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Date : 02-01-2011 Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 240

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A. General :
1. This Question Paper contains 75 questions.

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C. Question paper format and Marking scheme :

13. The question paper consists of 3 parts (Chemistry, Mathematics & Physics). Each part consists of Four Sections.

14. For each question in Section–I , you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the
correct answer and zero marks if no bubble is darkened. In case of bubbling of incorrect answer, minus
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15. For each question in Section–II , you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble(s) corresponding
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16. For each question in Section–III , you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to
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17. For each question in Section–IV, you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken only the bubble corresponding
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Atomic masses : [H = 1, D = 2, Li = 7, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27, Si = 28,
P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, K = 39, Ca = 40, Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Fe = 56, Cu = 63.5, Zn = 65, As = 75,
Br = 80, Ag = 108, I = 127, Ba = 137, Hg = 200, Pb = 207]

Straight Objective Type
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.


Arrangement -I Arrangement -II

The difference in height of the mercury column in two arms of U tube manometer in arrangement –  is h1 =
660 mm. In another arrangement –  at same temperature, 222 gm of CaCl2 is dissolved in 324 gm of water
and difference in height of mercury column in two arms is found to be h2 = 680 mm. The value of degree of
dissociation () for CaCl2 in arrangement –  is. [Atmospheric pressure = 1 atm]
(A) 0.75 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.625 (D) 1.0

2. Which of the following is a mismatch :

(A) Lyophilic colloids – reversible sols
(B) Associated collides – micelles
(C) Tyndall effect – scattering of light by colloidal particle
(D) Electrophoresis – movement of dispersion medium under the influence of electric field


3. Propanone reacts with iodine in acid medium according to the following equation :

+ I2 
 + HI
The following data were obtained when the reaction was studied

(CH3 ) 2 CO in M  2 ,M [H ], M Re lative rate

2 2 2
10 10 10 1
2 2 2
2  10 10 10 2
2 2 2
2  10 2  10 10 2
2  10 2 10  2 2  10 2 4

For the above reaction the following mechanism have been proposed

Step I : + H+  

Step II : H O

Step III :

Regarding the given reaction which of the following is correct :

(A) Overall order of the reaction is two and step I is the RDS of the reaction.
(B) Overall order of the reaction is two and step II is the RDS of the reaction.
(C) Overall order of the reaction is three and step I is the RDS of the reaction.
(D) Overall order of the reaction is three and step II is the RDS of the reaction.

4. The number of atoms in 100 g of an FCC crystal with density d = 10 gcm–3 and cell edge of 200 pm is equal
(A) 3 × 1025 (B) 5 × 1024 (C) 1 × 1025 (D) 2 × 1025


5. The IUPAC name of [Fe(NH2)(CO)2I(PPh3)2] is :
(A) Amidodicarbonyliodidoditriphenylphosphineiron(II)
(B) Amidodicarbonyliodidobis(triphenylphosphine)iron(II)
(C) Aminedicarbonyliodidobis(triphenylphosphine)iron(II)
(D) Amidodicarbonyliodidobis(triphenylphosphine)ferrate(II)

6. Which of the following reactions of potassium superoxide supply oxygen gas in the breathing equipments
used in space and submarines ?
(1) Reaction of superoxide with nitrogen in the exhaled air.
(2) Reaction of superoxide with moisture in the exhaled air.
(3) Reaction of superoxide with carbon dioxide in the exhaled air.
(A) (1), (2) and (3) (B) (2) and (3) only
(C) (2) only (D) (1) and (2) only

7. The total number of stereoisomers possible for the following compound is :

(A) 22 (B) 23 (C) 25 (D) 24

8. PhCONH2 and PhCOOH can be distinguished by

NaOH,  NaHCO3 2, 4-DNP C2H5OH + H2SO4
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) II and III (B) I and IV (C) I, II and IV (D) I, II, III and IV

9. The linear compound is

(A) C2N2 (B) H2N2 (C) H2C=C=CH2 (D) CH2=C=O


10. The best rearranged carbocation of (X) is obtained by shifting of :

(X) =

(A) CH3 – group (B) CD3 – group (C) H – group (D) D – group

Multiple Correct Answer Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.


