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European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726
Production, Manufacturing and Logistics

Object oriented modeling and decision support

for supply chains
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari *

Electronic Enterprises Laboratory, Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
Received 17 July 1999; accepted 19 September 2002


Numerous algorithms and tools have been deployed in supply chain modeling and problem solving. These are based
on stochastic models, mathematical programming models, heuristic techniques, and simulation. Since different decision
problems in supply chains entail different approaches to be used for modeling and problem solving, there is a need for a
unified approach to modeling supply chains so that any required representation can be created in a rapid and flexible
way. In this paper, we develop a decision support system DESSCOM (decision support for supply chains through
object modeling) which enables strategic, tactical, and operational decision making in supply chains. DESSCOM has
two major components: (1) DESSCOM-MODEL, a modeling infrastructure comprising a library of carefully designed
generic objects for modeling supply chain elements and dynamic interactions among these elements, and (2) DESS-
COM-WORKBENCH, a decision workbench that can potentially include powerful algorithmic and simulation-based
solution methods for supply chain decision-making. Through DESSCOM-MODEL, faithful models of any given
supply chain can be created rapidly at any desired level of abstraction. Given a supply chain decision problem to be
solved, the object oriented models created at the right level of detail can be transformed into problem formulations that
can then be solved using an appropriate strategy from DESSCOM-WORKBENCH. We have designed and imple-
mented a prototype of DESSCOM. We provide a real-world case study of a liquid petroleum gas supply chain to
demonstrate the use of DESSCOM to model supply chains and enable decision-making at various levels.
 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Modeling; Simulation; Optimization; Supply chain management; Decision support system; Object oriented modeling

1. Introduction decision making in supply chains, there is a growing

need for modeling methodologies that can help
Supply chains are now at the centrestage of identify and innovate strategies for designing high
business performance of manufacturing and service performance supply chain networks. A large num-
enterprises. Because of the inherent complexity of ber of manufacturing and service organizations are
therefore seeking modeling systems that can help
identify and implement strategies for designing and
* improving their supply chain networks.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-80-3942368; fax: +91-80-
Supply chain decision making is a complex
E-mail addresses: (S. Biswas), process. Some of the important reasons for the (Y. Narahari). complexity of the decision making process are:

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 705

• large scale nature of the supply chain networks, 1. From the supply chain objects provided, one
• hierarchical structure of decisions, can conveniently generate problem formula-
• randomness of various inputs and opera- tions for supply chain problems. For example,
tions, a linear program or a mixed integer linear pro-
• dynamic nature of interactions among supply gram (MILP) is automatically generated when
chain elements. we configure the supply chain objects from the
perspective of a particular problem.
Modeling and analysis to gain a better under- 2. DESSCOM-MODEL enables formulation of
standing of the system complexity and to predict model and problem at any desired level of ab-
system performance are critical in the system de- straction (strategic, tactical, and operational).
sign stage, and often valuable for system man- Since a wide variety of OR tools are and can
agement. Thus there is an ever increasing need for be made available in DESSCOM-WORK-
modeling supply chains. BENCH, a wide variety of supply chain prob-
lems can be solved.
1.1. Contributions
In addition, the design of DESSCOM has been
The principal contribution of this paper is in carried out using best practices in object oriented
architecting a decision making tool for supply design such as UML modeling and design pat-
chains, based on sound modeling and problem terns. This makes DESSCOMÕs design amenable
solving approaches. Our work has led to a proto- for future extensions such as incorporation of new
type of a supply chain decision support system decision-making algorithms and inclusion of new
which we call decision support for supply chains objects.
through object modeling (DESCOM). DESSCOM
includes two major subsystems in it: (1) DESS- 1.2. Paper outline
COM-MODEL provides object oriented modeling
support for supply chains, and (2) DESSCOM- In Section 2, we discuss different aspects of
WORKBENCH provides a suite of problem supply chain decision making. We classify supply
solving methods that can be used for decision chain decisions according to the time horizon of
making using the models. decisions and also according to the functional
Our approach to modeling of supply chains area. We also discuss important performance
extends and unifies earlier approaches to object measures of supply chain networks. We provide an
oriented modeling of supply chains. We have overview of tools and techniques available for
conceptualized and built a comprehensive library supply chain decision making. Finally we review
of supply-chain specific objects with which faithful the relevant literature.
models of given supply chains can be rapidly In Section 3, we present an object oriented
configured. The models can be built at any desired modeling approach for supply chain networks. We
level of detail. This is accomplished by DESS- first describe various objects of our object library.
COM-MODEL. From the models so created, The objects belong to two categories: Structural
DESSCOM-MODEL can generate problem for- objects and policy objects. We have used unified
mulations for supply chain problems at strategic, modeling language (UML) [5]) for creating generic
tactical, and operational levels. The problems object models of supply chain elements. We pro-
can be solved using a suite of tools provided in vide an example of a LPG (liquid Petroleum gas)
DESSCOM-WORKBENCH, providing decision- supply chain to illustrate our object modeling ap-
making support. The prototype of DESSCOM proach. This object library forms the core of
built as part of this work has been tested on a DESSCOM-MODEL.
variety of supply chain problems, including real- In Section 4, we discuss the architecture of
world case studies. DESSCOM has two distin- DESSCOM. We discuss DESSCOM-WORK-
guishing features: BENCH, which provides the tools and techniques
706 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

