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James P. Grant
Executive Director of the
United Nations Children's Fund

Oxford University Press

TheState olthe World's Children 1995
'"'" lr;ogedy uf Rwando·. children i$ tb<: ~ in l serieo 01 _h di...,en. M"",
1 World ofdiffrrtllce quietly, the ecooomic ~ of ~ IarRer number!. of families is also
dq>riving millionsofchildren of~ righ t to devdop no<maIly in mil><! ood body.
!lodl ofth<...., ~.,. . incr"",i,, , i":lIability ...d increaoiog """"rnnic=lusion ·
wiII be 00 Ihe J,genda or !be 1995 World Summit for Social ~1opmm1 iD
~ 'The Summit is exp<:<1ed to dn.. up . ...... stnIlOlll' lor UU.,-ua.
Iional"""lop.. .."l Rut;t wiIllIOI """""'"1M ~ CI"i>is in hUmaIlllC.'<.'Wity
unlm iI ~ priority 10 proI«ting and ifI~ in the plIyskal, mental. and
mI(IIional ~ I oIlhe ww\d'. children.

followUul the 1990 World Summit for Cluldrm. all important ~ has
2 Promise and progress bttn made in this 4in:cIio1l. The Summit oet Sl'fcific ""d lII<'a!IWablc l«>aIs . w
be aclIlcv<:d by the ~ 200J . fur the prol«tion ol IN hoa/1h and c1t....,\opm<'Ilt
01 1M world'. mild""'- It ........bsequrntly ~ • oet of in~c
fOal. sbouId be IlChitved by the mel 011995.
Chapter 2 looks 01 the pracIio;aI p1ogl1!"" thai h. been made - and finds \hal a
mojurity of tile KoahI 0('\ lor \995 "'" lik ely 10 "" ....c by • ma;orily llfthe ~
~ JLalion.. n..... ~m.·'". = &/I imp<lfW)1 ''''''In'bulion to the
Cupmllagw Summit · ond III the 1aSI< oflr?llslatlng wonl .;"10 deeds.

The _rgies bcllind the ochieYmlm t. rt<:Onlc<I in dIapl... 2 ~ included:

3 Words iuta deeds the IftakiDR do9ID oIl1Wr.1!1 lims into 'dnablr'IIf'lIIO'Ii!ious; !h<' ~ 01
poliricaI ", ppun; the mobiliAlioa 01...... communicationscaporitieo:; the deploy-
..-1 of Ullillld Nation. ~ and th<: clooc monitoring or _ The
task bcing the World Summit for Social D,,,,lcIpmftIt is to brW: """" the
""*lI:rchallmgcs of lOclay'. <k:vdopmrnl """~ inlO doable prtIPOllitiono.

M"", fund"""",toI ~ is aIo<> . - y. In pani<ular. m.. probloms of '\lo.-
4 Pain now, gain Inter aiminatioo. Iancllessn<:u and ur":ml'lorrr",,u must be addrnotd BIn 1M way
forwud ;" obstnict.-l by politi<aIand ,"""",mi< VHtod interMlS,and by the'pain
1IO'l". gaia later' N.UIn: of """'Y of lho Il<'<:<'OSary polidc$.

The dlQn tQ lIC'hieYoo !O<iaI ~k>pmt.'IlIl(l>als is pari <If • hisroric sInIggIo w

_~ sucll _cd in1l:n:lUand 10 ~ure societieo in !hi: inlemltS of
5 UIlJillis1led busilless of th<: nl.iIOr ralh... lh... the lew. C~ !hit tn'tlIu60n i. 1h<: unfini<hc:<l hili-
tire 20tlr century ness Dime 2001 e-.'Illury.

A/kounlrY 0I2lilIIital labl.... for baIiic indi<aIo.... nulritioo. huhh. cdlK'alion.

Statistical tables P<>llII1atia1l, e'OJ<lomic ~ and the sillalion of W<IIII'-'Il. plus ~ ,;enn_
mario..... ond bo.sic ir><\riIon fur leso l'OIJIIlowo rou nlrios.
Text figures Panels
r'lJ. I Total ddJl ... ~~afGNP. 198).1992 1 Population:
~1ll . 2 Ullil ed NalioDI projc:ajoos of world _ ,M;"" Jl'U'I'Ih - 10>0<. th. Cwo>_1ISllI

-" -,
medium..,.j high variaIlts
l-1 ~_3 .~ ~ of iodine<ldic.imcy worldwide
<1M:- 4 Number of ~ counlriel """"" Ibc I1'Iid-dt<:ade eoaJ
af~ 1Il1ca51 ~of """ in counl;ries~ by ~
~ disofden IsliI<~ly !(I be lI>tt
2 The year 2O!iO:
~ig. 5 Number of ~ counlrieo!he micHII:adc lfOO/
d I\'ducing 1990child maIIlutri6o<l by 2O'IiO is likely 10 be met

""""" ....
-"-" ..... _
l-ig.6 l-:.rlmalcd impodof vilamiJ, A ~ on ur>dtr~ in 1M
3 The yea r 2050:
rlJl. 7 NlIIllbcr of <IcoeIopiru/ counlries wI>= lbc ItIi<kIcnIlc RwI
of climlnati"i" vitamin A dtlicitncy;" oll<de<l counlrieo iJ
likelyto be mrt
>•• l~ of all"""""" and of ~l 'II'OII>efl . . ~
fn;xn irua de&.ial<y0Il'IC<JIi0.
-'" • Sllcial goals:

~-IJ(. 9 ~ of til<' <k......oJoping '"lI'1d'. Ulldcr-ODCS proI<.'ClI:d
19l15~ 2lm
~ ~ofthc ",*,,"~di!eases
~·ur. 10 Nwnb<,-ol d<~ O)UQlries when! ~ rnid-~ g<>aI
of n:lIChiIuI or maintaininJI an 8Of, inununiratioo lovel is -
F"1Il. 11
b"U1y 10 be mel
~ in theCOIilIWtd nwnbcn of polio <:aI<.'S in the -" 5 AIDS:
dtooclopOlg wOI1d CO"...."" w'(h ~ in poio imrnuni!3lioo .... n
F'lt'. 1Z Changn in undtr·fiw; dnIhs from..-sIal in !he """"\opiIla:
world~ with dwl,gco ill mcaoIcs immwIiz3Iion
r"ll.u Tell.nUl immuni>:ation of P""JIMIl\ """""" in the ~
world~ with changes 10 infaolt deaIlu Irnm lt1aIlUlI
FIg_ 14 I\Ta.'II!al1'> of dlanhoea bouu in wxJtr.&Ia IJeaWd with on!
reh~ mthe clc¥doping world
t il(. \S N"""",,"oC ~ <:oonUies wi....-.: !hemid-~ ROIl of
.... "
s MeKico:
3Il,allll ..-I ..... 19!1ll
msu:irllI: aar. ORT...., "'" dionho<al ~ is Iikdy 10be m<:I
-~ 7 The greatestabuse:
Fill'. 16 P=ceUill'C ot ~ with mdomic dracwIc:uIiasis~.,.,.

-"-" ,
. . .n. . . . .stwamen
or lllOR: cUlurol inll:M:lltions II theend of 1993
Flg.11 l~ of &-111't'O!'"oId. mrollod in !id>ool
Nurnbtrot dcvdoping toWllriel wbcn: !he njd-dccade lO"l
"''' of rtducinlI the primary <ducation shortfall by one third;. Viet Nam:

likely l<> bo! trI"'-
~'.g. \9 NI1IlIbor 0( deIdoping t'OIIIIll'W wh<re !he mid-O:ado: goal
lIIinD lht CoaIIlnlioo
of ~ Iho.u. waI<1" IIbonfaII by one quart..- is bkly 10

t1g. 20

of th<. OECD u...q,,"""l A

in ~ oountr'ies. 191150Dd \990

. u ...... from tilt 21 mtmlxr nalions
.~ Commme<:

tll:.21 NWDben oDd pertt'<ltage 0( IJOPdatioa below me poYI:I'ty line

rlll. 2'l S<>cia!lJII(l ..",,,,,,ni< in<ScoI<rn for theIndian _~ uf Kt:rWa.

cornpaml with Indioas I whole


9 Real aid:
"" ,........lojIoMni

10 The PPE spiral:
1'"11:_23 ~ in Iife~. .,.wr.five mortality. lOt1l<-ni1i1y
~. and ..... ~ school tIItIlImtn ~ deYtIoping won.!,
1900 -]990
_M and thl new _1lJl!Y ell'"
Wordsinto deeds
The 1990 World ~ ill" ChiJ. compleu-<ndi<ation is In ~l;
<In..,, IIll'-.I on a ....... of tptQfir IboIasaDds ol~ are ooctM-oIy
KWo kr irnproviDjr the Iiveo 0( chiI- ...1lPO"1inlI:~; ~
drm·indudin.fl ~ In pr\rnaIy rdu<atioII .. ~
_~ rna1outritioCI. ~
rnwo<d; ood the C"""""lioo> OIl
omlable of_.and illil<'flllY. the R!ghliof the Child hall btoJme
FouryQnlllk.T, orh.1I practial
the rnolil wi<Iolr .md rapOdIy ratiliod
_ ha be<:tl made? COIl"'eIlIion in bisIory.
""""'" dw Il'Il"Ol'i-
InIll"" the -....... is thal n><II'e
mateIy 2.5 million iewtrdtild.....
than 100 of~ ~ ftIllans.
'I'iIl die! in 1996liw1 in 1990. II &100
..ilh <.I'<U" M of tbe I\o:Yl:Ioping _ thai _ of nIiIIioos will be
worId'. clu1dn'n. are ~ 1l/etill-
icanI progrea \09l'lInls the J[<JIIb.
fllIftd Ille iMidioos ~
_b!. Of! tho;r <koiooIop:'I0'" by
ADd 011 prftmllmld$, a ~ll'
mablulrition. Andit """"'slll3l ..
01 the lat"JlI'U IICt for 1995 an:
ku. three quanm of I mjlllon
~ to be 11>1'I by. mo,ioriIy of
"-r dIildrea Nd> yew wiD be
the ~ naIioos. di<abIfd. bIlndrd. <rippIc:.od. ....
Malnulri lIoo has bern redInd: """'tally ret3rdtd.
iDvnuni>::orlo<llevdo an: ~
For the lirslliloe. th..,d...e••
brin& 1Min...m..l ....ioanord; .."..,. of in~.d!y "I!J"."I.'d
~ 1lo>tiIuI"'" 00wu by l!Ollo
..a.J ~1~"b<411l1
"""'lII""'d 10 ~ kv-
clf; Iati"' _ of I:bo dt:>dollillll roIdc eood OIl 1 8i$zniti<2nI i<:<Ik: in
• nlSjority of countries.
w<Irld Ilaw """""'" fnoe ofpolio:
Iod/no, ~6<;.",cy ~lIloj' ond "".
amiaA~_bting_ a..~" 2 ""'it,...~ Sl3Ie of the
come IIIf _ of oral ~1l)'dnltiocl World's Chi\drl'II ~ prtIfIiII#s"
lhmlpy (ORl) is ~fulg _4dilild ........"t{1M
ITOllI"e than. million dilld dtathll
1I'fIfm8Mq /Md.
adopttd lit lilt 1990 W!Prla'
b<otn rtduccd by """'" 9llII;and s....",itjlr CAildrtJI.
World of difference 1

SImMMr. n. ~ '" 1hDa1Ula :' ciildmo ir Urt: I4l tsl to ....1 a#«,n '" k n
i~"'" /rtf..., Uq ff,...It J~ />t_ qlfinlJ, lit, NDMMk Mal"
6iMlilJltilnr of""" /all" n '"fa",iU,. is abo casti", a 10", JkaJq,f ....,.
l1u"',. ,., of...rimu by d/I "H., ", jllit»u ofdlildrno 0{ tit ritJlt '" dmt/Qp <Wf"
III41JJ i. ". /IUI ,,,.d bodJ< 1Tot ....11faJ11 J'fi'lh",lq ..t4/i;>JUilip Nhou. 110,.. tOOl
fi><m .,~j" =losi<nI.,.,J i......,.; .,~1 JUi. lqrotirm - ir al Urt:
am IJ{a .... fnlM'titnl o( lIorNIs ttl hlllu ,tcltn'/y.

1lust d11'tt11$ r:iJ1 kIM_f. isstu 1uiJl(f1ll. World s..",,,,itfo. SodtJI ~r

"'*ioII .,;II _ _ i. ~ i. Man:}< " /995. n.. S.....I/ sJ-14"l1u
Heiu'",,, IIJI tJlttrnPl '" ;"'~I lilt _ _ ... Mw/IJp_ iss.... Ilwllw
t.p. to.~ i. 1M 1~ ~ ....."k to","","
If..,...1Id _ orzl>ll ~ 1MrrIMiIMJJIips Nt ...", pwrrfJ. ~ "","",
",,,;,,,.,,,,,",,,, dtI~. risi'W tuPirotitn&J. " lUI -'aI disJo<>J/iolI. '"" r"'....
Jmm.., dr. otnwIt "6fln..tP<JfIt1t1/TrJw1 I1ti'W. 1i1ftiU# 0/-.-. """oJ, It!
du ~ j .... .. I'lW "",but Ii_ i1IlC1rirlr IIJi MtiMs " JtDU.
n. oMJ oriJJ "'" sol", l/Int ~roh/nIs .."'" ;/ p"if poIt<b", u J i• ....n.,
diM" . ~ rkunUrt 'II•., 0.,. thotillp"",u JtrG/tgJ. I~", 1M / 'J90 World
S. _;I/o. CIIMmo, IIJI I~.I !r<g>'• • i.,......... ......,. ,'" llril di~ A.
",i4·l994 n:vinD ~ tJwt " ~11 <l1W -W ~ .I ph stl fiw dot
..idtIJ. of III.. dwuU ,..;n I>t fld/i,Ofd by" ....,pm, of l it, """lo p•., """. /,.;..
llt:u tIdliavllrt>l/S • /lJI4 th /lmrtgUs lIIIridt b",.p, riuwI .110,,1- ",. IIJI
j"'~1II "",tri""titnl '" I1u CDI><""'qpo. lilt nI!JlrMan.,t.hri.., rio.
W.,u s••""it jo, SodiiJ ~p", • • , if >JDl 1M[krill... arnntlalUnr oflHat w.1J
~ lUlu hI Ih /iod;q of....,. aod ....... 14 btti" tn/1l$/c1/"i/ "'OIliI i"t4 dnd$.

hoo om~ at this yWl Slas, mu!'l bcxin "" I r>oI~ at ongt'r Ind Il3d-
T oflM K'Ot1d. CJriJdmo rq>OI1 ill..,
acmunl af wtw is ~ IoChieYccI • in
_ at lhe lI>Illerin$: endur>:d by the
children at Rwanda • $UffeinJe of a
~ . IoI1awina tho;, Ifl"cili< prom- oak: and • -mty !hal the hwnan
i5c:l thaI were made by~l:t 01 mind ranool adtquattly ~
tht 1990 Watld Sumntillor Childrt1t. It is in lh< lr.IditiOfl of this onol1ll
Rul In, ~ of whit is ~ ~ 10 !Wl<I bade ~, such portio.
ing 10 childn:a in lhc: worid at 1994 ular CW1Il:t in ardcf llIli1M a broadrr
view of lbo for=< aIft<"Iing the liv<'s of ccor>omic and social marginaliulion of
dIlIdmI in thlo lale 20Ih cenWIJ. Btlt the ]lOOI"l"SIlWiml. and of the pooI'$
""'.. that brooderviewmuOl ~ communities wilJilil ualioM, i. <lopriY.
that lhc Ir8,ltt'dy oj Rwanda .. no! an ing /at larger- num\Jer$ of ch ildrea of
irob.ted ececrresce. II is. wJIt,r. thlo the kind of childhood which would
1&te!IlODd _ in _ oppeanlto be embIe [Mmto bonxne pArt of l<Inlor-
"" incre2sinsIly frequ.ent """'" 01. . . "",,", """'lions nuho.T 1m tomoITOW'.
suopbcs for children. whcIher in ",b_
M_ l»o.ue or Anl101&. Somalia or In the bsl 10 l'ft'S, irI particular.
!he s.,<bn. Afghanistan or Cambodia, &Illng rtI<DIDOdily prien, ming miIi-
Ham or Ilosoia.

lIIOn! ~ n g by _lit ell-

Wy ~... poor Il"Il1m$ on
All or tllne <OIIfIictJ. """'" lhe in"C'llmm~ the:- deb! ai.... and IIln>e-
tunl adjuWllellI ~ haw
pOl"wd from m. induSll'Wi!ed naIioons. n'd,x.-'d tlK! n.'aI iI>oomeo of ~
have brought oot <NIIy ohort-tf1'm motely !llXI tniffion ...wle in """" ofO
suff~ to million. or ~ but ~ <'OlUIllrieo. In 1m Aru<ria.
long-term Nnk'QUI.'IlCeS for the deve~ ee laD in in<:ur>l"I lw been II much
~t 01 pe,>pIe."doJ nalkms. WlI<II • 2OS. In IUb-Sa!I<nn Africa, ~ has
kind or ..:Iutto wilIlhey be. lheot mil- oflc1I been much ...,..,. AI. lhc same
lions or childrtn '""'" ha'o'l' been lrau- time. <.;It,! io esseotial oocial ....,;,;".
malix<I by ",...~. '"'" haw haw meant heallh """~ "';lhou!
btto ~ the CIpIl(N11IIIity to d:us!o and dol.1Ors, IChooIs wilhoul
~ nonnaIIy ill mind and body. book. and I....,~ lamiIy pIanninjr
'"'" haw been <Ioepr'i....t of h"""' &lId ctWco withoul .wr and ~
parent$. of IamiIy ODd community. or For manynlillionl of famiIio.s in ~
identity and 0«Urity. of ocbooling ODd pnoresI viIb,«H IIld urbazJ oJwns of
sW,ilityl What ....... will lhey carTY the <k¥t:1oping wwkI. lhc daily W l1Ie-
fonoard into thrir own ..:Iu~ lives, ODd """"'" of ~ «:ooomlc Inr<ti, ".."..
..-hat kiod of """lribuliou wiII lhey be I'Ihich !be}' have no <'Ol\tnJl io that
A t one tim e, wars making to lhrir...cie!io:s in 15 or 20 the)' arc unable to pul ~ Iuod on
y.... from oowl W table. unahIt In mailll3in • home Gl
were fou gllt Tho: _ 01 sudJ.coofficb.. dwJg. l<llive in. unable 10 dress and preoe<It
ing. At cce time, wanI were fwght th"msdv~ dernltIy. unable to protect
between armies; bel......... armies; bYt in the 'O'an orthe l>eallh ...d IIlrell,lllh. 10 keep
bsl cleade /at more child""" than ool- th<irdlildrefl irI ochCI<II.
dien have bc<:Il killed and di""'bIed. "T1trough such ~ mllIionI
but in the wars of Om" that ptriod.. approximate!)' 2 mil- have bKome <lestilule and ~.
Iioo chlI<!rrtJ ha", dio,d in ....... And .... "" the:- dc!Ililule and lh e
tile las t decade bel......... 4 and 5 million ha", bee<! <lesperale arc incrusirul:ty yDuIlj(.
~ di..blrd. """" than 5 mi~ uprt><olt'd, ~ Imnwln,g far- """'"
Iioo have been ro~ into ~ aboo.Jl the world tharJ lheir lllU""I ts dXI
f ar more children "","po, II1d more than 12 mlllioo luo"'- II1d expectillj( far more from it. then
"""" lc/I bomcJe..,. W a1moeI incvibbIe ..,...,Jt ill an
than soldiers have These are otati.ue. of .twne. And increase in oociaI disin!tl1nlion. ell>-
!be}' cast • long lIwIow lMT ~ Ric left""'"" aod political turbull'llCe.
~ aod lhrir SlnIfi\e for . . Inevitable. also. il the me of aime.
been killed and bility and social coheDon. vioo~. akohnliom. and dnl,l[ abu ....
hr w!IldI • minority of '~l"""" .d
disabled. and the ditl<Z'ded ha'o'l' Illwly$ """¥hI
Marginalization to """sole1lIemoelvel.
'l1uwRb aD ~ ami
BlIIlhc brooder ..... mIIlII abo realI' rqional divenily. • panem of ..".
.w:., that armed cooJIict .. IlOl the 0Q1y nomic lllIlWu'1izalino can ir><n-ao-
1Oft'e which is afleo:ting the lIOmW irlR\y he ~, IlJi id<:nlifying'
, ~l of rniIIioo$ of dlild """ irI motif .. the Olea<!y ~ of
!hot 19900. More "uieIl)'.lhe """UinU<'d the po<lI"1:SI nation. ... d of the poorest
Pf'lPIe lIidliIIllUiorII. 'p~ . " ",• •II4Jt-r..,. ••~ idf1t-
lbt """"* 40 or 50 ClIIUllIrieI ' - tilic"u iI
IftG lbrir ..... of iDaJalr Lt"' , M
tht " - tbal """"
_1iIOdJ' tu be ~
do:diDc l<I. . pokJI1I'!ltn, IiIIhollbe 1rilbin bourldf; 111 toriIlal «- a
ww\d'. ~ _ ..... "'- Ih-. JlI'''''''.
loJ' • i I ; . . ~
IS III wwId .....,.. ~·dbiIo ~ ...., ,;", <Ilia bmdiIs. _ bribe

.............,.1•••• · t ioI- • •Glulloa 01 .... demoaiCXs, '-s
bI:d. tht _ - - . « !be ......... Nod". daD
':; .uloe ..... ida< . . . .... !be Wood lnD 1M . .+"' J

_ ' d:iodlr 44. , ' ,C


.........1210· ' . ,
'.-iN ma- .. &.Ia I t h-.5o. """ iii.
lor ....,.. .......... Ai a J' doe be • "'""'"" • , ! lba
- " " _ _ tbft. ..
*whiIo_Ilw II.- '" ol...a-l--.
rktIallltll .... 1o:l-...

1MtoGIoilUdl ilIlIocllin io rdIIIil:_'
" . It ' , ;. _ <GilliDtil1O doe Wortd Summil
do;,<, 4•• ....tII: ill _ iDdusaiII-
IRdlllIIblI• • ,ollio . . . . . . . . . "'.... TbI' lIIl'b'. It_ d.. oelalioosllip
pop'........... 1Iotq: ndoded ..... be-. ~ two " ' - ' - .... aOSiI:C
__.a:"'" Pi...... Duridc e<--eClICluIioII mel iou'''''w
l/w dondo oIlhe 1!l8)a. b"~.• social clisirakli
' • iI 1M ........
IIIlIIioa """" ~ dtildrt.'n loll tIlrinI: 01• . - IItioa a1 1!1J'nu l<l
btoIow dle o/Ikiol pcM.'fty line ....., •
IwtnM 1K'WiIy. TI-.1!IJ'nu riI be
1M maln ....., fIdnI[ tho: World
lIYI.'flIlle incocIIr. ""'" IIId tht eron-
on\)' U I ..bolo grew by 25'1.' Summit b SoN! O".. lop,...,, ~ which

Simllarty. In Ihe Uolttd Kinadom. lbt ..m briIlJ[ l!Ic IIIIjoriIy of !he wot1d'.
pn,>portiun uf the l~ lllho earn politinlleadm '0eap.n~ during
IeIo than hal( lbt - . e national M.on:h of 1995.
irK'oone bas cloYbIcd in the lost lluft SellioJ! "",!he politkal bod;z, <>uDd All underctass
III 11>1' SwruniI. 1M ~
.. ~~"'''',_
._ It Ihcrefor'.- brinr 01 !he UI2iIH N........ 8outn>I is being created,
~~md~ ~.lIoli. l1li quod thIf direct
ItalIdirw bt...-JI !be bmI<ftI boMm ....t • bJ _ CIIlUDtr'1 .....
....... <II lIOciaI ond ............ pro- ____ l1li_""""""" ...,, mel thIf
It ndereducated
".,., rioIimIol_.......". olroa.." the It*"'" Milo-.. ot......,. ·..,
WlII"o'" "'doe
_ _ lilt
~ 01 __
k .. lIooiool otaIrily
.., ....... ~ 01 1M llIIiled
ot _ tbII _ and un skilled,
,. s_ d'''_~''''I1,....1a N-... • l1li lila ....., , . ,<4.' s tanding beneath
. . . . . nldi<t ......... - . 1lol

mt ' ~~~.~<~: _
• -_
..."".- AIod
, ..-
=% , _
the broken
....... ol <hidI•• ill 1M
" " Dy
of im

IIiII '" . . - ID Ibrir . . . .

........... '''foi", ;'IL
IdlDal IoiI • liod -t. aqd toil lIr;I
' lila ..........111_
.......... . _Itw,
__ .1lI'l:c


t t • ot poopk-
na aa-
bo ttom rutlgs
of social and

_ _ <I 1 do to • "'" .. 1lltT ..... .,....., 1btir
Jll....lM:. . . .....,. ...... No
_, .... _ 1brir ...... tiw& economIC progress
~. 1Ill _ lIIrt-. ...
~ ' " 'M ,ull kiIIdod/1lnc · dud< 1Iw iDt. ill !be ......... ot
..... . e lnISiaa .... failod __ Itld ill !he rwftI lot mr-
octIosiaa IrJ*al<: II IYIlign,oI iPrtl voentiOll.lhe _ ~

l1li1 be lbal, hiItoriaIl bas wriI· IiotI ot ~ -.ItlliII _ ~

I.... "I. call t1«*< .... '" _ <noll. ~ 1M rite in itIlm1oationa1

rlal:I. I'll« IIr JtIlU Uot Inl/d III drua ~ aDd orpni2:td trimr.
P8n811 "'-"""" aI irrJivrUI _ pndi,ctol.",__ 1Ilan "'" iT'IJlMItion,....
~I Wliltr IIfIJjIIl (If ~ furboll!
........ l1li1 ..... _ /!lIf ,. /hi k#f h>
lIJ6M dite\:p'.'( ~ /hI_ -
!he"'"""' al.......,'l twiI: oqa ...

Tho CIirtI Can!enlnce _..,1l'Je IIsI

- -_
ll!Dl aIpopJ;niDn ~ itll!wJ fII$! 21]1"'" cd St1lIl'... ~ 1lI
aJ!fIe.-..,.rd~ . ll\II.,. ~ rous bIIlii'Il fdi'ijj lfIr·
Population: lility""': risilg le.oIs or
~ _ .
INftt b lIIIl<; ....... cIOld ...... '"""
eJiI """'9 al lhl! l!!ll .... w.ldItu tNI
the Cairo M ....... ~ l O 1 ~
rd De\eIop••• _ ~..
~ PIllfU 10 lIM
lIIeiI chiIcm WI LI"oMt 'n>easing OlD-
ronic ~ IJOl1U _lle I,Wol&
~ otuluI ..t 1ICb:ancrI. """"tv ~ IIlIOiuctllices
1II1 ...1e lOCO
consensus lkn Ihe ,.. , feaun allhe t.II arIl d!II'i'ig _ bejarel

. . . e.
Clli1IIln:le _
hi Ihe
Ihe ~

IMI« !flU'lj VlQl'&l t..i'Q ~

~ ...
n ..u_~ al~"'''
wideI;nIIj Miiobilily al ~ ~
illDnnaIilrI lid seMces
IallOI of hi __ IMls, inc:WnJ hi AI of ~ <IeI8nliIwo al p<>;Uo'
""'" r.tiIiIr "l'8'1ic>JIle. torli _ ...oe PII1 IJlI'I"II' ... _ III .,. ba$I;
........ ... Iho _ III rlIk.aIlho .... _ ... tVa al 'nMluaIs.. .....
IliII of ~ ;oj ~ lIO'tliIiIy, II 'MIltI ay 00II10 bI td-..l 8\91 adlI!llI
uRI ~ P>eoilh II _ ... MIl Plg '" ~ prcl>
_ ;, II W'mU'OlJIII, II ...... .... .. 1t"Is ...... oloo, • blJIire.oed "liU
al ...... ~ ,'" 1alI ;,,"_ of_~~
~ -mlJ!fllereq.llity,
M _ ..... _ _ lh
""'"*' bi!I • lrMmU;t 01, IIlt8 illa"Il

ooc!I 'ffI'II.... iTm\'m. IIIIl tum. EU if em 0'CII'liYt is .-led, 'hoi

1l4lIr""" ¥d ~ ·lvn Iho am- it is. - deallhal \aUla a<1lIln .., .. or
plDRu;o; allJl9llR'l rd ojmj bIu. eee IrlJ'II:l YlNl ~ IltII
~...- obof6:Jnsl AtnIl .lIWd Iho fwq pa....... 01 ptIIIlIeliII1l1'U"'l>
of_~'9.c .",,,,,,,,'" Tho II"""'" pot:Ualion or Ihe _ is
\OIMWll9:I, .i! ll'OSl l3l iI!Il ~ llII· ~ 55 billion. Tho tn.:l
........,-ai, _ 11> deti:le NIl. .... '1IllICIiua ....-ian!. poDjocIion lor
__ Rl_ I l _ ~
....rod ~ ;, 1l'Je 'ffI'II 2OCJO is
!tnIllt> W- ~ n doasiarHnek- woooately 10 IliIIiII1. Tho ~ P<\llIIl"
"" Rl ~ lnlr ~ lilt· liII1 is 12S billiln 110. OM ...W.
--. aUII """'" .... ihoIN d, • d'al at <aIliS ~Oj:i. """ "'*"0 f\IIII-
aUII _ Iho ""milii, d Ii:e'V" .-...l 'I!fIrIncI III _ f9na. EU
_ hMilh ......... iii Irrl ~ binhl... .,. ClOG c.rlo-ora an:Wed l!toI •
ck>so D,j!lher. it aUII abI ~ tI ~ lqO'llOC!l • W'D',
....... ~ ... """,""",)y. and Ii:I ~ ;, (fOll ,...\111 WI! ..........
~ lIIeiI 0llaliDn, boftnI Iheor _ n odocatian. p<ogtISS lllWaIIb
beo:mI ootwn; lJd it coM abI genIeI ~. Wl!1Ili ~ ....
......, .... Iine III _ aIhor !W7' elliIity of 'n., ~ . ~ -.ep
....... . lJd k< 1l'Je mst lJd ~ wor'd ~ llIlo1o!h3n lD biIilO1
11aI is1>:11'\' _1I1Inlr cleniid 1lI mil- brIIli . . - or .,._ CIf'IIIry
IQ!s al_ ;'lhedMQlire;'MQ1 n. dillIolO us be\IoMll'eIe ptIjett.
In., idNI WIlIId. Iho oplIad of IamilI' cd films aUII ...... .,. lilloreraI
~ lJd Iho WM-<I ot-l al ~ ~ a.a:eso -.l laiUl in ~
tall>'l """'" ,.,,;Ud lhetelm be • br- .,. bnitOllll.......... MJAl l
!he <:onwu.>e<l kW and illtpl trade ill _14 ""... knr 01 ~ 1kIxU.
~ """ tho' thn'al to !he bi<>-
'Ph= ClIUocd by oYer<XHl!lll/l\jlli<m
"""I.... """,it a"li »<iaJ""........
As thne fundametltaI ~ ill
""" UO'ef]lOlIuIioIl. --=II have bcaJ br3tal iIlto """"
An of me.c rqnoenl IH.'W arul dif· ..,....,. ~Iid a """" povtiNlar «lIl!lOl>-
f=nI human lIO<.'IIriI.Y.""" ..... OIl 1k'VCIot>'","1 iasueo has .....
they rrquiN: I new and diIfmo:nl re- btru" to tmef\'I:. It is the oulwlrK' of
...,.... from the inb:rnltiorlal commu· the ~. trials, IIId """"' of
nity IIId from the Unikd Nation.. """" than 40,..,. n/ cooorious .........
The puf1ll*l of "'" C ~ opIIkIl( etrom. [1 is !be 0Il1r0IIIC of
Sununll i. to 1Iy to find ouch I re- many ~ and aoa/yses from United
...,.... And its owtinr1>oinl mUOl be NiIIion> ~ and ~....
thai DO an"""", m bt ~ualI; if 'I tal ~ [I is "'" OOlO:Jme of
do8 IlOI ;OOuOo: I rnmmi_l to I the work of tho: many ~
""'" kind of inlfflWiunll d<.....,lopmo.-nt C<lIII/Tilitsio wblch t-oa.... inquired illlo
diM thai will do I bttlff job 01 pro- lIIClIC issues ill """"'I ynrs. "'" B.-l\
10'<'li0g 1h ~ ~ miild. 1IId ~ Commmion, !he Brondtland Comm-
of childn.'II. lhIt wiII lCItn<rwIt<Igl: !he isoion, the Palmoo Cornmiooion. lOcI "'"
ril:hu and need. of WOIIICD, """ thai South Commission. 11 islhe IlI,/IO;IInl' of
will ~!<' !he kind of joJ>.cr..ating I otri<s of major ....-.unil ~
""" C'IIYirooI...... lIIIy oustIinabie _ inc-Iuding lhc World Summ/I lor
nomic rrnwth wblch includes 12lho....
than ....cludn !he]lOOtt'Ol oa6ons and
C1tiIdrelt in 199010cI
in 199'l.
And il ;. \hi: 0U\C0Rk <If \he
the flOlIJMl. po:opIc. AI Bou'"", ....,.,,1Coiro !Illcrnatiooal Con/monno,
Ilootros--Gllall lus md ; "A....rnI """. OIl I'opJIaOOn and IX,••.,lopm""l which
",,' _, '" s«W 1 _ ;, '''' G _ has 0Cl: oot a dNr and vital ~ 10
'" ....rnllII.....,. '" PM!M'1. ItJlt~ lhc wMd IlO \hi: complex n=ciproca!
",""'. GM s«W disiltt",.,liQIt ... I' ;, rdalionob;p.. bo.~ 1hc r>eeds and
Ii_ '" ~ ft- pmrili", _ It';" ~ of ~ changco iIllonility.
III,."". G",.... '" ,... J"',,, ......ri" lOcI progress lowards ""lIlainablt
Ill"""" ~"""'I. " Qc\oo~1I! lP-I l).
More \han ai ill)' other Iimt iIItht There is today a
5O-yur llislory of tht Unil<'Il Nobon..
The challenge forCope:ohagen ~ {2fI !Mn'fo"" b(' said lhIt ~ is
today I broad lIltUW'e of Ii>rt " ","l
broad measu re of
The c-oming l<>gflht-r of I mojority of on lItany of"'" """" basic: problems of
tho; ....,.-\d •• heads of ......" to dill<u..
the issues '" pmrerty. uMmp\ormf:nl,
""" soriIl cxclusioIl is unllf"Cll'dmk<l.
dc¥ek>pmml and Ihcit _

ThaI ronocnsu. his ~ lk\ 001

~ kdy ag reement on
many of HIe most
And !be vt:r'f fI<t of \he Copenhogm """'l' lioIeoo. incb.>din.Il' in !lsi ~ .....
Summit i. an indio:ation of\WO impor. $I(;l, <I loW WO'Id' o.iId"" report.
tant new dt'oo:lwwcnlS. The lint is I and n=I no( bt mtemm here. basic problems
risin¥ poUti<ol UlitikSi of new Suffice il lO oay \hat, ..-;th ~ c0m-
l/tn,atsto humao '6t<IIrity. and of !he binations of ttnphases, then: is today I of developm ent
fI<t thai lhc ;,,1,T1IIlional =unity <:<IlISidtnl>Ie ~l thaI !he way
muSl beIrin to Id d..... lht-ClU""" ifil;' fwward \io:s alonJt 1M PIth of clnnoc-
DIll to be IIYCfWI>dmtd by the symp- r.uic po\itlcs and mark<:\..fri<:ndly ""'0'
and their most
10m... The """""" is I 1IImlwing of Il<JIIIlc:s; of JlOV'I-'fIIIDO't I<Iion lD
lllOIIY of "'" fundatrK-otal diviMlI of ~ 1hal &1JlWlh bt'fIo,fil1l \hi: 1Itan ~ likely solutions .
n:a:rtl ycon and its ~I by andtIOfju!lthe re.r: g( m«Iinsl hllll\all
I _ level 01 C'On9<'II"'' As IIffils and in~ in hUIlIIil ~
tho. Chairman of lM I'repuatory Ii<:s thl'<lUgh btllel" ht-aIth. "utrition,
CommilIff lor 1ht World Summil lor and mllCllioo: of"'" ftSIJU<Iuring of
Social ~Iopmml. JUIlI SomIvi.. ~l ~I\ItHand Iid_
has ~, "r... "an "'" UI" ~ iu trvour ofbasie sociaIll<T--
5><1<1""1 ~ low ~I i.. p.mlbU. II vices and employmeQl owottuniti..,.
o . - InlllrllallQn,ll oflcr1l\a1!&1n ~ """" UI-'
Panel 2
N midi III _ _ lbl worst of
propor\llIrI '" llw
III ~ Of. . ~ rtliII ..........
""""""'" oncI ~ &:on-
...-ic mot\IIfII r~. IWo$ _ _ kM9:I Sodal ~ nl oI<l 0\lrIi0: _
1I> contitJI and lbl ~i!ies '" !he ...... _ m-J nl " llw rautl·
2\lI:h _ 11M .,..,. ConInlod
""" POlilaI1IfMOiI. ..,.... .m """"
Theyear IIIU:lIlrition oncI .... health carl .......
loll dild dudl 11101 . . . ........, h9I
IIItlm. Iea\Ir1g b _ <JPIfI fa <IIm-
_and di<.uun wt.J ..... _
Iowlls for lir~ rurtw. '" pqIIe_1inIo Ih~ ., ad! ooil. ~~

2050 his bee->


IiorI ~ Kl'IooI Ill" mlMn, lWO

thirlb ot lhlm p-b, n lOX " Idvlol. -
1I> odlievI "lI'01ilv .. boi"II doMlIallQ "" «Ill10
-.Iob. ..... 100 .... .... .,.ny !tW= "" ""'"" !tIlJl'

~ cioiI IOiI ;". '"3('7111


Vision 1 Sto:nlory JdlooI ....aiM

oil nwriIy. oncI ...... Ill"
"""lim .. ..,..;ding I J8Idy ......... 1
for lO'I 0<1'1'1I ndo IIl3I his _ olbwed
riage ~ til:en on;, ~ ~ '" m arnil'u! 1I1olb3tBd. Monr oMIlWn
h _Dl. c:ontR.ed to ' - • • 3 """ ........ Sl1\IlI'
....... Iorgo ! 1I> -""II for ilia tor _ lIIritorr FlefqJI
.... de>1h roll$. III . . - . ~ ~ hive 1Il!I~. k1IemII Ind
""IS. ilIld 10 try III i>1ln _MIs ilt8"Jllli<Jnll riTo',*, _ _ ' -
The panels on this
"'l"iml ,,",lJlUIm _ <liII do "" ~ Aets of "!lJI'IIliorIIl _.
"""" .... _ III <.onlnll 1hlif ..... Ior· lam """" beam! IIlIlII .......... am-
page and overleaf set liIi1y. and ~ liml. MJo _ nrtteoj 00Ih b¥ w-inu IItIaUR 01
re- dIikhn mil do '"" _ """"" aininal_ oncI by "'" "*lY orvri
out tYVO alternative IlI~iTytnllo~. /3li<nl In(I!rvlllld br ~ Ind
"' .... ,.. 2lllIl .... OKI IOUI floolIIY folt ...-.._ MarIr aiff'JII:I """"
visions ofthe world in WlItld ~ .. ~ 12 bil- bIconII ~ InsurInce tollS MYe
lion mart IIId QOII\iI,oing III loa Tho ,isen AeepIy "3I'II1Ild ..... ,,".'o;e ..
the middle of the21st IIOPIIIuon '" MicI """ trIblod III
diwpLfld r-ur.m «Ill ttuar. Moo
IA'fIlMIatlt,' 2_ ponplo. ~asUy dodinld. Mote ......... IIIfll--pmsId
cemu!}'. They iIIustrare .,eata l'Ulltm '" 1tlB _;I'I ~ dittllG' "' ~IOO;J-rod"' !tliqI
...... """" mqirIII_ Tho ~'" .a.em til OSllll:l 3l!efl1ion from

why the struggle for""'lIId "' tn:lSil:vI '" hiI~ 11M !b'I'lmi< ~ Tho _ '"
~1ItII1 ,0$llltiA),,1C3Ititv of food failld _ «tea.... InutmMionII
against world poverty am fuel 1IMr~ CIiIUl< IIId ilrQatioo ~ beo:rre< lIO'e Wfml(WI ..
svs_ . IJOIting ~ ou:tl 01 "' blot lO'I a"""", 10 copo _ ~. .....

t.m lrd r. beam! ..1InI Of Wiler· Ior<utd global ~ . . dMrted not

is now being trans- logged, «Ill lowlond ...... A1/JjIcl til de. : \".« but III ~

formed into a race

IQ ~ klQ.lll1l .-d d~
lIoolb. Millionll '""" ~ III ......
.-d tl ,,,o;<l! W
MeanvotOIe. Ill! _ ,!ted nkJsui.
dtrns. whenl 1'tJl'II!'I". ~ _ '*'"'" IDl1iu bI """""'" oncI
against rime. Ind _ utIitmln mII:a liII almlm polMI.1nd' - beIn joIf'ed I/j SMIII
~ oncI '/lton "' d"oII ~ ot III h PrUl ~ Asian nl lItIIl
tn111tlUYnl1m ...... ~ ~ """"" -vr <:or>
~lICl>d>gia ~ 1lIlllII''''' Ind at _ clio.<-
~ !Ill ~ ot ..ultt bJkte idI ..... Dtt8 ~ l7f 1"GW
Ill! teali!ia '" p<M!rIY TrIIlilionIl """'" '*"'""
anOlnbl,- ""'
V- m.aura ond ....... IrM '""
..... troiM <bon, oncI • ~
lor th~ poor, of ""dinK Iho: dis<;rimin.o;. by thio ..,....,,$iI. JIOI 1><.'<."Il fol. fif. I lIGI lHmIM
lit>n og>.inSl ."."..., and l[irto thai io ...lowod by practical c~ 011 the I>t<' Tolol _ .....,...... '" ~ ' '''' IO IS
~blo in principlt IlIld ... tomryonl<.
",i""",.of dcvI:lopmem dJorUio ~ L1lh"'" lOy...,...... lu bt:~ !hal
lin,' of ,,-<Il1cinJl' fMilily through a the """"""'" and """,lution. thaI will
<'OtllJW,-.r", lIflla"O"d1 rottlbininJ!" undiluhrcdly be iosued io C<ipeohll,l{efl
lamily planning in!onnalloII and st1"- will be ""y diIItmll1
vica. 1o~ dlild dNlh rak... This I'l'pOI1 will ar'JIU<: !hal the
~ """'I~ of ,~. and the SlnJlQlIe ogainol pawn)' is ",aching
trn~ of Wllmou 10 ~ how a ""' iIIId ailicaI juncture, and thaI
lJWlf ehildrm 1<1 t......, and \Ohm: of the P"O"P"J<U lor. "'llCW<d ink.".. •
~ llIIjuol and uIISIJouinabk tioo,al dfun ..... ~ For.. !he
pallmlS oI"""", ,mptioa ;md poIIulioa ft'<"ml Inll."nlO6ooal C<lItkmlce 011
in indu!ltl'ializcd IWioas; <If oignifianl f'opllWlon and n........~1 in Caito
I.'UIf; in amIlI up<.'llditu..... and OIl """ made clcar.ll-,m, i.l00.r.""",
inc:rI:ast io 1M ~ Mila'*' lor level of ur......-r abollt the d<wlop.
~ta1ly ouinable dew""," ment ~.1mIJIln!ated IS . '\imo..-
"""'~ <If • r~ori ualion <If «'OtIOlni< m';....., of u'll'-"Ill con<:<:m oq/y \<I
1S5islan<c IOwarii. rounuie'S !hal the ~ llK1n5em the tilnJUIe
..,..'IId lea <In miliWy rapKity and lIlI:aiMt ....o>r\d p<M.'Ity bl n...... beiDll
more on nn:till,l/ the baolo ~. of lr.!.nsfom>c<l 'nlo. ~ agalrm wn. in
the ~ of deb! cancdbtioo and whi<:h all ~. stake (pmtl. 2znd 3).
reduction lor the. '-alii dl.-ft\opod AtIlT ~ <If reIati"" inaction, •
... lioa. (jig. I); "'. ~ 1c'v<:1 of illlei' this is a """",rially dramatic lraIlsfor,
natinnal effort lu miSl sub-Saharan maIion. And ~ """ t-n bro"llll about
Afric:o. 10 "'"""'" itA ~ and ofa by fundamcnlal shifrlI io 1M ... botnJc.
!IlJfniJi<:an1 incrc_ in lht ltvd and tur<' <If humad aflai.... F"lISI. "'"'ISiw
dlidencyolin_'Il1 mthe~ ~ in productive capacity in
iagworld.' ""-"Cl31 j"an ha.., mad/: il _bit for
_.... ..-
P.vtn the nr-bGnonre<l deb.ue the baIIi<" btnclilO of ~ \<I be put
aOOul what ill mo:anl by deYe!opoU..,,1 at the dispooal of all the..-.rid'. P<• .
ha$ l(M:n way 10 a brood ~I Se:ood. zn t'Qlll!ly dfOlllltic ~
!hal """ IX'fhapo besl bem ~ in rommlllli<atiOlls rapKity has mao:It
Ujl by tho Administr.ltor ofthi' United i1. <>lr,;ous to people ~ thal
Nations D",dop",.nl l'rugnmmc this is 1M """" . lhaI. p<M;'I't'f and mal·
(UNIJI'l, nulrition and <Ii......, and iI!iI....-y an:
""SlLIU1illUU h"",. bHlop"""1 it no \ongff 'nl'Yitabir. Third, • fund..-
~"d IJwU JIIlt Inoly l"',mt.. ..... mental cIwl«e ill !he acctpted ethic of
_ k I""IIftiI ..., distrib.i.. its Ntujiff social orwaniulion (di:icusst-d ...".,
~.il4M}; lloaI nr-r(JI.. 14< t.IIi_· fully in cl\aptH 5) is ~ the
",,,,1 "'llIor ,.... dt<I,.,;'V it; IIInl n.....:l.. righl8, and to<pt<1alio... <If tho..
""",..... ~ mill., tb. IMI'gl'fOil/, \<I """~ ~. raiointt
U;III 1Jot",. II Ii'" I.wu, In IA. JOtw. ~ of both ma1<.,.iaJ PI""""#
nktogilll 1JItj, rluJit. . nM "PfiM/"" and ll<lCial ju'.lli<:t' for millioIlI of PI.
n...nM ~ftw Urrir /'tJl1iri/>lllitnr "'ho in pt<:'o'iou. q<:s havt' !>eon
i. dtdsitnu ~I;III 1/" ,• . I' ...4trtIl>~ l:fk"OIII'I,I(t In ~ thol such rWl15
"''''I t4n1 ... fn'1<1llr. "...,.1>1", ,.- ~ ooly!O ill" !t-'W, As a resu/t
JHJ, ,rtNItwl......,.
,J'l>.dtiM-. •
~"'''' . 0...1 nl all <of o-e """""' the gap bot_
realily aad posoibiUty, lOr hondreds <If
millions of people. has grown 10 wide
_ _ _-_
........ _-
.. 00 be ~It. Udemom,,:!e• ..r- _ _ .._ _
Words and acuons an: 00 be "':ilairwd. if 1be CUldOC'l of
humao aflairs is IIlIIlO lapse mID wide-
Bul ~ ;. also fair 10 say that. io tho ..,.-nd o<>ciaI disinltgntion and politi- _~ --

Jl""l, rt'CtJIlIIlI<fIdatioM and """Iu- tal uph<.-aval th<-n this Rap moW
1Ioos oIonJr: the lion ~ l3jlid1y lit ela!led' rulily mllSl k~
Panel 3 -p. IIIll 19!Ol &'Id 1lIo uI\' pa1 gf IIOliIml .......,.. 11M . . ~
I "'" 21" {lII'IlI,r/ _ a........... lhiIl<d 1lOlI rniiIory -.l ~
tI.<Igea 10 __ 01 ..11I in ."",.,.,.,
lI«Ial offort 10 """""""" "'" wcnl of
110""'1I' &'Id .. do_ ' '''e l\. Gooon> Ilr f. I... .. oaciII _ _, ond .....
""'" ~ ... iIid " ......" ,.. rtnnnol ~ Tho ~
__ ~ I8SlrUtIlnd 10 0 - hlislriIIileII ....... tIM ~ _

The year n ;x.. -.l bosif; =-I ......... "rw;luj..