Which of the following is/are correct related to above structure.

(A) The defect is known as schottky defect
(B) Density of compound due to the defect decreases
(C) NaCl(s) is example which generally shows this defect
(D) Stoichoimetry of compound will change due to this defect.

12. Ammonia gas is prepared by :

(A) heating ammonium dichromate. (B) hydrolysis of calcium cyanamide.
(C) heating ammonium chloride with slaked lime. (D) alkaline hydrolysis of aluminium nitride.

13. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
(A) Ore bauxite is purified by alkaline treatment, the Bayer process and then dissolved in molten cryolite and
reduced electrolytically in the fused salt system to get metal.
(B) Magnesium is precipitated as Mg(OH)2 from sea water by treatment with lime and then it dissolved in
dilute HCl and reduced electrolytically in aqueous medium to get magnesium metal.
(C) Silver ore is dissolved in dilute NaCN solution in presence of air and the solution so obtained is treated
with scrap zinc when silver metal is precipitated.
(D) Sulphide ore of some of the less electropositive metals like Hg, Cu, Pb etc are heated in air, a part of
these is changed into oxide or sulphate than that reacts with the remaining part of the sulphide ore to
give its metal and SO2.

14. Cinnamic acid Ph–CH=CH–COOH can be prepared by

heating (i) ( CH CO ) O  CH COONa  
3 2 3
(A) Ph–CH = 
 (B) Ph–CHO            
(ii) H3O

(i ) O H /  AgNO  NH OH
3  4
(C) Ph–CHO + CH3CHO         (D)   
(ii) CrO3 / H2O / Acetone H

15. The correct statements about following reaction are :

 ester + water

(A) It is an equilibrium reaction (B) O18 is found in ester

(C) One of the intermediate is (D) ionises to Etin this reaction


Reasoning Type

This section contains 4 reasoning type questions. Each question has 5 choices (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

16. Statement-1 : The red liquid bromine reacts with sodium carbonate solution and forms sodium bromide and
sodium bromate.
Statement-2 : Sodium bromide reacts with conc. H2SO4 to form HBr.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Both statement-1 and 2 are wrong.

17. Statement-1 : In ZnS lattice (zinc blende) number of empty tetrahedral voids and empty octahedral voids are
Statement-2 : In zinc blende, S2– form HCP lattice and Zn2+ occupies alternate tetrahedral voids.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Both statement-1 and 2 are wrong

18. Statement-1 : Phosphine is prepared by heating white phosphorus with concentrated NaOH solution in an
inert atmosphare of CO2.
Statement-2 : Pure PH3 catches fire on heating in air at 150°C forming H3PO4.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Both statement-1 and 2 are wrong


19. Statement 1 : The reactivity order is :

for Br2/KOH reagent

Statement 2 : Presence of –OMe group increases rate of Hofmann bromamide reaction by increasing
electron density in migrating phenyl group.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.
(E) Both statement-1 and 2 are wrong

Comprehension Type
This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based open each paragraph, there are 3 multiple choice questions.
Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 20 to 22

The cell potential for the unbalanced chemical reaction :
Hg22+ + NO3– + H3O+  Hg2+ + HNO2 + H2O
under standard state conditions is Eºcell = 0.02 V
Given : NO3– + 3H3O+ + 2e–  HNO2 + 4H2O, Eº = 0.94 V and = 0.06.
20. At what pH will the cell potential be zero if the activity of other components are equal to one ?
1 1 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 3 3 9


21. How many moles of electrons pass through the circuit when 0.6 mole of Hg2+ and 0.30 mole of HNO2 are
produced in the cell that contains 0.5 mole of Hg22+ and 0.40 mole of NO3– at the beginning of the reaction
(A) 0.6 mole (B) 0.8 mole (C) 0.3 mole (D) 1 mole