deployed in decision making. Following this, we product quality) and quantitative measures (such
explain various steps involved in using DESS- as order-to-delivery lead time, supply chain re-
COM. We also provide an overview of imple- sponse time, flexibility, resource utilization, deliv-
mentation aspects of a prototype of DESSCOM. ery performance, etc.). In our study we consider
In Section 5, we present a real-world case study, only the quantitative performance measures.
that of the LPG supply chain of Section 3, to Quantitative metrics of supply chain perfor-
demonstrate the use of DESSCOM. We then ex- mance can be classified into two broad categories:
plore the use of DESSCOM in facilitating decision Non-financial and financial.
making at three levels: Strategic, tactical, and op-
erational. The specific problems that we explore in 2.2.1. Non-financial performance measures
this case study are Important metrics include: Cycle time, cus-
tomer service level, inventory levels, resource uti-
• location of bottling plants (a strategic decision), lization, performability, flexibility, and quality.
• aggregate level inventory optimization (a tacti- There is a detailed discussion of these in [46]. We
cal decision), will focus here on the first four measures.
• detailed level inventory optimization based on Cycle time: Cycle time or lead time is the end-
simulation (an operational decision). to-end delay in a business process. For supply
chains, the business processes of interest are the
We discuss the future evolution of DESSCOM supply chain process and the order-to-delivery
in Section 6, after presenting the conclusions of process. Correspondingly, we need to consider two
this study. types of lead times: Supply chain lead time and
order-to-delivery lead time. The order-to-delivery
lead time is the time elapsed between the place-
2. Supply chain decisions and models: A review ment of order by a customer and the delivery of
products to the customer. The supply chain pro-
2.1. Supply chain decisions cess lead time is the time spent by the supply chain
to convert the raw materials into final products
Supply chain decisions have been classified plus the time needed to deliver the products to the
based on their temporal and functional consider- customer.
ation. Supply chain decisions can be broadly Customer Service Level: Customer service level
classified into three categories: Strategic (long- in a supply chain is a function of several different
term), tactical (medium-term), and operational performance indices. The first one is the order fill
(short-term and real-time) according to the time rate, which is the fraction of customer demands
horizon of the decisions. that are met from stock. For this fraction of cus-
Functionally, there are four major decision ar- tomer orders, there is no need to consider the
eas in supply chain management: Procurement, supplier lead times and the manufacturing lead
manufacturing, distribution, and logistics. In times. Another measure is the backorder level,
addition, there are also certain global decisions which is the number of orders waiting to be filled.
whose scope extends over multiple functions. To maximize customer service level, one needs to
There are strategic, tactical, and operational maximize order fill rate, and minimize backorder
questions in each of these areas. These are de- levels. Another measure is the probability of on-
scribed in detail by Shapiro [42]. time delivery, which is the fraction of customer
orders that are fulfilled on-time, i.e. within the
2.2. Supply chain performance measures agreed-upon due date.
Resource utilization: A supply chain network
Supply chain performance measures can be uses resources of various kinds: Manufacturing
classified broadly into two categories [46]: Quali- resources (machines, material handlers, tools,
tative measures (such as customer satisfaction and etc.); storage resources (warehouses, automated
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 707

storage and retrieval systems); logistics resources The other major focus area of supply chain
(trucks, rail transport, air-cargo carriers, etc.); optimization models is to determine the location of
human resources (labor, scientific and technical production, warehousing, and sourcing facilities,
personnel); and financial (working capital, stocks, and the paths the products take through them.
etc.). The objective is to utilize these assets or re- These methods provide models mostly for strategic
sources efficiently so as to maximize customer and strategic/tactical levels. One of the earliest
service levels, minimize lead times, and optimize works in this area is by Geoffrion and Graves [21].
inventory levels. They describe a mixed integer programming model
for determining the location of distribution facili-
2.2.2. Financial measures ties. Cohen and Lee [9,10] consider global manu-
There are several fixed and operational costs facturing and distribution networks and formulate
associated with a supply chain. Ultimately, the aim mixed integer optimization programs. Lee and
is to maximize the revenue by keeping the supply Billington [31] validate these models by applying
chain costs low. Costs arise due to inventories, it to analyze the global manufacturing strategies
transportation, facilities, operations, technology, of Hewlett-Packard. Arntzen et al. [1] provide a
materials, and labor [2]. comprehensive deterministic model for supply
chain management called global supply chain
2.3. Review of relevant work model (GSCM), to determine optimal manufac-
turing and distribution strategies. A successful
An insightful survey of common pitfalls in implementation of this model was done at the
supply chain management practices is provided by Digital Equipment Corporation.
Lee and Billington [29]. This paper deals with
quantitative models for supply chain management. 2.3.2. Analytical performance models
A research summary of various quantitative mod- Models of supply chains in a dynamic and
els for supply chains is provided in [45]. These stochastic environment consider the network as a
models can be broadly classified into optimization discrete event dynamic system. Such systems can
models, analytical performance models, and sim- be studied as Markov chains, stochastic Petri nets
ulation models. The tools and techniques used for and queueing network models [38,47]. Malone and
optimization in industry for solving supply chain Smith [32], in their study, have looked at organi-
problems are discussed by Hicks [22,23]. zational and coordination structures, which con-
stitute a key element of any business process.
2.3.1. Optimization models Raghavan and Viswanadham [37] discuss perfor-
A major portion of the supply chain literature mance modeling and dynamic scheduling of make-
consists of multi-echelon inventory control mod- to-order supply chains using fork-join queueing
els. A comprehensive review of these models can networks. Viswanadham and Raghavan compare
be found in Vollman et al. [49]. These methods make-to-stock and assemble-to-order systems
generally deal with operational or tactical/opera- using generalized stochastic Petri net models [48].
tional levels. Multi-echelon inventory models They also use integrated queueing and Petri net
have been successfully implemented in industry. models for solving the decoupling point location
Cohen et al. [8] describe OPTIMIZER: IBMÕs problem, i.e. the point (facility) in the supply chain
multi-echelon inventory system for managing from where all finished goods are assembled to
service logistics. They develop efficient algorithms confirmed customer orders [38].
and data structures to achieve large scale systems
integration. Ettl et al. [14] consider a supply 2.3.3. Simulation and information models
network model to generate base stock levels at Models discussed above are high abstraction
each store so as to minimize the overall inventory models for business processes under simplifying
capital and guarantee the customer service re- assumptions such as Markovian dynamics. To
quirements. obtain very accurate and detailed models, one has
708 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

