmalion, the learners to perform poorly, they
however, it is because they have King of Cyrus, carved a woman often are not disappointed. In ei-
little faith in their own abilities out of ivory so perfect that he ther case, pupils rise to the level
or, in other cases, because of fell in love with her. Through of teacher expectations—either
the teacher’s attitude or conduct his own will and the assis- positive or negative.1 Generally
toward them. While most train- tance of the goddess Venus, he speaking, trainers who antici-
ers recognize the importance brought the statue to life—a pate more from students by
of proper learning objectives phenomenon known as the setting higher standards, provid-
and instructional methods, they Pygmalion effect. ing encouragement, and offering
often fail to realize the full im- In simplest terms, the Pyg- positive feedback inspire higher
pact that attitudes and beliefs— malion effect represents a kind levels of performance than those
both those of the instructor and of self-fulfilling prophecy—a who lack faith in the ability and
student—can have on motiva- foretelling of a student’s poten- motivation of their charges.
tion, effort, and learning. tial and performance brought While the earliest studies
To be successful—whether about by a teacher’s expecta- began with school-age chil-
in the classroom, in the gym, or tions. Hundreds of studies have dren, subsequent research has
on the range—instructors need
to set suitable goals, involve
learners, and offer appropriate

feedback. Students, on the other
hand, must see value in pursu-
ing those objectives, put forth ...the Pygmalion
the required effort, and believe effect represents a
unquestioningly in their abil- kind of self-fulfilling
ity to reach those goals. The prophecy—a foretelling
author aims to familiarize law of a student’s potential
enforcement trainers with the and performance brought
importance of their attitudes and about by a teacher’s
beliefs about students, as well expectations.
as how they communicate those
viewpoints—whether knowing-
ly or unknowingly—to learners.
Additionally, he discusses the
role of student beliefs in deter-
mining how much effort they

Dr. Fitch, a lieutenant with the Los Angeles, California, Sheriff’s Department, holds
faculty positions in the Psychology Department at California State University, Long
Beach, and with the Organizational Leadership Program at Woodbury University.

December 2010 / 13
examined the role of instructor instead, to give up because they Trainees learning the basics
suppositions with salespeople, simply do not “have what it of operating a handgun for the
athletes, pilots, law enforcement takes.” first time undoubtedly will ex-
officers, and military person- During the basic police perience a degree of uncertainty.
nel.2 Nor are the results of these academy, trainees must per- But, by demonstrating a posi-
investigations incidental. For form a number of tasks, such tive attitude toward their abili-
example, in a study involv- as shooting, driving, and defen- ties, providing positive feed-
ing 105 Israeli Defense Force sive tactics, approaching these back, and setting high goals, the
soldiers attending a 15-week with varying degrees of belief instructor likely can enhance
combat command course, the in their abilities due, in part, to their confidence, thereby moti-
expectations of the instructors prior knowledge. While some vating them to continue exerting
accounted for 73 percent of may have had extensive experi- maximum effort. On the other
the variance in performance, ence with firearms, high-speed hand, if the trainer shows little
66 percent of the variance in driving, or weaponless defense, interest in the students, commu-
attitudes, and 28 percent of the nicating instead a lack of faith

variance in leadership. Prior to in their abilities, they may stop
meeting the trainees, the in- putting forth the effort neces-
structors received data on the sary to improve, effectively
students, including psychologi- The way educators short-circuiting the learning
cal test scores and ratings from communicate process.
their previous trainers. They their beliefs and
also had to learn each trainee’s Teacher Expectations
attitudes can influence
command potential (CP) rating. how students think The way educators com-
The results caused the study’s municate their beliefs and at-
authors to conclude that “Train-
about themselves, titudes can influence how stu-
ees whose instructors were led their potential, and dents think about themselves,
to expect more did indeed learn their abilities. their potential, and their abili-
more.”3 ties. Instructors treat learners—

The Pygmalion effect can whether knowingly or unknow-
easily apply to law enforcement ingly—differently according to
trainers in every corner of the preconceived beliefs about what
profession. As most learners can others have had little, if any, these individuals are—or are
testify from experience, teach- exposure. In such situations, not—capable of accomplishing.
ers’ influence goes well beyond students look to their instruc- In each of the studies the au-
the material or classroom. tors for guidance and reassur- thor reviewed, teacher expec-
Instructors play a critical role in ance. What the trainers feel and tations had a pronounced effect
shaping how students see them- believe and how they communi- on student achievement. When
selves, their abilities, and their cate those ideas to students have teachers believed that students
potential in virtually every area tremendous power and, like were smart, they treated them as
of law enforcement training—as most power, can be construc- if they were; the students must
well as whether they strive to tive or destructive depending on have thought they were smart,
reach that potential or decide, how it is used.4 and—not surprisingly—they

14 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

acted as though they were. In accounted for by paralanguage Students, however, are
contrast, when teachers felt that and only 7 percent explained by surprisingly adept at picking up
students did not have the nec- spoken words.5 nonverbal cues, such as subtle
essary skills, aptitudes, or in- The apparent power of changes in facial expression,
telligence to perform well, nonverbal communication rein- eye contact, posture, or tone of
they treated them according- forces the importance of send- voice.6 If instructors send mixed
ly. The students apparently be- ing consistent messages. When messages, learners invariably
lieved they did not “have what instructors say one thing but will pay greater attention to the
it takes” and behaved in broadcast a different message nonverbal one, especially if it is
ways consistent with those nonverbally, they invariably un- negative. Thus, when praising
expectations. dermine the credibility of their students, trainers must commu-
While the importance of communication. For example, nicate the same message both
instructor expectations seems law enforcement firearms train- verbally and nonverbally to be
straightforward enough, the ers can significantly undermine believed.
ways educators communicate their effectiveness by telling
their beliefs can prove more students that anyone can shoot Self-Efficacy Beliefs
subtle. Studies in communi- well while, at the same time, Subjective beliefs about
cation and psychology have displaying subtle cues of frus- personal ability—commonly
suggested that people rely on tration, such as exhaling deeply, referred to as self-efficacy—
three channels to convey their looking disgusted, or speaking can influence the amount of ef-
emotions. in a patronizing voice to recruits fort a learner commits to a goal.
1. Verbal (words and phrases) having trouble attaining a quali- Research on self-efficacy
2. Paralanguage (tone, pitch, fying score. has suggested that students’
and volume)
3. Nonverbal (facial expres-
sions, eye contact, hand ges-
tures, posture, and distance)
What is surprising, how-
ever, is the relatively minor
role played by the spoken word
in communicating emotion. In
fact, communication studies
have indicated that the major-
ity of emotions, including how
instructors truly feel about a stu-
dent’s performance and poten-
tial, are communicated nonver-
bally. More specifically, fully 55
percent of the emotional impact
of a communicator’s message
is nonverbal, with 38 percent
© Kurt Crawford/FBI Academy

