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This report was written and researched by Lyndel Costain B.Sc.RD.

Foreword by Professor Ian Rowland, The University of Ulster

What’s so special about watercress? This report The first of these was to employ a test tube
aims to provide the answers. Watercress is a very approach. When we applied an extract of
underrated vegetable. It is a good source of many watercress to cultures of human cells we were
important nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, able to show that it slowed the growth of cancer
iron and folate. This report summarises the role of cells, stimulated the ability of cells to resist DNA
these vital substances and shows just how valuable damaging agents thought to induce cancer, and
watercress is in contributing to our daily inhibited the ability of cancer cells to invade tissues
requirements for them. in a model of cancer spread.

Perhaps more importantly, watercress is packed These positive results encouraged us to move to
with a wide range of natural, bioactive plant the second stage – to conduct a large scale
compounds (phytochemicals) for which there is watercress dietary study in healthy volunteers.
increasing evidence for beneficial effects on human
health. These include antioxidants such as beta- Happily, our 60 volunteers seemed to have no
carotene, lutein and quercetin, which may help problems in eating a bag of watercress each day for
protect the cells of the body from damage from 2 months!
reactive free radicals (lutein specifically is
considered to be very important for eye health). The main endpoint of the study was DNA damage
But watercress is also a particularly rich source of in blood cells. Although not as definitive as cancer,
a group of phytochemicals called glucosinolates DNA damage is considered to be an important
which, when eaten, break down to isothiocyanates. event in various stages of development of the
It is these compounds that give watercress its disease, so our finding that eating watercress not
distinctive peppery taste. In addition, a wide range only reduces the level of DNA damage in blood
of experiments using human cells in culture and cells, but also increases the ability of those cells to
studies in animals have demonstrated that resist DNA damage caused by free radicals, is
isothiocyanates have anti-cancer potential. Sensibly, highly significant.
however, we don’t eat the purified compounds, we
eat the whole food, so this report also covers the It is also important to note that our subjects were
evidence relating to cancers and watercress per se. not a specially selected group on a restricted diet:
they were very mixed – both men and women,
Epidemiology studies, which look at dietary some were smokers, and they ranged in age from
patterns of large populations and attempt to 19-55 years, so the results are very much
correlate these with cancer incidences, certainly applicable to the general population eating a
provide us with important indications that normal diet.
cruciferous vegetables, like watercress, are
particularly effective in helping to reduce cancer As I stated earlier, these types of study are not
risk. But epidemiology is a blunt tool, it rarely easy to do and the results represent a huge
allows us to identify the role of specific foods and amount of work by my colleagues, particularly
crucially it provides information only on Chris Gill, Adele Boyd, and Sam Haldar. Special
associations between diet and cancer risk not thanks also must go to our volunteers, without
causal relationships. whose commitment, patience (and blood!) the
study would not have been possible. Finally, I also
At The University of Ulster we wanted to identify thank the Watercress Alliance, particularly Steve
causal effects e.g. whether or not watercress Rothwell, for having the foresight to fund the study
actually has the potential to help reduce cancer and for their enthusiastic support over the last few
risk. To do so we needed to perform a dietary years.
intervention. And therein lay another problem.
Ideally we would like to have used development
of cancer as the end point. But cancer can take
decades to develop, so we had to take some
short cuts.
NB New research from The University of Ulster is summarised
on Page 6