~ ....11.....
""'l\tI. nl odlaIion.
rnilitIrj ~ <aI:kted .,... ....
lI'Id r-tod ..... fNncioI and IuMn
~ also o:Rrtrl\ell ihII CIlII- rt!:SI:UteS II vo:rti'Q 'MlII ~

2050 IIIngo ol_ * - """"" n:ning. -.l

itwesInwIlS in eft<'" iiill'WIy Ml:IiJI.
"* r.:r_
notD1o 10 find Iho ra:I. ....... Ihol...
.... Ii'IO ~ . aliol" 01 7
lIillion poopIo fir I IligIlIr .-lord oIli\1.
...."'I-I",",~. '" ..we ~ ... mo"ity d loo:3l
Vision 2 Tho sum.- "",e.ted .... !lePd 10
""'"'" ~ .,,,.,,,,., ~ and "'-""'iIt. bJd, old rd .... iroU ·
mast t:rnilies 11M ~ lhe me.n of lrioIlmd natif;nr; n ta<ing ~ III
~ bo)s~ neodl. ~ ..,. l!""9'I ......... try tlI ...wn-
oIso lWIo: • stror9 IIIod in pnrnoting fIlOI'Ilal <rioio fD seattII fir • P'll«Il 01
..... . . P"l¥8'S - . I I ..... ~ ....tlid'I wi8 lIod 10 ~
IQUOIity t'I ~ JPlCIoI IfI¢olis 10 funll1 S3lisIacIi!Iol ;oj IlXiIl tltoI$iIn
Tho c!Ioial _ _ !»I<l
ftmalu IIIutatIan, irIpIIMid lMolr pW>
~ - - . lIlCh~ 10 . . . ! ""'" be "'""" noI In 50 .,...,..
WOfIlOII' , -uoods. tnd _ "l'IXI'Iu- tine .... 1OIla,.
00y~ Men IllIrl !»I<l ~ 'IIllen ee
.ls . _ol .. of _ ........... ..... could 11M _1ICIInssing .,.,.
&'Id 01 ......, hsi'Il _ _ thild _ lop! lI\lbIlnIIlIM; .QJltr _ foil
__ 11M J.aen Ileep'j. _ • • ;II AnoI!e losI dlicaIlI ~ IItirabIv be
"*""lle ,iwn, ~ lor
l1O$ ~ Afl.NOP .Iclrniniwa1Ql ..Iiime$
_ _ .... iraeosed. '-'II ......... Gimo<oI SpottI ~ tesIifiod:
___ ..
t : . l ~

... h:"MI 00cIlInil Ihil

n(rn\ PDpAotion

peotel Ollllnll 8 flIIoioo l*'-

- . : jilin" 1hJI t:tdJ giw lIS;
!too '""" """"1'. ..,. ~
pII ~ SOl fDdodinI. we aJJtJ IOirlosr IQo ..... allbII
..... in .....~ .dddio... Mrij ~ ;.u, IlhtIi< ~
~_ c ,
"lJWU1I led,,,*,,," .... ~~. nJ m:iII MIl ~
&'Id ....
~ WOIlri'9.osioo anJ slowed I/lII'llIIdiliSlYl'b, Or .... lWl:1 I11,.
ihII rill1llho ciIillo. /'u ""'*
01_ !too lb ...... aI -.:1m >iraIiIy
~ inprtMng IIkutiDnoIIIOndoIds tnd MIl imooot:icrI ,... 1M <>MioI aI• .-;
ft;ree:sing eaJ"(IIII; ~ ~ M d ~ ~
~ tIM ~ eslOl:f04ed ....._ a.r ... _ l t f _ lOi\II .....
Md ....... _oIf*tit\la.. , ~ _ and iIp!W)'
!ICY 11M; IIealr.- tmnII. Tho bonefiIs _ I» <bit !hDuId' - biIiIIl <bIt)<lt-
M,.""" "",
0I1JtM1h .. !lOW being nrvcl ___ JIrlliJy. T_ ~ orif /If lIOn COSIiI'.
_ --_. _-
poopIo teoI loa IIiInoIIOl r... ir IM _ ~ """ "
1lOlI1lIoo" ~ lI'Id
1ho IIID "!II fr:ng(lr 90ed II Iho ....
CIIii:I1 ol JU'c_
SI4Ia 11M obion tloct IIIXIl ..,.
tm. 01 ~ and «mtoli: &'Id m..-
ol ~d!tooI\Aln.·· 1 1

. _ .....
51." with possibility, """,,"l~ With ill a prtI't'lluisile of ~1Iy ...... Fi. Z Tbe Z1"--,
capacity. ogin,g Iht 'onr' JIIOblomo of populalion LlModN>Oooo--.. .. _
Add to tlH.. .. for<ft the rnum<nlum
of p<>plllll6on growth. anol,~ ~
ing ~ of '11.II"JriIW Nnl",,""
JtI'OI"th, .... vironmenLll do\t'l"iol2!ion.
frustn1Cd aspintions,lIld soriaIdisiJ>.
h'gnllion. AIld .. Iht thn-.t ~
- ""'""' -"""-. ....
""'_ Iio~
I'OfItl>nIUl aod urban >lhuns. anol the .....I''Il by the _ problem. grows, h
in<:Yi..bitityof ~ntal dwlge . m iI>c:teaseo the UlJ:l.'lItY of coffom to
""" din.'<1ion (yr ~ • b<comc.-o """'~ the old r rubk11lll 01 p<IVftty
plain- By the middle of the nal «11- and und~\npmen L
wry.'olaI-uid IlO\lUlalio:I could be 12 In thc past lhc: intnnational <!eve\.
billionanol risinJl: or 8 biUion and flIIling npmenl elJnrt 1ad<cd ""Y mtI
(fig. 2). The. <Iiff=na: between lb~ Ufgl-n<y; ,hen: bfoon 00 deadti.....
two ligurn ilIl'OUlt:hly the ~ivaknl of attadted, JHl impnativt oth<... tItao !be
the nuire p<>pll~ of the <k-ve~ humanitarian. "" spur nlher than ,he
w«Id loday. II could .1.., ..",..o••."m a IIal! of"""scio.."""', on """""'l~ nf
world of di~ in anolhor "" • failure other tItao lor lho: poor lhcm-
the ~ b<:tW<:ell .....". d "''''''''' AD thio ilJ ""'" clwW~.
failure in p..." ....nti<IK u :o lollical and Do...clnpmool ""'" """ 0 d<'OdIint. Aotl
lI<lciaJ <ala:llroph•. lailure to <IlC<.1 ~ "'ill brillll" ~
Given the <boia:, '''WJ' sane P"!" 'fUI.'nCCO JHl\ ju Sl for the poor but for
son would opllor the ~ populati<>n a1llmplomentinJr: l<>day'. ""'.Iop"" ol
lil/ure. Ilut as Ib<; Cairo Confereoo: ron~su.s i. tltereIure bl.'COIIIinR IlIOI
again made dur. """,,1a1ion llfOwIh only a m<nl minimum for 001' riviIiza.
eannoI be contained by family plan- tIoa bul otra<ti<:al minimum for......, ...
ning alone. Only • colt"xoh""sive ing ilS ourvival.
....,...,..h . combininlr jUeal'" oro-

nomic the ~ of
...,..,." to decide if and "'hrIllO have Children at the centre
~ . rup..- «fuoalinnal 0WIdard.
(par1icu1arl)' for ,lirb) . ........... child
dcaIh ratetl sc llw pan1l1S ran have
""'lidenre !hal lhrir child...... wiD...,...
Thio, then, is !be booekwnund Iv
World Summi, for Soc:W Ilo::Yclopme-nl
in Cnptr>lu,el."fl. The oo l<:nme asked
..... anol the univmlal avallabilily nf for by lh< ~~ of t~
h~ly family planning inronn. United Nations is nothing loss 1haII •
lion anol """'"-..... . has a cJw>r. of n...... intcmalinnal llIra1tRY for ouciaI
arhievinlla world pop.dallon .. low...
8 billion by the middle oftlte ~ C'tn- Thi. l"'ar'. 514f. of tJ.. W.n.r.
wry <P-!I}. CJtiJdmt n-pon ot<:ko '0 make
Slow\ne _ Ialinn w-th there-- 1_ parti<u\ar rootribulinns to lh<
lew mNtl. IhO'<'Iinx Ib<; ~ C<>ponhall.. s..mmit.
lll'<'dsofthe indMduai. ~!he The. fiN! can "" quickly lIIat«f. II is
indiridual """""". and ara."k.ToI~1Ill UNICEF'. bdiof thal lhe time hal now
prugreos againSi """'" of lb. WtII'1ll ",me 10 .... 'Ihc ''''''it
aod the ris/ht. of
ospocto of p(W<11Y. malnulri\ior>. <:Ii.. childrto al th. ~ ""'Ire of de'V'tInp-
.....,. ilIilcrxy. ond g ndcr disrfimina. lIIt1It ..... togy.
lion. Surh II" has Ion.a: bfoon Thio ar'JrtUI'l-"Ilt is baonI n<'ither on
!\o:manlkd "" humaniWiall iUOWld.. inslitolinnal >esItd inlem! norUIl Ilell-
and WOYld 0)' nullo "" arhi<""'l! "",,-. . liInonta1ily .bnul!be l'OUll,R; il is basod
if """" "'\''''' 1lQ such thlnlr .. . p0pu- on \be faa llul dUklhood ilJ th. poriocl
lation probk.= BIll thI....... ill • P<'P'J1a· whm miod.and boditI ami pmooaIi.
tion JIIOblem. And lbio, 100. ill now lieo art bring ~ ond during
k..ding n..." UlJ:moy 10old demand•. "'hloh """" lempnrary deprivalinn is
In Iilhor "'OI'd$. """",,'OIIIing th. c:apabk of inllit1inR ~ ~
'old' probIemo of poverty. ~ and diotortinn OIl hWl'\lll dtft\npnltm.
........ \ItlC~~ m.alnulrition, II fo1\owo !hat. "'I>c\hrr the Ibn'al bo
illltOlllrY, ~', and dil!olminalion war and c:onIIict or econnmi< lIIIIltinaJ-
Goals for the year 2000
TIM l/IlkJI-c.IlUt'fgoals. vNd '" !lrUrml.H Il'Io .....,..~ ~
Il'Io r900 Wr:nl' SI.rmo' _~ AA'tIIItWdlR:¥t lIII'I~~

Social goals: 1. A OOIl-ltWd ItCIlctUl ill \99Cl

""*.Ii.o dodo fa tes loo' III 10 PII'
S. A IIaIWlg or diId dIJo1hs ca.-l
l.rmliwl:ii1hl.~ isles:ll. 6. A ooe-dWd redul:licJl in dUl
1995 and l. A "I¥ing of 199J mala'naI ....-
1aIity meso
_ ""'" ICUII respiratorj-.
1 Bon: oducIlicrl lor 011 dliIdr..
J, A ~ ol 19!ll ratas 01 mm.- ¥d ~ of~ ~ by
2000 IIilion among \ .....·r_lllJ
ilIdIocllo 111& Iliminobon of moaMJII-.\
"lealIM · gOb wea1$lJoI$.-
8, Clan ""*' oaII mtalDl
<loIit8Us, ~ lor lJuotleo6ng lot oH <CVmU1ilia.
by illl matermy lIIitl. ... a ~ ill a ~ ill 011 _ _ ol llll

\tJo ilItillr<:e 0I1O<t twllo WIi1n lllleso ~ "" 1111 !Ii;llI or \tJo Child,
....., 1~1 ~ ~ ~ lor cftI.
~ Tho Wis,. :.11 of !llllo iMu- dren ill ........111' dllfictAt aJalll-
rimJmano'WJ~-.thI ...
Iicrlof polio, lOooliminalUlof..-al 10. ~ _ IU lIiiMuIIiIv
..-. I !lIllo rPcIi:rI ill - " " !Mill' pInwlg 1
"1",,,_ , ........
USIl:I. ... I M tedooim .. meaoIIs ill .... to p--.r m ..
1lIa1hs (aJnpnd '" lI'I ·ilIrruIi!apg" too~. too ciIlleIy ~ too tate, II"
lo¥ebl, too INI'I\'

Goals for 1995

l11li IoIboiW .. /hi II'Jfb r1IIt Mre . . IJCCtPTMl II, _ III _ Ibr
Idlol,..... ~ bt' /hI1IId oJ 1995, a..". 2 Dl'The SIiolil 01 \tJo Wor\Ifl 0W:hn
1995 r-ides, mitJ.19!H fXlI(TIS8 rlJlll't
1, ImrnIriI8Iioo aoaM ttlI! .Ii>: I ~ rmumty lfIIf ;nj IIo:>llJi&IIs. a.!

"'*' ~~ "'- 01 1lIo ~ or 'bIbr.trilnl/j" SII·

d'likhlod to ....::to II lam 8ll'Io .. III

, . . ; ".
l. NeMoIaI teIa'US '" De wtulllIy

1. Meadeo doalhs '" De raiutId by

lUIfor 1II....p ~
5, The _ 'S'611 or an. (MIl
1M, ;IS Pl'1 01 till etbI '" llIItroIlU'

1. n. , 01 _
9!'>'l ... - " " ClISll$ by !IO'l (an. A "'~
pn:l wiIIl lQ"irnrrlnnl!llJl lewlsl.
4 Tho fIIiminItion 01 polio ill selocl·
.. <XlU1Irie:o InIl rogicm (a I 'leI>

8, The U'lI'fer1II oodilallOO of sail..
Iffltlll! by ioch cIofiall'o:y

~ ~ eIOnilIIti<n bv !hi 9. !hi vinull .. imination 01 QlIinN

S. The ening or !rill .. low-<:o$t 10. Tho ~ ~\jfation of \tJo

oliIlritIuti<fI of_11: lIlJbstiue:o ill l:on\oonrion ... 1lIo Rights 011110 Child
izalion. duldn... :ih<luld. a:I far q io; any new cHort to mIerlIIe prvgrtiS
hun..,dJ p<l$IIibko. be pRlIl.'CIcd ........, 1I,lIIin1ll J>M.'1tJ. ~""" lhr nI<I<tIm-
1h<: 'II'I>nI ~ and malignancies IUJII uf population growth. and PI""
IIfllle ailob Wl>r\d. CtIIjlI ~ and lIO<iaI crisn.
F<>r !his """"""" lhr """' ron!'Wll As cha;lttr 2 of lhi< J11lOfI will
lilr.M <If UNICEF advocacy over 1he ........ coos;.L.TabIc pnocticaI and po6t·
)'i'an< lias bern 1haI the ritat ~ i<aI lIIOIIl<.'rI1um "'"" alread)' bern
ble Y"U!I ofch ildhood should b<: lti.... mobmood bdlind lhi. cau"".
• lir.<I e.u on ."d,,!"',,· cone.:..... and The 1990 World Summil for-
.-.pocjtics. MIl 1Iw 1m. rommiUMnI Children.lhr r"", of 1m. major ,.,unnm
ohoWd Ix- maintlintd ill J{OOd times ~""~liMoH iolhr
and ill bad. /I dilld has OIl!)' ODC 199Ot, ~ 011 I ...Tics of .............
dJUIe<' lo ~ lHlfTIl.alIy; and 1hc abIc ,rroab In be achil'ved by 11K.' end of
prot...,ion ....lIw .,....chm Ih,:"'-"",, 1he 1990s (pond 4). '1lIoor ,IfOIIs in-
<kmands 1hc I<ind of~, lIw cl",le... m:ojoo< ll«>Jrl.... ~sl maim..
will l1(li be SlIp!.'I"S<."lk'd by OIhcr priori- lrition. prevefllabl<: di _. and
tb. Thrre ..ill ~ be ."m" lhinll illit<T3<y arnollJl the child of l1I<'
""'"' imm<,.Uaw: Ihcrl: will """'-'" be rlev<!1oping world. In tOla!. Z1 opccli<:
anjllhillR morl! imponmL l«lIIs......., awI'E'd "PO<I and ."",uually
\\-nh the Copml;aj:cn Summil. lbe ,,"""""-'<:I by """-T 150 Pn"Sidml' and
tin'" has '><". come I" . "., Ihis issue .... I'rirnf,MjnisIerL
proI<.'l'tinl( the l!f'lWing minds and bod· TIlO often. lbe CIIt1\rnillll/'<llA marko
;"" of childn'll nul os a mall.... oJ "" """h occa.;ion • ..., forgO/lell. lhdr
Jl<.'fip/k-ral concern, to b<: dtoalI wilh by reooMio... callirur .,...... """'" 1<'d>Iy
I UttIc <.'1<tra "JIn'palhy and charity,tNt from within the Iorkod .......... of !he
.. an i"""" wIIidI ill ~ 10 a1mool Jl""l, lheir promi""" echoing .......
""'-"'l' olMr item VII " ". Copmhallen
1l,IIl'IIda. It ;" 3D iJsu<' lbll <all be siJn.
morem1pli!y down t""
J'C'II'L Bul the
four 1"""" ~ the \Vorld Summit for
ply oIale'd · lhc Wl>r\d will not """'" i~ Childrm ha..... ilI lhe maio. boo..n ynN
major probl<.".. ""iii it INto. to do • of -.'li<aI JlI'Of!I\'8 and measoralll<
b<on.... job oJ proI<'<'lill ~ and ~ ... h~l. And wilh 18 moollu 10
in "". phy.;ril. """'Lal and .....otiorW go bcioJ'<'<.'ade, a rounll)"by-
_I<>pmom ofit. <hildn... CUIInlly """"'" ""fil'Stl Ihall major-
ily of ' h" lOAIa lIt't forlh"....J "f 1995
win be mel by • majority of ~
Summit for children nation..
For 1hc 1inu time. therclore.•
~ tlw World Swwuil for Children strieI of iotemationally agn....'<:1 _ill
ill 1990. it has bffll ohown 1Iw PI'\llflI: <k........."....,.,t ,IfOIIs ill bl.'iDll made J{OOd
dlildrrn alW renin of dtvtlopmml on I :<ij:nilkanl oral< in a majority of
SIn1tllY iI; lIOI only a IogkaI pr0posi- rountril... The lSIory of lhcoc p,,,,ct. :1l
tion b,n abo I tnrticablc onto 'Iht ac~lA · and of "'" ~
world h.. ,'''' """""",w.'<:I knDwI- which""", made lhnn _'bIo-(K't.'U-
r:dgc. Itw Il'Chnolulfi<... and lhe co~ pica much of!his)'t'lll's Stale II( 1M
m"ni<>IIion. ~ 10 prole"'" lhe World', o.il4"", report and is
n<>rmaI growlh and ~I of llNfCfJ-', principal conlribluion '"
aInJos all childrm at rdatMIy klw the World Swumit for Social
C<llIl.. R..'<:IlIcin.<1 malnull'iliotL disc........ lk....,1opmcoL
and iDit<.'<'3<Y "'" amIln.g lhe _
achieYabko as III{:Uas tile m<JSt fuIlda-
""",1.01 of dc¥eIoprnenl', dIaI\eJl,geI.
Combined with lhc world', I/CIICI"
ally grt'lll<.T willingncsa 10 act in Lhe
in,...."... of cbiIdrea. lhia ""'""" ,hal
IIction 10prul"'1 "". ri:litq( l/'-11':""tion
could Ind shO\lId be a leao:linll' tdgt of
2 Promise and progress
&w.\IMt~ At flo< /990 W.mJ S~ C1JUdTnI, a, .',"~ """..nilJ
agum ... ttl~ au _rabk,."Is/o, Ill. prtllmi... tllJI,U".,.. dr•
• ",/IJ., ..lid IJu I,..,wI. ,,"IIdnotIJ>p... . t tI do M ... . n. ptJI& ;,w1Uld ..
IWvi", ,,d1ilJ/lIUIl• • tririml. cootml a(1Ju 1MjQ, eJojlJfJr«>d iHurzsn, Ii' mulw-
,.", tf !>dw aM ,""",.NdUlJis. IJu ,Ii..i."h'"" If ..imnr .,rinrJ dtji.i• • M , ..
bl";,,, a/ .-1""'" -mil,. 1M4tIIw-hll nf p';-" ,,""'I malMO~ '"~
ItGSt !lOll " a ,U _ . tlIt: pnnMi"" 11/ dtIi. ""',,, "M ~ .... it",;"" ". all ami'
IIIn ilin. "lid IN ni"".w mli/k"tiDo D/IM eo.....
llio. D' fio< NigfW " ' M Qrjl4.
II """ .~"'!IJ <JQrtd IJuu " >d ofi Ofl"","'iaI. ,..u. >IImd4 III! adlin<d bJ Uu
t.d '" 11m.
11.... dulp'" """'" a' ~ _j . ~ _, i. ", 1"-' p""""", '"" ~ Willi
tI""" ...ajoril'J oftJu,.".u sdjor /995
111 """,W IfJ ' " bt,h,.. ..iJ.JNtuh. ," liM.
" " likrl] to H IMI "'11 ~IJ 1( '" ~'" 1I<ltW.u

A " Mollday. l October 1990. n. '" /iJrd Iht '"""'''"' " ., 1M {>I>IitWlJ
N. . Y",* Ti-. oarrio-"II a k'll(\ing .nil .~':J '" 1>Il1lS141. Ir<>/It .«11>
article On the World f....mlll;l rot ~;", ~.
Child""" ",!UClJ had b<m held "" the ~<>w- l"""" on . how muclItnnlll.
.,."...,... ~ 1I1 the Il~cn of lioa inl'u,..wljl h.. then: b<..,.,J
the United Nalinns. The ~mmi1. In sum, lhe. an~ is lh.aI ~
brinRinJl 1oll'-ilH..,. "-'~""~ of than 100 01 !he d<-...,k>pin;(,; nolioo...
~ ISO ~lS indodillll 71 "ith .....,.. !il(I\ 01 1M d....lopUU1
bead5 of lIlatc. had IormaIJy IMIopmI • "",",,'. duldrm arc makiag !Iignifi-
.me. of goals lor the l'fI'I" 2000. anI prw:ticaJ prtllII'eSS l.,.,..,..,j. lhe.
including I one-lhin:l m:lU<'Iioo In child g<>aI.IMl ,.".'''', SCI Iour)'l'aN 19U,
<k'3l4 . 1I.lJvm, of . mld malnutriliorL Tht m."... J't"'tlll of lhi3 pnllImIS
inununizalion 1oMoIs 0/ !lIA. rontml nI is pbgucd by impcri;rt SI3lisl;e", and
lbt major childhood di......,., lbc !he lIChico<:mcalli 00 fararc Y\Ilacnblc
l'BlIOtioIl of polio, the climinalion of 1Il UIIpredi<1.ablO' Jon:... llw rlIII >1m
micrun"lrittll ddkitrxie.. . haMn.<l' bfiJIR' major set·bacb {the lint aaIioa
of matemal mortality ral<'<. primary in Nrira lu I'f'Xh IIO!IIO immuniulloo
«Iloo1 <"<location lOr at lea<! !lO'I of "<IS !he cmtr:l.l AIriraJI SI3Ie of
,hiIdrrn.. the ~ of dean waI<.1" 1/wandaJ, Bul ~ is c1u n hau majorily
and oar.. oaniU/iOol to on romm,,1litia oIlho> J(OOl. SCI far 1995 will be """ by
and the universal ralilic:Uk!n of the a ~ uf!he~"i natioll$.
""'" Conve<IlioJI l)<I thc RighI> of 1M MIllnutrilion Iw Jw.n rm~ :
Child,· II _ ...b9cqu,.'Ill!y ~ i"'''''mi<olion I<...,..'!s "'" gt'OClally
lhat a "'-1 01 in(~ Jl(lahI shOllld brinsr maiDlaiIled /)( ~ mea-
bt~ bydl<:<Ild d 1995 (paacl '1. 8Ie<I<ka1h...... down by 8O'lIicom~
Til< N"" V",* 11"'1$ r<>IIlmMl...t 1Il pre-immunizalion IevItIs; 1arRe oreao
-no.. 1Il",a ,tbb4J S~ ......;I mttti"l •• of !he ~ wurld iDrIudiDg aD
ou:m, J>lttWd 14 diJ INa" ~ tit, wrltJ. III !he -.... ~, hr".
~;IJ .... n ,;, #O'ftiw: MItrf .~.tlIl, b«ome free of polio: iodine ~
rllti.1I"Q4 "JftbiJiMt,<. Hwl dliJdln ctI.- di!ortIen IlI't' l>rinJl' clillli",u<'d; vfb.
"'" IM",;« ,.,. rJrri p_isn. n. min A ddx;..",y is in re\tQl: lho> u,",
u "",rld', lttuJm "" tIbi~ 01 oral ",hy<lr:uilln lbrnpy (ORT) U.
ri~ (pn-mlting IlIOn !hana million """lTV<'l IO be"""" " ideIy rtrogIIil:m
rhild death51 year);,IIIlM ""'"" d... b<JIh ... an '-"'Wl\flI<: III ~ and
. - has bo"'" "-"""""l by $<)IJl< 901 commitmc.. .... 1><'iaIl" mad< ~ and as
and compl<:t<: cradicatiull Is in !ligh~ an l"IlCOII ~'lIt<'"II [ to tltc IJWI}' hun-
!h... !land~ tll "'*"" IwopiIals in devel-
oping and indu~ rountrio.... are
dml!lmlltooSlfHkofll"<'Plc and ItIIIlY
thousand. of ~1ra!Ion . worI<ing ...
now artivcly supponin;I: Ina.~ aD ~k and in l1mosI allrourttries for
~ in primary o:ducalion i. b<.1ns the "'~lofa-(lOaI ..
r6Umed; and the (nn"""lion on lk Tho: /olIol<"inlr P"l[eS lhcrek>re noT)'
Righa tll tht Chikt h3lI becurnc ue I 'lnIl.1atlon inlo reali!f report. fill-
IIIOOl widely and rapidly ratiJiM «lrI- 0 ..... as wcll il ~ lor each or
vt'Il tion i" /WIOf)'. tIM: main goalo ""'-'P«.'d at the 1990
Sum ~ ffitatl§ !tlln approxi- World Swrunit lor ClIiIdmL
""'tely 2,5 million k:wtT <IIikIml will
die In 1996 tIwl in 199Cl. II a1. ,,,n,'atlS
lhalll'O' of miIIiun. win be span.>d !he 0 1!l9O. _Ie 18 million wolllell
insidiou.... bota,cre "'TOIJj[h l on lh<ir
~l by malnulritioo. And k
1 ~ ~ l w1IiIe >lUlfc~
from IlinJc.bown dietary disc>rd.... In
mean< lhat at Ieaot 11",_", quiU'lerl! of I atmo.! all CIICS ""'"" 1I'<IIlIrn did no!
million """ ... "h ikl"'" each y= ...i ll kr>ow. and Olin do not know. whal that
be dls>bk.'<l blinded. crippkd, Of mc.'t>- problem-.

""''''''''''. In ~ 60,000 ~ the

By and ~, lb<...... ..,~a damage caullC'<1wat .., """""" IlW 11M:
110", llOl 1><...., ~ly "-'POrted by foeul. died or lbe iofan\ su"";...,.j for
lWinnai and inlernational nw:dia. .r!tis ""Iy I few1Iours.
maybe b<nu"" good ........ is morcd;(· F lpl'f\ll<im.olcly 120.000 of thRoe
ficuU In ~ tIwl bad. Dr h m.oy _ jnj!JIIOC)' IltId d&-r pn>-
be bec'luot" Pf'llI[reSS "'!his kind is nol ~ """'IaIIy. and III ;lWI/'efllly
an <WfIl IlW 1lapp.. ... in • panictllar heaItb)' baby ...... born. llul ln lhe rlr1l!
plao:<o and al l pani<uIar lime• .". h III3Y /rw """,tlul of Iilo it blnmed !hal
be b<nu.., u-., <It:vclopmc"l$ ~ '" all.... llOl ... O' The infam slow '"
"""""'I""""" o"!lieft)' to """'" '" "'" rnpond '" vokc'I, l1l<I did no! OffiIIlO
poort:Sl poooplo and COOlnluni~ on "-",qmizc familiar ra...n. 11 ...... still
earth. \\~ !h" I'CISOII, ach....... _ 11k, 10 hope lhal ~ _ nod> Three quarters of
_ and~ .. ba.... _ v\n.,. ine k -riollilly 'OTOlIJ!, bill mo<! "r lhollc
I!Iy WIfIoti<-ed IIIIid "'" nnw of n'olI!IM:rs knew !hal I «:rtain ~ln !hal
""""''IIliuoaI news ~ aI>oul the Mould have bt:en lttm. in lilt- "hiId'" m illion fe wer
<k:v<1op;l1Sl world. hi corruplion. and '')'l'S WI!lIIli!<8ing.
it! """l1ictI. hi d""'llhts and it! di-. N ill..., d Wdn.... n"IIChr<! "'" Ol':"
.,m not I<wncd lO
children eacli year
1CrI, its t.",lII.. and h" lailum< of t>o'O. moo! had
Ilul if me..: ao."!IicoI:mmll! ha.... IlOl ....aIk. In _ C3:lC5.the k'p had never
mode tilt- l\idllly ".....,., !hey ha<o: 1><""""", fIIIIy <"X!mdr:d, IlI d the ""* will be disab led,
,,~ 1M daiJy 1M.. '" ItIIIlY lJlil. tht <hiId <OOId rnaJlIIII: ..... I kind of
lions of ~ ill !IOIlll' lIllhc woOd'" awkward sItuflIc. Anxious C'<lIl\Pll'i:oons bli nded, crippl ed,
- " ' " """""unitX.... ADd !hey au • ..."", mad~ ";!h ....,;v.bOllr.. "hi\dn:n.
iUiWtlereply \0 """"'- wOO bdiow IlW Pan.-nlS 1Ii<:d 10...,......... each other by
intcrnatiollal ~ produce 0.11)' noting that """'" rlIiIdn dl,."q,
or mentally
line word. and fi>qron.... ~ 0""" oIowly titan OIhmc Ill" i!h "artt
!hal inl<:rnltlun.l1y lIJ(I't.'ed ~ <>aIs .,.., passIos( day. lh<o ~ --.:I retarded.
only"""'" llt'I and _T ..... 1. thai lltcn: k.-u ilIoonbk. 0dt<.T lami/y mnnbm
is only ~ and lailu ~ 10 rcpon IWtCd '" make ~ Whispcn
/rooJ \he d......~ ....,...., <>r lhIltbe b<pn in tIM: 1:OlIlIllUfIily.
lJrultd Nloom lami/y tll 0fgIIlizati00. Sollll'timc ill 1992 or 1993, """'"
is IlOI .~ in ~ l<> make the IIIOO!of lltosot dtiklrm had sliIJ no!
wurId I better ptac.,. "-'"mo,d In 0!IlId or In !lll)' thcir fin;!
Pnctiral ~ of !hi< kind I¥OI"<k. !he parm..' Jw>; ........., rll'<l
Fig.3 The loll of iodinl dlficiBncy
Estitrlated impact ofiochne defi:lenl:'l wor\dwJdB. Even lfHill goitreltllyroid
gjard enldlgememl is assoiatedwith some deglee 0/ mentalllllpaument.

Iodin e defici ency i

has condemn ed
miilicns of chil dren
to cret inis m,
tells of mill ions
to mental
retar dation , and
hundreds of
mi llion s to subtler
Total PlJPIJlatian at risk; 1,6 billion
degrees of menml
and physical The BSlllfIalllll l 6 bilhon PllOIlleallisll replEISelll

impairmen t.
.__._.. ....-._~DlllJlillfly m II! lhe I'tIlIIlfs JXl]W!IOl

- _-.._-_._---
. .... -...._ _ ..._ 4 •

mmlionNl 10 a hto;allh worIl..... or dae. tho.' dk'llt 01 their mnlhm brfnn: and
tor. ~\.aIJy ""'"' l<lld w "'''''' back in dlllirij: P"-'lUWICl'. EVI.'IlnWly th<-y will
thn", n>onths. t:llMro~ ft.'fern.'<I to "" added to Ibe ..unw.d total of ISO
rlinlu Ill" hooipilal$ lor t<m. Many millioJI aduho ....ho.Ic diminlllltcd lilt...
"";t,'" 10nR IIlO<Ilhs lor lh< n,,,u"'" lal olcnnc.aIlId reduced phyoicaIllJIi·

AU "'...., <'V<1Itually inlnrmed thal tude mean that tho.'l' .... lo....... able 10
tbcir chiIdR:n wt.'ft' .........Tely md IlC"" II=t their ""'" and thdr !arnilic.'><'
man""tly n.'Iank'll.
V' 'Il' k,-o," CV<1" ~1 1Jto, <....."". M,-anwhile, thosoc mosI lIftlonsly
!hal a diewy dt.'5ci<'I><Y in ~ .rr.ct<d, th< 120,000 fwc· and live-
had da,,~ the deve\opo'rlrnt of tb<..... Y'-'If.(J1d =tins born in 1990. will nnt
mild', "",,11aI n,,"",....0)"Sl'-"1L be t<H1Ul to ochool 01 aU. They will
T~. .. th_ clIildn'O R'a<h mnain mthe rank1I of Ibe depntlk'll1,
their lourth """ fifIh birlhd oys. their C'I<.'Iltllllly bccominll pan of l!M= l'Sl~
~ts know only Ihal thrir lOllS or mated 5.7 milliun po-,op l<" a\ivt, tn<Uy
daUllhtln Wl'Il' born IS =tin.. and woo luIv<" been ollIi<:Itd by crt:tinism
will n:main"" lor 1hc n.-.l of thcir Iiveo. from birth.~
~ "'" no SlaIioli<ll 00 lho: 10,. _ 0\.
ings txl*, k:oo..'d in ~ 120.000
IIo>mr'8 OIl ......oriIIg lhit ...-. No Salt solution
IfttKdo to capt = \be unwamlllte<l
sl,ame of ad wo,,1fodging !he problem The disonler which C20ses all 0I1be
to hu<lmld.. """-'illS, ...10...... ~I\. ab<M:o 151M 1acl< 01 minute amnwl'" of
boll... No 14N"'" to Ill. iodine in lhe diet. Tho: ddiciolKY
~ .,.;Ill....hich IJlo<oo, 1211000 fam. ocours mainly in hilly or !Jood-(lnlI>e
ilk'S, aImnol 011 of !h= de~ "-'Wioos '""'-'"' iodine t"lIdo to ""
poor , ha...., IICl about C<>pin,Ir with \be WIShed oul oI lho soil and lh< I"Ob-

~ and <':<:OIl<JIIIit dillicuhltl< that
........, m,;ntal ~ blillllS in h.

'!be .aory dnK IIOl t'fHI tbmo. In

"Pl'fOl'in1lte!y I million """'" 01 thos<
Iorns it ~ ,;,.. til ...., i'Ol\ooliYcly
known .. iodine def"ritnoy dison1<:nl
M lDD. In toUl. b<llion p('<lpk .....,
01 ri'li< and 6S5 milliotI !'Offer /rom
,l«JilR: - 1M ~1Ii1lJl of !he thymid
Today, as those
children rea ch
~ early ohildhoodappeared , land 1\ tho lhnlll which is tho _
w pn,lCt....' " quiU' nonrIaIly. But 10<11)', olMou. siJ!n oflDD (r't, 3).
their f ourth and
.. ~ I million childn.'n reach An ~ sololion 1w oc_
!lCbonI "1«', lI1IIIy .... b<.inR bmd w knawn lor _ of thls «'IItlll)': iodin<
haV<' poor cyc.1w>el <."'<><lIdinatiun: nih· <:allbe odIk'll to Ihc """ '-'OIl1II1odill f iftll birthdays,
.... 1m: b,-,ron~partiallydeaf. or 1m: that is ""'....rn<:d by all - cqmn\\lll .. ~.
1k...,1opcd a had oqtIlIlt. or 0 ~
imll"dimom, or nthor n..... n>mII!ICIllar
l1W wall how Ihc probIo-m ""'" f1'Id~
o.oI~ from nlOSI <Ii tho induotrlalizcd
their parents
di."""""" CQIIlItri<"t, k'd by Switmiand and l!M=
In IIIOIMr 5 miCinn or "".,......lh< United SWes .... r-.rrc '-'<bblo oaIt lIUJ> h ow Dil ly that
"'0""'"" ruy """'" know thal tlt= .. pIlos W<'f<' iodi=l dwinlr the 1920s.
""~ ~~ wrong. IluI if Ilut !lt Ibe ~Ioping wurld, the their SOI/S or
~tocould "" W<en .. """'" Ingt:dy hu OC"" oIIowod 10 contin",,-
dilldn.'Il = "'rl< 00 their lint )'\.... 01 ADd !lt lho: likIin", of nlO!lt p('<lpk
primary IlObooL aD of lOOn. ~ lhr nwliD,g Ibi. pajII.'. it hI!I ,,,,,d,,mncd daugh ters were
I>ri.lbt""'- _ Id be """'dlo " - oig· millinrn< 01 child...., to cnlini""" t<'Il.
nil'tomtly Jo.,.",,-'II [~ And in tl>l' of ntillions to menial ~. and bo rn as cretins ,
~ 10 come, 1m,. wiUil"ICW: inllll hr hundred~ of million. III lIUbIler deg·
oatimale<l ........ of 75 ",Hlioo Y"WUl I1.'tf, of IIH."tll>l and ph)...nI impoirmcnL
people in thr wnrid lodoy wi"..., m<.... Th,: rosI of:soh iodizollon ill lIIlIIMl"
lal and ph)"llial ~Iopmem. BrIO imald)' ~ US=ts Jl'-'1"Jl"f'SI,lIl P'-'1")'tlI".
OIl*ity lor cdll<"lliun, "'" impairnd by On 30 Soptcmoc"C" 19!1O, 1M World
Ihc oamc prob!rn,- arWnsIeitho:r-li"txn H<>1IIh Organiz:oOOn (WHO) and
Ihrir 0"'" .1..10 m childhood or limn UNICEf oonfronrccl tbo world', politi-
Fill. ' M.-d"'lllloll ..i d _ gOiIs .... Irodffl with the ~ of oa/t aIo<> b" il\ll arhk-vt.'d in 28 of lh< 39
_d~"""",,"nct., iodizaliou • aIooJI: with 5eYfnl olIII."I' affrct<'Il nations in sub-Saharan Africa
_"'.IIIl! , pol..s"og_ <qual1y pow<'tful and l<[UaI/y i",-~
,.;.., m.thllM of Ift"'"Illing in htaJth,
........... all IS nation. oflhe r:c.-mi<
Community of ""l'til African StalCl
_ 95'lo 01 """",.._ to<
poor lII"l"'Ih. 2nd early dnIh am<lIli h3vf also prohibil.,.] bolh th~ impon
_oIIOlcn'I' ......
nIIIIly rnillio.>n. of the world'. clIiIdrrn, and c"","" of uniodi...'Il.....
'The ,..._ ..... Ibo Worid Afl.... 1akinl: """b • loll ""1M him-
" Summit for Children, beId ;U the
HcsdqIW1CN ofth<, Unit"'] NaIioolI in
1aI and physlcal he:oIlh of SO many and
lor to lo:>I\Il. lht iondinf: probltm io
" N.... Yoril and atlendcd by llpp:'<>lti- lherdon: now I..'inol 10m:<! 10 ,IIi""
" malo!y half 0( the ......od's ~IS l/lWocl. WHO and Ui'oI ICH /w,,, ",a-
and l'rimt Minislers. On th.oI dI:y, tI>c -.-ble colllidcn<t' 1hat, in IhM or
" diminatiun of 011 ...... C'3>OtS of Indi""
~ <tisortIm by thI' year :1OOl
/wr ynn from IH>W. tho: .... rall guaI
wiD br 1lO1Ilc.'vl:d: 00 mort' iofBnlll wiD
bo..umc ..... of Z1 "lM:ci& goals .oop. be bum as ~n1iruo as . n'SUll of iodine
-" to,.l by l""'-'I"1IInrIItlI."
~ "" mort """"'''' wiD IIU1Ic<
To make Ilw goal practkablt, il the Iong:draWlHlUI agony of ~
• ..... IlUbsrq"""tly ;q:m:d lhal ;ill """"" inll' ihaltheirchiklml W st=dy and
u;.". wuuld ;ul.:mptlhl: ioclizalit.oI of;u Pl'nnaII<'IItly ~; 110 mort _ .

