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When Jesus had finished this sermon, (A) [a] the

crowds were astonished at His teaching, (B) 29 be-
We have a LOVING Heavenly
cause He was teaching them like one who had au-
thority, and not like their scribes. Father.

Q. Why did God make you and

all things?
A. For his own glory (Ps. 19: 1; Jer. 9:23, 24; Some people will not LIVE God’s
Rv. 4:11; 4:15).

Luke 15 : 11-32
“Applesauce was the first food eaten in space by
an American astronaut.”
*Taken from National Geographic Kids Weird But True: 300 outrageous facts
At the Summit, we’re striving to climb to new heights with Jesus. These five devotionals are suggestions of activities to do as a family to help your family to climb closer to Jesus to-
gether at home during the week. This tool is intended to help you lead a family worship time. Please go to God in worship as a family on a regular basis even if you do not use this re-
source. If your family completes one of the devotionals parents can initial in the boxes below and the child will receive a buck for every devotional completed.

Devotional One, Read: The prodigal son learned an important lesson. Liv- Devotional Two, Pray: On our own we will choose the wrong way or at
ing your own way only works for a short time. Living the father’s way least we wont always choose God’s way. We need His help. That’s why we
works much better. We can take a lesson from the prodigal son, we can should pray to ask God to help us live our lives in His way and not like the
learn how to live correctly by living the way God wants. Read and discuss prodigal son. When we ask, god is waiting just like the father was waiting
the following verses together to see how God wants us to live. for his son.

Scriptures to consider: Psalm 1:1-6; Psalm 119:9; Ephesians 2:10; Ephe- Pray to God asking Him to help you live your life His way and not your
sians 4:1Ephesians 5:15; Colossians 1:10; 1 Thessalonians 4:1 own.

Devotional Three, Mold: Even though God doesn’t want us to mess up Devotional Four, Memorize: Psalm 119:11 is a great verse to show the
like the prodigal son did, He uses our disobedience to teach us and mold importance of memorizing scripture. See if you can think of a creative
way to help you memorize God’s word. Use that creative way this
us and make us into who He wants us to be. Think about the younger
week. But also, write it here for an extra reward buck and I’ll also fea-
son, he realized how much he had before where he may have never un- ture your idea in a future devotional.
derstood before. Think about a time you did something wrong. Mold
something that represents that sin or mistake. Talk about how it helped Memorize: Matthew 7:28-29 and Q&A from front page
you to understand something about yourself or about God.

Mold something to represent a sin or mistake that you’ve learned from

Devotional Five, Sing: I love hymns. Hymns are songs that people might have been singing for hundreds of years. One of my favorites is “ Just As I
Am” With your parent’s help, look up this song on the internet or in a hymn book. See if you can find the story behind the song. Talk about this
song and what it means. A good resource is “,” you can listen and read the lyrics and read about the hymn. See if you can sing
the hymn once you’re finished learning about it.

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