to represent many realistic features, which is pos- nies make strategic business decisions about the
sible in simulation models. Development of simu- design and operation of its supply chain [6].
lation models for understanding issues of supply IBM-SCS deploys a mix of simulation and op-
chain decision making has gained importance in timization functions to model and analyze sup-
recent years. Some of the studies are Malone [33], ply chain issues such as facilities location,
Connors et al. [11], and Feigin et al. [15]. Bhask- replenishment policies, manufacturing policies,
aran and Leung [3] describe re-engineering of logistics strategies, stocking levels, lead times,
supply chains using queueing network models and process costs, and customer service. SCS is built
simulation. upon SIMPROCESS, a general purpose busi-
Feigin et al. have looked into enterprise mod- ness process simulator.
eling and simulation in an object oriented envi- • i2 Technologies (Rhythm) Rhythm or Trade
ronment [15]. Similar work has been done by Matrix family of supply chain management
Mujtaba et al. [35] and Chu [7]. But typically de- products have emerged as leading supply chain
veloping and implementing object models for a products in recent times [39]. The Rhythm suite
given supply chain takes a long time. A set of ge- of products includes: Supply Chain Planner,
neric objects representing various entities of supply Supply Chain strategist, Scheduler, Global Lo-
chain can greatly shorten this period. Swamina- gistics Manager, and Demand Planner.
than et al. [44] have taken this approach.They have • SAP (APO): Advanced Planner and Optimizer
built a generic object-based agent framework with of SAP corporation [12] is now being exten-
which they can build simulation models for a va- sively marketed and deployed. APO consists
riety of supply chain networks. of the following software modules: Enterprise
The Integrated Supply Chain Management Planning, Demand Planning, Production
(ISCM) Project [17,18,27] has led to the develop- Scheduling, and Distribution Planning.
ment of a unified testbed used by the agents built • Manugistics (Manugistics6): Manugistics6 [34]
for supply chain functions: Logistics, transporta- is a broad supply-chain planning and manage-
tion management, order acquisition, resource ment suite, consisting of the following: Config-
management, scheduling and dispatching. These uration, constraint-based master planning,
agents rely on ontologies for activity, state, time, demand management, manufacturing planning
resources, cost, quality and organization as a and scheduling, material planning, network de-
common vocabulary for communication and use sign and optimization, purchase planning, re-
the services of Information Agents that automat- plenishment planning, supply chain analytics,
ically distribute information and manage infor- transportation management, vendor managed
mation consistency and evolution. inventory (VMI)/continuous replenishment
Huang et al. [25] have proposed mobile objects planning (CRP).
as a natural framework for structuring a supply
chain information system. Much of the recent 2.3.5. DESSCOM relevance
work on web-enabled supply chain information Commercial ERP tools such as SAP R/3 [12]
systems [36] also uses the object model as the etc. have detailed objects for supply chain elements
conceptual framework. but do not use any sophisticated decision-making
algorithms since the emphasis is on automating
2.3.4. Software tools transaction processing. Commercial supply chain
A variety of commercial software packages for tools such as Rhythm and Trade Matrix [39] focus
supply chains indicate the growing importance of mostly on very specific supply chain problems
this area. and sophisticated algorithms for chosen few
problems. Use of general purpose simulation
• IBM Supply Chain Simulator (IBM-SCS): The packages entails extensive work in creating a
IBM supply chain simulator is a software tool supply chain model and typically support only
that can help a company or a group of compa- simulation. Special purpose tools such as the
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 709

IBM-SCS [6] enable rapid creation of supply chain Supply chain decision making requires rapid
models, but support only simulation and a small and flexible modeling approach at various levels of
set of other OR techniques. The ISCM project [27] detail. Object oriented modeling can be used to
provides autonomous agents for operational and design and implement reusable classes for building
tactical level planning. The above tools are focused models of supply chains and create a supply chain
on building models to support very specific deci- object library. The concept of an object library
sion making and commit to addressing problems facilitates rapid model development of any given
at a specific level of detail only. The tool proposed supply chain and aids in application of the mod-
in this paper, DESSCOM, provides capabilities to eling architecture to specific scenarios at various
model supply chains at different levels of detail by levels of abstraction.
providing different levels of abstraction of objects
comprehensively and consistently. This provides 3.2. Major objects in the supply chain library
DESSCOM with the power to enable solution of a
hierarchy of decision making problems. We present an object library with reusability
and extensibility features for modeling and anal-
ysis of supply chain networks. We classify the el-
3. Object models of supply chains ements of our object library into two categories:
Structural objects and policy objects.
In this section, we first discuss the need for and The structural objects are the physical entities
the advantages of object oriented modeling ap- of supply chain networks. The physical structure
proach. Following this, we present our object li- of the supply chain networks is modeled using
brary for supply chains. We provide a detailed these classes. Physically the supply chain network
description and classification of various objects in is composed of plants, warehouses, distributors,
our library. Finally we bring out the utility of the retailers, suppliers, customers, orders, vehicles, etc.
object library using an illustrative example. The policy objects embed business logic which is
used for controlling the flow of products and in-
3.1. Rationale for object models formation through the network. The policy ele-
ments provided in our library are inventory policy,
One reason for the widespread appeal of object order management policy, demand planning pol-
oriented modeling [4,26,40] is the natural mapping icy, supply planning policy, distribution policy.
paradigm. This is made possible by the object The set of structural objects is used in con-
construct, which allows a one-to-one mapping junction with the policy objects to build the object
between objects in the system being modeled (e.g. models of a supply chain. These models are used to
distributor, supplier, plant, vehicle, etc.) and their provide customized inputs for various decision
abstractions in the object model. Object oriented problems to be studied.
modeling also has a major effect on implementa-
tion through its facilitation of modular design and 3.2.1. Structural objects
software reusability. When exploited, object ori- The classes representing the structural objects
ented programming features such as encapsula- are described below. We provide a taxonomy of
tion, inheritance, and polymorphism facilitate the objects in Fig. 1. The objects like suppliers,
code reuse and programming efficiency. The fea- distributors, etc. are considered to be external en-
ture of encapsulation enforces structured devel- tities. Therefore their subclasses have not been
opment. Object oriented modeling also offers shown in the taxonomy of the supply chain. The
potential advantages in the incremental develop- supply chain consists of the following entities:
ment and verification of large-scale systems. Thus Customer: A customer can be either an internal
object oriented modeling applied to supply chain customer or an external customer. The internal
modeling and analysis can be potentially very customers are the various entities of the network
beneficial. like the plants and the distributors. The external
710 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

Structural Objects

Customer Order Plant Warehouse Supplier Distributor

Internal External Customer Order Manufacturing Plant

External Warehouse Order Assembly Plant Vehicle Retailer
Manufacturing Order Late-customization Center
Late-customization Order
Supplier Order

Fig. 1. A taxonomy of structural objects.

