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ACCTG 225 Team Evaluation Name Shant Al - Saiegh

Firm Name KAY FIRM

This evaluation will affect participation points earned by each of your group members. Please take time to complete it

Turning in the form: When you have completed it, fold it and turn it in to me directly or place it in my mailbox.
Remember, if I do not receive your evaluation by Thursday, December 9, I must assume you assigned yourself 0 (zero)
points and the remaining team points equally to your team members.

Completing the form:

Questions 1 through 6: Answer with words. Suggested answers are in parentheses below the question.
Question 7: Answer with a number.*
Question 8: Answer with words.

* The points available by team are based on the number of team members multiplied by 10 points. For example, suppose
the "A Team" has 4 members. An "A Team" member must allocate 40 points among herself/himself and the 3 other team
members. The allocation cannot be equal across all team members (the evaluating team member cannot allocate 10 points
to himself and 10 points to each teammate.
Member #1 Member #2 Member #3 Member #4
1. Team Member Name Will Yu Michael Kim Shant Al-Saiegh
2. Did this member complete his/her portion of the assignment? Regularly Always Regularly

3. Did this member show ability to follow an idea suggested by Yes Yes Yes
a teammate and to develop suggestions of his/her own?

4. Did this member come to class and to team meetings Yes Yes Yes
prepared and ready to provide input? (yes/no/sometimes)

5. Was the work provided by this member of equal quality Yes Yes Yes
to that provided by other members? (yes/no/sometimes)

6. Would you want to work in a group with this member Yes Yes Yes
again? (yes/no/never)

7. OVERALL EVALUATION (number): 8.5 11 10.5

8. Comments (Required)

Member #1 ____Will Yu is a great person to work with. He turned in his assignments regularly. Could have been better
with suggestions and contributions to other peoples work.
Member #2 Michael Kim is a hard-worker who helps his teammates. He was the leader in the group who put it all
Member #3 I believe I provided great insight and quality work for my group and myself. I collaborated with Mike the
most to figure out what needed to be done and got it together in a respectable amount of time. I provided suggestions
and was always wiling to help anybody out.
Member #4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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