No single food can maintain and promote good Watercress Rorripa nasturtium acquaticum is a member of the
health. That comes from the overall benefits of a Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae) family, and therefore related to
healthy diet and lifestyle. But some foods have been broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, rocket and radish.
classed as ‘superfoods’ because they are especially
rich in health-promoting nutrients, antioxidants or Cultivated in pure spring water, its health benefits have been
phytochemicals (bioactive plant compounds) (1) and known since ancient times. It is believed to have originated in
therefore pack more of a nutritional punch than Greece and remains an integral part of Mediterranean diets.
others. So is watercress one of the original In 500BC, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, is said to have
superfoods? Evidence suggests it is. located his first hospital close to a stream to ensure fresh
watercress to help treat his patients. As a longstanding British
This report provides science-based information for favourite, it has been used in herbal remedies from the 1600s,
health professionals and focuses on: and has been commercially cultivated since the 1800s.
• the nutritional composition of watercress
• the potential health benefits of watercress Watercress is part of the fruit and vegetable food group, with 80g
• a summary of research studies relating to watercress (one cereal bowl full) providing one of the ‘at least five a day’
portions recommended by the Department of Health to help
Key research findings include: reduce the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease and many
• Watercress is a cruciferous vegetable and population studies other chronic conditions (2).
associate an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables with
reduced risk of cancers at several sites. Research indicates that the observed health benefits of diets rich
• Daily consumption of watercress resulted in a significant in fruit and vegetables may come not just from their individual
decrease in lymphocyte (white blood cell) DNA damage. nutrients or phytochemicals, but from the interactions between
DNA damage is an important event in cancer development. them (3). Watercress is naturally low in calories, virtually fat free
• Watercress is a rich source of the glucosinolate-derivatives and contains a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals. It is
phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) and methylsulphinylakyl also a source of a number of phytochemicals with potential health
isothiocyanates (MEITCs), which show a range of anti-cancer benefits. These include lutein, quercetin, phenolic acids, and
activities. glucosinolates. The latter release isothiocyanates, including
• Beneficial effects on the three key stages of carcinogenesis phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), of which watercress is the
(initiation, proliferation and metastasis) were observed in a richest known source. PEITC is a key contributor to the
study involving watercress extract and colon cancer cells. distinctive peppery flavour of watercress and in a large number of
• When smokers ate watercress with each meal for 3 days, the in vitro and animal studies has been shown to have a range of anti-
activation of a key carcinogen (cancer causing agent) in cancer effects.
tobacco was inhibited.
• An in vitro study involving breast cancer cells found that the Watercress is sold as a fresh salad vegetable, by itself or mixed
addition of a watercress extract inhibited their invasive with other salad leaves, and is readily available from greengrocers
potential. and supermarkets. It has been enjoying a renaissance of late with
• A study investigating the effects of a diet supplemented with annual sales increasing by £18 million a year over the past four
PEITC in mice grafted with human prostate tumours resulted years to more than £55 million.
in a 50% reduction in tumour weight.
• Watercress is a good source of key nutrients and Watercress is very versatile, and can be enjoyed as a salad
carotenoids, such as lutein and beta-carotene, associated with vegetable, in soups and smoothies or as an ingredient in cooked
the maintenance of eye and skin health. Daily consumption of dishes such as stir-fries, sauces for pasta and other meals, jacket
watercress increased plasma lutein levels by 100% and potato fillings and fish dishes.
beta-carotene levels by 33%.
• Daily watercress consumption has been shown to decrease
plasma triglyceride levels by about 10%.
• Watercress is rich in vitamin A (via beta-carotene) and
vitamin C, and a source of folate, calcium, iron and vitamin E.
It also contains a variety of phytochemicals including
glucosinolates, lutein, flavonoids and hydroxycinammic acids.
• Watercress has significant antioxidant activity in vitro.
• 80g (one cereal bowl full) of watercress provides one of the
‘at least five a day’ portions of fruit and vegetables
recommended by the Department of Health to help reduce
the risk of many chronic diseases.
• As a low calorie vegetable, watercress may play a role in
weight management.
• Nutrients and phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables appear
to work synergistically.
• The mix of nutrients and phytochemicals in watercress make
it a valuable food throughout life, as part of a healthy diet and