22. How long will it take to produce 0.3 mole of HNO2 by this reaction if an average current of 10 amp passes
through the cell ?
(A) 1.6 hour (B) 16 hour (C) 3.2 hour (D) 32 hour

Paragraph for Question Nos. 23 to 25



23. D(+) Glucose formes methyl glucoside with :

(A) X (B) Y (C) Z (D) (W)

24. product (P) is :

(A) An ether (B) A hemiacetal (C) An acetal (W) (D) An acetal other than (W)

25. (W) Products are :

(A) (Y) only (B) (Z) only (C) Y and Z both (D) (X) only


Straight Objective Type
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

26. A missile is destroyed before hitting the target by a probability of . If the missile is not destroyed
probability of hitting the target is . Three missiles are fired. The probabality of exactly two hits the target
1 3 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
16 16 8 8

27. The shortest distance between the z -axis and the line, x + y + 2z – 3 = 0, 2x + 3y + 4z – 4 = 0 is
(A 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

28. The solution of the differential equation – ky = 0, y(0) = 1 approaches zero when x  , if
(A) k = 0 (B) k > 0 (C) k < 0 (D) None of these



29. The area bounded by the curve y = and y + |2 – x| = 2 is

4 – n27 4  n27
(A) (B) 2 – n 3 (C) 2 + n 3 (D)
2 2

x5 x 4
30. The graph of f(x) = – + 5 has
20 12
(A) no local extreme, one point of inflection
(B) Two local maximum one local minimum, two point of inflection
(C) One local maximum, one local minimum, one point of inflection
(D) One local maximum, one local minimum, two point of inflection

 x2 
 1 dx
31. If   dx   then  is equal to
e 4 2 2 2
– –
(1  e x ) e x e 2x e 3 x .....

  
(A)  (B) (C) (D)
2 4 8



1 1 1
1 sin x
32. Let t1 = (sin x ) , t2 = (sin 1 x )cos x
, t3 = (cos 1 x )sin x , then for x  (sin 1, 1)
(A) t1 > t2 > t3 (B) t3 > t1 > t2 (C) t2 > t1 > t3 (D) t3 > t2 > t1

33. If f(x) is a differentiable function and f(x) – x3 is strictly increasing, then f(x) + x – x2 is
(A) increasing (B) decreasing (C) not monotonic (D) not depends on nature of f(x)

1 /4 2
dx e tan 
sin  I1
34. If I1 = e x
and I2 =  2 3
d, then is equal to
(1  x ) 0
( 2  tan ) cos  I2

1 e 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2e
2e 2 e

  
x sin , x0
35. Let f(x) =  nx , where n  I, n  0. If Rolle's theorem is applicable to f(x) in the interval
 0 , x0
[0, 1], then
(A) for  > 0, least value of n is – 2 (B) for  > 1, greatest value of n is –1
(C) for  > 0, greatest value of n is 1 (D) for  < 0, least value of n is –1



Multiple Correct Answer Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

36. The possible value of a for which e2x – (a – 2) ex + a < 0 holds for atleast one x  (0, ) are
(A) 6 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 16

37. Four whole numbers are randomly selected and are multiplied. Let us defined events
E1 : Last digit in the product is 1,3,7, 9.
E2 : Last digit in the product is 2, 4, 6, 8
Then probability
4 4
 4   4  84 – 44
(A) P(E1) =   (B) P(E2) =   (C) P(E2) = (D) P(E2) > P(E1)
 10   10  10 4

38. The vector î   ĵ  3k̂ is rotated by an certain angle and doubled in magnitude, Then it becomes

4 î – ( 4 – 2) ĵ – 2k̂ . The value of is (are)

