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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Faculty of Transportation Engineering

Department of Building Machines, Materials Handling Machines and Manufacturing Logistic



Ph.D. Dissertation
Main points

Dr. Univ. Ferenc Pápai

Mechanical Engineer


Dr. Prof. Béla Kulcsár

University professor, head of department



1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 PRELIMINARIES OF THE RESEARCH IN LITERATURE.............................................................................................................3
1.2 RESEARCH GOALS AND METHODS.......................................................................................................................................6
2 NEW SCIENTIFIC RESULTS.................................................................................................................................................6

3 REFERENCES OF THE AUTHOR IN CONNECTION TO THE DISSERTATION......................................................11

4 REFERS TO THE AUTHORS PUBLICATIONS................................................................................................................12

5 OTHER REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................................12

Structural supervision of materials handling machines is an important task of modern operation. Main
goal of diagnostic of the mechanical structure to determine its technical state and it is unsatisfactory to
localize damage and estimate degree of it. Vibration diagnostic is an important method on damage diagnostic
field. When level of measured vibration greater than a standard value, must be worked out an investigation
in order to identification the reason of error. Bridge cranes are important machines in the family of materials
handling machines. Bridge cranes are fundamental elements of the logistic infrastructure. Operation of a
bridge crane needs continuous vibration monitoring.
So it is important research goal developing methods which make investigations possible in plant

1.1 Preliminaries of the research in literature

Complex supervision control of machine based on five functional parts:

Model formation, planning diagnostic scheme, making a base model.
Observations, measurements.
Monitoring, data acquisition, data processing, logging, aggregation, generation of the alarm signals.
Diagnostic. , Main goal is finding out the reason of the occurrence.
Maintenance, (maintenance, repair) formulate those activities which need working again.

There are two reason of the growing of vibration of the rotating machines:
o exciting forces grow up caused by any failure,
o periodic exciting forces make resonance.
Machines working at constant rotation speed can arrive in resonance when the dynamical properties of the
machine get a change. These dynamical properties are the eigen-frequencies and mode shapes
(eigenvectors). Changing of dynamical properties caused by change of mass, damping and stiffness values.
Objective of diagnostic procedure is conclusion for changes of structure based on dynamical characteristics.
In generally, diagnostic is an inverse dynamical task. The Principe is correspond to aperiodic work machines

Diagnostic data based on modal analysis fit in data structures of the classical supervision and diagnostic
procedure. See figure 1-1 ( Uhl [Uhl_1]).

Machines and structures

Vibration parameters Design Operate circumstance Material test

Spectrum Modal model

analysis making


Spectra Modal FEM Operating
models models event log damage

Comparison of Stress-
Trend modal analysis
analysis FEM Analysis of
parameters fatigue time to

Prediction and diagnose of Detection and localization Planning of

technical condition of failure, life time
parameter identification
Figure 1-1 Draft of the Diagnostic system [Uhl_1]

This diagram regard to rotation machines and no periodic working machines too. Consuming of data and
models appears in diagnostic systems, developments of constructions and in control systems. Application
fields of structure diagnostics are more comprehensive (see figure 1-2).

Outdoor structures Bridges Rotation machines

Figure 1-2 Application fields of structural diagnostic

At the structure - have been seen above – we do not apply any external exciting equipment, the working
of structure or environment gives exciting forces. We have to be carefulness at the choice of sensor
arrangement in order to get representative vibration feature.

Basic principle of the structural diagnostic is:

o It have been made a dynamical model for the healthy structure.
o In operation, continuously or periodically have to be performed response measurements,
o Measured featured will be compared with model of healthy structure of the result of previous
o In case of observe a change in dynamical properties, damage location and damage value will be


Model of healthy structure Classical EMA Healthy

Reliable method of model structure
Output-Only methods

Comparison of models Measurements
Detection of damage Data logging
Localization of damage Detection of damage
Parameter estimation of Localization of
damage damages
Classical EMA
Model of damaged structure Reliable method of model Damaged
making structure

Figure 1-3 Diagnostic and monitoring tasks of the complex supervision system

Classical experimental modal analysis methods shall be applied at the diagnostically periods and the
Output-Only methods shall be applied at the continuous monitoring tasks. Task of the damage detection and
task of the localization arise at monitoring and diagnostic matter. A special diagnostic problem is the
parameter estimation and the parameter identification (See figure 1-3).

Classification of the modal analysis can be seen at figure 1-4.

Modal analysis

Analytical models Experimental modal


Continuum Finite DOFS Output Only Classical EMA



Figure 1-4 Classification of modal analysis methods

The special field of dissertation is the experimental modal analysis, in order to develop new and more
applicable methods in practice.

1.2 Research goals and methods

Research goals
o Analysis of the diagnostic methods of mechanical structures.
o Create the conditions for investigation and model-making methods.
o Development of diagnostic and monitoring methods based on experimental modal analysis
o Arrangement for practical applications.