customers are the consumers of the products (fin- constraints. We have considered only lead-time
ished or semifinished) of the supply chain. The and capacity constraints, but other specific
customer class may also contain information on constraints can be easily added to the supplier
the desired service level and priority of the cus- class.
tomer. Retailer: An external customer generally buys
Order: An order contains the name and the the products from the retailer. A retailer has an
quantities of the desired products, the name of associated warehouse, where the inventories of the
the customer, and the name of the entity to which products are stored. A retailer can receive deliv-
the order is placed. An order can belong to any eries from distributor, or manufacturing plant, or
of the following categories: external customer late-customization center, or from some other re-
order, warehouse order, manufacturing order, late- tailer. The product is delivered to customer if it is
customization order, and supplier order. External available in the retailerÕs warehouse. Otherwise
customer orders are generated either from forecasts the order is added to a queue for the particular
(demand planning policies) or by the customer product, according to a pre-assigned priority. The
objects in a deterministic manner. order is delivered when the product is received
Plant: A plant manufactures or assembles fin- (from distributor, or plant, or late-customization
ished or semifinished products from raw materials, center as the case may be).
and/or sub-assemblies. A plant may have its as- Distributor: A distributor receives deliveries
sociated raw material warehouse, in-process in- from manufacturing plant, or late-customization
ventory warehouse, and finished goods warehouse. center, or from other distributors. The distributor
We have the following derived classes from the may have an associated warehouse. It supplies to
base class plant: Manufacturing plant and late- the retailers, or sometimes to other distributors. It
customization center. Manufacturing process re- may also supply to the late-customization center
quires specified cycle time to convert input parts with information on customer specified require-
into output products. Several factors are respon- ments.
sible for the performance of a plant, for example Vehicle: Transportation vehicles move products
the capacity, availability of input parts, and the from one node of the network to another. Each
fluctuations in the cycle time. vehicle has characteristics in terms of products it
Supplier: A supplier provides a plant with raw can carry, capacity (in volume or weight), costs,
materials or sub-assemblies. A supplier could be and speed.
a manufacturing plant, or a late-customization Warehouse: A warehouse is a storage facility
center, or a full fledged supply chain. Since the which is characterized by the nature and capacity
supplier is outside the purview of the supply of the products it can store. A warehouse can
chain under study, it is modeled as a class which be attached to the plant, the distributor, and the
can supply the required products under specified retailer. A warehouse can be used for storage of
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 711

raw-material inventories, in-process inventories, • Assemble-to-order policy: The manufacturing

and finished product inventories. plant produces components which can be as-
sembled by the late customization center ac-
3.2.2. Policy objects cording to customer specification.
The policy objects model strategies which de-
scribe the protocols used in procurement, manu- Order management policy: The order manage-
facturing, transportation, and distribution of ment policy models the order processing and
material within the supply chain. Policy objects scheduling at any node of the supply chain. The
have an identity and behaviour of their own and it delay incurred in the process is also considered.
is therefore appropriate to model them as full- For simplicity we do not allow any partial ship-
fledged objects. Moreover, separating the policy ment of an order.
objects from the structural objects enables com- Demand planning policy: The demand planning
posing them in very flexible and powerful ways to policy generates forecasts of expected demands for
obtain comprehensive modeling power. Policy ob- future periods. Various forecasting policies like
jects enable a society of structural objects to have time series, and regression analysis (based on fac-
varying behaviours. For example, a structural ob- tors like competition, economic condition, pro-
ject such as ‘‘Warehouse’’ can be composed with motional efforts, etc.) are considered [16].
a policy object such as ‘‘Inventory Policy’’ to de- Supply planning policy: Supply planning is a
scribe different types of warehouse management critical process in determination of companyÕs
and replenishment schemes. We have identified and service and inventory levels. This models the al-
defined the following policy objects. A taxonomy location of production and distribution resources
of the policy objects is shown in Fig. 2. to meet the actual and forecasted demand under
Inventory policy: Inventory policies guide the capacity and supply constraints [10,13,16].
flow of materials in the supply chain networks. Distribution policy: The product distribution is
Different inventory policies include multi-echelon the process of delivering a product from the sup-
inventory policies, and EOQ policies [14,24,49]. plier site to the end customer. The scheduling
Manufacturing policy: The manufacturing pol- policies include routing and scheduling of vehicles
icy can be make-to-stock, or make-to-order, or to optimize delivery schedules [19].
assemble-to-order, or a combination of these pol-
icies [9,11,30,38]. 3.3. Design patterns

• Make-to-stock policy: The plant builds products Design patterns [20] have emerged as an im-
according to advance plans, and pushes the fin- portant best practice in object oriented design. The
ished products into the warehouses. use of design patterns enables robust and highly
• Make-to-order policy: The plant produces a reusable objects to be created. This is a critical
product from its input parts only when an order requirement for DESSCOMÕs object library. Sev-
for that product is received. eral design patterns have been used as part of

Policy Objects

Inventory Policy Manufacturing Policy Order Management Policy Supply Planning Polcy Distribution Policy Demand Planning Policy

Multi-Echelon Policy Make-to-Stock Policy Order Processing Constraint Planning Routing Policy Forecasting
EOQ Policy Make-to-Order Policy Order Scheduling Resource Scheduling Scheduling Policy Auctions
Base Stock Policy Assemble-to-Order Policy
MRP Policy

Fig. 2. A taxonomy of policy objects.

712 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

DESSCOMÕs object library. These include abstract this problem by promoting looser coupling be-
factory, strategy, mediator, composite, and chain tween these classes. Mediators accomplish this
of responsibility. We will discuss two of the design by being the only class that has detailed knowl-
patterns [20] we have used in building DESSCOM. edge of the methods of other classes. Classes in-
form the mediator when changes occur and the
• The strategy pattern: The Strategy pattern con- Mediator passes them on to any other classes
sists of a number of related algorithms encapsu- that need to be informed. The various supply
lated in the form of classes. A class which chain objects in our system communicate with
requires a particular service or function and the help of mediator class objects. For example
which has several ways of carrying out that we have created mediator objects to communi-
function is a candidate for the Strategy pattern. cate between various suppliers, vehicles, and
Objects choose between these algorithms based plants; plants, warehouses, distributors, retail-
on computational efficiency or user choice. ers, and vehicles. The advantage is that the me-
There can be any number of strategies and more diator is the only class that needs to be changed
can be added and any of them can be changed if some classes change or new classes are added.
at any time. There are a number of cases in pro- Thus reuse of the various objects become easier.
grams where we would like to do the same thing
in several different ways. For example, we may 3.4. An illustrative example
have different distribution strategies (Fig. 3).
Strategy pattern allows us to choose from sev- To illustrate creation of object models by
eral algorithms dynamically. DESSCOM, we discuss a real-world supply chain
• The mediator pattern: When a program is made network and present a first level object model that
up of a number of classes, the logic and compu- will be created by DESSCOM-MODEL. The sys-
tation is divided logically among these classes. tem (see Fig. 4) [41] can be described as follows.
However, as more of these isolated classes are Shri Shakti (SS) LPG Limited imports and mar-
developed in a program, the problem of com- kets liquid petroleum gas (LPG) in South India. SS
munication between these classes becomes more has its import facilities located at Kakinada and
complex. The more each class needs to know Mangalore ports. It has two storage facilities, one
about the methods of another class, the more for each port. The storage facilities are located in
tangled the class structure can become. Further, the vicinity of these ports. The LPG is transported
it can become difficult to change the program, from the port to the storage facilities through
since any change may affect code in several pipelines. The quantity of LPG that SS can import
other classes. The Mediator pattern addresses at either of the ports is practically unlimited. SS

aggregation AbstractStrategy
Interface Node
Strategy ()


ConcreteStrategyA ConcreteStrategyB ConcreteStrategyC

Strategy () Strategy () Strategy ()

Distribution Policy
implements InterfaceNode

Fig. 3. An example of a strategy pattern.