N U TR I TI ONAL CO MP O SI T I ON O F blood vessels and connective tissues (as required for normal
WATE R C R E S S gums, skin, bones, cartilage and wound healing). It increases the
gastrointestinal absorption of non-haem iron (the form of iron
Watercress is rich in vitamin A (from beta-carotene) and vitamin found in plant foods), and as an antioxidant helps to prevent the
C, and is a source of folate, calcium, iron and vitamin E. It also cell and tissue-damaging effects of free radicals.Vitamin C is
contains useful amounts of vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6, needed to synthesize neurotransmitters making it essential for
potassium and iodine and is naturally low in sodium. Due to its normal neurological function (7, 8). Higher plasma vitamin C levels
high water content (93%) it is low in calories. It contains very may benefit cardiovascular health (see page 7).
little carbohydrate and fat but provides some protein.
Folate – and other B vitamins
Table 1. Nutrient content of watercress Watercress is a source of folate with 100g providing 45μg (23%
RDA) and a 80g portion providing 18% of the RDA. Folate is a B
All data taken from (4) unless marked with (5) or (6) vitamin naturally occurring in food. Folate is often referred to as
folic acid, which is a manufactured form of the vitamin. The
Per % EC RDA Per 80g % EC RDA National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) has indicated poor
100g /DRV or GDA* portion /DRV or GDA* folate status amongst some young women and older people (9).
Energy (kcal) 22 1.1% GDA 18 0.9% GDA Watercress also provides useful amounts - around 11% RDA per
Energy (kj) 94 1.1% GDA 75 0.9% GDA 100g - of thiamin (B1) and vitamin B6 which are required for the
Protein (g) 3.0 6.7% GDA 2.4 5.3% GDA
metabolism of carbohydrate and protein.
Fat (g) 1.0 1.4% GDA 0.8 1.1% GDA
Polyunsaturates (g) 0.4 - 0.3 -
Monounsaturates (g) 0.1 - 0.08 -
Folate (and vitamin B6) is also involved in the maintenance of
Saturates (g) 0.3 1.5% GDA 0.2 1.2% GDA normal blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine. Elevated
Carbohydrates (g) 0.4 0.2% GDA 0.3 0.1% GDA levels have been associated with modestly increased risk of
Sugars (g) 0.4 0.4% GDA 0.3 0.3% GDA coronary heart disease and stroke. The main nutritional cause of
Fibre (g) 1.5 8.3% GDA/DRV 1.2 6.7% GDA/DRV raised plasma homocysteine in most healthy populations is folate
Vitamin A (µg)** 420 53% 336 42% insufficiency (10). There is ongoing debate as to whether this is a
Vitamin D (µg) 0 0 0 0 causal relationship.
Vitamin E (mg) 1.46 14.6% 1.17 11.7%
Vitamin K (µg) (5) 250 - 200 - Folate is also needed for normal cell division, blood formation
Vitamin C (mg) 62 103% 49.6 82.7% (including haemoglobin) and structure of the neural tube in
Thiamin (mg) 0.16 11.4% 0.13 9.1% developing embryos (7). To reduce the risk of neural tube defects,
Riboflavin (mg) 0.06 3.8% 0.05 3%
women who are planning pregnancy are advised to take a daily
Niacin (mg) 0.3 1.7% 0.24 1.3%
400μg supplement of folic acid until the 12th week of their
Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.23 11.5% 0.18 9.2%
Folate (µg) 45 22.5% 36 18% pregnancy and to eat more good sources of folate such as green
Vitamin B12 (µg) 0 0 0 0 leafy vegetables, and foods fortified with folic acid.
Calcium (mg) 170 21.3% 136 17%
Phosphorus (mg) 52 6.5% 42 5.2% Folate is involved in the synthesis, repair, and functioning of DNA,
Iron (mg) 2.2 15.7% 1.8 12.6% and a deficiency may result in damage to DNA, with subsequent
Magnesium (mg) 15 5% 12 4% tumour initiation. This has recently been demonstrated in an
Zinc (mg) 0.7 4.7% 0.56 3.7% animal model study related to colorectal cancer (11). A meta-
Iodine (µg) (6) 15 10% 12 8% analysis found that folate from food sources may offer some
Selenium (µg) (6) 2 3.3% (F), 2.7% (M) 1.6 2.7% (F), 2.1% (M) protection against colorectal cancer (12). However, positive
DRV*** DRV associations may be confounded by nutrients such as fibre, which
Potassium (mg) 230 6.6% DRV 184 5.3%
accompany a diet naturally rich in folate (13).
Sodium (mg) 49 2% GDA 39 1.6%
Salt equivalent (g) 0.12 2% GDA 0.09 1.8%
Watercress is a source of iron providing 2.2mg iron per100g (16%
* EC RDA – EC Recommended Daily Allowance for selected vitamins and RDA) and 13% of the RDA per 80g portion. Watercress is also
minerals. DRV – UK Dietary Reference Values – used when there is no rich in vitamin C, which is known to increase the absorption of
RDA. GDA – UK Guideline Daily Amounts for adults for key nutrients. non-haem iron. Iron is essential for energy production and the
**Calculated from beta-carotene content normal transport of oxygen in the body via its role in the
***(F) = female, (M) = male DRV. The DRV for potassium is the same for formation of haemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in
men and women.
muscle cells. It is also needed for normal immune function, blood
formation, and neurological development in embryos (7, 8).
Vitamin A
Watercress is a rich source of vitamin A with 100g providing
The NDNS reported that 24% of women (40% aged 19-34) and
420μg (53% of the RDA) and an 80g portion providing 42% of the
3% of men aged 19-24 have iron intakes below the Lower
RDA. Watercress provides vitamin A via beta-carotene which has
Reference Nutrient Intake (LRNI) which puts them at risk of iron
provitamin A activity, where 6μg beta-carotene is equivalent to
deficiency (9). Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia (a deficiency of
1μg vitamin A activity.
red blood cells).
Vitamin A is an essential fat soluble vitamin and is necessary for
normal vision (including night vision), structure and function of
Watercress is a source of calcium containing 170mg (21% RDA)
the skin and mucous membranes, reproduction, embryonic
per 100g or 17% RDA per 80g portion. Calcium is needed for the
development, growth and cellular differentiation, and for the
normal structure of bones and teeth, nerve and muscle function,
maintenance of immune function (7, 8).
blood coagulation and the function of digestive enzymes. It can
help to maintain healthy blood pressure and contribute to the
Vitamin C
release of hormones such as insulin (7, 8). Many green leafy
Watercress is a rich source of vitamin C with 100g providing
vegetables, spinach in particular, contain high levels of oxalates,
62mg (103% RDA) and an 80g portion providing 83% of the RDA.
which can significantly reduce calcium bioavailability. However, like
Vitamin C is necessary for the normal structure and function of
kale, watercress is a low oxalate vegetable containing

<2.5mg/100g watercress (14). Fairweather-Tait et al (15) have Table 4. Carotenoid content of Watercress (4, 5)
shown that the fractional absorption of calcium from watercress
soup is 27.4% which compares well to the 35.7% fractional Carotenoid μg/100g
absorption from calcium-enriched skimmed milk in the Beta-carotene 2520
same study. Lutein & zeaxanthin 5767