December 2010 / 15
motivation to strive for par- handle those delays can mean own skills, abilities, and ef-
ticular goals is closely linked the difference between success forts. In contrast, individuals
to what they believe about their and failure. People vary in their with an external locus of control
abilities to reach them.7 Or, put self-efficacy expectations from often think that their lives are
another way, students do not strong to weak. Learners with determined mostly by sources
normally set goals unless they a solid sense of self-efficacy outside themselves—in other
believe they can achieve them. believe they can master difficul- words, chance or luck.
Their self-efficacy not only in- ties through hard work and dili- Students with a strong
fluences the type and difficulty gence, making them more likely internal locus of control tend
of the goals they select but also to succeed than others who feel to react differently to setbacks
helps determine the amount of that they have little control overthan those with an external
effort they will expend. an outcome. sense of control. For example,
Because students with high when students with an internal
levels of self-efficacy have locus of control do poorly on

confidence in their abilities a test, they likely attribute this
to meet their goals, they tend dismal achievement to a lack of
to set higher expectations and Because students preparation or failure to read the
demonstrate greater effort than with high levels of questions properly. Such learn-
pupils with lower levels of self- self-efficacy have ers likely believe that with more
efficacy. In contrast, learners confidence in their attention to these areas, they can
less convinced of their abilities abilities to meet their improve their performance on
to produce an outcome or meet
a goal—those with lower levels
goals, they tend to set subsequent examinations. On
the other hand, students with a
of self-efficacy—set lower higher expectations strong external locus of control
objectives and exert reduced ef- and demonstrate generally attribute their lacklus-
fort.8 And, as should be clear by greater effort.... ter performance to bad luck or
now, the way trainers commu- difficult material, often surren-

nicate and interact with learn- dering to the belief that they do
ers impacts their self-efficacy. not “have what it takes.”
Greater instructor expectations Few learners are likely to
translate to higher levels of self- Locus of Control pursue an objective—regardless
efficacy that can result in more Even in situations where of how attractive or important
effort and superior levels of students demonstrate high levels the outcome—if they believe
performance. of self-efficacy, their motivation their efforts will have little ef-
Self-efficacy not only to pursue a goal often depends fect.10 In other words, students
affects the amount of effort heavily on the perceived re- are not going to waste their time
learners will exert to master lationship between effort and and energy pursuing aims over
a particular task but also the outcome—a concept known as which they have little perceived
way they deal with the inevi- locus of control.9 People with an control. On the other hand, if
table setbacks that come with internal locus of control believe learners believe that their efforts
learning something new. Most they have power over their own will have a direct impact on an
students experience some level destiny. They tend to feel that important performance objec-
of frustration, and the way they their lives are shaped by their tive, they likely will pursue it

16 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

© Kurt Crawford/FBI Academy

with all of the effort necessary than not, that improvement point of working hard unless
to achieve the goal. directly reflects the amount of that effort will pay off? Because
In basic police training, time and effort spent practicing. a challenge is, by definition,
recruits, especially those with By emphasizing hard work and hard work, learners with a fixed
little previous exposure, can celebrating successes, instruc- mind-set often avoid adversity
become easily frustrated when tors can help improve the self- in favor of what they know, ef-
faced with the many unfamil- efficacy, confidence, and perfor- fectively limiting their potential
iar skills they must learn. This mance of their students. and perpetuating their negative
is especially true of students self-image.
with a strong external locus of Mind-Set In contrast, learners with a
control who simply surrender Closely related to locus of growth mind-set believe that
to the idea that the ability to control, mind-set is the theory they can develop and improve
perform any number of law that some students reach their skills through hard work and
enforcement functions, such as potential and others do not training. As a result, students
high-speed driving, defensive because of different personal with a growth mind-set tend to
tactics, and report writing, beliefs about ability and intel- embrace new challenges and
is innate and, therefore, not ligence. The key, it seems, is not set higher goals.12 Moreover,
subject to change. Thus, law ability, but, rather, how students rather than being discouraged
enforcement trainers should look at ability. Do learners see by failure, such students gener-
stress the importance of ef- ability as fixed (something ally look at setbacks as oppor-
fort as opposed to talent. For that cannot be changed or tunities to develop and, in many
instance, they should encour- improved), or do they view cases, as predictable aspects of
age trainees having trouble it as something that can be the learning process. This desire
qualifying with a handgun to developed? Students with a to improve creates a positive
practice repeatedly and con- fixed mind-set believe that feedback loop that encourages
tinue until their skills improve. certain attributes (e.g., talent, further learning and improve-
Students should realize that no intelligence, or athletic abil- ment, which promotes yet more
limit exists for the amount of ity) cannot be changed; people desire to learn.
time and effort they can spend are simply born with their full The view students take of
practicing. And, more often potential in place.11 What is the their abilities can profoundly

December 2010 / 17
affect their success and per- active learning, they often have sense of self-efficacy and a
sonal growth in any number not adequately emphasized the growth mind-set—in other
of training venues, as well as important relationship between words, learners who believe
other important areas of life. beliefs and attitudes—both strongly in their abilities to ac-
Fortunately, learners can change of the trainer and student—in complish goals through hard
from a fixed to a growth mind- motivation, effort, and learning. work and practice—tend to
set. Regardless of the topic, Empirical studies, however, outperform students with low-
law enforcement instructors seem to support a link between er levels of self-efficacy and
should pay special attention to instructor attitudes and beliefs a fixed mind-set. Fortunately,
the attitudes of their students. about learners and student neither self-efficacy nor mind-
Whether conducting a course performance. Teachers who set is fixed. By setting suit-
on interviewing, crime scene believe in their students expect able goals, encouraging early
investigation, or basic firearms, higher levels of performance successes, and providing posi-
trainers should emphasize how tive, timely feedback, instruc-

improvement in all areas of tors can help students improve
law enforcement is the result of their self-efficacy and mind-
appropriate goal setting, hard set and, by doing so, ultimately
work, and learning from failure. …mind-set is the enhance their self-confidence,
Instructors can help learn- theory that some ability to handle setbacks, and
ers better realize their poten- students reach their performance.
tial by emphasizing a growth potential and others
mind-set—more specifically, do not because of Endnotes
the idea that intelligence and different personal For further discussion, see Robert
A. Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson,
performance are malleable and beliefs about ability Pygmalion in the Classroom: Teacher
that both can be improved with and intelligence. Expectations and Pupils’ Intellectual
enough hard work and practice. Development (New York, NY: Rinehart