S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 713

Fig. 4. Diagram representing the SS LPG supply chain.

sells LPG in bulk to industrial customers directly vices a set of dealer towns. Each dealer sends the
from the two storage facilities. It markets LPG in empty cylinders in full truck loads to its associated
packed form to domestic and commercial estab- bottling plant. Since the plant maintains an in-
lishments through its dealers. When a customerÕs ventory of filled cylinders, the trucks are fully
cylinder runs out of LPG, the dealer replaces the loaded with filled cylinders on their return trips to
empty cylinder with a filled cylinder at the cus- the dealer. Each bottling plant receives LPG in
tomerÕs location (dealer and customers are typi- tankers from the cheaper of the two ports and
cally at most five miles apart). The dealer recovers storage facilities (those at Kakinada and Manga-
the cost of transporting cylinders from commission lore), cheaper in terms of per unit cost of pro-
on a per-refill basis from SS. curement and transportation. The tankers are
Each dealer town (town in which SS has one or dedicated to transporting LPG, and hence, SS
more dealers) gets its supplies from a designated pays the transporters for both delivery and return
bottling plant. Each bottling plant typically ser- trips to the storage facilities.
714 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

An object model for this system can be built in modeling and solving some of these problems
using the object library of DESSCOM. SS in Section 5.
supply chain follows make-to-stock manufac- Note that this object model includes only struc-
turing policy. This system consists of the fol- tural objects. By including policy objects appropri-
lowing entities: Port, pipeline, LPG storage ately, the model will be able to describe the supply
facility, tanker, industrial customer, bottling chain structure and behaviour completely. For ex-
plant, truck, dealer, domestic customer, and ample, a policy object ‘‘Inventory Policy’’ suitably
commercial customer. The make-to-stock policy subclassed into classes such as ‘‘EOQ Policy’’,
and the above objects are derived from our ‘‘Multi-echelon Policy’’, etc can be composed with a
object library. The object model built using structural object such as ‘‘Warehouse’’ to describe
DESSCOMÕs object library for this system is inventory control dynamics in the supply chain.
shown in Fig. 5. This object model becomes the Similarly, a policy object such as ‘‘Distribution
basis for formulating and studying various Policy’’ can be composed with a structural object
strategic, tactical, and operational decision such as ‘‘Distributor’’ to represent a wide variety of
issues. We shall discuss the use of DESSCOM distribution mechanisms.

Fig. 5. An Object model of SS LPG supply chain.

S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 715

4. Architecture of DESSCOM • DESSCOM-WORKBENCH, a decision work-

bench that can support a wide variety of tools
Fig. 6 shows the architecture of DESSCOM. and techniques which could be deployed in sup-
The arrows in the diagram indicate either ‘‘se- ply chain problem solving.
quence’’ information or ‘‘data dependency’’ in-
formation. The system has two major subsystems. 4.1. DESSCOM-MODEL

• DESSCOM-MODEL, a modeling system that The modeling system provides a library of ge-
facilitates rapid creation of supply chain models neric supply chain objects. One can construct hi-
at a desired level of abstraction using a library erarchical models of any supply chain under
of generic objects consideration using these objects. These constructs

Fig. 6. The architecture of DESSCOM.
716 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

can be modeled at required granularity to aid in tactical, and operational levels. We have elabo-
strategic, tactical, and operational decisions. The rated on this topic in Section 2. DESSCOM-
modeling process starts with identification of WORKBENCH includes commonly deployed
structural objects and policy objects in the net- approaches such as linear programming, mixed
work. The network configuration can be updated integer programming, and simulation, and can
at any point of time by adding or altering various also easily support customized solutions.
objects of the supply chain without having to take Different tools in the workbench need the sup-
recourse to cumbersome programming efforts. The ply chain details to be presented in different ways
models thus created can be used in analysis of and at different levels of abstraction. Object
the system under various scenarios. DESSCOM models can support this in a natural way. Such
can therefore be used to optimize the system and models once built can be used to provide cus-
evaluate performance measures under different tomized viewpoints required for specific supply
scenarios. The development time for various chain issues.
models is considerably reduced. These models are Thus DESSCOM could be used by the users
used to provide inputs for various tools of the who are responsible for implementing supply chain
decision workbench. The object library has been decisions. The decision workbench can be used to
described in Section 3.2 and an object model for an compute various optimal decisions or to evaluate
illustrative supply chain has been presented in different alternatives available.
Section 3.4.
4.3. Use of DESSCOM
The usage of DESSCOM can essentially be
Different problems require different modeling organized into the following four steps: Specify
approaches. Some problems may require detailed supply chain, generate problem formulation, solve
simulation models to evaluate various alternatives problem, and iterate if necessary.
available. For example, the problem of deciding
the best manufacturing control strategy among 4.3.1. Specify supply chain
make-to-stock, make-to-order, and assemble- The construction of object models require
to-order does not admit any easy or tractable proper identification of the following:
analytical models. On the other hand, there are
various problems such as selection of new suppli- • structural objects,
ers and scheduling which can possibly be modeled • policy objects,
accurately analytically. There are certain cases • connections between various objects.
where the iterative use of a modeling approach
may provide the best solution. For example, Structural features of a supply chain may in-
consider the problem of controlling inventory at clude some or all of the following:
various locations while maintaining service levels Suppliers: Number of vendors, capacity allo-
for customers. This problem can be solved ana- cated to each of them, their locations, etc.
lytically only at an aggregate level of detail. Logistics: Number, location, size, and capacity
Therefore after getting an initial solution through of warehouses, modes of transportation, in-house
an analytical approach the system can be simulated fleet, contract carriers, etc.
under various scenarios to evaluate the system by Manufacturing: Plant location(s), flexible or
capturing the dynamics in more detailed way. Thus dedicated manufacturing plants, capacities, etc.
simulation along with analytical modeling can Distribution: Location size, and capacity of
often be deployed in the decision making process. distribution centers and architecture, retailer lo-
As already reviewed in Section 2, there are a cations, etc.
wide gamut of tools and techniques deployed in The policies adopted at the various objects need
supply chain problem solving at the strategic, to be specified. Examples include: whether the
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 717