The NDNS survey indicated that 8% and 5% of 19-24 year old Glucosinolates
women and men respectively, have calcium intakes below the Watercress is one of the most concentrated sources of
LRNI, which puts them at risk of deficiency (9). This is of glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing, water
particular concern since the twenties is the last window of soluble phytochemicals that are widely distributed throughout
opportunity for increases in bone density before peak bone mass cruciferous vegetables. When the vegetables are cut, crushed or
is attained (16). chewed, the enzyme myrosinase is released from the plant cell
compartment to hydrolyze glucosinolates into a number of
Omega-3 fats breakdown products including aglucones. These aglucones are
Watercress is naturally low in fat. But the little polyunsaturated very unstable and spontaneously convert to isothiocyanates, such
fat it does contain has a high proportion of the essential fatty acid as PEITC, sulphoraphane and indole 3-carbinol. Isothiocyanates
alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3), the parent of the omega-3 fatty acid are absorbed from the upper gastrointestinal tract (21). Cooking
family. Regular consumption can contribute useful destroys myrosinase, but colon microflora appear to hydrolyse
amounts of omega-3 fatty acids to the diet (17). glucosinolates and allow their absorption, albeit less efficiently
than myrosinase (21, 22).
While heart health benefits have been more closely associated
with the long chain omega-3 fatty acids (20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3) - Isothiocyanates are metabolised in vivo by conjugation with
and conversion of 18:3n-3 to long chain omega-3 fatty acids is glutathione, followed by conversion through the mercapturic acid
inefficient - alpha-linolenic acid is still classified as ‘essential’ and pathway to N-acetylcysteine conjugates which are excreted in the
has key physiological effects. For example, it helps to maintain the urine. The total urinary level of isothiocyanate equivalents is an
function and integrity of cell membranes (18) and optimises the excellent biomarker of human consumption of different
ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. Over the glucosinolates (23). Watercress is nature’s richest source of
past few decades there has been a shift in the ratio between PEITC, which is derived from the hydrolysis of the glucosinolate
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet, to favour omega-6, gluconasturtiin.
which may interfere with key functions in the body, for example,
optimal prostaglandin and leukotrine formation (18). Cooking can reduce glucosinolate levels by 30-60% depending on
the cooking method, cooking intensity and on the type of
P H Y TO C H E M I C A LS A N D A N T I O X I D A N T S compound, so light and short cooking methods are recommended
to conserve them (21). Since watercress is often consumed raw
In addition to nutrients, watercress is a rich source of a variety of this helps to maximise glucosinolate intake.
phytochemicals. The most clearly identified include glucosinolate
derivatives such as phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) and Table 5. Isothiocyanate content of Watercress (24)
methylsulphinylakyl isothiocyanates (MEITCs), flavonoids such as Isothiocyanates are active derivatives of glucosinolates
quercetin, hydroxycinnamic acids, and carotenoids such as beta-
carotene and lutein. Studies indicate different mechanisms of Isothiocyanate μmol/g fresh weight μmol/g dry weight
action for different phytochemicals (19), which may help to 7-Methylsulphinylheptyl 0.1 1.07
explain the observed health benefits associated with regular 8-Methylsulphinylheptyl 0.06 0.68
consumption of fruit and vegetables, including cruciferous 3-Indolylmethyl 0.04 0.43
2-Phenylethyl (PEITC) 1.53 17.98
vegetables such as watercress. For example PEITC and MEITC
4-Methoxy-3-Indolylmethyl 0.065 0.791
have been shown to play a role in the suppression of
carcinogenesis in a number of in vitro studies, and flavonoids and (4-Methylsulphinylbutane (sulphoraphane): levels on average are 1/20
carotenoids have potent antioxidant activity. those of PEITC)
Recent in vitro and human intervention studies provide more
specific evidence probably as a result of synergistic activity Antioxidants
between the components of watercress (see pages 6 and 7). Diets rich in fruit and vegetables are associated with a reduced
risk of a number of chronic diseases. Protection has often been at
Phytochemical Content of Watercress least partly attributed to the antioxidant nutrients in fruit and
vegetables, such as vitamins C and E and selenium (needed to
Table 2: Flavonoid content of Watercress (20) form glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme). However,
many phytochemicals such as phenolics and carotenoids, also have
Flavonoid mg/100g antioxidant activity and appear to work additively and
Flavones Apigenin 0.01 synergistically (25-28).
Luteolin 0.02
Flavonols Kaempferol 1.40
Antioxidants help to protect cells by scavenging highly reactive
Myricetin 0.20
Quercetin 7.44 free radical molecules (by donating electrons) before they cause
cell and tissue damage. The body constantly reacts with oxygen as
part of the energy producing processes of cells. As a consequence,
Table 3. Rutin and Phenolic acid content of Watercress (24) free radicals are formed and can be increased by infection, pollution,
cigarette smoke, alcohol and ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure. The
Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCAs) are phenolic acids, which are a body has an endogenous (internal) system of antioxidant enzymes
major class of phenolic compounds. (such as glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, quinone
reductase, catalase) to counterbalance free radicals. However,
Phenolic μmol/g μmol/g overproduction can cause an imbalance, leading to oxidative stress,
fresh weight dry weight which can damage lipids, proteins, and DNA, and is implicated in the
Q-3-O-Rutinoside (Rutin) 0.05 0.6 development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease
Total HCA derivatives 9.4 109.03 and other chronic diseases (27).

