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Avoiding complications in local anesthesia

induction: Anatomical considerations

J Am Dent Assoc 2003;134;888-893

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Background. Dentists administer thou-
sands of local anesthetic injections every
day with few reports of
Avoiding serious complications.
However, misjudging the ✷✷


complications in local anatomy involved during


local anesthetic adminis-


tration can result not only NN

anesthesia induction

in inadequate or incomplete R TT
anesthesia, but in other compli-
Anatomical considerations cations such as paresthesia, bleeding or
hematoma formation, or in serious systemic
PATRICIA L. BLANTON, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.; Overview. The authors discuss anatom-
ical considerations that dentists should

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keep in mind when administering local
Second in an occasional series of articles about anesthetic injections. In particular, they
local anesthesia discuss ways in which dentists can mini-
mize the risk of nerve or vascular injury, as
well as systemic complications.
Conclusions and Clinical Implica-
entists administer thousands of local anes-

tions. Even the most experienced practi-
thetic injections every day with few reports tioner can benefit from a periodic review of
of serious complications.1,2(pp174,208,259) However, the anatomy associated with local anes-
we cannot allow our successes to lull us into thesia. This article offers dentists the
complacency. Whenever local anesthesia is opportunity to consider needle placement
called for, we must remind ourselves of the anatomical with regard to location of nerves, blood ves-
and pharmacological considerations that could result in sels and glands, and to review injection pro-
complications, ranging from temporary discomfort for tocols that can minimize the risk of
the patient to death.3,4 complications.
Typically, complications that have an
anatomical basis are local in nature. Mis-
Dentists need judging the anatomy involved during
to consider local anesthetic administration can result thetic. Such preparation should include
the potential in inadequate or incomplete anesthesia, the following:
for anatomical as well as in other complications, such as da complete preoperative review of the
complications nerve trauma; vascular injury; intravas- patient’s medical history;
cular, intraglandular or intramuscular dpreoperative recording of blood pres-
injection; and, as recently reported, sure and pulse;
administering middle-ear and ophthalmic problems.5 dattempts to help the patient relax
any dental local Consequences of misdirected needle before administering local anesthetic
anesthetic. placement include facial paralysis,6 injections by addressing any anxiety or
inferior alveolar and lingual nerve pares- apprehension he or she may have;
thesia (transient or permanent)7,8 and dplacement of the patient in a supine
muscle trismus2,9(pp307-13),10 among others. Fortunately, position for injections; in addition, the
dentists can avoid most of these complications by dentist should assume a position that
remaining cognizant of the potential risks associated will allow him or her to administer the
with oral injections and by establishing a routine pro- injection comfortably;
tocol to be followed before administering any local anes- duse of disposable needles to prevent

“Practical Science” is prepared each month by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs and Division of Science,
in cooperation with The Journal of the American Dental Association. The mission of “Practical Science” is to
spotlight what is known, scientifically, about the issues and challenges facing today’s practicing dentists.

888 JADA, Vol. 134, July 2003

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

infection transmission and aspirating syringes in hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity to painful

an attempt to avoid intravascular injections; stimuli) and even dysesthesia (pain following non-
dattention to delivering painless injections; noxious stimuli) may develop in some patients.
duse of a minimum volume of anesthetic solu- Paresthesia resulting from nerve trauma
tion, injected slowly and only after the dentist during dental anesthetic injection can last for
performs aspiration on two planes; weeks or months and can lead to self-inflicted
dobservation of the patient during and after injury to oral tissues. These paresthesias com-
administration of the local anesthetic. monly involve the tongue and lower lip. In these
Most complications associated with anatomy cases, mechanical (biting) and thermal trauma
are transient in nature, but some are persistent can occur without the patient’s awareness and
or have permanent ramifications. If complications can result in significant pathology. When the lin-
do occur, it is incumbent on the dentist to make gual nerve is involved, the chorda tympani
the proper diagnosis and act swiftly to manage branch of the facial nerve also may be trauma-
the problem, inform and assure the patient, and tized, resulting in dysgeusia (impaired sense of
minimize the consequences. taste) and xerostomia (reduced salivation). In
In this article, we review some of the anatomi- some instances, dysesthesia may accompany