supply chain follows a make-to-order manufac- mal locations for the supply chain facilities, in
turing policy, or what are the inventory policies which case, the data required for a MILP captur-
practiced by the distributors and the retailers, or ing this problem is picked up from the object
what customer service levels are required to be model. Automatically generating the problem
attained, etc. The various modes of transport and formulation becomes possible for some standard,
possible routes available between the various en- well known problems in supply chains. For such
tities have to be defined. problems, DESSCOM precisely knows what are
Once the identification of various objects of the the inputs, decision variables, and what is the exact
supply chain is complete, the mapping of the ac- problem to be solved. DESSCOM also knows the
tual entities to the objects of our library is to be object structure to expect for this problem and also
done. The scope of the objects can be suitably knows how to pick up the input parameters from
enhanced or constrained by inheriting and in- these objects. Manual intervention is required only
stantiating various classes from the object library. to direct DESSCOM to the relevant problem and
When we create an object model of a given an appropriate problem solving tool.
supply chain the following variables are instanti- We have created an interface which allows the
ated amongst others: use of these variables to create a model for well
defined problems. Often, other inputs like new
• SupplyChain.NoOfPlants plant capacities, fixed costs, and variable costs etc.
• SupplyChain.NoOfDistributor are needed as input to build the MILP model. We
• SupplyChain.P[i]: ith plant have provided standard equations used in facility
• SupplyChain.P[i].XCoord: X-coordinate of the location problems. The user has to specify the
ith plant constraints which does not appear in our list using
• SupplyChain.P[i].YCoord: Y-coordinate of the Java constructs. We have provided some examples
ith plant to help the user build the same.
• SupplyChain.P[i].Capacity[p]: Capacity for pro-
ducing product p 4.3.3. Solve problem
• SupplyChain.P[i].FixedCost[p]: Fixed cost asso- The problem formulation generated above is
ciated with p then solved using an appropriate methodology.
• SupplyChain.P[i].VariableCost[p]: Variable cost For example, a queueing network model formu-
associated with p lated in the above step can be solved by a queueing
• SupplyChain.D[j]: jth distributor network solver provided in DESSCOM-WORK-
• SupplyChain.D[j].XCoord: X-coordinate of the BENCH. Or a MILP formulated in the above step
jth distributor can be solved by a standard package available in
• SupplyChain.D[j].YCoord: Y-coordinate of the the workbench. Often, a model formulated in
jth distributor the previous step may be solvable by a variety of
• SupplyChain.D[j].AnnualDemand[p]: Annual methods provided in the workbench. In such cases,
demand at j. the user of DESSCOM will need to deploy the
most appropriate tool to employ. A knowledge-
4.3.2. Generate problem formulation based system that can select the most appropriate
The object model created in the previous step is tool to use, based on the nature of the input
then used to generate the data for an analysis or an problem will be very useful here.
optimization model of the supply chain. For ex-
ample, it may be required to compute the supply 4.3.4. Iterate
chain process lead time using a queueing network When the problem is solved, we either get some
model, in which case, the data required for the analysis results or we get optimal values for certain
queueing network model is picked up from the decision variables. If we wish to use the analysis
object model at the required level of detail. As results to decide new settings for some decision
another example, let us say, we wish to find opti- variables, then we need to conduct the analysis
718 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

again to see if the new settings result in perfor- • standard inventory control policies,
mance improvement. Typically, when a descriptive • a discrete event system simulator.
model is analyzed repeatedly each time with new
settings to improve performance and ultimately
optimize the system performance, we will need to 5. Case study of a liquid petroleum gas supply chain
use the DESSCOM-WORKBENCH iteratively.
Also, often, we may use an analytical model to We now consider the LPG supply chain pre-
obtain optimal parameters at an aggregate level sented in Section 3.4 and demonstrate the efficacy
and subsequently use a more detailed model such of DESSCOM in modeling and decision making.
as simulation to fine-tune these parameters to take For this problem, we discuss:
into account details.
• location of bottling plants (an example of a
4.4. Implementation of DESSCOM strategic decision),
• aggregate level inventory optimization (an ex-
The development of DESSCOM was done on ample of a tactical decision),
Sun Solarise platform. The object library and the • detailed level inventory optimization (an exam-
workbench have been encoded in Javae pro- ple of an operational decision).
gramming language [28]. Hence our system is
platform independent. The object model developed in Section 3.4 can
The object modeling for supply chain networks be used for studying various decision problems.
was done using UML [5]. We prepared the various First, we discuss the use of DESSCOM in model-
UML models of supply chain networks using ing and solving the location problem investigated
Rational Rosee [43]. Most of the code of the by Sankaran and Raghavan [41].
various classes of the object library was automat-
ically generated from these UML models by Ra- 5.1. Location of bottling plants
tional Rose. The main classes of the object library
have already been described in Section 3. Plant location is a strategic decision that man-
DESSCOM-WORKBENCH uses the object agement takes prior to other decisions like mar-
models of a given supply chain to provide cus- keting strategies, or production planning decisions.
tomized input for various tools and techniques. As For the LPG supply chain under discussion, Sank-
a first step, we have integrated the following dif- aran and Raghavan [41] have developed a MILP
ferent tools with our workbench to support deci- for solving the plant location problem. The inputs
sion making. required for the above MILP are shown in Table 1.
Given these inputs, it is required to determine the
• a linear programming package, optimal number of LPG plants and optimal loca-
• a Mixed integer linear programming package, tions for these LPG plants.

Table 1
Inputs required for the location problem
m The number of potential plant sites
n The number of dealer towns
i An index for plant sites
j An index for dealer towns
k An index for plant sizes
Dj The annual sales potential for LPG (in MTPA) in town j
fk The fixed cost of an LPG bottling plant of size k
Ck The capacity (in MTPA) of a bottling plant of size k
cijk The annual cost of transportation of assigning town j to site i of capacity k
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 719

DESSCOM helps generate inputs for various • Location is a parameter for the classes: plant,
linear programming and integer linear program- warehouse, dealer, and customer. Therefore
ming models in the well known mathematical generating Euclidean distances between any
programming system (MPS) format and linear pair of instances of these classes is straightfor-
programming (LP) format. The inputs for the ward.
MILP model for the location problem are gener-
ated by DESSCOM. This is discussed below for Thus, once we have constructed the object
some sample cases. model of a system, deriving the inputs for any well
defined optimization algorithm can be carried out.
• The capacity and costs associated with a plant The activity diagram for the plant location prob-
are parameters of the plant class. Thus for gen- lem is given in Fig. 7. The corresponding MILP
erating the inputs for an ILP these values are ta- generated in LP format was given as input to the
ken from each instance of plant class. well known optimization solver lp-solve.