Antioxidants provided by the diet may support endogenous CANCER
antioxidant activity. Watercress has significant antioxidant
potential in vitro according to ferric-reducing antioxidant potential Cancer ultimately stems from damage to cellular DNA, mostly
(FRAP) analysis (see Table 6). A number of antioxidants or more caused by some form of carcinogen (cancer causing agent) or
likely, a combination of its bioactive components, might contribute virus. Faulty genetic material can also be inherited. If not repaired,
to this (24, 29). In addition, isothiocyanates have been shown to damaged cells have the potential to proliferate uncontrollably to
stimulate endogenous antioxidant activity (30). form a tumour. Cancerous cells may also spread to and invade
other tissues (known as ‘metastasis’). Many diet and lifestyle
Table 6. Ferric - Reducing Antioxidant Potential (FRAP) (6*, 25, 31**) factors can influence the development of cancer, a disease that is
expected to affect more than 1 in 3 people in the UK at some
The FRAP assay directly measures antioxidants in a liquid sample. stage of their lives. This section focuses on the potential benefits
FRAP values are the combined concentrations of all electron of watercress.
donating antioxidants.
Population studies associate an increased intake of cruciferous
µM/100g vegetables with reduced risk of cancers at several sites (38). In
Watercress* 708 1977, one of the first papers identifying the potential of
Broccoli 580 phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) to inhibit carcinogenesis (the
Spinach 980 development of normal cells into cancerous cells) in laboratory
Tomato 310
animals was published (39). In 1995, it was demonstrated that
Onion 670
eating watercress protected smokers from a key tobacco
Apple 290
Black tea** 810-1130µM/100ml
carcinogen implicated in lung cancer (40). In 2000, UK scientists
identified a number of active isothiocyanates in watercress and
found that watercress extract has more powerful anti-
P OT E N T I A L H E A LT H B E N E F I T S O F carcinogenic activity than PEITC alone (41). In 2007 an
WAT E R C R E S S important study with watercress adds to the few human
intervention studies investigating the effects of cruciferous
Hippocrates was one of the first to recognise the potential health vegetable consumption on cancer risk (24).
benefits of watercress. Today, good intakes of nutrient and
phytochemical-dense green leafy and/or cruciferous vegetables Isothiocyanates – proposed anti-cancer mechanisms
has been associated with a decreased risk of conditions such as Many studies – from laboratory and cell culture studies, through
certain cancers, coronary heart disease, age-related macular animal models and into human trials – have indicated that
degeneration and skin photodamage. A prospective study of over isothiocyanates such as PEITC and MEITCs can inhibit cancer
6000 adults found that a higher intake of cruciferous vegetables development by (40-44):
was linked to a lower risk of all cause mortality (32). However, • preventing carcinogen activation by inhibiting phase I enzymes
epidemiological associations do not show causality. Ongoing such as cytochrome P450s - thus stopping a potential
laboratory, animal and human intervention studies are helping to carcinogen becoming a carcinogen.
increase our understanding of why vegetables, including • increasing the ability of cells to resist attack from carcinogens
watercress, offer potential health benefits. by increasing the activity of detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes
known as ‘phase II enzymes’ - such as quinone reductase,
Antioxidant potential of watercress
glutathione S-transferases and UDPglucuronosyltransferases.
It is hypothesized that consuming foods rich in antioxidants may
• inhibiting cell cycle progression - which inhibits the
help to prevent or slow the oxidative stress induced by free
radicals. Since there is still much to understand about uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.
phytochemicals, interest is moving towards assessing the • inducing apoptosis (the death of damaged or cancer cells).
antioxidant activity and in vivo effects of whole foods.
Mechanisms of other Components of Watercress
The in vivo evidence that fruit and vegetables actually reduce Studies using a watercress extract, which result in antigenotoxic
markers of oxidative damage has been limited. Null findings may (reduction in damage to DNA) effects, indicate that PEITC/other
be influenced by many factors including absorption and isothiocyanates are not always directly identified as the potentially
metabolism of phytochemicals, study length and design, and active components (29, 45, 46).
individual variation in antioxidant status and responsiveness to
dietary antioxidants (33, 34). Flavonols such as quercetin can accumulate in the plasma (27) and
have been shown to modulate DNA damage from genotoxins in
Nevertheless, studies have shown that eating fruit and/or vitro (47) and have anti-proliferative effects (48). The
vegetables can reduce the amount of damage free radicals cause hydroxycinnamic acids ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid have been
to the blood. For example, it has been associated with markers found to offer free radical scavenging activity, protection against
such as a reduction in serum oxidizability (35), enhanced DNA breakage in mammalian cells and inhibition of phase I
resistance of plasma lipoproteins to oxidation and increased red enzyme activity (49).
blood cell glutathione peroxidase (33). Specifically, fruit and
vegetable consumption can reduce DNA damage (a precursor to Watercress is also a good source of lutein and beta-carotene.
the development of cancer) in blood cells (24, 36, 37). The effects Lutein has been shown to have anti-carcinogenic activities in
in blood cells is an indicator of what is happening to tissues less vitro (50). A placebo-controlled trial in post menopausal women
accessible for sampling and testing. Responsiveness may be by Zhao and colleagues (51) with carotenoid supplements (lutein,
greater for people who are under a higher level of oxidative β-carotene, lycopene and as mixed carotenoids, at levels
stress, such as smokers (34). The University of Ulster study (24) achievable with diet) found a decrease in endogenous lymphocyte
found that daily watercress consumption resulted in a 100% DNA damage as a result of the supplementation. Although
increase in plasma lutein, and 33% increase in beta-carotene and a borderline, a recent pooled analysis of 11 cohort studies
significant decrease in oxidative damage to white blood cell investigating intakes of dietary carotenoids and colorectal cancer
(lymphocyte) DNA, especially amongst smokers (see page 6). risk identified lutein plus zeaxanthin as the only carotenoids to
show any significance (52).

NEW RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT FROM THE found to have a significantly lower antioxidant status at the start
U N I V E R S I T Y O F U LS T E R of the study compared to the non-smokers.

