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Know Christ, have fellowship with Him and make Him known essenger VOLUME 24 SJUNE-1969 ISSUE 6 Baptist Ecumenism Refuted By Froelich In mentioning the objection which Froelich raised against the efforts of the Baptists who sought a union of the various movements among the Baptists, we feel it can best be done by printing his letter of September, 1856: have received your invitation to a conference of Baptist preachers of Germany, France, and Switzerland, to be held in Zarich, September 4-8, 1856. “The purpose is to unite all the various and separated parties among the Baptists and “Bapti- As this union, however, isto be an external one, with out the inner unity of the Spirit of Christ and the truth, I cannot participate, and I have written a detailed reply giving my r sons, An external union of this kind would have, as conse- quence, that we would have to permit all, who teach contrary to our doctrine to teach in our meetings, ‘Among other things, Froelich wrote to the conference literally: “First and foremost, | have a poor opinion of such confer fences, as to their good and result, at least as to what concerns the truth and the kingdom of God, by trying to substitute for the truth, that is lacking human opinions and learning, to the great harm of the truth and the church of God, For as. truth 's only one, so the true church also is only one and this unity is not first determined and mediated through confer Here the words of the high priestly prayer of our Lord (John, 17:21) do not apply, for Jesus did not pray the Father that ‘many already existing congregations, each resting on its own, foundation, might be made one, as no other foundation can be laid under the already existing congregation than that which it hhas, But that is the prayer of Him and through the word the apostles believe in Him, are completely one, even as He and, the Father are one. This unity, accordingly is given and exists through the true faith, by virtue of Jesus” prayer, and can and. should not first be siriven after, between different already existing and for themselves established congregations, through conferences and all sorts of human efforts. The proposed union 's impossible on the basis of the Word of God. For the very reason that the divine Word is not the foundation of the indi Vidual congregations, otherwise it would not first have to be fabricated. If a congregation rests on the foundation of truth, it will not afterwards confer with other congregations, else it ‘would have to mix the truth with strange additions and errors and what is worse, no congregation resting on error is inclined to depart from its false foundation, How can there be aunion therefore on the basis of truth? “[ maintain that every congregation which teaches and be- lieves that also the man in Christ is a sinner (1 John 3:5) like the mon in Adam, rests on a false foundation. And if such in addition, confidently believe that they establish a congregs: tion according to the will and Word of the Lord, I must deny it. No apostle of the Lord would acknowledge it as such, in fas much a they say that the different congregation, repardiess (of their differing views, should work together forthe kingdom (of God. Ina true congregation of God, one does not permit « Giffering view to arise. There must be unity and harmony fven in minor points; for itis ust in this caprice of views that Satan has his holiday, and the door is opened to etror (Phil 31818: 1 Cor. 1433-38; I John 2-22-27: 2 John 10; Tit 3.10.11), Separation is better than union of disimilar cle inenis. In the end we would have (0 unite with those congre tutions which have reveived those who have gone out from us or were excluded by us: thir proves sufficiently that we do. fot belong to one congregation; for the one congregation of Jesus Christ. does not have different doors, but only one Generally. differing congregations cannot become one in, Christ. For the many local congregations. in apostolic days, were in fact only one congregation of Christ Children can have no better inheri: tance than believing parents. Re ligion can become real in the midst fof the family as in practically no fother way Many of ‘us have in- herited great riches from our par fents-the bank account of the personal faith and family prayers. I WILL FETCH MY KNOWLEDGE FROM AFAR, AND WILL ASCRIBE RIGHTEOUSNESS TO MY MAKER." Job 36:3, = The Youth Culletin A SECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE, @° ¢ @ AND THEIR ACTIVITIES IN CFG Eastern |.C.F.G. Workshop The ICFG Eastern Seaboard Regional Workshop was held on April 26, 1969 in Union City, New Jersey. Over forty people representing the six churches in the East- ‘em Seaboard Area attended the Workshop. Also present were representatives from the ICEG Missionary Committee in Mansfield and Bro. Art Heckel from Portland (ICFG. Chairman) who conducted the meeting. The meeting was opened at 1:45 with a wel come by