2 2 1
(A) (B) – (C) 2 (D)
3 3 2



39. Let f(x) be monotonic, f (x)  0, xLt
ƒ( x )   and f (2a2 + a + 1) > f (3a2 – 4a + 1). Possible integral values

of a are :
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

40. There are n bags containing three balls each. Two balls are drawn from each bag and found to be white. If
probability that at least one bag contains all white balls is greater than , then n can be :
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

Reasoning Type
This section contains 4 reasoning type questions. Each question has 5 choices (A), (B), (C), (D) and
(E) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

41. STATEMENT-1 : The differentiable equation of general parabolas in plane is order 5.

STATEMENT-2 : The equation (ax + by)2 + 2gx + 2fy + 1 = 0 represent a parabola.
(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True
(E) Both Statement are false.



         
42. STATEMENT-1 : For any two vectors a and b , (a  î ) . (b  î ) + (a  ĵ ) . (b  ĵ ) + (a  k̂ ) . (b  k̂ ) = 2 a . b
       
STATEMENT-2 : (a . î ) (b . î ) + (a . ĵ ) (b . ĵ ) + (a . k̂ ) (b . k̂ ) = a . b
(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True
(E) Both Statement are false.
43. Let a < 0, b > 2 be such that eb a2 = ea b2 and f(x) = .
STATEMENT-1 : There are two points of extrema of f(x).
STATEMENT-2 : f(x) satisfies conditions in Roll's theorem on [a, b].
(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True
(E) Both Statement are false.
44. Let f : R R be given defined by f(x) = 2 sin2 t dt 
STATEMENT-1 : f(x) is many one.
STATEMENT-2 : f(x) = 1 – cos 2x f(x)  0  x  R.
(A) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is True ; Statement -2 is a correct explanation for Statement -1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True ; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement -1 is True, Statement -2 is False
(D) Statement -1 is False, Statement -2 is True
(E) Both Statement are false.



Comprehension Type
This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based open each paragraph, there are 3 multiple choice questions.
Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 45 to 47

Let A =  dx then answer the following questions in terms of A.
x 1

x 2e x
45.  dx equals
x 1

(A)  A – e (B) e – 2 + A (C) 2 + A (D) 2 – e + A

1 2
 x  x
46.    e dx equals
 x  1

e e e e
(A)  A – (B) +1–A (C) –A (D) A – 1 +
2 2 2 2

47.  ( x  1) 3
ex dx equals

e A e A 9e A e
(A)  – 2 +A (B) 2 – – (C) 3 – – (D) 1 – –
2 2 8 2 8 2 8



Paragraph for Question Nos. 48 to 50

 1 1
   3 sin x ,  1  x   2
 1 1
f(x) = y = sin–1 (3x – 4x3) =  3 sin x ,  x
 2 2
   3 sin 1 x , 1
 x 1
 2

48. Number of solutions for f(x) = 0 is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 0

49. If [.] represents greatest integer function, then lim [sin–1 (3x – 4x3)] ,

(A) is equal to –1 (B) is equal to 0 (C) is equal to 1 (D) does not exist

sin 1(3 x  4 x 3 )  tan 1 x

50. Greatest value of is
sin 1 x  

3 1 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 4 6



Straight Objective Type
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

51. A metal rod of length , moving with an angular velocity  and velocity of its centre is
v. Find potential difference between points A and B at the instant shown in figure. A
uniform magnetic field of strength B exist perpendicular to plane of paper :
(A) Bv (B) Bv + B2
1 
(C) B – B2 (D) Bv + B  
2 2

52. A small particle of mass m, moves in such a way that the potential energy U = ar3, where a is positive
constant and r is the distance of the particle from the origin. Assuming Rutherford's model of circular orbits,
then relation between K.E. and P.E. of the particle is :
3 U
(A) K.E. = U (B) K.E. = U (C) K.E. = 3U (D) K.E. =
2 2

53. A hot black body losses heat at the rate of 30 Jm–2s–1 and its most intense radiation correspond to 15,000 Å.
When the temperature of this body is further increased then its most intense radiation corresponds to 7500
Å, then find then the rate of loss of heat in Jm–2s–1. (Surrounding temperature is half of the initial temperature
of black body) :
(A) 480 (B) (C) 510 (D) 495


