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Walkabout: Prayers from Brisbane

Our 2010 summer project team

Jess and I after we baptized her

Peter chatting with church ladies Daryl during evangelism time on the beach

Dear Prayer Warrior,

I’m back home safe and sound. This is the Schoolies Summer Project edition
of these newsletters as well as the final one you will receive from me (at
least about STINT in Brisbane). There is so much to tell you about the last
two months of ministry in Australia. You are in for a treat because I’ve included writings
from a few of our students. Schoolies summer project was held on the Gold Coast, we
ministered in Surfer’s Paradise and Burleigh Heads to locals, tourists, but mostly schoolies.
Schoolies are recent high school graduates who go to the beaches to party (much like spring
break in Florida). Since the drinking age is 18 in Australia and most graduate at 17, there is
a lot of first time drinkers who don’t know there limit. We had the opportunity to help in
some situations but mostly we had amazing conversations and asked questions these students
never thought of before. We also shared truth that they have never heard before. I whispered
to one girl named Anna, “This may sound strange, but I believe in God and I know He loves
you and wants you to know Him.” Her head (which was on her knees) shot up so fast and she
looked at me in shock. She said she never heard that before. We got to pray for her and we
hope that she will hear that again in the near future and trust Christ. There are so many
great stories just like that from this project.
Summer Project Summary By: Ruth Dunn