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cal considerations for enhancing the effectiveness paresthesia.
of local anesthesia while maintaining a high level Fortunately, most paresthesias resolve without
of safety, and discuss some circum- treatment within approximately
stances that may require special eight weeks.18 Only if the damage
attention. Paresthesia resulting to the nerve is severe will the
paresthesia be permanent, and this
GENERAL POTENTIAL from nerve trauma
is a rare occurrence. If the clinician
COMPLICATIONS during dental is faced with this complication,
Generally speaking, complications anesthetic injection treating the patient is as important
of an anatomical nature are of four can last for weeks as managing the complication.
types: injuries to nerves, injuries to or months. First, the dentist should reassure
blood vessels, trauma to muscles or the patient by telling him or her
systemic reactions. In the head and that transient loss of sensation can
neck region, there is additional potential for and does occur, and that it may persist for several
intraglandular injections with associated months with gradual improvement. The patient’s
sequelae. neurological deficit should be monitored periodi-
Nerve injury. Some dentists erroneously cally to determine if the sensory deficit could be
believe that the needle gauge used most often in permanent. It is prudent and appropriate for the
dentistry precludes the risk of nerve damage. dentist to consult with an oral surgeon. It is inter-
While it is true that 25- to 30-gauge needles are of esting to note that paresthesia is one of the most
insufficient diameter to sever a nerve trunk, con- frequent causes of dental malpractice litigation.12
tacting a nerve with such a needle apparently is Nerve-related complications other than direct
all that may be needed to cause trauma that trauma can arise after anesthetic injection. The
could result in paresthesia.8 In fact, there have passive process of diffusion of the anesthetic
been many reports6-8,11-16 of trauma to a nerve or through the orbit can ultimately result in ocular
nerve sheath produced by the needle during and extraocular symptoms, including paralysis of
dental injections. the extraocular muscles, with associated diplopia
Stacy and Hajjar17 reported that nerve injury (double vision) and even amaurosis (temporary
may occur during needle withdrawal. In a small blindness). Also, Horner’s syndrome–like manifes-
study, these authors noted that standard dental tations can occur, including enophthalmos (reces-
anesthetic needles can barb if they come into con- sion of the eyeball), miosis (pupil constriction) and
tact with bone during the injection. They found palpebral ptosis (drooping of the eyelid).2,10,11,19-22
that a relationship existed between the pattern of Occasionally, temporary loss or blurring of vision
such barbing and the likelihood of nerve injury unilaterally will occur. These ocular complica-
occurring during withdrawal of the needle from the tions would most likely follow a posterior superior
oral mucosa after injection. One study12 reported alveolar, or PSA, or second-division nerve block.
that in addition to paresthesia (loss of sensation), Such complications can arise when the needle

JADA, Vol. 134, July 2003 889

Copyright ©2003 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

diffusion of the anesthetic solution

through the orbit ultimately involves
the optic nerve and results in tempo-
rary blindness. If this complication
develops, the dentist should reassure
the patient that this is a transient
phenomenon, and vision will be restored
as the effects of the anesthetic wear
Bleeding. When injecting into a
highly vascular area, such as the
infratemporal fossa, the dentist always
faces the risk of an intravascular injec-
tion, vascular damage and hemorrhage
with hematoma formation.2,9(pp496-9),10,23-25
This is most commonly encountered

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with a PSA or second-division nerve
block, but can occur with an inferior
alveolar nerve block if the needle is
Figure 1. An inferior alveolar block injection showing the needle too directed too high (Figure 1). Infraor-
high, which can bring it into proximity with the maxillary artery and bital anesthesia and an anterior supe-
increase the risk of a vascular injury. (Reprinted with permission of the
publisher from Roda and Blanton.10)
rior alveolar, or ASA, nerve block also
have been reported to be associated
with hematoma formation.2(pp174,208,259)
If a vein is engaged, the bleeding is
minimal and usually is evidenced a few
days after injection, if at all. However, if
an artery is damaged, it will produce
rapid bleeding with significant
hematoma formation, which is obvious
most typically during the course of the
injection because of the rapid onset of
fairly extensive intraoral or extraoral
It is now fairly well-accepted that if
brisk bleeding occurs in the tuberosity
area, one of the terminal branches of
the maxillary artery has most likely
been engaged. During a second-division
nerve block through the pterygomaxil-
lary fissure, the terminal position of the
maxillary artery itself is at risk of
injury. The mean diameter of the artery
at this site is 2.8 mm,26 large enough to
Figure 2. The course and diameter measurements of the maxillary and
inferior alveolar arteries in the infratemporal fossa. Note the large create the potential for serious bleeding
diameter of these vessels. mm: Millimeters. (Reprinted with permission if the artery is injured. Figure 2 illus-
of the publisher from Roda and Blanton.10) trates the course and diameter of the
either approaches the inferior orbital fissure at maxillary and inferior alveolar arteries. Significant
the height of the posterior maxilla or when an bleeding in the anterior facial area, associated with
injection of too much anesthetic solution is deliv- infraorbital anesthesia or an ASA nerve block,
ered under excessive pressure, resulting in diffu- most likely involves the facial artery or one of its
sion of the anesthetic through the inferior orbital branches.
fissure and into the orbit. The passive process of If recognized quickly, the amount of hemor-

