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Bridget Nakiwala

Post Graduate/Masters program In Education

Indonesia University of Education 2010
Any innovation cannot be assimilated unless its
meaning is shared(Maris,1975,p.121)

An innovation is an idea, practice or object that is

perceived as new by an individual or other unit of
adoption. ( Rogers,1962,p.11)
Session Objectives
By the end of the session participants should be able to:

I. Understand the stages of the Innovation-

Development Process
II. Understand the Stages of the Innovation –Decision
III. Understand the Stages of the Innovation Process in
The process
1. Innovation -Development Process
2. Innovation -Decision Process
The Innovation –Development Process
Involves all decisions, activities, and their impacts that
occur from
1. recognition of the need or problem,
2. through research,
3. development ,
4. and commercialization of an innovation,
5. through diffusion and adoption
6. to its consequences.
Recognizing the problem Or Need
 Problem or need recognition stimulates research.

 Scientific Process: For example; scientists might detect

a forthcoming problem and launch research to find

 Political Process: For example; reduction on road

accidents. Research about, and development to safer
roads can be conducted
Basic and Applied Research
Basic Research
Original investigations for the advancement of scientific
knowledge that do not have the specific objective of
applying this knowledge to practical problems.

Applied Research Involves investigations for the

advancement of scientific knowledge that have the
specific objective of applying the knowledge to
practical problems.
Development of an innovation is the process of putting a
new idea in a form that is expected to meet the needs
of an audience adopters.

Example introduction of a special crop harvester can be

developed by a given group of agriculturalists .
The group of agriculturalists contracted with a
machinery company to manufacture the mechanized
harvester. This process is commercialization.

Commercialization is the production ,manufacturing,

packaging, marketing and distribution of a product
that embodies an innovation.
Diffusion and Adoption

Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is

communicated through certain channels over time
among the members of a social system .Everett M. Rogers

Rate of adoption is the relative speed at which an innovation

is adopted/accepted by members of a social system.
S-shaped diffusion curve

The diffusion of innovations according to Everett M Rogers. With

successive groups of consumers adopting the new technology (shown
in blue), its market share (yellow) will eventually reach the saturation
S-shaped diffusion curve
This is the final stage of the innovation development
process. The process occurs in linear sequences .In
some cases these phases do not occur .
Consequences are the changes that occur to an
individual or social system as a result of the adoption
or rejection of an innovation.
(Everett M. Rogers 1962:p.371)
More problem or needs may be caused by the
The innovation -Decision Process
The innovation-decision process
is the process through which an individual (or other
decision-making unit)passes from knowledge of an
innovation, to forming an attitude toward the
innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject, to
implementation of new idea, and to confirmation of
this decision.

Everett M Rogers (1962:p.163)

Model of the five stages in the innovation-decision process
information based on Everett M. Rogers (1962:p.165 )The Free press New York
The innovation -Decision Process
1. Awareness Stage ; exposed to the innovation ,becomes aware of
it although not necessarily knowledgeable about it or possessing a
strong interest in finding out more about it.
2. Interest stage; developing an interest in finding out more about
the innovation and is beginning to develop some possible
negative and positive attitudes toward it.
3. Mental Stage; actively evaluating the innovation as to how it
might be implemented and is also seeking assessment .
4. Trail Stage; actually attempts to implement the innovation on a
pilot basis to see if it will work.
5. Adoption Stage: adopts the innovation and implements it fully
6. Integration Stage; internalizes the innovation in such a way
that it becomes part of the behaviour of situation.
(Havelock and colleagues)
Stages in the Innovation Process in Organisations
i. Initiation:
{information gathering ,conceptualizing, planning}

1. AGENDA SETTING{Definition of perceived need for the innovation}

2. MATCHING{Problem considered together with the innovation}

………………………...The Decision to Adopt…............................................

ii . Implementation:
{events, action of putting an innovation into use}

3. REDEFINING {Innovation + Situation +Organization}

4. CLARIFYING{Relationship between Innovation+ Organization}
5. ROUTINIZING{Innovation loses separate identity}

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