Investigation methods have been applied in dissertation:

o Analysis of the well-known methods by studies of literature.
o Model making methods, investigation methods and analysis methods and developing computer
programs to solve that. Theoretical conclusions.
o Verification of the theoretical conclusion by the experimental measurements on realized structures.

Have to be made study basics of modal analysis of the finite degrees of freedom linear system with
constant coefficient matrices. Have to be examined special cases so as symmetric systems and classical
normal modes in symmetric systems, and the possibilities of damping modeling.
Have to be overviewed the methods of experimental determination of the FRF functions and the known
mode indicator functions, local and global methods for identification of modal parameters in frequency
domain. Have to be developed parameter synthesis, model validation methods for nonsymmetrical systems.
Have to be examined Output-Only model making methods and application it in monitoring tasks.
Have to be analyzed in detail the methods for damage location and damage parameterization based on modal
Have to be made a conception for diagnostic and monitoring systems of materials handling machines
especial regard to enlarge of state control of bridge-cranes.


THESIS 1. I have further developed classical EMA model making methods, inside this:

Thesis 1.1 I have classified the known mode indicator functions and indication methods. I have
introduced the „aggregator type mode indicator function” notion.

Mode indicator functions can be classification in three group, these are the local, type of aggregator and
space-domain aggregators. I have formulated requirements of aggregator type mode indicator function.

Thesis 1.2 I have developed a new – aggregator type – mode indicator function defined by
dH ( j )
RCNP ( j ) : d
H ( j )

Characteristic features of RCNP (Relative Complex Nuquist Peripheral diagrams) are:

o Can be make based upon measured FRF functions
o Can be applicable at local measured FRF function
o All modes can be detection in the investigated frequency band by aggregation of local RCNP

o Local and aggregated RCNP functions are complex valued so the complex curve fitting algorithms
can be applied on it.
o I have proved that damping parameters estimating on RCNP diagrams can be made in case of
interfering modes too.
o RCNP functions can be interpreted for displacement, velocity and acceleration response FRF

Thesis 1.3 Based on experiences of measurements, in order to practical applicability and reliability I
have developed the estimation methods of eigen-values and residue parameters.

The estimation formula of eigenvalue i is

 j
N q
 i  q  Hˆ ( j i  q )  ( i  q 1 )  Hˆ ( j i  q 1 )
i :  D D D D
2 N q  1 q  N q Hˆ ( j i  q )  Hˆ ( j i  q 1 )

 iD detected eigenfrequency,  iD  i D   ,
 increment of circular frequency,
H ( j i  q )
measured FRF values at  iD  q  (i D  q)   circular frequency,
2N q  1 number of used points at the estimation.
The residues can be estimate by the
 j  
Hˆ ( j i  q )  Hˆ ( j i  q 1 )

Pi :  D D

2 N q  1 q  N q Hˆ ( j iD  q )  Hˆ ( j iD  q 1 )

o I have pointed out that the estimation must be extension on half-power (3 dB) bandwidth of
resonance frequency at each local maximum value of FRF.
o I have pointed out that developed difference formulas can be applied on local FRF function and
aggregated RCNP diagrams.

Thesis 1.4 I have improved developed the complex linear and complex nonlinear curve fitting methods
on measured FRF functions.

I have pointed out, that the computing Jacobi matrix of least square functional needs respect the follows
o Sums of residue parameters need only half power bandwidth FRF data.
o Sums of effective mass and residual flexibility need the whole investigated frequency data.
o I have established that the above curve fitting methods (algorithms) can be applied on RCNP
functions to, not only on the FRF functions.

Thesis 1.5 I have improved a new method for model synthesis which is applicable is case of
symmetrical and nonsymmetrical systems too.

o I have demonstrated equations of parameter synthesis for nonsymmetrical systems.

o I have worked out details of eigenvector synthesis method based on dyadic decomposition.
o I have developed a new global modal model making system. Steps of model making method are:

1. Forming of aggregated RCNP function based all measured FRF functions.

2. Detection of eigen-frequency on aggregated RCNP function.
3. Initial estimates of eigen-values based on aggregated RCNP function.
4. Complex linear curve fitting of aggregated RCNP function (for residue
5. Complex nonlinear curve fitting of aggregated RCNP function for global
i (i  1,  , N m ) eigen-value parameters.
6. Complex linear curve fitting on each measured FRF functions in order to
compute the local Pi , kl (complex) residue parameters.
7. Synthesis of eigenvectors based on dyadic decomposition method..

Details of investigations and results can be found at chapter 3. Developed methods and validation procedures
are in my publications.

THESIS 2. I have prepared Output-Only methods and I have further developed these for materials
handling machines, especially for supervision of bridge-cranes. This method based on environmental
excitation force, on multi-channel response measurement. Evaluating method based on RCNP cross-
o Method applies wide-band excitation (impulse or unit jump), which is realizable in industrial
environment by the way of suitable operation state.
o Mode indication has been made by aggregated cross spectra RCNP functions.
o Method is able to estimate eigenfrequencies and to display mode shapes.
o Discussing results of experimental investigations can be declared that the mode shape made by
Output-Only method equals by modes made by classical EMA methods.