They can enhance students’ and Winston, 1968).
self-confidence, desire to learn, See, for example, Nicole M. Kierein
and Michael A. Gold, “Pygmalion in
and resilience. When doing so,
Work Organizations: A Meta-Analysis,”
however, instructors need to and set more challenging goals, Journal of Organizational Behavior 21,
work with students to set ap- which enhance learners’ beliefs no. 8 (2000): 913-925.
propriate goals. Studies have in their abilities—an attitude 3
For a more complete discussion, see
suggested that early success and that, in turn, generates greater Dov Eden and Abraham B. Shani, “Pyg-
familiarity are important parts effort and higher levels of malion Goes to Boot Camp: Expectancy,
Leadership, and Trainee Performance,”
of building learners’ confidence achievement. Journal of Applied Psychology 67, no. 2
and, in turn, their ability to Similarly, strong evidence (1982): 194-199.
overcome obstacles.13 has suggested that the ways stu- 4
For further discussion on the rela-
dents think about their abili- tionship between self-fulfilling prophecy
Conclusion ties and potential—specifically and achievement, see Dov Eden, Pygma-
lion in Management: Productivity as a
While traditional instruc- self-efficacy and mind-set—
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Lexington,
tor development classes have can have a compelling effect on MA: Lexington Books, 1990).
focused on clear course objec- motivation, effort, and perfor- 5
See, for example, Albert
tives, cohesive lesson plans, and mance. Students with a strong Mehrabian, Silent Messages: Implicit

18 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Communication of Emotions and Attitudes, Self-Efficacy and Goal Effects Revisited,” 12
For a discussion of motivation and
2nd ed. (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1971). Journal of Applied Psychology 88, no. 1 goal setting, see Russell G. Geen, Human
For a more complete discussion on (2003): 87-99. Motivation: A Social Psychological Ap-
nonverbal communication, see Paul Ek- 9
For a complete discussion on locus of proach (Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole
man, Telling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the control, see Julian B. Rotter, Social Learn- Publishing Company, 1995).
Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage (New ing and Clinical Psychology (New York, For a discussion on control, see Ellen
York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, NY: Prentice Hill, 1954). J. Langer, “The Illusion of Control,” Jour-
1985). 10
For more on the relationship between nal of Personality and Social Psychology
See, for example, Albert Bandura, expectancy and effort, see Victor H. 32, no. 2 (1975): 311-328.
“Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unified Theory Vroom, Work and Motivation (San Francis-
of Behavioral Chance,” Psychological co, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1997).
Review 84, no. 2 (1977): 191-215. 11
See, for example, Carol S. Dweck, Dr. Fitch can be reached for comments
For further information, see Albert Mind-set: The New Psychology of Success at
Bandura and Edwin A. Locke, “Negative (New York, NY: Random House, 2006).

Unusual Weapon
Keychain Razor
This keychain razor may be used by
offenders and poses a serious threat to
law enforcement officers. The device has
a plastic handle with a metal blade, which
retracts into the housing. This unusual
weapon may be able to pass through a

December 2010 / 19
Focus on Training

The Practice of Spirituality

and Emotional Wellness
in Law Enforcement
By Dan S. Willis

“ Officers need to understand

and sense the noble purpose and
meaning of police work: a vocation
of selfless service, compassion,
and doing good for others. ”


T he true meaning of the essence of practic-

ing spirituality and emotional wellness in
law enforcement came to me while attending the
meaning toward selfless service to others, along
with a deep connection to individuals and the
community served. It involves the ethical practice
of a nurturing and compassionate spirit, selfless
FBI National Academy.1 One course—Spirituality,
Wellness, and Vitality Issues in Law Enforcement service, integrity, and human dignity. The spiritu-
Practices—demonstrated to me that every person ality of the law enforcement profession is evident
is comprised of a mind, body, and spirit. And, it in every aspect of protecting our communities and
helping others in a dignified manner. Without the
is the wellness and vitality of spirit that most dra-
consistent practice of this spiritual component,
matically can affect our minds, bodies, and quality
of service that we as law enforcement profession- law enforcement can become ineffective, thereby
als provide.2 alienating those who need us the most.
Those who perceive law enforcement as a call-
Understanding the Need ing feel this spiritual purpose and connectedness,
For me, spirituality in law enforcement can be which often can lead to officers inadvertently sac-
defined as a compelling inner sense of purpose and rificing their emotional well-being through their

20 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

dedicated service. The essence of police work is to spirit and can lead to tragic consequences for both
do good and to serve while combating the evil that officers and the communities they protect and
confronts officers daily. The toxic effects of being serve. A community cannot be healthy if individual
immersed within the dark nature of society has a officers are suffering from a damaged spirit.
tendency to drain the spirit and life from officers, Every phone conversation and contact an offi-
leaving them emotionally ill and susceptible to cer has with the public provides an opportunity to
burn out, depression, bitterness, ineffective service, practice the spirituality of law enforcement through
suicidal thoughts, and a sense of hopelessness. We compassion, respect, and connectedness with the
need to change the culture of law enforcement that humanness of the other person. Each contact can
has historically ignored the long-term emotional serve to promote the good image of the department
scars the job can leave on our souls. We need to while potentially serving to enrich the emotional
train officers how to effectively process the pain, well-being and fulfillment of the officer, if that
evil, and suffering they repeat- officer has been trained in in-
edly face while nurturing their terpersonal communication,
spirit of service, compassion, the art of meaningful service,
and purpose.
Police supervisors and
command staffs must culti-
vate discussions, training, and
“ The spirituality of
the law enforcement
and the practice of spiritual
Filling the Void
profession is evident
resources to tap into the well- Traditional law enforce-
spring of spirit within officers
in every aspect ment academy and in-service
to keep them centered and of protecting our training focus almost exclu-
connected to the true purpose communities and sively on the mind and body
and essential spirit of police helping others in a with little, if any, training
work. The emotional well- dignified manner. and development of the most
being of officers is paramount vital component of people,
to their providing the highest
quality of service consistently.
The health and vitality of a
” their spirit. The soul and
character of officers—how
they learn to process suffer-
community depends upon the emotional wellness ing, emotional pain, and evil—all determine their
and spiritual connectedness to service that each effectiveness in the profession, as well as the qual-
officer possesses. As officers are trained to learn ity of their lives and careers.
how to nurture and maintain their inner spirit of Command staff and supervisors can proactive-
compassion, noble service, and connectedness, ly work to ensure the spiritual and emotional well-
they are much more likely to be able to develop being of their officers in several ways. Initially,
that sense of inner calling and meaningful purpose the police culture needs to be changed through pe-
in the quality of their work. riodic discussions within staff and among officers
The law enforcement profession often over- about the practice of spirituality and emotional
looks the humanness of it members. It is the of- wellness in law enforcement. Officers need to
ficers’ spirits that make them human. The cumula- understand and sense the noble purpose and mean-
tive effect of confronting evil for years often has a ing of police work: a vocation of selfless service,
detrimental effect upon all aspects of an officer’s compassion, and doing good for others. They need