Gill CIR, Haldar S, Boyd LA, Bennett R, Whiteford J, Butler B, Plasma lutein and beta-carotene were significantly increased by
Pearson JR, Bradbury I and Rowland IR (2007) 100% and 33% respectively after watercress supplementation.
Watercress supplementation in diet reduces However, no significant changes were observed for plasma
lymphocyte DNA damage and alters blood concentrations of alpha-tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid or in
antioxidant status in healthy volunteers. the total antioxidant potential of plasma (FRAP value). Lipid
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 85 (2), 504-510. profiles (LDL, HDL, total cholesterol) were unaffected by
watercress consumption, with the exception of plasma
triglyceride concentration, which showed a decrease of

ks iet
around 10% after watercress supplementation, compared to the

ee d
carcinogens DNA damage

w al
8 orm
control phase. In response to watercress, red blood cell
(pollutants, in lymphocytes
glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activity did not
dietary) DNA in change significantly in the total study population.
white blood
Effects of watercress consumption on
cell blood levels of lutein (100% increase)
w we
at ek

er s

Significant µmol/l 0.35



reduction of

radicals in 0.3

DNA damage

the body 0.25


in lymphocytes 0.2 Pre-treatment

Gill and colleagues set out to assess the effects of eating 0.1
0.05 Post-treatment
watercress daily on biomarkers related to cancer risk. A single
blind, randomised crossover study was carried out with 30 male
and 30 female healthy volunteers (of which 30 were smokers)
who had a mean age 33 years (range 19-55). During the treatment The exact mechanisms causing the antigenotoxic (anti-DNA
phase, subjects consumed one pack (85g) purchased from a local damaging) effects found in this study due to watercress
supermarket of raw watercress for 8 weeks in addition to their supplementation are not clear, but may be related to antioxidant
normal diet. During the control phase (8 weeks), subjects were status. A decrease in endogenous lymphocyte DNA damage as a
asked to maintain their habitual diet. The control and the result of carotenoid supplementation has recently been
treatment phases were separated by a 7 week washout phase demonstrated (51). Therefore, increases in the in vivo
when subjects consumed their usual diet, with no watercress. All concentrations of lutein and beta-carotene may contribute to the
volunteers completed a 7-day food diary during each phase of decrease in DNA damage levels in lymphocytes observed in the
the trial. present study.

The effect of watercress supplementation was measured on a Watercress contains phenolic compounds and high concentration
range of endpoints including DNA damage in lymphocytes, activity of glucosinolates, which may have also contributed to the
of endogenous (internal) detoxifying/antioxidant enzymes antigenotoxicity observed in lymphocytes as a result of
(glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase) in red blood cells, watercress supplementation. However, in this study consumption
plasma antioxidants (retinol [vitamin A], ascorbic acid [vitamin C], of watercress had no effect on antioxidant enzymes such as
alpha-tocopherol [vitamin E], lutein, beta-carotene), plasma total glutathione peroxidase or superoxide dismutase activity. Other
antioxidant status using the FRAP assay and plasma lipid profile. potential mechanisms of the antigenotoxicity observed as a
Watercress leaves were analysed and found to contain a number result of watercress supplementation could have been due to
of phenolic compounds (rutin, hydroxycinnamic acids) as well as changes in glutathione S-transferase activity as has been
glucosinolates. They are also known to contain good amounts of previously observed with cruciferous vegetables.
vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, beta-carotene (which can be
converted to vitamin A) and lutein. The authors concluded that the result supports the theory that
consumption of watercress can be linked to a reduced risk
All 60 subjects completed the study and food diary, and Body of cancer via decreased damage to DNA and possible affects
Mass Index (BMI) analysis found no statistical differences in the on antioxidant status by increasing levels of plasma carotenoids.
BMI, energy intake and macronutrient intakes between the
control phase and the watercress phase of the study. However, C O LO R E C TA L C A N C E R
the mean intakes of dietary fibre, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate and
carotene, were significantly higher during the watercress phase of Epidemiological studies link cruciferous vegetable intake
the study, suggesting they were a result of the watercress with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer (30). However, recent
supplementation. cohort studies appear to question the strength of these findings,
despite plausible mechanisms for anti-carcinogenic activity of
Compared to the control phase, watercress supplementation was cruciferous vegetables. These inconsistencies may be explained by
associated with significant reductions in lymphocyte basal DNA factors such as the sensitivity of measuring vegetable intake,
damage (by 17%) and in basal plus oxidative purine DNA damage amounts of cruciferous vegetables needed to be consumed to
(by 22.9%). Basal DNA damage in response to ex vivo hydrogen achieve an effect, and differences in response according to
peroxide was reduced by 9.4%. Therefore, watercress glutathione S-transferase genotype (sub-grouping populations
supplementation not only reduced the level of DNA damage in according to glutathione S-transferase genotype appears to
lymphocytes, but also increased the ability of those cells to resist strengthen the relationship) (30).
DNA damage caused by free radicals. Beneficial changes seen
after watercress intervention were of greater magnitude and Further supportive evidence comes from a recent investigation
more significant in smokers. This may reflect greater toxic burden into potential anti-carcinogenic mechanisms for the cruciferous
or oxidative stress amongst the smokers, as smokers were also vegetable watercress, led by scientists at the University of Ulster

(29). They showed for the first time that an extract of watercress (NAC) conjugate of phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC-NAC),
juice can inhibit the three key stages of carcinogenesis. Namely: significantly inhibited their growth, Chiao et al (60) assessed the in
initiation (the DNA damage that triggers cancer cell vivo affects of a PEITC-NAC supplemented diet versus a non-
development); proliferation (uncontrolled growth) of cancer cells; supplemented diet on tumours of human prostate cancer cells
and metastasis (the spread of cancer cells). grafted on to mice.