Ruth and Kim Tired physically but

reinvigorated spiritually, left The Story of Annabelle By: Amity Honor
in awe of God's work, and keen to
share and apply our new found
knowledge and understanding! So
ends Summer Projects 2010. A huge
thanks goes out to all who
supported us both financially
and in prayer. I’m sure I speak
for all 50+ of us when I say that it was a blessing to be
used by God to reach the lost, and learn more about our
awesome creator in the process! During Project God provided
us with strength and a wealth of opportunities to share His
word and improve our skills and confidence. Our team had Peter, Emily, Nate and I went to Surfers Paradise, and
over 100 gospel conversations and saw 12 people come to we were walking around and observing. In the last 20
minutes or so before we had to leave, Nate spotted a
As we went out in Burleigh and Surfers Paradise we saw God
girl who was crying. We were standing in the middle
open the hearts of those we spoke to. Though not all gospel of the road trying to work out whether we should go
conversations led to someone being saved, it certainly gave after her; since she was already a little way away we
people a greater understanding of Christianity and cleared thought it might be a bit weird if we just ran after her.
up some common misconceptions. We gave many hungry minds But we did – Nate and I power-walked until we came
some food for thought! For the first couple of nights some alongside her, and I just peeked my head around and
of our team headed up to Surfers Paradise, while the rest asked her if she was ok. She said that she just had
went out sharing in Burleigh. The groups that went to “crap friends”. We asked her if we could walk her
Surfers the first nights were primarily there to observe back to where she was staying and she said that she
and evaluate the Schoolies environment. The night took an
was staying just in a car a couple of streets away.
unexpected turn and we saw two boys recommit their lives to
When we got to the car (Emily and Peter must have
Christ, and a girl become a Christian! God was the one
calling the shots and we all learnt to rely solely on Him been following us but they were so discreet I didn’t
for direction and strength. Though many of us were keen to notice!), Nate told her that he would prefer it if we
get to Surfers Paradise to share with the Schoolies, we soon waited with her because he feels responsible for her
realised God had big plans for Burleigh and we ended up safety, and that he has a protective nature. She was
having some really great chats with people! On the first like, “Aww that’s so nice, I wish there were more guys
night in Burleigh two girls from our team, Ashley Kohl and like you”. We sat down and started talking about
Anna Smith, met a woman who accepted Jesus into her life! where she was from, and what had happened with her
Ashley and Anna were able to meet with her later in the friends. She was staying with a couple of guy friends
week, and she is now being connected to a church! The first overnight in a car, and they had just been drinking
Wednesday of project we all started going to Surfers for
and had been treating her badly so she walked away
evangelism. We weren’t an official Schoolies group and the
council was against religious groups handing out materials crying. We asked her if her school had had a chaplain
so we were unable to identify ourselves with Student Life. and she said no. Then this adorable little boy who I
At first this was a challenge because many of us usually thought was about 12 but was actually 16 kind of
have material to help us share the gospel, but with God’s appeared out of nowhere and leaned against the car.
strength and guidance we learnt how to share our faith in His name was Jackson and he had these big blue eyes.
general conversation. (He worked at the same café as the girl, and had
dropped out of school.) We empathized with him
Many of us learnt how to use our testimonies as a way of when he said how he hates people teasing him about
sharing the gospel on a more personal level with the how small he is. He sat down with us. Nate asked
schoolies. Cobus Van Der Elst shared his testimony with a
what their dreams in life were. They weren’t really
backsliding Christian who was struggling with similar
experiences that he had previously been through. The
sure. I said I guess mine is fulfilling my purpose in
conversation led to the boy enthusiastically turning his life, and asked them what they thought their purposes
life back to Christ. Genevieve Brook and Camilla Michel were. They were quiet for a little while, and all of a
also used their testimonies to share the gospel with 3 girls, sudden Jackson piped up and said, “There’s got to be
who learnt how they too could have a personal relationship more to life hey. What, you just live for 80 or 90 years
with God. The girls were so touched that they prayed to and you die?” I said, “Well, do you think there is more
receive Christ right there and then! to life? What do you think happens when you die?”
Annabelle (the girl –who was 19 – and finished
Though the Project has ended, God’s plan for us to share the school in 2008, like me) said that she believes in God.
gospel with others is far from over. On the last night of
our time together at Burleigh, a group of us headed down to
the beach to sing some Gospel songs and wind down. We ended
up meeting 3 young men who were drawn in by our music. God
presented us with the opportunity to share the Gospel with She said Christians came to her town sometimes and
two of them, one of which recommitted his life to God! The that they were pretty cool. I asked her what she
importance of sharing our faith with others was a huge thought a Christian was. She said someone who did
part of our learning experience on project and we are
striving to make it a part of our everyday life. good things and that she couldn’t be one because
she’s not good enough. That made me so deeply sad
In the days preceding our time at Schoolies James Hohaus, a – because it’s such a lie and is believed by so many
student from University of Queensland, has started a group people!!! I told them that being a Christian wasn’t
called Student Life in the Real World. The group aims to go
out in Brisbane once a month to share the gospel. Some about being good at all and that I was a Christian
students have also been taking the initiative to share the and that I had done lots of bad things in my life.
gospel in areas of their life they previously didn’t have Then I explained the four points of the gospel using
the strength to. Just the other night God gave Jessica
an illustration. I said, “See this mobile – it has like a
Scheiwe the courage to share the gospel with a workmate!
This is the first time Jess has shared her faith in day to million texts in it – imagine that they each represent
day life. The ministry training we received on Project has something wrong I’ve done in my life. That’s sin, or
prepared students for a new year of Student Life rebelling against God”. Then I went on from there.
activities and is reaching other ministry activities
outside of Student Life. Leo Huang plans to apply his
Jackson was just staring with his wide eyes the whole
newfound knowledge of shared leadership to his youth time through this. And he looked amazed, but happy
group in 2011! Though such a variety of knowledge was at such good news, in a sense. Annabelle asked how I
acquired during project, an important lesson that we will became a Christian, and I told her… she was talking
all take away from this experience is that it is through
God’s power and grace that we can share our faith, not about how it would be strange or hard for her to
through our own strength. become a Christian because she drinks and smokes.
She asked about Nate’s testimony and he shared how
‘You’re a champion, but even more than that, you have made drinking and stuff isn’t fulfilling – used the example
me realise what a champion God is and his sacrifices and
blessings and his love for me.’ of the guy behind us who was passed out on the
-A schoolie’s message to Student Life missionary John Mayne ground. By this time Jackson had gone behind the
car to get out of the wind because he was cold. I
Please be praying that God will continue to work in the asked Anna if she would like to have Jesus as her
hearts of those we spoke to on Project, and that he would
strengthen those who committed their lives to Him. Also be Saviour and she smiled just amazingly- like amazed
praying that we would all have the courage to help people that she could have something like that, and said
realise what a champion God is, and apply what we have kind of quietly, “I’d love to.” And she asked Jackson
learnt to our everyday lives!
to come over. And then I outlined the prayer she
T would pray and if she agreed with the points. And
she said “yes I do”. And then she prayed to receive
After project we came home to Brisbane where two of our
teammates flew back to the States and Dani, our two Korean Jesus as her Saviour!! And we told her that she’s now
roommates and I flew to visit Melbourne. It was a great way our sister in Christ! And that the angels in heaven
to spend a few more days with our beloved friends. When
coming back to Brisbane we had a few more days to say
were having a party! And Nate encouraged her that
goodbye to everyone. Our students threw us a farewell faith is not based on feelings. And Jackson said
party and it was so sweet to hear their goodbyes and the something about the Christians giving him the Holy
kind of impact we had on their lives. Many of them cried Spirit… he went kind of spacey… maybe because it
which made leaving even harder. I definitely felt very
loved and I praise God for each and every person He placed was cold. Nate shook his hand and said, “There is
in my life through this experience. I have learned so much something more”. And Annabelle gave us both a hug
and am grateful for the ways God has blessed me through my goodbye and said thank you for being so nice and for
faith steps. The next chapter of my life is looking a bit everything. And I got her number and will connect
blank at the moment but I am looking forward to a medical
missions trip to Guatemala at the end of Jan. Please be her with someone from Byron Bay, where she lives.
praying for that as I join a new team to serve in a new God is so wonderful!!!!
place, it will be different from a campus in Brisbane.
Nonetheless I’m excited to be used and to grow.
In Real Life By: Jessica Scheiwe
Exciting news! I shared the gospel
with one of my workmates last night
in the car on the way home. The
conversation started with trying to
get to sleep, I said that I have
'techniques' that help me wind down -
when asked I said I read my bible and
pray, then I had to defend that as
important to me (and not so boring I
fall asleep). That led to a
conversation about Christianity. I was
praying for courage - I didn't change the
topic like I usually do. I asked what
he didn't like about Christianity and he
said the hypocrisy. I agreed. 