December 2010 / 21
to comprehend the spiritual connectedness to their • Where have you found comfort?
own inner sense of duty and purpose with that of • How do you deal with anger, frustration,
the needs of their fellow officers and the commu- ingratitude, and personal affronts?
nity they serve.
Emotional wellness issues should become an • What gives you hope?
integral part of the police academy curriculum, • What do you enjoy?
as well as field training and in-service programs. • What provides you with a sense of purpose
Discussions should take place about how to train and meaning in your life?
officers to not personalize the pain, suffering, and
• What does the community need from you?
emotional trauma that they encounter repeatedly
on a daily basis. • What does the organization and your fellow
Officers must receive training in how to emo- officers need from you?
tionally renew themselves and find fulfillment in Finally, agencies should provide ongoing
their work to remain healthy in mind, body, and interpersonal communication skills training to
spirit. Through periodic department training—as develop officers’ abilities to listen effectively
well as the use of peer sup- and to communicate, con-
port personnel, chaplains, nect, express themselves,
or confidential counselors—
officers need to learn how to
constructively deal with the
corrosive effects of the job
“ We need to
change the culture
and relate well with the pub-
lic, as well as their peers and
supervisors. Officers should
meet with a peer support
so these do not accumulate to of law enforcement counselor, chaplain, or oth-
the point of significantly alter- that has historically er confidential department
ing their outlook and quality ignored the long-term support person once a year
of service. Agencies also can emotional scars the at the time of their annual
provide online resources, such job can leave on evaluation to promote dis-
as an anonymous emotional our souls. cussions about emotional
wellness blog or a department wellness and those issues
chat room where officers can
discuss concerns and explore
training objectives.
In addition, departments should offer training Conclusion
” most critical to nurturing
their spirit of service.

to teach officers ways of searching their own spirit The practice of spirituality and emotional
to self-evaluate and discover effective methods to wellness training in law enforcement is vital to
insulate themselves from the toxic effects of the ensure that the highest quality of service is be-
profession. Such training could focus on the offi- ing consistently provided to the community. An
cers either discussing with their peers or evaluating officer with a damaged spirit cannot serve the
themselves on such issues as the following: public and is in danger of self-destructing. It is
• How do you deal with loss, pain, or suffering? in everyone’s best interest—the department, the
officer, and the community—for officers to re-
• In what ways do you release stress? ceive training and resources to learn how to most
• What are your important relationships, and effectively practice spirituality in their service to
what makes them important? keep them emotionally well.

22 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

The compassionate, noble spirit of service world come together to attend classes in various criminal justice
within officers compelling them to selflessly serve subjects.
For additional information, see Samuel L. Feemster, “Spiritu-
and protect the community needs to be consistently ality: The DNA of Law Enforcement Practice,” FBI Law Enforce-
recognized, nurtured, and developed to maintain ment Bulletin, November 2007, 8-17; “Spirituality: An Invisible
their vitality and passion of service throughout Weapon for Wounded Warriors,” FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,
their careers and beyond. Because the safety of our January 2009, 1-12; and “Wellness and Spirituality: Beyond
nation depends on these valiant, dedicated profes- Survival Practices for Wounded Warriors,” FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin, May 2009, 1-8.
sionals, we must ensure that they remain healthy
and vibrant human beings. Lieutenant Willis serves with the La Mesa, California, Police
Endnotes Readers interested in discussing this topic further can reach
The FBI hosts four 10-week National Academy sessions each Lieutenant Willis at
year during which law enforcement executives from around the

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Author Guidelines
Length: Manuscripts should contain 2,000 consideration by other magazines. Because it
to 3,500 words (8 to 14 pages, double-spaced) is a government publication, the Bulletin can-
for feature articles and 1,200 to 2,000 words not accept articles that advertise a product or
(5 to 8 pages, double-spaced) for specialized service. To ensure that their writing style meets
departments, such as Police Practice. the Bulletin’s requirements, authors should
study several issues of the magazine and con-
Format: Authors should submit three
tact the staff or access
copies of their articles typed and double-
lications/leb/leb.htm for the expanded author
spaced on 8 ½- by 11-inch white paper with
guidelines, which contain additional specifica-
all pages numbered, along with an electronic
tions, detailed examples, and effective writing
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Criteria: The Bulletin judges articles on a publication date for accepted articles, which
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cal flow, style and ease of reading, and length. Submit to: Editor, FBI Law Enforcement
It generally does not publish articles on simi- Bulletin, FBI Academy, Outreach and Com-
lar topics within a 12-month period or accept munications Unit, Quantico, VA 22135, or to
those previously published or currently under

