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Warriors of Light March 2002
“..Into this turmoil has come the Christ. His is the task to monitor these changes
and…. …. Thus the Great Lord works to control the rate of change and to
minimize the cleavages which this process brings into being. His aim at each step
is the maintenance of equilibrium. To aid Him in His delicate endeavour, the
Spirit of Peace or Equilibrium through Him pours His mighty cosmic Law.

Thus the world is changing for the better. Thus the New Time is slowly taking
shape. Despite all evidence to the contrary, the New Age struggles to be born.
To Us, the Watchers **fallen angels** behind the scenes, this is an indication
that humanity’s response to the new and higher energies is sensitive and correct,
and augurs well for the future. This is a time of crisis, and in crisis men are often
bolder, more creative, in their thinking. Maitreya is preparing Himself for His
imminent appearance before the world. All preliminaries are ready and in
place. His army, as He calls it, is assembled and braced for action. Each knows
his place and his work. Never before has a spiritual force of this magnitude
been gathered together on Earth. Never before has an Avatar of Maitreya’s
stature been present to lead them. Together these Warriors of Light will prove
invincible.” **Avatar (Hinduism), manifestation or appearance of a Hindu deity**

A New Day June 2002
“..Despite such ignorance and fear, men today have reached a point of new
sensitivity to the forces **UFOs & aliens** which drive them ever forward on
their path. They sense, albeit fleetingly, that there is much that they do not
understand, much less control, but that slowly they can begin to visualize a
greater meaning and purpose, a greater unity and beauty, in and around them.
As We, the Watchers, from Our vantage point, consider man’s efforts to control
his changing world,…

Maitreya, the Master of the Masters, is poised to begin His emergence, to work
openly before men. This cannot mean that His work behind the scenes will cease
entirely. Much that He does even now supports the efforts of some who otherwise
would fail. His help and guidance directs the hand of more than one wise
leader and protects them from harm.

Those who would assault the world to prove their strength attack Maitreya too.
Behind all people of goodwill stand Maitreya and His Group; They form a
shield on which all arrows beat in vain. Come quickly to His side when He
emerges. Rally to His Banner of Peace, Justice and Freedom **See NESARA
LAW** and aid Him in His mighty work. A new day **imitating New day of
Jesus Christ, in a new heaven & a new earth** in the lives of men is dawning, a
day unlike ought known before…”
Maitreya at the door July 2002
“..When Maitreya and His Group walk freely among men, much will be revealed
of the laws which govern life….. Maitreya, Himself, stands at the door, His
hand uplifted to knock. **imitation of Jesus Christ knocking at the door on every
heart** His signs increase apace as He awaits recognition. Welcome Him to your
heart and ease His entry; let Him work through you. Remember that your
brothers, also, deserve to know the Great News; leave them, and your sisters,

We have reached the eleventh hour. **same time with the Lord’s judgment** The
destined time is upon us. The long wait is all but over. Harness now your
strength for the great work ahead. The times are as never before. The angelic
myriads tremble in expectation. Maitreya’s warriors for Truth tighten Their
girths and assemble behind Him.

In the midst of chaos and war, and threat of war, the Great Lord lifts His
hand.**the true plan of the True Great Lord, Jesus Christ** His arrows of Light
**the Lord, Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, he does not need arrows to light the
darkness** will pierce the darkness of the time and bring respite to men. His Great
Heart glows **heart that glows is the same as with the Catholic Jesus & Mary** with
love for all peoples. The starving and the oppressed are His especial care. Aid
Him in His momentous task.

Maitreya hastens to emerge Sept 2002
“..Amid the chaos and fear, the perplexity and pain, We see the resolution and
the end of conflict, the glow of the light which will awaken men to the
promise of the future. All works under Law and a new state of equilibrium is
being created by Us. **the Watchers, fallen angels, created NESARA**

Maitreya’s foot is at the threshold. His hand prepares to knock. Listen carefully
that you miss Him not. He comes to fulfill the Law; to serve the Plan; to
teach mankind; to lead His Brothers into Their destined future. He comes to
see enacted His promise to men made long ago: to redeem them by His love
and awaken them to their divinity..”