Bro. Max Leimgruber, chairman of the host CFG. Followed by a prayer and inspirational challenge to carry on the Lord’s work in each CFG by Bro. Art Heckel, the following reports were given and discussed ‘The secretary-treasurer's report concluded with a discussion on dues collection It was decided to establish March 1 as the permanent due date forall annual ICFG dues ‘of S0¢per person. ‘The Missionary Committee reported that eight boy’ from the Children's Home in Brazil still require financial support through the adoption program. Each CFG was urged to adopt a child and those who have assumed financial support were urged to be ‘more prompt in their payments. New Guinea needs were discussed and each CFG was urged to make and send to them cloth bags, short-sleeved shirts, and knee-length trou- sers. Entries are presently being judged in the ICFG emblem drawing contest. The winning entry will be used on ICFG stationery, announcements, souvenir youth rally lasses, and other objects appropriate for money-making projects. It was decided to donate the proceeds of the 1969 Youth Rally souvenir glasses (to be sold for SO¢ each at the Eastern and Western Youth Rallies over the LABOR DAY WEEKEND) to the Richland Radio Broadcast project. ‘The idea of compiling a daily devotional book was discussed. It has been decid- ed to investigate the cost of publishing and distributing such a book. ‘The essay contest was briefly discussed as an annual ICFG project. pay the camp registration fees for the six winners in 1969, Brother Art Heckel presented the tracts and pamphlets available from the Depart ‘ment of Evangelism in Portland, Oregon, It was unanimously voted to recommend that the MESSENGER subscriptions rates be increased to $3.50 in order to cover the cost of publishing the paper. ‘The tape library which is currently being established is intended to be a source of recordings of singings, sermons, discussions, etc. which can be borrowed. A bro- chure of the tapes to be avialable will be sent to each group. Each group is also invited to contribute tapes to the library ‘A permanent date for the last weekend in April was established for the annual Eastern Seaboard Regional Workshop. It was sugrested that the MESSENGER print calendars of events in the issues of the MESSENGER for forthcoming events. It was suggested that each CFG compile a church directory of names, addresses, and phone ‘numbers of all families who attend church and send one copy to Sister Irene Pavkov, ICFG Permanent Secretary-Treasurer. Following the business meeting, buzz sessions were held to discuss timely topics ICFG will THANK YOU NOTE... We wish that somehow our appreciation and our thanks could be expressed and extended to all the young people of our churches everywhere. Your faithful and ‘generous support has made it possible, for many years, to operate and meet the needs of the ORPHANAGES in Brazil You may not realize it but during 1968, the contributions from the ICFG of approximately $8,000 constituted. the major source of receipts for these or- “By this I know that thou favourest me, because mine enemy doth not tri lumph over me.” ADDRESS CHANGE SP 4 Gary Hauch RA $4903404 172nd Preventive Medicine Unit San Francisco, Calif. APO 96294 “Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and bbe glad in Thee: Let such as love Thy inually, The Lord be MANSFIELD—We were happy to hear on ‘April 28 that LAUREEN NAGY, daught- er of Sister Margaret and-ourlate Brother Custer Nagy, has found the peace with God that she sought for during her re ppentance, SYRACUSE—“When peace with my Sa- vior my soul overflows..." MARGARET HERTIG confesses to have this peace that passeth all understanding and is now waiting to be baptized, KITCHENER—“And even to your old ‘age | AM HE; and even to hoar hairs will This great promise of God has taken (on reality in the life of FRED HUMMEL, as in his twilight years, through God's wonderful grace, he is able to confess peace with his Master. It is indeed an evident token of God's longsuffering and love in waiting for a sinner to repent. UMON CITY, NJ.-Our Lord has po- tied pase fo all who snc tok Him and repent often Te ger Joy to: know that BECKY BOSSART 1 found ts pose wtin ere end orate nunpine a reece 1 bulder bled temple th wrovek it wit che and kl Pars and oie and ice Il fashoned to work i ‘non sl a they st is beaty, Stoner all know Sey Great is thy skill, O builder! Thy fame shall endure for aye!” ‘A mother builded @ temple With infinite loving care, Planning each arch with’ patience, Laying each stone with prayer. None praised her increasing effort, None knew of her wondrous plan, For the temple the mother builded Was unseen by the eye of man. PAGE 2 CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP MESSENGER “Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.” SYRACUSE-On Saturday, May 9, we be- ‘gan to organize and for the first time pack medicine to be sent to New Guinea for missionary purposes. We spent the