I have performed a series of experiments in order to verification of application Output-Only methods in

industrial environments. Measurements have occurred in laboratory of the Department of Building
Machines, Materials Handling Machines and Manufacturing Logistic of the Budapest Technical University. I
have established that Output-Only methods are useful for monitoring and diagnostic for materials handling
Details of investigations and results can be found at chapter 4.

THESIS 3. I have further developed application fields of modal models, these fields are:

Thesis 3.1 I have completed proves of sensitivity equations. I have performed two new method of
o I have worked out sensitivity equations of eigenvalues of non-symmetric system, started from
analytic form of the transfer matrix.
o I have obtained sensitivity equations of eigenvalues of non-symmetric system, started from system

Thesis 3.2 I have formulated and have solved an inverse task of the structural dynamic modification
which is the problem of parameter identification of structural modification.

This method do not require knowledge of the analytical model of the structure. Characteristic features of
o It can be applied on experimental modal models.
o Numerical method of minimization applies the generalized secant method, so it is a so called non-
derivative method.
I applied by success this method for classical local mass modification, for stiffness modification, and
damping modification as well as for boundary conditions identification and global parameter identification
of FEM models.

Thesis 3.3 I have pointed out existences of main directions of the dynamical compliance. I have
proved: Every mode has a response vibration main direction and an exciting main direction in the
physical space. This main direction can be computed directly from the eigenvectors of modal model. I
have proved: In cases of classical normal modes response-vibration and exciting main directions are
Response main directions Exciting main directions
Re xip  cos(i )  Im xip  sin(i ) Re y ip  cos ( i )  Im y ip  sin ( i )
3 3
i  arc  xip2
p 1
 i   arc y
p 1

The result above can be applied for choosing of the locations and directions of measurements in monitoring
and diagnostic tasks. The response vibration is maximal at these directions.
Details of investigations and results can be found at chapter 5.6

Thesis 3.4 I have pointed out the possibility of identification of damping mechanism in case of
generalized viscose damped system. In case of classical normal mode symmetrical system, if the
 
damping matrix can be write by C  M  f1 M 1K , the analytic form of the damping coefficients can
write in form of
 2 i  f 1 (Ω 2N )
where  i is the real part of eigenvalue, and Ω N spectral matrix of the undamped system.

When it is known the complex eigenvalues determined by experimental modal analysis, and known the
eigenvalues of the undamped system, it can be determined an analytic form of scalar function f 1 () , which
can basis of the equation. Details of investigations and results can be found in chapter 5.7 of the dissertation.

THESIS 4. I have performed some new procedures for detection, localization, parameter estimation
and parameter identification of structural damage.

Thesis 4.1 I have developed a new damage detection and damage localization method. This method
based on Output-Only measurements. Damage indices are computed at aspirant locations from
transmissibility (TRF) functions based on measured cross-spectra.

Characteristic features of method:

o It had to be made online spectral analysis on measured sampled responses at chosen structure point at
investigated monitorised structure.
o Derivation of Damage indices on the basis of TRF functions.
o Damage location is pointed out by the location, where the maximal changes of the damage index
o Damage indices can be interpreted to a structure point and pair of points too.
I have made validation of this procedure; it can be found and detailed in chapter 6.1.

Thesis 4.2 I have performed some new procedures for detection, localization, estimation of damage
parameters an identification of the damage parameters of the structure damage based on modal
models of the structure.

The elements of method family are the next:

o Detection and localization using by damage indices based on static compliance ratios.
o Detection, localization and parameter estimation based on static compliance matrix.
o Parameter identification of structural damage based on SDM identification.
Method and his validation tests can be found in chapter 6.2 of the dissertation.

THESIS 5. I have performed a complex state control conception for structural components of the
building and materials handling machines. I have formulated a possible way of solving of the complex
state control.
o Continuous monitoring of response vibration of the structure by Output-Only method. Data logging
equipment performs a preprocessing and carry out damage indices based on TRF functions. In case
of damage data logger and preprocessor alarms operators. As a result of this occur localization,
parameter-estimation and judgment of the severity of the damage based on EMA models.
o The alternative method makes the above measurements periodically.

Results of dissertation serve for diagnostic conception provide seen in the figure below (Figure 2-1).


Model of health structure Classical EMA Healthy

Mode indicators structure
Estimation of Modal
parameters Output-Only methods

SDM identification Model making Damage detection
Damage detection Damage localization
Damage localization
Parameter estimation of
Klasszikus EMA
Model of damaged structure Mode indicators Damaged
Estimation of Modal Structure
Model making
Figure 2-1 Tasks of complex diagnostic and monitoring conception and solution methods of this.


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