**Now you see how the tactic of Satan is, I have warned you before
hand. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Clearly in these words, he is posing as
Jesus Christ the Messiah, to redeem the world. As Jesus Christ came
to earth not to abolish the Law but to fulfill the Law. And Jesus
Christ’s first coming is not to judge but to teach the doctrines of God,
and to SAVE mankind from Death, thus giving them free gift of
salvation.. free gift of eternal life.. the destined future of man as the
Lord God had planned..**
Aquarius, the giver of Unity Oct 2003
“..The new age, Aquarius, has, too, its intrinsic quality — Synthesis — and in
this coming time will, indeed, cause this divine attribute to manifest its beneficent
Unity throughout the world. This present time of turmoil, division and
separation will gradually give way to an era in which the ever-increasing forces
of Aquarius will perform their magic, blending and knitting together the
disparate, unruly, parts. Thus will men undergo an extraordinary transformation,
greater and faster than ever before in their long history..”

**I told you, New Age of Aquarius is New Age of Evil of Deception. Where
Peace & Safety leads to destruction. New Age Movement/Religion has
been introduced years ago, with Satan using the famous US icons like
OPRAH.. etc… New Age of Aquarius is the Reign of Satan**

The Master’s pledge February 2004
“..TRUST.Peace will only come when justice reigns, when sharing has opened
men’s hearts and awakened them to trust. Thus men must work and speak loudly
for justice and sharing which alone will bring an end to men’s suffering, to
terrorism and war. We, your Elder Brothers, **fallen angels** are ready to do
Our part. We will potentize all actions taken on behalf of the Common Good. We
await the opportunity to manifest Our strength; to help to right the wrongs of the
past; to show men the uselessness of war. We pledge our support of all who call
for an end to war, for the restoration of sanity and balance in the affairs of men,
for the creation of justice and freedom for all. Help Us to help you. Help Us to do
Our part. We long to act, as always, in the interest of the Common Good,
which, in Our understanding, is the best interests of all men. Thus it is that We
advocate sharing; thus do We advise justice; thus do We see freedom and
peace as the culmination of sharing and justice. Let us work together for the
rescue of this world. Let us abandon differences in the interests of the race. Let
sanity triumph and bring men to see their mutual need for peace, and the
restoration of an ailing world.

FUTURE.Many await the future in dread, fearful that man has lost his way, that it
is now too late to find the path to peace. We counsel otherwise. We know that the
path to peace is simply found, needing only the creation of justice and trust. We
know that sharing alone will engender that trust, and bring men to abandon both
terrorism and war. Thus will it be, and thus will men respond to Maitreya’s
message of Brotherhood and Justice, free at last from the glamours of fear
and mistrust, ready to create the future in deed and in joy..”

**”We, Elder Brothers, “Fallen angels, legions of Lucifer”.. there are many
Watchers.. “Brotherhood”.. As this Maitreya & Benjamin Creme is telling that
the aliens “fallen angels” were our space brothers, who will come here to
help us bring peace & unity..”**
The Path to the Sun May 2004 (UFOconnection)
“..It is often to be observed that people do not always believe the evidence of
their own eyes. Hence the rejection of many experiences which would have been
valuable to them as they search for meaning and purpose in their lives. It is
common, for example, that many disbelieve that they have seen a UFO, as they
are generally known, when all evidence shows otherwise. People are loath to
embrace the new and unknown, however much to do so it might be to their
benefit. In this way, they inhibit their awareness and growth. For many years
now, the craft emerging from our sister planets have roamed our skies,
done immeasurable service on our behalf, and, from time to time, given ample
and inspiring evidence of their reality and presence. In ones and twos and untold
numbers, they have worked selflessly to mitigate, within the karmic Law, the
harmful results of our foolishness and ignorance. Many on Earth have seen them,
have stood in awe and wonder at their obvious mastery of space, and, fearful of
ridicule, kept silence. Thus the knowledge of their reality and the grateful
understanding of their purpose has been lost to men. Why should this be so? Why
should men reject that which is most to their betterment to accept and