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 17
54. A uniform rod of length L is charged uniformly with charge q and is rotating
about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to rod. Magnetic
moment of the rod is :
qL2  qL2  qL2  qL2 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 12 24 36

 1   1 
55. An inductor  L  H  , a capacitor  C  F  and a resistance
 100    500  
(3) is connected in series with an AC voltage source as shown in the
figure. The voltage of the AC source is given as V = 10 cos(100 t) volt.
What will be the potential difference between A and B ?
(A) 8 cos(100 t – 127º) volt
(B) 8 cos(100 t – 53º) volt
(C) 8 cos(100 t – 37º) volt
(D) 8 cos(100 t + 37º) volt
56. A thin glass prism of refractive index 1.5 produces a deviation of 4° of a ray incident at a small angle.
The minimum deviation of the same incident ray by the same prism if it is immersed in water of
refractive index 4/3 :
(A) 1º (B) 1.5º (C) 2 (D) 2.5º
57. A ray hits the y-axis making an angle  with y-axis as shown in the figure. The

 x  1 
variation of refractive index with x-coordinate is  =  0  1 –  for 0  x  d 1 – 
d   0 
  
and  = 0 for x < 0, where d is a positive constant. The maximum x-coordinate of
the path traced by the ray is :
(A) d(1 – sin ) (B) d (1 – cos )
(C) d sin  (D) d cos 


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 18
58. An isosceles trapezium of refracting material of refractive index
2 and dimension
of sides being 5cm, 5cm, 10cm and 5cm. The angle of minimum deviation by this
when light is incident from air and emerges in air is :
(A) 22  (B) 45° (C) 30° (D) 60°

59. The side of the cube is '' and point charges are kept at each corner as
shown in diagram. Interaction electrostatic potential energy of all the
charges is :

4kq2 3 kq2
(A) (B)
3 

2kq2 kq 2
(C) (D)
3 3

60. In the figure a part of electric circuit is given. The value of each resistance is R and current in some parts is
shown in the diagram. Then current in AB branch is :


(A) 21 A (B) 25 A (C) 29 A (D) 33 A


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 19
Multiple Correct Answer Type
This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

61. In a decay process A decays to B,

A  B
Two graphs of number of nucli of A and B versus time is given then :

(A) t2 – t1 = 4 (B) t2 – t1 = 2 (C) t1 = 2 log25 (D) t2 = log2100

62. A positive charge q is placed inside a neutral hollow conducting sphere of radius R,
as shown in figure. Whole system is placed in uniform external vertical electric field
pointing downward (line PCQ is also vertical) then select the correct statement(s)
about electric field at point P. Point P is a point of the material inside the conductor.
(A) Electric field due to outer surface of sphere at point P is zero

(B) Magnitude of electric field due to inner surface of sphere at point P is
9  0 R 2

(C) Magnitude of electric field at point(SPACE

P, dueFOR
to hollow
ROUGH sphere
WORK) is less than E

(D) Direction of resultant electric field at point P due to charge q and hollow sphere is vertically upward


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 20
63. A cubical box is used to keep drinks cold in a bus. Surface area of each face is 0.80 m 2 and each wall
has thickness 2.00 cm. It is filled with ice and water which remains at 0ºC. Temperature of outside
each wall is 30ºC then : (Thermal conductivity of material of box = 1 × 10–2 w/m–k) (Latent heat of
fusion of ice = 3.2 × 105 J/kg)
(A) Total heat current in the box is 60 J/s (B) Total heat current in the box is 72 J/s
(C) Mass of ice melted in 1 hour is 810 gm (D) Mass of ice melted in 1 hour is 690 gm
64. If the two slits of double slit experiment were moved symmetrically apart with small relative velocity v and the
distance between screen and mid–point of slits is fixed and equal to D. Consider a point P on the screen at
a distance x from central maxima then :
(A) Rate of change of number of fringes between central maxima and point P changes with respect to
time is
(B) number of fringes contained between central maxima and point P increases with time
(C) fringe width decreases as time passes
(D) fringe width increases as time passes
65. A convex lens forms an image of a fixed object on a fixed screen. The
height of a sharp image on screen in this case is 9 cm. The lens is now
displaced along line PQ until a sharp image is again obtained on the screen.
The height of this image on the screen is 4 cm. The distance between the
object and the screen is 90 cm.
(A) The distance between the two position of the lens is 30 cm.
(B) The distance of the object from the lens in its first position is 36 cm.
(C) The height of the object is 6 cm.
(D) The focal length of the lens is 21.6 cm.