• _.

-.- --- --
INs! !lSI 01 aD sail ... ppIiH in """h
cwoII)' by the rod 011995-
)u<l 1M'" f"" r J"--anllatc'<, "'hal ha:s
and dau~hlrr'll
wiD br ""-'Illally and
physi<aIIy impairtd by lhilI ....ld

1.....", "'hi<.......r?
O(!he 94 counu;.". with 11)1) p'1lb-
'- "'*""" "'"
-"" " _. -
_ .. w _
k'mt. ibc ~
in,plemmtinll rWi<>naI plan. 101' tI>c
iOOizaliorJ of aD oah and 58"", on """k
to aciIltYe Ibe ~ of iodizirul: 9f>I of
I>OW Protein-energy nutrition
The ....nd ' - • 1ilnHl,ll: inIaI!e of mal'
nullitiOll It i'IM imIlee of &Child with
oa/t... ~ by th<' c'fld of 1995 (6g,.ij , .,..". IOn I:arltt for • fIlOt !bar is old
,,,.,.,. 58 ('<I\Io~ art !>on.... to all"",,, be:1o'" i\s1iJ..... child whoso: IlI'ty and
60Ili of the d,wlnping "'IOI'Id'. dllldl'l"ll, ddlydnl~.l .<kill is draWIl lOul ov<:r •
AoothCl' 32 COIIIl1rics could achieve fra!:ilt ribco.olc.• child oJmo.1lOn ...,.)<
lht 1995 Roal with all ae:t'Ck:rlII<:<I 10 IiA th~ ompIy bowl10be filk:d with
Iood dooa1td /rom ............. StarittR'
"""In Ilu: M'<Id1e ED! and North ""I /rom """" ,.."..., or b>d-raisinlt
Africa, 10 OIIt of 11 ll.llioM will ~ ~1 . lhi. is lht image \hal
io><Ii>:cl all o;all within !he oat 12 bunto ltsclf orr ow- cofk:.ctiw, con·
month.. In Asia, 1 out of ;!() COIIntrielI ~ likt • brand of dvilizotiun·.
Oncludim: lJam:\I<Iesh and Indial lI'<! failuw.
within a yearo f univ'cnal iodUation. In !'ouch moIoulritlon io rtaJ; 1ft! in
India, 1M It¢sIalion requirirul iodiza. Somalio. ,,"" in Rwanda, """ in
lion has 1.."", I"'S"'-'d, • moniIoring Ubnia. Bul il is unUSllal and n lmnt.
S}'lllmI is ~ M'I up in C¥nY . .te, oIkrnngk:ss lhan l'\of11ledeveloping
the "~~l i. in pIocoo in world', dlildmr and altnmt a/wayo as
every major safI·wos\<$, and 0 - 5O'l , re$U/t of $llfIIO quire exccp60naI cif.
or 011 """- i. ~ iodi1.<'d, In Crnlnl C'U m~ ' ....., or famine. or boIlt,
and South America. all n.ation" .nth 1101 th= is Ot>OIbcr ma1IrnlritioIt
lht possible l=-'lltioo of Haiti art which UllIOI " sib"' , rith... 10 patl'lll'
Iik<O' In iodize all sail by liM: mel of or health worken 01' to • wor\dwid<:
1995 (aIthous(h an artcl<r:slioo of Il"btic, II is Iht malnulritiort of !he
~ will be requin:d in Ul/ombia. ! 'j'l'al'Old child who ..'cil!h, only
f'>n¥u.o-y, and ",",,), &li\i.o. and 6 kiloo, '" lbc rhild who Ioob 10 be
Ecuador, 1M two South Amcri<;tn 7 y.,.." old bul 1unts out '0 be 10 or 11,
rountril.. with Ihe worSl hisrory of of the ~hild "iIo is ,,;uim: in the shn.
IDD, ore VCfJI rlo8o 10 elirninatill$llht duD,,-,..,'Il. " Uhoul 0......, Ihe tIltrKl' In
probk,'m. Rtmarit3bl)'. sail iodiwioII is ward off lhe IIits, of 1M child who
~ pi",. i>I lhe .PJlI'1I ond odven- lion from Ifl d,,",loping """""'"' Fig. ~ Mea6"l1IM __.Heau ..
_ _ ndt
w..... ol fIlh<n, Dflhr child wflOSC' eyes UNICEfronoid<:r.l lh.ll2 1an: unllXk
"'" glued CM.,. behind • school d<.'lIk '0 oc,,""" litis ~ Wjlrt (li,,;:. _ _pol
&II~ ... ho ~ IlQI W1<io'r.Und ... 5). AnOlbcf 40 could do to willi an _ _ '"'"' til' 10'10.
""""",1><... whaI he or """ ill l><oi:Ii _.lelalicm uf anady ~ na-
LiuJlht. far poor nulritian in !he early tional clfor1s. 0veraD. 16 d<.-;cloping
J'1'at); Df ~ dol" IlQI <NI!y 1Ile&ll law IIIlious b.>~ ll<IW ml ll«'ll child mal- • •
",·.111 af retOstan<'e III dioeue. or bo<IeI nulrilioa 1(1 "'" poinl oJ. wbrb f"",
lIIIllaiI ,o k'lU[lbrn IS they should, or
muscles lIIIl fai1 III l(fOW 1lI"<HIJ(, or
!han101 of dWdrcn are '""'" !han Iwo
SIIDd&rd d<'vialio:I. below lhl: .,..

~( thal is nat ",, """rp or ""arl"i po<:Iod weiglu·fOHg<'. AhllOll,llh mosl
not .. kC<'!l. Il ab<> rnelIlll dillrUptian in a1lhe11e "",otrie-s are (0 be found in
Ihr. miTlOlIw~ IlfO<"I"IS by whic:h IlCII- I.alin AmerIca II>d lhe Cv ibboall, they
JOIl~ ~ (0 lhe r4lhl """"-iaIl in
~ I:nin andbeginIObm tht bini"""
oIso incIu"" ~:m>l and Maboysla- Sis:
~ nations • including China and

at tublk S)'DIIISeII lhaI make Iifclorlg
leami"i possibl~.
nus .. tho JlI"llr.i"""""iY malnutri-
tion (1'l'M ) liIol. in 'IOOIC tlcrn'c,
afI'l'CtO >'lOlly gnoal..- oumbrnl • ""'.,.
ThoiIand • ""'" ",...,...ble bop;:t of
falling btoIa... lhll "-' by lhe r.nd of
1m. Two '-'<JIl/I1rri in ... ~
Afri<:a. TlnwUa..,d Zimbabwe, <:oU1d
01"" """ lhtoir-effortJI " ·....rd,,d by . fall

-..- ---
OM lhir-d of aD !he c1tiJdrea \IlKk'f five in ~ /Il&lnulrillorl me 10 '""" !han
ill the ~lopi"i ,""""" Il is IlQI lOll'. brlono !hi' middle a1lhi. d~
'11\1"'-"" by the la<k of lily one partku- ~ Towards The ~ goal
lor Il\llrimt. bul by th~ """"'""" iIIl<'f- of halving dtild mahtub'ilioa by Th<:
I<1lorl of poor dio..,. md fn.'quem ~ year 2000 i. !h~ beiflll rrnodc in
And il stri\<.,. It lh< Iaw>dalions a1 """.. "air 0/ the notiQn. ol lhf: d<."",lap-
dt~m in baIh pc<IpIo ..,d ill,
1Ulians. As lIle World Heallh
OrRani.<IliOll ha-. oaid: ·n. I.''''
rioullfflJ-«i"l />«I/Ih ;, 0 Pft __ Vitamin A
dUiotl for ,.., ~t1II «<ittits «
. " Gwt"'....,. IIIiJI H • .....,'. .1i. In 1990, """" Than half . nullion molh-
rk';. t/IiJTU ro aamn>k .... ..-ic e.s fi~ ot>lio:cd !ha, there ..... oome-
dnItItJplfl'.' i. oOJ tVoifitOl' w..,. lh!l1g """"Jl' with Ihrir child'. "y"-
,., . It_ . .,il #!i-.l clrild ,.....a. TypkaDy. !he liM olgTI ol "'" probl<'III
old dtwIat_It 0" RUlmI for rJu was an ioabiliTy 10 _ PI"'Il"rlY in !he
1fI4P1" .'~ lWf.lisl"t ol d:iwn or dosl<. Soon aftI:.r.
I'IoJiISii: The World Summil lor ward.. loamy-white """""" or p"l<br.s
ChilcIrm ~ Ih.Il Iaday". bepn \<I oppear in ~ chl\d'. <'yH.
ltnuwlt't\J!,' <Wid chsticaDy ro:dua! \\'iptd OWlY . , rnt,
lhey bt,[an
I'I'M, <!W1I It ",lIlivcly law Icvc.. of 10 I'tCUI" mare frequrmly. Afu..... ft-..-
«<lIIOIllic d<:veIopmcot.. Slt><\X,s ""... monlhs, lhc child, ubviously wt'3k, f<'II
pol1l'd by UNICEF in ~l ynn victim 10 &II auacl, of ~ IlT"
him: il:!tll!ifio,d thekeylacTon ill PEM Iltl.'aSIcs front whictI he or sbc ncwr
Il'duetian ond ollowtl lhaI it can be -.ned lit pn:lpf'riy ~, 1..aJ<'r lIIiIL
""hic:¥cd at low <:oiil OIl 0 ~ ocaJe. ,he dtild bo.'gan ...,;d;nc lhc lighl 0110-
Tho goal ol haMng the 1990 r;sk of gelhcr, hardly ever omlw'inJl 011\ of
m ild moloulritian by The ynr 2000 doors, aIHl kC"CPinlr his or her era
.,." 1h<."1<'forl' odop!M • &lid tub..-. li,Rtuly situ! fur lung prtiud.. ~lno11y,
'l"~1Iy (lid"","" by (he 1992 the o;omea of "'" C"f" ~ 10 dja.
hU"lm tionll Cook""""" OR Nutrition. ..,Iw. and, aMr ~ or lOur /ItUR'
In onIt:r '0 ..-h lIIIl gOII1, il ..... hours. it ..... l/OI"'. \\rl!hiaa year, half
-agm:d !hili I reduc:TiOll of "' lcasl m of Itmc 500,000 clIilcIren had died
""",ldllff<l 1O be ochieved by U", ~ d fnlm ramman ~ wtucb they

~: On lhf: basi! nf infonna-
. . - clearly laO ....-.Ii: III rcoisl. ",.""..
who!lll1Vi\'ed will _s,.." lIgain.
Fig. 6 Ylt.llmin Adeficiency
Estimated impact ollitamio Adeficiency 00 under-fIVeS inthe de";e~ work!

_.,.. ~Il.\ _

"'~••o: ! l _

~ VItlmm A mrlill!-
23\ m~hOll

TIle ann ua!

t ragedy of ll alf a
million children
losi ng their sigfl t
Under·five population. developing wood
w as ollly the t ip of 562 million

a very much large r

.-. . ...... . . ..-_ _.
0: ...



. ,_ ...

---- - -
Tho c.u.. . . oiIImia A dtfi.
rimcy, And Jikc, ~ do.-I'rimq.
buIh problrm .......... " - boonI
_ _ Iut.....' dlIil1 dido alii bt'
rncak1i will bt- ~ ""'" ~.
n.c. ,"" dil< ' <WmIIIy .........
lot.....-ly halfollitho <bild
lht wwtd MIl _ ,uldu.d - . ,
.....,. • liIUe CUll. 10 ... ....... Adt:kit&:'. '" ado5-
.......... _ " ol JUfttI InO- ... • It-. 2llllJIOll .......... __
in _....-
fit. J IIHllrt lila .w'1 . . . .
_ 01 ..

-~-... _-
1 i_"_ _
.... .,. ,
i''''t1 or 2~ ollImiIo A cap- will "-1bN".) l tr-.l. •
. . . nil .... ,;.n. Ibrft Iimcs • __

... dUlrca _Ilia _ _ ol..,-; ....
. . . . A ...... to:ldc'll II> _ or

IIIlbc .,;,J.19!!Oo.1I .... _oiu ..1

111 1990. .... _ of '"' _ _ ill lilt •
Iba lbc . . . . ~ ollholoc hall- "'iel. 'Cwwtd_ ' ........
. . . . dliIdmo .... Ihc lip ol • -r • lfIllriIc. $h........ " " - " •
__ ....... ,...... (ic..$.F".... la-..
dml Iimcs l!Iol ...a.:r ol dliIdmI
..... Iooonm r ·r
......... olllllilda'
rimq: and Ihc ('l
ol!he IIt6-
quc,u .. cndI
lioro ......... __ Ionlb. " " -
......... ·
aaIl - ' -

'-dIJ .-... mt'l'IJlI> Irl'lllaull«b

Ihc binIl wiIh
-.- -_
.... thai '"' (w"'..iIr lJl'; 10 30lI tIM, . . cIoitt --'-' rnd wiIh 5alt-
hiKhoT ................. w'-t YibnliD ........ thai lIwr' laced iDe,. cd
A iIIlaU ~ adrqua-.- rIslt of d<Ilh ia chiIdbirIll. or IhrIlbcir
- --~-

WIIO . . UNICEI' aboo ~bt bobift Oft abo • ~ riok of low

Ihio ..... IlL......, lhc 1900 World binh iJbt oDd inIpoir<d """clop-
Summil fur Childn:n ' ;V'J(IIinlr lhll
itnpnl'tinjr viwnin A intBe .........
Olho1" uf lhc ubvIou.. PQW<'ffut low-
~ lllnlel/iclo with \lit' pull'llli;d W
.......'*'*' .....
1he inlrI dclicio.'IICY

Suppltmenlinlr iron hi nolalM...fy

rc<lll'.... 1l1n<w. blindncA. and dcalh simpIc and incxl>mtive. ~'""",,,I ""~
....,.,. 1loc <hlIdrro ollM ~ ~ 11bI<1I mllil bt' takea daily. bul
tb<oir. . is..... lhan one &fth oil ~
"'-&:: "- • .-.It. /lV"CI'DIIlm" ncb. l ~ lbc _ /<Itun.-, the trsk
ol r/Ico<.wd """"""'" made • krmal
<'WlllIilInml1O Ihc vinllII "limi..........
of ...... A dt:&tit&:, br Ihc mol ol
wiIh lhr dilo:_,
MouIol1lctuno: "'''oft """" ~
llIbk'l i1u.-t. o&t:tift..

'''' 1-..0\1'- 19901I"..w Somo!lil

~ Of lilt &1 IOIlioos ..... Iut C1IildttoI. aO'toMKiItI .......
........t. :J5 -1iIa:lJ '" II> ........ - 1lI"',,",-inJIIdc6dc.,
, ; • r~", lhr br Ihc nod of . .. _ _ lit IIIltaot_1llird
19!11S. """ " two IbinIs of II 01 ilr 1991l1coorl1lefono .- ... of ~
1Iw riok ~ ill lhoIoc 35
( b_n, ........... v.., .....
n.~ ............ "-ool ....... 1 • . . - .....
rtt~II>"""", 2.., ....... .... inJlldtk. .) ....... ~Il_
• • ........ "'" lhiI piclure_ is lodia .......... _liooIdol UlaP"
........ ,.idly. ill 199t, Mmto " - _1_~09lM) . . . . 1ba
t ".<tl A ""Ill I .'r' ___~01 ~_~

... 2.5 . - l d wiIh III It-. ....., .-.bI"

M1 hCltrillk
....... 10« CoAX + bas ..,.., ....m of t.... taIphe Irbioto .....

..... wiIh oilzaia A; ... ....."""l. _1lIr JOIi ol. __

btiII:d _
\'iec " - ... ' bed • ..-ioolaI ob lhinI.......,.......... ..,1lot_
.... A dI)' with doe aim ol ~ 10

Ilr"MdK.... ~...-.-...­
2000.~ lnoiWe in Ibo.-y
wllidl ishomt II> ~ half of
tho ~ 466 tniI500 in
wi( .........lhIl ~ ollhouaanda rbc wwId who III5:t fnlnl Iron do.06-
ol rhikl dl'1lhl from diarrhueiI IIld <iMler rnrtmiL
FiI.1 10P' "ln..", No mid-<lc.-.dc ta/"J!IOI was emit- To make lhis Ii.. spo:cilir and n...·a-
PGw_a1 _ondallJlP'lN bhm for PI"Ol!!'-.... ~ 0I\I0t'flUa; surabk.-. n.... LaIn" Ij!Iftd thai lhe
""",-'IronI ... ilIIIDooty_ but the goal or virtual eliminolion diSlribulion of tn..... and Iow-rosl brnst·
~ lhe .ml of au. ~ ill milk ...bstiwt"ll tn ~ """ W
unlikelyto be mCll11i1lloul1 !li$milic:anl malemity wards "",",ld br ~dm in all
KWIcntion of clfun ""'... til<' ",,", """ "",rrtrict, by mid-cl~. II .........
~ ~ thaI an alMnpl would be
" made 10 ~ all hospiWs ar>d
lNltmily uniL.10 adop!lho.· '1m 8lcps
." 10 ~ brrMtfol'din.ll" drawn np
in 1989 by an l$fll'fl grwp spoosorcd
In 1990, more than 1 mi1Iioo infanlf; by WHO ood UNICEFundn-l!Iechair.
" d,,-'II who 'O'\>IIld nOt ~ diN! if tlI<'y rnan<JUp 1>1 1h<: lho.lI NUlcrian Ilcalth
MiniSll'l', Dr. Ran_ Ku li~
hadbee! adusM'1y bn-aslfed lor Ill<'
" W sir: IJ\OnUtt of lhrir liwfI.- 1'JIor¥.S.'l' The pnIC1icaI rtSUn. w
M.•lnou""""d and ...,.)u....'Il, mOSl of daie are moclmu.1y......... f'OIinl!.
" " l.lM>IlC inlants' <k'alhs Wtn' markl'd by Of 1M72lk.. . e\opiDJf ~ thol
the last poinfulpsps of an lO:UIC rnpi- Ift"iouol~ allowo-d tn..., Ill" .... bsidired
..tory infooion. or by the ...ddo.> ood infant I'<>nnula$ to be di;Irlbu1l...t in
drradful dnininJ! 2"'"Y of life by diar- ~~ and matUlllty rlinics. aD bul
rboHld~ ~. Kuwait, bi<vc Wnn<...t 11M: ~
MOSI of l"'- infanls died bl......,1C c...I>f~bo.1"I!l9l) .
th<y hid bctn k:d with ~~ ..,b- In 57 flUl Ill" 102 ~I<ls>irw couo·

--- .-
. _ . _ .-~
lllilulCO. Thdr """,nlS, 011<11 poor ar>d
illilrral<' and living in unhJtiri<ni< .,....
diIion.. ~ have decided l<>
~ fom,ub lor man~ ~....., ..
including the ......"j foo- !he mothor to
lrit's.lhc I<tioo lakt1! l<J da~ maJu..o ~
Iikcly thai oImosI. aD m:ojor h""llitab
(deroatd .. 1<"",hilUl" hospillls.. provin-
cial""""w.. and Olh.,..hoopiulA with
"""" lhaJI 1.000 birIluc per l"'orl wiD
won. ou1l<idc: lhe hom<: and leo.., lhe Mv.o agre.,d In Min.. 11K: 1<11 SICpIlo
baby l<> be iI...t by 1lOtJX.'ODC ..".,. M.,.,y .........' fiful bn:aslf~ by lhe mid-
wen: .... ~ by .IlIvenioe- dJ<. of llUo deo:ad<e. In th<! _em
n...lIl.. ond by the mlsguitkd <'lWllpio I>t.-mioph<...." ,"" ooly nationo unlikc-Iy
and od~ of hoopitab and malemity 10 achic've W 1(oaI",.., Yna<b. Haiti .
unit.. and the Uoil,'OI Slal<:O. 10 Africa, mas!
C01!lfJIl'f'cioI inflUll lonnulao are an of the ~ are ~
cxpcn,;.., and inlerior ...bstilute for decll'd by....,. or nsa!lmn.ult.
m.,aolmilk. Thqr are h<lu....tly """" 10 1otaI, alm<>sl 1.000 ~tab
dilu[.,d in ~ 10 _ lnOIIOY, ami W<>rldwidc "'" now di~"lI the
mil<ed 'll'ith unWc wall.1" l>cf<Ire being ....!>r-flif'ndly' plaque whkh mean.
t....t to lhe child from lUl unstOl'ili1fll thai !h<y "'" Iollowinll the ''''' Slcpa
boII.le ""IlIICd with an uock'an 1C"!. and do onI ~ fmo: or10_ ... ~
F'=Iu1li>1: 1na>d<:l'Olinll. by ronlra$t. pIics of brca5trnilk subsliru!('3. In the
IlItI"i<Ies comllk,lc. hyprue. inapm. devdopiOSl: --'d, """r 14,lXlO ~
sivc nulrilioll. II also prot«\S :q:ainSi tab and rnalcmily unil. ""' in the
CIIIIlIIIOO d""-"",,, and !lclay5 It.. ~ of c~ SlaJldard proce-
mum 01 """lotion . !hereby IIcIJ>inll: to du",," to ~ and ~ pnctX.-:il
preI'<1Il ' D<W Pf"gIUIIICy folIuwing 100 support 10 brnsl1eedirur. In 1heiDdu..
soon after the loot- lriaIizl...t wurld. 19 Il3l1oruI have "" far
One million dtath •• y<ar i. lho.. ~ lIP naliooal ""\horitin 10 supervi...
n>ca$U'" of U- dia~ and ~ au. initialivc: io Sw<.*n.
1'IIt»I15IJ: Afll'f lWO ~ of evi- 410U1 of 61 maternity units wen: des-
dena: in ....ppon of Iho cooclu..,.. i/mall...t 'bu!>r-tnendly' by mid- l!l9l.~
""tli......t abc>o;". i """""""'lI; ..,....,. 10 the laol lJln:<, y~..... 30 more
seoted .u the World Summil for "",nlrie5 ha~ taken a:tio:I on 1""
Child= lMdc • new rommilJMnl l<> WHO International Cnd<: of MarlleUlUl"
the """""lion of b~asd'eedin,g. of Brusunilk SubaJtulCS. ~
Immunization <Tl.'af<'<I in 30lL mnaiotd ","bltin SOlI, fig.' I"",",oilati.. _ . , .

and dccliIle<I in 2(&,. ",<a_ol .. ~ _
AI. tho:: md of the 19i'Os, ,......,.lhan Ill' Although kn'ard prOl:n:a a/way'> _ _ lWO'O'IOd ..... r.. ol ..
of the 1l'Uf!d', dilld"'" wen: bdnll
immulliz.:d. ~kasb, whoopinjr <'OU,<!h.
~latlu .. ond diphlheril """" daiminl
thf: IM:S of over 13.000 ~ ~
day of """'Y y"ar-. MoIIlY millions Il>D<\"
oppt'IN mon: dr.ImaiX:. the ~
of 1990 imruWlizalio" 1ovI.'!>o is unc 01
lhcgroote$l """""""""'IS ofiM 19!1Os
to dale. Imm\1lliQlio" Ievtls ut in 00
'lfty' rumulaliYe: '-""<'<Y yW• • n<:W
• -- -- _.
~ bo:ing kft <k'lll' or blind or <rip' cohort of approxirnaI<'ly 140 milliorI
plod by polio and ~ and lhe oewl>orm rnulll be mlChed with tho
outritional health of ......, Iar,nr oum- right vaccine 111 the righi tempen1ure
bon ...... beinJI undermiJ>o,d by pn> 111 thn rillbt limn 011 Iuur or "'" ...,...
"""table dlseases lllat detn"'" lhe rate occasioo. durilI~ the dlilrl's fiNt
appotile. burn """'l1' in bt.-rs, inhibit r=oflik.
the aboo<.>r¢on of k>od. 0Ild dnln away 1M overall position in Igg,j (daia .
IlIIlrieol, in diarrlloo.", ond vomitinJl:. lor 1!I93j is M'\ ou1 in lip.. 9 and 10.

~"'this~.theWorid The la10ll i"formalion 011 the individ-
Health Assembly ott Ill< goal of immll- ual larl:I'I eli........ is 5UIllltIIIioe<l
nizing M of 1ltco "'<lIid'. clIikIml by
the ' ''Id of 1990.
For a.....n. WIlO.UNICF.F. and
lIWIY 00..... ~ have Polio
WOI'Icc<l with fOV"I'I"""'lll rowards •
thai roil ;" oinually """Y vilIal!c IlIId Moot <>I the ten. of million. of ehildm.
lItlghbourbood of Afr1oa, Asia, llIld who were infected by lilt: polio \/iNs in
Latin Am.,ri.:,.. Its alUlrunmt in lh/, 19!1O n.~ l'Ii!ltou1 over lowwinII
majoriIy of rou"lri<... hao meant
the IJf'.'V"flUon of "lJPf"l(imo.te!y 3 ",i~
thai they had b<."", anack<:d. The dis-
eo&: l'Ii!hou1 "Y'fIIllOm. '"
tioochild dcatho. ~ ond tho:: l/lDual """'" casn, the'" WlIS a slighl fewr ----..
01'13 - _._ _

P":W.,liM of awvllimatcly .fOO.OOO and _

p1a_" adj~,." SIY"!he WHO

",u",,1e pain which was.
<::>...,,, of polio. "71fiJ _~nIi"" " quickly fotxon..... In . oman ~l '
~ of ....... bul • "-"Y !arl:" """,,lu~
Global Advisory Group 011 imml1flil2. numb"r. !he fnwor "'maine<! high and
--"'-- '"
fig. lD Mutillf 1l,u oid·Heada V
""'"'" III doooio:ll<'I_.... ..... .,
tion."is. kJ'fl/1 MMrfflJPizH by lJu1ffI' the pain btetrne muscle: ~ _ ............ plol-..,g'"
•.w pIIb/i<. ".. uoually ;" tilt lar1re< musdeo of the _ , 'M1 '''M lIl'Jo~ -..
l'1IoNl5Il: Allhe World Summit fi>r q . In lhelc cascs, the viruo WlIS repIi-
bi.... ol-.... ............
Children in 19!1O. the chid 0>flCCfII C31ing;a..H and rok.'rinsl the juncliont
l"U thai thio mnordilW)' clfurt. II><: of tbt tn010r ll('Iln)Il' which ," otrol
lugesl ;"I"mational "'Illaborative the D\OV('Int\lIS oIlhe muode. •
~ in pca,;...'liot<: hislQry. m~l1 001 Some of th_ chi'lllnn ~
be ",$lIinfd. GoYo:mm<",ts thmfol t all or most of the Io!t ",u,d" COIIiroI
• •
tel lhe ~ of mainlaining the M over the Iollowing lhn.'" mooth,;. Rut ~
immuni<atiOll \,:"d (and i'" ochieft. lor "llllfIJ!6rnatnly 2OOJJOO <>I !host!
"""'1 by lhooe COUIItrieI thai hid 1101 childrtn. the vinl:I d~ 5Oto or •
yrt done ...) in tho nr1y yNI'S of the 6Il'l'o of the o,:"nm. *"""'R the mulde.
199Os, kiltc>W<'<! by . raisiost of imm... meaning IhlI1 ;1 could 00 ~ tu"""
niwi<m ~ 10 SOl or more by 100 lion nonnally. f'ennanenl paraIym

l"'ar 200(1, ..,.. the """,It. •

_ .
!'IN>t;1<t'$$: Immuni%ation I4:urea b- for a few oItbooc cliildml. the pan

1\193 h.1v<: ).lSl br:al1IH' .""jlable (mid- "I the body thai IIU lullier full,:tionnl •
(994). By and tarrc 1M,.llhuw thai Ihc - . IlOl the !t'$t but the ~OIY

-.- ' -
.__ ... ...
wid<-ly ~aml decline in immunil2tion
Jo.·vds bas lIOI occum:d (fIJI:. 9). Of the hioIiIu: ~ World Summil lor
Ii6 di.~ naliolIlI thai ""~ CbikIteu cnadt a nommi!metJI 10 iIIl'
the 1m immunization laIyCI by thC' .r.ldicatioa of polio by the <.'Dd of the
tnd of t99O. ~ Iw lIintt in- 1990s. MOll! of !he rouJIlrics in the
Panal !i

'A ""'**' .. _ 8tId ri1i1Ihn ..",.<loa in...... """'" 1hI ,ill: Irlm
the ~ ttl I» "" /1'10
I'IJIit*rf III I/»
r• . .-rMrirN#-
' .... _
" - II pno'II:ln
oI .. . - _ olHN
Ihonlllhl W1l1101rucrn:em.- ;n ""'" DttIrnI"IJ ;, A.frr:o. _ . 9
children's ""l ""1._ '''' ....., dlildnn".;g ....,...... in !hi
1900s ... ""- _ gains in <Nld

W-. .. -
IIlrtJYlO ore being ~ , In
tragedy ".. n tcmr.Itt"'9 1hI AIDS
W<:fI'IIIf' ..
ZinDllIw!. ttIr wnr>Io. AlDS 1m
..... In AIrD, _ _ now
55"",.U _ _ oflW.
oimldy boc<rIJIlho biggoll $I'Igle
ollho NICIn', 'Ildo"'"",--
AI. ltJo WS .......... lrf'I"S. ~ .. SuI 1hI oilu:II'oI ;, .....e CCMJIl'"
tl!ro'rWIg deat lhiI _ are nm II Asia .. ~ okro.lsI .. 1Illd> l;llISll
.......... !IWI ..._ Tho_ .... ttIr oon:em. IIQilan<l ftIl(Itl "'" 1
boIh lIOqal orr! JOtiIL !lio\! : ""'r, odutt " 50 is " fetted _ 111'. Q '
_ f l l l l _ risl.lllIo::loAe .lq- lIWy by Ma'Io:IoI l.i'MOOy lUgODlll
or rrr.aM ........ .. .......,a cUIng hi \lie 1W1rr(1 ~-tiIoe fIlCl'UI"llY
<u.aI ;,trrrolno Q ~ _ IIIe wiI 11M tJr 10'!l0 biIIln !hi end 01
corrie< • g<UlIII .....,........", 01 ltJo
_ !l'IlIn .agonal lUi SCitIalIv, tNoI ~-
W~ QO AllIS IQI:Cft In si\tII. D:tt
tie _ ~ tNoIler1d ......- d'-.go off. . . 01 _
ttl """" .. "... "'"" older men "'91h1 twlOl 01 '" IIlIiIIemit Iha1 <:ould
..... ....... I'Iad partneR _ SIll 26 ,niIlion people OIflO:lOld lII'Id ..
Dl bBalsr IIIIl\' ~ Iidl arlU lIInIllI ~ llllI ollllmcsl .. mikIn by
I:Iloiclo o!rrJl _ ond IIIi1!l ¥!tan .... VU! 2tOl s.. £Okal"'" "" ~
!til\' _ -. llfr.I. nol ;, ...... {6J'lo 01 ... IW on1Ktianl
• pollllCrl e;ltJor to Oil' to Inlhr """ II Iht 1[,.1I>? lIgI ~I II
."." ltJorr pWler'1 xNIl behMu .....1ioI fvrj recn SIIIdIa I1lMI
' ' ' '*9 _ .. II(Il """"""" ...
m.. 'll......... ltol _ by Il'I(Morog .....
... IWcabOn is IlOl 0lS<I0Mlld _

""" In..... _
ol lif8lllllllll _
of AIr'a. :!!i'llom JIJ'I, liN _01 erir w:uaI K1Mfy
alllniroJ enterIOIaI MIl lIlOI'\! ~, lhil gwN-
clila .... fW-l"'l'lMI.lIno il w lII ol "'9 AIlS _ I 10 ........, rd cllilinn
\her biIbies wiI be ~ wftll .... wus will Ill! dirrInoltI lO'IIiI _ _ "...
All will do>elap .IJDS Q _ will dio ..... _mQjIUIO ..... tollmoo
IIeltn ltJo 1\11 (If fM. So 110, approl.i- ltJorr 1lWrI~ .'" to " f!uoII:I ....
moaIy I mil... <:tiId<en _ boon ~~
"oIleclod ... h;I/f I ....., 11M o!rtlodI' Ileocuor.i f l , . , . .. Vel"
.... . _ aIIm t!Iim in Af1i:lI Iho _eel Slli lIlJIlI'I .....ny
IW is rbIl kl'OMI lIJ ..." boon (J'l AIDS "'".",..." orJt -.. HI" ..
lI8RlIM!Oll by _rmIi ;., .... spent in .... de> : ,-. wor'd. ........
~ &lIrOlSlfeedrv .. ml "". ll5'Io all1lcuanl .... ocam:1lI
-"'- Measles r.. II WI,,,,.. oil polio
0-,,00 _ _ .. ...
ill Iht Mio:I<fIt ~:.t alld NOfIh Nib
to=pll'd lhot this .ro-l <.'OIlld br
..liih..d by Lbo: """ 1!l!l5. or
hoo.oDJ: 43 Old or M '&o••, .'.;>i••
1ft the mid-I!lIQt. Ill<'Wb ..... ""
cqll"" .. a l1tlftlQl pon or ctIiIdbuod
amM DIU<h tJI. tl>c do~ ....-Id.
_ ,,"" "-..__e. thaol "-' 0IIupcl'd Lbo: 19f6_ 101.... <lu1<lrnl .....~ witbiM • ""-
J:Ct 1ft 00 InICk 10 1dIitwllM: ~ dI,yI. M.,. ..&n:d • ~ ill ...a,m _ _"I
,.". or,\uptl 199ol. all Ihr _ . or .. • _ or ritamiIo A lIlokiull iJoeIq o
<TIl btw...... ,,!woo btu '"'" pwlIa or ....tutnhIt 10 do: Qdc or hquo.'Ilt iJI.
.... aud puur JIUWIh. SorDe __ ~a
ban. t/ln,.. ,.,..... In .........
1hio_· ......... lIlok .do" .. wtlh _ ~ 0Ibtrs •
I'loI ArDtri<wI IkMh 00", . . do.tlcp:d 0liliI ....,. _ _ •
:nl wlIh - . - IIUAlQfI .-- drIl II.- ill .... 3 .
U!'o1CtJ'. lbr C-a. ~ ,.... Ibo: .t:dIlioIliU\llt raoh or
. . . . . . ,......-... _ _ tJO.,

Ot"lo........ ~. Iht U.....
Saln ,...,. Iut bltt,llIIionaI skID 'btau IIInle-In _ &.

Otic': 1Il:nl ...,. .... , . .. _ oIrIilltd ..., ill """"" dia ,.....
• ......-nI.....anM...:;' .. tdlht ... dtIO) III cthon. the cad

..... -,... ...

•• ~.' .. tht
..0lhtT ..... _ _

,& .,...
c,""" __..'*4.
%!i ..

k. Chiao

...... ......
...... ,

- -...,.-
lho! "-t
.....,., 'codl_Ibt
--_ • --
. - , ooidI tw, . . . . or hi-.loilol
' In ~ lbt dlilcl'......
d ... rR • Ioif:b • LI!O

S-....".. ic.:5 ....

. . .,....""'
"- s.roo. 18
5:l8. 19!I11tIc
--.I '" '1 '
fa ,
' ~ I!I!II s.oo-iI ......

s..htl4 __ ..... m'
n_ ' _\
II iIl....n
...... ...,.. • 1M . . 199t. It-.

_........ .....
IItMIbI " aI 1ft '
p " • . . s,no !low . . 1M _k00d4.
. 1
:1' h
..wdI it
e ............: WHO _
.......,Wl. j i)_did .

___ ib'b''''""" lIIr
..... - ....... ..._--
)Ibooir«.Ibo: .... _ by _ .. . or ~
Ie ........ odi<atd polo " - I: - .
~ ..

_ hr do: nlI or1m

t · d; ; ' 1 . or l5ll .,.
.....1 . hr u:.1CEf '<lilt. MM .._.,--

'it' ... cad '" 1995..

w..W...... 1l>rot.-;
••,..·"..0. •
.. :1Il0l.... :"............. a........

.....d •• 0Iftp III . polic <-=0. ~ "" lot .hit.. S&.-
At.wollut Ie " 110 ,_• • • - lbm: .n.s._ tuukl be Kllieot4 iIl3S_ M_'.
....... _ _ 4Oll,Ollll ...... ~
..........k ol ccioIi<I:I .......
pcIic ia 1983; ' " 19!N lhoI IOUl bid Of\he, 10 1IIIiktb' III lIIftt the
faIrn ...... =-IM.OOOltic·II).
_ 1 _ iIl '8bIna I\i'h.
Ulhio..., .... t., .. · ! 4._ Uthe 1995 ilK" ...1, am..;D
or \hr ....... or :_ Aalerb. EIIol hriuI tht """""'" '" cbiIIl
...... NCII1lI Afrin lAId tb<- Middlt tItIdu; fnan nna1eII duwII III lewtr
Eat wiI Kbirw or ....,. U- boll' I millita. .. ~ I e _
io;::oIlwIlJr tht """ 011995. WIth ........ tbe I milIioa ill 1!l9Q, 3 ........ In \he,
jam.... ill 0IDdr hrip,. _ of tht mid-19!lDo<. Ind 110 8,m.,. Io:in>
......or 5uuth Nil t>..,,*,- .-IH...--iuIIicIIo ~ (rw. 121.
Afric:o ..;a de ... by lb.' " l!OOO. Allhou«h \he, ......... Im"",ni..,..
fly lIIlIt lime. ~ islikfly Wilhm ilcJllle"l!l "" IM~" ~,; .. WIlfld IS.
will br 01. . . 5 miIIioII doildml btklw ..holt l't'mIlnlI hiah 01 191.. Ihiot ...,....
the IIll'" or 10 ,,1>0 will he llN"'inlI Ul/ ~ 1tIIOk. diIJc.._ . bM....... <:ot>I>'

IIlil'tlWly Iall who wuuId " - bi.'t'cI m.. llw ~ mainllinir¥r or«
~ blifoo,bypo.>lio_~ ...... """-"nlI" and ,,-, WI; on' pc.'I'Il ~
!<or 'lor .1b1 10 .-.bIbb roat ~ La oIip.. hi lOtI1, 'l:l olrios
haw k1 hnmwmoliou fall by

n !!woo lUI. MeD:o hal haMld dlild natiu:1;)I tellMsion and _ lIIan 2,3
30,()()() saved Iidt\>oo dou
doolh:l ~"'" <IianIlooal diseaa AA
I'IIIIIllIlioo in
million lIIIlilllll radiII. In lh! _ 'feIII.
.1nol8 million poIta"J. ~,Ifll
~ 1990( shows • 56'1\ fd in lNf\et$ ...n.d ltIll 001""""'" . . .
since 1990 dillllhDea wtill lfIalg 1Td!:r.1M! ltol titlt "'Ibo beSlSCIIIliDn'
dealh:l 119!11 III 19931: This means lhat r~ lII!J!It!l'll iroNsecI--.r gin-
~ :II.lJlI \<lU1lI tiles r- I(Olad by lhDse ~ , Mol:i<o',
tloirl sMd .., I.- IS • Jm* ol -.....I p"....:1Jon aI ... ~
MoI!aI'llI1IlImIllJIllJ arJ"oe';e the 19$ Ialt3 hal ~ Irtm g rnillllll ped:-
gooI (II lmlo ORT Ole oeI by ltIll l!OO IllS in1£119 III 8J..1Iion in 1993.
_Ill Slrrrnit Irf Cl\iklffn. To trod. up the. . . ec1.cation <8n>
In ltIll IlIII yellS foIlcPNilg ltIll PI9\I. ~1Ih .....un OIl! 6:IcI<n ..
Si.rmliI, I'reIicb1l CirIoI Salm iIIl IlOll1 IP"l"rrnenl _ _ IJld I>'i'tIlil
Go<tarl _ poniaAor support 10 Iho tntta """"- . u _ in.... mrrect
gooI (II ~ til Me>.ictn !iII'IIKeI ease ~ oI6~ lIiseaso.
-_. U_
in lho Ole aI tnI lI1l!fapy i'Mlslment in clIIan waI8r ......Iei3II-
~n.Iho~""_~ iIatIlII ""' _ .IS \ Ifll • If'-
niqut IN,.., I"IIf'l most deaIhs ~"'" 111m hal _ "" up III .............
Brr lh! ond 011993. _ S millllll "'. itlUI 01l1li at 1!Ieso elforn.1ho
fIKIlhen in """"'" had _ in estimoied irciIlonc:o <:! <lioo_ dis-
0FlT In "'" """" affll:lld _ . h .... in \<lU1lI ctil<twI 1m dIIcIir-'
Mi<istJy oIl1e.1iltl ha U"- lIR>"lMi- hom 3,5 10 2.1 . . . . per child per
molllt,- 1 nVIIIn I'l'IlIMIIIS healltI_ 'feIII. In .... .,..., 1lIaI nil! <I\lU, ....
usa Ii {IfI hal Im.ased bo'n 66,. 10
>II\llI,,* . Ide to \Sldl 00.. how llJ
_.-.I_t .... .......,......_ """ lmlo I..... (If "'" opo<iaIly _ .

tlml rinary diom- ...... kill« dis· lid n ~ salls In:rn 22'.l. III

"'" noning is\:eplas ...... asllO'" ""

So !•. hoaIlII lilIdul\l8S from E
....... is ba..:l on .m. Ie=JnI ao. I, >; """"',.. toM .. "lIIl
wtIictr am _ in Sp;riltl as ltol MoaU:c III stu1I' • ~ _ is
.~ fMl'llia • ~ jmntnJod 6II1eal"rog .... ru:nbeI one tiller 0I1ho
ll11dingl. bsIadJI ~ < .... "Ilion', d'!iIoDl lab'Ig ..........
long W'f towatdo
~ ""'"""" tn-bI help """" ;,11_ 2fDl
I......... I~ lIflI!I 011 l.llHliro,I!dwion ill l8llI.