entire afternoon and much of the evening in fellowship as we proceeded with the work. We received rich blessings because ‘we were occupied in this manner and we plan to make ita regular project for our CEG. Clothing For Orphanage...... When sending boxes to the orphanages please observe the following neces- sary procedures: 1. Address the boxes to: Fundacao Esperanca de Protecao aos Menores Caixa Postal, 4 Nepomuceno, Minas Gerais Brazil, South America Write.on each package in clear letters the word, “GIFT”. ‘At the same time the package is sent, or even before, a letter should be ‘mailed to the above address, stating the exact contents of each box sent. This should include the number and description of each article sent, also state whether it is new or used. This is needed for the orphanage to pre- sent to the customs office to eliminate heavy payment of customs. If these three steps are carefully observed, they will be able to get the boxes out of customs without payment of duty; otherwise, everything is subject AKRON AREA-Our CFG recently had | to duty and sometimes the cost is more than the value of the contents plus the an interesting evening when our parents sang, gave testimonies and read or recited poetry. We were impressed that God never changes; the blessings and goodness He bestowed upon our parents is still extended to us today if we but heed His Word. ‘At another meeting Brother Kat! Ter- nosky spoke on life, before and after con- version. He mentioned that insurance ‘companies taxe the risk that we may be here tomorrow,’ next month, next year Dut it is too great a risk for the uncon- verted person to take. It were so much better to accept the Lord’s working con- ditions and receive His benefits on retire- ‘ment from earth. A trio then sang “May Our Hearts Be Joyful Ever”. This also can take place only if we are one of His COLORADO-On May 11. the Junior Youth Group presented a Mother's Day program in song, before the evening wor- ship services. May these young children always remember to honor their parents as is commanded in The Word, WASHINGTON, D.C—The Sr. C FG discussion on April 30, led by Brother Harold Boliantz, was on several aspects ‘of communication. We cannot get along in this world alone so communication is a vital part of every day living. Proverbs 15:22,23 says it’s a joy tocommunicate! Honoring parents (Ex.20:12) brings a responsiblity of communication-not ne- cessarily with words but an understand- {ng based on love. Heb. 13:16 assures us of God’s pleasure in good works and ‘communication. Love as a basis of life ‘necessarily reflects love in communica- ton, In Matt.18:15-17 is an explanation Of the duties of Christian communication with those who trespass against us. The Word is very clear that we are to have ‘JUNE—1969 postage. A BAG OF TOOLS Isn't it strange ‘That princes and kings, ‘And clowns that caper In sawdust rings, ‘And common people Like you and me Are builders for eternity? Each is given a bag of tools, ‘A shapeless mass, ‘A book of rules; ‘And each must make, Ere life is flown, A’ stumbling-block Or a stepping stone, zz fe @ direct communication with the person who trespasses, We are instructed to talk it over with that person—not about him to another person. If we don't do this, Bro. Harold admonished, we are not f lowing the Lord’s instruction. Finally, Matt. 6:14,15 states our duty to forgive Forgiveness, like communication, requires an attitude of love, a motivation of love. UNION CITY, N.J.~The annual EAST- ERN SEABOARD ICFG WORKSHOP ‘was held in our city on April 26. The CF.G”s represented were Rochester; Un- jon City, Penna; Washington, D.C.; Rich- mond, North Haven, Conn.; Mansfeld; and Portland, It was a very inspiring meeting and we all received many bless- ings. YOUR HELP NEEDED They can't help their past—but will your heart help assure them of a future? Hungry, frightened, des- titute, orphaned ‘or abandoned— little ‘one like these come to FUN- DACAO ESPERANCA de PRO- TECA AOS MENORES (The Bra- zilian Orphanage). Many of these children’s backgrounds are ““un- known” to us...this is not, however, ‘our main concern, We are concern- ed with the provision of adequate care TODAY to assure them of a decent FUTURE. Here, with warm love, understanding, patience and kindness, the “Brazilian” Orphan- age provides food, clothing, shel- ter, medical care, education, and basic Scriptural training..all’ in a Christian, home-like environment. We have sponsors now who low ingly invest $10 per month to pro- vide financial support for some of these needy children who deserve a future. Will you join them? There are yet many unsponsored children that need your care. These chil- dren will never forget that you ‘cared enough for them to assist in providing for their FUTURE. Send ‘your contributions now to:.C.F.G. Missionary Committee, c/o Apostolic Christian Church Foun- dation; P.O. Box 5233; Akron, Ohio 44313 PAGE 3

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