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BT- 1040.


Recommendations for a Revision of the

Balloon Specifications MIL-P-4640A (USAF)

A D. Kerr, H. Alexander

Jun 1970


25. 1 Introduction 316

25.2 Recommended Tests 316
25. 3 The Qualification Tests 317
25.4 The Acceptance Tests 322
25. 5 Trial Period of Revised Specifications 322

25. Recommendations for a Revision of the

Balloon Specifications MIL-P-4640A (USAF)

A.D. Kerr and H. Alexander


A study of the deformation and strength properties of balloons and balloon ma-
terials was performed by the authors for Air Force Cambridge Research Labora-
tories over the past six years. Based on the findings of that study, as well as
upon the findings of relevant studies conducted before by others. a revised test
program to be used in the qualification and acceptance testing of balloon films is
recommended and discussed. This new set of tests retains those tests of the old
Specifications MIL-P-4640A (USAF) which are felt to be relevant to the determina-
tion of the suitability of films for balloon use. Tests that are not considered rele-
vant to this determination have been discarded and new testing methods have been

These recommendations do not necessarily represent the opinion of the U. S.

Air Force. Their main aim is to initiate a discussion among film producers, bal-
loon manufacturers, balloon users, mechanics and materials scientists, and the
AFCRL and, thus, create a rational basis for the planned revisions.


The present balloon specifications of the U. S. Air Force MIL - P - 4640A

(USAF) are based on studies conducted by General Mills, Inc. for the U. S. Air
Force during the early 1950’s. These specifications were written essentially for
a specific film, DFD 5500, which at that time was the predominant material used
in the fabrication of balloons.
The recent development and use of new balloon films, the large number of
balloon failures in the early 1960’s (all of whose barrier materials has passed the
prescribed tests), and the ever increasing demand for larger balloons, necessi-
tate the complete revision of the part of the military balloon specifications which
deals with the strength of the balloon films and seals. During the past six years,
the authors studied the deformation and strength properties of balloons and balloon
materials for the AFCRL. The results are summarized in Kerr (1969). Based on
these findings, as well as upon the findings of relevant studies conducted before by
others, a revised test program is recommended and discussed. It is expected that
these recommendations will initiate a discussion among film producers, balloon
manufacturers, balloon users, mechanics and materials scientists, and the AFCRL
and, thus, create a rational basis for the planned revisions.


It appears reasonable to prescribe two sets of tests, to be called the ‘qualifi-

cation tests” and the “acceptance tests. ”
A new film submitted by a manufacturer to USAF for consideration as possible
balloon material will have to first ‘pass the ‘qualification tests. ‘I If the submitted
film samples satisfy the prescribed requirements and the USAF places an order,
then samples taken from the beginning and the end of the production run should be
subjected to the “acceptance tests. ” For very large orders, film samples should
also be tested at specified intervals to insure quality throughout the entire produc-
tion run.
Because the seal is essential for the production of large balloons, and because
the seal or its vicinity is usually weaker than the film, the tests proposed in the
following are designed to test the strength of the seal as well as the proposed film.
In this connection it should be noted that a strong film is useless as a balloon ma-
terial until a seal is found whose strength matches the strength of the film.
In order to qualify as a balloon material, it is recommended that a submitted
film and proposed seal be subjected, at least, to the following tests:
(11 Uni-axial tensile tests at room temperature

at + 1lOF
(2) Bi-axial

(3) Mutilation
(4) Molecular

at cold temperature
and fatigue test at cold temperature
weight determination tests
The qualification tests are to be conducted by the AFCRL or an AFCRL ap-
Pr*oved Laboratory.