Nalionai (dl , ~ ....,. and IMI_I I
dliId hoaI1!I ""'I!b _ helPB! III
>peKI theoo basic ~ lo...aalll'
MIV wiagil arcl ~ nei;IlwIwl
in Me>:IaI, In 1993 _ . an ........
n-!S' _OIl 1211,OOl'irna on
..._ ... _-_.. -...
5 1I'-'I'OOIlaj/lZ 1Krint~ or more lIincc: nOll-" ~ is _iwl /fU i..... · Fit.12 PfCIll clionIpiOll-'-

1990and an' in darill<T of ~ the . WJtiOO omoilin i. all kil'..u.t d ;" eP......, io_ l i w _ t " " , _
rhi"""'Dl1l1 of the ""-'3Sh> goal ... slip trim 0" acuInIfltd."" " ,", ~ - I .." " "
from !heir grasp. Simil3rty. a mid-1994 ~ by __""",-., io _
UNfCEJ-' ~ 1Iw 50 oul of 100
d....... lot>lnR CO\IIIlric-o "'" "" tarxeI In
Neonataltetan us ach~!he NT IIoal by!heend 0/19%
<fill. 13). Pooolhly all many IS 32 ,""'"
In 19l1O. Il<OI\Olal (l'la/lOO was held ... CO\IIIlrito- could do 00 wilh a 1II'1ior •
be ~ ..b'" lOr """'" 700.000 infant rrncwaI 01 l'llurt .,..".- lite ",-""I 12
d,:alho .,..,h yr:or: MOO! of ito vi<tims munlM. or the 18 in which the r<>al is

~ .....oom babiM. and vt!'f'i r_ !1f unlikely 10 be mtt, 12 an- in ... 1>- •
tbr:m IOt'fl: (VeT - ' l by a hea/th Saharan Africa. In many <ast'S. neither deoth •
nor birth ns ofIkialJy "'lri!'lertd
T~uo i. thl'n!(on> the. RIOOl hid- Diarrhoea and pneumonia

,w,n oC di..,...... and the """ thal
imping,,,, I<asI on lhe """" of lhe nIOI'I' The 1990 Swnmil ablu onn<>wl<\.'<l tar·
forlulWe. /lol iii. "'" hidden from the gels for the II lrl on the lW<I """"
J'iU"IIlJ< of thoooo haIf·million infanlJ< <.1IJnJtMlII <au..,. of iIlncss and dcolb
upon whom lc\.lnu.1ay-o iU cold I/rip. arn<>IlI1lhc childml 01 \he ....... k>p;Rj!
Cruelly. the liISI. symplom is o~ world • pneumonia and diarrlIoea.
tak.... '" bo,o thr baby'. 6111I ornilo. Rut Eadl of thco<: claim. a;>pn>Ximatcly 3
"",,"-'OI>r in the family """" lIOli<ft nilllioa _ '"'" a year. T~ ,
th3l the smile ill Ii,,"d and -i1clY lhl'Y ON'tIIInl for ncvty half of all
"""lontd. AD thal day !he tiny jaw ...aIh. under the. 01fi~_ Ilolh are
"'u"'~ lllifleo furth<or ualil the. baby IIU8Cl'Il!ibk 10 ...Jati'v,,]y oiJnpIo: ODd
canROl (Illell it. RlOUth ..'ide ~ i~,we w-li<nlL MOOll dealh.
"""" III b~. Hu"8'J and from "n"""",,,ia cwld be "",,,,,,,"'-<1
anc'fltllliol[ 10 cry. the iar..,!'. (~ by th<! ~arfy pmlCripli<n\ ollow<tlsl
(un: ""-"$. The TH:rI day the infanI is lIllibio6<s. M..... dffib. from diar_
ahuddMng with ","",10' """""'"' the rI>oc-..l d~-.. rould be pn.'IIl:Illcd by
ghalllIy lII1\ill' <tiD mpb<1o. the to1in almo$I COR-r- <lr.tI ...hydntjon lhef..
11Io _ _ 01 _ _
oIo..-ty..,.,.,1./uw,dI the"""""'" oro- opy (ORT) and conlinocd f«<Iina-.
lem min the opinaIcord and themnial PltoN/S£: Cuafronted wi1h lheIoe
ft .... - . _" "
"""""" Rac-kcd by craml>lik~ paiD.. fxIs. poIilkal Ieadcn II the 1000 _lor...
the IIpalIIM inmo_. the baby '.1imbs Summil ~ the anal- oC a one-
bt:ol bul ,;tiff. ~ny ~ ~~ 1,-," third redlKtion in child ,w,aIh$ from
!I,..~ ODd unII<xinR. ""til, towardo "'-"'to! "'il\liralO!Y in~. and 1 haIv-
lhe ""d ollhe oKond day. lh~ .......... in.l of eb'ldde-lb. from <Iiarrha<;-..I Ilia-
ba.., bcoome uoo:mtrollablc and COlt- ca.lC by liK: yell' 2000.
~'llllon bc-giru '" build in \ivi:r. ~ T o ",ach th<! IIoal of n-d~
m _ ~


and lnin. 0u1 of aiJlhl ri the world. a clcatha frnm diantK>cal drhydntio<l. il
brirllif~ COlI'It5 III an rod. writhinJ: in ..... /wtho...,. agrttd tlw all ramllie5
the pi~annaofa Iii..,.., whirlI the W<lIIkI be in!onnod aboul ORT. and
world Iw IonlI known ""'" '" ~l
PIIONISl?: The world SwnmiI I\:rr
1Iw ~ ohould be em-... . . '"
the tttllJliqlll' by liK: ffod of 1995-

L1uld..... a<\opIod the IIoal of YinuaIIy /'IltJQtJ-:sI: 1be ....... n:«n' ~

e1iminalin$l II<'<><l8laI l<;W1U. (N'J) by (1993) on ptogrns 1<IWard. lIiliI gual
th~ eftd of 1995. ~ thaI th<: ORT """ nil/: was a1
~: 111 tnid-I994. WHO 1Iw tim< appmxinwely 44" for the
rt?O'\Cd-' "n . 1995,..,1 of_tal ~loping 1l'Orid .. . wholoo. Udin ._"'------
-_._"' _
---_._. _--
1<Ia . ... tli.. iJW!iDo ..... bmo atln'tIlt<! Amcri<-Ilcd wilh 64"- follow<:d by the
i. """" MI.1rin au dWrittr "ltd II1ill Middle East and North !Iflia II 55J..
"''''.~ ty _ , hI /lit ltJrrt/ril Sul>&lwan !Iflia was ncarinll 5QlI.
..I bt odin... ."."..JI." ..1m ro.- SoulhAsia stood al aP!W""imllely 40'.
Panal 7
The _ 01 ~ I miIDI_ , ~ .... d\<IA_ .......
I ,. in ~ on:I tI>Iti\Il if I -;io;Iim ofdorneslic Ydrn::I is twa '"
ilIsail,.j ill IIlit !lIp:I'I 1$ II'OIl 01 llllI lll!fi III hM I lIIisan'IIgI n! It:u
llaai"Of8lllld _ _ oIlh1 la$ 20111 trrIIS """ IiI:eIv to """" I ~

The greatest <lIl!lllII' EU II if n.a!led .". rolher 01

lho PO' riG:lon iIsuel - 'd'II .....
-.;. Dobv- HoI t:!ioItInIl ...... '""'"
lQ!y1o bo ~ OJ ~ tU of
iiit:ls!m\OlJ1Wl1:rl _ _ ~
sd'I.d. n! III bllaJre in ""*
abuse: .._ _ "",""II! mr.
_,~ otlhl-'<r • ..."".,..
nm. MorlI 1fI'doIr. ...."
...""., is also I ttilgllllj b <11>110;> ,••

vioIInIly IbusotI in _ """" Iona . eIllJtI. ,.. , rICIIll UNm ~

violence ~-.....,jiekDj IlJlS 11. dol ..-omo:tlS ~ doll.
hoPr ~ - up \II m in 1I'oliIa-d. ..."".,~ '" fInOtl'.~. n!
Imio in Pop8 _ ~ ifill tho

against nati<mI till doponds ""'" -, . _

IIIpJilc d fuel. ifill 1m. in l'akiIIan t4lf -.1 SB'lllII hr __ 1Ild rH'
IfId a. k1 "'" Unilld Statal. ~ JDnIi ""' t~ lhI SlJI'Cl1 d ,.,
women ......... if "'" biggal 0I/IllltI t:IUSI 01
ilVt' III """'"'" ICCnIIi1g r.:. """
/amity liar ~
;, q IIffIi4 d h ..... -*t nI liar
hospitoI ..mi$IioI~ tt.., - . ""'II- . - oJ mMIRt tM!t lhI "..., Wp-
g<r.p.nlOld~~. i'g ,., 1iltI<. ~ ..... dMI·
Sud119ns.\lQlBSl """ _ on _ ... 01_.
......, !IV _ Ml:wdI or "'* ~. k1""", nl .... _ ~


n h

_ _S 0DlI tDMW:tl loon

ks IS ' ffiWt to _ IS
in ~ rT1OlII! lD tm;1fI<s ~ m,
lho CtI*\. 1(1 '-'ll til! ..,. on:I ll\
_ lho CIIIiIeI In UtilI .......,.
11is tu - . . . . ""' lorlho .......· aIono. Ihn In ""'" 400 ~
_ ~ aM\l'fS. dol . . . " l,m,IS IlW1lII orgtIl"OIllIi<l _Tall til>
witton II'Ie IIivac:¥ 01 tho _ _ m ......... _ ......... IIgIIinsl-

~ frion:Is. -..... ~ nl 1... . - . pblicllms. PIblistIed til

IlIlhortlies lOll reUIn III I1IIIJdI ThlI !hi UN oe.llop,•• F\IId ltv w"*
~ h<i 'le~ I'OQ le'MIl """" rill 'd'II World Sri.. ~ _0\XIid to
ploinIs. ifill ...... Jess 'tlCCUlO 10 dol ....... b ... rIll"'-oI ........
low. _ lIthIr oiI:lWnI 01 ....., 11m.- DlI ~ _ <II su:!l
Mlrri ol lIE ~ ame to ~ MIliIIl:h if "'" iJ)lStiljry <II a Iri:
~" """"""""""
01,.......,·S..,. swus in_ . '.d ifill
""-' dcrnostio: ..... on:I progest
llM'WI ~ b - . los rNI -
_ Cordi1il:r.-l "'"" tJirth lO......" _ "" ~ br lte ~ <II tho
d. ,i2l... ...q in 1IIImS 01 iI'!ir abifitt literatY ~ _ _ mal8s nl
tu ...... ""' SIIlSfy orhln, """f - - fm\aII:Sl. Tho ...... i1lh11lN ..... 01
~ tu .aora .". IoDI:i'lJ lill to """""'" riles ...., . . l*tt*' Ml
thoit """" ~ t1e,odoes, lliInlirt Nt t!Jolr ~Jdjtio"oIllO$itir;1l d ~
~ Iter ~ IfId lidq) dol
....u 111 "'" ....... h
lInJiIOs, ""'" tile . . - _
... tnl ""
" " ' _ wiI &itt so low tlIIt 1111 oic-
lim ..- isoIauI hnIII fIGm frierdI tnl --_
- __
lY on! aI1IIllI isbIWlg MatlAl1 l

...... .
-_ ."
.... ..
_.... .-
_.. _--- ....
farrWr· 1fIll /ram lho ~ I!laI "'"

- ''-
and ~_ AsilI had I"cl!fd 361 (Ei:l\ if thin! ill !herd,,", unlikc'b'
\(I be mel fig.1J "'" (l1li111 1$_
China is =luded). Thnt l\InIn'o withoul • signi/icaD1 ""-""1<:rIdioo g(
W mpaI'C with u,," moo of a1m<:><I ""'"
~ in the remaining)'t'O'"S of the
ft. c _ . . .
"'" -..,g _ "'"---' ..,ltI d\IIIIIO

in w carty 19l(ls lJ4t_I(). _I00~
l~ to dIII ~ lJIClIl:l. lhOl IJKlIl' U DO ~ io made on lhe siJuI.
thm I rniJIioq dea1h•• Y'.... "'" brirul lion .. il stood in 1990.'tl the num-
ber of childrm uDdr.-r live who win dIt-
F.otimotcs from UNICEF omo." in unn«....'.' lrily from prlt'Ur1IOIIia. in this

1!/9ot "'-'J(gt'Olllw IlK> ';I...oon .. llliIl laM ~ of thc 20Ih c<:nlwy will be
<~ qui<kJy. and thai .. devt-iopo llJlP'O'lilTlllcly 30 ml1lion • more !han •
ing natiora"", on tnck 10 1dIi<...." the the t'01m, child 1"4'I'\alio.. of 111"
IKJJ, Iar/[<'t by \hand nf1995 (fig. 15). European Community or oflb< UniIt'd •
That JOAl bas aln-acly bcc<l ~aclled Stales and C......~
in I? ,"""o lrict; ~ lllJulan. •
C2mcrt>oo. ChiIc, Cuba, 1M
l~m"<Tatit- P"opl". R"""blit- of Dracunculiasis

Kon:a, Gui"'.... 1m Libya, M... it'o
(panel 6). Saudi Arabia, Syria. the In 1900. dracur><Uliasis or I(Ilin<:a
Un~l<l Arab Emir:l..."&, UI'IIS/U"Y. wr>ml _ _ WlIlI bringing monlh!; of
V~....,la, ZarnIU. ."d limbob>oT. pain. inft'dC<l ukoo.... r....... and joinl
~ rounlri,:• • ~ KL'I1)'1, ddorntitit's k> ~el)' 3 miUiorI
1.eiwJIbo. Namibia. Sri Lanka. l""\lII' in AfriCIl and ANa. 1111Wn1f<om.
Tanmia, and Trinidad and Tobago . pontry <Ii,.bilily 10 many. and Jl<TTlII-
.,.., all ft'l'O/1<'<I 10 be "-'r)' <Iooe to!lOl ......, disabillly 10 .'"'It'. And il .....
aul mid-l!194. havirI,I!" • measunbJt, irnj>Od 01\ both
E..... lIIOfl' imponanl. from Ihe prodllClMIy and «lucaIiooaI .llain-
p<lilll of vi<:w of m1uci"ll dffihs (ron, ""-""I (in the ......1" phose g( !he dis-
diarTllo<-.I dis<_. m<\SI ""'nlri<.-l"", .-e, "'" po;" is too ~ for vicIima
makill,ll r;opid PI"lllt"IS in tht usc of In l'itht'T IWlI'k orII'> 10 schaoQ .
II!r .....tiaIly /ormub"'" oral n:bydn- i'JIwICi>£.. 11>0 KQVm!".. ,"s of all
lion ~ (OIlS) thaI "'" -*d in df<:<ml coun1ries ogn.-.:d to """",pi.
ca><-s of ~ <Ii....... _ _ lb< t ...... i<aIion of dracullOl!ia:Jis: by
""""'" f<>r lb< Jl"R"II\' k> .."ok qua1j. the md of 1995.
f><d help:" 1'1Ioc1lVi5: Vldtlry rM:r dlllCWlC:\llia-
MudJ 1t'os proglWS t'3lI be sis io immiIIerIL Surtt'iIlao<:e dIIa from
....... __....
~ in lb< SIruiP ogain sl ......It'
.-....pir2IJ.>r inf«lion.. A oimplr .-.-
~l lllralcgy has been dew!-
optd by \\110 In "nab'"ht-aIth
1993 Mow . 25Sf<,dunioa OWl" 1992
in thro number of ~ wh"", the
dL""""", is r-onsiclcm:l mdt'fnic (fig _
1 6) . ~ India. willi OWl" 2:um <:aso)ll in ---
- "'-"--
workcn 10 diagnoa! and (R,a! """"" 1986. had kwo:r than lK(I irl 1993. 5G!lII _ . ....
monio sakI)' and «OIIOIIIically ~ Pal<m.n ..... only 2 t1I.'lCS in 1,JSI one n. _ _ , , _ ~

~ ."tibiolicL ~ lIilil vilb;/J: in the "'hole of 19!n C"""""""

lllnll"lQl lwo bo:t.-n imple"'e'''''''. pneu- repor'lt'd only 72 f'aS<.'S in 1M """"" of ..._ "'w,
10'> _'.
ltlUllill dr-aths have falIt1I sIwply. Ilul 1993. Upnda n<lU<l'<! Iu; number ol
'"'" ~ nalional efJoru have ...-s by 6Oli. ( from aboul 126,000 In 1
"""" moumorl. And although anlibi- f<'P"Mt-rl 43,0001 in !he firsll'ftl" of ill!
Olks orr e/Ii.""",,, and ~. 1M inl<'r\'l:rltion Jl'1llt'"OIlUII. and l!It-re is
probk."" of gf'1ling i.hml ic lb< riJ(hl
clIildtt'n li the righlli"",;,. ~ di!·
ficuilln ovm:-oml" u 1.the rt'Si:iWl<c
C"=)l IikclihaorI lhal the di$t'a>e will
"""" be climinale<I nolirmwid<:. Ghana
ha:i rt<Iurr.<1 cases by !lllI sinre 1990.
of lhe m<.'di<lII pn>kssi"" lr> lhe id". Ni.l:<:rio r<c(Irded oYM" UI3.OOll ca..... in
thal rornmunil1 hnhh "",",cn iihould 199'llild <lilly ?f;.OOO irll993.
be alllhoriZl'd ta 1"""<"'' ' the _ _ ()y",rall. lb< fil/un... ~'St l/ul thro
""'Yanti biuliN. lOtI! "WIlber of ptnpIe ...11t'rinJI from
1'ht' ynr 2000 Kual oI ...<Iudng ~ " " " " . _ is IIO W under hoH
child deaths from pneumonia by """ • miDi"" • • n..Juctiurl of lK'Ilr1y !lllI
Fig. It Tk riu oIl1RT oi:IIce :he 19/JOol. Th..... is ~""-"Y lrits. the yell"2000 ,goal could otill be
" , - -0 1 _ boo!> " clance1h.u. by the mil of 1995. ~a ;ll;hiewd by a RJnll-.... "'. ..--ofm.
.... r;.,..... 0lIl_ "'"
worm m..a.c wiD bo: g<>ne from A5i>. I""blom 3lId by n"':ively pro-
and ""'" of Mri<a, InvinJl' the pro!>- ~ 10 and equip ~
""""..... iII ""' ~ __
k,m rontl'Iltnl<'d in Wesi. AfricI aDd in dislrict bospital$. Most dNth. in child-
iJlI, SlritNom ....... in and """'ncl binh OC<"Ur .long lime ali... 'I""bl<""
swlb=o Sudm. hao ~ """mi. And there ;" ""
If~. WCft!lS ~ l/UilIl'a wxent """" fur • much ...-idcr and
"""""" .u-se will t... a resuhof . join: k ",,- ner IwarmnI • """"'ll cum',,,'»
<!on bo:Iwet<IlfI)VtnIIIICnl$. UN1CI'.lo·. '"'" IS wclI as JI<>':"'f11II'\S, famiIicI ll
WHO. the Ca:t<TCmllTl Gklbal200J .....·UlIS be2Ith ~ . that 011 PfI-'ll'
prognIIIlIII<. the WHO Colla~ nan6ts m....,;", rillk and thai iIntl>P<fi.
e.-ntor aI lh< US CClltl.... lor DilItasc ale uanskr 10 liM! ~ hospil1ll i<
COOil'nL thc World Hank. and olMr CSIlCIItiaI II !he linl sijIII 01 bao.'fIlOl'-
instituli<>Wl aDd organizations. ~.". IbaormaI difik \lhy in labour.
As UNICEF .... If2\Nld~. this is
one obvioug and procticaI;wa whffl'
Maternal mortality men can b<ogiJl 10 _ _ ~
respon;ibmty f.". tile health and wen.
In 1990. ~Iy half a miIIioo bl'inR 01 thti:r forniii<-'" whcrew.or ~
womm di<:d from rt'laI" to
CI\l,," blc. 111 ~be sh....ld make the
pn"glWlCy. abo<tinrI, ""d ctilldbir1h. ~ Irranj(~m,,"s. in adI>a:ln.-.
krol'<linll to :he bo:st available esti· i:n case tranof\.... Lo a b<>spiLal beet>mes
maICs. ro.OOlI of those W<lmetI di<:d as ~ dlllinR Iabout.

...... _
a r.....JI 01 i1I<I!aI and unsale abonioII. The Scpwmbc< 1!l9l cm.. Int...•

--_ ...
· 1 0000l1!"' (J\T _ ""tiona! Conlerella 0<1 ~Ialiool aod
For .,..".y wuonan ""'" d~ _111!

_ _ _ 11<0

--- --- ..
:non.: ,;urvlvtd with it\iwi<.'1. d~ Lle,duplill':ll~ whirll JI3"C the issue of
and di!abili lM" wlUoh ....,.., of\(,n worn<'fI', .....,.-.xItJ<:IMo 1>tIllh Olich I
painful ...,~ . and u:nln:al.d. Cf.'ntnl "...., in it:I discussions. has
I'IIoJlllJl:: The 1990 Summil seI IlK! doni: 011 thaI I n>ofcrcnn: can to nW<c:
~ of b<lMnr. by lh<: l"'""" 2000, Ihe ~h "" this IMout (panel
""alb. from Call..,. n-bted to ~. il, And ,h=;" no p<>sSibic ju!llifiL~
lioII lor any iUnher delq in llICkling
iWIC)'. abn!tlo<I. and dilldbinh.
Fig. 15 M..ti.. "'" ndd-olKHI ' OIls ~: So lat. m..... is little prac- tht lrIgcdy!lf matemal mortafily. The
_ ..... ' I g.....- ... nct: ..
tical ~ to r<epofl. In pan. Ibis fac1 thaI 1.soo womm ...... bcinr
_ lNl,,",, ' • .,.... _lOlIi may 1M' btcl:1ISl' :no>'! sw.i~ on IIlowtd 10 me each and """'Y :lay 01
iJII _lor _ _
maImlaI monaIity date from the _h IIId ""'-"Y YO-II" from 'mII\-maI
1!11llN. IIut there is iIO """""" to ~ cao...... is one '" the Icasl~
Ibal any oil!n1ficant inroad' """" bt." '" 8CaJ1daIs of 1M Iote 20Ih ttII!UJY. The
made into Ibis problom in the 19OOs, lIJ"C'Il majority of th<>oe d<atlJ.,o can bo:
and there is"""'" ~""" tha: mal...... _lcd by a """blnalion of
oal lIlOIWil~ has beo.'n i"""",<inl1 in im""""'"ramily plannini ~ I
!OJb...'iohann Africa.· widoor . "'..........,.. of W, """" lor !JIunc.
• !lithe main. ,he lack of ~ is diale hospilalizatioJl if II<Oblcm. ali..,.
n>laled to liM! belief:hat Ihe IJI"ObIcm :lIId ~ ~ of dilllrin.*""i bos-
of mall,rnaI morulity can <>nly 1M' pil1ll sWf Lo provide .-m<'ll<-'fIC)' "bOlt:t·
• ~u<:ed by the kind '" advlux<.'<! l......... ric""'" (indudi"ll e-e... ...'dion).
fl"I'nCY obstetric care which " only As :he Caito Conlmflcc did su much

avaIlabk'in moJor hospitals.Th;., ill "" to maIc" cltar. :be ......, of .......en••

-' -.- -_.

- •
.. _--.- ......
~true. Asthe Dirto<:Ior.(".monl of

1lDI<'<! i:n 1!l9l. "_ of du cmuJjliD",

""1 ,....U i. aiQIItlIQJ /ltQlJo DM _ n.
n""""~ hcaIrh io I <ri1kaI issue
WH O. !Jr. IIlroW Nakajima, has both lot n\llll3ll ril!htl and ouria1 dl......~

!'resent 1cY\'\s or matern>l iJlQIUl.

lIWtiU/itJ <III k PfflW/M ... /IWl/M ity are 1 1rn¢c meuun' 0/ oor l2ilure
willi..:, /Q ",pJIisIitolU OM ... f...
npt"';.. udad4D.· · In ""'" COllD:
Education ~
n,,,,-'Wl'd !he efl"on to ""PIlld
cdlJCllion in !he 199(l,s.
Th..k.lO <'l<InI<lnlinar dIorts d~ Meanwhile. the World Bank has han-
lhr 19OOt1 and 1970:1, the Il"'fnll""" of ourt'd !he promh;e of Jomtieo by
child....., n:achinjr ~ S CLe. COm- IJ'lplinJ! Icndin.Il Ior Ilrimary oduration
plctilIjl: al IN>!t four years of primary 10 n<.'arly $1 billion a ynr in 1993. M
~ 01"" __
1'''1 . 1&Tac:k[;"lI'lui. . WOIIII

................... _oI1,g:j

.....booI) had ruclIed 50\ or IIl<m: in
aln_ all "-'lopinlj" countries. BInin
IN, 19l1Oo. moumin.ll dcbls and con..,. Water and sanitation
'<1Il."l Wllrlunll adjustmrnt pro-
JUaIlI'IlOII ltd many ~l< 10 The lark of <Iran w:l\CI" and sak ..m-
rn......, or cuI ~lu.:allonal 5p<'nd;"':. "'" lation i. one of lhe lfI"l-aleol o{ all
UNESCO has 1IOlcd.· primar}' school- dividf.o beI.......n Ilk> :tb6o/ule poorand
;",: oft..... I<I!rer.d di~ely . !he R.'lIl ofhwtW>ily.
and lhore .... si.Ilnifkanl . tippa,qe in [n urban slum$. in parlkular. lhe
""b&haran AIm (fig. 17). FotlowiI\M lack of adeqoatr W1illtioD 1ltvasIat""
lhe 1990 World Cookrt1Ire on lhr qual±1y ofli {~. U"dcrlhc heat. tIies
EdllCalion (or All in J""'lien, Thailand. and ,,",,-"D. and di_;an, oofJlinm\
man~ naOOns ~ 10 ~ p ater and pmnanenL F""luenily. quamla
prioriry 10 ~ primary cdu- bn"Sk out as len"""" """ in Ihr. lollll
ntion. AI"" a\ thaI Iim<-. the World Iineo lor • lridding !IWldJ)ipe lhal

Rank C'OIl'mincd ;tstlf 10 I major mnJ! do for 200 or:m ~ In rural

""""-' in \endiI\M. arns. lh<" C<l<nillll of lhe dry ••,,,,,' " is
1'ltr:»/1S1i: 'The World SonnmiI !Or drnded by million. of wom<'d who
ChildR'll conJinntod lhr lloal of basic muOi lhM beaiD waIkiDJl long dio-
cdueation lor all childr<n . girls .. weU lanCn for W1R'[iablc supplies of unsak
"" boys .and primary ""hooledu<ltiml Wiler. In the AJii<an Sahcl lor =-
lor at Ie.ul &lI by 1M year 2000. pie. • wmnan may walk lour or live
1'Itr.IcN.s<: In many ""IlonA. pro- houn . day to 1c.1Ch one;or. SOlll<:"Iimeo
lnni oppt:3I'O 1<1 "" ~ ...'SUIIIed. ~ llin ~ by night with Olht.- women.
rlj!U..... for 19!13 ""UCSllhat lh< pro- [{ """ arrr,.",; \00 law. lh....., wiD be

_ -
ponkon of !he """"k>ping world', dill.. k>n.Il quoues; if sh<: arrives too rarty.

dmI oow completing at lorasl lour she wJ1l probably find lha1!he "'IOn has
1'\" ," of primary ..... hoolin,r( hao beefJ Iackcd lO ~ Illyone from
ft'al-hcd 71S 0VI.'I3!I. i.alWlg too Dluch oraler during the
Accordirq;r lO I mid-1991 ~ by nighL All... laking a drink from Ih. --
... ...
_ ..-
UNICEF. 42 oj 9S counlrieo h..... wcll an<l ~ thr ;or with • doth.
ao:tIicYcd or are on Wgel to ~ she will balIll<:e il <-an:fullyon the C'OiI
Ihe l!l95l/1>ll of I one-lhiRI redl>Clion of I'OIl" OIl ht.- head and begiD the lou<'-
.. the pp bct-<....... 1990 primaty "',. bo<nl..~.."........'nIl houromom"""
1l<llool rompIrlion """" Illd Ihc &IlIi will walk, ~ ~lIyin lhc pic-
\arlrI.1 .." for Ihc)'l"tl" 2000 trJ¥. 18').. turcsIl"" W3Y tha1 all the wurld has
tin! rOlnmitmellli to !he llOS itoal ...... In phoiograph. whirh do Dol .....
b.1.-.: \nil made in 1993 11K! 1994 by tnre the pain itllhc s1louklm. and Ih.
!he l'resid<-'IIfS or I'rimt- MiniOlrn of small of 1IIe bark. Once home. lhr ll-
nint of III<- n_ populous ""lion. quid may be fi1lcro:l Ih"", gh • nylon
or the ~ woOd. ClIlna. rlolh to m1IOVO! :!Om<' 01 the m-u
I~ and Mexiro Iw,o, a!rcody and lamIe. A small IIOOIInl wilI1hcn
I('h~ • minimum of lour )'t:an of be used 10 make rnilleI or !IOf'lrhum
1l<hoolinR lor at k-irsl M of their dm· Il'lfTidlI" an<l a oauce. Jl<oIore th!.. meal.
d""" ll<a>il. Eim>l and lndia oould hIlld. be ",pod with minul.
n·ar!J !he ~oaI iflhc aocclrrat...t elfurto omounli 01 ..mer: ~ the
DOW bl:w.Il mode in all Ihrw cwnM ~ will be .crubbcd IOith \eaves or
I/"(' rontinued. Rangladelh, N'lg<'rio. Mh and Ihen rinsed with more watrr
and p.artirulatIy I~ be., • m. whi<!< is Ihen""'"'"'" lor washing bo<litlL
"; ve .. bulllOl irnIlo&sib1ol' .. I.ask: aU lhrcc PlivNISE.: 'The t990Summil seI iht'
n 1es!. !tan 1M \US. I67 IIIlin ..... _1u1I_ dild ptIIliIuIxrtI. as 'MIll
Panal 8
I!alified tie ~ '" tie ROja al '" '" JIotfIII "lhI""'" II\dI til ~
tie DIil:I .1IIlii'g~ "" rT'lIIlI ..idIIt ond lliloItII. ......... ond I!b:3tDI
~_"""""""" irl--,. ~ .. !fuI1I>;I. il l8lj 1
!U can .. ClJMm:tI t8p ~ hi (]I; ~ 'Iil1Bn til hi
chii'IrI'l iIeI ill pCeol VIII Ham, "" 1IlIU'I'1 ~ ond "" .. Ii.-.
VietNam: ",, _ .,.
1irsI-........,.tIIr1Cify .. CaMlflU\
"~ N
~ . .... IIIlrl
1'99" ·~n.bnt<lotpa·
ill ~ Il

"'" tta'lliII:n fnIn I lDIII81l Il I The (]I; IIb:I ~ llIlisI""..,

using the . - .xtOIJI' ... P"J'U;IrI "';:' _

. . . II"9&Q ill VIII Nom. K ........
,."., ..... _ 'J"""" !Yl til ICIU> b
diIINI \9!I1-2llJl, ~ ~
it> ~" h 1m Wlr1d SlmniI
Convention P"J'U;IrI ...... IInIII pdjIn. lMIs
CIl do1d 1iltQI. obulI. .... ~
11M,. ....-vv. 'MliII 1lIliIli:s
lor Olibeo. \'Iel Han is row iI'I IhI
~ al ~ IfDl'IIILioI pin 01
ItIl - . ItIl .... ....... III III .am in.alitl53~
_ _ ~ Il'd ~
AhKlI' ..... IiIm _ *'
ils fnl
2O.Wldo1d~ inVIII NIm :Il!Ipl1ltn.g rlII.O'IIl ........ ~ ...
1hI GoGmuI til v. ,..." hafro'Ir ..m .., ~ Wi .
~iII_bla .... "",""" -...... pomd, taws ~ .. ptIIIl:.
~ III am.x ~ reN IfOl*m!; tDI, i3II .... ek3bI:J1 II ~ ..
~",,, ,Ii .. ~ _""" ~ til P'IIWV DaIm, om
qu;olIl .... IIIllI;IIIId PIK:o p;,a,otfj. .. llf'III<Iia> 01 lIbIi: MoIhh ~ III
<iIlI _ baTq in ..m <h). baM ~ No n _ ,.,... !hi
cML SOOII -an __ fIw 1IIlII""" GMlill.{I.-.lI ... · R lrRVI'
.......... ~ II\IlriIIUnl Ior~ ' 4 T 1JiiC, .... - .

_.r;>IIl "~_<id"''' qrrn. CIliIb • ~ _ l r l diId

irl ldliliD:l. _ IN G<Mmnn itIlIIl lda!iIJl CIInra. .... Ma/II'IIl h ~
repmj, - fadrI fI1IlI'*f ci\iII rmU10d U'1 .... !1m.., lImfII CI'IJiJ lt1¥ItYllI
in obJ.,Ii..... , . . P!I. IIIIl iI'Il
~ pi<I1f¥'" QtIoDerr;ll cmti"JIid Ifl'1h I
ftDll"""'.. .
"'" _
~ WI!
' "'1t
iIIl 01:1...
D<i lIianlY lrl diaIop wilIl dI»9'I D'''.o1CIo, b . ,HO,UB Il v.m

_ rIIifyfOJ IN CorM!rIi<Il iI'I Niin·. pnI eoiI '" ..... ;..tir:o, "'"
~ 19!1l. .. Iisl ... 1111; .... ~ raspyIllIId~.~
lI>I til I "flI'l b lI>I GIree- "'" ell: rnanterI III 'MIl VIol Nion II
b;llII:I ClmnmIo (II IhI Il9G til ee IJ1.oiwn SwediIl1 SM fie D*nn _
Dlild lClQ ThII '/Ill Nlrn O;rrri'ittee lor ""-1lpM!e . aMI'oWd

~ ....c...11 ClOkm -1 'P"""'" ......... taws ...... lIlft ., '"'1
_ bi:JdI' ~ itI !lI!f!rom ...... CIl <IIlift:Jft'I cIIibl nl Iho al
_ itIllTIIiS ~ . _

lJ""l llOlb__, lor pep:in"OJ lI>I fnl ThII_isd ~ Now

rep:ll. lI«If .... ~ III IISisI in ..... wiI III bmJo19d, 1JIn
- . . "" lX'1 <lUlId ~ b ~ CIllltw " '. 1 aIlDal:I
~, Il'd 10 t8p ~ pJU: IIIl, _ "CO til Itr.II lO:ial-..or\;&'$,
'..... aess til VIol 1IIm'1 ~. .~ _ 1m .... .., /IlIlIa>Qi.,
IIIIotr. bDtIi II amni!1/f1II( II -v"'"
Al. lI>I <hfII bamI! noll onletI, /ltf1fI$I i ..'....· ~ I1TJ1 ..
lhI GMll".~ ll"'*I il "''''. .... • J1lf t.d dmlltM8'tlill/ml Jl.OoI.
~ -. , <an:Iid ..vas;. '" '*"'11.- $Ij1 SllIJtI&1 Waod'<II:<e. til

dWi'trI iI 6tfntt """"" ltICff !\li:l..."" ' ,,,il flara. I '

~ of al.U'$IlIO ,,"'-an W31<:r and ~e ~ child 10 ISU~ and to ~Iop fit. 11 hi...., odIooI .nroe-...
lllUtil3li<m fur all c<IIlUIlUnil"", by \be nonnaIly. and to n=ive >I \ea!!I bask rw-.... ll,.... _ .. _
l"'ar2llOO. 1><-.IJ.h <-arc and • primary cd.......ti<In.
fI/Ilt.;/II:ss: J)"r,nilion:! of '''''''-'$lI' lhc C"",,,,"!lon britb:es. for ihc fi,.,..
.....' too varX-d and SIalU.Ii<:o 100 f t.... ~me, the idr<>logie:iI PI' .. hid> baa

to,.",..... ho.. "",1<1y thailfO'll ls briIl,ll' . Iways ~lt:<! oronnmic and >O<iaI
achicYl.-d, Kepor1~ from 93l\!tion:o llllg'" rightll from ctviI and politirnl righ ts.
~ Ihzlll"'f"Cll'S"""",,..,,swale with And it 5lao<Is .. &/I inlemalirmall)'
n-achin,ir the ~ of ~ .... 1.... 101" all ag...-d rnioimwn Sl>IOdan:I '" !h<'
.. IH:irij: mao.le ill approximately olQ tnr.IlO"'JIl 01 d illtl ml ~ ~,~
e"".mlriN (li,o;(. 19). ~'vr '""" oanil3!ion, l'ao."l>I:: 1br ~ t s n ",....
1I'...n- only a lhird 0/ 1M ~\opinI( (Ie<I~ . , the Woo\d SurnmiI fiJI"
C'O\llllriN are r,kdy lu "'ach 1llc Koal Childrm{'<Jmmined tht'ln...elve to ~
on fln-""-'DI11md .. mification of !he Cnnventi"" un the
Thio dforI ;" • continualiOll 01 tl><- Rig!JlS 01 the Child. Subscqumlly, 11
Inl.tTnational J:lrinkinJI: W....T Supply (),.. 1993 Worid COIIfercnao 011 Humzo
and Sanil3!ion Dt'C3dc (1981·1990), I/i¢IlS in ...." "'.... il .... ogrec:.-eI 1hai
"iIich ..'" !he proportincl of fomilics llJ1iven\aI ratifICation could and ohould
with ~ III saf~ drinkiJlj! "'all."
rise be achicYI.'Ol by the mel of 1!E15..
fro", :l1l'i; '" M" in Soolh-~"'" Aa. ~: In bs IIwJ llvc yean.

from 66llw M in [.>lin America. and !h<· ....llI majorily ollhe ..".;"j'. oatioos
from m to 42r. in AIiiclI.- In Jndia. !he • 167 ~ • havt' ....tified lhc
pm:m1J,lte of rural lllith ...,.",.. """'"'"lionon !he Righu 0/ the Child
to safe \OI3tcr !wi ri""" from iu"'- ........T Ni"" mon:have oimed \he doeum"m·
3lA in Ill8010aboulllOf. in 1992. and indicllinlf an inlm lioo to ntify in lhc
on _rn In'Dd. wiD n:ach aIm<>Sl
1M by 1m .... 1991'l Sirniluly. n""",
lhoUl I dl'\'ade af dfon >g>inS! l'IlOI".
IICVlulW'e_ Ooly 14 oaIIoo. Oncludillll
Saudi Arabia and lb.: Unite'll StIK'S)
havt' IIl'itbcr oiIIlI"'d nor ratifioodllll of
_. ..---....
u . ._
........ oddo""" bl"OlijlhtllanJIbdnh to
d,e poinlw1,= Ml'; of 1llc rural popu-
lItion now Iivcswithin 150 ~ ar.
Thm- is ~ • rHlIDnlIble
ctwlce that til<- plto'ill bI' aehitwd
OOW"<'O: ' " salt: drinkinoIwater, and 1haI the Cn' '''' 'Iltioo on the RiJ:htlO
lIy any 0I\:lndanl'0, II><..., ..... mor- III lb,-, Child will b<=mfo the lint
mnus achitYt.>mllll... And !hey ~ h"""'" riKhu 1n'alY ;" biol."y to be fit. II llalling 1M1Ilid-clICllH IlO
bttn brought 11>001 dcopile !he fl<t ~raliJied. _ ..- . . n ; _oorat..
1haionly lboot a li/lhuf lhc $10 billion AIltT ratilkalion. the oexl 0IC\l is _ .... ad I ·"p "...u:qlflo
to $12 billion sp<'D1 on >I'll.,.
oupply !he preparation of I nalionIII repon u" ........ _ _ .. _llwG
""'-'fY l"'ar io aIIo<:aled to ~ lhc 11I<'UUn." w {'<J to implcmml ihc
waler and oanilalion ""I><'m,-'. scrvins: COUWlllicln. ' l ~ repo<U, ... bmillod
!h<' poon:S! mln ,nunitieo. \li lh ""-11 • lu Ihc Commill"" OIl lhc RlJIh.. oflhc •
partial n"<lfd<-rirl.ll of sceh ~ Child. in Ilelpim( to open up • dia-
turf'llill lm>ur 0/ tll<- poor, today's lolue 00 """,y ......,. IlPt t...., p<t'¥i- • •
IcnowIcd.a:c and lOdoy'. lechnol<'l!i<'s oullly been dlh... ~ or hidden
COIlklactJi<...", the J:OlIb of dean "'ll1er from the ~t or l1iscullSiOIl, In 'lom'-'
and ....e .... iwi<>n lor all in the <-.s. lh<' "-,,.,no haY<' pr<l<IllllCd •
n~ years of!hi. cenl1lr)'. national Mba!" on """h IMucs ..
W'-"" childn:ll or child prostiluti...... In •
L>tbcnl. roun~ ha.., ~

The Conventi on
The CunV\.lIlioo "" the llij:hlS 0/ !he
Child io lllidcly ......,.utct'1."<l lu be tbc
most. ~<ivf,. ~. and ~
"' e<>mpa<"e poli<ioo. and de""".. SllCh
""bitro inlenlatiooally for tbc lint
lime. So far. 46 lIaIiooo have Iulrdlod
1llc ronuuiIn'It.'Ill 1<I ....",,-I ill deIaiI on
the impltmeoUlioa of the CnllV<1Ilion

• _.
-.- --- --
--- -- '-
cilic hlllIWl rWlto treaty ever odoptrd 011 the RiRhli of lhc Child. 1......1 8
by !he M.... ber Slak.. oIlhc Ullilcd
Nation.. By iocorpor.Uinjr lite righl 01
W .,. lhc ornunple nfY".... Nom t<I011"",
lIll.1JfOC""lI at worl<.

O l>'P""lOll: .. rhe
" d rhe _ ;' ~ "" W III ...." Nl lor ~ oiwld
~ ~
I>I!Uls ... _ I1MJMd 01 ""*" be 1NI .,;1 ""
The ....". IDd - . . 01
Real aid: ....MJI ~I "'" '.
if rtmJr1/I ~ _ i n , W I
'*. ".".,....." r.. do....... ' . ~ b ll\l _ _ ..
It>o oapItI\la of lNI poot8It. "'""
~ d . ""","" '"'" HJ II"'" ...ntIl1'1d rlIIritJon. Ihei-"""",Don lIld
for real , - . SiJo I'*>19l'- II>Il!1B9STate
of... WoMI I)IiIa... tfI/)OrI_1I>I
~ts. me.- ... 1nols 10 meet
.-:10. CCIf'IIld _
_lit" rNI $lfJfM 1M _ far 1l'IIiI1Ib:us.
development l'IJbIic: kltII"tSm II no! - . Many
"""":l ...m of ~
And tho tiN hal <mil ...,." no!
G'IIy lid but ...., dIIIrI roducIion ...
from .... llbnet _ - " .. node - " ' Shtullllorm ~ ofI
ilbsd\IIl! IJ'I"II\V • m fllf:rlJIriIm, ,Q1 <kw!l-' JllC\ til' ~ pm:;.
prMnlatlle I..... IDd ~~ le<KY 8uI palrlg induoI:riIlW:I na'liono ~
d'Ii$ iclsoIi$lil: ~ oflid " in M mIlb I co:nrn...... in<:rMM
IIMnced rille .. ClIIO'rCSicn IS" r-s .............. ~'"' .I 'l' ....
o:rl, l:5 ~ dll>r misliYICf f1WWI goa III rrilm wot*I make I ctrlellD'"dinll
1M 40 INJr 'II" 'pa l aIIIIIJiII;' Iosr cu,""a•• rt IlI l ll'1ttom of tul __
lIIIrI15~,. III 1M ~ _

l!lr; 10m INn ~ gotlIlO j:I'imaty IwIIh

CStI W ~ IlIamiw ~-1Ild
_ dIII~"' II"'poor

1his is lh& ki'd 01 de'oelOP I .~

~ "'" goa III lI>r ptimMy JChooIJ _ IN mapiIy of people in lho poor
/liar «lW " ' .
The n
r:riItIriIr1 ~ '"""""
_"'!I'U il lhlt kind .. <IMf.
MIid1Ihlt map:1IY" ~ in

_ to !he _ill' 01 ~ III bod1 ... indIt<lI..r""" _-.Ad ~.

Iictt IDd poor -tl:I is tho _"'"' .. fina&,:, ·r_ """'Id oc:cu-
........... iii is tJolping III avertIImItho JJ'/ I pIoco .. tul liMlapnonl,
_n as.-tl or ~ ~ Is flJ WdlitllM . , dtplltld or ""
!"ion!y gl\OIII il p leSl - dIIncI to gn>W IlIIheir lull ~ IDd
til ... poorllSl al<IIlriI. 1Dd
... p:X<Ul montIl ~ of ~ to
wi1IIin «u'Itrios11s • ~ JI"OPOI' 11""' xhooIlDd loam ailll, -.:I"
tioo d iii bl!ing used w ISSisI. (Oojects ft chIfa 011 d1i1ttwd in1IiI>d'I1ovI
in _ tho poor ~.,_ portici- and Iet\II'rty prorbnrIalo " . re. IIId
po\II1 11 lid being .... til iI1pnM tho inmllilily, tl'IIo1 !</I", prllgrISl: is con-
Iivoo IDd IquM tho WOI'kloodo of .-." be... <ni!rmroId Ir,: ~
WOOl!!Il1 III lid IDIllUnng lD lm101:I>- PMI1Y The ~ il'lOOOs Rl bcdieoI
".....1 dogadolion '" to _ '" - . . IIlJSIllwRro be ...... ....
<Ie,""",",",~J If Ill! Iloiplrl;) III !inafa "'iIY lIIlllOClion. n.e ""'"' be no
... retulIIIll CllSIS II'Id SIIIIillIt i:lldgel
items, h ~ II'Id ImIIllIiII be no _'.e:
grNter ~ CJlJSI: """ r;ouII!
motl praIlICl'" n

_-- _--
<tLop, in "' .... to mok8 .ffident lJSI of there cwld be no ptoI !"O'ity lot

_ __ ...
....stng !d't*! II lid bmg SPn 01\ ,Nlde''IIIOP:&ll.U
1o<rI«ISl ~ """, .~
...... _
In 01 ...... , ...
III meeti'Jg 1I>II'IllOdI¥ol intru.1-
... _ __
._ - ~ - _

.. __....--
.. _-_
OIIQ 1M PfOl/lCb'¥iI!' of1M poor'!
No _

a.ikI Mol
""OUld ... tllould claim that
eoa"UIi<wI .. w
~ ~ lbo
'" <hid ~ ....,. Chi\oIn:II .....
Idrw:, 10 at>
01 W
Ioalm'. 10""""",,, 10 1ft"
kui: ooe·. QWIl dIlld ..-.ll:r TtUn\f:d
by ~ dd........, .... crippItcI forlit::
Ia:k 01
or ~ "'-ltd bJ
It. or ....1IItcI1o Inio
IIIil bocb' by IIUIIouIriIloG, ... ~
....lIIbIc ~ low ...... "..... .-- 1li;QpIo, .... "'rt H CWlItI IiIot
fit. II

-_ , --
_ . A11O
-... .
.........,. ~ 1bt1 c " )lllCJll "'It m. 01" ........ .
10'" -...clio . .""""" 101hr-':. ... lor;" .. . IbiIIrII:<'dJ btq
111-.... 10. . . . n..,.'-"'IO '"
•" ed.1ll Znl....,s._ooIIl
.. ..,. of !lie _ i t s wbcft, . .
C . . ..... . , =boe-L
ft.=lN.widI. iII~ ........
il lIIiIIioaI 01...... .