890 JADA, Vol. 134, July 2003

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Figure 3. Cross-section of the pterygomandibular space showing various anatomical structures that could be affected
by a misplaced injection. In particular, note the presence of the parotid gland, with the embedded facial nerve.
(Reprinted with permission of the publisher from Roda and Blanton.10)

rhage may be reduced by applying pressure over Intraglandular injection. An occasional

the injection site; most often, the bleeding is self- complication of inferior alveolar nerve block anes-
limiting because of the pressure buildup within thesia is a transient paralysis of the ipsilateral
the tissues. The patient should be observed at 24- facial muscles caused by anesthesia of the facial
to 48-hour intervals for any signs of recurrent nerve (cranial nerve VII). Most often, the facial
bleeding, as arterial bleeding can recur, or for nerve is embedded in the substance of the parotid
signs of secondary infection of the hematoma. If gland, which has a deep lobe extending around
arterial bleeding resumes, the dentist will have the posterior ramus of the mandible and pro-
to evaluate the patient to determine the need for jecting forward on the medial surface of the
subsequent treatment, including the possibility ramus (Figure 3).
of surgical ligation of the vessel. At the first indi- If the injection is made too far posteriorly, the
cation of infection, antibiotic therapy should be anesthetic solution may be injected into the sub-
initiated. stance of the parotid gland and could involve the
A second concern when injecting into a highly facial nerve. If this happens, the patient will com-
vascular area is the potential for anesthetizing plain immediately of an inability to blink the eye,
sympathetic nerve fibers that travel through the followed by an awareness of a sense of paralysis
head region in the company of arteries. Anes- on the same side of the face. The dentist should
thetic deposited in the vicinity of an artery can quickly recognize the problem and assure the
affect this vasovasorum to result in end-organ patient that the ensuing paralysis is transient
phenomena, including a blanching of the over- and will disappear with the absorption of the
lying skin as a result of vasoconstriction. anesthetic.10

JADA, Vol. 134, July 2003 891

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Muscle trismus. When inserting the needle addition to con-

into the pterygomandibular space for the inferior firming a nega-
alveolar, lingual and buccal nerve blocks, the tive aspiration
clinician should use caution to avoid injury to the in two planes,
temporalis and medial pterygoid muscles. An the practitioner
intramuscular injection can result in trismus should inject
(that is, spasm of jaw muscles, which restricts Dr. Blanton is pro- Dr. Jeske is a professor, the anesthetic
fessor emeritus, Department of Basic
mouth opening). The bony anterior ramus of the Department of Sciences, University of solution
mandible offers a landmark for the temporalis Biomedical Sciences, Texas Dental Branch at slowly.28 The
Baylor College of Houston, and a member
muscle and usually is readily palpable. The ptery- Dentistry, The Texas of the ADA Council on rate of drug
gomandibular fold (obvious when the patient A&M University Scientific Affairs. deposition
System Health Sci-
opens wide, because it is elevated by the under- ence Center, Dallas. should be no
lying pterygomandibular raphe) serves as a land- She also is a less than 60
member of the ADA
mark for the medial pterygoid muscle. Superiorly, Council on Scientific seconds for a 1.8-milliliter
the muscle is lateral to the fold, but at the normal Affairs. Address cartridge.2
reprint requests to
level of injection, the muscle is medial to it.

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Dr. Blanton, 4514
If the anesthetic needle is directed through the Cole Ave., Suite 902, CONCLUSION
Dallas, Texas 75205,
mucous membrane lateral to the pterygo- During the more than 100 years
e-mail “pblanton@
mandibular fold and medial to the greatest con-”. since Halstead introduced the
cavity of the anterior bony ramus, injury to these inferior alveolar nerve block, a
muscles and the resultant painful trismus usually number of myths and misconceptions have per-
can be avoided.10 In the event of a Gow-Gates meated the practice of inducing local anesthesia.
injection, the needle is directed higher into the Perhaps one of the most profound myths involves
infratemporal fossa and, on rare occasions, may the perceived benign nature of dental local anes-
involve the lateral pterygoid muscle.2(pp174,208,259) thetic injections. Such a myth could lead to less-
Systemic complications. Both intravenous than-full appreciation of the anatomical com-
and intra-arterial injections of local anesthetic plexity and variability of the head and neck.
solution are believed to be capable of producing We have attempted to dispel this myth and
systemic toxicity.24 The undesirable clinical mani- encourage the dentist to consider the potential for
festations of such systemic reactions range from anatomical complications discussed above when
patient excitability, with elevated heart rate, to administering any dental local anesthetic. Failure
seizures progressing to loss of consciousness. to do so can result not only in less-than-optimal
With high levels of overdose, events can progress local anesthesia but, more significantly, in
to generalized central nervous system depression minor—perhaps even major—consequences in the
and failure of the cardiorespiratory system. (We form of local and systemic complications. ■
will discuss avoidance of systemic complications
Although Practical Science is developed in cooperation with the ADA
more fully in the next installment of this series on Council on Scientific Affairs and the Division of Science, the opinions
local anesthesia, which will focus on pharmaceu- expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views and positions of the Council, the Division or the
tical considerations in achieving local anesthesia.) Association.
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