X.3.1 Uniaxial Tests at Room Temperature

Various studies indicate that the response of a film to loads is strongly influ-

enced by its orientation induced during extrusion. For example, films which are
strongly oriented in the machine direction are usually weaker in the transverse
direction. General Mills, Inc. conducted an extensive study during which they
were able to obtain, from the extruder, detailed information regarding the manu-
facturing of their tested films. They found that “film extruded with nearly equal
elongation in both machine and transverse directions showed that the strength of
the film was 30 to 75 percent stronger and tougher than previous standard films”
(Freeman. 1968).
The findings of General Mills, Inc., as well as results of more recent studies
by the authors, seem to indicate that a nearly equal orientation in the machine and
transverse direction is preferable for balloon films.
In general, extruder companies are unwilling to supply any details of the
manufacturing process. To ensure that a balloon film responds similarly in both
directions and possesses the required strength, the following uniaxial tensile test
is recommended: Cut two film strips; one parallel to the machine direction, the
other parallel to the transverse direction. The samples are then tested according
to ASTM Test Method D882-67, Method A at room temperature. The speed of
testing should be 10 in/min on a 3-inch by l-inch sample. The test result should
be presented in a graph as shown in Figure 25.1. For easy identification of the
needed characteristics, it is suggested that the scale for E (elongation) be such
that the slopes of the obtained curves for small values of E be about 45O, as
indicated in Figure 25. 1.
The slope of the obtained curves should be everywhere Positive. (cur’Ve A).
For the transverse direction, the obtained values should not deviate by more than
20 percent from the corresponding values in the machine direction.
The curves for both strips should be similar in character. If the 4-e curve
in the machine direction is of shape A and the one in the transversedirectionfe

u(W) of shape B, as shown in Figure 25.1.

and if curve B deviates strongly from
curve A, then this indicates strong orien-
tation in the machine direction and the
submitted film may not be suitable for
balloon purposes. It should be noted that
the labor and equipment involved in these
proposed tests are essentially the same
as in the uni-axial tensile test prescribed
The above tests should be repeated
after 24 hours at a different level of rela-
tive humidity in order to determine if the
Figure 25.1. Method of Recording effect of humidity and aging is excessive.
Uniaxial Tensile Test Results

25.3.2 Biaxid Tests

In these tests, the sample consists

of a cylinder produced by placing two long film strips on top of each other and then
sealing them along the edges, parallel to the machine direction. One of the strips
should contain a crease. The method of sealing should be identical with the one
to be used in the actual balloon. The sample is closed off at both ends by end fit-
tings. The sample may be stressed by pressurizing it with a gas through the up-
per end fitting. This type of loading in-
duces the fixed stress ratio

circumferential stress = 2
axial stress 1

Different stress ratios may be obtained c -L

by additionally subjecting the lower end
fitting to a load F. as shown in Figure
P -L
25. 2.
In order to test the effect of creep
upon the strength of the film and the
seal at the high temperature encountered
at launch and at very high altitudes, the
following tests to be conducted at
+l 1O°F are recommended:
Three samples are to be tested.
Figure 25. 2. Method of Loading Test
The first sample is subjected only to an Sample

axial force F. At specified time inter-

vals, the axial strain is measured and A EXTENSION, x
recorded as shown in Figure 25.3. The
load F is determined as follows:

F = (Au aa) for tapeless balloons

F= (0.8Ao aa) for taped balloons

where A is the initial area of sample

cross section (including seal material)
and uaa is the anticipated axial stress TIME t hours)
in the actual balloon to be built from the
tested material (presently about 800 Figure 25.3. Method of Recording Creep
Test Results for Samples 1. 2. and 3
psi). The second sample is subjected
only to an internal pressure p. The
corresponding axial and circumferential
strains are measured at specific time
intervals and they are also plotted as shown in Figure 25.3. The pressure p is to
be of such a magnitude that it creates the stress oaa in the circumferential direc-
tion of the sample. In the third test, the sample is subjected to F, and p/2 and
the axial and circumferential strains are plotted in Figure 25. 3.
When a film is tested for a balloon with unusual flight requirements such as
a long stay at very high altitudes, that is long exposure to high temperatures, then
the obtained graphs in Figure 25. 3 should be checked for this additional require-
ment. Assuming that such a time period does not exceed, let us say, five hours,
then if none of the plotted curves indicates failure within this time period (that is,
if they behave as indicated by curves 1 and 2), then the film and seal have passed
this test.
It should be noted that these experiments also test the effect of creases, die
lines, pinholes, and other imperfections when the film is subjected to high temper-
atures and loads of long duration. For some additional background information on
the above test, the reader is referred to Alexander and Murthy (1968).
In order to test the effect of creep during launch, upon the strength of the
film and the seal (to be used) at the low temperature of the tropopause, the follow-
ing tests are recommended: Several samples, as shown in Figure 25.2 are to be
In the first test, the sample is brought into a cold chamber, cooled for 30
minutes, then pressurized until rupture. The burst pressure p is then recorded

as the upper dashed line in Figure 25. 4,

and the failure pattern is noted.
In the next test, the sample is sub-
-------------__ jected to an axial force F for two hours
PO -
at a temperature of 1 lOoF. Then the
loaded sample is placed in a cold cham-
ber and cooled for half an hour. At the
end of this cooling period, the sample
is pressurized until rupture. The burst
pressure is then recorded as shown in
I I \ Figure 25. 4 and the failure pattern is
0 500 IO00 noted. For each consecutive test, F is
increased until a sharp drop in the burst-

Figure 25. 4. Method of Recording ing pressure occurs, as indicated in

Burst Pressure Figure 25.4. The temperature of the
cold chamber should be lOoF below the
lowest temperature anticipated during ascent.
For background information on this test, the reader is referred to Kerr and
Alexander (1968).
The purpose of the above biaxial tests is to determine if the film can satisfy
design requirements for a specific balloon under consideration. In cases where
two films seem to have equally acceptable strength and creep properties from the
point of<view of design requirements, ultimate property testing may be used to
determine which film would be operating with a greater factor of safety.

25.3.3 Mutilation and Fatigue Test at Cold Tmperature

The tests suggested so far are static in nature. Since the balloon is constantly
deforming during launch and ascent, the following test, which simulates some of
the situations during ascent, is recommended: The sample, shown in Figure 25. 2,
is subjected to the axial force F for two hours at a temperature of +llOoF. The
loaded sample is then placed in a cold chamber. After being allowed to cool, it
is subjected to oscillatory motions by rotating the lower end fitting with respect
to the upper by 45’ in each direction. After one hour the sample is pressurized
until it bursts. The burst pressure should not be less then 415 of the burst pres-
sure (1) recorded in Figure 25.4. The testing temperature should be lOoF below
the lowest temperature anticipated during ascent.
For additional background information in connection with the above test, the
reader is referred to Kerr, 1966.

25.3.1 Molecular Zeight Determination Tests

These tests check an important property of the basic resin (not of the extruded
film). It appears that molecular weight is related to the cold brittleness proper-
ties of the film; high molecular weight being associated with good cold brittleness
The present Specifications MIL-P-4640A prescribe a molecular weight meas-
ure in terms of a melt index, determined by measuring flow rates with an extru-
sion plastometer in accordance with ASTM test method D1238. According to the
Final Report on Evaluation of Balloon Materials (p. 9) by General Mills, Inc.
(Freeman, 1952), melt index is a measure of average molecular weight and is
affected by chain branching.
In Freeman (1952), it is also pointed out that even when the average molecular
weight is high, relatively small portions of low molecular weight polymer in a
polyethylene resin will cause the resin or film to have a poor cold brittleness
temperature. For this reason General Mills considered a chloroform extraction
test, which was felt to be a better indicator of molecular weight distribution. This
test was discontinued because at that time it was difficult to isolate the effect of
all of the variables in the testing procedure.
Recently, new measuring instruments have been developed that can be used to
determine molecular weights. In particular, the gel permeation chromatograph
yields a complete molecular weight density distribution plot of number of molecules
versus size.