"-d. ,.· ,••,_u

. _
' "1
a. • ai,,,""
axqJkil codr "'" ,.... '*"" \It It.w ..... .-IIl1IR
............ I1. .."'·I I.-w.
........ IlIe ..,
...... 01
__ l5.,1Iidoooi
,.. ....


I. . . . . . . . .,. "'" ad......., ... ......... • ' J. Tho j1i"""'" •

-..- --- --_.
...... _IWW ofdlildm> 10 oII~ ....... Ibt ..... ~ .. 1ht
trira .., . . . tim « a. .., j( I9!lO s.-.lI ...., bt,... IJI> .......

IlltiWes lbeq "'" Ibe_..tobrio In<lioa .. lilt rtIl-.orld. ~ 1Yot
0lIIl11aOft diIioI); ..... - w ..... of
- - . . lrom IIIllw:rIlIl a"'lbRtt 10
~oban ...n.
FInaII)'. tht..........:J IIWrt oIlhia
CoooO'tll\iOa oboIlld DOl ... ~
1lttIo. ,...,. ;",pon.1 IIiarn """
" '1' " 8ul1O .... " illo •• ~ .
!lot ~ tIUIbIislJlod II Ibc Worid
SwnmiI for CbildmI lint bttn IIId
.... brInI' ~ into fO'aIiI)r.
--- -
........ __
w!ItlI cnlualirul: iI:lI ","*I ti$. Thf Thist/Jort will C'OO!lrllk. Tho 1995
...., of dIlld ,;,;bll 10 aImoot a1wayJ
1l1~1l ol in \tr'nlt Qr exctpIional and
Ro-lt lJT. for I"" lIIOIl. pet. . iIbcr
l1"li_ whim "'" .... III ..~ ...
oftl" crImllll! abtlSl'&: 001 ooe of !lit
jIrnl brnkt!u'wehs mad<- by lbt:
Cocwt!ItioII ~ lhai ~ opeciIicaIIy NIH
that malnuuilioD. ~
and lld 01 bui<" tdutlliod art aloo
m-. .
"oafs whl<h lII'e ~ lowards dil:
. d li............."11Ji koi,Iro.......".." ond m<n

flul ""';';,,-
....., lM. pn.. _
1wl<llr ~ htn: .. ~ to
llw "'" ~

>ioIIIions 01 tliIldftoI·. balO< ~ buildlhe ~ .... ito"", IIId ~
Tho .... odopltd bJ dll: WDrid W 0Iltn:a<h t)'IItmI-.tlidi -.ill <'ftlI-
So-.iI b" ChJdno,g .... _ . . . waDr be Illt _ ol.mi<:. ... __
• __ !IJIlIItl ............. ~ Ibo difInIlI _ kqel:r...... .xiii d<od-
n.'IIiAtiuoo 01 dott ~ AIIIl .oil 01
lbt Ill ....... dotmUllCloo this
rtp:lft Ibc:...... .... . iiuiI
..... _ ....... Iht · .' '.
0I1llt Coal( . .. Ilor ItiII* oIw
.- 1'". ...... j( " w. , III.., ....
""'lho.-.l olw '
1htJ _ .... d>rit p . to •
I .....

llle 1!l9O W.w .... CbiIdmo.

Two ......... d>io brid'.mr. fII. IIIIddi1iollIO rc-t'Q t . Ie lilt ....,.
..... _ ~ IlI9O ........ sprioI .. . . . dIdr cllikftu.
" . lho ~ Iliotd 10
..... ee
htrt _ _
• II)
ItUlultcl ~ aid 1ll0C'1il_. wIdi. ri<or III
. i", lbt dudo..;' 10
10 ....... .n;m..., Del oaIJ .... _ lU /Il that _ .
l/II* io lheml.... bui QlQVtJ die onIr.1ImIll jIl'OjIOI'IioD fIf all aid • P<I'
otaIP 01 whaI.. btIn« adW:vtd 0Dt1 by ' - lrw INa 101 · .... brirw ....
~ ill 1l>tCIiq. t1csh and <aICd to Itnpruotrntnta in IlUIrilio<I.
blood till only be fall bail by imIein- primary htaIIlI ~. I:w* l'Il\Qtiou.
fit. lG h ili", lilIl....l. """""'" W2\ff ond ....,i...tion ~ .'onna! rommll.......u. by the poliIkal
lWtnii ".. .......... . lI:Iill-a j;l l _ .. and IamiJy IllannhJSI: (panel !/J, bdl.'I'S of tht .sev,,1opi1ll: world ~.
1!ll1 ' - _ l!Io ll al fIo In mosl indulllrialiM nllio<l&. in ""'"' aa'S. """" lollow<.'Cl by silmif.
(tell Do- ..... _ _ e- Ibm: is Iittlc cvideDcc of any ~. inn! prartiral po"", . . . ~
canl n.'SlnICIwi"i 01 aid in SUI""'" of suwo<l fromIlK: indoSlrialiI.<.'Cl rwion.
, 1M aw-l ~oaIs.
lnotcad, ....,lin<: .,...," I /all in __...
is ""'" OSSPtIlial if Ihi. ~ i. to be
onaiIl...... e'Cl. ..... if tbe m<lI1' dif6cuh
~ all aid ~ls <fu!:. 20). Today. lht ~· IUld PlCp""~ 'i"'U" 2000 1IIl"1' an: 10
age indu>lriali>:<.'Cl nalion gr- ju>l
• 1l.M of G;.IP in aid II> IJ<o; ~JnPing
be~<I .
",."" i, no valid n...."., for furtber
• world, the IowcsI for 20 yean." ~Iay. Given the poIiIkaI rommilml-m
• Meanwhile. 1M COOl of pea<'<>k..-ping and 11M: praakaJ _ _'OIl to date.
~ has rWn ltom SllJ billion Ih<re ill """, a dc.... "JlllOr11Initylo<!h<·
WS3.6 billion in the Iosl &ve yean, and indo~ 1)jl;,,1lO to lillpport this
• the 1Ihan.. 01 UIlit«I N_ ....,1ltaIl<;c ~r. 1M rr>ld \OW ill uver. Ihr.'
• btinlr <Iew>Icd II> ",Ii<f and '''"''it<''('Y ,""rid ol l1>c fulUn' larco ""'" ..... r1i~

,• - .... , ""Ork has iDm'Isr<I from 25'l; ol lhp

i<lW bu~ in 1988 to 45t; in 1992.·
fPrenI sa-unt y thrmt. moIe'Cl in
PQVt1ly and populaOOn grr1<o'Ih. ond
Th<-otd>an~ may IIPPm ~I c~ ~. n,.,
• in the !arR,... pi<1u But anyl'illll01 a ~ lhaI tw bc.Tn ~
ohiII in """"'<litu /rom Ibo eau__..
lo"""'lll ~ ooriaI ~I
of ~ 10 ill COflot<l~ guals in \he r:ar1y l'='S oI lhe 19900,
iIIould be lrivea I special ~hl for it and the mod! ,IlrtIlPr JlRll1rftII thai
is I oign thOltl!c.." -mol ~ may could be acllicYl<l by tbe year 2000.

be beiJullosl.
ID IIOIDP C'3!lPS. i11111Y be tim indu.-
lrializrtd coonl",," h;nr" bcld bid
fmm oommilmtnl. in Il<der 10 ll<'C how
~s lilt l\M,loping rounlrir>:
11t8drs """'" ol lhr mol <'10""" 01
Ihooe thn.'3IJI. And $UpporI for lhp
~ world·, plfons l<> n.....-II
Il<rial dcv<:lop' . :01 l/OIlll< in tht ...,.
or\d hall" of In.:, 1991M if. anoppoMwUly

lhem.-.elveo were aboul ",..,hing 1M. to br'xin building .....ow po>sl-colcl war
Il:I"ffd 1IIl"1"- In tht mo,inrity 01 aseo.. ...lationship with 1M "-Ios>in¥
llw qw.'lllioo nw1< """ now faded.
Words into deeds 3
StJNNAJtY:AM at lIWtkiaJo,w s*' ...... ~ ...... MiI_,iINw

/Nt "" ........... "" ...
...".",.. ' ,

•• " . _ .
. . . ,.,.,.,., *¥r""'".. ' J mI
•• ... . . _ if .. ..,., ........ 1>Il1O• •

__ "",... .. ...,., z
', . ;
· ,,

t ..

~~* 'T..................._ • . ,' IINJ1 .n ..

..,.., ., /JruIt,I ~ . . ;" dow.".., • .,.... ..
iMo JIII~ • • ~
no. . . ~ .. WMo' s.• ..;,Jw SIriII Do,,~,
........Il'P • . . ,......
lqi. ~ . . _ - ' 1 ..#f'<t/iw,...,
N_ iOI. '\u Sa/iw.....
,. 0 Ww_• •

.......ur.t, Hn , . /lnlGrd ~ '" ~ fI'" IJIfitH ,'l.m.- ""•

.,,.,,JN. , . o."l<if>_ ,."",..._ (UNDP).

ilhoul In.· "IX"rifir ~ 1Iltl"t"-'<I 1arF-.. n.-aIily.

lljl(lII ll lilt Wort! Summit for
thr ~1' "", .. <1<<1
And wl'ol.-rev ft ;1undoubl<dJy lnIe
Ih&t "'Il"'tik in""",...lion. in h.-.hh
in cbIpl.... 2 woold no! " - ' ~ po>oo- lJId nutrilion. hoo. ", diIlinllIlO PIll
1liIlIr. Ilul ~ II ~ IrW to)l(f 1lw into ~ on. wor\dwjdo, oralt. faop
lht Summil. IIlmIdirc ........ _Id low ~ tllaa the broood«
baw ~ trlaliY<tylillie. Tho ..... ~ 1llal will be ~od • lht
riol la<Ior in Iran"_ iDlo World SoammiI "" SoriaI 1>ewI<>l>-
..,., ....
....... hoi bom lht

~ .,. '" ..,.
oaiLg• ..,..,.

1...( ... · ..· .aIld

. - . m., a.rood _ 10 to idNiIr aDd
to WillI oa ~
outliIo<s lJ>o,
. . .. , •

1'oio: ' fI ' "

Ii'riIlI ..... .
boO! wilhiII V ti lWk.
.-:l ~ who II-., bditwd ..
tMw........ dIiIIft..:lt......... 6orC, ... _bftalI a
_lbr-.allio: .uL

-' I '

.,. -tIIdI till'
..........t ioIo . . . World s...-

..l llw ~ .
" ~ bIoor: bed:
, " oIeu. fII. bra-' ....

I d ..

_ .,. .. ...m-
--w.iolhe_ iIlparQM.lbr_
illbr: mol

. . . . . . . dot bol ,,",,_c1 <II.

.-I oIIit<lioa ... 'lIoIbIe' -.1_

w ... - - . _ _ " " , 0I 1ho

dlr ....,. ill Ibr: I. • ~ ~~poIIkal( .. •
...... ~ .. _ wbi<II_ . . . bi:tbttt ~ po>iIiaIleod "
.""od) ,.... " till''NDfld SommiI ... doc ~ ..."........ 01
lor SoriII Oc,d~" Ill. for !be"'" IIIrdiI;md 1Iibk--,=
....·' .... ufC~ia_lhe D . . I!I!lNljnrion 01_ lIIIlclI wi<Itr
fur1Mr ~ tod ~ '" ~ til lIlI<W ~ l!wI II tat-
~. dt o(', "'Ill OOlllO: l'dUS.: ~ it '<l,oonalll' ~ wilb __
lbt 5I>dlna '" ~ WJY" - ' <k•• Iop•• ,. efIuN · iDdudiIIll <dun-
_ 1<1 ~ft lIWlSlICinjp: lOday'. Iioa.aI &y3ItltII, maa media, .,I>oolf"
larJI't den ....'ltru romeDlIUI iIIlo • noIi&\w. JUOIlllI. thl: ~ com-
mnruly, :uK! the ~m" "ta1 In!he rarly l!lllOs.lhe wi< ufbrills!.
~tio.,; illll" about major iJnproynno:nlS in dtild
the d.,myslilkation of kn~ ~aI!h wilh wry Iimikd r't."S<IIIrtt!I
and leclInu10tlY in unk... to c",power me.. t !h>l prlariIic.. had to be
individ.w. and lalllilin; ..!aii'd. The four priorities adopltd
II>< ....-duction of proe<.><Iu...... ."d by tI:IIICEI'......, Il"JW'h n"",iIorin,Il".
"",hniqu<>s to rfl>.tivdy ';mple and ORT. In''iilIcc<llnJr:. and immuniza-
reliable fonna~' ollowi~~ tion, These £OU, ......., cIt<N" Ixnust
O\,,,nll"'n. and ,he widoop<e>od a,,", 01 !h<'r oddrc.....-d major opociIk .:au....
Iarll<' nom""'" ei panjlNle'OSionaI.. ot in 1Inl!h, poor ~ 0I>d early
I u." <!<'pIoymnl1 of 1M expertist dralh in aImosl ~ dt.....-\opirlg
ar>d rn<>II!'Ct"S of lhe UniI<-d Natioa. C'<IW1tty; Mrau" R.~..... l " " " _ in
and ili~and eibilalOr:il ....... lmo~ 0I>d l"" l>nuIo!Q" had liiio(\.,
laJItt ~ in clcse suwurt il possible In l1IIldRss lhl-.le JII'Obk'ms
of ~)l<'laI .. Th;, ohould incl1.ldc II low <:OSl; and bc'QIIsr .....,.,nl
lhe do." monilOlin,lp: of ~ ro~ adIranrt.. in soc:iIl orpnizalion ar>d
Iowc'dap whm~by~ ronnnuuiation, rapacity had mad,- ~
-"""". poMIib~ to _ I!Ieolc S<IIution. <Noll-
ohio on . massivr!lCall!. In aImusl all
rases. Ihe solutiom; ""'" ~ of
Identifying the doable being ill\lllcmcnted by following otaII-
dartIi.oPtl aru:lt...,tutIrally """"" vuHk-
The ~le<1ion of goab is cnxiaIllJ lhi. line.. !hal bad ~ bet.. . laid down
by WHO. And in .-ach~, the impa<1
'""'" I" Ibc"o!y. R03l. and W'Rrl "'h... ollhc iIll~ mull! bo''lu.ootili<'d.
should lIOI be "'-'('1.= fur doinJI and ~ 1IIl.'O$IIn..-d.
wlw me.. <>Ut IO bI' done. In ~. As tJ,. rlIort ( 0 read> Ihc.... I/OIls
""'b fIOab an: often """'""'"'" (0 belrao, unMnal child immunizoOOn
lr.uI!lla,c polffltial iIlln l'f!QI !u; !My eme ~ .. lhc amt ...., IIIOSI
can make lhc absmIcI inlO 1M tangi- ~ could be achic -d. · Fill" !hi.
ble; lhey can brin2 • $OIl1I<' of """"""" r'US<lII. ~ bfame. priurily &mo<IJI pr;.
""""'"" IlJ !he wide YaI'ie1y of orrani- oritiet. By ee om! of 1!J90. till' /lIlII of
.uliano """ iolerMU tim mallt be lI:l\immuoizaliou (75'1' io..,b-So/w;m
in"'''''''' in any large-oa!<: buman Aliic-a.l bad bl' ''''
n:aIiD.'d in . ~
""tel'Jlfisot; IMy tan ...iilain and lend of <he ~ rou"tri<-... II !las
III"Jl<'II<."f to "flunlo tim "'" nc'n'lArily oi""" br<.""'""""" by ",""y """".

..__ __
_._ .. ...
long term; !hey can ... ~,." • banner Ilul il aIoo 1l<.nnI< apparnIt !hal
lor alIra<Iio.'I """"" alh'o6on and pub- immunil:alio>ol rould be lhe thin md '"
Iir ... pport; lh.y can ........._ the ~ffi.. the 1Inl!h~. To ~ four or
~ of ddivety ~ !hey tan li...e ron"""" . ~'" betWffil amodn'1I

---__ --- .. __.-

inlRldu« lhe ImlUntabilily 0I>d man- " "..<lira! *-'l'Virc and over 100 million
... "l!"m",n by objo.'Clivt:s, fnIm the di... inlanll Iw nlC'alll lMl\ 0IIIy buildiIIJ!'

""' ........ _""
_ ....-
........ .....
_- ...... _-
-_ ..__.... _....._
Iricl Iovd up. thai ...., so <>11<.11 the and lIlr<1lg tl".,niDJr OUln'K1> 1l)'OIe1ns.
mi","nx <OIl" in lhe ma<iIiocry tim bul also ....'Orirolino: hcaI!h *-'l"\'ic1-..
linb po!ilGl ~mOie:l with pra<lii;lll 10Wi1I'd$ the l;l>klI of ru1Iing ...1 10
the ~arbed. of """;"ll lIOI ;....

Ilul Ill...., it • auciaI distinnloD to those who COIlIO Ihrou.o:h dink doon
_.. _ _---
be dmwn betw=J 1l:"1l'-""I aim and 1 bul all farniIirs ill • give.. IR'a. and of

--_._ _---
sp<rifir I/UII. ~lall aim. such .. nurn<"Rlinx pupulaoono and roconI·
'h""hl> lor all by <he )'0' 2000' oum up ing births 50 !hal IlO """ to",..,wok-d.
I desired ml result /lilli_ bn.'Ik down ~ Nt' the e-s5f:lltial ~

_._- -
Ilnil oim inlo doable pmpos1tion..
And il i. 1M doable proposition lhat
"'" ~ II the he2n of the arhic.....~
""",Is desooibod in rhaplcr 2 of Ill..
of a 1IcaI!h .........n.
that no <'Ijlablc of
........",ung the wider ...... of l"';mary
health ....... And in many COU"trits
\<Iday, OIhcr hca!Jll inl<......·mion. "'"
-. ""'" Irinsl buih iIlro (/In<, >lln'IIl/lh-
nIC<l WIrnI;b 'YfIUln. OKTIIld oita-
llliaA.for. . . ..... _ ~
III I't*:lI QUI 10 ' - _ _ popul;IQono
A... is..c. ioal iI has. dolt:
_ I'WW ~ bcaI c<llllCqllolcd iIl~ -.IIi _ _ -.nIo
~ doe ..,.... • '" !be M iI """ br --.mI. Aad. __
• • _. _ aIUIIUies,
.....Iup:.kal . . . . . . . ' - ......
_ , 1Ddio," IllUlbahwd iDi- ...... oflnl reonor _ . ~ is I

IiIlioa IIld IamiIr ~,t • en- ..... lbII ~ wiI br

...... ~' ·.h>oow ....m lli '<pdt:IIi.
--..:II ~ 1h& * ____ oo .. io ......
lbIIlIO qalI . " . 10 -*'d. Jl iI
_ ",.. . • OM .......
lbc.dote . . oW III iluocluo<
" - ... .-3l1llluicl. ...._5: .... .-, ..........
T1lr ~ III ...u-.: II1II ...... . . prriaIk ~fIIPUll"

.= .'l ...... __
........ ~ IialdIbMlb
01. _ , .
It ,
AI tI dIio . oqu:i:.. "'l''' '
'Ii _ ... oocioI

....... 101bt' dtIIbIr . . tbt:D bi .. The fIo:t \hoi M:II. - » * . . . ....,

.. -Ihnloch ... addilioa <IiodIt'f I3tdJ' au 1 » 10 __ "' Iho <ftIlnI
'-ibIt- .. . ejI' III whal. has ... L m of..........-l oocioI ........
alrt'aclr1lonI 11 is ..
iInmorlI' ptXIiaIl IIld amble _ A....."'"""blludai...... 'IS
c-. but ilio Ibo JII"Ol'<"" by whi<h w .... do: :I " 'k lll ...... 10 lhaI ......
-:nil oIljoxlM: of ~ for >II is lIOOIlk ~ iIIi:lM 1.110 ~l<.~ a(
_ tiItol)' 10b<: ~
"""""" .. "",,_ eopcrlaIIy for tbc-
Man, Olho:r eumpIeo toold b<: IJOIlI'nl. ancl IhoI Iht ~
~ Bul W ~ It:Rlon is 11m of ue bHir bo:no...filj a( p«Jl(Ib$
_ .,.n alm6 mull Iinl b<: cIooooly """,,1IIi be: bo.>Ih di ~ly ~od ... d
""1Inin<"II l<l ..." wtH,n, !he pol..,1ial _ rtd.
diI'l.'<"tly I'o"rlhc>lIt bcncr sa.
b" ..akthrollJ!h~ call bE flIadI,. KIlo....• ri\l1icv., Ihlt part 0( tht eIlniO-" ""'s .un.
lr<!~. ~~ _ !IH.- ~ ply ...... n« bE impIc:mcnttd. The
<'fl(f' 1IUl IIu Ixm Itair>I:tI from 40 CopmhIC"" SwnmiI ohuuld II.. tbt
yun 0( l'OIIIciouI "'-"'O'iopmtnt abo &ll<'ImIl lO iMtilute 'leW _ of
c:&n. ...... b<: IOCt\IlinizoIIi in onlrr to lIt'DInlinI ...".,..." ...cI!lmely ___ Social statistics
id•• uify Iht .......-. ~ _ lb on 011 wpt«tI of bo<lI oocioI.""""
whochrr in MMh . -. -llIl'Ilb'. 0j0'IlCfIl and iIlICiIl dillplrilJ.
.... """""""" • lhIl ' - 1lonI ...-.. As far ... ..-1*.
m ust become
II> - - . 10 b<: put oloouId ~ IlOl 0Illy polill<:oI lnIIi-
_~ w_ 1bt d ' j IioII lht c"" Ie.... part of the warp
..oblt:w.-. ...... GO' . M' IIot publir..
n k, '"*,. il lo ofbi. "1 F.c 1 ~
•• ~ _
and weft of media
..... -.... udlbr ...... tioa ... lCIIiIt -.l ..c _ po$li-
P; ',••• ' 10 "' d. E_ _
ciIDf -.I til ' . 1M "'" Itlie . . .
coverage. of
lhirw . . . . . . !be .. WbUliooi of . . lW pMc .. eotfJ" dtDKi....
..... ' 5 10 _ _ To Mtlak- . . . iodftolllot1 _ _ otltlie .....
• ,.., i I _
.... _ ,
'* 1:Iinlka ....... ilrIhtr
q.t _
IooId ...
:, .IJo.""~
"'" wllidl ~ It" jM • a-t
U doe"""'" bnIeItI
political debate•

; _ b _"-''''' • ....., hooP- oI.. <e'm_IO ...... .. 10

Ill......., t-..... Z). 0Ira, 1IIif . . 1tlea btPI lO and of pu blic
_ lIl'IIiIc _ IIfJl'lU .... • of tl&Iio6:s Ihat
lhIl Uk • _ ........ lhaII ..... --.I dIr Iirdro 01 iL itt concern .
T1lr tInrin..... ot iodinot . _lIUw. baillb ~, ~
diouo ...... by w .,.. 2Im,'" ~ ....,.. 10 healiI I'M' aoo:IlomiIJ .....
plr. -*<I 1O b<: bt*o ........""" Ibo ..... miII ........
~ lIIOtT tptrilo: lqel of iocliliD¥ b WOIlltiI. In iol, "
9!:iI III oall iIUpIIIioo by 1995 ~ iI _ aloo boaImt.." 0I1lIc...." oro:!
bonrnt!. dc*>k-_ ..ilion. 1I'IiI of mtdIti , ."" . . . 01 poIilical
~. 1Ild of ll':IbIic (Oll(t(II.
Political commitment ])i~...'n':fal of 'NHO and II,,·
f.xC<lllivt' l>im'tor of Ul\1CEf .oI~
0 """ "!"'rifle II""" """" b<x.. un.",.. wroIe 10 ""':<Y head of ~1I1 in
tionaIIy agrffd, hilf;h-I,:vd political 11M: Iltw,luping WU<id askinlr 101" hi. Of
OJmnlllm.., l1 l1111S1 be mobililO'd, "'.,. IIo<livc I<-adnship in a<hi<'Vi1l,l( pO.
In lhc ,'llI'ly t98Os, lor l'X3l"l*, it only IIU<.i.aI RNho by the m'id-PJinl in
was oINt thal Ihe on"wd ralo of lhio <knd<:.
~, in VlICO:ina.tlon ~ was (}oc., """""'-'<l poliOCaI <1X'IOUI·
not "lJf'liri",,1 10 <2r;y U,.. --W t ......" """,I. IUUs< be ... l!I.ail>l"f (and r-.
o:\Dofo 10 lhc gool of M immunization ""n'll ...h.,,,.:'..... ti'l<'re ill • rhanJlt-' in
by 1990. In l1li oIlrmpi to qurim ROYmI'nrtll Of' "'ad<~ip) . 1'llt- n'1lfi.
~ oil tw.""". of governlllnli ill li<... of p;Iliti<':.1l lir. ..-n lhal Ih<-
lho: dt......'k>pinJ{ ""rid "'''I''e osl<l'll to imp;llUnl ill ,..""n"'lly """"" thn'lI1
mallo a IJCf'lOJIaI and p1litk>.l rommil' from Ih<- immc."fiat ~. !'o" ",!l ,I(OalJ
",nil 10 lhi. guaI. In 19114 and 1985, ~",,'foo e bo... . l<1Id""'1' 1<, sink
""'-'" 100 ~ll< -.l 1'I'im< with""l a Ira«" .. """" all poIiti<:ll
Minl'1m did lICl. Thf' poliliol mobi- "'31ffl.' """"Ill<' <boppy • :ond muSl ""
lilatiOIl al thal time ........ ' 'll ll>< inflt<>. d~ ba<k 10 lhc ... ~ lU ""-"Y
lion polnl in immu"i1.alion'. J[r.IlIII: in oppcntunily .
the serood hill of tht· 1!lllOs immlllliza. Wh.......... P'J'lI'Siblc, !hf' IlfOI:l"IlI of
lion ,,,u,. ro... r.opidly, n<l<'1lin,l: lIOlIO by buildinll "" f<Hmal poliliol «lIIIIni1.
1M Ia/'J(t'l dolo 01 ~I..T 1990, n""'tlI llhwld ~D with lhc 1!r:twinIt'.
Durina: tbwc five )'W'll of "'IIid up of "II"Cifi< oa1iorI.ol pI.\Iw. lor IhI'
""",,-, lh< majority 01 lh< I'fn. ~n l at ~ go.olll. In lhr
idem. and l'rim<' Minisl.... 01 the """ of the Wurid Summil fur
""""\opiesI -nd 'I't'f'l' visited by th~ Child<tn. a rommill1ll,,1 Lo naOOnal
t><.d' uf UNICEF or WHO 10 appt'ti ~ of -=tina (NI'A.;) was
for !heir l'Olllin",,,f rommilmnll "' !he buill into 1M lumlal n'MlulJorJ by
achicvtmtnl of Ill" goal MOlly iMj. wblo.:h lhc /<..... ""'"' adoplrd Mo...
lulrd mlmlhly ...- quar1t'rly reviewll of lhan 100 nation.. wilh WlIi oI th~ Iln't,~
pnllU<'S$. and """'" parUcipal,,,f 11""- oping worId'. o~ haw ...m..-
!lOt\:lIIy in litos<' reviows. M"""wlUle, qu<'O!ly dn.wnup NPA..
UNICEF ""d WHO '''''Iinut'd In Whm..",,< rclcvan~ uu. prot'<"SO
~ lb.. supplyof va<:rinH, and In IhouId be 'W"at.d II PNvincial or
Follow ing lip a ll ..alit ~n \ . Lo ....'1 \Ill lhe PI'" ~ "'"-..... In W <a!I<! of lhc
o.durn., ,'lIlab ~ olI lh< <Old ohain.. and yt'U 2000 I<oaio for chikln" , 50 """'"
til e com mitmen ts aYlT<'<llrl' th~ mony knl and loWotnl me. l\avt' dr.own up ...bll"tional plan,;
~J",IIS. { }vcr lh< rou...., of lb< and 2Ii ">On! "'" in 1bc prtI<ftS 01
made " as so far dtndc. Wl! O >l. .. hdpt<! 10 lfain dulnIl 51;/. AU 01 Cl\ln;I'. 22 pn>'o'iacn
lhuuoando of immunization tIW\alItI'lI """" ~ lhei< own pr<Il(fa</""'-"
and l=$o!th",,_d,of~ oI....tion. all """" 12 of lndil '. 26"""'-..
involv ed over >WI in O'o"'f 100 rounlri<'S ofth< okveJ. (f<l'\'nin,l: IGti 01 ~ . P'4I"blio.). In
OPiIlJl"w...-ld, l.atin Anl<ri<L 16 of th.. 24 l."..,nl";,-,",
100 indiv idual The same pr<IC<'" ;,." 1.."<"11 in!llnt- b..., ~ .,.. proviociaI pw.. 10.-
I1ll'Dlal in fonin.<! lh< """" of ~ ""hirYiul: lh< ~ fur chiIdn'l\. In
lOWaI'd. lh<: guab adop<cd al 1hc M",","", ..hon """"l' ... to b.u i<Jl ""'"
meetings with Wurid SummiI b~. plan, Pn.'$idrnl Corloo Salinas <1<'
Following lhc ~ UNICEF r>DlUri I\a.'! cundude<l OI<"ItIHnnuai
" cads of state. ..... oharRt<l by the ~Tal n......... 01 ~ al <abin<'1 I<'¥cl.
ol the Unilt'll Nalion" with thc l.ook of ftIllow<:<1 by " nalion.oIly lcl<'VisnI
~ with th ~ lJnitnl Nation. fam. n'PDll. In the I'hilipplnes. provincial
iIy of ~"n,;e" in onIn' Lo IoIlow up on ~'1'1IUr.I nod mayoro..... rommiut'd
the <Of1IIIIiImnl"! had ~ made, Lo knl plan. of oction 10 "'ocll the
That rnponsibilily ~ so tar involvnl goals. and to pnrvidilli; annual pro.
~ 100 indMduai mffiillgll with JII""" rqlUt\O: n..... ....uu.:lh<... plan..
hrad . "lolalo. In J""lWY 011994, the and lh& prugn." " aln.-ady oclIi<.wd,
l'mIKIt'llt fidd Ilamo.>s "-" o.cJor"d in 1l'a/>tIf<llllll'd by the lIfIlWll1 of bankinll
1994: -0., "'~ I"O!&"", "" ta,. and I'Q6Ial ~ of dedririty, pll
gtI. w. "';l1ft.a .,..., ... ,,,ot
btp •.' and ~ Qtllitn. 01 matk~ and
Tho: IimWllu "''hal caP bo: sdli<.wd I'l.'tailin~ ,1IanlI<b. 0( lht "l'<"1. on<!
by paIitir;aI mobiliu1lon "f 1IU kind rnt..uinmrnt indu.m.s. of 1ho lradoo
..., III<ic'ar _tltt poIf'llIia1 bmfflLo: it union ood ~ m'.....m' . ".... of
is noll/! apprtlIIC/llhaT. 011 illl awn. m emplnylTi' UllOCiaIiornI and prob
be """"""'" Wbrirut" abullt lundam<..... sionaI "'><.~ And IIIMl of ail it hoo
tal tmlaml< ~hanRe. Yelas .,." of." """" lr:I<Isfnrm<d by the Im>"'lh ot
ovmoIlliU:lt"JO' it ~ J~ its ill1flOl' tboosands '" V\JlllIl\ary avncits. lIOIl-
lanCe. MOIIl ~ o{ dc!Ycl<>po""'t ~to1 ~ ",lWou.
i......,. in " ........Il )".... hvc led c·....." ..... .......~i< ,.. pt.'QPIc'. ~ .. con-
aUy to the' paimlhaT the political win if. SUITICf /ITOIIPL 'OIOIllC<I'I~lioll&
lacki.Illl ." do whal d>U1d l;w, <k>ne. 10 ywtb """"""""s. IIld the <nilli<>ns of
l/K' lulU",. ino«'l>d "f 1><:nloarIirut" lht local lIril::hbourtlood .-.cialiom,
lad 01 poI!ilr;d will, we moo;! do mon! hloalth rootmitla... ..lIoge l"OIIlICI"
tobuildiL ood tht'ir equiv;lo1I\O i<I almMt .-r}'
The 1mIJ~ and 1M 1nw<o5t
Social resources 1~ aIrndy <:odS! lOr the
adli<Yl.'llI<nt of manyof till! masl aboi-
'['" ~ P"I'II"'-"" I1W: 1\2$ eeee <>III toalt of 9ll<ill ~t. Yrt
made ... fat t~ lht y"u 2000 too uflrn. the world ha.I remaioc<l ""'"
JIQOl. for child...... hu .olOll d~ded t""t with the 'labun1<1fY bn.'alc.
1>e:wiJy an whallw «>me ttl eeIcncw.n thruugh' tnd laik>d ttl ...., :occll the
,.. the "' .....cogy '" ooriaI .rwbilLwion. '00<ial brmth~· which, in all_
And it i. a """\'"10' whklI ruuld also all ra:o..... is tb<: rnal link b<:lwN-n an
htolp tn implem<-nt whII!c:I'n" ~ ~ ill know~ ..,d itll ~
<'Il1CI'R" from the Capmhagm Summit. spn.'ad appt;cttioo.
Thi. pul<.'Iltial on- from the ~ Aoutly """"T--Wcapacity_
1mIll U 11 izaticn
I<mo:Itioo in ..,..w <apa<ily a<IVSl' 1M mak... ill'Ol"ible to Jak.. ...m kll<lWl-
d,'Yl.~ """""- llw <:lpOCiIy • lu odge and t<'clu101ot!iet off lbe ohclf of remal1lS the only
~"",.to adminillUT. ttl n:ach OUIto thrir IKllnlIial and 10 put l/K.." M tbc
_It and irlfonn all ",,(in, popuIa- dioposal of thto ........;1'. farnili<..>l. !lut
IioIl - ~ br.'(11 lRn:lfunnl.'d by til<.' 2 thil new IOciaI capacity for 'going 10
bil1ioo radio< =l the 900 million lek- or;ak" wiD ",main I¥xclY a pnI"'l[ial
mion ","-to .haItnday brirut" broackaslo. unlU iI i. ronoriuu.Jy mobili....d for breakthrough tha
liaIcllil c tr;w>lIl1islJion.. aIld ridto ",to IOciaI devdopmml. 0nJy '" the <"aU""
mnol CIImmonitNos. It has br....'Il tm"" or immunization has the polrntial of lras been made
fo>nt'o<!<l by 1M ri... of1i1"""-"l' LQ am- -u.J II'IUbilitalinn b.en ",aIizt,d. And
M and of primal)' rdloal ~ iI is :<ignifo:ant that imrnuIIiwiOll
to lI1rnool tj(S, ood by til< 9,000 cLaily rnnain. !be only 1Ul.'<!icaI 11<1...11<. available not to
~ and rount"'" numbcno of throu gh that has b<'uI maM aoail-
~ illId p<.'riodio:al5 tlW ..... able 00110 10\ or 20lI bulla the Y;r.<I. 10% or 20% but
now bring publWl«l in !he dI......luloing majoriIy.
.....ncL Itlw br."I'Il ~ by !he In <"""tty afI(:f ",""tty. tho: immu-
lI"""Ih Il/ glWt."fl1lllC'Ilt "'-m...... by the niutiun """"'"Jl" h~ ....... 0111 .....
to tile vast
"""" than :; million doctnn and l:'M-"<UI"'1:l' ".".,.;.,-", ODd ~
nu......... and lht: many more million. of ""'Illlol orpniDIioru<. r.,bition and majority.
rommunity bl.'ll!th """'""-n.
Il':riru~ ~in. n'.....)IpIpen anrl lllaltlIli\1tt.
lUralClCt,'IISion ago.1:lt><. WlUT and un;' ChUrrltC3 aoo ~ lIctIooL. and
laOOo <'IIRin<..n, tr.lin<:d birtll ~t"""'Y closoH, proksgiooal bodict
atlendanls and <'Ommunily dr¥<.'1oI> and the business 00I11l1l'ltlily. supt.....
,""", ofIi<"nwho""", mo:h <lIlllo the marIwbo and "P'JII' dub$. <UJemaO and
Im'al majority .... rural oilbgt.. and Oladiums. Urgill,(l" on the imn",~
urbaIJ nci,<rllbowbood.. It has """" e!l0lt in 1bc tale 19l1Os. WHO Oi",...1,""·
Gcncr.lI Or. lIin;ll<hi Nak¥.... arJ(I>rdo E",ploym""u Cortkr'cDce of 1!!76, W<'n'
"11'. lIw.1d ai.. at "'","",,'t
ItWiJj. m¥Jr Jorres in ctIfI1irlg to Rril'" willi
liwliotl of S«iJIoJ fonr$ j>T .raJlIl newood romplex"""-. __~ 1hc
"-topwrnl ... W, .."" b1Jild _IOf - . . and dnlwing II>< cvndu""" ~

aJJia,IU$ ";1. Ill, "'IUS fil...... ift:. thllI MI't' inlll.Icoc<:d lhe ""'lrld'~ llIiok·
IiolU _ . _ M__ i.~.

ing oboulllw...., i$oou<.,. """"h~ lui 20

...·111 p~ a"li """", ..II] """"
.uatiov, "'illl hsi..... _ "'11<nJ, \luI ~ iJ lruc 10 S3)' I1w """ of 1M
,.",,'" " ot oow", W, "'1Ut ~....,t, recommmdotioo.... roaIs 0IICl tarR«s
ftwt< "'" isIJI4iU>. ,,"Ii uri'" /II
10 IJII' ItrtIillk j>T .raJllt
"'"'-""1Pn2 from throse ....jor coofe<.
,"",,"..rIM 197(1,; wen: translaIl.'d mID
p~ .• ~'Od PO"",'&i'UJIH of octio...
Todoy. the J'Olcnli:ll of lIDcial m<Jbi. Many fa<tlln imp<'<k.'d lOCh ICtiOII.
~ fll~ beyond the bank- I'M 0lH: of lhem was llIalIM Uniu.'d
llI"l(u>d of hffith. 11 <2Q be u~ 10 Notionf had IIOljll.1leamod huw10u""
ptOIlIO!t' ond ..ppM e<!1nIion ond il. omllllWaI<'d ~. md its
~. family planning and cluld siJlnil"K'lIIll U\X.'l"lIIiunaI pre9tllCe m
"""'. m\'irottmMtal pnIl<"<1ion ond ...'arly l'Vl,'f)' COIlIltry. ., • lirIk bel Wffn
tnrr'JY ..mcic.'IIq. nulriliorW im_ irnmlOli<maily 0j[l'I.. .'d ~ uolsonc! pra<ti.
Illl'fIl and ~lIunll inr>onIiorl. II raJ KliDn OIIlhe wound
can hrIp loemuean infunned demand An)' progn..... 11w thm: mis:hl have
lor basic' ~ 0IId it <all hdll 10 been ift dili din.'<'tiou ..... elffctively
"1aU ....lable knowIcdIIc aod terh- derailed in the 19I1Osby the o\o,bl crisis.
~ for li$:h~ !he: wt>rl<load. by stru<:tunII.adjulllm<lI' ~
In H,e recent of """"-11 and Kirts. 10 all of ~ by !he 'lWi1\li" \O'I03nI. an oImnSl txeIu·
..... inel<pensive I••,hniqucoo and oM: n:lilIIICt "" ~1 <'WI>DItIiC
co mmitmcnt to ~logk.,. already cxi$l. T<Hlay't S)'$leml<. ond by. m:ojur olIifI ift ""~
new liD<ial capacity coukl ond slloukl 10Wllrds lhe: llrt1IDll Woods irIstilU·

[ree-market be ull<'d 10 ""' that knowl.dg . II \he lion.. Much of lbn W<lr'k and IIIOD)I of
di"lKl"'ll tot .....'<Y famlly and <'Vl,'f)' the in"hts of lh<> 1971lII """" thm.-by
economic policies, The owil\li" \OlOlInls morl<~ _
!IDtI1k S)'&'mS ""'" Oca"SlW)'. Com-
i Its llfficicll l The role of the United Nations m:ond t<'<lIID<IlieIl hod gt:fltn/Iy faik'd
to """'-1 hwnao 0«<1, and pr.·..
10 5U years of woc\<iru( lor devt:IoI> PNpJe fn;rrn impruvirtg lhrir (fM'I ~";l!
accoun t li as been lIIt'I11 and <~ willi Jt<M-...... thruuRh llI<it ""'" ~ Hul
menlo and aid _ i H ;" "'= ISO wJ.<.n:o.o il ;. obviou.llI.1 m..-mor\<'"
taken of ti,e devt-Ioping cwolliool. !he Unilcd I.'I'OtHlmir :sysIc,n. are mO<1: ap1lble of
N:diooo WJtily or ~. ~ vner;oling """""'"'" growlb. ~ is far
buill up III rnarmouo !wid tot expni- from obvioo!< that !My .,.. r;opablr of
effects 011 til e poor, '"""" and <",p<'T'Iisc in oIm05l <'Y<'T)' crcalinll just. rM1izcd. and ..,min3blt
orea of _ia1 dew1opmeoL 1'11ic< ca- hUllWl ~ hnd ill the """"I
011 the oulnerabie, pacity. too. IIln,;! now be lJ\O,.., /uIly t:<>nlIIlilmtnl to rr-nwktt fCOIIOlIlic
ellploited lor the impl,:m.,nlilOOo tot polici<... In tnany nation. of lhe (\o:oo.Ie1-
rodayo ~t """""""'.. opiJIj( world. &ilpporl<"d by llI" World
or all tile 10 lar'J[C ,r. .." ......... I1w dewlopruom Barlk and the Iotemotioll3l Monmry
roDSI.1lSlI. is ~ in !Ill' wort FUDd, ;ru"lfIx;';',n mnl bas 1H.'<'t1
environmen t. ~ by lhe UnilolCl N.lion.I ond ~. Ween of 1h<: r.1f«ls UIIlhe """,. ",,!ho'
~ in the 197IIt. n... fin! UN rulnenblt. nt on the tnvimrunenL
COII!crenc:e on IIUl1W1 Envin>ntn<.'111;" The social and human censc-
1m. lh/: World IWJlalion Co". qu"".,... of 1m. omi"""'" .... ..,...
ftr't'tlCe 0IICl the World Food Con- bo¢rInioll 10 be lell 0IIe mull it •
f<.'n.'OC'Cin 1974.lbc ill' C<ltIfcrmoo on IL-.MI of irtlt.'n'Sl. in lIOcial ~
lll1lI1llll So.'1l1<1ll<llbl in 1976, 0IICl, \IO'f" n.....~ and lblsic<doar1y rclIcc1cd in lhc
• most ~1('aI111y. the World raIIirIsI of lhe COP':lI~ S<lmmiL
NaI..:pillinllb. mudl oClhe ~ .1>r,ItidIIrdJoIJ,lI:-lIC"" ~
IiooI ..... ~ buildq: \II' lDllPd F..-w.. l.Innor ... PI""'IO'Uk'
SummilIiDb loodt 10 lbo: ~ ..... 1!lll2, has aid OIl 11oo .........
Illa W(ft ....... by Ibr U*" s.iDm lb::md """"
io Ihr 1911llo, ~ iiD ill C<IIIIOmI ' ' .... 1_._
~dia, "

1hr ~7

...... lIlr
' OIl


~""40" 'i
Wint" "; leaf mS
JIIadi. - iol

....b M.
Todir. tbnr .., .... tIIo( lbr ,...... W ;
UoIiIN xu- _ hrooe _ _ ..
ltflllI . . W
J- , , ~
·. ar
_.. ,M. __"
<kodop ..... _ .. llIIkJOdr ........
• Ibr 1f1OrI; ,Ibr ~ 10
Wi: ~ lIlr , , .
t; . " . .
,...~. _ I/'O ..... .
_ _ " ..,....