Reasoning Type
This section contains 4 reasoning type questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 21
66. STATEMENT–1: In coolige tube when high energy electrons strikes the target then x–rays are produced.
STATEMENT–2: Photons emitted due to transition between two atomic energy levels inside the atom is the
only reason of production of x–rays.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(E) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False

67. STATEMENT–1: For a planet revolving around the sun in elliptical orbit, if the mass of planet is doubled for
the same orbit then areal velocity will be halved.
STATEMENT–2: Areal velocity of a planet is the ratio of its angular momentum about the sun to double of the

dA J
mass i.e. = , and J remains constant for a planet rotating in the orbit.
dt 2m
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(E) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False

68. STATEMENT–1: The frequency and intensity of a light source are both doubled then saturation photocurrent
changes significantly.
STATEMENT–2: When frequency and intensity of a light source both are doubled then kinetic energy of
emitted electrons is doubled.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(E) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 22
69. STATEMENT–1: When a dielectric slab of mass m is
released between the fixed and horizontal plates of capacitor,
it falls freely (symbols have their usual meanings).
STATEMENT–2: Slab has no net charge so in uniform electric
field it will not experience any net electric force.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True
(E) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is False

Comprehension Type
This section contains 2 paragraphs. Based open each paragraph, there are 3 multiple choice questions.
Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Paragraph for Question Nos. 70 to 72

A small particle of mass m = 1kg and charge of 1C enters perpendicularly in a triangular region of uniform
magnetic field of strength 2T as shown in figure :


RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 23
70. Calculate maximum velocity of the particle with which it should enter so that it complete a half–circle in
magnetic region :
(A) 2 m/s (B) 2.5 m/s (C) 3 m/s (D) 4 m/s

71. In previous question, if particle enters perpendicularly with velocity 48 m/s in magnetic region. Then, how
much time will it spend in magnetic region :
11 7 13 17
(A) sec. (B) sec. (C) sec. (D) sec.
360 360 360 360

72. In the previous question find the change in angular momentum of particle w.r.t. centre of its circular path
during its motion in magnetic field :
(A) 1152 kg.m2/s (B) 576 kg.m2/s (C) 2304 kg.m2/s (D) zero

Paragraph for Question Nos. 73 to 75

In figure shown there are three metallic large plates. The middle plate carries a total charge q. Plates 1 and
2 (which are uncharged) are connected by a conducting wire. Initial separation between plates are . At t= 0,
plate-1 starts moving leftward with a small velocity v. Plate-2 and middle plate are fixed.

73. Charge on plate 1, when separation between (1) and (2) becomes 3 is :
q q q q
(A)  (B) (C) (D)
3 3 6 2
74. Current in wire when separation between plates (1) and (2) becomes 4 is :
qv qv qv qv
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 16 4 32

75. Magnitude of current in the wire :

(A) continuously increases (B) continuously decreases
(C) first increase than decreases (D) first decrease than increase

RESONANCE P1P020111C0 - 24
Name of the Candidate Roll Number

I have read all the instructions and I have verified all the information
shall abide by them. filled in by the Candidate.

-------------------------------- --------------------------------
Signature of the Candidate Signature of the Invigilator

(Space for rough work)

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