Fig. 7. Activity diagram for the location problem.

720 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

We now discuss a specific instance of the loca- Table 4

tion problem that we solved using DESSCOM Coordinates of dealer towns and the associated annual de-
mands and plants
using some synthetic data. Suppose SS has two
Dealer X -coordi- Y -coordi- Associated Annual
bottling plants P1 and P2 of capacity 5000 tonnes
town nate nate plant demand
per annum. The marketing division has identified a (in cylinders)
potential additional demand for about 6500 metric
1 100.0 100.0 1 21 000
tonnes per annum (MTPA). This requires setting 2 400.0 300.0 1 40 000
up additional LPG plants. Assume that SS has 3 300.0 500.0 1 15 000
identified two new plants (P3 and P4 ) say in addition 4 400.0 800.0 1 28 000
to the already existing ones and the management of 5 600.0 1600.0 3 56 000
6 700.0 1000.0 3 18 000
SS is debating over the alternatives available.
7 700.0 200.0 1 61 000
The costs associated with setting up (fixed costs) 8 900.0 1500.0 3 49 000
and running (variable costs) new plants of various 9 1500.0 1600.0 2 36 000
capacities are given in Table 2. Considering the 10 1400.0 2000.0 2 75 000
Kakinada port as the origin, we have provided 11 100.0 1900.0 3 44 000
12 1400.0 1500.0 2 67 000
each plant and dealer towns with X - and Y -coor-
13 1900.0 2100.0 2 40 000
dinates. The coordinates of the plants and the 14 400.0 1700.0 3 58 000
dealer towns are given in Tables 3 and 4. The unit 15 2100.0 1300.0 2 12 000
of measurement is kilometers. The transportation 16 800.0 1900.0 3 18 000
cost is considered as a constant multiple of the 17 2100.0 1700.0 2 51 000
18 1100.0 200.0 1 35 000
distances between the plants and the dealer towns.
19 1200.0 500.0 1 27 000
Using the available data we generated a MILP for 20 300.0 1400.0 3 76 000
the location problem under consideration. Using 21 100.0 1200.0 3 46 000
lp-solve provided in DESSCOM-WORKBENCH, 22 0.0 700.0 1 39 000
a new plant P3 of 7000 MTPA capacity was found 23 400.0 2100.0 3 72 000
24 800.0 600.0 1 65 000
to offer the optimal solution to the MILP. The
25 1100.0 1500.0 2 31 000
costs and and the dealer towns assigned to the
plants P1 , P2 , and P3 corresponding to the optimal
solution are provided in Tables 4 and 5. Table 5
Optimal plant locations and associated annual demands
Plant No. of Associated Annual
Table 2
associated port demand
The fixed and variable costs associated with LPG plants of
dealer towns (in cylinders)
various capacities
1 9 1 331 000
Plant capacity Fixed cost Variable cost
2 7 2 312 000
(1000 MTPA) (Rs. millions) (Rs. millions/tonne)
3 9 2 437 000
1.0 21.5 0.62
3.0 22.7 0.54
5.0 23.5 0.48
7.0 24.6 0.45
5.2. Aggregate level inventory optimization: An
9.0 25.4 0.43
analytical approach

Table 3 The object model developed above can be used

Coordinates of plant locations in many other ways. We shall now describe its
Plant X -coordinate Y -coordinate applicability to a tactical decision problem, namely
1 200.0 300.0 a multi-echelon inventory problem arising in the
2 1800.0 1700.0 SS supply chain.
3 600.0 1400.0 Assume that dealers of SS replenish their stock
4 1300.0 700.0
of filled cylinders from a fixed bottling plant. Each
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 721

bottling plant in turn gets its supply of LPG from h2i

a fixed storage facility located at a port. This is bðri Þ ¼ ½1  Gi ðri  2Þ  hi ri ½1  Gi ðri Þ
a two echelon inventory system. We assume the ri ð1  ri Þ
ðQ; rÞ policy [24] is followed at both the bottling þ ½1  Gi ðri Þ and
plant and at the dealerÕs store. The object model is Gi ðxÞ ¼0 for x < 0
now required to be updated to capture the inven-
tory policy which is derived from our object li-
brary. Note that inventory policy is a policy BðQi ; ri Þ Di
Wi ¼ ; Qi ¼
object. By composing structural object instances Di F
with policy objects instances in very flexible ways, nðrÞ is the expected no. of backorders during a
one can create all possible supply chain scenarios. cycle ¼ hpðrÞ þ ðh  rÞð1  GðrÞÞ.
We now discuss how the object model built To satisfy a service level of S percent, we
above can be used to generate the two echelon have to choose the smallest value of r satisfy-
model discussed in [24], by considering the case of ing
one bottling plant and the associated dealers. The
nðrÞ 6 ð1  SÞQ
inputs required by the model are given in Table 6.
The decision variables for the problem are: Qi is The per unit demands, unit costs, lead times,
the order quantity for product i at the plant, ri the service levels, order frequencies, and other pa-
reorder point for product i at the plant, Qim order rameters for solving the above model can be
quantity for product i at dealer m, rim reorder point computed from the instances of the various classes
for product i at dealer m. of the object model shown in Fig. 5.
The above decision variables are computed in We have solved an example case for this prob-
the following way (see [24] for details). The ex- lem. The input data are provided in Tables 5 and
pected number of outstanding backorders for 7. Table 8 shows the results (that is, reorder points
product i at the plant at any point of time is for plants and dealer towns) of the aggregate level
1 bðri Þ These results provide good approximate solu-
BðQi ; ri Þ ¼ ½bðri Þ  bðri þ Qi Þ 
Qi Qi tions which can be improved upon using simu-
lation. The required data for driving the model
where was generated from the object model of the

Table 6
Inputs for the multi-echelon inventory problem
N Total number of distinct product types in the system
M Total number of dealers served by the plant
Dim Daily demand (units/day) for product i at dealer m
Di Daily demand (units/day) for product i at the plant Di ¼ M m1 Dim
ci Unit cost of part i
li Replenishment lead time (days) for product i to the plant
lim Lead time (days) for dealer m to receive product i from the plant
hi Expected demand (units) during replenishment lead time for product i ðhi ¼ Di li Þ
pi ðkÞ Probability of exactly k demands during replenishment lead time for product i (assuming Poisson demand)
pi ðkÞ ¼ hki ehi =k!
Gi ðxÞ Cumulative distribution function of demand for product i during replenishment lead time
Gi ðxÞ ¼ xk¼0 pi ðkÞ
Wi Expected time (days) an order for product i waits at the plant due to backordering
Lim Approximate effective lead time (years) for an order of Lim ¼ lim þ Wi
product i from from dealer m to be filled by the plant
S Desired average service level at the plant
F Desired average order frequency at the plant
722 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