__ ",
; • I "• . . " " " " " ' " ', . . . . ,,;,.• •

_ . . Ibr licaI " , ,5 " ' " b-.. 40....' " " . - _ Ik
dtow 'Thrll .. . _ .~ .Jti,"
... """" 1100 __ 2lXlCl . . . .. . . ~ ... 1 . UtiI
IfIlIlt """ ~ """ _ . ,... '>;" . "';..-lIII ,Io.m• •
"""" dtpclldnl 011 dolt C ,. . . .." •t" +f, -.",,-..1; II _
betwfta (/NICEI', ...... " " '" - ' " " ..... ~ .wJ/i_
N.lioIot...,.. lht...., Wortd
Ibr 1I1li1od
IWik. and biIMftaI _
riM ,./a(, ..,-,.. /I .;II '""""
.-.", ~'" t- It< mm..
<in. 1I"'\lI,_ in .~COWIlry MuJ ~ II ,.iii l'l'rlQiw(lo 'f(Witr
haa beea -.. l<J . . ~ or if ..~ "... It< ....
lllOlIItorhI« haa ~ thal CWTtllI ttnltd. II will"..j,. lUff ....... . . , lit
in'nd."", timpIy ..... dynamic""""Slh lhiml Na'itnu Ilft'Uin JOT _ ',..
to "'...·h ~ 1IIM1.. iMn Unilod "", to wi• • 104I1JUINdj,.. aNd "P!"''' Breaking down
NOli<ono _'Ilrit.. ODd DOtIi!""'"""""" ""' /III P'~i<:o i. ;NdjrUlwa' "",.IM,
w orpniDtion. "-' t-n aN" '0 lllillllJlI ..ldi<ll/> np/iIj. IJlti, .. iJsitJw
today 's
wMc wlIh~ .. of\rn ~ aNd I/> woMJiu • ,.,....ur _ "'<if<,<-
iall '-"'lUI. ~ ..... 1undi:I,:, to h' _ H.t .... .JJiI wiJI MI. i" • •
Iodp brio« -'aI cit" I" pille'" guoIo
. . wiIhln ~ sillIn
"""""'_ " lit .,.iriowo
w-mn;.,..1 ~ _ ....,.
_'* developme nt
Thio pul1<:Io\iol of Ibr lIniIod 1"tN" ~tl&IioIM ••_ .. consensus into

N_ _ 1aaIil:J _ . -.. nPoiIetI "' If 1M Uwjld N«>-
.... w.,.m ..,.... _ _
illht -'al kDl~~
... &um Ct. 011 , . _10 ~ W - ..,. Sod ....
- - . III liIl doirlt: the ......... is .., ..,....
WI, . . .

SoIiDlIa . . ...,. • ...,. . . .. .. _.,.".;., ,.m,e " Ik w..-
...-- doable preposition
is very milch
,.'" r 1I: .. ..... lIIrtwto III ' " " ' -
- . . , ill Ibr thl . - y - ;u.. ., it
hwo ..... . ...,. ~ 10 more difficull than
......... tbr .." wocwiqr of
_ I I tbr 2lllI R!III:Iry. any thing
~ ..... ut1m( ' . . ..... IIoo lw..Jtr
.... 4 ' ut 1Udof. cit..; . •
Newpandigm ( L" laD opoci6r ... dIlIIblP: attemp ted ill
.. • iodNr1y ~1Dlkh_
no- .... lbo: ..iooJpol .. alqiu '" ~ ", . , h" duI _ _ the past,
wbidl "' . ._ --.lI1ht ynr2lXlCl JIlkwplLd ia ~ . . Md ~ will
-so . dliIdrm IIao Ik<'u ad\ ~ .n ~ ~ Illa is a...a.
"" will be <Iion.-d .. Ibt _ <:bop- ... 18 Iht .. (. .ciow . .... k.a.-
..... dlty ramoI, alhtir ~ ~ up 10. Illr Wortd SummiI """ Social
01 dc.dopolkDl, briDl( about d>aolIl- l"""d,,piiitat.
.... lbI' _ • .-y ....... 10 impIemenI The t"OOIUlIitmooli """-""'<l illto •
1Dllq'. dM.Iupo'''''d <'<lB!leIISUS. Ilui 1Iv 19!1O World SwnmiI ilr Childrm,
and 1M maosiv<' dlon dw has """'" lion <>l UNPP. UN1CI'1'. and UNFPA
httn made to hooour th<.'IIC promi..,.., ThI1 1IK."" iDrn"llOCll in t"XjO.'ndi·
..... imp;:tlUlll btginninll of. ",newed 1".... 011 bhc 00<iaI ~ Ioponeol
<'lTort 10 """"""'" th~ worol asp<cts of sboIlld 1>" lIlnM.11ltt.'d inlU ajlm....""'tl
poverty and slow popJlalion £"OWIh. btt",'«11 doMr and devdopinR mu".
n.., ~ I oj lJt., l/fUI majoriIy of tri<.", dcIigo<d to ol<.'<1 basic hwnan

lhe "",rid', poIirical1codcnl lU a r:arlll" ne<:<hl wilhin a do.fined Umt' • and lhal
of sp<'<.ilic _ ia1 ~l guaI:I in prorrns in impltmmlirul: llJtsl'~
lbc lit-ldo 01 ""lritioa, htahh <an', ...."lI moold he inlernationally nlOlli-
....,n' lIU ppI ~. O&OiWiorl. primary «1o· ,~

("luiotl. .wi family plannillJ! basalrady ( That bo.>tll d,.....'Iopilu( and indpsm-
b<,~., o>a<k and ;,. in larlIf' ",....."... ~ ~ obouId IlK"'<' 10 I tar-
briolr ac1Cd 011. ,IIC1«1 annual roductioa ral~ for
A Il'COItlIIIiImnllo Ih<lIo! yW' 2lXXI military !Ipnll\ing ll lNll 1' ~ a
,l[<Iah; in C~m ill eosential ;r,lle :n; per )'t'1r l'C"dueti<>n, which wwld
politl<'Il and prarricaI """"""'''10 yidd IflllI'(ll<imaldy S460 billion in W
""hind tMrn.. 1o he olainWn.d. OK'OOd hal{ o r lhis ~ ) .
On the brnM<.1' fronl of <'<'tlO<HIIic The ~·... rth World Conf<.-n::.n<:, 00
and 00<iaI d.-I<lpr-.l. lJt., ~ W"""",- to be held ;" lld jinjl in
(:"'nl'ral of the Unil<'<l Kilian. lull PIll &,>Il'Ollx-r 19!15. muld ako a11empl lo
k>rward 1""'-' bmlId o\l;e<ii>b .. . ~ down the <M.'R11 aim of progn.....
baaio for di"",,,"",,, in C~ · for wnmto inlo opKi1ic' goals. i\j[Iin,
the m1l1C1io11 of the pnlllOrtion of lJt., ~""" ri<1l('l' pin«l in n'tt'Ol ynr:o
~ living;" Iboo"'l~ pcI"tfI)'; should mak.. ~ I'O""ibk: 10 ~
lJ 1M(fta!ioD or thoo ~ jobs doabk ~lio:n . in IlUCh licld. ..
and",S1Iinablt livelihoods: l"qIIa/ opportUnity ~ WOIlItIl',
I the oilfnilicaot n.....udioo in diopari- rfpI'tld~ boalth. "'fOaIitr of <dua-
lio.... among VIrloo. inn>mo C'Iuooeo., rional oppommity, and the ""d<:,.pn,ac1
~ othni< _po, ROO${I'DphicaI trU<I'Olion vilJt., kind of Iow<:os1 u""'"
n.'llions. and lIIlions. nooIoj;:ies thal C'OIlId be an important
10 . ddilx:m. UNOP has abu PI/I I",,· Iirsl Ill'" in Ii~ the lim<' and th~
wan! .....ali<: ~ kw ..,.,~ ~ of many nvDdn'<!. of millions
II. >IUAA<'lIliom an:: of rural """""" ill lJt., ~
I That the g<I","",,",,\ll 0( de>'eIop. -"'-
in& rnunlrif;s """"ld allocate at lca.I The dr~ of ""y and all of
::.'CI% of th& <':lP<...dilo..... 10 o~ Ihc$c ~. wiD dep.ud vpon IMir
priorily hwnan IICl'dI M adtqual" beiOll bn>kca down. and if """""""'Y
oolriti<m. deaD _ , sal<! oaoiwion, brok"" do... ~ and ao:ain. volil
bhc he~th <an', primary \"dU<alion. lJt., doable IJI"IlOoition. arc ~.
and famIly plaoniog in!onnatioII and If this ran be don<:", 111m lhe
~ and thai 1ltc indOSlriali=l ~'9 Summit will haw! built
oationsshould ~ exi:lliogaid lJt., basis lor I rI.'JlC\\'.-d in~mali ,u'lll
~"-.. in onk.-rlo aloo aIIocaIC I d......,lopmen1 rlfon in lJt., IlC<VIld half
minimum 01 2Oll. 10 ~ ..",., basic of Ihf, 1900s.
priorities (tbis is POW an ~ pes;.
Pain now, gain later 4

Sloo«rr; N ... "'fItla..

, .18l....I\f" " ur..,." illfJJ4,' tln>tlqp_ "'........

/Jot _nomri..'"_ _
"'' '
is ", lit j"'J>/fllWltM.. I. /J<Jrnn.w" 1M~ '" diJcn.rbfllw". I<s~
lit IUldmwJIt:1l4ouf rt/mtt. "'--"1;" -0"'.. .....
I ~i#I.", aJld aiJ P1'IJ¥"' ,""'01 i.,I'l... . ' fl( lU
100""11. ~ ... Military ~j/ll ", . alld sjgoi/iNI.1 ;1Int<lSf:S i. 1M
"""''"' """j"'~ /i1r ,.r1irott.. ",ItJu, _ illablo' dtt>tioP"",,L B.I 1M Rl] joT'
""~ is oII.t...nd It:1 ~itiMl alUl «0"""'" _til ilrltrFm. Dl<4 ., rIr, f><I/ilWJJ:J
. lIIlllmtti". )<rio _ . gal. 14ttr' ""11/'"",-''"11'' «til,
UU$SiJ/1 po/id...

T "" ~""" deo<nbrd ill lbr.

"""""'" chapI..- Mvc helped l<I
bnplm>ent signi rt<alll ",,,,..tical _
C~a _1131'1' "'" ~
biIity 00 Iwneu thai powff 10 the
C3U~ of SWllaiJ>abIe dtYeiopmeuL 10
jltaII ill k<y ....,.. of aociaI dcwlop- panicuIar ,lher hav.- • n,,,poa,,ibifily10
""""- &1 LhilI ' - """'-"IliaI t-n • roun~ Ih<! inbuilll~ of
I'fO<".'S' of!akins: "I'!hI' olao:k of wbal fm:'-mar1<ct <""""mir S}'Slmll! La
rould be ""hi<-n<l wi!hin !he !lWus lavaur 1M alrNdy advalllagl"d.
Q\X>< BriI>RinK oboul more fuIleWncn. 10 DIaD)' ~ ooualrie5. for
lal ctIange. in Lhe lace 01 !hep;>UticlI ('l(OfIlpie. ~ is diflicuIl to see how
""" ~ =4td in~.lhaIci;. .,., CUI be <J\'t.'ft:OmC wi1bout ladt·
o:wnscribc th" rn:edam of acrioa 01011 ling lht relaIed ......,. of di"';""
IM,IIili<Jl Indcnhip$, ~ I """" <fW. iaaliorL ~ and ~
ltftlling lasl<. ~l In Win Amm<::o
Y.c fun.w.",nlal <~ i. irnplicil ~. re-.- lhaa Jill of \mo:lowornl
ill todaf. dc"o:IoplIlc"t ron!il."n5ll'" w
0...... aImolIl. IlO'i 01 land· In !be
AndWngoid<' \be etJO!t 10 identify and I'hilippineo.. Ihe proportloo of nmoI
arhifft cloablo proposition.. tbcr<- is I worl<cn who ""' IandIcso has rioon
need "'" I ~ at1<'mpt l<> from 101 in !be 1950\1. 10 501 in the
ba<k Ill<! 1l<lundar'ft of what is
d<W>Ie. Only by • """'binalioo of bolh
1990s.· III BaDgIadesh, !be poornl
lillI. 01 ~ ba~ ...", lbrir
~ 1Mone eonSWltly lakirla: in ~ of w. ,,"Ilon', farm Imd faD
\be ob<k creaI<'d by lb< oth<T, from :l5' in 1900 10 lll'l; ill 19lKl. la
IOday'I <!e•• Io:>.. ,..." '1 """"""""" be ~ .-tU<h has • repuwiool for
lr3JISIa1<'d inUllUlity. JTffier equalilY. ~ is ino:reaIlinJrly !he
In part;cular, lhr problrm of lbe case IhoI _ prodlX'tive Iaad......
<ron<JItIic ~ ollhc poor- devoled 00""""" ~ wbiJe Ihe
HI llalioni, and oi lb< pooreil poople IaDdo of"'" poor majority ee of lcostf
";thizl naIinns. mo ot be ronfmnLM. No quality, I't:'OtiYt .... iaveom>cal """
oocial pr<llU<'SI <an be ....OWned, 110 ..., <apidIy ~ ~ and
1IumaII d~t raD be antici- depleted. (The llOtioa Ilw ~ly is
paled. if oocial and =mornic <1!rluoion olgnificaady ""'" in AIri<'a also lind. no
confull""' ''' bellJl'dlict~ ...ppM whalever from Ihe ~ lllo _
of naOOrW and ldubal ~ ~ maliooIhoI is ovaiIable 0<1 ineome <Ii.-
....11 (lig, 21), lribulion: the """'""" M of "'"
~.~ «:o " ami(" policiell pap.daiioollhareonly 2.44' of aalional
haveshown lhaIlh<y an: IIIC<:II:lIaluI in inoomo ill T..-nia. 2.73 in Ktnya.
lht ,mrHmn m:aliotl of wmJth. aod 1 9S11O ill Zimbabwt: in alI lhn:e of
f1t. 21 "-"f
- ",, ~

"-Iofl.. ~ Ib""". """nlrif.o.

lhe~.J ·
OWl" 60l of na6<>naI
inmnIC a<rnIts 10 Iho riclwA 2I'll

Internationally. m.,qualily ..... Il<IW

1l>cn: I. "" lack <>f olnl ~· or "....:n
of broad """kn.... . fur acIdrtossillJr;

- - - 'I,• . ..
""""lied /QQll!ltr<lu. prnp:>ni<>n.. ~.
ail lI\<, rlclK'St fifth of the ....nIl /lOW
has. a!>wl 85t: of lhc workf. GNP
""Uk the POO"t'5l. JiM..... jo.5l 1.4%.·
0....... i........ Of II>< many JlIVIlCI"&b
that can be £<,asibly prupound<.'ll. thl'\."
or fourMlI"""", to illuSl"" e both lhe
p<no<i1>llilieo amllh<- difficullica.
II J<>bo can be <TeaIl'd. and product;"
~f by and for In.. poor ClIfI 1><'
Mark of failure Incrca!cd. by ~licn CIIIlIbining land
tenun! rei"",, with cmIit, 1tainin,Il:,
~n ore ~~ 10 Ibi. polt<.'m. infrutructun!. Ihe maI<icJJt
pouticularty in Sou1JI.East Asia: in availabI<: uI the riRbt ~ to
llldonnia. !<>r6llll1p1e. lhe pn>po<tioa omaIl lam............ d """"""'" poIicico
of P!l'lJI\o Uving b"l0... lhc p<M:r'I)' liM fnoorin& ill<' u'"' of labour ave. caP-
has faIlm lrom 1m Iv 14~ ill lIJlllf'IlXi- I3l. If (his .... be 1Il1Il<.'YI'd. a. it II&!I
malely twu dttado>s. 1101 in too n'Wly been lOr ."..",1'1< in Ihe Swlh Korn
n2lion. economic ~Ii<y ill IClin.Ir ao a III' China (when: rural ""~"'_
kind 01 ""'-"'" >hock absorbo:r. .......,.. ''flIpkoy 0""" than 100 million P<'OIlle
IIlI[ lhat lht poor ouflrr lint and mosl and prod~ """"' (han • third <>f
in bad limK and ~ \a;,;I aad k'asl in nationalooljllltl. · Lhen lht I'\..wivdy
¥OOd Iimcs. Ecanc>mic ~"t of small wnings 01 ""-'I)' law numbc'l'$
tltis kind. ...h~ lhc b"" cfit. to lhc of 1"-. lClId to InnSl.otc iBta
J>.IICNlff. ;" an """"o'Ok ~telk1 incrns<:tI demand for bc!k.'r Iood and
.....ich tcreW!I Lhe poor l."'<T ""'"' ~.1Ith ........ better fumitun! and

0 ... _ ,.
lillhlly 10 Ihc'" p<M:r'I)'. cloIh<~ bcttcrha""", and ",.,Is,
This io 1IO p1alform for ",,0IIi0c'll toots and ~ '''''~
social ~ ADd lhc Cl..'lItr:11 chaJ. Mocb wiJlj,; d<.'IlWld COlI boo ml1 by
I<:tIge of d<.·.c1opmc'll remain< lhe local Yi1Io and maleriak. P"CIfII'I'\inl
c~ lI01 only of l/"D'-...-ting ....,.;. ~ ""Change and ~ fu,..
roornc'lltaIly suWlnabJ-. t'«HlOllIic tII"r mlllloYment 0W0<1 uniti<'S. By the
""'t. .

rrowlh but at ,,,,suring tbal in....... of PU,,",~ of .....h jlOtI. .... itnu.lI and
b<;iog marginalizL'll by ~. tIM: poor bolh !abnuNnten""'" pat\t1'nS of ~
ronlriOOif! to ~ and bmcfil from ~ . IJIOSI familieI; could be .'fIabIo.'lll<l Ulffl
Only by 1~1lll' in people and job< Ihcir ,,"'" ~ .. ~ Ao John Kc""",1h
.... that d>aIlc'O,l(t! "" mel. .. lhe ..... GaIbni1h cummo"ted in his moo!
~ I ~ of Soutb-F.ast Asia l't'CelIt (l!l93) contn"bulion to thc
"""_.G""" Inequality - and tho rapid
Mvdoprn<.", debllO:
"001. qfdot " " _ qf post #In"" kas
populati<Ht «J'OWlh .....ich it M~ l<I lIMo i. /Jssoti4ti., bot/.op" ,"1 'I'd k
mainl.lifl • mt1lIl tballargo numbcno of iJIIIIlOlry, IIOlt>bl,y pri"", ,, i.dO<Sl'1. AJIII
",...>pI<, ......w..n-.. job....... and Prill prkts. i.frtq....1 rmn. Iul........
~ Add to thi. poor ~" of b1ilJ.mMy IIqI IN lIS " p""", 10 dlr
nulritioo. hnIth ~. and fllu..'atioo.
and h 1"-. ...... doubly ~ 1UIn>I<t ........ m4tnftrd /«) 11/1... I.'*
."". pop.lI>ti(no. 7Jrio...... lIMo " dis-

iz<'ll bly <\eb;uTrd from tool.ribul· laW h _. /I .. IIDirl«lrlJIJ IMI dlr
ing fully 1<1. or bctJdrting fully frDIlI, "'/lit'.
110 _ .... _ _
• rn ..._ ... __
the "'''' uooe. of economk IIld -uJ
Thl....... are ..,..,., of the ~ ....
d<wI4P<d I/Iz/rs. flU i. tJlt post.
ftTo'Wl1p«J.mllMir jJ"".... ".d.n1J

'ClIMIJ~" IfIi/lo Qlrindll'i'CI

---_ _
___0_- bul~ "" all oi<\elI by ~"'<.'1ful UDtfgp"".1 .. 1<",.1 ~ Na""". ''1

_ ..
..- .. -.. ",,,,,,'ll ;"1<:1'\._ that IlIU'" also be i. rtentl h'.." IwJjfcI'risJltd I'JIII...
OO.,n:II/l1" if lI\<, nc.... rhaIIo.'Ilj«:S to """"",Ie "lid poUlimi .lJI!IIt.. 11/ grtill
human lI«\Irity .... 10 Ix mel. I4JU1h>ra or ..". '" fM41l a. ... 8cIJo
_ _ Ot Protm> alUl pq/itical Jntwe.
trXJ ,.,q.j,., /iiI1 w-ir j~... l~ ~ Similarly in lndia, ~ of ~
/MorN b<' <J«tmItd. II} 1M "'..
_ • ..." tiIIlJld"lId. - .
..d """""jog is aIlocaItd \0
IDl'OI hca1lh
<IIl'llIM- ~ in urban ....... wl>ffl,
lit> oll1y dnlllIllht: dcdaraIXm 1Iw 25'Ko uf lh<: ~laIiulIliv<:& and mOl

wiD b< made III !he CoIl"flhatJ<.'a. modical doct<>n • yea< an: OOIlJl'
&Ullmil odnowI<.<Ill<'f 1M ~t lnIincd lithe <mI Ill. public whum
"(iDrr",,,,,1CIJ "'1<# j",p_ tIu! """. they 00 llOI ~: 8O'lO 01 gradllll1..... ro
djliclu"II" IsJUll... ~ III",,,,.. Isoil oln.ighl into prMw ~ if! urban
,.,fistrilntl,·.. aod Isltd tnt.,., ,.j,,..,.
• od <I«It1IIpa.J IIIn< ....-111 improMl
"",.... to nodil ppliQ au """.I. ..lion.....
n.. me.,....., can be made in""'"
Moot IIO"t1"IDl'OI oprnding
j,.,;,wia. altd It" SIOpP/Y <)01'' ' . "" highe.- ....umloo is ~"" ~
........ olfd t::eItIIsia.o snWa olready Ildvantag.-d; in nlllrh 01 Asia.
I./mwtic""i ji""wdDJ .".,...,. aU :M:l' of I[<n't.'mrDeDI .-duralional opmd-
tuSiM j. III. p _ 6] Prondiv ... ina' is drYofed 10 !he besI-<:dUl'a1od
ji../Idlll rnc.rm urdtd" IsJlJ Ill,. 101; in m""" 01 Utin ~ mort'
..,.-. _,,,,,..1qfmtftitti. rID'.... alfd !han 50lII of g<M.1'1lII>nll opendidg on
Is"" j " , p _ 1lu ript:f"_'" ~.-du<-olion ......"<OIed 10 lheeJill.
II}.0III h'd, II} IDIfd ood 10 iut1'i/ "'1«1 dM!01families who belong 10 theridl-
.. .....,.,f."" protmtd.. - · . . 20lIi oIthc _lalion. Thto IinaociaI
n (',o....rnm':ol ~ilu...,. can be rot!I 01 adIieYin.l1 prima:y .-d""aIion
1'l'SlrnCluJl'd 10 makt· major inwo;t. lor all has beeo eslimal.... aI OIl extra
mcolO in lht: ho:alth. nutrilion.""" OIl... S3 billion 10 $6 billioo a year: """h a
Glion of Ihe poor. And as limy """" ..............linsI ""ly &boo, 2lIi 10 3lIi
$/Udit!; have demon=ed. a ,.,..u. 1If thc developing WOI'Id'I CDmTlI
noorisho<l I>oahhy. and odll<&lod ~ annual ~lu~ "'" oducalion.
ulatiocl i. lhe olO6t baoi< in_nl rouId ~ made ."..ibble by~........ ,..b-
lIIai ran be ........ in t~ llJId lnody mocleol reslnKllIring of ""lK'fIIIl.
--w ,levclopnlCllt I"""" away from lhc btlltN>ll' ond ill
n....,.. lOr """h rt$l.nIdurVq;: Iw. favour oftJK.JlOO<'. Governm ent
!lMlIm a major put oItoday'"l'OIIlI<'tI- Snrh dillIortiooI an!: r..lfIlIOOfI
..... "" :ooriaI d.:'. iol'nlftlt At. pro- """","1M Ipl'ctnun of b;uio:!I<IciaI .....
W ex pend it ures can
"'-'lit ~I~in lhc ........ Of tbe $10 billion 10 512 biIlioo•
~R ""'l1d \Ol2l apf)r'OXima~ty yt:>Z that io <'IIIYftIlly "1'""1 on Wlllrr
S440 biIIioII a )'I.'U of which ~. julll suwll' ondOIIlilaiion . for <:lWII~. 8O'lO
be restru ctured
l/Vl"- I~ or """'" $SO billion. is alJc>. ~ allora1cd 10 rclIlivt'ly I1igh<oot ~
cal.-d w nulrilion. baoi< I>oill cart'. _ • water' IrealmeDt planto. P'JlIll" to make major
primary \'Ilueati"". lamily planning. ing Slaliou" individual hou""hoId
llJId dcaII wal ........ 1IOk sanitation for' _ ....Pl'6eo. ond hi¥bIY """'haniml i noestmen ts
ru."J..... peri.wban ........ ~ lftlw_ ~ I)"SlmII • onving mosIiy !he
ponion......" III be inI:reaaod to 2Ol, ill bclln'Olf eo.rumwli<...• Mrmwhik.
UNDP. UNH'A ..... UNICEF have only • VftY smaIIlnoction or lht: avail- in the healf1l ,
~...,thm~tyS30blI­ able """"'n.... ill IrfIIM!'r for lhe .......
lion• .,..,.,. ill ClllnI """"""'" woWd be <mI romm\lnilY ~'InlI thII could
lIIlKlt.....uabie. 10 _ ClJUDlrieo. lhia make de... _
nu tri tion, and
ond ""'~ _ italian
_Id be ~ W <:tOl>'lrucI bask almooI unlvrnally . ". ilable at "'b-
llOcial w.Ly ~ ItId III .........., thai livelylooI rosl. educotian of
minimum humao Ol'<'ds """" mot Pmpooalo lila! ~ nptndilU",
within • A!laIivdy sharl time. pallt'ntI <houId be lIhak"'1ljl ond rl!di- ti,e poor.
M<l5l rnunlrirs COIlkl in f.xl ill I m:It'din ~ottbc pooran: l>OIlM
IonK way laward. lhe fne<'linlI ofbui< prndu<'l or ....... radnl iJoalina\ion.
"",-'<10 bJ• fairer aIIocaliOfI of CldIilinJl The World Bank. for' elWlJllIe. hal
!IOrial t>:ptoditUrl'$. In IndoI>eoia, for' made a """i!irant ronlribuliOlllOthilI
<"lWl1p1c .~I~on1he ;upo<:l of 11>0 cum'IIl ron..",",,, In ~.
htoIlh lIllhto rirtI<sl 10'10 "",olllllll 10 WorlJ 1:ltPtI<>p.. ..., Rt/IOfl lor 1993.
lIImc- tillQ rnorI' !han on 1lIO' I"l'lf"SI thc Bank conclu ded: -Goom<_ ;~
u..;"pu., ronma ~ 'ttU j,r 01 SUIO billion ~h Ollt tho 19l1Os.-
1m. "" 1U1fflllt. abil>ol50S b·"" ~ Thi.1Wl1 is.opprt>limately three times
111., ""'" do ~~ In> <WI-d<ctiw "'~ as mu<h •• the amount thol h.. '""'"
/It~ti<>Iu "u i..vra;/ doobk '" tripk n:m-l in aid..,h yur. and olmos!
.,..m., OIl k!ir pll1Jlic 1rMhJI ~ as mudJ as the ~Joping worIcl',
""",_.- Simibrly. 01\ ..-al...- supply, aIlIIual ~u," on health and
~ &nk lrJIUeO thol ~'fII·ro . odocaliotJ durinlllhat d<ad~, .
ol» i",PrfWt. ~ ll$< t(pd& lftI.rM In the 199<». militsry $pe'1Illi1t/l by
'" </i",i""li., ~rwui nd>oidin ~ _ d<.<.t'loping """"""'" has 1oIk.'D.
....1« "U ",.ira/imo IJuoI IHtt4fJ Ill, 1.alI:oI eotimates ~ th.tI the <."\I'"
",iMlt rlass.- - n'Ot""ouollOlal iuwroxima",ly SI20
n Simibrty, ~ is ~ mudJ ·repcatcd """ billion-- Ytt cYerI this IoWff sum
nl" lOday". """......... lhatollicial llevd- dwam "'" sum. Itw would bt
upnx."t ~ should be nSUUC- m'juirl'tl 10 III'O"idc basic oorial ....
1UJ'Cd in favour nl"IM poor. Only abuul virt:ll. 11te additional "''' ul nl<'<'li:q::
251 ofloday'. aid R""" to the rouJI~ t"day'. wtmt1 demand for liantily plan-
when.- lho:.1: qlWtl"f'S of tlIc wor1d's ninJr. lot" cxarnpk. has been PUI at
IJQ<lfHI biIli<ln I""'l'l< """" live. Only .......... SS biUkm ",56 bilIioJl. year.-
aboul 15\ Ir'X'S to the lI,CIricultur;ol....,. Sirnibrly, tM ll>IaI <OSl 01 ~
IOf, whirh ~ a 1M..'lihood for l!I<> univtml primary ""uraIiOIl would be
mojQrily of ~ in aImoot aD lit"",\- ;.,Ik "-'ltiu<t uf on<ottnI 53 bilIioJlto 56
<>pilij!: """,triM. Only ob<HtI 21/1""" 10 billion. y<:aI". The estinloltd addilional
primary edlX.'aliun. roua:hly . " to pri- C'O!lI of Pl'O"idinJl: clean ~ ond S<lfc
mary boaIth , lIld J.M than:ll to oaniWiun '" aD communilico """"'d bt
family planninll ~· SS billiun to S9 billion a year. And th<:
To imlllemmt today', t\eYe1opmen1 bid for mmil\ll: all 01 the jI\"'" 200J
~ ~ wiD ~bIy J><o,_ heahhand nulritioo ~ wt>Uld be ""
""Y for aboul 5(JJ, of aid and 50'1' of odditioftal s u billion to Sl3 billion •
~I OlQlt!Idiluml in 1M dev& ~.
Only about oping W'OI'1d 10 be alIucaT<.'d 10 a din", Thc money for aD 01 theH odd. up
Illad< 0fI llO"ftIy. MOO! of llw npen' to . boul one '11W1.... oItlI<! 1It....-Iopiog
2% of aid mlure should be dt!Yotl'd to 1Mlcind of ....-1<1'. military ""lK'Ildilllrt:>O.
~l IN! wiD =ale j<Ibs and Aod......, !lIouih military spondiog

goes to primary inI:orncl< for the poort.'lII fifth of !he is l>eat'ily conce o~ ill "'" Middle
populaTion. llul-.ithinIN! loIa1. rot'.ol t~ IIld ~ ofAsia, almoeI aD doveI-
aid and 2(JlIi of ~t eap.1Idl- opina" coun tries. could finarooo baoir
edu cation , roughly nun should be dcwtod 10 basic aociaI tocial ....-vm by redlK'ing mi6tary
~.. includiolr nulritKJo.. <lean
4% to primary wot.r, safe ...uwlon. twO< Malth 11teCOllI uflaod l'clurrM. infra<Irur.
<.'atl', IrinarY <"du<aboo. and family CI't'dil. leChnoloIty. and
lun:, lrainioJI,
plann.... 01 m:okln&: tho ..-."tlaI ;n....'SUIICflIO in
healt h ca re, and ADd II Ihno Sl CI'trY twlmiiliioa. iDc,eased producthity by aad for The
rq><J<t. and tonIem>a: of W """ 20 poor. wwkI rt:qUin: signifironlly mon:
less than 2% to j I \ ' " It.. n~ the indllSlrializt<l ill ~~ way of I(OYef11ll>tnl exjl<'1"<\i.
IWiona dIou ld fulfil their pi«lgc to lures and IureigIl aid. Bill the $UI11O
IIivc: at Ioast 0.7'0 <>f GNP ill official iovoM:d ...., far from i/npoosIb"'. And
fa mi ly plan ning ~Iopmenl assiWlK'e. Currenlly, if it wen to be llttqlIed thol 50'1' uf
<,>n/y N""""y, Swt.-dcn. l>.:nmarl< and ~"l expenditllJ"($ ond 5Ql; of
sennccs. the NeIberIand< are doinII ....... f~ aid ~ W<:IlO "" be
, I Ilcsou=t ClIQ be lIWilclted from <k-voIcd to tJ...... CSOCrl!W onu-pcrva'ty
militarY <ajlIIl.iTy to !lOCial ilI-""1 <illalcgK..... thcu it ""llU1d be posBiblr.
and job l"n'alion. witItilI • de.:a:k ......, for aD rouJItrictI
F".. two 1It'Cad<... 1JUuWy ~Il" '" acltioevo: "'" ~ 01~'<'<>UODliC dcto;.j.
ill the d<'Ydopillg worIcl Iw ~ opment II which IlOl only were basic
more lhaII twice as l'ast lOll per capiIa -w "'-""""" ~t.ed bul !be
inoom<.... reaching "" ""nual aw:nl/e F'eII mojority of loday"s \lOOt" woukI
1Ia.... Ih<: cmpk>ymcnl by which l.I) ovtrprimary ",hoob,1It<: cxp;utiIWn of
mc."1 moil" own ~. by thar own IWionollOirlino>o.,...... the improv~n",,"
.., ~ of local bu. ~ the collSlrUClioo
of lbc lICW OV<.Tlhc maiDI~ ollb<-
"Id. - iDduotry over lIl(rlcullU"'. the
Vested interests military lM."l" the--w ."tv"",..
~. \l"<tl" lb<- PO<:OmIY. arid
n-. ............ of the obvious ote!>" o!timatcly!hoe bott....,tr QV<Tlite PO<If.

thai ha..., !><'<'ft .... unted as a Thm: wiU a/ways t>. po-...rful
response to """'" of lIM: mt>SI ba* vt...tcd iIIl<TC!11S at play ill !he I1loca-
prnbl=s of P'J"<"Tl' and ~ lion of public ........ I'<U. Nor wiU the
fora1I tha, haw olJap<d naliunal
!lui \~ ,u,tm l.'COII<IIIIi<: pr0b- spendinj! and aid bOOgoI. ",Iinqui'"
lems oJ"" poinl to the <Ul lra! political lhoir hold at the ........, appe.... " ..." of.
problnn. II has been ddntcly put by «>nom",," on w!Ial.~ should be
the World Rank. Aft... aJ'fIIini lIM: mad•• Ultimall"ly. ~;.,.dtomotr>cy il,;eU
rase lor "0 IIfOjDr ml:mti... 0( , . /lik th.almu<l.~Ihe~IO""' .
mtJI<JffS,' the 1laok'a 1993 World si"""'1 diOiortiooo and ~ But
~..tIIl N,J'f1fI add&. "5ad tMJIgt 110 dern<lcr.w:y. oith... in lhe dM:lop-
leiU 11< d~. ,;a", 00 a mi)' 0('0_ inIl world or in the Olllablished indu",
tsI grotI# 1//1I1 JUly ra lou.... tI'iIlIizt'd IWions, Iw yOl adJioved !his
In lIIher WOld.. ~ ill oaluwy 1(1 It.'\Il~ 01 oophillli<alion. All detnO<.'1'Ocies
"""'fflIbtr "'" obvi"".. SudJ di<tor· ha... oeriou. na"" and "ffeor imp<.'I'i.'<.1
lion. do DOl happrn by rridcnl The proIt'<.'tio" oorain... _ed irUer<:slo.
poor renI2in poor principally because Nnne1he1e!ls, ~ remai"~ 111. <38t! lhal
til<')' ..., ~ t . d in polilbl lhe rna", oll""";"" 1M domocr:a<y th.
and fCOn<>mic~ .. \leause their """'" ~koly it is. ""'-.. !he Ionll haul
wioo is 1>01 t<lll5ntnl/y loud ill !he govcrnmmt polky and ~
selo<:liun of 1OCicIy'. priooities, and IlI<'1II ""l"--odiIU..... will rclk:'<.1 !he
~ thrir lIOedl< do lIOl wtigh ...t- ,""",S of lbo majorily. 0 "" oIlho llWIy
liM:lIly t-..avily ill 1M all<<alioJl. 0{ ~ . wily th~ Indivl ~ 0{ ~rals
pu blic ~ is ....h . ........ known. nampIe 0I..n.... The poor
A varianl of the _problom ~ IiYC health """""-... Iuw child dalb
lhe a""",-pI 10 restnldlW aid pro. ratcs.low krtility. and IItlNJniwNaI
~ hi the Unile<! Kinldom. lor primary and ...'<.'OIIdary <-'duc:ation lor
remai n poor
eumplc. l'CIII't'I"IllatWn of n..;or firU. .. lhallor malt\' ~ KeraIa,
~ are asI<t'd 10 ~ on th~ for all itspr'OblonIll andiuIp(WMy.1w prilicipally
disuibulioll 0{ all aid P"Jll"1IIQIlI of be<:n 011. 01111. ....orld". _ vibrant

which m.y ~ art IIIlIjor d~.. (Jig. 22). because tlley are
bcn<.-6ciarin ill lho: form of 0I'm'I'1O Unpile lho t<1-boocl<s, the nwrll
lO103rds domoc:racy across aomuchof
All """b problotm ..... ~nlM:r....". lJlc, wor'o:I in ""-""'II l"-..... tl\n'rion, underrep resented
pouf>d«l by lhc inlt'lio<kinsl" ~ 01 ~'" th~ ~ of • changc
\'$t'd inttmlS in bolb dooor arid wblclI. if tuSlOirK:d. 0:0<I1d IUr>damon· in political and
It.'<ip;o,nt """"lricf. And lhc n<1 ..-It
is e> poll"",, which /avour
tolly ahcr lhc Pi""""""
lor dt.-.dup-
menl ill !he ~~ ohcad.But this ill
lhc imponcd <M:l" lhe dOlrlCSOOdly eC0 1l011l IC
a ~ relalionsltip. 1>O"lO{",acy
prtol...:ed. !be ~Ien.we (NCf makct. !he tuo/ain<:d acru...,menl or
m. <mploymml' ""alio,c[. npon CfOIlI IIOcial ,II<Iili. more' UI«:Iy; and social decisions.
<M:1" IoraI Juod prodllClion. h(g1H.vsl "'''''' tss makos lJICft likoly !ho.' ,;ur·
""""a2" In"'l1JtIetIl plants lII'<'I" Ioc2IIy viva! and dew""""..." of "'-'tDO<"J3C)'.
">adc IalriIIco. lwuochold .... tl.. ..... wlY As us Secrebry of Slate WIIt'I'<."<I
syslrm5 ~ COIIIIIIUnily SW1dpi1JO", Christoph e- has put it "Ill.. IlUI1iIlO! II
ccnmd """""" Illations ""'" ful'k1li· tltaoo<nld.. _ , Idh'_ ~11 AAtul ...
ci••lI _ omtrallOadIinp: bo<pitaIs tkoi, o/lUi/J to /itjT titiwu ""1
lM.T local t-..allh « ... tres. W1~ dnMcrtK1 roo/kli "
After lour dIndeo of ~ I iIijr tbe Inomt1ItUIO of pupu!alioo
'Signi6caD1 proportion oj lhl- ......n.r. i'U"I'\h. lIMl\'inJ!' "....a rd. 10 mvifun.
~~ in ~hlil1i' coollllllJJi.m in .,."taIIy ""Olain3ble path uI dcvclop-
th<- 1WI>e of<l¥y. 1M ~ of ""-1lt -all of 1"""-' ouf!er fmrnone very
~ rold war mighllogically hzvl.. brm obvioouJ- disodvan~ "'hen ~ c"""..

......11 as III opporlWIiry u> devnte :an tu lnlIISlaIion into pr3ctiCIl policies.
inmo~ I""'JIl<lTbon of tho$<> ~ f or tbey uouaDy rt'qUin' "'" kind of
:IOI.Im:S 10 aociallOd f:COlI(Imic ~ ~ of whidI ~ can b<- said WI
in "'-' lIiaDjI IWiowI whffl, !be c<l!'I mlUlt bo.' bom<' now and lhe
the""""'" of ~ ~ Mllong brnclia winnol """"" ""tiIlat,....Add
SUf'o'i'o1' beau.... .. l"-'I. lh<y lack the iII the a"" 01 ~ >C1ioos
Clpldty to tlcliYor~. &\lito.. again" ....m thrcalSISlI:lobal ..-arming
or loo-np;d IlOP1lalion 1I:J"'l..-th. 1M
probk.'m is roJI1J1Oll11d1'd bot-.u..... the
Asynchromsm pin .. not onlyIoIU1 "'"" bulllll<£o"".
Iorm of """l<'Ihln/llhal does ...... hap-
TheadYantt and refillmll'lll of <Iemoo- JIl'fL II canno! thcn.ofono b<- ex;>r<.'lt'd to
'""Y .....y b<- the loml'lerm hope. bul .....iJth
0\"1)' hnvily in the ohon-IL.....,
the immcdlal" problrm mull be facaI.: lIa1an<Io of <WIS and benclits whieh is
IlW1J' if not lDMl ol the d un,.,. lhe basis of mI>$\ political takulalion.
r><edcd to implemmlloday'. dc¥elop- 'Jhmo an: (O<I;('ption. to thi. pal ,
IMfII roo ..,...... run dira'lIy """""'" It:m: the prtI'o'ision of ek-an WlIll-r ""l>
u> ~ ~Irenc""'" WSIC<I illleres\$. plH:oJ. kIr ~.""" 0&....~
100 JIMl""<>ld ............ $laD...., to ",,1itiCIl............... wclI u ~iaI<­
dWlll<' by the military-indulllrial beahh bmdilS. 1l<1l Rtnerally . >aI<.
nlablisllllloMt in both indu~ ing, lhe 'pain ODW. JI:lIio Iat,...' e~
and ~ counlrirs i'lIl <>IMou. terislk of many of lhe .-..qum
and Iormidablc l'umpk. !luI in _k· polid ,:. is an """""""s haodiClp. for
ing to prot"'" puoit;on. of ~1atMO i1.. .__.,tally~.with II"""
M any of flu ~. comlon. and oocurity. psy. _ I oyslems 01 pu~ _ Evm jp
<'boIoI!iCIl .. wen .. oWcrilll the dt-root:r.ui< "J'SlnTIS. poIitiClll<aden,
changes needed to ~ofthen u1itaryiono! in pnn. ...ith on< eye 011 "'" opinion poiIlllIIId
<ipIe dilk......'Il1 from the rniswKe lheOlhtr 0lI tho: cwnlllowD to ~It ll<'l<t
implemell t today 's <Iffered by ~ landl>oldtn in "'boon d<.'<1i<m. h."" ~nle ~u-.., '" ....,.....,
[0 the JandIt.s<I, lhe mlddk rta..... in poIl<ies wru.,h ioc>Ir political or finan·
Iclatioa to the poor, 1M illdulllrializo:<l ciII «*f .-i\hin Ibcir CWIl tmtl or
deoelopm ent naIion5 in !Ntion to "'" dc:vl..-Iopiog ofIict, bul ~ th eir benrfi.. only to
oaIion.. or ""'" in n:lalioo to - . . . Cuton: ~s. Similarly.
for lhe ~ aD ad»anu.:.. tim IIld \'<>I1ll1l<niaI world II<lmIlllIy
t"" bo..
conse nsus rlln
Qllitkly ~ no! WIWan'2IIt<'d 1I"iYl. operatH within reIa1M:ly ohon tiJlIc.

directly lo!:eo bu l tl<pfcted 00fllll. And """'* of fr.omt.. ft>r lh<- s=ni:IP: of relums <l<I
the pcopk: ~ thia ~ as wrII ~L [L too. is IIK:rrlorr
.. """"' of lhooe inw"""" in ~. _ u~1y to""",,". susuUnt."" inl<.n'" III
cO l/ n ter to deeply !Won, are in OM way or ~ bo._ inillatives tIIalod willi. th ~ 'pain .........
~ of priyi~ from which they g.1in Ialtr' lobo:!.

en trenched v es ted .....,)d n<>I ~ be ...-ponit.'d. n... ThU probIom 01 IlI)'IIt"hroni. m

'bo.'ttCN>ff ;0 the ~ world • bc1wenI 1M time-r.-.rn., 01 lhe
Iho!oe ...ho woukllose by lhepn><asof ""IIIir<d pulitil's aod the tirnc-fnJ1It of
in teres ts. ~ IOCiaI ~lUrn '''''' tlIOOI ""Iicy rnako>rs "-",,,,",-"ills . srri-
lor the _ put """siderIbIy """""' 0tI . <!IIlIengt! lO the elj>l<'ity of mod-
utf than the iJml majority of I"'lI'k in .". poHtical "ISlems '" cope with the
the ind~ 0Ilicm.. world'. mouoti"i' !ooz-lt:rtIl prnbIcrns.
The OIIl<IlIjlIto implement to<\lY. It is . problem wbkb can onlybro>me
ron""",,,,,. also faa:s IIIC'WCr problem. morek"IIte. andIII)' I'uno:Iarnental rtsO-
~ 1oa¥'!emI II'>Cial f'"lIs. Iution will require lIOlhing k... lbaa
maoling minimum humanoeed.. ..,,,,. !be ~I 01 ~""Ilbisli<aled
Rg. 22 Ketala factor
'" weahh. thB Indian $late of KeraIa fallsbelow thB lM;til\ll! for roa lIS ~
wI'dl!. n SlriaIIJtII18SS ~ is considerably llJJIe a:IYarlcect AJtn;j with Kerola'1
long mmwy of~"" oocial palm. l\W 01 thB moll pw.oertul filCltlr3 are
~ UOOillCWl 01 PIlrlic~ deIro:racy and ~ nrq oornmitmaoll tel female
llllWIli(n Almosl all jjrls ~le sau idal VlIS "'eUlIS primar,o educalm

Pel ~. pitI
dom..lio Plod"~l

~. -
Imlfll morIJliIV Women·l lif.
I!>O, l.em live bi:tll.1 upeotan·Y(I'' '''1
Ou e Of the reason
, '"' •

, • • • why Kerala is suc

• a well-known
a •
:1- - - - - - ..,.

example of low
child death rates,
low f ertility, and
P.,ofllllg. '" gi~. P., ••ntag. of P" • • ntag.oI

d,oppl"g OIl! at sehGDl,
gf.... . i-s 1988
womenIDrI'. 1991

~nupl •• usingfl mily
pll .....-.g 1991
lI ear~u II iversa!

educat ion is tile

• • vibrancy of its

..• •
• • -"

demo cracy .