December 2010 / 23
Bulletin Report
The Day Fine
The National Institute of Justice has produced Alternatives to Custodial Supervision: The Day Fine.
Corrections populations in the United States have risen at alarming rates. From 1990 to 2007, proba-
tion populations rose 61 percent, with 4.3 million individuals on probation. Parole populations have
increased 55 percent to a level of 824,000 persons. Incarceration sentences have expanded by even
greater amounts—jail populations rose 93 percent (to 780,000), and prison populations increased 311
percent (to 2.3 million inmates) over the same interval. More than 7.2 million people are under correc-
tional supervision today.
Releasing “low risk” offenders from confinement can provide only modest relief because they be-
come parolees and remain under justice supervision. Additionally, sentencing rates continue to increase.
Felony conviction rates for violent crimes grew from 23 percent to 31 percent between 1994 and
2004, and the volume of convictions overall rose 24 percent (to 1.08 million in 2004). The
percentage of time served for violent felonies also has increased, from 46 percent to ap-
proximately 66 percent.
Policy makers now are facing growing populations in all parts of the cor-
rections system with no trend reversals in sight and no alternative sentences
capable of significantly reducing custodial populations. One resolution
being examined is introducing and expanding fines as an alternative to
sanctions requiring direct supervision either in the community or
an institution. Specifically, day fines are monetary penalties im-
posed on an offender that take into consideration the subject’s
financial means. They are an outgrowth of traditional fining
systems, which were seen as disproportionately punishing
offenders with modest means while imposing no more than
slaps on the wrist for well-to-do offenders.
Day fines have numerous system applications. They
can be used in lieu of prison, jail, and community super-
vision. When employed in conjunction with suspended
sentences, day fines approach probation in terms of
leverage against subsequent offending. Day fines also
can be used in lieu of probation and parole revocations
and combined with any custodial sanction. Judges can
provide revocation options similar to those available
for probation simply by combining day fines with
suspended sentences. The difference is that no su-
pervision costs are incurred, and offenders are not
sent back to jail or prison for technical violations.
The complete report (NCJ 230401), written
by Edwin W. Zedlewski, is available at the
National Criminal Justice Reference Service’s
Web site,

24 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

2010 Subject Index
“Energy Conservation as a “Campus Safety: Assessing and February 2010

Budget Multiplier,” Alan Managing Threats,” Mario

John, October, p. 7. Scalora, Andre Simons, and
“Futures Orientation in Shawn VanSlyke, February,
Workplace and Campus Safety
Police Decision-Making p. 1.
Practices: The Promise “Those Terrible First Few
of a Modified Canadian Minutes: Revisiting Ac-
Model,” Michael E. Buerger tive-Shooter Protocols for
and John Jarvis, April, Schools,” Michael E. Buerg-
p. 14. er and Geoffrey E. Buerger,
“Recruiting with Emotion and September, p. 1.
Market Positioning,” Chris “Threat Assessment Teams:
Skinner, July, p. 20. Workplace and School
“Should Sector Policing Be Violence Prevention,” Steve
in Your Organization’s Fu- Albrecht, February, p. 15.
ture?” W. Michael Phibbs, Psychological Traps,” Brian
ETHICS Fitch, June, p. 1.
April, p. 1.
“Maintaining Ethical Behav- “Police Investigations of the
“The Strategic Communication
ior,” George Cartwright, Use of Deadly Force Can
Plan,” Cris Hoover, August,
August, p. 10. Influence Perceptions and
p. 16.
“The Significance of Personal Outcomes,” Shannon Bohrer
Character,” Richard D. and Robert Chaney, January,
Thomas, July, p. 16. p. 1.
January 2010
“Interviewing Compliant Ado- “Increasing Organizational
lescent Victims,” Catherine Leadership Through the Po-
S. Connell and Martha J. lice Promotional Process,”
Finnegan, May, p. 16. Patrick J. Hughes, October,
“Proactive Human Source p. 10.
Development,” Robin K. “Leading the Modern Police
Dreeke and Kara D. Sidener, Force: A Veteran Officer’s
November, p. 1. View,” Joseph Pangaro,
June, p. 10.
Use of Deadly Force
Investigations “Good Decisions: Tips and “Confessions and the Con-
Strategies for Avoiding stitution: The Remedy for

December 2010 / 25
Violating Constitutional Miranda Right to Silence,” Over the Past Decade,” Sa-
Safeguards,” Carl A. Jonathan L. Rudd, Septem- brina Garcia and Margaret
Benoit, April, p. 23. ber, p. 25. Henderson, May, p. 1.
“Confronting Science: Me- MEDIA PERSONNEL
lendez-Diaz and the Con-
frontation Clause of the “Media as Teammate: Op- “The Badge of Trust,” John L.
Sixth Amendment,” Craig eration Spring Cleaning,” Gray, March, p. 20.
C. King, August, p. 24. Shawn Schwertfeger, “Honoring the Fallen,” Eric H.
January, p. 12. Holder, Jr., January, p. 8.
“Family and Medical Leave
Act Amendments: New “Improved Memory Leads
Military Leave Entitle- to More Accurate Use-of-
ments,” Richard G. Schott, Force Reports,” Todd Cole-
June, p. 26. March 2010 man, September, p. 11.
“Investigating and Prosecut- “The Most Important Profes-
ing Hidden-Compartment sion,” Bob Prout, April,
Cases,” Todd F. Prough p. 19.
and Robert Veiga, October, “The Need to Promote Career-
p. 26. Long Vitality and Wellness
“Miranda Update: Fifth in the Police Profession,”
Amendment Protection Daniel Mattos, October,
and Break in Custody,” p. 18.
Kenneth A. Myers, May, “Police Suicide: Are You at
p. 26. Risk?” Orlando Ramos,
“A New Law Counters the May, p. 21.
Child Fatality Review Boards
Semisubmersible Smug- “The Practice of Spirituality
gling Threat,” Douglas and Emotional Wellness in
A. Kash and Eli White, Law Enforcement,” Dan S.
March, p. 26. Willis, December, p. 19.
“The Public Information Of-
“Retaliation in Discrimina- ficer and Today’s Digital “The Price of Freedom,”
tion Cases: Eliminating News Environment,” Pat- Samuel L. Feemster,
Fear of Reprisal,” Lisa A. rick Davis, July, p. 1. December, p. 7.
Baker, February, p. 25. “The Returning Military Vet-
“Supreme Court Cases: OPERATIONS eran: Is Your Organization
2009-2010 Term,” Lisa A. “Intelligence-Led Policing in a Ready?” Jeff Hink, August,
Baker, November, p. 21. Fusion Center,” David Lam- p.1.
“You Have to Speak Up to bert, December, p. 1. “The Tragic Toll of Police
Remain Silent: The Su- “Options for Reporting Sexual Work: It’s Time for a Com-
preme Court Revisits the Violence: Developments passionate Approach,”