The study involved incubating human colon cancer cells (HT29) After a 9-week treatment period, there was a significant reduction
with watercress extract, prepared using watercress bought from in tumour size in 100% of the mice on the supplemented diet.
local supermarkets. The cells were then either exposed to toxins Tumour weight was reduced by 50% compared with mice on the
(H202, 4-Hydroxy nonenal and faecal water) known to promote diet without PEITC-NAC. Mechanisms identified in this study
the DNA damage and abnormal changes that initiate suggest that PEITC-NAC may reduce tumour growth by inhibiting
carcinogenesis, or had their ability to proliferate assessed. proliferation (uncontrolled cell growth) via cell cycle regulators,
Metastasis (their ability to invade tissues) was assessed by and inducing apoptosis (externally triggered cell death).
studying attachment and penetration of HT115, human colorectal
adenocarcinoma, cells through Matrigel. LU N G C A N C E R

The watercress extract significantly inhibited DNA damage Regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables and associated
induced by oxidative stress from H202 (by 28%) and by faecal isothiocyanates has been linked to a reduced risk of lung cancer,
water (by 19%), delayed the cell cycle of the colon cancer cells, with stronger effects noted for GST null individuals (who
which in turn delays their growth, and significantly blocked the therefore have no potential protection from the phase II enzymes,
cells’ invasive or metastatic actions. The study differed from many glutathione S-transferases) after sub-grouping according to GST
others in that it used extracts of whole watercress rather than genotype (61-63).
individual phytochemicals found in watercress to test for anti-
carcinogenic effects. This provided information on the overall Anti lung cancer mechanisms for isothiocyanates have been
effect of identified, and still to be identified compounds in attributed to the inhibition of phase I enzymes (so neutralizing
watercress, and how they might work together. The authors potential carcinogens) and/or to the induction of the activity of
concluded that their studies support the view that watercress phase II enzymes which can detoxify carcinogens. Other possible
may be effective in helping to reduce cancer risk in humans, and mechanisms include acting at the post initiation stage of lung
further studies are warranted. tumour development via cell-cycle arrest and induction of
apoptosis (64, 65).
Hecht and colleagues (40) had already observed significant
Inverse associations between vegetable intake, particularly benefits of PEITC for cancer protection in animals and wanted to
cruciferous vegetables, and breast cancer have been noted in assess its potential in humans. Unable to obtain a license for a
some (53, 54) but not all (55) studies. To investigate possible human study using pharmaceutical PEITC, Hecht used watercress,
reasons for these positive associations, Rose et al (56) used a the richest known food source. Eleven smokers volunteered to
watercress extract to assess its effects on chemically-induced expose themselves to the lung-specific tobacco carcinogen 4-
cancer cell invasion in human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-23). (methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) for 3 days,
while consuming 2 ounces (56.8 g) of watercress at each meal.
Matrix metalloproteinases are enzymes that break down proteins The result was a highly significant increase in urinary NNK
such as collagen found in the extracellular matrix, which acts as a breakdown products during days 2 and 3 which correlated with
primary barrier to tumour growth and metastasis. Cancer cells the intake of PEITC from watercress during this period. This
can stimulate abnormally high activity of matrix linked PEITC and watercress consumption to the metabolism and
metalloproteinases (including metalloproteinase-9), which is secretion/neutralization of the lung carcinogen NNK.
associated with increased invasive and metastatic potential. There
is therefore much interest in agents that may block their action. C A R D I O VA S C U L A R H E A LT H

The watercress extract (and also a broccoli extract) inhibited It has been estimated that eating at least 5 portions of a variety of
metalloproteinase-9 activities in vitro and also suppressed the fruit and vegetables a day could reduce the risk of deaths from
invasive potential of human breast cancer cells. Analysis of the chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke by up to 20%
extracts revealed that the inhibitory effects of each vegetable (66). Causal mechanisms are still being clarified, but may involve
were associated with the presence of 7-methylsulphinylheptyl reduced lipoprotein oxidation and lipid, homocysteine and blood
isothiocyanates (MEITCs) and 4-methysulphinylbutyl pressure reductions. Proposed beneficial components of
(sulphoraphane). vegetables and fruit include: antioxidant nutrients including
vitamin C, folate, flavonoids, lutein, glucosinolates, fibre and
P R O S TAT E C A N C E R minerals such as potassium and vitamin B6 (67, 68).

A number of epidemiological studies link consumption of diets The EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
rich in cruciferous vegetables with a reduced incidence of Nutrition) Norfolk population study found that plasma ascorbic
prostate cancer (57, 58). One prospective study found a weak acid (vitamin C) concentration was inversely related to all-cause
association but suggested that the potential benefits of mortality, and from cardiovascular disease and ischaemic heart
cruciferous vegetables may emerge only after many years and disease in men and women (69). A rise in plasma ascorbic acid,
consumption from an early age is recommended (59). equivalent to 50g of fruit or vegetable intake, was independently
associated with about a 20% reduction in all-cause mortality.
Direct studies with watercress have not been carried out.
However, mechanisms to explain positive associations While no studies have been carried out with watercress to
with cruciferous vegetables are being investigated. PEITC, the specifically assess its potential to help maintain cardiovascular
major isothiocyanate in watercress, has recognised anti- health, watercress is rich in vitamin C and a good source of most
carcinogenic effects (40). More recent in vivo work suggests a of the identified beneficial components. In addition, Gill et al (24)
potential effect on tumour growth. After finding that in vitro found that blood triglyceride levels were reduced by about
exposure of human prostate cancer cells to the N-acetylcysteine 10% after the 8-week test period of watercress consumption