25.3.3 .!aNote On Resin Characterization Tests

It has been the experience of the Air Force, and has been verified by the
authors, that the basic resins are sometimes modified by the resin producer with-
out the knowledge of either the balloon manufacturer or the Air Force. These
modifications have contributed to at least one series of balloon failures and prob-
ably to others not yet investigated.
It therefore seems prudent to consider the inclusion of a number of resin
characterization tests, in addition to the molecular weight determination test,
within the qualification tests. The results of these tests would be later compared
with the results obtained during acceptance testing. This comparison should in-
dicate if any resin modification has taken place.
After a preliminary investigation of available testing procedures, it is recom-
mended that it be considered that resin characterization be accomplished through
the use of (1) gel permeation chromatography to establish molecular weight den-
sity distribution, (2) infra-red absorption testing to establish molecular composi-
tion, and (3) differential thermal analysis to obtain melting point information.

25.3.6 A Note on the Presently Used Cold Brittleness and Toughness Tests

The present cold brittleness tests essentially consist of a steel ball puncturing
a film sample at cold temperature, and an examination of the failure pattern in
order to determine if the failure is ductile or brittle. The inconclusiveness of
this failure-pattern criterion is very aptly described in Hauser (1966). However,
the inconclusiveness of the criterion was recognized long before by the investiga-
tors of General Mills, Aeronautical Research Laboratories (Freeman, 1952).
They suggested that as a criterion for passing this test, a prescribed minimum
amount of energy should be used up during rupture at cold temperatures. (This
is essentially a combination of the cold brittleness and toughness tests. )
At a much later date, the testing apparatus to accomplish this was built and
tested (Parsons, 1967). It was found that due to surface effects and other mechani-
cal difficulties, this new criterion was no more accurate than the previous one.
In fact, the authors of the present report have been informed (Dwyer, private
communication) that many of these same operating difficulties appear in the room
temperature falling-ball tests, making toughness criteria bases on these tests
quite questionable.
It is therefore recommended, for the present time, to eliminate all falling-
ball type tests from the revised specifications.


Only the tests in Sections 25. 3.1, 25. 3. 2, and 25. 3.4 are recommended.


It is recommended that the trial period should be one year and that the revised
specifications should not be binding during this time interval.


The authors wish to thank Mr. J. F. Dwyer AFCRL for a careful review of
the manuscript and for his comments on various aspects of the proposed testing


Alexander, H. and Murthy, G. K. N. (1968) A Failure Stress Criterion for a

Polyethylene Balloon Film, N. Y. U. Report No. AA-68-18.
Dwyer. J. F., Private Communication.
Freeman, A. J. (1952) Final Report on Evaluation of Balloon Materials Project
Gopher, Contract AF33 (600)-6298, General Mills, Inc., Aeronautical Research
Freeman, A. J. (1968) Progress Report on Evaluation of Materials for Balloon
Fabrication, General Mills, Inc. , Report No. c/R 5159, p. 3.
Hauser, R. L. (1966) Round-Robin Cold Brittleness Tests of Balloon Films,
Proceedings 4th AFCRL Scientific Balloon Symposium, AFCRL-67-0075.
Kerr, A. D. (1966) Experimental Study of Balloon Material Failures, Proceedings,
4th AFCRL Scientific Balloon Symposium, AFCRL-67-0075.
Kerr, A. D. and Alexander, H. (1968) A Cause of Failure of High Altitude Plastic
Balloons, N. Y. U. Report No. AA-68-28.
Kerr, A. D. (1969) On the Strength of High Altitude Balloons, Journal of the
Facilities for Atmospheric Research, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, No. 9, pp. 8-11.
Parsons, W. B. (1967) Relationship Between Toughness, Tensile, and Cold
Brittleness for Unreinforced Balloon b‘il r-n, Applied Science Division, Litton
Systems, Inc., Report No. 3116.

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