26 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Joseph Pangaro, February, Recession,” Zach Friend U.S. Department of Justice

p. 12. and Rick Martinez, Novem- Federal Bureau of Investigation

M a
ayy 20

ber, p. 10.
“The Anatomy of a Police “Evidence-Based Decisions on
Pipe Band,” James Van- Police Pursuits: The Of-
Brederode, January, p. 18. ficer’s Perspective,” David
“Child Fatality Review P. Schultz, Ed Hudak, and
Boards,” Gerald Kelley, Geoffrey P. Alpert, March,
March, p. 14. p. 1.
“Community Policing: Imple- “Leave No One Behind:
menting Programs to Keep Downed-Officer Rescue and
Citizens Safe,” Douglas A. Risk Perception,” Matthew Reporting
Sexual Violence
Bryant, June, p. 23. D. Sztajnkrycer, Bill Lewin-
ski, and Scott Buhrmaster,
“Policing Liquor Establish- May, p. 9.
ments: A Holistic Ap-
proach,” John L. Gray, “The Minnesota Police Educa-
November, p. 14. tion Requirement: A Recent Northern Ireland,” Justin
Analysis,” Susan M. Hilal Schoeman, April, p. 8.
“Preserving Community- and Timothy E. Erickson,
Oriented Policing in a June, p. 17. TRAINING
“Attitudes and Performance:
TECHNOLOGY The Impact of Self-Fulfilling
“Cell Phones as Prison Con- Prophecies,” Brian Fitch,
April 2010 traband,” Tod W. Burke and December, p. 11.
Stephen S. Owen, July, “Effective Firearms Training:
p. 10. One Agency’s Approach,”
“Sexting: Risky Actions and Keith Cain, September,
Overreactions,” Art Bowker p. 15.
and Michael Sullivan, July, “The FBI’s National Law En-
p. 27. forcement Safety Initiative,”
Charles E. Miller III, Henry
TERRORISM F. Hanburger, Michael Sum-
“Prisoner Radicalization,” eracki, and Marcus Young,
Dennis A. Ballas, October, January, p. 22.
p. 1. “Risk Management and Police
Sector Policing “Universal Policing: Coun- Training,” Thomas Con-
terterrorism Lessons from nelly, March, p. 8.

December 2010 / 27
2010 Author Index
A Ballas, Dennis A., Lieutenant, Buerger, Michael E., Associate
Albrecht, Steve, Consultant, Los Angeles, California, Professor, Bowling Green
San Diego, California, Police Department, “Prisoner State University, Ohio, “Fu-
“Threat Assessment Teams: Radicalization,” October, tures Orientation in Police
Workplace and School Vio- p. 1. Decision-Making Practices:
lence Prevention,” February, Benoit, Carl A., Special Agent, The Promise of a Modified
p. 15. Legal Instruction Unit, FBI Canadian Model,” April,
Academy, “Confessions and p. 14; “Those Terrible First
Alpert, Geoffrey P., Professor, Few Minutes: Revisiting
University of South Caro- the Constitution: The Rem-
edy for Violating Constitu- Active-Shooter Protocols
lina, Columbia,“Evidence- for Schools,” September,
Based Decisions on Police tional Safeguards,” April,
p. 23. p. 1.
Pursuits: The Officer’s
Perspective,” March, p. 1. Bohrer, Shannon, Range Master, Buhrmaster, Scott, Vice Presi-
Maryland Police and Correc- dent of Operations, Force
B tional Training Commissions, Science Institute, Mankato,
Sykesville, “Police Investiga- Minnesota, “Leave No One
Baker, Lisa A., Chief, Legal
tions of the Use of Force Can Behind: Downed-Officer
Instruction Unit, FBI Acade-
Influence Perceptions and Rescue and Risk Percep-
my, “Retaliation in Discrim-
Outcomes,” January, p. 1. tion,” May, p. 9.
ination Cases: Eliminating
Fear of Reprisal,” Febru- Bowker, Art, Cybercrime Spe- Burke, Tod W., Professor,
ary, p. 25, “Supreme Court cialist, U.S. Pretrial Services Radford University, Rad-
Cases: 2009-2010 Term,” and Probation Office, North- ford, Virginia, “Cell Phones
November, p. 21. ern District of Ohio, Cleve- as Prison Contraband,” July,
land, “Sexting: Risky Actions p. 10.
and Overreactions,” July,
p. 27. C
Bryant, Douglas A., Sheriff, Cain, Keith, Sheriff, Daviess
June 2010

Richmond County, Virginia, County, Kentucky, “Ef-

Sheriff’s Office, “Commu- fective Firearms Training:
nity Policing: Implementing One Agency’s Approach,”
Programs to Keep Citizens September, p. 15.
Safe,” June, p. 23. Cartwright, George, Officer
Buerger, Geoffrey E., Principal, and Training Coordinator,
Princess Alexandra School, Clovis, California, Police
Hay River, Northwest Ter- Department, “Maintaining
Ethical Behavior,” August,
Decision Making

ritories, Canada, “Those

Terrible First Few Minutes: p. 10.
Revisiting Active-Shooter Chaney, Robert, Deputy Direc-
Protocols for Schools,” Sep- tor, Office of Intergovern-
tember, p. 1. mental and Public Liaison,

28 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

D and Woodbury universities,
July 2010 Davis, Patrick, Public Informa- “Good Decisions: Tips
tion Officer, Second Judicial and Strategies for Avoid-
District Attorney’s Office, ing Psychological Traps,”
Albuquerque, New Mexico, June, p. 1; “Attitudes and
“The Public Information Performance: The Impact of
Officer and Today’s Digital Self-Fulfilling Prophecies,”
News Environment,” July, December, p. 11.
p. 1. Friend, Zack, Crime Analyst
Dreeke, Robin K., Special and Public Information Of-
Agent, Counterintelligence ficer, Santa Cruz, California,
Division, FBI, “Proactive Police Department, “Pre-
Human Source Develop- serving Community-Orient-
ment,” November, p. 1. ed Policing in a Recession,”
Digital Communication November, p. 10.
Erickson, Timothy E., Assis-
U.S. Department of Justice, tant Professor, Metropolitan Garcia, Sabrina, Domestic
“Police Investigations of the State University, St. Paul, Violence/Sexual Assault
Use of Force Can Influence Minnesota, “The Minnesota Specialist, Chapel Hill,
Perceptions and Outcomes,” Police Education Require- North Carolina, Police
January, p. 1. ment: A Recent Analysis,” Department, “Options for
Coleman, Todd, Officer, Vir- June, p. 17. Reporting Sexual Violence:
ginia Beach, Virginia, Police Developments Over the Past
Department, “Improved F Decade,” May, p. 1.
Memory Leads to More Feemster, Samuel L., Special
Accurate Use-of-Force Re- Agent, Behavioral Science
ports,” September, p. 11. Unit, FBI Academy, “The August 2010