**Now, this Maitreya & his legions were the answer to everything
concerning the UFOs, and the coming Peace & Unity.. they have claimed
that UFOs were real, but they are not aliens, as I have told you.. they are
fallen angels.**

FEAR. There are several reasons why men behave so unreasonably in this way.
Chief among them is fear. The great numbing fear of possible destruction lies
deep within the human psyche, ready to rise and condition all reactions, all
spontaneous gestures of hope and wonder. It has, alas, always been so for
many. The governments and the media of most countries have failed in
their duty to educate and enlighten the masses. Much is known by many
governmental agencies and withheld from the public. Above all, the
harmlessness of the UFO, even when known, is never affirmed. On the contrary,
everything concerning them, while wrapped in vague mystery, is presented as
threat. People in positions of power and control know that if their people knew
the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, and understood them to be envoys from
civilizations far ahead of ours, they would no longer accept, passive and mute,
the conditions of life on Earth. They would demand that their leaders invite these
aerial guests to land openly, and to teach us how to live and achieve in the same
KNOWLEDGE.The time is not far off when this will be the case. The time is coming
when the true nature of life on planets other than Earth will be common
knowledge; when men will begin to think of the Solar System as an interrelated
whole, the planets at various points in evolution, but all working together to fulfill
the Plan of the Solar Logos, and to help and sustain each other on the way.
**2010 is the year when these UFOs are clearly seen by masses. And they
are usually coming together by 3s, 5s, forming a pyramid in the sky. **
Maitreya’s Task March 2005
“..For men, however, this is a time of testing and trouble as they seek to
understand and cope with the effects of their actions.
**Truly it was the time of testing for the children of the Lord.*

Thus it is today, as men search dimly for the new direction which the new age
energies demand of them. Some there are who sense the way and seek to
educate their brothers in the required action. Many, though, are afraid of change
and see only an impending chaos and breakdown if the ‘radicals’ have their way.
Into this divided world has come the Christ. His is the task to reconcile these
disparate groups and to bring order out of the present confusion and tumult.

**Identity proven. He is the False Messiah, the Antichrist.

Jesus Christ did not came to earth to bring peace, but DIVISION!
It is to divide/separate the good from evil, the wheat from tares,
the sheep from goats.**

The beginning of the new time Dec 2005
“..The Great One. Thus will the Great One speak. Thus will He raise the
consciousness of men and help them to understand the reasons for their plight.
He will show that such imbalance is insupportable in a world so interdependent
and facing so many perilous problems. That only a rational transformation of our
now defunct structures will allow men to advance into the future and to build a
civilization worthy of the name. When men hear His words they will divide into
three groups: one will, with full heart, respond to His thoughts and answer His
appeal for their engagement. One will form a blockade of opposition and affront.
A third, smaller, number will sit, anxiously, aside.
Gradually, it will become obvious that change must be tried, at least, and some
experiments will be undertaken. This will convince many of the feasibility of
sharing and lead to the Day of Declaration, the signal that the New Time
has begun..”
Maitreya’s priorities October 2006
“..Short, indeed, therefore, is the time left to prepare His way, to tell men that
help and hope are at hand, that the Teacher is here, eager to speak directly to
the peoples of all the nations. **imitating preparing the way for the coming of Messiah**

Speed, then, your efforts. Make haste to inform all who will listen that the
destined hour has arrived, that soon mankind will rejoice in the presence of the
Teacher. Tell them this and uphold their hope and courage. Many will listen now
who before did not; anxiety and fear have taken their toll of men. The signs,
too, have done their work and awakened millions to expected happenings
and revelations. **imitation of the first coming of Jesus Christ**
Never before in man’s history have so many sensed the coming changes nor
understood their necessity.