(85g, equivalent to a vegetable portion, daily). Raised blood skin protection and reduced wrinkling (81). While no direct
triglyceride levels can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. research has been done with watercress, human intervention
In the same study blood levels of lutein increased by 100%. studies with supplements or a carotenoid-rich diet have shown
evidence of skin photo-protection after intervention periods of at
E Y E H E A LT H least 10 weeks (82). An animal study found that compared to a
standard diet, a lutein-supplemented diet resulted in lutein
Watercress is a source of nutrients associated with the accumulation and a decrease in reactive oxygen species (free
maintenance of normal vision and eye health, including vitamin A, radicals) in the skin and a significant inhibition of skin
vitamins C and E, alpha-linolenic acid and the carotenoids lutein photodamage (83).
and zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. Higher intakes of lutein and
zeaxanthin-rich foods have been associated with a lower WEIGHT CONTROL
incidence of the eye diseases such as cataract and age-related
macular degeneration (50, 70-72) - the most common cause of Almost two-thirds of UK adults are overweight and 23% of men
poor vision and blindness in people over 60 in the UK. and 24% of women are obese. Based on recent trends, 12 million
adults (33% of men and 28% of women) are predicted to be
Diet is the sole source of lutein and zeaxanthin, and they are the obese by 2010 (84, 85).
only carotenoids concentrated in the lens and macular pigment
(which protects the macula from the damaging photo-oxidative Most fruit and vegetables have a low energy density, which can
effects of blue light). Gradual deterioration of the macular can contribute to feelings of fullness and may help with weight
cause oxidative stress within the retina, leading to a loss of central control. Higher intakes of fruit and vegetables have been
vision. However, it is not currently possible to make clear associated with better body weight control in women (86).
conclusions about the distinct role of lutein and zeaxanthin
without more prospective studies. In addition, many other Watercress is low in fat and calories with 18 calories per 80g
physiological, lifestyle and dietary factors (such as omega-3 fatty portion. As a salad vegetable it is most often eaten as part of a
acids, zinc and the antioxidants vitamins C and E and beta- mixed salad. Like most vegetables it has a high water content
carotene) may be associated with the development of these (93%) and low energy density. Research carried out at
conditions (73, 74). Nevertheless, a regular intake of lutein-rich Pennsylvania State University (87) found that eating a large, mixed
green, leafy vegetables, and other antioxidant rich foods, as part of low fat salad as a starter resulted in subjects eating 12% fewer
a healthy diet and lifestyle (including not smoking) remains a key calories (a saving of more than 100 calories) overall at that meal,
recommendation for the maintenance of eye health (75, 76). The compared to when they didn’t start their meals with the salad.
Ulster study (24) showed a 100% increase in plasma lutein levels
in subjects regularly eating watercress. LIFE CYCLE N UT R IT ION

S K I N H E A LT H The mix of nutrients and phytochemicals found in watercress

make it a valuable food that can help to support the body’s
Watercress contains a range of nutrients and phytochemicals natural defences and contribute to health and well being
associated with the maintenance of skin health, including vitamins throughout life.
A (from beta-carotene), C and E, polyphenols and carotenoids
(77, 78). As a salad vegetable it can contribute to the nutritional benefits
associated with daily salad consumption. A recent analysis found
Phytochemicals such as carotenoids and flavonoids are part of the that salad consumers tended to have more favourable intakes of
light-protecting systems in plants and appear to contribute to the vitamins C and E, folate and carotenoids and consistently higher
prevention of UV damage in humans. Free radicals can be serum values of these nutrients (88).
produced in the skin as a result of UV radiation from sun
exposure and pollution, which over time can damage skin DNA, All essential nutrients support growth and development (7).
proteins and lipids, with the potential for skin ageing, immune Watercress is an especially good provider of vitamins A (via
suppression and possibly skin cancer. Associations have been beta-carotene), C and K, folate, iron and vitamin E. Calcium is
found between higher intakes of carotenoids (from fruit and important to build and maintain strong bones, and vitamin K
vegetables) and reduced risk of melanoma (79) and higher intakes contributes to normal bone structure. During pregnancy
of green leafy vegetables and reduced risk of recurrence of requirements increase for vitamins A and C. Folate is needed for
squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer) (80). the normal development of the neural tube so helping to prevent
neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Folate also plays a role in
The skin has internal antioxidant defence systems but also maintaining blood and circulation.
appears to make use of dietary antioxidants, including carotenoids
such as beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene, which can accumulate Eating plenty of vegetables (around 3 portions daily), especially
in the skin (77, 81). Methods such as Raman resonance green leafy, yellow and cruciferous vegetables, has been associated
spectroscopy have been used to measure the uptake of with a slower rate of cognitive decline amongst people aged 65 or
carotenoids in the skin, and high levels have been associated with over (89).

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6th Suite, 4th Floor, Regal House, 70 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 3QS
T: 020 8892 5665 F: 020 8892 5245

The Watercress Alliance is made up of Alresford Salads,Vitacress Salads & The Watercress Company

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