Connell, Catherine S., Child/ Price of Freedom,” Decem-

Adolescent Forensic Inter- ber, p. 7.
view Specialist, FBI, Ma- Finnegan, Martha J., Child/Ad- Returning
comb County, Michigan, olescent Forensic Interview Veterans
“Interviewing Compliant Specialist, FBI Headquar-
Adolescent Victims,” May, ters, “Interviewing Compli-
p. 16. ant Adolescent Victims,”
Connelly, Thomas, Captain, May, p. 16.
Los Altos, California, Police Fitch, Brian, Lieutenant, Los
Department, “Risk Manage- Angeles, California, Sher-
ment and Police Training,” iff’s Department, and Facul-
March, p. 8. ty Member, California State

December 2010 / 29
Gray, John L., Chief, Altoona, Hoover, Cris, Special Agent, Practices: The Promise of a
Iowa, Police Department, DEA, Sacramento, Califor- Modified Canadian Model,”
“The Badge of Trust,” nia, “The Strategic Com- April, p. 14.
March, p. 20. munication Plan,” August, John, Alan, Sergeant, Jackson,
Gray, John L., Consultant, p. 16. Wyoming, Police Depart-
Marysville, Washington, Hudak, Ed, Major, Coral ment, “Energy Conservation
“Policing Liquor Estab- Gables, Florida, Police De- as a Budget Multiplier,”
lishments: A Holistic Ap- partment, “Evidence-Based October, p. 7.
proach,” November, p. 14. Decisions on Police Pur-
suits: The Officer’s Perspec- K
H tive,” March, p. 1. Kash, Douglas A., Senior At-
Hanburger, Henry F., Instruc- torney, Domestic Criminal
tor, Criminal Justice Infor- Law Section, DEA, “A New
mation Services Division, #$& !&" '%&

Law Counters the Semi-
September 2010
FBI, “The FBI’s National submersible Smuggling
Law Enforcement Safety Threat,” March, p. 26.
Initiative,” January, p. 22. Kelley, Gerald, Lieutenant,
Henderson, Margaret, Associ- Akron, Ohio, Police De-
ate Director, Public Inter- partment, “Child Fatality
section Project, School of Review Boards,” March,
Government, University p. 14.
of North Carolina, Chapel King, Craig C., Assistant
Hill, “Options for Reporting General Counsel, Legal
Sexual Violence: Develop- Instruction Unit, FBI Acad-
ments Over the Past De- emy, “Confronting Science:
cade,” May, p. 1. Melendez-Diaz and the
Effective Firearms Training
Hilal, Susan M., Assistant Pro- Confrontation Clause of the
fessor, Metropolitan State Sixth Amendment,” August,
University, St. Paul, Minne- p. 24.
sota, “The Minnesota Police
Hughes, Patrick J., Professor, L
Education Requirement: A
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
Recent Analysis,” June, Lambert, David, Sergeant,
Central Pennsylvania Col-
p. 17. Maynard, Massachusetts,
lege, “Increasing Organiza-
Hink, Jeff, Captain, Redondo tional Leadership Through State Police, “Intelligence-
Beach, California, Police the Police Promotional Led Policing in a Fusion
Department, “The Return- Process,” October, p. 10. Center,” December, p. 1.
ing Military Veteran: Is Lewinski, Bill, Executive Di-
Your Organization Ready?” J rector, Force Science Insti-
August, p. 1. Jarvis, John, Behavioral Sci- tute, Mankato, Minnesota,
Holder, Eric H., Jr., U.S. Attor- ence Unit, FBI Academy, “Leave No One Behind:
ney General, “Honoring the “Futures Orientation in Downed-Officer Rescue and
Fallen,” January, p. 8. Police Decision-Making Risk Perception,” May, p. 9.

30 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Amendment Protection and R
October 2010
Break in Custody,” May, Ramos, Orlando, Trooper, New
p. 26. Jersey State Police, “Police
Suicide: Are You at Risk?”
O May, p. 21.
Owen, Stephen S., Associate Rudd, Jonathan L., Special
Professor, Radford Univer- Agent, Legal Instruction
sity, Radford, Virginia, “Cell Unit, FBI Academy, “You
Phones as Prison Contra- Have to Speak Up to Re-
band,” July, p. 10. main Silent: The Supreme
P Court Revisits the Miranda
Prisoner Right to Silence,” Septem-
Radicalization Pangaro, Joseph, Lieutenant, ber, p. 25.
Monmouth County, New
Jersey, Police Department, S
“The Tragic Toll of Police Scalora, Mario, Associate
Work: It’s Time for a Com- Professor, University of
M passionate Approach,” Feb- Nebraska, Lincoln, “Cam-
Martinez, Rick, Lieutenant, ruary, p. 12; and “Leading pus Safety: Assessing and
Santa Cruz, California, Po- the Modern Police Force: Managing Threats,” Febru-
lice Department, “Preserv- A Veteran Officer’s View,” ary, p. 1.
ing Community-Oriented June, p. 10.
Policing in a Recession,” Schoeman, Justin, Special
Phibbs, W. Michael, Sergeant, Agent, Leadership Develop-
November, p. 10. Richmond, Virginia, Police ment Unit, DEA Academy,
Mattos, Daniel, Major, Koote- Department, “Should Sector “Universal Policing:
nai County, Idaho, Sheriff’s Policing Be in Your Organi-
Department, “The Need zation’s Future?” April,
to Promote Career-Long p. 1.
Vitality and Wellness in the Prough, Todd F., Special
November 2010

Police Profession,” October, Agent, DEA, Boston, Mas-

p. 18. sachusetts, “Investigating
Miller, Charles E., III, Pro- and Prosecuting Hidden-
gram Coordinator, Criminal Compartment Cases,”
Justice Information Services October, p. 26.
Division, FBI, “The FBI’s Prout, Bob, Department Chair
National Law Enforcement and Director, Criminal
Safety Initiative,” January, Justice Graduate Program,
p. 22. St. Cloud State University,
Myers, Kenneth A., Legal Minnesota, “The Most Im-
Instruction Unit, FBI Acade- portant Profession,” April, Human Source Development
my, “Miranda Update: Fifth p. 19.