-_-.._---_ - . ..

""""""ades and ,be C'<'<>lulion of a ~ ~.". 1ik~1y to
~ in~ and lnvolvI:'llf",lblic. be ;"troduc..:l "" ...bcttk..- tt!<y an:
~' of~abwt~ ..
fundamc1l\al .. \!woe now ~ •
Creeping change in<1u<IiIUI rtdUf1ions io milillrY t:tpn>
dilUreS, Wm.'UH ;" 11K- n:s<>Um'II
To I Iimilt.1l Cllt "" ~ lh<,,,,,- 1WII fImda. lnilablc fur ..... vifIlfI""""taIIy ....w....
",..,ta1 and related problems • of . IW ~1cIpmm. the 1"f'$lrUCI"""1l of
~ inttrHI and aoynrhroniom . <all ~ ~11ml :and of lid
b<- cim"".","od by _ _IK'O ~ ~ lhe eodinJl of;.
01\ gradual and i~ ~. rutIloo a,gairo;l \OIImefl :and girls, the
T;qcts can be oct for n'd~ in """"'"'"'" of k..-tility lhrou¢1 boIh Jam.
miliWy expend;turn whicll ..,.m ily pbnlling ~ and tile kind of
tINo pain lIVer IIWIY l"""" nllO the ~'IIIl.'<It>l ill 1J"OIIIe'. IMo thai
future. The<titeria 01\ which aid '" afIo. ....,>1C' the clnire lor omaIk..- lamilko,
calc<! cal ,I[rOdualJy be ~ in II>d • rrthillkofthcumuSlaiooblc path
llrvour III the poor in IlK' WJIl' ""'l' tIIlII of ph"""'" beioJl' pufllUt.'d in the
they have~ chan,<rm. in tlIe 1!l9Os, <"Slab'"""'" ilIdu!llJialil>o<l CCUIIm...
to llrvour &"'''..... 1 and the pmlo;'C- These are r:IIdkalll>d ~octIing
lion of the ~\'ironmffIt Similarly. ue chaogM.. and they haV(' btflltalltol for
rHtn>rIuIioi 01 hcaltb and cdUl'lolion DIll by ~ JfO\Ipo or ......... <7)'ilQl
bu<Igels can be achievl.'II .,.,.",.. poriod iIllbo ~ but by rnmmissiM.
oflime by IinlltiJIg (ullin! ~\I~ or n.-portlIll<l u.jl by 1M intl'nlaliunol
OIl u.nMTIirics or I>oopjtab and darot- eslabIi.hmnlt and iovolvin$! ..,.". of
ing lhf: l[reOl<.'r patl of aDYiIJcn,asI'Ilo 1M ....... ~t >lid ~'xp" ri" 'l<,,<1
primary tehooh and to runl hc..w. ollol<.'lmnl ...d IIateswomen of wr
dini<s. Zirn1>al>wc, for mrnple, has " -
~ I ~ monuorium on ..y Yel ~ """"'" be dcnic<I tlw 0/1.,..
_~lsin=tralbospiWsin l'<'>ISof such ~ .. and 1M ,..",stant
..ncr II) C01K'ePlr1le ~~ on repetition III IIIXh "PP"alo. lhe iI<1ion
improving IUI3I hrahh clinlto and d;'" thaI hall bc<"II t>k<.... i. in no WQ •
Afler years of trict bospitaIs.~ Similarly, 1ndia;1 pro- (lillie. And all ~ "umber of
grmYd}' m1l1<ing the p.:rc'''f1Uti\" ~r obo<............ an:toxby ~, and in
od"""liotIal spt~ aIlo<aiN to
reports and higher- education (and thai bcnclitlI
"""'" r....,; franIdy orornfuL of the ctfi·
<:'¥:'f of tueh cfforta >nd ouch owe>l"-
llIaiuIy \lie middle das$n) in onltr to Stl<h views ClUl be summed up in
appeals, all move lO'nrdl al 1f0:ll ba.x:NUClIl.ion the bhml ~ of <>IlC of the
and IiImlcy lor all. Over time. peni.. C1Cpeno iIMled to comnblllr com-
increasing number Ie""" willi IiUCh polici<.. . 1311 "",non!
the al1o<alion of rnoIll'reI: in
". '''11 fullowiDor tltc 1900 publicalion
of the Soolh Cumrnissioo'. I'<."lJM n,
Ma1.lysia. '-hh poIi<y has t....n on. Oallntl' '" Ill. Soolll;
of observers are emcd Iowan'" the poor for 1"'0 "' klirw "'JStV lllal dr, _ 2fJ
~ with lhe resuh th OI 10M:< J"""" " 1'If')IUJ/WtI$ .....
despairing of the income JlfOUpo 11010 1'eC':;"'" • """sid· "", pitw '" N _ ~ I I ..r tffi-
<""b!y gmIl.:r :ill"'" of pubOC Itcallh rariIJtts IIwI Ill. /Jut 2fJ :J'f1n. ... A•
effi cacy of such cxpcndilUrCl !han do tile middle
c~ Similarly. COOlI RIca h.. pur-
. "1M
~,..., /ibmlb " ....., du "...". ...
ltd '" tUirctnflPffl'S r. "'.... 1'$_ io
eff o' 15.
suni l poor~trd MaIlh polky",..".
~ do<:adn, wilh :10' of ll<J""I1I"
mml sprodina 1l(IW bn\<,fiting m.,
Ih ... _
1"1 qff..,.... .... _./wU
of"lolly, itmia. IJI" I """.
"XJ slpili-
I'lll i tffitl I. 1M p.tlSt ,,",.,,1 hodml
IlOO"'"l 2O!i of ~hald. and only :J'f1n t:tL,~r I. Ii' ........ </ dlm1 bod
10lii beine ~ to 1M rid~SI ";,,u,,1 ....bIi. hy Ill' ppprrwd. " owl
,"'-Bill ;" !he l!=I =J<rily of the
ill#I1/ ""'" "" """" tJ1r<I_. '.
The voict of many conll'mjl<l1'>1'y
1tIOr'1d'. "",",oll'i<'s, a 1arltc l[I><.':llion cri1ic5 is ~~ hmo. And 1M
mort< m\l$l ",.,.,w, ....... whellwroudI .......... tn the question it jlOS<"A • 1M
l/IIelIlioa of wheIher the cllan$:et truo. tl'.at lundamculal cbinge has
calItd for by today's Cllf\lltMllS on man y ti""'" been br'olulht aboutlJOI by
~\op<no1It i..-..~ too radiooI and vio\ene., and """,lulion but by""""""
too r........~lIChi ng tnhave any challoo of ratio: politital ~ IhaI ha...
being put inl<l p",ctk e "" !he "..",. rnnnrd 110 inteIliJl<"llt and r......w.ted
OilIY..-ale ... d ;" the faoe of I'I"<""'iIinJl respon.. to the problem. of poverty
...sled inlrlbls - ..ill <kInmio< .....,. and ~ NO! to llCCC\II thisis to
n .... or fai""" in the ancmpll<> make imply that rapid and (U1>dam<flLal
the lnlIsitlon tn a susWniblo human chall,lrem nnlycomc aboullllt'OIlgh a
IillU,..,. n..-.vlutiorwJ ~ of lhl: slatIIs
On the basis of hislory110M, oucha q"" and aD its in.mulions. ThaI view.
';"" l'aJ'l be~od . It it olmply ouI long ~ held by man y ..110
trw that, <M:r the 1asIlICYl'f3l htllldr<1l bo:6tv<.'d passiooa,te]Y in ~, is
,..aro.. .....,.-ts .00 c o ~ and today <'OOoldenbly the till ~
~ ......., ll'V"l'd incapobIe of lor ~ beea tried. Invariably, the
lICh~ chaolit' in the dill'ction <i TnlIh has 1:lc<:tl the COfICI:Olration <i
"'luily. .iustic<' and -Wdillg <t!........" "" ....... inoo ,""'" ~ hands and the
Tk pn><'tSI t>f lIl/U~t and debak. ..,lMIchitJg of Wla<'COIlnuble '""10""'"
and appnIs lU rnsm.~, and thar have faik'd eithertn ~ b.uic
mli,<dlteMd ... have pIajI<...t hwnan rights or l<J """" baoic hwoan
a "'*"" ~ in the ,."",. .,.;"''''
racism. l"Olonialism. ap;u1lIcid. and ;"
AsfOf the possibililifs Jotchang<, in
the P'0ll 1<'$S "...;Ie ""'" """,Ill thc ""ar (ullin:. thefinal chap(cr of this
~ t.....ards "'IU&fily for """'K.1I. ....,.., puts forward lhe oaK lO,ll:3io>l
And ..'h<.'fl'llS;t;'; true thai the -tlim1 pt'llSimism. NtOW and t'llOl'1llOll<ly """'"
offd ~w ,.", b/iI'6J II/dl. oppmud" crful fi>rt<-s for changt ~ nowat_tIr.
ha... aIwa).. ba.lIl"".lnlt."d """"'11 the in the world. And Wy are ~
principal eau...... of dUlllJl", it ;,; olso the rule< of the .(IIIOIC of c1wlge ~8clI.
5 Unfinished business
of the 20th century
SIlNMJIXr: 1kt (jfim N trlitw: .n..J dwtIDt".,,,, ,...,a if ~11 tJ( Q ~ ~ .,..,.
rh If> _ 1M j"W..tujtM .... , ",r~... lJoa. IU ft • . 0/11, ;"
,. - ; ' " ' " i"
Ill;' "01l<" .... 1ild i<hol~. '" ....l. ~i/iL<J.'~"'Cti<tJ /wtl""'1- c,,..},jM/
ltitll 1M _li"./", illtn'4S< i" ororldwUk prodlldi.. raptJdry lUI """. IIIilJI 1M
llIdtJJtrioJ ,.,,,,MilA, dru </ul.,. I" rJu " ouIhfyi..g >IIriaI.IJt~ IIaf ~ i/ /J=ib/r
'" p.llIo. b<ui< ~ tJ/progms a/Ill. dis/lM'll tJ(aIL CImlplni", tIoif moI.h'""
is lit n /i"isku kif tldu 2tJr1o "'lIl",.
n. .......... lIw' "" arllWmJ ",~" i. rjif otrwggJ. Iulot ""' ~t
abo.,", lUI' iwril<J1Jh /Qrt. tJ(iuu.., ar /lrIlJllJloD. hi'" a rf!<JrI· 1M
Inf ", fJ'''"'''''''' /Ir.o. ", Ptq{J/• • II> ....Itt _U/J ",am. 1<'i1ll1lli""JIri", rnf>U-
'fl. 7),1"001_",, ",. _ "''i'T ••~ aft-ph ;.lIIif~if lilt I>tst Illl"..
/fJr j",.,J"",, "IGJ tIuz"l'. 1M j",p/nrnJi., 1IJdat' tkM.>p_ _ . atU! pr
briqi", ll'Ilal IIIat .. iW., wilJll " du bn'ods oI rdull "'. lit di1u.

T ho: cI'Iim. \Q odnJl<'e 00JCiaI ~

Wil PIIw.w bri.,. .
wi to makt lht m<llll IJI. surnU. IJI, __ OM"""'"
bal<ic b""dil.$ of PlOjpUS avaiboblc lU is dirMtd alfd .....,1'OIItd 1>7/J1t jim, i.
aD. ;" a COlI... which. in varlou. formt" a ...,,,.,, Ural u ""'" ""'" '" 1m
Iw inspim!1lIftI and """""" throo.JRb. 1qaJ, _ ""'''' II' 1m amI",,, alfd
0Ul lhe IlItL But it is I cauoe which oi<>It>d. -.
bas <lilly b<1cuo l<J Rain !llsI>Iil'icaJlllnlc- Ollly "ll:a1nSl llM:bad 'llnlUl>d II r ~
lion in Ih.. C\."nuy. And ~ i. W. hFr asloIlishinsI ~ aJ>d hi","';'
lorial CIlntm which ill 11K- SlrOIl,I(nI cal du~1ity o.>l these -_ . 1 facts
.'1/IUII<..1 "ll:ainsI ~i"",- a~d ttodnrits- <."all \be O<U: !hi.or
F.". tell !hyu,;;md y<:arlI, dvil $O(j. ""''''rio...hicv<menl~ be ........
tin haVl' ah_ inv:ltW>iy "':"11 Almo,;t ~ previouo <n lor
SlnI<1ur«l by. ond lor the IJrincip.aI ~. WO\IId ""... f<lIlnd ab><urd. if
.....,. fit 01. " omaII ~ 1lW or lIOIlreaoono<ls. lIM: IlOlJan 1ha1 socitI~
mcmbcn.. And fQr IJlOlIt of thotie lro Mould ~ oryanizx.'d in lilt inlerell$ of
thousand ~ (hill ",,", c of.ofbin; has !he IfWIY. or thallht benefit. of \u>ovoi-
bc.'<'Il1'fOlllO\ed .. 1lOnlIal. rwwat aocl • should be ~ by all. In
~. Codifyinj: Ibi. trndrncy in aocicIIl E«ypI. in p"--.:olonial lndill,
"famoWl book lIM: 19lJl.a:ftlwy llalian and in Eur\lPl' Ihxn tho daY" of !he
....h ulu Gectano MMC:I I'IOl..d, Ihuid. ' 0 !he end of 1lIe Middle Age...
-" 111(>111 IN 1'lI- '1 fioIf:s G~d I",,· the wrillctl I&nguage, and I<"l"tSS to
dnu-its ~I 0'" IIJ ~ /nod i~ all /'''IIh'· ...,ijlliw. l<:llts. ~ ddibo..... lcly ~
",I "'iO~;'''''' "'" is'" 06'. .... lJIal Ilu stricted in <Jr<kr to ~!he stanJ.
op""",,, '" llu IIIBSI <IISllal".. /~ 11!1 and p""-er ofthd ew.
-uli... ''''' d4sw rI~ op"",- o Uolil C<:>rJll*'lIM:ly n=nt tilllOl
<1= tJuu ..Ia OU II <Ia# lJIai .. ..Id !hal power has ......... bttn allo""l.'d '" r$I r/olp ·lI!lI'QJlIllot Itff _ ~ ..trtIO<J lI'3vt'1 Vft)' far Ihxn !he em"" of :my
• pnfimou all p"'iJkal /I<"<ti,,.... 1IOcic1y. E""" lIM: ",k:b,al"d dirN1
IIIO""P"'ka /'<I'«' aU ~ IJI, democracy of 5llk"n'ury All""" " '""
a ll'I""f1Immll>! the 6..... by Lhc 1<..... ink'rior 5WWl >rail ordaiDcd by God: in
ror!he r..w.
wilh "" ~ and "" V<IIc Sunday o«:baob and chorch""
for -..rn. for nlanua.l\abou...,..,., C<>r tItrooJIhwltM ChriotiarJ 1"or-ld loday.
frtt n..n withulll liIIllido..1\1 ~'I1y. ~ favwrite hymn cootinuClito " 'mind
.... for thc oo.OOO · ....... and !he faithful thllI. -n, ridI ""'. i. lriJ
challCIs who U1\<led 1M cndIe of rtUdt. tJr. /I<I><ff ""' ~ ",It , C<NJ
00n0cr.tcy. i\Imool 2.000 f""l'lla t<T. ",,,,1IItIII oJJ Urri, >IolUno. 004 utrkmS
in tIK: new Atilt"" ul R.,.w1ll<all«! tJrri,tsMlt.""
Fk" ",,,,,·. _.,. and ~ """" nu. idoaof aclaM born to rule, and
also <'I'lI'IC.'r'1\l<'<1. <"«'Pl for !h<.' to CIljoy lh<-n-by a virtual monopoly of
bricl<'>l of 1I'-1"iod.. in lhe IIands of 15O prmlell" ond ~ b..u ounived in
6uniJi<,. oombin<'d .....oaJtI> one form or lIIOIhcr • ariswent """'"
",('<'1.'11,:<1 that arM of the ~1ormtilll' pea>M~ while race ~ black.
c.iti>1'fl1Y: only m..... 0( -.milt> attd sJd>. l'.u"'PC"" ov<'" AsiIrl and A6ican.
rsafl'«" cuuld hold <>Ili<r>. and thoy did "..,..,.<>Ver "","",,", malt ""... fomalt ·
1lO""" Ur~ "",t{il aftJr. rid au PO""'" l......, throuah !he 2=1 b1>cr.ll """"""
1"1 01 tA. ~ of rlu Pi'O' a~d lions of the modmI .... 1he Amtrlcan
Iowl1."' Similarly. in 1M France Dfth~ RoMdutioo of 1m; IcfI. obntr:ry inun
EnlilIhtf1llrltl1L tbto ido.'a tJw the ll\I$S n.. F~h ~liun of 1789
of til<" IJ"Ollle t'XisI.d to """'" the >tare """"cd /'101; /'Ioly in dkU1~ but.. ..
and i\lrcUte ...... n:IIo<'led in kt6:ilalioo MIII'lI1 COOljlIaiIK"d in the: 179Os, in the
thai ~ u~mpled lh<' land- n.~'I1Il.'nI of an arisl"'-ftC'l' of birth
0>I'I'Iing nobi1iIy from Wtts bIlt forced by an arilllO<Tll<}' of"",aIIh. AI'ld io the
thow who tillo<l 1M bnd to IJOY ~ followinJl _ Iury. !be ir><k'l><-ndc.......•
than a qu:llW' of Ih,... il\COlllCS to IlII'l'o'eme1IIlI of btin Ammc:a broughl
linarI<c th<-wart.. IM~"" and U.... to P"'""'" '''''= '''''1'115 whicb. io !he
d~ t'aUX of[/" .we." word. of hiolorian EmiUo V"lUUi <b
Cosaa, -1iI<M "" """""~II/ 1M ...... af
Ilr. /IOPwWiJJtr, ...... tM, /toml 011II
Divine sanction dnliUd: ~ Similarly, ~tu'Y
1InWI"," ,pn1ll colonWi$ll1 in Afriea
Such <Xtn........ of <'Iiti.m ......... mail>- and A:li& ImV<' r>1l<'Il. ~. as R:ajol Half a cen tury
Iain«l nOi ""If by rom: bot by an Ko!h:ari has writll.... -ill "" ....". 14<1. 0
1IfId<orlyin.q <'lhlc 'O'Itich ""'-'Rht to ptI"> lrIlqrio, ",. />OW, fro.. D.. Bilt Ii>
_ I thill oW,' of albin .. divindy alOD/lrtt. '"
ago, over 50
"l'P""'<"1. China'. mandarin. iu"'ificd
Ihdr ~ ",Ie "" tbto ~ thai nations i ll Afr ica
Ib<:y alone cwld in~ lhe will o! Unfinished business
the l/I>k 1<1aJnk ~ IQw: eomr- and A sia w ere
Ii""", ;"..,l,,'d thc same principle 10 Only in this _tury. and particuW-ly
julillfy the =lusiorl of the 1I'-"U\IIc from in the: last 50 yr.'aJI" have thcoc '"",.
partici;>olioD in lI"YftTI...... t; and \on,o:
1><"""" thc Brilioh roj Illrnlpli'd 10
lWthen~ illl t1l1o in lnd~ with !lit
w.'/otGou ,..d••dlS" btlNn 10 bI'
!l;>!f . m llury &gil. QYtf 50 nations
ruled f rom
London , Paris,
Slanlp of dUly and rr'ligion. Hindu in Mrio::l &/'ld A:li& wrrc r"\Ilcd fmm
CUt,.. had re6ncd thoir 0W1I m<.1hod. l.ondon. I'ari.. llsbun, f1", ...,\s. ....
ofensurin,l: lhat 1M ~ ordc"' kntw The Ha,;ue, HloH a CCI'llu ry agu, the
Lisbon , Bru ssels,
thd, place. Nalio<Lall'arty was about 10 introd_
Iiom 10""" in dirK! contrldiction lomlal &jlIlI'thcid in Sooth Africa. HaIC . or Th e Hag ue.
10thc lO(l:ll ba9c u-.rhiJlgl5 of rdipm. _lury .",. rommuniorn, whkh !wi
such class divisions h_ insislod on lU!lQituU'd tht party '" tilt da... that
thei, divino: 1tgitima<y.1he Chril'tian .... born 10 rul<. .... ....bliohing
_.lornample.1w otIt'l1 bem itsclf llCl'OSS Eutl:m t~ and
comJplod 10""I'Ve the"ridI au".,..... bo.'llioning illI acIvaJ><:e inlo many ....1$
1M~ afrlu /I<I><ff au 1<ntIj'
'"' til of !he deftloJ,pinJl ""I>rid. ll olfacr.lIlUry
and to lot !he Jatt..,. know thai Lhcir iIJIG, WOI1lCll in FmItt and Japan did
D<Jt have \lit: ri.lrhl 10 vole. And IIalf • mkronuuitnl dt/kiondt", and dju-
Cfnlwy ilg<J, I<Tlm mud> of !he n.o.,a! di....,.,.. iU't' btinll' bn~ .
Unilcd SU,u:a. a hllck ~ rould 0vn'IIt concluded 11M: World Bank in
Mith... VOlf!. ...... """'" on I ju ry. nor 1993, -Ma!tIr _diJiCU """"" lkt

e3I in ctrWn I'I."<W1ml\$. nor omJp)'
• bu

~. ~
1 if I white _

As on ovmIl in<llc>tioII of thill

.-d only t.. lIO'.cd thai 50
)'NrI . . , <m!)' I .....n propwtion of
JI'Orld .110", i..pmwd ..""" i. rJr, P/l#
4(} ....... 1M . i. fill <t/ p~ b",a.
Th..... ldlio."'<'m<'IIts W(n' but I
.n.;g" -..II... the Unil<d N:dianJ waI<
founded. In 1952. lilt Uni,," Nations
tho.>wor1d'. people ttad • Wlri' on YlIlc R~ "" Ur. World SMMJ Sjtounin
in Ihe ~ 01 thuR who ~o."m.d hcraIdc<I the ·.Worittll
au ~ri",
,hem: today, the prop>rtion !ln ri""" fa«" that It>. world ""'" lK.oing mde
'0 betw1.'m IWf IIId three qlllflers. UfIC. "lid CIldof\led tht- hope of the hill-
Many S<.ociI1iI-s arc !liD dMd~ inlO wrilIn Arnold TO\'Ilbf:<, that -u.,. 2QtiI
unamlUotable n.lcrs' IIId UPl:<lll'l<.'O\· ....IlIIY IriIi b< dli#JfJ ......"'I>t>rd i.
inJl ", led. Many more remain divilll:<:l /will'" ....hlrits "", as a. '" <t/ ~ili.
in!<> ~ lew and ~ <al mtAirb or I«bi<r>1 i. ".."tWu. h I
mIrly. In nlOSI. the basic benefits of <D ao au i. I<IIrjell ...... -m, damJ
po 01' C'9ll1IIYl' IlOl Yd bttn mad~ avai). '" Uri"'" 0{ /Jo. -l/iln '" 1M ..Iwk
able 10 !he ~y , Noll<'thelcss, on<: h ..... "~'"~ 01" ~ ab;«tiw.-'
"" ,dd have to be "'" jwt I rynic but I I'lifficull I I it may b. lu imoRioe from
n:duilC to dHIy that this lI$IN:>Id ordo<:1" m. day.-Iq htadlines.. ~'ml
is b<:i"i ohakca ill our limK. N I min- vieww... thai. tho: last 50 )":'.... h.....
imum, tho WIdmyiog <thK: that lias .len", mll<h to jII.ufy this prop1>cq,
"""u"-"<1 /or 1lO mu<h ofhunw> lIiiilnfy
is cItarly looOng its grip "" II....."
~ thcre is b2rdIy I -w:ty in the Sea change
world today wlH..,., the idel of • cWs
thai .. born to ndc. atI idea dcfmlIC'd 'TM! i. !he h i~ <:ontC1\t of tht
by monI philosoph..-. and puIiticoI lllnl l!l/le for dcv<:~1 tho< n ......
~ from ArioIolle (0 Cllln'dlilL is I\'IIChin.II ouch. cri<iuI..-. And the
aro.'PIcd .. ri.IrIll. Of IIOImOl or ill the partic<>1an of thai. 'IlNilI1c . includinlr
The ulI derlyillg Il'hm.of~· .
Nor .... thi. ehoni<' b<'<'fI canlined
the $<ftioR of flOOlo for the ~
of ehildreol .".J the Ill'''''pl 10 bring
~5 in prindple. Made
to JliCh :Il~ illl imtmwizIlioo. book
ethic that has ~e by • III2>lSiYc IIId ca otinlllnJl bcallh can-. farnilyploonitUl, "'11<1" and
in£re.... in w<>rtd produ<live capocity. ....i!ation. ",. prilnll)' ""u<Won l<l on
endured for so lite ide. that !he aim of progr<'IS, and commWlilios . .... pm of the 1ll<'fItIll-
of lfO""'mfIIClIl is 10hmclit the moJor- 10 ratTY Ihi. ItnJggIe lhtouj:b l<l its
rly olthc pooopIe hao, in the sro>nd IIalf C'OIIlpktion. They "'" the awUfcoU.
much of human of this <m1llfY. broIJght mor1IIOII" tion of the idcol that tile II105l basic
practi<al rhan.o/to (fiR. 23), A~ lik Idvlll~ 01 ~ ohuuld be PUI
Il istory is clea rly """"'Unry i" lhe <lcoc1oWw ollioo. · at the dioposal of a/l: and they .... the
thai Il""ful alml ll>Sile mraure of cmbodimml of the prirriple \hal S<lri-
imp,.,. "",c,," in iIIcomcs ond "ou;. ely ohauld b. orvnizcd in 11K: imcf'.
losing its grip all lion. health core and cduation - IwI tots 01 the many I'Ilb..- !he ,.".,.
Wci t-.llrom ~ d y4ll ynn CompIc<iIlJl: thi1 historic prort3S i1
human affairs. in 1950 l<l 62 y.... n by 1990. CbiId the t hief tUtfinioho!!d bu........ 01 !he
dnth ratts hI.~ IIIlen by ,_ third.. 20th CfnlWY. And on \>III" ou<-'C<.'$O or
from around 300 10 100 per 1.1))) failure will dt-pmd the outcome of the
births. Adull Iittra<y '"Its haw: d0u- ,....,.. opinOl 1irrlI!!. Only if (h ;" cau>JC it
bled 10 almo.. 7Oli. Sma1lpw<. whirh """" throuJd> to • conrluoion in the
ki1k." IPll"'xiID;llCly 5 million 1" " IJle I l'CITIl imm<"Ilia1C1y alK.'3d will it be .,....
~... in the....ty 1950s. Iw bft" end· ..ble lor tho worid 1<1 rope with the

• iraIM. PoliG. <n<-a>les, malnulrition, problems of papulation J(I'<J\'"th. <.1lVi-

Fig.23 Progress in basics
The effm to mal<8lhe most baSIC benefits01 prowess a'li!ilable to 311M
achieved remarbble restJlts I~ the ha1f<enlUlY sinal tile founding 01 tile
United Natioos.fewreliable 5li11J511CS are il'IiIilable frlIn tIlll940s,blll the
o;/I;Ins bekJw $lIIVI1aI'ire the P'0ll'e5'5 Ih;n has been nllIde in the throo
decades from 1~ to l!l!1l,

Avefilgenumber of children ' Net primary school enrolment

• •
• • Health conditions
• •
, " across th e world
, -" have improved

• more ill the past
• 1. . 1M 1" l "'l
• 1. . 1m 1. 1!1!11
40 years than in
-~- --~I- I I_- all of previ ous
-..-..- _
..""' ......-"" ..
.. 10'''-.1"""",.- .. _ . - _

.. -."--
huma n history.

.. _- ..-
I'OIIInenw dettriotaIion. social disinl.,. c~ in tilt ~...rdl'lllOCr"
J:Tlllion • and m. c ~ 01 8lIStlin- tic politirallf,......" as t<> wJw C<>IISIi-
ina: new ~ (pano,lIO). totl'S g<><>d palitics. And as lhc>;c
The hillOl)' 01 !hi, lllruAAlf, als<> mmpin show. ~ ia aixwf. 011 \h.,
I (ac ~ m. OM olHmportalu ItMon ~ 01 colX'tfTlt<! and con"niu<:d
for Ihe baltlo;,o Ihal >lill1i<! ohmd . For JlO'<lPIo'. and lheir- O<Ranit>IIio.... lba1
Ilw: ~ th.ol J>:M,btco ..,hio-vcd <.'2n brinlr what ~. In ~ """"
'"' far ~ not been ~hl.'ooul by wit.hin Jhto bounds 0/what <.'all be <Iono;,_
any aul<>nWic ip'l'O<! of!<rlInololo' or
by OIly ineYilabl<' 10m: ofhiSlOry Thr.y
have ~ brouxht ;Woot by I roo- Nl'W forcesfor change
scio<J. dIU" w make monIily man:h
";!h <apaOly. As Martin l.utlkr Kin8" If this i$ ind<'<>:I t!u' kIo'tt thai <.'2n ob ~
~d 01 thecivil riJlhlJ 5llUgg\t-. malely brinJI aboul lhe. n~
"Hw"u,. ~ iJ ~ " wit>- c~ tho.. . 1OC balanc'e may ......... b<o
IfUJ/ir . ,,. j"";Jabk 1':," n .../Vtftrinl ohif\irijI in • ..,.;u.., din:<'1i<>n. For
I«Jk nl iislorJ "","If /lin, . 0 r«inI Ihl'ro an' today ''fK'OU~ !<igns, in
04,."," YOlk i. .. tit. ri«If <f a1mool .all COUIItrW, that w" an.' ""1<....
i"ttIi,nMj/J, EM'} Sltp """"ntr ,.,. ine- • ..,... on of Pf'<I\lIl:'. invoiw......,,1
, ..Is <fjWin "~ wjm stlrI'i/fl't..,.",.. in po~tio:aI and """,""mit chal$. In
i.,. nlld rIr. rim... ",mill... <1M the indostrialized Wl>rId. <am1JliJms
pauimJ<ll. "".tt''''
bfdjritlwllJA. " "
<f tkdi<nml lor oocial ond ""vimnmenlal <all"""
J>:M, betn raIk'll ..... 11/ tltt ptJl<'/JI
No he2vicrwci.dll 0I1ndi1l<>n. ond illdtutrits .,. tit. wit """,rinll ""-
no ........ d«ply ""1r\'IlC'bod ..,.001
intcrnts, for~, ~ft'PI' been
tit.,.... In tho, 1l"Yclnp"'lI world. tlo<
"""of.....h ~t. has bfJffl "-"'ffi
It is the power of anayed againsl P"'fI'"SII 1lwl thooc """" Mltraonlinary. lltimulal<'<! by
thai ronfrorIIc.'<! thr aotiooloni8l """'" commwOCalioos I<'C~ and by
conce rned and """'IS ollhis o:>:'O tul'Y orme WOIlltIl'. the lnrnJ'onnalion m
llOcial <'al*ilY
_ and thr eminJnmc<lLal doo1 has a1n:'ody b<:en ~. thr
""""''''''''I 01 30 l'NI"f ;wu. Yl'l Ihe numb<.. I>f Pl"'-'l'lc·. mov«I"-"'lS ond
committed people, ..",. id/.'afl!impl'riali..... ~ ~ lIOIl--lf<""l_W ~ Iw
Iw b""" ....·..dI..rcd o_npu.bk. ris<.. .-pidly ill aItnoat aD 1Ir<o:~
Similarly, Il>e . n""""",,"nw and
and their ~1S hzvto made
COIlnltin........r re<'<nt )'NN. i\lthwgh
Wtl<JleIJ'. !hi. ",""""""t is imp<>$llible '" quan.
prt>gre>'O. pnlgI'KIl i:J auiludn. pol;c:y, tify, ~"" the_ rurl~"'-'of.'tIli-
organi zations, that pno:tieo:. amiin' . lba1 o:wld ........iy """'" "'llIl'..S1. Ihal m. nUQlbeno 01
hr<.. been ~ ill • limo. "" lew >IlICh lU""'1l" ....... doobk.'lI", """" in
call bring what )'<'2n ogo, VI'hen the early SIlppor'lt'nl !he btsl decade. And ..~ the .
fl! ~ n"""-"'lmU were di.missed fa<l: q". in .. manydevriopiOJi: ""'...
by Ih<: e>Ublishmrtu lIflh<: day .. mill' tril... the """;""'-" 'ononUc indicatono
needs to be done guided .xtremi.u on the frill)«! or \he ond tht Iacts 01 P""fl1y. ddll.. .""
palit i<al~ 0llU<'IW1ll adjuslmco~ lllO}' b<: '*""'-'
Wit/lilt tile bounds No 1l"JIm'S"" rapid CflO\lJlh i:J lhe lor pcsoimi"",- tlo=- i. ill the """'"
!lire of inju1llice and discriminallon. or time I grcal '""U1IC liJr IKIpc in lh"
wlK:n tho: ph~ inl<¥rily oflh~ ~ ~ ill !he mi<fO.l<:wl of thou·
of w hat call be ~ io 0........ liIrt'Il. &1 by any ru. WIds of ,groop5 IIId organizations.
t~ Sl8Ot\atd$. ~ io O1li1t>dc wh<:lhcr thcir ·..,h is loc IlciJ:\lbour-
done . and ...-tioo. i:J Ibeo<.o lWO """'" hove hood or- tho: ti"". thaI .... worl<ing
been both profound and C'l<traonlin. Ior~ .
";Iy rapid. And 1~ have been Th;, 0'OWIh 01 ~', iffl<>Ive-
brou.<tht about k.. .. by 'n... "'''''..
than by pcopk:'. """""""'t.. by • .,.".
1o menl in the ~le lor "~ has
detp fOOl.. It io l'<l<>ll':d in tilt dnlma\ic
pIe-Iro ilC1 ctwIIlt' in polbIic P""-"tP' innn.<oe in ~ capto<i1y ",hich
tiol>$oI whal "' and "' not o=pIablf, in Iw """""" up .., OlIpr. ......'k1l1<'<iIy
homan aflairs· and by .co~ ..-ide!/llP b<.1.......' O !hl' ....,.ld 1$ it i. ODd
tho world "" ~ roWd ~ And II he IoIlgC'r quite to ~ I" "'" a<bilnuily.
"",,"<I 10 lho equally speclaCUlar or in !IOO"«Y, or wilhIm"" n ~y, "lIaiMt
~~ in rommllllO:aliomo ~Iy ita1atcd, inarticuwe. u~"Il .... d
which lin """'" llu.l lt:ap """" visibl< un""'pp"l1<'d [l<'OlI1<s.
to ""'"' """pi" tIwI .-- bd"...,. I" !--maIly. it __ ld IlOl he illn<>ml
n.'ttfIt yeors, t""""u~n . tfoCl>- that""'" pressures Jorch;angc "'" oIsa
Il<llogi<:s haw oprmd an ........,.,.,.. of ~ 10 emerge from within lho
~IC IlI<ldm> wo:\d, ill! poBSibilit6 and ifIdu5ll"ia1ilcd worIcl. In 01.- all of
ito~ to "'"'-"Y comllllll>ily OIllh ~ tho ....,1IlIIllicalJy ~'II natians.
Jt:\ol>o', prtJI'tJI<in$l the ... mparisoo.. "'"'" it • palpabk.' and ~ng ~.
aIluwing 1M i."I~t'lD'-"'''' <lI2n.ltin8 111<: k'ly aboul lho """"'I tro,i<~"'Y of
altiwdt.... htoj¢U"';ng fruot:alion.. progn..'llf • ""-'0 10 !he rank. of llwoc
holdinll" ou' Yioion.. <Tl"ating a lit.... wlto rooId be Aid l(I be among itlI
o::ap;ICity for 1"'' '* l<I rommunio:al<: prinripaI bfnclitiarit.... Failh in such
with OIl< """"",,", and ferwl:nllni" tht: projIl\"SS, sa <'Iidcol in tho 1!l5l>o and
brew of~. In .1mo6l alI" olmm.", 19f1(ls. lin hr<.11 joltal in lh<: last
today, "'" coolllUn> or"", """;bl< ore dcaldc or to by I"", fum... The lim is
bclng ~ as Il"Olll< find • new • oprc2<Iill,l/ rral inl;"" tIw <UrTnl1
lIOIidariJy aDd a r.<'W COllfllkoo: in pilttem. of COllmmpOOn and poDulioo
trwir...... riJ;:htallld .bilitn 10~ "'" crMronJl1t1lWly un"",
pal<: in Ih" ~""""I of ~r own The-.>ndIS . ~pfm.""'n
aIfaint No Iolu:er aT<' p"",*, wiIIifli 10 Ilw """" Il"Oll"t'S ;, also filling 1u
I<'l"'<'PllholllO<'ictico should 1><:.., orp bring with il ~I funhtr
rUzed thaI ~ k~. """ imp"'''' '',,,,,,I> ill tk quoJily of lifr for
righl:l, slmJld ~main Irw III<lrIQjlQ/y af IarJt:e numb,:n of people. Thr cstalJ. No longer are
thd "w. IW>ed i"""!IlriaIUcd n>tiarts. Ih:oI
n.c.-r., "''ill be lhase wlto <Ioobl small group of !hi': ""'"' aflhJcnt sac:t. people willing fa
",heth", ..,}'thinK :III ~. "an <'ties the wt>rId has~"""" . an' saQ.
1><:. majur r...m for"hlllJ!<'. But in the .m ..11m!: ab90lulC lJCI"My ~
19900. 1My must ask lhemse"".. why a probk.-m. w~ ""';(\cnl un~ accept that
it if that mo:.hllionuy ~ ~ is rontrl\QJ\ C'VeIl ~ the rclaIMoly
be<oon ............'11 in l.alin Amttica, in, aod -.ocial aod "",""",. societies should be
Soulh Mrica, in Ceolnl and Ea>tem mental problnns. &llm ain.. 10 family
YoUrtlP". aDd in lho roonlritf;ohhc fur· bmkduwn. from """'tal in.- l<I so org anized
m.:r Sovict II"."" U\'t'1' ... lillie time druJr abusoP. from poUulloo to """,tal
ond with "" Uttk lr.ln!<illooal ~. S1n'Sl, ""-' all ~'II1o be iII<:f,;......
They must ask !IK'ml;op1\ti, for mm- iog. "~ ~ iO/<l ~ /Itt"" ""'idt ...... mat prog ress,
pic. how likely i\ II'IIUId have ...""...j ""'" ntd /<I s '''''"' ""i""" P'1I"",."
s...... Soola,ll' Iw ",Till <lI, i. be<'om-
"-11 l"'at5 ~ Ihal the BI:'rtin WaIl lIS
W<IIlId"""" fal1l11d lhallhe rold '11';\1' i:I,t iIlSlPad "s '''''"' qfdistiJUr."~
kno toleage,
W<lUld suddenly """"'- 10... e<uI. And In I"" ~ or all of such furt"Cf.
Ihry mitlh' ask themso.'' ' "'
also, how building Ilt>iocxorably.. the 20th ..... (HI d rights,
realiMio: il .......Id ha..... ~ tha~ luty '-'<In\l'S l<I an ""<I. thr """bilities
within Iar Jeos tIwI • dcca<k. for briaging aboul fun_olal should remain
1'n.-.idc.1I1kch WaJ"sa 'O'O<lld he ",-lI d· c~ "'" oflm o;;dk'Il fur and ""
int • ", I...wam of ronvotIIlolloo 10 often ~. ore !h~ no Iungcr
I~al NdsmI M ~ " '''lOlC. Inasmuch "" anything in tht..
the monopoly
In the 1IUl, """h ~ ror fulure is ......... d .... to tht: _~ it is

~ h""" u/tc.1I """" ~ with clear Ilw lUndamt'ntal ~ I, 01
1\llfI.'SSion. BIn in ~ n.'('<.11\ and
pnIItIinrnl ~ ItlXC"""!ldM'S
of tile few.

<>f tht: t>Id <l<der t.- rffiized I/u.I

~ if brtwling .1eu andless Common cause
~ ~ And opin, it if tht:
po....... of ~unicaWns that hM Diversity aDd ~'" t"U1JtJJlittn<1l1
lIlI.W11 Ilw oppressive rqimrs ore IIlI 10 • tbausaod indiridual o;;lIuon •


. "'_ ._a_
ThePPE --
.... __
_._.... . -
- .._... _-..
....._._ _ __
.... ~---_
a_ ._ ._~_

spiral: -_....-
----- ... ... ...
andthe --_._-
. ...- ..- - - - - - - - ....h

new .'._-- -_._..._-_..._- - ...

security ..--,._-------
_ - ._-._
.__...0__- ----
• •

_ .........-- .__
...... -'-
.. _-
-"- -
...__ ..-
----.. _--
Last yea-"I Slale af the
Mri1 S Children repctt __
... ...
dj:lOJSSl!d the IIlteractilJl
betwee!l pcMlrty, pllIXllalion
growrh, and erwironmootal
detelioration, To stress the
. . ..-...
inseparable natln 01 these
problems, tilt repon used
the term 'PPE piltiei,•.
Thisyea's rlIlXJI1 SlI_
._ -
_ _
.. -....._-
. __
. ._
._- -
-_1ft ._._ ---
m 1llt nel'IIll8'eatU.

. 1*1.
rJI.urty lInats arises
III from t!le
._.. _---- ---= -
.._--_. __..........-
pi_ 141f'd~;nl I NS TA BI LI TY
pcIifical lllS1llbilities The

diiIpm!dlelrlalires the
, I¥" . _ . - . - " .. _ -.
wb<tber k bf, llw Al1lS aisit or tbo
,."",<OlioIlvlloail c... io
W ~ vlbt:olsor w pn>-
It'diaIII ofWllllll:ll /nlm~. isIM
haImIr" 01 the ......- _
"",,*'1 " 1m" lluI is tbo doid'

~ """ tbiII _

~ ~ \e< 1· *Cio. lor

is to dil<p<l

l'lCl6AI: dIIdmI'l II<ItdI .. ttllIlitd1

........ _Mftdr .. Z I. Tht
_ _ _ _ is "'JldJ' ill ...... AcwI
.... lor1lle ~ IkII if k is 10 bf, lbo: ~ . . . is " " " ' ..r:;bk
~'Ii;:;"", . l h a d , lIZ ill IdoIiooI .. wluIII ' ".... III
.. co T ,c6iaI dIDIIt. -.I lII:Ibs . . . in IhiII ~ II ""' """" ~
pOl.b1ubu .. . . . . . . '. . - d b1 moW. ID.rP.... =I

=.=_.._..-....... _111"00·$' ....--.. .......