Over the course of the conversation I managed to say

that many people sit in Church, completely missing the
Also to have the answers main message of Christianity and thus shared the
they need to hear if gospel. I also mentioned, when he was talking about
they ask me about stuff. there being so many religions, that Christianity is different,
The conversation ended the only one dependent on grace, where you can't save
with him saying that we yourself through works. I had a bit of trouble explaining
are all lost (and we had how I can believe whilst having a science head, I bumbled
arrived at my home). I through there being enough evidence in my life that I am
said I'm not, I know confident. I also said that for me it is not about living by
where I'm going when I rules but being in a relationship and that when you love
die so I'm not worried. someone you don't want to do things that hurt them, so
He said something the bulk of stuff that is in the rules doesn't appeal to me at
earlier that it would be all anyway. He wasn't jumping for joy or about to pray to
good if more people receive Christ (I didn't challenge 'cause he started the
were... I can't remember conversation with it's not for me). But hopefully he'll think
what he said something about it a bit now. I can't tell with my coworkers because
along the lines of genuine of all the joking that goes on (I think they keep their real
with their faith (so I'd better feelings and opinions under wraps). So I'm praying that
pray and guard against they will notice I am different and for strength to avoid
hypocrisy). Anyway, I’m happy conforming.
'cause I have shared my faith in a
real life setting for the first time.

Thank you for your contribution to the success of this year as we saw the Kingdom of God grow in
Australia and the world through your prayers and what you have given for the sake of the gospel.
Remember that eternities were changed and that we would appreciate your continued prayers.

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