December 2010 / 31
Counterterrorism Lessons District of Ohio, Cleveland, V
from Northern Ireland,” “Sexting: Risky Actions and VanBrederode, James, Lieu-
April, p. 8. Overreactions,” July, p. 27. tenant, Gates, New York,
Schott, Richard G., Special Sumeracki, Michael, Instructor, Police Department, “The
Agent, Legal Instruction Criminal Justice Informa- Anatomy of a Police Pipe
Unit, FBI Academy, “Fam- tion Services Division, FBI, Band,” January, p. 18.
ily and Medical Leave Act “The FBI’s National Law VanSlyke, Shawn, Chief,
Amendments: New Military Enforcement Safety Initia- Behavioral Analysis Unit-1,
Leave Entitlements,” June, tive,” January, p. 22. Critical Incident Response
p. 26. Group, FBI, “Campus Safe-
Schultz, David P., Researcher, ty: Assessing and Managing
Minnesota Highway Safety December 2010 Threats,” February, p. 1.
and Research Center, St.
Veiga, Robert, Assistant U.S.
Cloud, “Evidence-Based
Attorney, Concord, New
Decisions on Police Pur-
Hampshire, “Investigating
suits: The Officer’s Perspec-
and Prosecuting Hidden-
tive,” March, p. 1.
Compartment Cases,”
Schwertfeger, Shawn, Lieu- October, p. 26.
tenant, Albemarle County,
Virginia, Police Depart- W
ment, “Media as Teammate:
Intelligence-Led White, Eli, Third-Year Stu-
Operation Spring Cleaning,” Policing in a
dent, University of Illinois
January, p. 12.
College of Law, and DEA
Sidener, Kara D., Special Legal Intern, “A New Law
Agent, FBI, Washington, Counters the Semisubmers-
D.C., “Proactive Human ible Smuggling Threat,”
Source Development,” No- March, p. 26.
vember, p. 1. Sztajnkrycer, Matthew D.,
Medical Director, Roch- Willis, Dan S., Lieutentant,
Simons, Andre, Special Agent, ester, Minnesota, Police La Mesa, California, Police
Behavioral Analysis Unit-1, Department, and Associate Department, “The Practice
Critical Incident Response Professor, Emergency Medi- of Spirituality and Emo-
Group, FBI, “Campus Safe- cine, Mayo Clinic, “Leave tional Wellness in Law
ty: Assessing and Managing No One Behind: Downed- Enforcement,” December,
Threats,” February, p. 1. Officer Rescue and Risk p. 20.
Skinner, Chris, Deputy Chief, Perception,” May, p. 9.
Hillsboro, Oregon, Police Y
Department, “Recruiting T Young, Marcus, Instructor,
with Emotion and Market Thomas, Richard D., Chief, Criminal Justice Informa-
Positioning,” July, p. 20. North Ridgeville, Ohio, tion Services Division, FBI,
Sullivan, Michael, Assistant Police Department, “The “The FBI’s National Law
U.S. Attorney, Office of the Significance of Personal Enforcement Safety Initia-
U.S. Attorney, Northern Character,” July, p. 16. tive,” January, p. 22.

32 / FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

Bulletin Notes
Law enforcement officers are challenged daily in the performance of their duties; they face each
challenge freely and unselfishly while answering the call to duty. In certain instances, their actions
warrant special attention from their respective departments. The Bulletin also wants to recognize
those situations that transcend the normal rigors of the law enforcement profession.

While traveling between facili-

ties for training, Deputy Brett Wat-
son and Detention Officers Marcus
Farley and Matthew Kokernak of
the Mecklenburg County, North
Carolina, Sheriff’s Office, along
with officers from other agencies,
came upon an accident on a very
busy highway. Officer Kokernak
Deputy Watson Officer Farley Officer Kokernak drove his car around the traffic to
provide assistance. Upon arrival,
the officers found a motorcyclist, who was not breathing and did not have a pulse, lying in the
road. Officers Farley and Kokernak stopped and diverted all traffic away from the victim. This
allowed Deputy Watson, also a medic, and other officers to render assistance to the individual.
After employing CPR and using an AED, the victim’s pulse returned before emergency offi-
cials arrived, who were able to quickly get into position. The victim then was transported to the

A house fire nearly cut short the holiday season of one family in Fair-
field Glade, Tennessee. On that night, Fairfield Glade Police Department
Public Safety Officer Jeff Fitzgerald responded to an emergency call for the
fire; he arrived first to the scene and witnessed the front of the residence
fully engulfed in flames, unbeknownst to the family of three (including a
4-month-old infant) sleeping inside. Officer Fitzgerald entered the blazing
house from the rear, woke the parents and child, and transported them to
safety. He then brought
them to his police car to
keep warm until further Nominations for the Bulletin Notes should be based
Officer Fitzgerald on either the rescue of one or more citizens or arrest(s)
assistance arrived. One of made at unusual risk to an officer’s safety. Submissions
the victims later stated to a local newspaper that should include a short write-up (maximum of 250 words),
Officer Fitzgerald “may very well have saved a separate photograph of each nominee, and a letter
from the department’s ranking officer endorsing the
our lives.” nomination. Submissions can be mailed to the Editor,
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, FBI Academy, Outreach
and Communications Unit, Quantico, VA 22135 or
e-mailed to
U.S. Department of Justice Periodicals
Federal Bureau of Investigation Postage and Fees Paid
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FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ISSN 0014-5688
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Penalty for Private Use $300

Patch Call

The Starkville, Mississippi, Police Depart- Nevada’s official nickname, the “Silver State,”
ment’s patch displays symbols of both United and its unofficial nicknames the “Battle Born State”
States and state pride. The top image, a bald ea- and the “Sagebrush State” are on the patch of the
gle, recognizes patriotism and courage. The mag- Mineral County, Nevada, Sheriff’s Office. The central
nolia, Mississippi’s state flower, is depicted in emblem contains the sagebrush, the state flower, on
full boom, encircled by double yellow lines that the bottom half, and the famous landmark Mt. Grant
represent the department’s personnel. Finally, the on the top; a silver circle encases the emblem, which
United States and Mississippi flags surround the honors Nevada’s rich history with silver mining. The
magnolia to pay homage to the nation and state words “Battle Born” at the top recall Nevada’s entry
the department serves. into statehood during the Civil War.

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