........ M1Iio

_ ..... _
' oI lha w- US1CEF. for ,

of tbo baIit prob-

I' dill .....

ill the a ,d .. Xc k.. _' liFe

.... ',It.. Ibrit- ....... . due ·
• Z· . . . , I' . C
(' '''''-Ci .. <INa _ . =1.111." ............
~ .. 11 is rol Iha tbo --.. .... ~,. .. tbo Worid
.... . . lht ..,. of thildtft s.-it for ChiIdfto. ~ "" III the
llbooIW _ _ 1bo ,.. CIIdO rqicwI of. ' ( . ,ol $30 biIIioo 10
and _ _ n'J of.m. _ - . I StO biIioa • lft'", two 1llrdIIII-.taidI
Jll'OIIlt" ,..... 1M ..",.. t1W:r. D;Juld.- n...thedt,. l .. · ...___
I't.-WIc - - . . .. the """"'" lIit'o lbov_ lo The ..-Id ~
... IIlfIllaI. aIld ~ dndcJp. ....... IhaI:l dUo plI)'ir'lI .... The Unl ess the
_ viall dIildn:IIiro the ..,........ Uaitrd So/(of " ' - of !hill biJI would
of • botltr lui....,. !he md and 1M bo: " ' lhon is """"~ naUonally, ...
IllWlf ot &.....-Iopmen~ thl' ""'Y bin· idYcttillinlt toblltro. The ~_ in vestm ent in
dfIioIl lor lC'CIIIOOIic do.'Vciapm<onl. hal btfft kno1m Itl mobilize $30bilIioo
-w <'OhcIion, and political lllabili (Y" b" . oinll\c mojor l.'OIlllll'U<lion proj«.'I children is
And unltllf lhi. in-...enl ill made, all . • lurmd 1/1 IiJ1lOl'l-
dim, •
of humanl(y'. ........ fulldoJrllmtal ~" ~ .. find tudI .....,. ... mal·

l<.'ftI1 .,...,bItmo ..m ....,..., fuI>;bmcn. sw....""""""
Itr of COIlI'W!: the Unit<.-d
made, all of
S25 biIIioa ')'lW 01\ ill prisonIII!l"Iite
~ lhe lW\kuIar ""uoe, bf, io __;" Gftrr>IIl)' 60ds....... thlII> S30 human ity 's most
cWllOOQK1 or h....... ri;hts. dewt-Iop- IIiIm ~ )'OW w ..- the IOciII
_ or equll:y, .-.ltr oquaIiIy or conof /'t'lftifk'Mion' 111* is IbuulIO
~~tbou-m. m- ~ 1nI timn •
[undam enml
dCi<''' 1tiII."
of dIiJ.
..... iocaJlnollo ' ' krm .........
mudl itI • 0$IIiaII Iibre _ ..........
lbe_~,· long -t erm
Sla'\iIoJ ... lilt bai< - ' optcik MtftlIrt ~". Dtte\k &0 ",,_ btalI:b,.. Iw . " ....... --.. ........... 1Iri"
......... ....,. ...........dborlhe ~MoitIa~_ --... Thr
problem s w ill
iolu " ... , "). dot' _ 111 COlI of a . . . .-on ....
~ ..,.lht .... ......-. _ _ ioI ~ remal1l
It ' fII. _w ....... ..... =1..-...... : .ofPllo
01 ,..... 11'1: _ ~ C « ...... bo:...,.adI _ _ $3O ... [ undamen tai
-......d m-. ill .. . . .,.... DooolIle II: ~ is llill _ ~
- r a,•• __ _ par-
tinalw ....... mil ill
_ _
*-' :ail 1M
'" doe .-. ..,. ..,. " - bt'tII
the-W~ . . . . .· T.... II:~
iodbr __ . I b o - W " ,

£_ W1ht " '" wn1'

lllIdt a. Z ' k , lnIlaty__ is ..
10 ""
long -term
problems ,
........... InIlII tbiII iINaIe b1 ill
. . .... ; , ..,. 1ht idta ficita ...... ...d poIiIiaj ..........
- - ~ -- ....
the.... lOHds lllall dIiI-
dml illOO dimnak. !lIII . . and I0I:l ;.. . . bt..... l*1t. flut 10N1ll1M dot
u" h"'''' • IaIilIO be achie'.tod in tbt ......,. iIII tbio __ alIonI Ibe
iItIIlvdlIIt'lui...... And CII>l' of the ;rnt li..-:iIl ('\ltI of lIk't"Iine ill duldmo·.
Ia.hofw~.oo~ lll'l'lb Nld mdinJI: ~ of lht 'mY
wont asp<'<"tS of l>O"'ftI'. malnurrition. Becoming involved
I"'l"""'Wlk: ~"ll*:. &lid illiteracy. i$
plainly absurd. And then! is • n<'<:d to A pcoplc.l<d c~ ill tht: climall: of
kiIldlc • _ "'-"ISO 01 duo ;w...rtlity ide... in willi ill consickn.-d OoCtq>tabie
among I wurklwide ..,blir. Of OOUr'llC or USIattl'plable io !he rrlalion!!hipIl
Ihc nnrmaI JPVl"Ih and ~t of btt........ I'"OPie ar>d ""Iio.... is !he
dllld.... <an be prol<!Cl .... or <'Wr.l<: bcot hope UW the,o:tnal ~.. 10
abllolute povmy ClIIl be o,,,,m,,,...or """'" win t>. changc:$ for the bttler.
COIlN<' populotion J[I'OWlh <an be Tbc "'"Un"'" locus of thal effort muill
oIow«I. Of OOUr'llC <'tlVironJn<.dtol <let..- be 10g;;w, lhe pn.>lc<.1iuD of tho: 00I'tr\al
rionIioo can be~. Fur <k'Cadcs physical. tooltal. and ..",olima] dcve~
IIOW, thill """ 001 b<o<-n. queMioo 01 opmenI Df childn.." • fi"" cal1 011 our
""",,,hili"'" but of priorities. And the c<:II>CO'm' and capacitic.... And • M
lrUIh of the IlIIlltf ;, UW these prob- ""'" towards UW aim is 10 odti<.'Yt: the
lem. coold ar>d """"Id ""'" b«.1I buic ~ oalo lor th.. W<>rk!'. chil<lrtll
larJIrly detest..:! iII 1M l!1ro/. and ,hal have a1mIdy 1>=1 nIllblloh«! and
1911Os: if one t<:I1lb of \he mclUn:t1I bffilnd which roosidenble """"'-....
UW Iu.~ bH1J tlm>Ied lo buildinll mi~ tum has a1n'ady bt.'t.1l bui~ .
iury ""flOIrity .,..". tholIe Ile<'adeo Nd But if the IIoCe apinSl titJ'w, it to t><,
bH1J dtvlll..:!10arhi<"lrin.i bask oo",~ """" then """-",, fhl-n.o hM' t:-n thou·
oprnml guals.. then '"" would nnw be md. of ~. thon: muSl be
1ivin,II' in I wur1d with ~m. or M IJW. I,""" of thuuSoUldo. whm: thm' h...,
nulrition, ..ith far""'" d~_ ar>d (\it. bc<'Il ten. of thouii3l\d! of ~.
abi~IY. wil11 fat higho>r ~1s olliI01a<)' tht'n' m"51 be ",""y millions.
ar>d <-d"'-'"lioo. with hillher' in«lm<'s And by benominlI involved ill this
and lower birth rala wilh ItIrIff lIOrial ...TUgg\r. in wIl. I.......I"3}' and onwilli·
Wh ere there have ond ~vironmentol P"'blems. with l."¥<'I" fron~ it may bt thaI an ........... will
Iew<.,. < coofIicI. and .. ru- d alsu "" futu>d to m. prol>Ierrul ..~icb
been tlwuscnds of with (~and 1Moc~ ....... today bowl SO IIWI)' 01 rn-. io all
Thi. comparison bo1Wtt1I mmwy nation. of the world. woo "'" m. prin-
txpo:oditur"" snd human IlK'<!s may cipal benef~ or the Jl"llII1.... !hal
orga/l izations be the In<l$l oftC'fl rcpI:;\ted dieM in Iw ~ achieved in this <.'tfIlury. For
1M d,",'e\oprrlll di<lionor)'. Rut '"" it may !w.' !hal the bcinK invomd in •
there m ust be tells muSl never w... ot IlIIkin,I/ iI. "'""'" cau!It Iargtr than 01.:",,1f ill • d«-p
allow this 5latC of afbir.Ilo be «11I01<'- hUllWl n<.'<'d from which"'" ha-.ebeen
~ as 10 any wayriviliml or justi- d~ by the pal"liNlar direction
of tho usands, fiable. 0<........ alluw Ilk' _ bbwll that llfOlll'-' " has takeo in ""-"'01
im ~ of our-lirnH to IlUMide into littles. If so. ~ i! • need of which
where there have th< I>cilIy am.-plt-d. r...... o in the pooI- G<-orgc Il,:ma'" Shaw has Idt us •
caId ....,. era. the WIl<ld annual ~ J">WI'fful ..minder;
ditun:<HI miliWy capacity. <HI '7'Ioil ill'" In« m;.11*. "" M"fI
been tens of mWiJct.lanks.1im'IIl. li¢!l er plaact. 1IStd/iN" ~i7OU rteog1Ii:d lI, "","'If

thousands of
rcmaiIlSIl • k....~ thll1 is,'bw' Ii",.. iJI.
~• .J " •• waI ,.--.. ofllk'_·
f$ QIW1... of lbe deV'eIoping world's
lU" "'i.fIol1"" . I Q'" .,.,iNpi.iQw dItll
""lift I>t/mrgJ to IIrt l<'Irlll, """. ...i"
"u I1S la", III I ii ... it u "" pririhgl llJ
pe<>ple • the I bilIioa sbooIule pOor. dtJ j>, it tdut_ 1 «I'. [if, 11- "" hrir:!
people, there mllst Ihose who ~ willwul the basics "r It> "'•• h iJ " 10"'" opl",did
lik. lbOSl.' without l.'docalion BIId jobs, tt>m\ l<'Iri<'/o I N" 101 IIIJIIi .,. /iN 1M.
be mil/ions. r!>oo<. ..;!ho<lt ck"" .... ter or ba""-'
htoalth ~. thooc ..-bose ehildr<" die
_."'1, au I ""'", /() ""'*' it 601", III
~,/y ... ~ HIOTt .... 4'106 i/ ""
and tw:.:omc disabkd in .... ch IlUlI1" '"/iflltrt: tn"mtio/tS. • ~
ben, tholIewhoon: lom:d lo ruitI th<...
own "",Yiron"",,,I. ar>d lulu.... for the
sake of !ltll)'inj! ......, lOOBy.

u_ ... ,,_~ IS"",,-,", un-. 'M_l.ool lO 29 Wori;I Httllh (}rpoi"';""

l'rngronunt, If. ..... ~ II'Ill<1l/ Slnl<yleo', ill UoiI«IN....... ~ f o t C _oI_
R4«t 191N, UNIJP, " .... Vork, 1000t. C'bil<1rcI>'. rUDd, n.,..."..." ~ lo/c<.1!ons./.,.,;.,
lit. 43 , p.li3 N!JWol. J!1!I4. UNICH . 1'1... y..... ~ .. Rt/IInf 1m.
2 WorldIlook, K_l~''''''' 1991. p. 7 WIlO/ Altt/ll:l:lS.WHO, G<neIoI, li
I m: I~,./OT ~. 16 lloi1<:<1 N....... ~ 3C WIlO CoIIoboonIino' CnIl<... 1ot
World Ilank. W............ IJ.c.. 1\1\14. ~"' '''' ~ ­ II..-m, Troinlnlr. aDd ~ndit>Iion
l>bI< JO. p, 22lI Sobcurnmitl.oo 011 NUIriIioD. c...r",IJi"" 1~ Iiooio Ollhe usCmu:n lot
3 .Jo/u.-. CilIunl M...... 01/'1<..... OoiU ...-_. A ~. NutriIloIIl\>li<y I_ CoaIn>l, G';"'" W.... M'..
"."."., j • .obonW, 0Ii\dmI.• ll<i..... I......... Pap«s, S... 14. J _ . , . No. 42.JIIlU>lT 1001
Fuao1 W:t<biolrtoo. D.C.lg:j1 ,~ 31 W<>r\d Iltabh ~ 'Malmlo
~ U..WN-'~"' l'IIbIic 17 \\'OI'<! H<>bh O<1laol",... n. ..... t'bild 1I<oIIh ..... t 'amil, 1'laIlniD
~ 'Tho Jol>C...•• ~ "AMmo";. W.....,A C<lrRIIt S,'t'do oncl FoIu'"
OIVI~\II.~I ._ T_ .A_l"'-". Ori, ,,,,,,;o,,, ElI93I18, " 'I""" by lhe
kiI.lot Wot'I<I Sounml1Ior So>daI WHO. Co.. ...... 1992 DirKtor.G<Dtnl. WHO. G<..,...., 12
r ~ Uoil«I N........ ."I" " 18 WOI\d 1l<'Slt/l O<po;_ .w.m ..... J _ I993
Vorl<. July lOOot
~ llronA. Ilogh, 1lot !Wit=. Ii""", "
Y"""" N..-·. op. riL
19 Uoittd NIIioos ChiIdml·. ru.... World
22 Ibid.. p. 5
J3 1I<Nle<hcr. 1l.1IldCvf' J1ill. R.
. . Ihilt<l SID",. J'\oolfIIia Hcshh 0., i' .ion, UniledNIIioo> 'Primory_ ..... ~
lloob,I\'ikin.l. 1981. p. ll}/ f.dualloclol. S<\ooU1l< oM M urtl 1lKf..... iDlhe D<..J "\il ll'or\d
6~ 1o...,.
~ ..... UniledN._ ......, I,.....
'""<ly ~ lot u...
aod..,...,.. 0/1"" ~ ~F""F_/ur/.ilr:A WOIid ~ "" Eduarion '"
C_ .... "'" Wotld Sou=iil lo< e.-............. ~._ odi­ AIL Thoilond. 5'il l>l..... 19'.lO.
So<ioIll" ..kil>,., ... N.... Votl<. z:I ..... IDoTCE!'. s.., Vo<\<. 199:1 UNESCO, NowVo<\<.I9!lI
-,~ 2Q WOf1d HnIUI ~ ..... \IIIiI<d 3l I'atkrr. va..I4. """Jttptl'ttIL £va.
r ~ N_ ChiIdml'. Fund. 'l'I""" ...... 20110: MDtiiizi., 1/.."."",..
8 Somavi>. J..... Tht N~ .... N... 1'romoIlIIa ..... SllpporIinsl Brnol· gam. i. Itt ;!IlIlA, UNlt'D' SWI'
. fttIioIl: The Sp<ciaI Ral< 01MaI=iIy Worldno' 1'. 0'' '' No. 12. USlC U'.
...".,.. o6dn'OI to lnlcmolio<Hlal f'n.oo ~ . joinI \\'l!OIUNICEf obi'" ScwVoct.. 191ll
s.. CoouociI "" lob'1nIIioo-.:l ....... W HO, ~ 19lI9 35 World H,_ llrJtOl ' '. 1"-
C ....noion 1or!nlcmalioAal
Do .. k;pwm. Itomr, rI ApriII 9!l3
9 Tho ...-.d 10irK'T.- th<.ritim<y 01
21 ~Y"""" _
~ 0I1'atdIatrb, Uoivenity

HlIO'Ipi!oLUppoaIL . . . . - _
/..--", /Jriolli"" If""" So/>Pl1
... s..iIatioo 1J«oM,
Rni<w. lI'HO/ CWSI9'tl2. WHO.
ilM.........., 10 . 1riociPoI 1hemt .. tho
\\·Ofld l lan ~ ·. W_ I~ ..t
k_ J!NI
ntioP. 9St\ll"",bor 199'
22 World lleal h ~ ·WonI.....
VOUI'll ('bdl NuIti6on·, op. riL 37
~ lor Economic
36 Ti'" (A//p. ~, "" til
lQ UlliI<:d " ...... Child,,:,... t· ~o.t :13 W...... llealth ~ £I;;oooclcd . . . . - oodU.".lop.. .... _

do< W
G.lJfiwOoilht!o: w..u LI«Io.......

oJ 0r1<........
~ .. tmDllloj_
~ _~/993.
\\'HOIF.M/GHNI9I..l , WHO, e....... 311
_ . SG/I'lCES.<.(!M)-lIi, Pzio, 10
J.... I9!N. p. ~
Or"-'" Etooocnit eo.
... It< I6PI> of"" CIIild. UNICf.f, J _ I994.p.fi3 ~ IIIId llt,., lo>wt... rite<l ill
N""Vori<. ~ 1990 2-1 WHO aDd UNICF.!' dolo, " ". ,,,",,,, ill J...... ~SI> lJSI)P
II Editorial. n. N..... r...
n.n. I Sl.'fII'-... bf<19l1l ~ . ~Io
1kIobo....19!1ll 25 World H.alIh llrpnj . GIobo1 UNICEF ~ llin.......29 JW>

_ "I<>tJi..
1 2 World lr<'Ohh~r.­
r-o...... lot V""""""""
,MIOOI __...-
~ .

39 C""", io t1ol1«1 S obon. Cbildr<cI'.

l~ ..,bOsh<d joinllyby WHO, ~S/4tKIe-. f tlllll. n. _ "' Iforll'. g i/d>
liNin ,""" "'" 1II1~ ( QUid WllQ/C,l"IIl'O UOI9l..I. WHO. I'llill, tI!'o1C£F. " V 1_ P. 9
lor \11< C_ oIlodiPc llo:'ficl<n<'y e....... ~h..<b 1001 «J Jolly. Richard The U sa...: I
llioonlm. II'HO.Grno..v.o. 1993 . ~ 0. " 1,,,, ,, aI Aat:nda Iorlht ztll
13 Fi»t c..llfr Cllil4mo. ........
H_ II.:1,,' .,.,,;_
V"""" Child
0Ild A"""""
~ . ..I/_
'D Won! HnIUI Otpoi_ £I;;oooclcd
Proanmme .. lmmlloi..I"'.
221 Won! lloa1th Orpoi_
/!J!l3, op. riL. p.3Il

I'I'oJnInn>I! lot c""tn>I oI lliotrl1o<ol

CmJury', 19!Nkbby l<rnIno.a..
iWI. CMn'ori<'ot<'.•:..¢and. 10Morrh

~ "' ''''' \nI_

e- 01 ~ ornr..--miIl: ~ """"'... . Rrporll993.
s.._.lMJ", M 7/ 1i, f'tlIOII bl' Ill< 1I'H0/CllllM.4Il. 11110. ~
~\\1l0 ,GmL..... ,~

MatclIl9!ll. pn. 1601

~ l l1oit<d Nw-. ilu~oIlh.\\'orld 58!'arl«r. flmd,and J.............. E..... 79 CiI<d ill t-:h. C'IvioIol>h«. 7l< TIw
SwnmiI b Social Dn ...... ..,D1: lJr.dI. ~ . u QM!JoIf......,,,,......ot ...
f-.ok>n and 1>r.lI ~ 01 59 ~ kJr~<:t> Cri6<o, N..-Boob. N... york, 1991 .
A<Iio<I'. NCO~r . 166II'C/1 _13._
bl'..... ~tolh<:
~C~ IorIht World
0lI<..... andD<....~'Dl.llI'nI
_ .O\>-dl
ID !(an. Shir\('yA. MjJiJDry ~~
\Ill 'lD Ib< 1Io.oIk<I'. 7101 &-iJr, 8
J......,. 191M. II- 6J
SummIl bSocial !leo...... .., "l ., ~ot """"'"'" ~-..n,. ,lid 81 RolhmoD,DO'Id J. 'ThoCrimt.0I
UnU<l 111>600... N... York. lJ""" 19!1l 1lJI;,,1#.<a._
C ... C..........• b)' p".,~·.N.... I""~ "
'2 1I_.1'oal. 1Iot 710"", _ . _ . 11 f PllNary 199,j. P. J4
~ lIooIu..1.oDdon, 19!i2 libnty 01 c--. W_ _ D.c.. 82 'Tho F"""" of ~
Q~lb<_·.aT_· . J N.......'o<r 19'.ll N~'. ff: N opa.. (Ill( tdilioo,l,
7101_.... 21 M.,. 191M. P. 86 61 Ibid. Vol. J. N" 10. 0<I0b« 1994
4\ World ~ Worl</ ~R_ 6:l IIcited Satioul)' 'd l 6J 'Tho _ 01"'1.",.. iIIllud<IrJ'.
199f. Op.. ell. l>bIo-", p. 220 Po ...... o,.,.
Ho olJtMopMnII - . «1.. no. W_ '11I1'i.... no.
45 llniIod N _ D ~.. lopo..,.. hIon 199f. . . cil C..".III CiriliodMo, U..s"'U"lili.
~ . lfo "",.D< , ~ _'O/ 63 llDil<d S_D;.~.Iopo"",_, GIoOoIr.-, Europoao S<hoolba>ko
~ 191>4, Op.. dL. p. 63 ""-""'. U....... N>600.. ""bLlllDa. Cbdl<Dhom. £ncbnd,
46 W_llak.W_~ R_ l'DpWorIott .UDd"OII1IDilt<I ~ Igg,j. p. 10
199f . .... <it., P. 3 ChiIdn.'D·a f\md, n.. 2lI/2IO l a _.., !II 71oI _ i « _ 'llYilDI W.,Iol
41 o.m..a.. ~ Couocil. op. <it., p. 8 S<olisli<>, ~
"G1VW\Il '""" Ilclor. II Ph'" OI",Dood 64 W<IIi<l IlaDk, Worl</ ~ ~ lloob/Il_l.OiIdooI, 1991l. pp.
!leo.louo'..... ~.l~ 199J. ... d1. ~~m
Pop<rNo. 16. OIlC. W~ D.C _ 6SllUI_ .. ......- iII ....
W.,u &'i _ . Geo<Jro!J<nl>«l. "'......
/.l<=Dbcr 1m ~nll lIqorl l 994 •.
s.~ ~8oobI\~
41! GoIbmth, I""" K<-nnt!Ih, Tht: li6 World llaDk, w_ ~ ~ ,~

~ to tIIt!'.oolll: s......
Ilasio 1993, O\>- C'iI., p. 12
I'r'_ ipk .'. iD
.. .u
$or CMIIt.op.:
'II'" $<>Klt
er Ibid.. p, 10
6l! W- - . lmmanu<l, w.... bul SOl
c.. 50uIlIenln'./Zcd lloob. TOU<:b. or iJ ~ C<irn<t. bul NO! \\-...r.
I IIJ!'ll, p. -ar
49 UoiIfd:-;1Ibro. Op.. C'iI., para. 41
lII flsdov "'~:
'II'" s..tIl e:-.iDin,
50 Uait<d N"'" Dtv.lopnIt'tII C<DIr< /Zed Boob. iJ>lldoMI.
" ' - ' - . Unlld '-'- . 1993. p.1 17
""""_ FUII<l ..... l1aIl<d N _ ED M~ ~ no. Ridi. aa..

I ._
~ ••FlO>(\. 1Iot ¥II¥! /oilkli-. McCitaw'llil. N"",York. 1939, II- 50
A ,~ """ IJ.i.m«/ """" _ _ 10 -"".GoD<.Rnaisso<.1lomw.
SorioI s..m<,,/tw S-....... ~oICaIdorDIo 1_
DI,, ~ _ , l1I'm p. NtwYork, 1994, 19l1'I, II- 139
Th< 2O/l!O lbo:m< .. aloo ............. lei 71 Goob<rt. I'ltrre. 710< f'md, ~ . ....
_ ,-.oIlIIeUNDPIf_ j. "'" _ til', CIomIltida"
/J<rwIiIp _ R_ u~ rr-. <:arn!lrid#. £I\a-.
5Il1uik... NatioMr"""............'
F'r'ognmm<. /~ _ ,

/Up<m 199f,. . <iL, P. 1

19l12, II- 1!17
12 AItotaOIIor. C<dI f'-'«.AJ1 7\j""
1JriPt .ot &>.tifoI,...".,.. ......
5:.1 World Bank. lI 'orld ~_R _ 1J do COfla. EtniIM \ "1Olli, irI1lt1bt1L
1993.' /0_ . ;" 11_. W_l:lanA. 1.<060...... &mi. f...,;.. ... ~.lIlk
W~ D.C.l!i!13 1822·1930. ~ II..........,.
1o3 _.JO<l.~ . M"",," w 1'I'no,~. Eol<\OOId. 19l1'I. II-
!do<t<'y.IhWI...... -jot IIN11it
/H M. 0ld0nI U~ rr-. 19113
i'>\ World Bank. Worl</ ~
74 Kocbari. I/>jDi. 1'oontdu \'llIilIof 01
the SOInh·. ill ~'oti. $or C1ItJIJtqt:
~ I~I , W_ llo::k. W~ ~ _ "'" Ht/'O'l"III. s..1II
I).C.• 1991, P. 6IIl e-oNuioo. SouIh c...~n.~d lloob,
:n Ullllod ~ atiou Childml ·. Fwxl and l.oodoa. 1M Po 84
WotI<llk""" O!pDiAlioa, . ~ n Worid llank. W_ ~ 1I<IO'I
Ih. Mio!<I«odo Goolo .. w_ s...,.q 1!I!l3.... ril..I1-23
and _ ' . JCIIPSS/9II2.1l. 76 CiItd ill URiled N"""" ~ 01
l/NICEf"·wt!O JoiDt C _ OIl w AIbir$. _ ..,.../)' 1I<lO'l .. .u
Soda! ~

IInIIIIl'uIky. >jl<tiol ......... '""""""

Z'/·2lIJ.....,.19901 /Ujw<>u''' _ ' ' ' '11Im•. U _
56 WotI<l Bank. Worl</ ~ ~ NIIiocIo. N"" Y...... I95Z
1993.0\>- dl TI C'"lttd ill CbiIdrftI·. lld<Do< Fwxl. no.
51 Ibid. SIoU 'IIA.oInircli 0iUmc 1m,
CbiIdrftI·.Dtf<DooFill>d. W~
D.C. Igg,j
7l:l 'I'USo>_.11 ""-191M
Statistical tables

Eamomit Qnd socia/statistics all tht nalions I~ world, at

with particular re!l.'1Vru to childml's wel/-b..'llg_

G_1l _ on Il'MI dl q,
ExjlIl nl tioll or JVll\bob
... U

CoIlll1ly lI'OUpoll9l

IndlXIII co~mritl ...U Main lQur~ ..
8u II' llldiCiton
......"" • Ecgnomic inIIicltorl
.... .
, ,- ....... •• 1 W_

• Educ.bDII
Leu P"lI'.... countnn
s DelMgrIjl/lot II'IdiuIon
... " " --
The "q d. progreu

The> dala pn:Mc\<!d in Ihe>oo IAbIcs ...., birth and Iltolh ral~ in6IrlI m<>rtaIily
>mJII'ponied by Iltlinilionl<. ~ ratts. 1'\('.. 'iII'e pari oI1M r\'l[I,lar 1I'Ort
al>Il ~ IlIsym..... Tables "" 0lIlhrW0:f:uld pocja:Iio". "r>dt.,..
derl-t /rum 10 maar ~ - 12 taknI by 11K' Unitt:d NatioM I\lpo.ala.-
major l'O.II'I:tS W1' lisIed in till' lion ~ 'lbr.¥ aod olher
c<plmMocy maIniIIl - wiD intoVilably inlmwionally ~ t\IllmIIei
C<M"f' • wide IWI&" of data rtliabiIky. ..., ~ pt'Oiodiedly, -mctl
0fIi<iaI ~l da1lIll'<'rivl.od bl' I.'X1>lain9 whyIllIne of IIIe daIa will dit·
thto ~ Unikd NIboM rrr Irum Ibooe /owId in ...w.r
Ilt'!fK.Y IIlM> bre> ~ ~_ UNICEF publio::alO>nll. CIIanjmlI\a'o'lo
_"bit. II !No IIIlUll' ~ wIII:re thm' bRn ...,x, 10 lhrt.t irIrIlalon. in lhls
1ft "" ~ o/IidloI ~ esli- ~11abb. TbI' indioIIor In lbt odu-
lIlOln ....... by1hc: reoqlOIIIII1lIc Unitnl ali<.oI ~ "'" l.'(ln'qlIo:tio III primar)'
Nations tem<Y '-'" lwn .-d.
...."".., ouclI iwmaIionaIIy G:ldard-
i-.I <!Olima«s do f>QI ..ust. lhe LabIes
IltbooI ""'"b«tl ~ -uh lhe """
~. of .rn...ov~ I
~ ,IlfiIIlt 50 I. lab""
2 ill<' .....
draw /lIl 0Ibtf !IOUI't"l$, ....,.....Iarly iIlI[ IIId ",UltUIlI' indi<atcn BOW .."..,.
dtII ..-MId from tho> ~c III all UJlder.Iiveo. n.- ~
~1ctF' lldd o/Ilcl:. ~ P<5l"ble mat<- Ihe indiaM"", ~t with
<Mlly compn-bm1ive or ' ... ,,*,,'1aIN<' ~..-lin~~
IIOliuaal dala """'" bttI> ud. 10wm tho< WOl1d Summit b Chi}.
1)3llI for Iik o:qIl'<.'ta/IC), cnIIIo:' drePand ~ph.

Si<M:<: lbt aim ofw sunislia orCIion
10 l<> ~. broad pict= afthe oiI-
u:uio<l III rIIiIdnoo :uld _nell ""'"'" 1( lndialcs data lhaIll'Ier 10 YftrS or
wi<J<o. dotaiII'd dW. quaIifiall<lf>o al>Il ~ 0lhI-r u.... U-1p{'ciIied
IooUlocc't m oem .. IIIOre oppropri- In lbt """'mn ht::adInK. di/&or- from
lit for indu!lion ~l ..... """,. Only 1Wl) !be SWldard dcfinilioon. fIIl'f'fer 10
S)'IIIbloI:s ... """" in 1M Iabk!$ (IfIly pari Ill. """""y.

l1li1d monaIity Ht1nw.., 'or itJdi>....ua1 "'lUntrileII...., primarily <leri>"\'d

I'n>m daIlo~ by 1M t lniwd Nationto T'opulation rmi8lon. In.....,..,
lIwt!e "";11IIIt"'l JnllY differ from 1M 1a1<'>lt nationnl ~ In l/l'fI '
eraI. dola ............... durin;;: uJlPO"OOOin",,,ely the \oOIll: yftU ...., DOl in<'orpo-
nlled in theooe ~.

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Table 1; Basic indicators

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Table 8: Basic indicators on less populous countries
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An introduction totable 9

If dt.d<;pi,.. nl ill the 1!l9Os Is !Q lII!ion'. rhiIdrm. ThIt is u.... ....
1IuoIad fotO' lMn lJ>rn,
.......,. • toor1' tiollcaI ........ lim tht rtaliom of the
,1''''',"..,. ......"t
lri!le':l a ....,. .... lor • """"d DOl in ~ndlnQ ordfr of thtir
IIll':'IIII of _rinJI: hUlIAIlllS 'O'eII1I ll"" capita GNP but ill ~
""""'-"'II IIJUIII'tSI. ~'rom
poinl '" ¥i<-w, in parUcuIar, 1hm! il l

.-d ilr ... 'Cf"'d mI.'Ibod oIl11O'2OU1'

inl{ the Iewl of chllcI ~ Md its
nil' of cb2o#.
otdcr of lhdr un(\er.r,"", hIQIU6ly

n... ~ 01 fIflIIIn!OS in ~
the US.\IR nn bo, .....-,rt"d by ..Jcu.
Wioa: M ~ annual1Nu<tioa I'Sle
~ Wlder~ mortaIil)' ~ lAAIOO. Unlike (he l~ of
(U5MIt} is U!led in l8hlo ~ (rIo;<t pagt') 1lb$<JIul<; cban.lles. the MRR ~
IS thoo principal indicalor of IUdI the ,.,.. \hal the ~ IimiI5 10 U5.\lJl
pl""' .... ~ lIppmadll'd only with ~
The USMIl Iwo ......".j ....... ~ ditlkull)'. A..1owft" ~ nf ~
~lr$I. ~ ~ .. rod 1'\'$UIl Qt lI!t' n>ortIIIilJ .... ~ I o r ~,lhe
deYeklpIllCIll proceliS I'IIllel' !han an Am!' absoohtle f'!'Iluctioa oIlvicImly i't'P"
-..put'tud> IS lIChool"""""",\eVd. ~lli • rrn'ct ~ of I't'dut-
po< <:apb C7Jorie .......uability. or 1M Iioa. Tho MllR therefore ~ •
nurnbtl' of doctorI ~ lMusand llOl» hieMr ral~ of ~ Ior.~,. 10
laUoa - aD of ..iU<h """ mtaIIS 10 an painl mIucIion if llllll n:dU<tlon ....,.

"'"SNood. the USMR iI kJIo,om l<l _

the rHUll III • wide ......,. of inputS:
"",,".01 .Iowct bd of ~ mor·
la!ity. (.0\ &II in USMR of l(l poinlS froon
lOOto 9(1,,,,,,_,,1.1_ ~ of l{l\

lho: ntllritional htahh and 1M health wlk'fNOl tilt AIDC 1().poiDlllll &1>m 20
~ of flIOIl>on: the ~ of I/t 10~11_ I'I'durtion of SO'II.)
irtImmizllion and ORr I*: 1M .... weee ustd 1lI fOII}.mcIion ..ilb
obiIiIy of mtlM>II and ddld I\eallh ,... GNP ~ .-... lhl' USMR and it<
vn. tuo<ludin,Ir ,-.1.-.): iI><ome mIuction ndl' can lI~re iM: _pic.
and food lMiWIIlity bl lilt family; 1M III'" of 1M po URi !'lS bciIllIlIIMlc by Iny
lMIilobiIityot ck.... _or and ale AlIi- cwall'y or r<tPoa. and OV'I:r ...y pniDd
lalion; oncl Ihe I>'t'mI1I aftqr of II..,
Thinl fhto U5MRIs 1ea ...!ftPlibIo
lhan. lIllY. per <'tIliUI GNP to the I:oIbt'r
ofthe IlI'efIlll'. Thisb becau!ll: the Da\.
of lime, lOWaI'd. the ..u.fxtJon 01
_ of lhe _ ~ilIl of IIuman

AI W>lo: 9 tb<lwa, ~ 10 IHI fl:«!d

",1atIon5hlp betwemlbe unualll'(\w.
uro JcllIe dots not allowthe c!IiIdnn of lion nl\t' of tho USMIl lIl>d lhe ........w
1M ricll to bt' '* lhaJlIaIII! Iimrt .. 1'lIl~ of R"QWlh In PI'" ap;laGNP 5u<h
til<tly 10 SllI\ivl:. cvm if the 1II1IHnade ~1IOftf hdp to throw the l'fIIJlha.
.we ~ JleftJIlI lhmI 10 have """ " on to the policlH. prioritie&. MIl
IhousIu>d IimeI os m""" ino:Ime. In Olhcrfac\Qra -.oblcll deIumiue tilt"';"
olber...... ~ is much roo", ditlicuh bttwemtcIl1><lllIk UId!IllCi;d Pl'oe"'fo$.
tor • "",aIIhy minority to atrecI • FiMlIy, 1M bible ~ tht lOW "'"
!IA6on'. U5.\lR. and it I!Ic'rdon:! l)I'l"- liIIl)' fUl' ror -" COUllV)' and its ___

m.oiorilY olcIIikI= (and ol-":ty os'

IItflIS • ~ O<C1lDle. If br from pel'
~ pl<tun:, of the htahh of Ib<o
lI0' >nntW me of redurIion. It ..m bt
..... lhal IIWlY of w nation. orhi<h
hav<: aclDeved ~I n:du<tloI!lI in
..hole). lhrir U5.\fR ~ also ld1Iutd !'JlInjfi.
r«lbeoo ............. lhe US.MR itcho- canll'l.'duclioolo in krtilily.
11m by Uf'lJCE~' .. ill ~ IIIOIL
irnpQrtafJl indicau:Ir of the iI2lI' <J •
Table 9: The rate of progress
--------- -- -
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Table 10: Regional summaries

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Undlt,·!ive mortality rBll Underweight Crude birth rate

NI.frD< II 1BI1hs III I:!Ildnrl <nler 1M ~ iIJ1 AmuII _ d Whi per IJIXI ~

- bIIoJw IIIn<S Moo
,.., oJ 1lJO'~ llXll 1M _ """" _1lIolMiln k .....".. ... ~
~ liu II lbo jIIlbDIil'/ of ~ .d ~

_ _ llIl'iIllJ'lll~"'. . _ -...!lnI-.l .... Tml fertllity rate
!lin ll!rI ~ b' l1li of • .
Infaot mortality rate n. ...... al doOMn "'" _ III bam

tlIIfCe 1lI.-tlI 01 ru.t. ....

"'''ll''l*l.l1111o-t.1hI McHlIIlIda/llt
In,.. Wasting
... - . : l ~ ........ KlIiI'IID Iho rd d
"'" IftlIl.b!Ilrq l8!II3 inlllllil' ~ II
1IItl\. . 1n mdalu "'III ~ ....
1hI:l1ll!ll prdIItiIIly olltlftJ - . - tnl ~ II1II _ - bIIaw,.... _ lpd"r.Iorlirv!3*'
lJ'Ill..-:d¥ .... _d. . 0IInI;IatlI ~ lnlIIl_...,;;a llr
!lIigtIlol. . . . . ~ Urban population
IW. . . . 01 pPPo........ ~ in """'"

StI,Inling .. dor... ~ 10 Iht r-.t
6Mt IIIIlllIMl
~ SlI\a..,.
upr.- .. ......,c
GNPllII' I:JIllI\IgIllwIh M>dInIJ .-.J _ - bIkM> .... """
<IIIIOIkIo_11'1 d1t _ _ llIlIII8Ioan
1_ 111'8 ~ ",...." /MeS1ll!Il _~ -.-.s Iro:I'lIlllDlrlIeljl; kr
!1M. _ ~ ~ fOllrill_ lines 10 .d'--~

_ _.... of GNP
lIioeIhr Btl. _
. (.IIIlIIlI
d lilt01 Absolute poverty level
Total goitre rate "'" _ 1M! tIIIow \Ol'oCh I _
-~ _ .. d 8·11 WlIh
l!IilI)el ...., ~"""diMpU _
Life e~llect8ney 8t birth ~ lJ oiIClIll'IIN- n.s
is.. ordiaIltIr r<Il-bId '...... ,. rtt ..... albdilblo.
III .... dI/'LoCj. v.lliCIl . . - lnII
"" ,..q.:r.1II1!-.
. ".".
nutBlq rtSb ~
. . .ond......u_ ooA
"" IN u _ _• d IqIlIouI:rI ~ IhI Access ll) health services
_lll hit'*'"
"* olllll ~ \l1li an INC!l
,", iN IocaIlUlh BW::eIlIt lllIllOCll
Debt service
Adult li\llracy rete The DO It ...... ~ .., 'IIfIIr-
_al~"'TIO""""_l1u II81IS 01 I'(IqlIII OIl - . . . lllbIlt .-oj
~ ot I*XJnItgId 15._~ PIi*<tI' _ _ a.o-n_
an_lJ'Ill ....""

Prima!V and secondary Contr.celltive prevalence

enrolment ratios ~""""'_ogal\~
1lIIlPI'l" •• oIi 1I1/l11 ............ ORT use
01 ~ emlIlfIl ~ IMI +
"-"'I9f 01 ...

__ !II ~ III dliI Births attended
.......... IllIt hi' tJtItIn; .. lbo ......
. . IlJO\4I "" N 1M! _. . 1 ••
......... rMye;nd .tr8IIII!~~mI
~ _ Of III ilIJPi...... loMe- ,.= ; oIbintw.-mI~~

.....d ol ~ II ...... ~ II<lI*l IQIIIrf helIlIb
ll'J8 ""'" lor lho1 .... lhI .. c:In -un QI _ tadilJOilll IwIII
....,.K IIl1C1 is lhIl!IlIl JIII'IIt.- at chi-
..........-..lIll.xhllcIbng lMI_lIIloIlII Ch~dlen reaching grade 5 of

Income share
#II'" _ .
.. 1Iw . . . . . . f'lll-"..... .... • •
PII'8IUllI aI IllIl •
primary scllool

IW "-9' 01 "" dilIhII_nJ Ihe fQI
, . . al _ IdlIlIII .......,
MelemalmortIIlity rate
rwIIIad _ _ pel 1OOJIII 1M! bintw.

Crude deaill rate
...,. 2D'ro n "-' om. III llWSill...... AttdI_al __ le um ~

tow birth weillhl
l.eIIlI8\ 2.500 IJlI"llW.


Undef-IMI and inllnt lIlOlUily Bfll5tlHding

UIIIIlI " - P , ~ IN:Ef

...... .......
.- _ Sil!o..-. WIIIlI
..... US. . . . . c... Crude dt.ltIl/ld bw1h rates
......- li8l_" ' 0.-.
.... _.m _*,'
WlrlII _ 0p M!Q, ...
_... -
D E ' ....... s..-.

Under·liw. dtlths

'Mnl ~Oo...

fQlf ... Iv •• 00,.

i 'MQ

InflabOn 1M aluolutl powrty

GNP Pfll' capita

lblId IllI.ulI ~ llMa;n
IhIIll HIlmllf,IQ

Household lJql8fldrturt on food

Acu u to dnnklng Wllir Ind

Expend ilUlI on health, edun ti
""8IOiIl Mi:rlIWI hnllMl
sln~.tion 'lenities
Aduk liter.tV DOA
lhIId ' - H bUill. sc.u", InII WInI ...." ~ IYM.ll tftl llI... aullCft IIlr EalraIlIt CoiJiwID,
CIAnlllo.. _,1lMSClll """ 0. t: a l «laIl
Scllool enrolmem Ind reactung
grldt 5
~ ........ f .. , ... Sc.-i!it ""
Acct1110 hlilltl services

""" -...
Debt s8fVice

QAQlI); ,U6lII IllVIlUllQlbO/I
ConlJlceplJ't'tl pt.....lenc.

... ~­
WII'III IllIliMl 00. .._ _

:::.="' .. u.-.. IIIrI

... _-
IhIIll . . . . , S

t ,

t • $

'IIIIII'WI-.. 0 • I'MQ
--,"... ......
Radio , Ad IaIfMsa1
Births ItI8I'I6tcI
WMl .... 0 i No'Q
u.._r, 5 ~ _

CIliIorII D • ueaJt
milCD'lk' ....
lr.l1CU' _. ~ In' """, SrwYn,
'iY Il1011. t:SA

ID<'ICD' e..-~

... SoOlo-. Clf.-lZU ........ 11I,

m.1O]' ....... ~ ... ~ _

roO. a. ~IA N__ ""'""

11I\lCO' ....... 0lIft ... w.. 1Ild

P.O. Boo .a. Al*ljoa 04. ~4'hooIn'
lINKEf' M<1rioMI 0fIl<0,lor ~ AnItri<I
...t .... Cor\blINo

~~7S56._ F'<5f~
1/l'i!Q;f ...... 0lIc0 tot EoooAoio'"
POO. a. *"154. ~ IlDJII. ~
' 1CU...... 0lIc0 ...... loWoI<
p.o. . . lI lm.. _ Jonloo.
IDo-.:u ....... OlIco ... _ _
r.o. .. SlIIS. ~),Iq.
. " , s.,.I
IDOCEfoa:c- ... _

s,w,.N.S.W.1llOll. _ _
IlNICt::f(Mlor Ior __
... ..... ~/Il.oOiMoH ' 1 kOi
BuidInI. 5S-1O.JiQrlImt ~.
ShitIotIpb, T...,.. !511,J_

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