Table 7 5.3. Detailed level inventory optimization: Simula-

Inputs for the two echelon inventory system tion approach
1 cylinder ðcylÞ  15 kg
1 truck  100 cylinder Here, we show that the LPG object model can
c ¼ unit cost of one cylinder ¼ Rs. 150 also be used to support operational decisions. The
Si ¼ desired average service level at plant i ¼ 95%
Fi ¼ desired average order frequency at plant i ¼ 12
multi-echelon inventory problem discussed in the
si ¼ desired average service level at dealer i ¼ 95% earlier section is considered for modeling by sim-
Fi ¼ desired average order frequency at the dealer i ¼ 26 ulation here. We capture the following realistic
annual demand
EOQ ¼ order frequency assumptions while building the simulation model.

• A customer can order for more than one unit at

any given time. Therefore we consider the order
Table 8 quantities to be varying between one and a
Comparison of the reorder points obtained from the analytical maximum possible order quantity. (This value
model and simulation model
is one of the parameters to be specified while
Plant/dealer Reorder points from Reorder points from building the object model. Default value is
town analytical model simulation model
(truck loads) (truck loads)
• Actual demands, order frequencies, lead times,
P1 4900 5400
P2 4800 5200
service times, and transportation times, can be
P3 6700 7000 different from the average values considered
D1 1 1 for analytical modeling. For the simulation
D2 1 3 model we have considered all of these parame-
D3 1 1 ters to be exponentially distributed.
D4 1 2
D5 1 3
• The assumption of economic order quantity
D6 1 1 (EOQ) may not hold in real life. For example
D7 1 3 due to bulk arrival of orders one may have to
D8 1 3 order more than the optimal EOQ.
D9 1 1
D10 1 2
D11 1 2
To show the level of detail modeled in the sim-
D12 1 3 ulation here, we have presented in Fig. 8, an activity
D13 1 3 diagram for a dealer object in the simulation model.
D14 1 3 All the inputs for the earlier analytical approach
D15 1 1 hold for the simulation model also. The additional
D16 1 1
D17 1 3
inputs required for running the simulation are total
D18 1 3 simulation time, average service times and trans-
D19 1 2 portation times, initial inventory levels, and the
D20 1 2 reorder levels. We have taken the total simulation
D21 1 3 time as 90 days or 3 months. The initial inventory
D22 1 3
D23 1 3
levels are assumed to be equal to the expected de-
D24 1 3 mand for a fortnight or 15 days. A comparison of
D25 1 2 the reorder levels obtained through analytical and
simulation approaches is provided in Table 8. The
results point out that the results from simulation
models, which are closer to real life scenarios, tend
supply chain. We use the results (i.e. the reor- to differ from the aggregate level analytical solu-
der points) of this analytical model as an ini- tions. The results highlight the fact that the ag-
tial input for the simulation model that is gregate analytical results give good approximate
discussed next. solutions. These approximate solutions provide
S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726 723

Fig. 8. Activity diagram for the dealer object.

good initial solutions, which can be fine tuned in sion making process in supply chain networks.
iterative steps using simulation. It is important to DESSCOM supports supply chain decision mak-
note that significantly greater effort and computa- ing at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels
tional time will be required to obtain a solution and comprises two major subsystems:
from simulation model without the initial starting
points obtained from the analytical model. (a) DESSCOM-MODEL, that facilitates rapid
creation of supply chain models at a desired le-
vel of abstraction, and
6. Summary and future work (b) DESSCOM-WORKBENCH, that enables the
use of a wide gamut of tools and techniques
In this paper we have described DESSCOM, a that can be deployed in supply chain problem
decision support workbench to support the deci- solving.
724 S. Biswas, Y. Narahari / European Journal of Operational Research 153 (2004) 704–726

Our approach to modeling of supply chains tools available for solving a particular decision
extends and unifies the earlier approaches to object problem. A knowledge-based approach to help
oriented modeling of supply chains. We have the user in selecting the proper tools will greatly
conceptualized and built a comprehensive library increase the benefits of DESSCOM.
of supply-chain specific objects using which faith- • Provide a visual interface to the user for modeling
ful and accurate models of given supply chains can the supply chains: At present we are using text
be configured. These object models of the network inputs for specifying the supply chains. A visual
are used to build customized models for various user interface for DESSCOM will enhance the
decision problems arising in supply chains at var- ease of modeling. Since DESSCOM is built
ious levels. using Java programming language, minimum
We have illustrated the efficacy of DESSCOM effort will be required for providing such an in-
using a real life case study of a liquid petroleum terface.
gas supply chain in Section 5. The problems • Distributed deployment: As a further work
studied were: DESSCOM may be implemented in a distrib-
uted environment. It should be provided with
• location of bottling plants (an example of a the capability for run-time modifications of
strategic decision), the objects. This will greatly enhance its model-
• aggregate level inventory optimization (an ex- ing capabilities. Real time data from the actual
ample of a tactical decision), entities of the supply chain can be used for
• detailed level inventory optimization (an exam- modeling and analysis. The actual impact of
ple of an operational decision). various decisions can then be studied and ana-
lyzed on line.
We have built a prototype of DESSCOM as
described in Section 4. We have created the object
library using Java programming language. Several Acknowledgements
further enhancements to DESSCOM are possible.
These include This research was supported in part by a Min-
istry of Human Resources Development grant on
• Improving the object library: We have tried to Competitive Manufacturing Systems. The first
make the object library as comprehensive as authorÕs research is also supported by a Junior
possible. But there still is a lot of scope of im- Research Fellowship awarded by the Council for
proving the library. More objects can be added Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi. We
to cover a wider spectrum of supply chains. would also like to acknowledge the excellent fa-
More attributes and functionalities can be cilities at the Electronic Enterprises Laboratory,
added to the existing classes of our library to re- Department of Computer Science and Automa-
duce the effort involved in adding more func- tion, Indian Institute of Science.
tionalities by inheriting from the various classes.
• Enhancing the workbench: In the prototype of
DESSCOM that we have built we have pro-
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