Hence, into an expectant and prepared world will Maitreya emerge, sure in the
knowledge that His presence is longed for and eagerly anticipated.
**Sounds like, the anticipated coming of the Antichrist to me!**

PRIORITIES. Maitreya will outline for men the priorities which alone will secure
and safeguard planet Earth and all its peoples. The necessity of peace is
paramount for without peace all else is lost. Peace, He will affirm, can only be
ensured through the creation of Justice. The lack of Justice is the begetter of
both war and terrorism. Justice, Maitreya will maintain, can be achieved only
through Sharing. Sharing, therefore, is the key to world peace and security.
Maitreya will turn the minds of men more urgently to the ills of planet Earth,
itself. Without a healthy and robust planet the future of succeeding generations is
in peril. Maitreya will stress the urgency of action now to restore equilibrium to
our suffering planetary home, and call all hands, old and young, to this primary

The fate of those who now starve in a world of plenty will exercise Maitreya’s
chief concern: “Nothing so moves Me to grief as this shame,” He says, and seeks
to galvanize the creation of a vast programme of aid for the world’s poor on a
scale hitherto unknown. These are the immediate priorities, to make fast and
secure the future for men. Man’s free will is sacrosanct and may not be infringed;
the speed of implementation of these primary requirements is subject, therefore,
to the will of men.

Men now face the choice: to see the world as One and share, and know
security and blessed Peace and happiness, or to witness the end of life on
Earth. Maitreya is emerging now to ensure that man’s choice is wisely made.

Have no fear, Maitreya already knows man’s answer, and is glad.

**Satan already knows man’s answer, that they will accept him, and his glad..**
Preparing the future December 2007
“..Thus is it today as we stand, baffled, in this transitional phase between the old
Age of Pisces and the new Aquarian dispensation. The Aquarian Age will last
approximately 2,350 years and will bring much benefit to men as its energies
mount in potency over the centuries.


2350 days.. = 6.4 years almost 7 years = 7 year great tribulation


7 days for the Lord is 7,000 years

Already, the signs of change are evident to Us, your Elder Brothers. We see
clearly the outlines of conditions altogether different from those that now prevail.
We see a world at peace, a world where justice reigns, where freedom adorns
the lives of men and women everywhere. We know that the present ills are
transient and passing, that the time is not far off for the light of the New Dawn
to illumine men’s lives and challenge them to action. We know also that men in
their hearts are ready and longing for change, and will rise to the challenge with
eagerness and will; they await only inspiration and guidance.

**LUCIFER is “LIGHT BEARER.” These are Galactic Forces of Light.

To bring light. To illumine. (illuminati) To enlighten.**

Then will the Great Lord enter, openly, the domain of men. Then will He
challenge the assumptions of the men of power and wealth. Maitreya will speak
for the millions without a voice;

**He will speak without a voice, for he can control mind.

His communication is known as Telepathy. That when he comes to appear
in the media, he can speak to whoever watches. Just as what the TV
is doing to people ever since. Controlling the mind of everyone!**

..for the destitute and hungry who live in anguish from day to day; for those who
languish in the prisons of the world for daring to challenge the edicts of their
‘betters’. He will speak for all men who love justice and liberty and will raise His
voice aloud in their cause. He will temper the wrath of those who govern by war;
He will seal for ever the door through which war enters and defiles the realm of
man. All this, through men, He will accomplish, and so restore sanity and peace
to Earth. Calmly, and with purpose, He prepares the golden future, the
inheritance of men, and gathers together the ‘shining lights’, the men and
women who will fashion that future. **imitation of golden city, new jerusalem**


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